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Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 1000289
J Fisheries Livest Prod, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-2608
ISSN: 2332-2608
Faraz et al., J Fisheries Livest Prod 2019, 7:1
DOI: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000289
Short Communication Open Access
Journal of Fisheries &
Livestock Production
*Corresponding author: Dr. Asim Faraz, Department of Livestock and Poultry
Production, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan,
Pakistan, Tel: 03006941006; E-mail:
Received March 09, 2019; Accepted March 25, 2019; Published April 02, 2019
Citation: Faraz A, Waheed A, Mirza RH, Ishaq HM (2019) The Camel - A Short
Communication on Classication and Attributes. J Fisheries Livest Prod 7: 289. doi:
Copyright: © 2019 Faraz A, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Keywords: Camel; Food; Environment; Desert; Attributes
Classication of Camel
The word “Camel” has been derived from the Greek word
“Kremal” and Sanskrit word “Kreluk” which means throw away
legs that makes a sense of running camel as it throws its legs in
the air having a little control over them [1]. The term ‘Dromedary’
is derived from “Dromados” a Greek word which means “run” so
used for riding camels while the name ‘Bactrian’ refers to the area
“Bactria” of the North Afghanistan where this camel is thought to be
originated [2]. The one and two humped camels are known as “old
world camels” and they are classified in class (Mammalia), order
(Artiodactyla), sub-order (Tylopoda/Camelides), family Camelidae,
genus (Camelus dromedarius for one humped camel and Camelus
bactrianus for two humped camel). The llama (Lama glama), alpaca
(Lama pacos), guanaco (Lama guanicoe), vicuna (Vicugna vicugna)
are classified under “new world camels”.
e Camelidae family includes two subfamilies 1- Camelinae (old
world Camelids) and 2- Laminae (new world Camelids). e genus
Camelus has two species of camels. First is dromedary or Arabian
camel having single hump (Camelus dromedarius) which are widely
distributed in the Middle East, Pakistan, India and African hot arid
areas, while second is the Bactrian (Camelus bactrianus) having two
humps which are found in the parts of China and central Asia [3].
e dromedary or Arabian camels are found to be more numerous
than those of Bactrian camels and represents almost 95% of the
total population of genus Camelus. According to [4] generally very
little dierentiation has been there regarding specialized types in the
Camelids which are multi-purpose animals with the females used
primarily for milk production, the males mainly for meat production,
transportation or draught purpose and again both the sexes provide
meat as a tertiary product.
Attributes of Camel
e virtues of camel are very well extolled in the Holy Quran. It
is mentioned there that “Do they not look at the camel, how they are
made” [5]. A great Muslim scholar Hazrat Imam Razi (Rehmat Ullah
Alaih) quoted the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) and says
that all the utility traits which a man can expect from various animals,
those are found in one animal “Camel” (Figure 1).
Internationally there is a growing awareness in respect of camel as
it has been termed and considered as a “food security animal”. One
humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) seems very important in many
countries where used as food animal. Its ability to utilize rangeland in
marginal areas and to survive and produce well under hot and harsh
environment has been recognized greatly over the years [6-10]. Globally
camel enjoys a very unique ecological and socioeconomic status. It
has been giving services to the humans under highly marginalized
ecosystems and very harsh climatic conditions since ancient times [1].
e camel has numerous unique capabilities and characteristics as that
it can be ridden, loaded with baggage, milked, eaten, traded for goods,
harnessed to plough and used for other agricultural operations and
exhibited in the zoo [11].
Camels have a fascinated mankind which are very well adapted to their native environment and can sustain life in
hot, harsh and hostile environments like deserts. The dromedary camel is a best source of milk and meat especially
for those areas where production performance of other animals is adversely affected by the harsh environmental
conditions. This is due to its unique physiological characteristics that enable to tolerate higher temperatures, solar
radiations, water scarcity, poor vegetation and rough topography. Camel has no competition with any domestic specie
regarding feed and performance. They are browsers, their tall as well as long neck and legs enable them to browse
efciently. And due to these specied attributes they can browse that feed material which is beyond the approach of
other livestock species. In fact camel has the ability to transfer those poor products into valuable food which can’t be
consumed by other livestock species. Camels are of great importance, their virtues should be given ample consideration
and it will denitely be an important addition to the food chain which will play its role in the food security of the world.
The Camel - A Short Communication on Classification and Attributes
Faraz A*, Waheed A, Mirza RH and Ishaq HM
Department of Livestock and Poultry Production, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
Figure 1: Attributes of Camel.
Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 1000289
J Fisheries Livest Prod, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-2608
Citation: Faraz A, Waheed A, Mirza RH, Ishaq HM (2019) The Camel - A Short Communication on Classication and Attributes. J Fisheries Livest
Prod 7: 289. doi: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000289
Page 2 of 3
production system where it is obtained from spent females and old
males those have become less eective in their primary functions of
providing milk, breeding and transportation [4]. However, if camels
are slaughtered at comparable age then evidences suggest that quality
and carcass characteristics of its meat are not so dierent from beef
[9,23]. In arid areas camels constitute the most important source of
meat [2,9]. Mostly they are raised under traditional management
systems as pastoralists are moving always in search of food and water
over large areas for their camels [43-45].
Camel is an indigenous genetic resource, it needs to be managed
and preserved properly. It plays an indispensible role in the pastoral
ecology. Dierent studies highlight its unique characteristics especially
under stress environment. To meet the rapidly growing demands of
exploding population, the strategic idea is to recognize the place of
camel in farm animals and to get increased output from this natural
genetic resource that have not been exploited yet.
1. Isani GB, Baloch MN (2000) Camel Breeds of Pakistan. The Camel Applied
Research and Development Network (CARDN) NADRI Islamabad Pakistan.
2. Farah Z (1993) Composition and characteristics of camel milk. J Dairy Res 60:
3. Dorman AE (1986) Aspects of the husbandry and management of the genus
Camelus In: A. Higgins (Ed.) The camel in health and disease. Balliere Tindall
London UK.
4. Wilson RT (1998) Camels the Tropical Agriculturalist. A book by McMillan
Education Ltd London UK.
5. Al-Ghashiyah. Al-Quran 88: 17.
6. Abbas B, Tilley P (1990) Pastoral management for protecting ecological balance
in Halaib district Red Sea province Sudan. Nomadic Peoples 29: 77-86.
7. Gauthier-Pilters H, Dagg A (1981) The camel: Its evolution ecology behavior
and relationship to man. The University of Chicago Press Chicago IL USA.
8. Hjort A, Husein MC (1986) Camel herd dynamics in southern Somalia: Long
term development and milk production implications. Nordiska Africainstitutet
Uppsala Sweden Pp: 516-523.
9. Knoess KH (1977) The camel as a meat and milk animal. World Animal Review
FAO Rome Italy 22: 39-42.
10. Schwartz HJ, Dioli M, Stimmelmayr R, Walsh MGH (1992) The one-humped
camel (Camelus dromedarius) in eastern Africa. A pictorial guide to diseases
health care and management. Verlag Josef Margraf.
11. Iqbal A (1999) Studies on some of the productive reproductive and behavioral
aspects of camel in Pakistan. University of Agriculture Faisalabad.
12. Kohler-Rollefson I (1992) The camel breeds of India in social and historical
perspective. Animal Genetic Resource Information 10: 53-64.
13. Laval G, Khana ND, Faye B (1998) A typology of camel farming systems in
Bikaner and Jaisalmer districts of Rajasthan. Revue d elevage et de medicine
Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux 51: 147-154.
14. Lensch J (1999) The two-humped camel (Camelus bactrianus). World Anim
Rev 92: 36-41.
15. Abeiderrahmane N (1997) Camel milk and modern industry. J Camel Practice
Res 4: 223-228.
16. Abdurahman OS, Bornstein S (1991) Diseases of camels (Camelus
dromedarius) in Somalia and prospects for better health. Nomadic Peoples 29:
17. Tefera M, Gebreah F (2001) A study on the productivity and diseases of camels
in Eastern Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production 33: 265-274.
18. Wilson RT (1992) Factors affecting weight and growth in one humped camels
In: Proceedings First International Camel Conference. Dubai Pp: 309-312.
19. Gihad EA (1995) Arabian Camels. Production and Cultrie. Arab Publishing and
Distribution Company Egypt.
Camel plays a vital role in the subsistence pastoral economy in the
diverse eco-zones extending from India and Gobi desert in central Asia
[12-14] and Mauritania in the west [15] to Ethiopia and Somalia in
the horn of Africa [16-18]. Due to its appearance and ability to survive
in a hot, harsh arid environment and to tolerate many stresses, e.g.
heat, scarcity of water or water with high salinity and shortage of feed,
camel has fascinated mankind. e camel can digest dry matter as well
as all the nutrients especially crude ber better than other ruminants.
is dry matter and high ber digestibility might be attributed to the
longer retention time of large particles in its fore stomach and unique
movement of the fore stomach of the camels [19]. e dromedary is
the most important among the domestic animals in the hot, arid and
semi-arid regions as it has potential to produce higher quality foods
like meat and milk under extremely harsh weather at comparatively
lower costs [9,20-21]. It has great tolerance to higher temperatures,
solar radiation and water scarcity. It can thrive well on sandy deserts
with poor vegetation and mainly consume those feed material that is
unutilized by several other domestic animals [22,23].
Camel has no competition with any domestic specie regarding feed
and performance. Browsing or grazing behavior of camel comprises
a set of activities that are associated to the ingestion of feed including
searching, choosing and absorption [24]. According to some scientists
camel grazes on tall, young and succulent grasses [25] but typically
it is a browser and their feed comprises on shrubs, bushes and trees
[26]. According to Sleeper [27] camels are browsers, their tall as well as
long neck and legs enable them to browse eciently. And due to these
specied attributes they can browse that feed material which is beyond
the approach of other livestock species. ey can browse on prickly
plants, salty and thorny bushes due to special structure of its mouth.
It’s very strong prehensile lips, papillae and narrow muzzle permits it
to browse eciently on thorny plants [28]. According to [29] camels
like browsing rather than grazing. Camel is declared as browser by
nature [30]. According to [31] camels prefer browsing over grazing and
they spend more time in rumination. In the absence of quality forages,
camel can utilize poor quality forages with much more eciency as it
can retain ber in its fore stomach for as long as 70 hours. According to
[10] in contrast with other ruminants, when it is fed with low protein
forage it has the capacity and eciency of reutilizing the urea for
microbial protein synthesis. Due to these attributes camel is considered
as the animal with unfathomed potential to meet the future dietary and
medical needs of human beings [32].
ere is handsome share of camel’s milk in the basic diet of pastoral
community that contributing up to 30% in annual caloric diet. Daily
milk yield of camel is 3-10 kg with a lactation period of 12-18 months
[33]. Camel’s milk contains 4.9% fat, 3.7% protein, 5.1% lactose,
0.70% ash and 14.4% total solids [34]. Camel milk is liked due to its
nutrient richness and therapeutic peculiarities. People used camel milk
as a remedy for many diseases like liver dysfunction, diabetes, long
bone pain, tuberculosis, asthma, piles, spleen ailments, food allergies,
arthritis and as an aphrodisiac [35-37]. Additionally, camel milk has
higher vitamin C and Phosphorus contents, thus it is considered
superior to the milk of other domestic species [38-40].
Camel meat production should be encouraged in Arabian and
arid areas [9,18]. Camel meat replaces beef and mutton very eciently
in some Arab countries [41]. Camel plays a versatile role as a meat
producer rather than as a symbol of social prestige, which was its role
that is now diminished [42]. e general opinion about the camel
meat is that, it is tough, having coarse bers, watery and some-what
sweetish in taste as compared to the meat obtained from other animals
due to the fact that it is usually a by-product of primitive traditional
Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 1000289
J Fisheries Livest Prod, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-2608
Citation: Faraz A, Waheed A, Mirza RH, Ishaq HM (2019) The Camel - A Short Communication on Classication and Attributes. J Fisheries Livest
Prod 7: 289. doi: 10.4172/2332-2608.1000289
Page 3 of 3
20. Yagil R (1982) Camels and camel milk. Animal Health and Production FAO
Rome Italy.
21. Yousif OK, Babiker SA (1989) The desert camel as meat animals. Meat
Science 26: 245-254.
22. Shalash MR (1983) The role of camels in overcoming world meat shortage.
Egyptian J Veter Sci 20: 101-110.
23. Tandon SN, Bissa UK, Khanna ND (1988) Camel meat: Present status and
future prospects. Annals of Arid Zone 27: 23-28.
24. Pagot I (1992) Animal Production in the Tropics. The Macmillan Press Ltd
London UK.
25. Field CR (1979) Preliminary report on Ecology and management of camel’s
sheep and goats in northern Kenya. UNESCO Nairobi Kenya.
26. Schwartz HJ, Dolan R, Wilson AJ (1983) Camel production in Kenya and its
constraints. Tropical Animal Health and Production 15: 169-178.
27. Sleeper B (1985) Dromedaries down under. Animals December issue.
28. McDowell RE (1986) Feed source: Animal interactions as production
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29. Tripathi VN (1987) Milk of other animals. In Milk-The vital force In: Proceedings
XXII International D Congress La Hague. Reidel Publishing Company Hague.
30. Yagil R (1990) Camel's milk-one hump or two. The Economist Oct 20.
31. El-Badawi AY (1996) The possibilities of using camels in new reclaimed lands.
Proceedings The rst meeting of the National Committee for Camel Research
in the Arab republic of Egypt Cairo.
32. Faye B, Esenov P (2005) Desertication Combat and Food Safety. The Added
Value of Camel Producers IOS Press Amsterdam The Netherland.
33. Faraz A, Waheed A, Nazir MM, Mirza RH (2018) Milk production potential
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34. Khan BB, Yaqoob M, Riaz M, Younas M, Iqbal A (2005) Livestock Management
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35. Kouniba A, Berrada M, Zahar M, Bengoumi M (2005) Composition and heat
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36. Shabo Y, Barzel R, Margoulis M, Yagil R (2005) Camel milk for food allergies in
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37. Wernery U (2008) Camel milk-new observations In: Proceedings International
Camel Conference Recent trends in camel research and future strategies for
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38. Konuspayeva G, Faye B, Loiseau G (2009) The composition of camel milk:
A meta-analysis of the literature data. J Food Composition and Analysis 22:
39. Konuspayeva G, Faye B, Loiseau G (2011) Variability of vitamin C content in
camel milk from Kazakhstan. J Camelid Sci 4: 63-69.
40. Saini N, Bhati A, Singh N, Tuteja F (2007) Trace mineral and vitamin C content
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41. Shalash MR (1988) Provisional report International Foundation for Science
(IFS). Grevturegatan, Stockholm Sweden 6: 285.
42. Dawood AA, Alkanhal MA (1995) Nutrient composition of Najdi-Camel meat.
Meat Science 39: 71-78.
43. Abbas B, Omer OH (2005) Review of infectious diseases of the camel.
Veterinary Bulletin 75: 1-16.
44. Ali MS, Majid AA (2006) Productive and reproductive characters of camels
raised in Butana area in eastern Sudan. In: Proceedings International Science
Conference on Camels Pp: 10-12.
45. Omer SA, Agab H, Samad GHA, Turki IY (2008) Effect of feed type on some
blood constituents of Sudanese growing camel (Camelus dromedarius) calves.
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