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Updated Australian consensus statement on management of inherited bleeding disorders in pregnancy



Introduction There have been significant advances in the understanding of the management of inherited bleeding disorders in pregnancy since the last Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’ Organisation (AHCDO) consensus statement was published in 2009. This updated consensus statement provides practical information for clinicians managing pregnant women who have, or carry a gene for, inherited bleeding disorders, and their potentially affected infants. It represents the consensus opinion of all AHCDO members; where evidence was lacking, recommendations have been based on clinical experience and consensus opinion. Main recommendations During pregnancy and delivery, women with inherited bleeding disorders may be exposed to haemostatic challenges. Women with inherited bleeding disorders, and their potentially affected infants, need specialised care during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum, and should be managed by a multidisciplinary team that includes at a minimum an obstetrician, anaesthetist, paediatrician or neonatologist, and haematologist. Recommendations on management of pregnancy, labour, delivery, obstetric anaesthesia and postpartum care, including reducing and treating postpartum haemorrhage, are included. The management of infants known to have or be at risk of an inherited bleeding disorder is also covered. Changes in management as a result of this statement Key changes in this update include the addition of a summary of the expected physiological changes in coagulation factors and phenotypic severity of bleeding disorders in pregnancy; a flow chart for the recommended clinical management during pregnancy and delivery; guidance for the use of regional anaesthetic; and prophylactic treatment recommendations including concomitant tranexamic acid.
Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
Updated Australian consensus statement on
management of inherited bleeding disorders in
Scott Dunkley1, Julie A Curtin2,3, Anthony J Marren4, Robert P Heavener4, Simon McRae5, Jennifer L Curnow6
Inherited bleeding disorders pose a unique challenge during
pregnancy and childbirth. Women who are affected with, or
are carriers of, inherited bleeding disorders, and their infants,
are at risk of bleeding complications from haemostatic chal-
lenges during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, pregnancy
and delivery need to be managed appropriately.1–6
This statement is an update of the 2009 Australian Haemophilia
Centre Directors’ Organisation (AHCDO) consensus statement
on pregnancy and delivery management in women with inher-
ited bleeding disorders.7 Over the past 9 years there have been
key advances in the understanding and management of inher-
ited bleeding disorders in pregnancy. The aim of this updated
consensus statement is to improve the care of women who have,
or are carriers of, inherited bleeding disorders, and their poten-
tially affected infants, by providing practical recommendations
for the management of pregnancy and delivery.
Despite inclusion of pregnancy and delivery management in a
number of published evidence- based guidelines on the man-
agement of inherited bleeding disorders, many guidelines are
lengthy and not user- friendly.1,2,6 ,8 –10
AHCDO includes all directors of haemophilia centres (adult and
paediatric) throughout Australia, as well as additional haema-
tologists registered through AHCDO who care for patients with
haemophilia either at these sites or at satellite centres. The con-
sensus statement was developed by an AHCDO working party
following extensive consultation, face- to- face meetings and revi-
sions. The final document represents the consensus opinion of
all AHCDO members.
As pregnancy and delivery management for women with inher-
ited bleeding disorders involves a multidisciplinary team that
includes an obstetrician, anaesthetist, paediatrician or neonatol-
ogist, and haematologist, we anticipate that this consensus state-
ment will serve as a useful reference document for the broader
medical community.
We reviewed current international clinical practice guidelines
on the management of inherited bleeding disorders in preg-
nancy. We also conducted broad literature searches and manu-
ally searched reference lists. Inclusion criteria were restricted
to high quality meta- analyses, systematic reviews, randomised
controlled trials and clinical practice guidelines. Studies pub-
lished in English and conducted in humans, and with an abstract
available, were included for review. In several areas, evidence
was lacking and, in such cases, recommendations were based on
the clinical experience and consensus opinion of the AHCDO
Inherited bleeding disorders in women
The most common inherited bleeding disorders and their phe-
notypes in women are outlined in Box 1.1,2 ,4, 8,11
Haemophilia A and B are X chromosome- linked conditions that
are often mistakenly thought to affect males with females being
carriers; however, a range of phenotypes are observed in females
who have one copy of an abnormal gene for coagulation factor
VIII (haemophilia A) or factor IX (haemophilia B). This pheno-
type range extends from a carrier with normal factor levels (the
majority of patients), to those with mildly reduced factor levels
(mild haemophilia) through to (very rarely) those with extremely
low factor levels consistent with severe haemophilia. This range
is due to genetic factors including skewed X chromosome inac-
tivation (lyonisation), Turner syndrome or other chromosomal
translocations and deletions.
Although there are differences in the reference ranges cited
by coagulation laboratories, the normal plasma range for both
1 Insti tute of Haema tology,Royal Pr ince Alfre d Hospital, Sy dney, NSW. 2 The Childre n’s Hospit al at Westme ad, Sydney, NSW. 3 Aus tralian Haem ophilia Cent res Direct ors’ Organis ation,
Melbou rne, VIC . 4 Royal Prin ce Alfred Ho spital, Sydn ey, NSW. 5 Royal Adelai de Hospital , Adelaide, SA . 6 Haemophilia Treatm ent Centre,Westmead Hos pital, Sydney, NSW.
scottmdunkley@gmail.comdo i: 10.5694/mja2.50123
Introduction: There have been significant advances in the
understanding of the management of inherited bleeding disorders
in pregnancy since the last Australian Haemophilia Centre Directors’
Organisation (AHCDO) consensus statement was published in 2009.
This updated consensus statement provides practical information
for clinicians managing pregnant women who have, or carry a gene
for, inherited bleeding disorders, and their potentially affected
infants. It represents the consensus opinion of all AHCDO members;
where evidence was lacking, recommendations have been based on
clinical experience and consensus opinion.
Main recommendations: During pregnancy and delivery, women
with inherited bleeding disorders may be exposed to haemostatic
challenges. Women with inherited bleeding disorders, and their
potentially af fec ted infants, need specialised care during
pregnancy, delivery, and postpar tum, and should be managed by a
multidisciplinary team that includes at a minimum an obstetrician,
anaesthetist, paediatrician or neonatologist, and haematologist.
Recommendations on management of pregnancy, labour, delivery,
obstetric anaesthesia and postpartum care, including reducing and
treating postpartum haemorrhage, are included. The management
of infants known to have or be at risk of an inherited bleeding
disorder is also covered.
Changes in management as a result of this statement: Key
changes in this update include the addition of a summary of the
expected physiological changes in coagulation factors and
phenotypic severit y of bleeding disorders in pregnancy; a flow
chart for the recommended clinical management during pregnancy
and delivery; guidance for the use of regional anaesthetic; and
prophylactic treatment recommendations including concomitant
tranexamic acid.
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
factor VIII and factor IX is 50–200 IU/dL.6 In practical terms,
normal equates to levels of factor VIII, factor IX and von
Willebrand factor antigen > 50 IU/dL for haemophilia A, hae-
mophilia B and type 1 von Willebrand disease. Bleeding risk is
dependent on factor levels and the lower the factor level below
40 IU/dL the greater the bleeding risk.5 Together, haemophilia
A and B, von Willebrand disease, and factor VII and factor XI
deficiency account for around 90% of all women with inher-
ited bleeding disorders.12
Physiological response expected in pregnancy
As part of the normal physiological response, factor VIII and von
Willebrand factor antigen levels rise during pregnancy, usually
reaching a plateau at around 29–35 weeks’ gestation (Box 1).13,14
For many but not all women with low factor VIII levels due to
a mutation in one of their factor VIII genes, this physiological
rise in factor VIII will result in levels rising to within the nor-
mal range and thus there is no increased risk of bleeding. For
some women, however, factor VIII levels may remain low at
term.6,8,13 –15 Factor IX and factor XI do not change significantly
in preg n a ncy.6,8,10,15 –18
For women with von Willebrand disease, the type influences
their ability to mount this physiological response. Women with
type 1 von Willebrand disease — the common, mild form —
will achieve normal levels of von Willebrand factor antigen and
factor VIII. Those with type 2, in which the function of the von
Willebrand factor molecule is impaired, will show a rise in their
von Willebrand factor antigen level, but the functional activity
will remain low. Patients with type 2B may show worsening
thrombocytopenia due to increased levels of the abnormal von
Willebrand factor molecule. Patients with type 3 will not ex-
hibit a rise in levels. Therefore, patients with type 2 and 3 von
Willebrand disease typically remain at risk of bleeding.16
1 Bleeding disorders, coagulation factor affected and expected range of bleeding phenotypes in women1,2 ,4, 8,11 ,15
Coagulation factor
Bleeding phenotype
in women*
Expected factor
level changes dur ing
Treatment options
(if required)
Haemophilia A Factor VIII levels
Mild to moderate when levels
< 40 IU/dL
Typically, increase
Factor VIII or DDAVP antenatally; f actor
VIII replacement therapy before delivery,
if required
Haemophilia B Factor IX levels decreased Mild to moderate when levels
< 40 IU/dL
No Factor IX replacement therapy before
delivery, if required
Factor XI deficienc y Factor XI levels decreased Highly variable; r isk increased
with levels < 15 IU/dL
No Factor XI replacement or fresh f rozen
plasma before deliver y, if required
von Willebrand disease
Typ e 1 VWF levels decreasedMild to moderate Yes, tends to increas e
VWF containing concentrates or DDAVP
antenatally; VWF- containing concen-
trates before delivery, if required
Typ e 2§Dysfunc tional VWF Variable, usually moderate No, small increases
VWF- containing concentrates
antenatally and before delivery, if
Typ e 3 VWF absent Severe ( VWF antigen
undetectable; factor VIII
levels < 10 IU/dL)
No, does not improve VWF- containing concentrates
antenatally and before delivery, if
Rare coagulation
Afibrinogenaemia; factor
II, fac tor V, combined
factor V and VIII, fac tor VII,
factor X and factor X III
Highly variable, mild to
severe, not alway s
predictable based on factor
Recurrent fet al loss
associated with fac tor I
(fibrinogen), factor II and
factor XIII deficiencies
No Specific factor replacement or fresh
frozen plasma for f actor V deficienc y, if
Congenital platelet disorders
Disorder of platelet
Often associated with severe
bleeding phenotype
No Avoid blood or platelet transfusion
during pregnancy; HLA- matched
platelets transfused at delivery
Glycoprotein Ib- IX- V
receptor abnormality
Often associated with severe
bleeding phenotype
No Avoid blood or platelet transfusion
during pregnancy; HLA- matched
platelets transfused at delivery
Other Usually mild No
DDAVP = D- amino D- argini ne vasopres sin (desmopres sin); HLA = human l eukocyte a ntigen; VW F = von Willebra nd factor. * Blee ding risk fac tor levels: s evere, < 1 IU/dL; mo derately se vere,
3–10 IU/dL; mild, 1 0–40 IU/dL ; low, > 40 IU/dL. Women with le vels < 1 IU/dL (seve re) should be mo nitored mo re closely. † Le vels may normalise during pr egnancy.6 Women with f actor VII I
or IX l evels > 40 IU/dL b ut below the lower limit of the refere nce inter val (50–20 0 IU/dL, but no te that labo ratory re ference in tervals v ary based on methodol ogy) may also have increas ed
bleeding tendencies.5 § Thromboc ytopenia as sociated wit h type 2B von Wi llebrand disea se may worsen during pr egnancy. Note reg arding units: 1 in ternationa l unit (IU) of fac tor VIII acti vity
is equiv alent to that quan tity of fact or VIII in 1 mL of normal hum an plasma. Levels ar e cited in % or IU/dL as the two uni ts are equival ent and can be used int erchangeab ly. Some laborat ories
give uni ts as IU/mL; no te, 50 IU/dL = 50% = 0. 5 IU/mL.
Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
The rise in factor levels is unpredictable during pregnancy and
ideally levels should be checked before pregnancy, at the first an-
tenatal visit (Box 2),19 before any invasive procedure, and during
the third trimester to facilitate planning of delivery.1,2, 6,8,14,17
After delivery, factor levels usually return to baseline after 7–21
days but may drop earlier.5,6,8,13–16,20
Management of pregnancy and delivery
Before pregnancy
Pre- conception genetic counselling should be considered for any
mother at risk of having a child with haemophilia (eg, known
family history, known low factor levels) to allow for appropriate
planning with a multidisciplinary team (Box 2). If factor levels
are not known, they should be measured and, if levels are low,
the pregnancy should be managed appropriately. Historical di-
agnosis and response to desmopressin (D- amino D- arginine vas-
opressin; DDAVP) should also be established. Pre- implantation
genetic diagnosis as well as antenatal genetic diagnosis (via cho-
rionic villus sampling) for haemophilia genotypes are available
in Australia and can be considered in families where the genetic
mutation responsible for the haemophilia has been identified.
Special considerations may need to be made for women with
inherited bleeding disorders when undergoing invasive in vitro
fertilisation procedures, such as oocyte retrieval, that carry a risk
of bleeding. Management is multidisciplinary and includes the
fertility specialist, haematologist and anaesthetist. Factor replace-
ment and/or tranexamic acid around the time of procedure may
be indicated. Consideration should be given to the most appro-
priate location in which such procedures should occur.21,22
Women with rarer bleeding disorders, such as fibrinogen or factor
XIII deficiency, may be at increased risk of recurrent fetal loss (Box
1). Such women may benefit from prophylactic therapy (Box 3).23
During pregnancy
While it is important to recognise that women with mild haemo-
philia and other inherited bleeding disorders may have an in-
creased risk of bleeding depending on factor levels, they usually
require no specific therapy or factor replacement antenatally.
Women with factor VIII or factor IX levels < 40 IU/dL, or type
2 or type 3 von Willebrand disease may be at risk of bleeding
and may require factor replacement for procedures and delivery.
The lower their factor level or von Willebrand factor activity, the
more likely they will be to require replacement.10,25
Bleeding in women with factor XI deficiency is highly variable,
and provision of replacement therapy should be individualised;
however, it may be required if factor XI levels are < 15 IU/dL.6,17,18
Treatment of women with rare bleeding disorders during preg-
nancy should be individualised and guided by a haemophilia
clinician as early as possible (Box 1).
Fetal sex determination
For women who carry the mutation for haemophilia and are
pregnant with a male fetus, there is a 50% chance the fetus will
be affected by haemophilia; for a female fetus there is a 50%
chance she will inherit the mutation for haemophilia. While
most female fetuses will have normal or only mildly reduced
factor levels, very rarely a female fetus may have moderately
or severely reduced factor levels. Fetal sex determination using
ultrasound and free fetal DNA in maternal circulation aids la-
bour and delivery planning, and may also preclude the need
for more invasive prenatal diagnostic testing such as chorionic
villus sampling and amniocentesis if the fetus is female. In the
case of unknown fetal haemophilia status, it should be assumed
that the fetus has haemophilia, and the pregnancy and delivery
should be managed accordingly.
Preparation for labour and delivery
Factor replacement should be organised before delivery if levels
remain below normal (Box 2). Risk factors for postpartum haem-
orrhage should also be reviewed at this time and a clear intra- and
postpartum multidisciplinary care plan for both mother and neo-
nate should be documented.19
Treatment options
In women with factor levels < 50 IU/dL, or if clinically indicated,
tranexamic acid should be considered to cover surgical or inva-
sive procedures.6 Following miscarriage, it should be continued
until bleeding settles.6
DDAVP is a synthetic analogue of vasopressin that increases the
plasma levels of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII by endothe-
lial release. DDAVP can be used antenatally to raise factor V III and
von Willebrand factor plasma levels two- to sixfold during preg-
nancy in women with haemophilia A and type 1 von Willebrand
disease;6,10,19,26–2 8 it has a category B2 safety warning for use in
pregnancy in Australia29 but does not cross the placenta at detect-
able levels.28,3 0 with peak levels at 30–90 minutes after infusion,
although there is considerable inter- individual variation.2 7, 2 8 , 3 0
Importantly, in most patients with type 1 von Willebrand disease
who would respond to DDAVP, factor levels will have increased
during pregnancy, but in patients with type 2 and type 3 von
Willebrand disease, who have the greatest need for elevation of
von Willebrand factor levels, the response to DDAVP is gener-
ally poor.27 As such, if treatment is needed, administration of
von Willebrand factor- containing concentrates is recommended
in the antenatal treatment of von Willebrand disease, although
DDAVP may be a suitable alternative in women who are carriers
of haemophilia A.
It is important to note that DDAVP can stimulate uterine con-
traction and cause premature labour, as well as hyponatrae-
mia.28 –30 It has an antidiuretic effect, and fluids should be
restricted to 1 L for 24 hours after use and electrolytes should
be monitored.6
In women with Glanzmann thrombasthenia or Bernard–Soulier
syndrome, blood and platelet transfusion should be avoided
wherever possible because of the risk of sensitisation to antigens
not present on their own platelets6–8 (Box 1). No treatment is re-
quired antenatally, but the presence of anti- human leukocyte
antigen and anti- platelet antibodies should be assessed before
delivery. If antibodies to fetal antigens are present, the delivery
should be managed appropriately.
Labour and delivery
Women with inherited bleeding disorders should be referred to
a specialist haemophilia clinician, as individualised and specific
treatment protocols must be followed. Ideally, women with se-
vere bleeding disorders, or who are at risk of delivering a boy
with haemophilia, should be managed jointly by an obstetric
unit with facilities for caring for high risk infants and a haemo-
philia treatment centre.
The mode of delivery should be determined by obstetric indica-
tions. Spontaneous vaginal delivery, without instrumentation,
is a suitable option for many women with inherited bleeding
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
2 Key points in the care of women with inherited bleeding disorders and their potentially af fected infants
Adapte d from Lavee a nd Kidson- Gerbe r.19 CS = caesarean section; IM = intramusc ular; IU = intern ational units; IV = intr avenous; PPH = postpar tum haemo rrhag e; PO = per oral.
Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
disorders, based on obstetric advice.31 It is important to note that
an inherited bleeding disorder in the mother or fetus, by itself, is
not an indication for delivery by lower segment caesarean sec-
tion. Although lower segment caesarean section is an alternative
option for delivery, it does not eliminate the risk of intracranial
haemorrhage in the neonate, and elevates the risk of bleeding and
factor replacement requirements of the mother.6,10 Instrumental
deliveries should be avoided because of the increased risk of intra-
cranial haemorrhage. However, where an instrumental delivery
is deemed unavoidable, a forceps delivery by an experienced ac-
coucheur is preferred over vacuum extraction.6,10, 31–33 Use of fetal
scalp blood sampling, mid- cavity manipulation, scalp electrodes
and a prolonged labour should also be avoided if possible.6,10,33
Tranexamic acid 1000 mg, orally or intravenously, should be given
to all women with an inherited bleeding disorder as close to the
time of delivery as possible.34,35 The dose should be repeated at
4 hours if there is postpartum haemorrhage.34,35 If needed, fac-
tor replacement should be given to the mother as close to the
time of delivery as possible, but it should be noted that this does
not normalise the baby’s factor levels. In haemophilia A and B
and von Willebrand disease, factor replacement therapy, if re-
quired, should be administered so that levels are maintained
above 50 IU/dL (ie, in the normal range) for labour and delivery.
DDAVP has poor efficacy in type 2 and type 3 von Willebrand
disease but may be used in carriers of haemophilia A.
In patients with severe platelet disorders, platelets (human leu-
kocyte antigen matched if available) should be transfused at
the time of delivery. Lower segment caesarean section should
be offered to women with severe platelet function disorders.6,36
Obstetric anaesthesia
There are few studies reporting outcomes following the use of
epidural or spinal anaesthesia in patients with inherited bleeding
disorders and no gu idelines t hat cover this topic comprehensively.
Patients with inherited bleeding disorders are at an increased
risk of spinal haematoma.6,37,38 However, if coagulation factor
levels are in the normal range, or supported and maintained
in the normal range, then regional anaesthesia is not absolutely
contraindicated.1,2 ,6, 37– 41
It is recommended that factor VIII, factor IX and von Willebrand
factor levels be maintained in the normal range (> 50 IU/dL) for
epidural catheter insertion, the duration of catheter placement,
catheter removal and for 12 hours (mild bleeding disorder) to
24 hours (moderate to severe bleeding disorder) after catheter
removal (Box 3). If levels are < 50 IU/dL, epidural or spinal an-
aesthetic modalities should only be considered for use in close
consultation with a senior anaesthetist and haematology team.
Alternative forms of analgesia and anaesthesia are available and
may be more appropriate, depending on the context. In partic-
ular, patients with severe hereditary platelet functions, such as
Glanzmann thrombasthenia and Bernard–Soulier syndrome, in
general should not receive neuraxial anaesthesia.6,36
Postpartum care
To reduce the risk of postpartum haemorrhage and surgical bleed-
ing, factor levels should be maintained in the normal range for
3 days after vaginal delivery and for ≥ 5 days after caesarean
delivery.1,2,6,14,17 Factor levels should be monitored closely in the
postpartum period, even in women whose levels normalised dur-
ing preg n a n c y.13,16 ,24 Women who have low factor VIII, factor IX
or von Willebrand factor levels after delivery are at continued
risk of postpartum haemorrhage and should be advised to re-
port symptoms. In the event of caesarean delivery, insertion of an
intra- abdominal drain in order to detect bleeding should be con-
sidered. Tranexamic acid is encouraged postpartum until lochia
is minimal.
To minimise the risk of thrombosis, excessively high levels of fac-
tor VIII and IX should be avoided. Thromboprophylaxis should
be considered in women with thrombotic risk factors whose fac-
tor levels have been normalised physiologically or therapeuti-
cally, especially in patients with von Willebrand disease.
Postpartum haemorrhage
Postpartum haemorrhage is defined as blood loss > 500 mL; pri-
mary postpartum haemorrhage occurs within the first 24 hours
and secondary postpartum haemorrhage occurs after 24 hours
and before 6 weeks.
3 Pre- procedural administration of clotting factor products in women with factor levels below reference interval* 1, 2, 6,13 ,14,16 ,17,2 4
Disorder Product
Timing of
treatment before
Duration of factor
treatment after delivery
Further dose required for
epidural/spinal catheter
Haemophilia A Recombinant factor VIII 0–2 hours ≥ 3 days or ≥ 5 days (daily
or twice daily)
Yes, if prior dose > 8 hours ago
Haemophilia B Recombinant factor IX 0–2 hours ≥ 3 days or ≥ 5 days (dai ly) Yes, if prior dose > 8 hours ago
Factor XI deficienc y Factor XI concentrate (plasma derived);
fresh f rozen plasma in an emergenc y if
factor XI concentrate unavailable
0–8 hours 1–3 days (every 1 –2 days) No, if prior dose < 36 hours ago
von Willebrand disease
Typ e 1 VWF containing fac tor VIII concentrate 0–4 hours 1–3 days (daily) Yes, if prior dose > 12 hours ago
Typ e 2§VWF containing factor V III concentrate 0–4 hours 1–3 days (daily) Yes, if prior dose > 12 hours ago
Typ e 3 VWF containing fac tor VIII concentrate 0 –2 hours ≥ 3 days or ≥ 5 days (daily
or twice daily)
Yes, if prior dose > 8 hours ago
VWF = vo n Willebrand f actor. * Women wit h factor VI II or IX levels be low 50 IU/dL or the low er limit of the re ference int erval (note t hat laborato ry referen ce interva ls vary base d on meth-
odolo gy), or VWF levels < 30–5 0 IU/dL, at physicia n’s discre tion. † Includin g deliver y, insertion of epidural or spinal cathe ter, chorion ic villus sampli ng or amniocent esis proce dures . ‡ Conti nue
treat ment for ≥ 3 da ys following vaginal deli very and ≥ 5 d ays followin g caesarea n delivery, u nless othe rwise sta ted. § Thro mbocyto penia assoc iated with t ype 2B von W illebrand d isease
can wor sen during pr egnancy.
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
Obstetric causes are the most common reason for postpartum
haemorrhage, and causes other than haemophilia should also
be considered. Causes of primary postpartum haemorrhage
include uterine atony, retained placental tissue,42 trauma to the
female reproductive tract, and coagulopathy. Causes of second-
ary postpartum haemorrhage include retained placental tissue
and infection. Women with low factor levels and von Willebrand
disease have a significantly higher risk of both primary and sec-
ondary postpartum haemorrhage.1,2,6,17–20,24,43,44
The risk of postpartum haemorrhage can be reduced by the
active management of the third stage of labour.45 This in-
cludes administration of a prophylactic oxytocic agent within
2 minutes of the baby’s birth to induce uterine contraction,
immediate clamping and cutting of the cord to enhance pla-
cental separation, and placental delivery by controlled cord
Additionally, women with low factor levels should be identified
as being at risk of postpartum haemorrhage and at least one
large bore (16G) intravenous cannula should be inserted; up- to-
date coagulation factor studies, full blood count and group and
hold testing should be conducted.
Intrapartum management should be aimed at reducing the risk
of postpartum haemorrhage (eg, labour should not be allowed
to become prolonged). In addition to active management of
third stage, there should be a low threshold for 40 IU oxytocin
infusion (or use of other agents that facilitate uterine tone). Any
trauma should also be promptly identified and repaired.
Management of postpartum haemorrhage should follow local
guidelines;47 however, in women with early postpartum hae-
morrhage associated with low factor levels, factor replacement
therapy or, in some instances, DDAVP (in carriers of haemo-
philia A or women with type 1 von Willebrand disease) may be
required.1,2,6,19,20 DDAVP is not recommended for use in breast
feeding mothers as it is transferred to breast milk (MIMS Online;
Should late or secondary postpartum haemorrhage occur, first
line management includes tranexamic acid,6,1 9,3 5 which is safe in
breastfeeding mothers and is classed as category B1 for use in
pregnancy in Australia.29 The oral contraceptive pill and, in the
longer term, a levonorgestrel- releasing intrauterine device are
alternative therapies.48 Retained placental tissue and endometri-
tis need to be excluded.
Infants at risk of a severe bleeding disorder
Testing of cord blood for inherited bleeding disorders is recom-
mended by AHCDO and is useful for excluding severe disease.6
However, its value in milder disease (particularly mild haemo-
philia B) is less certain, and results should be confirmed by pe-
ripheral blood testing. Factor IX is physiologically lower at birth
and increases over the first 6–12 months of life; infants at risk
of haemophilia B will therefore need retesting at a later stage to
define baseline factor IX levels.49,50 Other vitamin K- dependent
clotting factors and factor II, VII, IX, X and XI levels may be physi-
ologically low in neonates.
All neonates at risk should be carefully observed for signs of
intracranial haemorrhage, and transfontanelle ultrasonogra-
phy should be considered soon after birth. Any neonate with
bleeding should be managed in consultation with a haemo-
philia physician. Because intracranial haemorrhage may be de-
layed (median time after delivery is 4.5 days), mothers should
be made aware of potential symptoms, such as vomiting,
seizures and poor feeding, and be advised how to seek help if
All neonates with an identified inherited bleeding disorder
should be examined by a paediatrician and referred to the ap-
propriate haemophilia treatment centre. It is important to note
that even in neonates known to have a severe bleeding disorder,
prophylactic factor replacement therapy should not be routinely
given and may be associated with an increased risk of inhibitor
development in children with haemophilia.
Inhibitor development is a serious complication for patients with
haemophilia. It results from an immune- mediated response
that inhibits factor replacement, thus preventing control of a
bleeding episode.3,6,52 Patients with inhibitors require the use
of bypassing agents to achieve haemostasis.53 While inhibitors
remit spontaneously in some patients, many require an inten-
sive regimen of immune tolerance, which has an average suc-
cess rate of 70%. Moreover, the use of prophylactic recombinant
factor VIIa has not been shown to improve clinical outcomes.3
The risk of cranial haemorrhage is also increased in neonates
with severe forms of von Willebrand disease1,2 but is very rare in
infants with factor XI deficiency.18 The risk of intracranial hae-
morrhage is about 2.5% in newborns with severe haemophilia,
and the risk of extracranial haemorrhage is about 3.7%.6,10,33 In
haemophilia, pre- delivery ultrasound determination of fetal sex
is useful, because female infants do not ordinarily have an ele-
vated risk of cranial haemorrhage.
In general, intramuscular injections should be avoided until
after the results of cord blood factor levels are available. Neonatal
heel- prick screening (Guthrie test) should still be carried out
with firm pressure applied afterwards, to allow early identifi-
cation of phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism and cys-
tic fibrosis. Vitamin K should be routinely administered, orally
(or subcutaneously if required),6 and all three doses should be
given, to avoid the risk of intramuscular haematoma. All infants,
including those already known to have bleeding disorders,
should be immunised for hepatitis B (administered subcutane-
ously or intradermally).3,6
Management of bleeding in neonates
Urgent liaison with a paediatric haemophilia treatment centre
should be sought. Neonates known (or suspected) to have hae-
mophilia A or B, and who have evidence of either intracranial
bleeding or severe bleeding elsewhere, should receive immedi-
ate factor replacement with recombinant factor VIII or IX, respec-
tively, to obtain plasma factor levels of 100 IU/dL in accordance
with AHCDO guidelines and the product information.54
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Steph P’ng, J ohn Rowell, Tim Br ighton,
Huyen Tran and Ian Douglas for th eir helpful feedback and comments. We
acknowledge Ru th Hadfield f or medical writing and editing assistanc e.
Competing interests: No relev ant disclosures.
Provenance: Not commissioned; ext ernally peer r eviewed.
© 2019 The Aut hors.
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Consensus statement
MJA 210 (7) 15 April 2019
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... These deficient coagulation factors can be harvested from donated human plasma sources, through technology for recombinant products and with specific HLA platelet selection techniques. 2,33,59 The products used for deficiency replacement are as follows: FVIII, recombinant FVIII concentrate; FIX, recombinant FIX concentrate; plasma-derived factors V, VII, XI, XIII concentrate; fresh frozen plasma (can be used if factor XI concentrate is unavailable, as it contains all the coagulation factors); vWF concentrate; tranexamic acid; and desmopressin (Table 3). 2,59 Traditional antithrombotic therapies (anticoagulation, antiplatelet) may be required in females with IBDs needing other surgical and medical treatments. ...
... 2,33,59 The products used for deficiency replacement are as follows: FVIII, recombinant FVIII concentrate; FIX, recombinant FIX concentrate; plasma-derived factors V, VII, XI, XIII concentrate; fresh frozen plasma (can be used if factor XI concentrate is unavailable, as it contains all the coagulation factors); vWF concentrate; tranexamic acid; and desmopressin (Table 3). 2,59 Traditional antithrombotic therapies (anticoagulation, antiplatelet) may be required in females with IBDs needing other surgical and medical treatments. 2,55-57,59-63 The available anticoagulation drugs are used to reduce the risk of thrombosis but result in a concomitantly increased risk of bleeding (Table 4). ...
... Directed obstetrical delivery management for fetal vWD type 1-3 and hemophilia A and B risk (using a stratification process for estimated obstetric bleeding risk levels of mild, moderate and high [ Table 3, Tables 6-8]) suggests that, in pregnant people with associated mild or unlikely risk, a recommendation for avoidance of ventouse use and external cephalic version, and selected use of rotational forceps, fetal scalp blood sampling and fetal scalp electrodes should be considered. 2,40,59,[72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81] In those with associated moderate risk, care providers should consider a recommendation for avoidance of use of midcavity or rotational forceps, ventouse use procedure and external cephalic version, and selected use of fetal scalp blood sampling and fetal scalp electrodes. In those with associated high risk, a recommendation for avoidance of use of all forceps, external cephalic version, ventouse procedure, fetal scalp blood sampling and fetal scalp electrodes should be considered. ...
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Although inherited bleeding disorders (IBDs) affect both females and males, this review of the preoperative diagnosis and management of IBDs focuses on genetic and gynecologic screening, diagnosis and management of affected and carrier females. A PubMed literature search was conducted, and the peer-reviewed literature on IBDs was evaluated and summarized. Best-practice considerations for screening, diagnosis and management of IBDs in female adolescents and adults, with GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations) evidence level and ranking of recommendation strength, are presented. Health care providers need to increase their recognition of and support for female adolescents and adults with IBDs. Improved access to counselling, screening, testing and hemostatic management is also required. Patients should be educated and encouraged to report abnormal bleeding symptoms to their health care provider when they have a concern. It is hoped that this review of preoperative IBD diagnosis and management will enhance access to women-centred care to increase patients' understanding of IBDs and decrease their risk of IBD-related morbidity and mortality.
... In retrospective series, postpartum hemorrhage has been detected in 19%-48% of births. [2][3][4] In order to treat with factor concentrates, the cut-off threshold of factor VIII tested in the third trimester was raised from 50 to 80 IU/dL. Trough levels are maintained at 50 IU/dL for 3 days (for vaginal birth) and for 5 days following the start of treatment (cesarean delivery). ...
... As hemophilia is an uncommon X-linked illness in females, there are no established protocols to stop bleeding prior to conception, during labor, or after birth. 1 A procoagulant state is established during pregnancy by a physiologic increase in many coagulation factors, including factor VIII, with a peak shortly before delivery, and by a decrease in anticoagulant proteins and reduced fibrinolysis. [1][2][3][4] Three days after a routine vaginal delivery at a peripheric hospital, a 25-year-old multiparous woman G3P3 known to have he- Under ultrasound supervision, the trapped tissues and vaginal blood clots were removed using ring forceps with dilatation of the ...
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Synopsis Case of a pregnant patient suffering from severe hemophilia A who had effective uterine foley tamponade to treat postpartum hemorrhage.
... 4 Although FVIII levels in carriers increase during pregnancy, 15 As part of advanced planning, written delivery plans developed in consultation with the mother with/without her partner will encompass a range of items. 4,10,11,18,19 These include plans relating to the mother's chosen hospital and mode of delivery (which, whether vaginal or cesarean, should be atraumatic and avoid invasive fetal monitoring), plans for, or contraindications to, regional anesthesia, and possible hemostatic treatment to cover delivery and the mother's postpartum period, including the type and availability of factor therapy. Consideration of thromboprophylaxis [mechanical (e.g. ...
... 4 For children newly born to carriers, a range of points should be considered. 4,10,11,18,19,25 In the absence of technical assay/sampling problems, cord blood testing will likely confirm or exclude a diagnosis of hemophilia in the first few hours after birth, thereby further aiding future management. However, given the possibility of contamination of cord blood by the blood from the mother, if FVIII or FIX levels as measured via cord blood are not within the expected hemophilia range of the family index case, it may be appropriate to perform repeat testing, sampling a peripheral vein, to confidently exclude hemophilia before the child is discharged from hospital. ...
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Recent advances in therapeutics are now providing a wide range of options for adults and children living with hemophilia. Although therapeutic choices are also increasing for the youngest individuals with severe disease, challenges remain about early management decisions, as supporting data are currently limited. Parents and healthcare professionals are tasked with helping children achieve an inclusive quality of life and maintain good joint health into adulthood. Primary prophylaxis is the gold standard to optimize outcomes and is recommended to start before 2 years of age. A range of topics need to be discussed with parents to aid their understanding of the decisions they can make and how these will affect the management of their child/children. For those with a family history of hemophilia, prenatal considerations include the possibility of genetic counseling, prenatal investigations, and planning for delivery, together with monitoring of the mother and neonate, as well as diagnosis of the newborn and treatment of any birth-associated bleeding. Subsequent considerations, which are also applicable to families where infant bleeding has resulted in a new diagnosis of sporadic hemophilia, involve explaining bleed recognition and treatment options, practical aspects of initiating/continuing prophylaxis, dealing with bleeds, and ongoing aspects of treatment, including possible inhibitor development. Over time, optimizing treatment efficacy, in which individualizing therapy around activities can play a role, and long-term considerations, including retaining joint health and tolerance maintenance, become increasingly important. The evolving treatment landscape is creating a need for continually updated guidance. Multidisciplinary teams and peers from patient organizations can help provide relevant information. Easily accessible, multidisciplinary comprehensive care remains a foundation to care. Equipping parents early with the knowledge to facilitate truly informed decision-making will help achieve the best possible longer-term health equity and quality of life for the child and family living with hemophilia. Plain language summary Points to be taken into account to help families make decisions to best care for children born with hemophilia Medical advances are providing a range of treatment options for adults and children with hemophilia. There is, however, relatively limited information about managing newborns with the condition. Doctors and nurses can help parents to understand the choices for infants born with hemophilia. We describe the various points doctors and nurses should ideally discuss with families to enable informed decision-making. We focus on infants who require early treatment to prevent spontaneous or traumatic bleeding (prophylaxis), which is recommended to start before 2 years of age. Families with a history of hemophilia may benefit from discussions before pregnancy, including how an affected child would be treated to protect against bleeds. When mothers are pregnant, doctors can explain investigations that can provide information about their unborn child, plan for the birth, and monitor mother and baby to minimize bleed risks at delivery. Testing will confirm whether the baby is affected by hemophilia. Not all infants with hemophilia will be born to families with a history of the condition. Identification of hemophilia for the first time in a family (which is ‘sporadic hemophilia’) occurs in previously undiagnosed infants who have bleeds requiring medical advice and possibly hospital treatment. Before any mothers and babies with hemophilia are discharged from hospital, doctors and nurses will explain to parents how to recognize bleeding and available treatment options can be discussed. Over time, ongoing discussions will help parents to make informed treatment decisions: • When and how to start, then continue, prophylaxis. • How to deal with bleeds (reinforcing previous discussions about bleed recognition and treatment) and other ongoing aspects of treatment. ○ For instance, children may develop neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) to treatment they are receiving, requiring a change to the planned approach. • Ensuring treatment remains effective as their child grows, considering the varied needs and activities of their child.
... The risk of developing either a spinal or epidural hematoma is higher in epidural anesthesia versus spinal anesthesia in the general population [84]. Thus, some experts recommend removal of the catheter as soon as possible while maintaining factor levels, including troughs, above 50 IU/dLfor the duration of catheter insertion and up to 24 h after removal [82,85]. ...
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Purpose of Review Hemophilia is a rare, typically inherited, condition where a specific clotting factor is reduced or even near absent. Patients with hemophilia who present for an invasive procedure, whether elective or urgent, are at increased risk of bleeding intraoperatively and postoperatively. Recent Findings Ten years ago, most patients with hemophilia with moderate or severe disease were treated with standard half-life factor replacement therapy, either prophylactic or on-demand. Now, patients may present on extended half-life factor therapy, or on a non-factor hemostatic therapy, or as a recipient of gene therapy. Further complicating the challenge of caring for these patients is that most of these new modalities will typically require supplementation with traditional factor therapy when surgery is required. Summary An in-depth understanding of all the potential treatment options for hemophilia is essential when anesthesiologists care for a patient with hemophilia. And there are several perioperative arenas (neuraxial procedures, point-of-care coagulation tests such as ROTEM or TEG, and cardiopulmonary bypass) where hemophilia creates unique considerations.
A thoroughly revised third edition of the acclaimed textbook for caregivers involved in the management of pregnant women with uncommon diseases or an unusual or rare condition. The book offers valuable case reports and experience collated by an international team of editors and contributors who are leading experts in the field. This edition contains five additional chapters covering topics like cardiac and neuraxial point of care ultrasound, substance abuse, rare inherited conditions, and anesthesia for rare fetal and placental conditions. Clear, concise management guidelines and algorithms are provided, and each chapter is written from the viewpoint of the obstetric anesthesiologist. Numerous tables, figures and photographs provide visual aids and each chapter contains valuable clinical insights highlighting the essential facts. Featuring updated figures and references, links to useful websites for further reading and a list of commonly used abbreviations. A valuable resource for obstetric anesthetists, perinatologists and other obstetric care providers.
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Background Medication use in pregnancy is common; however, it is unknown if clinical practice guideline (CPG) prescribing recommendations referred to in Australia at the state, national and international level are consistent. Aims This systematic review aimed to: (1) identify sources of CPGs that inform prescribing during pregnancy in Australia; (2) assess CPG quality; and (3) evaluate variation within CPG recommendations for medication use in three common conditions in pregnancy: prophylactic antibiotics following premature rupture of membranes (PROM) at term, antidepressants in pregnancy and metformin in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Materials and Methods A literature search was conducted across PubMed, Scopus and EMBASE databases. Grey literature was identified through publicly available Australian policy statements. Prescribing recommendations for prophylactic antibiotics following PROM at term, antidepressants in pregnancy and metformin in GDM, were compared at the state, national and international levels. CPG quality was assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE II) instrument. Results We identified 39 CPG sources that inform prescribing during pregnancy in Australia. CPG quality varied between resources. There was minor variation in recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis in PROM at term. Recommendations regarding metformin use in GDM were also variable, with CPGs either recommending its use as a first‐line agent when lifestyle modifications are not effective or when insulin therapy is not practicable. Recommendations for antidepressant use were consistent across CPGs analysed. Conclusion Multiple CPGs exist to inform prescribing during pregnancy in Australia, with variation present within CPG quality and recommendations. These findings offer insight into potential sources of variation in maternal and neonatal health outcomes.
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Objective: To identify conditions on a reproductive carrier screening panel with the potential for carrier manifestations during pregnancy and review the implications for obstetric care. Methods: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of consecutive samples from female patients aged 18-55 years submitted to a commercial laboratory for a 274-gene carrier screening panel (January 2020 to September 2022). A literature review was performed to identify genes on the panel with potential for pregnancy complications in carriers. Carrier expression and published recommendations for clinical management were reviewed. Results: We identified 12 genes with potential for carrier manifestations during pregnancy based on reports in the literature: nine with manifestations irrespective of the fetal genetic status (ABCB11, COL4A3, COL4A4, COL4A5, DMD, F9, F11, GLA, and OTC) and three (CPT1A, CYP19A1, and HADHA) with manifestations only if the fetus is affected by the condition. Manifestations included cardiomyopathy, hemorrhage, gestational hypertensive disorders, cholestasis of pregnancy, acute fatty liver, hyperammonemic crisis, and maternal virilization. Published recommendations for carrier management were identified for 11 of the 12 genes. Of 91,637 tests performed during the study period, a pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant was identified in 2,139 (2.3%), giving a carrier frequency for any of the 12 genes of 1 in 43 (95% CI 1/41-45) 1,826 (2.0%) of the study population were identified as carriers for one of the nine genes with the potential for carrier manifestations irrespective of an affected or unaffected fetus. Conclusion: Approximately 1 in 40 female patients were identified as carriers for a condition with potential for maternal manifestations in pregnancy, including some serious or even life-threatening complications. Obstetric care professionals should be aware of the possibility of pregnancy complications among carriers and the available recommendations for management. Funding source: This study was funded by Natera, Inc.
Inherited bleeding disorders, which comprise von Willebrand disease (VWD), hemophilia, other congenital clotting factor deficiencies, inherited platelet disorders, defects of fibrinolysis, and connective tissue disorders, have both maternal and fetal implications. Although mild platelet defects may actually be more prevalent, the most common diagnosed bleeding disorder among women is VWD. Other bleeding disorders, including hemophilia carriership, are much less common, but hemophilia carriers are unique in that they are at risk of giving birth to a severely affected male neonate. General guidance for maternal management of inherited bleeding disorders includes obtaining clotting factor levels in the third trimester, planning for delivery at a center with hemostasis expertise if factor levels do not meet the minimum threshold (eg, less than 0.50 international units/1 mL [50%] for von Willebrand factor, factor VIII, or factor IX), and using hemostatic agents such as factor concentrates, desmopressin, or tranexamic acid. General guidance for fetal management includes prepregnancy counseling, the option of preimplantation genetic testing for hemophilia, and consideration of delivery of potentially affected male neonates with hemophilia by cesarean delivery to reduce the risk of neonatal intracranial hemorrhage. In addition, delivery of possibly affected neonates should occur in a facility where there is newborn intensive care and pediatric hemostasis expertise. For patients with other inherited bleeding disorders, unless a severely affected neonate is anticipated, mode of delivery should be dictated by obstetric indications. Nonetheless, invasive procedures such as fetal scalp clip or operative vaginal delivery should be avoided, if possible, in any fetus potentially affected with a bleeding disorder.
Introduction: Women and girls with haemophilia (WGH) may have spontaneous/traumatic bleeding similar to that in males with haemophilia, and in addition excessive bleeding during menstruation and delivery. Aim: To characterize WGH in China and provide guidance for better management. Methods: We retrospectively analysed the characteristics of WGH registered in the Haemophilia Treatment Center Collaborative Network of China (HTCCNC) Registry, including demographics, diagnosis and treatment, bleeding characteristics, obstetrical and gynaecological experiences, and surgical history. Results: A total of 61 females had confirmed haemophilia. Diagnosis and treatment were typically delayed, longer in mild haemophilia than in severe and moderate. The most frequently reported bleeding manifestations were haemarthrosis in severe and moderate patients, and cutaneous bleeding in mild patients. Among 45 postmenarcheal WGH, 21 (46.7%) had history of heavy menstrual bleeding, but only three received treatments. Prenatal diagnosis and management of perinatal haemorrhage were inadequate. Of 34 deliveries in 30 women, nine deliveries were complicated by postpartum haemorrhage, and 22 offspring carried mutations causing haemophilia. Forty-four surgical procedures were performed in 29 patients. Those procedures receiving preoperative coagulation factors coverage were significantly less likely to have excessive bleeding than those who did not (P = .003). Conclusion: This is the first and largest study describing WGH in China. There are currently deficiencies in the identification, diagnosis, and management of these patients. Improving health insurance policies, establishing haemophilia centres, and multidisciplinary teams for bleeding and perinatal or perioperative management will help reduce morbidity and mortality.
Inherited bleeding disorders are characterized by a diverse clinical phenotype within and across specific diagnoses. von Willebrand disease (VWD), hemophilia A, and hemophilia B comprise 95 to 97% of inherited bleeding disorders, with the remaining 3 to 5% attributed to rare bleeding disorders, including congenital fibrinogen disorders, factor deficiencies (affecting FII, FV, FV + FVIII, FVII, FX, FXI, and FXIII), and platelet function defects. The pregnancy, birth, and the puerperium may be adversely influenced in the setting of an inherited bleeding disorder depending on its type and clinical phenotype. Obstetric hemostatic challenges may sometimes also unmask the presence of a previously unknown inherited bleeding disorder. This review aims to address the approach to pregnancy and birth in the context of an inherited bleeding disorder and highlights the significance of multidisciplinary input into the care of these women.
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This study was designed to determine the postnatal development of the human coagulation system in the healthy premature infant. Consecutive mothers of healthy premature infants born at either St Joseph's Hospital or McMaster University Medical Centre in Hamilton were asked for consent. One hundred thirty-seven premature infants (30 to 36 weeks of gestational age) entered the study. The premature infants did not have any major health problems and did not require ventilation or supplemental oxygen. Demographic information and a 20-mL blood sample were obtained in the postnatal period on days 1, 5, 30, 90, and 180. Between 40 and 96 premature infants were studied on each day for each of the following tests: prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin clotting time, plasminogen; 13 factor assays [fibrinogen, II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, high-mol-wt kininogen (HMWK), prekallikrein (PK), von Willebrand factor (vWF)] and eight inhibitors [antithrombin III (AT-III), heparin cofactor II, alpha 2-antiplasmin, alpha 2-macroglobulin, alpha 1-antitrypsin, C1 esterase inhibitor, protein C (PC), and protein S (PS)]. A combination of biologic and immunologic assays were used. Between 30 to 36 weeks there was a minimal effect of gestational age for levels of AT-III, PC, and factors II and X only; therefore, the entire data set was used to generate reference ranges for these components of the coagulation system for premature infants. Next, the results for the premature infants were compared with those of a previously published study in 118 fullterm infants and with those for adults. An effect of gestational age was shown for plasminogen, fibrinogen, factors II, V, VIII, IX, XI, XII, HMWK, and all eight inhibitors. In general, the postnatal maturation towards adult levels was accelerated in premature infants as compared with the fullterm infants. By 6 months of age, most components of the coagulation system in premature infants had achieved near adult values.
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Background: Post-partum haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Early administration of tranexamic acid reduces deaths due to bleeding in trauma patients. We aimed to assess the effects of early administration of tranexamic acid on death, hysterectomy, and other relevant outcomes in women with post-partum haemorrhage. Methods: In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we recruited women aged 16 years and older with a clinical diagnosis of post-partum haemorrhage after a vaginal birth or caesarean section from 193 hospitals in 21 countries. We randomly assigned women to receive either 1 g intravenous tranexamic acid or matching placebo in addition to usual care. If bleeding continued after 30 min, or stopped and restarted within 24 h of the first dose, a second dose of 1 g of tranexamic acid or placebo could be given. Patients were assigned by selection of a numbered treatment pack from a box containing eight numbered packs that were identical apart from the pack number. Participants, care givers, and those assessing outcomes were masked to allocation. We originally planned to enrol 15 000 women with a composite primary endpoint of death from all-causes or hysterectomy within 42 days of giving birth. However, during the trial it became apparent that the decision to conduct a hysterectomy was often made at the same time as randomisation. Although tranexamic acid could influence the risk of death in these cases, it could not affect the risk of hysterectomy. We therefore increased the sample size from 15 000 to 20 000 women in order to estimate the effect of tranexamic acid on the risk of death from post-partum haemorrhage. All analyses were done on an intention-to-treat basis. This trial is registered with ISRCTN76912190 (Dec 8, 2008);, number NCT00872469; and PACTR201007000192283. Findings: Between March, 2010, and April, 2016, 20 060 women were enrolled and randomly assigned to receive tranexamic acid (n=10 051) or placebo (n=10 009), of whom 10 036 and 9985, respectively, were included in the analysis. Death due to bleeding was significantly reduced in women given tranexamic acid (155 [1·5%] of 10 036 patients vs 191 [1·9%] of 9985 in the placebo group, risk ratio [RR] 0·81, 95% CI 0·65-1·00; p=0·045), especially in women given treatment within 3 h of giving birth (89 [1·2%] in the tranexamic acid group vs 127 [1·7%] in the placebo group, RR 0·69, 95% CI 0·52-0·91; p=0·008). All other causes of death did not differ significantly by group. Hysterectomy was not reduced with tranexamic acid (358 [3·6%] patients in the tranexamic acid group vs 351 [3·5%] in the placebo group, RR 1·02, 95% CI 0·88-1·07; p=0·84). The composite primary endpoint of death from all causes or hysterectomy was not reduced with tranexamic acid (534 [5·3%] deaths or hysterectomies in the tranexamic acid group vs 546 [5·5%] in the placebo group, RR 0·97, 95% CI 0·87-1·09; p=0·65). Adverse events (including thromboembolic events) did not differ significantly in the tranexamic acid versus placebo group. Interpretation: Tranexamic acid reduces death due to bleeding in women with post-partum haemorrhage with no adverse effects. When used as a treatment for postpartum haemorrhage, tranexamic acid should be given as soon as possible after bleeding onset. Funding: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Pfizer, UK Department of Health, Wellcome Trust, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Background: Congenital bleeding disorders can cause obstetric haemorrhage during pregnancy, labour and following delivery. Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) is found to be an effective drug which can reduce the risk of haemorrhage and can also stop bleeding in certain congenital bleeding disorders. Its use in pregnancy has been controversial. Hence beneficial and adverse effects of DDAVP in these groups of pregnant women should be evaluated.This is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in 2013 and updated in 2015. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of DDAVP in preventing and treating acute bleeding in pregnant women with bleeding disorders. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Coaguopathies Trials Register comprising references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and handsearches of relevant and abstract books of conferences proceedings. We also searched several clinical trial registries and grey literature (27 August 2017).Date of most recent search of the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group's Coaguopathies Trials Register: 01 October 2018. Selection criteria: Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials investigating the efficacy of DDAVP versus tranexamic acid or factor VIII or rFactor VII or fresh frozen plasma in preventing and treating congenital bleeding disorders during pregnancy were eligible. Data collection and analysis: No trials matching the selection criteria were eligible for inclusion. Main results: No trials matching the selection criteria were eligible for inclusion. Authors' conclusions: No randomised controlled trials were identified investigating the relative effectiveness of DDAVP for bleeding during pregnancy in women with congenital bleeding disorders. In the absence of high-quality evidence, clinicians need to use their clinical judgement and lower level evidence (e.g. from observational trials) to decide whether or not to treat women with congenital bleeding disorders with DDAVP.Given the ethical considerations, future randomised controlled trials are unlikely. However, other high-quality controlled studies (such as risk allocation designs, sequential design, parallel cohort design) to investigate the risks and benefits of using DDAVP in this population are needed.Given that there are unlikely to be any trials published in this area, this review will no longer be regularly updated.
Background: Active management of the third stage of labour involves giving a prophylactic uterotonic, early cord clamping and controlled cord traction to deliver the placenta. With expectant management, signs of placental separation are awaited and the placenta is delivered spontaneously. Active management was introduced to try to reduce haemorrhage, a major contributor to maternal mortality in low-income countries. This is an update of a review last published in 2015. Objectives: To compare the effects of active versus expectant management of the third stage of labour on severe primary postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) and other maternal and infant outcomes.To compare the effects of variations in the packages of active and expectant management of the third stage of labour on severe primary PPH and other maternal and infant outcomes. Search methods: For this update, we searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register, and the World health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), on 22 January 2018, and reference lists of retrieved studies. Selection criteria: Randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials comparing active versus expectant management of the third stage of labour. Cluster-randomised trials were eligible for inclusion, but none were identified. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors independently assessed the studies for inclusion, assessed risk of bias, carried out data extraction and assessed the quality of the evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included eight studies, involving analysis of data from 8892 women. The studies were all undertaken in hospitals, seven in higher-income countries and one in a lower-income country. Four studies compared active versus expectant management, and four compared active versus a mixture of managements. We used a random-effects model in the analyses because of clinical heterogeneity. Of the eight studies included, we considered three studies as having low risk of bias in the main aspects of sequence generation, allocation concealment and completeness of data collection. There was an absence of high-quality evidence according to GRADE assessments for our primary outcomes, which is reflected in the cautious language below.The evidence suggested that, for women at mixed levels of risk of bleeding, it is uncertain whether active management reduces the average risk of maternal severe primary PPH (more than 1000 mL) at time of birth (average risk ratio (RR) 0.34, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.14 to 0.87, 3 studies, 4636 women, I2 = 60%; GRADE: very low quality). For incidence of maternal haemoglobin (Hb) less than 9 g/dL following birth, active management of the third stage may reduce the number of women with anaemia after birth (average RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.83, 2 studies, 1572 women; GRADE: low quality). We also found that active management of the third stage may make little or no difference to the number of babies admitted to neonatal units (average RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.60 to 1.11, 2 studies, 3207 infants; GRADE: low quality). It is uncertain whether active management of the third stage reduces the number of babies with jaundice requiring treatment (RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.68, 2 studies, 3142 infants, I2 = 66%; GRADE: very low quality). There were no data on our other primary outcomes of very severe PPH at the time of birth (more than 2500 mL), maternal mortality, or neonatal polycythaemia needing treatment.Active management reduces mean maternal blood loss at birth and probably reduces the rate of primary blood loss greater than 500 mL, and the use of therapeutic uterotonics. Active management also probably reduces the mean birthweight of the baby, reflecting the lower blood volume from interference with placental transfusion. In addition, it may reduce the need for maternal blood transfusion. However, active management may increase maternal diastolic blood pressure, vomiting after birth, afterpains, use of analgesia from birth up to discharge from the labour ward, and more women returning to hospital with bleeding (outcome not pre-specified).In the comparison of women at low risk of excessive bleeding, there were similar findings, except it was uncertain whether there was a difference identified between groups for severe primary PPH (average RR 0.31, 95% CI 0.05 to 2.17; 2 studies, 2941 women, I2 = 71%), maternal Hb less than 9 g/dL at 24 to 72 hours (average RR 0.17, 95% CI 0.02 to 1.47; 1 study, 193 women) or the need for neonatal admission (average RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.88; 1 study, 1512 women). In this group, active management may make little difference to the rate of neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy (average RR 1.31, 95% CI 0.78 to 2.18; 1 study, 1447 women).Hypertension and interference with placental transfusion might be avoided by using modifications to the active management package, for example, omitting ergot and deferring cord clamping, but we have no direct evidence of this here. Authors' conclusions: Although the data appeared to show that active management reduced the risk of severe primary PPH greater than 1000 mL at the time of birth, we are uncertain of this finding because of the very low-quality evidence. Active management may reduce the incidence of maternal anaemia (Hb less than 9 g/dL) following birth, but harms such as postnatal hypertension, pain and return to hospital due to bleeding were identified.In women at low risk of excessive bleeding, it is uncertain whether there was a difference between active and expectant management for severe PPH or maternal Hb less than 9 g/dL (at 24 to 72 hours). Women could be given information on the benefits and harms of both methods to support informed choice. Given the concerns about early cord clamping and the potential adverse effects of some uterotonics, it is critical now to look at the individual components of third-stage management. Data are also required from low-income countries.It must be emphasised that this review includes only a small number of studies with relatively small numbers of participants, and the quality of evidence for primary outcomes is low or very low.
A study has been undertaken in 72 women to provide systematic information on the changes that occur in a wide range of haemostatic variables during and after pregnancy. Factors VII, VIII :C, VIIIR:Ag, X, fibrinogen and α1 antitrypsin, rose markedly throughout pregnancy. Factors II and V and α2 macroglobulin all rose early on but then decreased steadily. Antithrombin III: C and Ag fell slightly. There was a marked decrease in fibrinolytic activity from 11-15 weeks onwards. Levels of fibrin degradation products rose from 21-25 weeks onwards. The rise in coagulation factors that occurs could be due to increased synthesis or increased activation by thrombin, or to both. The findings are consistent with a mild degree of local intravascular coagulation from early on in pregnancy in some women.
Background Post-partum haemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. Early administration of tranexamic acid reduces deaths due to bleeding in trauma patients. We aimed to assess the effects of early administration of tranexamic acid on death, hysterectomy, and other relevant outcomes in women with post-partum haemorrhage.
Congenital von Willebrand disease (VWD) and acquired von Willebrand syndrome (AVWS) reflect conditions caused by von Willebrand factor (VWF) deficiency and/or defects. VWD is the most common inherited bleeding disorder and AVWS arises from a variety of causes. Since VWF stabilizes and protects factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation, this is also reduced in many patients with VWD. The treatment of VWD and AVWS therefore primarily entails replacement of VWF, and sometimes FVIII, to protect against bleeding. This may entail the use of VWF concentrates (currently plasma-derived) and/or FVIII concentrates (currently plasma-derived or more increasingly recombinant forms), and/or desmopressin to release endogenous VWF in subgroups of patients. For AVWS additional treatment of the underlying condition is also required. Adjunct therapies include antifibrinolytics. Globally, various formulations exist for both VWF and FVIII concentrates and are differentially available based on manufacturer marketing or regulatory approvals/clearances in different geographies. Also, guidelines for treatment of VWD vary for different localities and recombinant VWF is undergoing clinical trials. The current review provides an overview of the treatment of VWD as currently practiced in developed countries, and also provides a glimpse towards the future. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.