Conference PaperPDF Available


11th International Conference on Vibration Problems
Z. Dimitrovová et al. (eds.)
Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 September 2013
J.E Lugo*1, R. Doti1, J. Faubert1
1Visual psychophysics and perception laboratory, school of optometry, Université de Montréal, C.P.6128
succ. Centre Ville, Montréal, Quebéc, Canada, H3C 3J7
Keywords: Fulcrum Principle, Noise, Stochastic Resonance, Autism, Muscle Dynamics,
Abstract. The fulcrum principle establishes that a subthreshold excitatory signal (entering in
one sense) that is synchronous with a facilitation signal (entering in the same or a different
sense) can be increased (up to a resonant-like level) and then decreased by the energy and
frequency content of the facilitating signal. As a result the sensation of the signal changes ac-
cording with the excitatory signal strength. In this context, the sensitivity transitions represent
the change from subthreshold activity to a firing activity in neurons. Initially the energy of
their activity (supplied by the weak signals) is not enough to be detected but when the facili-
tating signal enters the brain, it generates a general activation among neurons, modifying
their original activity. Here we will present several experimental examples on how it works
and discuss a plausible model that would help us to understand some conditions such as au-
tism. Moreover we will describe another model that uses the notion of phonons to correlate
some known experimental muscle dynamics results, such as the muscle fibers electromyogra-
phy power spectrum density shape and its shift due to temperature changes. In the former
case a non-linear oscillator potential is used to raise a biestable state system where one state
represents subtreshold activity of neurons and the second the suprathreshold condition. The
latter case involves the use of linear oscillators with discrete frequency states.
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti, J. Faubert
Human perception is the bridge that links our sensations and consciousness with the real
world. This bridge is built trough the multisensory integration process that our nervous system
performs with all the signals generated by our senses. When we try to explore human percep-
tion we have to use Psychophysics. The theory of psychophysics was formulated in 1860
when the physicist and philosopher Gustav Theodor Fechner published Elemente der Psycho-
physik. He coined the term "psychophysics", describing "the analysis of perceptual processes
by studying the effect on a subject's experience or behaviour of systematically varying the
properties of a stimulus along one or more physical dimensions". This scientific methodology
has contributed many crucial advances in determining perception and discrimination thresh-
olds of our senses, performing the evaluation of its psychological representations as well [1].
A threshold is the point of intensity at which the participant can just detect the presence of, or
difference in, a stimulus. Stimuli with intensities below the threshold are considered not de-
tectable (hence: subthreshold). In addition to psychophysics, another important role was
played by Electrical engineering. We know that communication systems [2] should have the
purest signals (high Signal to Noise Ratio). One factor that conspires against any successful
signal process is noise[2]. Noise is normally considered as a nuance and is not desired, but in
some cases it may help to the system performance. For example, Stochastic Resonance (SR)
[3]. This phenomenon could be interpreted as the benefit in making possible the detection of a
specific signal, having an insufficient intensity to reach the detector threshold, when an ap-
propriate amount of noise is added to that signal [4]. In some way, the stochastic power avail-
able, improves the signal performance when it is confronted to its detector threshold. We
could refer to this as subthreshold detection. Our research has been focalised in improving the
performance of human’s functional loops and contribute to enhanced sensory abilities. This
could be achieved by providing the subject with an appropriate amount of facilitating noise or
deterministic signals [5], something we call the Fulcrum principle. The application of this
principle could give rise to a wide spectrum of new research applications.
From the pioneering work done by Carey [6] it is known that oscillations of motor nerve
endplates determine the pattern of radiated mechanical pressure waves through the muscular
fibers, expressed as cross-striations; these waves are reflected from both fibers’ ends. The su-
perposition of incident and reflected waves form a complex stationary wave system in the
transversal and perpendicular fibers’ direction. Therefore the energy state of a muscle is re-
duced to a problem of finding the different possible types of standing waves. As the energy
becomes greater the frequency increases and the wavelengths becomes shorter. With decrease
of energy there is a corresponding decrease of wave frequency accompanied by longer wave-
lengths. Physicists have encountered a similar problem before. In 1912, Peter Debye produced
a model for the heat capacity in solids, which turns out to be very accurate. In this model, the
atoms in a solid are regarded as connected by springs. They vibrate in a tridimensional com-
plicated way. Debye simplified the problem by treating the vibration as a superposition of
waves of different frequencies where the frequency of each superposed wave is quantised. A
quantum of this vibration energy is called a phonon. The thermodynamical properties of a sol-
id are directly related to its phonon structure. In the case of striated-muscle anatomy we
found a bundle of fibers and inside each fiber we encounter the myofibrils that are formed by
a chain of contractile muscle units, the sarcomeres. Thus, we will propose that at thermal
equilibrium the collective movement of the sarcomeres can be seen as phonons. In this work
we present and show several examples of the Fulcrum principle and that the muscular electri-
cal activity power spectral density in the gastrocnemius medial muscle may be described by
Debye’s theory for complex atomic vibrations in a solid.
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti and J. Faubert
The fulcrum principle[7] establishes that a subthreshold excitatory signal (entering in one
sense) that is synchronous with a facilitating signal (entering in a different sense) can be in-
creased (up to a resonant-like level) and then decreased by the energy and frequency content
of the facilitating signal. As a result, the sensation of the excitatory signal changes according
to the facilitation signal strength. In this context, the sensitivity transitions represent the chan-
ge from subthreshold activity to a firing activity in multisensory neurons. Initially the energy
of their activity (supplied by the weak signals) is not enough to be detected but when the faci-
litating signal enters the brain, it generates a general activation among multisensory neurons,
modifying their original activity. The result is an integrated activation that promotes sensitivi-
ty transitions and the signals are then perceived. In the following sections we will show seve-
ral examples of this principle at work.
2.1 Excitatory: Tactile-Deterministic-Subthreshol; Facilitating: Auditory-Stochastic-
In [4, 5] we present a series of experiments where the effect of auditory noise on tactile sensa-
tions in human subjects was investigated. Tactile vibrations were delivered to the middle fin-
ger of the right hand of the subjects at a frequency of 100 Hz and were asked to report the
tactile sensation. The results showed that as the noise level increased, the threshold decreased
reaching a minimum and then increased in a typical stochastic resonance signature fashion. In
general, the subject’s minimum peaks were not always localized at a specific noise level but
within a band centered at 69± 7 dBSPL. In a second experiment, sixteen subjects used two
different auditory stimuli plus the baseline condition (no noise). One stimulus was a specific
auditory noise condition, and another was a 3D-like sound. Both sounds had an intensity of 69
dBSPL and the 3D sound contained frequencies in a similar range as the auditory noise (bet-
ween 100 Hz up to 19 kHz). The 3D sound gave the impression of very close movements
near, up and down, and around the subjects’ head. When comparing the 3D sound and baseli-
ne conditions. Eight subjects augmented significantly their thresholds comparatively to base-
line condition, four subjects lessened theirs thresholds and in other four subjects the threshold
values remained unchanged. In the case of the auditory noise and baseline condition. Twelve
subjects significantly lessened their thresholds, only two subjects increased their thresholds
and another two subjects had unchanged threshold values. In a different study Yasuda et al.
[8] examined how the response probability of the tactile blink reflex varies with the intensity
of auditory white noise."Tactile stimuli (signals) were given by an air puff at about 10 mm dis-
tance away from the lateral canthus. Tactile blink reflexes were detected by an electromyo-
gram of the orbicularis oculi muscle with pairs of Ag/AgCl surface electrodes. Gaussian white
noise was administered through headphones. The results revealed that the response probabili-
ty of the tactile blink reflex at 70 dB of white noise was significantly higher than those at the
other noise levels. Furthermore, when the auditory noise was replaced with 70 dB pure tone (1
kHz), the optimization of the response probability by 70 dB of white noise disappeared.
2.2 Excitatory: Visual – Deterministic- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Auditory Stochas-
tic - Suprathreshold
In another series of experiments, we studied whether auditory noise can facilitate luminan-
ce-modulated (first order) stimuli detection in six subjects. Here the observers had to discri-
minate between vertical or horizontal luminance-modulated stimuli (LM) defined sinusoidal
gratings [4]. As in our previous auditory-tactile experiments, the visual threshold profiles of
the observers varied as a function of the different auditory noise levels demonstrating a typi-
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti, J. Faubert
cal stochastic resonance function with zones of threshold values significantly different from
the baseline condition. The maximum sensitivity average peak (lowest average threshold) for
our data was 75 ±3 dBSPL for LM stimuli. Previous reports show an average value of 70±2.5
dBSPL for visual flicker detection [9] and a value of 73.8±15.5 dBSPL for a luminance-
defined stimulus [10]. Moreover, we studied whether auditory noise can facilitate contrast
modulated (second order) stimuli detection. The observers had to discriminate between verti-
cal or horizontal contrast-modulated stimuli (CM) defined sinusoidal gratings [4]. Again, the
visual CM threshold profiles of the observers varied as a function of the different auditory
noise levels demonstrating also the typical stocahstic resonance function. The average peak
was found at 70±2 dBSPL for CM stimuli. Clearly the LM and CM peaks are inside the same
experimental region and there is no significant difference between them meaning that, within
the experimental accuracy we have used, both facilitation mechanisms are similar.
2.3 Excitatory: Proprioception – Deterministic- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Auditory -
Stochastic - Suprathreshold
We evaluated electromyography activity (EMGA) responses of the subject’s leg muscles
during posture maintenance with different auditory noise conditions. The EMGA refers to the
muscle’s activity during posture maintenance. In this context a less stable posture represents
more activity of the muscles related to this task. The subjects were asked to stand with their
feet aligned one in front of the other and touching like in a tightrope position. The normalized
power specral density of the EMGA (EMGA-PSD) was modulated by the noise showing the
well known inverse curve shape signature in all the subjects and surprisingly, the subject’s
averaged peak was 74±4 dBSPL, which lies in the same experimental range found in our pre-
vious experiments. In another investigation it has been demonstrated that tactile stimulation of
the foot with noise could increase postural stability by acting on the somatosensory system
and that noise can induce transitions in human postural sway [11-13].
2.4 Excitatory: Motor – Deterministic- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Auditory - Sto-
chastic - Suprathreshold
Fine-motor performance of the hand is more than important in our life and work. However,
some injuries might damage the hand fine-motor performance. Previous studies show that fi-
ne-motor performance of the hand might be improved according to the mechanism of coacti-
vation [14]. Lei Ai and colleagues tested whether fine-motor performance could be enhanced
by the presence of auditory noise. They used a pegboard containing 50 holes arranged in four
rows and 50 metal pins placed in a container. In every trial subjects were asked to pick these
50 pins with their right hand, one by one, from the container and insert them into 50 holes on
the peg-board. Every hole was inserted by one pin. If one pin was dropped during the transfer,
they were instructed to pick the next pin from the container to insert the hole that they just
failed. The dependent variable was the length of time required for completing the process of
inserting all the pins. The less the time the more dexterous the hand control. The result was a
U-shape function of the intensity of different levels of auditory noise with the subjects’ avera-
ge peak at 68±1 dBSPL, showing that optimal auditory noise can largely improve the fine-
motor performance.
2.5 Excitatory: Attention – Subthreshold; Facilitating: Auditory– Stochastic - Supra-
Noise is typically conceived of as being detrimental to cognitive performance. However, a
certain amount of noise can benefit performance. Soderlund et al. investigated cognitive per-
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti and J. Faubert
formance in noisy environments in relation to a neurocomputational model of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dopamine [15]. They hypothesized that dopamine levels
modulate how much noise is required for optimal cognitive performance. They experimental-
ly examined how ADHD and control children responded to different encoding conditions,
providing different levels of environmental stimulation. Participants carried out a high memo-
ry performance task and a low memory task. These tasks were done in the presence, or absen-
ce, of auditory white noise. They found that noise exerted a positive effect on cognitive
performance for the ADHD group at 78 DBSPL and deteriorated performance for the control
group at this same level. However the control group peaked at 70 dBSPL indicating that
ADHD subjects need more noise than controls for optimal cognitive performance.
2.6 Excitatory: Imagery- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Auditory– Stochastic - Supra-
Agnosia is usually associated with the bottom-up processing stream, inability to extract re-
levant information from the sensory data. It is commonly agreed that top-down processes help
to establish conscious percepts [16]. Top-down connections in most brains are sufficiently
strong to create activation needed to form a vivid percept, but what happens if they are too
weak? This general condition may be called "imagery agnosia", as subjects may show all
kinds of symptoms typical for agnosia when required to perform some tasks based on image-
ry. In [16] the researcher, who claimed having this agnosia condition, tested the conjecture
that top-down activations due to imagery are simply too weak to establish brain states that
could be uniquely categorized and lead to well defined percepts by using crosmodal stochastic
resonance effects. He used auditory white noise at about 70 dB [28] trying to induce auditory
or visual imagery in this way. He mentioned that the method seems to be promising, although
the images and sounds were dim, unstable, struggling to establish themselves and falling after
a few moments.
2.7 Excitatory: Visual – Deterministic - Subthreshold; Facilitating: Tactile – Stochas-
tic - Suprathreshold
In another series of experiments, we applied different tactile noise intensity levels plus a
baseline (no tactile noise) in different subjects [7]. We have measured absolute first order vi-
sual (in arbitrary units) thresholds and then normalized. The tactile noise was presented by
means of a specific designed transferred signal spectrum actuator (TSSA) that converted the
auditory signal spectrum energy into mechanical signal spectrum energy. The subjects held
the TSSA against their right internal metacarpus. The tactile noise has a cut-off frequency
around 1kHz. We found that tactile noise also facilitated first order stimuli perception similar
to the auditory noise case.
2.8 Excitatory: Tactile – Deterministic- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Auditory - Deter-
nistic - Suprathreshold
In this experiment [5], the auditory stimuli were presented binaurally by means of a pair of
high-precision headphones. The electrical amplitude signal was set to a subtreshold level
(1.5% below threshold) and the auditory signal had a fixed amplitude of 9 mV (peak voltage).
The corresponding EMGA-PSD enhancements associated to tactile sensitivity ranged between
3% and 9% for all the subjects. In a second experiment, we tested tactile-auditory interaction
using deterministic auditory signals with different amplitudes and measured the EMGA-PSD.
A different amplitude of the auditory signal was tested at each session. The six amplitudes
were 0, 8, 12, 20, 30, and 300 mV (peak voltage) at the amplifier exit. The results demonstrate
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti, J. Faubert
that as we increased the amplitude of the auditory stimulus, the EMGA-PSD increased, rea-
ched a maximum, and then decreased (inverted- U-shaped function). This implies that there is
indeed a particular intermediate level of auditory stimulation at which tactile auditory integra-
tion is optimally enhanced.
2.9 Excitatory: Tactile – Deterministic- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Visual - Determi-
nistic- Suprathreshold
We also investigated [5] how tactile perception and the corresponding EMGA-PSD were
affected when the amplitude of the tactile stimulus was subthreshold (1.5% below threshold)
and a suprathreshold visual stimulus was presented concurrently. The biphasic visual signal
was displayed on an oscilloscope and looked like a dot expanding to a line, first up and then
down. The visual stimulus augmented tactile perception and the corresponding EMGA-PSD.
The enhancement ranged from approximately 1.03 (increase of 3% relative to baseline) to 1.1
(increase of 10%).
2.10 Excitatory: Motor – Deterministic- Subthreshold; Facilitating: Motor - Stochastic-
The consequences of spinal cord injury or Parkinson’s disease are not just a break in com-
munication between neurons; a cascade of events occur that promote further neuronal degene-
ration, cell death and motor dysfunctioning [17]. Locomotion training is a very effective tool
in neuronal degeneration rehabilitation. Haas [17] has used vibratory stimulations, leading to
reflex responses similar to reflex elicitations during human locomotion. He found that sto-
chastic mechanical stimulations might be a useful method to counteract neuronal degeneration
and to promote regenerative processes. His patients either stood up or sat down in a special
chair and both legs were connected with two independently oscillating platforms. The plat-
forms could oscillate with a mean frequency of 6 Hz and superimposed by random and sto-
chastic influences which facilitate neuronal threshold crossing and enhance neuromuscular
activity. Patients with Parkinson’s disease and spinal-cord-injury patients that were stimulated
regularly lead to significantly improved postural control and locomotion abilities. Interestin-
gly, treated Parkinson’s disease patients also showed reduced symptoms (tremor, rigidity) in
the upper extremities. As improvements in manual coordination (for instance writing perfor-
mance) were confirmed in further standardized experimental setting, it seemed unlikely that
this vibratory stimulation affected only the muscle or exclusively the peripheral nervous sys-
tem. That is, if only the lower limbs were excited, how could we explain improved writing
We can simulate neurons as natural devices with dynamics that consist of random low am-
plitude motions (subtreshold neuronal activity) from which escapes occur at certain intervals
[18]. The escapes are referred to as firings, and are associated with high amplitude bursts
(spikes). We begin by proposing a bistable model for the response of neurons as:
# $
. (1)
represents the neurons’ amplitude activity,
is how their activity changes with
is a perturbation parameter that may have a stepwise variation over.
presents the excitatory weak signal, G(t) is the facilitating signal and it can be a nearly white
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti and J. Faubert
noise process or a deterministic one, γ , σ and β are adjustable parameters, V(x) is a double-
well potential defined by a polynomial given by :
. (2)
To achieve good neuronal time history simulations, the potential V(x) must be asymmetric,
which is deeper for x > 0 than for x 0. The quantities between brackets in Eq. (1) represent
excitatory, facilitating energy, and energy losses. Eq. (1) can achieve simulations of neuronal
time histories (with the appropriate parameter values) and it has solution with the qualitative
features observed in the experiments described earlier.
3.1 Fulcrum neuron firing condition
It is possible to show that the necessary condition for the Fulcrum to occur [4], for the sto-
chastic process G(t) , is
" #
!/ 3
( )
( )
, (3)
where the constants
are related to the Fourier one-side spectral density. For a second
harmonic signal
instead of white noise the conditions writes:
" #
!/ 3
( )
( )
, (4)
( )
=2 /
( )
1 2
jsec h
j/ (2
{ }
is known as the Melnikov scale factor.
It is clear that if we want to optimize the energy transfer from the stochastic process G(t) or
deterministic process
then the spectral density of G(t) needs to contain frequencies
around the Melnikov scale factor maximum and the frequency
from the signal
must be centered at the Melnikov scale factor
peak as well. By using Eqs. (1-4) we have
shown that for low noise intensities the energy transfer from the noise to the signal is not
enough to achieve the synchronization and as a result the subtreshold activity dominates and
no firings occur. However as the noise intensity increases firings also increase up to a maxi-
mum peak, where the mean escape rate approximately equals the signal frequency. Beyond
this point, random firings can occur at different frequencies meaning that the synchronized
energy transfer from the noise to the signal is destroyed and the signal is embedded in the
subtreshold activity. It is clear from Eqs. (3-4) that if we increase the energy losses we have to
increase accordingly the excitatory energy to always fulfill the fulcrum neuron firing condi-
tion. This means that the energy transfer is always fixed no matter how long the neuronal
network is.
3.2 Autism and the Fulcrum principle
The fifth consequence is related to a better understanding of disorders such as autism, in
which altered sensory processing often occurs that causes perceptual dysfunction, it causes
problems with one or more sensory channels from the world to the brain. In a very general
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti, J. Faubert
classification given in [19] the sensory channels are abnormal in one of the followings ways:
Hyper: the sensory channel is too open and, as a result, too much stimulation gets in for the
brain to be handled comfortably. Hypo: the sensory channel is not open enough and, as a re-
sult, too little of the stimulation gets in and the brain is deprived. White noise: the sensory
channel creates its own stimulus because of faulty operation and, as a result, the message from
the outside world is garbled or, in extreme cases, is overcome by the noise in the system. The
broad autism classification can be qualitatively understood by using the neuron firing condi-
Let us assume in this case that the stochastic energy is due to the internal noise and the excita-
tory signal is deterministic. Therefore the Hyper type can be described by: small values of pa-
that make the energy losses small. This represents an internal noise
energy level close to the energy losses level and a Melnikov scale factor that is very narrow
(this is because α is small). With these conditions a very weak excitatory signal elicits neuro-
nal firings and because of the Melnikov narrowness factor, the optimal condition for the fi-
rings is easily achieved (but only for a small frequency bandwidth). Note that if the frequency
content of the excitatory signal is outside of this bandwidth then the classification will change
to Hypo. Hypo condition: High values of parameters
that make the energy losses
high. Therefore, the internal noise energy is lower than the energy losses. This represents a
Melnikov scale factor that is very broad (this is because
is high). With these conditions a
very strong excitatory signal is needed to elicit neuronal firing and, because the Melnikov fac-
tor broadens, more frequencies can induce the optimal condition for the firings with less se-
lectively than the Hyper type. White noise condition: the stochastic energy is higher than both
the energy losses and the excitatory signal combined. Then neuronal firings occur but they are
mainly driven by the internal stochastic process. Note that nothing precludes that sensory
channels present one or more classifications. That is, a person might be hyper or hypo for the
different stimuli because optimal neuron firings depend on the frequency and energy content
of the involved signals.
In the precedent sections we have seen that a model of a non-linear oscillator can help us
understand the fulcrum principle in human perception. Nonetheless, there is another situation
where the use of oscillators are very useful to explain neuron dynamics. For instance the mus-
cular electrical activity power spectral density in the gastrocnemius medial muscle may be
described by the complex movement of linear oscillators at thermal equilibrum. This will be
discussed in the next sections.
4.1 Experiments
We asked two subjects to execute isometric contractions of their right gastrocnemius me-
dial, 10% of the maximum voluntary contractions (MVC), while sitting confortability with
eyes open. A single differential EMGA electrode was placed at the middle of the muscle right
of all participants away from the innervations zones that for gastrocnemius muscles are
located either at the perimeter of the muscle or at one end of the muscle [20, 21]. EMGA was
tracked for 10 trials each lasting 10 second (one-minute pause between trials) with a Bagnoli
(DELSyS, Inc.) handheld EMGA system. The EMGA-PSD was calculated by means of a FFT
algorithm for each trial and then averaged for each subject. All the averaged PSDs were then
fitted by means of equation:
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti and J. Faubert
, (5)
are two fitting parameters. For the fitting we have use the non-linear
least squares method implemented in matlab's curve-fitting tool. The study received ethical
approval from the Institutional Review Board of the University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
4.2 Theory
Inside the muscles we find the fibers and they are supplied by terminal branches of one
nerve fiber or axon whose cell body is in the anterior horn of the spinal grey matter (motor-
neuron). This nerve cell body with the long axon running down the motor nerve and its termi-
nal branches constitute a motor unit (MU). The termination of the axon of the muscle fiber
defines an area known as the endplate. These endplates are usually, but not always, located
near the middle of the muscle fibers. An action potential descending the motoneuron activates
almost simultaneously all the fibers of a MU and its known as a motor unit action potential
[22]. When postsynaptic membrane of a muscle is depolarized, the depolarization propagates
in both directions along the fiber. The membrane depolarization, accompanied by a movement
of ions, generates an electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the muscle fibers, whose time ex-
cursion can be measured and the radiated power spectral density can be obtained. Let us as-
sume that each muscle fiber can be treated as a vibrating string with energy associated to each
standing wave or oscillation mode given by
, where n is the harmonic index,
is the wave propagation velocity,
is the oscillation amplitude,
is the linear mass den-
sity and
is the frequency. If we assume that in average
are constants then the
energy is
. These modes can be observed in some experiments.
For instance, Monster and Chan[23] studied a homonymous motorneuron pool that was voli-
tionally activated during gradually changing isometric contraction of the extensor digitorum
communis muscle. They showed the MUs' firing frequency behavior of 60 MUs with the
force and clearly each MU presented a discrete set of frequencies instead of a continum of
frequencies. Now, assuming that a person is at thermal steady state, that is within the ther-
moneutral zone between 20 and 30o C where the metabolic rate is almost constant [24]. Under
these conditions these modes are in thermal equilibrum inside the muscle of volume
larly to phonons. In that case, the average energy per mode is given by
is a frequency parameter given by
, where
is the thermal energy. The
amount of modes per unit frequency contained in a volume
, where we have
assumed that are three different polarizations for the waves, two transversals and one longitu-
dinal. Therefore, the energy spectral density in a volume
can be written as:
, (6)
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti, J. Faubert
If the spectral energy
is emitted by the fibrons then the power spectral density (PSD)
radiated by a surface of area
, can be calculated by multiplying
is given by:
, (7)
Which is identical to Eq. (5) with
L vf
4.3 Results
Figure 1 shows the fit results for the participants including the fit parameters. We can esti-
mate the value of
by using experimental values for
[22, 26, 27], for
take the value for the maximum stretch distance for sarcomeres’ crossbridges as in [28] that is
. The linear mass density can be obtained indirectly by
VV lf
. For the volumetric
mass density
we use the density of mammalian skeletal muscle value of
1060 Kg m3
[29], for
the gastrocnemius medial volume value of
303.2 ±65.1 cm3
and the fiber length
6.3 ±1.2 cm
[30]. The
value we ob-
tained is
1.8046x10!13 ±0.7383x10!13
Js. Where the final error is due to the propagation of the
individual errors on
. This value agrees well with the value of
1.9017x10!13 ±0.8513x10!13
Js obtained in another study [31].
It is known that by decreasing the intramuscular temperature, the median frequency of the
EMGA-PSD in a muscle shifts towards lower frequencies [32]. Since the the median frequen-
cy of Eq. (7) is given by
med =3.503
is proportional to the thermal energy, therefo-
re by decreasing the temperature the thermal energy,
decreases consequently.
Merletti and colleagues [32] cooled down the first dorsal interosseous muscle of human
subjects from 33 0C to 15 0C. Subjects were asked to perform isometric constant-force
abduction contractions of the index finger at 20% and 80% MVC levels. The initial median
of the EMGA-PSD was taken as a reference (measured at 33 0C) and
conform that the temperature decreased. Each calculated
was normalized by
multiplied by 100 to obtain the percentage initial median frequency
. The relationship
versus temperature was a linear relationship with a sensitivity (slope) of 3.03 %/0C
and 3.48 %/0C for 20% and 80% respectively during maximal voluntary contraction. By using
the same procedure we theoretically found that
med =100TMTM0
, where
is the
muscle's tempertaure, and for a temperature of 33 0C we obtained a sensitivity of 3.03 %/0C.
In a similar study[33] Petrofsky and Lind used the forearm muscles. Brief (3s) isometric con-
tractions were exerted at tensions ranging between 10 and 100% of each subject’s maximum
strength. The temperature of the muscles during those contractions was varied by placing the
forearms of the subjects in a controlled temperature water bath at temperatures of 10, 20, 30,
and 40 degrees Celsius. The results of these experiments showed that the median frequency of
the EMGA-PSD was directly proportional to the temperature of the exercising muscles during
brief isometric contractions. For instance, for 10% MVC the slope was
4.771 ±0.200
J.E. Lugo, R. Doti and J. Faubert
Theoretically we know that
med =3.503
and from [31] that
, therefore the
theoretical slope is
Figure 1: Maximum voluntary contraction of 10% in the right gastrocnemius medial for two subjects. S8 pa-
rameters: Ap=1.00764x10-17, ν0=41.12 Hz, S9 parameters: Ap=8.90136x10-18, ν0=44.31 Hz
We presented the Fulcrum principle and give 15 experimental examples. The fulcrum can
be modeled as an asymetric, anharmonic oscillator.
This principle can help us to better understand how human perception ocurrs and com-
prehend human conditions such as agnosia, synesthesia and autism.
We have shown that the EMGA-PSDs of isometric contractions in muscles can be de-
scribed by Debye's theory of phonons or mechanical oscillation modes. We compared
this model against experimental results concerned the temperature changes and the asso-
ciated linear change of the EMGA-PSD median frequency. The model fits the theory
This material is based on work supported by the NSERC-Essilor Research Chair and an
NSERC operating grant. We would like to thank Dr. David Labbé for technical assistance.
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