Acoustic-trawl surveys are an important tool for marine stock management and environmental monitoring of marine life. Correctly assigning the acoustic signal to species or species groups is a challenge, and recently trawl camera systems have been developed to support interpretation of acoustic data. Examining images from known positions in the trawl track provides high resolution ground truth for the presence of species. Here, we develop and deploy a deep learning neural network to automate the classification of species present in images from the Deep Vision trawl camera system. To remedy the scarcity of training data, we developed a novel training regime based on realistic simulation of Deep Vision images. We achieved a classification accuracy of 94% for blue whiting, Atlantic herring, and Atlantic mackerel, showing that automatic species classification is a viable and efficient approach, and further that using synthetic data can effectively mitigate the all too common lack of training data. © International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 2018. All rights reserved.