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University of New South Wales Law Research Series
(2019) 82(3) Modern Law Review
[2019] UNSWLRS 14
UNSW Sydney NSW 2052 Australia
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The Rule of Law and Automation of Government Decision-Making
Monika Zalnieriute,* Lyria Bennett Moses** and George Williams***
Governments around the world are deploying automation tools in making decisions that affect rights and
entitlements. The interests affected are very broad, ranging from time spent in detention to the receipt of social
security benefits. This article focusses on the impact on rule of law values of automation using: (1) pre-
programmed rules (for example, expert systems); and (2) predictive inferencing whereby rules are derived from
historic data (such by applying supervised machine learning). The article examines the use of these systems
across a range of nations. It explores the tension between the rule of law and rapid technological change and
concludes with observations on how the automation of government decision-making can both enhance and
detract from rule of law values.
Automation promises to improve a wide range of processes. The introduction of controlled
procedures and systems in place of human labour can enhance efficiency as well as certainty
and consistency. Given this, it is unsurprising that automation is being embraced by the
private sector in fields including pharmaceuticals, retail, banking and transport. Automation
also promises benefits to government. It has the potential to make governments – and even
whole democratic systems – more accurate, more efficient and more fair. As a result, several
nations have become enthusiastic adopters of automation in fields such as welfare allocation
and the criminal justice system. While not a recent development, automated systems that
support or replace human decision-making in government are increasingly being used.
The rapid deployment of automation is attracting conflicting narratives. On the one
hand, the transformative potential of technologies such as machine learning has been lauded
for its economic benefits. On the other, it has become customary to acknowledge the risks
that these pose to rights such as privacy1 and equality.2 The question of how automation
*Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation, Faculty of Law, UNSW
** Director, Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation, Faculty of Law, UNSW Sydney.
*** Dean, Anthony Mason Professor and Scientia Professor, Faculty of Law, UNSW Sydney; Barrister, New
South Wales Bar. The authors thank Gabrielle Appleby and the anonymous referees for their comments on an
earlier draft, and Adam Yu and Leah Grolman for their research assistance.
1 For automation, data protection and privacy, see, eg, A. Roig, ‘Safeguards for the Right Not to be Subject to a
Decision Based Solely on Automated Processing (Article 22 GDPR)’ (2017) 8 European Journal of Law and
Technology 1; S. Wachter, B. Mittelstadt and L. Floridi, ‘Why a Right to Explanation of Automated Decision-
Making does not Exist in the General Data Protection Regulation’ (2017) 7 International Data Privacy Law 76;
S. Wachter, B. Mittelstadt and C. Russell, ‘Counterfactual Explanations without Opening the Black Box:
Automated Decisions and the GDPR’ (2017) 31 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 841; I. Mendoza and L.
A. Bygrave, ‘The Right Not to Be Subject to Automated Decisions Based on Profiling’ in T. Synodinou et al
(eds), EU Internet Law: Regulation and Enforcement (Cham: Springer: 2017); G. Malgieri and G. Comandé,
‘Why a Right to Legibility of Automated Decision-Making Exists in the General Data Protection Regulation’
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interacts with foundational legal concepts and norms is also attracting attention among
theorists working at the intersection of legal theory, technology and philosophy.
3 These
scholars examine possibilities such as the potential of automation and artificial intelligence to
displace traditional legal concerns with prediction,4 and indeed to challenge the normative
structure underlying our understanding of law.5 Others have interrogated the relationship
between legal values and data-driven regulation.6 Another area of focus is ‘artificial legal
intelligence’ and its potential for improving access to justice and to provide benefits for
historically marginalised populations.7 These and other questions are typically examined in
particular legal or factual contexts, such as in regard to administrative law or law
(2017) 7 International Data Privacy Law 243; B. Goodman and S. Flaxman, ‘European Union Regulations on
Algorithmic Decision-Making and a “Right to Explanation”’ (2017) 38 AI Magazine 50. See also UN Office of
the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), A Human Rights-Based Approach to Data: Leaving No
One Behind in the 2030 Development Agenda (2016); United Nations Development Group, Big Data for
Achievement of the 2030 Agenda: Data Privacy, Ethics and Protection – Guidance Note (2017) at
the-2030-agenda/ (last accessed 27 November 2018).
2 For automation and equality, see, eg, S. Barocas and A. D. Selbst, ‘Big Data’s Disparate Impact’ (2016) 104
California Law Review 671; M. B. Zafar et al, ‘Fairness Beyond Disparate Treatment & Disparate Impact:
Learning Classification without Disparate Mistreatment’ (International World Wide Web Conferences Steering
Committee, 2017) Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web at (last accessed 10 September 2018); A. Chouldechova, ‘Fair
Prediction with Disparate Impact: A Study of Bias in Recidivism Prediction Instruments’ (2017) 5 Big Data
153; S. Goel et al, ‘Combatting Police Discrimination in the Age of Big Data’ (2017) 20 New Criminal Law
Review 181. See also ‘The Toronto Declaration: Protecting the rights to equality and non-discrimination in
machine learning systems’ 16 May 2018 at
rights-to-equality-and-non-discrimination-in-machine-learning-systems/ (last accessed 27 November 2018)
3 See, eg, recent special issue ‘Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and the Law’ (2018) 68 supp 1 University of
Toronto Law Journal 1, focused on legal theory, automation and technology beyond government decision-
making. See also K. Yeung, ‘Algorithmic Regulation: A Critical Interrogation’ (2017) Regulation &
Governance at (last accessed 10 September 2018); A. Rouvroy and B.
Stiegler, ‘The Digital Regime of Truth: From the Algorithmic Governmentality to a New Rule of Law’ A. Nony
and B. Dillet (tr), 2016, 3 La Deleuziana 6 at
content/uploads/2016/12/Rouvroy-Stiegler_eng.pdf (last accessed 10 September 2018); E. Benvenisti, ‘EJIL
Foreword – Upholding Democracy Amid the Challenges of New Technology: What Role for the Law of Global
Governance?’ (2018) 29 European Journal of International Law 9; M. Hildebrandt and B. Koops, ‘The
Challenges of Ambient Law and Legal Protection in the Profiling Era’ (2010) 73 MLR 428.
4 F. Pasquale and G. Cashwell, ‘Prediction, Persuasion, and the Jurisprudence of Behaviourism’ (2018) 68 supp
1 University of Toronto Law Journal 63.
5 M. Hildebrandt, ‘Law as Computation in the Era of Artificial Legal Intelligence: Speaking Law to the Power
of Statistics’ (2018) 68 supp 1 University of Toronto Law Journal 12; B. Sheppard, ‘Warming Up to
Inscrutability: How Technology Could Challenge Our Concept of Law’ (2018) 68 supp 1 University of Toronto
Law Journal 36, 37; M. Hildebrandt, Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law: Novel Entanglements of Law
and Technology (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015).
6 M. Hildebrandt, ‘Profiling and the Rule of Law’ (2008) 1 Identity in the Information Society 55; F. Pasquale,
‘Toward a Fourth Law of Robotics: Preserving Attribution, Responsibility, and Explainability in an Algorithmic
Society’ (2017) 78 Ohio State Law Journal 1243; D. K. Citron and F. Pasquale, ‘The Scored Society: Due
Process for Automated Predictions’ (2014) 89 Washington Law Review 1.
7 P. Gowder, ‘Transformative Legal Technology and the Rule of Law’ (2018) 68 supp 1 University of Toronto
Law Journal 82.
8 In the context of administrative decision-making, see, eg, M. Oswald, ‘Algorithm-Assisted Decision-Making
in the Public Sector: Framing the Issues using Administrative Law Rules Governing Discretionary Power’
(2018) 376 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 20170359 at (last accessed 10 September 2018); C. Coglianese and D. Lehr,
‘Regulating by Robot: Administrative Decision Making in the Machine-Learning Era’ (2017) 105 Georgetown
Law Journal 1147; D. Hogan-Doran, ‘Computer Says “No”: Automation, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
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This article adopts a broader perspective in assessing the benefits and challenges to
the rule of law posed by automation of government decision-making.9 The goal is not to
provide an exhaustive analysis, but to critically investigate how principles of the rule of law
are affected by the increasing use of two kinds of automation: human-authored pre-
programmed rules (such as expert systems) and tools that derive rules from historic data to
make inferences or predictions (often using machine learning). Our focus in doing so is on
three core rule of law concepts that have the widest acceptance across political and national
systems: transparency and accountability; predictability and consistency; and equality before
the law.
These rule of law values are applied to four case studies: automated debt-collection in
Australia, data-driven risk assessment by judges in the United States, social credit scoring in
China, and automated welfare in Sweden. The case studies have been selected to provide a
diverse range of viewpoints from which to assess the benefits and risks to the rule of law
posed by the use of automated decision-making by governments around the world. We do not
provide a detailed consideration of jurisdiction-specific constitutional, administrative and
statutory requirements constraining decision-making in these nations.10 Our aim instead is to
analyse developments at the conceptual level of how they impact upon the rule of law, rather
than seeking to develop a detailed prescription for the design or implementation of such
systems. e conclude that the alignment of automated government decision-making with rule
of law values hinges on the appropriateness of design choices. The most significant factor is
whether the automated system uses explicit rules written by humans (generally to align with
legal requirements for the relevant decision) or rules derived empirically from historic data to
make inferences relevant to decisions or to predict (and thus mimic) decisions. The latter
raise greater issues for transparency and accountability, particularly as newer techniques are
often more complex and therefore less susceptible to human explanation. Further, such
systems are less likely to be consistent with the law and more likely to fall foul of the
principle of equality before the law. In practice, however, systems of both types can fail to
live up to rule of law ideals. The solution lies in ensuring that system design reflects rule of
law values which are appropriate to the kind of decision being supported or made.
in Government Decision-Making’ (2017) 13 Judicial Review 345. In the context of national security and law
enforcement, see, eg, L. Bennett Moses and L. de Koker, ‘Open Secrets: Balancing Operational Secrecy and
Transparency in the Collection and Use of Data for National Security and Law Enforcement Agencies’ (2017)
41 Melbourne University Law Review 530; Hildebrandt, n 6 above; T. Z. Zarsky, ‘Transparent Predictions’
[2013] University of Illinois Law Review 1503.
8 See, eg, M. Hildebrandt and S. Gutwirth (eds), Profiling the European Citizen: Cross-Disciplinary
Perspectives (Dordrecht: Springer, 2008); Hildebrandt, n 6 above; D. Lyon, ‘Surveillance, Snowden, and Big
Data: Capacities, Consequences, Critique’ (2014) 1 Big Data & Society 1; P. De Hert and S. Gutwirth, ‘Privacy,
Data Protection and Law Enforcement. Opacity of the Individual and Transparency of Power’ in E. Claes, A.
Duff and S. Gutwirth (eds), Privacy and the Criminal Law (Antwerpen & Oxford: Intersentia, 2006); A. D.
Selbst, ‘Disparate Impact in Big Data Policing’ (2017) 52 Georgia Law Review 109.
9 A few short commentaries exist calling for more attention to be paid to the governmental context: see, eg, S. J.
Mikhaylov, M. Esteve, and A. Campion, ‘Artificial Intelligence for the Public Sector: Opportunities and
Challenges of Cross-sector Collaboration’ (2018) 376 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
20170357 at (last accessed 10 September 2018); R. Kennedy:
‘Algorithms and the Rule of Law’ (2017) 17 Legal Information Management 170; M. Perry, ‘iDecide:
Administrative Decision-Making in The Digital World’ (2017) 91 Australian Law Journal 29.
10 For example, in the United States, this would include due process protections in the Administrative Procedure
Act, Pub L 79-404, 60 Stat 237, 5 USC §§ 551-559.
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The rule of law is a political work in progress, at the heart of which lies a widely held
conviction that society should be governed by law. The prominence of the rule of law is such
that diverse societies and seemingly irreconcilable political regimes, ranging from the
European Union to Russia, China, Zimbabwe and Iran, have endorsed the concept. Some of
these societies reject democracy and human rights, others oppose capitalism and
globalisation, and some defy liberalism and are openly anti-Western,11 but they all embrace
an ideal of the rule of law.
Acceptance of the rule of law across so many nations and political systems is possible
because the concept lacks an accepted definition. It is ubiquitous, yet elusive. As an
‘essentially contested concept’, 12 different societies can endorse the rule of law while
disagreeing about what it entails. As Tamanaha notes:
Some believe that the rule of law includes protection of fundamental rights. Some believe that
democracy is part of the rule of law. Some believe that the rule of law is purely formal in nature,
requiring only that laws be set out in advance in general, clear terms, and be applied equally to all.13
At the highest level of abstraction, Tamanaha recognises that ‘the rule of law is analogous to
the notion of “good,” in the sense that everyone is for it, but having contrasting convictions
about what it is.’14
Some scholars have separated understandings of the rule of law into formal and
substantive conceptions. The former focuses on sources and forms of legality, while the latter
also includes stipulations about the content of the law.15 The idea that the rule of law
embodies both procedural and substantive elements is widely accepted.16 For example, Lord
Bingham argued that the core principle of the rule of law is ‘that all persons and authorities
within the state, whether public or private, should be bound by and entitled to the benefit of
laws publicly and prospectively promulgated and publicly administered in the courts’.17 He
further articulated eight core principles, including accessibility and predictability, application
of law, equality of law, protection of fundamental rights, availability of civil disputes
proceedings, limits on power exercised by public officials, fairness of adjudicative
procedures provided by the state, and state compliance with its obligations under
international law.18 Lord Bingham’s articulation of the rule of law is a further attempt to
expound a concept that, by its nature, defies universal definition.
It is not our goal to provide yet another account of the rule of law.19 Instead, we focus
narrowly on aspects of the rule of law that have general acceptance, notably that it requires
governance in which the law must be predictable, stable, accessible and everyone must be
11 B. Z. Tamanaha, On the Rule of Law: History, Politics, Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2004) 2.
12 J. Waldron, ‘The Concept and the Rule of Law’ (2008) 43 Georgia Law Review 1, 52. See also S. Sedley,
Lions under the Throne: Essays on the History of English Public Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2015). On essentially contested concepts more generally, see W. B. Gallie, ‘Essentially Contested Concepts’ in
M. Black (ed), The Importance of Language (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1962) 121.
13 Tamanaha, n 11 above, 3.
14 ibid, 3.
15 P. P. Craig, ‘Formal and Substantive Conceptions of the Rule of Law: An Analytical Framework’ [1997] PL
16 See, ibid, 467.
17 Lord Bingham, ‘The Rule of Law’ (2007) 66 CLJ 67, 69.
18 ibid.
19 Modern accounts include Lord Bingham, n 17 above; Tamanaha, n 11 above; P. Gowder, The Rule of Law in
the Real World (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016).
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equal before the law.20 In applying these principles, our focus is primarily upon the formal
and procedural aspects of the rule of law, rather than its capacity to encompass a broader set
of human rights, including to free speech and privacy. Hence, we limit our analysis to the
following core components: transparency and accountability; predictability and consistency;
equality before the law.
Transparency and accountability
One of the best-known aspects of the rule of law is that governments must be transparent and
accountable in respect of the rules and decisions they make. Transparency requires publicity
about the operation of the state and that individuals can access legal rules and administrative
decisions.21 This is important so that individuals can understand the reasons for decisions
affecting them and learn how future decisions might affect them. In democratic systems,
some awareness as to the principles underlying the operation of the law (albeit not
necessarily the specific details of decisions affecting others) is also useful for people seeking
to understand and hence evaluate the performance of government. Accountability further
requires that government be subject to the law and answerable for its actions (for example,
that executive action can be overturned where it transgresses the law).22 Transparency and
accountability are related because the transparency of a decision-making process or system is
necessary (but not sufficient) for making that process or system accountable.23 This includes
accountability as to compliance with other rule of law principles, such as equality before the
Predictability and consistency
Another widely accepted aspect of the rule of law is that the law should be predictable and
consistent.24 Many regard this as indispensable for individual freedom and a fundamental part
of ‘what people mean by the Rule of Law’.25 Predictability and consistency of law is often
thought to have dual purpose. It enhances certainty and efficiency so that individuals may
20 Report of the International Congress of Jurists, ‘The Rule of Law in a Free Society’ (New Delhi: International
Commission of Jurists, 1959) at [1].
21 See, Gowder, n 19 above.
22 R. Mulgan, Holding Power to Account: Accountability in Modern Democracies (New York. NY: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003); A. Schedler, ‘Conceptualizing Accountability’ in A. Schedler, L. Diamond and M.F. Plattner
(eds), The Self-Restraining State: Power and Accountability in New Democracies (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner,
1999) 17.
23 Bennett Moses and de Koker, n 8 above, 534–537.
24 L. L. Fuller, The Morality of Law (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1964); see also the lists in
J. Finnis, Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford: OUP, 2nd ed, 2011) 270–271; J. Rawls, A Theory of Justice
(Oxford: OUP, 1999) 208–210; J. Raz, The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality (Oxford: OUP,
1979) 214–218.
25 M. Schwarzschild, ‘Keeping it Private’ (2007) 44 San Diego Law Review 677, 686. For example, in his well-
known book on the subject, Tom Bingham indicated that one of the most important things people needed from
the law that governed them was predictability in the conduct of their lives and businesses. He quoted Lord
Mansfield to the effect that: ‘[i]n all mercantile transactions the great object should be certainty: … it is of more
consequence that a rule should be certain, than whether the rule is established one way rather than the other.’:
Vallejo v Wheeler (1774) 1 Cowp 143, 153 cited in T. Bingham, The Rule of Law (London: Allen Lane, 2010)
38. Similarly, Paul Gowder has recently argued that one of the main requirements for a political state under the
Rule of Law is regularity: those who use state coercion must actually be bound by reasonably specific legal
rules in that use: P. Gowder, ‘Transformative Legal Technology and the Rule of Law’ (2018) 68 University of
Toronto Law Journal 82, 89 (summarising the main boundaries of the rule of law in his work, Gowder, n 19
above). See also F. A. von Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press, 1960).
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manage their private lives and affairs effectively.26 It also has a moral significance in that like
cases ought to be treated equally, an issue explored separately below. In common law
systems, predictability and consistency of law are furthered by judicial adherence to
Equality before the law
Equality before the law stipulates that all human beings must be subject to and treated equally
by the law without inappropriate reference to their status or other circumstances. This implies
due process, including that all individuals are subject to the same rules of justice.28 The
question as to whether due process is an aspect of equality before the law or a separate
principle is open to debate;29 we analyse it here as an aspect of equality before the law. In
broad terms, equality before the law might guarantee that no individual or group be
privileged or discriminated against due to their racial or ethnic background, sex, national
origin, religious belief, sexual orientation or other irrelevant personal characteristics.30 In this
form, equality before the law might give rise to a range of substantive rights, though the
scope and content of these remain contested.31 In this article, we apply a narrow conception
of equality before the law, that is, that people, irrespective of their status, must have equal
access to rights in the law and that, in accessing these rights, ‘like cases be treated alike’.32
We adopt this approach without making any claim that this is exhaustive of the principle.
This narrow conception of equality before the law has the broadest possible application for a
range of legal and political systems.
Automation in government decision-making is not a new phenomenon, nor is it linked to a
single technology. If a human government decision-maker were to automatically decide
26 See Bingham, n 17 above; see also W. Eskridge and P. Frickey (eds), Hart and Sacks’s The Legal Process:
Basic Problems in the Making and Application of Law (Westbury, NY: Foundation Press, 1994).
27 J. Waldron, ‘Stare Decisis and the Rule of Law: A Layered Approach’ (2012) 111 Michigan Law Review 1;
D. A. Farber, ‘The Rule of Law and the Law of Precedents’ (2005) 90 Minnesota Law Review 1173. S.
A. Lindquist and F. C. Cross, ‘Stability, Predictability and the Rule of Law: Stare Decisis as Reciprocity Norm’
University of Texas Law School, Conference Paper, 2010 at
Papers/Rule of Law Conference.crosslindquist.pdf (last accessed 15 August 2018).
28 Egalitarian moral value is attached to this principle by all theorists who argue that the principle is part of the
conception of the rule of law: see, eg, A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution
(Indianapolis: Liberty, 8th ed, 1982) 114–115; Waldron, n 27 above; von Hayek, n 25 above, 85, 209. For a
classical liberal work on equality before the law, see A. L. Hudson, ‘Equality Before the Law’ (1913) CXII The
Atlantic Monthly 679.
29 See, eg, J. Waldron, ‘The Rule of Law and the Importance of Procedure’ (2011) 50 Nomos 3.
30 For broad, substantive accounts of rule of law, see R. Dworkin, Law’s Empire (Cambridge, MA: Belknap,
1986); Gowder, n 19 above, chs 2–3.
31 For examples of minimalist positions, see J. Rousseau, The Social Contract (1762, M. Cranston tr, London:
Penguin, 2003), Fuller, n 24 above, ch 2; J. Raz, ‘The Rule of Law and its Virtue’ in J. Raz, The Authority of
Law: Essays on Law and Morality (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979) 214–218; J. Finnis, Natural Law and
Natural Rights (Oxford: OUP, 2nd ed, 2011) 270–271; C. R. Sunstein, Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict
(New York, NY: OUP, 2018) 119–122; M. J. Radin, ‘Reconsidering the Rule of Law’ (1989) 69 Boston
University Law Review 781.
32 See Rawls, n 24 above, 237; H. L. A. Hart, ‘Positivism and the Separation of Law and Morals’ (1958) 71
Harvard Law Review 593, 623–624. The notable exception is Raz, for whom the rule of law does not include
principle of equality before the law, see Raz, n 24 above.
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every case in the same way, one might say that the decision-maker acted as an automaton.
This would also be the case if the decision-maker applied a simple criterion, such as
approving only those applications made before lunchtime. By contrast, the automation
examined in this article relies on a technological tool or system. The extent to which it does
so varies along a spectrum (of partial through to full automation) from decision support
(computer helps humans make decisions) to human-in-the-loop (decisions are made with
some human involvement) to the disappearance of humans from the decision-making process
To illustrate, it is useful to consider concrete examples moving from decision-making
where automation plays a supporting role to decisions that are made entirely by machines.
Starting from decision-support tools, a facial recognition tool used by a customs official at an
airport might identify an applicant as being on a security watchlist and pull up the record of
that person from a database. The official might then review information in the database,
question the applicant, and decide whether to admit that person to the country. Further along
the spectrum are systems that automatically determine some fact relevant to a decision, such
as that an individual meets an age criterion, while leaving the remaining elements of
decision-making to a government official. Still further, an automated system might provide
information relevant to an evaluative rather than purely fact-based criterion, such as assessing
whether an individual is likely to be dangerous or unlikely to comply with a payment plan.
Automation might also recommend that the decision-maker decide a case a particular way, in
which case the decision-maker may treat such a recommendation as more or less
determinative of the outcome. Finally, a system may identify the relevant information, and
then make a decision based upon that information without engaging a human decision-maker.
This might occur, for example, in determining whether an applicant has met the criteria to
receive a welfare benefit.
There are a variety of technologies that are being used, or are likely to be used, to
automate government decision-making processes over the immediate term. In analysing the
impact of automation on the rule of law, we divide these into two classic types, although we
recognise that these can also be combined in a decision-making process. The first type of
automation is a process that follows a series of pre-programmed rules written by humans. The
second type of automation deploys rules that are inferred by the system from historic data.
Before explaining how these might be combined, it is worth exploring each separately
through the lens of examples – expert systems and supervised machine learning, respectively.
Expert systems are sometimes described as the first wave of artificial intelligence,33 a
general term used to describe situations where machines perform tasks that would ordinarily
require human intelligence. They are an example of a pre-programmed logic where rules are
coded into a system and applied to new examples to reach a conclusion. Typically, these rules
are written by, or designed in consultation with, those who have sufficient knowledge of the
domain in which the decision will operate;34 for example, in the context of government-
decision-making, those with knowledge of the relevant legislative provisions and decision
criteria. Expert systems can be used to automate components of a decision-making process
that rely on clear, fixed and finite criteria. If legislation provides that individuals who meet
criteria A, B and C are eligible for a benefit, an expert system can operate so that only
individuals meeting all three of those criteria (with inputs coming from responses to a
questionnaire, from a government database and/or from some other source) receive the
33 See, generally, A. Tyree, Expert Systems in Law (Sydney: Prentice Hall, 1989).
34 D. A. Waterman and M. A. Peterson, Models of Legal Decisionmaking: Research Design and Methods (Santa
Monica, CA: Rand, 1981) 13-14.
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Because they are based on explicit rules, expert systems can give reasons for
decisions, citing the material facts and rules on which a conclusion was reached. In the
extremely simple example of an expert system that determines whether criteria A, B, and C
are met, the output of the system might read ‘Applicant X is not eligible for this benefit
because criterion C is not met’. The reasons for the decision can be generated because the
system is using the same logic as the rule itself, namely assessment of each applicant against
criteria A, B and C. The system can also be rendered transparent to the public by writing the
encoded rules as one or more statements, such as ‘An applicant is eligible for the benefit if
and only if A, B and C are met’.35
Expert systems have been used by governments both to augment and to replace
human decision-makers. Since the 1980s, such systems have been designed for use in a
variety of government contexts, such as child protection and calculation of welfare benefits.36
Robo-debt and the Swedish welfare system, discussed below, are more modern examples of
systems using a pre-programmed human-authored logic. Whether or not they are coded as
traditional ‘expert systems’ (which typically separate the inference engine from the rules
database), they mirror a similar approach. In particular, they operate on the basis of human-
crafted logic, with identical inputs inevitably yielding the same output.
Quite different are systems that automate decision-making, not on the basis of explicit
human-authored rules, but on the basis of rules learnt from patterns and correlations in
historic data. Machine learning, which falls into the ‘second wave’ of artificial intelligence,37
automates the construction of the rules that drive the system. Machine learning describes a
variety of data-driven techniques that establish processes by which a system will ‘learn’
patterns and correlations so that it can generate predictions or reveal insights. The learning
occurs iteratively as an algorithm attempts to improve performance against a specified goal.
Supervised machine learning requires data that has already been classified or labelled,
for example as to whether in that circumstance an applicant is eligible or not eligible for a
benefit. Because the data is pre-labelled (either in the context of historic decision-making or
in the context of development of the system), it carries within it human biases and
assumptions.38 For example, crime data may reflect policing and judicial biases towards
minority groups, while data on eligibility for benefits may reflect bureaucratic impulses to
reduce spending. Those deploying supervised machine learning must also decide how they
wish to evaluate performance (for example, false positives might be preferred to false
negatives). The process typically begins by dividing the data (whatever its source) into a
35 R. E. Susskind, Expert Systems in Law: A Jurisprudential Inquiry (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987) 114–115.
36 eg, J. R. Schuerman et al, ‘First Generation Expert Systems in Social Welfare’ (1989) 4 Computers in Human
Services 111; J. Sutcliffe, ‘Welfare Benefits Adviser: A Local Government Expert System Application’ (1989) 4
Computer Law & Security Review 22.
37 J. Launchbury, ‘A DARPA Perspective on Artificial Intelligence’ DAPRAtv, YouTube, 2017 at (last accessed 20 August 2018). The Defence Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has also named a third wave of artificial intelligence that has not been
applied to government decision-making and so is not explored further in this paper.
38 eg, L. Gitelman (ed), ‘Raw Data’ is an oxymoron (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013); S. Barocas and A. D.
Selbst, ‘Big Data’s Disparate Impact’ (2016) 104 California Law Review 671; T. Calders and I. Žliobaitė, ‘Why
unbiased computational processes can lead to discriminative decision procedures’ in B. Custers, T. Calders, B.
Schermer, and T. Zarsky (eds), Discrimination and privacy in the information society: Data mining and
profiling in large databases. (Heidelberg: Springer, 2013) 43–60; R. Kitchin, The Data Revolution: Big Data,
Open Data, Data Infrastructures & Their Consequences (London: Sage Publications, 2014); B. E. Harcourt,
Against prediction: Profiling, policing and punishing in an actuarial age (Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago
Press, 2013); J. Lerman, ‘Big Data and its Exclusions’ 66 Stanford Law Review Online 55 at (last accessed 27
November 2018).
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training set and a testing set – the latter being reserved to evaluate the performance of the
algorithm according to the relevant criteria. The rule that is learnt can then be applied to the
testing data to evaluate the algorithm, after which further adjustments may be made.
There are different methods that might be used in ‘training’ the machine, offering
various levels of comprehensibility among other features. A supervised machine learning
process may learn a simple rule (for example, that eligibility hinges on the presence of factors
and the absence of others) or it may learn a ‘rule’ that involves an extended series of steps for
which there is no apparent logic. The kind of rule that is learnt will hinge on the model of
machine learning that is deployed as well as the kinds of patterns existing in the data.
Eventually, it is deployed on real world data during decision-making.
Supervised machine learning is an example of a broader range of methods that aim to
draw inferences from data for the purposes of drawing an inference or making a prediction.
Other techniques, including those associated with traditional statistics, can be used to achieve
a similar end. For example, a regression analysis can be used to estimate relationships among
variables, which can be used to write a rule for predicting a particular variable (such as the
outcome of a decision). However, unlike standard statistical methods, machine learning is
generally iterative (capable of continually ‘learning’ from new information) and capable of
identifying more complex patterns in data.
The line between the two types of automation (pre-programmed and rules derived
from historic data) is not always clear. Humans can write explicit rules that are based not on
statutory criteria or legal doctrine, but rather on empirical findings gleaned from historic data
(through statistics or machine learning). In this case, a rule is inferred from data at a
particular point in time but then is pre-programmed into a system. A system that
automatically follows the same rule, originally learnt through a machine learning process, has
some characteristics of each of expert systems and machine learning. Like expert systems, it
cannot operate outside its programmed parameters. If the rule becomes obsolete (for
example, because statutory criteria or decision-making policies change), it will no longer be
effective at predicting decisions that would be made by humans. The system will also share
with machine learning the potential for complexity (discussed in relation to Transparency and
Accountability, below). In particular, depending on the machine learning process employed,
the rule generated (and used) may hard for humans to understand, explain or justify. This
example demonstrates that our two types of automation are not strictly separate categories.
Nevertheless, they are useful ‘classic types’ that help to distinguish different kinds of
challenges that arise for the rule of law. Where relevant, we discuss the possibility of
blending the two types of automation as a solution to particular rule of law challenges.
Despite automating the decision-making process to varying extents, none of the
approaches to automation considered here remove humans from the process entirely. Humans
decide which processes to automate and what techniques to deploy, as well as identify data or
rules that will form the basis for inferences. For example, in the context of supervised
machine learning, it is generally39 humans who decide key matters such as what will be
predicted and how this will be measured, what data is collected and whether and how errors
are corrected.40 At least at this stage of technological development, most of the automation
comes after humans have designed and built the system. This means that the human aspect of
these technologies can never be discounted.
39 Potentially, if artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, machines will become involved in these
processes. But for now, they remain under the control of humans.
40 D. Lehr and P. Ohm, ‘Playing with the Data: What Legal Scholars Should Learn about Machine Learning’
(2017) 51 University of California Davis Law Review 653.
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As a reference point for our analysis in the following section, we describe below programs
where governments are relying on automation in making decisions that affect individuals.
These case studies represent a diverse selection of nations and technological approaches as
well as different stages of implementation.
Robo-debt in Australia
Robo-debt is a nickname given by the media to a controversial program, announced by the
Australian government in 2015, to calculate and collect debts owed because of welfare
overpayment.41 It replaced a system of manual review of individuals selected through risk
management, where income and other information was gathered from the individuals, their
bank records and employer records.
Under the robo-debt system, data on annual income held by the Australian Tax Office
(ATO) was automatically cross-matched with income reported to the government welfare
agency Centrelink. Because welfare entitlements were originally calculated on the Centrelink
figure, a higher income declared to the ATO was taken to mean that the individual concerned
had been overpaid and thus owed a debt to the government. The system thus combined data
matching (possibly employing machine learning), 42 automated assessment through the
application of human-authored formulae, and automated generation of letters to welfare
To understand how the system worked, it is important to know that income is reported
to the ATO as an annual figure but to Centrelink as a fortnightly figure. The first step was to
check the two annualised income figures against each other. Where the ATO annual income
was greater than the Centrelink annualised income, individuals were sent a letter giving them
an opportunity to confirm their annual income through an online portal. Those who accessed
the online portal were given an opportunity to state their fortnightly income (with evidence),
whereas those who did not access the portal were assumed to earn a fortnightly figure
calculated as the annual ATO figure divided by the number of weeks in a year.43 However,
the letter sent to individuals did not explain that recording variation in income over the year
was important to an accurate calculation of welfare entitlements.44 The fortnightly income
(entered into the online system or derived as above) was used to calculate what the welfare
entitlement ought to have been and, where relevant, individuals were automatically sent a
debt notice. Some letters were sent to individuals who did not in fact owe any money because
variations in their income were not recorded and had an impact on their welfare entitlements.
While the system has been modified over time, our comments are here directed to its original
implementation. Several concerns have been raised in the use of this system. These include
poorly worded correspondence, inaccuracy of the formula in a percentage of cases, issuing
debt notices to those not owing money, 45 shifting the burden of proof, 46 and leaving
individuals to the mercy of debt collectors.47
41 The program was introduced as part of a 2015–16 Budget measure, ‘Strengthening the Integrity of Welfare
Payments’ and a December 2015 Mid-Year Economic Fiscal Outlook announcement.
42 Such data matching is authorised by the Data Matching Program (Assistance and Tax) Act 1990 (Cth).
43 Commonwealth Ombudsman, ‘Centrelink’s Automated Debt Raising and Recovery System: A Report about
the Department of Human Services’ Online Compliance Intervention System for Debt Raising and Recovery’
(Investigation Report, 2017) 1, 4 at
Centrelinks-automated-debt-raising-and-recovery-system-April-2017.pdf (last accessed 27 November 2018).
44 ibid, 9.
45 T. Carney, ‘The New Digital Future for Welfare: Debts without Legal Proofs or Moral Authority?’ UNSW
Law Journal Forum, May 2018 at
Carney.pdf (last accessed 16 August 2018).
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Data-driven risk assessment in US sentencing decisions
In some jurisdictions in the United States, judges use an automated decision-making process
called COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions)
that draws on historic data to infer which convicted defendants pose the highest risk of re-
offending, particularly where there is a risk of violence. The Conference of Chief Justices in
the United States has come out in support of judges using such tools, including in the
sentencing process.48 Such use has also been endorsed by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin in
Wisconsin v Loomis49 (Loomis). That case held that partial reliance on a COMPAS score in
sentencing (affecting the non-parole period of a sentence) did not violate the defendant’s
right to due process under the United States Constitution. The Court found that such reliance
is permissible so long as the decision is not fully delegated to the output of the machine
learning software – for example, a judge will still need to consider a defendant’s arguments
as to why other factors might impact the risk they pose.50 On the other hand, there is no
requirement that defence counsel be able to challenge the accuracy of the COMPAS tool or
the algorithms upon which it is based, both of which remain a trade secret.51
Risk assessment tools such as COMPAS distinguish among individuals based on a
variety of characteristics. The full extent of these are not known given the proprietary nature
of the software. Concerns have been raised that race has an impact on assessments. For
example, a ProPublica investigation found that African Americans are more likely than
whites to be given a false positive score by COMPAS.52 This is not necessarily because race
is used as a variable in modelling relative dangerousness of the offender population;
differential impact can result where race correlates with variables that are themselves
correlated with risk classification. Differential outcomes can thus result where the data on
which the system is trained is itself steeped in human biases.
While racial discrimination was not an issue in Loomis, gender discrimination was
raised. Data on gender was included in the set on which the algorithm was trained, the reason
being that rates of re-offending, particularly violent re-offending, differ statistically between
men and women. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin held that this kind of differential
treatment did not offend the defendant’s due process right not to be sentenced based on his
male sex. Its reason was that because men and women have different rates of recidivism,
ignoring gender would ‘provide less accurate results’. 53 This highlights a fundamental
question about the logic employed in drawing inferences using rules derived from historic
data – if the goal is to maximise predictive accuracy, does it matter from a rule of law
perspective whether individuals are classified differently based on inherent characteristics?
46 P. Hanks, ‘Administrative Law and Welfare Rights: A 40-Year Story from Green v Daniels to “Robot Debt
Recovery”’ (2017) 89 AIAL Forum 1, 9–11.
47 Note that this aspect of the program has been modified, see Commonwealth Ombudsman, n 3 above at [1.35],
[1.48], [3.16].
48 CCJ/COSCA Criminal Justice Committee, ‘In Support of the Guiding Principles on Using Risk and Needs
Assessment Information in the Sentencing Process’ (Resolution 7, adopted 3 August 2011) at
Risk-Needs-Assessment-Information-Sentencing-Process.ashx (last accessed 15 August 2018).
49 State of Wisconsin v Loomis 881 N.W.2d 749 (Wis. 2016). The United States Supreme Court denied certiorari
on 26 June 2017.
50 ibid at [56].
51 ibid at [51].
52 J. Angwin et al, ‘Machine Bias’ ProPublica, 23 May 2016 at
bias-risk-assessments-in-criminal-sentencing (last accessed 16 August 2018).
53 Loomis n 49 above at [77], [86].
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Automated student welfare in Sweden
The Swedish National Board of Student Finance (CSN) has been singled out by the Swedish
government as a pioneer in the use of automated decision-making by public agencies.54 The
CSN manages financial aid to students in Sweden for their living costs, which includes grants
and various loans.55 The core target group of the CSN generally has high knowledge of, and
access to, information technologies. The CSN automated rule-based decision-making system
is mandated by national legislation, and the role of professional officers is to guide customers
through the e-service in accordance with an ethical code.56 This ensures that the decisions are
based on clear, public rules and a human confirms and takes responsibility for each decision.
The automated system is available both to potential applicants for student loans and
grants (managed by a so-called ‘out’ unit), as well as those who are paying their loans back to
the CSN (managed by the ‘in’ unit).57 Numerous e-services provided by CSN are partially or
fully automated. For example, an e-service that allows people to apply for a reduction in
repayments is used to support decision-making process (partial automation), while all the
decisions on loan re-payments based on income of the last two years are fully automated. The
automated decision-making system combines data from CSN with publicly available
information, including tax information (which is publicly available in Sweden).58 Whenever
an individual applies for a reduction, an officer enters any relevant information into the
system manually before letting the automated system take over again, meaning that the
system is partially automated. While it is the system that ‘makes’ decisions, the officers are
obliged by law to take responsibility for them and to communicate the decisions to the
customers by editing the default formulation and signing it.
Social credit system in China
A fourth case study of automation is the Social Credit System (shehui xinyong tixi – SCS)
developed by central government in China and implemented by 43 ‘demonstration cities’ and
districts at a local level.59 According to the government planning document that outlines the
its inherent requirements are establishing the idea of a sincerity culture, and promoting honesty and
traditional virtues, it uses encouragement for trustworthiness and constraints against untrustworthiness
as incentive mechanisms, and its objective is raising the sincerity consciousness and credit levels of the
entire society.60
54 Näringsdepartementet, Statens Offentliga Utredningar, ‘En digital agenda i människans tjänst [A digital
agenda in the service of people]’ Statens Offentliga Utredningar [Official Reports of the Swedish Government],
Report no SOU 2014:13, 2014 at
utredningar/2014/03/sou-201413/ (last accessed 16 August 2018).
55 See the website of the CSN at (last accessed 6 November 2018).
56 E. Wihlborg, H. Larsson, and K. Hedström. ‘“The Computer Says No!” A Case Study on Automated
Decision-Making in Public Authorities’ 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
57 See the CSN website, n 55 above.
58 Swedish Tax Agency, ‘Taxes in Sweden: An English Summary of Tax Statistical Yearbook of Sweden’ 2016
skv104-utgava16.pdf (last accessed 10 September 2018).
59 A linguistic note made by Rogier Creemers is useful in this context: ‘the Mandarin term “credit” (xinyong)
carries a wider meaning than its English-language counterpart. It not only includes notions of financial ability to
service debt, but is cognate with terms for sincerity, honesty, and integrity.’: see R. Creemers, ‘China’s Social
Credit System: An Evolving Practice of Control’ 2018 at (last accessed 16 August 2018).
60 R. Creemers (ed), ‘Planning Outline for the Construction of a Social Credit System (2014–2020)’ (Eng tr of
State Council Notice of 14 June 2014) 25 April 2015 at
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In accordance with such goals, the SCS provides rewards or punishments as feedback to
individuals and companies, based not just on the lawfulness, but on the morality of their
actions, covering economic, social and political conduct.61
From a technological perspective, the SCS resembles a straightforward, pre-
programmed rule-based system, however each of 43 ‘model cities’ implement the programme
differently. For example, under the Rongcheng City model,62 everyone is assigned a base
score of 1,000 points on a credit management system, which connects four governmental
departments. Subsequent points are then added or deducted on the system by (human)
government officials for specific behaviour, such as, for example, late payment of fines or
traffic penalties. There are in total 150 categories of positive conduct leading to additional
points on the system, and 570 categories of negative behaviour leading to point deductions
for individuals. The implications of the SCS cover a wide range of economic and social
repercussions. For instance, those with low social credit rating scores may not be eligible for
loans and certain jobs, or may be denied the opportunity to travel on planes or fast trains. In
contrast, those with high scores enjoy benefits such as cheaper public transport, free gym
facilities and priority for shorter waiting times in hospitals.
The SCS is still in its early stages and the Chinese government has been forming
partnerships with private companies with sophisticated data analytics capacity. For example,
the central government has been cooperating with Chinese tech giant Alibaba in a Sesame
Credit system, which includes, among other things, an automated assessment of potential
borrowers’ social network contacts in calculating credit scores.63 This means that those with
low-score friends or connections will see a negative impact on their own scores because of an
automated assessment.64 Sesame Credit combines information from the Alibaba database
with other personal information, such as individual browsing and transaction history online,
tax information and traffic infringement history, to automatically the determine the
trustworthiness of individuals.
Transparency and accountability
Automation offers many potential benefits in enhancing the transparency and accountability
of governmental decision-making. Whereas a human may come up with justifications for a
decision ex post that do not accurately represent why a decision was made,65 a rules-based
system can explain precisely how every variable was set and why each conclusion was
reached. It can report back to an affected individual that the reason they were ineligible for a
benefit was that they did not meet a criterion that is a requirement of a legislative or
credit-system-2014-2020/ (last accessed 16 August 2018).
61 For a detailed analysis of thinking and design process behind the SCS, see Creemers, ibid.
62 荣成:建信用体系 创“示范城市 [Rongcheng: The Making of a Demonstration City for the Social Credit
System] 新华社 [Xinhua News Agency], 13 July 2017 at http://xinhua- (last accessed 10 September 2018).
63 M. Hvistendahl, ‘Inside China’s Vast New Experment in Social Ranking’ Wired, 14 December 2017 at (last accessed 10 September 2018).
64 R. Zhong and P. Mozur, ‘Tech Giants Feel the Squeeze as Xi Jinping Tightens His Grip’ New York Times
(online), 2 May 2018 at
innovation.html (last accessed 10 September 2018).
65 R. E. Nisbett and T. DeCamp Wilson, ‘Telling More Than We Can Know: Verbal Reports on Mental
Processes’ (1977) 84 Psychological Review 231.
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operational rule that is pre-programmed into the logic of the system. It is important to note
here that such feedback is not necessarily provided for rules-based expert systems. The
designer decides what the output of the system will be and whether it will include reasons for
its conclusions or decisions. In the case of robo-debt, individuals were not provided with
clear information as to how the debts were calculated in general, or in their individual case.
The opposite is true for the Swedish system, where decisions are made based on clear, public
rules and a human confirms and takes responsibility for each decision.
To understand the barriers to transparency, it is helpful to understand Burrell’s three
‘forms of opacity’.66 The first form is intentional secrecy, which arises when techniques are
treated as a trade or state secret, or when data used in the process contains personal
information which cannot be released due to privacy or data protection laws. This form of
opacity can apply to systems based on rule-based logic and systems that derive rules from
data using techniques such as machine learning. In the case of the Chinese Social Credit
system, only limited information is made public. For example, the details of the cooperation
between the central government and the private sector in the Sesame Credit system are not
clear. While it is known that the system will use machine learning and behavioural analytics
in calculating credit scores,67 individuals have no means of knowing what information from
their social network contacts was used or its precise impact on their scores.68
A government agency may also outsource the building of or licence the use of an
automated system and will then be bound by contractual terms that prevent further
disclosure.69 In the case of COMPAS, Northpointe Inc (now ‘equivant’),70 which built the
tool, has not publicly disclosed its methods as it considers its algorithms trade secrets.71
While the risk assessment questionnaire and thus the input variables have been leaked,72
there is insufficient information available about methods and datasets used in training. The
lack of transparency was the focus of one of the concurring judgments in Loomis. 73
Abrahamson J noted that ‘this court’s lack of understanding of COMPAS was a significant
problem in the instant case’ and that ‘making a record, including a record explaining
consideration of the evidence-based tools and the limitations and strengths thereof, is part of
the long-standing, basic requirement that a circuit court explain its exercise of discretion at
sentencing.’74 Such transparency and analysis of the tool itself would also, in her opinion,
provide ‘the public with a transparent and comprehensible explanation for the sentencing
court’s decision’.75
While trade secret rights may legitimately be claimed by private corporations, and
enforced against contracting parties who agree to confidentiality provisions, there are
important questions from the perspective of the rule of law about whether secret systems can
66 J. Burrell, ‘How the Machine “Thinks”: Understanding Opacity in Machine Learning Algorithms’ (2016) 3
Big Data & Society 1.
67 Hvistendahl, n 63 above.
68 Zhong and Mozur, n 64 above.
69 For a discussion of intellectual property rights limiting the transparency of algorithms, see G. Noto La Diega,
‘Against the Dehumanisation of Decision-Making: Algorithmic Decisions at the Crossroads of Intellectual
Property, Data Protection and Freedom of Information’ (2018) 9 JIPITEC 3, 11–16. In the context of
outsourcing, there are additional considerations (beyond non-transparency) that may have legal implications that
are beyond the scope of this paper.
70 ‘Equivant’ at (last accessed 10 September 2018).
71 This is noted in Loomis n 49 above at [144].
72 See Angwin, n 52 above.
73 Loomis n 49 above.
74 ibid at [133], [141].
75 ibid at [142].
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be used in government decision-making in contexts that directly affect individuals. In at least
some circumstances, rule of law considerations should favour open source software.
The second form of opacity identified by Burrell, again potentially relevant to both
kinds of automation considered here, is technical illiteracy.76 Here, the barrier to greater
transparency is that even if information about a system is provided (such as a technique used
in training a machine learning algorithm or the formal rules used in an expert system), most
people will not be able to extract useful knowledge from this. A system may accordingly be
transparent to a technical expert, while remaining opaque to the majority of the governed,
including those affected by particular decisions. Of course, those without specialist
knowledge can consult those with it, just as those affected by badly drafted laws may need to
consult with lawyers in order to understand their obligations. However, in some contexts,
particularly where the consequences of a decision are severe, the lack of access to expert
advice in understanding and challenging a decision effectively reduces the extent to which
the decision itself can be described as transparent and accountable in practice.
The third form of opacity that Burrell describes relates specifically to machine
learning and stems from the difficulty of understanding the action of a complex learning
technique working on large volumes of data, even equipped with the relevant expertise.77 For
example, the process through which a face is ‘recognised’ by an automated system may
involve a complex combination of distal relationships, angles, colouring, shape and so forth,
combined through a multi-layered neural network, each layer reflecting different
combinations of multiple variables. Whereas the second form of opacity involved limitations
of expertise, the third form of opacity recognises human limitations in truly understanding or
explaining the operation of complex systems. Because humans reason differently to
machines, they cannot always interpret the interactions among data and algorithms, even if
suitably trained. This suggests that the transparency necessary for the rule of law may
decrease over time as machine learning systems become more complex.
There are some possible and partial solutions to this challenge. Some researchers are
working on ‘explainable AI’, also known as XAI, which can explain machine learning
inferences in terms that can be understood by humans.78 It is also possible to disclose key
information about a machine learning system, such as the datasets that were used in training
the system and the technique that was used. Machine learning systems can also be made
transparent as to aspects of their operation. Evaluations and testing can be used to ensure that
systems satisfy stated requirements, whether based on predictive accuracy or equal treatment
of groups. In other words, the use of automation can be justified or explained by a decision-
maker based on its empirically observed properties rather than on its inputs and methods. For
example, if one has a question about an algorithmic process, such as whether it discriminates
against a group, one can use tools that test for this without disclosing algorithmic methods or
data sources more broadly.79 This qualified transparency can at least ensure that outputs are
accountable along particular dimensions (such as compliance with equality standards).
However, some machine learning techniques cannot be rendered transparent, either
generally, in particular circumstances or to particular people. The three challenges identified
76 Burrell, n 66 above, 4.
77 ibid 5, 10.
78 For example, there is an XAI program at the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency in the US that
aims to develop machine learning systems that ‘will have the ability to explain their rationale, characterise their
strengths and weaknesses, and convey an understanding of how they will behave in the future.’: D. Gunning,
‘Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)’ (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Project Information)
at (last accessed 16 August 2018).
79 J. A. Kroll et al, ‘Accountable Algorithms’ (2017) 165 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 633.
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by Burrell, taken together, mean that there will rarely be public transparency as to the full
operation of a machine learning process, including understanding reasons for the decision,
understanding limitations in the dataset used in training (including systemic biases in the raw
or ‘cleaned’ data), and accessing the source code of the machine learning process. In some
cases, it may be sufficient that particular information about an algorithm (its equal treatment
of different groups, for example) is rendered transparent through evaluation and testing.
However, there are circumstances where qualified or limited transparency may be insufficient
from a rule of law perspective. The use of the COMPAS system in sentencing, which
ultimately impacts on individual liberty, is an example of a situation where a high degree of
transparency is needed to comply with rule of law values.
An alternative solution lies in the fact that decision-making systems only need to be
transparent and accountable as a whole, which does not necessarily imply visibility of the
entire operation of automated components of that system. For example, in the Swedish
student welfare example and elsewhere,80 a human remains accountable for the decision,
even though the logic itself is first run through an automated system. Ultimately, the success
of this strategy depends on its implementation. If the human can be called on to provide
independent reasons for the decision, so that the automated system is essentially a first draft,
then the decision-making system as a whole is as accountable and transparent as it would
have been in the absence of decision-support software. If, however, the human can rely on
the output of the system as all or part of their reason for the decision, then accountability for
the decision remains flawed despite assurances. This goes back to the question of the degree
of automation in the decision-making process and the influence of outputs over the ultimate
decision. A decision-making system as a whole can be made transparent and accountable by
marginalising automated components (at the cost of efficiency and other benefits) and
ensuring human accountability in the traditional way or by rendering transparent and
accountable those automated components.
As is evident from the above, the degree of transparency inherent in an automated
system is a question of human design choices. The system designer can choose what
information about the decision-making process to output. And the bureaucracy determines
the role of the automated system within the broader context of decision-making. While some
methods are more difficult to render transparent, it is the choice of the designer as to whether
such methods are used at all in particular systems. There are constraints – as Burrell points
out, machine learning tools are often opaque whether due to deliberate policy (of government
or a private contractor), lack of expertise in the community, or complexity of the method
selected. This means that there may be compromises needed between transparency and
choice of software or tool. The best predictor may not be the most transparent or may be
difficult to situate in a system of accountability.
Thus, where decisions are fully or partially automated, the transparency and
accountability of outputs hinges on the accountability of those designing the system for the
transparency and accountability of the decision-making system itself. Indeed, a similar point
is true for all rule of law values. They are unlikely to be found in decision-making and
decision-support systems by accident. Those designing systems should be required to design
80 For example, the Home Affairs Department Secretary in Australia has stated that ‘no robot or artificial
intelligence system should ever take away someone’s right privilege or entitlement in a way that can’t ultimately
be linked back to an accountable human decision-maker’: D. Wroe, ‘Top Official’s “Golden Rule”: In Border
Protection, Computer Won’t Ever Say No’ Sydney Morning Herald 15 July 2018 at
say-no-20180712-p4zr3i.html (last accessed 13 January 2019).
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them in ways consistent with the rule of law (including the criteria analysed here) and be able
to give an account of how this has been done.
Many of the humans involved in designing systems and setting relevant parameters
are data scientists, computer scientists and engineers. Professionally, there has been a move
to the development of standards, frameworks and guidelines to ensure that decision-making
and decision-support systems are ethical.81 This suggests another potential way forward for
the rule of law, writing it into the language of technical specifications for decision-making
and decision-support systems deployed by government. Designers could then be made
accountable for meeting those standards, whether contractually, professionally or through
regulation. The challenge of converting an essentially contested concept into technical
specifications (in one or multiple versions) would not be an easy one, and we do not attempt
it here.
However it is achieved, the need for greater transparency about automated decision-
making software, its development, and the assumptions embedded, as well as the weighting
of different variables by such systems, is one of the most frequently emphasised issues by
both technical and legal experts.82 It is also crucial from the perspective of the rule of law.
Firstly, it could lead to greater understanding of these systems, the values underlying them
and their operation, thus revealing what is now obscure. More transparency would also allow
affected individuals to challenge such decision-making systems, because information about
the variables, inputs and outputs would be available.83 For example, Citron and Pasquale
have developed a concept of ‘technological due process’, which would enable individuals to
challenge automated decisions made about them.
84 In particular, they argue that people
should have a ‘right to inspect, correct, and dispute inaccurate data and to know the sources
(furnishers) of the data.’85 Furthermore, they argue that an algorithm that generates a score
from this data needs to be publicly accessible – rather than secret – so that each process can
be inspected. Finally, they emphasise that policymakers need to ensure that a score is fair,
accurate, and replicable.86
Where full transparency is not possible and is reasonably overtaken by other
considerations, the accountability of the decision-making process as a whole still needs to be
ensured. Qualified transparency can play a role – even a complex machine learning system
can be evaluated and tested so that the impact of particular variables on outputs is measured.
Differential impact on traditionally marginalised groups should be something that is tested
before implementing an automated system, and sufficient access to the system should be
faciliated to enable further testing.
87 However, where automated components of systems
cannot be made transparent, accountability needs to be assured by humans. Ensuring a human
is responsible for independently justifying the decision and that humans are involved in
81 For example, the Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society (AIES) conference, the IEEE’s (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, the
International Standards Organisation’s JTC1/SC42 standardisation program, and the ‘Artificial Intelligence
Roadmap and Ethics Framework’ project at Australia’s Data61,
82 A. M. Carlson, ‘The Need for Transparency in the Age of Predictive Sentencing Algorithms’ (2017) 103 Iowa
Law Review 303; N. Diakopoulos, ‘We Need to Know the Algorithms the Government Uses to Make Important
Decisions About Us’ The Conversation 24 May 2016 at
algorithms-the-government-uses-to-make-important-decisions-about-us-57869 (last accessed 16 August 2018).
83 S. B. Starr, ‘Evidence-Based Sentencing and the Scientific Rationalization of Discrimination’ (2014)
66 Stanford Law Review 803, 806.
84 D. K. Citron and F. Pasquale, ‘The Scored Society: Due Process for Automated Predictions’ (2014) 90
Washington University Law Review 1, 20.
85 ibid.
86 ibid, 22.
87 Kroll et al, n 79 above. See also Citron and Pasquale, n 84 above, 25.
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appeal processes, as is the case in Sweden, is one way in which accountability can be
preserved. In these situations, it will be important to ensure that such humans feel able to act
independently of the outputs of the automated system. Finally, it may be the case that,
because of the inherent opacity, certain decision-making by the governments should not be
delegated to software with particular characteristics. For example, to remain in line with
transparency and accountability values that form part of the rule of law, criminal sentencing
should not be fully or partially delegated to a system whose logic cannot be rendered
transparent and comprehensible to defendants and their representatives. This ensures that
factors that ought to be irrelevant in the sentencing process remain so.
Predictability and consistency
Automation can also improve the predictability and consistency of government decision-
making. Unlike humans, computer systems cannot act with wanton disregard for the rules
with which they are programmed. They can be programmed to act probabilistically, tossing a
virtual coin to decide whether a decision is made in an applicant’s favour, but such deliberate
arbitrariness does not arise in any of our examples. Instead, it is generally reserved for
situations where a social consensus supports randomisation as the only fair means of
allocation (as with issuing limited tickets for an event or determining lottery winners).
As such, the systems in our examples generally enhance the predictability and
consistency of decision-making, even where they are otherwise problematic. The social credit
system in China works as a tool of social control because people can predict the
consequences of engaging in particular activities that the government wishes to discourage.
Australia’s robo-debt program and Sweden’s social welfare system perform the same
calculation for everyone.
However, automation also poses many challenges for the rule of law principles of
predictability and consistency. A first challenge arises when the rule that is applied in an
automated decision-making process does not correspond with statutory or common law
requirements. The inconsistency in such cases is not in the application of the rule in different
cases, but between the rule as formulated and the rule as applied in every case. An example
of such inconsistency is robo-debt. The formula failed to produce the legally correct result for
many people.88 This is not necessarily a problem where people are given the opportunity to
correct matters, as is evident from the Department’s defence of its position:
Initial notices request information to explain differences in earned income between the Australian
Taxation Office and Centrelink records. These result in a debt in 80 per cent of cases. The remaining 20
per cent are instances where people have explained the difference and don’t owe any money following
assessment of this updated information. This is how the system is designed to work, in line with the
legal requirements of welfare recipients to report all changes in circumstances and the department’s
obligation to protect government outlay.89
The problem was not that there was an error rate, which also exists for decisions made by
humans, but that the processes in place to manage the error were insufficient. There was no
human checking of the decision to issue a debt notice. The notice itself was also presented to
individuals as a fait accompli, with some individuals not receiving earlier communications
due to address errors.90 The online portal in place to deal with challenges to debt notices was
88 There is some dispute about the rate of error and how these should be characterised. Approximately 20 per
cent of people who received debt notices succeeded in providing additional information that demonstrated that
no debt was owed: Senate Community Affairs References Committee, Parliament of Australia, Design, Scope,
Cost-Benefit Analysis, Contracts Awarded and Implementation Associated with the Better Management of the
Social Welfare System Initiative (2017) at [2.88].
89 ibid at [2.89].
90 ibid at [3.61].
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also hard to use,91 with human alternatives inadequate to meet the demand.92 The rate of
errors also potentially exceeded the capacity of institutions designed to deal with appeals.
This compares unfavourably with the automated Swedish system, where humans edit and
take responsibility for each decision, with usual processes in place for appeal.93 The result in
Australia is a far higher likelihood that the law is being misapplied in ways that are
unpredictable and inconsistent.
When moving from pre-programmed rules to rules derived from data (for example,
through supervised machine learning), the predictability and consistency of decision-making
may be reduced. This is not because the computers are acting contrary to programming but
because, like human children who ‘learn’, it is hard to predict the outcomes in advance and
behaviour will change as ‘learning’ continues. Consider what is known about the COMPAS
tool (which is limited due to the transparency issues discussed above). Those developing the
tool did not necessarily know in advance what criteria would be found to correlate, alone or
in combination, with particular behaviours (such as reoffending). The rules allocating scores
to individuals were derived, likely through a supervised machine learning process, from a
large set of data (namely data recording historic re-offending behaviour). The behaviour of
the system is thus difficult, and sometimes impossible, for a human to predict in advance.
Machine learning raises another issue for predictability and consistency because it
continues to ‘learn’ from new data fed into it over time. If it gives a low score to an
individual, thereby contributing to a decision to grant parole, but the individual reoffends,
that will be fed back into the algorithm in order to improve its predictive accuracy over time.
In that way, a new individual who was relevantly ‘like’ the earlier false negative will have a
different outcome, namely a higher risk score and lower chance of parole. This means that the
system treats identitically situated individuals differently over time which, as discussed
below, is a problem not only for consistency but also for equality before the law.
Further, there are differences in how judges and risk assessment tools assess the risk
of re-offending. While the information that judges can consider for sentencing is not
generally restricted by traditional evidentiary rules and can include factors about defendants’
personal and criminal history,
94 the process of sentencing itself must satisfy the natural
justice or due process requirements.95 Accordingly, judges are unlikely to make sentencing
decisions that hinge on inherent characteristics of defendants, such as whether their parents
are divorced. 96 The fact that COMPAS relies on variables that would not have been
considered relevant by a human judge creates an inconsistency between decisions made by
judges under the law and decisions suggested by algorithmic inferencing. The lack of
transparency about the data relied on in the machine learning process in a particular case, as
91 ibid at [2.110].
92 ibid at [3.98], [3.106], [3.107], [3.119].
93 CSN decisions can be appealed to the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid (Överklagandenämnden för
studiestöd, ‘OKS’), see OKS website at (last accessed 6 November 2018).
94 In the US, the Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE) generally do not apply at sentencing, see, eg, Federal Rules of
Evidence r 1101(d)(3) (2015) at (last accessed 10
September 2018). For a detailed discussion of US sentencing, see D. Young, ‘Fact-Finding at Federal
Sentencing: Why the Guidelines Should Meet the Rules’ (1993) 79 Cornell Law Review 299.
95 In the US, this has been recognised by the US Supreme Court in Gardner v Florida 430 U.S. 349, 359 (1977)
(noting that ‘[t]he defendant has a legitimate interest in the character of the procedure which leads to the
imposition of sentence even if he may have no right to object to a particular result of the sentencing process.’).
96 J. Angwin, ‘Sample-COMPAS-Risk-Assessment-COMPAS-“CORE”’ at (last
accessed 16 August 2018), showing the question ‘If you lived with both parents and they later separated, how
old were you at the time?’
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well as opacity of the algorithm itself, makes it more difficult for judges to adjust their
expectations of the tool to ensure appropriate use.
Automation can improve the predictability and consistency of decision-making by
removing the arbitrariness for which humans are well known. However, the benefits can only
be realised if the automation process is sufficiently transparent, if it is property evaluated (for
accuracy and for consistency with legal requirements), and if appropriate measures are put in
place to manage foreseeable errors. Such measures should include human checking of
outputs, clear explanation as to the potential for error and the circumstances in which error
can arise, and a transparent and sufficiently resourced process for appeals. These are all
questions of design.
Automation according to human-crafted rules (derived from statute or judge-made
law) can ensure that the correct decision is made every time and can overcome issues with
human error and corruption. Rules derived from data raises more complex challenges,
particularly in ensuring predictability and consistency with the ‘law on the books.’
Supervised machine learning and other iterative systems also struggle with consistency over
time. However, these are matters that can be controlled from the perspective of predictability
and consistency, in the first case through design of the system as well as independent testing
and evaluation, and in the latter by moderating continual learning. Hence, a system that
combines both types of automation by using explicit programming to automate the
application of a fixed rule (originally derived from data, for example through machine
learning) can ensure consistency over time. Automation can thus prove beneficial for
predictability and consistency, although the evidence suggests that may not be achieved in
Equality before the law
Automation can enhance the principle of equality before the law by reducing arbitrariness in
the application of law, removing bias and eliminating corruption. For instance, automation in
China’s social credit system could, through the use of cameras and face recognition
technology, be deployed to ensure consequences apply to everyone who breaches certain
rules (such as jaywalking or parking illegally) without exception. By contrast, without such
automation, systems in place for minor infringements of this kind require a person to be
‘caught’, with the severity of the penalty often depending on the discretion and ‘generosity’
of the officials in question. Moreover, the enhanced consistency discussed above, particularly
of the expert systems, such as the Swedish welfare or robo-debt, that give the same answer
when presented with the same inputs, helps to ensure that similarly situated individuals are
treated equally. These examples demonstrate how certain kinds of automation can remove the
capacity for biased humans to discriminate against unfavoured groups. A properly designed
system could do so by eliminating both conscious and unconscious bias by only applying
criteria that are truly relevant to making the decision.
The benefits that automation can provide to equality before the law are however
qualified by two main interrelated challenges. First, automation in government decision-
making might compromise due process rights and the extent to which the laws apply to all
equally; and second, it might undermine the extent to which people, irrespective of their
status, have equal access to rights in the law.97
97 Interestingly, these concerns were also raised during the so-called selective incapacitation movement in the
1980s. Incapacitation theory sought to reduce crime rates by making offenders incapable of re-offending. As D.
L. Kehl, P. Guo and S. A. Kessler explain, ‘Selective incapacitation theory was based on the premise that the
justice system should seek to identify, or “select,” a sub-set of individuals who are particularly prone to violence
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Firstly, automation can compromise individual due process rights because it may
undermine the ability of that person to influence or challenge a decision affecting them. This
may be, for example, because they are unable to access or determine the correctness of key
information used to make that decision. For instance, in robo-debt, the right to review and
rectify information was undermined because the letter sent to individuals by the government
did not explain the importance of the income variation over the year for an accurate
calculation of welfare entitlements.98 Issuing debt notices for money not owed to a subgroup
of welfare recipients without providing them with a genuine opportunity to correct the
erroneous data held on them effectively denied them due process rights and hence equal
treatment under the law.
By contrast, the involvement of a case officer in the Swedish student welfare example
enables explanation of the process and provides an immediate opportunity for those affected
to rectify information or exercise a right of review. Moreover, the process is strengthened by
a relatively straightforward appeal procedure to challenge the CSN decisions.99 For example,
a student who had been prevented from joining the job market due to their disability had the
initial CSN decision reversed after examination by the Swedish National Board of Appeal for
Student Aid.100 Decisions by the Board which are deemed to be of fundamental importance
and in the public interest are available on its website.101
Similarly, under Shanghai Municipality SCS model, individuals have a right to know
about the collection and use of their social credit information and can access and challenge
the information contained in their credit reports.102 The municipal Public Credit Information
services centre will determine whether to rectify the information within five working days of
receiving the objection materials. These rights were tested in practice by Chinese citizen Liu
Hu, who was blacklisted on the SCS and unable to book a plane ticket after he accidentally
transferred the payment for a fine to a wrong account.103 After a court learned that Liu Hu
had made an honest mistake, the information on his social credit report was rectified.
In the case of machine learning employed in government decision-making, lack of
transparency, which is common for the reasons discussed above, is the primary reason why
due process rights are compromised. In Loomis, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin held that
or recidivism—colloquially known as “career criminals”—and incapacitate them by keeping them in prison for
longer periods of time’: ‘Algorithms in the Criminal Justice System: Assessing the Use of Risk Assessments in
Sentencing’ Harvard Law School Student Paper, Responsive Communities Initiative, Berkman Klein Center for
Internet & Society, July 2017, 3 at (last accessed 16
August 2018). See also ‘Selective Incapacitation: Reducing Crime Through Predictions of Recidivism’ (1982)
96 Harvard Law Review 511; T. Mathiesen, ‘Selective Incapacitation Revisited’ (1998) 22 Law and Human
Behaviour 455.
98 Kehl, Guo and Kessler, ibid, 9.
99 CSN decisions can be appealed to the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid (Överklagandenämnden för
studiestöd, ‘OKS’), see OKS website, n 93 above.
100 The Swedish National Board of Appeal for Student Aid, Dnr: 2014-03172, available at
content/uploads/2016/03/2014-03172.pdf (last accessed 6 November 2018).
101 (last accessed 6 November 2018).
102 上海市社会信用条例 [Shanghai Social Credit Regulations] (Shanghai Development and Reform
Commission, 29 June 2017) art 34 at上海市社会信用条例/?lang=en
(translated from (last accessed 10 September 2018).
Article 36 further states, ‘Where information subjects feel that there was error, omissions, and other such
circumstances … they may submit an objection to the municipal Public Credit Information service center, credit
service establishments, and so forth.’
103 S. Mistreanu, ‘Life Inside China’s Social Credit Laboratory’ Foreign Policy (online), 3 April 2018 at (last accessed 10 September
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due process was preserved because a COMPAS score was only one among many other
factors to be considered by the judge.104 However, it is difficult to determine how far along
the spectrum of automation a judge’s use of this system will lie: in particular, some judges
may treat it as a minor input into the decision, while others may be afraid that overriding the
‘objective’ evidence of dangerousness based on other considerations would be subject to
public, political or appellate critique. Thus, the extent to which an individual decision is
based on the outputs of COMPAS is difficult to assess.105 Furthermore, there are reasons to
believe that the score will have a greater influence than it deserves – the praise for such
systems offered by institutions such as Conference of Chief Justices suggests the attraction of
‘objectivity’ has blinded many in the judiciary to the practical flaws of the software.
The Court in Loomis also added that the right to review and rectify was satisfied
because the defendant had a degree of control over relevant input data: he could review the
accuracy of public records and offer other data directly through completion of the COMPAS
questionnaire.106 However, there is a difference between the ability to review and rectify
separate pieces of information which are fed into the software and the ability to review how
the score is calculated. While the opportunity to input data may be an improvement on the
Robo-debt system, this argument ignores the fact that the rules applied by the COMPAS
system are derived from historic data and that none of the data, the machine learning
technique, or the derived rules have been made public. The process through which a score is
obtained is thus difficult to challenge. Further, a defendant lacks an effective opportunity to
challenge the idea that factors outside of his control (for example, the fact that his parents
divorced when he was three, asked in the COMPAS questionnaire107) influence the length of
his sentence. Indeed, it would be impossible for a defendant to even know whether such a
factor did influence his score, as the lack of transparency prevents a defendant from knowing
the extent to which any given data (in public records or the questionnaire) has proved to be
material. A defendant is therefore only given an opportunity to argue against a score in the
absence of any real understanding of the basis for its calculation. Similar due process
concerns because of lack of transparency also arise in parts of the SCS system.
Further challenges to equality before the law and due process safeguards can arise in
some cases of automated decision-making due to what could be described as a ‘reversal’ of
the burden of proof or lowering of the ‘evidence threshold’.108 For example, in the robo-debt
104 It is likely significant that the judge told Loomis at the sentencing hearing that the COMPAS score was one
of multiple factors that his Honour weighed when ruling out probation and assigning a six-year prison term: ‘In
terms of weighing the various factors, I’m ruling out probation because of the seriousness of the crime and
because your history, your history on supervision, and the risk assessment tools that have been utilised, suggest
that you’re extremely high risk to re-offend’, Loomis n 49 above, 755.
105 The Court simply added that while COMPAS cannot be determinative in sentencing decisions, the risk
scores can be considered a relevant factor in several circumstances, including: ‘(1) diverting low-risk prison-
bound offenders to a non-prison alternative’; (2) assessing the public safety risk an offender poses and whether
they can be safely and effectively supervised in the community rather than in prison; and (3) to inform decisions
about the terms and conditions of probation and supervision, see Loomis ibid, 767–772 per Bradley, J, 772 per
Rogennsack, CJ, concurring, 774 per Abrahamson, J, concurring.
106 ibid, 765.
107 See n 96 above.
108 On the importance of burden of proof and ‘evidence threshold’ in the context of social welfare in the US, see
L. Kaplow, ‘Burden of Proof’ (2012) 121 Yale Law Journal 738. For Australia, see, eg, A. Gray,
‘Constitutionally Protecting the Presumption of Innocence’ (2012) 31 University of Tasmania Law Review 13.
In the context of European Court of Human Rights, see M. Ambrus, ‘The European Court of Human Rights and
Standards of Proof: An Evidential Approach Toward the Margin of Appreciation’ in L. Gruszczynski and W.
Werner (eds), Deference in International Courts and Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of
Appreciation (Oxford: OUP, 2014). On due process implications of shifting the burden of proof in the US legal
context, see C. M. A. McCauliff, ‘Burdens of Proof: Degrees of Belief, Quanta of Evidence, or Constitutional
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case, debt notices were issued for money that was not in fact owed by some welfare
recipients, and the fact-finding burden for debt that previously rested on the Department was
reversed, arguably contrary to the enabling legislation. 109 While debts issued under this
automated decision-making process can be challenged, it has been argued that the
government failed in its responsibility to ensure that it has established the existence of the
debt before initiating the claim.110
Finally, the use of automated decision-making by the governments poses a further
challenge to the idea that all individuals irrespective of their status must have equal access to
rights in the law, and that in accessing these rights ‘like cases be treated alike’. This includes
the notion that government should not treat individuals differently due to their demographic
group or an immutable trait.111 Automated decision-making systems, such as COMPAS and
Sesame Credit can undermine this principle because they may: a) explicitly incorporate and
rely on various static factors and/or immutable characteristics, such as socio-economic status,
employment and education, postal codes, age or gender; or b) take such matters into account
indirectly, for example by ‘learning’ the relevance of variables that correlate with these. For
example, in Loomis, the defendant has argued that the judge’s consideration of the COMPAS
score also violated his constitutional rights because COMPAS software used ‘gendered
assessments’, 112 and in in turn undermined his right to an individual sentence. As was
mentioned in the previous section, the use of COMPAS and similar sentencing software,
might permit judges to apply factors and characteristics that have long been considered
inappropriate in the context of criminal sentencing.
The greatest challenge to equality before the law comes not from an explicit
incorporation of inappropriate variables in the automated system, but from the fact that
automation can infer rules from historical patterns and correlations. Even when variables,
such as race, are not used in the learning process, a machine can still produce racially or
otherwise biased assessments. As was mentioned earlier, a 2016 ProPublica investigation
found that African Americans are more likely than whites to be given a false positive score
by COMPAS risk assessment software, despite the (claimed) fact that race is not used as a
variable.113 This unequal treatment before the law results because many other factors can
correlate with race, including publicly available information, such as, eg, Facebook ‘likes’
which are not excluded from the machine learning process.114 Further, the data from a pre-
sentencing questionnaire (from which the COMPAS tool draws inferences) records the
Guarantees’ (1982) 35 Vanderbilt Law Review 1293; P. Petrou, ‘Due Process Implications of Shifting the
Burden of Proof in Forfeiture Proceedings Arising out of Illegal Drug Transactions’ [1984] Duke Law Journal
109 Hanks, n 46 above.
110 Carney, n 45 above.
111 People have particularly strongly objected to courts systematically imposing more severe sentences on
defendants who are poor or uneducated or from a certain demographic group: see G. Kleck, ‘Racial
Discrimination in Criminal Sentencing: A Critical Evaluation of the Evidence with Additional Evidence on the
Death Penalty’ (1981) 46 American Sociological Review 783; L. Wacquant, ‘The Penalisation of Poverty and
the Rise of Neo-Liberalism’ (2001) 9 European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 401; C. Hsieh and M.
D. Pugh, ‘Poverty, Income Inequality, and Violent Crime: A Meta-Analysis of Recent Aggregate Data Studies’
(1993) 18 Criminal Justice Review 182.
112 Loomis, n 49 above, 757.
113 Angwin et al, n 52 above.
114 See especially, M. Kosinski, D. Stillwell and T. Graepel, ‘Private Traits and Attributes are Predictable from
Digital Records of Human Behavior’ (2013) 110 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America 5802 (finding that easily accessible digital records such as Facebook ‘likes’ can be
used to automatically and accurately predict highly sensitive personal information, including sexuality and
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number of times and the first time a defendant has been ‘stopped’ by police. Given historical
profiling practices of law enforcement in the United States, status as an African-American is
likely to correlate with higher numbers and earlier ages in response to this question.115 Racial
differentiation is thus built into the data from which correlations are deduced and inferences
drawn. Unlike the risk assessment tool COMPAS, decisions in Swedish student welfare
management system are made solely on factors that are legally relevant. The pre-programmed
nature of the system ensures that those factors play a role in the decision precisely in the
circumstances in which they are relevant. Decisions are made consistently with the law, with
students treated equally under that law. In Chinese SCS, diversity of implementation means
that equality before the law is affected differently. For example, decisions in the Rongcheng
City model of the SCS system are made solely with reference to clearly defined categories of
behaviour which leads to either a point deduction or addition – there is no room to consider
any other factors in the pre-programmed system. In contrast, however, the Sesame Credit
system in the SCS relies on variables that are irrelevant from a rule of law perspective, such
as the rankings of an individual’s social network contacts, which could lead to differential
treatment in effect based on social status, sex or ethnic origin.116
As our examples demonstrate, in understanding the benefits and challenges of
automating government decisions, it is crucial to consider both the context of the decision
and the type of system deployed. A system with pre-programmed rules can ensure that
decisions are made based on factors recognised as legally relevant and hence avoid or
minimise the risk of corruption or favouritism by officials. However, procedural rights and
opportunities to check and rectify data on which the decision relies are crucial, as is ensuring
that the logic of the system accurately reflects the law. As our case studies demonstrate, the
challenges posed by systems based on rules inferred from data are different. Here, the role of
humans is limited to setting parameters, selecting data (possibly biased due to flawed human
collection practices), and deciding which variables to use as a basis for analysis. Unless the
humans involved in these processes have a deep understanding of the legal context in which a
decision is made, systems may fail in practice to meet the standard of equality before the law.
The COMPAS system is an example of software that does not meet the needs of a fair
criminal justice process – lack of transparency in a tool that relies on a large set of often
legally irrelevant inputs prevents a defendant from having sufficient opportunity to
participate in the court’s findings on dangerousness, which is crucial component of the
ultimate decision. The fact that the tool has more ‘false positives’ in the African-American
community than among white people is further evidence that humans are exercising
insufficient control over the machine learning process to ensure that it operates appropriately.
This does not imply that systems that rely on rules derived from data, including those
deploying machine learning techniques, can never be used in government decision-making in
ways that do comply with equality before the law. Machine learning can be used in the
development of high-level policies, from traffic flow management to modelling interventions
in the economy. Even at the level of decisions affecting individuals, machine learning is
sometimes consistent with or even of benefit to equality before the law. Facial recognition, if
designed to recognise the faces of diverse individuals accurately, could be used to identify
individuals where that is an aspect of the system, and if programmed correctly may even
overcome conscious and unconscious bias on the part of humans. While concerns about
115 C. O’Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
(New York, NY: Broadway Books, 2016) 25–26 (‘So if early “involvement” with the police signals recidivism,
poor people and racial minorities look far riskier.’)
116 See Kosinski et al, n 114 above.
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privacy and surveillance may counter its benefits, the use of machine learning in such a
system can improve equality before the law by reducing arbitrariness.
Automation can improve government decision-making. The benefits include cost savings and
greater speed, as well as a capacity to enhance the rule of law. Properly designed,
implemented and supervised automation, whether in the form of systems applying pre-
programmed rules, systems that learn rules from historic data, or combinations of these, can
help government decision-making better reflect the values of transparency and accountability,
predictability and consistency and equality before the law.
What is apparent, though, is that three of the four studies of automation considered in
this article fail to live up to this ideal. In some cases, such as robo-debt, this failure results
from poor design and implementation of the automated system. Indeed, one consistent theme
is that human choices, and often error, at the design and implementation stage of automation
can cause a system to fail to meet rule of law standards. A contrast is the Swedish student
welfare system, which involves high levels of automation, but does not raise the same
concerns. The Swedish model, which puts a strong emphasis on compliance with national
legislation, officers’ ethical codes, and publishing of the rules, demonstrates how a carefully
designed system integrating automation with human responsibility can realise many benefits,
while remaining sensitive to the values expressed in the rule of law.
It would nonetheless be a mistake to suggest that effective human design and
implementation can ensure a particular automation technique will enhance or at least meet the
minimum standards of the rule of law. It is clear from our study that even with active human
engagement some forms of technology raise intractable problems. This may be because the
form of automation is inappropriate for its context. For example, machine learning offers
many benefits, but some techniques or software products come at the price of transparency,
and so accountability. This may be tolerable in particular circumstances, such as in the
distribution of low-level welfare benefits (with appeal mechanisms), assisting with tasks such
as optimising the traffic flow in a city, or conducting facial recognition for identification
purposes. In such cases, testing and evaluation of accuracy and disparate impact may be
sufficient from the rule of law perspective.
On the other hand, machine learning that cannot be rendered transparent and
comprehensible may not be appropriate where it is used to make decisions that have greater
effects upon the lives and liberty of individuals. It can also be inappropriate where a machine
learning system may be influenced by criteria that ought not to be relevant, such as a person’s
race or even variables that have not traditionally been used to discriminate, such as the credit
rating of one’s friends. Such problems are exacerbated, as in the case of COMPAS, when the
system operates according to undisclosed, proprietary algorithms. These problems would be
compounded if COMPAS were used not only to assist judges, but to replace them.
From the perspective of the rule of law, these problems may become more acute over
time. As technology develops, and machine learning becomes more sophisticated, forms of
automation used by government may increasingly become intelligible only to those with the
highest level of technical expertise. The result may be government decision-making operating
according to systems that are so complex that they are beyond the understanding of those
affected by the decisions. This raises further questions about the capacity of voters in
democratic systems to evaluate and so hold to account their governments, including in
respect of compliance with rule of law values. Ignorance in the face of extreme complexity
may enable officials to transfer blame to automated systems, whether or not this is deserved.
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The result may be an increasing tension between automation and the rule of law, even where
humans design systems in ways that seek to respect such values.
Ultimately, humans must evaluate each decision-making process and consider what
forms of automation are useful, appropriate and consistent with the rule of law. The design,
implementation and evaluation of any automated components, as well as the entire decision-
making process including human elements, should be consistent with such values. It remains
to be seen whether these values can be fully integrated into automated decision-making and
decision-support systems used by government. Converting rule of law values into design
specifications that can be understood by system designers, and enforced through regulation,
professional standards, contracts, courts or other mechanisms represents a formidable
technical and legal challenge. This article highlights a number of common themes in this
respect, including the need for an awareness of the link between tools/design and
transparency/accountability, the need to consider consistency and predictability not only over
time but also as between automated and human systems, the importance of embedding
procedural due process rights, and the tension between deriving rules from historic data and
equality before the law. Resolving these issues in the automation of government decisions
will be critical for any nation that claims to uphold the basic ideals of the rule of law.
A deeper question beyond the scope of this article is the extent to which automation of
government decision-making will itself shape the rule of law. The rule of law is not a static
concept. It evolves in response to changing societal values and the operation of government.
As technology reshapes society, and government interacts with the community, it can be
expected in turn that our understanding of the rule of law will shift. Values such as
transparency and accountability, predictability and consistency and equality before the law
may remain central to conceptions of the rule of law, but their interpretation and application
may change. The benefits offered by such technologies, such as their capacity to reduce
government spending, may be so significant as to demand greater accommodation within the
rule of law framework.
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