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Information Specialist facing new challenges: open science and research and scholarly publishing as new areas of expertise

Information Specialist facing new
open science and research and
scholarly publishing as new areas of
Johanna Kiviluoto & Riikka Sinisalo, Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Creating Knowledge IX
Vingsted | June 6-8 | 2018
About us
Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Lahti UAS, LAMK)
international multidisciplinary higher education institution located in the
city of Lahti
fields of study include culture, business and hospitality, social and
health care and technology
around 5000 students and 400 faculty
Lahti Academic Library
part of Lahti UAS
joint library for member universities of Lahti University Campus
Literature overview
Openness as a new professional
landscape for academic librarians
academic libraries support open dissemination of
the basic skills of librarians offer a strong starting point
for understanding, developing and promoting the
different aspects of open science
locating, organizing and disseminating information
creation, development and management of digital
content in general
librarians with different academic backgrounds -> new
angles and broader perspectives (Ogungbeni et al. 2016, Plutchak 2016)
Promoting openness:
an agenda for libraries
openness needs to be promoted in all organizational levels
(Ogungbeni et al 2016, 117)
aspects of openness that are particularly important for libraries
their role in open publishing
the impact of openness on their collections and information service
the rise of research data and methods as information materials
alongside publications
(Keskitalo, 2015)
Professional role of an open science
the role of the academic library has evolved together with the
priorities of the academic institutions (Ogungbeni et al. 2016, 114)
evolving roles place librarians in more intimate and embedded
relationships with the surrounding research community (Plutchak
2016, 4)
ashift in perspective:
thinking more what’s best for the organization on whole, not
what is best for the library itself (Plutchak 2016, 4)
new role as ambassadors of change, influencing and
persuading campus stakeholders (Jaguszewski & Williams, 2013)
Information Specialists as
change agents for openness:
case Lahti UAS
How it all
Finland’s Ministry of
Education and Culture’s
Open Science and Research
Initiative 2014-2017
Evaluation of the openess of
Finnish research
organizations in 2015 and
First evaluation in 2015
placed Lahti UAS in Level 1
-> a much needed wake up
(Ministry of Education and Culture. (2015), Image by Ministry
of Education and Culture 2017)
Building blocks of an open culture
library became the unit responsible for developing OSR
functions and publication activities in the early 2016
development plans for both OSR and publication functions,
updated yearly
the OSR principles incorporated into the Lahti UAS RDI
programme for 2016 to 2018
taking part in national level projects for promoting openess
Enhancing openness in the user driven innovation ecosystem of
universities (2015-2017)
Professional development
New responsibilities, new skillset
OSR understanding
the familiarity with all the services linked to OSR
deeper expertise on copyright and data protection issues
scholarly publishing and communication
different technical skills
proactive and future oriented thinking
Ways of learning
Open science and research training program, organized by
National open science and research initiative (see Ministry of education
and culture, 2018a)
online courses and webinars
several other universities of applied sciences and their OSR and
publication processes were assessed
creating a solid set of guidelines as the work progressed to tackle gaps
in processes
Practical steps
the launch of a new open access publishing platform
LAMK RDI Journal
LAMK publication series (Theseus)
OSR workshops and lectures for the staff of Lahti UAS
On-demand teaching and guidance bookable via web form (fin)
Guides for hands-on guidance
Guide to publishing (fin and eng)
Guide to Open Science and Research (fin)
Second evaluation of operational culture
maturity of research organizations
Lahti UAS climbed two
levels up
-> 3 (defined)
the second highest UAS
in Finland
(Ministry of Education and Culture 2017, 2018b)
What has changed organizationally?
Openess becoming a new norm, rather than a peculiarity
94 percent of Lahti UAS publications were available open
access in 2017
The library is stretching out to organizational level strategies
and goals in new ways
Open Science or Open RDI?
Finnish higher education operates on a dual structure, which
consists of universities and universities of applied sciences
universities conduct basic and applied research with an
academic focus, while the universities of applied sciences
have a more working life oriented approach in their teaching
and research
the principles of open science apply to UAS research,
development and innovation (RDI) activities -> Open RDI
What has changed professionally?
library personnel as partners in
organizational strategy work
RDI activities
in-company training program
diversifying the library's role
Future goals
Working towards a level 4 (managed) maturity
Concentrating on improving openess in teaching materials and
open data provision and usage
Promoting openess in projects
Opetus-ja tutkimusaineistojen laaja avoimuus key project, Ministry of
Education and Culture (2017-2020)
Open RDI, learning and innovation ecosystem in Universities of Applied
Sciences(Ammattikorkeakoulujen avoin TKI-toiminta, oppiminen & innovaatioekosysteemi, 2018-
Strengthening the culture of openess (Avoimen toimintakulttuurin vahvistaminen)
Setting up an openess helpdesk (Avoimuuden palveluverkoston (helpdesk) käynnistäminen)
Opening RDI integrated learning (TKI integroidun oppimisen avaaminen)
Johanna Kiviluoto
+358 44 708 0701
Riikka Sinisalo
+358 44 708 5016
Thank you!
Jaguszewski, J. and Williams, K. (2013), New Roles for New Times: Transforming Liaison Roles in Research Libraries, Association of
Research Libraries, Washington, DC. [Cited 25.4.2018]. Available at:
Keskitalo, E-P. (2015). Open science opens up the library. [Online Document]. The National Library of Finland Bulletin 2015. Helsinki:
The National Library of Finland. [Cited 21 May 2018]. Available at:
Ministry of Education and Culture. (2015). Avoin tiede ja tutkimus Suomessa : Toimintakulttuurin avoimuus korkeakouluissa vuonna
2015. [Online Document]. Helsinki: Ministry of Education and Culture, Open Science and Research Initiative. [Cited 25.4.2018].
Available at:
Ministry of Education and Culture. (2017). Evaluation of Openness in the Activities of Research Organisations and Research Funding
Organisations in 2016. [Online document]. Helsinki: Ministry of Education and Culture, Open Science and Research Initiative. [Cited
25.4.2018]. Available at:
Ministry of Education and Culture. (2018a). Open Science and Research Training. [Cited 24.5.2018]. Available at:
Ministry of Education and Culture. (2018b). Vipunen. Education statistics Finland. UAS Education, Publications. [Cited 1.6.2018].
Available at:
Ogungbeni, J.I., Obiamalu, A.R., Ssemambo, S. & Bazibu, C.M. (2018). The roles of academic libraries in propagating open science: A
qualitative literature review. Information Development. [Online Journal]. Vol. 34(2), 113121. [Cited 21 May 2018]. Available at:
Plutchak, T. (2016). A Librarian Out of the Library. Journal of eScience Librarianship. [Online journal]. Vol. 5 (1). [Cited 16 May 2018].
Available at: jeslib.2016.1106
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
This study investigates the roles of academic libraries in propagating Open Science. The study is a qualitative survey based on literature review. Various definitions of open science from different scholars and schools of thought were examined. Research articles on the effects of open science on research and the place of academic libraries in scientific research were reviewed. Open science enhances collaborations and sharing of resources among researchers. Metadata related activities are more prevalent due to open science. Open science has increased the relevance of science to our environment and world issues like privacy and the rightful author of scientific data are still some of the challenges facing open science. Academic libraries continue to take steps to be involved as key players in the propagation of open science through advocacy, building of institutional data repositories and serving as hubs for scientific collaboration among others. Academic libraries have to do more in the area of advocacy and provision of data repositories.
As librarians move into new roles, such as research data management, they sometimes find themselves moving, both organizationally and physically, out of the library. While this dislocation can be professionally unsettling, the shift in perspective that it brings can heighten their and their colleagues’ appreciation for the particular skills and talents that librarians can bring to the research enterprise.
Open Science and Research Training
• Ministry of Education and Culture. (2018a). Open Science and Research Training. [Cited 24.5.2018]. Available at:
Vipunen. Education statistics Finland. UAS Education, Publications
• Ministry of Education and Culture. (2018b). Vipunen. Education statistics Finland. UAS Education, Publications. [Cited 1.6.2018].
A Librarian Out of the Library. Journal of eScience Librarianship
  • T Plutchak
• Plutchak, T. (2016). A Librarian Out of the Library. Journal of eScience Librarianship. [Online journal].