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Investigating the relationship between learning style and game type in the game-based learning environment


Abstract and Figures

The game-based learning, which uses computer games to improve performance and learning, is a new field which can be used as a powerful educational tool. To increase the effectiveness of educational games, new games fit the learning styles of each individual can be made to have a customized learning environment. Currently, playing computer games have become far more widespread among Iranian youth and teenagers who are mostly students. Accordingly, this study investigated the relationship between the Felder-Silverman learning styles model (FSLSM) and four types of games. To this end, the research data were collected from 121 students at the universities in Qom province. Then the results are analyzed using Pearson’s chi-squared test and Crosstab. Three of seven hypotheses (the relationship between visual learning style and simulation game, sequential learning style and puzzle game, sensing learning style and casual game) were confirmed which can be the guide to design games in the environment of game-based learning more effectively.
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Investigating the relationship between learning
style and game type in the game-based learning
Seyed Mohammadbagher Jafari
&Zahra Abdollahzade
Received: 30 January 2019 /Accepted: 11 March 2019 /Published online: 18 March 2019
#Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019
The game-based learning, which uses computer games to improve performance and
learning, is a new field which can be used as a powerful educational tool. To increase
the effectiveness of educational games, new games fit the learning styles of each
individual can be made to have a customized learning environment. Currently, playing
computer games have become far more widespread among Iranian youth and teenagers
who are mostly students. Accordingly, this study investigated the relationship between
the Felder-Silverman learning styles model (FSLSM) and four types of games. To this
end, the research data were collected from 121 students at the universities in Qom
province. Then the results are analyzed using Pearsons chi-squared test and Crosstab.
Three of seven hypotheses (the relationship between visual learning style and simula-
tion game, sequential learning style and puzzle game, sensing learning style and casual
game) were confirmed which can be the guide to design games in the environment of
game-based learning more effectively.
Keywords Felder-Silverman learning styles (FSLSM) .Typesofgames,game-based
learning .Gamify education .Customization
1 Introduction
Game-based learning is a new field that enhances the performance and learning
experience of students. Games can be used as a powerful educational tool because of
its particular features like rules, goals, creating motivation and passion in the player,
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
*Seyed Mohammadbagher Jafari
Zahra Abdollahzade
Faculty of Management & Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran
challenge, feedback, being fun, interacting with other players, and immediate rewards
andoutcomes(Rapeepisarnetal.2008). Learning Style as an important human factor
influencing learners performance is very helpful in this regard (Huang et al. 2012). The
learning style is the preferences and priorities of the learner for how to present lesson
content, internalizing information and learning them (Aljabari 2015).
On the other hand, there are different types of computer games that each presents
different opportunities for learning (Davis et al. 2018), and each type of game due to
each learners specific learning style has a particular impact on the learning experience
of learners. Therefore, some learners may learn better through deep thinking-based
games, such as strategy games, while others may learn better by playing action and
adventure games. There are so many different types of computer games, such as action
games, puzzle games, simulation games, adventure games, fighting games, casual
games, and so on. Accordingly, various types of games may be appropriate for
different learners characteristics, such as learning styles, personality, and cog-
nitive behaviors. Selecting a suitable game genre for each learners unique way
of learning can increase motivation in him and increase the success rate of the
learning process (Khenissi et al. 2016).
Hitherto many researchers have studied the relationship between learning style and
game genre in learning and education and have confirmed the positive relationship
between some aspects of learning styles and some games genres, such as action, puzzle,
and simulation (Apperley 2006; Frazer et al. 2008; Rapeepisarn et al. 2008;Hwang
et al. 2012; Ferro et al. 2013;Khenissietal.2013; Theodoropoulos et al. 2017;Zaric
et al. 2017; Landers et al. 2017;Aleksićand Ivanović2017;Khenissietal.2016). But
they have not studied all dimensions of the Felder-Silverman learning style model
considering that 97% of video game players are youth and teenagers (Jackson 2016),
and Sixty-two percent of players in Iran are 12 to 34 year-old students (Roshandel
2017); firstly, this research determines the relationship between the learning styles and
the game genre that students chose, and then investigates the dimensions of Felder-
Silverman learning style and its relation to four types of games more comprehensively.
According to previous studies (Hwang et al. 2012;Khenissietal.2013,2016), the
Felder-Silverman learning style has psychological features. Because of this character-
istic this model has been used in this study and also four types of games which are
simulation, puzzle, god game, and casual game are selected to be discussed in this
research due to their high adaptation to this learning style (Khenissi et al. 2013,2016).
2 Research literature and research background
2.1 Game-based learning (GBL)
Since the 1970s, digital games demanded a place in the home entertainment industry
and changed the traditional forms of physical games and became a new entertainment
option to fill peoples free time. The fast-paced evolution of hardware and software
technologies helped improve and enhance Computer games which changed the lives of
many generations. Nowadays, Computer and video games play a huge part in adoles-
centsmental growth and have a significant role in different aspects of their lives.
2842 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
Technological progress made personal computers and smartphones available to every-
one. Accordingly, Games are now played everywhere; although, there are gaming
consoles solely to play video games. Educators always had problems to motivate
students and learners to spend their free time studying and learning and now digital
games have become a great opportunity for them to put educational materials in a video
game and teach learners indirectly or directly through playing the game. This is called
game-based learning (Aleksićand Ivanović2017).
Since while playing, the player voluntarily tries to overcome obstacles and chal-
lenges, the game develops the sense of independence in the player (Kao et al. 2017),
and the fact that each player spends hours playing and enjoying themselves makes
video games a good framework for learning (Hamari et al. 2016). Learning through
playing educational games has a positive impact on studentsacademic learning and
increases their performance (Kao et al. 2017).
According to Qian and Clark (2016), Game-Based Learning (GBL) is an environ-
ment where the player obtains knowledge and learns educational skills from the
contents presented in the game and playing the game, and also provides a place for
problem-solving and confronting challenges (Wu 2018). Game design elements in-
clude: Collaboration, Role Playing, Exploration, Storytelling, Complexity, Competi-
tion, Strategy, Challenge, Clear goals, Communication, Strong feedback, Augmented
reality, Control, Interactivity, Realism, Rules, Frameworks, Self-expression, Curiosity,
getting involved, and Rewards (Qian and Clark 2016).
2.2 Learning style (LS)
Different methods that learners adopt for processing, interacting, and dealing with
information are called Learning Style. LS is one of the key processes that influence
our lives and guides our behavior and changes it. It also defines the way to deal with
daily issues (Ku et al. 2015). It is an individuals preferable method to recognize and
process a specific piece of information (Uğur et al. 2011).
Understanding a students LS is useful to enhance the learning process, for example,
satisfaction and learnerslearning rate could be increased by personalizing the content
and as a result, the required time for learning will decrease. (Bernard et al. 2017).
It should be noted that LS is one of the decision-making factors for a more successful
electronic learning management system (Muruganandam and Srinivasan 2016).
The common types of LSs are as follows: The Big5 LS model, the KolbsLS
model, the Honey and Mumfords LS model, the learning styles model of Dunn and
Dunn (a Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic model), the Felder -Silverman LS model
(Khenissi et al. 2016), the Carl and Myers Brigg Type Indicator model (MBTI), the
Gregorian model, Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligence Model and Chris Jacksons
Learning Styles Profiler (Deborah et al. 2014).
Since Felder-Silvermans LS describes the learners LS in more details and displays
the learners preferences and classifies individuals along four dimensions of learning
styles, and also pays attention to the psychological aspects of learning, it has been used
by many researchers and in technology-based learning systems (Deborah et al. 2014). It
should be mentioned that this style combines the results of many studies and delivers a
new outcome which shows its generalizability (Soflano et al. 2015). In this model, a
questionnaire provided by Richard Felder and Barbara Solomon that assesses the four
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2843
dimensions of learning preferences has been used to evaluate LS (Khenissi et al. 2016).
Four dimensions of Felder and Solomons LSs are active/reflective, sensing/intuitive,
sequential/global, and visual/verbal.
Active/reflective This dimension refers to the active or reflective approach to informa-
tion processing; active learners tend to try everything and the best way to learn them is
when they learn with practical activity (Liu and Graf 2009). They always like to meet
with everything happening around them and experience everything (Khenissi et al.
2016). Active learners prefer teamwork and collaboration (Huang et al. 2012). Unlike
active learners, reflective ones prefer to think about topics alone and take a step back
and examine the situation from different perspectives; they tend to be theorists (Hsieh
et al. 2011;Khenissietal.2016).
Sequential/global This dimension identifies learners based on their understanding. The
sequential learners learn more in step-by-step, sequential, and small incremental steps.
The best mode of learning is when the degree of difficulty and complexity of the
material is presented in a sequential manner. They prefer to categorize information in a
straightforward style and follow logic steps in solving problems (Huang et al. 2012;
Khenissi et al. 2016). In contrast, learners who have global learning style understand
things better as a whole. They use a holistic thinking process and learn by large leaps.
They use the process of thorough thinking and do learning by large leaps. Since the
whole picture is important to them, they like to review the content more and cover
broader knowledge. Global learners are often able to solve more difficult problems but
it does not matter to them how they reach the solutions (Khenissi et al. 2016).
Sensing/intuitive Sensing learners tend to learn facts and solve problems with known
methods and standard approaches, and are not happy with surprises and unexpected
changes. They like the details, and they dislike surprises or unexpected effects. Intuitive
learners, unlike Sensing learners, are interested in discovering relationships and oppor-
tunities and are more innovative and creative in Sensing learners, they prefer innovation
and reject repetition. They become tired of details and welcome complicatedness
(Khenissi et al. 2016).
Visual/verbal Visual learners prefer to receive content visually such as images, dia-
grams, and photos. The best way to remember for this group of people is to look at
what they have seen, but if they say something simple, they forget it. On the other hand,
verbal learners remember what they have heard better; they prefer to receive material in
a textual way; effective learning for these groups is when they explain something to
others (Huang et al. 2012;Khenissietal.2016).
2.3 Types of games
The method of game classification that is used to have a better understanding
of video games has been defined as the concept of game type. Games can be
classified based on the platform (Personal Computer, mobile phone, Xbox, Play
Station), method of playing (e.g. single player, multiplayer, networked), its
2844 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
perspective (first person, third person, God Mode), genres (adventure, racing
game, action), and dramatic aspects (science-fiction, high fantasy, realism). The
most common classification of games is action games, adventure games, fight-
ing games, puzzle games, role-playing games, simulation games, sports games,
and martial games (Khenissi et al. 2016).
Due to the similarity between the characteristics of FSLSM and puzzle games,
simulation games, casual games, and god games (Khenissi et al. 2016), these four
types of game are selected for this research. The selected types of games are described
Puzzle games These games present the player a set of rules and he needs to put the
pieces together to solve the puzzle in unlimited time or maybe there is a time limit.
Multiple problem-solving skills are tested in this type of game. It can be a multiplayer
game that players compete to solve the puzzle faster than the other or get a higher score.
There are usually multiple levels that player progress to the next level the moment he
solves the former (Adams 2014).
God games It has a large scale setting that players are put in charge of a game setting as
a divine entity or leader. They can influence the game and other characters in any way
they are pleased. God games are categorized as a subgenre of artificial life game and
also strategy video games (Khenissi et al. 2016).
Simulation games These games are designed to simulate real-life activities. They are
not always designed to be played at leisure times. Many simulated games are made to
help people learn to have a better function in different situations and learn skills for
specific circumstances that are maybe dangerous or not frequent in real life, like
training pilots getting ready for emergencies they face in a flight (Jones 2013).
Casual games These games have simple gameplay and are usually familiar to the
players like a card video game. Players can spend a short time playing which makes
these games a good option to play during study breaks or work breaks. Users can pass
each level quickly and do not need to save the game because it is continuous
(Boyes 2008).
3 Relationship between LSs and types of games
Each learner has unique characteristics according to which their learning style is
distinguished. To have a successful game-based learning program, Game de-
signers should consider learning style of players when deciding about different
features of the game like its gameplay, setting, rules, and challenges to make a
game suitable for a particular group of learners with particular learning style
(Kiryakova et al. 2014).
Rapeepisarn et al. (2008) used the Honey & Mumford model of learning
styles to provide a mapping of game types. They stated that there is a positive
relationship between Felder-Silverman LS and game type but they did not put
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2845
their hypnosis into effect. Khenissi et al. (2016) came to the conclusion that the
sequential LS and puzzle games, and the sensing LS and casual games are
positively related.
Felder-Silverman learning style model has been widely used in eLearning and
always proved to be reliable and valid. Comparing to other learning style models, the
Felder-Silverman model represents more elements than the rest, which shows how
much general and widespread it is (Soflano et al. 2015). Felder-Silverman learning
style also has psychological features. Because of these characteristics this model has
been used in this study and also four types of games, which are simulation game,
puzzle game, god game, and casual game, are selected to be discussed in this research
due to their high adaptation to this learning style model (Khenissi et al. 2013,2016).
Given that in previous studies, the positive relationship between Felder-Silverman
LS and type of game has been confirmed (Rapeepisarn et al. 2008;Khenissietal.2013;
Soflano et al. 2015;Khenissietal.2016), and on the other hand, all dimensions of this
LS have not been studied, in this research, a more comprehensive investigation of the
Felder-Silverman LS and four-game genres is presented.
Active learners tend to try everything and the best way to teach them is with
practical activity (Felder and Silverman 1988), They are eager to experience different
things and face every event happening around them (Khenissi et al. 2016).
In simulation games, learners improve their problem-solving skills and learn while
doing different tasks provided in the game. The computer simulations allow users to
experience different scientific matters and learn about them while playing (Liu et al.
2011). In simulation games, the player experiences issues and can show different
reactions in a virtual space (Khenissi et al. 2016). Therefore, it can be said that the
active LS is consistent with simulation games, and thus, the first hypothesis is as
H1. LearnerswhohaveanactiveLSprefersimulationgames.
Reflective learners prefer to think about issues independently and step back and analyze
the situation from different perspectives (Hsieh et al. 2011; Khenissi et al. 2016).
The puzzle game is a single-player game and players should evaluate rules and think
about the solutions to be successful playing the game (Wolf 2001;Adams2014).
Therefore, it can be assumed that puzzle games are suitable for learners with reflective
LS and the second hypothesis is:
H2. Learners who have a reflective LS prefer puzzle games.
Sensing learners tend to solve problems with known and standard methods. They dislike
surprises and They usually pay attention to the details (Felder and Silverman 1988).
Casual games have a very direct scenario without any challenging points. This type
of game is known for its simple design and few elements and user interface and It
usually avoids complicated issues(Adams 2014;Khenissietal.2016). Therefore we
can say that the learners with sensing LS are interested in casual games, and thus, the
third hypothesis is as follows:
H3: Learners who have a sensing LS prefer casual games.
2846 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
Intuitive LSs learners are interested in discovering relationships between dif-
ferent things and are interested in opportunities. They prefer innovation and
reject repetition. They are not so fond of details but like complicated things. In
the god game, the first person player tries to overcome challenges and obstacles
and discover new things (Khenissi et al. 2016). Therefore, it can be said that
the learners with Intuitive LS learn better by playing god games and the fourth
hypothesis is as follows:
H4: Learners who have an Intuitive LS prefer god game.
The sequential learners learn in a step-by-step manner. They prefer those
educational materials that are presented as a rational and logical process. They
welcome sequential and step-by-step processes to solve problems. They learn
difficult educational contents better when those contents are presented in a
sequential manner. They prefer straight-line categorized information and logical
steps to solve problems (Huang et al. 2012;Khenissietal.2016). In the Puzzle
games, it is assumed that the player uses the previous step to reach the next
step and eventually solve the puzzle (Wolf 2001;Adams2014). Therefore, the
characteristics of this type of game are consistent with the sequential learners
manner of learning. Accordingly, the fifth hypothesis is:
H5: Learners who have a sequential LS, prefer puzzle games.
Learners who have global LS understand things better as a whole. They use a universal
thinking process and learn by large leaps. Since they consider the whole picture, they
like to review the content more and cover broader knowledge. Global learners try all
possible ways to get to the solution; therefore, they are able to face and win more
difficult challenges (Khenissi et al. 2016). On the other hand, the god game players
control the game on a large scale. In this type of game, players use different tools to do
different tasks in the virtual world with a wide general view. Among multiple paths
presented in the game, they choose their own path (Khenissi et al. 2016).
So, it seems that the characteristics of learners with global LS are consistent with
god game and the sixth hypothesis is presented as follows:
H6: Learners who have a global LS prefer god games.
Visual learners prefer to receive educational contents in the form of images, diagrams,
and photos. Visual memory is highly developed in this kind of learners and they can
memorize information by looking at objects, places, people and so on (Khenissi et al.
2016). In simulation games, all objects in the virtual environment are visible to the eye.
Therefore, the player uses his visual power more than other powers. They see real-
world objects and issues in a simulated environment and experience different things in
a virtual world (Jones 2013).
Therefore, it seems that learners with visual LS are more consistent with simulation
games and the Seventh hypothesis is:
H7: Learners who have a visual LS prefer simulation games.
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2847
4 Research instrument
In this study, Felder-Solomon LS model is used to assess the studentsLS. The
questionnaire contains 44 questions related to four dimensions of LS, and each
dimension has a number between 11 and + 11 to determine the learnersLS
(Felder and Soloman 2017). For example, in active/reflective dimension, +11
means a learner shows a strong preference for active LS, whereas 11 states
that a learner shows a strong preference for reflective LS (Appendix 1). The
second questionnaire which has been used to measure studentstype of game is
presented by Khenissi et al. (2016). This questionnaire includes 12 questions
about four types of game. Every three questions in this questionnaire are
related to one type of game. Respondents were able to answer the questions
using a five-level Likert scale (1 = I totally agree and 5 = I totally disagree)
(Appendix 2).
Cronbachs alpha coefficient is used in order to ensure questionsinternal consis-
tency and reliable final evaluation of these two questionnaires, which is shown in
Tab le 1.
According to Sekaran and Bougie (2016), if the alpha coefficient is higher than 0.6,
it confirms the reliability of questions in the Likert spectrum questionnaires. And alpha
coefficient higher than 0.5 in the questionnaire about four dimensions of LS confirms
its reliability, according to Tuckman (Tuckman and Harper 2012). Therefore, according
to the table, this study is reliable.
5 Method
Considering that 97% of video game players are youth and teenagers (Jackson 2016),
and Sixty-two percent of players in Iran are 12 to 34 year-old students (Roshandel
2017) the research data are collected from 121 randomly picked students at the
universities in Qom province. They are in the 2240 age range, and they are students
from different fields of study.
Table 1 Cronbachs Alpha computation dimensions of two questionnaires
Questionnaire Dimensions Number
of questions
alpha coefficient
Referenc es
Learbibg styles index Active/Reflective 11 0.5 (Felder and Soloman 2017)
Sensing/Intuitive 11 0.524
Visual/Verbal 11 0.671
Sequential/Global 11 0.516
Types of games Puzzle 3 0.618 (Khenissi et al. 2016)
Casual 3 0.7.3
God Games 3 0.737
Simulation 3 0.620
2848 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
After distributing questionnaires among students, 121 respondents answered
the questions. After reviewing the questionnaires, the researcher omitted 29
questionnaires due to unreliable answers given and analyzed 92 questionnaires.
According to Felder and Silverman (1988), the obtained values from the
respondentsLS index were classified into three groups: the first group includ-
ed values between 5 and 11 which refer to the beginning of the spectrum (for
example, sensing). The second group included values ranging from 3to3
which implies a balanced LS (for example, between sensing and intuitive), and
the third group included values between 11 to 5 which refers to the end of
the spectrum (for example, intuitive) (Table 2).
In this table, for example, Active, Sensing, Visual, sequential learning styles
have been put in a group (5, 7, 9, 11) solely to show that if the scores are 5, 7,
9 or 11 belonging to one of the active, sensing, visual or sequential dimensions,
this does not mean that they all belong to the same group.
Answers given to the game types questionnaire are classified into three
groups including agree group, neutral group, and disagree group. Values
between 1 and 3 were allocated to agree group, value 3 was assigned to the
neutral group, and values between 4 and 5 were allocated to disagree group.
between the LS and the type of player, and if there is a relationship, the
severity of the relationship between the two variables was measured by a
criterion called BCramersV^. Since this test is very capable to analyze the
data because of its detailed categorization, it has been used in the present
6 Results and findings
To answer the main question of the research which is to determine Bwhether there is a
relationship between the LS and the type of game in game-based learning or not^,
seven hypotheses were presented that the results of the analysis of each of them are
presented in the following:
Table 2 Grouping values obtained by Felder and Soloman LS
Values Dimensions
Group 1 5,7,9,11 Active, Sensing, Visual, Sequential
Group2 1,3,-1,-3 Balanced Active-Reflec tive
Balanced Sensing-intuitive
Balanced Visual-Verbal
Balanced Sequential-Global
Group3 -5,-7,-9,-11 Reflective, Intuitive, Verbal, Global
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2849
6.1 Active/reflective LS
According to the findings in Table 3, individuals who have an active LS and prefer
simulation games are more than participants who have a reflective LS and prefer
simulation games (66.7% > 63.2%), but this happens by chance because the Pearsons
Chi-square (P= 0.650) is greater than the significance level of Alpha = 0.05 and
therefore, the first hypothesis is rejected.
Findings of Table 4show that people who have a reflective LS and prefer puzzle
games are lower than people who have an active LS (68.4% < 100%). Even though
Pearsons Chi-square (0.004) is less than the significance level of Alpha = 0.05, the
second hypothesis is rejected.
Table 3 Statistical results related to the relationship between the active/reflective dimension and simulation game
LS Agree with simulation games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Active Count 8 3 1 12
% within LS 66.7% 25.0% 8.3% 100%
Balanced Count 35 15 11 61
% within LS 57.4% 24.6% 18.0% 100%
Reflective Count 12 6 1 19
% within LS 63.2% 31.6% 5.3% 100%
Total Count 55 24 13 92
% within LS 59.8% 26.1% 14.1% 100%
Table 4 Statistical results related to the relationship between the active/reflective dimension and puzzle game
LS Agree with puzzle games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Active Count 13 0 0 13
% within LS 100% 0.0% 0.0% 100%
Balanced Count 56 4 0 60
% within LS 93.3% 6.7% 0.0%Q 100%
Reflective Count 13 6 0 19
% within LS 68.4% 31.6% 0.0% 100%
Total Count 82 10 0 92
% within LS 89.1% 10.9% 0.0% 100%
2850 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
6.2 Sensing/intuitive LS
Tab le 5states that 96.0% of participants who have a sensing LS prefer casual games,
this percentage is higher than participants who have an intuitive LS and prefer casual
games which is 50.0%, therefore, the third hypothesis can be confirmed. To ensure that
the relationship between the sensing LS and the casual game is not the case, the
Pearsons Chi-square test is used and its number is 0.045 and less than the significance
level of Alpha = 0.05; therefore, accepting the third hypothesis is safer. The strength of
the relationship between the sensing LS and the casual game is expressed using the
CramersVmeasure which is 0.230 indicating a weak relationship between two
According to the findings in Table 6, people who have an intuitive LS and prefer god
games are 0.0%, which is lower than participants who have a sensing LS and prefer god
games (12.0%). Because the statistic Chi Pearson (P= 0.686) is greater than the
significance level of Alpha = 0.05, the fourth hypothesis is also rejected.
Table 5 Statistical results related to the relationship between the sensing/ intuitive dimension andcasual game
LS Agree with casual games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Sensing Count 49 2 0 51
% within LS 96.0% 4.0% 0.0% 100%
Balanced Count 31 8 1 40
% within LS 77.5% 20.0% 2.5% 100%
Intuitive Count 1 1 0 2
% within LS 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 100.0%
Total Count 80 11 1 92
% within LS 87.0% 12.0% 1.1% 100%
Table 6 Statistical results related to the relationship between the sensing/ intuitive dimension and god game
LS Agree with god games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Sensing Count 6 26 18 50
% within LS 12.0% 52.0% 36.0% 100%
Balanced Count 9 18 13 40
% within LS 22.5% 45.0% 32.5% 100%
Intuitive Count 0 1 1 2
% within LS 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 100.0%
Total Count 15 45 32 92
% within LS 16.3% 48.9% 34.8% 100%
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2851
6.3 Sequential/global LS
According to the findings in Table 7, people who have a sequential LS and
prefer puzzle games are 100%, which is the same as the participants who have
a global LS and prefer puzzle games (100.0%). Since the number of people
who have sequential LSs and prefer puzzle is greater than people who have
global LSs (25 > 7), this hypothesis can be accepted. To ensure that this
relationship is not due to the chance, Pearsons Chi-square test is used that
its number is 0.05 and equals the significance level of Alpha = 0.05. There-
fore, accepting the third hypothesis is safer. The strength of the relationship
between the sensing LS and the casual game is expressed using the Cramers
Vmeasure, which is 0.255, indicating a weak relationship between the two
Table 7 Statistical results related to the relationship between the sequential/ global dimension and puzzle game
LS Agree with puzzle games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Sequential Count 25 0 0 25
% within LS 100% 0.0% 0.0% 100%
Balanced Count 50 10 0 60
% within LS 83.3% 16.7% 0.0% 100%
Global Count 7 0 0 7
% within LS 100% 0.0% 0.0% 100%
Total Count 82 10 0 92
% within LS 89.1% 10.9% 0.0% 100%
Table 8 Statistical results related to the relationship between the sequential/ global dimension and god game
LS Agree with god games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Sequential Count 3 12 9 24
% within LS 12.5% 50.0% 37.5% 100%
Balanced Count 11 29 21 61
% within LS 18.0% 47.5% 34.4% 100%
Global Count 1 4 2 7
% within LS 14.3% 57.1% 28.6% 100%
Total Count 15 45 32 92
% within LS 16.3% 48.9% 34.8% 100%
2852 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
According to the findings in Table 8, individuals who have a global LS and prefer
god games are 14.3%, which is higher than participants who have a sequential LS and
prefer god games (12.5%), but this happens by chance because the PearsonsChi-
square (P= 0.963) is greater than the significance level of Alpha = 0.05 and therefore
the sixth hypothesis is rejected.
6.4 Visual LS
According to the findings in Table 9, people who have a visual LS and prefer
simulation games are 96.3%, which is higher than participants who have a
verbal LS and prefer puzzle games (80.0%). Therefore, the seventh hypothesis
can be confirmed. To ensure that the relationship between the visual LS and the
simulation game is not the case, the Pearsons Chi-square test is used which its
number is 0.031 and is less than the alpha significance level of 0.05, and
therefore, accepting the third hypothesis is safer. The strength of the relation-
ship between the sensing LS and the casual game is expressed using the
Cramers V measure, which is 0.275, indicating a weak relationship between
the two variables.
In this research, the relationship between four types of games and the Felder-Silverman
LS model was studied among the students at universities of Qom province in Iran. The
findings of this study are in line with the investigation of Rapeepisarn et al. (2008), with
this difference that their LS model was based on Honey and Mumford LSs.
Also, their research was not implemented in practice. The findings of this study
are also in line with the findings of Khenissi et al. (2013), according to that
there is a positive relationship between the sequential LS and the puzzle games
(Khenissi et al. 2013).
Table 9 Statistical results related to the relationship between the visual/verbal dimension and simulation game
LS Agree with simulation games
Agree Neutral Disagree Total
Visual Count 52 2 0 54
% within LS 96.3% 3.7% 0.0% 100%
Balanced Count 26 7 0 33
% within LS 78.7% 21.2% 0.0% 100%
Verbal Count 4 1 0 5
% within LS 80.0% 20.0% 0.0% 100%
Total Count 82 10 0 92
% within LS 89.1% 9.9% 0.0% 100%
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2853
In another study, Khenissi et al. (2016) concluded that there is a positive relationship
between the sequential LS and puzzle games, and between the sensing LS and casual
games. But the relationship between the intuitive LS and simulation games and the
global LS and god game in their research were not approved. The findings of the
current study completed the investigation of Khenissi et al. (2016).
In this research, the relationship between active LS and simulation game,
reflective LS and puzzle game, Intuitive LS and god game, global LS and god
game were not confirmed. One reason for this outcome could be the type of
chosen statistical society or maybe a larger society should be investigated.
Regarding the confirmed relationships, it can be said that identifying the
relationships between the game type and the LS of learners could help a
game-based learning succeed and increase its learning effect on the players
because knowing about these relations will help learners and educators select an
appropriate game type for each particular learners LS to get the best result.
Since FelderSilvermans LS is the most popular theory in the adaptive learning
system (Truong 2016) and according to Alzain et al. (2017), using an adaptive
education system based on preferred LS of students has a positive effect on their
performance and increases learnersmotivation. Therefore, confirmed relationships in
this study can be used by these systems.
In addition, learners features and game attributes in the application of games
in teaching and learning can be used in designing and running games (Lameras
et al. 2017). Hence, the current investigation can help designers in designing
game-based learning. For example, educational games designers can include
elements such as immediate feedback, control, and role-playing which have a
single-user nature for learners who have a sequential LS and prefer puzzle
games. Also, educators can choose a suitable educational game based on their
studentsLSs and game type preferences.
Other researchers can improve this study by selecting a larger statistical
community other than students. Moreover, they can study the relationship
between other game types like action games and adventure games and FSLSM
and compare their findings with this study. It is also suggested that researchers
examine the relationship between participantspreferences and game type in
real circumstances.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Appendix 1
The Index of Learning Styles (ILS) is a questionnaire containing 44 questions, 11
questions corresponding to each of the four dimensions of the FSLSM (active/reflec-
tive, sensing/intuitive, sequential/global, and visual/verbal). The aim of ILS question-
naire is to determine the learning style preferred by each learner. An initial version was
created in 1991 by Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman of North Carolina State
University. In 1996, a pencil-and-paper version of the questionnaire was put on the
2854 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
World Wide Web and then an online version was added in 1997. Following is the full
English version of the ILS questionnaire:
1. I understand something better after I
(a) try it out.
(b) think it through.
2. I would rather be considered.
(a) realistic.
(b) innovative.
3. When I think about what I did yesterday, I am most likely to get.
(a) a picture.
(b) words.
4. I tend to.
(a) understand details of a subject but may be fuzzy about its overall structure.
(b) understand the overall structure but may be fuzzy about details.
5. When I am learning something new, it helps me to.
(a) talk about it.
(b) think about it.
6. If I were a teacher, I would rather teach a course.
(a) that deals with facts and real-life situations.
(b) that deals with ideas and theories.
7. I prefer to get new information in.
(a) pictures, diagrams, graphs, or maps.
(b) written directions or verbal information.
8. Once I understand.
(a) all the parts, I understand the whole thing.
(b) the whole thing, I see how the parts fit.
9. I find it easier.
(a) to learn facts.
(b) to learn concepts.
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2855
10. In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to.
(a) look over the pictures and charts carefully.
(b) focus on the written text.
11. In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to.
(a) look over the pictures and charts carefully.
(b) focus on the written text.
12. When I solve math problems.
(a) I usually work my way to the solutions one step at a time.
(b) I often just see the solutions but then have to struggle to figure out the steps to
get to them.
13. In classes, I have taken.
(a) I have usually got to know many of the students.
(b) I have rarely got to know many of the students.
14. In reading non-fiction, I prefer.
(a) something that teaches me new facts or tells me how to do something.
(b) something that gives me new ideas to think about.
15. I like teachers.
(a) who put a lot of diagrams on the board.
(b) who spend a lot of time explaining.
16. When Imanalyzingastoryoranovel.
(a) I think of the incidents and try to put them together to figure out the
(b) I just know what the themes are when I finish reading and then I have to go
back and find the incidents that demonstrate them.
17. When I start a homework problem, I am more likely to.
(a) start working on the solution immediately.
(b) try to fully understand the problem first.
18. I prefer the idea of.
(a) certainty.
(b) theory.
2856 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
19. I remember best.
(a) what I see.
(b) what I hear.
20. It is more important to me that an instructor.
(a) lay out the material in clear sequential steps.
(b) give me an overall picture and relate the material to other subjects.
21. I prefer to study.
(a) in a group.
(b) alone.
22. I am more likely to be considered.
(a) careful about the details of my work.
(b) creative about how to do my work.
23. When I get directions to a new place, I prefer.
(a) a map.
(b) written instructions.
24. I learn.
(a) at a fairly regular pace. If I study hard, Ill Bget it.^
(b) in fits and starts. Ill be totally confused and then suddenly it all
25. I would rather first.
(a) try things out.
(b) think about how Im going to do it.
26. When I am reading for enjoyment, I like writers to.
(a) clearly say what they mean.
(b) say things in creative, interesting ways.
27. When I see a diagram or sketch in class, I am most likely to remember.
(a) the picture.
(b) what the instructor said about it.
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2857
28. When considering a body of information, I am more likely to.
(a) focus on details and miss the big picture.
(b) try to understand the big picture before getting into the details.
29. I more easily remember.
(a) something I have done.
(b) something I have thought a lot about.
30. When I have to perform a task, I prefer to.
(a) master one way of doing it.
(b) come up with new ways of doing it.
31. When someone is showing me data, I prefer.
(a) charts or graphs.
(b) a text summarizing the results.
32. When writing a paper, I am more likely to.
(a) work on (think about or write) the beginning of the paper and progress
(b) work on (think about or write) different parts of the paper and then order
33. When I have to work on a group project, I first want to.
(a) have a Bgroup brainstorming^where everyone contributes ideas.
(b) brainstorm individually and then come together as a group to compare
34. I consider it higher praise to call someone.
(a) sensible.
(b) imaginative.
35. When I meet people at a party, I am more likely to remember.
(a) what they looked like.
(b) what they said about themselves.
36. When I am learning a new subject, I prefer to.
(a) stay focused on that subject, learning as much about it as I can.
(b) try to make connections between that subject and related subjects.
2858 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
37. I am more likely to be considered.
(a) outgoing.
(b) reserved.
38. I prefer courses that emphasize.
(a) concrete material (facts, data).
(b) abstract material (concepts, theories).
39. For entertainment, I would rather.
(a) watch television.
(b) read a book.
40. Some teachers start their lectures with an outline of what they will cover. Such
outlines are.
(a) somewhat helpful to me.
(b) very helpful to me.
41. The idea of doing homework in groups, with one grade for the entire group,
(a) appeals to me.
(b) does not appeal to me.
42. When I am doing long calculations,
(a) I tend to repeat all my steps and check my work carefully.
(b) I find checking my work tiresome and have to force myself to do it.
43. I tend to picture places I have been.
(a) easily and fairly accurately.
(b) with difficulty and without much detail.
44. When solving problems in a group, I would be more likely to.
(a) think of the steps in the solution process.
(b) think of possible consequences or applications of the solution in a wide range
of areas.
Appendix 2
This questionnaire consists of 4 types of games. First, you find a definition of each
type, and then you find a set of statements beside them a Likert scale consists of 5
Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862 2859
values ranging from 1 to 5. Value 1 means that you are totally agree to the correspon-
dent statement and value 5 means that you are totally disagree. Please select a value for
each statement
Puzzle Game: presented on their own without a story or content action. In this game, primary conflict is not between
the player-character and other characters, but rather the figuring out of solution.
I like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
These games are usually complex and excite my nerves, and because of that, I don’t like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
I find it to solve puzzles
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
God Game: have no preset win conditions.player is given a variety of tools to work with and a whole global vision o f
the virtual environment.
I like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
There is a lack of excitement and fun in this type.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
I spend a lot of time when I play this type of game.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
Casual Game: simple, easy to learn and no difficult to master. It designed especially to “new gamer”.
I like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
These games are very simple and boring, and because of that, I don’t like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
I can master it quickly that why I like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
Simulation Game: focuses on the player's imagination to do what cannot be done in real life, such a s management of
communities and imaginative projects.
I like it.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
I do not consider this type of game.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
This type of game helps me to develop my abilities in project management.
totally agree 1 2 3 4 5 totally disagree
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2862 Education and Information Technologies (2019) 24:28412862
... Learning style is a relatively stable state in the learning process, which is a collection of dimensions of the learners' perception, acquisition, processing and understanding of knowledge. Through analysis of image models and applications, we believe that using the Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model (FSLSM) model to construct images [4] is beneficial to improving the user experience of customized resource recommendations. ...
... When associated with the Felder-Silverman Learning Style, the findings of this study lead to the use of a visual-picture learning style. This finding is in line with the research conducted by Jafari and Abdollahzade (2019). The research has found that there is a relationship between the Felder-Silverman (FSLSM) learning style model and the type of game played with the media used when learning is carried out. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the learning styles of prospective biology teachers in Islamic universities (PBTs-IU) in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. 195 PBTs-IU were surveyed by using the Felder-Silverman Learning Style instruments. The results show that in online learning PBTs-IU practice and like dimensions of learning styles, such as in active – social oriented learning, in sensing – existing ways, concrete material, careful with details, in visual – pictures, and in sequential – sequential progress.
... At that time, activities such as "sending messages to friends" and "playing with computer graphics" were classified together with video gaming as recreational computer use (Lieberman et al., 1988: 227)". However, as computer technology developed, diverse techniques of playing video game have also developed so that 86% of recent video game players aged 12 to 17 play games on different types of electronic devices, such as Xbox and PlayStation (Jafari & Abdollahzade, 2019;Lenhart et al., 2008). Along with this change, the increasingly wide use of diverse social network services (SNS) has transformed the utility of a personal computer and expanded screen time activities to different types of electronic devices which are increasingly dominated by cell phone use. ...
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Using national longitudinal data of students during their 9th and 11th grades, we address popular concerns over screen time activities distracting students’ academic pursuits. We examine gender differences in the types of screen time use, expecting the skill-based activity of video gaming to be more common among boys and the socially oriented activity of chatting online to be more common among girls. Following the displacement effect theory we hypothesize that screen time may displace educational activities, limiting time spent on math homework and lowering subsequent math test scores. Results confirm the gendered nature video gaming for boys, while the gendered nature of chatting online is less clear. Despite popular concerns, findings show no appreciable relationship of video gaming and online chatting with hours spent doing math homework. A very weak, negative association was detected between both screen activities and math test scores two years later, being strongest for the videogaming time of female students. Further research is needed on the full spectrum of screen time activities to determine any potential effects during this developmental stage.
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A digital generation is growing up surrounded by virtual technology; they prefer learning in a virtual world by using technology. Educational strategies must respond to this generation’s learning preferences and change to provide them with sufficient knowledge. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of VR-based learning media for improving knowledge about Islamic finance, specifically about usury. The experiment was conducted at Muhammadiyah Sapen Indonesia Elementary School, with 20 students as the treatment group and 20 students as the control group. On average the students agree that VR-based Islamic financial learning media is easy to use, it makes the learning process more motivating and increases their understanding. The results show there is a significant difference in the increase knowledge of usury between the treatment and control groups. This research contributes to the learning of Islamic financial literacy by developing and testing the effectiveness of VR-based learning media to improve students' knowledge about usury.
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El aprendizaje basado en el juego y el uso de tecnologías de la información mejora las habilidades y aprendizaje de las matemáticas universitarias. Este estudio pretende validar una técnica de aula llamada “El Rompecabezas” en estudiantes de ingeniería industrial desde las asignaturas cálculo diferencial e integral, apoyado en el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo. Se elaboró un rompecabezas con una plantilla digital, la cual se aplicó a equipos conformados donde el ganador tuvo un incentivo académico. Es un estudio experimental en el cual se analizaron aspectos sociodemográficos de los estudiantes y se aplicó un pretest y postest para evaluar la efectividad de la técnica en el aula. Se utilizó una muestra intencional con un total de N= 178 estudiantes pertenecientes a las asignaturas cálculo diferencial e integral de los años 2016 a 2020. Los datos sociodemográficos de los estudiantes se analizaron con estadística descriptiva y se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS Statistics versión 25 con la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon para muestras relacionadas y poder medir las mejoras, producto de la aplicación de la técnica. Los resultados del pretest y postest refieren diferencias e indican que la aplicación de la técnica de aula “El Rompecabezas” mejora significativamente el aprendizaje del proceso de derivación e integración. Los resultados de este estudio coinciden con otros trabajos donde las estrategias didácticas mejoran el aprendizaje, además esta técnica puede ser un referente para ser aplicada en otras asignaturas y promover actividades de este tipo en el aula.
A inserção da Educação Ambiental na grade curricular das instituições tem o intuito de formar indivíduos conscientes com relação ao meio ambiente do qual fazem parte, bem como aptos a resolver as questões ambientais atuais e futuras. Professores e educadores têm cada vez mais utilizado metodologias alternativas no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, ampliando o acesso aos conteúdos e despertando o interesse dos alunos. Diante dessa realidade, este trabalho teve como objetivo a idealização e a modelagem de um jogo, em realidade virtual, para o ensino e aprendizagem da temática da sustentabilidade, especialmente para a instrução acerca do descarte correto de resíduos sólidos. A metodologia deste trabalho baseou-se na idealização e desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais produzidos por meio de recursos tecnológicos da realidade virtual. A abordagem metodológica utilizada foi fundamentalmente qualitativa e, para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, foram realizadas etapas que contemplaram: pesquisa bibliográfica a respeito de educação ambiental, jogos educacionais, realidade virtual, ferramentas de modelagem e implementação; definição e estruturação do processo a ser tratado pelo jogo; desenvolvimento da lógica do jogo; e, por fim, modelagem conceitual do jogo. Até o momento foi obtida a primeira versão deste objeto de aprendizagem, que poderá ser utilizado por discentes, docentes, prestadores de serviço e quaisquer pessoas que se interessem pela temática sustentabilidade e resíduos sólidos. Dessa forma, o jogo proposto pode auxiliar o desenvolvimento de visão crítica na comunidade acadêmica e externa acerca de suas ações diante desse assunto, desenvolvendo seu raciocínio sustentável.
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Oyun geliştirmeye dayalı öğrenme stratejisi, öğrencilerin oyunlara karşı olan ilgilerini sıfırdan bir oyun geliştirmeye veya mevcut bir oyuna eklentiler yapmaya yönlendirerek programlamayı öğrenmelerini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu stratejide öğrenciler yazılım mühendisliği yöntem ve tekniklerini oyun geliştirme projeleri vasıtasıyla deneyimlemektedir. Bu tez çalışmasında araştırmacının kendisinin vermekte olduğu Nesne Yönelimli Programlama dersinde yaşanan sorunları en aza indirebilmek ve dersin verimliliğini artırabilmek için oyun geliştirmeye dayalı programlama öğretiminin mevcut derse bütünleşmiş edildiği bir eylem araştırması yürütülmüştür. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacı; mevcut Nesne Yönelimli Programlama dersinin sorunlarının tespit edilmesi; mezun öğrencilerin, uzmanların ve alanyazındaki çalışmaların önerileri ışığında mevcut dersin oyun geliştirmeye dayalı öğretim stratejisini temel alarak yeniden tasarlanması; geliştirilen dersin uygulanması ve bu süreçte yaşanan deneyimlerin raporlanması olarak belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen amaç ve hedefler doğrultusunda bu tez çalışması, iki araştırma döngüsünü kapsayacak şekilde tasarlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. Birinci döngü analiz, tasarım, uygulama ve değerlendirme basamaklarını içerirken ikinci döngü tasarım, uygulama ve değerlendirme basamaklarını içermiştir. Birinci döngünün analiz aşamasında daha önce nesne yönelimli programlama dersini almış ve okullarından mezun olmuş 59 katılımcı ile nesne yönelimli programlama dersini vermekte olan altı öğretim elemanından veriler toplanarak mevcut dersin sorunlarının detaylı bir şekilde tespit edilmesi sağlanmıştır. İlave olarak analiz aşamasında öğrencilerin derste geliştirmek istedikleri yazılım projesi ve oyun türleri nedenleriyle incelenmiştir. Tasarım aşamasında; analiz aşamasından elde edilen verilerin çözümlenmesinden ve alanyazından yararlanılarak mevcut nesne yönelimli programlama dersi Morrison, Ross ve Kemp öğretim tasarım modeli ışığında oyun geliştirmeye dayalı öğretim stratejisini temel alacak şekilde yeniden tasarlanmıştır. Birinci döngünün uygulama aşaması sekiz hafta sürecek şekilde Türkiye’deki bir meslek yüksekokulunun bilgisayar teknolojisi programında öğrenim görmekte olan 29 önlisans öğrencisi ile yürütülmüştür. Birinci döngünün uygulama aşamasından sonra uygulanan eylem planının etkinliği değerlendirilmiş ve birinci döngüde karşılaşılan sorunların giderilmesi amacıyla ikinci döngünün tasarım aşamasında bazı revizyonlar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Revize edilen nesne yönelimli programlama dersi acil uzaktan öğretim yöntemi kullanılarak 15 hafta sürecek şekilde Türkiye’deki bir meslek yüksekokulunun bilgisayar teknolojisi programında öğrenim görmekte olan 30 önlisans öğrencisi ile yürütülmüştür. Bu aşamadan sonra uygulanan eylem planının değerlendirilmesine yönelik yansıtma yapılmıştır. Araştırmada hem nitel hem de nicel araştırma tekniklerine uygun olarak toplam 14 adet veri toplama aracı kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın birinci döngü bulgularına göre oyun geliştirmeye dayalı stratejisi temel alınarak sunulan öğretimin katılımcıların nesne yönelimli programlama bilgi ve becerilerini anlamlı şekilde geliştirdiği tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında katılımcıların en çok çokbiçimlilik, kurucu metot ve kapsülleme konularında zorlandıkları da ortaya çıkmıştır. İkinci döngüde gerçekleştirilen revizyonlarla birlikte bu konularda gelişim sağlanmıştır. Araştırmanın diğer sonuçlarına göre oyun geliştirmeye dayalı programlama öğretiminin her iki döngüde de katılımcıların çoğunun programlama dersine yönelik motivasyonlarını ve programlama öz yeterlilik algılarını olumlu etkilediği görülmüştür. Ancak programlama kaygısı bağlamında değerlendirildiğinde, katılımcıların programlama kaygılarının çalışmanın başlarında arttığı ancak süreç içinde azaldığı; yine de programlama kaygılarının devam ettiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında gerçekleştirilen öğretim tasarımın ve uygulama sonucunda elde edilen deneyimlerin, geliştirilen “Programlama Kaygı Ölçeğinin” alanyazına katkı sunması açısından önemli görülmektedir. Oyun geliştirmeye dayalı öğretim stratejisinin nesne yönelimli programlama dersine entegrasyonu açısından değerlendirildiğinde, mevcut çalışmanın öğrencilerin nesne yönelimli programlama dersinde karşılaştıkları sorunları en aza indirmeye çalışması; öğrencilerin programlamaya yönelik ilgi ve motivasyonlarını artırarak programlama öz yeterlilik algılarında olumlu değişimler yaratmayı amaçlaması bakımından güncel, işlevsel ve özgündür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Nesne Yönelimli Programlama, Oyun Geliştirmeye Dayalı Programlama Öğretimi, Oyun Programlama, Programlama Dersine Yönelik Motivasyon, Programlama Öz Yeterliliği, Programlama Kaygısı.
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The purpose of this study is to determine the learning styles of pre-service elementary school teachers at the University of Petra, and to assess their ability to solve mathematical problems according to Polya's strategy. This research was administered to85 students who had completed a course on basic concepts in mathematics during the second semester of 2013-2014 academic years. To collect the data, the researcher employed two types of instruments: the Learning Style Inventory (LSQ), which was prepared by Honey & Mumford(1992), and the Mathematical Problems Solving Test (MPST) according to Polya's strategy, which was prepared by the researcher. The study concluded that students lack the ability to solve mathematical problems and that the level of students' ability to solve mathematical problems varies depending on the school year. In addition, the study concluded that students' ability to solve mathematical problems varies depending on their learning style. The most frequently preferred learning style was Activist-Reflector style, which showed better performance in solving math problems than other styles.
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Today's learners are digital natives. They grew up with digital technologies. Teachers have to solve important issues related to the adaptation of the learning process towards students who have different learning styles and new requirements for teaching and learning. Gamification is one of the educational approaches and techniques that increase motivation and engagement of learners. The aim of the current work is to study and present the nature and benefits of gamification and to provide some ideas how to implement it in education.
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This paper describes the results of first phase of our original research about implementing gamification in the university e-courses based on the learning styles. Main research aims were to conduct comprehensive review of literature and current practice in implementation of gamification concept in higher education and to identify game elements that can make a positive impact on a specific learning style (LS). Result of first research phase is conceptual model for including game elements in e-learning courses in higher education based on Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model (FSLSM). The implementation and evaluation of the proposed model is planned as a future work. Our model presents extension of FSLSM model providing not only information about the learning styles, but also about their semantic groups in game-based learning contexts. The proposed model can be used as theoretical framework for further research on relationships between student’s learning style, achievements and behaviors in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE).
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The paper presents a review of literature resources that studied the effects of digital games on students’ learning and intelligence. The research included 5740 scientific papers from 11 electronic repositories that presented various evidence of multidimensional impact of digital games on students. Categorization and application of multiple qualitative criteria identified 36 representative papers that presented empirical evidence. Various indicators and benchmarks used in papers were analysed, taking into account the methodological limitations. The results confirm the complex relations between digital games and learning styles and multiple intelligences on which the recommendations and questions for future research are created.
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The theory of gamified learning (Landers RN, Simul Games 45(6):752–768. doi:10.1177/1046878114563660, 2014) presents a theoretical model in which game elements, drawn from the serious games literature, are used in isolation or in limited combination to gamify existing instructional processes in order to improve learning. Critically, individual game elements must be linked to specific behavioral, motivational, or attitudinal outcomes, which in turn must be linked to learning outcomes, in order for gamification to be effective. Without establishing such links, gamification may appear to be unsuccessful when implementations have in fact succeeded. In this chapter, we expand upon the theory of gamified learning by providing applied examples of each of the nine major categories of game elements and linking those elements theoretically to the behavioral and attitudinal constructs they are best predicted to affect. In short, we explain how to gamify learning in a scientifically supported fashion. We conclude with recommendations for both research and practice of gamification in learning.
The current study investigated college students' experiences of a gamified informatics course. We surveyed 139 students aged 18–31 years ( M = 20 years, SD = 1.5) enrolled in an undergraduate informatics course focused on social networking technologies. Surveys were conducted at 3 time points during the course (beginning, middle, and end). Overall, we found positive trends with respect to students' perceptions of gamification's impact on their learning, achievement, and engagement in the course material. Although students who played and identified variously with recreational games were more alike than not, we did uncover one notable difference with respect to how students' gaming frequency impacted their engagement in the course. Nongamers expressed somewhat less motivation to do well in the course than frequent gamers. For all other measures of engagement, however, nongamers appeared to be equally engaged by the gamified format of the course as gamers. There were virtually no differences between male and female students' perceptions of gamification. This study contributes new insight into the conditions under which gamification succeeds or fails in educational settings. These insights will be useful to designers and instructors of gamified learning environments as they seek to engage and support a variety of learners.
Memorizing English vocabulary is often considered uninteresting, and a lack of motivation exists during learning activities. Moreover, most vocabulary practice systems automatically select words from articles and do not provide integrated model methods for students. Therefore, this study constructed a mobile game‐based English vocabulary practice system, which imitates the popular block elimination game and combines test items of article, difficulty, and teacher model in accordance with curriculum objectives and demands. The participants were first‐year students and classified into traditional group (Group T ) and game‐based group (Group G ), and learning effectiveness and motivation were analysed in this study. According to statistical analysis results, students who used the game‐based vocabulary practice system, which could captivate their attention and interest, had higher learning effectiveness and provided positive feedback of learning motivation. Furthermore, English teachers could select teaching materials that are consistent with the features, knowledge, and cultural background of learners to improve the relevance dimension of learning motivation.
Scaffolds in games have the potential to facilitate learning effects in addition to assisting the gaming process. However, studies on game-based science learning usually only adopt questionnaires to evaluate scientific concepts, and use interviews or observations to assess problem solving ability, neglecting the importance of investigating game-making outcomes. We customized a digital game, “Crayon Physics Deluxe,” with varied scaffolding designs to evaluate their effects on science learning. A total of 126 participants were divided into four groups: demonstration scaffolding, non-scaffolding, marking critical features scaffolding, and the no-game group. Learning outcomes were examined in terms of physics knowledge acquisition (in the form of concept maps) and design creativity (in the form of game episode designs). Students were asked to transform their roles from problem solvers to problem designers, which might not only demonstrate their ability to solve scientific problems, but also develop their creativity potential in designing scientific puzzles. The results indicated that the marking critical features scaffolding group performed significantly better than the demonstration scaffolding group in both conceptual knowledge acquisition and the sensitivity dimension of design creativity, while the group with demonstration scaffolding scored higher in the flexibility dimension of design creativity. These findings suggest that proper scaffolds could be designed to function as learning scaffolds rather than just as gaming scaffolds, and different learning purposes require various scaffolding designs. The content of the scaffolds, as well as the timing of their provision should be carefully designed according to the game features to achieve specific instructional purposes.