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Abstract and Figures

Increasing dependency on wireless technologies has spawned a telecommunications industrial revolution with increasing public exposure to broader and higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit data through a variety of devices and infrastructure. A massive 5G interconnected telecommunications network, however, the expansion of broadband with shorter wavelength radiofrequency radiation highlights the concern that health and safety issues remain unknown. Controversy continues with regards to harm from current 2G, 3G, and 4G wireless technologies. 5G technologies are far less studied for human or environmental effects. It is argued that the addition of this added high-frequency 5G radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome both from both physical and mental health perspectives. In this paper, the harmful effect of 5G radiation is discussed for various verticals such as health, environmental issues, privacy, thermal etc.
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Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, 24th March, 2019, Bengaluru, India
1,2UG Students, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru-107,
Karnataka, India
3Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology,
Bengaluru-107, Karnataka, India
Abstract - Increasing dependency on wireless technologies has spawned a telecommunications industrial revolution with
increasing public exposure to broader and higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit data through a
variety of devices and infrastructure. A massive 5G interconnected telecommunications network, however, the expansion of
broadband with shorter wavelength radiofrequency radiation highlights the concern that health and safety issues remain
unknown. Controversy continues with regards to harm from current 2G, 3G, and 4G wireless technologies. 5G technologies
are far less studied for human or environmental effects. It is argued that the addition of this added high-frequency 5G
radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome both from both
physical and mental health perspectives. In this paper, the harmful effect of 5G radiation is discussed for various verticals
such as health, environmental issues, privacy, thermal etc.
Keywords - Public Health Issues; Environmental Issue; Thermal Effects; SAR
The use of mobile wireless technologies continues to
increase worldwide. A new faster 5th generation (5G)
telecommunication system has recently been
approved by the Federal Communications
Commission(FCC) with new antennas which is
already being installed and tested. While it may give
us uber automation and instantaneous “immersive
entertainment” a lot of questions remain with regards
to public health and safety of wireless devices. 5G
will include the higher millimeter wave frequencies
never before used for internet and communications
technology. The 5G deployment proposes to add
frequencies in the microwave spectrum in the low-
(0.6 GHz – 3.7 GHz), mid- (3.7GHz 24 GHz), and
high-band frequencies (24 GHz and higher) for faster
As these higher frequencies do not travel far and are
blocked by buildings, this system will have to use a
dense network of fixed antennae outdoors every 300
meters as well as indoor systems. This radiation, like
the 2G, 3G, 4G telecommunications systems, has not
had pre-market testing for long term health effects
despite the fact that people will be exposed
continuously to this microwave radiation. Fig 1.
Shows the low-frequency cell to MMW cell with a
frequency range for wireless communication.
Fig. 1. Frequency cells used for wireless communication
Millimeter waves (MMWs) are mostly absorbed
within 1 to 2 millimeters of human skin and in the
surface layers of the cornea. Thus, the skin or near-
surface zones of tissues are the primary targets of the
radiation. Since skin contains capillaries and nerve
endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted
through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through
the nervous system.
2.1 5G radiations are Carcinogenic
5G high spectrum range can leads mutation of cells
and induces tumors which might later become cancer.
Exposure to the 5G radiation increases the production
of ROS. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a normal
part of cellular processes and cell signaling.
Overproduction of ROS that is not balanced with
either endogenous antioxidants (superoxide dismutase
(SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase
(GPx), glutathione (GSH), melatonin), or exogenous
antioxidants (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, carotenoids,
polyphenols) allows the formation of free radicals
that oxidize and damage DNA, proteins, membrane
lipids and mitochondria.
Mitochondrial doesn’t have histones has a result of
which it can’t repair DNA damage and is not
protected from mitochondrial reactive oxygen species
(Görlach et al., 2015). Excess ROS is produced due to
radiation exposure, have been associated with
exposure to toxic chemicals, pesticides and metals
(Abdollahi et al., 2004; Sharma et al., 2014: Drechsel
and Patel, 2008). Oxidative damage from ROS has
been increasingly linked to the development and/or
exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases and
cancer. Fig.2 depicts the formation of cancer due to
Harmful Effects of 5G Radiations: Review
Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, 24th March, 2019, Bengaluru, India
Fig2.1 formation of cancer due to radiation
2.2 Effect on Skin
A number of experiments have shown that surface
effects of low-intensity MMW can be quite
substantial, inducing a number of biological changes,
even at nonthermal levels, including cell membrane
effects. short term application of certain frequencies
stimulates a release of endogenous opioids in the
skin. It appears that the 95 GHz MMW range affects
the cutaneous nociceptors and act as a threatening
stimulus without heating or thermal damage.
Researchers have proposed the sweat glands as a
target. Feldman et al. (2008;2009) demonstrated that
the sweat ducts in human skin are helically shaped
tubes, filled with a conductive aqueous solution.
Their research indicates that sweat ducts in the skin
could behave as antennas and thus respond to
millimeter waves.
2.3 Effects on Eyes
Cataract has remained a leading cause for blindness.
There is a particular concern for 5G applications as
the eyes would also receive significant radiation
especially for near field exposures. Well established
risk factors in the development of cataracts are age,
smoking, diabetes, and UVB exposure. Research is
pointing towards oxidative damage as a general
mechanism for age-related cataracts. Ellwein and
Urato, 2002). Well established risk factors in the
development of cataracts are age, smoking, diabetes,
and UVB exposure. Research is pointing towards
oxidative damage as a general mechanism for age-
related cataracts (Spector, 1995; Ye et al., 2001;
Abraham et al., 2006). Microwave radiation is also a
known cause of cataracts with heat being an
undisputed mechanism. The eyes lack sufficient
blood flow to dissipate heat effectively. There is
some evidence that repeated low-level exposures to
microwave radiation could cause cataracts but
researchers agree that more studies are needed.
Fig.2.3 Cataract affected the eye 2.4 Effects on Immune System
5G spectrum might also induce electromagnetic
sensitivity. Electromagnetic sensitivity has the
following characteristics headaches, insomnia,
dizziness, nausea, lack of concentration, heart
palpitations, and depression.
Research work took for the effect of radiation at
higher frequency band analyzed by the different
researcher (worked on mice) shown in table 2.4.1
Year Observation
Kolomytseva 2002 Exposing healthy mice to low- intensity extremely
high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR, 42.0
GHz, 0.15 mW/cm2 , 20 min daily). The study showed 50%
suppression of phagocytic activity of neutrophils after a single
exposure to MMW radiation with the authors noting a profound
effect on nonspecific immunity.
Lushnikov 2003 Investigate cell-mediated immunity and nonspecific
inflammatory response in mice exposed to
low-intensity extremely high-frequency
electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR, 42.0 GHz, 0.1
Harmful Effects of 5G Radiations: Review
Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, 24th March, 2019, Bengaluru, India
mW/cm2, 20 min daily)
Gapeev 2003 Investigate low-intensity extremely high- frequency
MMH electromagnetic radiation in vivo causes
effects on spatial organization of chromatin in cells
of lymphoid organs. Chromatin is a complex of DNA
and proteins that forms chromosomes within the
nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
2.5 Neurological effects
When the nervous system or the brain is disturbed, by
EMR, morphological, electrophysiological, and
chemical changes can occur. A significant change in
these functions will inevitably lead to a change in
behavior. Indeed, the neurological effects of EMR
reported in the literature include changes in blood-
brain-barrier, morphology, electrophysiology,
neurotransmitter functions, cellular metabolism,
calcium efflux, responses to drugs that affect the
nervous system.
Birds and other wildlife are disappearing from areas
that are saturated with 4G “non-ionizing” radiation.
The horrific manmade frequencies emanating from
our devices are literally killing innocent living
creatures or causing them to flee en masse. Mankind
is next. No life form will be able to withstand 5G for
any amount of time. Its presence in our world is a
genocidal, murderous attack against Creation.
3.1 Effects on plants
In 2010, a study on aspen seedlings determined
exposure to radio frequencies caused leaves to exhibit
necrosis symptoms, while Armenian-based trials
revealed low-intensity millimeter waves invoke
peroxidase (a stress protein in plants) isoenzyme
spectrum changes of wheat shoots. In the present
work, the influence of EMI EHF on peroxidase total
activity and isoenzyme spectrum in wheat seedling
cells has been investigated.
Fig 3.1 5G radiation effect on plants
3.2 Effects on Wildlife
Since 3G technology has arrived, there have been
increased reports of birds abandoning their nests as
well as health issues like plumage deterioration,
locomotion problems, reduced survivorship, and
death,” says researcher Alfonso Balmori. Bird species
that are affected by these low levels, non-ionizing
MMWave radiation are the House Sparrows, Rock
Doves, White Storks, Collared Doves, and Magpies,
among others. But it’s not just the birds. The
declining bee population is also said to be linked to
this non-ionizing EMF radiation. It reduces the egg-
laying abilities of the queen leading to a decline in
colony strength.
There has been an incident in Netherlands because of
an 5G experiment 287 birds were killed in november
1) When EM radiation is absorbed, it is converted
into heat. A readily understandable mechanism
of the effect of radiation is tissue heating
(thermal effect). Biological systems alter their
functions as a result of a change in temperature.
When electromagnetic radiation is incident on
the matter, it causes the charged particles to
oscillate and gain energy. The ultimate fate of
this energy depends on the situation. It could be
immediately re-radiated and appear as scattered,
reflected, or transmitted radiation. It may also get
dissipated into other microscopic motions within
the matter, coming to thermal equilibrium and
manifesting itself as thermal energy in the
2) Intense radio waves can thermally burn living
tissue and can cook food. In addition to infrared
lasers, sufficiently intense visible and ultraviolet
lasers can also easily set paper afire. Ionizing
electromagnetic radiation can create high-speed
electrons in a material and break chemical bonds,
but after these electrons collide many times with
other atoms in the material eventually most of
Harmful Effects of 5G Radiations: Review
Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, 24th March, 2019, Bengaluru, India
the energy gets downgraded to thermal energy,
this whole process happening in a tiny fraction of
a second.
3) The inverse or time-reversed process of
absorption is responsible for thermal radiation.
The resulting radiation may subsequently be
absorbed by another piece of matter, with the
deposited energy heating the material. Radiation
is an important mechanism of heat transfer.
Fig 4.1 Ionising and Non-ionising Spectrum
The rate at which radiation is absorbed by the human
body is measured by specific absorption rate (SAR),
measured in units of watts per kg (W/kg) of tissue. If
the heat generated is small, the body’s
thermoregulatory mechanism can dissipate it without
causing adverse effects. If the temperature exceeds
this capacity, about 1 to 2 degree Celsius, tissue
damage may occur. Every mobile phone comes with
a SAR rating (although some manufacturers try to
hide it). Regulating agencies has set its maximum
levels for handsets. Radiations depend on its design,
antenna, how it is held and used. Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Committee on Man and Radiation, national and
international organizations have established safety
guidelines for exposure to RF energy. Testing has
shown a wide range in radiation exposure to the user
of various brands and models of cellular phones. The
SAR values of a few cell-phone models are tabulated:
Sl No. Model Series SAR(W/Kg)
Phoenix 4
Risio 3 1.0
X Power 3 1.0
Xpression Plus
Aristo 2 Plus
TA-1 1.019
3 Vivo
Mobilstar C1 Shine
G S10+
Mi 9
Table 5.1 SAR Values for the different cellular model
5.2 FCC Exposure limits for 5GMMWave
SAR levels are used for cell phones, tablets, and other
handheld wireless devices to determine regulatory
compliance. For millimeter wavelength devices and
infrastructure power density above 6 GHz (FCC) and
above 10 GHz (ICNIRP) needs to be measured with
power density (FCC, 1997; Wu et al., 2015a) This is
due to the higher energy absorption in a shallow area
that causes heating more rapidly resulting in much
higher SAR levels.
The FCC maximum permissible exposure (MPE) in
terms of power density for frequencies between 1.5
and 100 GHz is 10 mW/cm2 over a 30 min period
(FCC, 1997; Romanenko et al., 2014). Heat generated
is a concern in handheld devices for 5G but is still
considered the only valid measure of harm, no
biological cellular alterations are considered (Wu et
al., 2015a).
In this era of evolving communication technologies, it
has more disadvantages than the advantages, and it
has become life-threatening as well. In 5G
technology, MMWave is giving high data rates and
making everything IOT connected, which can be
considered as a positive point but the hazardous
effects of 5G MMWave on human health and wildlife
is not negligible, if we try to decrease the effects by
considering the value of SAR then 5G technology can
be considered as fruitful.
[1] Belyaev, Igor, 2005. Non-thermal biological effects of
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[2] Bernier, R.H., 2017. What constitutes a public health
problem? Epimonitor
Harmful Effects of 5G Radiations: Review
Proceedings of IRAJ International Conference, 24th March, 2019, Bengaluru, India
_H ealth_Issues.htm.
[3] Birks, L., Guxens, M., Papadopoulou, E., Alexander, J.,
Ballester, F., et al., 2017. Maternal cell phone use during
pregnancy and child behavior problems in five birth cohorts.
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology.
Environ. Health Perspect.
[4] CDC 2017. Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion. CDC. June 2017
[5] EPA, 1993. US EPA Office of Air and Radiation and Office
of Research and Development: Summary of Results of the
April 26–27, 1993.
[6] Radiofrequency Radiation conference. Analysis of Panel
Discussions. Volume 1. March 1995
[7] FCC Letter 5G Americas, 2016. FCC Filing 14-177 5G
Americas. Posted 10/3/16.<
g/1093077796003/document/10930777 96003462f>
[8] Vardevanyan PO, Nerkararyan AV, Shahinyan MA (2013).
Influence of low intensity coherent electromagnetic
millimeter waves on growth and peroxidase total activity of
wheat germs. J. of Exp. Biol. and Agricult. Sci., 1(1): 39-44.
[9] Allison SD, Schultz JC (2004). Differential activity of
peroxidase isozymes in response to wounding, gypsy moth
and plant hormones in northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.).
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 30(7): 1363-1379.
[10] Karpets YV, Yastreb TO, Oboznii AI, Kolupaev YE (2009).
Activity and thermostability of antioxidant enzymes of roots
of wheat seedlings after eczogene effect of hydrogen
peroxide. Vestnik of Kharkov National Agrarian University,
Series Biology, (In Russian), 17(2): 62-70.
... The conscious rate at which energy is consumed by the human body when introduced to a radio frequency electromagnetic (EM) field is the express standard for dependability (SAR). [4][5] The SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), gauges the RF power consumed by the human body tissue. SAR is also depicted as the power consumed by the tissue per unit mass and is assessed in watts per kilogram (W/kg). ...
... Water was used to achieve equivalent water content as the tissue. [4][5][6] For adults, a resonation range for most outrageous maintenance is logical between 30 to 100 MHz considering the way that the body perspectives and recurrence of the field are in a comparative huge degree to the implied getting wire influence, which happens when the body level matches half of the recurrence. Recently, how much spread of the RF energy is consumed in a youngster's head because of the utilization of a PDA has been a touchy issue. ...
... After every step of equating, we get these equations: (5) In terms of distance d, d ...
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The advancement of cell phone correspondence design on the planet has further developed, leading to public worry over conceivable medical problems and openness to radio recurrence of electromagnetic energy produced from the cell base stations. The miniature strip fixes receiving wire display a huge job in electromagnetic energy communicating and getting conditions in a cell phone. In day-today existence, people are impacted by the electromagnetic radiations produced from cell base stations. Because of the intricacy of the human body structure, the estimation of the impact of the radiation is so troublesome. Two central points are predominantly considered among different elements while considering the impact of radiation from cell base station, they are specific absorption rate (SAR) and skin depth (SD). The specific absorption rate (SAR) and skin depth (SD) are straightforwardly registered as more complicated. In this paper, we assess the mathematical investigation of the SAR and SD concerning the genuine utilization of working recurrence of the cell phone for 4G/LTE correspondence. To start the model, MATLAB recreation devices were utilized and the result from that model was dissected results were contrasted hypothetically and with different scientists.
... The main requirement of MIMO massiveness is deployment of many antenna arrays for a certain band of operation in order to meet the multiple data access from the network used. [15][16][17]. Beamforming is a system which guides, the greater part of signs created from a variety of communicate receiving antenna to a planned precise course [18][19][20]. In particular, beamforming sends a similar image over each communicate radio wire with a constant stimulating factor which helps to enhance the receive low level signals. ...
... The securing strategies for CSI in mm Wave with substantial MIMO incorporate shaft preparing and channel assessment. Pillar preparing evades the assessment of a highlayered channel lattice by choosing that entire shaft, and channel assessment could utilize compacted detecting or brain organization to gauge a high-layered channel framework to get a more precise CSI [16][17][18][19]. The signal reconstruction exhibit due to the presence of numerous antenna used for reception which help to strengthen the signals. ...
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Fifth Era (5G) Innovation is a new age of versatile organizations. In this paper, assessments in versatile correspondence innovation are introduced. In every development, numerous difficulties were confronted that were caught with the assistance of cutting edge portable organizations. Among every one of the beforehand existing versatile organizations, 5G gives a high velocity web office, whenever, anyplace, for everybody. 5G is marginally unique because of highlights, for example, interconnecting individuals, and controlling gadgets, items, and machines. 5G versatile framework will bring different degrees of execution and capacity, which will act as new client encounters and interface new ventures. The mm-Wave beamforming configuration lessens the expense and power utilization which is lined up with an energy-productive plan vision of 5G. In this paper, we track the advancement in crossover beamforming for enormous MIMO correspondences with regards to framework models of the half breed handsets' designs, the computerized and simple beamforming lattices with the conceivable radio wire arrangement situations and the mixture beamforming in heterogeneous network (HetNET). This article gives a brief description about key enablers to enhance the beamforming in 5G network.
... As illustrated in Fig. 10, there is some evidence that repeated low-level microwave radiation exposure can develop cataracts. Other effects, like Neurological, Thermal and Nonthermal, have been shown [38]- [43]. ...
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As the range of customers in cellular era are increasing at a geometrical rate, the call for and complexity of the provider is rising, making sure within side they want for cellular operators to migrate the provider using difficulty to their core technology with the intention to switch extra information with excessive speed. The 5G cell networks is that the consequences of this paradigm shift and is currently being deployed in advanced nations regardless of the reality that they might be able to put in force 6G cell networks. However, maximum of the growing nations in addition to Bangladesh ( Middle-earnings country) are, or will be, the usage of 3G or 4G cellular networks of late for which the general position is not but complete. In this study, it is now exploring how a lot emphasis can be positioned on setting up the 5G cell networks in Bangladesh in addition to health effect of 4G and upcoming 5G cellular networks. At first take note of display that there may be capability for tackling foremost technological demanding situations in Bangladesh while putting in place the 5G cellular networks. The numerous protection factors of 5G cellular networks were provided that is an ongoing hassle and Bangladesh goes to technologically ready to deal with many protection issues of it. At the same time, it has been proven that the context of the usage of 5G networks in Bangladesh is relevant at present. As a result, putting in place the 5G networks in Bangladesh will take now not than expected. Finally, the outcomes of the usage of 4G, 5G cellular networks on human health had been presented.
... Radio Frequency (RF) can cause pollution, which leads to further health risks (Farooq et al. 2017;GSMA 2019), causing many diseases such as cancer and DNA damage (Farooq et al. 2017). The high spectrum of 5G can affect people's heath and may lead to cancer (Verma et al. 2019). A group of scientists, doctors, environmental organizations, and citizens has agreed that 5G will increase RF, which is harmful to life and can damage DNA, cells, and organ systems (Vivian et al. 2018). ...
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The era of mobile communication has changed the way people live and rapidly increased the number of connected devices. The world has benefited from many services and applications enabling connectivity. Many technologies will emerge in the future, and new features must be implemented that current mobile communication will be unable to handle. 5G is a promising mobile communication that enables these services and applications and contributes to people’s lives by providing many services in different domains. This research aims to investigate 5G from several perspectives. A systematic literature review defines the types of 5G technologies and their capabilities, outlines 5G business models and applications, determines the main dangers posed by 5G, and introduces the 5G market shares. Technologies currently emerging are meeting many challenges in their implementation, and this study identifies those facing the implementation of 5G, such as network, security, and other challenges, to lay a foundation for academia and industry.
... Verma [7] conducted research on the harmful effect of 5G radiation for various verticals such as health, environment issue, privacy, and thermal effects. The research shortcoming is that only review exercise was carried out and no implementation was done to solve the highlighted problems. ...
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The advent of 5G has improved greatly the speed of data transmission in wireless mobile technology. On the other hand, it has put society in suspense due to ailments that came along with its deployment. Many attributed the emission of 5G radiation as the main cause of cancer today and that has led to the writing of this article paper. The research study employed a machine learning technique that is based on an artificial neural network in modeling the 5G wireless technology. MATLAB, Simulink was used to analyze the absorption and penetration level of 5G electromagnetic energy pattern into biological tissue Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). Our research result revealed that the energy produced by 5G radiation at the non-ionizing region of the electromagnetic spectrum is small and cannot break into the chemical bonds of biological tissue Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) or cause changes to cells that will result in either cancer or viral disease.
... Verma [7] conducted research on the harmful effect of 5G radiation for various verticals such as health, environment issue, privacy, and thermal effects. The research shortcoming is that only review exercise was carried out and no implementation was done to solve the highlighted problems. ...
Full-text available
The advent of 5G has improved greatly the speed of data transmission in wireless mobile technology. On the other hand, it has put society in suspense due to ailments that came along with its deployment. Many attributed the emission of 5G radiation as the main cause of cancer today and that has led to the writing of this article paper. The research study employed a machine learning technique that is based on an artificial neural network in modeling the 5G wireless technology. MATLAB, Simulink was used to analyze the absorption and penetration level of 5G electromagnetic energy pattern into biological tissue Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). Our research result revealed that the energy produced by 5G radiation at the non-ionizing region of the electromagnetic spectrum is small and cannot break into the chemical bonds of biological tissue Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) or cause changes to cells that will result in either cancer or viral disease.
Conference Paper
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As the world pushes toward the utilization of greener innovation and limits energy squander, energy productivity in remote organizations has gotten more basic than any other time in recent memory. The cutting edge network, for example, 5G, are being intended to improve energy productivity and accordingly establish a basic part of the exploration and network planning. The 5G Green era required to convey a wide scope of administrations that incorporates upgraded versatile broadband, gigantic machine-type correspondence and ultra-dependability, and low inertness. Presently various difficulties and open doors for the plan of modern client affiliation instruments. Thus, considerable examination endeavors are committed to the issues of client relationships in HetNets, massive MIMO,mmWave, and energy harvesting. The paper further discussed the new security highlights including various innovations applied to 5G Green Communication, such as heterogeneous networks, gadget to- gadget interchanges or D2D Communication, enormous different info numerous yield, programming characterized networks, and the Internet of Things(IoT).
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Technology plays a very vital roles in the growth of the economy of any nation. Hence, information communication channel needs to be very strong for timely delivery of information and growth of any country. Mobile technology is the backbone of communication channel in any country who has incorporated it. Since 1980 mobile communication is very popular mode of communication and researches are going on in this area since that time. Starting from the first generation mobile network to fifth generation mobile network, every nation wants to enhance their information communication technology infrastructures in aspect of communication. The 5G mobile technology is subject of debate now a day. Still, most of the countries are in the race for adopting this technology and are ignoring its adverse effects on human health and environments. 5G mobile technology uses millimetre waves and higher frequency band 6 GHz to 100 GHz for communication. Initially, there was appeal made in United Nation Council and later in European Union against the launch of 5G, which was signed by more than three hundred scientists and doctors, stating that the 5G mobile technology is not good for environment. Various research has been conducted regarding the adverse effects of RF-EMF waves, which are generated by cell towers, on human health and environment. 5G uses very dense infrastructure and there is evidence that the RF-EMF radiation level is very strong in fifth generation mobile technology as compare to previous mobile technologies. Hence, the current study is focused on reviewing the impact of 5G mobile technology on flora and fauna Kingdome.
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The study presents the 5g deployment and health implication: a review. The study entails holistic research into various studies involving 5g deployment and health implication. The new parameters of 5g were highlighted; they include Millimeter Wave (mmWave), beamforming, massive MIMO and micro Cell Network. This range of frequency deployed is Non-Ionizing Radiation (NIR), which implies that it does not change the human body chemistry, but it can increase the thermal effect. The Millimeter waves are affected by tall buildings and foliage and it required a series of closely place base station, called micro-cell and with an increase in rooftop antennas. Based on different studies reviewed, it is observed that 5g does not cause immediate health damage to the human body. However, the thermal effect could be associated with millimetre-wave frequency radiation, especially with prolong calls and usage of mobile devices. Finally, the effect of millimetre-wave frequency radiation for 5g has not been ascertained.
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The aim of this paper is to overview the diverse biological effects of non-thermal microwaves (NT MWs) and complex dependence of these effects on various physical and biological parameters. Besides dependencies on frequency and modulation, the available data suggest dependencies of the NT MW effects on intermittence and coherence time of exposure, polarization, static magnetic filed, electromagnetic stray field, genotype, gender, physiological and individual factors, cell density during of exposure and indicate that duration of exposure may be not less important than power density (PD) for the NT MW effects. Further evaluation of these dependencies are needed for understanding the mechanisms by which NT MWs affect biological systems, planning in vivo and epidemiological studies, developing medical treatments, setting safety standards, and minimizing the adverse effects of MWs from mobile communication.
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We measured total peroxidase activity and the activities of peroxidase isoforms in leaves of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings exposed to wounding and plant hormones in the greenhouse. Activity of specific peroxidase isoforms was induced differentially by gypsy moth wounding, mechanical wounding, and the wound-associated plant hormone jasmonic acid. Activity of one isoform was enhanced modestly by treatment with salicylate. A study of peroxidase activity in naturally occurring galls elicited on red oak leaves by 12 hymenopteran and dipteran insect species found 16 POD isoforms, 11 of which were differentially induced or suppressed in galls compared with leaves. In both studies, total peroxidase activity as measured spectrophotometrically was not clearly related to activity of these isoforms. These results indicate that red oak seedlings and trees may respond specifically to wounding, particular insects, and plant signals through changes in the activities of individual isozymes.
US EPA Office of Air and Radiation and Office of Research and Development: Summary of Results of the
EPA, 1993. US EPA Office of Air and Radiation and Office of Research and Development: Summary of Results of the April 26-27, 1993.
Radiofrequency Radiation conference
Radiofrequency Radiation conference. Analysis of Panel Discussions. Volume 1. March 1995
Influence of low intensity coherent electromagnetic millimeter waves on growth and peroxidase total activity of wheat germs
  • P O Vardevanyan
  • A V Nerkararyan
  • M A Shahinyan
Vardevanyan PO, Nerkararyan AV, Shahinyan MA (2013). Influence of low intensity coherent electromagnetic millimeter waves on growth and peroxidase total activity of wheat germs. J. of Exp. Biol. and Agricult. Sci., 1(1): 39-44.
Activity and thermostability of antioxidant enzymes of roots of wheat seedlings after eczogene effect of hydrogen peroxide
  • Y V Karpets
  • T O Yastreb
  • A I Oboznii
  • Y E Kolupaev
Karpets YV, Yastreb TO, Oboznii AI, Kolupaev YE (2009). Activity and thermostability of antioxidant enzymes of roots of wheat seedlings after eczogene effect of hydrogen peroxide. Vestnik of Kharkov National Agrarian University, Series Biology, (In Russian), 17(2): 62-70.
What constitutes a public health problem? Epimonitor (AccessedSept30
  • R H Bernier
Bernier, R.H., 2017. What constitutes a public health problem? Epimonitor (AccessedSept30,2017).〈 _H ealth_Issues.htm〉.