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Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017
Lauren E Branch1, Warren S Eller2, Tom K Bias1, Michael A McCawley1, Douglas J Myers1, Brian J Gerber3, John R
1West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA
2The City University Of New York, New York, USA
3Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
4University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
Introduction: The healthcare industry has begun seeing a new hazard develop against them- the threat of
cyberattack. Beginning in 2016, healthcare organizations in the United States have been targeted for malware
attacks, a specific type of cyberattack. During malware incidents hackers can lock users out of their own network to
gain access to information or to hold the organization for ransom. With the increase in medical technology and the
need for access to this information to provide critical care, this type of incident has the potential to put patient lives
and safety at risk.
Methods: A content analysis was conducted to assess the trend of attacks on healthcare organizations. U.S.
Healthcare IT News and Becker’s Hospital Review were used to collect all publicly reported malware attacks against
U.S. healthcare organizations between 2016 and 2017. A logic diagram was also developed to illustrate how hackers
gain access to a healthcare network using malware.
Results: There were 49 cases of malware attacks against U.S. HCOs identified. The attacks occurred across 27
states, and they took place during 18 out of 24 months. Six of the organizations reported paying ransom, whereas
43 organizations did not pay or did not report payment to the press. Impacts of these attacks range from network
downtime to patient and staff records being breached.
Discussion: Malware attacks have the potential to impact care delivery as well as the healthcare facility itself. Even
though this study identified 49 malware attacks, we know this number is significantly higher based on data from
HIMSS and the FBI. A reporting loophole exists in that hospitals are only required to report attacks in the case of
breached protected health or financial data. For HCOs to fully understand the risk cyberthreats pose, it is important
for attacks to become public information and for lessons learned to be shared. Future research reviewing identified
attacks could help identify best practices for the healthcare industry to better prepare for cyberattacks.
Recently, the healthcare industry has been facing a
new type of hazard; bad actors have started targeting
hospitals and other healthcare facilities for
cyberattacks. This industry is particularly vulnerable
to cyberattacks because healthcare providers depend
on up to date information from electronic health data.
This information includes patient histories and test
results, which is often needed at a moment’s notice to
provide critical patient care. Approximately 95% of
hospitals in the United States use health information
technology, such as electronic medical records (1).
Many other health technologies, including glucose
meters, IV pumps, and implanted medical devices, are
also connected to and dependent on the hospital’s
network. With patient safety on the line, hospitals may
be more willing to pay for restored access to their
network. Healthcare organizations (HCOs) have
become much more reliant on health information
technology over the past decade. Another vulnerability
that makes hospitals susceptible to cyberattacks are
the out of date cybersecurity systems at many facilities
and limited training for staff on safe cyber practices
(2). These characteristics combined make HCOs good
targets for attack (1, 3).
The cyberthreats that HCOs now face are complex
and can come both internally and externally to the
network (4). In a survey conducted by the Healthcare
Information and Management Systems Society
(HIMSS) of healthcare organizations, 37.6% of
respondents said their most recent security incident
was caused by an online scam artist, whereas 20.8%
reported a negligent insider and 20.1% reported a
hacker as the cause (5). There are also many points of
entry in to a healthcare network, which have the
potential to make them extremely vulnerable (See
Figures 1 and 2). A point of entry is a way for bad actors
to gain access to a hospital computer or network in
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
order to achieve something malicious, whether that be
stealing data or delivering a payload virus (6). Some
points of entry identified in the HIMSS Cybersecurity
Survey include email, infected hardware or software,
compromised medical devices, third party website,
and a provider or a service linked to the network via
the cloud (5). Some additional points of entry include
internet access, a wireless network, removable media
(i.e. USB drive, laptop), or theft of equipment (6). In
the 2018 HIMSS Survey, 61.9% of participants
identified e-mail (e.g. phishing e-mail) as the point of
entry in their organization’s most recent significant
security event. Another way that hackers attack is
through backdoors or unpatched vulnerabilities,
which are essentially access points left open across the
Figure 1 displays a sample hardware network of an
HCO. Each switch on the diagram represents multiple
devices connected to the network, and each device
presents their own multiple points of entry via e-mail,
the internet, or USB connections. Depending on the
level of network cybersecurity, an infected phone
being connected to a system computer or an infected
link from an email being clicked can potentially
transfer a virus to the network and spread. Figure 2
shows an example of a software network within an
HCO. In this example, there is a virtual interface with
a corporate office with its own clinical and
administrative management software. There are also
interfaces with many different applications used
around the organization, including imaging, labs,
pharmacy, payroll, and patient scheduling. Each of the
applications represents potential points of entry for
bad actors to break in to the organization. HCOs must
rely on their corporate interfaces as well as third party
vendors to keep their products secure with up-to-date
protections. With so many different points of entry in
to the HCO hardware network, these networks have
become extremely intricate and therefore highly
susceptible to unauthorized access. This complexity
also serves to make the networks hard to secure.
Figures 1 and 2 are based on small hospital network,
but the connectivity displayed in each diagram, a
central hub that interacts with many different devices
and applications, is a set-up seen in the typical U.S.
Hackers use different attack techniques to take
advantage of HCO vulnerabilities and gain access to
the network. A common type of attack is a phishing
scam conducted over email. Hackers send an
authentic looking email to hospital staff and include a
link or attachment that unsuspecting users open or
click. Once that content is activated, the hacker gains
access to the network and can get information or
activate a malicious virus (6). Phishing scams are on
the rise; there was a 789% increase in phishing e-mails
from the last quarter in 2015 to the first quarter in
2016 (7). A second type of attack is a malware attack,
which is when malicious code or virus is dispatched
within a computer network (4). One example of
malware attack that is of growing concern for
healthcare organizations is ransomware. In the
HIMSS 2018 Cybersecurity Survey, respondents
ranked perceived threats and ransomware is now
second on the list (11.3%), whereas natural hazard (i.e.
fire or flood) was eleventh on the list (8.3%) (5).
During a ransomware attack, bad actors will lock
users out of a network and demand a ransom payment
to restore access. The first ransomware attack took
place in 1989 when an AIDS researcher, Joseph Popp,
sent 20,000 floppy disks to AIDS researchers in 90
countries. The floppy disks were said to contain a
questionnaire to help determine patient’s risk of
contracting AIDS. When inserted, these disks infected
the computer with a virus that lay dormant until the
90th time they were turned on. Once the computer was
booted for the 90th time, a note would appear on the
screen asking for licensing fees to be paid while locking
the user out of the computer (3). Since 1989,
ransomware attacks have continued and are now
categorized as one of two types: scareware and crypto
ransomware. Scareware will inform a computer user
there is something fatally wrong with their machine
and offer a solution for a small payment. Crypto
ransomware is much more complex, in that it will
encrypt computer files so that they need a certain
decryption key to be opened. These crypto-viruses
have become a lot harder, and many times impossible,
to break even by experts (3).
Similar to the first ransomware attack, hackers
have again shifted their targets to the healthcare
industry. In healthcare, this type of attack can
essentially shut down an organization’s ability to
operate and lock providers out of essential data
needed to provide patient care (8). In May 2017, a
global ransomware attack known as WannaCry was
perpetrated by the North Korean government (9).
Hackers utilized a stolen National Security Agency
(NSA) tool that highlighted a vulnerability of Windows
Operating Systems to gain access to 300,000
computers across 150 countries (9-10). During this
attack, 36 health organizations, including hospitals,
ambulance services, and physicians’ offices, in Great
Britain were locked out of their systems (11).
WannaCry forced the National Health Service to send
patients away from certain facilities in order to receive
the care they needed (11). Homeland Security experts
have said this attack directly put patients’ lives at risk
This type of cyberattack against organizations has
become more frequent in occurrence (12). In April
2016, there was a 159% jump seen in ransomware
attacks from the month before. This was a huge rise
from the normal 9-20% monthly increase that had
previously been seen (13). In 2015, across all
industries, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
reportedly received more than 2,500 ransomware
complaints, which cost the victims $214 million (14).
A 2016 IT report stated 93% of phishing emails now
contained ransomware (7). In 2018, the city of Atlanta
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
fell victim to a ransomware attack and lost many of its
critical municipal systems. This attack alone cost the
city $2.7 million to recover (15).
In February 2016, an outbreak of ransomware
attacks against United States hospitals began at
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los
Angeles, California. The hospital was offline for over a
week before deciding to pay the ransom (16).
Approximately $17,000 was paid and the hospital
regained access to its operating systems (17). Since this
initial attack, there has been a surge in reported
malware attacks of healthcare providers across the
United States. These attacks can be extremely costly
for HCOs (18). A hospital in New York was attacked in
2017 and it has been estimated that their recovery cost
was almost $10 million, including hardware, software,
extra staff hours, overtime hours, and loss of business
costs (19). The on-going fixes and upgrades to the
hospital system are estimated to be an additional
$250,000 to $450,000 a month (19). In the most
recent HIMSS Cybersecurity Survey, 75.7% of
respondents reported a significant security incident in
the past 12 months (5).
The best way for hospitals to protect themselves is
to be proactive and take steps to strengthen their
potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Hospitals
need to conduct risk assessments to better understand
how large the risk malware attacks pose to their
organization, as well as how big an impact successful
attacks can have on operations. Once they have a risk
analysis of malware attacks, HCOs can decide which
fixes to their system make the most sense financially
to offer the most protection.
Lack of reliable reporting on frequencies and
impact of this type of attack make it difficult for the
healthcare industry to better secure their systems. The
risk reports that do exist do not expand on the nature
and scope of these successful attacks. Some of these
incidents only affect a few computer terminals,
whereas other incidents have a more significant
impact on the organization and have the potential to
affect patient care and safety. Due to the inherent
nature of hospitals and the initial ransom payment
made by Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center,
these types of incidents are only expected to continue
to grow in frequency.
Currently, there are popular media reports on these
attacks, but there is no methodology for consistently
tracking hospital attacks over time. This study seeks to
address this gap by assessing the trend of malware
attacks on HCOs over time. This objective will be
achieved by reviewing publicly-reported, successful
attacks on healthcare organizations within the United
States between 2016 and 2017. The final product of
this analysis will be a timeline of reported ransomware
attacks on hospitals, as well as a summary of what data
is being reported with each attack. A logic diagram will
also be developed to show the process of a malware
attack on an HCO. Without a better understanding of
this type of threat, healthcare organizations cannot
adequately protect their organization or their patient’s
safety (4).
A content analysis was conducted of news articles
related to hospital malware attacks. The new sites
Healthcare IT News and Becker’s Hospital Review
were used as data sources. Healthcare IT News is a site
published by Healthcare Information and
Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and is one of
the most comprehensive news sources for information
on healthcare information technology. Becker’s
Hospital Review is another well-known and reputable
source of information related to information
technology in the field of healthcare. A search of these
databases was conducted using a combination of the
keywords “hospital” or “healthcare”, “malware” or
“ransomware” and “attack”. These articles were
reviewed for relevance to the research question.
Inclusion criteria for articles were references to
malware or ransomware attacks on hospitals or
healthcare facilities within the United States during
2016 and 2017. Articles that discussed data breaches
caused by hackers or misplaced hardware, as well as
articles that discussed phishing scams, were excluded
from this analysis.
The included articles were analyzed to identify
cases, which were then were formatted into timelines
to summarize the number and locations of reported
malware attacks. Upon further investigation and
research, each case was also reviewed for date of
attack, name of facility or organization, location, how
many facilities were affected, what the impact on the
facility was, and if any outcome was disclosed. If the
articles referenced a data breach, that information was
cross referenced with the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services Office of Civil Rights Breach
Report Database. The HITECH Act requires that all
data breaches impacting 500 or more individuals be
reported in this database. This data was put in to a
table to summarize the extent of publicly-reported
malware attacks on United States hospitals between
2016 and 2017, and to identify trends within this
A logic diagram was also created to illustrate a
malware attack on a hospital network through a
phishing attempt. This diagram walks through the
steps of a phishing ransomware attack in which a
hacker gains access to the network. The logic diagram
was created using data collected during qualitative
interviews with subject matter experts, including a
Chief Information Officer, a Chief Information
Security Officer, a Senior Network Administrator, and
a Healthcare IT Manager. It uses a hypothetical
hospital to show the extent of a successful phishing
attack, and the breadth of access to data and
applications a hacker could potentially gain in to a
secure network.
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Figure 1. Hardware Network Diagram
Note: Below are brief explanations of the purpose each hardware device in this figure. A server is a computer that either provides information to
other computers or stores files which can be access from other computers. A router is the director of communication traffic between devices (e.g.
computers). A firewall is a form of security u sed to keep unauthorized users out of a network. A mainframe is a computer where large organizations
store their critical applications that are access through the network. A switch is a networking device that connects multiple computers to the
network. The internet connection is the organizational connection to outside networks.
Malware Attacks, United States 2016-2017
Overall, this study discovered 49 reported cases of
malware attacks on U.S. Healthcare Organizations
during 2016 and 2017. There were 22 malware attacks
in 2016 and 27 malware attacks in 2017. Figures 3 and
4 present these healthcare attack cases, respectively.
This analysis has shown attacks occur all over the
country and take place all year long. The data collected
showed there were malware attacks on HCOs in 13
states in 2016 and 20 states in 2017. A map of the
United States displaying frequency of malware attacks
for both years is shown in Figure 5. The state with the
most attacks was California with 9 attacks across both
years. There were 16 states that saw one attack across
both years. Both years had attacks reported in 9
different months. The attacks are affecting more than
just hospitals across the country. One attack against a
health system impacted 10 hospitals and 250
outpatient clinics in the D.C./Maryland region.
Another attack against a health system saw impacted
hospitals across state lines. Some of the attacks only
impacted one facility, but often that facility lost access
to its medical records.
Each of the 49 identified cases did not have the
same impact to their respective healthcare
organization. Tables 1 through 4 present impact
details of the identified malware attacks. Forty-one of
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States
Healthcare Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Biosecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Figure 2. Software Network Diagram
Note: This diagram is an example software network, which is typical for HCOs. There is a central network hub that interacts with the numerous software applications, and in
this example also is connected to an outside corporate network.
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States
Healthcare Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Biosecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Figure 3. Timeline of Hospital Malware Attacks in the United States, 2016
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States
Healthcare Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Biosecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Figure 4. Timeline of Hospital Malware Attacks in the United States, 2017
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
the cases were labeled as ‘ransomware’ attacks (shown
in Table 1). The articles reported that at least six
organizations paid ransom (shown in Table 2). In one
case (Kansas Heart Hospital), the hospital paid
ransom and the hackers released only a portion of
their files before demanding a second ransom. They
did not pay the second ransom demand (20). The
other cases either did not pay or did not disclose a
payment to the press. Some of the articles reported
outage times for the organizations, which ranged from
1 day to about 2 weeks (show in Table 3). The most
frequent time offline that was reported was one week.
The first ransomware attack against a hospital,
Hollywood Presbyterian, paid $17,000 after a stand-
off with hackers and almost two weeks offline. Another
major impact identified was compromised patient or
staff records. Sixteen of the attacks reported no
records breached. Seventeen of the attacks reported
less than 50,000 records impacted. The highest
number of records reported 500,000 breached
records, with three other attacks reporting more than
200,000 breached records (shown in Table 4).
One of the issues identified while completing this
content analysis was the lack of consistency in
reporting and defining this type of attack. Across all
identified cases, there were different search terms
required to identify certain cases. Table 5 shows the
different terms that were required to find different
cases. Ten of the cases only showed up in searches
using the term “cyberattack”, eight only showed up
using the term “malware”, and ten only showed up
using the term “ransomware”. The other 21 cases were
identifiable using more than one of the listed search
terms. This lack in consistent reference words make it
difficult to fully identify all reported cases.
Logic diagram
Due to the complexity of healthcare organizations,
there are a few steps hackers must go through to gain
access. Figure 6 presents the steps as they would occur
in an email phishing attack. The attack begins when a
hacker sends mass emails to employees within an
organization attempting to deceive at least one
employee. The email would either contain a malicious
link or attachment within that would allow the hacker
to gain shell credentials to the organization. With the
counterfeit credentials the hacker can impersonate the
employee within the system, and depending upon the
level of access they have, gain direct access to network
applications or they can find another user credential
with higher level access.
Once the hacker gains administrative level access,
they can permeate across the organization’s network
to find the information they are looking for. In this
scenario, Figure 6 shows the applications and
confidential data the hacker would gain access to in
this HCO. The software applications include
timekeeping, imaging, medical scribing, catheter
laboratory services, obstetrics and gynecology clinical
services, the network email exchange and all
organizational file shares. From this access, the hacker
has access to protected health information,
proprietary business data, payroll information, and
other confidential data, such as social security
numbers of patients and staff members.
Figure 5. Frequency of Malware Attacks in the United States, 2016-2017
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Table 1. Terminology Used to Describe Attack, U.S. Malware Attacks 2016-2017
Table 2. Ransom Payments, U.S. Malware Attacks 2016-2017
Table 3. Network/System Time Offline, U.S. Malware Attacks 2016-2017
Table 4. Number of Medical Records Impacted, U.S. Malware Attacks 2016-2017
Table 5. Search Engine Terminology, U.S. Malware Attacks 2016-2017
If the hacker’s goal is to deliver a malicious
payload, such as ransomware, the hacker can choose
where to drop it once they gain access to these
organizational applications on the network. They can
choose a location which would cause the biggest
service disruption to increase likelihood the
organization will pay the ransom demand.
Once a hacker gains access to the HCO’s network,
the HCO itself has limited options on how to stop
access. The first step is that the HCO must realize they
have someone with malicious intent inside their
network. Often in the case of ransomware attacks, this
does not happen until applications stop working or a
ransom note appears on desktops across the
organization. In cases like this, it is imperative the
HCO shuts everything on the network down to stop the
spread of the virus and to cut off the hacker’s access to
the network. This step would also cut off all users’
access to the network and cause a complete
organization-wide downtime. Once the network is
shutdown, the HCO can conduct impact assessments
to see how much damage has been done, if any, and
can begin their recovery and business continuity
processes. If the HCO decides not to shut down the
network, the hacker has continued access to the
network and the virus can continue to spread infecting
more hard-drives.
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
522.73 311.11 816.33
17 77.27 24 88.89 41 83.67
Total (N = 49)
Term inology
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
522.73 13.70 612.24
17 77.27 26 96.30 43 87.76
Total (N = 49)
Payment Reported
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
00 233.33 214.29
0 0 116.67 17.14
337.5 00 3 21.43
112.5 233.33 321.43
112.5 0 0 17.14
0 0 116.67 17.14
112.5 00 1 7.14
225 00 2 14.29
14 .21 .35 -
Total (N = 14)
Time O ffline
5 days
3 week s
> 2 week s
2 week s
1 week
>a week
>3d ays
1 day
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
743.75 936.00 16 39.02
425.00 520.00 921.95
531.25 312.00 819.51
00.00 28.00 24.88
00.00 28.00 24.88
00.00 416.00 49.76
6 - 2 - 8 -
Total (N = 41)
Impact Range
Less than 10,000
200,000 and Above
100,000 to 200,000
50,000 to 100,000
10,000 to 50,000
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
29.09 829.63 10 20.41
522.73 311.11 816.33
627.27 414.81 10 20.41
940.91 12 44.44 21 42.86
Cyber a ttack
Total (N = 49)
Search Engine
Ransomware / More than one
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
Figure 6. Logic Diagram
Over the last few years, we have seen an increase in
this trend of cyber targeting healthcare organizations.
This content analysis found 49 instances of malware
attack on U.S. healthcare organizations during the
years 2016 and 2017. These attacks occurred all over
the country; with 27 states having a reported attack
during this period. The attacks also impact all areas of
healthcare delivery, including hospitals, primary care,
outpatient clinics, medical suppliers, and electronic
medical record providers.
With aspects of care delivery at risk, malware
attacks are a threat to patient safety (6). The 49 attacks
identified through this analysis had ranging levels of
impact, but all were required to go offline for a period
of time to stop the spread of the computer virus.
Providing care without access to patient history can be
hazardous. For example, without the system’s
automated checks and balances in place while
prescribing medications, there is a chance that
something in the patient chart gets overlooked.
Medical devices are also at-risk during malware
attacks, including therapeutic equipment (infusion
pumps), life-support equipment (ventilators) and
diagnostic equipment (PET scanners). Any of these
devices can serve as backdoors in to healthcare
networks if not secured. One report reviewed three
case studies where medical devices were used by
hackers to break in and move through a network (21).
Malware attacks can also affect patients and staff in
ways other than through provision of healthcare
services. Attacks can have direct impacts on the facility
itself, which potentially has downstream impacts on
patient care. At least one of the attacks from this
Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler
JR. Trends in Malware Attacks against United States Healthcare
Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Bios ecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Global Biosecurity | www.jglobalbiosecurity.com February 2019 | Volume 1 | Issue 1
analysis saw impacts to their security systems. The
hospital’s security cameras went offline and they were
forced to go in to lockdown until the cameras could be
brought back online. Another system potentially at
risk is the HVAC system. Without environmental
temperature regulation, there is the possible need for
evacuation of patients. Finally, as seen in other
cyberattacks, the electrical grid and water treatment
are also potential targets (22). Without power or clean
water, hospitals could no longer provide care and
would also be required to move patients. Evacuation
of a hospital is an extreme undertaking regarding
staffing and resource needs, as well as finding
equivalent bed capacity to take patients. An extreme
example of the impact of power loss and evacuation on
patient care was seen during Hurricane Katrina at
Memorial Hospital where physicians decided which
patients to save and hastened the death of others (23).
This is the first known content analysis to develop
a list of malware attacks across the healthcare
industry. One limitation of this research is the reliance
on public reports of attacks. Not all attacks are being
reported and most of the reported attacks are large
scale incidents. Based on FBI and HIMSS data, we
know that this is a much bigger problem. The FBI
urges HCOs to report attacks, but ultimately this is left
up to the discretion of the facility. Attacks are only
required to be reported when medical or financial
information has been compromised. One reason for
not reporting is that HCOs do not want to risk their
reputation or income by being labeled a victim. This
reporting loophole makes it much harder for the
industry to get a clear picture of the attack trend (24).
Another limitation is the lack of consistency in reports
of each attack. This study tried to combat this
inconsistency by using multiple search terms
including ‘malware’, ‘ransomware’, and ‘cyberattack’.
With different terminology used in reports, there are
potentially cases that are being reported but might not
be captured by the content analysis. Even with this
limitation, the dynamic understanding provided
through this content analysis will illustrate the
frequency and types of cyberattacks, which has not
been previously researched. The sample of this
analysis only includes successful attacks, but there are
also many more institutions who are vulnerable to
attack (5). There is a need for the healthcare industry
to push for more public data regarding this hazard. If
attacks were reported to a single database, this
information could be accessed in one location and
used to better educate healthcare administrators on
the risk that cyberattacks pose to healthcare delivery
and to business continuity. This information could
also be used to better develop a more accurate hazard
vulnerability assessment (HVA) for HCOs. A well-
informed HVA is the basis for effective preparedness
and response planning within emergency
In 2018, this trend against the healthcare industry
continues to grow. As of September 2018, there have
been reported malware attacks every month of the
year affecting health systems, hospitals, third-party
medical suppliers, hospice care, provider clinics, and
medical device manufacturers. Healthcare
Organizations have a few recommended actions they
can take to protect their networks, including
developing a security culture within the organization.
It is recommended that HCOs teach safe-use habits to
all staff and test on these rules. There are also IT
solutions to protect against cyberattacks, such as the
use of strong firewalls, antivirus software, intrusion
detection and even limiting network access (21).
Another avenue HCOs can explore in preparing for
cyber threats is procuring cyber insurance. The costs
of attacks are estimated to be in the trillions worldwide
by 2020 (25). Cyber insurance is a way to protect the
HCO enterprise. Insurance companies will do a full
assessment of an organization’s IT capabilities and
offer differing levels of coverage for a price. Often,
insurance does not cover loss of revenue from
downtime during attacks (25). As this type of threat
continues to evolve, so too will cyber insurance
Cyber threats to our society are only expected to
grow over time. A 2017 article from the American
Public Health Association cited a cyber-firm report
that estimates that over the next five years,
cyberattacks would cost the United States Healthcare
system $305 billion in revenue and these attacks
would affect 1 in 13 patients (26). Due to the relatively
low number of cases identified in this content analysis,
a follow-up systematic review on this topic would be
appropriate to compare reporting trends of these
events. There is also a need for future research in this
area to better define what happens within an HCO
during an attack. Further review of attack cases could
highlight lessons learned and potentially identify best
practices. This research will help HCOs better
understand this hazard in order to prepare for and
plan for mitigation of this threat. The healthcare
industry has a choice to make when it comes to
emergency preparedness: are they going to prepare
their organization to prevent threats and protect
patient health, or are they going to rely on the recovery
of cyber insurance?
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How to cite this article: Branch LE, Eller WS, Bias TK, McCawley MA, Myers DJ, Gerber BJ, Bassler JR. Trends in Malware Attacks
against United States Healthcare Organizations, 2016-2017. Global Biosecurity, 2019; 1(1).
Published: February 2019
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Global Biosecurity is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by University of New South Wales.