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The Influence of Combination of Castor Oil with Aquades on Increasing Moisture over a Dry Skin


Abstract and Figures

The aim of the research is to determine the combination of castor oil and aquades to increase moisture over dry skin. Part of the skin chosen for the research is face, elbow, and heel. The sample was the experiment method of purposive sampling. A total sample that has been classified is 15: 5 samples use a combination of castor oil with aquades 15%, 5 samples use the combination of castor oil with aquades10%, and 5 samples use the combination of castor oil with aquades 5%. Results show that the castor oil and aquades 15% increases the value of 0.246 which means data is normal, and in castor oil and aquades 10%, there was a rise in the value of the mean 0.279 data is normal and castor oil and aquades 5%, there was a rise in the value of the test of 0.254 means data is normal. On the test of the hypothesis means the data H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. This means that there is an influence on the use of castor oil with aquades against moisture results dry skin. So the results of the study showed that there was a score of increasing moisture content of dry skin by using a mixture of castor oil with aquades. It is known that castor oil contains high fat of linoleic acid and aquades that has neutral, so that the mixture of castor oil with aquades still contains high oil. Keywords: moisturize, dry skin, face, elbow, heel, castor oil, aquades
  
    
      
 
Conference Paper
The Influence of Combination of
Castor Oil with Aquades on Increasing
Moisture over a Dry Skin
Nurul Hidayah and Titin Supiani
         
              
               
           
            
             
             
               
                
                
                
               
              
             
                
              
  
Keywords:         
1. Introduction
               
              
               
                 
                 
             
                
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  
               
              
                
             
                
            
              
                
              
               
            
             
            
               
               
           
             
              
             
             
            
             
             
            
             
              
               
            
                 
             
              
            
              
               
                
               
   
  
Figure   
                
                
     Pharmacy      
              
              
            
              
            
Figure     
            
            
             
             
   
  
            
     
      
No. Parameter EBJ Unit
  
  
    
     
    
    
    
   
    
               
           
            
            
              
             
           
              
2. Methods and Equipment
2.1. Methods
2.1.1. Diagrammatic representation
            
          
           
              
             
              
            
                
            
   
  
          
          
        
         
             
              
                
2.1.2. Instrument
            
           
                
      
Figure    
           
              
   
         
Column 1 2 3 4 5
 
<        > 
   
  
 
     
             
              
               
              
    
   
  
    
 
              
 < 
            
   
           
    
            
   
            
> 
                  
                  
         
3. Results
            
            
           
            
           
    
    
Group Beginning Test Treatment Final Test
       
     
       
    
       
    
            
            
          
              
         
   
  
Combination of castor oil with aquades 15% for dry skin on face
             
              
Combination of castor oil with aquades 10% for dry skin on elbow
              
              
   
  
Combination of castor oil with aquades 5% for dry skin on heel
            
                
             
4. Discussion
              
              
             
              
               
             
               
             
                 
              
               
             
                
             
             
              
           
              
              
   
  
               
             
              
               
              
            
             
             
              
             
               
             
              
               
             
               
               
                 
               
                
                
                 
                  
              
               
              
                 
             
               
             
              
               
          
   
  
5. Conclusion
               
             
              
            
               
           
            
              
                
               
               
               
               
                
              
              
   
     Buku Pegangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Kosmetik 
  
        Tata Kecantikan Kulit  
   
    Rahasia cantik Alami Bebas Jerawat  
     Uji Pendahuluan Nilai Kelembaban Kulit Manu-
sia Pada Pemakaian Sediaan Masker Gel Peel Off Kulit Buah Mang-
gis          
     Buku Pegangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Kosmetik.
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
     Formulation and Evaluation of Moisturizer
Containing Herbal Extracts for the Management of Dry Skin 
       
   
  
           
     A rievew: Herbs Used As Moisturizing Cream For Skin
Treatment       
   Prospek Pasar dan Budidaya Jarak  
     Prosiding Lokakarya Pengembangan Jarak dan Wijen Dalam
Rangka OTODA
   Jasa Laboratorium Industri dan Makanan  
    Pengaruh Penggunaan Almond (Prunus Dulcis) Sebagai
Masker Wajah Terhadap Kelembaban Kulit Pada Wajah Kering   
  
        
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... et al., 2017). kandungan minyak jarak dalam 100 gram disajikan pada Tabel 1. Sumber : (Hidayah & Supiani, 2019) Kandungan asam risinoleat merupakan kandungan paling banyak,dimana bagian risinoleat memiliki gugus hidroksi pada posisi C-12, yang membuat minyak jarak lebih polar daripada minyak nabati lainnya dan memiliki sifat hidrofilik . sifat ini sangat memungkinkan dan cocok untuk digunakan sebagai produk pembersih (Raknam et al., 2020). ...
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Membersihkan wajah bukan hanya sarana untuk mengangkat kulit mati, kotoran, sebum, dan kosmetik . Membersihkan wajah juga berperan penting di luar perawatan kulit seperti dalam perbaikan psikologis dan membantu memberikan rasa peremajaan pada kulit. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengembangan produk pembersih untuk membersihkan kulit wajah secara efisien tanpa menyebabkan iritasi pada kulit serta dapat memberikan manfaat yang lain untuk perawatan kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formulasi yang sesuai untuk menghasilkan produk cleansing oil yang baik dan mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi surfaktan (decyl glucoside) terhadap stabilitas cleansing oil dengan melakukan berbagai pengujian yaitu uji organoleptik, uji viskositas, uji homogenitas, uji pH, uji stabilitas dan uji daya bersih. Hasil optimal dari penelitian ini adalah formulasi F2 dengan penggunaan konsentrasi surfaktan (decyl glucoside) 4%, yang memiliki sediaan stabil, memiliki daya bersih yang baik,tidak menimbulkan iritasi serta memiliki hasil uji sesuai Standar yang ditetapkan pada SNI 16–4380-1996 tentang syarat mutu pembersih kulit muka. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa semakin tinggi penggunaan surfaktan (decyl glucoside) maka semakin tinggi nilai viskositas,pH, dan uji daya bersih produk cleansing oil serta dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas produk
Introduction Infraorbital hyperpigmentation represents one of the most prevalent conditions in cosmetic dermatology. To treat this condition, many patients prefer natural remedies. This study explored the efficacy of topical castor oil cream in treating patients with infraorbital hyperpigmentation. Methods We conducted an exploratory single‐arm clinical trial at the Shahid Faghihi Dermatology Clinic and Molecular Dermatology Research Center of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, during 2021–2022. Using the convenience sampling method, we enrolled 25 patients with infraorbital hyperpigmentation. We instructed the patients to apply topical castor oil cream twice daily for 2 months. The darkness, melanin, and erythema levels were evaluated by VisioFace® 1000 D and SkinColorCatch® devices. We used a visual analog scale to assess skin laxity, wrinkles, and patient satisfaction. Data analysis was done with Stata version 14.2. Results The data of 22 patients with a mean age of 40.92 ± 7.33 years were analyzed. The VisioFace® scores decreased significantly by the end of the study [right eyes: mean difference (MD): ‐5.63 (95% CI: −7.12 to −4.15), p < 0.001; left eyes: MD: ‐5.91 (95% CI: −7.46 to −4.36), p < 0.001]. Moreover, castor oil cream significantly reduced the melanin level, wrinkles, and skin laxity in the infraorbital region ( p < 0.05). Conclusions Castor oil cream seems to be an effective alternative for treating infraorbital hyperpigmentation. Randomized clinical trials are needed to confirm our findings.
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Kulit yang mengalami penuaan dini menyebabkan nilai kelembaban kulit menjadi berkurang sehingga kulit menjadi kering. Berkurangnya nilai kelembaban kulit dapat diatasi dengan memberikan perawatan terhadap kulit. Perawatan dapat dilakukan dengan sediaan topikal yang mengandung antioksidan salah satunya yaitu masker gel peel off ekstrak kulit buah manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.). Penelitian pendahuluan ini bertujuan untuk melihat nilai kelembaban kulit manusia pada pemakaian masker gel peel off ekstrak kulit buah manggis. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan 5 subjek uji masing masing dioleskan plasebo pada tangan kanan dan dioleskan masker gel peel off ekstrak kulit manggis pada tangan kiri selama 14 hari. Metode perlakuan subjek uji dilakukan secara randomized, double blind, plasebo control group design. Data yang diperoleh diuji normalitas dan homogenitasnya. Data nilai kelembaban terhadap nilai sebelum dan sesudah penelitian dibandingkan dengan uji T Berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan menghasilkan nilai p<0,05 yang bermakna yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna sebelum dan sesudah dioleskan basis masker maupun masker yang mengandung kulit manggis. Kedua kelompok menunjukkan adanya perubahan, namun rentang peningkatan pada kelompok perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Dengan demikian, diketahui masker gel peel off Garcinia mangostana L. mampu meningkatkan nilai kelembaban kulit manusia lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok kontrol.
Background Formulating a moisturizer using all natural raw materials is a formidable task. The Objective present paper focuses on the formulation of completely herbal moisturizers, their evaluation and comparison with commercial moisturizer.Methods Three of the herbal moisturizers [M1–M3] formulated by using in varied concentrations [0.139–0.9%w/w] of herbal extracts, juice and gel. Further all of the prepared formulation and selected commercial moisturizer [M4] evaluated for its physicochemical and safety parameters by applying on the forearm of 20 volunteers.Results The physicochemical parameters of formulations i.e., pH, acid value, saponification value, viscosity, spreadability, layer thickness, microbial count and skin sensitivity were found to be in the range of 5.19±0.3–6.80±0.5, 6.80±0.5–9.2±1.3, 16.10±1.0–23.00±1.4, 5950±10–6600±15cps, 65±2.0–98±1.5%, 28.40±1.5–30.00±1.5m, 31 ±4–48±3 colony forming units. Formulation M1 and M4 shown an increase in percentage of skin hydration, firmness and viscoelasticity after the 3 weeks study period. Comparison study of evaluated parameters justified that formulated herbal moisturizer M1 [p<0.01] possess almost same performance characteristics when compare to M4.Conclusion Herbal ingredients are not only efficacious to treat skin dryness as compare to synthetic one but also capable to substitute synthetic base to some extent. It is up to the cosmetologist to motivate and encourage the development and use of truly herbal cosmetics.
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Pengaruh Penggunaan Almond (Prunus Dulcis) Sebagai Masker Wajah Terhadap Kelembaban Kulit Pada Wajah Kering
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