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Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases

  • ForsChem Research

Abstract and Figures

Molecules are in permanent motion and interaction. Even though a system might be at rest from a macroscopic point of view, it is restless at the molecular scale. Such continuous molecular motion results in the flow of molecules through space. The number of molecules crossing a boundary per unit time per unit area is denoted as a molecular flux. Three different types of boundaries are considered: Completely permeable, semi-permeable rigid and impermeable rigid boundaries. When the system is contained by rigid (impermeable or semi-permeable) boundaries such molecular flux against the walls produce a net force per unit area that is denoted as pressure. The purpose of this report is deriving mathematical expressions for estimating the molecular flux and pressure on rigid boundaries in ideal gases, using only the classical equations of motion and the distribution of molecular positions and velocities in the system. The pressure at the interior of an ideal gas system is zero because there are no forces acting on the molecules. Thus, the concept of equivalent pressure, as the pressure that would be obtained in the presence of an impermeable rigid boundary, is introduced. The mathematical results presented are based on the following general assumptions: i) Molecular collisions in the gas are negligible (ideal gas assumption). ii) There are no external forces acting on the system. iii) There is no net macroscopic motion of the gas parallel to the surface. iv) Molecular positions are uniformly distributed in the system volume. v) The orthogonal component of molecular velocity is normally distributed. vi) The system considered is large compared to the size of the molecules. The results obtained are consistent with the continuity equation. Furthermore, when the ideal gas system is at macroscopic rest, the classical ideal gas thermodynamic equation of state is obtained. In addition, three different regimes of molecular flux and pressure are observed: The thermal motion regime, the macroscopic regime and the transition regime between the first two.
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12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (1 / 31)
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research, 050030 Medellin, Colombia
Molecules are in permanent motion and interaction. Even though a system might be at rest
from a macroscopic point of view, it is restless at the molecular scale. Such continuous
molecular motion results in the flow of molecules through space. The number of molecules
crossing a boundary per unit time per unit area is denoted as a molecular flux. Three different
types of boundaries are considered: Completely permeable, semi-permeable rigid and
impermeable rigid boundaries. When the system is contained by rigid (impermeable or semi-
permeable) boundaries such molecular flux against the walls produce a net force per unit area
that is denoted as pressure. The purpose of this report is deriving mathematical expressions for
estimating the molecular flux and pressure on rigid boundaries in ideal gases, using only the
classical equations of motion and the distribution of molecular positions and velocities in the
system. The pressure at the interior of an ideal gas system is zero because there are no forces
acting on the molecules. Thus, the concept of equivalent pressure, as the pressure that would
be obtained in the presence of an impermeable rigid boundary, is introduced. The
mathematical results presented are based on the following general assumptions: i) Molecular
collisions in the gas are negligible (ideal gas assumption). ii) There are no external forces acting
on the system. iii) There is no net macroscopic motion of the gas parallel to the surface. iv)
Molecular positions are uniformly distributed in the system volume. v) The orthogonal
component of molecular velocity is normally distributed. vi) The system considered is large
compared to the size of the molecules. The results obtained are consistent with the continuity
equation. Furthermore, when the ideal gas system is at macroscopic rest, the classical ideal gas
thermodynamic equation of state is obtained. In addition, three different regimes of molecular
flux and pressure are observed: The thermal motion regime, the macroscopic regime and the
transition regime between the first two.
Collisions, Equation of Motion, Equivalent Pressure, Ideal Gas, Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution,
Molecular Flux, Probability Distribution.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (2 / 31)
1. Introduction
Molecules are in permanent motion and interaction. As a result, a continuous and variable flow
of molecules across any arbitrary boundary is expected. Such molecular flow plays a key role in
many different macroscopic physicochemical phenomena, such as diffusion and mass transfer,
heat transfer, pressure and flowrates, evaporation rates, surface tension, and many others.
Thus, the first purpose of this report is deriving some mathematical expressions useful for
calculating molecular fluxes of different molecular systems composed of ideal gases, given that
their molecular speeds can be described by the generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.[1]
The term flux previously used is defined as flow per unit area.[2] Thus, the molecular flux at a
boundary corresponds to the number of molecules reaching the boundary per unit time and
per unit area of the boundary. Please notice that it is assumed that the molecules just reach the
boundary but do not necessarily cross it. Thus, three different types of boundaries will be
considered: 1) A completely permeable boundary (i.e. an imaginary or virtual boundary), 2) A
rigid impermeable boundary (i.e. a solid boundary), and 3) A rigid semi-permeable boundary.
The second purpose is calculating the pressure of a system from the molecular flux, and
proposing the concept of an equivalent pressure to describe the corresponding pressure of a
system that it would show if it were suddenly enclosed by rigid walls.
2. Mathematical Description of Molecular Flux through Permeable Boundaries
neglecting Molecular Collisions
Let us consider a molecular system where molecular collisions can be neglected (i.e. highly-
diluted ideal gas systems), and any arbitrary permeable boundary, where all molecules pass
unaffected through such virtual boundary. Even though any shape is possible for the boundary,
it can approximately be described by a large set of infinitesimally small planar surfaces as
depicted in Figure 1. Thus, the results obtained for the molecular flux at a small flat surface can
be generalized to any arbitrary shape.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (3 / 31)
Figure 1. Example of decomposition of any arbitrary surface into many infinitesimally small flat
Now, let us consider one of those infinitesimally small flat surfaces with area , located at any
arbitrary position inside the highly-diluted ideal gas system, as can be seen in Figure 2. At a
certain time , each molecule in the system will have its own relative velocity component
perpendicular to the surface , and it will be located at a certain relative position
perpendicular to the surface . Both velocities and positions are considered relative to the
surface. This means that even though the boundary can be in motion, in this analysis it will
seem to remain perfectly still. A positive value of  indicates that the molecule is located to
the right of the boundary (considering Figure 2), whereas a negative value indicates that it is
placed to the left of the boundary. Similarly, a positive value of  indicates that the molecule
is moving to the right, whereas a negative value indicates that it is moving to the left.
Figure 2. Small flat permeable boundary with area , located inside a highly-diluted ideal gas
system. Green spheres represent ideal gas molecules. The red arrow corresponds to the
relative velocity of a certain molecule
, whereas the blue arrow represents the relative
molecular velocity component perpendicular to the surface .
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (4 / 31)
Given that for the highly-diluted ideal gas considered, collisions with other gas molecules are
neglected, then it is possible to assume that the molecular velocities are not changing (in the
absence of external forces) and that such molecule will reach the surface at a time:
Previously,[3] it was shown that the probability of hitting a flat surface at a time ,
with  by a molecule whose initial position and velocity are unknown is given by:
where is the surface ratio between the area of the infinitesimally small flat surface and the
parallel area of the system considered.
On the other hand, the probability density function of the time , for a uniform
distribution of initial positions and normal distribution of molecular velocity in the
perpendicular direction to the wall
is given by:
 
 
  
 
 
  
 
A molecule with a speed described by a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution has a normal distribution of
each velocity component in space.[4,5]
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (5 / 31)
 is the expected initial position of the molecule perpendicular to the surface,  is its
expected velocity in the direction perpendicular to the surface.  is the standard deviation
of the distribution of initial molecular position.  is the standard deviation in the distribution
of molecular velocities perpendicular to the surface. 
is a particular realization of the
standard random variable representing the molecular velocity component.
Integrating results in:
 
Thus, the number of molecules of species , composed by all molecules identical to molecule
that will be reaching the boundary (from any direction) in the time interval  will be
given by: 
where is the number density of molecules of species in the system,  is the total
volume of the system, and is the size of the system in the direction perpendicular to the
infinitesimally small boundary. Eq. (2.5) is obtained considering that: 1) there are molecules
of species in the system; 2) the probability of any of these molecules of reaching the surface
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (6 / 31)
plane for any possible velocity is ; and 3) the probability of any molecule reaching
the surface plane of hitting the surface  is .
The total molecular flux of species through the permeable boundary will then be:
Now, since the initial position of the molecules is uniformly distributed, its standard deviation
will be: 
as is the range of possible positions of the molecules in the direction perpendicular to the
On the other hand, assuming that the molecular speeds relative to the system can be described
by a generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution,[1] then the standard deviation in the
molecular velocity in one direction can be expressed as:
where  is Boltzmann’s constant, is the temperature of the
molecular system, and is the mass of molecules of species .
Thus, the total molecular flux of species becomes:
Now, if only the molecules crossing the boundary with a positive velocity (forward, ) are
considered, that is, only the molecules of species coming from the left in Figure 2, then:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (7 / 31)
  
 
 
Similarly, the backward flux of molecules of species reaching the boundary with a negative
(backward, ) velocity is:
  
 
 
Finally, the net molecular flux of species will be given by:
where a positive value of the molecular flux indicates a net flux of molecules to the right side of
the surface, and a negative value indicates a net flux of molecules to the left side of the
surface. This result is consistent with the continuity equation.[2]
2.1. Molecular Fluxes in Pure Systems
Now, assuming that all molecules in the system are identical,then the different molecular
fluxes across a certain permeable boundary simply become:
 
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (8 / 31)
is a dimensionless velocity, given by the ratio between the average relative velocity of the
system perpendicular to the surface and the standard deviation in thermal speed of the
system, also perpendicular to the surface.
Figure 3 shows the behavior of the net molecular flux and the total molecular flux as a function
of the average to standard deviation velocity ratio . The total molecular flux when ,
 , is used as a reference molecular flux. Three different regimes can be identified:
i) Macroscopic motion regime : In this case, the magnitudes of both
the net and total fluxes are identical. The macroscopic flow is so high that all
molecules reaching the boundary cross it in the same direction, which is the
direction of flow. Thus, thermal motion is unable to cause a significant
ii) Thermal motion regime : Even though the net molecular flux
changes with the average velocity of the system relative to the boundary, the
total molecular flux remains almost constant as a result of thermal motion. The
minimum value of the total molecular flux corresponds to the condition when
the system is at rest with respect to the boundary.
iii) Transition regime : This regime shows a soft transition between the
thermal and the macroscopic motion regimes. The total molecular flux begins
to increase as the average velocity of the system increases.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (9 / 31)
Figure 3. Relative net and total molecular flux as a function of the ratio . The reference flux
 corresponds to the total molecular flux when . Total molecular flux
calculated from Eq. (2.13). Net molecular flux calculated from Eq. (2.17).
Figure 4. Relative forward, backward and total molecular flux as a function of the ratio . The
reference flux 
 corresponds to the total molecular flux when . Forward
molecular flux calculated from Eq. (2.15). Backward molecular flux calculated from Eq. (2.16).
Total molecular flux calculated from Eq. (2.13).
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (10 / 31)
Figure 4 presents a comparison between the forward () and the backward () molecular
fluxes, as a function of the velocity ratio. It can be seen that during the macroscopic motion
regimes, the molecular flux exists only in one direction (the direction of flow). Also, for the
thermal motion regime, both forward and backward flux ratios change linearly with the
velocity ratio, at slopes of  and , respectively. For that reason, the total flux
remains almost constant during the thermal motion regime.
2.2. Molecular Fluxes in Multicomponent Systems
The results previously obtained in Section 2.1 for pure systems, can be extended to
multicomponent systems by summing the individual molecular fluxes of each species. For a
system composed of different species, the overall forward molecular flux can be calculated
as follows:
 
where is the molecular mass of species , is the number density of species , and
 is the ratio between the average velocity of species and the standard
deviation in the thermal velocity of species perpendicular to the surface.
On the other hand, the overall backward molecular flux will be:
 
Resulting in the corresponding overall net and total molecular fluxes for the multicomponent
system: 
 
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (11 / 31)
2.3. Molecular Fluxes in a Permeable Boundary with a Density Difference
So far, it was considered that the density of each molecular species was the same at both sides
of the boundary. While this is true when the systems are allowed to reach equilibrium in the
absence of external forces, it is possible to consider the more general case of a density
difference across the boundary. Again, the mathematical expressions will be obtained for a
single component and then extended to multicomponent systems.
In this case, the forward molecular flux for a single component will be given by:
whereas the backward molecular flux will be:
Now, assuming that the temperature and average velocities are similar at both sides of the
boundary, then the net flux across the boundary becomes:
 
and the total molecular flux:
 
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (12 / 31)
where is the number density of the system at the left side of the boundary, is the
number density at the right side of the boundary,  is the difference in number density
between the right side and the left side of the boundary, and is the average number density
between both sides of the boundary.
Generalizing for a multicomponent system:
Please notice that the molecular fluxes are relative to the boundary. Now, given that the net
molecular flux of species relative to the average system velocity is defined as:[2]
then, it can be concluded that:
This last equation indicates that there is a net molecular flux (relative to the system) for each
molecular species caused by a difference in molecular densities at both sides of the boundary.
For a stationary system (), then Eq. (2.29) becomes:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (13 / 31)
2.4. Dynamic Effects in Finite Systems with a Permeable Boundary
Let us now consider that the permeable boundary of area virtually separates two sub-
systems at the same temperature with constant finite volumes and , to the left and to
the right of the boundary, respectively. The whole system with volume is
assumed closed. For this system, a non-zero net molecular flux across the boundary will cause a
change in the molecular density of the sub-systems, given by:
 
 
Clearly, a steady-state condition will only be possible when . Given that the whole
system is closed, a non-zero velocity of the system cannot sustain a steady state, therefore
. Thus, Eq. (2.31) becomes:
 
 
Integrating the first two terms of Eq. (2.32), and rearranging results in:
Replacing in Eq. (2.32):
which can be solved giving:
and combining this result with Eq. (2.33) yields:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (14 / 31)
This means that from any arbitrary initial non-equilibrium condition, the equilibrium condition
for each molecular species is reached by an exponential decay function with a characteristic
relaxation time given by: 
and reaching the equilibrium values of:
corresponding to the overall number density of molecular species in the total system.
Lighter molecules will reach equilibrium faster, whereas heavier molecules will take longer to
equilibrate. Equilibration times are also reduced by increasing the temperature of the system,
by increasing the ratio of boundary area to total system volume, and by reducing the ratio
. That is, as the relative volume of any of the sub-systems is reduced, the relaxation
times are also reduced. Please notice that so far, molecular interactions have been neglected.
Figure 5 shows an example of two cubic sub-systems of identical volumes (1 liter each) at
, containing initially pure Helium (left sub-system) and pure Radon (right sub-system)
respectively, and with the same initial number density of  atoms/m3 (corresponding
to a system pressure of ). Each subsystem is assumed as continuously perfectly mixed.
Both sub-systems are connected at the initial time by a permeable boundary of 0.01 m2. At
these conditions, the relaxation time for Helium is , and for Radon is 
. The dynamic behavior of this system is summarized in Figure 6.
It can be observed that although the equilibration occurs very fast (in less than 5 ms), Helium
equilibrates much faster than Radon. It is also interesting noticing that even though the total
initial and equilibrium number densities for both subsystems were the same, the overall
number density of each subsystem changed during the equilibration process. Since Helium
moves faster, the subsystem initially containing Helium loses atoms faster, causing an initial
decrease in its number density followed by an increase in density as Radon atoms begin to
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (15 / 31)
arrive. Consequently, the subsystem initially containing Radon, increased its number density at
the beginning and then reduced it again until the equilibrium value is reached.
Figure 5. Example system composed of two cubic sub-systems, each containing initially a
different gas at the same number density (Helium and Radon). The system is at medium
vacuum (~ 1 Pa), and at a temperature of 298 K. No collisions between the gas atoms are
considered (highly-diluted ideal behavior).
Figure 6. Dynamic behavior of the Helium-Radon system. Top left: Number density of Helium
atoms. Top right: Overall subsystem number density. Bottom left: Mole fraction of Helium.
Bottom right: Overall subsystem mass density.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (16 / 31)
Helium mole fraction and the overall mass density of each subsystem presented both a
monotonically convergent behavior, as can be expected. The mole fraction of Helium quickly
increases at the beginning, until Helium concentration equilibrates, and then it continues
increasing slowly as the heavier Radon continued to equilibrate. On the other hand, the mass
density of the left subsystem increases in spite of its decrease in number density, because for
one single Radon atom entering in the subsystem from the right, 56 atoms of Helium should
exit the subsystem in order to keep a constant mass. However, from the characteristic
relaxation times, it can be inferred that for each Radon atom displacing from the right, initially
only between 7 and 8 atoms of Helium would be leaving the left subsystem.
3. Systems contained by Rigid Impermeable Boundaries
When the boundary considered is completely impermeable (no molecule can pass through) and
rigid (all molecular collisions are elastic and the resulting speed of the boundary with respect to
the system is always zero), then all molecules reaching the boundary will bounce with the same
incoming momentum but in the opposite direction for the perpendicular component.
Boltzmann previously suggested this assumption in his analysis of ideal gases.[6]
For this case, the number of molecules hitting the left side of the boundary per unit area per
unit time corresponds to the previously determined forward molecular flux (Eq. 2.18).
Similarly, the number of molecules hitting the right side of the boundary per unit area per unit
time, will be the backward molecular flux (Eq. 2.19).
3.1. Force and Pressure Exerted on the Boundary
The force  exerted on the boundary by the collision of a molecule of a species will be:
 
where  is the momentum of the molecule in the direction perpendicular to the
boundary surface, and  is the velocity of the molecule before the collision with the rigid
surface. The negative sign indicates that the considered force is exerted on the wall. Now,
since the molecule will have the same momentum but in the opposite direction, then:
 
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (17 / 31)
Thus, the total force exerted by collisions of molecules of species with the boundary in the
forward direction is:
 
 
  
where is the number of molecules of species reaching the boundary from the left during
the time interval  considered, and  is the molecular flux of species reaching the
boundary from the left at positive velocities between  and .
The forward flux of molecules of species reaching the boundary with positive velocity
between 
and  can be determined as:
And therefore, Eq. (3.3) becomes:
 
 
 
where is the maximum distance that must be travelled by a molecule in order to reach the
boundary during the time interval . Now, considering that 
and , the
force exerted by molecules of species on the boundary from the left is:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (18 / 31)
where 
Proceeding in a similar way for the molecules reaching the boundary from the right, the force
exerted by species is found to be:
The pressure exerted by the molecules of species on the left side of the rigid boundary is
and the pressure exerted by the molecules of species j on the right side of the boundary is:
In closed systems, or in systems where the average velocity of the molecules of is zero, the
pressures at both sides of the rigid boundary become:
corresponding to the ideal gas equation of state.[6]
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (19 / 31)
Figure 7 shows the effect of the dimensionless velocity on the ratio between the pressure
exerted on a rigid impermeable boundary and the corresponding static pressure when .
The forward and backward pressures exerted on the boundary, presented in Eq. (3.8) and
(3.9), can be expressed in terms of the corresponding forward and backward molecular fluxes
as: 
Figure 7. Effect of dimensionless velocity ratio on the pressure ratio exerted over a rigid
impermeable boundary. Blue line: Left side of the boundary. Green line: Right side of the
For multicomponent systems, the total pressure exerted by the system on both sides of the
boundary will be:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (20 / 31)
 
 
 
 
 
 
 and
 .
3.2. Equivalent Pressure Definition
In Section 3.1 it was shown that the concept of pressure emerged as the result of the forces
involved during molecular collisions against a physical boundary. On the other hand, for an
ideal gas passing through a virtual or completely permeable boundary, collisions are not taking
place, so there are no forces and thus, there should be zero pressure. However, there is the
apparent idea that a system has a non-zero pressure not only at physical boundaries but also at
any point inside the system. The reason is that pressure can be measured, using a suitable
instrument, anywhere inside the system. However, by placing any instrument for measuring
pressure, a physical boundary is imposed to the system, resulting in molecular collisions against
the boundary and therefore, in pressure.
Thus, as long as no pressure measurements are done in the original system, the pressure of an
ideal gas on any arbitrary virtual permeable boundary is zero. However, it is possible to define
an equivalent pressure of the system at any virtual boundary, as the magnitude of the pressure
that would be exerted by the system on the boundary if it were rigid and impermeable. Or in
other words, the pressure that would be obtained if it were measured at that point.
So basically, the equivalent pressure of a multicomponent system at both sides of a virtual
boundary can be defined as:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (21 / 31)
 
 
 
 
Now, assuming that the system conditions at both sides of the boundary are identical, then the
difference in equivalent pressures acting on the boundary will be:
 
 
Replacing Eq. (2.9) in (3.18) results in:
 
Figure 8 illustrates the effect of the dimensionless velocity , on the equivalent pressure
difference for a pure system:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (22 / 31)
Figure 8. Effect of dimensionless velocity ratio on the dimensionless equivalent pressure
difference for a virtual boundary. Solid blue line: Dimensionless equivalent pressure difference
as the ratio of the equivalent pressure difference to the static ideal gas equivalent pressure.
Purple dashed line: Dimensionless equivalent pressure from the left. Green dashed line:
Dimensionless equivalent pressure from the right.
For large positive system velocities, the pressure difference approximates to:
and for large negative system velocities to:
That is, for fast flowing systems, the magnitude of the equivalent pressure difference is
approximately 4 times the volumetric density of the macroscopic kinetic energy of the system.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (23 / 31)
3.3. Average Velocity of Molecules reaching the Boundary
The average velocity of the molecules of species colliding with a rigid boundary from the left
 can be obtained from the forward pressure, as follows:
Similarly, the average velocity of molecules of species j colliding with the rigid boundary from
the right 
 will be:
For systems at rest (static), the average velocity of colliding molecules is:
On the other hand, for systems with large macroscopic velocities in the direction of the
boundary, the average velocities of colliding molecules become:
The validity of these expressions can be extended also for virtual boundaries.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (24 / 31)
4. Molecular Fluxes through Semi-Permeable Boundaries
The results obtained in the previous example of Section 2.4 show an extremely fast mixing of
both systems (less than 10 ms). In practice, the real molecular fluxes are reduced by two main
a) Influence of molecular collisions, which have been completely neglected for ideal
gases. Such influence can be observed in two different ways: By creating a barrier for
crossing the permeable boundary, and by limiting the motion of molecules in the long
range (molecular diffusion).[7]
b) Influence of additional system boundaries, because even though finite systems were
considered, the effect of system boundaries on the molecular motion was also
The barrier effect of molecular collisions at the permeable boundary is depicted in Figure 9. At
any given instant, there will be a certain number of molecules located just at the boundary
(that is, the corresponding Clausius’ molecular sphere of action [8] crosses the boundary at
some point), which cause a physical barrier for all other molecules to cross the boundary.
Figure 9. Molecules at the permeable boundary (red circles) create a barrier for the motion of
all other molecules (green circles) across the boundary.
The fraction of the boundary surface which is unavailable for crossing of molecules of type
because of the physical limitation caused by the presence of molecules of type already at the
boundary  can be estimated as the total projected area of the molecules of type at the
boundary divided by the total boundary area:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (25 / 31)
where is the number density of molecules of type at the boundary, is the volume where
the molecules are considered to be at the boundary,  is the area projected on the boundary
by each molecule of type , and  is the diameter of Clausius’ molecular sphere of action
between molecules of types and (diameter of collision).
The total unavailable surface fraction for molecules of type j will be:
The unavailable surface fraction  can be interpreted as a relative permeability of the
boundary to molecules of type . Thus, such relative permeability might be different for each
molecular species present in the system, a result that makes sense because larger molecules
are more easily obstructed compared to smaller molecules, and therefore larger molecules are
expected to present lower relative permeability values.
Eq. (4.1) and (4.2) are valid approximations only for low-density systems. As the density
increases, superposition of projected areas for the molecules at the boundary will cause
significant deviations in the estimation of the unavailable surface fraction. Also, please notice
that the unavailable surface fraction is limited to the range  , so even if the density
increases further, the maximum unavailable surface fraction is 1.
Considering the correction  in the effective boundary surface, the corresponding
forward and backward molecular fluxes for molecules of type become (from Eq. ):
Assuming that the average macroscopic motion and temperature of the system are the same
at both sides of the boundary, but the number densities are different, then the net flux across
the boundary is:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (26 / 31)
This means that if the available surface fraction tends to zero , the flow across
the boundary tends to zero. This effect can be interpreted as “clogging”, and will result in an
impermeable boundary. Thus, flow requires a minimum free space available for molecular
In the case of a semi-permeable boundary, it is possible to determine the number of molecules
which reach the boundary and do not cross it, but rebound instead. Therefore, we have
forward rebound and backward rebound molecular fluxes:
It is also possible that certain molecules are fixed at the boundary, as can be seen in Figure 10.
Two examples are presented, first there is a grid covering the whole boundary, which can be
considered as a simple representation of a membrane; second, there is a valve (e.g. gate valve),
where the effective area is gradually modified by creating a partial solid barrier. Please notice
that the barrier created in both cases is ultimately a molecular barrier. Thus, it is also possible to
describe their effect on the relative permeability by means of the unavailable surface fraction
concept, as follows: 
where 
 is the total unavailable surface fraction for molecules of type ,
is the
unavailable surface fraction caused by the fixed molecular barrier, and 
is the unavailable
surface fraction caused by the self-barrier created by the flowing system.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (27 / 31)
Figure 10. Examples of semi-permeable boundaries: a) Grid, b) Valve
 
 
For the case of a perfectly squared grid,
where is the size of the mesh and is the width of the grid. Eq. (4.11) is considered only as an
approximation, because for smaller mesh sizes, additional steric limitations further reduce the
relative permeability of larger molecules.
On the other hand, for the case of valves,
the unavailable surface fraction is a function of the stem opening . Such function
depends on the geometry of the valve. Thus, for linear valves:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (28 / 31)
The molecular collisions against the fixed barriers at the boundary, give rise to a pressure
acting on the barrier. The forward pressure will be:
Similarly, the backward pressure can be found to be:
Assuming that the temperature and macroscopic velocity is the same at both sides of the
boundary, then, the pressure difference across the boundary will be:
If the system is at rest with respect to the boundary, the forward and backward pressure acting
on the fixed barrier become:
Finally, there is also a pressure acting on the molecules located at the permeable surface of the
boundary. Such self-exerted pressure can be calculated as:
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (29 / 31)
Therefore, the total pressures acting on the boundary are:
These pressures correspond to the osmotic pressure of the system at both sides of the semi-
permeable boundary. For static systems they become:
Now, using Eq. (4.8) and (4.10) results in:
For ideal gases, the second term at the right hand of Eq. (4.25) and (4.26) can be neglected. As
density increases, a second order effect of molecular density is expected to arise.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (30 / 31)
5. Conclusion
Molecular fluxes can be calculated for ideal gases using only the equation of motion and the
probability distribution of molecular positions and velocities. Even for systems at rest, there is a
permanent molecular flux reaching the surface of any impermeable boundary inside the
system, in both directions. The net molecular flux is consistent with the continuity equation. At
the limits of the system, where molecules collide with solid boundaries (walls), a pressure on
the walls is developed which is consistent with the ideal gas equation of state for static
systems. For ideal gas systems moving macroscopically perpendicular to the wall, the pressure
will also be a function of the macroscopic velocity. On the other hand, inside the ideal gas
system, as no forces are present, the pressure should be zero. As long as a measurement
device is placed in the system, a rigid boundary is introduced and a non-zero pressure is
measured. Thus, in the absence of a measuring device, it is possible to calculate the equivalent
pressure that would be measured, although the real pressure is zero. For non-ideal gases, a
non-zero internal pressure would exist although much smaller than the corresponding
equivalent pressure. Several different assumptions were considered for obtaining the present
results including: i) Molecular collisions in the gas are negligible (ideal gas assumption). ii)
There are no external forces acting on the system. iii) There is no net macroscopic motion of
the gas parallel to the surface. iv) Molecular positions are uniformly distributed in the system
volume. v) The orthogonal component of molecular velocity is normally distributed. vi) The
system considered is large compared to the size of the molecules. However, future reports will
present the results obtained considering different assumptions. For example: Incorporating the
effect of molecular collisions on the determination of molecular fluxes and pressure;
considering a macroscopic motion of the system parallel to the surface; and assuming smaller
The author gratefully acknowledges fruitful discussions with Prof. Jaime Aguirre (Universidad
Nacional de Colombia) and Prof. Silvia Ochoa (Universidad de Antioquia).
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Calculation of Molecular Fluxes and
Equivalent Pressure in Ideal Gases
Hugo Hernandez
ForsChem Research
12/03/2019 ForsChem Research Reports 2019-03 (31 / 31)
[1] Hernandez, H. (2017). On the generalized validity of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and
the zeroth Law of Thermodynamics. ForsChem Research Reports 2017-4. doi:
[2] Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., & Lightfoot, E. N. (2002). Transport Phenomena. Second Edition.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[3] Hernandez, H. (2019). Probability of Collision of Random Inertial Particles with a Flat Wall.
ForsChem Research Reports 2019-02. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22874.80320.
[4] Hernandez, H. (2017). Standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: Definition and properties.
ForsChem Research Reports 2017-2. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29888.74244.
[5] Hernandez, H. (2017). Multivariate Probability Theory: Determination of Probability Density
Functions. ForsChem Research Reports 2017-13. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28214.60481.
[6] Boltzmann, L. (1995). Lectures on gas theory. Translated by Brush, S.G. New York: Dover
Publications Inc.
[7] Hernandez, H. (2017). Multicomponent Molecular Diffusion: A Mathematical Framework.
ForsChem Research Reports 2017-9. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14828.46724.
[8] Hernandez, H. (2017). Clausius’ sphere of action for different intermolecular potentials.
ForsChem Research Reports 2017-10. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25246.23363
... The forces applied on non-vertical directions will exactly compensate resulting in a zero net force between air and the object. However, the force exerted by the molecules of air below the body will be greater than the force exerted by the molecules of air above the body, due to a difference in relative molecular fluxes of air [5,6]. Thus, the net force exerted by air on the body will be considered as a local friction force. ...
... (2.77) 6 Friction between the person and the floor is mandatory because . If there is no such friction, then it is impossible to exert an active force on the object. ...
... In second place, the pressures exerted on both sides of the moving piston are not the same system pressures (or the pressure at rest). When the piston moves, the pressure in the direction of motion is greater than the pressure of the opposing system because the molecular collision frequency increases [6,7]. Similarly, the pressure behind the piston will decrease due to the less frequent collision with gas molecules. ...
Technical Report
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The First Law of Thermodynamics represents the principle of energy conservation applied to the interaction between different macroscopic systems. The traditional mathematical description of the First Law (e.g.) is rather simplistic and lack universal validity, as it is only valid when several implicit assumptions are met. For example, it only considers mechanical work done associated with a change in volume of a system, but completely neglects other types of work. On the other hand, it employs the concept of entropy which is not only ambiguous but also implies only heat associated with a temperature difference, neglecting other types of heat transfer that may take place at mesoscopic and/or microscopic levels. In addition, it does not consider mass transfer effects. In the previous report of this series, a more general representation of the First Law is obtained considering different conditions and different types of interactions between the systems. In this report, the expression previously obtained is applied to different representative examples, involving macroscopic systems with no volume change, gas systems with volume change, and even a case where mass transfer between the systems takes place.
... where is the initial average speed of molecules in a single direction, which can be approximated assuming a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular speeds [13] by the following expression [14]: ...
... Once the vessels are connected, a net flux of molecules is observed from the pressurized vessel towards the empty vessel. Assuming pure ideal gases, such molecular flux through the connecting pipe can be approximately determined as follows [14]: ...
... Such macroscopic motion has a temporary effect on thermodynamic temperature, particularly relevant for the second flask. However, its effect on the measured temperature The equivalent pressure [14] of each flask, that is, the pressure that would be measured by a pressure sensor when placed in the system, is determined from the ideal gas law (neglecting the initial macroscopic motion of the gas) and considering the measured temperature rather than the thermodynamic temperature. The main reason for this choice was the minimization of noise. ...
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Beginning the 19 th century, Gay-Lussac proposed a free expansion experiment where gas is allowed to flow from one flask into another identical but empty flask, to show that thermal effects (cooling of the first vessel and warming of the second) were not caused by residual air present in the empty flask. While he successfully rejected such hypothesis, no alternative explanation was proposed for these effects. Classical and statistical thermodynamics have been used to explain the experimental results, but unfortunately, they are not entirely satisfactory. In this report, a different hypothesis is proposed where temperature changes in the flasks are caused by an unbalanced distribution of molecules, since the empty vessel is initially filled by the fastest molecules. Due to the low molecular density initially observed in the empty flask, temperature measurements are strongly influenced by the thermal behavior of the thermometer. A theoretical model and a simplified numerical simulation of the system are found to qualitatively support the proposed hypothesis as a potential explanation of the experimental results obtained by Gay-Lussac and other researchers.
... This approach greatly simplifies the problem of observing the microscopic entities, by considering the overall behavior of the group of entities. Thus, the flux of entities crossing a boundary is given by [10]: ...
... The resulting time distribution would be: Now, considering many entities contained in a finite volume, and subject to random collisions over a relatively long period of time (reaching equilibrium), the resulting distribution of positions in the volume is expected to be uniform, whereas the distribution of velocities in each direction is expected to be normal [12]. In this case, the probability density function of the boundary crossing time becomes [10]: ...
... Boundaries are not completely permeable due to the presence of other entities present at the boundary which block the path of entities from one side to another. The degree of impermeability can be described by the unavailable surface fraction ( ) [10], where a value of indicates a completely permeable boundary, and a value of indicates a completely impermeable boundary. The term is actually determined by the size and shape of each entity to be transported across the boundary, but can be generally approximated by the ratio between the blocked surface and the total surface in the boundary. ...
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The permanent motion and interaction of microscopic entities result in the transport of those entities from one region to another, and the subsequent change in overall properties of the regions. The purpose of this report is presenting a general framework for describing the change in overall properties of a system as a result of the transport of microscopic entities. This approach is valid for any property directly associated to the microscopic entities, such as number, mass, electric charge, density, concentration, velocity, linear momentum, mechanical energy, temperature, pressure, and many others. Different scenarios of microscopic transport are considered (non-interacting or ideal, Brownian, Uniform, and constant external field) which allows deriving a general expression for the flux of entities across a boundary. Also, different types of properties are considered (additive, average, reciprocal average, and weighted average) covering most common properties of practical interest. In addition, different types of transport coefficients were presented depending on the particular "driving force" considered (global, local, directional, and positional) representing the most common coefficients found in the literature. Finally, some relevant considerations are discussed, providing additional clarity to the concepts introduced here.
...  An analytical expression for the molecular flux observed in ideal gases (neglecting molecular collisions) is obtained [32,33]. When collisions are considered, the molecular flux obtained is in principle identical to the ideal gas molecular flux [35]. ...
... When collisions are considered, the molecular flux obtained is in principle identical to the ideal gas molecular flux [35].  The concept of equivalent pressure is introduced, as the pressure that would be exerted by the molecules in a system if a rigid impermeable barrier was present [33].  For ideal gases, the actual pressure exerted by molecules on a surface with a completely permeable surface is zero. ...
...  For ideal gases, the actual pressure exerted by molecules on a surface with a completely permeable surface is zero. For static systems, the classical ideal equation of state is obtained [33].  A new method for determining whether a dynamic data sample represents a random or a deterministic variable is presented [34]. ...
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The current report celebrates the 100 th report published by ForsChem Research, as well as the 7 th year since the beginning of the ForsChem Research Project. In this publication, a brief review of the evolution of ForsChem Research is presented, highlighting the most important contributions published in ForsChem Research Reports. A graphical bibliometric analysis is also included to illustrate the evolution of the works published during its first 7 years, and their impact as measured by ResearchGate (RG) stats. In addition, a selection of the author's top 10 favorite reports is presented. Finally, a brief outline is exposed about the plans for ForsChem Research in the future.
... At certain moment, both sub-systems are connected by a permeable boundary of , allowing for the mixing of both gases. Assuming ideal gas behavior and perfect mixing at each side of the boundary, the relaxation time (for reaching a new state of equilibrium) obtained for Helium is , and for Radon is [26]. Radon is much larger and heavier than Helium, and for this reason it moves slower. ...
... Example system composed of two cubic sub-systems, each containing initially a different gas at the same number density (Helium and Radon). The system is at medium vacuum (~ 1 Pa), and at a temperature of 298 K. [26] For this particular example, a total simulation time of is considered. In addition, the time step is varied during the simulation, starting from an initial time step of , and doubling the time step every iterations. ...
... For comparison purposes, the simulation was also executed considering that all molecules have an ideal behavior (no collisions take place). This case is denoted as "non-perfectly mixed ideal gas" condition, because the composition is not assumed homogeneous within each subsystem (as in the case of the perfectly mixed ideal gas assumption [26]). The results obtained by the MD-BD transition simulation are presented in Figure 4 to Figure 7. ...
Technical Report
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Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation and Brownian Dynamics (BD) simulation are useful molecular simulation methods providing valuable information about the properties and behavior of matter. MD and BD simulation operate at different time and length scales. The main difference between these methods is the representation of intermolecular forces. While MD explicitly considers interaction forces between molecules and can describe individual collisions, BD represents local interaction forces by random forces assuming that many independent collisions take place during a particular time step. In this report, an algorithm for transitioning between MD and BD simulation is presented, which also allows simulating only a sample of the molecules, significantly reducing the computation cost of the simulation. This method is useful during intermediate Langevinian regimes (involving a limited number of collisions per time step), or when both conditions (high and low collision frequencies) are present in the system at the same time. This method can operate with variable time steps, and allows capturing the spatial and temporal behavior of a heterogeneous system at different time scales.
... Collision theory [1] is an important mechanistic approach for understanding a wide range of physical and chemical phenomena, such as: Physicochemical properties of matter [2], transport phenomena [3], chemical reactions [1,4], propagation of mechanical waves [5], scattering processes [4,6], and many others. However, it is interesting to note that, despite being a term widely employed in Physics and Chemistry books, textbooks, and papers, a formal definition of collision is commonly missing within them. ...
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Material collisions (and interaction processes in general) play an important role in most, if not all, physicochemical phenomena observed in Nature including (but not limited to): Chemical reactions, diffusion, viscosity, adhesion, pressure, transmission of forces, sound, and momentum and heat transfer, just to mention a few. It is quite surprising that a unique, clear, objective definition of "collision" is missing in most scientific textbooks and encyclopedias. In this report, some missing definitions in collision theory are proposed aiming at providing a more clear language, and at avoiding the confusion emerging from the lack of objective definitions. In addition, the illusion of elasticity of collisions is discussed. While elastic collisions are clearly defined as collisions with no change in the macroscopic translational kinetic energy of the bodies, the subjective definition of the bodies, and the inevitable simultaneous occurrence of multiple additional collisions involving internal components and/or external bodies may lead to different conclusions about the elastic character of a collision. Interaction processes involving composite bodies (having multiple components and an internal structure, like all bodies known to us so far) are typically inelastic or superelastic, but the overall result of many consecutive interactions, may resemble an elastic behavior. True perfectly elastic interactions can only be observed between isolated pairs of rigid, indivisible, structureless bodies, like the hypothetical "true atoms" proposed by the ancient Greeks.
... (2.4) For ideal gases, the molecular fluxes become [5]: ...
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Phases and states of matter are macroscopic subjective notions about materials. At the molecular scale, those notions become fuzzy or even non-existent. However, understanding molecular motion and interaction helps describing the dynamics of phase changes at the macroscopic scale. In this report, a simple molecular phase transfer model is presented, where some molecules reach the interface after colliding with other molecules, and is able to cross the boundary as long as its kinetic energy overcomes a certain barrier for transfer. The efficiency of such transfer is expressed in terms of the error function of the energy barrier. This model can be used to describe the evaporation of liquids. In this case, a general mechanistic model for describing the vapor pressure of a pure compound is obtained, which can replace common empirical models including Antoine equation. This mechanistic model requires only two parameters, both of them having a clear physical meaning. Different compounds, and particularly water, are used to show the consistent of this new model with currently accepted empirical vapor pressure models.
... The primary mechanism of cooling is the evaporative loss of water molecules from each droplet, which was modeled using the Hertz-Knudsen equation [25][26][27] describing the flux of an ideal gas from a sphere: ...
... the alternative multicomponent barometric formula previously developed (neglecting chemical reactions) predicts the following molecular density ( ̃) and equivalent pressure ( ) [4] profiles: ...
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The classical barometric formula used in atmospheric models is derived neglecting the presence of chemical reactions in the atmosphere. However, many chemical reactions are continuously taking place either promoted by sunlight or simply by the thermal motion of the molecules. In this report, the effect of chemical reactions on the barometric formula will be modeled and discussed. Such effect is not only related to individual molecular concentration profiles but also to thermal profiles when the heat of reaction is considered. The derivation of the model is based on a simple reversible chemical reaction, but it is also generalized for any arbitrary set of chemical reactions taking place in the system. Even under the steady-state assumption, the differential equations obtained do not provide a direct analytical solution and therefore, they must be numerically integrated. A particular example is presented for illustrating the model obtained but also the numerical solution method.
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The properties of molecular systems are typically fluctuating due to the permanent motion and interaction (including collisions) of their molecules. Due to our inability to track the position and determine the energy of all molecules in the system at all times, those fluctuations seem to be random. Thus, randomistic models (combining deterministic and random terms) can be used to describe the behavior of local properties in a molecular system. In particular, a microcanonical (NVE) system is considered for the present analysis. As an illustrative example, the randomistic models for describing the fluctuations expected in monoatomic ideal gas systems are reported.
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In this work, a mathematical derivation of the probability of collision of a particle moving at constant velocity against a flat wall is obtained, assuming that the velocity of the particle is random, and its position at an initial time is either known or also random. A general expression is obtained for the probability of collision as a function of the probability distribution of the velocity and position of the particle, as well as the size of the wall. Depending on the particular geometry and random distribution considered (e.g. uniform and normal distributions), different shapes of the probability as a function of the expected collision time (time required by the particle to reach the plane wall) are obtained. It is expected that the expressions obtained can be used for analyzing the behavior of different types of particles including colloids, ideal gases, subatomic particles and photons.
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Many random variables can be described as arbitrary functions of one or more independent random variables with arbitrary probability distributions. The resulting probability density function of any dependent continuous random variable can be mathematically described in terms of the probability density functions of the independent variables, as long as the function can be expressed explicitly in terms of at least one independent variable. Such theory of random variable transformation has been very well established but it is not widely known. Thus, the sole purpose of the present report is to provide an illustrative reference by means of several examples, of the calculation of probability density functions for nonlinear and multivariate random functions. One of the most relevant examples shows that the norm of a three-dimensional vector of identical zero-mean normal random variables is a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, whereas its direction corresponds to a vector of uniform distributions. In another relevant example, the validity of the Central Limit Theorem is illustrated for the average of several independent exponential random variables.
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Nowadays there are different empirical models used for describing the interaction between pairs of molecules. Back in the 19 th century, the picture was not that clear, and a good understanding of intermolecular forces was lacking. Despite such difficulties, Clausius was able to device a very clever approach for representing in a general way the effect of those unknown intermolecular forces. Such development was the concept of the sphere of action, representing the space around a molecule which when invaded by another molecule inevitably leads to collision. Using the sphere of action concept, it is possible to understand the kinetics of molecular collision, and also to understand molecular transport phenomena. Thanks to scientific and technologic advances in molecular interactions and molecular simulation, nowadays it is possible to describe the radius of the sphere of action in terms of the parameters of the molecular interaction forces. In this report, the general procedure for obtaining the radius of action between two molecules for any given interaction potential function is presented, including purely repulsive potentials not considered in Clausius' original concept. The results obtained for different interaction potentials (hard-sphere, Lennard-Jones, Born-Mayer, Buckingham, Morse, etc.) are summarized and examples are presented for the calculation of the mean free paths, collision rates and molecular diffusion coefficients.
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In this report, the mathematical framework for describing multicomponent molecular diffusion in systems at thermal equilibrium (following a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of molecular speeds) is presented. The molecular diffusion process is interpreted as the molecular motion observed after a large number of collisions between molecules takes place. The net diffusive motion of the molecule can be parameterized by the molecular diffusion coefficient. The molecular diffusion coefficient is proportional to the rate of change in the variance of the molecular position vector, and it is also proportional to the rate of change in the variance of the net distance travelled by the molecule via diffusion. The molecular diffusion coefficient observed for a single molecule will depend on the local neighborhood of such molecule, and therefore, it will change with time and position. The molecular diffusion coefficient is closely related to the macroscopic diffusion coefficient , which, according to Fick's Laws, is the proportionality constant between the net molecular flux and the concentration gradient of a certain compound, but it is also the proportionality constant between the rate of change in concentration and the Laplacian of the concentration. It will also be shown that the molecular diffusion coefficient satisfies both Fick's Laws of diffusion, however, this does not demonstrate the equivalence between the macroscopic and the molecular diffusion coefficients. Finally, useful equations and relationships between diffusion coefficients are found for different systems including pure, binary and multicomponent systems, considering that they are either homogeneous or heterogeneous, and in some cases, assuming that the system is composed of ideal gases.
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The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution has been a very useful statistical distribution for understanding the molecular motion of ideal gases. In this work, it will be shown that it is also possible to obtain a generalized Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution valid for any macroscopic system of any composition and having any arbitrary state of aggregation. This distribution is the result of the large number of collisions and molecular interactions taking place in such macroscopic system. On the other hand, in order to better understand the concept of thermal equilibrium, a mathematical interpretation of the zeroth law of Thermodynamics is included.
Technical Report
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In this report, a standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (B) is defined by analogy to the concept of the standard Gaussian distribution. The most important statistical properties of B, as well as a simple method for generating random numbers from the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution are presented. Given that the properties of B are already known, it is advantageous to describe any arbitrary Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution as a function of the standard Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution B. By using this approach, it is possible to demonstrate that the temperature of a material is a function only of the fluctuating component of the average molecular kinetic energy, and that it is independent of its macroscopic kinetic energy.
Transport Phenomena. Second Edition
  • R B Bird
  • W E Stewart
  • E N Lightfoot
Bird, R. B., Stewart, W. E., & Lightfoot, E. N. (2002). Transport Phenomena. Second Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.