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Abstract and Figures

This paper addresses the significant need for improvements in device version reporting and practice across the academic and technical activity monitoring literature, and it recommends assessments for new and updated consumer sensing devices. Reproducibility and data veracity are central to good scholarship, and particularly significant in clinical and health applications. Across the literature there is an absence of device version reporting and a failure to recognize that device validity is not maintained when firmware and software updates can, and do, change device performance and parameter estimation. In this paper, we propose the use of tractable methods to assess devices at their current version and provide an example empirical approach. Experimental results for heart rate and step count acquisitions during walking and everyday living activities from Garmin Vivosmart 3 (v4.10) wristband monitors are presented and analyzed, and the reliability issues of optically-acquired heart rates, especially during periods of activity, are demonstrated and discussed. In conclusion, the paper recommends the empirical assessment of new and updated activity monitors and improvements in device version reporting across the academic and technical literature.
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Version Reporting and Assessment Approaches for
New and Updated Activity and Heart Rate Monitors
Tim Collins 1,* , Sandra I. Woolley 2, Salome Oniani 3, Ivan Miguel Pires 4,5,6 ,
Nuno M. Garcia 4,6,7 , Sean J. Ledger 8and Anand Pandyan 8
1School of Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester M15 6BH, UK
2School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK;
3Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems, Georgian Technical University, Tbilisi 380075, Georgia;
4Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade da Beira Interior, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal; (I.M.P.); (N.M.G.)
5Altranportugal, S.A., 1990-096 Lisbon, Portugal
ALLab—Assisted Living Computing and Telecommunications Laboratory, Computing Science Department,
Universidade da Beira Interior, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
7ECATI, Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, 1749-024 Lisbon, Portugal
8School of Health and Rehabilitation, Keele University, Staffordshire ST5 5BG, UK; (S.J.L.); (A.P.)
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-161-247-1658
This paper is an extended version of our paper published in Oniani, S.; Woolley, S.I.; Pires, I.M.;
Garcia, N.M.; Collins, T.; Ledger, S.; Pandyan, A. Reliability Assessment of New and Updated
Consumer-Grade Activity and Heart Rate Monitors. In Proceedings of the IARIA Conference on Sensor
Device Technologies and Applications, Venice, Italy, 16–20 September 2018.
Received: 19 March 2019; Accepted: 8 April 2019; Published: 10 April 2019
This paper addresses the significant need for improvements in device version reporting
and practice across the academic and technical activity monitoring literature, and it recommends
assessments for new and updated consumer sensing devices. Reproducibility and data veracity are
central to good scholarship, and particularly significant in clinical and health applications. Across the
literature there is an absence of device version reporting and a failure to recognize that device validity
is not maintained when firmware and software updates can, and do, change device performance and
parameter estimation. In this paper, we propose the use of tractable methods to assess devices at their
current version and provide an example empirical approach. Experimental results for heart rate and
step count acquisitions during walking and everyday living activities from Garmin Vivosmart 3 (v4.10)
wristband monitors are presented and analyzed, and the reliability issues of optically-acquired heart
rates, especially during periods of activity, are demonstrated and discussed. In conclusion, the paper
recommends the empirical assessment of new and updated activity monitors and improvements in
device version reporting across the academic and technical literature.
wearable sensing; activity monitoring; ambulatory heart rate; inter-instrument reliability
1. Introduction
Consumer wearable monitoring devices are used across a spectrum of health, well-being and
behavioral studies, as well as clinical trials. For example, the U.S. Library of Medicine
database reports over 240 “Completed” to “Not yet recruiting” trials involving Fitbit devices (search
accessed 3 January 2019). However, the manufacturers of these devices are generally very clear that
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activity trackers are not medical devices. For example, Garmin Vivosmart “Important Safety and
Product Information” [
] advises that the device is for “recreational purposes and not for medical purposes
and that “inherent limitations” may “cause some heart rate readings to be inaccurate”, similarly, Fitbit
device “Important Safety and Product Information” declares that the device is “not a medical device
and “accuracy of Fitbit devices is not intended to match medical devices or scientific measurement devices” [
However, given that these devices are being used in clinical applications, and with future clinical
applications anticipated [3], their validity and reliability are important.
In terms of meeting expectations, it is noteworthy that, at the time of writing, Fitbit’s motion
to dismiss a class action was recently denied. The complaint alleged “gross inaccuracies and recording
failures” [
] because “products frequently fail to record any heart rate at all or provide highly inaccurate
readings, with discrepancies of up to 75 bpm” [5].
This invited paper is an expansion of the work presented in [
] which proposed reliability
assessments of new and updated consumer-grade activity and heart rate monitors using
Garmin Vivosmart 3 activity trackers as exemplar devices to illustrate an assessment approach.
This paper is extended by the addition of step count results and Bland-Altman plots of heart rate
acquisitions, and, also, in the following sections with accounts of underlying reliability issues relevant
to ambulatory photoplethysmography and step counting.
1.1. Photoplethysmography (PPG)
Ambulatory optical heart rate acquisition from photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors is known
to be very challenging [
]. As illustrated in Figure 1, light emitted by PPG sensors is mostly absorbed
by body tissues. The amount of light reflected depends on several factors, one of which is the volume
of arteries near the skin’s surface. Blood in the arteries and arterioles absorbs light better than the
surrounding body tissues so, as they contract and swell in response to pulsating blood pressure,
the intensity of reflected light rises and falls.
Figure 1. Light reflectance in photoplethysmography (PPG) [8].
The reflected light variation due to arterial pulse waves is typically, at best, about 2% [
]. PPG
sensors detect this small variation in reflected light and use it to estimate heart rate. The effects of
movement at the sensor-skin interface can mean that simply walking can be enough to mask the
pulse signal. Indeed, one of the main challenges is the range of severe interference effects caused by
movement [10,11].
There are contrasting reports in the academic literature regarding consumer PPG heart rate
monitor validity; some studies conclude devices are valid [
], whilst others report on systematic
errors [
] or a scarcity of validation evidence [
], or recognize the multi-factorial nature of
device performance [
]. One option to reduce PPG sensitivity to movement is to adhere the sensor
over the carotid artery, but this is both intrusive and uncomfortable [
]. In addition to movement,
optical heart rate signals can also be affected by skin color [
] and aging [
]. Yet, optical heart rate
acquisition remains a desirable alternative to sensors such as electrocardiogram (ECG) chest straps
for consumer-level activity monitors, where comfortability, ease-of-use and low cost are prioritized.
It is, therefore, desirable that improvements in PPG heart rate estimation accuracy can be achieved in
further research.
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1.2. Step Counting
Step counting is a common function of consumer activity trackers. Step counts are estimated by
analyses of accelerometer data which is filtered to attempt to isolate features caused by steps from
those caused by other activities. Despite this filtering, erroneously logged steps can be produced by
non-step activities such as folding laundry [
] and other tasks and actions [
], particularly when
devices are worn on the dominant wrist. In addition to activity-induced false-positive step count
errors, false-negative step count errors are also reported in the literature when, for example, monitors
are used at slow walking speeds [2123].
1.3. Device Selection, Assessment and Iteration
The selection of an appropriate activity monitor for a given study is typically determined by the
required parameter acquisitions and deployment needs [
] as well as the study budget. However,
the calibration and validation of devices [
] can be onerous. Best practice requires a substantial
time and resource investment for researchers to calibrate and validate sufficiently large numbers of
their devices with a large and diverse cohort of representative users performing a range of anticipated
activities. At the same time, commercial monitors can frequently and automatically update both
software and firmware that can alter device function, data collection and data reporting, all of which
have the potential to compromise previous validations. However, of course, manufacturers are under
no obligation to report the detail of their proprietary algorithms or the specifics of version changes.
Devices that have the same model name, but operate with different software and firmware
versions, are distinct devices; they should not be treated as identical devices. Ideally, devices would
be clearly differentiated in the literature with manufacturer, model and version data. While there
may be limited (if any) opportunity for researchers to reversion commercial device software to repeat
published experiments, the provision of version information would, at least, limit the potential for
incorrect aggregations of data for devices that operate with different software and firmware versions.
Unfortunately, there is a lack of studies in the literature comparing the performance of identical devices
using different software and/or firmware versions.
A number of studies have assessed and compared the validity and accuracy of different
monitoring device models [
]. However, across this literature, and in reviews of this literature [
it is common practice to provide version data for the software used for statistical analyses of
device performance, but it is not common practice to report version information for the devices
themselves. As an example of device ambiguity, a reference to “Garmin Vivosmart” could refer to
Garmin Vivosmart 4, Garmin Vivosmart 3 or Garmin Vivosmart HR. The date of a given publication
might help disambiguate the model variant but will not help identify the version. The Vivosmart HR
had 14 versions from 2.10 to 4.30 over approximately 30 months (each update comprising between
1 and 11 items, such as, “improved calculation of Intensity Minutes” and “Various other improvements”) [
At the time of the experimental work presented in this paper (May 2018), the Garmin Vivosmart 3
(v4.10) was the latest of nine versions and at the submission of this paper (January 2019) there had
been a further six updates and the release of a new Vivosmart 4 device which itself has received four
updates comprising 25 items.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has established a new ‘Digital Health Software
Precertification (Pre-Cert) Program’ [
] that aspires toward a more agile approach to digital health
technology regulation that recognizes the “iterative characteristics” of new consumer devices [
Ideally, study implementations of activity monitors would assess devices at their current ‘iteration’ and
maintain devices at that version throughout the study. If this were not desirable or practicable,
it would be preferable for update schedules to be controlled such that acquired data could be
differentiated accordingly.
Given that device performance and functionality can change with version updates and that these
updates can occur at frequent intervals, a tractable approach for assessing or reassessing devices is
desirable. In the following section we present an exemplar assessment for a new or updated device.
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The assessment approach exemplified here is not, and could not be, prescriptive. A useful approach
must incorporate participants and activities that have relevance to the intended study. It should also be
emphasized that a comprehensive validity and reliability assessment using calibration devices would
be preferable to the approach outlined here, but, the proposed sample-based approach is preferable to
no assessment at all.
2. Method and Materials
Four Garmin Vivosmart 3 activity trackers (all versioned SW v4.10 throughout data acquisitions
during May 2018) were worn, as shown in Figure 2, by four healthy researcher participants, P01-P04
outlined in Table 1, during (i) the treadmill walking activities summarized in Table 2and (ii) 12 h
of everyday living. Two activity trackers were worn on each arm, both within the manufacturers
recommended region of the wrist. The walking speeds: slow, moderate, fast and vigorous, were
selected based on reports in the literature [
] and were performed on an h/p/cosmos Pulsar
treadmill. To support reproducibility [36], we report further details about materials in Appendix A.
Figure 2. Activity monitor positions (color-coded for reference).
In many activity monitoring experiments, especially where devices are reused by participants,
four devices will represent a sizable proportion of the total number of study devices and could
constitute a worthy lot sample. In larger scale experiments and studies where substantial numbers of
devices are to be deployed, and where more researcher time is available, larger test samples of devices
would be appropriate.
All participants reported regularly partaking brisk-intensive exercise outside largely sedentary
academic/working roles. Participant 1 was ambidextrous; all other participants were right-handed.
(Ethical approval for “Health Technology Assessment and Data Analytics”, ERP2329 was obtained
from Keele University and all participants gave their informed consent to take part.)
Table 1. Participant Summary
Participant Age (Years) Gender Height (m) Weight (kg) BMI
P01 25 Female 1.69 58 20.03
P02 54 Female 1.62 65 24.7
P03 47 Male 1.75 70 22.8
P04 28 Male 1.70 76 26.2
Table 2. The Treadmill Walking Activity Schedule
Time (Minutes) 20 20 20 20
Activity Slow Moderate Fast Vigorous
walking walking walking walking
(2.4 km/h) (3.2 km/h) (4.8 km/h) (6.4 km/h)
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Walking speeds were regulated by the researcher programming the treadmill speed as per the
schedule in Table 2. The slow walking activity was prefaced by two minutes of standing with arms
down. Pulse readings were taken from a Polar H10 chest strap ECG monitor at 1-min intervals
throughout the activity (one sample per minute is the fastest rate that the Vivosmart 3 devices log
heart rate data; a shorter interval would be more appropriate if assessing devices with a higher
sampling rate). Data (from logged Garmin .FIT files) was downloaded from the activity trackers
after each activity and converted into .CSV files and imported into Excel. Dates and times were
converted from the Garmin 16- and 32-bit timestamps used in the .FIT file [
] into standard Excel
date-time serial numbers. Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the IntraClass Correlation (ICC)
and Bland-Altman plots, as commonly used in research reported in the literature [
], were used to
compare the heart rate recordings from the activity trackers with the ECG chest strap reference. Step
counts were also acquired from the trackers and between-device comparisons were made. Two-way,
mixed, single measures ICC variants for assessing absolute agreement and for assessing consistency,
as defined by McGraw and Wong [39], were applied.
3. Results
Figure 3shows the heart rate recordings for P01-P04 from the treadmill walking activities.
Variability in recorded values can be seen at both slower and faster walking speeds and, notably,
differs between participants. For analysis of the acquired data we calculated the MAPE (compared
with the ECG chest strap reference) and ICC values listed in Table 3. As shown, treadmill acquisitions
for participants P02 and P03 produced higher MAPEs (including MAPEs over 10%: the level often
taken as the upper bound for “acceptable” errors) and lower ICCs. This could, in part, be attributed
to the increased age of participants P02 and P03 compared to P01 and P04. As shown in Figure 3,
for P02 there were some abnormally low but sparse heart rate recordings from the “blue” device and,
to a lesser extent, the “red” device. For P03, the “blue” device recorded decreasing heart rates when
the actual heart rate increased during the vigorous walking activity. This produced a near zero ICC.
Bland-Altman plots of the same data are shown in Figure 4.
Table 3.
Values of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and IntraClass Correlation (ICC) From
Treadmill Walking Activities.
Participant Black Blue Green Red
P01 7.08% 0.68 7.13% 0.71 4.34% 0.81 5.62% 0.90
P02 9.60% 0.69 15.55% 0.67 11.94% 0.58 13.42% 0.71
P03 13.00% 0.47 14.00% 0.02 16.00% 0.19 9.00% 0.84
P04 8.69% 0.84 6.14% 0.91 8.04% 0.86 7.57% 0.89
The Bland-Altman plots illustrate the substantial range of differences in heart rate estimation
between the devices and the ECG chest strap reference. As shown in Figure 4, the largest differences do
not occur at the highest average heart rates, but instead occur between approximately 90 and 120 bpm.
The diagonal clustering of points within this range is consistent with systematic errors caused by
interference from motion artifacts correlated with the walking rates of the participants (the average
step counts per minute of the participants were 106, 105, 102 and 115, respectively for P01-04). Thus,
the results shown in Figures 3and 4demonstrate how, even with small sample sizes of devices and
participants, the potential extent of erroneous readings is quickly revealed (i.e., large effects are visible
in small sample sizes; small effects are only revealed with large samples).
Sensors 2019,19, 1705 6 of 13
Figure 3. Heart rate recordings acquired during treadmill walking activities.
Figure 4.
Bland-Altman plots for each device compared with electrocardiogram (ECG) chest strap for
treadmill activities. Means (solid lines) and
1.96SD levels (dashed lines) for each device are indicated.
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The devices were also worn by participants for 12-h periods during uncontrolled everyday living
activities. The recorded heart rates are shown in Figure 5. For all four participants, much of the day was
spent engaged in relatively sedentary activities corresponding to visibly closer agreements between
the devices. Periods of activity correspond to increases in heart rate and visibly decreased agreements
between the devices. Intraclass correlations and confidence intervals for treadmill walking and 12-h
use are plotted, respectively, in Figures 6and 7. As anticipated, these indicate poor performance during
the treadmill activity. However, as shown in Figure 7, the devices performed more consistently during
the prolonged acquisitions of activities of everyday living, when activity levels were generally lower
on average.
Figure 5. Heart rate recordings acquired during 12 h of everyday living.
Step count data was also logged by each device. During the treadmill activity, estimated step
counts were in close agreement between devices. Figure 8illustrates this consistency, showing the step
counts for all devices for a single participant (P03) during the treadmill activity. The devices do not
record step data as frequently as heart rate estimates, with gaps of up to 15 min between loggings. As a
result, there are only a small number of data points over the 80-min treadmill activity. One can observe,
in Figure 8, the near-linear relationship between steps and time indicating that, despite the walking
speed increasing every 20 min, the number of steps-per-minute remained approximately constant; it is
the length of stride that increases rather than the step rate.
Sensors 2019,19, 1705 8 of 13
Figure 6.
ICC for each device compared with ECG chest strap reference recordings with 90% confidence
intervals for treadmill activities.
Figure 7. Inter-instrument ICC values for 12 h of everyday living.
Figure 8. Example of ‘steps’ data (acquisition for participant P03 during treadmill activity).
For the 12-h everyday living recordings, Figure 9shows a comparison of the total number of steps
logged by each device for each participant over the 12-h period. It is clear that participant P03 was
the most active during this period. In addition, for all participants, there is good agreement between
devices except for a tendency for the devices worn on the left hand (red and blue) to estimate fewer
Sensors 2019,19, 1705 9 of 13
steps than those on the right hand (black and green) as also found in [
]. This bias is particularly
evident in acquisitions for participants P01, P02 and P03 as illustrated in Figure 9(ii). In summary,
during treadmill walking there was poor heart rate agreement between devices but good step count
agreement; during everyday living there was better heart rate agreement and slightly deteriorated
step count agreement.
Figure 9.
Total steps logged over 12 h of everyday living, (
) absolute totals logged by each device for
each participant, (
) percentage difference of device totals relative to the average logged step count for
each participant.
4. Discussion
As noted earlier, the assessment approach exemplified here is not prescriptive. A useful version
assessment approach must incorporate participants and activities that have relevance to the intended
study, otherwise, it would have little value. It is also important to ensure that the duration of activities
is sufficient for devices to record enough data. We established 20-min durations empirically for each
treadmill walking speed by monitoring the frequency of logged heart rate readings and expanding the
window to ensure several readings would be logged for each speed.
Of course, a comprehensive assessment using calibration devices (e.g., a 12-lead ECG and
a calibrated pedometer) would be preferable to the approach outlined here. Similarly, this empirical
approach is preferable to no assessment at all, or reliance on outdated, irrelevant or unreproducible
reports in the literature. We can imagine that the sample testing of new and updated devices could
provide some reassurance regarding device performance and reliability, and the practice usefully
propagated into wearable device applications, for example, applications of sampled wearable heart
rate estimates [
] and heart rate variability [
], and across the domain of consumer-level wearable
technology research.
Sensors 2019,19, 1705 10 of 13
Of the several limitations of the presented approach, there was, intentionally, a small number of
participants, a limited sample of unrepeated activities and there were no reference recordings for the
12-h everyday living activity. (Reference readings from finger-worn pulse oximeters were attempted,
but the devices repeatedly failed to maintain accurate readings). Additionally, the presented approach
cannot disambiguate the effects of inter-device variability and variability caused by wearing the device
in different positions. However, with just four participants and two activity acquisitions, we were
able to quickly and simply obtain an insight into the performance and reliability of the devices at their
current version, have an appreciation of their limitations and, also, a degree of confidence regarding
their potential for study acquisitions.
5. Conclusions and Further Work
There is considerable scope for further work to improve reproducibility across the activity
monitoring domain and to assist researchers evaluate and re-evaluate new and updated devices.
We have demonstrated an empirical approach to device assessment that provides an example
assessment that is not onerous and could be repeated without difficulty as and when devices
are updated.
Despite issues associated with reliable optical heart rate acquired from the wrist during activity,
we might hope that future and updated consumer devices would (i) be better at identifying erroneous
values and avoid reporting them and (ii) be better at correctly estimating values. However, it would be
unwise to assume every device upgrade will necessarily result in improved device performance in
all aspects.
In a systematic review of consumer-wearable activity trackers, Everson et al. [
], recommend
that “future studies on the measurement properties of the trackers should be sure to initialize the tracker properly
and indicate in the publication how this was done so others can replicate the process. Providing the specific
tracker type, date purchased, and date tested would also be important”. We additionally recommend that full
device details, including software and firmware versions, are reported in the literature. We further
recommend that there is some means to enable and encourage the sharing of version-by-version device
assessment data between manufacturers, users and researchers.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, S.I.W. and T.C.; methodology, S.I.W. and S.O.; formal analysis, S.O.
and T.C.; investigation, S.O., S.I.W., I.M.P. and T.C.; resources, S.J.L. and A.P.; software, T.C.; data curation, S.O.;
writing—original draft preparation, S.I.W. and T.C.; writing—review and editing, S.I.W., T.C., S.O., I.M.P., S.J.L.
and A.P.; visualization, T.C. and S.O.; supervision, S.I.W.; project administration, S.I.W. and N.M.G.; funding
acquisition, S.I.W. and N.M.G.
This publication was funded by the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Manchester Metropolitan
University. Authors N.M. Garcia and I.M. Pires wish to acknowledge funding contributions from FCT/MEC
through national funds and when applicable co-funded by FEDER – PT2020 partnership agreement under
the project UID/EEA/50008/2019 and COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Actions
IC1303 (AAPELE – Architectures, Algorithms and Protocols for Enhanced Living Environments) and CA16226
(SHELD-ON - Indoor living space improvement: Smart Habitat for the Elderly).
The authors wish to thank Fiona Polack, Software and Systems Engineering Research, Keele
University for her valuable input and support in resourcing this work. The authors also thank Barbara Kitchenham
for her advice on protocol design and statistics.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
The further material details were as follows:
Garmin Vivosmart 3 software/firmware versions: SW: v4.10; TSC: v1.10; SNS: v5.90. Devices
were initialized according to the arm worn and all data was taken directly from logged .FIT
files. Devices were purchased on 9 March 2018 and acquisitions made during May 2018.
Their serial numbers were as follows: Black—560185378, Red—560185383, Blue—560640435,
Sensors 2019,19, 1705 11 of 13
The treadmill was an h/p/cosmos Pulsar treadmill, h/p/cosmos Sports & Medical Gmbh,
Nussdorf-Traunstein, Germany. (cos100420b; ID: X239W80479043; OP19: 0319 1139)
Polar H10 chest heart rate monitor (FCC ID: INW1W; Model: 1W; IC: 6248A-1W; SN:
C7301W0726005; ID: 14C00425; Firmware: 2.1.9 and data acquired via Polar Beat 2.5.3.
Garmin. Important Safety and Product Information; Instruction Leaflet Supplied with Vivosmart 3 (v4.10),
l90-02068-0l_0D; Garmin Ltd.: Lenexa, KS, USA, 2016.
Fitbit. Important Safety and Product Information. 2017. Available online:
legal/safety-instructions (accessed on 20 March 2017).
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... Os estudos fizeram uso de medidas alternativas aos dados gerados pelos dispositivos e aplicativos. Quatro estudos verificaram a precisão de aplicativos de monitoramento da AF para smartphones (GANESAN et al., 2016;MI-DDELWEERD et al., 2017;PRESSET et al., 2018;RENSBURG et al., 2016) e, cinco estudos concentraram-se em analisar a aplicabilidade de dispositivos vestíveis (BELTRAME et al., 2017;COLLINS et al., 2019;KANTOCH, 2018;LEE et al., 2015;SOKAS et al., 2019). De acordo com Ganesan et al. (2016), o aplicativo Stepathon apresenta boa validade para implementação e monitoramento da AF, do mesmo modo, segundo Presset et al. (2018), o aplicativo Runtastic © é válido para mensuração do nível de AF, apresentando, inclusive, resultados mais precisos que os pedômetros mecânicos utilizados no estudo. ...
... Dos nove estudos selecionados para compor a revisão, cinco foram desenvolvidos no continente europeu(COLLINS et al., 2019;KANTOCH, 2018;MIDDELWEERD et al., 2017;PRESSET et al., 2018;SOKAS et al., 2019), um na Ásia (LEE et al., 2015), um na América do Norte (BELTRAME et al., 2017), um na África (RENSBURG et al., 2016) e um estudo multicêntrico, o qual foi desenvolvido em 64 países diferentes (GANESAN et al., 2016). Em relação ao número amostral, os estudos variam de 4 (COLLINS et al., 2019) a 69.219 participantes (GANESAN et al., 2016). ...
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INTRODUÇÃO: Tradicionalmente a avaliação e monitoramento da aptidão cardiorrespiratória é realizada de forma indireta, com poucos recursos tecnológicos. A partir do surgimento e popularização dos dispositivos eletrônicos móveis, este monitoramento passou a ser realizado também por meio destes novos recursos. Entretanto, poucos dispositivos portáteis são testados de forma rigorosa para identificar sua validade. OBJETIVO: Desenvolver uma revisão sistemática da literatura, buscando identificar os estudos que realizaram a validação e a reprodutibilidade de dispositivos e aplicativos móveis para avaliar e monitorar a aptidão cardiorrespiratória em adultos. MÉTODOS: Estudo de revisão sistemática da literatura em acordo com as recomendações metodológicas da The Cochrane Collaboration. Os termos cardiorespiratory fitness, mobile devices, electronic device e adults foram utilizados na composição das sintaxes de busca nas bases de dados Web of Science, Scopus, LILACS – Inglês; LILACS - Português, SciELO; SciELO Brasil e PubMed/MEDLINE, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. O intervalo temporal das buscas compreendeu o período de janeiro de 2015 até dezembro de 2019. RESULTADOS: Um total de 3.396 estudos foram encontrados a partir das buscas iniciais. Após aplicados os filtros, 488 trabalhos foram selecionados para a leitura de títulos, dos quais, 43 foram incluídos na etapa de leitura de resumos. Foram considerados elegíveis para a fase de leitura na íntegra 19 estudos, dos quais, 09 foram incluídos na presente revisão. Em relação à validade dos aplicativos e dispositivos, sete estudos apresentam resultados satisfatórios referentes aos dados dos equipamentos, indicando alta correlação entre os resultados do equipamento avaliado e o método comparativo, boa precisão do equipamento ou validade dos dados gerados. Por outro lado, dois estudos sugeriram prudência no uso dos equipamentos. CONCLUSÃO: A presente revisão identificou que existem poucos estudos desenvolvidos para a validação dos dispositivos e aplicativos móveis voltados ao monitoramento da aptidão cardiorrespiratória. Os aplicativos de smartphones e as roupas inteligentes parecem ser os recursos mais confiáveis até o momento.
... There are also concerns about the ease of access to system level information, and in the reporting of wearable device system level information in the academic and clinical trial documentation (Collins et al. 2019), particularly given the iterative updating nature of device models (Khattak and Woolley, 2023) and the physically distinct nature of the models themselves, exemplified in Figure 1 which illustrates different models of the Garmin Vivosmart 'family' of wrist-worn trackers. ...
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In recent years, wearable computers, in the form of wrist-worn trackers and smartwatches, have transitioned apace from the well-being market into the set of 'Internet of Medical Things' (IoMTs) used in clinical research and healthcare. Despite concerted efforts invested in improved clinical research practices and, more generally, in improved reporting and repeatability in research, failings in the reporting practices of IoMTs and other health technologies mean that fundamental materials information is too frequently obscure. This paper contributes novel insights from work in progress that is systematically analysing the specificity of wearable wrist-worn IoMT interventions reported in completed and reported clinical trials. Results compiled for the earliest and most recent 10% of completed trials recorded in the international repository demonstrates substantial failings in reporting practices and a complete absence of version reporting. To better understand and improve on current practice and failings, we propose that Healthcare-Computer Interaction (as a sub-genre of Human-Computer Interaction) is deserving of further attention.
... Intermonitor differences and lack of flexibility are thus limitations of current standards for PPG, in much the same way as they once were for accelerometry. Furthermore, concerns have frequently been raised about unannounced algorithm and firmware updates that can make consumer-grade technology undesirable in certain research contexts [77][78][79][80][81]. The advent of raw PPG data therefore offers many of the same benefits that have already been derived from raw accelerometer data, especially when pairing research-grade devices with open-source resources. ...
Wearable monitors continue to play a critical role in scientific assessments of physical activity. Recently, research-grade monitors have begun providing raw data from photoplethysmography (PPG) alongside standard raw data from inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes). Raw PPG enables granular and transparent estimation of cardiovascular parameters such as heart rate, thus presenting a valuable alternative to standard PPG methodologies (most of which rely on consumer-grade monitors that provide only coarse output from proprietary algorithms). The implications for physical activity assessment are tremendous, since it is now feasible to monitor granular and concurrent trends in both movement and cardiovascular physiology using a single noninvasive device. However, new users must also be aware of challenges and limitations that accompany the use of raw PPG data. This viewpoint paper therefore orients new users to the opportunities and challenges of raw PPG data by presenting its mechanics, pitfalls, and availability, as well as its parallels and synergies with inertial sensors. This includes discussion of specific applications to the prediction of energy expenditure, activity type, and 24-hour movement behaviors, with an emphasis on areas in which raw PPG data may help resolve known issues with inertial sensing (eg, measurement during cycling activities). We also discuss how the impact of raw PPG data can be maximized through the use of open-source tools when developing and disseminating new methods, similar to current standards for raw accelerometer and gyroscope data. Collectively, our comments show the strong potential of raw PPG data to enhance the use of research-grade wearable activity monitors in science over the coming years.
... The BVP is based on the volume of blood that passes through the tissues assessed via a photoplethysmogram sensor. Previous studies of wearable devices such as the Garmin Vívosmart 4 found accurate results for resting heart rate when validated against electrocardiography (ECG) chest straps and other wearable devices (e.g., Collins et al., 2019;Pasadyn et al., 2019). ...
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Mentalizing, the capacity to consider mental states, is a fundamental and essential capacity that is associated with mental health. Studies mostly assess mentalizing in lab, neglecting its ecological aspects and short-term fluctuations. The current study presents preliminary psychometric findings from a novel method of assessing mentalizing dynamics in daily life. We also examined how daily life mentalizing is related to features of borderline personality disorder (BPD) which is known to show mentalizing impairments. Twenty non-clinical participants were interviewed for mentalizing capacity and completed self-report measures of mentalizing and BPD features at baseline. Then, participants completed a weeklong ecological momentary assessment (EMA) including six daily surveys of self-reported mentalizing and audio-recorded descriptions of current mental states, and a continuous assessment of stress using wearable devices. Narrative materials were coded using an observer-rated measure of mentalizing. Completion rates were high (M = 94%; NEMAs = 726). Lab and EMA-based observer-rated mentalizing were moderately correlated (r = .41). About 67% of the variability in observer-rated mentalizing was at the within-person level and inter-rater reliability was fair (0.50 – 0.57). Better momentary self-reported mentalizing predicted better momentary observer-rated mentalizing. Better momentary observer-rated mentalizing predicted greater stress levels. BPD features tended to predict larger fluctuations in momentary observer-rated mentalizing.The novel method provides an ecological way to assess momentary mentalizing with adequate convergent and predictive validity. The preliminary findings show that mentalizing is highly dynamic in daily life and suggest that these dynamics are possibly related to momentary stress and BPD features.
... It is, therefore, desirable that improvements in PPG HR estimation accuracy can be achieved. 9 Previous studies 10-12 analysed the concurrent validity of the Polar H-10 Ò chest strap synchronised with the Polar V800 Ò (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland) compared to the gold standard electrocardiogram (ECG), noting that the Polar H-10 Ò is a valid tool to analyse HR frequency in an endurance exercise. ...
Monitoring heart rates has always been important for coaches and athletes. Photoplet-ismographic systems (PPG) are supposed to be less capable of determining heart rate measure in activities with high upper limb movement, such as tennis. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the concurrent validity of the Polar Precision Prime ® (PPP ® ) system existing in the Polar Ignite ® sports watch. This was accomplished by measuring averaged heart rates during a tennis training session, divided in three parts (warm-up, main-part and cool-down) and averaged per 10 s intervals by comparing data with the Polar H-10 ® chest strap synchronised with the Polar V800 ® (criterion measure). A group of 40 tennis players (32 males, 8 females) took part in the study. Mean average values and between-systems differences and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) were obtained (<4.04 bpm; <5.03%), reporting small differences in all session parts and 10 s intervals. The PPP ® system reported high correlation ( r > 0.89) and excellent ICC (ICC > 0.96) in all session parts except the 10 s intervals where the ICC were good (0.85). The systematic bias and random error during the warm-up and 10 s intervals were greater (−0.99 ± 6.02 bpm and −2.41 ± 5.86 bpm, respectively) than the main-part and cool-down (−0.51 ± 1.16 bpm and −0.44 ± 4.02 bpm, respectively). Results suggest that the PPP ® system precision is not altered despite upper limb movements during 1-h tennis training sessions. In conclusion, the Polar Ignite ® PPG system is a valid tool for monitoring heart rate during a tennis training session.
... Subsequently, the connection via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi was deactivated to ensure that no further firmware updates were installed during the course of the study, preventing any possible changes to algorithms from affecting the results [17,18]. Of note, although some of the manufacturers offer customized firmware for research purposes, we decided to stick to the consumer-grade firmware to enable the comparability of our results with complementary studies. ...
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Background Over the recent years, technological advances of wrist-worn fitness trackers heralded a new era in the continuous monitoring of vital signs. So far, these devices have primarily been used for sports. Objective However, for using these technologies in health care, further validations of the measurement accuracy in hospitalized patients are essential but lacking to date. Methods We conducted a prospective validation study with 201 patients after moderate to major surgery in a controlled setting to benchmark the accuracy of heart rate measurements in 4 consumer-grade fitness trackers (Apple Watch 7, Garmin Fenix 6 Pro, Withings ScanWatch, and Fitbit Sense) against the clinical gold standard (electrocardiography). Results All devices exhibited high correlation (r≥0.95; P<.001) and concordance (rc≥0.94) coefficients, with a relative error as low as mean absolute percentage error <5% based on 1630 valid measurements. We identified confounders significantly biasing the measurement accuracy, although not at clinically relevant levels (mean absolute error<5 beats per minute). Conclusions Consumer-grade fitness trackers appear promising in hospitalized patients for monitoring heart rate. Trial Registration NCT05418881;
... IoT systems and other technologies that rely on sensed data can lack accuracy and can exclude individuals based on ethnicity, age and physicality. For example, wearable health trackers count steps less accurately for slow walkers, and optical heart rate sensing performance deteriorates for individuals who are older, have higher BMIs or darker skin tones [21], [22]. But despite inaccuracies [23], [24], inclusivity failings [25] and a lack of evaluation reporting in the academic literature [26], the devices do achieve positive and worthwhile health outcomes and insights for many users. ...
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A growing sense of unfairness permeates our quasi-digital society. Despite drivers supporting and motivating ethical practice in the digital technology ecosystem, there are compounding barriers to fairness that, at every level, impact technology innovation, delivery and access. Amongst these are barriers and omissions at the earliest stages of technology intentionality and design; systemic inadequacies in sensing systems that deteriorate performance for individuals based on ethnicity, age and physicality; system design, co-requisite and interface decisions that limit access; biases and inequities in datasets and algorithms; and limiting factors in system function and security. Additionally, there are concerns about unethical and illegal practices amongst digital technology providers: for example, in planned obsolescence and anti-competitive behaviors, failings in data practices and security, and in responses to problematic use and behaviors. It is critical that these failings are identified and addressed to better evolve a fairer future digital technology ecosystem. This paper contributes a perspective on technological stewardship and innovation; it identifies the compounding nature of barriers to fairness in the current digital technology ecosystem, and contrasts these with the non-compounding fairness drivers that, in general, establish minimum requirements.
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Background Complications due to dysphagia are increasingly prevalent among older adults; however, the tediousness and complexity of conventional tongue rehabilitation treatments affect their willingness to rehabilitate. It is unclear whether integrating gameplay into a tongue training app is a feasible approach to rehabilitation. Objective Tongue training has been proven helpful for dysphagia treatment. Following the development of a tongue training app, a feasibility trial aimed to identify physiological and psychological factors that affect user and flow experience and explored whether training specialized muscles could produce a flow experience for optimal immersion. We aimed to provide a useful tool for medical rehabilitation so that older adults could retain tongue muscle flexibility. Methods After consulting professional nurses, we developed a mobile gaming app for middle-aged and older adults to train their tongue muscles. This pilot study used an image recognition system to detect the tongue movements of 32 healthy middle-aged and older adults (7 males, 21.9%; 25 females, 78.1%) during 3 game training tasks, each requiring different reaction speeds. Their physiological and psychological signals, as well as the results of the Flow State Scale 2 (FSS2) questionnaire, were used for correlation analysis regarding relevant flow experiences to establish and evaluate the feasibility of our method. Results Through exploratory factor analyses, a 2-factor (operation and immersion) structure was confirmed to have an adequate model fit ( χ² 36 =448.478; P <.001; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin=0.757) and internal consistency reliability (Cronbach α=0.802). The slow, medium, and fast levels all significantly affected the FSS2 score for operation ( P= .001), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index ( P <.001), and flow distance ( P <.001). K-means clustering revealed that participants could be further categorized into 3 groups. Through the analysis of changes in the participants’ physiological and psychological signals for each given task, Pearson correlation indicated that changes were primarily related to flow distance. For the 12 indicators measured in this study, the low, medium, and high operation groups showed significance in 58% (7/12), 50% (6/12), and 25% (3/12) of the indicators, respectively. Similarly, the low, medium, and high immersion groups had changes in 50% (6/12), 33% (4/12), and 17% (2/12) of indicators, respectively. Conclusions Our research supports the further development of a gaming app to aid older adults with tongue muscle training and measure flow using physiological and psychological signals to enhance training accuracy and feasibility. Next, we aim to conduct a randomized pilot trial, improve app functions, offer alternative rehabilitation options, and encourage long-term participation. Future goals include enhancing long-term efficacy, diversifying training modes, and adding a multiuser interactive option for an added challenge.
Blood oxygen saturation is an important clinical parameter, especially in postoperative hospitalized patients, monitored in clinical practice by arterial blood gas (ABG) and/or pulse oximetry that both are not suitable for a long-term continuous monitoring of patients during the entire hospital stay, or beyond. Technological advances developed recently for consumer-grade fitness trackers could—at least in theory—help to fill in this gap, but benchmarks on the applicability and accuracy of these technologies in hospitalized patients are currently lacking. We therefore conducted at the postanaesthesia care unit under controlled settings a prospective clinical trial with 201 patients, comparing in total >1,000 oxygen blood saturation measurements by fitness trackers of three brands with the ABG gold standard and with pulse oximetry. Our results suggest that, despite of an overall still tolerable measuring accuracy, comparatively high dropout rates severely limit the possibilities of employing fitness trackers, particularly during the immediate postoperative period of hospitalized patients.
Wearables technologies are an integral part of personal study, measuring physical condition, physiological criteria and medical schedule detail. This constantly evolving technological platform not only promise to enable people to achieve healthy lives but offer medical proof that metabolic status, diagnosis, and therapy are successful. Flexible electronic miniature advances, electrochemical biosensors, microfluidics, and artificial intelligence algorithms created wearable devices capable of producing real-time medical data on the Internet. These modular instruments are designed to be consistent with the intent of capturing biochemical or electrical signals, such as epidermal, ocular, intra-core or dental interfaces. This research work reveals the developments and production processes of consumer wearable electronics, industrial and emerging equipment. It also looks at the tracking of vital signs in real time by bio-sensors, stimulant-responsive drugs and closed loop networks. Increased augmented and mixed reality, networking tools, resources storage, exhibits, conformity and computer protection solve potential problems. Developing and integrating wearable technologies into randomised clinical trials would allow secure and reliable methods to be developed.KeywordsWearablesBiosensorsStimuli-responsive materialsBiomonitoring
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The aim of this paper is to address the need for reliability assessments of new and updated consumer-grade activity and heart rate monitoring devices. This issue is central to the use of these sensor devices and it is particularly important in their medical and assisted living application. Using an example lightweight empirical approach, experimental results for heart rate acquisitions from Garmin VivoSmart 3 (v4.10) smartwatch monitors are presented and analyzed. The reliability issues of optically-acquired heart rates, especially during periods of activity, are demonstrated and discussed. In conclusion, the paper recommends the empirical assessment of new and updated activity monitors, the sharing of this data and the use of version information across the literature.
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The trend of using wearables for healthcare is steeply increasing nowadays, and, consequently, in the market, there are several gadgets that measure several body features. In addition, the mixed use between smartphones and wearables has motivated research like the current one. The main goal of this work is to reduce the amount of times that a certain smartband (SB) measures the heart rate (HR) in order to save energy in communications without significantly reducing the utility of the application. This work has used an SB Sony 2 for measuring heart rate, Fit API for storing data and Android for managing data. The current approach has been assessed with data from HR sensors collected for more than three months. Once all HR measures were collected, then the current approach detected hourly ranges whose heart rate were higher than normal. The hourly ranges allowed for estimating the time periods of weeks that the user could be at potential risk for measuring frequently in these (60 times per hour) ranges. Out of these ranges, the measurement frequency was lower (six times per hour). If SB measures an unusual heart rate, the app warns the user so they are aware of the risk and can act accordingly. We analyzed two cases and we conclude that energy consumption was reduced in 83.57% in communications when using training of several weeks. In addition, a prediction per day was made using data of 20 users. On average, tests obtained 63.04% of accuracy in this experimentation using the training over the data of one day for each user.
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Wearable physical activity trackers are a popular and useful method to collect biometric information at rest and during exercise. The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize recent findings of wearable devices for biometric information related to steps, heart rate, and caloric expenditure for several devices that hold a large portion of the market share. Searches were conducted in both PubMed and SPORTdiscus. Filters included: humans, within the last 5 years, English, full-text, and adult 19+ years. Manuscripts were retained if they included an exercise component of 5-min or greater and had 20 or more participants. A total of 10 articles were retained for this review. Overall, wearable devices tend to underestimate energy expenditure compared to criterion laboratory measures, however at higher intensities of activity energy expenditure is underestimated. All wrist and forearm devices had a tendency to underestimate heart rate, and this error was generally greater at higher exercise intensities and those that included greater arm movement. Heart rate measurement was also typically better at rest and while exercising on a cycle ergometer compared to exercise on a treadmill or elliptical machine. Step count was underestimated at slower walking speeds and in free-living conditions, but improved accuracy at faster speeds. The majority of the studies reviewed in the present manuscript employed different methods to assess validity and reliability of wearable technology, making it difficult to compare devices. Standardized protocols would provide guidance for researchers to evaluate research-grade devices as well as commercial devices used by the lay public.
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Fitness and health-care-oriented wearables and apps have been around for a couple of years and are still gaining momentum. Over time, they have begun to harness considerable computational power and to incorporate increasingly sophisticated sensors, eventually resulting in a blurring of the lines between consumer electronics and medical devices. While their benefits and potentials are undisputed, the overly optimistic appraisal commonly encountered in both mass media and academic literature does not adequately reflect unsolved problems and inherent limitations of these devices. This Article will argue that while these issues have long been known to the engineering community, their relevance and legal implications appear to have been grossly underestimated. January 2016 marked a turning point, as news of two class-action lawsuits filed against major manufacturer Fitbit brought widespread attention to accuracy, reliability, and safety concerns regarding these devices. This Article will provide a concise overview of optical heart rate monitoring technology, the current state of the art, and research trends. It will be argued that under real-world scenarios these apps and devices are currently inherently inaccurate and unreliable, with even greater problems on the horizon as the industry shifts towards areas such as heart rate variability monitoring or the detection of cardiac arrhythmias. Available at
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Background: Many modern smart watches and activity trackers feature an optical sensor that estimates the wearer's heart rate. Recent studies have evaluated the performance of these consumer devices in the laboratory. Objective: The objective of our study was to examine the accuracy and sensitivity of a common wrist-worn tracker device in measuring heart rates and detecting 1-min bouts of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) under free-living conditions. Methods: Ten healthy volunteers were recruited from a large university in Singapore to participate in a limited field test, followed by a month of continuous data collection. During the field test, each participant would wear one Fitbit Charge HR activity tracker and one Polar H6 heart rate monitor. Fitbit measures were accessed at 1-min intervals, while Polar readings were available for 10-s intervals. We derived intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for individual participants comparing heart rate estimates. We applied Centers for Disease Control and Prevention heart rate zone cut-offs to ascertain the sensitivity and specificity of Fitbit in identifying 1-min epochs falling into MVPA heart rate zone. Results: We collected paired heart rate data for 2509 1-min epochs in 10 individuals under free-living conditions of 3 to 6 hours. The overall ICC comparing 1-min Fitbit measures with average 10-s Polar H6 measures for the same epoch was .83 (95% CI .63-.91). On average, the Fitbit tracker underestimated heart rate measures by -5.96 bpm (standard error, SE=0.18). At the low intensity heart rate zone, the underestimate was smaller at -4.22 bpm (SE=0.15). This underestimate grew to -16.2 bpm (SE=0.74) in the MVPA heart rate zone. Fitbit devices detected 52.9% (192/363) of MVPA heart rate zone epochs correctly. Positive and negative predictive values were 86.1% (192/223) and 92.52% (2115/2286), respectively. During subsequent 1 month of continuous data collection (270 person-days), only 3.9% of 1-min epochs could be categorized as MVPA according to heart rate zones. This measure was affected by decreasing wear time and adherence over the period of follow-up. Conclusions: Under free-living conditions, Fitbit trackers are affected by significant systematic errors. Improvements in tracker accuracy and sensitivity when measuring MVPA are required before they can be considered for use in the context of exercise prescription to promote better health.
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Background: In the past years, there was an increasing development of physical activity tracker (Wearables). For recreational people, testing of these devices under walking or light jogging conditions might be sufficient. For (elite) athletes, however, scientific trustworthiness needs to be given for a broad spectrum of velocities or even fast changes in velocities reflecting the demands of the sport. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the validity of eleven Wearables for monitoring step count, covered distance and energy expenditure (EE) under laboratory conditions with different constant and varying velocities. Methods: Twenty healthy sport students (10 men, 10 women) performed a running protocol consisting of four 5 min stages of different constant velocities (4.3; 7.2; 10.1; 13.0 km·h⁻¹), a 5 min period of intermittent velocity, and a 2.4 km outdoor run (10.1 km·h⁻¹) while wearing eleven different Wearables (Bodymedia Sensewear, Beurer AS 80, Polar Loop, Garmin Vivofit, Garmin Vivosmart, Garmin Vivoactive, Garmin Forerunner 920XT, Fitbit Charge, Fitbit Charge HR, Xaomi MiBand, Withings Pulse Ox). Step count, covered distance, and EE were evaluated by comparing each Wearable with a criterion method (Optogait system and manual counting for step count, treadmill for covered distance and indirect calorimetry for EE). Results: All Wearables, except Bodymedia Sensewear, Polar Loop, and Beurer AS80, revealed good validity (small MAPE, good ICC) for all constant and varying velocities for monitoring step count. For covered distance, all Wearables showed a very low ICC (<0.1) and high MAPE (up to 50%), revealing no good validity. The measurement of EE was acceptable for the Garmin, Fitbit and Withings Wearables (small to moderate MAPE), while Bodymedia Sensewear, Polar Loop, and Beurer AS80 showed a high MAPE up to 56% for all test conditions. Conclusion: In our study, most Wearables provide an acceptable level of validity for step counts at different constant and intermittent running velocities reflecting sports conditions. However, the covered distance, as well as the EE could not be assessed validly with the investigated Wearables. Consequently, covered distance and EE should not be monitored with the presented Wearables, in sport specific conditions.
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The aim of this review is to investigate barriers and challenges of wearable patient monitoring (WPM) solutions adopted by clinicians in acute, as well as in community, care settings. Currently, healthcare providers are coping with ever-growing healthcare challenges including an ageing population, chronic diseases, the cost of hospitalization, and the risk of medical errors. WPM systems are a potential solution for addressing some of these challenges by enabling advanced sensors, wearable technology, and secure and effective communication platforms between the clinicians and patients. A total of 791 articles were screened and 20 were selected for this review. The most common publication venue was conference proceedings (13, 54%). This review only considered recent studies published between 2015 and 2017. The identified studies involved chronic conditions (6, 30%), rehabilitation (7, 35%), cardiovascular diseases (4, 20%), falls (2, 10%) and mental health (1, 5%). Most studies focussed on the system aspects of WPM solutions including advanced sensors, wireless data collection, communication platform and clinical usability based on a specific area or disease. The current studies are progressing with localized sensor-software integration to solve a specific use-case/health area using non-scalable and ‘silo’ solutions. There is further work required regarding interoperability and clinical acceptance challenges. The advancement of wearable technology and possibilities of using machine learning and artificial intelligence in healthcare is a concept that has been investigated by many studies. We believe future patient monitoring and medical treatments will build upon efficient and affordable solutions of wearable technology.
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The conditions of the environment a person lives in has a great impact on his wellness state. When buying a new house, it is important to select a place that aids in improving the wellness state of the buyer or, at least, maintains it. A deficient wellness state implies an increase of stress and the effects associated with it. HRV (Heart Rate Variability) allows to measure the stress or wellness levels of a person by measuring the difference in time between heartbeats. A low HRV is related to high stress levels whereas a high HRV is associated with a high wellness state. In this paper, we present a system that measures wellness and stress levels of home buyers by employing sensors to measure HRV. Our system is able to process the data and to recommend the best neighborhood to live in considering the wellness state of the buyer. Several tests were performed utilizing different locations. In order to determine the best neighborhood, we have developed an algorithm that assigns different values to the area in accordance with the HRV measures. Results show that the system is effective in providing the recommendation of the place that would allow the person to live with the highest wellness state.
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1. Introduction Patient monitoring systems capable of accurate recording in the real-world, during the activities of everyday living, can provide rich objective accounts of patient well-being that have broad application in clinical decision support. Combining physiological, environmental and actigraphy sensing together with a quantified subjective patient report and activity log, provides new opportunities and new challenges in big data analysis, data mining and visual analytics. 2. Method An iterative prototyping approach together with clinical collaboration informed the design and development of a novel 24hr sensing system with broad application relevant to sleep assessment. The system design, sensor selection and visual analytic strategies were informed by literature review and pilot studies with i) clinical staff and ii) healthy participants. The sensing system comprised, i) a daytime wearable sensing unit (on-body accelerometry for Metabolic Equivalent Task, pulse, skin temperature and resistivity) and ii) two night-time sensing units (an on-body unit as per daytime but with wrist accelerometry, and a bedside unit for ambient light, temperature and sound-level). Continuous recordings were used to generate averages, minima and maxima in 1-minute, 15-minute, 1-hour and 4-hour intervals. For data mining and visual analytics, these records were combined with quantified accounts of subjective user reports and activity logs. Ten subjects (including three clinicians) tested the system for up to three consecutive days and nights and provided assessments of use and comfortability. Five clinicians were interviewed regarding system applications, barriers to use, data use and visual analytics. 3. Results Data acquisition was successful across a wide range of MET levels. System comfortability was good but with some discomfort and skin irritation arising from prolonged use of a carotid pulse sensor (selected for its robust performance compared with wristband alternatives). Electrooculography sensing for REM sleep detection was attempted but was uncomfortable and performance was unsatisfactory. Usability of the system benefitted from prolonged battery operation. Few data losses resulted from user-administration of sensors, but more resulted from a lack of prototype ruggedisation. Attempts at intuitive multivariate data visualizations, including heat maps, motion charts and clustered views, had limited success. However, the system and approach was assessed as very good for real-life application and decision support. 4. Discussion 24hr outpatient sensing has wide clinical application in rehabilitation, in the management of chronic conditions and, in pre- and post-surgical assessment. However, better detection of both low level activity and sleep is required than currently available in commercial activity monitoring devices. 5. Conclusion Multi-modal outpatient monitoring can perform robustly and with acceptable comfortability across a spectrum of activity types and levels, however, system robustness and ease-of-use are paramount to reliability, and users’ self-application of sensors requires careful attention. The new big un-delineated, multi-modal, multi-dimensional, data spaces created are unfamiliar, uncharted territories that require new understandings, guidance and training. Data mining and visual analytics provide new research insights but there are many challenges regarding their translation into clinical practice.
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Methods: The study enrolled 22 healthy volunteers in a walking test. Volunteers walked a 100 m track at 2 km/h and 3.5 km/h. Steps were measured by four activity trackers and compared to gyroscope readings. Two trackers were also tested on nine subjects by comparing pulse readings to Holter monitoring. Results: The lowest average systematic error in the walking tests was -0.2%, recorded on the Garmin Vivofit 2 at 3.5 km/h; the highest error was the Fitbit Charge HR at 2 km/h with an error margin of 26.8%. Comparisons of pulse measurements from the Fitbit Charge HR revealed a margin error of -3.42% ± 7.99% compared to the electrocardiogram. The Beddit sleep tracker measured a systematic error of -3.27% ± 4.60%. Conclusion: The measured results revealed the current functionality and limitations of the five self-tracking devices, and point towards a need for future research in this area.