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Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to develop and test instrument for HRM practices in the context of academic staff in universities in Uganda. HRM practices were operationalised as recruitment, selection, job design, training, performance appraisal, promotion, employee participation, rewards, job security and safety, and grievances handling mechanisms. In particular, the study sought to establish the validity and reliability of each of the 10 HRM practices and the correlation between them. The sample of 301 academic staff was chosen from four public and three private universities. The development and testing of the instrument was carried out basing on review of literature. The factors were tested using factor analysis and Cronbach alpha (á). The relationship between the HRM practices subscales was examined using Pearson product-moment correlations. It was found out that the items measuring HRM practices sub scales were valid and reliable measures. The correlation results suggested that the HRM subscales were independent with job design as the most independent subscale. It was concluded that the instrument provides appropriate measures for the different HRM practices.
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VOL. 10. N0 1, JANUARY-MARCH 2018
1 Wilson Mugizi
Faculty of Humanities and Education, Kampala International University (Western Campus)
2Fred E. K. Bakkabulindi
East African School of Higher Education Studies and Development, College of Education and
External Studies, Makerere University, Uganda.
The purpose of this study was to develop and test instrument for HRM practices in the
context of academic staff in universities in Uganda. HRM practices were operationalised
as recruitment, selection, job design, training, performance appraisal, promotion,
employee participation, rewards, job security and safety, and grievances handling
mechanisms. In particular, the study sought to establish the validity and reliability of
each of the 10 HRM practices and the correlation between them. The sample of 301
academic staff was chosen from four public and three private universities. The
development and testing of the instrument was carried out basing on review of literature.
The factors were tested using factor analysis and Cronbach alpha (á). The relationship
between the HRM practices subscales was examined using Pearson product-moment
correlations. It was found out that the items measuring HRM practices sub scales were
valid and reliable measures. The correlation results suggested that the HRM subscales
were independent with job design as the most independent subscale. It was concluded that
the instrument provides appropriate measures for the different HRM practices.
Keywords: Academic Staff, Factor Analysis, HRM Practices, Measurement,
Reliability, Scale Development, Testing, University
Human Resource Management (HRM) practices refer
to a system that attracts, develops, motivates, and
retains employees to ensure the effective
implementation and the survival of the organisation
and its members (Tan & Nasurdin, 2011). Indermun
(2014) suggests that HRM practices are a set of
internally consistent policies and practices designed
and implemented to ensure that an organisation's
human capital contribute towards the achievement of
its objectives. There are several HRM practices,
namely recruitment, selection, job design,
performance appraisal, training, promotion,
participation, rewards, job security and safety, and
grievances handling. Recruitment is the searching for
and obtaining potential job candidates in sufficient
numbers and quality so that the organisation can
select the most appropriate people to fill its job needs
(Georgia, George & Labros,
2013). Selection is the process of assessing the
suitability of candidates by predicting the extent to
which they will be able to carry out a role
successfully (Armstrong, 2010). Job design
according to Maxwell (2008) also referred to as job
redesign refers to any set of activities that involve
the alteration of specific jobs or interdependent
systems of jobs with the intent of improving the
quality of employee job experience and their on-
the-job productivity.
Performance appraisal refers to the systematic
evaluation of the employee with regard to his or her
performance on the job and his potential for
development (Toppo & Prusty, 2012). Training is a
systematic approach to learning and development to
improve individual, team and organisational
effectiveness (Aguinis & Kraiger, 2009). Promotion
refers to an increase in job responsibility, scope,
authority, or level within or outside the
organisation (Singh, Ragins & Tharenou, 2009).
Employee participation refers to employees having
the opportunity to influence of decision-making
throughout the organisation (Busck, Knudsen &
Lind, 2010). Rewards are the benefits that arise
from performing a task, rendering a service or
discharging a responsibility (Agwu, 2013). Job
security refers to the perceived stability and
continuance of one's job while job safety deals with
the prevention of accidents and minimising the
resulting loss and damage to persons and property
(Armstrong, 2010). With grievance handling
mechanisms, van Huijstee, Ricco and Ceresna-
Chaturvedi (2012) indicate that they are
procedures that offer formalised means through
which individuals or groups negatively affected by
certain organisational activities and operations
can seek remedy.
Importance of Human Resource Management
Human resource management practices (HRM)
practices are of strategic significance to organisations
(Demo, Neiva, Nunes& Rozzett, 2012) . HRM
practices enhance employee capabilities, motivation,
and stability (Gellatly, Hunter, Currie & Irving,
2009). HRM practices (e.g. recruitment and
selection) that ensure selective staffing, job design,
comprehensive training,
p r o m o t i o n o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d e m p l o y e
e participation) enhance employee capabilities. These
HRM practices help to increase feelings of internal
control (autonomy) and competence, which, in turn,
increase an employee's identification, involvement, and
emotional connection with the work and the
organisation hence commitment to the organisation
(Gellatly et al. 2009; Thusyanthy, 2014). Nieves and
Quintana (2016) state that HRM practices such as
recruitment procedures that give access to a large
number of qualified candidates, combined with an
adequate candidate selection process, can influence the
level of knowledge held by new employees, which is
necessary for better job performance.
With respect to job design, Thusyanthy (2014)
argues that job design directly affects employee's
training and development. For instance, the job
design aspect of job rotation increases the employee's
knowledge, skills and competency. Foss, Minbaeva,
Pedersen and Reinholt (2009) state that job design is
an antecedent of knowledge-sharing behaviours that
is sending and receiving knowledge. On the other
hand, training increases individual performance and
encourages employees to adjust their knowledge and
skills to organisational needs. Besides, training
encourages professional development helping
organisations build
idiosyncratic knowledge that is more valuable for the
organisations than for their competitors. In addition,
internal promotion policies allow firms to not only
take advantage of investment in training but also
incentivise employeesso they develop firm-specific
skills and knowledge (Nieves &Quintana, 2016).
Busck, Knudsen and Lind (2010) indicate that
employee participation leads to increased
productivity, greater responsibility and avoidance of
conflicts in connection with changes, and contributes
to a higher degree of well-being at work through
motivation and empowerment.
HRM practices (e.g. performance appraisal and
rewards) motivate employees' performance and
commitment (Gellatly et al., 2009). Ayers (2013)
specify that performance appraisals are the seminal
tool for linking individual performance to
organisational goals and outcomes. This linkage,
referred to as goal alignment, is important for
increasing organisational performance. Enhancing
organisational performance starts with aligning
individual performance with organisational goals and
subsequently holding those individuals accountable
for achieving organisational outcomes. Trivellas
(2009) argues that appraisal provides feedback
guidance in the context of an effective and more
complete system of performance management that
fosters employee motivation contributing to
increased commitment. With respect to rewards,
Stumpf, Tymon Jr, Favorito and Smith (2013)
indicate that these are either intrinsic or extrinsic.
Intrinsic rewards are based on employees getting a
positively valued experience from doing their work
such as experience of work as meaningful, the ability
to exercise some degree of choice, the experience of
progress and the development of a greater sense of
Extrinsic rewards to refer to valuable goals
that are external to the job itself that provide
satisfaction to individuals such as pay, job security,
supervisor and peers support among others
(Ganzach & Fried, 2012). Bartol and Srivastava
(2002) reports that intrinsic rewards have a positive
effect on feelings of self-determination that is
beneficial for intrinsic motivation. The intrinsic
motivation is a propellant of individual creativity in
an organisation. Dysvik and Kuvaas (2013) indicate
that intrinsically motivated employees are more
involved in their jobs and demonstrate greater effort
and goal attainment than those less intrinsically
motivated. However, extrinsically motivated
behaviours depend upon the perception of a
contingency between the behaviour and attaining a
desired consequence such as implicit approval or
tangible rewards or avoiding a negative consequence
such as punishment. Payrelates to increased
performance quantity, but not quality of
HRM practices (e.g. employment security and
effective grievance and dispute resolution processes)
provide supportive and secure working conditions
leading to employee stability (Gellatly et al., 2009).
Noble (2008) explains that within the classic
Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the notions of security
and safety occupy the second tier of the model,
suggesting that they are even more sophisticated
needs than the fundamental physiological concerns.
He argues that job security fears can lead to several
negative consequences, including decreased
satisfaction and a greater propensity to leave one's
job. Peene (2009) suggests that security and safety
build psychological contract between employee and
the organisation, which is an agreement about
employees' beliefs regarding the terms of
employment or, in other words, the perceived mutual
obligations between employer and employee. In this
respect, there is an exchange between job security
that is the obligation of the employer, and loyalty
that is the obligation of the employee. By perceiving
insecurity about the job on the part of the employees,
they will perceive the psychological contract as
violated by the organisation hence losing faith in the
dependability of the organisation.
According to Schreurs et al. (2012) uncertainty
will develop eliciting feelings of powerlessness,
alienation, and lack of control over their situation.
Employees will most likely interpret the environment
as stressful, have higher negative emotional
responses, and exhibit more strain. In such stressful
situations, employees will develop a detached
attitude to the job leading to lower levels of
performance. Pertaining to grievances handling
mechanisms, Zuwena (2014) contends that when a
conflict is not dealt with effectively, it may lead to a
breakdown in team interaction, causing errors and
poor performance. Chronic unresolved conflicts
increase the rate of employee turnover in
organisations and affect people and relationships
other than those initially affected such as external
stakeholders (customers) and investors. Gomathi
(2014) suggests that effective grievance handling is
an essential part of cultivating good employee
relations and running a fair, successful and
productive workplace. Owing to the importance of
HRM practices, the purpose of this study was to
develop and test an aggregate instrument of
measurement scales for the 10 HRM practices.
Literature Review
Scholars (e.g. Azmi, 2009; Bhanugopan, Aladwan
& Fish, 2013; Coelho, Cunha, Gomes & Correia,
2015; Demo et al., 2012; Zhai, Liu& Fellows, 2013)
have made attempts to develop and test HRM
practice measurement scales. For instance, Azmi
(2009) developed and tested a measure of HR using
top companies in India.HR was conceptualised using
two dimensions, namely Internal Fit with eight items
and External Fit with14 items. Internal Fit measured
how integrated the various sub functions of HR were.
It focussed on issues like presence of HR vision
existence of a coherent HR strategy, information
sharing among HR managers, inter-linkages between
HR sub-functions and allocation of budget for HR
sub functions among others. External Fit measured
whether the HR function was integrated with other
functional areas of the organization. It covered inter-
linkages between HR and other functions,
information sharing between managers of HR and
other functional areas, devolvement of HR
responsibility to line managers and involvement of
other departments in HR policies and activities.
Statistical tests indicated reliability and validity of the
factors with evidence of convergent and discriminant
validity for the scales.
Bhanugopan et al. (2013) carried out
structural equation model for measuring human
resource management practices in the Jordanian
organisations. The study used frontline employees'
of various industries associated with insurance,
finance, services, and accounting in Amman. Their
structural equation model for four domains, namely
staffing function (recruitment and selection),
learning or skills enhancement (training and
development), performance appraisal, and
incentives (rewards and benefits) supported the
construct validity for 15 items for a consolidated
HRM practices scale. The items in the measure
were five items for recruitment and selection, five
for training and development, one item for
performance appraisal, and four for rewards and
benefits. Coelho et al.(2015) developed and tested
a questionnaire for the HRM system using
employees from a variety of sectors in Portugal in
three studies. The HRM system domains measured
were performance appraisal, career development,
communication, performance pay, recruitment, and
selection. Psychometric properties of the measures
revealed good internal consistency reliability, item
reliability and construct reliability, as well as
convergent and discriminant validity.
Demo et al. (2012) carried out exploratory and
confirmatory factor analysis for human resources
management policies and practices scale (HRMPPS)
with employees from various organizations in Brazil
as the units of analysis. A six-factor model with 40
items that included six items on recruitment and
selection, 12 questions on involvement, six items on
training, development and education, six items on
work conditions, five items on competency
performance appraisal, and five items on rewards,
showed that they were valid and reliable. Zhai et al.
(2013) developed a measurement scale for human
resource practices using middle level staff in Chinese
construction organisations. Confirmatory and
exploratory factor analyses led to the development of
a 15-item measurement scale of HR practices
comprising four categories of HRM practice
measures, namely job description and participation
with six items, training with four items, staffing with
two items and rewards with three items. The studies
above reveal that there has been effort to develop and
test measurement scales for HRM practices.
However, the studies were skewed towards the
Western World such as Portugal (Coelho et al.,
2015), Southern American Countries such as Brazil
(e.g. Demo et al., 2012) and Asia such as India (e.g.
Azmi, 2009), Jordan (Bhanugopan et al., 2013) and
China ( Zhai et al., 2013).In addition, all these
measures carried out in sectors other than
On the other hand, there are a number studies
(e.g. Chen & Huang, 2009; Dwivedula & Bredillet,
2009; Negash, Zewude & Megersa, 2014; Oldham,
Kulik, Stepina, & Ambrose, 1986; Wan, Ong & Kok,
2002; Zulkiflee, Faizal, Shakizah & Durrishah, 2010)
who carried out different studies on the HRM
practices whose instruments were reviewed. Chen
and Huang (2009) examined the role of knowledge
management capacity in the relationship between
strategic human resource practices and innovation
performance using top executives of Taiwanese
firms. The instrument used in the study comprised f o
u r H R M p r act i ces , n a m e l y ; tr a in in g ,
compensation, performance appraisal, staffing
(recruitment and selection) and participation. Their
factor analysis and reliability test indicated that their
instrument was valid and reliable. In their study,
Dwivedula and Bredillet (2009) sought to understand
the constructs of work motivation in project-based
organisations using respondents from various
industries and different nationalities as units of
analysis. In their study, work motivation that covered
HRM practices was conceptualised in terms of
employee development, work climate, perceived
equity, work objectivity and job security. The
reliability test of their instrument indicated that the
instrument was reliable. Negash et al. (2014)
investigated payment, promotion, recognition,
working conditions and benefit towards academic
staffs work motivation in Jimma University.
Reliability test of their instrument indicated that
except for the domain of payment, the rest were
reliable measures.
Oldham et al. (1986) studied relations between
situational factors and the comparative referents
using employees from a variety of organisations in
the USA. In their instrument, two HRM practices,
namely; compensation (rewards) and job security
were considered. Their reliability tests revealed that
the instrument was reliable. Zulkiflee et al. (2010)
investigated the styles used in handling employee
grievances with heads of departments of the largest
telecommunication company in Malaysia as units
of analysis. Their factor analysis and reliability
tests revealed that their instrument was valid and
reliable. However, whereas the literature above
shows that valid and reliable instruments had been
developed through various studies, their efforts
were discrete. Besides, their purpose was not to
develop and test measurement scales and only one
study (Negash et al., 2014) was carried out in
Ethiopia in the African context. Hence, this study
developed and tested measurements scales for
HRM practices in the African context particularly
Uganda and in universities.
Instrument Development. The researchers were
interested developing and testing measurement scales
for HRM practices in the context of academic staff in
universities. The research plan involved constructing
a survey of HRM practices with 10 constructs. These
HRM practices include recruitment, selection, job
design, training, appraisal, promotion, participation,
rewards, job security and safety, and grievances
handling. The researchers specifically designed the
instrument for academic staff in universities. The
first step in developing and testing measurement
scales for the HRM practices involved reviewing
studies on instrument development on HRM
practices and related fields. The studies included a
measure on HR internal fit and external fit, HRM
practices, strength of the HRM system and HRM
policies and practices scale. While developing this
instrument, the purpose remained clear that the items
included would measure HRM practices employed
by universities. Already existing surveys in various
fields such as Schmidt et al. (2009) provided
information on the methodology and approach (see
Table 1) that the researchers used as they generated
items designed to measure each of the 10 HRM
practices. The present study develops an instrument
that promises a starting point for work designed to
examine HRM practices in universities. Before
collecting data, preliminary validation of the
instrument was carried out using face validity on the
items in the instruments of various scholars that were
used to develop this instrument as presented in Table
1. Face validity was carried out to identify those
items that were applicable to university contexts that
were thus adopted for inclusion in this instrument.
The items were scaled using the five-point Likert
scale from a minimum of 1 for the worst case
scenario (strongly disagree) to a maximum of 5,
which was the best case scenario (Strongly agree).
Table 1: Variables in the Instrument, their Sources and Reliabilities
Source of instrument, number of items
and their
reliability (á)
Demo et al., 2012 (6 items; á = 0.84)
Chen & Huang, 2009 (3 items; á=0.82)
Wan, Ong & Kok, 2002 (7 items; á = 0.8324).
Job design
Dwivedula & Bredillet, 2009 (18 items; á = 0.85)
Chen & Huang, 2009 (3 Items; á = 0.90 )
Demo et al., 2012 (5 items; á = 0.86)
Wan et al., 2002 (7 items; á = 0.83).
Demo et al., 2012 (6 items; á = 0.88)
Negash, Zewude & Megersa, 2014 (6 items; á
Chen & Huang, 2009 (3 items; á=0.76)
Demo et al., 2012 (12 items; á = 0.93)
Oldham, Kulik,
Stepina & Ambrose,
1986 (10
Items; á = 0.70)
Demo et al., 2012 (5 items; á = 0.81)
Job security and
Oldham et al., 1986 (10 items; á = 0.87)
Demo et al., 2012 (6 items; á = 0.84)
Zulkiflee, Faisal,
Shakizah & Durrishah, 2010 (11
items; á = 0.83-0.93)
Research Participants. The sample comprised 301
respondents from seven universities that were four
public and three private universities. The public
universities were Busitema, Gulu, Kyambogo and
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
(MUST). The private universities Islamic
University in Uganda (IUU), Kampala
International University (KIU) and Ndejje. The
respondents were as described in Table 1.
Table 2: Respondents Background Characteristics
Ownership of the University the
respondent worked in
Age group of the respondent in
Up to 30 years
30 but below 40
40 and above
Sex of the respondent
Highest level of education
Bachelor’s degree
attained by the respondent
Post graduate diploma
Master’s degree
PhD degree
Marital status of the respondent
Single never married
Tenure in years of employment
Up to one
attained by the respondent in the
One but below five
current University
Five but below 10
10 and above
Position of the respondent in the
Administrative position (e.g.
hierarchy of current University
Principal of a college, Dean of
a faculty, Head of institute,
Head of dept)
Strictly academic
Data Analysis. The researchers used quantitative
research methods to establish the extent of the
validity and reliability of the instrument. The
validities of multi-item constructs of HRM
practices, namely recruitment, selection, job
design, appraisal, participation, training,
promotion, rewards, job security and safety and
grievances handling mechanisms were tested using
Factor Analysis. The Cronbach Alpha method was
used to test reliabilities of the constructs.
In the presentation of the results, the first step
involved running a factor analysis on the items
within each subscale to ascertain covariation among
the items and whether the patterns fitted well into the
HRM practices constructs. Kaiser-Guttman rule
(which states that factors with Eigen values greater
than one should be accepted to identify a number of
factors and their constitution based on the data
analysis was used (Schmidt et al., 2009). In addition,
reliability tests were done for the items in each
subscale. During factor analysis, those items that split
loaded by loading highly on more than one
component (Table 7) were eliminated because they
were considered to be complex items (Yong &
Pearce, 2013). After eliminating split loading items,
reliability test was repeated on the remaining items
and Cronbach alphas for all the items in constructs
measuring HRM practices were above the benchmark
of á = 0.7 (Tavakol & Dennick, 2005). The results are
as presented in the subsequent confirmatory factor
analysis and reliability tables.
Table 3 shows that factor analysis reduced the five
items of the first HRM practice ( recruitment ) into
one factor. The factors had an Eigen value of 2.414,
meaning that the factor accounted for 2.414/5 x 100
= 48.27% of the total variance among the five items.
Table 3: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Recruitment
Recruitment Items
Factor Loadings
I was provided adequate relevant information about
this University at the time of recruitment
I was given adequate relevant information about this
job at the time of recruitment in this
I obtained the job in this University
information was officially disclosed to me on the
criteria to follow for me to get the job
I joined this University after information about the
availability of job was widely disseminated
My recruitment to this University was strictly based
on merit
Eigen value
% variance
Table 4 shows that factor analysis reduced the four
items of the second HRM practice (selection) into
one factor. The factors had an Eigen value of 2.272,
meaning that the factor accounted for 2.272/4 x 100
= 56.794% of the total variance among the four
Table 4: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Selection
Selection Items
Factor Loadings
To get the job in this University I went through a
rigorous selection process
I went through a competitive selection process to obtain
the job in this University
When I was being selected to work in this University, my
skills relevant to the job were evaluated
When I was being selected to work in this University, my
attitudes relevant to the job were evaluated
Eigen value
% variance
Job Design.
Table 5 shows that factor analysis reduced the five
items of the third HRM practice (job design) into one
factor. The factors had an Eigen value of 2.647,
meaning that the factor accounted for 2.647/4 x 100
= 52.941% of the total variance among the five
Table 5: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Job Design
Job Design Items
Factor Loadings
My job in this
is designed in such a way that
my strengths is fully evoked
My job in this
provides me a flexible time
My job in this
is designed in a way that
optimises my skills
The requirements of my job in this University accurately
reflect my understanding of the job
I have the opportunity to rotate appointments in this
% variance
Performance Appraisal.
Table 6 shows that factor analysis reduced the six
items of the fourth HRM practice (performance
appraisal) into one factor. The factors had an Eigen
value of 3.955, meaning that the factor accounted
for 3.955/6 x 100 = 65.909% of the total variance
among the six items.
Table 6: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal Items
Factor Loadings
The appraisal system of this University has a strong
influence on my performance
The appraisal system of
this University advances my
The performance appraisal system of this University is
In this University my performance is measured on the
basis of objective results
In this University after every appraisal I receive feedback
about my performance
In this University I am appraised at regular intervals
Eigen value
% variance
Table 7 shows that factor analysis reduced the seven
items of the fifth HRM practice (training) into two
factors. The factors had Eigen values of 3.725
and1.019, meaning that the factors accounted for
3.725/7 x 100 = 65.909% and 1.019/7 x 100 =
14.556of the total variance among the six items.
Cronbach's alpha for this set of items was 0.894 for
the initial test of the items. After dropping the second
and seventh items that split loaded, the items became
more valid but less reliable (hence the reduction of á
from 0.853 to 0.801). But the final alpha (á = 0.801)
being above 0.7 ( Tavakol & Dennick, 2011)
indicates that the remaining items were internally
consistent and thus reliably measured training
Table 7: Factors and Cronbach Alpha for Items of
Training Items
Factor Loadings
The training programmes available for
me in this University are relevant to
the changing needs of my job
In this University I receive regular
training in the different aspects of my
job (dropped)
My training needs in this University
are identified through a formal
performance appraisal mechanism
My University provides me extensive
training to enhance my job
In this University I have been
encouraged to participate in seminars
and workshops
The mentoring I have received in this
University has been vital to my job
In this University I have been assigned
challenging jobs to evoke my skills
(dropped )
Eigen value
3.725, 14.556
% variance
53.209, 1.019
*Initial Cronbach Alpha
**Cronbach Alpha after dropping items two and seven that loaded highly on two components/ factors.
Table 8 shows that factor analysis reduced the
five items of the sixth HRM practice
(promotion) into one factor. The factors had an
Eigen value of 3.333, meaning that the factor
accounted for 3.333/5 x 100 = 66.651% of the
total variance among the five items.
Table 8: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Promotion
Promotion Items
Factor Loadings
Promotion in this University is based on merit
I have a clear understanding of the promotion
requirements of my job in this University
Management of this University has communicated the
promotion policy to me very clearly
The promotional opportunities available to me in this
University are satisfying
There is an opportunity for me to get promoted in this
University soon
% variance
Employee Participation.
Table 8 shows that factor analysis reduced the seven
items of the seventh HRM practice (employee
participation) into one factor. The factors had an
Eigenvalue of 4.515, meaning that the factor
accounted for 4.515/7 x 100 = 64.494% of the
total variance among the seven items.
Table 8: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Employee Participation
Employee Participation Items
Factor Loadings
I feel am equitably involved in the activities of this
I am encouraged to participate in problem solving matters
in this University
Open and honest self-expression is promoted in this
I am given opportunity to suggest improvements in the
way things are done in this University
I am involved in decision making in this University
I participate in different administrative activities in this
University freely
I am treated with respect in the handling of the activities of
Eigen value
% variance
Table 9 shows that factor analysis reduced the six
items of the eight HRM practice (rewards) into one
factor. The factors had an Eigen value of 4.089,
meaning that the factor accounted for 4.089/6 x 100
= 68.145% of the total variance among the six items.
Table 9: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Rewards
Rewards Items
Factor Loadings
The rewards/ remuneration I receive from this
are comparable to the market
I am satisfied with the rewards/ remuneration I receive
from this University
Rewards/ remuneration are fairly distributed in this
I am paid adequately for the work I do in this
My job performance is an important factor in determining
the rewards/ remuneration I receive in this University
My rewards/ remuneration in this University are/ is paid
Eigen value
% variance
Job Security and Safety.
had an Eigen value of 2.822, meaning that the
Table 10 shows that factor analysis reduced the
factor accounted for 2.822/6 x 100 = 56.440% of
five items of the ninth HRM practice (job
the total variance among the five items.
security and safety) into one factor. The factors
Table 10: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items ofJob Security and Safety
Job Security and Safety Items
Factor Loadings
I find this University a good
place for me to work in
My personal safety in the University is guaranteed as I
carry out my work
University as long as I
I am assured of my job in this
continue performing
In this University staff are rarely made redundant
The place from where I work in this University has proper
hygiene conditions.
% variance
Grievance Handling Mechanisms.
Table 11 shows that factor analysis reduced the
five items of the tenth HRM practice (grievance
handling mechanisms) into one factor. The factors
had an Eigen value of 3.269, meaning that the
factor accounted for 3.269/5 x 100 = 65.390% of
the total variance among the five items.
Table 11: Factor and Cronbach Alpha for Items of Grievance Handling Mechanisms
Grievance Handling Mechanisms Items
Factor Loadings
In this University, problems concerning my job are first
investigated to find a solution acceptable me
The middle course is always found to resolve impasses
between me and my superiors in this University
My job concerns in this University are brought out in the open
so that they can be resolved in the best possible way
My superiors in this University work with me to find solutions
to the problems related to my job
My superiors in this University try to avoid unpleasant
exchanges with me
Eigen value
% variance
Correlations among the HRM practices
A final set of analysis examined the relationship
between the HRM practices subscales using
Pearson product-moment correlations (Table 12).
To examine the relationship between the HRM
practice subscales, average indices for the 10
HRM practices that were recruitment (Rec),
selection (Sel), job design (Jdes), performance
appraisal (PA), training (Train), employee
participation (EP), promotion (Promo), rewards
(Rew), job security and safety (JSS) and
grievances handling mechanisms (GHM) were
computed. With respect to sub scale of
recruitment, it weakly correlated with all the
subscales except job design. Selection weakly
correlated with five subscales namely training,
performance evaluation, training, employee
participation, rewards, job security and safety,
and grievances handling mechanisms. Job
design had no significant correlation with any of
the subscales. Performance appraisal had a
modest correlation with all the subscales except
job design. Training had a modest correlation
with all the subscales except job design while
selection had no correlation with job design.
Promotion, employee participation, rewards, job
security and safety, and grievances handling
mechanisms had modest correlation with all the
subscales except job design with which there
was no correlation. The correlation results
suggest that the HRM subscales were
independent with job design as the most
independent subscale.
Table 12: Inter-correlations of HRM Practices Measures
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The specific purpose in mind for designing this
instrument was to develop and test measurement
scales for HRM practices in the context of academic
staff in universities. The results reveal that this
instrument for the 10 HRM practices is a valid and
reliable measure. The internal consistency for all the
HRM practices was satisfactory since Cronbach
alphas (á) met the criterion of 0.70 (Tavakol &
Dennick, 2011).The results also showed that all the
items for the HRM practices were valid because the
factor loadings were above the cut off value of 0.50
and loaded highly one factor. The items for the first
HRM practice (recruitment) were reliable. These
results consistent with those of Demo et al. (2012)
whose reliability test for the same items found them
reliable. Similarly, the items for the second HRM
practice (selection) were reliable as was the case with
Chen and Huang (2009) and Wan et al.(2002)whose
reliability tests found the items reliability. The items
for the third HRM practice (job design) were reliable.
This was consistent with Dwivedula and Bredillet
(2009) because their reliability test indicated that the
items were reliable. The results for the fourth HRM
practice (performance appraisal) also indicated
reliability of the items.
Consistent with the results of Chen& Huang
(2009) and Demo et al. (2012), reliability test for the
fifth HRM practice (training) confirmed reliability of
the items. However, two items on training were
dropped because they split loaded on two factors. The
items for the six HRM practice (participation) were
reliable. These results consistent with those of Demo
et al. (2012) whose reliability test for the same items
showed that they were reliable. With respect to the
items for the seventh HRM practice (promotion), they
were also reliable as previously found out by Negash
et al. (2014). With regard to the items for the eighth
HRM practice (rewards), they were reliable as
already indicated by Oldham et al. (1986).The results
for the ninth HRM practice (job security and safety)
also indicated reliability of the items. This was
similar to the results of Oldham et al. (1986) and
Demo et al. (2012) whose reliability test for
suggested reliability of the items. Further still,
consistent with Zulkiflee et al. (2012) reliability test
for the tenth HRM practice (grievances handling
mechanisms) supported reliability of the items.
Overall, from the above results, it can be discerned
that this designed HRM practices instrument provides
appropriate measures for HRM practices in the
context of universities.
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appropriate measures for the different HRM
practices. The 10 HRM practice subscales were
empirically supported. Therefore, this paper brings
various subscales measuring HRM practices
together. This paper provides a reliable and valid
instrument to measure HRM practices not only for
purposes of empirical research but also for the
purposes of organisations aiming at effective
management and high quality performance.
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... Previous studies have discovered a statistically significant effect of the recruitment and selection processes on employee behavior, including job satisfaction (Georgia et al., 2013;Akafo & Boateng, 2015;Mugizi & Bakkabulindi, 2018;Halid et al., 2020). This is supported by the research of Hauret et al. (2020), which found that the recruitment and selection processes had a significant effect on job satisfaction. ...
... Employee performance appraisal is a process for management to assess an employee's job performance and provide feedback, along with recommendations for how to improve or reorganize tasks as needed, which often combines verbal and written elements (Elrehail et al., 2019). According to Mugizi and Bakkabulindi (2018), performance appraisal was defined as a systematic evaluation of employees' job performance and their potential to be developed. ...
... Job satisfaction and recruitment were shown to be positively and significantly correlated, which supports earlier studies by Georgia et al. (2013) and Hauret et al. (2020). In addition, the findings of Mugizi and Bakkabulindi (2018) further supported this study's finding that job satisfaction and selection were shown to be positively and significantly correlated. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of human resource management practices on the job satisfaction of academics in higher education institutions. Furthermore, there were 129 academics from several higher education institutions in West Java involved as participants in this study. The research instrument consisted of 30 items to assess human resource management practices and three items to assess job satisfaction. Additionally, SPSS 29.0 was used for data analysis. Based on the results of this study, there was a significant and positive association between job satisfaction and human resource management practices, including recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, rewards, recognition, and promotion prospects. The findings and statistical analysis of this study highlighted the effect of human resource management practices on the job satisfaction of academics in higher education institutions. In addition, it was expected that the novelty of this study would provide a significant contribution to human resource management practices and the current situation of job satisfaction in Indonesian higher education institutions, particularly in the public sector.
... Transparent procedures and adherence to job-related criteria are crucial in ensuring fairness in these processes. Prior research has demonstrated a significant relationship between effective recruitment and selection practices and employees' job satisfaction (Akafo & Boateng, 2015;Mugizi & Bakkabulindi, 2018;Halid et al., 2020). ...
... Performance appraisal involves the systematic evaluation of employees' job performance and potential for development (Mugizi & Bakkabulindi, 2018). Fairness and effectiveness in performance appraisal processes have been linked to increased job satisfaction and competitive advantage (Elrehail et al., 2019). ...
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This comprehensive study delves into the perceptions and adoption of the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) among head teachers in the educational landscape of Punjab, Pakistan. The research journey commences with a robust theoretical framework, drawing on established theories related to human resource management, technology adoption, and educational climate. Employing a meticulous methodology, a sampling framework is constructed to encompass diverse perspectives from both high schools and higher secondary schools across various districts of Punjab. A sizable sample, consisting of head teachers, is carefully selected utilizing a combination of simple random and systematic random sampling techniques. Electronic self-administered questionnaires are employed for data collection, with instrument reliability validated through Cronbach's alpha analysis. Quantitative data undergoes rigorous analysis, including descriptive and inferential statistical methods, such as t-tests and ANOVA, to elucidate relationships and test hypotheses. The study culminates in insightful findings, conclusions, and recommendations, offering significant implications for educational practice and policy. By aligning HRMIS adoption with head teachers' perceptions, this research contributes to enhancing educational quality in the distinctive context of Punjab, Pakistan, while exemplifying robust sampling techniques for broader research applications.
... The dependent variable of teacher competence was measured in terms of pedagogical, subject matter, ethical competence and assessment and evaluation (Calaguas, 2012). The independent variable of institutional support was measured in terms of induction (Haueter et al., 2003), continuous professional development (Mugizi & Bakkabulindi, 2018) and rewards (Heneman & Schwab, 1985). The responses were obtained using the scale where, 1 = Strongly Disagree (SD), 2 = Disagree (D), 3 = Undecided (U), 4 = Agree (A) and 5 = Strongly Agree (SA). ...
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This study examined the influence of institutional support on teacher competence. In particular, the study investigated whether the influence of induction, continuous professional development and rewards had a significant influence on teacher competence in government-aided secondary schools. This quantitative study used correlational research. Data were collected from a sample of 329 teachers from secondary schools in southwestern Uganda. Data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS 4. The findings revealed that induction, continuous professional development, and rewards have a positive and significant influence on teacher competence. Based on the findings, it was concluded that induction, continuous professional development and rewards are important for teacher competence development. Therefore, it was recommended that The Ministry of Education and Sports, head teachers, and other stakeholders such as Boards of Governors should establish institutional support that facilitates the development of teacher competence through induction, continuous professional development, and rewards. The practical contribution of the study is that it identifies institutional factors that can help to promote teacher competence
... Performance appraisal measures were core competencies appraisal (Nikolaou, 2003) and appraisal feedback (Linderbaum & Levy, 2010). Career developed measures included training (Truitt, 2011) and promotion (Mugizi & Bakkabulindi, 2018). The indicators were measured using a fivepoint agreement scale with strongly disagree being the lowest and strongly agree the highest. ...
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This study examined the relationship between performance management and teacher effectiveness in primary schools in Bulaago Coordinating Centre, Bulambuli District, Uganda. Informed by the Goal Setting Theory, performance management measured in terms of goal setting, performance appraisal and career development was related to teacher effectiveness Teachers’ effectiveness was also considered as a multi-dimensional concept covering content knowledge, personal conduct, pedagogical effectiveness, professional effectiveness and classroom management. This study employed the correlational research design on a sample of 102 teachers. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analysed using quantitative methods. Structural equation modelling (SEM) results revealed that while goal setting and career development had positive and significant relationship with teacher effectiveness, performance management appraisal had positive but insignificant relationship with teacher effectiveness. Therefore, it was concluded that goal setting is important for teacher effectiveness, the way of implementing performance appraisal does not enhance teacher effectiveness and career development is necessary for teacher effectiveness. Therefore, it is recommended that administrators should emphasize goal setting in the management of schools and improve the way of implementing appraisal. The Ministry of Education and Sports and school administrators should support teacher career development to enhance their effectiveness.
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This study examined principals' human resource management practices and their impact on goal achievement in private secondary schools in Kwara State. Guided by three purposes, two research questions, and one hypothesis, a descriptive survey of a correctional type was used. The population included 5,784 teachers from 255 private senior secondary schools in Kwara State, perthe 2019/2020 Kwara State School Census Report. A sample of 180 respondents, including teachers and principals, was selected. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire titled “Principal's Human Resources Management Practices and Goal Achievement Questionnaire” (PHRMPGAQ), based on a 4-point Likert scale. Descriptive statistics, including mean and standard deviation, were used to answer the research questions, while the hypothesis was tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation at a 0.05 significance level. Three experts from the Department of Education Management and Counselling at Al-Hikmah University validated the instrument, and reliability was confirmed with Cronbach’s alpha values of 0.82 and 0.84. Findings indicated a high level of principals' human resource management practices in these schools and a significant relationship between these practices and goal achievement. It is recommended that principals regularly evaluate recruitment, training, appraisal, and promotion practices to ensure they effectively support the continuous achievement of educational goals.
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This study investigates the relationship between leadership styles and teacher commitment in primary schools within Bitooma Sub-County. Utilizing a sample size of 107 teachers and 8 headteachers, data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between transformational leadership and teacher commitment, while transactional leadership shows a moderate positive correlation. Conversely, laissez-faire leadership demonstrates a negative correlation with teacher commitment. Regression analysis confirms the significant impact of transformational leadership on teacher commitment, highlighting the importance of leadership style in fostering teacher dedication and retention.
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This study investigates the relationship between leadership styles and teacher commitment in primary schools within Bitooma Sub-County. Utilizing a sample size of 107 teachers and 8 headteachers, data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between transformational leadership and teacher commitment, while transactional leadership shows a moderate positive correlation. Conversely, laissez-faire leadership demonstrates a negative correlation with teacher commitment. Regression analysis confirms the significant impact of transformational leadership on teacher commitment, highlighting the importance of leadership style in fostering teacher dedication and retention.
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Data was collected to investigate the effect of head teachers’ leadership styles on the commitment of teachers among secondary in Bushenyi District, Western Uganda. It was specifically focused on: the relationship between head teachers’ democratic leadership style and commitment of teachers; the relationship between head teachers’ autocratic leadership style and commitment of teachers; the relationship between head teachers’ laissez-faire leadership style and commitment of teachers among primary schools in Bushenyi district, Western Uganda. Data was collected in the month of August, 2023 from a total sample of 233 teachers from both government aided and private schools (122 males and 111 females). The data was collected using a self-designed questionnaire that was constructed from reading literature and following the research questions. All items in this instrument were closed-ended were measurement based on the five-point Likert Scale (1 = strongly disagree 2 = disagree 3 = not sure 4 = agree 5 = strongly agree). After organising the data quantitatively, it was entered into the computer using both excel spreads and statistical package for social scientists for further analysis. The data is in form of raw data, and it can be analyzed in different forms such as: relationship between the different forms of headteachers leadership style (democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire) and; the particular areas of teachers’ commitment (Affective, Continuance, and Normative), ownership of the school (government or private), gender (male or female), category of the school (day or boarding), teachers’ age among other factors that can be considered. Policy makers and school administrators can also base on this data to identify leadership gaps among headteachers that may call for refresher training or mediation talks.
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This article argues that educational research in Uganda is facing severe glitches, such as low research capacity. Most private universities seem to be more focused on their day-to-day survival than identifying their research-specific needs and engaging in quality research activities. Issues of research capacity-building remain a major concern amid a lack of resources and institutional environments in which academics work. Capacity-building and research engagements would help to strengthen strategic planning and influencing policy. Hence, this study fills this gap. Specifically, it explores the perceptions and experiences of academic staff regarding research capacity-building. The study identifies the challenges that hamper educational research and capacity-building opportunities associated with the development of research capacities as perceived by a sample of staff members in the identified institutions. To achieve this objective, a qualitative research design was adopted using focus group interviews to collect data from a sample of staff. In total, 12 focus group discussions were conducted with between 8–10 persons per group. Rank ordering of responses on specific issues was done during data analysis. The findings showed that the major factors responsible for low research output include capacity-building gaps, lack of financial resources, difficulty in identifying specific calls for abstracts and manuscripts, work overload for faculty staff, limited research writing skills, and bad experiences during previous research engagements, as presented and discussed below. Based on the findings, we make the following recommendations. First, the government should earmark a significant amount in the national budget for research and innovation that institutions in Uganda can easily access, including private academic institutions. Second, institutions should continuously engage their staff regarding research and improve their research capacity through training, workshops and ymposiums. Keywords: Educational research; Higher education; Private universities; Uganda
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to operationalize the construct Strength of the HRM System theoretically defined by Bowen and Ostroff (2004) as a set of process metafeatures to convey signals to employees about desired and appropriate work behaviors, as well as to develop and validate a questionnaire to measure it, the HRMSQ. Design/methodology/approach: Three studies contribute to this purpose. In the first study we develop a questionnaire and test it with employees from several organizations. In the second study we applied the refined questionnaire in a sample of employees from a large company, and assessed different types of validity. The final study replicated results from the second study. Findings: Psychometric properties reveal good internal consistency reliability, item reliability and construct reliability, as well as convergent and discriminant validity. Practical implications: Results indicate that the HRMSQ can be used in the study of strategic HRM. Originality/value: The HRMSQ is a friendly instrument that can help HR practitioners to assess whether the HRM system is unambiguously perceived by employees, and identify possible problem areas in terms of the implementation process. It also contributes to research in the strategic HRM field by operationalizing a construct that is likely to improve the understanding of the link between the HRM System and organizational performance. © 2015, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. All rights reserved.
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Medical educators attempt to create reliable and valid tests and questionnaires in order to enhance the accuracy of their assessment and evaluations. Validity and reliability are two fundamental elements in the evaluation of a measurement instrument. Instruments can be conventional knowledge, skill or attitude tests, clinical simulations or survey questionnaires. Instruments can measure concepts, psychomotor skills or affective values. Validity is concerned with the extent to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure. Reliability is concerned with the ability of an instrument to measure consistently.1 It should be noted that the reliability of an instrument is closely associated with its validity. An instrument cannot be valid unless it is reliable. However, the reliability of an instrument does not depend on its validity.2 It is possible to objectively measure the reliability of an instrument and in this paper we explain the meaning of Cronbach’s alpha, the most widely used objective measure of reliability.
This study investigates the role of compensation and its components such as payment, promotion, recognition, working condition and benefit towards academic staffs work motivation in Jimma University. The population of this study was 1337 academic staff of Jimma University. The researcher stratified the total population of the study based on their college. The samples were selected proportionally and conveniently from the strata. In this study, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. The primary data were gathered through questionnaires from 230 respondents of Jimma university academic staffs. An interview was also conducted with human resource personnel and each college deans of the university. Journals, books, internet, and other references were used as secondary sources of data. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency tables and inferential statistics such as correlations and regression analysis The findings of this study indicated that there is a relationship between compensation and its components and employee work motivation.
Many scholars have indicated that many factors, dimensions, environment, time, etc. are useful to design jobs in organizations. This review explores with the variety of literature support the relationship of variables with respect to job design. To extend and facilitate further studies contextually and empirically, a mind-map is presented to show how these relationship variables relate to job design. This would enhance the studies related to job design in particular.
Public managers wrestle with how to influence organizational performance. Results-based management approaches point to the goal alignment's importance in performance management programs for meeting organizational goals. This research examines the extent to which federal agency organizational factors allow for performance appraisal goal alignment. Goal alignment is operationalized in two ways: embedding of strategic plan goals into employee performance plans and employee knowledge of how their work relates to the agency's goals and priorities. Using data from U. S. Office of Personnel Management's evaluation of federal agency appraisal programs, results indicate leadership support of the program is a determining factor of plan alignment. Communication of the organization's goals, the climate fit for achieving results, and whether the strategic plan was written for the agency program level tend to predict employee alignment. Strategic plan level is particularly important for strategic management literature, which has limited empirical evidence for the effectiveness of program-level strategic plans.
It has been realized bv researchers and practitioners that piecemeal interventions in Human Resource Management (HRM) may not contribute positively to company performance. In order to be effective, the HR function needs be integrated both internally i.e. within its sub-functions as well as externally i.e. with other functional areas. This is also referred to as HRM-horizontal fit. Despite the importance of HRM-horizontal fit, there are few studies that look beyond what the ‘fit’ actually comprises. There have been no significant efforts to develop a reliable and valid instrument to measure the various dimensions of this fit. Thus, a need was felt to develop and validate an instrument for measuring HRM-horizontal fit. On the basis of an extensive literature review, two constructs of HRM- horizontal fit were identified. The scales were empirically tested for unidimensionality, reliability and validity using Structural Equation Modelling capabilities of LISREL version 8.50.