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The extension of the European Union with the first "wave" of new members in 2004 and later with the second "wave" of members in 2007 brought new opportunities for the countries in Eastern Europe, being obvious that "effective utilisation of EU support can foster the success of their economic performance". Financing investment projects proposed by the SMEs can be realized through several financial sources internal and external, from which two of the most common external sources constitute from subsidies-grants and through banking system. One of the most important financing programme present in Romania, available for SMEs is SOP IEC, which awards grants for investments proposed by production companies. This financing program encourages its beneficiaries to combine the European grant with private funds mostly provided through the banking system. The paper analyzed the methodology used in Cost Benefit Analysis and also The ACB-MININD software which is compulsory to be used for the CBA analysis of these investment projects links for the first time elements of analysis used by the European Commission with elements of analysis used by the banking system. In this context the present article tries to analyze how the ACB-MININD software links the main elements of Cost-Benefit analysis such as NPV or IRR with elements of the bankability software which are mainly used by the banking system such as: cash-flow analysis, loan/interest payment and financial sustainability. Also are presented the links between the banking sector and the external financing sector in the field on investment projects. As final conclusions of this paper we will demonstrate the theoretical and practical role of cost-benefit analysis-financial component to select the best applications that will be proposed for funding under the European grant programs and to link them to the banking system in order to ensure a proper co-financing for these investment projects. JEL Codes: G17, G21, F35, O16, H43, C63, C61
Droj LaurenĠiu
University of Oradea
Faculty of Economics
Droj Gabriela
University of Oradea
Faculty of Construction and Architecture
The extension of the European Union with the first “wave” of new members in 2004 and later with the
second “wave” of members in 2007 brought new opportunities for the countries in Eastern Europe, being
obvious that “effective utilisation of EU support can foster the success of their economic performance”.
Financing investment projects proposed by the SMEs can be realized through several financial sources
internal and external, from which two of the most common external sources constitute from subsidies-
grants and through banking system. One of the most important financing programme present in Romania,
available for SMEs is SOP IEC, which awards grants for investments proposed by production companies.
This financing program encourages its beneficiaries to combine the European grant with private funds
mostly provided through the banking system. The paper analyzed the methodology used in Cost Benefit
Analysis and also The ACB-MININD software which is compulsory to be used for the CBA analysis of
these investment projects links for the first time elements of analysis used by the European Commission
with elements of analysis used by the banking system. In this context the present article tries to analyze
how the ACB-MININD software links the main elements of Cost-Benefit analysis such as NPV or IRR with
elements of the bankability software which are mainly used by the banking system such as: cash-flow
analysis, loan/interest payment and financial sustainability. Also are presented the links between the
banking sector and the external financing sector in the field on investment projects. As final conclusions of
this paper we will demonstrate the theoretical and practical role of cost-benefit analysis - financial
component to select the best applications that will be proposed for funding under the European grant
programs and to link them to the banking system in order to ensure a proper co-financing for these
investment projects.
JEL Codes: G17, G21, F35, O16, H43, C63, C61
Key words: Banking, Loans, Grants, Cost Benefit Analysis, NPV, IRR
1. Introduction
A notion which is under debate in the recent years, from economical, social and political point of
views: the non-reimbursable funding/grants is quite ignored by the scientific economics
community. The grant concept, which is called also external financial assistance, developed
initially from free transfer of specialized goods and services to fund transfers (Moger, 1999 and
Kanbur, 2003). In the same time Stiglitz (2003) observes that for a long period of time and even
now the World Monetary Fund and the World Bank link their strategic grants to reimbursable
funding: loans provided by the banking system. Other studies especially Lerick and
Meltzer(2002) in Quarterly International Economics Report, Carnegie Mellon - Gailliot Center
for Public Poverty, draw attention that in case of loans contracted through World Bank or other
institutional banking lenders some of the loans were transformed into grants since some of the
beneficiary countries were not able to pay them back, so their debts were finally erased.
The extension of the European Union with the first “wave” of new members in 2004 and later
with the second “wave” of members in 2007 brought new opportunities for the countries in
Eastern Europe, being obvious that “effective utilisation of EU support can foster the success of
their economic performanceas it is considered in a KPMG(2011) report from 2011. Moreover
the integration of Romania into European Union brought new opportunities for the Romanian
private enterprises both concerning the accession of their products and services to the single
market and also accession of additional co-financing for funding their business infrastructure
investments (Droj, 2010).
Under these circumstances most of the specialists consider that access to European funding and
its efficient absorption constitute a key issue in these years both at the level of state level decision
makers, at the level of financing institutions and at the level of the decision makers within the
companies. Financing investment projects proposed by the SMEs can be realized through several
financial sources internal and external, from which two of the most common external sources
constitute from subsidies-grants and through banking system. In the recent years a very close
relations seemed to be established between the banking sector and the financial aid sector.
In the same time the banking sector evolved and created specialized services which are dedicated
to the above mentioned beneficiaries with the goal of supporting development, carrying out or
co-financing projects implemented under the European Structural Funds. Lack of experience in
this field shown by both at the level of the applicants for Structural Funds, at the level of the
management authorities and, finally, at the level of the banking system which is requested to
ensure additional funding creates serious obstacles to achieving a higher absorption capacity of
EU structural funds in Romania. (Funda
oros Romania, 2009
i Departamentul pentru Afaceri
Europene, 2009)
Also can be noticed the lack of a methodology for implementation of funding programs adapted
to the Romanian realities. Another major problem is that most financial programs lack correlation
of economic and financial indicators of the European Commission to those requested by the
banking sector, so that the beneficiaries of European structural funding are finding themselves in
the situation where they are unable to access bank credit which is needed to secure co-financing
or fund its cash-flows required to implement the proposed investments.
In this context the current paper is dealing with analysing the linkages between the cost benefit
analysis requested by the EU management authorities and the credit analysis, performed by the
banks. This constitutes a topic of major interest for both potential beneficiaries and the
management bodies, and the banks so they can prepare specific to banking products. From the
vast field of study concerning structural funds we proposed to approach as the main themes in
this research paper the following: identification of a European funding programme operating in
Romania, realization of a correlation between the performance indicators within the benefit-cost
analysis requested by European and those requested by the banking sector.
2. Considerations over the Cost Benefit Analysis and its linkage with the banking sector–
Literature Review and Research methodology
One of the main goals of these European Funding programmes are to implement the European
Union Cohesion policies. As its main instruments and for improvement of the competiveness of
the “weaker” regions were established the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and
the European Social Fund (ESF), otherwise known as the Structural Funds, as well as the
Cohesion Fund. Through these instruments European Commission invests in thousands of
projects across all of Europe’s regions to achieve its primary task: to promote economic and
social cohesion by reducing these disparities between Member States and regions (European
Commission, 2009).
In this context, the private companies benefit of increased opportunities for accessing European
Funding which gives them a better chance for increasing their competitiveness and for extending
distribution of their products and services on the entire European market and beyond. The most
important production infrastructure financing programme for the Small and Medium
Enterprises(SME) operating in Romania is considered to be the Sectorial Operational Programme
“Increase of Economic Competitiveness” (further referred to as SOP IEC) which offers financial
support for the consolidation and modernization of productive sector through
investments(Guvernul României, 2009).
Even in 2008 edition of the “
Guide to COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS of investment projects -
Structural Funds, Cohesion Fund and Instrument for Pre-Accession”
edited by the European
Commission(2008) is highlighted that cost-benefit analysis can help public decision makers to
identify projects that will maximize net social benefits and thus determine the order of priority
infrastructure works will be made and how public policy decision making.
As it is mentioned in the above referred document the investment decisions are at the core of any
development strategy, all other elements such as: economic growth and welfare depends on
productive capital, infrastructure, human capital, knowledge, total factor productivity and the
quality of institutions (European Commission, 2008).All these elements involve – in a certain
measure decision making regarding investing financial sources at present time in the hope of
obtaining future uncertain benefits.
In order to take the decisions, the decision makers need appropriate tools for comparing costs and
benefits of various types: economic, social or ecological investment projects that are ongoing
over several years. Cost-benefit analysis is not an exact science, is seen as having many
limitations which are generally based on approximations, working hypotheses and estimates due
to missing data or due to inability providing all possible situations. The financial analysis is
considered the key element of the Cost Benefit Analysis both by the financing organization and
the banks (Trenca 2006, Trenca 2008 and Stancu 2006) or by other financial institutions which
will ensure the co-financing of the investment. The goal of the financial analysis is to use the
predictions such as cash-flows to calculate relevant indicators especially the Financial Net
Present Value (FNPV) and the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FRR), respectively in terms of
return on the investment cost, FNPV(K) and FRR(K).
While Cost-benefit analysis goes well beyond financial ratios considering the project, most
project data on costs and benefits is provided by financial analysis. This analysis provides
decision makers information on inputs and outputs, their prices and the structure of income and
expenditure over the analyzed period (European Commission, 2008).
The methodology used for the determination of the financial return is the Discounted Cash Flow
(DCF) approach. This implies some assumptions as are mentioned in the methodology:
- Only cash inflows and outflows are considered;
- The project cash flows it should be based on the incremental approach;
- After the aggregation of cash flows occurring during different years it is adopted an applied
an appropriate financial discount rate in order to calculate the present value of the future cash
According to the methodology (European Commission, 2008) the Net Present Value of a project
is the sum of the discounted net flows of a project. The NPV is a very concise performance
indicator of an investment project: it represents the present amount of the net benefits flow
generated by the investment expressed in one single value with the same unit of measurement
used in the accounting tables.
6(7  >F
The Internal Rate of Return (FRR) is defined as the discount rate that zeroes out the net present
value of flows of costs and benefits of an investment, that is to say the discount rate of the
equation below(European Commission, 2008:212):
676^7 >&
6( 
7* 
Since the goal of this study is to use the ACB-MININD software in CBA analysis for financing
investment projects through European funding in correlation with the financing from the banking
system in the following chapter we will set a case study using a project proposed by a Romanian
production company which tries to access SOP IEC funding in 2011.
3. Case study
Usage of ACB-MININD Software in the CBA analysis for financing
investment projects through European funding in correlation with the financing
from the banking system
As mentioned above we selected a test company, which intended to access European funding to
co-finance its infrastructure investments. The company is a market leader in its field of activity:
plastic manufacturing and intends to increase its production capacity and to improve its
competitive advantages on the Romanian market. In order to realize this an ambitious investment
programme was started to build a new production facility and to increase the quality of their
products. The project was proposed to be financed under SOP IEC and was based on the data
provided by a detailed the technical project and by the price offers. The company performed a
financial analysis using the official software provided by the management authorities within the
ACB-MININD Software which is available online at: (Guvernul României, 2012)
. These results were later
compared with the bankability analysis, in order to ensure future bankability of the project. The
particularities of this software is that it requests and processes information which is delivered by
the banking institutions regarding proposed co-financing or implementation loans.
In order to secure financing of its investment the selected company has to fulfil several financial
criteria established by the SOP IEC Programme. According to the Guide of SOP IEC
Programme, in order to obtain financing for an investment project FNPV(K) is requested to be
higher than 0 and FRR(K) to be between 0 and 9. For the mentioned project the mandatory
discount rate was established to 5%. The analysis was realized both on the implementation period
of the project (2 years) and on the operation period of the investment realized within the project(7
years). A challenge was made to obtain both the financial sustainability of the project and also to
ensure its bankability.
Figure 1 Presentation of the Financing sources (Currency: Thousands RON)
Source: Made by the author
The first step was to analyse its bankability and to establish the maximum eligible loan and to
analyze the loan payment using the bankability software provided by the bank. Once these
information were established were introduced in the ACB-MININD Online application. The first
step was to analyse its bankability and to establish the maximum eligible loan and to analyze the
loan payment using the bankability software provided by the bank. These can be seen in the
above figure. Once these information were established were introduced in the ACB-MININD
Online application. In this circumstance all the financial sources and the equivalent financial
costs are introduced in the financial analysis including the loan payment, the interest payment,
royalties, income tax.
Figure 2 Financial Performance Indicators (Currency: Thousands RON)
Source: Made by the author
As can be seen the second step was to analyse the financial performance indicators and to
determine if FNPV(K) is higher than 0 and FRR(K) is between 0 and 9. Also the ratio
benefits/costs its analyzed as well. The conclusion is that the project can be submitted for
European financing.
Figure 3 Financial sustainability of the project (Currency: Thousands RON)
Source: Made by the author
In figure 3 the Financial Sustainability of the project is analyzed by using also the
information provided by the credit analysis from the banking system. As observed all elements of
financial sustainability were considered: since in the beginning only operational expenses were
presented in this stage were included also other payments and was analyzed the real capacity of
the company to ensure financing resources for loans payments, interest payments, income tax or
royalties. Afterwards the project is declared sustainable both by the management authorities of
the programme and by the banking system.
4. Conclusions
Since, in the past, the financial analysis performed according to CBA methodology had several
inconsistencies with the bankability analysis, an important step seems to be taken by using
practical bankability financial information within the ACB analysis. As can be seen from the
presented test case the authors consider that, in this context the ACB Minind application can only
be the beginning of reforming the ACB methodology and in the future this approach should be
further extended and common solutions accepted by all stakeholders: structural funds
management authorities, banking sector and private/public beneficiaries to create common
indicators or analysis methodology in order to ensure both the financial sustainability, according
to EU regulations and fulfilment of bankability criteria which is requested by the banking sector
in order to ensure co-financing of the projects. This research should be further continued by
development of a set of common indicators based on both methodologies.
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... These criteria were tested both qualitatively and quantitatively and were based on the use of spread modelling methods possible to be used in a system of evaluation. In this context was proposed a common economic and financial evaluation system appropriate to select beneficiaries which comply both to EU sectorial grants and bank rating system, as well (Bente, 2011). Ideally the submission and acceptance of a project by European funding authorities should make it directly eligible for financing within the banking sector. ...
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Since the start of the European Union Structural Funding Programs 2007-2013, especially those focused on financing investments proposed by private companies, a big change seems to be taken place. Large numbers of companies have applied for grants within these programs and especially for funding under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). But after the initial enthusiasm and initial success reported by both the Management Authorities and private beneficiaries big issues have aroused regarding lack of financial resources for co-financing to support investments or expenditures in the initial stages funding the project. Under this context the banking sector was called for support and was expected to be heavily involved in ensuring external financing. This was not as initially predicted. A big concern came from the fact that the projects, even if achieved excellent scores on the technical evaluation from the management authorities, had huge problems in receiving even basic approval from the banking system. Since it seems that most of these inconsistencies are derived from the evaluation phase of projects this study tries to focus on establishing an equilibrium between banking analysis indicators and the scoring system used by the European Union management authorities. Identifying common criteria used for selection of good sustainable projects to be funded within European Structural Funds constitutes a big challenge for the management authorities and for the banking institutions as well. The applicants must realize financing application based on a set of indicated criteria. In order to achieve financing, these entities learned to modulate their financial indicators and their business plans according to the requirements. But a large number of already approved projects by the ERDF managing authorities found themselves in impossibility to comply with banking standards as well. Correlation of both European Union and banking system criteria, especially the Cost and Benefit Analysis Indicators with the banking financial indicators could be a great solution to current challenges: making the projects proposed for financing bankable, also, and thereby increase the absorption capacity of the beneficiaries. To solve this problem the current study proposed the creation of a mixed scoring assessment system containing 15 indicators for which were established various evaluation values. The main goal of the system was to fulfil both the evaluation criteria of European Union management authorities and the creditworthiness criteria used by the banking sector. In the final stage of this paper the assessment system was tested over a number of 50 Romanian companies, which were selected for European financing.
... In case of failure of OFAT methods, Frey and Patil(2002) and Yoe, C. (2012) suggest using Monte Carlo simulation methods since they "can be used to generate multiple values of each model input and corresponding output", and later a "least squares regression method can be used to fit a standardized first or second level equation to the data obtained from the original model" (Yoe, 2012) 3. Case studyusage of sensitivity analysis in EU funded projects In general, the feasibility of investment projects is based on IRR and NPV criteria. Moreover, for EU-funded projects is necessary to realize a CBA, including many other criteria that confer viability of the project, such as gap financing, socioeconomic impacts, regional strategy, environmental protection, so on (Droj, L. and Droj, G., 2012). Therefore, in the economic analysis of projects there are certain aspects of project feasibility which may require sensitivity and risk analysis. ...
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The extension of the European Union with the last two “waves†of new members in 2004 and later in 2007 brought new opportunities for the countries in Eastern Europe, especially those linked with the usage of European funding to support public or private investments. It is obvious that “effective utilisation of EU support can foster the success of economic performance†(European Commission, 2009). Financing investment projects proposed by the SMEs can be realized through several financial programmes, especially those established under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). In order to be approved investment projects must comply with the requirements of the financing program especially those related to a proper realized Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA). A major emphasis within the CBA consists from sensitivity and risk assessment modelling. Sensitivity analysis aims to identify those variables / risks that may impact during project development and operational period and may lead to failure of positive factors leading to significant change in the financial and economic profitability of the project. Sensitivity analysis used to measure consider identifying risk factors that have the greatest influence on the net present value in general, and in particular on EU-funded projects, the financial and economic rates from financial modelling to analyse cost-benefit analysis (CBA) (including rate gap financing for investment projects where required) and indicate their impact during project cycle reg. Sensitivity analysis can help identify poor design choices and can highlight the need to obtain further information on certain variables (European Commission, 2008). Regarding this, the current paper has as its main objectives the analysis of the decision system for approving an EU funded project. The secondary objective is to analyze the proposed indicators within the sensitivity and risk assessment system which are used for selection of investment projects. The analysis is made using as a case study an investment project developed by Romanian companies. Both approaches of sensitivity analysis: deterministic and stochastic analysis, were tackled within the paper. As final conclusions of this paper we will demonstrate the theoretical and practical role of cost-benefit analysis â€" sensitivity and risk assessment to select the best applications that will be proposed for funding under the European grant programs.
Integrarea europeană a venit cu noi provocări pentru întreaga societate românească, în special pentru promotorii proiectelor de investiţii: companiile private dar şi autorităţile publice locale, regionale şi centrale. Oportunităţile majore pentru companiile din fostele ţări candidate provin din libertatea operării pe Piaţa Comunitară Europeană şi din posibilitatea de accesare a Fondurilor Structurale Europene. Asemenea companiilor private şi autorităţilor publice locale, regionale şi centrale din alte ţări candidate, companiile din România, dar şi autorităţile publice s-au reformat în vederea adaptării la cerinţele noilor legislaţii europene, dar şi cu scopul de a accesa cu succes programele de finanţare europene create special pentru ele. În acelaşi timp sistemul bancar a intenţionat, şi în unele cazuri a şi creat, noi servicii care sunt dedicate entităţilor menţionate mai sus, cu scopul sprijinirii dezvoltării, derulării sau cofinanţării proiectelor implementate din Fondurile Structurale Europene. Lipsa de experienţă în domeniu manifestată la nivelul solicitanţilor de fonduri structurale, la nivelul autorităţilor de management, cât şi la nivelul sistemului bancar la care se apelează spre finanţare creează impedimente serioase în vederea atingerii unei capacităţi de absorbţie ridicate a fondurilor europene structurale în România.
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The European Integration came with new challenges for the Romanian enterprises especially for the SMEs, the opportunities arising from operating on the European Single Market and the possibility for accession of European Regional Development Funds. The main programme designed to offer access for small, medium and large Romanian enterprises to European funding is the Sectorial Operational Programme “Increase of Economic Competitiveness”- SOP IEC. This paper will analyze the area of intervention “D1.1. Productive and environment friendly investments and preparation for market competition in which Romanian SMEs” are competing to access European funding in order to develop their activities or to extend them into new ones. One of the main challenges for these SMEs is to generate, fulfil and to respect the financial indicators of the programme, which are part of the financial analysis of the project.
This paper presents an overview of the economics of international aid, highlighting the historical literature and the contemporary debates. It reviews the “trade-theoretic” and the “contract-theoretic” analytical literature, and the empirical and institutional literature. It demonstrates a great degree of continuity in the policy concerns of the aid discourse in the twentieth century, and shows how the theoretical, empirical and institutional literature has evolved to address specific policy concerns of each period.
Ministerul Întreprinderilor Mici úi Mijlocii
European Commision (2009) European Cohesion Policy in Romania. Available at Guvernul României (2011) -Ministerul Întreprinderilor Mici úi Mijlocii, "Ghidul Solicitantului POS CCE Axa 1 Domeniul 1.1 -Sprijin Financiar cu valoarea cuprinsa intre 1.065.000 -6.375.000 lei acordat pentru investiĠii în IMM", Bucureúti, 2011
Grants: a Better Way to Deliver Aid
  • Adam Lerrick
  • Allan Úi Meltzer
Lerrick, Adam úi Meltzer, Allan, Grants: a Better Way to Deliver Aid, publicat în Quarterly International Economics Report, Carnegie Mellon -Gailliot Center for Public Poverty, online:, United States, 2002
The History of Foreign Economic Aid
  • D Moger
Moger D., The History of Foreign Economic Aid, Social Science issue 610, Philadelphia, United States, 1999
Departamentul pentru Afaceri Europene -Consilier European nr
Departamentul pentru Afaceri Europene -Consilier European nr. 9, Departamentul pentru Afaceri Europene, Guvernul României, Bucharest, Romania, 2009
Guide To Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects
European Commission, 2008, Guide To Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Funds in Central and Eastern Europe -Progress Report
  • E U Kpmg
KPMG, EU Funds in Central and Eastern Europe -Progress Report 2007-2010, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft, Hungary, Budapest, 2011