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The Effect of Using Literacy Integrated Method on The Students’ Reading Achievement in Narrative



This research was to investigate the effect of using literacy integrated method on the students’ reading achievement in narrative text. Population of this research was the second year students of Junior High School in SMP NEGERI 13 Binjai Jl. Letjend Jamin Ginting in the academic year 2017/2018. Two classes were taken by total sampling which divided into two groups, the first group VIII-1 which consisted of 36 students was experimental group which was given treatment by literacy integrated method and second group VIII-2 which consisted of 36 students was control group which was given treatment by using grammar translation method. Each group was given a pre-test and post-test. After the data had been collected, these were analyzed by using t-test formula. Based on the result of this research, it was concluded that there was significant effect of using literacy integrated method on the students’ reading achievement in narrative text.
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Selamat Husni Hasibuan
Muhammadiyah Sumatra Utara University, Indonesia
Abstract. This experimental research investigated the effect of using
literacy integrated method on the students’ reading achievement in
English narrative text. The sample comprises 76 students from two
classes of VIII grade were taken from the total population of the second
year students of Junior High School in SMP NEGERI 13 Binjai
Indonesia in the academic year 2017/2018. The sample was grouped into
an experimental group (VIII-1) and control group (VIII-2) each
consisting of 36 students. Literacy integrated method was given as a
treatment to VIII-1 while VIII-2 was given a treatment of grammar-
translation method. Data from pre-test and post-test of the two groups
and t-test analysis illustrate the significant effect of using literacy
integrated method on the students’ English reading comprehension in
narrative text.
Key words: Literacy Integrated Method, Reading, Narrative Text
In English, there are four skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. In
learning English, reading is one of the skills which has a vital role to give information to the
reader. According to Grabe and Stoller (2002:9), reading is the ability to draw meaning from
the printed page and to interpret this information appropriately. In reading, students do not
only read the text but also understand the text. The primary purpose for reading is to
comprehend the ideas in the material. Without comprehension, reading would be empty and
meaningless. Manik (2010:1) states reading is one of the language skill that has to be
improved in learning a language. This compilation is designed to provide students practice; it
is based on the premise that reading is an interactive process in which readers get information
from text and their background knowledge to build active communication.
In reading comprehension, the readers are expected to be able to construct meaning
from a text and to interpret the information well. As reading is an important skill that must be
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achieved by the students, reading has already been taught from the elementary level up to
university level, because of this situation, the students are expected to be able to comprehend
the reading text easily. This program helps to increase students’ reading comprehension
although reading is an essential low reading skill. The low reading skill proves that the
education process has not developed the competence and interest of learners towards
knowledge. Educational practices carried out in schools so far have not shown that schools
function as a learner organization that makes all its citizens lifelong learners.
Curriculum (KTSP 2006), the education system in Indonesia is much improved. Since
2006, the new curriculum continues to be piloted, revised and loaded by new strategies to
improve the quality of education. Character education, cultural literacy, and cultural
development are the most prominent additional content to be developed in the 2006
To develop the school as a learning organization, the Ministry of Education and
Culture developed the movement literacy school (GLS) GLS is comprehensive effort
involving all the citizens of the school (teachers, learners, parents/ guardians) and
communities, as part of the educational ecosystem. The teacher did not give direction to the
students to study to the library, the teacher did not lead the students to read 15 minutes before
the study. Implementation of the school literacy movement program cannot be separated from
obstacles of failures in the implementation, because the nature and ability of students vary to
allow the barriers to occur.
Based on the researcher’s interview with the English teacher of SMP Negeri 13
Binjai, the researchers found that most of the students still had low comprehension in reading.
The school library is one of support for the implementation of the program school literacy
movement, which serves as a provider of reading materials such as science and information
resources for educators and learners. But at the library of SMP Negeri 13, Binjai was still the
lack of having reading books for learners, that what made one inhibiting the occurrence of
literacy programs in the school and the lack of reading interest of students was also an
obstacle to the program of literacy movement.
There were some reasons for such cases, such as the lack of students’ interest to read
the text, the lack of student’ knowledge about the reading text and the ineffective technique
which was applied by the teacher such as the English teachers in Junior High School
generally taught the students using direct instruction. This method made the students more
passive. The relationship did not happen among the students. Direct instruction just happened
between the teacher and the students. Also, this method made the students bored and not
enjoyable to learn.
The main objective of the school literacy movement is that educated participants
should have a high interest in reading and curiosity so that the literacy integrated method can
run well and by the expected. Therefore, the school should hold the program school literacy
movement as an effort to increase the reading interest of learners by developing library
management school. In the implementation of this school literacy, the integrated method can
Using Literacy Integrated Method
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be seen from student discipline. Based on the description above, the researchers were
interested in doing this research.
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objective of the research was “To
find out the significant effect of using Literacy Integrated Method on the students’
comprehension in Reading the Narrative text.”
Literacy Integrated Method
Literacy according to Kemendikbud (2016: 2) is the ability to access, understand, and
use something intelligently through various activities, such as reading, seeing, listening,
writing, and speaking.GLS is a participatory effort or activity involving the citizens of the
school (students, teachers, principals, education personnel, school superintendents, school
committees, parents or guardians), academics, publishers, mass media, communities and
stakeholders under the coordination of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary
Education Ministry of Education and Culture.
School literacy movement according to Kemendikbud (2016: 3) is a social movement
with the collaborative support of various elements. The efforts are taken to make it happen in
the form of reading habits of students. This habit is done with a 15-minute reading activity
(teachers read the book, and school residents read inwardly, tailored to the context or target
school). When reading habits are formed, they will then be directed to development, and
This literacy activity is conducted to foster students' interest and reading culture.
DitjenDikdasmen (2016: 4) states that literacy activities are implemented to improve reading
skills so that knowledge can be mastered better. Reading materials contain the values of
character, in the form of local, national, and global wisdom that is delivered according to the
stage of development. This critical breakthrough should involve all stakeholders in the
education field, from the central, provincial, district, to the education unit. The involvement
of parents and the community is also an important component of the GLS.
Stages in the implementation of School Literacy Movement According to the
Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education (2016: 28) are as follows:
1. Stage 1
The habit of fun reading activities in reading and on reading activities in school
residents. The growth of reading interest is fundamental to the development of students'
literacy skills.
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2. Stage 2
Development of reading interest to improve literacy skills Literacy activities at this stage
aim to develop reading comprehension skills and relate them to personal experiences, critical
thinking, and creative communication skills through reading-response activities.
3. Stages 3
Literacy-based learning Literacy activities at the learning stage aim to develop the
ability to understand texts and relate them to personal experiences, critical thinking, and
creative processing of communication skills through responsive textbook reading activities
and textbooks. In this stage, there are academic bills (related to subjects).
The are some advantages of literacy (1) Can stimulate mental, (2) Adding insight and
knowledge, (3) Adding vocabulary, (4) Improve memory quality, (5) Train skills to think and
analyze, (6) Increase focus and concentration, (7) Train to be able to write well, (8) Can
expand one’s thinking, (9) Can help prevent cognitive function decline, (10) Can increase
one’s empathy
Grammar Translation Method
The Grammar Translation Method (GTM) is reportedly the oldest and the most
traditional method of foreign language teaching. Although the history of the Grammar
Translation Method is not well-documented, it is generally assumed that the method stemmed
from the teaching methods of Latin and to a lesser extent from Greek (Howatt, 1984). In the
early 15th century Latin was the major foreign language due to its extensive usage in the
government, academic, and business sectors. However, in the 16th century due to political
upheavals, the importance of Latin gradually declined, and some other languages such as
French, Italian, and English gained prominence. In the 18th century, these languages were
included in the curriculum of educational institutions of Europe. The first country to adapt the
Grammar Translation Method was Germany, especially by Prussia, for which this method is
also referred to as the Prussian Method. This teaching method was modeled after the same
principles followed in the teaching of Latin; hence formerly it was also called the Classical
Method. The method saw its heyday in the 19th century and came to be known as the
Grammar Translation Method.
There is procedure of grammar-translation method, they are (1) Reading comprehension
questions about the text, (2) Identifying antonyms and synonyms from words in the text (3)
Memorizing vocabulary selected from the reading texts (4) Forming sentences with the new
words (5) Recognizing and memorizing cognates and false cognates (6) Practicing fill-in-the-
blank exercises (7) Writing compositions from a given topic.
The are some advantages of the grammar translation method (1) As the classes are
carried out in the mother tongue, teaching takes less effort and time, while the students can
also learn much comfortably. Moreover, the teacher can assess whether the students grasped
the lessons or not. (2) The translation exercises help the students to compare the native
Using Literacy Integrated Method
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language with the target language, which in turn enhance their ability to understand the
meaning of words and complicated sentences. In this way, they can learn the target language
grammar in a relatively easy way. (3) The focus on understanding the target language literary
texts increases the students’ reading and writing skills. (4) The Grammar Translation Method
also enables the students to understand how the mother tongue functions, to give them the
capacity to communicate its thought. (5) The memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary
of the target language provides the students with good mental exercise which helps to
develop their mind. (6) As this method chiefly stresses developing reading and writing skills,
the teacher does not necessarily need to be fluent in the target language. (7) The study of
target language literature helps the students to learn the best forms of language. (8) The
emphasis on accuracy enables the students to learn the correct grammar of the target
The are some disadvantages grammar translation method (1) The overemphasis on
accuracy leads to repeated corrections of errors which hinders the consistency of learning, (2)
This method overemphasizes accuracy to fluency, (3) It is a teacher-centered method since
the role of student is passive, (4) It ignores communicative competence as the goal of
learning, (5) Little or no emphasis is given on listening and writing skills, (6) The students
often fail to speak in real life situations since they are familiarized with the target language
culture through reading passages rather than by direct interaction with the target language
elements, (7) Learning often gets dull and tiresome since the students need to memorize lots
of vocabulary items and grammar rules.
The effect is defined to change ability that the students have after having treated by
using a certain technique. It is usually the aspect of the method in which the relationship
between different subject and variables can be determined. Effect of teaching treatment in
language is related to the change of getting something to the cognitive system. The result is
the important of ability. The ability is the result of the learning process which involves
teachers with students.
The improvement which creates comprehension or achievement by the students then
is realized in the form score so that it can measure the certain position of students in the class
because the score they have effected their improvement in the learning process. It is
important to recognize and support children’s and young people’s achievement. It can help to
develop their confidence and motivation for learning. It can also help them to reflect on their
learning and plan appropriate next steps. According to Brown (2001, P. 391), an achievement
test is related directly to classroom lessons, unit, or even a total curriculum. Achievement test
can serve as indicators of features that a student need to work on in the future, but the
primary role of an achievement test is to determine acquisition of course objectives at the end
of a period of instruction.
It is important to recognize and support children’s and young people’s improvement.
It can help to develop their confidence and motivation for learning. It can also help them to
123 | IJET| Volume. 7, Issue 2. December 2018
reflect on their learning and plan appropriate next steps. According to Brown (2001, P. 391),
an achievement test is related directly to classroom lessons, unit, or even a whole curriculum.
Achievement test can serve as indicators of features that a student need to work on in the
future, but the primary role of an achievement test is to determine acquisition of course
objectives at the end of a period of instruction.
Reading is very important for study purposes, careers. Or simply for pleasure. Only
by reading, we can get much information. According to Manik (2010:1), Reading is one of
the language skill that has to be improved in learning a language. This compilation is
designed to provide students practice; it is based on the premise that reading is an interactive
process in which readers used information from the text and their background knowledge to
build active communication. Reading is interactive in the sense that linguistic information
from the text interacts with information activity by the reader from the long-term memory, as
background knowledge Grabe (2002:18). Stoller (2002:9) reading is the ability to draw
meaning from the printed page and interpret the information appropriately. Grabe and Stoller
(2002:9) state that reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret
the information appropriately. It means reading is about comprehending written text. We
have to comprehend the text first to be able to draw the meaning and interpret the information
based on the text.
According to Nunan (2005:69) states that reading is a set of skills that involves
making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word. To read, we must be able to
decide (sound out) the written words and also comprehend what we read. Based on the
statement above, it can be concluded that reading is communication through the text includes
knowledge, news, and story. The readers read to get more knowledge and information from a
written text.
Narrative Text
Narrative text is a kind of genre and narrative is a type of text that is very appropriate
to tell activity or past event that protrudes problematic experience and resolution which
intends to amuse and give a moral lesson to the reader. Bear (2010) states that narrative text
is an imaginative story to entertain people (imaginative narrative text is a story that aims to
entertain people).
Dirgeyasa (2014:45) states that there are some types of narrative text. They can be
imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They many include fairy stories, mysteries,
science fiction, romances, horror stories adventure stories, fables, myths, and legends,
historical narratives, ballads slice of life, and personal experiences. However, the narrative
also is written to teach or inform, to change attitudes/social opinions, e.g. soap operas and
television dramas that are used to raise the topical issue. Narratives sequence
people/characters in time and place but differ from recounts in that through the sequencing,
the stories set up one or more problems, which must eventually find a way to be resolved.
Using Literacy Integrated Method
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Bear (2010:50) explains that a good narrative has the characteristics are:
1. Plot: a meaningful and dramatic series of events that form the story
2. Setting: includes information about when and where the events of the story take place
3. Sequencing: since the text action is a sequence of events in time, an obvious and
effective way to the narrative it is in chronological order.
According to Arlina (2015), there are four elements in the narrative text they are orientation,
complication, resolution, and Coda.
1. Orientation: orientation contains a prefix that contains a story about the introduction of
Character, Time, and The Genesis in the story (Especially Narrative).
2. Complication: Complication is a paragraph that contains the description of the
appearance of a conflict or problem that arises in a narrative text.
3. Resolution: resolution is a paragraph that contains the end of a conflict in the story
4. Coda: Coda is a narrative text paragraph at the end of the story, but in general that is
taught in school is not always given in the text narrative coda.
According to Keir (2009:4), the language features of the narrative text are as follows:
a. Use of word chains to build topic information
b. Extensive use of nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs to enhance the plot, setting, and
c. Use an adjective to build noun groups
d. Use time connectives to sequence events
e. Use thinking and saying verbs to show how characters are saying, feeling, and thinking.
f. Use past tense
According to Sanggam and Shinoda (2008: 1), a text is a meaningful linguistic unit in
a context. Text in a language is unique. Some languages may have some similarities in a text.
They also have some differences. Indeed, a text is an effective and efficient higher linguistics
unit containing several components may contain one or more than one clause. Texts can be
classified and organized in a multitude of ways: everyday, formal, entertaining and
informational. Different types of texts have distinctive characteristics, depending on what
they are made to do Sanggam and Shinoda(2008: 2).
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The research was using experimental research. In this study, there were two classes,
namely the experimental class, and the control class. The experimental class was the class
which was taught by using literacy integrated method. Meanwhile, the control class was
taught by the Grammar Translation Method. The details were showed in the table as follows:
Research design for experimental group and control group
Name of group
Experimental (X)
Literacy Integrated Method
Control (Y)
Grammar Translation Method
There were three stages in doing procedure of research, they were: pre-test, treatment
and post-test.
1. Pre-test
The researchers had given the pre-test to both of experimental and control class
to know the average score on preliminary data. The purpose of pre-test was to know
the students’ reading achievement before treatment. This research was using
multiple choice test. The test was taken from students’ books based on KTSP. The
test consisted of 20 item tests.
2. Treatment
The treatment was conducted into two classes. They were experimental class
and control class. Both of experimental class and control class were given the same
material but each of class was given different treatment. The experimental class was
taught by using LiteracyIntegratedMethod and the control class was taught by using
Grammar Translation Method.
3. Post test
The researchers delivered material to experimental class and control class,
the researches gave the test to both of the classes on post-testing by using same test
instruments and items. Conducting the post-test in experimental and control classes
was by giving test in the form of multiple choice test. The researchers analyzed the
students’ score and then the researches compared the score of the sample classes,
finally, the researchers analyzed the test hypotheses to find out the effect of literacy
integrated method to the experimental class in teaching reading comprehension on
narrative text.
Using Literacy Integrated Method
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The location of this research was conducted at SMP NEGERI 13 Binjai Jl Letjen
Jamin Ginting. The research was conducted during the academic year 2017/2018. The reason
for choosing this school because researchers found from the interview with the teacher that
the students’ ability in this school in reading narrative text were still low. So, it was important
to find out the effect of using of Literacy Integrated Method on the Students’ Reading
Achievement in Narrative Text.
Instrument of Collecting Data
The instrument for collecting the data in this research was multiple choice test, with
four options (A,B,C, and D). The test was taken from studentsbook based on KTSP. There
were 20 items to answer and the score for each correct answer was scored 1 and the wrong
answer was scored 0.test. So, the total score was calculated by using formula:
Score = x 100 %
Notes :
S = scoring of the text
R = number of Correct Answer
N = Number of item
Technique for Collecting Data
In this research, the data was collected by following procedures as follows:
1) Giving pre-test to experimental and control classes
2) Teaching treatment the experimental group by using Literacy integrated method.
3) Teaching treatment the control group by using Grammar Translation Method.
4) Giving post-test in experimental and control classes by giving same test in the pre-
5) Correcting the students’ answer
Technique of Analyzing Data
In analyzing the data, the result of the data was analyzed by using statistical procedure
which consisted of mean, standard deviation (SD) and dependent t-test. The mean was used
to find out the average of the sample. To find the mean, Ary (2010):
127 | IJET| Volume. 7, Issue 2. December 2018
a. Mean
= mean
= sum of
x = raw score
N = number of cases
b. Standard Deviation
SD = standard deviation
D = deferences between with t=test and post-test
N = numbers of pairs
c. Dependent sample T-test
t = t-ratio
= average difference
= different score pre-test and post test
( = difference score experimental group and control group
N = number of student
In this section, the writers showed the result of the test. The finding of the research
was there was a significant effect of using Literacy Integrated Method on the students’
reading achievement in Narrative Text. Teaching reading narrative text in the experimental
group by using Literacy Integrated Method was higher than teaching reading narrative text by
Grammar Translation method. The t-observe of the experimental group by using Literacy
Using Literacy Integrated Method
128 | IJET| Volume. 7, Issue 2. December 2018
Integrated Method was higher than t-table in without t-observed was 21.70 and 5.77 (21.70 >
After the researchers assessed students’ scores, then they calculated into formulas to
find out Standard Deviation and T-test to know the differences between the students’ score in
the experimental group and control group. The students in the experimental group got the
total score of pre-test 1970, and the mean was 54. In post-test, the total score was 2970, and
the mean of the score was 82. Then researchers analyzed Standard Deviation to know
differences between pre-test and post-test. It was found that the Standard Deviation of the
experimental group was 7.77. Thus, those value can be used to find out the result of applying
t-test formula.
The result of t-calculation showed that t-test was 21.70 and t-table was 1.66. The t-test
was higher than t-table (21.70 > 1.66). After knowing students’ scores in the experimental
group, then the researchers calculated Standard Deviation and t-test to know the students’
score in the control group. The total pre-test score of control group students was 1850, and
the mean was 51.3. In post-test, the total score was 11650, and the mean of the score was
68.8. It meant that, the total and mean score in post-test of the experimental group was higher
than the total and mean score in post-test of the control group. Standard Deviation of the
control group was 0.57, and the result of t-test in control group was 5.77. It meant that the
result of the experimental group was higher than the result of t-test in control group, namely
21.70 > 5.77
In analyzing the hypothesis, it referred to the t-table at the level significant of 0.05.
The testing criterion used for hypothesis result was: if t-test > t-table, it meant that the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.
Furthermore, the t-table with the level significant of 0.05 with the degree of
freedom (df) (2n-2 = 72-2= 70) was 1.66. It means that Ha on this study was accepted
since students t-test in the experimental group was 21.70 and the t-table 1.66. Because the t-
test value was higher than the t-table (21.70 > 1.66), therefore, it could be concluded that
Literacy Integrated Method could improve students’ achievement in reading the narrative
text. NindyaFarandina (2015), This study aimed to determine the influence and obstacles
of School Literacy Movement Program on Students’Reading Interest at SD Integrated Islam
Muhammadiyah An-NajahJatinomKlaten. The e research approach was the quantitative
approach. The sample of students of grades 4 and 5 are 126 students. The data were collected
by using questionnaire method, interview, and documentation. Test the validity of data used
validity test and reliability test. The data was analyzed by using data descriptions,
percentages, prerequisite analysis test, and hypothesis testing. The results showed: (1) School
Literacy Program on Students Reading Interest in SD Muhammadiyah An-Najah Jatinom
Klaten, with rxy = 0,550, r2xy = 0,302, t-value (7,332)>ttable (1.657); meant that the effect
of the School Literacy Program on Students’ Interest was significant. (2) Barriers occurred in
reading loud, silent reading, classroom corner reading activity, and the most active book
borrowers awards, from 126 samples 36.06% answered yes and 63.94% said no.
The low literacy culture of elementary school students was a problem related to the
quality of education in Indonesia. The government tried to solve the problem by issuing
129 | IJET| Volume. 7, Issue 2. December 2018
Permendikbud. 23 of 2015 on the growth of moral character which was then derived with the
policy of School Literacy Movement as an effort to cultivate the culture of literacy in
children. In its implementation, many of the supporting factors and impediments to this
policy were implemented. This research would see how the process of this policy was done
by looking at four subjects namely: communication, resources, commitment and bureaucratic
structure of the executor of it.
By using literacy as a media in teaching reading narrative text, firstly the teacher
would give the pretest to find how the scores that the students achieved before treatment was
given. Based on the results, the teacher then divided the class into several groups. In each
group, the teacher explained the material which was narrative text. Then, the teacher shared
the narrative text for each group and asked them to make a narrative story. Each group would
make the different story because every student had the same opportunity to give their critical
thinking. Then, one of them collected all of the ideas from the member of the group they had
discussed to arrange those ideas into a good narrative text. After these students finished their
work, each group told the story in front of the class; then the teacher suggested the students’
assignment. As the post-test, the teacher asked the students to read and write a narrative text
There was a significant effect of Using Literacy Integrated Method on the students’
achievement in reading especially in reading the narrative text. The result of computation in
t-test was 21.70, while the critical value of 0.05 significant level was 1.66. The conclusion
from the data analysis was the value of t-test (21.70) was higher than the t-table (1.66). It
meant that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the teaching by using Literacy
Integrated Method significantly affected the students’ achievement in reading the narrative
text. Having the result of the study, the writers suggested to the teachers to apply the
appropriate and interesting technique of teaching reading by using literacy integrated method
to attract the students’ motivation to read English texts. Moreover, it is also suggested to the
students to improve their vocabulary mastery by reading more English sources. Finally, it is
suggested to the other researchers to read and use more references dealing with a similar
study to conduct his/her research.
Anonim. (2014). Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Menjadikan Indonesia Sebagai Negara
Berbudaya Literasi Tinggi Setaraf Dengan Negara Maju. Jakarta: Direktorat Jendra.
Anonim. (2015). Buku Saku Gerakan Literasi Sekolah. Jakarta: Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.
Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A., & Ary, D. (2010). Introduction to research in education
(8th ed). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Grabe, W., & Stoller, F. L. (20). Teaching and researching reading (Nachdr.). Harlow:
Using Literacy Integrated Method
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L Ginting. (2015). The Effect Of Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Students’
Comprehension In Reading Narrative Text. Universitas Negeri Medan.
Litbang Kemendikbud. (2015). Mendikbud Luncurkan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah.
N Sinambela. (2015). The effect of Using Herringbone Technique on Students’ Achievement
In Reading Narrative Text. Medan: Universitas Negeri Medan.
Nunan, D. (Ed.). (2003). Practical English language teaching (1st ed). New York: McGraw-
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2018, from
Pramila Ahuja & G.C. Ahuja. (2004). Membaca Secara Efektif dan Efisien. Bandung: PT
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Shameem, T. (n.d.). The Grammar Translation Method. Retrieved December 9, 2018, from
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Tristan R & M. B isllac. (2017). Journal of Intensive Studies on Language, Literature, Art,
and Culture (Vol. 1).
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The Effect Of Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Students' Comprehension In Reading Narrative Text
  • Ginting
L Ginting. (2015). The Effect Of Using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Model on Students' Comprehension In Reading Narrative Text. Universitas Negeri Medan.
Mendikbud Luncurkan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah
  • Litbang Kemendikbud
Litbang Kemendikbud. (2015). Mendikbud Luncurkan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah.
The effect of Using Herringbone Technique on Students' Achievement In Reading Narrative Text
  • Sinambela
N Sinambela. (2015). The effect of Using Herringbone Technique on Students' Achievement In Reading Narrative Text. Medan: Universitas Negeri Medan.
Rabu, Mei). serba Soal narrative
  • T Punanda
Punanda, T. (2016, Rabu, Mei). serba Soal narrative. Retrieved from
The Grammar Translation Method
  • T Shameem
Shameem, T. (n.d.). The Grammar Translation Method. Retrieved December 9, 2018, from
Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktek/ Suharsimi Arikunto | Perpustakaan Digital BaLitBang Pertanian
  • Suharsimi Arikunto
Suharsimi Arikunto. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktek/ Suharsimi Arikunto | Perpustakaan Digital BaLitBang Pertanian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.