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ABSTRACT Purpose – The aim of the paper to review the Robotic process automation in the recruitment process and its practical implications. This paper discussed possible applications for the recruitment industry caused due to the adoption of Robotic process automation in the recruitment process. Design/methodology/approach - This paper is structured by the independent academician, who have reviewed of the latest articles, research papers, reports and other relevant literature and synthesized their views in the process of presenting the paper. Findings – This paper offers technology development in the field of hiring industry. The RPA for managing the hiring process and also discussed possible applications and usage of RPA in the recruitment industry. Originality/value – The paper explains the role of technology and impact of RPA on the recruitment industry as well as clients in the Industry and the highlighted Inputs for successful integration and possible applications for recruitment industry. Article classification – Viewpoint. Keywords: Robotic process automation, recruitment industry. Cite this Article Dr Nishad Nawaz, Robotic Process Automation for Recruitment Process, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 10(2), 2019, pp. 608-611. (PDF) Robotic process automation for recruitment process. Available from: [accessed Feb 16 2020]. 608
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)
Volume 10, Issue 2, March-April 2019, pp. 608-611. Article ID: IJARET_10_02_057
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499
© IAEME Publication
Dr Nishad Nawaz
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, College of Business
Administration, Kingdom University, Bahrain.
Purpose The aim of the paper to review the Robotic process automation in the
recruitment process and its practical implications. This paper discussed possible
applications for the recruitment industry caused due to the adoption of Robotic process
automation in the recruitment process.
Design/methodology/approach - This paper is structured by the independent
academician, who have reviewed of the latest articles, research papers, reports and
other relevant literature and synthesized their views in the process of presenting the
Findings This paper offers technology development in the field of hiring industry.
The RPA for managing the hiring process and also discussed possible applications and
usage of RPA in the recruitment industry.
Originality/value The paper explains the role of technology and impact of RPA
on the recruitment industry as well as clients in the Industry and the highlighted Inputs
for successful integration and possible applications for recruitment industry.
Article classification Viewpoint.
Keywords: Robotic process automation, recruitment industry.
Cite this Article Dr Nishad Nawaz, Robotic Process Automation for Recruitment
Process, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology,
10(2), 2019, pp. 608-611.
In the 21st century has introduced many technologies, the way organizations are doing their
business, human resources do their tasks as well as the public daily life is going to be drastically
assisted by new hardware, software technologies along with smart devices. The human being
life style has been changed due to the multinational culture, collaborations, along with new
technologies such as Big Data, Internet of Things, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Artificial
Intelligence and other associated technologies, besides, Robotic process automation
applications are spotted, and it is now beginning to impact HR process. (Madakam, M.
Holmukhe and Kumar Jaiswal, 2019).
Dr Nishad Nawaz 609
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a new emerging technology in recruitment Industry
and which will help various Industries progress and compete to stay on top of their business
game. The most of the HR departments of any business is responsible for many tasks along the
hire-to-retire process, in this there are many activities are repetitive, efficiency, applicant
engagement, applicant experience, time consuming and some of the work still dependent on
manual based process to help employees accomplish their work done. This process depends on
the labor force process is costly and not productive and sometimes will leads to the higher rate
of errors and even compromise compliance level.
Robotic process automation is a technology embedded software that utilizes the robots to
replace human actions for performing administrative tasks. RPA software integrate with
existing functions & tools to handle basic tasks through automation and such reduce the time
consume, cost burden on the process, addition to complete individual tasks.
The next section explains the various technologies of Robotic process automation, which
are the inputs for successful integration of Robotic process automation, finally future
applications for recruitment Industry from the Robotic process automation.
RPA reduces lot of manual based work to speed-up business growth by facilitating real-time
communication leading to find right candidate with job matching and will assess to how to
apply for specific position. RPA will also help recruiters to eliminate, which is not related to
the advertised position. RPA bots communicate to the candidate of their rejection, why it is
rejected and facilitate the feedback concerning on deficiency in skills, qualifications and
providing future requirements of company and RPA enabled technology provide notifications,
schedule of the interview and also communicate which skills are looking for future recruitment
by the organization.
The RPA useful in sending automated communications for the applicant through email and
text, however it also collecting, processing & organizing of information regarding candidate,
helpful to create database of the candidate for future use. This will lead to the enhancement of
the quality in recruitment process by shortlisting the applicants and to process the data, to give
right information to have right decision in selecting a person based on applicant’s team work
abilities, knowledge, attributes & soft skills.
The nature of RPA searching across platforms for candidates automatically responding to
potential candidates and sending out customized request to candidates. As per the Ben Slater
(2019) it will be very easy to increase candidate experience via type form, beamery surveys and
also useful for efficiency & data entry. Automated eradicate unbiased items, increased privacy
and sensitive data it can leads to the better decisions on recruitment process. RPA empowered
the process of onboarding such as offer letter administration process, the new email account,
adding new hire in the existing list, creating new telephone connection, new card process and
information regarding login codes to the new joiner.
RPA enabled algorithms can mimic human brain activity to recognize their values,
behavior, skills shortage gap of the candidate standing in front of them. It will stimulate human
conversation available 24/7 and construct strong candidate relationship management (CRM)
with recruitment agencies to improve their quality, decision making, security and to prepare
future talent pool.
RPA technology enabled chatbots assistant real-time communications, leverage sentiments,
engagement with candidate. Candidate interact with empowered RPA technology through text
messaging, email, social media, messaging apps like WhatsApp, slack, skype and ATS etc. For
Robotic Process Automation for Recruitment Process 610
effectiveness of recruitment process, the RPA technology offer details of the candidate (i.e. cv,
cover letter, contact information, experience, education and skills, reference checklist, drivers
license), FAQ, regarding advertisement of the job and schedule of the interview to the recruiter.
Human and robots work together, the robots will take care of copying, repetitive data and other
related tasks and at the same time human have an opportunity to concentrate in complex issues
and to make quality work and decisions.
The talent pool embedded with diverse teams, so recruiters required to understand
recruitment need, identification of talent community, recruitment marketing strategies,
employee turnover. RPA should enable empowerment and instant gratification of the
candidates. For successful integration in the recruitment process. It is very essential to have of
time of hire should have hiring & cost effective. RPA need to reach fast to the perspective
candidate. RPA integration required to take care of the communications, information of
candidate, sourcing & screening, automation of simple questions & instructions.
The RPA should be user friendly and for both sides of the recruiters and candidates. The
systems should offer a great efficiency, boost the applicant engagement and experience. RPA
technology scrutiny increase the best fit of the candidate hiring with-out compromising on the
(Lecaillon, Halpin and Hennebert, 2018) Deloitte’s human capital trends report expressing that
47 percent HR leaders said that most of the organizations already in involved in automation,
but only 24 percent are using AI & robotics in their daily or routines works and another study
of LinkedIn survey stated that 35 percent of hiring managers said that by 2020, RPA will be list
in the top in recruitment industry.
RPA is changing the nature of competition in the digital economy and recruitment industry
as well by impacting all of the accuracy, saving potentials, duration, productivity, reliability
and retention. RPA is significant force on recruitment industry, as it changes the strategic
direction for the future recruitment Industry. Recruitment industry controlling by using of RPA
technology control expenditure on talent acquisition for the clients and it will boost the
profitability and quality decision making.
the recruitment agencies have to develop business model, where agency will work for
development and to improve the candidate relation management or engagement. The model
should contain following new skills such as social intelligence, relationship building,
influencing, negotiation, collaborations, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, asking
questions, finding information, data analysis and judgment with quality decision.
The RPA technology is very important tool for streamlining the recruitment and hiring process.
The automation in the recruitment enabled the talent acquisition and hiring professional to have
a right decision faster by increasing candidate efficiency across the hiring process. Therefore,
RPA technology have a significant impact on an organization to find the right balance between
talent and human interaction.
Dr Nishad Nawaz 611
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... RPA is a new technology that will help various industries advance and compete to stay at the top of business competition. RPA uses robots to replace human activities in carrying out administrative tasks (Nawaz, 2019). ...
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The automotive industry is one of the priority sectors in the “Making Indonesia 4.0” program that encourages the use of advanced technology to improve operational efficiency. PT. XYZ, an automotive financing company, faces challenges in activating credit contracts which are still done manually. This process takes up to 3 hours 31 minutes per three work cycles, resulting in 52 contracts per day with an average of 5–8 minutes per contract. Human errors, such as mismatched due dates and unit deliveries, often occur, hampering efficiency and slowing down payments to suppliers. This study aims to develop a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution using Microsoft Power Automate to accelerate and improve process efficiency. The methodology used is Lean Six Sigma with the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) tools approach. Observations, interviews, and data analysis were conducted to identify processes that can be automated. The results show that RPA is able to reduce the process time from 3 hours 31 minutes to 3 hours 18 minutes (a decrease of 0.87%) and increase the number of contracts from 3,012 to 3,034. RPA also reduces human error, speeds up processes, and allows employees to focus on strategic tasks. This study proves that RPA is effective in increasing operational efficiency and productivity, especially in repetitive administrative processes. The use of RPA at PT. XYZ has a positive impact on internal efficiency while supporting flexibility and speed to compete in the industrial era 4.0.
... Moreover, digital innovation has also transformed selection procedures in learning organizations (Anghel, 2023;Trichet & Radevski, 2006). The use of applicant tracking system (ATS), digital assessments, video interviews and data analytics has streamlined processes, enhanced objectivity and improved candidate experiences, helping organizations identify and attract top talent, aligning with the principles of a learning organization that values continuous improvement and adaptability (Nawaz, 2019). ...
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the diffusion of digital innovation for talent management in Italian learning organizations. Design/methodology/approach It has been implemented a qualitative methodology to collect data, interviewing 16 experts; a mix method analysis was applied to explore thematic categories and to analyze co-occurrences by a quantitative approach analysis using T-Lab software. Findings There are some relevant points to underline: digital technologies are meant as a support to human resource management (HRM), and there is often the reference to digital gamification or gamified processes implemented for talent management procedures. Learning is a central element both for employees’ point of view and for HR specialists who feel the need for a major and more specific training on digital technologies. Research limitations/implications The limited size and composition of the sample put restrictions on the generalizability of results. The explorative nature of the study provides an in-depth consideration of digital innovation in learning organization, representing a first starting point for future quantitative investigations. From a practical point of view, this study emphasizes a learning organization culture as an essential attitude set to attract, select and retain top talents. Practical implications From a practical point of view, this study emphasizes a learning organization culture as an essential attitude set to attract, select and retain top talents. Originality/value Giving space and voice to HR and information and communication technologies experts has provided insights regarding the digitalization process in HRM in Italy, in particular, digital learning has been told as a necessary element for the competitiveness of the workforce.
... Foremost objective of the research is to clarify digital technologies encouragement HR body. This paper pitches light on how digital skills have rearranged the HR association along with digital technologies renovation and provision to the structural efficiency, aptitude approach implementation, progression forecasting, observing processes, transactional item observing, employment practice (robotics mechanization, artificial intelligence (virtual assistants), [7], employees development, analytics, worker banding administration, rewards and assignation, employee dealings and efficiency of business and lastly determined that digital technology compelling HR procedure and business arrangement into the renovation and [8] Although AI can recognize accurate ability leaders, they may effortlessly obtain bottomless visions of exercise requirements, how to support time overwhelming in broadcast the resumes, fair candidate broadcast and supportive in investigating character qualities and finally decided that behavior onboarding via virtual assistants or chatbots, this will improve employees involvement. AI is suggestively enlightening in HR utilities, particularly in presentation management. ...
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The primary objective of this research is to evaluate the artificial intelligence virtual assistant or chatbots effect on the development for recruitment. The author discovers how virtual assistants allowed facility transfer to fascinate the candidates and their arrangement in the enrollment process. The purpose of the research is to find chatbots or virtual assistants influence across the employment practice. The examination is altogether grounded on subordinate establishments like hypothetical articles papers, peer assessed explore papers, and sites are applied to talk about the present paper. The paper started that man-made brainpower menial helpers or chatbots are exceptionally productive devices during the time spent work and it will be obliging in figuring business approach for the Production. Besides, it targets more on to clarify complex issues in the act of business. Despite the fact that the blend of man-made brainpower business strategy is developing politeness among the agents still there is forthcoming opportunity to investigate in the field. The exploration conveyed prospective research openings in the field of remote helpers or chatbots and criminologists
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Human Resource (HR) procedures has fostered a culture of data-driven decision-making. Leveraging AI technologies enables companies to optimize employee selection and performance evaluation through enhanced neuropsychological assessments of candidates. Neuropsychological assessment focuses on analyzing a candidate's cognitive, emotional, and psychological functioning to determine their capability to perform a specific role. Using modern AI tools helps organizations experience a paradigmatic shift toward a more responsive, and strategic approach to HR management. The present study analyse the role of AI in neuropsychological assessment within employee selection and performance evaluation, exploring its potential benefits and challenges. Through a comprehensive review of current research on the latest advancements and evolving trends in AI for HR practices and neuropsychological assessment, this study aims to provide HR professionals with detailed insights into the various tools that can be used for transforming HR processes.
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Celem artykułu jest systematyzacja wiedzy na temat wykorzystania nowych technologii w procesie rekrutacji oraz doboru pracowników, a także próba odpowiedzi na pytanie: czy, a jeśli tak, w jakim stopniu i zakresie można wykorzystywać nowe technologie w procesie rekrutacji do służb mundurowych? Problem ten rozwiązano przy wykorzystaniu metody narracyjnego przeglądu literatury oraz aktów prawnych regulujących procesy rekrutacyjne w wybranych polskich służbach mundurowych. Dziś żadna z 11 polskich służb mundurowych nie wykorzystuje nowych technologii w procesie rekrutacji. Rekrutacja do służb mundurowych obejmuje pewne elementy, w których wykorzystanie nowych technologii pomogłoby zoptymalizować ten proces. Najlepszym rozwiązaniem rekrutacyjnym w przypadku służb mundurowych wydaje się być połączenie czynnika ludzkiego z technologią, czyli wprowadzenie rekrutacji hybrydowej. Łączenie tradycyjnych metod selekcji opartych na bezpośrednim kontakcie z kandydatem z rekrutacją zdalną wspomaganą przez nowe technologie pozwoli skrócić czas rekrutacji, która obecnie trwa kilka miesięcy, i stworzy możliwość skuteczniejszej selekcji kandydatów.
Conference Paper
Alarm management is a critical component in various industries, essential for the timely detection and response to system anomalies and failures. The cornerstone of effective alarm management is the comprehensive preparation and maintenance of variable tables that accurately map alarms to their associated attributes. Traditionally, this task relies heavily on manual data entry, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to human error and resource-intensive. To address these challenges, we are introducing an innovative approach that leverages Robotics Process Automation (RPA) to automate the preparation of these variable tables. The integration of RPA into this process offers several significant advantages: enhanced efficiency by drastically reducing the time required for preparation and maintenance, improved accuracy by minimizing human involvement and thereby reducing errors, and optimized resource utilization by freeing up personnel to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. Additionally, RPA provides a scalable solution capable of handling large volumes of data without compromising performance or accuracy. This novel approach not only streamlines the process of alarm management but also sets a new benchmark for how industries can harness advanced technologies to enhance operational efficiency and reliability. By adopting RPA, organizations can achieve higher levels of accuracy, optimize resource utilization, and scale their operations more effectively, ultimately leading to improved overall system performance and resilience. Furthermore, we are planning to replicate the success of RPA in the Control and Automation (C&A) discipline and extend its application to the preparation of other critical deliverables, such as the instrument index, load list, and line list. Our efforts also include making this innovative solution available in the cloud, enabling other engineering design consultants to fully benefit from the efficiencies and improvements RPA offers, facilitating broader access, collaboration, and scalability for enhanced project execution and seamless workflow integration.
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The adoption and integration of business with technology today is not a choice anymore but is for the longevity and survival of the business. Business hubs are now arraying with technology for growth and expansion. Progressive transformation of the organizations can be seen where Artificial intelligence in engaged for the core processes like Human resource management, logistic management, finance, production, marketing, operations etc. Today Human resource department is more inclined towards finest and optimum amalgamation of automated and human efforts in an organization. It has become important for the professionals engaged with the HR department to establish themselves for the technological changes, which are becoming major facet of redefining the workforce and organizational characteristics. The purpose of this research paper is to emphasize on the importance of Artificial Intelligence in remodeling the human resource practices. Also to analyze the advantages of AI in Human resource management functions. Extensive literature review was applied to meet the objectives of the paper. Secondary data was collected from publications, research papers, HR blogs, Survey reports and websites. The research paper is descriptive in nature. It was concluded that Artificial intelligence definitely plays a crucial role in carrying out Human resource function right from acquisition of human resource to mapping the performance. Thus integration of AI in human resource function is growing at a faster pace.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized talent acquisition and management, particularly in the field of Electronic Human Resource Management (eHRM). AI-Enhanced eHRM systems, which use machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and big data analytics, can analyze vast candidate data, identify patterns, and predict candidate suitability, streamlining the hiring process. AI-driven systems can reduce bias in recruitment practices, promoting a more inclusive workplace. They can also actively attract passive candidates by analyzing online activities, social media, and professional networks. AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants provide real-time responses, application status updates, and personalized feedback, enhancing the candidate experience. Onboarding is optimized by personalized plans based on individual skill gaps and learning preferences. AI-Enhanced eHRM also optimizes the employee lifecycle, providing real-time feedback, identifying areas of improvement, and suggesting targeted training opportunities. However, ethical considerations such as data privacy, security, and algorithmic transparency must be balanced. In conclusion, AI-Enhanced eHRM is revolutionizing talent acquisition, transforming how organizations identify, attract, and nurture top talent.
Purpose Research of currently limited literature sees Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as an important tool at the tactical level. However, the literature has not considered its potential contribution to creating competitive advantages. This paper aims to link RPA and Resource-based view (RBV) literature, proposing a conceptual framework boosting RPA research as part of an organizational AI strategy. Design/methodology/approach This study applied a Systematic Literature Review (SRL), combining bibliometrics and content analysis. This study also built a new framework based on the updated RBV model that was transformed based on the RPA literature review results. Findings By bridging the two bodies of literature on RBV and RPA, this study manages to show the strategic side of the technology. Therefore, this study brought to light the most updated fundamental concepts of complementarity and scale-free fungible resources from RBV theory and AI technologies, applied to the domains of RPA, information systems and information technology (IS/IT) through the development of a new theoretical lens. Also, this study was able to elaborate on a new conceptual framework for AI strategy formulation to help organizations on their journey to AI utilization. Originality/value The authors did not find any research that has shown the strategic side of RPA, nor any that has used a theoretical lens based on the RBV theory to show this side. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study seems to be the first to make the case for RPA's strategic potential.
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Automation is the process of handling various parameters of process like temperature, flow, level etc. without presence of responsible person. In industrial field, Automation and control have greatly improve in industrial manufacturing in the world Technological advancement in automation and control over the past decades have contributed greatly to improve the productivity of virtually all manufacturing industries throughout the world. In the development of automation controllers the trend has been to move towards soft controllers so as to provide better control, more flexibility and more reliability with intelligent diagnostics of machine faults. So industries have gradually moved from conventional relay logic control to programmable logic control and then to computerized numeric control. In this paper all the required control, induction and servo motor performance data with ladder logic programming will be taken to a personal computer via PLC for further analysis. Various results are obtained and discussed.
Getting Started Agenda Here with you today RPA Today-RPA tomorrow 2 RPA what are the challenges and insights from the expert
  • B Lecaillon
  • L Halpin
  • N Hennebert
Lecaillon, B., Halpin, L. and Hennebert, N. (2018) Getting Started Agenda Here with you today RPA Today-RPA tomorrow 2 RPA what are the challenges and insights from the expert.
the Future Digital Work Force: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)', Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management
  • S Madakam
  • M Holmukhe
  • R Kumar Jaiswal
Madakam, S., M. Holmukhe, R. and Kumar Jaiswal, D. (2019) 'the Future Digital Work Force: Robotic Process Automation (RPA)', Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 16, pp. 1-16. doi: 10.4301/s1807-1775201916001.
Candidate experience recruiting with robots: is automation a dirty word
  • S L A T E R Ben
Ben, S.L.A.T.E.R. 2019. Candidate experience recruiting with robots: is automation a dirty word?. [Online]. [18 March 2019]. Available from:
LinkedIn 2018 report highlights top global trends in recruiting
  • Linkedin
Linkedin. 2018. LinkedIn 2018 report highlights top global trends in recruiting. [Online].
A Review On Data Acquisition and Control System for Industrial Automation Application
  • K Snehal
  • Paliwal
  • Mrs
  • P Shaila
  • Kharde
  • Reagan Robinson
  • Nnabio
  • Charity M Kpabep
Snehal K.Paliwal, Mrs. Shaila P. Kharde, Robinson, Reagan Nnabio and Kpabep, Charity M., A Review On Data Acquisition and Control System for Industrial Automation Application. International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology, 6(7), 2015, pp. 26-30.
Design and Implementation of Wireless Control of Pick and Place Robotic Arm
  • Arka Sain
  • Janardan Dattani
  • M Dhara
  • Mehta
Arka Sain, Janardan Dattani and Dhara M Mehta, Design and Implementation of Wireless Control of Pick and Place Robotic Arm, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 9(3), 2018, pp 276-283.
Mems Sensors Controlled Haptic Forefinger Robotic Aid
  • B D Varalakshmi
  • Abhilasha Pachauri
  • J Thriveni
  • K Venugopal
  • L M Patnaik
Varalakshmi B D, Abhilasha Pachauri, Thriveni J, Venugopal K R and Patnaik L M, Mems Sensors Controlled Haptic Forefinger Robotic Aid, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET), Volume 5, Issue 10, October (2014), pp. 45-54.