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Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 1
Consistency of impact assessment protocols
for non-native species
Pablo González-Moreno1, Lorenzo Lazzaro2, Montserrat Vilà3, Cristina Preda4,5,
Tim Adriaens6, Sven Bacher4, Giuseppe Brundu7, Gordon H. Copp8, 9 , FranzEssl10,
Emili García-Berthou11, Stelios Katsanevakis12, Toril Loennechen Moen13,
Frances E. Lucy14, Wolfgang Nentwig15, Helen E. Roy16, Greta
Srėbalienė17, VencheTalgø18, Sonia Vanderhoeven19, Ana Andjelković20,21,
KęstutisArbačiauskas22, Marie-Anne Auger-Rozenberg23, Mi-Jung Bae11,24,
MichelBariche25, PieterBoets26, Mário Boieiro27, Paulo Alexandre Borges27,
JoãoCanning-Clode28,29,30, FredericoCardigos31, Niki Chartosia32,
Elizabeth Joanne Cottier-Cook33, FabioCrocetta34, Bram D’hondt35, Bruno Foggi2,
Swen Follak36, BelindaGallardo37, Øivind Gammelmo38, Sylvaine Giakoumi39,
Claudia Giuliani40, Guillaume Fried41, Lucija Šerić Jelaska42,
Jonathan M. Jeschke43,44,45, Miquel Jover46, Alejandro Juárez-Escario47, 48,
Stefanos Kalogirou49, Aleksandra Kočić50, Eleni Kytinou51, CiaranLaverty52,
Vanessa Lozano7, Alberto Maceda-Veiga3, Elizabete Marchante53,
HéliaMarchante53,54, Angeliki F. Martinou55, Sandro Meyer56, Dan Michin57,58,
Ana Montero-Castaño3, Maria Cristina Morais53,59, Carmen Morales-Rodriguez60,
Nadia Muhthassim15, Zoltán Á. Nagy61, Nikica Ogris62, Huseyin Onen63,
JanPergl64, Riikka Puntila65, Wolfgang Rabitsch66, Triya Tessa Ramburn67,
CarlaRego27, Fabian Reichenbach15, Carmen Romeralo68,69,
Wolf-Christian Saul43,44,45, Gritta Schrader70, Rory Sheehan14, Predrag Simonović71,
Marius Skolka5, António Onofre Soares72, Leif Sundheim18, Ali Serhan Tarkan73,
Rumen Tomov74, Elena Tricarico2, Konstantinos Tsiamis75, Ahmet Uludağ76,
Johanvan Valkenburg77, Hugo Verreycken78, Anna Maria Vettraino79, Lluís Vilar46,
Øystein Wiig80, Johanna Witzell69, Andrea Zanetta4,81, Marc Kenis82
1 CABI, Egham, UK 2 Department of Biology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 3 Estación Biológica de
Doñana (EBD-CSIC), Sevilla, Spain 4 University of Fribourg, Department of Biology, Fribourg, Switzerland
5 Ovidius University of Constanta, Department of Natural Sciences, Constanta, Romania 6 Research Institute
for Nature and Forest (INBO), Brussels, Belgium 7 Department of Agriculture, University of Sassari, Sassari,
Italy 8 Salmon & Freshwater Team, CEFAS, Lowestoft, UK 9 Centre for Conservation Ecology and Envi-
ronmental Science, Bournemouth University, Poole, UK 10 Division of Conservation, Vegetation and Landsca-
pe Ecology, University Vienna, Vienna, Austria 11 GRECO, Institute of Aquatic Ecology, University of Girona,
Girona, Spain 12 University of the Aegean, Department of Marine Sciences, Mytilene, Greece 13 Norwegian
Biodiversity Information Centre. Trondheim. Norway 14 CERIS, Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland 15 In-
Copyright Pablo González-Moreno et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC
BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
doi: 10.3897/neobiota.44.31650
Advancing research on alien species and biological invasions
A peer-reviewed open-access journal
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
stitute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland 16 Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,
Crowmarsh Giord, UK 17 Marine Science and Technology Centre, Klaipėda University, Klaipėda, Lithuania
18 Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Ås, Norway 19 Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Wallo-
on Research Department for Nature and Agricultural Areas (DEMNA), Service Public de Wallonie, Gembloux,
Belgium 20 Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Belgrade, Serbia 21 Department of Biology and
Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia 22 Nature Research Centre, Akademijos
Street 2, LT-08412 Vilnius, Lithuania 23 INRA, UR633, Zoologie Forestière (URZF), Orléans, France 24
Freshwater Biodiversity Research Division, Nakdonggang National Institute of Biological Resources, Gyeongsan-
gbuk-do 37242, Republic of Korea 25 Department of Biology, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon
26 Provincial Centre of Environmental Research (PCM), Ghent, Belgium 27 cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolu-
tion and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group and Universidade. dos Açores – Depto de Ciências
e Engenharia do Ambiente, Azores, Portugal 28 MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Madeira
Island, Portugal 29 Centre of IMAR of the University of the Azores, Department of Oceanography and Fisheries.
Horta, Azores, Portugal 30 Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD 21037, USA. 31
OKEANOS - Research Center – Universidade dos Açores, Azores, Portugal 32 Department of Biological Scien-
ces, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus 33 Scottish Association for Marine Science, Scottish Marine Institute,
Oban, UK 34 Department of Integrative Marine Ecology, Stazione Zoologica Anton. Dohrn, Villa Comunale,
I-80121 Napoli, Italy 35 Biology Department, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 36 Austrian Agency for He-
alth and Food Safety, Institute for Sustainable Plant Production, Vienna, Austria 37 Applied and Restoration
Ecology Group (IPE-CSIC), Zaragoza, Spain 38 BioFokus, Oslo, Norway 39 Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS,
UMR 7035 ECOSEAS, Nice, France 40 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (DISFARM), University
of Milane, Milane, Italy 41 Plant Health Laboratory, Anses, Montferrier-sur-Lez, France 42 Department of
Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 43 Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology
and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany 44 Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Biology, Chemistry,
Pharmacy, Institute of Biology, Berlin, Germany 45 Berlin-Brandenburg Institute of Advanced Biodiversity Re-
search (BBIB), Berlin, Germany 46 Unitat de Botànica, Facultat de Ciències, Campus de Montilivi, University
of Girona, Girona, Spain 47 Department of Horticulture, Fruit Growing, Botany and Gardening, Agrotecnio,
ETSEA, University of Lleida, Spain 48 Department of Forest and Crop Science, Agrotecnio, ETSEA, University
of Lleida, Spain 49 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hydrobiological Station of Rhodes, Rhodes, Greece 50
Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia 51 Department of Marine
Sciences, University of the Aegean, Lesvos Island, Greece 52 School of Biological Sciences, Medical and Biological
Centre, Queen’s University Belfast, UK 53 Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, Univer-
sity of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 54 Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal 55 Joint Services Health Unit, RAF Akrotiri, British Forces Cyprus, Cyprus 56 Department
of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland 57 Marine Science and Technology Centre,
Klaipeda University, Klaipeda, Lithuania 58 Marine Organism Investigations, Ballina, Killaloe, Ireland 59
Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences, Department of Biology
and Environment, University of Tras-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal 60 Pathology of Woody
Plants. Technische Universität München, TUM, Freising, Germany 61 Phytophthora Research Centre, De-
partment of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel Uni-
versity in Brno; Brno, Czech Republic 62 Slovenian Forestry Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 63 Department of
Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Gaziosmanpasa University, Tokat, Turkey 64 Department of Invasion
Ecology, Institute of Botany, e Czech Academy of Sciences, Průhonice, Czech Republic 65 Marine Research
Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland 66 Environment Agency Austria, Vienna, Austria 67
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada 68 Sustainable Forest Management Research Institute, University
of Valladolid-INIA, Palencia, Spain 69 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Forest Sciences,
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Alnarp, Sweden 70 Julius Kuehn Institute (JKI), Braunschweig,
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 3
Germany 71 Faculty of Biology & Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia 72 cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity
Group and University of the Azores – Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Açores, Portugal 73 Faculty of Fishe-
ries, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Muğla, Turkey 74 University of Forestry, Department of Plant Protection,
Soa, Bulgaria 75 European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy 76 Faculty of Agriculture,
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale, Turkey 77 National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO),
Wageningen,e Netherlands 78 Research Institute For Nature and Forest (INBO), Linkebeek, Belgium 79
Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy 80
Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway 81 Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Biodiver-
sity and Conservation Biology, Birmensdorf, Switzerland 82 CABI, Delémont, Switzerland
Corresponding author: Pablo González-Moreno (
Academic editor: P. Hulme|Received 14 November 2018|Accepted 26 February 2019|Published 1 April 2019
Citation: González-Moreno P, Lazzaro L, Vilà M, Preda C, Adriaens T, Bacher S, Brundu G, Copp GH, Essl F,
García-Berthou E, Katsanevakis S, Moen TL, Lucy FE, Nentwig W, Roy HE, Srėbalienė G, Talgø V, Vanderhoeven S,
Andjelković A, Arbačiauskas K, Auger-Rozenberg M-A, Bae M-J, Bariche M, Boets P, Boieiro M, Borges PA, Canning-
Clode J, Cardigos F, Chartosia N, Cottier-Cook EJ, Crocetta F, D’hondt B, Foggi B, Follak S, Gallardo B, Gammelmo Ø,
Giakoumi S, Giuliani C, Fried G, Jelaska LS, Jeschke JM, Jover M, Juárez-Escario A, Kalogirou S, Kočić A, Kytinou E,
Laverty C, Lozano V, Maceda-Veiga A, Marchante E, Marchante H, Martinou AF, Meyer S, Michin D, Montero-Castaño
A, Morais MC, Morales-Rodriguez C, Muhthassim N, Nagy ZA, Ogris N, Onen H, Pergl J, Puntila R, Rabitsch W,
Ramburn TT, Rego C, Reichenbach F, Romeralo C, Saul W-C, Schrader G, Sheehan R, Simonović P, Skolka M, Soares
AO, Sundheim L, Tarkan AS, Tomov R, Tricarico E, Tsiamis K, Uludağ A, van Valkenburg J, Verreycken H, Vettraino
AM, Vilar L, Wiig Ø, Witzell J, Zanetta A, Kenis M (2019) Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native
species. NeoBiota 44: 1–25.
Standardized tools are needed to identify and prioritize the most harmful non-native species (NNS). A
plethora of assessment protocols have been developed to evaluate the current and potential impacts of
non-native species, but consistency among them has received limited attention. To estimate the consist-
ency across impact assessment protocols, 89 specialists in biological invasions used 11 protocols to screen
57 NNS (2614 assessments). We tested if the consistency in the impact scoring across assessors, quantied
as the coecient of variation (CV), was dependent on the characteristics of the protocol, the taxonomic
group and the expertise of the assessor. Mean CV across assessors was 40%, with a maximum of 223%.
CV was lower for protocols with a low number of score levels, which demanded high levels of expertise,
and when the assessors had greater expertise on the assessed species. e similarity among protocols with
respect to the nal scores was higher when the protocols considered the same impact types. We conclude
that all protocols led to considerable inconsistency among assessors. In order to improve consistency, we
highlight the importance of selecting assessors with high expertise, providing clear guidelines and ad-
equate training but also deriving nal decisions collaboratively by consensus.
Environmental impact, expert judgement, invasive alien species policy, management prioritization, risk
assessment, socio-economic impact
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
Coupled with the increasing evidence of adverse impacts exerted by some non-native
species (NNS) on native species and ecosystems (Katsanevakis et al. 2014, Vilà et
al. 2011, Vilà and Hulme 2017), there is an increasing demand for robust and user-
friendly impact assessment protocols to be used by professionals with dierent levels
of expertise and knowledge. Such protocols are needed to predict impacts of new or
likely invaders as well as to assess the actual impact of established species. Scientists,
environmental managers, conservationists, and policy makers are developing and im-
plementing approaches to prevent further NNS introductions and their subsequent
establishment, spread and impact. Risk analysis associated with these four main phases
of the invasion process is used to inform management decisions, such as whether to
eradicate or control species that arrive despite prevention eorts (Leung et al. 2012).
Assessment of the realized or potential impacts of NNS is particularly important for
the prioritization of management actions (Essl et al. 2011). However, the large variety
of metrics adopted to measure the impacts undermines direct comparison of impacts
across species, groups of taxa, localities or regions (Vilà et al. 2010). To this end, pro-
tocols to integrate and synthesize the empirical evidence of NNS impacts are needed
in order to ensure a rational use of resources (McGeoch et al. 2016), or for prioritizing
species for subsequent risk assessment (Brunel et al. 2010, Copp et al. 2009).
Robust NNS impact protocols should ideally result in accurate and consistent im-
pact scores for a species even if applied by dierent assessors, as long as they have the
adequate expertise in the assessed species and context. However, despite the importance
of consistency in impact protocols, we have little understanding of the patterns in con-
sistency of impact scores across assessors and protocols, and more importantly, which
factors contribute to high levels of consistency. e level of consistency in species scores
across assessors may depend on the characteristics of the protocol (e.g. taxonomic and
environmental scope, impact types included), but also on the available scientic evi-
dence of impact, and the level of expertise of assessors. For instance, we may expect high
consistency (i.e. low impact score variability) across assessors for well-studied species, or
when all assessors have an in-depth understanding of the species under consideration.
Several international and national organizations and research groups have devel-
oped NNS protocols (Table 1). e common aspect of most of these protocols is that
they allow a ranking of NNS according to the threat they pose to the risk assessment
area. ese have been applied for identifying and assessing potential NNS impacts at
dierent spatial scales, e.g. continental (Nentwig et al. 2010) or national (D’hondt et
al. 2015). However, these protocols dier in several aspects. For example, they vary ac-
cording to their objective, with some considering only environmental impacts whereas
others are broader and include socio-economic or ecosystem services impacts (Leung
et al. 2012, McGeoch et al. 2016, Vanderhoeven et al. 2017). Some protocols were
designed to be taxonomically generic (e.g. GB-NNRA), whereas others are specic for
the screening of certain taxonomic groups such as sh or other aquatic organisms (e.g.
FISK, MI-ISK, FI-ISK, Amph-ISK, EPPO-PRI; see Table 1), particular habitats (e.g.
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 5
BINPAS), or pathways (Panov et al. 2009). Moreover, the existing protocols vary con-
siderably in complexity, such as the number of questions, the need for peer review,
the use of additional software (e.g. spreadsheet or online form), the ways of assessing
uncertainty (Vanderhoeven et al. 2017), and the scoring system used, which can be cat-
egorical, ordinal or continuous (Roy et al. 2018). e content and structural dierences
among protocols could lead to dierences in the assessment results (Leung et al. 2012).
A few comparative analyses have addressed dierences in the structure of impact
assessment protocols (Essl et al. 2011, Heikkilä 2011, Vilà et al. 2019), and on their
consistency in ranking species across regions (Matthews et al. 2017). However, studies
have focused on a reduced number of protocols, and a short list of species (Křivánek
and Pyšek 2006, Turbé et al. 2017). An in-depth comparison across taxa and across
standardized protocols is missing for Europe (Essl et al. 2011), or elsewhere (Snyder
etal. 2013). Such a comparison is urgently required to respond to the European legis-
lation on invasive NNS (Regulation EU No. 1143/2014). e aim of the present study
was to test for consistency in assessment scores across assessors through comparison
of several NNS impact assessment protocols. To address this aim, 89 invasive NNS
specialists used 11 protocols to assess the potential impact of 57 species not native
to Europe and belonging to a very large array of taxonomic groups (plants, animals,
pathogens) from terrestrial to freshwater and marine environments. e specic ques-
tions considered were: 1) How consistent are species scores across assessors? 2) To what
extent does consistency depend on the protocol characteristics, i.e. impact categories
considered (environmental and socio-economic), structural complexity of the protocol
(number of questions and scoring system)? 3) How is consistency related to the charac-
teristics of the NSS (taxonomic group, habitat type, and available scientic knowledge
of the species); 4) What is the relation between consistency and assessor expertise? 5)
Do dierent protocols provide similar nal scores or species ranking? Based on the
study results, we provide recommendations on how the robustness and applicability of
protocols could be improved for assessing NNS impacts.
Material and methods
Selection of impact assessment protocols
Eleven commonly used scientically based protocols developed or applied in Europe
for the evaluation of NNS impacts were selected for comparison by consensus in the
AlienChallenge COST Action workshop in April 2014 by 36 European experts in
NNS risk assessments (Rhodes, Greece) (Table 1). We included all protocols developed
and ocially used at national or continent level in Europe (e.g. EPPO, Harmonia+
and GB-NNRA) and the main protocols used by European research community (e.g.
GISS and FISK). Only the EFSA protocol was discarded from this selection due to
the complexity of extracting and processing the data. Furthermore, during the selec-
tion we aimed to cover the major types and groups of protocols in order to guarantee
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
Table 1. Characteristics of impact assessment protocols used in the study. Each protocol is characterized in terms of the a) taxonomic group the protocol could be
used for, b) the impact categories included (environmental alone or environmental and socio-economic), c) the nal scoring scale (i.e. three levels, ve levels, and
more than 5 levels), d) whether the nal score is based on the maximum score of impacts, e) whether the protocol included questions on species spread as part of a
risk assessment (yes/no), f) the number of questions contributing to the nal score, and g) the mean assessor expertise on species required to ll the questionnaire
(1–5 scale based on 63 online anonymous questionnaire responses).
Protocol Full name Taxonomic
Final scoring
based on
Number of
on species
BINPAS Biological Invasion Impact/Biopollution Assessment Aquatic
animals Environmental 5yes yes 53.50 (Narščius et al. 2012, Olenin
et al. 2007, Zaiko et al. 2011)
EICAT Environmental Impact Classication for Alien Taxa All Environmental 5yes no 93.37 (Blackburn et al. 2011,
Hawkins et al. 2015)
EPPO-EIA European Plant Protection Organisation-Environmental
Impact Assessment for plants (EPPO-EIA-PL) and
terrestrial invertebrates (EPPO-EIA-IN)
plants and
Environmental 5yes no 8 (Plants);
9 (invert.) 3.16 (Kenis et al. 2012)
EPPO-PRI EPPO-Prioritization scheme Plants Environmental
and socio-
3yes yes 11 3.00 (Brunel et al. 2010)
FISK (and
related) Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (FISK); Freshwater
Invertebrate Invasiveness Screening Kit (FI-ISK); Marine
Fish Invasiveness Screening Kit (MFISK); Marine
Invertebrate Invasiveness Screening Kit (MI-ISK)
animals Environmental
and socio-
3no yes 49 4.12 (Copp 2013, Copp et al.
2009, Panov et al. 2009,
Tricaricoetal. 2010)
GABLIS German-Austrian Black List Information System All Environmental 3yes yes 12 3.22 (Essl et al. 2011)
GB-NNRA Great Britain Non-native Species Risk Assessment All Environmental
and socio-
5no yes 33 3.90 (Baker et al. 2008,
Mumfordetal. 2010)
GISS Generic Impact Scoring System All Environmental
and socio-
>5 (discrete
no no 12 3.46 (Nentwig et al. 2010, 2016)
Harmonia+ Belgian risk screening tools for potentially invasive
plants and animals All Environmental
and socio-
(continuous yes yes 20 3.46 (D’hondt et al. 2015)
ISEIA Belgian Invasive Species Environmental Impact
Assessment All (not
marine for
this study)
Environmental 3no yes 42.81 (Branquart 2009)
NGEIAAS Norway Generic Ecological Impact Assessment of
AlienSpecies All Environmental 5yes yes 11 4.34 (Gederaas et al. 2012,
Sandvik et al. 2013)
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 7
enough variability in their characteristics. e selection does not consider risk analysis
tools or updates that have become available after 2015, such as AS-ISK (Copp et al.
2016), which replaces FISK and the other -ISK toolkits and complies with the mini-
mum standards NNS risk analysis under Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014 (Roy etal.
2018). Risk assessments are usually divided into four components that consider the
potential for a non-native species to enter a region, establish, spread and cause impacts.
e selection included impact assessment and risk assessment protocols for which we
only compared the sections dealing with spread and impact as they are largely inter-
related. Each protocol considers a dierent method to calculate the nal score per spe-
cies based on the responses (i.e. aggregation method): maximum impact, accumulated
impact, categorization matrix or decision trees, an independent summary question, or
the combination of any of the previous methods. Owing to the number of protocols
used in the present study and their complexity, no attempt was made to standardize
variations in score aggregation methods but rather, where possible, to account for this
variability during the data analysis as covariates. Some protocols can be applied to
any taxon while others are specic to particular groups or habitats (e.g. BINPAS and
FISK are used only for aquatic animals, EPPO Prioritization for plants). As such, the
number of protocols assessed per species varied depending on the taxonomic group
(Table1). Although all the -ISK toolkits (FISK, FI-ISK, Amph-ISK, MFISK, MI-ISK)
were used for their respective taxonomic groups, in the data analyses all the versions
were listed under ‘FISK’ because of their high similarity. For the same reason, the
EPPO-EIAs for insects/pathogens and plants were listed together.
Each protocol was characterized according to several variables (Table 1): the catego-
ries of impact considered (environmental alone or environmental and socio-economic),
inclusion of questions on species spread (yes/no), on scoring scale (i.e. three levels, ve
levels and more than ve levels), whether the protocol included a maximum aggregation
method (i.e. the largest value of a set of values) to calculate the nal score (yes/no), the
number of questions requiring input from the assessors and contributing to the nal
score, and the expertise on the species required to complete the protocol. e latter was
based on 63 responses received from an online anonymous questionnaire distributed to
all assessors, which included a question asking them to rate their agreement (from 1 =
disagree to 5 = fully agree) with the statement: “is protocol requires a high level of
expertise on the species”. Assessors answered this question for each protocol after having
completed all assessments. e response values were averaged per protocol to provide a
single estimate of the level of expertise required for that NNS protocol (Table 1).
Selection of species
A total of 57 species from dierent taxonomic groups not native to terrestrial, fresh-
water, and marine environments in Europe were selected (Suppl. material 1: TableS1).
Among them, only two species are native to a part of Europe (Arion vulgaris and
Dreissena polymorpha). e list of species was elicited by consensus also at the Al-
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
ien Challenge COST Action workshop in April 2014 (Rhodes, Greece). During the
workshops, the experts were grouped according to their taxonomic expertise under the
coordination of a taxonomic leader, in order to select a list of species covering a wide
range of European climatic regions and habitat types, biological characteristics and the
degree and type of impact. While some NNS were widespread, very well studied and
with known impacts, some had a localized geographical distribution (Suppl. mate-
rial 1: Table S1). Each NNS was assigned to a specic taxonomic group and habitat
type: terrestrial plants, freshwater plants, terrestrial vertebrates, terrestrial insects, other
terrestrial invertebrates, freshwater invertebrates, freshwater sh, marine species, and
pathogens. e scientic knowledge available for the NNS was quantied as the num-
ber of records in the Web of Science using the accepted scientic name as a query, and
biology and ecology research area as lters (retrieved in August 2016). Additionally, the
mean and coecient of variation of the assessor expertise on each species (Suppl. mate-
rial 1: Table S1) was derived through a self-valuation questionnaire on each assessed
NNS using the following classication: 1 = low (the assessor has not worked with the
species); 2 = medium (the assessor has not published on the species but has expertise on
it through surveys or reports); and 3 = high (the assessor has published on the species).
Assessment of non-native species
ere is a large variation in methods to implement the dierent protocols; some are
available as downloadable freeware (-ISK toolkits, the ‘NAPRA’ version of the GB-NN-
RA), as online applications (e.g. Harmonia+, BINPAS), whereas some have to be con-
structed following the text guidelines (e.g. GISS, EICAT), and others can be obtained as
spreadsheets (e.g. GB-NNRA) or databases (e.g. NGEIAAS). To harmonize use of the
protocols and facilitate data retrieval, a comprehensive Excel® spreadsheet template was
developed to include all the protocols (see Suppl. material 2). e resulting spreadsheet
was checked by the authors or owners of each protocol to ensure that it accurately de-
picted the original protocol whilst matching the common-practice methodology.
Using the protocols selected in the spreadsheet template, 89 assessors independent-
ly assessed between three to 11 species (mean = 3.9) of the taxonomic group in their
area of expertise (i.e. terrestrial plants, aquatic plants, terrestrial vertebrates, terrestrial
insects, other terrestrial invertebrates, freshwater invertebrates, freshwater sh, marine
species and pathogens) (Suppl. material 1: Table S1). All assessors were researchers with
expertise in biological invasions (PhD or PhD candidate) selected among the partici-
pants of the Alien Challenge COST Action by the coordinators of each taxonomic
group. e experience of the assessors with NNS impact assessments varied. Most as-
sessors had occasionally participated in NNS risk assessments exercises (59.3%), while
19.7% had never participated and 17.5% had often participated. All NNS were as-
sessed by a minimum of ve assessors (maximum eight) (Suppl. material 1: Table S1),
yielding a total of 2614 assessments. Before conducting the assessments, the assessors
were required to read the impact assessment guidelines provided per protocol and ask
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 9
questions directly to the protocol developers if needed. When scoring impacts, as-
sessors were instructed to consider Europe as the risk assessment area and the likely
worst-case scenario for each NNS. Based on the precautionary principle, protocols
recommend scoring the potential impact of NNS based on the available information
either from studies for the area of assessment, or from areas with the same invaded
habitat in a similar climate. e assessors were instructed to base their assessments on
all available literature, information sources and their own expertise, indicating in the
assessment the source of the information. e selection of the literature used for the
assessment was left at the discretion of the assessor.
Before retrieving the data, each assessment was checked for completeness. Once all
NNS assessments were completed, the nal scores for each assessment were extracted.
To harmonize scores across protocols, all ordinal scores (i.e. protocols with three or
ve levels as nal scoring scale; Table 1) were transformed into numeric values, with
the lowest impact as 1 and the maximum as 3 or 5, respectively. en, all scores were
standardized from 0 to 1 using the following equation (S – Smin)/(Smax – Smin),
where S represent the score per NNS in each assessment, and Smax and Smin, the
maximum and minimum possible scores provided by the protocol (Turbé et al. 2017).
Consistency in non-native species scoring across assessors
For each NNS and protocol (471 combinations), the mean and the coecient of vari-
ation (CV) of the nal score were calculated. e mean was used as the overall score
across experts per NNS and protocol, whereas CV was used as an estimate of the con-
sistency of scores across experts, adjusting for the mean value. First, dierences in CV
among all protocols were tested using a linear mixed model with protocol name as a
xed eect and species nested within taxonomic groups as random eects (i.e. random
intercept model). Second, we used multimodel inference (Burnham and Anderson
2002) of linear mixed models to analyze the relationship between the CV and species
characteristics (taxonomic group and available knowledge), protocol characteristics
(impact categories, spread question included, nal scoring scale, whether nal scoring
was based on maximum score, number of questions and expertise on the species re-
quired) and assessor expertise on the species (mean and coecient of variance). In this
set of models, we used the same random eects structure as in the rst model but did
not include protocol name as a covariate. Model residuals were checked for normality
and homoscedasticity and identied the square root as the best transformation for CV.
Multi-model inference, based on the all-subsets selection of predictors, was performed
using the corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc) keeping the same random
eects in all model combinations. For each combination of predictors, Akaike weights
(wi) were calculated. Considering the best models given the selected predictors (ΔAICc
< 6) (Richards 2008), the relative importance w+(j) of each predictor j was estimated as
the sum of the AICc weights across all models in which the selected predictor appeared.
Predictors with higher w+(j) (i.e. closer to 1) have a higher weight of evidence to explain
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
the response variable with the given data. Finally, the average of regression coecients
weighted by wi within the subset of best models was calculated.
Dierences in the mean CV among levels for the categorical variables in the best
candidate model (i.e. with the smallest AICc) were tested for signicance using a Tukey
post hoc test. Prior to modelling, continuous predictors for the models above were
checked for multicollinearity using Pearson correlations. All variables were selected for
further analyses considering the low correlation values found (r < 0.5; Suppl. mate-
rial1: Table S2) (Dormann et al. 2013). Continuous variables were centered (deviate
from the mean) and scaled (divided by standard deviation) to facilitate interpretation
of model coecients and model convergence (Schielzeth 2010). Finally, in all models
explained above we accounted for the variability in the number of assessments per
NNS (5 to 8; Suppl. material 1: Table S1) (i.e. sample size eect), including the num-
ber of assessments as a covariate (i.e. xed eect).
Dierences in impact assessment scoring across protocols
Similarities in the scoring of NNS across the dierent protocols were compared us-
ing hierarchical cluster analyses. Cluster analyses of the mean scores per NNS and
protocol (calculations described above) were performed using Spearman’s correlation
coecient as a similarity measure and the complete linkage method (i.e. maximum
distance between clusters). Using this method, we rst carried out a cluster analysis of
all NNS across the six protocols common to all taxonomic groups (i.e. GABLIS, GB-
NNRA, EICAT, Harmonia+, GISS and NGEIAAS). en, separate analyses were also
performed for four subsets of NNS with common protocols: 1) aquatic and terrestrial
plants, 2) aquatic animals (combining freshwater invertebrates, freshwater sh, and
marine invertebrates), 3) terrestrial invertebrates (terrestrial insects and other terres-
trial invertebrates), and 4) terrestrial vertebrates (Suppl. material 1: Table S1). Patho-
gens were not included in this analysis due to the low number (n = 3) of species tested.
Prior to these analyses in order to account for the variability in the number of assess-
ments per NNS (ve to eight; Suppl. material 1: Table S1) (i.e. sample size eect), we
calculated the Pearson’s correlation between the mean score per NSS and protocol and
the number of assessments performed for all groups of species indicated above. When
the correlation was signicant for a group of species (p < 0.05) we used simple linear
regression models to relate the mean score with the number of assessments per spe-
cies and used the model’s residuals in subsequent hierarchical analyses. We followed
this approach only for plants and aquatic animals based on the signicant correlation
found (Plants r: -0.17, p < 0.05; Aquatic animals r: -0.17, p < 0.05). Results without
this correction were similar, reinforcing the robustness of the results (Suppl. material
1: Fig. S2). All statistical analyses and gures were carried out in R v3.4.1 (R Core
Team 2017) using packages lme4, lsmeans, MuMIn and sjPlot to implement and plot
mixed models and gplots for the correlation heat maps and dendrograms.
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 11
Consistency across assessors
e mean coecient of variation (CV) of assessor scores per NNS and protocol
was 40% (± 37% SD), with 10% (n = 470) showing complete agreement (CV = 0)
among assessors but with maximum variability being 223% (four species in ISEIA:
Aedes albopictus, Arion vulgaris, Australoheros facetus and Fascioloides magna; two spe-
cies in EPPO EIA: Diabrotica virgifera and Tuta absoluta). CV was remarkably dier-
ent among protocols (Fig. 1). ISEIA, EPPO-EIA and Harmonia+ protocols had the
highest CV, whereas NGEIAAS and GABLIS protocols showed the lowest values. CV
across assessors was better explained by protocol characteristics than by NNS charac-
teristics (Table 2). Scoring scale, expertise required and the use of maximum impact
score were the variables with the highest weight of evidence.
According to Tukey post hoc tests in the best candidate model, protocols us-
ing three score levels had significantly lower CV than the protocols using scales
with five levels (difference = 0.25, p < 0.001) or more than five levels (difference
= 0.29, p < 0.001). However, protocols with five score levels were similar to pro-
Figure 1. Coecient of variation (CV) of species scoring across assessors per impact assessment protocol
based on linear mixed models controlling for taxonomic group and species as nested random eects and
number of assessments per species as xed eects. Protocols with the same letters above the graph are not
signicantly dierent (p < 0.05; Tukey test). Dots indicate the least squares means per protocol. Lines
indicate the condence interval (95%) around the means.
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
Figure 2. Mean regression coecient and condence interval (95%) of taxonomic groups (random eects)
in the best linear mixed model explaining the coecient of variation of scores of 57 invasive non-native species
for 11 dierent protocols including all signicant species, assessor and protocol characteristics (see Table 2) .
tocols with more than five levels (p = 0.27). CV across assessors was significantly
lower for protocols that required higher expertise than those for which low exper-
tise was required (Table2). The expertise required per protocol was highly cor-
related to the overall number of fields in the protocol (i.e. questions, comments,
uncertainty and results; Pearson’s r = 0.9) but less with the number of questions
actually contributing to the final score calculation (r = 0.5; Suppl. material 1:
Table S2). Protocols using the maximum impact score yielded lower CV values.
In terms of protocol content, CV was higher when protocols included a NNS
spread module but there was no difference depending on the impact types consid-
ered (Table 2). The number of questions contributing to final score and impact
categories considered did not show significant relations to CV (Table 2). Among
NNS and assessor characteristics, only the mean of assessor expertise on each
NNS showed a significant negative relationship with CV values (Table 2). Finally,
there were some differences in CV among taxonomic groups (Fig. 2). Although
not significant, terrestrial vertebrates, terrestrial plants, pathogens and freshwater
invertebrates tended to show lower CVs whereas higher values were found for
terrestrial insects, other terrestrial invertebrates and freshwater plants. Only ter-
restrial insects and freshwater plants showed a significantly higher CV than the
average across all taxa (Fig. 2).
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 13
Consistency across protocols
e pair-wise correlations in NNS scores among the six protocols common to all taxa
were highly diverse (min–max = 0.16–0.77; mean = 0.55), indicating low consistency in
species scores among some protocols (Fig. 3). With respect to taxonomic groups, aquat-
ic animals had the highest mean correlation among protocols, terrestrial invertebrates
and plants showed an equally low mean correlation, and terrestrial vertebrates had the
lowest correlation levels (Fig. 4). ese correlations remained similar when considering
only the protocols common to all three taxonomic groups (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S1)
and without sample size correction (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S2). Cluster analysis identi-
ed two main groups (Fig. 3, Suppl. material 1: Fig. S1): protocols that include only
environmental impacts (NGEIAAS, GABLIS, and EICAT) and protocols that include
both environmental and socio-economic impacts (GB-NNRA, GISS and Harmonia+).
e scorings of Harmonia+ were clearly distinct from the other protocols (indicated by
lower correlation values), particularly for plants and terrestrial invertebrates (Figs 3, 4).
Similarly, FISK and GABLIS showed relatively low correlation values with the other
protocols for aquatic animals and terrestrial vertebrates, respectively (Fig. 4).
e comparison of impact assessment protocols for NNS shows that scoring vari-
ability across assessors can be substantial, depending on the taxonomic group con-
Table 2. Average coecient and Akaike weights for each species, assessor and protocol variable within the
best linear mixed models (AICc < 6) explaining the coecient of variation of the scores of 57 non-native
species in 11 impact assessment protocols. Taxonomic groups and species identication were included as
nested random eect. Predictors with weight closer to one have a higher relative importance to explain
the response variable. Variables with weight equals zero were not included in the best subset of models to
calculate average coecients.
Variable Coecient Adjusted SE z P Weight
Intercept 0.36 0.06 5.76 <0.001
Number of assessments 0
Web of Science records (available knowledge) -0.06 0.05 1.18 0.24 0.06
Mean assessor expertise -0.04 0.02 2.21 0.03 0.14
CV assessor expertise 0
Scoring scale See results section 1
Expertise required -0.14 0.02 7.76 <0.001 1
Using maximum impact score (yes-no) -0.12 0.02 4.93 <0.001 1
Spread (yes-no) 0.12 0.05 3.57 <0.001 0.95
Impact type 0
Number of questions 0
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
Figure 3. Spearman correlation matrix and hierarchical cluster of species scorings for the protocols com-
mon for all species. e color scale indicates the correlation between the species scorings obtained for each
protocol pair. In brackets, the mean of all pair-wise correlations.
sidered and the scoring system. However, there is potential to reduce this variability
by considering the expertise of the assessors and optimizing structural characteristics
of the protocol. Furthermore, the ranking of NNS based on the protocol scoring
can dier depending on the approach implemented, mainly based on the impact
category type considered (i.e. whether socio-economic impacts are included). us,
the selection of the scoring approach can have important consequences on the nal
ranking of NNS produced.
Consistency across assessors and across taxonomic groups
Scoring consistency across assessors and for some taxonomic groups was surprisingly
low. It is not clear why these large discrepancies occurred even when the assessors were
experts in invasion biology within their taxonomic domain. Many factors can inu-
ence the interpretations of context dependence found in the scientic literature, which
can lead to subjective and inconsistent answers even amongst expert assessors (Gilovich
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 15
et al. 2002). Heuristics and bias, including intuitive strategies to process information,
can lead to variability in expert responses (O’Hagan et al. 2006). For example, experts
might score the impact according to the studies with which they feel most familiar
(e.g. conducted by colleagues in their region). Similarly, if there is a lack of informa-
tion on the impacts for a NNS, then the judgement might be biased towards a NNS
of the same taxonomic lineage. Alternatively, inconsistencies might be due to inherent
uncertainty. For instance, a greater inconsistency for most groups of aquatic taxa may
reect a higher diculty in determining impacts than for taxa in other environments
(Molnar et al. 2008). Finally, these biases could be balanced by anchoring eects where
most assessors might assign intermediate levels of impact when there is insucient
information to full the protocol requests.
Figure 4. Spearman correlation matrix and hierarchical cluster of the species scorings for the protocols
common per species group. e color scale indicates the correlation between the species scorings obtained
for each protocol pair. In brackets, the mean of all pairwise correlations per group.
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
Part of the variability in consistency was explained by protocol characteristics and
the approaches implemented. Protocols with three score levels were more likely to
show consistency among assessors than those with ve or more levels. However, a
three-category scoring system might not be sucient to discriminate between NNS
impacts or magnitude of impacts and rank NNS for prioritisation, because too many
species will have the same score. Protocols that select the highest impact among dier-
ent categories provided higher consistency. By denition, this approach will homog-
enise the scores towards higher values discarding inconsistencies from less important
impacts in a way that results will be more conservative.
Protocols containing questions that required greater expertise on the species yield-
ed higher scoring consistency than simpler protocols. Protocols requiring greater ex-
pertise demanded very detailed information about the species (e.g. expected popula-
tion lifetime in NGEIAAS) that, when available, is very likely to be available only in
few studies. Owing to the restricted number of sources of information, the variability
in the nal score might be low. Complex protocols might be less user-friendly and
more time-consuming, but this in itself could increase focus and decrease subjectivity.
Exceptions exist, e.g. the -ISK screening (Copp 2013), whereby the protocol is easy to
use but the 49 questions require more time to answer than simpler tools such as ISEIA,
which has only 12 questions. However, the questions from simple tools such as ISEIA
focus mainly on impacts, whereas the -ISK screening tools include a much broader
range of questions, such as invasion history, species traits and susceptibility to manage-
ment measures. e balance between ease of use and time spent is critical as some pro-
tocols are meant to be used for the rapid screening of a NNS, whereas others provide
more in-depth assessments. For example, NGEIAAS was designed for professional ex-
perts who carry out very detailed risk assessments on behalf of government authorities
(Gederaas et al. 2012, Sandvik et al. 2013). is issue highlights that although we only
selected impact and spread related sections, the present study compares tools intended
for dierent phases of the risk analysis process, i.e. risk identication (e.g. ISEIA, -ISK
screening tools), risk assessment (e.g. GB-NNRA, Harmonia+) and impact assessment
(e.g. GISS, EICAT). Further studies could look into a detailed comparison across all
phases of the risk analysis process in order to highlight those sections that might re-
quire improvement.
Regarding assessor and NNS characteristics, the only factor that signicantly
increased consistency among assessors was their level of expertise with the assessed
species. Assessors that had previous experience with the NNS assessed may have had
similar high levels of knowledge on that NNS, and this may have led to similar scores.
Nevertheless, this situation is infrequent as NNS assessments are more commonly un-
dertaken by persons familiar with the taxonomic group but not necessarily with the
NNS being assessed (e.g. NNS not yet present or still rare in the study area). Unexpect-
edly, consistency was not related to the availability of information about the species
(i.e. higher number of WoS records). e simplest explanation is that the number
of studies available does not necessarily indicate more studies relevant for impact as-
sessments as the literature on these species could be linked to other research elds in
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 17
invasion biology not directly associated with their environmental or socioeconomic
impacts. It is also relevant to note that dierent assessors might have had access to dif-
ferent information sources, particularly non-English literature and reports. is might
have aected consistency results but we followed standard practices for NNS risk as-
sessments. Further studies could look at these dierences providing a base information
for the species to be assessed.
e high inconsistency found among assessor’s scores raises high concerns and sug-
gests that assessments conducted by single assessors should be interpreted with caution
(Pheloung et al. 1999, Cousens 2008). Expert working group scoring, the use of con-
sensus techniques and reviewing processes can inform the responses of single assessors
and therefore reduce uncertainty (Sutherland and Burgman 2015, Vanderhoeven et al.
2017). For NNS lacking information or contrasting data, structured elicitation tech-
niques, such as the Delphi approach, which is based on a feedback and revision process
(Mukherjee et al. 2015), can identify and reduce potential sources of bias among ex-
perts (Morgan 2014, Sutherland and Burgman 2015). In practice, risk assessments for
NNS, in particular those carried out in the plant health sector, are usually done either
by groups of experts, as in EPPO pest risk assessment, or using an independent peer
reviewer and an editorial-board type vetting procedure, such as in Great Britain (Baker
et al. 2008, Booy et al. 2012). e consensus approach is used for plants and plant pests
because those assessments are likely to be used in international trade agreements in
order to demonstrate robustness (Schrader et al. 2010). However, national or regional
impact risk assessments of NNS for blacklists or prioritization purposes are often based
on the judgement of a few or single experts. us, eorts should be made to involve a
panel of experts in the species or the system following elicitation techniques.
Dierences across protocols
Variations among protocols in species scoring are mainly due to the inclusion, or not,
of socio-economic impacts. Although socio-economic and environmental impacts are
generally correlated (Kumschick et al. 2015a, Vilà et al. 2010), it is almost impossible
to predict the magnitude of one impact from the other (Bacher et al. 2018). For ex-
ample, many NNS, such as agricultural pests and organisms aecting human health,
exclusively cause socio-economic impacts (Kenis and Branco 2010, Kumschick et al.
2015b) and, thus, using protocols that include such impacts will aect the impact
ranking of NNS under consideration. Furthermore, the perception of socio-economic
impacts is likely to vary across stakeholders. us, depending on the target audience
and objectives of the assessment, dierent protocols may be used, focusing either on
environmental or socio-economic impacts or both together. e majority of the proto-
cols exclusively considered environmental impacts, and there was greater correlation in
scores among these protocols. However, the dierence between scores was dependent
on the taxonomic group under consideration. Ranking of species completely shifted
(negative correlation of scores across protocols) when dierent impact categories were
Pablo González-Moreno et al. / NeoBiota 44: 1–25 (2019)
considered for terrestrial vertebrates and plants, but the dierence was lower for aquat-
ic animals. is pattern might be due to dierences in the relevance of impacts across
taxa, with terrestrial vertebrates showing highly contrasting impact types for single
species (e.g. high economic impact but low environmental impact) (Vilà et al. 2010).
However, dierences in scores among taxonomic groups might again also simply re-
ect dierences in the knowledge of their impacts. Impacts of terrestrial vertebrates or
plants might be better known than those of aquatic organisms. Testing this hypothesis
requires comparing uncertainty scores provided by experts across impact types and
taxonomic groups, which could be done with the current dataset in further studies.
Among all protocols, Harmonia+, FISK and GABLIS led to very dierent scores
in comparison to the other protocols. is dierence was partly related to the dier-
ent impact categories considered but also to the inclusion of questions beyond impact
(e.g. management in GABLIS and FISK). Finally, the GB-NNRA protocol showed a
variable relation with other protocols across taxa: low correlation with protocols only
considering environmental impacts for plants and terrestrial invertebrates but high for
vertebrates. e nal score in the GB-NNRA was not automatically calculated as in
the other protocols. Instead, assessors were asked to provide overall summary scores
and condence rankings for the NNS based on the answers provided in previous sec-
tions, which include questions that consider both environmental and socio-economic
impacts (Baker et al. 2008, Mumford et al. 2010). is approach could have led to
the not consistent relation between the GB-NNRA protocol and the others. However,
when used as part of the GB risk analysis process (Booy et al. 2012), it aids the NNS
risk analysis panel to identify inconsistencies between the assessor’s individual question
responses and their overall scores and condence levels (Mumford et al. 2010).
Recommendations for NNS impact assessments
Several key factors should be taken into account when selecting or designing a NNS risk
assessment protocol, such as the aim, the scope, the consistency and the accuracy of the
outcomes, and the resources available to perform the assessment (e.g. time or informa-
tion). As a rst step, the suitability of a NNS risk assessment protocol will depend on
the scope and aim of the assessment. For instance, if a NNS is already present in the
region of interest, assessments on likelihood of entry and establishment are less mean-
ingful than just the assessment of impact. Protocols with dierent scopes may produce
dierent results in terms of NNS rankings (Lazzaro et al. 2016). As we have shown, even
just considering dierent types of impacts could result in large dierences in rankings.
us, it is crucial not to mix the results from assessment methods that consider dier-
ent impacts or phases of the invasion process. Furthermore, our results show that even
if the focus is only on impact and spread sections, the choice of the protocol is criti-
cal because the scoring consistency will depend on the characteristics of the protocol.
ree main factors were responsible for these inconsistencies, the choice of the scoring
scale, how the nal score is summarized and the general expertise required to use the
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 19
protocol. We recommend using a 5-level scoring, maximum aggregation method and
moderate expertise requirements as a good compromise to reduce inconsistency without
losing discriminatory power or usability. In general, we also advise protocol developers
to perform sensibility tests of consistency before nal release or adoption (e.g. Pheloung
et al. 1999). is is crucial because if a protocol yields inconsistent outcomes when used
by dierent assessors, then it is likely that decisions taken based on the results could be
variable and disproportionate to the actual impacts (Schrader et al. 2012).
Part of the inconsistency might also come from the way the protocol is used in
practice (e.g. standardized forms, clear guidelines, selection of assessors, individual vs.
group assessments). We propose three main ways to reduce this type of inconsistency.
First, irrespectively of the protocol, selecting a group of assessors with high expertise will
yield more consistent results. Second, inconsistencies due to linguistic uncertainties (e.g.
denitions, formulations, rating) can be reduced by improving the guidelines and with
adequate training of the assessors (Vilà et al. 2019). ird, other studies have suggested
using expert elicitation methods to reduce inconsistencies (Morgan 2014, Sutherland
and Burgman 2015), such as consensus building (Mukherjee et al. 2015) or quality
control mechanisms (e.g. peer-review panels). Elicitation methods can reveal whether
dierences in scoring outcomes between and within protocols reect true dierences in
opinion, lack of evidence, or subjective biases due to protocol interpretation (Vanderho-
even et al. 2017). In fact, scientic consensus and robust revisions are crucial for policy
implementation (Turbé et al. 2017). Finally, there will always be inconsistencies due to
knowledge gaps and subjectivity in the interpretation of the scientic results when there
is high context dependency. is might not be a problem in providing a sound evidence-
base for decisions on NNS as long as protocols are used transparently and uncertainties
are explicitly dealt with through appropriate methods (Vanderhoeven et al. 2017).
is article is based upon work from the COST Action TD1209: Alien Challenge.
COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a pan-European inter-
governmental framework. e mission of COST is to enable scientic and techno-
logical developments leading to new concepts and products and thereby contribute
to strengthening Europe’s research and innovation capacities. PGM was supported
by the CABI Development Fund (with contributions from ACIAR (Australia) and
Dd (UK) and by Darwin plus, DPLUS074 ‘Improving biosecurity in the SAUKOTs
through Pest Risk Assessments’. MV by Belmont Forum-Biodiversa project InvasiBES
(PCI2018-092939). CP by Sciex-NMSch 12.108. JMJ and WCS by BiodivERsA (FFII
project; DFG grant JE 288/7-1). JMJ by DFG project JE 288/9-1,9-2. CR and MB by
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grants SFRH/BPD/91357/2012 and SFRH/
BPD/86215/2012, respectively. PS by MESTD of Serbia, grant #173025. JP by RVO
67985939 and 17-19025S. JCC was supported by a starting grant in the framework of
the 2014 FCT Investigator Programme (IF/01606/2014/CP1230/CT0001).
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Supplementary material 1
Supplementary materials
Authors: Pablo González-Moreno et al.
Data type: statistical data
Explanation note: Figure S1: hierarchical cluster of the species scores for the six proto-
cols common to all taxonomic groups. Figure S2: hierarchical cluster of the species
scorings for plants and aquatic animals without correcting for sample size bias.
Table S1: list of non-native species. Table S2: correlation analyses.
Copyright notice: is dataset is made available under the Open Database License
( e Open Database License
(ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and
use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the
original source and author(s) are credited.
Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species 25
Supplementary material 2
Supplementary materials
Authors: Pablo González-Moreno et al.
Data type: Spreadsheet template
Explanation note: Spreadsheet template to ll the 11 impact assessment protocols for
non-native species considered in the study.
Copyright notice: is dataset is made available under the Open Database License
( e Open Database License
(ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and
use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the
original source and author(s) are credited.
Content uploaded by Zoltán Árpád Nagy
Author content
All content in this area was uploaded by Zoltán Árpád Nagy on Jan 12, 2021
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