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Quantifying shark predation effects on prey: Dietary data limitations and study approaches

  • Shark Research Foundation

Abstract and Figures

Understanding the ecological impacts of sharks on prey populations has become a research priority given widespread shark population declines due to overfishing, combined with significant conservation efforts. Accordingly, many studies have conducted analyses of shark stomach contents and/or used biomarkers, such as stable isotope signatures, to assess dietary pat-terns in order to infer ecological roles. Here, I summarize how relying on stomach contents and/or stable isotope signatures to assess the potential for sharks to initiate trophic cascades can be misleading and may significantly underestimate the strength of shark top-down predation effects on prey. However, a study approach that measures attributes of the sharks (e.g. hunting mode), potential prey (e.g. escape speed) and the environment (e.g. habitat rugosity) can provide greater insights for quantifying the magnitude of top-down predation effects of sharks and the potential for their population declines or recoveries to trigger trophic cascades. To aid future investigations,I provide a set of predictions, based on ecological theory, which would specifically lead to increases in the magnitude of shark predation effects on prey populations. I also present key study approaches currently being employed by researchers to test such predictions.
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Endang Species Res
Vol. 38: 147–151, 2019 Published March 28
Both ecological theory and empirical data demon-
strate that predators can affect prey communities, and
subsequently initiate trophic cascades, even in the
absence of prey consumption (Creel & Christianson
2008, Estes et al. 2016, Hammerschlag et al. 2019).
However, some recent discussions on the ecological
roles of sharks have been increasingly focused on
aspects of diet (e.g. Grubbs et al. 2016, Roff et al. 2016,
Bond et al. 2018). For example, when evaluating for
the potential for shark declines to initiate trophic cas-
cades, Grubbs et al. (2016) argued that 5 criteria need
to be considered, among them being that prey be a sig-
nificant part of a predator’s diet and also that the pred-
ator be the primary source of prey predation mortality.
In light of these discussions, the goal of this paper is to
evoke relevant ecological theory to demonstrate that
relying on dietary information can be misleading when
trying to quantify the strength of top-down predation
effects of sharks, and consequently, the potential for
their population declines or recoveries to initiate
trophic cascades. To aid in future investigations into
shark ecological roles, I also provide a set of predic-
tions, based on functional attributes of sharks, prey
and the environment, which would lead to increases in
the magnitude of shark predation effects on prey pop-
ulations. I also review key study approaches currently
being employed to quantify effects of sharks on prey. I
note upfront that because the ecological concepts
being cited here have already been reviewed else-
where, I will not do so again in this paper.
© The author 2019. Open Access under Creative Commons by
Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un -
restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited.
Publisher: Inter-Research ·
*Corresponding author:
Quantifying shark predation effects on prey:
dietary data limitations and study approaches
Neil Hammerschlag1,2,*
1Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 33149, USA
2Leonard and Jayne Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 33146, USA
ABSTRACT: Understanding the ecological impacts of sharks on prey populations has become a
research priority given widespread shark population declines due to overfishing, combined with
significant conservation efforts. Accordingly, many studies have conducted analyses of shark
stomach contents and/or used biomarkers, such as stable isotope signatures, to assess dietary pat-
terns in order to infer ecological roles. Here, I summarize how relying on stomach contents and/or
stable isotope signatures to assess the potential for sharks to initiate trophic cascades can be mis-
leading and may significantly underestimate the strength of shark top-down predation effects on
prey. However, a study approach that measures attributes of the sharks (e.g. hunting mode),
potential prey (e.g. escape speed) and the environment (e.g. habitat rugosity) can provide greater
insights for quantifying the magnitude of top-down predation effects of sharks and the potential
for their population declines or recoveries to trigger trophic cascades. To aid future investigations,
I provide a set of predictions, based on ecological theory, which would specifically lead to in -
creases in the magnitude of shark predation effects on prey populations. I also present key study
approaches currently being employed by researchers to test such predictions.
KEY WORDS: Shark · Apex predator · Predation risk · Trophic cascade · Coral reef · Fishing
Endang Species Res 38: 147–151, 2019
Besides the well known limitations of gut content
analyses (reviewed by Baker et al. 2014), there are
various reasons why assessments of trophic levels or
ecological roles of sharks, in particular, cannot rely
primarily on this method. First, shark stomachs are
usually empty as they often evert their stomach upon
capture for sampling (Brunnschweiler et al. 2011). Sec-
ond, while sharks and other predators can most obvi-
ously affect prey by killing and consuming them, pred-
ators can also initiate strong top-down effects on prey
even when prey are absent from predator stomachs
and the direct predation mortality to prey is zero (re-
viewed in Creel & Christianson 2008). This is because
antipredator responses of prey, and associated risk ef-
fects, will lower direct predation mortality and as a re-
sult, prey will be rare or even absent in the stomach of
predators (Creel & Christianson 2008; Fig. 1).
In addition to stomach content analysis, stable iso-
tope signatures of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) from
tissues are increasingly being used to infer trophic
niches of sharks (reviewed by Hussey et al. 2012,
Shiffman et al. 2012). There are many considerations
and limitations when applying this tool to study the
trophic ecology of individuals or populations (see re-
views by Layman et al. 2012); yet, many studies con-
tinue to use isotopic ratios from tissues to estimate
trophic position of sharks relative to other species in
the community and subsequently infer ecological
roles. However, among other possible issues, stable
isotope signatures are a long-term integration of re-
sources and it is possible that 2 species can have dis-
tinct diets but very similar isotopic signatures, if one
consumer’s isotopic signature represents the average
of 2 isotopically extreme resource bases. This is par-
ticularly relevant in the case of sharks since they are
opportunistic trophic omnivores, feeding across the
food web and among different habitats (Hussey et al.
2012, Shiffman et al. 2012). Accordingly, studies that
rely primarily on diet and stable isotope information
may underestimate top-down effects of sharks.
In a recent review, Roff et al. (2016) argued that
large reef sharks are trophically equivalent to sym-
patric piscivorous teleosts, such as large groupers and
snappers. They further concluded that the removal of
reef sharks by humans is therefore unlikely to initiate
strong top-down effects on large teleosts and therefore
unlikely to trigger trophic cascades. These arguments
were largely based on 2 primary lines of reasoning.
First, large piscivorous teleosts are often rare or
absent in the diet of sampled reef sharks. Second, sta-
ble isotope signatures generally overlapped between
reef sharks and these large piscivorous tele osts. How-
ever, these arguments did not take into account the
limitations of relying solely on studies of diet and sta-
ble isotopes to infer strengths of top-down predator
effects as described above. These limitations are evi-
denced by recent data which suggest that the
targeted removal of large-bodied reef sharks has con-
tributed to changes in the abundance, di-
versity, diet, condition and morphology
of coral reef fishes (Ruppert et al. 2013,
2016, Barley et al. 2017a,b, Hammer-
schlag et al. 2018).
Several papers have developed frame-
works for determining the strength of
predator effects on prey populations.
Taken together, these works have
shown that functional attributes of the
predator (e.g. hunting mode), prey (e.g.
grouping) and the environment (e.g.
habitat structure) can influence the
outcome of predator−prey interactions
(Schmitz 2008, Creel 2011, 2018,
Schmitz et al. 2017, Gaynor et al. 2019).
By synthesizing these works in combi-
nation with an understanding of preda-
Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of how expression of antipredatory responses
by prey can increase risk effects of predators, while reducing direct preda-
tion mortality (adapted from Creel & Christianson [2008]). Consider 3 prey
species (α, β, and φ) that become exposed to increasing densities of preda-
tors. In such a scenario, (A) individuals of surviving prey α, β, and φmay
exhibit antipredatory responses (e.g. induce defensive armor or hiding
behavior) that scale with their respective level of encounter rates with
attacking predators. However, (B) if φincreases its expression of antipreda-
tor traits effectively, direct predation will decrease on φand consequently φ
will become rare or absent in predator diets, although predators still have
strong risk effects on φ. Moreover, if antipredatory responses of φcause
predators to shift their hunting efforts towards α and β, then (C) direct
effects and risk effects can even become negatively correlated
Hammerschlag: Quantifying shark predation effects
tor−prey interactions involving sharks based on my
own in situ studies, I provide a set of predictions that
would specifically lead to increases in the magnitude
of shark predation effects on prey, and distinguish
whether consumptive or risk effects would dominate
these interactions. These are listed in Table 1 and
may be useful for identifying potential situations
where sharks can affect prey through either con-
sumptive or risk effects.
There are a variety of methodological approaches
already being used for measuring relative attributes
of sharks, prey and the environment at appropriate
scales for assessment of shark predation effects. Rel-
evant shark attributes for investigation include
assessing their hunting mode (search and pursuit vs.
sit and wait), hunting periods, hunting areas, group-
ing, feeding rates, and gape size. For example, using
underwater visual surveys, Robbins & Renaud (2016)
documented differences in hunting strategies and
predation success rate among grey reef sharks,
Carharhinus amblyrhynchos, at Fakarava Atoll,
French Polynesia. During morning hours, the sharks
targeted spawning grouper, employing burst speed
to capture fish engaged in spawning. In contrast,
sharks switched prey targets to other fish species at
night, employing a slow, controlled approach which
minimized the distances between sharks and prey
fish prior to any predation attempts (Robbins &
Renaud 2016). These differences in hunting strategy
appeared to be related to the mobility of the different
species being targeted and the different environ-
mental conditions (day vs. night). When direct obser-
vation of shark hunting is not possible, as is usually
the case, multi-sensor biotelemetry and biologging
tools are particularly valuable for remotely recording
this aspect of shark behavior (Hussey et al. 2015).
This could include combining shark tracking with
accelerometers (Papastamatiou et al. 2018b), preda-
tion tags (Halfyard et al. 2017) and animal-borne
cameras (Papastamatiou et al. 2018a).
There are numerous relevant behavioral, physio-
logical and morphological attributes for investigating
Focus Attribute and prediction
Shark Both RE and CE will be high when sharks hunt in packs or hunt individually, but simultaneously
Both RE and CE will be high when sharks have a sensory advantage over prey (e.g. increased visual
acuity under low light conditions)
Both RE and CE will be high when sharks have a cognitive advantage over prey (e.g. when they exhibit
social learning or can refine hunting strategy over time)
RE will be higher than CE for ambush predatory sharks which require specific forms of habitat for cover
CE will be higher than RE for active or coursing predatory sharks that do not associate with specific forms
of habitat for cover
RE will be higher than CE when sharks are abundant and predictably distributed
CE will be higher than RE when sharks are widespread or rare
Prey RE and CE will be high for prey that do not employ grouping or schooling behavior or during periods
where they exhibit reduced group or school size
RE will be higher than CE in dietary generalists that can shift habitats in response to sharks
CE will be higher than RE in dietary specialists that cannot alter feeding habits in response to sharks
RE will be higher than CE for prey that can alter or adapt morphological traits in response to sharks
CE will be higher than RE for prey that cannot alter or adapt morphological traits in response to sharks
CE will be higher than RE when prey spatially or temporally aggregate to exploit a predictable temporal
resource pulse, such as an ephemeral food source
CE will be higher than RE when prey spatially or temporally aggregate to engage in a critical life history
event that increases population fitness (e.g. spawning or mating)
RE will be higher than CE when prey have advanced cognition and sensory perception
Environment RE will be higher than CE in more heterogenous environments where prey have more options to hide or
take refuge, such as reefs with high rugosity or dense kelp beds that exclude sharks
CE will be higher than RE in more homogeneous environments were prey have limited options to hide or
take refuge, such as open sand flats
RE will be higher than CE under environmental conditions that offer prey increased ability to detect
predators, such as good water visibility and during daylight hours
CE will be higher than RE under environmental conditions in which prey have reduced ability to detect
predators (e.g. low light, high turbidity)
Table 1. Predicted attributes of sharks, prey and the environment leading to increases in the magnitude of shark top-down
predation effects on prey, and whether consumptive effects (CE) or risk effects (RE) dominate these interactions. Predictions
developed from synthesizing works of Schmitz (2008), Creel (2011, 2018), Schmitz et al. (2017), and Gaynor et al. (2019), in
combination with an understanding of predator−prey interactions involving sharks based on my own experiences
Endang Species Res 38: 147–151, 2019
antipredatory responses in prey. These include
schooling or grouping behavior, escape mode, space
or time devoted to vigilance or refuge use, excursion
distances and activity space (in 3 dimensions), forag-
ing rates, body mass and condition, movement rate,
stress levels, nutritional condition, and morpho -
logical structures associated with defense, detection,
or evasion. As in the case for sharks, behavioral re-
sponses of prey could be measured via observational
and/or biotelemetry and biologging tools (Wirsing et
al. 2007, Madin et al. 2010, De Vos et al. 2015). For
example, using underwater camera monitoring on
Australian coral reefs, Atwood et al. (2018) measured
grazing rates of herbivorous fishes at varying dis-
tances from refuges under threat of predation. Physi-
ological responses of prey could be assessed non-
invasively via tissue or scat sampling (Hammerschlag
et al. 2017, Oliveira et al. 2017). Morphological re-
sponses include measuring shape and size of preda-
tory defense structure (e.g. claws or spines; Miller et
al. 2015), detection structures (e.g. eyes, olfactory
bulbs; Smith & Litvaitis 1999, Møller & Erritzøe 2014),
and/or evasive locomotory structures (e.g. flipper or
fins; Hammerschlag et al. 2018). Relevant environ-
mental attributes widely found to decrease predation
risk include increased habitat complexity (Schmitz
1998), proximity to refuge (Atwood et al. 2018), and
visibility (Hammerschlag et al. 2006) as well as de-
creased depth (Rypel et al. 2007). These environmen-
tal attributes can be measured in situ or via remotely
sensed data (e.g. Madin et al. 2011).
In terms of an experimental approach, these pred-
ator−prey attributes can be investigated under natu-
ral conditions in response to temporal and/or spatial
variation of hunting sharks (e.g. Wirsing et al. 2007,
Hammerschlag et al. 2012) or with introduced model
sharks (Madin et al. 2010, Rizzari et al. 2014). An
emerging opportunity are comparisons over time or
between areas exposed to differences in targeted
shark removals or protections (e.g. Barley et al.
2017a,b, Speed et al. 2018). In addition to these field-
based approaches, mesocosom or laboratory experi-
mentation of prey reactions to predators are valuable
for understanding the often cryptic nature of interac-
tions between shark and their prey (Bedore et al.
2015, Barrios-O’Neill et al. 2017, Stump et al. 2017).
In summary, relying on stomach contents and/or stable
isotope signatures to assess the potential for sharks to
initiate trophic cascades can be misleading and may
significantly underestimate the strength of shark top-
down predation effects on prey. A study approach that
measures relevant functional attributes of sharks, prey
and the environment can provide greater insights for
quantifying the magnitude of top-down predation
effects (Schmitz 2008, Creel 2011, 2018, Schmitz et al.
2017, Gaynor et al. 2019) and the potential for shark
population declines or recoveries to trigger trophic cas-
cades. As outlined by Ruppert et al. (2016), there is a
need for research efforts to focus on predator−prey
relations (rather than simply the ecology of the preda-
tor) to understand the process of predation.
Acknowledgements. Thanks to Brendan Godley, who en -
couraged me to submit this work, and to the anonymous
reviewers whose comments helped significantly strengthen
this paper. I also thank the many great colleagues whose
research laid the groundwork for this paper and enabled me
to synthesize the ideas presented.
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Editorial responsibility: Brendan Godley,
University of Exeter, Cornwall Campus, UK
Submitted: November 15, 2018; Accepted: February 13, 2019
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... Sharks have acquired numerous adaptive specializations in over 420 million years of evolution and have become the top predators in marine food chains (Myers et al. 2007;Hammerschlag 2019), playing a key role in aquatic community stability (Desbiens et al. 2021), and responsible for nutrient and energy cycling between trophic levels (Motivarash et al. 2020), with the ecological potential of shaping marine communities in large spatial scales (Heupel et al. 2015). This influence stems from the fact that they exert disproportionate effects in relation to their own biomass or abundance, controlling prey populations and exerting a strong evolutionary pressure when consuming old and sick animals (Worm et al. 2006;Dulvy et al. 2017). ...
... Given this context, one of the most relevant aspects concerning interspecific shark relationships is associated to their feeding habits (Motta and Wilga 2001;Baker et al. 2014;Belleggia et al. 2019) and, given the widespread depletion of shark populations worldwide, understanding the ecological impacts that sharks have on prey populations represents a research priority (Hammerschlag 2019). To better understand the extent of food interactions between sharks and their prey, the ways in which prey can be consumed should be considered. ...
... Concerning sharks, for example, literature reports on food behavior and consumption, capture mechanics and associations between their diet and the environment are still limited (Motta and Wilga 2001;Hammerschlag 2019). Studies of this nature in Brazil are even scarcer (Aguiar and Valentin 2010), even though Brazil is noteworthy as one of the main global hot spots concerning elasmobranch functional diversity, endemism, and diversity (Lucifora et al. 2011), with 89 species described as distributed along the country's coast (Rosa and Gadig 2014). ...
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Records concerning marine megafauna (e.g., cetaceans, pinnipeds, seabirds, and sea turtles) predation and scavenging events by sharks are scarce along the Brazilian coast. Although Brazil is noteworthy as one of the main global hotspots regarding elasmobranch functional diversity, endemism and diversity, studies on the food biology of this group have been carried out for less than a third of this taxonomic group, even though biology and feeding ecology assessments for shark species from the Brazilian coast are extremely valuable from a global perspective and should be encouraged. In this context, this study records unprecedented ecological predation and necrophagy interactions between sharks and different zoological vertebrate groups through the analysis of several marine megafauna carcasses found stranded on the beaches of the southern coast of Bahia, in northeastern Brazil, between 2005 and 2020. The implications of these records in furthering knowledge concerning the life history of the species involved in each interaction are discussed in a context of scarcity of scientific marine ecology data for this Brazilian coast area.
... Classical stomach content analysis and the more recently introduced stable isotope analysis have their limitations [45]. Using stomach content analysis with stable isotope analysis on various tissues (e.g., muscles, the liver, and the vertebra) provides insights into the trophic niches at different time scales (from days to years); however, to realize the latest feeding behaviors and food composition patterns, stomach content analysis remains important and difficult to replace. ...
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The stomach contents of 30 male and 43 female (age < 3 years; 74–236 cm total length) juvenile great hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna mokarran (Rüppell, 1837)) obtained from commercial fisheries operating in Saudi Arabian waters of the Arabian Gulf were analyzed for the first time. After exclusion of parasites and abiotics, a total of 31 prey items, including the remains of cephalopods, fish, crustaceans, and bivalve mollusks, were identified in the stomachs of 59 great hammerheads. Based on the index of relative importance, teleosts were their main prey, and Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758) was the most important prey at the species level. Significant age-related dietary differences were noted (F = 1.57, p = 0.026), indicating that the prey of the hammerheads aged 0–3 years shifted from Platycephalidae to Myliobatidae. Levin’s niche overlap index was low (0.05–0.21), indicating that <3-year-old juvenile great hammerheads are specialized predators. The estimated trophic level was 4.40–5.01 (mean ± SD, 4.66 ± 0.45), indicating that the great hammerhead is a tertiary consumer.
... Large-bodied elasmobranchs shape the structure of marine ecosystems via trophic-related relationships mediated by direct predation upon lower trophic levels (Hammerschlag, 2019) and intra-or inter-specific competition (Sabando et al., 2020). Competition among predators may lead to fewer feeding opportunities and reduced fitness (Smith et al., 2017;Jorgensen et al., 2019), hence resource partitioning between sympatric elasmobranchs has often evolved (Tillett et al., 2014;Espinoza et al., 2019;Mulas et al., 2019). ...
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Pelagic elasmobranchs are key elements of oceanic ecosystems and must be preserved if marine trophic networks are to be kept in balance. Yet, they face intense fishing pressure that has been threatening their populations worldwide. Ensuring proper conservation management of these taxa depends on a better understanding of the strategies they use to explore the pelagic realm and their contributions to trophic web structuring across the ocean column. This study aimed at examining relationships between vertical habitat use and trophic attributes among six sympatric pelagic elasmobranchs using satellite transmitting tags in the western equatorial South Atlantic Ocean. The vertical movements of 35 elasmobranch individuals were tracked during an overall total of 1911 days. Clear relationships between species’ feeding habits, maximum diving depths, and proportion of time spent either in epipelagic or in surface waters were evidenced by Bayesian generalized linear mixed models and multivariate analysis. Filter-feeders made most use of deep waters from the mesopelagic and bathypelagic and shifted their diving depths in phase with diel vertical migrations of the deep scattering layer, i.e., shallower during the night and deeper during the day. Specialists exhibited distinct diving patterns in epipelagic and mesopelagic waters across the diel period which are potentially indicative of habitat partitioning, whereas generalists were more surface-oriented but also explored deeper waters compared to specialists. The trophic level also seemed to influence elasmobranch maximum diving depths, which tended to become shallower as species’ trophic level increased. These results corroborate previous evidence of widespread vertical habitat partitioning among sympatric pelagic predators and depict a trophic-mediated structuring of the pelagic environment where top-down control may be exerted at different depths by distinct species. Further research is yet required to understand the role of elasmobranch vertical movements in structuring pelagic habitats as well as to guide ecosystem-based fisheries management aimed at reducing species susceptibility to fishing gear and at preserving the structure and functionality of marine trophic networks.
... Importantly, the limited ability to control covariates in natural experiments will confound our ability to find 'clean' data of potential cascading effects associated with shifts in predator abundance at guild or assemblage levels [49][50][51]. Multiple studies looking at guild-level data of reef fishes have not found evidence of either prey release or trophic cascades [45,52]. ...
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Predation is ubiquitous on coral reefs. Among the most charismatic group of reef predators are the top predatory fishes, including sharks and large-bodied bony fishes. Despite the threat presented by top predators, data describing their realized effects on reef community structure and functioning are challenging to produce. Many innovative studies have capitalized on natural experimental conditions to explore predator effects on reefs. Gradients in predator density have been created by spatial patterning of fisheries management. Evidence of prey release has been observed across some reefs, namely that potential prey increase in density when predator density is reduced. While such studies search for evidence of prey release among broad groups or guilds of potential prey, a subset of studies have sought evidence of release at finer population levels. We find that some groups of fishes are particularly vulnerable to the effects of predators and more able to capitalize demographically when predator density is reduced. For example, territorial damselfish appear to realize reliable population expansion with the reduction in predator density, likely because their aggressive, defensive behavior makes them distinctly vulnerable to predation. Relatedly, individual fishes that suffer from debilitating conditions, such as heavy parasite loads, appear to realize relatively stronger levels of prey release with reduced predator density. Studying the effects of predators on coral reefs remains a timely pursuit, and we argue that efforts to focus on the specifics of vulnerability to predation among potential prey and other context-specific dimensions of mortality hold promise to expand our knowledge.
... Defining predation using biologging and telemetry instrumentation has informed trophic interactions over space and time that are difficult to obtain with more traditional dietary methods, such as stomach content or biochemical tracer analyses [7,8]. Advancements in telemetry that enable the collection of acceleration force, light level, pressure (depth), and temperature data can be used to qualitatively or quantitatively infer the predation of an externally or internally tagged individual based on changes in movement behaviour, light levels, sudden increase in temperature (i.e. ...
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Background We report compelling evidence suggesting a predation event of a pop-up satellite archival tagged anadromous Dolly Varden ( Salvelinus malma ) by a marine mammal during summer in the Beaufort Sea based on abrupt changes in temperature and vertical movements. This observation provides insight on predator avoidance behaviour by Dolly Varden and the predator’s feeding frequency while the tag was ingested. Based on published distribution and ecology information, we presumed the predator was a beluga whale ( Delphinapterus leucas ). Supplemental satellite telemetry data from previously tagged Dolly Varden and beluga whales were used to determine the extent of spatial and vertical overlap between species in the area where predation occurred. Results Prior to the predation event, depths and temperatures occupied by the tagged Dolly Varden averaged 1.1 m and 3.1 °C, respectively. On July 7, 2020, depths remained shallow apart from a sudden dive to 12.5 m (16:45 UTC) followed by a precipitous increase in temperature from 4.4 to 27.1 °C (16:52 UTC) suggesting predation by an endotherm. Subsequent readings indicated the endotherm had a resting stomach temperature of 36.1 °C. Including the predation event, eight separate feeding events were inferred during the 20-h period the tag was ingested (before presumed regurgitation) based on subsequent declines in stomach temperatures (mean decline to 31.1 °C) that took an average of 24.1 min to return to resting temperature. The predator occupied mainly shallow depths (mean = 2.3 m), overlapping with tagged belugas that spent 76.9% of their time occupying waters ≤ 2.5 m when frequenting the area occupied by tagged Dolly Varden in the Canadian Beaufort Sea in July. Back-calculation based on tag drift and mean displacement by tagged belugas indicated the predation likely occurred west of the Mackenzie Delta. Conclusion Our findings provide new information on both anti-predator behaviour by, and marine predators of, Dolly Varden in the Beaufort Sea. We provide the first estimate of feeding frequency and stomach temperature recovery in a presumed wild beluga, and evidence for shallow foraging behaviour by belugas. Elucidating the likely predator and exploring the extent of overlap between Dolly Varden and beluga whales contributes towards knowledge on the trophic interactions in the Beaufort Sea.
... Similarly, birds are not often included in the literature even though examples of mesopredator release affecting them are known (Rees et al., 2019;Suraci et al., 2014). Last, cases of mesopredator release involving species of fishes have also been documented (Christie et al., 2020;Myers et al., 2007;Ritchie and Johnson, 2009) and, despite the increasing effects of overfishing that is now reducing the number of marine apex predators (Hammerschlag, 2019;Myers et al., 2007), they seem to be still overlooked when considering the global production on the topic of mesopredator release. ...
Human activities severely impact the distribution and behaviour of apex predators in numerous terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, with cascading effects on several species. Mesopredator outbreaks attributable to the removal of an apex predator have often been recorded and described in the literature as “mesopredator release”. During recent decades several examples of the phenomenon have been observed and studied in many different parts of the world. In this paper, we quantitatively reviewed the existing literature on mesopredator release using two software packages (VOSviewer and CiteSpace) to investigate patterns and trends in author keywords through occurrences and temporal analyses, and creating relative network maps. The results showed that even though the general scientific interest in mesopredator release has increased in recent decades, the vast majority of studies focus on canid species, leaving many other species or entire taxa (e.g., reptiles) understudied and under-described. The connection between invasive species and mesopredator release has only recently been more extensively explored and also the effects of apex predators declining in aquatic ecosystems are still only partially investigated. Due to the increasing effect of biological invasions, overfishing, and either the decline or the rise of apex predators in different parts of the world, we expect an even higher increase in interest and number of published documents on the subject. We also encourage widening the research focus beyond canids to include other important taxa.
... While we have provided evidence for predictable spatiotemporal fluctuations in predator presence on the WCF, quantifying any potential predation effect to be useful for management would require further study and the use of additional tools and data sources (Hammerschlag 2019). For example, Bohaboy et al. (2020) used fine-scale movement monitoring in a high-resolution acoustic telemetry array to estimate that 83% of red snapper and 100% of grey triggerfish discard mortality was due to predation by large pelagic predators. ...
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Marine fish movement plays a critical role in ecosystem functioning and is increasingly studied with acoustic telemetry. Traditionally, this research has focused on single species and small spatial scales. However, integrated tracking networks, such as the Integrated Tracking of Aquatic Animals in the Gulf of Mexico (iTAG) network, are building the capacity to monitor multiple species over larger spatial scales. We conducted a synthesis of passive acoustic monitoring data for 29 species (889 transmitters), ranging from large top predators to small consumers, monitored along the west coast of Florida, USA, over 3 yr (2016−2018). Space use was highly variable, with some groups using all monitored areas and others using only the area where they were tagged. The most extensive space use was found for Atlantic tarpon Megalops atlanticus and bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas. Individual detection patterns clustered into 4 groups, ranging from occasionally detected long-distance movers to frequently detected juvenile or adult residents. Synchronized, alongshore, long-distance movements were found for Atlantic tarpon, cobia Rachycentron canadum, and several elasmobranch species. These movements were predominantly northbound in spring and southbound in fall. Detections of top predators were highest in summer, except for nearshore Tampa Bay where the most detections occurred in fall, coinciding with large red drum Sciaenops ocellatus spawning aggregations. We discuss the future of collaborative telemetry research, including current limitations and potential solutions to maximize its impact for understanding movement ecology, conducting ecosystem monitoring, and supporting fisheries management.
... This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved prey size preferences may vary, which are necessary to properly assess trophic overlap among sympatric populations or entire species (Hammerschlag 2019). Stable isotope ratios are also unable to pinpoint occupancy patterns and the timing of resource acquisition in isotopically homogeneous environments when used alone (Hette-Tronquot 2019). ...
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As concerns about anthropogenic and natural disturbance grow, understanding animal resource use patterns has been increasingly prioritized to predict how changes in environmental conditions, food web structure, and population dynamics will affect biological resilience. Among the tools used to assess resource use, stable isotope analysis has proliferated in ecological studies, particularly in relation to describing intra‐ and interspecific variation in trophic interactions. Despite a growing need to disseminate scientific information, the inherent limitations of stable isotope ratios and inappropriate synonymizing of distinct evolutionary and ecological processes may mislead ecological inferences in natural systems. This situation necessitates a re‐evaluation of the utility of stable isotope ratios to address certain ecological questions. Here, we assess the efficacy of stable isotope ratios to describe two fundamental ecological processes, niche partitioning and individual specialization. Investigation of these processes has increased substantially in accordance with increased access to stable isotope data. This article discusses the circumstances and approaches that are necessary to evaluate niche partitioning and individual specialization, and outlines key considerations for the associated application of stable isotope ratios.
... Thus, on the basis of these lines of evidence, we posit that smaller Caribbean reef sharks may comprise at least some proportion of tiger shark diets, particularly if they foray into "risky" habitats preferentially selected by tiger sharks (e.g., seagrass banks, Figure 5), thereby contributing to lower detection probabilities of tagged Caribbean reef sharks (e.g., Papastamatiou et al., 2006). Further investigation is required to empirically test this hypothesis, but it highlights the potential for acoustic telemetry to reveal new insights into potential predator-prey interactions and the functional role of large sharks (Hammerschlag, 2019), while offering a logical avenue for future work utilizing non-lethal tools such as isotopic analyses (Hussey et al., 2012;Shipley and Matich, 2020) and DNA metabarcoding (Berry et al., 2017). While sex appeared to be an important factor for detectability, we caution the interpretation of this result due to the lack of control resulting in bias in the sex of our tagged sharks. ...
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Marine protected areas (MPAs) have emerged as potentially important conservation tools for the conservation of biodiversity and mitigation of climate impacts. Among MPAs, a large percentage has been created with the implicit goal of protecting shark populations, including 17 shark sanctuaries which fully protect sharks throughout their jurisdiction. The Commonwealth of the Bahamas represents a long-term MPA for sharks, following the banning of commercial longlining in 1993 and subsequent designation as a shark sanctuary in 2011. Little is known, however, about the long-term behavior and space use of sharks within this protected area, particularly among reef-associated sharks for which the sanctuary presumably offers the most benefit. We used acoustic telemetry to advance our understanding of the ecology of such sharks, namely Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) and tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier), over two discrete islands (New Providence and Great Exuma) varying in human activity level, over 2 years. We evaluated which factors influenced the likelihood of detection of individuals, analyzed patterns of movement and occurrence, and identified variability in habitat selection among species and regions, using a dataset of 23 Caribbean reef sharks and 15 tiger sharks which were passively monitored in two arrays with a combined total of 13 acoustic receivers. Caribbean reef sharks had lower detection probabilities than tiger sharks, and exhibited relatively low habitat connectivity and high residency, while tiger sharks demonstrated wider roaming behavior across much greater space. Tiger sharks were associated with shallow seagrass habitats where available, but frequently transited between and connected different habitat types. Our data support the notion that large MPAs afford greater degrees of protection for highly resident species such as Caribbean reef sharks, yet still may provide substantial benefits for more migratory species such as tiger sharks. We discuss these findings within the context of species-habitat linkages, ecosystem services, and the establishment of future MPAs.
... While we have provided evidence for predictable spatiotemporal fluctuations in predator presence on the WCF, quantifying any potential predation effect to be useful for management would require further study and the use of additional tools and data sources (Hammerschlag 2019). For example, Bohaboy et al. (2020) used fine-scale movement monitoring in a high-resolution acoustic telemetry array to estimate that 83% of red snapper and 100% of grey triggerfish discard mortality was due to predation by large pelagic predators. ...
Marine fish movement plays a critical role in ecosystem functioning and is increasingly studied with acoustic telemetry. Traditionally, this research has focused on single species and small spatial scales. However, integrated tracking networks, such as the Integrated Tracking of Aquatic Animals in the Gulf of Mexico (iTAG) network, are building the capacity to monitor multiple species over larger spatial scales. We conducted a synthesis of passive acoustic monitoring data for 29 species (889 transmitters), ranging from large top predators to small consumers, monitored along the west coast of Florida, USA, over 3 yr (2016-2018). Space use was highly variable, with some groups using all monitored areas and others using only the area where they were tagged. The most extensive space use was found for Atlantic tarpon Megalops atlanticus and bull sharks Carcharhinus leucas . Individual detection patterns clustered into 4 groups, ranging from occasionally detected long-distance movers to frequently detected juvenile or adult residents. Synchronized, alongshore, long-distance movements were found for Atlantic tarpon, cobia Rachycentron canadum , and several elasmobranch species. These movements were predominantly northbound in spring and southbound in fall. Detections of top predators were highest in summer, except for nearshore Tampa Bay where the most detections occurred in fall, coinciding with large red drum Sciaenops ocellatus spawning aggregations. We discuss the future of collaborative telemetry research, including current limitations and potential solutions to maximize its impact for understanding movement ecology, conducting ecosystem monitoring, and supporting fisheries management.
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Trophic cascade theory predicts that predator effects should extend to influence carbon cycling in ecosystems. Yet, there has been little empirical evidence in natural ecosystems to support this hypothesis. Here, we use a naturally-occurring trophic cascade to provide evidence that predators help protect sedimentary organic carbon stocks in coral reef ecosystems. Our results show that predation risk altered the behavior of herbivorous fish, whereby it constrained grazing to areas close to the refuge of the patch reefs. Macroalgae growing in “riskier” areas further away from the reef were released from grazing pressure, which subsequently promoted carbon accumulation in the sediments underlying the macroalgal beds. Here we found that carbon stocks furthest away from the reef edge were ~24% higher than stocks closest to the reef. Our results indicate that predators and herbivores play an important role in structuring carbon dynamics in a natural marine ecosystem, highlighting the need to conserve natural predator-prey dynamics to help maintain the crucial role of marine sediments in sequestering carbon.
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Background: Central place foragers (CPF) rest within a central place, and theory predicts that distance of patches from this central place sets the outer limits of the foraging arena. Many marine ectothermic predators behave like CPF animals, but never stop swimming, suggesting that predators will incur 'travelling' costs while resting. Currently, it is unknown how these CPF predators behave or how modulation of behavior contributes to daily energy budgets. We combine acoustic telemetry, multi-sensor loggers, and hidden Markov models (HMMs) to generate 'activity seascapes', which combine space use with patterns of activity, for reef sharks (blacktip reef and grey reef sharks) at an unfished Pacific atoll. Results: Sharks of both species occupied a central place during the day within deeper, cooler water where they were less active, and became more active over a larger area at night in shallower water. However, video cameras on two grey reef sharks revealed foraging attempts/success occurring throughout the day, and that multiple sharks were refuging in common areas. A simple bioenergetics model for grey reef sharks predicted that diel changes in energy expenditure are primarily driven by changes in swim speed and not body temperature. Conclusions: We provide a new method for simultaneously visualizing diel space use and behavior in marine predators, which does not require the simultaneous measure of both from each animal. We show that blacktip and grey reef sharks behave as CPFs, with diel changes in activity, horizontal and vertical space use. However, aspects of their foraging behavior may differ from other predictions of traditional CPF models. In particular, for species that never stop swimming, patch foraging times may be unrelated to patch travel distance.
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Inducible defences against predators evolve because they reduce the rate of direct predation, but this benefit is offset by the cost (if any) of defence. If antipredator responses carry costs, the effect of predators on their prey is partitioned into two components, direct killing and risk effects. There is considerable uncertainty about the strength of risk effects, the factors that affect their strength, and the mechanisms that underlie them. In some cases, antipredator responses are associated with a glucocorticoid stress response, and in other cases they are associated with trade‐offs between food and safety, but there is no general theory to explain this variation. Here, I develop the control of risk (COR) hypothesis, predicting that proactive responses to predictable and controllable aspects of risk will generally have food‐mediated costs, while reactive responses to unpredictable or uncontrollable aspects of predation risk will generally have stress‐mediated costs. The hypothesis is grounded in laboratory studies of neuroendocrine stressors and field studies of food‐safety trade‐offs. Strong tests of the COR hypothesis will require more studies of responses to natural variation in predation risk and the physiological consequences of these responses, but its explanatory power can be illustrated with existing case studies.
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Bulk stable isotope analysis was used to assess the trophic level and foraging habitats of Caribbean reef sharks (Carcharhinus perezi) compared to three large sympatric predatory teleosts (the Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus, black grouper Mycteroperca bonaci, and great barracuda Sphyraena barracuda) in an isolated Caribbean coral reef ecosystem. Models and empirical studies have suggested that the depletion of large-bodied sharks in coral reef ecosystems triggers a trophic cascade that could affect the benthic community, favoring algae over coral. The hypothesized cascade is based on the premise that sharks prey on large piscivorous teleost fish that in turn prey on key herbivorous fish. Analysis of nitrogen-stable isotopes (δ15N) from white muscle tissue revealed neither adult or juvenile Caribbean reef sharks were significantly enriched in 15N compared with sympatric predatory teleost species. Linear regression found no evidence of an ontogenetic increase in nitrogen with increasing body size for Caribbean reef sharks; however, there was a significant positive relationship between body size and carbon isotope (δ13C) values. These results suggest that Caribbean reef sharks in isolated systems do not act as the apex predator in coral reef ecosystems primarily feeding on large-bodied sympatric teleosts. Instead, Caribbean reef sharks form part of an upper trophic-level predator guild alongside large-bodied teleosts, which makes the predicted trophic cascade as a result of the removal of reef sharks unlikely. Moreover, the body size–δ13C relationship suggests Caribbean reef sharks exhibit ontogenetic and individual variation in where they feed. The ecological role of this species is, therefore, complex and contextual, similar to carcharhinid species in the Indo-Pacific, emphasizing the need to further elucidate the interactions between reef sharks and the overall coral reef ecosystem so as to best inform effective conservation and management of the species.
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Predators can impact ecosystems through consumptive or risk effects on prey. Physiologically, risk effects can be mediated by energetic mechanisms or stress responses. The predation-stress hypothesis predicts that risk induces stress in prey, which can affect survival and reproduction. However, empirical support for this hypothesis is both mixed and limited, and the conditions that cause predation risk to induce stress responses in some cases, but not others, remain unclear. Unusually clear-cut variation in exposure of Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) to predation risk from white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the waters of Southwestern Africa provides an opportunity to test the predation-stress hypothesis in the wild. Here, we measured fecal glucocorticoid concentrations (fGCM) from Cape fur seals at six discrete islands colonies exposed to spatiotemporal variation in predation risk from white sharks over a period of three years. We found highly elevated fGCM concentrations in seals at colonies exposed to high levels of unpredictable and relatively uncontrollable risk of shark attack, but not at colonies where seals were either not exposed to shark predation or could proactively mitigate their risk through antipredatory behavior. Differences in measured fGCM levels were consistent with patterns of risk at the site and seasonal level, for both seal adults and juveniles. Seal fGCM levels were not correlated with colony population size, density, and geographic location. Investigation at a high risk site (False Bay) also revealed strong correlations between fGCM levels and temporal variation in shark attack rates, but not with shark relative abundance. Our results suggest that predation risk will induce a stress response when risk cannot be predicted and/or proactively mitigated by behavioral responses.
Arguments for the need to conserve aquatic predator (AP) populations often focus on the ecological and socioeconomic roles they play. Here, we summarize the diverse ecosystem functions and services connected to APs, including regulating food webs, cycling nutrients, engineering habitats, transmitting diseases/parasites, mediating ecological invasions, affecting climate, supporting fisheries, generating tourism, and providing bioinspiration. In some cases, human-driven declines and increases in AP populations have altered these ecosystem functions and services. We present a social ecological framework for supporting adaptive management decisions involving APs in response to social and environmental change. We also identify outstanding questions to guide future research on the ecological functions and ecosystem services of APs in a changing world.
Animals experience varying levels of predation risk as they navigate heterogeneous landscapes, and behavioral responses to perceived risk can structure ecosystems. The concept of the landscape of fear has recently become central to describing this spatial variation in risk, perception, and response. We present a framework linking the landscape of fear, defined as spatial variation in prey perception of risk, to the underlying physical landscape and predation risk, and to resulting patterns of prey distribution and antipredator behavior. By disambiguating the mechanisms through which prey perceive risk and incorporate fear into decision making, we can better quantify the nonlinear relationship between risk and response and evaluate the relative importance of the landscape of fear across taxa and ecosystems.
There is limited evidence on the rate at which the shark populations of coral reefs can rebound from over-exploitation, the baselines that might signify when recovery has occurred and the role of no-take Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in aiding this process. We surveyed shark assemblages at Ashmore Reef in Western Australia using baited remote underwater video stations in 2004 prior to enforcement of MPA status and then again in 2016 after eight years of strict enforcement. We found an increase in the relative mean abundance of Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos from 0.16 ± 0.06 individuals h−1 in 2004 to 0.74 ± 0.11 individuals h−1 in 2016, a change that was also accompanied by a shift in the assemblage of sharks to greater proportions of apex species (from 7.1% to 11.9%) and reef sharks (from 28.6% to 57.6%), and a decrease in the proportional abundance of lower trophic level species (from 64.3% to 30.5%). Abundances and trophic assemblage of sharks at Ashmore Reef in 2004 resembled those of the Scott Reefs, where targeted fishing for sharks still occurs, whereas in 2016, abundances and trophic structures had recovered to resemble those of the Rowley Shoals, a reef system that has been a strictly enforced MPA for over 25 years. The shift in abundance and community structure coincident with strict enforcement of the MPA at Ashmore Reef has occurred at a rate greater than predicted by demographic models, implying the action of compensatory processes in recovery. Our study shows that shark communities can recover rapidly after exploitation in a well-managed no-take MPA.
Evidence from the wild as to the ecological and evolutionary consequences of top predator depletions remains limited, especially in marine systems. Given the pace and extent of predator loss, an understanding of these processes is important. Two sets of adjacent coral reef systems off north-western Australia have similar biological, physical and environmental conditions, but one of the reef systems has been exposed to nearly exclusive commercial fishing of sharks. Across reefs where sharks have been depleted, prey fishes had significantly smaller caudal fins and eyes compared to the reefs with intact shark populations (up to 40 and 46% relative difference in standardized means). These patterns were consistent across 7 teleost prey species (N = 611 individuals) that vary in behavior, diet and trophic guild. We hypothesize that these morphological patterns were primarily driven by differences in shark predation. Morphological differences were not consistent with plausible alternative explanations (habitat complexity, temperature, light, current, food availability, prey targets, competition) as primary drivers. These results provide field evidence of morphological changes in prey potentially due to predator depletions consistent with ecological predictions; specifically, predator loss caused a reduction in the size of prey morphological traits associated with predator detection and evasion. While our analysis cannot differentiate between rapid evolutionary change versus morphological plasticity due to shark depletions, either possible outcome would indicate that predator removals may have profound effects on body shapes of prey communities. This is particularly significant in the case of sharks, given that the consequences of their widespread removal have been a topic of significant speculation, debate and concern.
Apex predator reintroductions are commonly motivated by the imperative to restore populations and wider ecosystem function by precipitating trophic cascades that release basal species. Yet evidence for the existence of such cascades is often equivocal, particularly where consumptive interactions between apex and intermediate predators are weak or absent. Here, using a tri-trophic skate-crab-bivalve study-system, we find that non-consumptive interactions between apex skate and intermediate crabs cascade down to consumptive interactions between crabs and bivalves, significantly reducing bivalve mortality. However, skate only functioned as keystone where crabs foraged for bivalves in the absence of mature bivalve reef: where reef was present, bivalve mortality was not significantly different in the presence or absence of skate. By facilitating the establishment of basal species which, in turn, diminish apex-intermediate effects, the skate's keystone function is subject to negative regulation. Thus, we propose that keystone functionality can be transient with respect to environmental context. Our findings have two central implications for apex predator reintroductions and basic ecology: (i) species hitherto not considered as keystone may have the capacity to act as such transiently, and; (ii) keystones are known to regulate ecosystems, but transience implies that ecosystems can regulate keystone function.