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Grain yield, efficiency and the allocation of foliar N applied to soybean canopies


Abstract and Figures

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield is closely associated with the level of optimal nitrogen (N) supply, especially during the reproductive stages. Foliar fertilization with low rates of N have been considered as a strategy for furnishing additional N and enhancing grain yields. Field studies using 15N tracer were conducted over two growing seasons to investigate the impact of foliar N fertilization on grain yield, plant N content, the amount of N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE). Four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g ha–1) were supplied by two equal split applications at the R1 and R3 stages. Foliar N fertilization of soybean canopies did not affect grain yield, grain N content, shoot N content nor plant N content. Total NDFF was increased from 0.7 to 2.0 kg ha–1 across the N rates. Nonetheless, NRE was unaffected by foliar N fertilization, which averaged 53 %. Soybean plants allocated the same amount of N fertilizer to both grains and shoots. No significant effects of low rate foliar N fertilization were registered on soybean grain yield nor plant N content, despite considerable N fertilizer recovery by plant organs.
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Sci. Agric. v.76, n.4, p.305-310, July/August 2019
ISSN 1678-992X
ABSTRACT: Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield is closely associated with the level of
optimal nitrogen (N) supply, especially during the reproductive stages. Foliar fertilization with low
rates of N have been considered as a strategy for furnishing additional N and enhancing grain
yields. Field studies using 15N tracer were conducted over two growing seasons to investigate
the impact of foliar N fertilization on grain yield, plant N content, the amount of N derived from
fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE). Four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g
ha–1) were supplied by two equal split applications at the R1 and R3 stages. Foliar N fertilization
of soybean canopies did not affect grain yield, grain N content, shoot N content nor plant N
content. Total NDFF was increased from 0.7 to 2.0 kg ha–1 across the N rates. Nonetheless,
NRE was unaffected by foliar N fertilization, which averaged 53 %. Soybean plants allocated the
same amount of N fertilizer to both grains and shoots. No significant effects of low rate foliar N
fertilization were registered on soybean grain yield nor plant N content, despite considerable N
fertilizer recovery by plant organs.
Keywords: Glycine max (L.) Merr, foliar N fertilization, 15N tracer, foliar application, nitrogen
recovery efficiency
Grain yield, efficiency and the allocation of foliar N applied to soybean canopies
Silas Maciel de Oliveira1* , Clovis Pierozan Junior2, Bruno Cocco Lago1, Rodrigo Estevam Munhoz de Almeida3, Paulo Cesar
Ocheuze Trivelin4, José Laércio Favarin1
1Universidade de São Paulo/ESALQ – Depto. de Produção
Vegetal, Av. Pádua Dias, 11 – 13418-900 – Piracicaba,
SP – Brasil.
2Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do
Paraná, Av. Bento Munhoz da Rocha Neto, 280 – 85555-000
– Palmas, PR – Brasil.
3Embrapa Pesca e Aquicultura, C.P. 90 – 77008-900 –
Palmas, TO – Brasil.
4Universidade de São Paulo/CENA – Lab. de Isótopos
Estáveis, Av. Centenário, 303 – 13416-000 – Piracicaba,
SP – Brasil.
*Corresponding author <>
Edited by: Richard L. Mulvaney
Received November 23, 2017
Accepted February 24, 2018
Foliar nitrogen (N) fertilization is an increasingly
common practice in commercial grain soybean [Gly-
cine max (L.) Merr.] production. Soybean N fixation will
necessarily reflect variations in soil N supplying power,
and although soybeans can fix appreciable amounts of
N ~200 kg ha–1 (Unkovich and Pate, 2000; Alves et al.,
2003; Herridge et al., 2008), recent studies document
that N limits grain yield (Wilson et al., 2014; Felipe et
al., 2016). The application of low amounts of N as a fo-
liar spray is a pathway for additional N, especially dur-
ing the pod-filling stage when N demand is high (Gaspar
et al., 2017). In addition, compatibility with pesticides
commonly applied reduces costs and more foliar N ap-
plications may be performed.
Previous studies have shown grain yield increases
resulting from foliar N fertilization (Vasilas et al., 1980;
Blandino and Reyneri, 2009; Ranđelović et al., 2009; Jyo-
thi et al., 2013; Khan et al., 2013). It has been suggested
that foliar N application may provide other advantages
as well. Using foliar N application during the pod-filling,
Ikeda et al. (1991) reported increased photosynthetic
productivity in leaves and the export of photosynthates
to the nodules for an extended length of time. In studies
investigating foliar application effects on grain N con-
centrations, such concentrations increased between 0.2
% and 2.4 % (Ruske et al., 2003; Blandino and Reyneri,
2009; Mandić et al., 2015).
In contrast, a lack of grain yield effect has also
been observed in many field studies. Excessive foliar
damage may limit grain yield responses when high rates
of N are applied under leaves (Phillips and Mullins,
2004). However, two reviews performed by Gooding and
Davies (1992) and Fageria et al. (2009) showed that grain
yield responses are also closely correlated with foliar ap-
plication timing. The same authors observed that grain
yield increases were most commonly obtained through
foliar application during the reproductive stages and
with negligible foliage burning.
While these studies provide valuable information
about foliar N fertilization, only a few studies have in-
vestigated foliar fertilizer recovery efficiency in soybean
crops. Moreover, previous studies have involved higher
rates of foliar N fertilizer than are used in Brazilian soy-
bean production to supply N while avoiding leaf dam-
age. Knowledge of foliar N recovery efficiency (NRE)
and its allocation in soybean crops could help to better
implement foliar N application strategies and to better
understand the effects on grain yield. Therefore, using
15N tracer methods, the main goal of this study was to
investigate the effects of foliar N fertilization on grain
yield and NRE.
Materials and Methods
Site description
The field experiment was performed in the state of
São Paulo (49°15’08” W, 23°34’53.5” S, 545 m asl) over
two growing seasons in 2012-2013 (Year 1) and 2013-
2014 (Year 2). Located in the southwest of Brazil, this
experimental area has a subtropical humid climate (Köp-
pen, 1936) with low seasonal precipitation variation.
The rainfall and mean temperature for crop seasons are
shown in Figures 1A and B. Based on the USDA (1999)
classification system the soil is classified as a Typic Hap-
Crop Science | Research Article
Oliveira et al. Foliar N fertilization of soybean crops
Sci. Agric. v.76, n.4, p.305-310, July/August 2019
ludalf with 657 g kg–1 clay, 253 g kg–1 silt and 190 g kg–1
sand. Before planting, the soil chemical properties were
measured at a 0-20 cm depth, and provided the follow-
ing results: pH of 5.5 (CaCl2), 40 g of organic matter
dm–3, 2.2 g of N kg–1, P (resin extractable) of 19 mg kg–1,
exchangeable K of 0.76cmolc kg–1 and base saturation of
70 %.
The experiment was conducted using a random-
ized block design with four replicates. Treatments con-
sisted of four foliar N rates (0, 1300, 2600 and 3900 g
ha–1) applied as urea through two equal split applications
at R1 and R3 stages (Fehr and Caviness, 1977). No fo-
liage burning was noted across the applications. Each
plot consisted of 10 m-long rows spaced 0.45 m apart.
The Nideira 5909 RR variety was planted at 226,000 and
247,000 seeds ha–1 for years 1 and 2, respectively. Phos-
phorus and potassium were applied in the furrow during
planting as triple superphosphate (86 kg ha–1 P2O5) and
KCl (65 kg ha–1 K2O).
N internal efficiency (NIE) indicates how efficiently
soybean grains produce relative to the N accumulated by
the aboveground biomass (kg grain produced/kg aboveg-
round biomass N content) (Fageria, 2014).
Foliar N fertilizer was applied using a manual back-
pack sprayer pressurized with CO2 and equipped with a
flat spray tip applying a 200 L ha–1 spray volume. The
soybean canopy was situated 0.5 m below the spray tip.
15N methods
Each treatment plot, a microplot with four 1 m
rows and a total area of 1.8 m2 received labeled fertil-
izer spread containing 2.53 atom % 15N, according to the
rates and stages described earlier. The remaining plants
in the plot were treated with unlabeled fertilizer.
Labeled samples were taken at the R7 stage (Fehr
and Caviness, 1977) to evaluate the total N and the N
derived from fertilizer (NDFF) amounts in the soybean
biomass above ground. Four plants were collected from
each of the two rows in the middle of the microplots
and divided into grain and shoot categories (petiole,
leaf, steam and pod). This early sample aimed to avoid
leaf drop and increase the non-recovery of 15N (NRN).
Grain yield was obtained using unlabeled samples taken
at physiological maturity and by adjusting the moisture
level to 130 g kg–1. Approximately 100 plants were col-
lected within 3 m of the three central rows of each plot.
All samples were dried in a forced air circulation
laboratory oven at 65 °C, weighed and carefully ground
into fine powder using a Wiley mill. The 15N/14N ratios as
well as the total N concentration in plant samples were
determined in an automated mass spectrometer coupled
to an ANCA-GSL N analyzer (Sercon Co., UK). The term
N recovery efficiency (NRE) was used to indicate the
percent of N fertilizer recovery by the whole plant. The
NDFF was used to indicate the amount of N fertilizer
recovery in compartments of the whole plant, expressed
in kg ha–1. NDFF values were obtained using the follow-
ing equation.
NDFF (kg ha–1) =
. total N (1)
where: NDFF is the amount of N derived from the fer-
tilizer (kg ha–1), α the abundance of 15N atoms in the
sample (%), β the natural abundance of 15N atoms, γ the
abundance of 15N atoms in the fertilizer (2.53 % atoms),
and total N the total N (15N+14N) contained in the sam-
ple (kg ha–1).
NRE (%) = Total NDFF
N rate
. total N (2)
where: NRE is the percentage of 15N recovered from the
whole soybean plant, Total NDFF the amount of 15N re-
covered from whole plant (kg ha–1), and the fertilizer N
rate the rate of enriched fertilizer applied (kg ha–1).
Statistical analyses
All data were analyzed using the statistical soft-
ware program (SAS v. 9.2, 2009). Before analysis, the
observations from the response variables were tested
for homoscedasticity using the Box-Cox test (Box and
Cox, 1964). F-tests were performed at a 5 % probabil-
ity to identify the effects and their interactions. If the
null hypothesis was rejected, the mean was compared
via Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) test at p
0.05 probability, and regressions were fitted to the rates
when necessary.
Foliar N fertilization had no effect on grain yield
(Table 1) and yield components such as the number of
nodes, pods, stems or seed weight (data not shown).
Figure 1 – Rainfall and average air temperature during the soybean
growing season in 2012-13 (A) and 2013-14 (B). Planting and
growth stages are specified in accordance with Fehr and Caviness
Oliveira et al. Foliar N fertilization of soybean crops
Sci. Agric. v.76, n.4, p.305-310, July/August 2019
NDFF was significantly different across the rates and
ranged from 0.32 to 0.83 kg ha–1 (Figure 2B).
As noted for grains and shoots, total NDFF was sig-
nificantly affected by rates. Despite the year difference,
there was no interaction effect between year and rate.
Our regression analysis showed that total NDFF increased
~0.5 g N kg–1 when N fertilizer was applied (Figure 2C).
There was no difference between the rates of fo-
liar N applied for NRE. Even though the years differed,
the interaction between year and rate was not signifi-
cantly affected (Table 2 and Figure 2D). On average,
NRE was 53 % for foliar N applications performed on
soybean canopies.
N fertilizer distribution is shown in Figures 3A and
B. Except for the higher rate in year 1, the same amounts
of N fertilizer were allocated in the grains and shoots
(p > 0.05). Overall, shoot recovery ranged from 18 % to
27 % and grain recovery ranged from 21 % to 42 %.
Nonetheless, we registered differences between grain
years. Grain yield means were 3.7 and 4.2 Mg ha–1 for
years 1 and 2, respectively. Plant N content and NIE
had similar responses to foliar N application, and while
no difference was registered across rates, differences be-
tween years were significant for grain and plant N con-
tent. Grain and plant N content ranged between 185-197
kg ha–1 and 254-281 kg ha–1, respectively, throughout the
two years of the study. Average shoot N content was 79
kg ha–1.
As might be expected, high rates of foliar N re-
sulted in greater grain NDFF. There were statistical dif-
ferences between years (Year 1 > Year 2), but no inter-
action between year and rate (Table 2). A positive linear
regression between grain NDFF and rates was fitted
(Figure 2A).
There was no difference in NDFF between years
and their interaction with rates. Nevertheless, the shoot
Table 2 – Grain, shoot and total N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and N recovery efficiency (NRE) for different years and rates.
Treatment Rate NDFF NRE
Grain Shoot Plant
g ha–1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- kg ha–1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- %
1300 0.35 0.32 0.68 52.0
2600 0.76 0.65 1.42 54.3
3900 1.21 0.83 2.04 52.3
Year 1 0.99 A 0.64 1.63 A 60.8 A
Year 2 0.57 B 0.56 1.13 B 44.9 B
0.78 0.60 1.38 52.9
Year (Y) *** ns * *
Rate (R) *** *** *** ns
Y*R ns ns ns ns
CV % 16.7 12.3 13.8 10.5
*Significance at p 0.05; ***Significance at p 0.001; ns = not significant. Within lines, means followed by different letters are significantly different.
Table 1 – Grain yield, N internal efficiency (NIE), and N content for grain, shoot and plant for different years and rates.
Treatment Rate Grain yield NIE Grain N content Shoot N content Plant N content
g ha–1 Mg ha–1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kg ha–1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 3.98 15.9 185 69 254
1300 3.88 13.6 196 85 281
2600 4.00 15.0 192 86 279
3900 4.07 14.2 197 76 273
Year 1 3.74 B 14.9 174 B 80 254 B
Year 2 4.22 A 15.0 211 A 78 289 A
3.98 15.0 192 79 271
Year (Y) * ns * ns *
Rate (R) ns ns ns ns ns
Y*R ns ns ns ns ns
CV % 8.81 5.94 18.1 20.3 16.4
*Significance at p 0.05; ns = not significant. Within lines, means followed by different letters are significantly different.
Oliveira et al. Foliar N fertilization of soybean crops
Sci. Agric. v.76, n.4, p.305-310, July/August 2019
Differences between years for grain yield may be a
combination of a slight increase (~8 %) of planting rate in
year 2 (De Bruin and Pedersen, 2008; Cox and Cherney,
2011), accompanied by better growing conditions (Fig-
ure 1A and B). However, N provided by low rates of fo-
liar applications showed no differences in soybean grain
yield. Previously reported in the literature, Troedson et al.
(1989) and Haq and Mallarino (2000) showed that foliar N
fertilization effects on grain yield were usually insignifi-
cant. Recently, despite high grain yields (> 4.2 Mg ha–1),
Saturno et al. (2017) and Moreira et al. (2017) have found
similar results to those in this study using foliar N rates
ranging from 5-20 kg ha–1 and 5-10 kg ha–1, respectively.
For the same studies, only one out of five year sites had
significant, but small, grain yield gains (~0.14 Mg ha–1).
Our results agree with the lack of effects of foliar
N fertilization on grain yield previously found in litera-
ture, but also showed that the lack of effect on grain
yield is not linked to low efficiency of fertilizer applica-
tion since approximately 53 % of the foliar N fertilizer
was recovered. Rather, the implication is that low rates
of foliar N were of no benefit to the soybean crop, either
for directly supplying N or indirectly increasing green
leaf area index.
For soybeans, NIE values ranging from 6.4 to 18.8
and with a mean of 12.7 have been reported (Salvagiotti
et al., 2008 and references cited therein). Mid to upper
NIE values indicate N is the main limiting factor for
grain yield. Thus, our results reflect higher NIE (~15)
when compared with historical means, demonstrating
that the low rates of foliar N might not be enough to
support N demand. However, it is not clear how much
exogenous N would be the optimal to achieve greater
grain yields.
While there was an appreciable increase in NDFF
(amount of fertilizer recovery) for all rates, the NRE (per-
cent of fertilizer recovery) was similar, with an average
value of 53 % (Figure 2A, B and C). The NRE was com-
parable to that previously reported by Afza et al. (1987),
which was 43-67 % of the total foliar N applied. In a re-
cent study investigating the effects of low rates of foliar
N fertilization on soybeans (Pierozan Junior et al., 2015),
the authors show a mean NRE of 64 % that was not af-
fected by rates ranging from 650 to 1950 g N ha–1. Thus,
foliar N fertilization was an efficient pathway to supply N
in soybean plants, despite its lack of effect on grain yield.
Figure 2 – Foliar N rates effects on grain (A), shoot (B), total NDFF (C) and NRE (D). N derived from fertilizer, NDFF and N recovery efficiency,
NRE. **Significance at p 0.01; ***Significance at p 0.001.
Figure 3 – Allocation of N fertilizer sprayed under soybean leaves.
Year 1 (A) and Year 2 (B). Uppercase letters indicate significant
difference between organs for the same foliar N rate.
Oliveira et al. Foliar N fertilization of soybean crops
Sci. Agric. v.76, n.4, p.305-310, July/August 2019
Generally, our results showed that foliar N fertil-
ization had little to no effect on 15N partitioning. The
lack of differences between grains and shoots could be
attributed to N investment in the leaf blends and their
photosynthesis rates (Makino et al., 1997). When the N
was applied between the R1 and R3 growth stages, the
grain sink capacity remained low to medium, but rubis-
co and light harvesting proteins had a high N demand.
Accordingly, Vasilas et al. (1980) reported up to 94 % 15N
allocation in the grain when spraying foliar N as urea at
the R5-R7 growth stages.
The NRE had no effect across all the foliar N rates
and 53 % of N sprayed under leaves was recovered.
Overall, grains and shoots allocated N from fertilizer
equally well and recovered 29 % and 24 %, respectively.
Despite the considerable recovery of N supplied to soy-
bean plants, low rates of N sprayed in the earlier pod-
filling stage was not an effective method for enhancing
grain yield and dynamic N uptake. The foliar N fertiliza-
tion effect is not fully understood and is worth further
study, especially during pod-filling.
Funding was provided by Stoller do Brasil Ltda.
The funders had no role in data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
We thank José Luiz Motta de Almeida and his staff for
logistical support. The authors would also like to ackno-
wledge the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
São Paulo (FAPESP, 2012/24266-5), the Conselho Nacio-
nal de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq,
141444/2014-2) and the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento
de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, 8881.134205/2016-
01) for providing graduate scholarships.
Authors’ Contributions
Conceptualization: Maciel de Oliveira, S.; Almeida
R.E.M; Pierozan Junior, C. Data acquisition: Maciel de
Oliveira, S.; Almeida R.E.M; Pierozan Junior. C.; Lago,
B.C. Data analysis: Maciel de Oliveira, S. Design of Me-
thodology: Maciel de Oliveira, S.; Almeida R.E.M; Pie-
rozan Junior. C.; Lago, B.C.; Trivelin; P.C.O. Software
development: Maciel de Oliveira, S. Writing and editing:
Maciel de Oliveira, S.; Almeida R.E.M; Pierozan Junior,
C.; Favarin, J.L.
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... Luo et al. (2015) found that the total uptake of 15 N under foliar application was 20.1% higher than that under soil application 3 days after fertilization (DAF) but was 24.6% higher at 28 DAF. The uptake and allocation of foliar N applied to soybean was also evaluated using the 15 N tracer method, and 53%-64% of N sprayed under leaves was recovered by soybean plants (Oliveira et al. 2019;Pierozan et al. 2015). Research on the effects of foliar-applied 15 N-urea on N storage and reuse in apple trees indicated that 0.24% of the total N was attributed to foliar-applied N and 0.02%-0.11% of plant N was derived from foliar-applied N even after two years (Han et al. 1989). ...
... The variation in the total N content of alfalfa plants among different urea concentrations was generally low, but Ndff% increased significantly with urea concentration. Similar to our results, Oliveira et al. (2019) also reported that N application rate applied by foliar increased the amount of N derived from fertilizer and did not affect the plant N content. This further illustrated that N fertilization had the effect of replacing biologically fixed N. In general, the nitrogen demand of alfalfa might be preferentially supplied by mass flow and diffusion with fertilizer N because the process needs less energy consumption for plants than N fixation, and if both mass flow and diffusion supplies cannot satisfy demand, then nitrogen could be sought from N fixation (Ma et al. 2022;Ryle et al. 1979;Macduff et al. 1996). ...
... The lower NFUE of alfalfa might be due to the higher NH 3 volatilization or residue of fertilizer under high urea concentrations (Wang et al. 2021;Witte et al. 2002). Overall, the total NFUE of the whole alfalfa plant during the whole experimental period ranged from 21.43% to 40.41%, which was less than that of soybean (53%-64%) (Oliveira et al. 2019;Pierozan et al. 2015) and similar to the results of Zebarth et al. (1991). ...
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Foliar fertilization is increasingly used to apply nitrogen (N) to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) at late growing season. Urea concentration is an important factor that affects fertilizer use efficiency in foliar fertilization. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of urea concentration on alfalfa growth and nitrogen utilization. Furthermore, difference in N utilization between foliar and soil fertilization of alfalfa was also quantified. Urea solutions of eight concentrations ranging from 0.1% to 3% were applied in alfalfa fields through foliar fertilization in 2016. Based on the results obtained in 2016, urea-¹⁵N solutions of five concentrations ranging from 0.05% to 0.4% were used to fertilize alfalfa grown in pots through foliar and soil application in 2017. Non-fertilized alfalfa was selected as the control treatment in the two years. The leaf damage, total N content, percentage of N in alfalfa derived from labelled fertilizer (Ndff%), ¹⁵N fertilizer use efficiency (NFUE), yield and quality of alfalfa were measured. The results showed that leaf damage appeared with urea concentrations exceeding 0.4%. Increasing the urea concentration improved the Ndff% in all alfalfa organs but generally reduced the NFUE of alfalfa. The NFUE of alfalfa under foliar application had no significant difference with that under soil application in general, and reached the high values with urea concentrations of 0.05%–0.2%. Compared to the control treatment, urea application did not significantly improve the yield, total N content and quality of alfalfa. Overall, the maximum urea concentration with foliar fertilization is recommended as 0.4% for alfalfa.
... Studies on soybean grain composition have only estimated single nutrients such as (N) as the most important (Divito et al., 2016;La Menza et al., 2017), followed by phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) in some cases. Some others have studied how water stress and management practices during seed filling affected grain composition (Farmaha et al., 2016;Maciel de Oliveira et al., 2019). Nevertheless, very few studies have focused on the effects of different environments on soybean growth and nutrient grain content . ...
... Rotundo et al. (2014) and Tamagno et al. (2020) have reported high N allocations from stover to grain in modern soybean genotypes indicating the ability of the genotypes to maintain grain N content. The existing N-HI values in the literature range from 52 to 72 for soybean growing in Brazil Maciel de Oliveira et al., 2019), which represent small values compared to the N-HI measured in other places. ...
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Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important legume that is highly consumed in Latin America and other countries as a part of feeding. It provides proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber and a wide range of minerals, which are essential in human nutrition. Determining the nutrient removal values on seeds is crucial to better adjust fertilization rates, increase nutrient use efficiency and nutritional quality. Therefore, a field experiment was conducted in northern Sinaloa in order to investigate the response of common bean variety Azufrado Reyna to different NPK fertilization rates on seed mineral content and nutrient harvest index values. The experiment was arranged as a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Based on the results, fertilization rates only influenced on the total mean protein content, phosphorus and iron. The total nutrient removal values were K>Ca>P>Mg and Fe>Zn>Mn>B>. While nutrient harvest index values indicated that N, P, Fe and Zn exhibited higher degree of mobility to grain compared to the rest of nutrients. These parameters could represent a good trait in terms of nutritional quality for common bean varieties, also, serve as reference values to precisely estimate nutrient removal from soil.
... Interactions among SNF, N fertilizer, field history, management, and environmental conditions affect the contribution of exogenous N to soybean yield (Ciampitti and Salvagiotti, 2018;dos Santos Cordeiro and Echer, 2019). It should be noted that soybean response to N fertilization is quite complex, and a wide range of studies has investigated this topic, as crop phenology, timing, and rate of fertilizer application can modulate the results (de Oliveira et al., 2019;Hatano et al., 2019;Pierozan Junior et al., 2020;Santachiara et al., 2019). Nonetheless, it is not clear how much of the N applied is efficiently absorbed by the plant, especially whether CRFs enhance fertilizer recovery and plant N content compared to common fertilizers. ...
... Values for N recovery from the fertilizer are very variable, from 36% (Tewari et al., 2005) to 61% (Tewari et al., 2007) for the same polymer-coated urea. When applied on leaves, the recovery efficiency of N fertilization in soybean ranged from 53% (de Oliveira et al., 2019) to 64% (Pierozan et al., 2015). ...
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In Brazil, high-yield soybean [ Glycine Max (L). Merrill] – corn ( Zea mays L.) double cropping system might be nitrogen (N)-limited and additional N fertilization can be beneficial. Early application of N in soybean reduces the symbiotic N fixation (SNF) efficiency and/or establishment. One alternative to avoid SNF impairment is to apply N between the beginning pod (R3) and seed-fill (R5) stages through the use of controlled release fertilizers. In this study, N was applied at 50 kg ha ⁻¹ as common urea (CU) or controlled release urea (CRU) with different lag periods until N release starts (30 days, 60 days, or 1:1 mix of both lag times) in a randomized complete blocks design with six treatments and four replicates under tropical and subtropical conditions. CU was applied after soybean emergence (VE) or at the beginning pod (R3), and CRU only at VE. Using urea labeled with ¹⁵ N isotope, we analyzed the N source used by soybean (fertilizer, soil, or SNF) and SNF parameters. On average, CRU – 30 days, CRU – 1:1 mix (30 + 60 days) and CU applied at the R3 stage increased grain yield by 9.2% (354 kg ha ⁻¹ ) compared to the control. N derived from all fertilizer treatment were almost 35 kg N ha ⁻¹ , a high N recovery efficiency of 68%. The SNF was not impaired by CU and CRU and accounted for 71% (220 kg N ha ⁻¹ ) of total N uptake. In the conditions of the experiments, fertilization of 50 kg N ha ⁻¹ as CRU was shown to be effective to supply N in late soybean demand (R3 stage), increasing yield without damaging the SNF process in high-yield environments.
... Nitrogen is considered to have a significant input at the growing and development stages, also is a part of the protein structure (Sharifi et al., 2018). The application of low-doses of foliar fertilization is considered a strategy to provide additional nitrogen and therefore an increase in crop yield (Oliveira et al., 2019). Potassium is most frequent present in plant tissue, plays a key role in regulating the osmotic cellular potential and activates over 60 enzymes, mainly involved in the synthesis of sugar, starch and protein (Lara et al., 2018;Sharifi et al., 2018). ...
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In the article was analyzed the representativeness of rare taxa of protected ancient exotic tree species Pinophyta in physiographical zones and mountainous countries of Ukraine. Sixtyone species, one subspecies, and one plant variety of this genus were identified in the nature reserves of Ukraine. Among these, most species were found in forest-steppe zone (32), Mountainous Crimea zone (31), and deciduous forest zone (22) suggesting that these three regions could potentially be most favorable for the introduction and acclimatization of foreign Pinophyta species. In ecologicalstructure of the region, dominant are taxa of the mesophytes ecological group, containing frost and winter resistant tree species. Within the geographic range, predominant are native plant species of circumboreal and Atlantic - Pacific Northwest (total of 27 species), Madrean (12) and Western-Asian (11) floristic zones. All 63 taxa are on the IUCN RedList (LC-42, VU-4, NT-7, EN-9, and CR-1 categories). At the same time, Abies nordmanniana (Steve) Spach. subspес. equi-trojani (Asch. and Sint.) Code and Cull. (R) and Abies pinsapo Boiss. (VU) are on the European Red List. These two species together with Abies numidica (CR) represent the rarest taxa among the century-old exotic Pinophyta trees in Ukraine.
... Nitrogen is considered to have a significant input at the growing and development stages, also is a part of the protein structure (Sharifi et al., 2018). The application of low-doses of foliar fertilization is considered a strategy to provide additional nitrogen and therefore an increase in crop yield (Oliveira et al., 2019). Potassium is most frequent present in plant tissue, plays a key role in regulating the osmotic cellular potential and activates over 60 enzymes, mainly involved in the synthesis of sugar, starch and protein (Lara et al., 2018;Sharifi et al., 2018). ...
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Soybean is considered one of the main multipurpose crop and the quality of soybean based products have increasingly received attention. Soybean growers have invested into agronomic practices to maximize production and increase its potential, one of the practices are the usage of foliar fertilizer. In order to quantify the effects of foliar fertilization on soybean seed quality, an experiment was carried out at Research and Development Station for Agriculture Turda, in two consecutive years (2020-2021) and was based on a randomized blocks design with three replications. Seventy-five soybean genotypes from four maturity groups were analyzed. A small influence of foliar fertilization on soybean yield was observed with a slight decrease for the early genotypes when foliar fertilization in both growth and development stages were applied. Regarding the quality, an improvement of the chemical composition of soybean seeds can be reached by applying foliar fertilizers. The results from this study revealed that yields was not increased by treatments applied on soybean growing season.
... Foliar fertilization is an alternative for nutritional management, mainly used as a nutritional supplement [1]. In soybean, foliar nutrient management was common during the reproductive period, when plants have high nutrient requirements due to the high transfer rates of nutrients and sugars for the formation of reproductive structures and, ultimately, grain production [2][3][4][5]. ...
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Foliar fertilization with calcium (Ca) and boron (B) at flowering can promote flower retention and pod fixation, thereby increasing the number of pods per plant and, in turn, crop productivity. The objective of this work was to investigate the effects of Ca + B fertilization during flowering on the nutritional, metabolic and yield performance of soybean (Glycine max L.) The treatments consisted of the presence and the absence of Ca + B fertilization in two growing seasons. Crop nutritional status, gas exchange parameters, photosynthetic enzyme activity (Rubisco), total soluble sugar content, total leaf protein concentration, agronomic parameters, and grain yield were evaluated. Foliar Ca + B fertilization increased water use efficiency and carboxylation efficiency, and the improvement in photosynthesis led to higher leaf sugar and protein concentrations. The improvement in metabolic activity promoted a greater number of pods and grains plant−1, culminating in higher yields. These results indicate that foliar fertilization with Ca + B can efficiently improve carbon metabolism, resulting in better yields in soybean.
... Nitrogen is considered to have a significant input at the growing and development stages, also is a part of the protein structure (Sharifi et al., 2018). The application of low-doses of foliar fertilization is considered a strategy to provide additional nitrogen and therefore an increase in crop yield (Oliveira et al., 2019). Potassium is most frequent present in plant tissue, plays a key role in regulating the osmotic cellular potential and activates over 60 enzymes, mainly involved in the synthesis of sugar, starch and protein (Lara et al., 2018;Sharifi et al., 2018). ...
... Nitrogen is considered to have a significant input at the growing and development stages, also is a part of the protein structure (Sharifi et al., 2018). The application of low-doses of foliar fertilization is considered a strategy to provide additional nitrogen and therefore an increase in crop yield (Oliveira et al., 2019). Potassium is most frequent present in plant tissue, plays a key role in regulating the osmotic cellular potential and activates over 60 enzymes, mainly involved in the synthesis of sugar, starch and protein (Lara et al., 2018;Sharifi et al., 2018). ...
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C. jejuni and C. coli have the greatest zoonotic potential. In humans, they cause campylobacteriosis with symptoms of food poisoning. Epidemics are mostly related to the consumption of non-chlorinated water and contaminated chicken food and in the spring-summer season. Since 2005, according to the European Food Safety Agency and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, campylobacteriosis has been considered the leading alimentary intoxication. A review of the literature was published in Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar, electronically available scientific journals, books, textbooks, proceedings books and reports EFSA/ ECDC, FAO/ WHO. Only literature in English, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian is included. As a measure to prevent campylobacteriosis, sanitation is recommended in the primary production of chicken meat, and the use of probiotics in meat as biological preservatives is being investigated.
... Many research scholars have extensively documented the impact of N fertilization on soybean grain yield and biomass production (Sharma et al., 2017, Bargaz et al., 2018, Foyer et al., 2018, Oliveira et al., 2019, Soares et al., 2019, Zenawi and Mizan, 2019. The main sources of nitrogen for crop production are synthetic N fertilizers and in less extent nitrogen fixing bacteria (Basu et al., 2021, Hamid et al., 2021. ...
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Avoidable or inappropriate nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates harmfully affect the yield production and ecological value. Therefore, the aims of this study were to optimize the rate and timings of N fertilizer to maximize yield components and photosynthetic parameter of soybean. This field experiment consists of five fertilizer N rates: 0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 kg N ha⁻¹ arranged in main plots and four N fertilization timings: V5 (trifoliate leaf), R2 (full flowering stage) and R4 (full poding stage), and R6 (full seeding stage) growth stages organized as subplots. Results revealed that 225 kg N ha⁻¹ significantly enhanced grain yield components, total chlorophyll (Chl), photosynthetic rate (PN), and total dry biomass and N accumulation by 20%, 16%, 28%, 7% and 12% at R4 stage of soybean. However, stomatal conductance (gs), leaf area index (LAI), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and transpiration rate (E) were increased by 12%, 88%, 10%, 18% at R6 stage under 225 kg N ha⁻¹. Grain yield was significantly associated with photosynthetic characteristics of soybean. In conclusion, the amount of nitrogen 225 kg ha⁻¹ at R4 and R6 stages effectively promoted the yield components and photosynthetic characteristics of soybean.
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Aims Domestication and crop breeding has improved plants for human use, but may have unintended consequences for traits that are not selected upon. Disruption in the mycorrhizal mutualism has been observed in crops; possibly due to breeding in fertilised soil. Little is known about whether the legume-rhizobia mutualism can be disrupted by domestication and crop evolution, despite the importance of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. We aimed to identify differences in mutualistic outcomes between five legume cultivars and their wild progenitors in terms of their reactions across varying nitrogen levels. Methods With five greenhouse experiments, we characterised symbiosis traits in chickpea, lentil, pea, peanut, and soybean across a gradient of N fertilisation to characterise whether symbiosis traits differ context specifically between wild and domesticated lines. Results At lower levels of N addition, wild soybean benefited more from rhizobia than domesticated soybean. Chickpea cultivars abandoned symbiosis at lower N than wild chickpea accessions. Chickpea cultivars reduced per-nodule colony forming units (CFU) in response to N addition more than wild chickpeas, but lentil cultivars reduced CFU less than lentil accessions. The lentil, pea, and peanut cultivars did not differ from their wild relatives in rhizobial benefit, nor in nodulation response to N addition. Conclusions Differences in the regulation of the root nodule symbiosis are evident between domesticated and wild chickpea and soybean, but not lentil, pea, or peanut. This indicates that mutualism disruption—a decrease in the magnitude of the mutually symbiotic interaction—is a possible, but not necessary, consequence of domestication.
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Maintenance of adequate soil phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) levels is critical for profitable soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production. To accomplish this, precise knowledge of soybean P and K uptake, utilization, and removal is critical, yet a comprehensive study characterizing these requirements across wide-ranging seed yield environments is nonexistent for modern soybean production systems. Using six site-years and eight soybean varieties, plants were sampled at six growth stages , partitioned into their respective plant parts, and analyzed. Distinctly different uptake patterns and rates were found between P and K, where soybean accumulated greater relative amounts of K by R1 and 91 to 100% of its season-long K total by R5.5, compared with only 68 to 77% of its season-long P total. Removal of P (0.0054 kg P kg⁻¹ grain) and K (0.016 kg K kg⁻¹ grain) with the seed was consistent across environments and varieties and displayed strong relations with yield (R² = 0.89–0.92). For each kilogram increase in yield, total P and K uptake increased by 0.0054 kg and 0.017 to 0.030 kg, respectively. The difference between total uptake and removal for each nutrient resulted in average nutrient harvest indices of 81 and 49% for P and K, respectively. However, significant variation in total uptake and nutrient harvest indices existed due to the environment, not variety, and was more pronounced for K, resulting in significant variability in the amount of K removed in stover. These results can be incorporated into future fertility recommendations to improve P and K management for profitable and environmentally sound soybean production. © Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA. All rights reserved.
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Soybean (Glycine max Merrill) crop production in Brazil relies mainly on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) for N supply. Recent adoption of indeterminate growth-type genotypes have raised doubts on the need for supplemental mineral N that might negatively affect the BNF. We assessed the effects of mineral N on BNF attributes of soybean genotypes grown in central and southern Brazil. Genotypes were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium sp. and/or received mineral N in three sets of experiments. In the first, two genotypes received increasing rates of mineral N in nutrient solution, which consistently reduced the BNF. In the second, mineral N applied at sowing and/or topdressing reduced nodulation and ureides-N in determinate and indeterminate growth-type genotypes. In the third, mineral N applied at R5.3 stage, foliar or as topdressing, did not increase grain yield in four field experiments. Mineral N impaired BNF irrespectively of the growth-type and had no effect on grain yield.
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Genetic progress is assessed to estimate its contribution to on‐farm yield increases and to identify traits that have been improved over some period of time. Although Argentina is a major soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] producer, there is limited information about genetic progress in this system. Argentinean soybean cultivars were developed from US commercial cultivars. Because the genetic base of US cultivars is narrow, it would be expected that genetic progress in Argentina to be slower than in the United States. We assessed the genetic gain for yield and related traits in cultivars released in Argentina from 1980 to 2015. One hundred and eighty‐one cultivars belonging to maturity groups (MGs) III, IV, and V were evaluated in three environments in the northern pampas from Argentina. Genetic gain in yield was 43 kg ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ and was not different across MGs. Relative genetic gain was 1.1% yr⁻¹, similar to reports from the United States or Brazil. Newer cultivars from MGs III and IV had increased days to maturity, while cultivars from MG V showed the opposite trend. Vegetative period was also reduced in newer cultivars from MGs IV and V. Seed protein concentration was reduced over the years. Genetic progress explained 50% of total on‐farm yield increase. Results from this experiment showed that breeding programs in Argentina were able to attain a similar genetic gain to the United States even though the starting parents were only a few US cultivars selected from an already narrow genetic base.
The world population is projected to reach nine billion by 2050, and in the coming years, global food demand is expected to increase by 50% or more. Higher crop productivity gains in the future will have to be achieved in developing countries through better natural resources management and crop improvement. After nitrogen, phosphorus (P) has more widespread influence on both natural and agricultural ecosystems than any other essential plant element. It has been estimated that 5.7 billion hectares of land worldwide contain insufficient amounts of available P for sustainable crop production, and P deficiency in crop plants is a widespread problem in various parts of the world. However, it has been estimated that worldwide minable P could last less than 40 years. For sustaining future food supplies, it is vital to enhance plant P use efficiency. To bring the latest knowledge and research advances in efficient management of P for economically viable and environmentally beneficial crop production in sustainable agriculture, Phosphorus Management in Crop Production contains chapters covering functions and diagnostic techniques for P requirements in crop plants, P use efficiency and interactions with other nutrients in crop plants, management of P for optimal crop production and environmental quality, and basic principles and methodology regarding P nutrition in crop plants. The majority of research data included are derived from many years of field, greenhouse, and lab work, hence the information is practical in nature and will have a significant impact on efficient management of P-fertilizers to enhance P use efficiency, improve crop production, promote sustainable agriculture, and reduce P losses through eluviations, leaching, and erosion to minimize environmental degradation. A comprehensive book that combines practical and applied information, Phosphorus Management in Crop Production is an excellent reference for students, professors, agricultural research scientists, food scientists, agricultural extension specialists, private consultants, fertilizer companies, and government agencies that deal with agricultural and environmental issues.
Core Ideas In high‐yielding conditions, biological nitrogen fixation and soil total N may not be sufficient to sustain N uptake rates during soybean seed‐filling period to meet the seed N demand required to reach the maximum attainable seed yield. Foliar N fertilization in R3 to R4 growth stages may be used to increase N supply during the final reproductive cycle of plant. The importance on nutrients application, in special N, in crop production has increased in recent years in tropical and subtropical conditions in Brazil because of intensive cultivation (soybean–wheat, soybean–corn, and soybean–cotton), use of high yielding cultivars, and increasing the cost of production. Nitrogen sources (urea, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate, and ammonium sulfate) and rates (0, 5, and 10 kg ha ⁻¹ ) have different responses and efficiency index in seed yield, when N foliar applied on soybean leaves at the R3 to R4 growth stages. The response of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] to foliar N application during pod formation has been inconsistent. The objective of this study over three growing seasons was to evaluate the effects of foliar N sources and rates of application on yield, nutritional status, and yield components of soybean. The treatments consisted of five sources [NO 3 NH 4 , CaNO 3 , KNO 3 , urea‐[CO(NH 2 ) 2 ], and (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ], two N rates (5 and 10 kg N ha ⁻¹ ), applied at the beginning pod growth stage, and a control (no‐N fertilization). Foliar N generally increased the seed yield, irrespective of the N source and analysis pooled over three growing seasons showed an average seed yield increase of 5.0% (211 kg ha ⁻¹ ) and 6.1% (259 kg ha ⁻¹ ) for the 5 and 10 kg N ha ⁻¹ over control, respectively. Neither N rate nor source affected seed size, protein, oil, and nutritional status of leaves or seed. Nitrogen rate affected N use efficiency, but results varied with N sources. These data suggest that foliar N application may increase yield of soybean under certain environmental conditions.
In the analysis of data it is often assumed that observations y1, y2, …, yn are independently normally distributed with constant variance and with expectations specified by a model linear in a set of parameters θ. In this paper we make the less restrictive assumption that such a normal, homoscedastic, linear model is appropriate after some suitable transformation has been applied to the y's. Inferences about the transformation and about the parameters of the linear model are made by computing the likelihood function and the relevant posterior distribution. The contributions of normality, homoscedasticity and additivity to the transformation are separated. The relation of the present methods to earlier procedures for finding transformations is discussed. The methods are illustrated with examples.
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield has annually increased nearly 23 kg ha(-1), but the interaction of genetic advancement and improved agronomic practices has not been well quantified, including N utilization and fertilization. A field study with soybean cultivars released from 1923 to 2008 in maturity group (MG) II and MG III was conducted in multiple environments with a nonlimiting supply of fertilizer N to examine the main effects and interactions of N supply and release year on grain yield and seed quality. We hypothesized that grain yield and seed quality would be improved with the nonlimiting supply of N, especially for the modern cultivars. Supplemental N totaled 560 kg N ha(-1) with 40% applied at planting and 60% applied at V5. Grain yield increased with release year in MG II (17.2 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). Application of N to MG II cultivars increased seed protein by 10 to 19.5 g kg(-1) across all release years, but grain yield and seed oil was not affected. Grain yield gains of MG III cultivars fertilized with N was 27.4 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), which was 20% better than unfertilized (22.8 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)). Application of N to MG III cultivars increased seed mass (11%) across release years with no changes in seed protein and oil. The nonlimiting supply of N increased seed protein across all release years in MG II cultivars, and the N supply from the soil and biological N fixation was insufficient to maximize grain yield in modern, MG III cultivars in the tested environments.