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A proposed hybrid approach combined QoS with CR system in smart city


Abstract and Figures

The fifth generation of mobile communication technology growth by next few years, the traffic volume of mobile communication that rapidly increase because of the enormous opportunities and applications significant benefit from Internet of Things (IoT) across almost all Industries. Smart cities are considered amongst the top applications of IoT which highly depend on Information Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore, frequency spectrum available for mobile communication is limited, thus, the increasing number of users will negatively affect frequency spectrum availability and accessibility. That encouraged utilising cognitive radio communication techniques, in order to overcome the deficiency in frequency spectrum, which drive to introduce a new approach to utilizing the available frequency spectrum in communication and sharing this spectrum between various users. Low-cost communication evaluation system is proposed to utilise idle frequencies owned by licensed users and automatically make it available to other users without distressing licensed user's communication. Two aspects of cognitive radio are investigated; users' classification divided between primary and secondary users and availability of idle frequency spectrums of licensed users. The effect of noise and attenuation is analysed and compared using MATLAB simulation. © 2018 by the authors; licensee Modestum Ltd., UK. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License
Content may be subject to copyright.
Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
ISSN: 1306-3057 OPEN ACCESS 2018 13 (6): 178-185
Received 14 September 2018 ▪ Revised 23 October 2018 ▪ Accepted 24 November 2018
Abstract: The fifth generation of mobile communication technology growth by next few
years, the traffic volume of mobile communication that rapidly increase because of the
enormous opportunities and applications significant benefit from Internet of Things (IoT)
across almost all Industries. Smart cities are considered amongst the top applications of
IoT which highly depend on Information Communication Technologies (ICT). Furthermore,
frequency spectrum available for mobile communication is limited, thus, the increasing
number of users will negatively affect frequency spectrum availability and accessibility.
That encouraged utilising cognitive radio communication techniques, in order to overcome
the deficiency in frequency spectrum, which drive to introduce a new approach to utilizing
the available frequency spectrum in communication and sharing this spectrum between
various users. Low-cost communication evaluation system is proposed to utilise idle
frequencies owned by licensed users and automatically make it available to other users
without distressing licensed user’s communication. Two aspects of cognitive radio are
investigated; users’ classification divided between primary and secondary users and
availability of idle frequency spectrums of licensed users. The effect of noise and
attenuation is analysed and compared using MATLAB simulation.
Keywords: Cognitive Radio (CR), Internet of Things (IoT), Primary Users (PUs), Secondary
users (SUs), and Signalto-Noise Ratio (SNR).
By year 2020, the fifth generation of mobile communication (5G) is expected to be implemented
commercially, and the number of users will increase, therefore the demand of wireless communication
from all sectors will increase resulting in more IoT opportunities and applications[1];video on demand to
be smart for cities, grids, and health treatment are amongst applications highly sought after, and
availability of wireless communication bandwidth will face suffer because of these demands[2]. Smart
cities’ applications require enormous volume of data, Big Data [3]. Even though wireless communication
is very convenient channel of communication, frequency bandwidth which considered limited in
comparison to the increasing number of users. The upgrade of existing mobile communication
technologies, 3G and 4G,forward to 5G is imminent due to the high transfer speed which reaches up to 1G,
were increasing number of remote services and mobile devices [4].
The main idea behind cognitive radio is to utilise the frequency spectrum in an effective manner by
taking advantage of channel conditions, codebooks, and message transformation to share the spectrum
between different users. The mentioned features have empowered researchers to tackle the spectrum
scarcity problem, where users are classified into Primary Users (PUs), Licensed users authorised to use
the frequency spectrum, and Secondary Users (SUs) who use the spectrum when it is idle.(Yau et al.,
Faisal Y. Alzyoud*, Isra University. Email:
Wa’elJum’ah Al_Zyadat, Isra University.
Fadi Hamed, Isra University.
Fayez Shrouf, Isra University.
A Proposed Hybrid Approach Combined Qos
with CR System in Smart City
Faisal Y. Alzyoud*, Wa’elJum’ah Al_Zyadat, Fadi Hamed, Fayez Shrouf
179 Faisal Y. Alzyoud
Fig.1: Utilization of White Spaces by Secondary Users
Spectrum Detection Techniques
In CR networks, creating a “friendly” environment for coexistence between the PUs and the SUs is
significant. Spectrum sensing is imperative to prevent interference between users.
Several techniques are commonly used in signal processing, these techniques are listed below:
1. Energy detection: the signal is detected when comparing the output energy level in relation to a
threshold level. Us are unable to differentiate between primary users signals and noise.[5].
2. Filters Matching: demodulation of a PUs signal is required to perform coherent detection in less
time, however this technique needs a special receiver for every PU[6].
3. Cyclostationary based on feature detector, this method able to exploit the inherent periodicity in
the received signal to detect primary signals since most signals vary with time periodically, it can
exploit the cyclostationarity features of the received signals and it can differentiate noise from
PUs signals as well. The issue suffers from longer processing time and higher computational
complexity [5].
4. Cooperative detection method senses the number of different radios within a cognitive radio
network in a cooperative cognitive radio spectrum sensing system [7].
5. Waveform based detection method is usually utilized in wireless systems to assist
synchronization or for other purposes, it is used waveform-based sensing which requires short
measurement time [8].
Smart Cities
The rapid growth in cities population and the remarkable growth of digital devices usage such as
sensors, actuators, smart phones and smart appliances fulfill the objectives of IoT applications for both
population and organizations.. This growth increase the tendency to use the available yet limited
bandwidth. Furthermore, growth is a perfect use-case for IoT to perform various activities in many
sectors such as transportation sector, cars, parking, merchandise, waste management, street lighting, and
building management. IoT uses wide area network and the internet to manage the various heterogeneous
objects in smart cities; existing objects can be linked to the internet to communicate with each other [9].
Nowadays, many capital cities such as New York, Singapore, Tokyo, Seou, Shanghai l, Amsterdam, and
Dubai have supported smart projects to improve the services for their inhabitants and raise the quality of
service provided for them. Smart cities should serve the following tracks: transportation system,
healthcare system, weather monitoring systems and supporting people via internet in every place to
accessing the database of airports, railways [10]. Transferring to smart cities request to collect a huge
volume of data on central network nodes or servers, and this will increase the use of available bandwidth
which should be utilized effectively.
Cognitive Radio Applications
In this section, we discuss three existing applications in different scopes including to multimedia,
communication and wireless networking.
180 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
1. The most promisingapplication for CR systems are multimedia applications in mobile downloads
(i.e. download of music/video files, cooperative games) which needed acceptable Quality of
Services (QoS) requirements [10].
2. Emergency communications applications all these applications need a moderate data rate and
localized coverage (i.e. disasters video transmission, fire video transmission from firemen’s’
helmets to the emergency control room).
3. Broadband wireless networking applications,these applications need high data rates, but where
users may be satisfied with localized “hotspot” services (i.e. using nomadic laptops). Multimedia
wireless networking applications: these applications need high data rates transmission (i.e.
audio/video distribution within homes). As these applications will increase the inhabitants’
satisfaction to smart city platform.
Full CRis likely to emerge in 2030 [10-12], this is bound to happen as conditions are fully flexible, and
software defined radio technologies are on the rise, these intelligent systems are able to exploit in CR
system. The challenges on hand revolve around applying CR techniques to create suitable cognitive
implemented as device, and to apply artificial intelligence to carry on the making decisions for utilize the
spectrum dynamically. There are devices that already have some elements of CR such as WLANs and
military follower jammers; however these devices are not mature enough for cognitive radio applications.
The number of mobile users has significantly increased parallel with mobile services. Therefore,
researchers in mobile communications focus on improving the QoS in bandwidth aspect scarce resource.
Furthermore, these aspects are considered as major issue for cognitive radio networks. Quality of Service
for secondary users is difficult to achieve as SUs use the idle channel which is not occupied with PUs.[13]
proposed an analysis model to obtain QoS for cognitive radio networks by taking blocking probability ,
completed traffic and termination probability of SUs . Meanwhile, it was proposed resources reservation
techniques for SUs . Multi󰅾path Activity Based Routing Protocol for Cognitive Radio 󰅾Network (MACNRP)
which proposed in [14], a protocol to utilize 󰅾channel availability and to create multiple node-
disjoint 󰅾routes between the source and destination nodes. Multi-channel approach can increase the
network resources and increase the QoS, as well as distributed channel allocation algorithm to utilize
multi-channel due to approach the network performance parameters are enhanced, these parameters
include network throughput, end to end delay. Their algorithm refer to contention graph and adopts
contention factor to evaluate conflicts in a channel [15]. Multichip Multi-Channel Distributed QoS
Scheduling MAC scheme (MMDQS-MAC) was proposed to enhance the performance of cognitive radio in
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) by selecting the best channel for an individual wireless sensor node and
supporting dynamic channel assignment mechanism to decrease the probability of collision, interferences
and improves the overall network performance of WSNs[16]. QoS differential scheduling CR-based on
smart grid communications networks is studied by Rong Yu and others [17], they proposed schedule the
flow using a scheduler which is responsible for managing the spectrum resources and arranging the data
transmissions of smart grid users (SGUs). They proposed to assign different priorities according to their
roles and their current situations in the smart grid. Based on the QoS-aware priority policy, the scheduler
adjusts the channels allocation to minimize the transmission delay of SGUs.
This research focuses in combining QoS differentiated services with cognitive radio techniques to
utilize the idle bandwidth, and classify secondary users in term of priority. The objective of this proposed
technique allows devices to share the bandwidth efficiently without causing any disturbance to primary
users. Secondary users depend on type of service to determine the priority degree assigned to them, in
order to use the idle channel in data transmission. Since primary users will use the transmission channel
on demand, the secondary users have to wait until primary transmission is done and channel becomes
available to them, hence, Hybrid QoS with CR takes effect to determine which secondary user can utilise
the idle channel.
In case primary user decided to transmit data, the proposed technique will drop the secondary user
with least priority classification to allow primary user to utilize the channel without disturbing secondary
users with higher priorities.
Figure 2 illustrates how the hybrid QoS with CR works on channel users’ classification; primary users
are always assigned with highest priority, and secondary users are given lower priority.
181 Faisal Y. Alzyoud
Fig.2: Proposed Hybrid QoS Approach with CR System
When primary users are assigned with highest priority, the Hybrid QoS with CR will check the services
of all secondary users, and decide which of one them has higher priority than the other using the
differentiated service filed as per Figure 3.
Fig.3: Proposed Cognitive Radio with Differentiated QoS
182 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
In order to simulate the technique on MATLAB, we optioned to the cognitive radio configuration
shown in Figure 4, where five frequency bands are configured, and Amplitude Modulation is used to
carry the signal. The Setup then estimates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of every band in order to
assign the secondary user to the available bandwidth according to its priority degree, PSD is defined
as a positive real function of a frequency variable associated with a stationary stochastic process, or a
deterministic function of time, which has dimensions of power per hertz (Hz), or energy per hertz.
Noise is then added to mimic real environment. [12]
Initialize Five
Frequency Bands Amplitude
Add Modulated
Signal to Create
Estimate Power
Spectral Density
Adding Noise
Fig.4: Block Diagram for Cognitive Radio with Differentiated QoS
Based on simulation setup model for cognitive radio starting from initialize 5 carrier frequencies Fc1
= 1000, Fc2 = 2000, Fc3 = 3000, Fc4=4000 & Fc5 = 5000 as and every user’s base band data signal is
modulated over the spectrum density. Power spectrum density is estimated, and the output is presented
using Periodogram. The results can be represented to show the allocated free space see Figure 5, after
estimating the free spaces SUs are classified by differentiating them according to their importance and if
the Pus take the channel from any of the SUs then the empty slot will be given to the highest priority SUs
and so on. Noise is added using Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) model, which is basic noise model
that occur in nature with constant spectral distribution. The noise is added to mimic real situation. AWGN
channel is a good model for many wireless deep space communication links [18]. Attenuation is added to
carrier signal to attenuate the designed system.
The simulated system was built using MATLAB to enable the basics of a cognitive radio systems using
dynamic spectrum access at run time. Our approach was built by taking decisions by sensing the basis of
power spectral density of the channel which can be used cognitively to find out the available gaps those
can be assigned to new incoming users to improve the overall channel’s throughput.
Power Spread Speed Spectrum with Two Primary User’s and Three Empty Slots
First, the simulation is done by checking the available bandwidth by assigning two primary users and
leaving three empty slots to check the available gaps in the spectrum, the gathered results are depicted in
Figure 5. The results show that the power / frequency ratio is above zero level just for frequency one and
two respectively. The empty slot power is lower than zero showing that the channel is empty and can be
183 Faisal Y. Alzyoud
Fig.5: Power Spectrum Density Curve: Three Slots remaining in the frequency Spectrum
Effective Use of Spread Spectrum with SUs QoS Enabled
To optimize the capacity of the SUs, the system will automatically classify secondary users by enabling
the Type of Service (ToS) field and assign priorities to the SUs. The SUs will automatically assign to the
empty slots according to their priority so the system will be fully utilized as shown in Figure 6, which
shows that all the power frequency are above zeroes.
Fig.6: Fully Utilized Spectrum with SUs QoS Enabled
Noise Effect on Spread Spectrum Density
The noise can be reduced using spread spectrum[17], but unfortunately it has an inverse effect on
Power Spectrum Density as it is shown in Figure 7. Different Signal to noise ratio (SNR) is used starting
from 10, 20, 40 and 60 percentage to investigate their effect on power spectrum density. AWGN channel
model is used. The worst SNR effect on Power Spectrum Density is at SNR equal to 40.
01 2 3456
Frequency (Khz)
Power/frequency (dB/Hz)
Effective Use of Spectrum With SUs QoS enabled
184 Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Attenuation Effect on Spread Spectrum Density
Signal transmission is affect by different challenges before arriving at the receiver such as weather
attenuation losses [18], in this paper the effect of attenuation according to variety percentages of
attenuation starting from 10, 20, 40 and 60 respectively as shown in Figure 8. It is noted that Power
Spread Spectrum Density decreases with the increases of attenuation.
Fig.7: Power Spectrum Density with Different Added Noises
Fig.8: Power Spectrum Density with Different Percentages of Attenuations
Cognitive radio technology is promising technologies, which allow users to utilise the scarcity of
spectrum frequency; it can be used in a variety of important future applications as described earlier. By
the internet of things, many smart applications become applicable and can facilitate many important
aspects for human life such as smart healthcare, smart homes, smart energy, and smart cities. In this
paper, cognitive radio technology has been merged with QoS differentiated approach to provide suitable
platform of smart cities communications. Cognitive radio has been simulated using MATLAB, primary
users and secondary users are classified depending on priority and by enabling differentiated QoS
approaches to SUs. The results show that the spectrum was fully utilized, and the effect of noise and
attenuation are studied to show their effects on CRs system.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Power Spectrum Density with Different noises
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Power Spectrum Density with Different Percentage Attenuation
10% Attenuation
20% Attenuation
40% Attenuation
60% Attenuation
185 Faisal Y. Alzyoud
Future work includes setting a new plan that apply cognitive radio on a real environment and
compare different sensing techniques. A suggested mathematical model would be proposed for
computational variables of Power Spectrum Density.
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... The main feature for CRNs is using frequency spectrum in an effective way by taking advantage of channel conditions, code books, and message transformation to share the spectrum between different users. The number of users can be classified into two kinds of users: Primary Users (PUs) and Secondary Users (SUs), and the secondary users can be classified also by giving those weights according to their types of application through enabling the type of service field in network layer as depicted in [10]. Cognitive radio can be defined as smart software which can fulfill and settle users demand according to free spectrum status. ...
... The results represent the allocated free space which can be allocated to SUs. Noise is added using Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) model to mimic real situations since AWGN is considered as a basic noise model that occurs in nature with constant spectral distribution, as it is a good model for many wireless deep space communication links [10,16]. It is noted from Figure 4 that the power spread speed spectrum represents two primary users and three free frequency slots, since the power/frequency ratio is above zero level just for frequency one and two respectively which means that these two frequencies are occupied by PUs, while power/frequency ratios for three, four and five frequencies are less than zero which means that they are not occupied and can be assigned to other users. ...
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The request for network using is expanding quickly to address the enormous growth of networks users' human-to-human, human-to-machine, or machine-to-machine communications. Fifth generation technology is a promising innovation that can be utilized as an arrangement to address the increment request of clients, but unfortunately it may not be adequate solution for frequency or spectrum shortages, so different solutions were proposed to utilize the frequency usage. This paper discusses cognitive radio networks and the simulation depends on energy detection techniques to handle the channel availability to be used by unlicensed clients. However, cognitive radio networks suffer from network security as they mainly depend on frequency spectrum, so in this research a one-way hash user ID is proposed to authenticate cognitive radio networks' clients using BCrypt. The proposed solutions were tested using MATLAB software and C# language that is used to implement BCrypt, the obtained results are promising solutions, and it can be implemented on a wide range of cognitive radio applications including security networks and so on.
...  Adapimg energy efficiency techniques.  Utilizing CR techniques in energy harvesting [6].  Adapting new renewable energy sources [16]. ...
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The hemicelluloses are polysaccharides which prevail in close association with cellulose, These are constituents of the primary as well as secondary cell walls and form a bridge between pectic and cellulosic fractions. Hemicelluloses are one of the major constituents added to the soil, second only in quantity to cellulose and these consequently represent a significant source of energy and nutrients to the microflora. From time to time Several views have been given by scientists on the chemistry, biochemistry and microbial breakdown of hemicelluloses. A majority of fungi are known to be capable of degrading hemicelluloses and utilizing as C-source. All main groups of fungi are able to decompose hemicelluloses. A complete degradation of xylans requires the joint action of different enzymes including (i) endoxylanase: which attacks the xylan backbone to produce substituted and non-substituted shorter oligomers (xylobiose and xylose).);(ii) exoxylanase or β-xylosidase: converts oligomers to xylose; (iii) α-D-glu-curonidase: liberates 4-o-methylglucuronic acid from 4-o-methyl glucuronic acid-substituted xylo-oligomers; (iv) α-L-arbinofuranosidase : hydrolyses non-reducing a-L-arabinofuranosyl groups of α-L-furanosides arabinans, arabinoxylans, and arabinogalactans;(v) acetyl-xylan esterase: deacetylates xylan. The capability of a microorganism to grow by utilising hemicellulose as sole C-source is usually taken as an index of hemicellulolytic ability.
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Cognitive radio networks improve spectrum utilization by ‎sharing licensed spectrum with cognitive radio devices. In ‎cognitive radio ad hoc networks the routing protocol is one ‎of the most challenging tasks due to the changes in ‎frequency spectrum and the interrupted connectivity ‎caused by the primary user activity. In this paper, a multi‎path activity based routing protocol for cognitive radio ‎network (MACNRP) is proposed. The protocol utilizes ‎channel availability and creates multiple node-disjoint ‎routes between the source and destination nodes. The ‎proposed protocol is compared with D ² CARP and FTCRP ‎protocols. The performance evaluation is conducted ‎through mathematical analysis and using OPNET ‎simulation. The performance of the proposed protocol ‎achieves an increase in network throughput; besides it ‎decreases the probability of route failure due to node ‎mobility and primary user activity. We have found that the ‎MACNRP scheme results in 50% to 75% reduction in ‎blocking probability and 33% to 78% improvement in ‎network throughput, with a reasonable additional routing ‎overhead and average packet delay. Due to the successful ‎reduction of collision between primary users and ‎cognitive users, the MACNRP scheme results in decreasing ‎the path failure rate by 50% to 87%.
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With growing demand in high data speed and increase in number of subscriber which is estimated to increased by 30% in the year 2020.So, the present technology like 3G, 4G cannot support this hence there is a requirement of developing next generation mobile network which is to be called 5G network. The main aim of the paper is comprehensive study about the challenges in 5G and its possible solution. Here focus on the problems like better signal coverage , high data speed greater than 1gbps, cognitive in 5G and other key technologies is also discussed.
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Big data is a collection of massive and complex data sets and data volume that include the huge quantities of data, data management capabilities, social media analytics and real-time data. Big data analytics is the process of examining large amounts of data. There exist large amounts of heterogeneous digital data. Big data is about data volume and large data set's measured in terms of terabytes or petabytes. This phenomenon is called Bigdata. After examining of Bigdata, the data has been launched as Big Data analytics. In this paper, presenting the 5Vs characteristics of big data and the technique and technology used to handle big data.
Cognitive radio networks provide an opportunity for unlicensed users (secondary users) to use the allocated spectrum band when not in use by legitimate users (primary users). To use a channel or spectrum, it is required to sense the channel for the presence of primary user which is called Spectrum Sensing. In order to reduce the sensing time of spectrum and to determine the state of the channel whether it is free or not in advance, spectrum prediction techniques can be used. In this paper, different techniques and learning models that can be applied to predict the state of spectrum band for the presence of primary user are discussed.
For conventional wireless networks, the main target of resource allocation (RA) is to efficiently utilize the available resources. Generally, there are no changes in the available spectrum, thus static spectrum allocation policies were adopted. However, these allocation policies lead to spectrum under-utilization. In this regard, cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have received great attention due to their potential to improve the spectrum utilization. In general, efficient spectrum management and resource allocation are essential and very crucial for CRNs. This is due to the fact that unlicensed users should attain the most benefit from accessing the licensed spectrum without causing adverse interference to the licensed ones. The cognitive users or called secondary users (SUs) have to effectively capture the arising spectrum opportunities in time, frequency, and space to transmit their data. Mainly, two aspects characterize the resource allocation for CRNs: (i) primary (licensed) network protection and (ii) secondary (unlicensed) network performance enhancement in terms of quality-of-service (QoS), throughput, fairness, energy efficiency, etc.
This paper investigates, a technique which uses antenna diversity to achieve full transmit diversity using an arbitrary number of transmit antennas for secure communications and to improve the system performance by mitigating interference. The work is focused on the performance of DS-CDMA systems over Rayleigh, Rician and AWGN fading channel, in the case of the channel being known at the receiver.The diversity scheme used in the analysis is Alamouti STBC scheme. Using simulation and analytical approach, we show that STBC CDMA system has increased performance in cellular networks We also compare the performance of this system with the typical DS-CDMA system and show that STBC and multiple transmit antennas for DS- CDMA system provide performance gain without any need of extra processing. Evaluation and comparison of the performances of DS-CDMA system in the AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) channel, Rician fading channel and the Rayleigh fading channel are provided.
The growing volume of network traffic and gradual deployment of SDN devices initiate a new era in which one distinguished feature is the application of big data technology to SDNs for construction of flexible, scalable, and self-managing networks. The primary purpose of this article is to develop a novel tensor-based model for efficient provisioning of QoS in software defined networks. First, a forwarding tensor model is proposed to formalize the networking functions in the data plane; then a controlling tensor model is presented for routing path recommendation in the control plane. Finally, the article introduces a transition tensor model for network traffic prediction and QoS provisioning. The three models can automatically monitor the network state, recommend routing paths and predict network traffic, respectively. A case study to recommend routing paths is investigated in the article.