
Lines We Trace: Comparing Data Displays to Support Youth Sailing

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This submission to the special interactive session aims to develop testable design conjectures for a design-based research project involving a youth sailing camp. Youth sailing involves intensely immersive embodied experiences in boats, but also reflection on broader principles and processes. Coordinating between these two levels is often difficult for youth, particularly over a short time frame in an interest-driven environment. We present two existing tools that we believe have the potential to bridge this difficult conceptual and motivational gap, but involve very different epistemological hurdles. Using both existing footage of the tools in action and interactive reworking, we hope to collaborate with other participants to further specify the affordances and constraints of these tools, and potentially more effectively hybridize them toward our curricular goals.

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There are many approaches that support studies of learning in relation to the physical environment, people’s interaction with one another, or people’s movement. However, what these approaches achieve in granularity of description, they tend to lose in synthesis and integration, and to date, there are not effective methods and concepts to study learning in relation to all of these dimensions simultaneously. This paper outlines our development and use of a new approach to describing, representing, and interpreting people’s interaction as they move within and across physical environments. We call this approach interaction geography. It provides a more integrative and multi-scalar way to characterize people’s interaction and movement in relation to the physical environment and is particularly relevant to learning research and professional design practice in informal learning settings. The first part of this paper illustrates our development and use of interaction geography to study visitor engagement in a cultural heritage museum. In particular, we illustrate Mondrian Transcription, a method to map people’s movement and conversation over space and time, and the Interaction Geography Slicer (IGS), a dynamic visualization tool that supports new forms of interaction and multi-modal analysis. The second part of the paper describes one team of museum educators, curators, archivists, and exhibit designers using a computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment based on interaction geography. We show how this environment used interaction geography to disrupt the conventional views of visitor engagement and learning that museum professionals hold and then reframe these disruptions to enable museum professionals to perceive visitor engagement and learning in innovative ways that potentially support their future design decisions. We conclude the paper by discussing how this work may serve as a blueprint to guide future efforts to expand interaction geography in ways that explore new collaborations across the fields of education, information visualization, architecture, and the arts.
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Space-time visualization is an established area of research and design. However, a significant gap in this work is how space-time visualization supports learning environment design in particular conceptual domains. This paper introduces two new and generalizable types of interactive learning environment designs in different conceptual domains that use space-time visualization. The first is for museum studies and is designed for learners (typically museum curators, educators and designers) to learn about how museum visitors engage with exhibits in museum gallery spaces. The second supports social studies education. Findings and discussion show how a) space-time visualization can be a powerful means to support specific types of learning environment designs and b) such efforts also can produce new types and uses of space-time visualization in particular settings.
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Neogeography - the use of interactive online mapping technologies, often by laypersons or grassroots groups - continues its rapid growth, as do debates about its implications for spatial data and map quality, public spatial literacy, and the digital divide. Ongoing efforts to understand whether and how neogeography might enable the participation, influence, and agency of less powerful social actors require greater attention to theorizing neogeography politics. Existing work, tacitly or explicitly, tends to theorize these politics in ways that align with Michel de Certeau's notion of "strategy" or its conceptual partner, "tactics." We argue that a neogeography politics conceived as "strategy" has inherent limits and that the political significance of neogeography "tactics" is even more foundational than has been understood thus far. Recent work has shown neogeography to be a powerful site of political action or engagement, but our evidence suggests further that visual spatial tactics in neogeography are also key sites of political formation. Neogeography tactics are significant not just as a site of resistance or political action by less powerful actors but also as practices that contribute to the formation of political subjects, mobilized social groups, and shared knowledge. Recognizing neogeography as a site of political formation paves the way toward realizing its broader potential in the development and practice of a critical spatial citizenship. We develop these arguments from a three-year neogeography project conducted with young teens.
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In this article, the authors first indicate the range of purposes and the variety of settings in which design experiments have been conducted and then delineate five crosscutting features that collectively differentiate design experiments from other methodologies. Design experiments have both a pragmatic bent—“engineering” particular forms of learning—and a theoretical orientation—developing domain-specific theories by systematically studying those forms of learning and the means of supporting them. The authors clarify what is involved in preparing for and carrying out a design experiment, and in conducting a retrospective analysis of the extensive, longitudinal data sets generated during an experiment. Logistical issues, issues of measure, the importance of working through the data systematically, and the need to be explicit about the criteria for making inferences are discussed.
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As the community of history educators interested in using geographic information systems (GIS) grows and seeks standardization of methods, there are design considerations unique to educational settings in which students use GIS to learn history. A classroom-centered approach to the design of GIS tools is proposed, in which decisions of representation and functionality are based on the mode and context of classroom work for which the GIS is intended. The design of the web site GIS for History ( is examined as an example of such design decisions, and how they relate to the intended mode of classroom use of the site for learning U.S. history. Two such decisions are: (1) how to “place” historical documents in space, time, and contextual data, and (2) how to represent historical census population values visually in a GIS map. The design analysis suggests that attention to the intended mode of student inquiry, learning objectives of constructing historical arguments, and the realities of classroom logistics yields representational decisions that may be quite different from the design of GIS tools for other uses.
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This article assesses the use of audience segmentation in visitor studies by analyzing its application in the identity model of visitors proposed by J. Falk (2009) and J. Falk et al. (2007). As a leading example of visitor segmentation, the authors examine this model's application in a specific case at U.S. zoos to elaborate some of its limitations. Conventional short-term, episodic approaches to visitor research should be challenged and supplemented by a more contextually sensitive framework. The authors contend that segmentation approaches, and in particular Falk's theorization and operationalization of an identity model of visitors, are problematic. They argue for a contextual turn that places visitors’ experiences within a holistic and long-term framework of individual life circumstances, relationships, and trajectories. Research and theory from education, sociology, and cultural studies extends existing visitor research approaches by acknowledging complexity, change over time, and the interwoven and developmental nature of sociocultural variables influencing visitors’ appropriation of new ideas and experiences.
Interactive, digital mapping technology is providing new pedagogical possibilities for children and their families, as well as new methodological opportunities for education researchers. Our paper reports on an example of this novel terrain we call “Community Technology Mapping” (CTM). CTM was a designed task that was part of a larger ethnographic study of children and families’ digital media and technology practices in and around their homes. CTM incorporated interactive digital mapping technology with a structured interview protocol as a pedagogical context for young people and a methodological tool for researchers. As a pedagogical context for computer-supported collaborative learning, CTM supported young people to see and reflect on their everyday technological practices as temporally and spatially organized across scales of human interaction. As a methodological tool, CTM allowed researchers to see families’ place-based and on-the-move activities that were outside the more naturalistic observations of home-based technology use. Our analysis of CTM draws upon video recordings and screen captures of young people’s reflections on and live mappings of places they typically used technology and engaged with media. We found that children developed strategies with the mapping technology to make places visible, make them coherent, and make them mobile. These strategies produced a “cascade of inscriptions” within the CTM task for mapping new mobilities of digital, daily life. We argue that interactive digital mapping technologies not only support researchers to ask new questions about the spatiotemporal aspects of learning phenomena, but also contribute to a new genre of place-based, digital literacies- locative literacy- for learners to navigate.
This paper contributes to our understanding of learning place-based, digital literacies through urban spaces. This article explores a new analytic unit, “learning along lines,” as a tool to support the design and analysis of learning contexts where the leading mode of engagement for young learners was mobility through the city. Learning along lines emerged from a design study in which youth produced maps of their neighborhood to share with city stakeholders. Using a spatio-temporal framework, I analyze youth learning along lines they made of their neighborhood through a designed task, GPS drawing, to learn new ways of reading and writing the city with locative technologies. First, I focus on young people learning along lines they made through walking and gesture to scale their mobility to a neighborhood grid. Second, I focus on young people learning along lines they made by walking with maps and GPS devices to learn a newly mediated form of mobility. Third, I focus on youth learning along lines they made discursively to understand the narrative power and limitations of tools and maps. The analyses are intended to push our field’s understanding of digital and physical mobility in conceptualizing and designing new forms of learning locative literacies.
This paper explores how to research the opportunities for emotional engagement that mobile technologies provide for the design and enactment of learning environments. In the context of mobile technologies that foster location based linking, we make the case for the centrality of in-situ real-time observational research on how emotional engagement unfolds and for the inclusion of bodily aspects of interaction. We propose that multimodal methods offer tools for observing emotion as a central facet of person-environment interaction, and provide an example of these methods put into practice for a study of emotional engagement in mobile history learning. A multimodal analysis of video data from sixteen pairs of 9–10 year olds learning about the WWII history of their local Common is used to illustrate how students’ emotional engagement was supported by their use of mobile devices through: multimodal layering and linking of stimuli; the creation of digital artefacts, and changes in pace. These findings are significant for understanding the role of digital augmentation in fostering emotional engagement in history learning; informing how digital augmentation can be designed to effectively foster emotional engagement for learning; and provide insight into the benefits of multimodality as an analytical approach for examining emotion through bodily interaction.
In vision-based augmented-reality (AR) environments, users view the physical world through a video feed or device that augments the display with a graphical or informational overlay. Our goal in this manuscript is to ask how and why these new technologies create opportunities for learning. We suggest that AR is uniquely positioned to support learning through its ability to support students in developing “conceptual blends”—which we propose extend beyond cognitive spaces to include the layering of multiple ideas and physical materials, often supplied by different conversation participants. We document one case study and trace how the narrative structure of a board game, the physical floor materials (e.g. linoleum), a student’s first-person embodied experiences, the third-person live camera feed, and the augmented-reality symbols become integrated in the activity. As a result, students’ conceptualization of force and friction become fused with a diverse set of intellectual resources. We conclude by suggesting that the framework of liminal blends may inform the design of future AR learning environments and in particular help generate predictions about the ways in which the juxtaposition of certain resources may otherwise produce unexpected results.
Vygotsky's work on the development of scientific concepts in childhood, as set forth in Thought and Language, is placed against the backdrop of his life. His ideas on the interrelationship between spontaneous everyday concepts and nonspontaneous scientific concepts, the interdependence of thought and language, and the relationship between school instruction and mental development are outlined and illustrated through examples. Differences between the theoretical positions of Vygotsky and Piaget are explored and recent work that extends and applies a Vygotskian sociocultural perspective to educational issues is summarized. Implications of this perspective for research and practice are discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Advancements in handheld computing, particularly its portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and individuality, open new opportunities for immersive learning environments. This article articulates the pedagogical potential of augmented reality simulations in environmental engineering education by immersing students in the roles of scientists conducting investigations. This design experiment examined if augmented reality simulation games can be used to help students understand science as a social practice, whereby inquiry is a process of balancing and managing resources, combining multiple data sources, and forming and revising hypotheses in situ. We provide 4 case studies of secondary environmental science students participating in the program. Positioning students in virtual investigations made apparent their beliefs about science and confronted simplistic beliefs about the nature of science. Playing the game in "real" space also triggered students' preexisting knowledge, suggesting that a powerful potential of augmented reality simulation games can be in their ability to connect academic content and practices with students' physical, lived worlds. The game structure provided students a narrative to think with, although students differed in their ability to create a coherent narrative of events. We argue that Environmental Detectives is I model for helping students understand the socially situated nature of scientific practice.
A perspective about science education is developed which has implications for the design of interactive learning technologies. Current philosophical work concerning the interpretative nature of scientific inquiry is reviewed as a context for discussing the situation of the child in developing scientific understanding. This view of learning ernphasizes the relationships among informal understanding, conceptual change, and enculturation into modes of scientific discourse. A prototype software system for supporting scientific inquiry processes in students is described.
Science Through Technology Enhanced Play: Designing to Support Reflection Through Play and Embodiment
  • J A Danish
Danish, J.A. et al. (2015). Science Through Technology Enhanced Play: Designing to Support Reflection Through Play and Embodiment. In S. Ludvigsen & O. Lindwall (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Gothenburg, Sweden: International Society of the Learning Science.
Learning technologies and the body: Integration and implementation in formal and informal learning environments (pp. 39e54)
  • R Lindgren
Lindgren, R. (2015). Getting into the cue: Embracing technology-facilitated body movements as a starting point for learning. In V. R. Lee (Ed.), Learning technologies and the body: Integration and implementation in formal and informal learning environments (pp. 39e54). New York, NY: Rutledge.
Learning to attend and observe: Parent-child meaning making in the natural world (Doctoral dissertation
  • A M Marin
Marin, A. M. (2013). Learning to attend and observe: Parent-child meaning making in the natural world (Doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University).
Thought and language (A. Kozulin
  • L Vygotsky
Vygotsky, L. (1986). Thought and language (A. Kozulin, Trans.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Designing outdoor learning spaces with iBeacons
  • H T Zimmerman
  • S M Land
  • C Maggiore
  • R W Ashely
  • C Millet
Zimmerman, H. T., Land, S. M., Maggiore, C., Ashely, R. W. & Millet, C. (2016). Designing outdoor learning spaces with iBeacons: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference for the Learning Sciences.