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International Journal for Quality Research 13(1) 177-192
ISSN 1800-6450
Corresponding author: André Luís Policani Freitas
Email:; 177
André Luís Policani
Freitas 1
Thays Silva Lacerda
Article info:
Received 04.04.2018
Accepted 08.09.2018
UDC - 769.015.132
DOI - 10.24874/IJQR13.01-11
Abstract: Several studies have been conducted to identify the
factors that most influence on service quality and customer
satisfaction in the fitness industry. However, little attention
has been dedicated to the identification of the most relevant
attributes. This study aims to fulfill this gap and suggests that
it is also necessary to identify the factors and the attributes
which are most important concerning the perceptions of
customers of fitness centers. Based on the scientific literature,
a 23-item questionnaire was designed and a sample of 368
customers of four Brazilian fitness centers was considered.
Factorial analysis and Quartile analysis revealed that the
most important factors are related to Workout facilities &
Price and Staff. The fitness equipment must be varied and in
sufficient quantity, besides being in perfect working order.
Special attention should be dedicated to the instructors'
politeness and competence, and the accuracy of information
they provide. The overall cleanliness of the fitness center and
the value of service are also important.
Keywords: Fitness centers, Service quality management,
Fitness attributes, Customer behavior
1. Introduction
The modern man's lifestyle has been
observed around the world. The concern
with sedentarism and the pursuit for health
are fundamental in the introduction of the
physical exercises in the daily routine of the
population. Over the last two decades,
several studies (e.g. Afthinos, Theodorakis,
& Nassis, 2005; Breesch, Vos, & Scheerder,
2015; Cheng, 2013; Lagrosen & Lagrosen,
2007) have reported the worldwide growing
number of fitness centers. However, the
resulting increase in the level of
competitiveness among fitness centers has
become an important issue that managers
and researchers need to deal with.
In this context, an expansion strategy
followed amongst the fitness chains is based
on growing organically by using their own
resources and/or expanding by market
consolidation, i.e., by acquisition of their
competitors (IHRSA, 2007). On the other
hand, despite the fact that the health and
fitness market presents a low differentiation
level in terms of service offering (Moxham
& Wiseman, 2009), we believe that there is
an opportunity to the fitness centers
(specially the small and medium ones) to
achieve competitive advantage by focusing
on quality of services. First, it is necessary to
understand that a fitness center or fitness
club is a service-intensive business.
Although it is not an easy task to provide
high quality and satisfying services to all
customers, it is, in fact, the main objective
178 A. L. P. Freitas, T. S. Lacerda
for most fitness and health centers (Cheng,
Second, within this competitive global
environment, one of the essential strategies
for success, good functioning and survival of
any service organization is the provision of
superior service to customers (Cudney,
Elrod, & Uppalanchi, 2012; Grönroos, 1984;
Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985;
Sasser & Reichheld, 1990). This scenario is
not different from the fitness industry. With
high customer turnover, and the competition
for customers, fitness centers managers need
to cater customers demands (Macintosh,
Doherty, & Walker, 2010) and develop
strategic frameworks that include each of the
attributes that target customers use to make
their purchase decisions (Sheehan & Bruni-
Bossio, 2015).
Understanding exactly which are the
customers’ needs and wants is a key point in
total quality management (Griffin & Hauser,
1993). Customer needs are measured in
terms of consequences, which are
determined by asking customers directly
what they are looking for in a product or
service (Cudney et al., 2012), that is, it is
necessary to identify the main attributes of a
service process. Several scales have been
developed and studies have been conducted
in order to measure service quality and
customer satisfaction in fitness centers,
fitness clubs, sport centers and health clubs.
However, there is still no consensus about
the most adequate scale and, specifically, the
most adequate set of atributes or criteria to
assess service quality in such organizations.
Further, before we even attempt to measure
service quality and customer's satisfaction in
relation to the services provided by fitness
centers, it is firstly necessary to identify the
attributes and factors considered important
by the customers.
To contribute to address the problem in
question, an exploratory approach was
conducted in Brazilian fitness centers to
assess the importance degree of a set of
attributes and, consequently, to identify the
most important factors and attributes to
assess service quality concerning customers’
2. Literature review
2.1. Service quality
The continuing growth and competition
among fitness centers has led them to look
for ways to differentiate themselves in order
to retain existing members and attract new
customers. One element of differentiation
available at fitness centers is that of
delivering exceptional levels of service
quality (Moxham & Wiseman, 2009).
In spite of the several scientific works
focused on the service quality field, there are
still some lacks of consensus among
managers and researchers concerning the
concept of service quality (Freitas & Costa,
2012). However, the concept of quality of
service is intrinsically related to the
understanding of the concept of service and
to some distinctive features of service
operations (Papadimitriou & Karteroliotis,
"Services are a form of product that consists
of activities, benefits, or satisfactions offered
for sale, that are essentially intangible and do
not result in the ownership of anything"
(Kotler & Armstrong, 2012). "Services are
performances rather than objects, thus,
precise manufacturing specifications
concerning uniform quality can rarely be
set". Services are heterogeneous, thus, "their
performance generally varies from producer
to producer, from customer to customer, and
from day to day". Since "most services are
intangible, they cannot be counted,
measured, inventoried, tested and verified in
advance of sale to assure quality"
(Parasuraman et al., 1985). Services are
produced and consumed simultaneously.
Because services cannot be stored, they are
perishable. Specificaly, they are lost forever
when not used and, in such cases, a lost
opportunity has occurred. This inability to
inventory services prevents the use of the
traditional manufacturing strategy of
depending on inventory as a buffer to absorb
oscillations in demand. Thus, the full impact
of demand variations is transfered to the
system (Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons, 2006).
All those characteristics are present in the
services performed at fitness centers. For
instance, fitness equipments that were not
occupied by customers cannot be allocated
to another occasion, as in high demand
periods (intangibility and perishability), the
results of uncorrect exercises programs or
weights used by customers can be perceived
immediatly and they eventually can produce
severe muscle injuries (simultaneity), and
the attendance of instructors may vary at
certain times (heterogeneity). Moreover,
fitness centers are also noticed as having
special distinctive features that are
associated with the close participation of
fitness centers members in the production
and service consumption (Chelladurai, 1992;
Moxham & Wiseman, 2009). On the other
hand, the high turnover of staff and
customers and because the fitness industry is
highly seasonal, it has been even harder to
measure service quality in this sector. Thus,
a brief description of the quality of services
in the fitness industry is necessary.
2.2. Service quality scales in the fitness
Studies in the fitness sector have specific
attributes and scales aimed at measuring the
service quality and customer satisfaction of
this branch of services. However, it has been
up to each researcher or practitioner to verify
among the studies of greater relevance, the
main attributes and dimensions related to the
services provided by fitness centers. Table 1
summarizes the fitness centers quality scales
and dimensions used in prior studies and a
brief description of each study is presented
Table 1. Researches, fitness centers quality scales and dimensions in prior studies.
Dimensions (Factors)
Chelladurai et al.,
Primary core professional services, primary core consumer
services, primary peripheral services, primary facilitating goods,
secondary consumer services and facilitating goods.
Kim & Kim, 1995;
Afthinos et al., 2005.
Ambiance, employee attitude, reliability, informationgiving,
programming, personal consideration, price, exclusivity, ease of
mind, convenience, stimulation, and social opportunity.
Triadó et al., 1999
Quality of facilities, human resources quality, cost,
communication and importance of the social environment.
Chang & Chelladurai,
Service climate, management commitment to service quality,
programmes; Interpersonal interaction, task interaction, physical
environment, other customers, service failures/recovery; and
perceived service quality.
Lam et al., 2005;
Albayrak & Caber,
2014; Moreira &
Silva, 2015.
Staff, program, locker room, physical facilities, workout
facilities, and child care.
Morales & Gálvez,
Sports facilities, attention to the user, sports spaces, dressing
room, program of activities, teacher or monitor.
Yildiz, 2011.
Personnel, physical environment, supporting services, and
Yildiz &Kara, 2012.
Staff, programme and installations.
Nuviala et al., 2015.
Perceived quality, satisfaction; and value of service.
Vieira & Ferreira,
Employee competences, facilities, core services, complementary
180 A. L. P. Freitas, T. S. Lacerda
Chelladurai, Scott, and Haywood-Farmer
(1987) developed the SAFS scale (Scale of
Attributes of Fitness Services) to measure
the extent to which each attribute or
dimension proposed in the theoretical model
influenced consumers' choice of fitness
clubs. Data from 436 customers of Canadian
fitness centers were collected in order to
measure the degree of influence of certain
factors in the decision to purchase fitness
services. ANOVA, item-total correlations
and internal consistency measures were used
to construct a model that represent the
members’ experience in fitness centers. The
resulting model consists of five dimensions:
Primary core professional services (D1);
Primary core consumer services (D2);
Primary peripheral services (D3); Primary
facilitating goods (D4); and Secondary
consumer services and facilitating goods
(D5). The authors reported that fitness clubs
often emphasize the secondary goods and
services in their marketing efforts in order to
differentiate from their competitors.
However, the study revealed that all groups
ranked secondary services and facilitating
goods as the least important dimensions. In
addition to performing the proposed
measurement, the instrument showed
significant internal consistency.
Kim and Kim (1995) developed the QUESC
(QUality Excellence of Sports Centers)
instrument to evaluate the quality of services
provided in sports centers in Korea. The
initial QUESC instrument consisted of 45
scale items listed in pairs, which were
written separately in a two-part
questionnaire. The first part elicited
responses concerning the desirability of a list
of scale items, while the second part asked
respondents to indicate the level of service
delivered by their sport center for each item.
The research was carried out with 271
members, and it has shown that there are
potentially 12 distinct dimensions of sport
centers' service quality: ambiance, employee
attitude, reliability, information, programs,
personal considerations, social opportunity,
price, privilege, ease of mind, convenience,
stimulation, and. More specifically,
cleanliness, security of personal goods,
convenient schedules, convenient access to
the facilities, preparedness for emergency,
and provision of safety education were found
to be the most desirable atributes.
Triadó, Aparicio and Rimbau (1999)
conducted a study to identify the factors
(dimensions) that most impact customer
satisfaction in sport centers. A sample of 698
customers from fifteen sports centers in
Barcelona (Spain) were considered and a
factorial analysis resulted in five factors:
facilities, human resources, money,
communication and importance of the social
environment. A multiple regression model
was constructed to verify the relative
importance of such factors in customer
satisfaction. The results indicated that
improvement actions should focus on
Human resources (F2), Facilities (F1),
Communication (F4), and Price policy (F3),
in this order.
Afthinos, Theodorakis, & Nassis (2005) used
the QUESC scale (Kim & Kim, 1995) to
measure the service quality in Greek fitness
centers. The results indicated that the
tangible atributes of the facilities, attitudes
and abilities of staff, the attributes related to
the cost of participation and programming
and scheduling of the services were the most
desirable aspects of service delivery in
Greek fitness centers.
Chang & Chelladurai (2003) developed the
Scale of Quality in Fitness Services (SQFS)
Confirmatory factor analyses were
conducted and the resulting factorial solution
was composed of 35 items distributed into
nine independent factors (Service climate,
Management commitment to service quality,
Programmes from the input stage;
Interpersonal interaction, Task interaction,
Physical environments, Other customers,
Service failures/recovery from the
throughput stage; and Perceived service
quality from the output stage).
Lam, Zhang, and Jensen (2005) developed
the Service Quality Assessment Scale
(SQAS) to measure the service quality of
health andfitness clubs. Exploratory factor
analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and an
invariance test across gender were performed
to construct a 31-item questionnaire divided
into 6 factors (Staff, Program, Locker room,
Physical facilities, Workout facilities, and
Child care).
Albayrak & Caber (2014) used the SQAS
scale (Lam et al., 2005) to identify the
service atributes of a fitness club situated in
the city centre of Antalya (Turkey).
Symmetric influences of the attributes on
overall customer satisfaction were analysed
by Importance-Performance Analysis
(Martilla & James, 1977) and the Penalty-
Reward-Contrast Analysis (Busacca &
Padula, 2005) was used to investigate the
asymmetric influences of the service
attributes. The IPA results suggest that Staff,
Locker room and Workout facility are
factors that service companies should focus
on, being both important and performing
well. The results also reveal that Workout
facility is a basic factor, Locker room is a
performance factor and Staff is the only
service attribute which has the power to
influence customers’ overall satisfaction.
Morales and Gálvez (2011) developed the
Perceived Quality Assessment Questionnaire
in Sports Services (CECASDEP). A pilot
test was conducted to evaluate the reliability
and validity of the questionnaire using 110
respondents from fitness centers in the
municipalities of Velez-Málaga and Ronda
(Spain). In its first version, the questionnaire
was composed of 71 items, which were
reduced in later versions. The responses
were collected using a continuous scale
varying from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5
(Strongly agree) concerning six scales:
Sports facilities; Attention to the user; Sports
spaces; Dressing room; Program of
activities; Teacher or instructor. As the
factorial structure and Cronbach's alpha
found were appropriate, this study qualifies
and designs CECASDEP as a valid, reliable
and accurate tool.
Yildiz (2011) developed the Service Quality
Scale for Fitness Centers (SQS-FC) for
assessing service quality in fitness centers. A
sample of 246 customers of fitness centers in
Turkey was considered and Factor analysis
was conducted. The resulting scale was
composed of four factors (Personnel,
Physical environment, Supporting services,
and Programs). The IPA revealed that
programs, personnel and physical
environment were the most important factors
for fitness center customers.
Yildiz & Kara (2012) proposed the QSport-
14 scale to measure service quality in
physical activity and sports centers. The
questionnaire was composed of 14 items
distributed into 3 dimensions (Staff,
Programme and Installations). A sample of
164 customers of fitness centers was
considered and Confirmatory Factor
Analysis was conducted. The results
indicated that the Programme dimension was
the most important factor for the largest
segment of customers.
Moreira & Silva (2015) developed an
evaluation model to investigate service
quality, satisfaction, trust and commitment
as loyalty antecedents in a private
Portuguese healthcare unit. Four dimensions
were used from de original SQAS scale
developed by Lam, Zhang, & Jensen (2005)
for service quality evaluation. The results
indicate that adapted SQAS constructs are
both valid and meaningful in accessing
service quality in healthcare.
Nuviala, Grao-Cruces, Nuviala, &
Fernández-Ozcorta (2015) used structural
equations to verify the relationship between
service quality and user satisfaction, as well
as to identify the relationship between
perceived value and customer satisfaction.
Data were collected through the EPOD2
questionnaire (Nuviala et al., 2013), which
consists of 25 items. It focuses on three areas
of assessment: perceived quality (20 items, 6
factors); satisfaction (4 items); and value of
service (1 item). The analysis of the
questionnaires answered by 2667 users of 78
182 A. L. P. Freitas, T. S. Lacerda
Spanish fitness club indicated quality as an
antecedent of perceived value and user
Vieira & Ferreira (2017) proposed the use of
the blue ocean strategy to comprehend the
current strategic positioning of fitness clubs
regarding the quality dimensions. The study
was conducted to a sample of 151 fitness
club managers in Portugal. The results of the
exploratory factorial analysis revealed that
the main factors in the strategy of fitness
clubs are associated with the employees’
competences, facilities, core services and
complementary services.
Despite the existence of the aforementioned
studies, it is noted that there is still no
consensus about the most adequate scale and
the most important factors and atributes to be
used to assess service quality in fitness
centers since the several studies consider
different and variate attributes. Further, it is
also noted that the existing studies are
mainly focused in the identification of the
factors that most influence on service quality
and customer satisfaction in fitness centers.
3. Methodology
3.1. Questionnaire and variables
After conducting a systematic literature
review on the quality of services of fitness
centers, a 23-item questionnaire was
developed to measure the importance degree
of the attributes regarding the quality of
fitness centers. To ensure the content validity
of the questionnaire, the recommendations
and suggestions of two service quality
management professors and four managers
of fitness centers were considered. Based on
the results of the content adequacy
assessment, minor adjustments were made to
the items (attributes) of the questionnaire
that was divided into the following two
• Block I (respondent identification):
This block contains demographic
variables to identify characteristics
of the respondents (gender, age,
marital status and schooling),
patterns of use (time that practices
physical activities in fitness center
and frequency) and motivational
issues (aesthetics, quality of life,
health, physical wellbeing and
• Block II (evaluation process): In
this block the respondents
(customers of the fitness centers)
establish the degree of importance
of each criterion for the services in
fitness centers. The responses
varied from 0 (unimportant) to 10
(very important). The respondent
could use the option ‘(N/A) Not
Applicable’ if the item was not
relevant to the service quality of
fitness centers or if the item was not
clear. Table 2 shows the 23
attributes (items) that compose the
Table 2. The attributes (items) of the questionnaire.
I1 Cleanliness of the fitness centera; I2 Availability of equipment cleaning products; I3 Temperature
control; I4 Physical appearance; I5 Comfort of facilities; I6 Location; I7 Parking lot; I8 Waiting time for
the beginning of service; I9 Competence of instructorsb; I10 Performance of instructors when facing
problems and complaints; I11 Accuracy of information provided by instructors; I12 Number of instructors
available; I13 Politeness of the instructors; I14 Instructors near the equipment to clarify doubts; I15
Number of the equipment available; I16 Functionality of the equipment; I17 Location of the equipment; I18
Ease of use of the equipment; I19 Preservation of equipment; I20 Variety of equipment; I21 Maintenance
of the equipment; I22 Value of service; I23 Price.
a The scientific literature reveals that these attributes are also used to assess the service quality and
customer satisfaction in health clubs, sport centers and fitness clubs.
b Instructors sometimes can also be denominated trainers, technical staff, and physical education teacher.
The cleanliness of the fitness centers is an
attribute present in many studies (Bodet,
2006; Chelladurai et al., 1987; Howat &
Assaker, 2016; Kim & Kim, 1995; Lam et
al., 2005; Macintosh & Doherty, 2007;
Nuviala et al., 2013; Triadó et al., 1999;
Tsitskari, Antoniadis, & Costa, 2014; Yildiz,
2011), and the main concern of the
respondents is precisely the cleaning of the
environment and the hygiene of fitness
equipment. In this sense, this attribute is
relevant because in peak times it becomes
practically impossible for the cleaning team
of the fitness centers to carry out their work
perfectly. However, if the fitness center
provides cleaning products, customers can
sanitize the equipment (e.g. benches, seats
and mats) before (and perhaps, after) using
it, contributing to increase satisfaction. Thus,
the availability of equipment cleaning
products is an attribute that is suggested.
The temperature control is present in several
scales, in the context that the thermal
pleasantness of the environment affects the
performance of the customers (Bodet, 2006;
Kim & Kim, 1995; Lam et al., 2005; Yildiz,
2011). The physical appearance atribute goes
from the conservation of the fitness centers
(Howat & Assaker, 2016) to the
attractiveness of internal and external
architecture (Soita, 2012), as well as
translating the professional appearance of the
environment (Yildiz, 2011). In CECASDEP
scale (Morales & Gálvez, 2011) the space
and comfort of the environment is also
The location of the fitness centers has also
been considered in scientific surveys (Bodet,
2006; Gonçalves, Biscaia, Correia, & Diniz,
2014; Lam et al., 2005; Macintosh &
Doherty, 2007; Morales & Gálvez, 2011)
and it is possible that this attribute influences
customers’ choice. One reason for this is the
high competition in the sector. Thus, by
addressing this type of questioning,
managers of the fitness centers can map out
the information of their customers (where
they live, where they study and/or work) and
then promote marketing actions. The parking
lot attibute concerns the availability of good
and safe parking area (Albayrak & Caber,
2014; Howat & Assaker, 2016; Macintosh &
Doherty, 2007).
Chelladurai et al. (1987) investigated the
presence of queues in these establishments.
This atribute is also observed in (Macintosh
& Doherty, 2007) in the item ease of check-
in. Macintosh & Doherty (2007) also
consider this issue when defined the item
ease of check-in. Other authors question the
timing of classes, which, once poorly
dimensioned, may lead to waiting time
(Bodet, 2006; Howat & Assaker, 2016;
Soita, 2012). Desiring to contribute to this
investigation, our study suggests the attribute
"Waiting time for the beginning of service".
According to Triadó, Aparicio, & Rimbau
(1999), the human resources of the fitness
center have a real influence on customer's
satisfaction. Fitness instructors are the main
employee group within the sector and,
arguably, have the most direct interaction
with the customer in the provision of the
service, so they are required to give guidance
on the correct use of facilities and design
exercise programmes (Lloyd, 2005). This
professional should be courteous, polite and
willing to serve the customers. Thus, it is
expected that it is always close to equipment
and accessible to customers. Bodet (2006)
emphasizes the importance of the number of
professionals, since the customers must be
assisted during the training in order to avoid
injuries. In addition, the instructor should
guide the client clearly, providing
information about the exercises, equipment,
accessories and the functioning of the gym
with accuracy. Therefore, six attributes
associated with instructors' performance are
suggested in the study.
The fitness center must have enough
equipment to serve its customers, avoiding
the formation of queues close to the
equipment (Macintosh & Doherty, 2007;
Nuviala et al., 2013). The distribution of
equipment in the environment (layout)
should be designed in such a way as to
184 A. L. P. Freitas, T. S. Lacerda
exploit the environment to the maximum, to
facilitate the transit of people and to avoid
accidents (Gonçalves et al., 2014; Kim &
Kim, 1995; Lam et al., 2005).
The variety and modernity of equipment can
be differentials of the fitness center, since
having several modern equipment will attract
a larger audience. (Macintosh & Doherty,
2007; Yildiz, 2011). However, most of the
fitness equipment are very expensive and its
update is not an easy task for many fitness
centers (especially for small and medium-
sized fitness centers which are located
inlow-income and medium-income
countries). In this context, the present study
proposes attributes related to the ease of use
of the equipment, as well as its functionality,
preservation and maintenance.
As any other branch of service, fitness
centers customers are also price conscious
and this concern is not new, as Kim & Kim
(1995) already examined the price. However,
according to Howat & Assaker (2016),
customers perceive the quality levels of the
process, so they can also perceive the value
of the service, that is, they know how to
identify the relationship between what is
offered and the amount charged. As
discussed in previous studies (Bodet, 2006;
Howat & Assaker, 2016; Macintosh &
Doherty, 2007; Triadó et al., 1999), the
financial context is incorporated in this study
with the attributes "Value of Service" and
3.2. Sample and methods
This exploratory study was conducted in
collaboration with 368 customers of four
fitness centers of a 500,000 inhabitants’ city
of the countryside of Brazil. Convenience
sampling was used to collect data and
judgements from the customers.
A balanced number of male (44%) and
female (56%) respondents was observed in
the sample, whose predominant age range is
between 25 and 34 years old. Respondents
are predominantly single (54.62%) and
approximately 41% of them declared higher
education, even if they are attending or have
already completed it.
Component Factor analysis was used to
summarise the information contained in the
original items into a smaller set of composite
dimensions (factors) with a minimum loss of
information. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient
(Cronbach, 1951) was used to measure the
questionnaire reliability. An analysis with
alpha coefficient and item-total correlations
was also conducted to identify items that
could be dropped to increase the
questionnaire reliability. Item-total
correlations are correlations between an item
and the overall dimension score to which
that item belongs to but do not include the
one item being correlated (Hayes, 1998).
According to such analysis, if an item is not
highly correlated with a composite of the
remaining items, it may be excluded from
the questionnaire.
Quartile Analysis was used to identify which
items were most critical. Quartile analysis is
a ranking measure proposed by Freitas,
Manhães, and Cozendey (2006) to classify
items by four priority levels (critical priority,
high priority, moderate priority, and low
priority) based on the importance averages
of the items. The quartiles are considered to
be border values. The importance averages
are used to calculate three quartiles by which
the items are assigned into the previously
mentioned priority levels. The items with
importance averages greater than the third
quartile are nominated as critical priority,
and they should therefore be analysed first
by the managers to achieve possible
improvements; items with importance
averages lower than the first quartile are
nominated as low priority, because the
averages are the lowest for these items.
4. Data analysis and results
Some testing assumptions were preliminary
conducted to verify the feasibility of factor
analysis. Regarding the sample size, there is
a ratio of sixteen observations for each
variable. According to Hair, Black, Babin,
Anderson, & Tatham (2006) this ratio is
appropriate for the calculation of correlations
among variables. The Bartlett sphericity test
(χ2 = 4660.697; p < .05) and the Kaiser-
Meyer-Olkin statistic (KMO = 0.910) reports
that the matrix of correlations for the
exploratory factor analysis seems to be
significant and appropriate describe the data
The factor solution was derived from the
component analysis with Varimax rotation of
23 variables and the four resulting factors
explained approximately 59% of the total
variance. The denomination of the factors is
related to the content of the questionnaire
items assigned to each factor (dimension).
Consequently, the first factor, ‘Workout
facilities & price’, explains the greatest
quantity of variance (19.15%). For
interpretation purposes, factor loadings ±.40
or above were considered. Table 3 shows the
extracted factors/dimensions (D1, D2, D3,
D4), the variables (items), the factor loadings
and the percentages of explained variance by
each factor.
Table 3. Factor solution.
Factor interpretation
(% variance
Variables (items) included in the factor
D1 Workout facilities
& price
V1 Maintenance of equipment
V2 Preservation of equipment
V3 Functionality of the equipment
V4 Variety of equipment
V5 Number of the equipment available
V6 Value of service
V7 Price
D2 Staff
V8 Politeness of the instructors
V9 Accuracy of information provided by instructors
V10 Performance of instructors when facing problems and
V11 Competence of instructors
V12 Number of instructors available
V13 Parking lot
V14 Location
D3 Layout & facilities
V15 Location of equipment
V16 Ease of use of the equipment
V17 Waiting time for the beginning of service
V18 Availability of equipment cleaning products
V19Instructors near the equipment to clarify doubts
D4 Ambient
Conditions &
V20 Temperature control
V21 Comfort of facilities
V22 Cleanliness
V23 Physical appearance of the fitness center
Thus, it is assumed that D1 is the most
important factor. More specifically,
customer's inclination to pay certain monthly
payment may be greatly influenced by the
way that he/she perceives the items
associated with equipament at the fitness
centers. Staff is the second most important
factor and it essentially represents the
instructors' attitudes and performance. The
other dimension that it is worth highlighting
186 A. L. P. Freitas, T. S. Lacerda
is D3. Items linked to this factor refer to the
idea of the customer who is already in the
fitness centers not having to wait for
performing the physical activities. Finally,
the less important factor refers to the
ambient conditions and the overall
cleanliness condition of the fitness center.
Table 4 shows the Average Degree of
Importance ( 𝐷𝐼
𝑖 ) on each variable i (i = 1,
2, ..., 23),. The Cronbach’s α values per
factor/Dimension (αD), the α value if an
item i is excluded from the dimension (αIe)
it belongs, and the Item-Total Correlations
(ITC) are also presented.
Table 4. Average importance, Cronbach’s alpha and item-total correlations.
( 𝐷𝐼
𝑖 )
Workout facilities & price
Layout & facilities
Ambient conditions &
Table 4 shows that the reliability of factor D2
increases significantly if variables V13
(Parking lot) and V14 (Location) are
excluded from the questionnaire. For this
reason, the name assigned to D2 disregards
the items relating to Parking (V13) and
Location (V14) of the fitness centers. In
addition, item-total correlations indicate a
lower relationship between these two
variables and D2. In this study, such result
may indicate that customers do not wish to
make long journeys to go to the fitness
centers. Further, customers may
predominantly go to fitness center by
walking, cycling or motorcycling, requiring
not an exclusive and large parking lot (it also
probable that public parking areas are
available nearby the fitness centers). Being
noticed the intrinsic importance of the
location, marketing actions can be promoted
to capture customers that are in the
surroundings areas of the fitness center
(companies and residences). On the other
hand, the variable V7 (Price) if excluded
from the D1 just increases a little the
reliability of this factor, so it should not be
excluded from the questionnaire and it
should remain for the next analysis. All other
variables must remain in the questionnaire.
Since the lower limit to assure the reliability
of a dimension is α = 0.60 (Hair et al., 2006;
Malhotra, 2007), the questionnaire is valid
and reliable for all dimensions.
Quartile Analysis (Figure 1) confirms that
the most critical items are related to the Staff
dimension (D1) and Workout facilities &
price (D2) dimension. Specifically, according
to the customers's perceptions, instructors
must be polite and the fitness equipment
must be varied and in sufficient quantity,
besides being in perfect working order.
Therefore, equipment maintenance programs
are also important. The high priority items
are predominantly related to the intructors'
competence and the accuracy of information
they provide, the overall cleanliness of the
fitness center and the value of service.
Figure 1. Results of the Quartile Analysis
Quartile analysis
3rd Quartile = 9.57
2nd Quartile = 9.35
1st Quartile = 9.27
Conversely, the lower priority (less
important) items are related to the
temperature control, number of instructors
available, availability of equipment cleaning
products, physical appearance of the fitness
center, location of equipment, and waiting
time for the beginning of service. Since the
average importance degrees are high (all of
them were scored over 8.00) for these
attributes, the fitness centers should continue
the good work at them.
5. Conclusions
All over the world, the growth of the fitness
industry and the consequent increasing
competition among the organizations have
attracted the attention of researchers and
practitioners from diverse fields of
knowledge, such as Business
Administration, Marketing, Service Quality
Management and Physical Education. This
paper aimed to evaluate and to identify the
most important attributes at fitness centers
and an exploratory study was conducted,
concerning the perceptions of Brazilian
customers. An original set of attributes
resulting from a systematic literature review
process was also suggested.
5.1. Theoretical contributions
In the last decades, several scientific studies
have been conducted to identify the Factors
(dimensions) that most influence on service
quality and customer's satisfaction in the
fitness industry but little attention has been
dedicated to the identification of the most
relevant attributes (items). Our study aims to
fulfill this gap and suggests that the
identification of the most important factors
(dimensions) and attributes concerning the
perceptions of customers of fitness centers is
also necessary.
188 A. L. P. Freitas, T. S. Lacerda
In this study, Cronbach's alpha and item-
total correlations indicated that the
questionnaire is valid and reliable in the
context of exploratory studies. Factorial
analysis and Quartile analysis revealed that
the most important factors are related to
Workout facilities & Price (fitness
equipment and value of service) and Staff
(instructors). These results corroborate with
the findings of (Triadó et al., 1999) and
(Yildiz, 2011) but they are somewhat
contradictory to the findings of other studies.
(Albayrak & Caber, 2014; Lam et al., 2005)
revealed that Workout facilities and Staff
were, respectively, the fifth and the first
relevant factor. (Yildiz & Kara, 2012)
concluded that Programme dimension was
the most important factor for the largest
segment of customers. Vieira & Ferreira
(2017) revealed that the employees’
competences were the most important factor
in the strategy of fitness clubs. In this
context, the first theoretical contribution of
this study concerns to the affirmation that
there is no evidence to ensure that the factors
that most influence on service quality and
customer's satisfaction in the fitness sector
are, in fact, the most important factors
concerning the perceptions of customers of
fitness centers.
Factorial analysis and Quartile analysis also
revealed that the most important atributes are
related to fitness equipment, the instructors'
attitudes and performance, the overall
cleanliness of the fitness center and the value
of service.
5.2. Managerial implications
Our study provides relevant contributions to
managers and practitioners by revealing that
all of 23 attibutes are important to the
customers (the less important attribute was
scored 8.80) and they are useful for further
evaluations of importance degree. However,
the most important attributes in fitness
centers as perceived by customers are mainly
related to the instructors' performance, the
fitness equipment, the overall cleanliness
and the value of service.
More specifically, special attention should
be dedicated to the instructors' politeness and
competence, and the accuracy of information
they provide. The fitness equipment must be
varied and in sufficient quantity, avoiding
the formation of queues close to the
equipment as indicated by Macintosh &
Doherty (2007). The equipment should not
only be modern, but also be in good
conditions and work perfectly. The overall
installations of the fitness center should be
clean and the relationship between the
service received and the monthly fee must be
apropriate. This last attribute indicates that
customers are always comparing the
performance of the fitness center -
concerning the attributes - with the value
they pay for the service. Consequently, if the
quality of the service received is inferior to
the quality expected related to the amount
paid, customers may become dissatisfied.
Further, this result is very instigating since
that increasing the service price weakens the
perception of service performance, as well as
satisfaction, perceived value and future
intentions decrease after an increase in the
service price (Calabuig, Núñez-Pomar,
Prado-Gascó, & Añó, 2014).
Finally, it is believed that the results of this
study can contribute to the improvement of
the quality of services in fitness centers. In
particular, the observation and monitoring of
the factors and the attributes associated with
them can help the managers of the fitness
centers to attract new customers and
maintain the current ones.
5.3. Limitations and areas for future
The study was conducted in fitness centers
located in a Brazilian municipality with
approximately 500,000 inhabitants, whose
urban mobility issues may be different in
relation to larger and smaller urban centers.
Such issues eventually may have influenced
the importance level of the location and
parking lot attributes in this study. The
results should be carefully analyzed and
interpreted when they are compared with the
results of studies conducted in other
countries, since cultural aspects and
customers' social-demographic
characteristics may vary from country to
country and from region to region. For
example, many of the Brazilian customers of
fitness centers do not use locker room and
showers after practicing physical activities in
fitness centers, preferring to take a shower at
Further studies can be directed to the
following issues: the use of the set of
attributes of this study to identify the most
inportant attributes in fitness centers located
in other contries and regions; investigation
of the factors and attributes that most
influence on service quality and customer's
satisfaction in fitness centers when the set of
attributes of this study is considered, and;
examination if the most important factors
and attributes in fitness centers is influenced
by gender.
Acknowledgements: The authors
acknowledge the support provided by the
Carlos Chagas Filho Research Support
Foundation of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) and
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André Luís Policani
Universidade Estadual do
Norte Fluminense Darcy
Ribeiro (UENF),
Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ,
Thays Silva Lacerda
Universidade Estadual do
Norte Fluminense Darcy
Ribeiro (UENF),
Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ,