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Tunnel restoration in unstable rock masses: numerical analysis and validation of monitoring data from innovative instrumentation

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The increase of global temperatures caused shortages of water supply in several Italian cities. One of the challenges of responsible institution is how to maintain and restore the old aqueducts facilities. In particular, the most critical problem is related to the water losses along the aqueduct pipes and tunnels due to the aging of the structures and the damages caused by rock mass instabilities. This paper deals with one of these cases, where an aqueduct tunnel, damaged by the progressive movement of a rockslide, underwent to a complete reconstruction. The restoration design required the installation of CIR-Array, an innovative automated monitoring system, which would enable to monitor the surrounding rock mass, as well as the provisional reinforcement and the final lining, during both construction and operational phases. This case has been the first in situ application of this instrumentation and it represents an interesting test, complementary to the previous laboratory one. Construction works are still in progress, as well as the installation of monitoring instrumentations. In this paper, the preliminary results are presented, described and then compared with the expected behavior of the rock mass predicted by the design numerical model.

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Conference Paper
This paper presents on-site applications of two innovative monitoring tools, based on 3D MEMS sensors and specifically designed and intended to be installed in underground excavations. The first one (Cir Array) is designed for near-real time monitoring of convergence phenomena and localized deformations taking place in a specific tunnel section. The second one is called Rad Array and it is designed to be installed in radial directions with respect to the tunnel section, in order to identify deformations some meters inside the rock mass surrounding the underground excavation. The satisfactory results obtained from sites highlighted the importance of a well-designed and efficient monitoring system in tunnelling operations. The monitoring system allowed to investigate the accuracy and precision of the measure on site, collecting useful data regarding the structure conditions for both cases presented in this study.
Within the geotechnical field, monitoring systems are particularly important for what concern the description of natural phenomena and data collection for risks prevention purposes. For this reason, the need for instruments able to guarantee a continuous and prolonged control of the area has led to the development of new monitoring systems featuring higher reliability, durability and accuracy with respect to traditional approaches. With these tools, it is possible to monitor various parameters with automatic procedures and high frequency sampling, allowing to perform statistical analyses and to provide a more accurate description of the ongoing phenomenon. Another relevant aspect is the ability to realize automated systems able to remotely elaborate data recorded by on-site instrumentation. This feature has led to the development of specific software and webbased interactive platforms integrated with various technologies. These features made it possible to develop Early Warning Systems (EWS) with a near real-time approach, allowing for a more effective and reliable management of emergencies.
Conference Paper
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The paper describes the studies carried out on a new technology developed to monitor tunnel deformations during both construction and exercise phases. In particular, two different kinds of instrumentation have been developed using 3D MEMS based sensors. The first one, called CIR-Array, is a chain of nodes (Tunnel Link) equipped with an 3D accelerometer and a thermometer. It provides information about convergence of tunnels sections. The second one, called RAD-Array, is a mixed system that incorporates MEMS nodes (Radial Link) and multi-base extensometer. It provides information about the 3D deformations some meters inside the rock mass. The importance of this kind of instrumentation is related to the rapid and easy installation, to the high frequency of readings (which permits a statistical approach, increasing reliability and efficiency) and to the recording automation. Other important features are the possibility to extend the monitoring after the construction phase during tunnel operations and the relative low cost, if compared with other monitoring systems. The tests were conducted reproducing a theoretical real scale original tunnel shape in our laboratory using a fiber glass rod and then generate known deformation. Sensors have been installed along the section every 0.5 meters. Different deformations have been simulated and, for each one, data of different nature were collected using CIR-Array or RAD-Array, photogrammetry, laser distance meter and topography. Results are compared in order to understand the sensitivity and accuracy of every method and evaluate CIR-Array / RAD – Array solutions. New technologies have also been subjected to reliability test.
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A new method for detecting spikes in acoustic Doppler velocimeter data sequences is suggested. The method combines three concepts: (1) that differentiation enhances the high frequency portion of a signal, (2) that the expected maximum of a random series is given by the Universal threshold, and (3) that good data cluster in a dense cloud in phase space or Poincare maps. These concepts are used to construct an ellipsoid in three-dimensional phase space, then points lying outside the ellipsoid are designated as spikes. The new method is shown to have superior performance to various other methods and it has the added advantage that it requires no parameters. Several methods for replacing sequences of spurious data are presented. A polynomial fitted to good data on either side of the spike event, then interpolated across the event, is preferred by the authors.
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Acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) measurements are useful and powerful for measurements of mean and turbulent components of fluids in both hydraulic experimental facilities and fields. However, it is difficult to use the ADV in bubbly flows because air bubbles generate spike noise in the ADV velocity data. This study describes the validity of the ADV measurements in bubbly flows. The true three-dimensional phase space method originally developed by Goring and Nikora in 2002 is significantly useful to eliminate spike noise of ADV recorded data in bubbly flow in comparison with the classical low correlation method.
Synopsis The observational method, used so successfully by Terzaghi in applied soil mechanics, often permits maximum economy and assurance of safety, provided the design can be modified as construction progresses. The essential features of the method are set forth and examples are given of its application. The method is not without its pitfalls and limitations. It should not be used unless the designer has in mind a plan of action for every unfavourable situation that might be disclosed by the observations. The observations must be reliable, must reveal the significant phenomena, and must be so reported as to encourage prompt action. The possibility of progressive failure may introduce a serious element of uncertainty. In spite of the limitations, the potential for savings of time and money without sacrifice of safety is so great that every engineer who deals with applied soil mechanics needs to be informed of its principal features. La méthode d'observation, utilisée avec tant de succèes par Terzaghi pour la mécanique appliquée des sols, permet souvent des économies maximum et l'assurance de la sécurité, à condition que la conception puisse être modifiée à mesure que la construction avance. Les caractéristiques essentielles de la méthode sont exposées et des exemples de son. application sont fournis. La méthode présente cependant des embûches et des restrictions. Elle ne doit pas être utilisée tant que le constructeur n'a pas à l'esprit un plan d'action qui réponde à chaque situation contraire qui pourrait être révélée par les observations. Les observations doivent être sûres, doivent révéler les phénomènes significatifs, et doivent faire l'objet de rapports tels qu'ils encouragent une mis à exécution rapide. La possibilité d'échecs progressifs peut introduire un sérieux élément d'incertitude. Malgré les restrictions, les possibilites d'une économie de temps et d'argent sans faire des sacrifices portant sur la sécurité sont si importantes que chaque ingénieur qui s'occupe de la mécanique appliquée des sols doit être au courant de ses principales caractéristiques.
Modified to remove offset in output
  • J Ulanowski
Ulanowski J. (2014). Goring and Nikora method. Modified to remove offset in output. Mathworks Community Forum. [last accessed 16 Nov. 2017]