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Abstract and Figures

Savanna ecosystems contribute ~30% of global net primary production (NPP), but they vary substantially in composition and function, specifically in the understory, which can result in complex responses to environmental fluctuations. We tested how understory phenology and its contribution to ecosystem productivity within a longleaf pine ecosystem varied at two ends of a soil moisture gradient (mesic and xeric). We used the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of the understory and ecosystem productivity estimates from eddy covariance systems to understand how variation in the under-story affected overall ecosystem recovery from disturbances (drought and fire). We found that the mesic site recovered more rapidly from the disturbance of fire, compared to the xeric site, indicated by a faster increase in NDVI. During drought, understory NDVI at the xeric site decreased less compared to the mesic site, suggesting adaptation to lower soil moisture conditions. Our results also show large variation within savanna ecosystems in the contribution of the understory to ecosystem productivity and recovery, highlighting the critical need to further subcategorize global savanna ecosystems by their structural features, to accurately predict their contribution to global estimates of NPP.
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The role of understory phenology and productivity in the carbon
dynamics of longleaf pine savannas
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487 USA
Tall Timbers Research Station, 13093 Henry Beadel Dr., Tallahassee, Florida 32312 USA
Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Newton, Georgia 39870 USA
Citation: Wiesner, S., C. L. Staudhammer, C. L. Javaheri, J. K. Hiers, L. R. Boring, R. J. Mitchell, and G. Starr. 2019. The
role of understory phenology and productivity in the carbon dynamics of longleaf pine savannas. Ecosphere 10(4):
e02675. 10.1002/ecs2.2675
Abstract. Savanna ecosystems contribute ~30% of global net primary production (NPP), but they vary
substantially in composition and function, specically in the understory, which can result in complex
responses to environmental uctuations. We tested how understory phenology and its contribution to
ecosystem productivity within a longleaf pine ecosystem varied at two ends of a soil moisture gradient
(mesic and xeric). We used the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of the understory and
ecosystem productivity estimates from eddy covariance systems to understand how variation in the under-
story affected overall ecosystem recovery from disturbances (drought and re). We found that the mesic
site recovered more rapidly from the disturbance of re, compared to the xeric site, indicated by a faster
increase in NDVI. During drought, understory NDVI at the xeric site decreased less compared to the mesic
site, suggesting adaptation to lower soil moisture conditions. Our results also show large variation within
savanna ecosystems in the contribution of the understory to ecosystem productivity and recovery, high-
lighting the critical need to further subcategorize global savanna ecosystems by their structural features, to
accurately predict their contribution to global estimates of NPP.
Key words: drought; re; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; net ecosystem production; prescribed re; savanna
Received 4 September 2018; revised 20 February 2019; accepted 26 February 2019. Corresponding Editor: Dawn M.
Copyright: ©2019 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Understory vegetation is thought to play a key
role in carbon dynamics of ecosystems across the
globe. Uncertainties exist, however, regarding
the total carbon found in this vegetation strata
(Johnson et al. 2017, Refsland and Fraterrigo
2017), and these uncertainties are expected to
increase as climatic extremes become more com-
mon and severe (IPCC 2014). These shifts in cli-
mate, particularly drought, will have a direct
effect on ecosystem structure (both understory
and overstory), function (phenology and physiol-
ogy), and ultimately their management strategies
(Rich et al. 2008, Becknell et al. 2015). Quantify-
ing phenological changes and understory carbon
dynamics is particularly difcult using coarse
remote sensing techniques due to the canopy
variation in forests and/or uneven sensor
obstruction (Picotte and Robertson 2011). Fur-
thermore, critical variation of the understory
occurs at ne (110 m
) spatial scales (Hiers et al.
2009, Starr et al. 2015). This is especially the case
for savanna and woodland ecosystems where 1April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
canopies can be relatively open and less uniform,
and therefore harder to classify using coarse spa-
tial scales of satellite-derived remote sensing
products (Patenaude et al. 2004, Simard et al.
2011, Smith et al. 2014).
Understanding savanna structure and function
is critically important, as savannas cover ~15% of
the global land surface (Ma et al. 2013) and con-
tribute ~30% to global net primary production
(NPP, Field et al. 1998, Fei et al. 2017), thus repre-
senting a signicant portion of the global carbon
cycle (Bombelli et al. 2009). Nevertheless,
savanna ecosystems vary across the globe based
on their underlying geology and regional climates
(Bond et al. 2003, Vaughn et al. 2015). Differences
among and within savannas often result in com-
plex responses to environmental uctuations
en et al. 2016, Starr et al. 2016). For
example, savanna ecosystems were shown to
exhibit different responses to drought, even
within the same region (Starr et al. 2016). This
nding has been linked to variations in soil water-
holding capacity, which in turn has led to varia-
tions in plant functional types among sites
(Vaughn et al. 2015). Differences in plant func-
tional types can drive changes in phenological
patterns, as well as differential response to distur-
bances (Rich et al. 2008, Bernhardt-R
et al. 2011, Wu et al. 2016). Thus, inclusion of site-
specic phenology is extremely important in
making accurate predictions regarding physio-
logical patterns and ecosystem carbon dynamics.
These patterns, however, are poorly represented
in global dynamic vegetation models and are a
source of systematic errors in regional to global
scale model predictions (Boke-Ol
en et al. 2016).
Complicating our understanding of ecosystem
carbon and energy dynamics is the fact that dis-
turbance events result in differing responses
between the understory and the overstory (Rich
et al. 2008). The understory in forests and wood-
lands can contribute roughly 3050% to the
annual carbon uxes of an ecosystem (Powell
et al. 2008, Bracho et al. 2012). However, this
response varies across the landscape and may
change with increasing frequencies of the distur-
bance (Mitchell et al. 2014). A study on North
American savannas revealed that the understory
was more capable of rapidly utilizing newly
available resources following a prolonged
drought compared to the overstory (Rich et al.
2008). This rapid shift to resource availability off-
set the whole ecosystem decline in function and
accelerated recovery from the disturbance (Rich
et al. 2008). In contrast, Ma et al. (2013) showed
that increasing temporal variability in phenology
coincided with decreasing treegrass ratios,
which suggest that higher woody fractions in the
understory promote higher stability and resili-
ence to future climate change. Collectively, these
studies highlight the inuence of site-specicabi-
otic and biotic factors that drive savanna over-
story and understory phenological patterns and
ultimately the ecosystems carbon dynamics.
Savanna understory vegetation also plays a
key role in enabling the efcient spread of sur-
face res through these ecosystems, which main-
tains the ecosystems structure and function
(Barlow et al. 2015). With a bare or patchy
understory, re would not effectively spread
across the oor and therefore enable the expan-
sion of woody shrubs (Mitchell et al. 2006), lead-
ing to a shift in the ecosystem structure (Peterson
and Reich 2007), and hence a shift in ecosystem
carbon dynamics. Changes in structure can also
precipitate declines in biodiversity (Walker and
Peet 1984) which further alter the carbon cycling
in savanna ecosystems (Mitchell et al. 1999, Kirk-
man et al. 2016a). However, the degree to which
res interact with understory regrowth, espe-
cially during drought, has yet to be fully under-
stood. How re alters the overall carbon uxes of
the ecosystem, as a function of understory
regrowth, varies substantially across different
ecosystems. A study conducted in a longleaf pine
ecosystem found that physiological activity and
hence productivity returned to pre-re levels
only 3060 d post-re (Starr et al. 2015). A sepa-
rate study in a mixed longleaf slash pine forest in
north central Florida (USA) suggested that 70%
of understory N and C pools are consumed by
managed burns, but recover within three years
post-re (Lavoie et al. 2010). These studies, how-
ever, were short in naturefollowing a single
re cycle, showing the need for longer term
observations to cover greater environmental con-
ditions and multiple re cycles.
Longleaf pine savannas of the southeastern
United States are ideal for these studies since
their canopies are open and dominated by lon-
gleaf pine, Pinus palustris (Mill.), while their
understories host a remarkably high quantity of 2April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
species when compared to other temperate
ecosystems (Walker and Peet 1984, Kirkman
et al. 2004). Up to 50 species per m
can be
found within the understory, mostly on poorly
drained soil (Walker and Peet 1984, Kirkman
et al. 2001), whereas drier and sandier soils often
have lower biodiversity in the understory
(Goebel et al. 2001, Kirkman et al. 2001). The rel-
ative species diversity in longleaf pine savannas
is often attributed to differences in nutrient
availabilities in the soil, as more mesic sites usu-
ally have higher proportions of clay in the soil,
which has been shown to drastically lower nutri-
ent availability (Metz 1952, Christensen 1977,
Pellegrini 2016).
Quantifying understory phenology, as a func-
tion of differences in understory composition,
and its contribution to regional and global car-
bon budgets can be tedious and time-consuming
and may even be problematic (Johnson et al.
2017). However, the Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI; Boke-Ol
en et al. 2016)
has been demonstrated to be advantageous in
determining the magnitude of ecosystem carbon
and energy uxes (Potter 1999), as well as in
quantifying understory phenology (Glenn et al.
2008). For example, NDVI has been used to
extract phenophases (greenup, maturity, senes-
cence, and dormancy; Zhang et al. 2003) and pre-
dict leaf phenological patterns (Xu et al. 2014) for
temperate deciduous trees. NDVI was also suc-
cessfully used to quantify phenology patterns at
FLUXNET sites; however, the accuracy
depended on the plant functional types present
at each site (Balzarolo et al. 2016). Other studies
have used NDVI estimates to quantify food
availability and nutritional quality for avian her-
bivores, showing that using handheld instru-
ments to measure NDVI had a higher accuracy
compared to satellite-derived measures (Hogrefe
et al. 2017).
The spatial resolution of NDVI measures is
critical for interpretation of ecological relevance.
Studies have found that utilizing temporal and/or
spatial resolutions that are too coarse lowers pre-
diction accuracy when studying interannual phe-
nological patterns or biomass productivity (Gatis
et al. 2017). The course nature of satellite-derived
NDVI measures in evergreen forests has been
shown to be a better measure of ecosystem struc-
ture and function, rather than gross ecosystem
productivity (GEP; Restrepo-Coupe et al. 2016).
These studies highlighted the usefulness of
NDVI measures and its limitations with respect
to coarse spatial scales. This underlines the need
for increased use of ground-based remote sens-
ing techniques, especially when site-specic char-
acteristics play an important role in the
productivity of the ecosystem of interest
(Hogrefe et al. 2017).
Using sub-canopy remote sensed products, the
overall objective of this study was to determine
the contribution of understory phenology to
ecosystem CO
uxes at the ends of a soil mois-
ture gradient with respect to prescribed re and
seasonal drought. We used monthly understory
NDVI measurements to quantify productivity at
two longleaf pine sites representing the ends of
this gradient (mesic and xeric). We hypothesized
that (1) the xeric site would recover more rapidly
from drought as it evolved under lower soil
moisture conditions; (2) re would lower under-
story NDVI at both sites, with the mesic site
understory recovering more rapidly post-re due
to higher soil water availability; and (3) under-
story NDVI would be associated with increased
ecosystem productivity at both sites, with the
xeric site exhibiting greater inuence of the
understory on overall carbon uxes due to its
more open canopy.
Study site
The study was conducted from August 2011
through to March 2016 in southwest Georgia,
USA (31.2201°N, 84.4792°W), within the South-
eastern Coastal Plain, at the Joseph W. Jones Eco-
logical Research Center (JWJERC; Fig. 1). The
area receives on average 1310 mm of rain annu-
ally and is climatically categorized as humid sub-
tropical (Christensen 1981, Goebel et al. 2001).
The long-term average monthly air temperatures
range from 9.6°C to 27.6°C in January and July,
Locations for this study were established in
two sites that represent the xeric and mesic ends
of an edaphic gradient in longleaf pine ecosys-
tems at the JWJERC and are located ~5.0 km
from one another (Fig. 1; Kirkman et al. 2001).
The xeric site was characterized by deep sandy
soils classied as typic quartzipsamments 3April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
without an argillic horizon in the upper 300 cm
of soil, with a water-holding capacity of approxi-
mately 18 cm of water per meter of soil, because
of the high porosity and underground drainage
in the soil (Goebel et al. 2001, Kirkman et al.
2001). The mesic site had a soil composition that
consisted of sandy loam that rested on top of
either clay or sandy clay loam soils. The mesic
Fig. 1. Land cover map of the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center in southeast Georgia, USA, showing
the (A) mesic and (B) xeric sites. Blue circles show eddy covariance tower locations, and orange circles are the
tower footprints at the three sites. 4April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
site soils were not well drained and characterized
as arenic paleudults. The argillic horizon of these
soils was within ~95 cm, and the water-holding
capacity was 40 cm per m of soil in the upper
300 cm (Goebel et al. 2001, Kirkman et al. 2001).
The relatively small discrepancies between the
site characteristics contributed to a large distinc-
tion between the sitesspecies composition and
vegetation structure (Kirkman et al. 2001).
Both sites were comprised of an open longleaf
pine canopy in the overstory and wiregrass (Aris-
tida beyrichana Trin.) in the understory, while the
composition of secondary species varied by site
(Kirkman et al. 2001). Both ecosystems were
woodland systems with basal areas of 11.1 and
18.4 m
/ha at the xeric and mesic sites, respec-
tively, of which ~18% were oak trees at the xeric
site versus 6% at the mesic site. Due to differ-
ences in soil drainage, understory species rich-
ness was signicantly higher at the mesic site
compared to the xeric site (Kirkman et al. 2016a).
The understory of the xeric site, however, had a
higher density of native hardwoods relative to
the mesic site, with the scrub oak species Quercus
laevis Walt. and Quercus margaretta Ashe found
most prevalently. The mesic site had a lower con-
centration of oaks present, and instead, a higher
population of common persimmon Diospyros vir-
giniana L. found most frequently in the under-
story (Goebel et al. 2001). The overstory leaf area
index (LAI) for the mesic site ranged from 0.65 to
1.1 m
, while at the xeric site, it ranged from
0.22 to 0.65 m
(Addington et al. 2006,
Wright et al. 2013). Both the mesic and xeric sites
have been thoroughly described in previously
published works by Mitchell et al. (1999), Kirk-
man et al. (2001), Ford et al. (2008), and Starr
et al. (2015).
Four productivity plots, 50 950 m in size,
were established prior to this study at each site.
These plots were located within the ux footprint
of each sites eddy covariance tower (~500 m
radius from the tower). Understory composition
at both sites was estimated annually during each
fall within the four plots, with the exception of
2014 and 2016, due to a change in the sampling
protocol from annual measurements to 2-yr mea-
surement cycles in 2013. The understory biomass
was estimated using 0.75-m
clip plots. A plot
frame was randomly tossed from each of seven
litter trap positions, which had been previously
established within the plots at the two sites,
resulting in a total of 28 replicates at each site.
Where the frames touched the forest oor, all live
and dead vegetation smaller than 1 meter in
height was clipped and brought to the laboratory
for analyses. The vegetation was then classied
by growth form into forbs, ferns, legumes, other
grasses, and woody plants. The biomass from
the plots was then dried to a constant weight.
Drought indices
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for
the study period was obtained from the National
Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
and the National Centers for Environmental
Information (NCEI), Ashville, North Carolina,
USA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Department of Commerce n.d.).
The index describes severity of a drought on a
scale from 5to+5, where more negative num-
bers indicate more severe drought. The index is
computed using air temperature, rainfall, and
soil moisture measurements at climate stations
around the globe (Palmer 1965, Dai et al. 2004).
Prescribed burns
The two sites were burned frequently prior to
the study, averaging a two-year re return inter-
val since 1994 with the last burn prior to the
study occurring in 2009. During our study, the
sites experienced 3 burns, during springs of 2011,
2013, and 2015. Strip head res were set every
3050 m (depending on the local re conditions
at the time of the burn) starting downwind of the
management unit and moving upwind (Hiers
et al. 2009). No damage to overstory trees was
recorded following the prescribed res, and as
res typical to this surface re regime are low
intensity (OBrien et al. 2016), ame heights are
typically below 2 m, thus unable to reach over-
story crowns which are on average 23 m above
the forest oor (Robertson and Ostertag 2007,
Varner et al. 2007, Whelan et al. 2013). While the
two study sites had prescribed res on a two-
year cycle, there was no control site that was
absent of prescribed res, due to rapid ecosystem
movement toward an alternative stable state
when deprived of prescribed res (OBrien et al.
2010). If prescribed re is withheld for as little as
4 yr, the ecosystem structure, composition, and
function change (Kirkman et al. 2013). 5April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
In addition to data collected describing under-
story vegetation composition, we sampled
aboveground litter and understory biomass
before and after the res, using methods
described in Ottmar et al. (2007). The number of
clip plots sampled at the two sites varied from 10
to 20, such that a standard error of the mean of
~15% was achieved (Whelan et al. 2013). In 2011,
2013, and 2015, we collected aboveground bio-
mass within two weeks pre- and post-re using
paired 0.75-m
clip plots at the mesic and xeric
sites (Table 1). Clip plots at both sites were
located along a transect and sampled every 25 m
starting at the base of each ux tower and
extending within the ux footprint (~500 m) in
the direction of the prevailing wind (Whelan
et al. 2013). Harvested clip plot litter and bio-
mass were dried to a constant weight and mass,
and fuel consumption was calculated as the dif-
ference of pre-burn and post-burn dry weight
(Whelan et al. 2013).
NDVI measurements
Understory NDVI was measured monthly
using a Tetracam ADC camera attached to a tri-
pod, which was placed consistently at 1.60 m
above each subplot for each measurement.
Because the xeric site was spatially more com-
plex than the mesic site, four plots were estab-
lished within the footprint at the xeric site,
whereas the mesic site was sufciently repre-
sented by only three plots. In both sites, four 1-
subplots were located 10 m from the center of
each plot, one in each of the four cardinal direc-
tions (north, east, south, and west). Because the
camera eld of view could not span the entire
, four pictures were taken in each of the four
subplot corners, which were processed electroni-
cally and averaged during the post-processing
procedure. Before each subplot measurement,
the camera was calibrated using a white Teon
calibration chip, to account for changes in reec-
tive values due to weather conditions. Post-pro-
cessing was performed using the Pixelwrench II
software (Tetracam, Chatsworth, California,
USA), which calculates understory NDVI from
the red (Red) and near-infrared (NIR) reectance
values of each image as
Ecosystem flux measurements
Eddy covariance towers, positioned at each
site, measured net ecosystem exchange of CO
(NEE), as well as meteorological variables such
as rainfall, air temperature (T
), and photosyn-
thetic active radiation (PAR) above the canopy
(Whelan et al. 2013). In addition, soil moisture
(SWC) and soil temperature, as well as ground
heat ux, were measured in a soil array adjacent
to the tower. NEE was measured via an
open-path eddy covariance method through a
simplication of the continuity equation and
converted from lmolm
to g C/m
30 min. Missing half-hourly data were gap-lled
using separate functions for NEE during day-
time and nighttime. When photosynthetically
active radiation (PAR) was 10 lmolm
daytime NEE data were gap-lled using a
MichaelisMenten approach, and when PAR was
<10 lmolm
, nighttime NEE data were
gap-lled using a modication of the Lloyd and
Taylor (1994) approach, both on a monthly basis.
Where too few observations were available to
produce stable and biologically reasonable
parameter estimates, annual equations were used
to gap-ll data by site. Gross ecosystem exchange
(GEE) was calculated from the difference of
NEE and ecosystem respiration (R
) as GEE =
. NEE, GEE, and R
were then
summed up to monthly estimates. Daytime R
was estimated using nighttime gap-lling equa-
tion to partition NEE. A detailed explanation of
the equipment and ux processing method can be
found in Starr et al. (2016) and Whelan et al.
(2013). Finally, we converted NEE and GEE to net
ecosystem productivity (NEP) and gross ecosys-
tem productivity (GEP), where positive values
Table 1. Understory biomass and fuel consumption
pre- and post-prescribed burns in 2011, 2013, and
2015 at the mesic and xeric sites.
Year Site
Dry weight
Dry weight
2011 Mesic 1052.2 334.9 717.3
Xeric 780.5 425.7 354.8
2013 Mesic 957.7 523.5 434.2
Xeric 937.0 917.6 19.4
2015 Mesic 1643.1 440.8 1202.3
Xeric 1808.1 668.0 1140.1 6April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
indicate C uptake by the ecosystem and negative
values C release to the atmosphere.
Statistical analysis
Prior to the analysis of NDVI and ecosystem
uxes, we formulated simple linear mixed models
to quantify differences in SWC, T
between the two sites, using site, year, re-cycle
time (FCT), and their interactions as independent
variables. The factor FCT was included to describe
the amount of time that had passed since pre-
scribed burning. Following Whelan et al. (2013),
FCT1,2,and3correspondedtotherst, second,
and third 28 d following re, respectively. These
categories comprised spring and the beginning of
summer. FCT 4 and 5 represented the next 140
and further 225 d following FCT 3, encompassing
late summer and fall. Pre-re (pf) indicated the
time before the next re (~10 months). We used
the lme function from the package nlme in R ver-
sion 3.4.3 (R Core Team 2013), including a ran-
dom effect to account for monthly repeated
measurements and the subplot design, as well as
an autocorrelations structure to account for the
correlation between adjacent time points.
We then estimated linear mixed models for
each of the response variables: monthly mean
NDVI and monthly sums of NEP, GEP, and R
For the NDVI model, we included xed effects
for site, PDSI, FCT, mean monthly PAR, and
mean SWC, as well as the interactions of site
with PDSI and FCT, FCT and PAR, and FCT.
The NEP, GEP, and R
models included xed
effects for year, month, FCT, site, PDSI, and the
interactions of site with FCT, PDSI, and NDVI,
as well as the interaction between FCT and
NDVI. Mean PAR and SWC were also included
as xed effects in these models. We also tested
the models using T
instead of PAR, which
resulted in similar trends of the response vari-
ables, as well as similar AIC (Akaike informa-
tion criterion) values. We could not include both
variables as their high correlation (>0.8) would
have led to multicollinearity in the independent
variables. We chose PAR for our nal models to
quantify changes in NDVI and ecosystem uxes
in response to changes in incoming energy. For
each response variable, we used a modied
backward selection criterion to choose the best,
most parsimonious model. Non-signicant
(P>0.05) variables were eliminated, as long as
it resulted in a lower (better) AIC value. Where
interactions were signicant, the underlying
simple effects were retained in the model
regardless of signicance. We examined the nat-
ure of signicant differences of all interactions
using the lsmeans function in R (Lenth 2016),
whereby marginal means are computed holding
all other independent variables at their average
Annual rainfall was ~800 mm during 2011 and
2012 (Fig. 2A), lowering the PDSI (Fig. 2A) to
<4. Annual rainfall sums increased to
~1500 mm during 2013, which lead to an
increase in PDSI to >0, followed by another
decrease during 2015 (Fig. 2A). Soil moisture
was signicantly lower at the xeric site compared
to the mesic site for all years and levels of FCT.
Additionally, SWC was signicantly lower at
both sites during the drought (Fig. 2B), while
SWC returned to pre-drought levels at the end of
2012 as rainfall recovered (Fig. 2A). Mean
monthly PAR decreased during the wetter years,
but this difference was not signicant (Fig. 2C).
Average PAR was signicantly higher at the xeric
site (by ~3060 lmolm
) compared to the
mesic site for all years except 2015, when
PAR was signicantly higher at the mesic site (by
15 lmolm
). Furthermore, PAR was signi-
cantly higher at the xeric site compared to the
mesic site for all levels of FCT, except for pre-re.
Values of T
were higher (>30°C) during 2011
and then decreased below 30°C during summer
of the following years (Fig. 2D). Understory
NDVI during the growing season in 2011 was
lower at both sites with gradual increases in sub-
sequent years (Fig. 3A) and further increases in
the summer months of 2014 and 2015. During
winter months, NEP and GEP were lower at the
xeric site compared to the mesic site (Fig. 2B, C).
decreased slightly at both sites during 2015,
but GEP was only slightly lower during the win-
ter months of that year (Fig. 3D).
Understory NDVI phenology under drought and
Forbs, grasses, and wiregrass comprised a
greater proportion of the understory at the mesic
site, specically outside of drought years, 7April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
whereas woody understory species were more
abundant at the xeric site, especially during the
drought (Fig. 4).
Model results indicated that NDVI varied signi-
cantly by site, but its effect depended on SWC, PAR,
PDSI, and time since re (FCT). Pre-re (pf) under-
story NDVI was slightly higher at the mesic site
(~0.48), compared to the xeric site (~0.43, Table 2,
Fig. 5). Following the prescribed re, NDVI at the
xeric site decreased during FCT 1 (~0.26). How-
ever, no signicant change was observed from
FCT 1 through FCT 3 (2854 d post-re, Fig. 5A).
NDVI at the mesic site also decreased to ~0.41
0.43 during FCT 1 and FCT 2, followed by an
increase in FCT 3 to ~0.47 and a further increase
during FCT 4 to 0.66, which was signicantly dif-
ferent from NDVI during FCT 2 (Fig. 5). During
FCT 5, NDVI at the mesic site signicantly
decreased to 0.53. NDVI at the xeric site signi-
cantly increased during FCT 5 (~0.66), followed
by a signicant decrease in FCT 5 to ~0.42.
NDVI signicantly decreased with an increase
in PDSI at both sites, with less of a decrease at the
xeric site (Fig. 5B). In addition, the xeric site had
signicantly lower NDVI for all levels of PDSI.
NDVI signicantly decreased for the levels of
FCT 5 and pre-re but showed no signicant
change for FCT 13, when average PAR increased
to 500 lmolm
. For the interaction of FCT 4
and PAR, NDVI signicantly decreased by ~0.5
when PAR increased, but exceeded 1, when PAR
was below 100 lmolm
(Fig. 5). NDVI
decreased by 0.3 with increases in SWC (from
17% to 24%), but these effects were not signi-
cantly different by site.
Understory NDVI effects on NEP
Net ecosystem productivity was signicantly
different by site and was driven by NDVI, FCT,
PAR, time since re, and PDSI (Table 3). The
mesic site NEP signicantly decreased with
increases in NDVI compared to the xeric site
Fig. 2. Monthly (A) summed rainfall (mm) and Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), that is, gray line with its
corresponding y-axis on the right-hand side of panel (A), mean (B) soil water content (SWC; %), (C) photosynthetic
active radiation (PAR; lmols
), and (D) air temperature (T
;°C) from August 2011 through March 2016. 8April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
Fig. 3. Monthly (A) mean values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and summed (B) net
ecosystem productivity (NEP), (C) gross ecosystem productivity (GEP), and (D) ecosystem respiration (R
from August 2011 through March 2016. Arrows indicate the time of prescribed re at the mesic and xeric
Fig 4. Annual understory live biomass by plant type at the mesic and xeric sites from 2011 to 2015. 9April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
(Fig. 6A, Table 3). Monthly NEP was signi-
cantly lower at the xeric compared to the mesic
site pre-re but increased (greater carbon uptake)
following the re (Fig. 6B). NEP at the mesic site
signicantly increased following the res during
FCT 1 and 2 (up to 40 g C/m
per month). Fol-
lowing FCT 2, NEP decreased at the mesic site to
values similar to those of the xeric site (2010 g
per month). Both sites were weaker carbon
sinks when drought increased (Fig. 6C). NEP sig-
nicantly increased when PDSI moved toward
zero, with the mesic site being a greater carbon
sink than the xeric site.
As NDVI increased, so did NEP during FCT 2
and FCT 3, which was statistically signicant.
During FCT 4, the opposite pattern was
observed, where higher NDVI resulted in lower
NEP (Fig. 6D). Photosynthetically active radia-
tion signicantly increased the carbon sink
strength at both sites, with no signicant differ-
ence between the mesic and xeric sites (Fig. 7A).
Understory NDVI effects on GEP
Similar to that of NEP, there was a signicant
difference in GEP by site which was correlated
with NDVI, FCT, and PDSI (Table 3). There was
also a signicant effect of NDVI with FCT and a
simple effect of PAR, which was not signicantly
different by site (Table 3). When NDVI was
below 0.5, monthly GEP at the mesic site was sig-
nicantly higher (160 g C/m
per month) than
the xeric site (145 g C/m
per month). When
NDVI (>0.75) increased, GEP decreased slightly
at the mesic site, but increased at the xeric site
such that it had higher productivity than the
mesic site (Fig. 8A).
Preceding the prescribed burn GEP was not
signicantly different at the xeric site, and this
persisted through FCT 2, although NDVI was
lower (Fig. 8B). During FCT 3, GEP increased
from 140 to 160 g C/m
per month at the xeric
site, which then remained at that rate for FCT 4
and FCT 5. The mesic site experienced a slight
decrease in GEP during FCT 1, followed by an
increase to approximately 170 g C/m
month and a steep decrease in GEP during
FCT 3 and FCT 4 (140 g C/m
per month).
Then, in FCT 5, the mesic site increased its pro-
ductivity to roughly 155 g C/m
per month.
Higher NDVI signicantly increased GEP
Table 2. Type 3 tests of xed effects for the model of
the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Effect v
value df P-value
(Intercept) 43.59 1 <0.0001
PDSI 1.042 1 0.307
Site 47.17 1 <0.0001
FCT 18.58 5 0.002
SWC 68.57 1 <0.0001
PAR 19.84 1 <0.0001
Site:FCT 36.06 5 <0.0001
Site:SWC 115.98 1 <0.0001
PDSI:Site 5.42 1 0.0198
Notes: df, degrees of freedom (numerator). P-value
corresponds to chi-squared statistic with df.
Fig. 5. Least square mean values of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) by site and (A) re-cycle
time (FCT) and (B) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI; 5 to 5), and by (C) FCT and photosynthetic active
radiation (PAR). Error bars indicate 1 standard error (SEM). FCT 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the rst, second, and
third 28 d following re. FCT 4 and 5 represented the next 140 and further 225 d following FCT 3. Pre-re (pf)
indicated the time before the next re (~10 months). 10 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
during pre-re, and FCT 2 and 3, but decreased
its magnitude during FCT 4 across both sites
(Fig. 8D). Interestingly, GEP increased with
decreasing PAR and PDSI at both sites (Figs. 7B
and 8C).
Understory NDVI effects on R
Model results indicated that R
was signi-
cantly different by site and also depended on
PDSI, FCT, and NDVI. Increases in understory
NDVI increased R
at the mesic site, but only
slightly changed the magnitude of R
at the
xeric site. These changes in R
, however, were
not signicant across NDVI levels (Fig. 9A). R
was signicantly lower at the mesic site for all
levels of NDVI, compared to the xeric site.
Fire affected R
differently by site (Fig. 9B).
signicantly decreased at the mesic site,
following the re during FCT 1 (122 g C/m
month), slightly increased during FCT 2 (127 g
per month) and decreased further during
FCT 3 and 4 (~120 g C/m
per month). R
at the
xeric site decreased only slightly during FCT 12,
followed by an increase to ~145 g C/m
month during FCT 3 and 4. The mesic site
increased its R
during FCT 5, back to ~135 g
per month, whereas the xeric site decreased
to ~140 C/m
per month. Negative values of
PDSI increased R
at both sites. However, this
was more pronounced at the xeric site (Fig. 9C).
For levels of PDSI >3, both sites had monthly
rates of ~120 g C/m
per month, with signi-
cantly higher rates at the xeric site throughout
this study. Increases in PAR signicantly
decreased the magnitude of R
, with no signi-
cant difference by site (Fig. 7C).
Our study demonstrates that understory vege-
tation in longleaf pine ecosystems plays a com-
plex role in patterns of carbon uptake and
release. The understory phenology and composi-
tion contribute signicantly to the overall pro-
ductivity of this ecosystem. More importantly,
our results reveal that site characteristics play a
critical role in how understories mediate ecosys-
tem recovery from drought and prescribed re.
We show that changes in understory biomass
(higher NDVI) signicantly affected GEP during
recovery from re. We found increased photo-
synthetic capacity between two and three
months after the res when understory biomass
was high. However, this relationship shifted after
four months, resulting in a decrease in photosyn-
thetic activity when NDVI was greater (Jurik
1986, Hikosaka 2005). This altered response high-
lights the need to incorporate understory phenol-
ogy when studying ecosystem recovery and
resilience in open forest stands. It further demon-
strates that the capacity of ecosystems to seques-
ter carbon depends on changes in understory
biomass over the course of the year (Chen et al.
For example, minor decreases in GEP at the
mesic site occurred with increasing NDVI indi-
cated that the understory contributed less to GEP
and that the overstory was the primary driver of
ecosystem productivity at the site (Yang et al.
Table 3. Type 3 tests of xed effects for the models of
net ecosystem productivity (NEP), gross ecosystem
productivity (GEP), and ecosystem respiration
Model Effect v
value df P(>v
NEP NDVI >0.01 1 0.965
FCT 61.91 5 <0.0001
PDSI 2.28 1 0.131
PAR 97.80 1 <0.0001
Site 1229.33 1 <0.0001
NDVI:Site 102.33 1 <0.0001
PDSI:Site 22.98 1 <0.0001
NDVI:FCT 13.21 5 0.022
FCT:Site 311.50 5 <0.0001
GEP NDVI 2.69 1 0.101
FCT 57.93 5 <0.0001
PDSI 0.49 1 0.482
PAR 15.08 1 <0.0001
Site 705.64 1 <0.0001
NDVI:Site 53.22 1 <0.0001
PDSI:Site 3.87 1 0.049
NDVI:FCT 13.16 5 0.022
FCT:Site 552.07 5 <0.0001
NDVI 9.37 1 0.002
FCT 13.50 5 0.019
PDSI 1.59 1 0.208
SWC 2.49 1 0.115
PAR 447.69 1 <0.0001
Site 70.56 1 <0.0001
NDVI:Site 9.80 1 0.002
PDSI:Site 122.72 1 <0.0001
FCT:Site 466.00 5 <0.0001
Notes: df, degrees of freedom (numerator). P-value
corresponds to chi-squared statistic with df. 11 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
2017). This resulted in lower photosynthetic
capacity at the site when NDVI was high, com-
pared to the xeric site, as it is dominated by lon-
gleaf pine and grass species in the understory
(~30%; Wiesner et al. 2018). Furthermore,
biomass and leaf area were higher at the mesic
site, compared to the xeric site, suggesting less
solar radiation was reaching the understory,
which in turn could decrease productivity rela-
tive to the xeric site (Starr et al. 2016). Even
Fig. 6. Least square mean values of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) by site and (A) Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI), (B) re-cycle time (FCT), and (C) the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), and by
(D) FCT and NDVI. Error bars indicate 1 standard error (SEM). FCT 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the rst, second,
and third 28 d following re. FCT 4 and 5 represented the next 140 and a further 225 d following FCT 3. Pre-re
(pf) indicated the time before the next re (~10 months).
Fig. 7. Least square mean values of (A) net ecosystem productivity (NEP), (B) gross ecosystem productivity
(GEP), and (C) ecosystem respiration (R
) across levels of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). Error bars indi-
cate 1 standard error (SEM). 12 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
though basal area, leaf area, and understory
NDVI were lower at the xeric site, R
higher with lower NDVI. These ndings were
likely a result of greater maintenance respiration
of the oak dominated overstory during dor-
mancy (Amthor 1984, Wu et al. 2014). In addi-
tion, the understory at the xeric site had a
proportionally higher contribution to the ux of
Fig. 8. Least square mean values of gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) by site and (A) the Normalized Vege-
tation Difference Index (NDVI), (B) re-cycle time (FCT), and (C) the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), and
by (D) NDVI and FCT. Error bars indicate 1 standard error (SEM). FCT 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the rst,
second, and third 28 d following re. FCT 4 and 5 represented the next 140 and further 225 d following FCT 3.
Pre-re (pf) indicated the time before the next re (~10 months).
Fig. 9. Least square mean values of R
by site and (A) the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI),
(B) re-cycle time (FCT), and (C) the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). Error bars indicate 1 standard error
(SEM). 13 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
GEP, compared to the mesic site. This effect was
a result of higher abundance of woody species in
the understory and therefore higher photosyn-
thetic activity during peak NDVI, as broadleaved
shrubs and trees are known to have higher pho-
tosynthetic capacity compared to grasses and
coniferous trees (Weaver and Mogensen 1919,
Klein et al. 2013, Renninger et al. 2015).
We show that longleaf pine savannas are resili-
ent to the disturbance of re and drought, as a
result of their ability to rapidly mobilize non-
structural carbohydrates when photosynthate
supply is low, in agreement with a previous
study conducted at our sites (Aubrey and Teskey
2018). However, we found that the magnitude
and timescale of recovery was site-dependent.
The mesic site recovered more rapidly from the
disturbance of re, possibly as a result of a
higher species diversity in the understory (Kirk-
man et al. 2016b), which increases the potential
of certain understory species to rescue ecosystem
function (Elmqvist et al. 2003, Starr et al. 2015,
Wiesner et al. 2018). Understory NDVI and NEP
at the mesic site increased substantially more
during the rst three months following the re,
indicating rapid plant regrowth in the under-
story, potentially as a result of more readily avail-
able nutrients following the re (Lavoie et al.
2010). This is supported by a previous study con-
ducted at these sites, which found increased soil
respiration primarily at the mesic site for two
months after prescribed re. Our ndings and
the ndings from Wiesner et al. (2018) suggest
that more rapid understory plant biomass
regrowth at the mesic site increased respiration
rates, as a result of higher maintenance and
growth respiration. The grass dominated under-
story at the site also likely accelerated its recov-
ery time, as grasses make use of stored and
available resources more rapidly compared to
woody species (Brewer 2011). Furthermore,
higher soil moisture conditions at the site
enabled faster resource acquisition (White et al.
2016), which enhanced plant biomass regrowth
in contrast to the xeric site.
On the contrary, lower understory NDVI at the
xeric site following the re was likely a function
of lower fuel consumption compared to the
mesic site. Due to higher heterogeneity of the
understory vegetation on xeric sites, re did not
spread as uniformly (Duncan et al. 2015). This
would also contribute to smaller magnitude in
biomass regrowth following the res (Pinno and
Errington 2016), as reected in the ecosystem
uxes compared to the mesic site. Even though
average N mineralization levels in the upper
soils were found to be higher at xeric sites (Bor-
ing et al. 2004), the heterogeneity in re effects
may have resulted in lower nutrient availability
within the upper soil layers post-re, compared
to the mesic site. Furthermore, similar N mineral-
ization rates at mesic and xeric sites below the
upper soil surface (<15 cm), as well as higher
SWC and higher root biomass at the mesic site
(Hendricks et al. 2006), would enable greater
nutrient availability and uptake (Lavoie et al.
2010). Moreover, sandy soils at the xeric site can
promote leaching of nutrients (Nguyen and
Marschner 2013), thereby decreasing nutrient
availability and thus plant regrowth.
However, the xeric site experienced a substan-
tial increase in NDVI, GEP, and R
48 months
following the prescribed burns. High R
GEP at the xeric site were indicative of the sea-
sonal increase in greenness and therefore meta-
bolic activity of deciduous oaks (Jurik 1986,
Hikosaka 2005, Powell et al. 2005), thereby
increasing growth respiration, as more recent
photosynthates were invested into bud and leaf
expansion (Keel and Sch
adel 2010, Alla et al.
2013, Kuster et al. 2014, Herrmann et al. 2015).
In support of this notion, we found a decrease in
NEP for increasing NDVI during that time, sug-
gesting that more plant biomass in the under-
story increased respiration. In contrast, three
months following the burn, R
was lower at the
mesic site, but GEP continued to decrease for
FCT 4, which also resulted in lower carbon sink
capacity at the site. A similar response for the
mesic and xeric sites was found in Whelan et al.
(2013), who showed that the base respiration rate
decreased at the mesic site but increased at the
xeric site following the res. Another explanation
for lower metabolic activity at the mesic site dur-
ing FCT 4 and 5 was that average T
was higher
(>20°C) compared to T
for FCT 13(<20°C, evi-
dent from Fig. 2D), which would cause stomata
to close to conserve water (Gonzalez-Benecke
et al. 2011, Samuelson et al. 2012). For example,
longleaf pine trees were shown to decrease their
growth rates in response to warmer summer
temperatures (Foster and Brooks 2001), whereas 14 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
oak species are more resistant to higher T
anisohydric response; Roman et al. 2015).
Understory species at the xeric site were
shown to be less drought resilient compared to
those of its overstory. Even though the xeric site
is chronically exposed to lower soil moisture con-
ditions, we found that understory NDVI was sig-
nicantly lower for all levels of PDSI compared
to the mesic site, showing that understory spe-
cies were not able to thrive at the level of that of
the mesic site under drought conditions. How-
ever, the magnitude of NDVI change (i.e., slope
of the regression) was lower at the xeric site
when severity of drought increased, indicating
that plant functional types at the site could buffer
drought conditions more effectively (Coble et al.
2017, Granda et al. 2018), such that understory
NDVI decreased by half as much as at the mesic
site. In addition, overall ecosystem productivity
at xeric sites was shown to recover more rapidly
from drought (Starr et al. 2016), compared to
more mesic sites, which was the result of
drought-resistant plant species in the over- and
understory (Wright et al. 2013). Oak components
have been shown to increase climate resilience
on xeric sites by facilitating longleaf pine regen-
eration (Loudermilk et al. 2016). We also showed
that differences in site productivity during
drought were mainly governed by differences in
photosynthetic activity, such that the xeric site
had similar levels of R
over the range of PDSI
but could not maintain similar levels of GEP,
compared to the mesic site.
In this study, the variation in phenology of the
understory vegetation played an important role
in the ecosystems response to disturbance. The
effects of prescribed re on NEP and post-re
recovery were mediated not only by site type but
also by interactions with variation in climate
(PDSI). The ability to sustain relatively high pho-
tosynthetic capacity (and respiration) during
drought at both sites has profound consequences
in relation to future changes in climate, if
droughts become more severe and frequent
(IPCC 2014). However, prolonged drought could
change the system from a carbon sink to a
source, as R
would increase over GEP, which
may lead to carbon starvation or hydraulic fail-
ure, depending on the severity of the event
(McDowell 2011, Zeppel et al. 2011, Klein 2015).
Furthermore, severe drought could cause a shift
in ecosystem structure, as a consequence of the
inability to manage these systems with pre-
scribed re, as drier conditions limit prescription
options for managers (Mitchell et al. 2014,
Chiodi et al. 2018).
Future climate scenarios for the Southeastern
Coastal Plain include more frequent extreme
weather events, such as hurricanes and severe
droughts, as well as differences in the amount
and timing of precipitation (IPCC 2014). Longleaf
pine ecosystems have been hypothesized to exhi-
bit higher resistance to these projected changes,
leading to renewed efforts for their restoration.
The success of these efforts will bring to the fore-
front the importance of accurate and unbiased
estimates of their NEP.
Our results demonstrate large differences
within savanna ecosystems in the contribution of
the understory to ecosystem productivity and
recovery, highlighting the critical need to evalu-
ate how variation in savanna structure affects
their contribution to global estimates of NPP.
Furthermore, the inclusion of site-specic phe-
nology would improve predictions regarding
physiological patterns and ecosystem carbon
dynamics, as represented in global dynamic veg-
etation models (Boke-Ol
en et al. 2016). Further
studies are needed to quantify these differences
to fully understand how multiple disturbances
interact over a range of structural variations in
savanna ecosystems across the globe.
Understory phenology and re are critical
drivers of productivity in many ecosystems
globally. We demonstrated that understory con-
tribution to ecosystem uxes is not uniform
across environmental gradients within a savanna
ecosystem, which affected ecosystem recovery
times and overall productivity at the sites. As
wildre activities increase under changing
climate (Westerling et al. 2006) and ecosystem
management efforts increasingly focus on savanna
ecosystems (Brudvig 2011, Noss et al. 2015),
understanding climate and re controls on under-
story carbon assimilation across edaphic variation
will be critical for understanding ecosystem
For the longleaf pine savannas in this study,
xeric sites characterized by lower overstory 15 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
density were shown to have higher contributions
of the understory to overall ecosystem uxes,
which increased their carbon sink capacity when
understory NDVI was high. Native hardwood
components to the understory of xeric sites
exerted strong inuence of phenological patterns
observed in this study. More mesic and more pro-
ductive sites experienced lower variability in
ecosystem uxes, as a result of the overstory dom-
inating ecosystem uxes, due to high basal and
leaf area.
Site recovery from re disturbance was context
specic to interannual rainfall. For example,
understories at more mesic sites recovered more
rapidly from prescribed res, which increased
their carbon sink potential. In contrast, xeric sites
showed little changes in NDVI and therefore
NEP, GEP, and R
following the res, which
resulted in little change in their sink capacity. In
contrast, xeric site understories were less affected
by drought, but did not improve overall ecosys-
tem recovery from the disturbance.
Savanna ecosystems do not exhibit uniform
ecosystem productivity and recovery from dis-
turbance as a result of variations in structure
from the underlying geology, which should be
incorporated in global classications of savanna
porating site variations within savanna ecosystems
to accurately predict ecosystem function and recov-
ery from disturbances. Our results demonstrate
the need for more ne-scale studies, especially in
ecosystems with large structural variations, to
accurately predict global carbon uxes.
The authors thank the Forest Ecology Laboratorys
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Andres Baron-Lopez, and Scott Taylor, for data collec-
tion and provision during the study at the Joseph W.
Jones Ecological Research Center. CS and GS acknowl-
edge support from the U.S. National Science Founda-
tion (DEB EF-1241881 and EF-1702996).
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475. 20 April 2019 Volume 10(4) Article e02675
... Disturbances can shift the balance of NPP among vegetation layers directly by disproportionately removing vegetation from certain layers, and indirectly by changing resource availability and competitive interactions (Alaback, 1982;Hart & Chen, 2006;Miller et al., 2011). Although canopy productivity often dominates ecosystem productivity (Gower et al., 2001;Misson et al., 2007;Nilsson & Wardle, 2005;Tait & Schiel, 2018;Wiesner et al., 2019), intermittent or sustained disturbances to upper vegetation layers can promote understory NPP that rivals that of the canopy, with cascading community and ecosystem effects (Alaback, 1982;Hart & Chen, 2006;Lloyd et al., 2008;Miller et al., 2011;Nilsson & Wardle, 2005). For example, storms periodically reduce forest aboveground NPP by destroying trees, but create canopy gaps that increase light and boost herbaceous understory NPP, thereby altering decomposition (Kennard et al., 2020;Muscolo et al., 2014;Royo & Carson, 2006). ...
... Moreover, across a variety of ecosystems, most investigations have not achieved the long durations needed to determine how canopy and understory NPP change over the multiple cycles of disturbance and recovery that occur when disturbance regimes shift in frequency or severity (Donohue et al., 2016;Haddad et al., 2002;Knapp et al., 2012). Hence, the potential for understory vegetation to compensate for sustained losses of canopy productivity under intensified disturbance regimes is largely unknown, particularly for systems with large, complex canopies (House et al., 2003;Reich et al., 2001;Wiesner et al., 2019). ...
... By their sheer size and superior access to resources, canopy-forming species are often highly productive and exert strong control over ecosystem productivity (Gower et al., 2001;Misson et al., 2007;Nilsson & Wardle, 2005;Tait & Schiel, 2018;Wiesner et al., 2019). By extension, disturbances that disproportionately damage the canopy, such as severe winds, fire, ice storms and large waves (Dayton et al., 1992;Reich et al., 2001;Roberts, 2004), should have direct negative effects on ecosystem productivity. ...
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Disturbances often disproportionately impact different vegetation layers in forests and other vertically stratified ecosystems, shaping community structure and ecosystem function. However, disturbance‐driven changes may be mediated by environmental conditions that affect habitat quality and species interactions. In a decade‐long field experiment, we tested how kelp forest net primary productivity (NPP) responds to repeated canopy loss along a gradient in grazing and substrate suitability. We discovered that habitat quality can mediate the effects of intensified disturbance on canopy and understory NPP. Experimental annual and quarterly disturbances suppressed total macroalgal NPP, but effects were strongest in high‐quality habitats that supported dense kelp canopies that were removed by disturbance. Understory macroalgae partly compensated for canopy NPP losses and this effect magnified with increasing habitat quality. Disturbance‐driven increases in understory NPP were still rising after 5–10 years of disturbance, demonstrating the value of long‐term experimentation for understanding ecosystem responses to changing disturbance regimes. In a decade‐long field experiment, we show that habitat quality can mediate the effects of intensified disturbance on canopy and understory net primary productivity (NPP) in kelp forests. Experimental annual and quarterly disturbances suppressed total macroalgal NPP; however, understory macroalgae partly compensated for canopy NPP losses and this effect magnified with increasing habitat quality. Disturbance‐driven increases in understory NPP were still rising after 5–10 years of disturbance, demonstrating the value of long‐term experimentation for understanding ecosystem responses to changing disturbance regimes.
... Due to site-specific soil properties, the xeric site, which is subject to chronic water limitation (Starr et al., 2016), has a unique structure, i.e., shorter forest canopy, sparse midstory and understory communities (Kirkman et al., 2001). Such forest structure may be more resistant to physical damage caused by hurricane-induced wind disturbance in comparison to the mesic site, which has a taller canopy and higher basal area (Wiesner et al., 2019). ...
... Our two research sites represent the ends of an edaphic gradient and are located at the Jones Center at Ichauway in southwestern Georgia, USA. The center is a 11,000 ha 2 long-leaf pine reserve (31.22°N, 84.47°W; Fig. 1), which has a subtropical humid climate (Wiesner et al., 2018(Wiesner et al., , 2019. The long-term average annual precipitation of the study area is 1310 mm. ...
... MODIS-derived LAI and GPP data were processed with the MODIS Reprojection Tool (MRT) using ArcGIS (Version 10.2; ESRI) for projection correction, image cropping, and raster calculation. Since the EC flux source area can be extended up to 600 m from the towers (Wiesner et al., 2018(Wiesner et al., , 2019, MODISderived GPP, LAI and EVI were average values within 600 m radius circles centered at each EC sites. ...
Hurricanes affect the structure and function of forests by removing leaf area, reducing biomass, and causing plant mortality. Quantifying the effects of hurricanes on the phenological processes of forests can help to develop a better understanding of the responses of these systems to natural disasters. On October 10, 2018 Hurricane Michael made landfall in the northern Gulf of Mexico causing extensive damage to forests within its path. Using a phenology model, we evaluated the short-term response and recovery of phenological processes of two subtropical forests that were affected by the storm. Our results suggest that the hurricane accelerated senescence in autumn following the storm, leading to a shorter growing season. The response was dependent on the structure of the forest prior to the storm and the degree of damage; the forest with a taller canopy had greater damage, and the recovery period was prolonged compared to the forest with a shorter canopy. In the summer of the first year following the hurricane, ecosystem physiological function began to return to pre-hurricane levels which corresponded to a recovery in growing season length. The functional diversity in the understory may have aided recovery of post-hurricane spring phenology. While summer phenology was synchronized with the rate of vegetation coverage and mainly driven by increase in canopy leaf area, these forests have not completely recovered during the study. As extreme weather events and disasters induced by global climate change may become more frequent, our research can provide a reference for post-disaster forest management practices which can be adapted to local conditions and contribute to restoration efforts.
... The xeric site lies on well-drained deep sandy soils with no argillic horizon [39]. All sites are situated within 10 km of each other ( [40]). Water holding capacity: cm water per cm soil, measured in upper 3 m of soil. ...
... Previous studies have reported the long-term precipitation dynamics of these sites during the study period (2009-2017) [40,42], and showed short-term seasonal annual drought and water stress from June to August [38]. This caused significant day-to-day fluctuations in summer ecosystem productivity (GPP decline and recovery) and changes in summer phenological processes across sites. ...
... Prescribed fire and weather events (meteorological drought and flood) affected ecosystem-scale phenological processes and productivity [40,49], especially summer phenology (Table 2; Appendix B, Figure A2) because of the variability of water availability. To develop a more thorough understanding of the phenological patterns of the study sites, we investigated SOS, EOS and LOS patterns and characteristics at an inter-annual scale ( Figure 6; Appendix B, Table A1 and Figure A2). ...
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Understanding plant phenological change is of great concern in the context of global climate change. Phenological models can aid in understanding and predicting growing season changes and can be parameterized with gross primary production (GPP) estimated using the eddy covariance (EC) technique. This study used nine years of EC-derived GPP data from three mature subtropical longleaf pine forests in the southeastern United States with differing soil water holding capacity in combination with site-specific micrometeorological data to parameterize a photosynthesis-based phenological model. We evaluated how weather conditions and prescribed fire led to variation in the ecosystem phenological processes. The results suggest that soil water availability had an effect on phenology, and greater soil water availability was associated with a longer growing season (LOS). We also observed that prescribed fire, a common forest management activity in the region, had a limited impact on phenological processes. Dormant season fire had no significant effect on phenological processes by site, but we observed differences in the start of the growing season (SOS) between fire and non-fire years. Fire delayed SOS by 10 d ± 5 d (SE), and this effect was greater with higher soil water availability, extending SOS by 18 d on average. Fire was also associated with increased sensitivity of spring phenology to radiation and air temperature. We found that interannual climate change and periodic weather anomalies (flood, short-term drought, and long-term drought), controlled annual ecosystem phenological processes more than prescribed fire. When water availability increased following short-term summer drought, the growing season was extended. With future climate change, subtropical areas of the Southeastern US are expected to experience more frequent short-term droughts, which could shorten the region’s growing season and lead to a reduction in the longleaf pine ecosystem’s carbon sequestration capacity.
... MODIS-derived LSP data were processed with the MODIS Reprojection Tool using ArcGIS (Version 10.2; ESRI) for projection correction, image cropping, and raster calculation. Since the EC flux source area extends 500 m from the towers (Wiesner et al., 2018(Wiesner et al., , 2019, we used the average of the MODIS-derived phenology dates obtained within a 500-m radius circle centered at each EC site. However, we also calculated the minimum and maximum value within the footprint to allow evaluation across the possible range of values obtained from MODIS EVI and further assess relationships between MODIS dates and those of the nine-parameter function. ...
... During summer, variation in Re may be caused by site-level water availability (Starr et al., 2016;Wiesner et al., 2018Wiesner et al., , 2019, which also adds uncertainty in the timing of SOP and EOP. These fluctuations cause the growth rate of Re to appear as multiple peaks in summer (Appendix S1: Figures S1-S2), and the GR and TD method may not give a biologically reasonable LOP (Appendix S1: Figure S6). ...
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The seasonal dynamics of plant communities are important indicators for assessment of long‐term vegetation patterns and provide valuable information to predict ecosystem responses to climate change. However, increased frequency of extreme weather events can force ecosystems into unstable states, which leads to greater uncertainty in determining phenological metrics (e.g., growing season length). To better understand these uncertainties, we utilized 9 years of eddy covariance and remote sensing data to parameterize models of seasonal ecosystem respiration (Re) for two subtropical longleaf pine forests (mesic and xeric), with similar vegetation but different water holding capacity. We compared two commonly used algorithms to extract phenology metrics, the growth rate (GR) and third derivative (TD) methods, which are usually used without justification. We determined the impact of algorithm selection on estimating key biological dates related to plant community carbon dynamics (e.g., start, end, and length of physiologically active season, specifically Re), characterized the model's response to extreme weather events, and compared estimates to those derived via remotely sensed greenness from the enhanced vegetation index (EVI). We observed that periods of winter warming increased duration of physiological activity in terms of Re, and summer water limitation caused multi‐peaked, asymmetric behavior, creating significant uncertainties. We found that choice of phenology metric extraction algorithm significantly impacted biological event dates; the GR method estimated longer phenophases than the TD in both sites, as well as earlier starting and later ending dates for phenophases. Because the TD method was unable to give estimates during the buffer period of phenophase transition under certain weather conditions, the GR method may be more suitable for studies in subtropical forests. Dates derived from EVI greenness rarely matched those of plant community seasonal dynamics models, especially in spring and summer. The estimated length of Re from the model was significantly longer than that derived from EVI, indicating that the use of EVI could result in shorter growing season estimates and greater uncertainty. Our results provide direction for optimization of future approaches to extract phenological metrics and better scientific understanding of forest land surface phenology, as weather anomalies become more common with climate change.
... Frequent fire has maintained the structure of these forests, with low intensity prescribed burns taking place during the past ∼75 years (Mitchell et al., 1999). Both sites have been burned in odd-numbered years since 2009 (Wiesner et al., 2019). The composition and abundance of other overstory and understory species is site dependent . ...
... To estimate the time needed to sequester carbon loss due to salvage logging from our site, we used long-term annual estimates of NEE, 10.1029/2021JG006452 5 of 17 assuming future productivity would equal the long-term average. To describe uncertainties, we also calculated a range of carbon sequestration capacity from least productive year and most productive year for each site (Whelan et al., 2013;Wiesner et al., 2019). ...
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Tropical cyclones can physically alter ecosystems, causing immediate and potentially long‐lasting effects on carbon dynamics. In 2018, Hurricane Michael hit the southeastern United States with category 5 winds at landfall and category 2 winds reaching over 100 miles inland, resulting in extensive damage. Longleaf pine woodlands in the path of the hurricane were damaged, but severity varied based on the storm track. We used a combination of eddy covariance measurements, airborne LiDAR, and forest inventory data to determine whether hurricane affects structure, function, and recovery of two longleaf pine woodlands at the ends of an edaphic gradient. We found that the carbon sink potentials in both sites were diminished following the storm, with reductions in net ecosystem exchange (NEE) primarily due to lower rates of photosynthesis, as respiration only increased marginally. The xeric site carbon losses and physiological reductions were smaller following the disturbance, which led to the recovery of ecosystem physiological activity to prestorm rates before that of the mesic site, as indicated by maximum ecosystem CO2 uptake rates. Two years following the hurricane both stands continued to have reduced NEE, which signaled altered function. We expect both locations to recover their lost carbon stocks in ∼10–35 years; however, long‐term studies are needed to examine how longleaf woodlands respond to compounding disturbances, such as drought, fire, or other wind storms, which vary significantly across the ecosystem's range. Additionally, hurricanes are intensifying due to climate change, potentially amplifying the degree to which they will alter this ecosystem in the future.
... However, the xeric site did not return to predrought levels of C uptake by the end of the study period. At these same sites, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices of the understory community were used in conjunction with eddy covariance estimates to better understand the ecosystem recovery from disturbance [62]. The study results indicated that the understory community of the xeric site played a greater role in C sink capacity than that of the mesic site. ...
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Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) savannas and woodlands are known for providing numerous ecosystem services such as promoting biodiversity, reducing risk of wildfire and insect outbreaks, and increasing water yields. In these open pine systems, there is also interest in managing carbon (C) in ways that do not diminish other ecosystem services. Additionally, there may be management strategies for accomplishing these same objectives in plantations and degraded stands that developed from natural regeneration. For example, C accumulation in live trees and C storage in harvested wood products could be increased by extending rotations and converting plantations to multi-aged stands. Belowground C storage could be enhanced by incorporating pyrogenic C into the mineral soil before planting longleaf pines in clearcut areas, but this may be contrary to findings that indicate that minimizing soil disturbance is important for long-term soil C storage. We suggest examining approaches to reduce total ecosystem C emissions that include using targeted browsing or grazing with domesticated livestock to supplement prescribed burning, thereby reducing C emissions from burning. The mastication of woody vegetation followed by a program of frequent prescribed burning could be used to reduce the risk of substantial C emissions from wildfires and to restore function to savannas and woodlands with hardwood encroachment and altered fire regimes. Many of these approaches need to be validated with field studies or model simulations. There is also a need to improve the estimates of dead wood C stocks and C storage in harvested wood products. Finally, eddy covariance techniques have improved our understanding of how disturbances influence longleaf pine C dynamics over multiple time scales. However, there is a need to determine the degree to which different silvicultural approaches, especially those for adapting ecosystems to climate change, influence C accumulation. Overall, our review suggests that there are numerous opportunities for research on C dynamics in longleaf pine ecosystems, and these systems are likely well-positioned to accomplish C objectives while offering other ecosystem services.
... Prescribed fire programs, an important component of this national strategy, attempt to restore historical fire regimes while potentially reducing the risk of large, high-severity wildfires (Ryan et al. 2013;Schultz et al. 2019). Balancing the risk of fire to human health and safety with the necessary role that fire plays in many ecosystems (Braun de Torrez et al. 2018;Wiesner et al. 2019;Kramer et al. 2021) requires improved data on contemporary fire history metrics. However, while national, fire-related datasets such as burned area (Hawbaker et al. 2020a), wildfire risk to populations (Scott et al. 2020), and divergence from historical fire regime (Blankenship et al. 2021) datasets are all available, contemporary, national For full list of author affiliations and declarations see end of paper fire history metrics, or a series of measures that help characterise the contemporary fire regimes and time since last burn, have not yet been produced or analysed for the U.S. Fire history metrics can help us both retrospectively characterise fire regime patterns and changes, while also helping to guide and prioritise future policy, management, or strategic actions. ...
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Background Remotely sensed burned area products are critical to support fire modelling, policy, and management but often require further processing before use. Aim We calculated fire history metrics from the Landsat Burned Area Product (1984–2020) across the conterminous U.S. (CONUS) including (1) fire frequency, (2) time since last burn (TSLB), (3) year of last burn, (4) longest fire-free interval, (5) average fire interval length, and (6) contemporary fire return interval (cFRI). Methods Metrics were summarised by ecoregion and land ownership, and related to historical and cheatgrass datasets to demonstrate further applications of the products. Key results The proportion burned ranged from 0.7% in the Northeast Mixed Woods to 74.1% in the Kansas Flint Hills. The Flint Hills and Temperate Prairies showed the highest burn frequency, while the Flint Hills and the Sierra Nevada and Klamath Mountains showed the shortest TSLB. Compared to private, public land had greater burned area (19 of 31 ecoregions) and shorter cFRI (25 of 31 ecoregions). Conclusions Contemporary fire history metrics can help characterise recent fire regimes across CONUS. Implications In regions with frequent fire, comparison of contemporary with target fire regimes or invasive species datasets enables the efficient incorporation of burned area data into decision-making.
... Further studies are required to determine whether that is a general feature of all woodland site including deciduous woodlands. Moreover, the role of the understory [87] , tree-stand densities [12] and periodic disturbances [88] making substantial NEE contributions to the non-linearity of relationships between NEE and its influencing variables, although considered likely, requires further investigation. ...
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Research in Ecology Volume 04 | Issue 02 | June 2022 Variations in net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide, and the variables influencing it, at woodland sites over multiple years determine the long term performance of those sites as carbon sinks. In this study, weekly-averaged data from two AmeriFlux sites in North America of evergreen woodland, in different climatic zones and with distinct tree and understory species, are evaluated using four multi-linear regression (MLR) and seven machine learning (ML) models. The site data extend over multiple years and conform to the FLUXNET2015 pre-processing pipeline. Twenty influencing variables are considered for site CA-LP1 and sixteen for site US-Mpj. Rigorous k-fold cross validation analysis verifies that all eleven models assessed generate reproducible NEE predictions to varying degrees of accuracy. At both sites, the best performing ML models (support vector regression (SVR), extreme gradient boosting (XGB) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP)) substantially outperform the MLR models in terms of their NEE prediction performance. The ML models also generate predicted versus measured NEE distributions that approximate cross-plot trends passing through the origin, confirming that they more realistically capture the actual NEE trend. MLR and ML models assign some level of importance to all influential variables measured but their degree of influence varies between the two sites. For the best performing SVR models, at site CA-LP1, variables air temperature, shortwave radiation outgoing, net radiation, longwave radiation outgoing, shortwave radiation incoming and vapor pressure deficit have the most influence on NEE predictions. At site US-Mpj, variables vapor pressure deficit, shortwave radiation incoming, longwave radiation incoming, air temperature, photosynthetic photon flux density incoming, shortwave radiation outgoing and precipitation exert the most influence on the model solutions. Sensible heat exerts very low influence at both sites. The methodology applied successfully determines the relative importance of influential variables in determining weekly NEE trends at both conifer woodland sites studied. Keywords: Eddy covariance FLUXNET2015 Weekly NEE trends Variable importance Correlation comparisons NEE prediction
... LAI expansion increases shaded areas and interception, causing a decline in radiation and water for the understory vegetation Kwon et al., 2018;Vickers et al., 2012). At the study site, the understory was mostly composed of grasses, which have high transpiration rates when water and energy are available, but perish when environmental conditions become unfavorable due to higher temperatures and water stress (Pereira et al., 2007;Wiesner et al., 2019). In contrast, trees generally have more capacity to adjust transpiration, through the regulation of their stomatal conductance, which makes trees more hydrologically conservative (Jones, 2013;O'Grady et al., 1999;Pita et al., 2013). ...
The establishment and expansion of commercial plantations for timber production and carbon sequestration raises concerns because of their large water use. Eucalyptus globulus (blue gum) is one of the most planted species globally, as it grows rapidly and is adaptable to a range of climatic conditions. The dearth of experimental observations on water use and growth in blue gum plantations in their early years after establishment makes it difficult to develop management practices. This study quantified the trade-offs between water use and carbon assimilation in a blue gum plantation in the first 4 years after establishment. The study site is located in southwest Victoria, Australia, where energy, water and CO2 fluxes were continuously measured above the tree canopy for 4 years after the trees were planted. During the first year after establishment, understory vegetation and ecosystem respiration had a major impact on the net ecosystem exchange (NEE), with the plantation being a net carbon source. Subsequently, the trees started dominating the contributions to NEE, and after approximately 2 years the plantation became a consistent carbon sink. These shifts in NEE were accompanied by smaller increases in annual evapotranspiration rates, which was 70% of the annual precipitation in the first year and 74% in the 3rd year of measurements. As a result, yearly averages of water use efficiency increased from 2.86 gCkg−1H2O in 2018 to 4.3 gCkg−1H2O in 2020, following tree development. This shows a remarkable increase in productivity at the expense of a small amount of water.