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Observations and documentation of amphibian diversity from a human-modified ecosystem of Darjeeling, with record occurrence of Pol-ypedates himalayanus from Darjeeling Hills, West Bengal


Abstract and Figures

A survey was carried out to document the amphibian diversity at Takdah Cantonment (27°02'N-88°21'E) in Kurseong Subdivision of District Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, an integral part of the Eastern Himalayas. Time constrained visual encounter survey (VES) method was used for sampling amphibians from all possible habitats of the study area. A total of nine species of amphibians belonging to four families across five genera were recorded during the study. Polypedates himalayanus was also for the first time recorded from Darjeeling Hills. This study reveals that the area which is at an elevation of 1440-1650m is rich in amphibian diversity. Further studies are needed on population structure, habitat use by amphibians for better understanding and also imposition of several conservation strategies in Darjeeling district of West Bengal is needed.
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Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, July 2018. Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 6672 AJCB: SC0028
ISSN 2278-7666 ©TCRP 2018
Observations and documentation of amphibian diversity from a human
-modified ecosystem of Darjeeling, with record occurrence of Pol-
ypedates himalayanus from Darjeeling Hills, West Bengal
Aditya Pradhan1, Rujas Yonle1* & Dawa Bhutia1
1 Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Environmental Biology Laboratory , Darjeeling Government College,
Darjeeling 734101, West Bengal, India.
(Accepted: June 25, 2018)
A survey was carried out to document the amphibian diversity at Takdah Cantonment (27°02’N-88°21’E) in
Kurseong Subdivision of District Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, an integral part of the Eastern Himalayas.
Time constrained visual encounter survey (VES) method was used for sampling amphibians from all possible
habitats of the study area. A total of nine species of amphibians belonging to four families across five genera
were recorded during the study. Polypedates himalayanus was also for the first time recorded from Darjee-
ling Hills. This study reveals that the area which is at an elevation of 1440 -1650m is rich in amphibian diver-
sity. Further studies are needed on population structure, habitat use by amphibians for better understanding
and also imposition of several conservation strategies in Darjeeling district of West Bengal is needed.
Key words: Amphibian, diversity, Darjeeling, Takdah Cantonment, VES, relative abundance.
The first vertebrate animals are amphibians and they
have two life stages namely tadpoles (occur in water)
and adults (on land). As it is known that amphibians are
comprised of frogs, toads, caecilians and salamanders
those are extremely varied. Many habitat types may oc-
cur within an area, but amphibians may utilize only a
few of these. The number of individuals that represents
each species in community may vary from place to place
depending on the amount of rainfall, available habitats
and human interference as the structure and diversity of
an amphibian community is determined by the availabil-
ity of food, moisture and micro habitat (Daniels, 1992).
Amphibians are potentially good bio-indicators due to
their highly permeable skin and dual mode of life
(Beebee and Griffiths 2005). The amphibian fauna com-
prises 7788 species in the world (Frost, 2018). In India
405 species belonging to existing orders, namely Cauda-
ta, Anura and Gymnophiona were reported. In West
Bengal 45 species belonging to 14 genera, seven fami-
lies and three orders were identified (Deuti et al., 2009).
Published comprehensive lists of amphibians of the
study area are very less. Daniel (1962) gave account of
seven species of amphibians of Darjeeling area of West
Bengal. Sarkar et al., (1992) published list of amphibi-
ans of the state of West Bengal where they included 30
species of amphibians from Darjeeling district. Dinesh
et al. (2009) in the list of amphibians of India included
some species from Darjeeling district. Similarly, 44 spe-
cies of amphibians belonging to 20 genera in eight fami-
lies and three orders have been reported in adjoining
state of Sikkim from 1864 to 2015 (Subba et al., 2016).
About 30% - 57% of the amphibians in India are threat-
ened due to loss of natural habitats. So far, presence of
*Corresponding Author’s E-mail: 66
37 species of amphibians under 18 genera, eight fami-
lies and three orders has been described from Darjeeling
district, West Bengal (De, 2016).
Study area
The study was conducted in Takdah Cantonment (27°
02’N-88°21’E) in the outskirts of Darjeeling town about
27 km away, located between Kalimpong and Darjee-
ling, with an elevation of < 1440 to > 1650m, which is
also an integral part of Eastern Himalayas (Fig. 1).
The study area included human settlements, agricultural
land, streams and forests.
Vegetation and Climate
The Study area has an average elevation of 1550m and
thus has sub-tropical moist evergreen forest type. Some
dominants trees found here are Cryptomeria japonica,
Exbucklandia populnea, Alnus nepalensis, Ficus hook-
eri, Elaeocarpus varunua, Pentapanax leschenaultia,
Erythrina arborescens, Castanopsis hystrix, etc. while
some commonly found shrubs are Polygonum molle,
Girardinia palmate, Rubus paniculatus, Rubus ellipti-
cus, Fragaria nubicola, Sinarundinaria maling, Urtica
dioca, etc.
There are no major rivers draining the forest
but numerous non-perennial streams run through some
parts of the forest, keeping the forest floor wet and
damp for most of the time in the year. Summer, mon-
soon and post monsoon seasons are accompanied by
fogs and mist. Monsoon months lasting from May –
September, is characterized by heavy rainfall 2-3 times
a day and sometimes rain spells lasts for more than 72
In 2017-18, the study area received highest rainfall
(about 1616mm) in the month of May followed by Sep-
tember (1467mm), it also experiences hail storms in the
summer months. While the winter months were dry with
just occasional winter showers mostly in the month of
February. With an average temperature of 23°C, August
was the warmest month, while January was the coldest
month of the year with an average temperature of 9°C
(World Weather Online, 2018).
Field sampling was done from March 2017 to February
2018 in Takdah Cantonment, Darjeeling hills.
We followed time constrained visual encounter
survey (VES) method in the study area following Heyer
et al., (1994) and Chettri et al. (2011) for sampling am-
phibians in all probable habitats and microhabitats, such
as agricultural fields, wet lands, rocky areas, open lands,
boulders, logs and mosses. We conducted counts and
took photographs while walking along the main road and
various other pony roads and trek routes in the study
area. The observations were mostly carried out during
the day (10:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs) and evening (17:00 hrs
to 19:00 hrs), however hours of heavy rainfall were
avoided. Individuals of the same species found more
than once in the same site in the same visit was not
counted if not observed together at the same time. In
addition, opportunistic observations were also included.
The parameters noted during observation include name
of the species, number of individuals of that species and
habitat in which the species was found.
The species were identified by using Liu (1950), Daniels
(1962), Sarkar et al. (1992), and Sanyal et al. (2006). In
cases where instant identification was not possible,
photographs were taken and sent to experts for identifica-
tion. Scientific names and systematic position followed
in this paper are after, Frost (2017) and common names
are obtained from , Dinesh et al. (2009) and De (2016).
We completed a total of 24 visits to the study area (two
in each month during the study period) totaling 158 sam-
pling hours. No collection of amphibian specimens was
done during this study in Darjeeling.
Data Analysis
Community parameters such as species richness, abun-
dance, Shannon-Weiner diversity index and evenness
were calculated for total samples following Magurran &
McGill (2011). Species richness was considered as the
total number of species observed and species abundance
as number of individual amphibians counted during the
sampling. Relative abundance of each species encoun-
tered during the survey was also calculated as done by
Chettri et al. (2011). Based on these data, relative abun-
dance of each species was obtained. The diversity was
analyzed using Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H′) =
Σ pilnpi; where pi = proportion of total sample belonging
to ith species, ln= natural logarithm (Shannon & Weaver
1949). Similarly, evenness was calculated using the for-
mula: Evenness (J) = H′/Hmax where Hmax= lnS, S =
number of species, H′ = Shannon–Wiener Diversity
(Pielou 1969). To understand dominance in the commu-
nity Dominance (D), Simpson’s index (1-D) and Berger-
Parker Dominance (d) were calculated using Past 3.19
(Hammer et al., 2001).
Species richness, diversity and abundance
The present study could only manage to record species of
Order Anura. A total of 48 individuals representing nine
Pradhan et al
AJCB Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 66–72, 2018
Figure 1. Map showing the position of the study area and satellite image of a fraction of Darjeeling – Sikkim
Himalayas showing the Study Area. (Source: Google Maps)
species belonging to four families and five genera were
recorded with photographic evidences (Image 1-9).
Among the four families recorded, highest number of
species (three) belonged to the family Megophryidae and
Rhacophoridae and lowest number of species (one) was
recorded from the family Bufonidae (Table 1). The am-
phibian population in the study area was found to be
diverse when tested using various diversity indices
(Table 2).
Relative abundance of amphibian species in the
study area shows sparse distribution (Table 1). Barring a
few species, relative abundance of most species was low.
Most species were observed only once or twice during
the entire course of our study. Of the nine species, four
species contributed less than 3% population. Almost half
of the total abundance was contributed by single species
i.e. Duttaphrynus himalayanus (43.75 %) followed by
Megophrys robusta (22.9 %). This result supports well
established community pattern i.e. a community is domi-
nated by few common species (Heatwole, 1982; Ma-
gurran, 1988; Chettri et al., 2011).
The species accumulation curve was rising even at
the end of the study period indicating likelihood of detec-
tion of additional species from the study area (Fig. 3). It
indicates that there was a probability of encountering few
additional species in the study area with the increasing
sampling effort.
Habitat preferences among species
In the present study we identified variety of amphibian
species utilizing five different habitats namely - Agricul-
tural land (six species), Open land (one species), Human
settlements (four species), Water bodies (one species)
and Forest floor (five species). Here, Human Settlements
includes houses, veranda, drains, etc.; Agricultural land
includes cultivated and uncultivated crop fields; Forest
floor includes bushes, trees, leaf litter, etc; Water bodies
includes streams, ponds and small water puddles; Open
land includes land devoid of vegetation.
Among these maximum number of species was
observed in the Agriculture land (35%) followed by For-
est floor (29%), Human settlements (24%), Water bodies
(6%) and Open land (6%) (Fig. 2). This indicates that
most of the amphibian species require agriculture based
ecosystems for survival. Since this study was conducted
in an area with increasing number of human settlements,
human settlements contributed to the second most uti-
lized habitat, this also shows that few amphibian species
have adapted to human interference.
Polypedates himalayanus from Darjeeling Hills
Taxon Common Name Total Relative
*Habitat IUCN Red
List (Ver.
5a Duttaphrynus himalayanus
Günther, 1864
Himalayan Toad 21 43.75 % Ag, Hs,
Wb, Ol
5b Polypedates himalayanus
Boulenger, 1888
Himalayan bush Frog 1 2.08 % Ff LC
5c Raorchestes annandalii
(Boulenger, 1906)
Annandale’s bush Frog 3 6.25 % Ag, Ff LC
5d Raorchestes sp. - 1 2.08 % Ff -
5e Megophrys glandulosa
Fei et al., 1990
Glandular Horned Toad 5 10.41 % Ag, Ff LC
5f Megophrys robusta
Boulenger, 1908
Robust Spadefoot Toad 11 22.91 % Hs, Ag,
5g Megophrys sanu
Deuti et al., 2017
Small Horned Toad 1 2.08 % Ag -
5h Nanorana annandalii
Boulenger, 1920
Boulenger’s Hill Frog 1 2.08 % Hs NT
5i Nanorana liebigii
Günther, 1860
Himalayan Bull Frog 4 8.33 % Ag, Hs LC
Total Species richness = 9
Total Abundance = 48
Table 1. List of Amphibian species recorded during the study and their habitat preferences. Number represents
the abundances of amphibians observed during the study.
Diversity Indices Calculated Values
Species richness 9
Abundance 48
Dominance (D) 0.2674
Simpson’s index (1-D) 0.7326
Shannon-Weiner index (H’) 1.638
Evenness (J) 0.7455
Berger-Parker (d) 0.4375
Table 2. Species richness, abundance, diversity and
evenness of amphibians observed in the study area dur-
ing the survey.
AJCB Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 66–72, 2018
Season of encounter
Amphibians were encountered in eight of the 12 months
of the study period (Fig. 4), while the months of October,
November, December and February did not see any indi-
viduals even though sampling was as intense as any oth-
er months. Maximum number of individuals was record-
ed in May (14 individuals), followed by June (12 indi-
viduals). Similarly, monsoon (May-Aug) saw the highest
number of individuals (26 individuals) when counted
seasonally, followed by summer (Mar-May), in which 17
individuals were encountered. This shows that like any
other place, one can expect to find the highest number of
amphibians once there is rainfall in the region.
Account on encountered families and species
Family Bufonidae
This family was only represented by Duttaphrynus hima-
layanus (5a.), however this species was encountered the
most (21 individuals) during the survey (Table 1). Indi-
viduals of this species at different stages of growth were
encountered during the study.
Family Megophryidae
This family was only represented by three species be-
longing to the same genus Megophrys. The most com-
monly encountered genus during the study was
Megophrys. A total of four species of Megophrys have
been identified from the Darjeeling District (De, 2016),
of which only two species (Megophrys parva and
Megophrys glandulosa) were recorded earlier (Sarkar et
al., 1992) and later one more species (Megophrys ro-
busta) was added to the recorded data of ZSI (Deuti et
al., 2009). Two new species (Megophrys sanu and
Megophrys katabhako) of this genus has also been re-
cently recorded by Deuti et al. (2017). In the present
study, a total of three different species (Megophrys ro-
busta, Megophrys glandulosa and Megophrys sanu) of
this genus were recorded photographically (Fig. 5e- 5g).
Megophrys robusta (Fig .5f) was the most encountered
(11 individuals) species from this genus (Table 1), this
species is placed under Data Deficient (DD) category
under IUCN Red List (IUCN, 2017). All the species of
this genus are considered to be extremely rare and diffi-
cult to find, however they seemed to be fairly common in
the months of July-September during the present survey
Family Rhacophoridae
This family was represented by two genus- Raorchestes
and Polypedates. Two species of Raorchestes were en-
countered during the survey of which one species was
identified to be Raorchestes annandalii (Fig. 5c) while
the other could not be identified (Fig. 5d). Polypedates
himalayanus (Fig. 5b) was encountered during the month
of January which was the only amphibian recorded dur-
ing the winter months. This is also the first report of this
species from West Bengal, India as this species is neither
reported by De (2016) or Sarkar et al. (1992) from the
state. A single individual was encountered at an elevation
of 1600m and photographically recorded in the present
Family Dicroglossidae
This family was only reperesented by two species Nano-
rana annandalii (Fig. 5h) and Nanorana liebigii (Fig. 5i).
Pradhan et al
Figure 2. Percent habitat utilization of amphibians
recorded during the study period
Figure 3. Number of species and individuals encountered in each month during the survey.
AJCB Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 66–72, 2018
N. annandalii is the only species from the study to be
placed under Near Threatened (NT) category under
IUCN Red List (IUCN, 2017) and was sighted only
once. N. liebigii is the most sought after species of edible
frogs in the hills and is widely hunted by the locals and
four individuals were encountered in the present study.
Listing of amphibians of Darjeeling hills have appeared
in many compilations, data specific to Takdah Canton-
ment, Kurseong Sub division is hitherto unknown. No
prior study had been carried out in this region for estima-
tion of amphibian population, so this paper tries to esti-
mate the species richness of amphibians in this part of
Darjeeling hills. Even though the study was limited to a
very small portion of the Darjeeling hills, the present
study has managed to photographically document nine
amphibian species, which is 20% of total amphibian di-
versity of the whole Darjeeling district. Furthermore one
unrecorded species (Polypedates himalayaus) has also
been reported in this paper. This suggests that the study
area possesses rich amphibian diversity.
The region has many potential habitats for the am-
phibians to survive ranging from leaf litters in the forest
to wetland, springs and torrential streams. The forest
here is of moist evergreen temperate type. Heavy rainfall
in the region may also be responsible for providing re-
sources required for the survival of amphibians. Howev-
er, like any other place, even this part of Darjeeling dis-
trict has seen a sudden rise in human population in recent
years. Growing human settlements in the region has re-
sulted in habitat loss of different animals including am-
phibians. Also unpredictable rainfall, diseases, upward
migration of species along the elevation gradient and
drying of springs has resulted in decreasing population of
amphibians (Acharya & Chettri, 2012). More important-
ly, drying up of fast flowing streams is detrimental to
many Himalayan endemic species such as Nanorana
spp., Megophrys spp. (locally termed as ‘Paa’) which are
adapted to torrent streams. Due to their specific adapta-
tion to fast flowing waters, they are restricted to rapid
streams. Drying of these streams might gradually lead to
extinction of these species (Acharya & Chettri, 2012).
These species are also very commonly hunted in the re-
gion in the name of local medicine and other delicacies.
Amphibians are important to agriculturalists, they play a
key role in ecosystem functioning and act as predator,
mainly as consumers of insect pest. Amphibians are
mainly seen to be attracted to agricultural land as these
kinds of ecosystems can be used for food, home grounds,
etc (Narayana et al., 2014). Hence they must be protected
by the concerned authorities and awareness regarding the
present status of amphibians in the Himalayas must be
created among the locals.
We thank all the local residents of Takdah Cantonment
for all the help during the study. We thank Dr. Kaushik
Deuti, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, for identify-
ing the amphibians encountered during the study. This
work would not have been possible without his help. We
also would like to thank Ms. Avantika Thapa for helping
us gather information during the initial part of the study
and Mr. Daman Pradhan for bringing extremely im-
portant information on fauna of Takdah Cantonment. We
also thank the Head of Post Graduate Department of Zo-
ology, Darjeeling Government College for all the sup-
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Polypedates himalayanus from Darjeeling Hills
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Figure 5. Photograph documentation of the amphibians during the study. 5a. Duttaphrynus himalayanus,
5b.Polypedates himalayanus.5c. Raorchestes annandalii, 5d. Raorchestes sp., 5e. Megophrys glandulosa ,
5f. Megophrys robusta, 5g. Megophrys sanu, 5h. Nanorana annandalii, 5i. Nanorana leibigii.
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Polypedates himalayanus from Darjeeling Hills
AJCB Vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 66–72, 2018
... Amphibians play an integral part in the ecosystem (Pradhan et al. 2018) as primary consumers of insects, prey for birds, mammals, and other predators (Cortéz-Gómez et al. 2015). Apart from this, they are also considered one of the most effective indicators of ecological health (Guzy et al. 2012). ...
Full-text available
Flores ABA, Diesmos AC, Nuňeza OM. 2022. Morphological description and life history of the Philippine endemic Limnonectes leytensis Leyte swamp frog in Rogongon, Iligan City, Philippines. Biodiversitas 23: 133-139. The Philippine endemic Limnonectes leytensis (Leyte Swamp Frog) is a widespread species, however, most studies concerning it only focus on adult stages, except for the study on Negros Island. With this, we conducted a study on the morphology and life history of L. leytensis in Rogongon, Iligan City, Philippines. We collected different tadpole stages through opportunistic sampling. Gosner developmental stages 23 to 40 were considered and measured using standard tadpole body morphometrics. Linear regression was used for modeling the relationship between the different morphometrics. Results showed that the tadpoles have a depressed body, dorsolateral eye position and has golden, light to dark brown pigmentation. Apart from this, its mouthpart showed an anteroventral shape, and the labial tooth row formula is 1/2-3, showing a single row in the upper lip and three rows in the lower lip, having the 3 rd row half the length of the other two, which is different to that of the results of the past studies which reported that the labial tooth was 1/2:1-1 showing a broken gap in the first tooth row of the lower lip. The analysis revealed a positive relationship between different morphometrics to the total length (body length rs: 0.96; tail length rs: 0.99; musculature height rs: 0.90 and maximum tail height rs: 0.85) with a significance value of <0.001. The data generated from this study will ignite future efforts on tadpole research in the country, given that there are differences found in the tadpoles from different regions.
... The Robust Horned Frog (M. robusta) is known to occur in Darjeeling, India (Pradhan et al. 2018), where it is associated with damp humid forests and fast-flowing hill streams (Mahony et al. 2018). ...
... To compete for all life activities of species, which may not even come close to serving as a suitable habitat for others. Pradhan et al. [46] reported that most of the amphibian species require agriculture-based ecosystems for survival. Zakerana species occurred near water bodies. ...
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The study aimed to (i) prepare a checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of the low to mid-elevation and (ii) measure the abundance, distribution, and diversity of the herpetofauna of Nawalparasi district, Nepal. The samples were collected at six different sites in the habitat of agricultural field, human habitat, forest, riparian, and wetland of Nawalparasi, Nepal from May 2016 to April 2019. In each habitat type, 20 cell quadrates were sampled and altogether 100 quadrates in each site. Besides this, visual encounter surveys, opportunistic surveys, and pitfall were conducted seasonally. Altogether 44 species of herpetofauna belonging to 12 species of amphibians 32 species of reptiles were recorded. The richness of amphibians is greater in agricultural fields (S=12) and lower in the forest (S=4) and reptile's richness was greater in the forest (S= 24) and lowest in the wetland (S=6). The abundance of amphibians in agricultural fields was more than in other habitats. Shannon diversity index (Hˈ) of amphibians in agricultural fields was higher (2.07) and lowest in the wetland (1.54) and reptile 2.68 and 1.45 respectively. Similarly Simpson index of amphibians were 0.83, 0.72, 0.78, 0.82, 0.75 and 0.88, 0.86, 0.87, 0.81, and 0.74 in reptiles in such habitat respectively. Pielou evenness index ranges from 0.33 to 0.52 in amphibians and 0.28 to 0.46 in reptiles. The values indicate that amphibians in agricultural fields are more diverse compared to the forest and agricultural fields are more diverse compared to the wetlands in the reptile. Information on herpetofaunal abundance and diversity helps to control insect pests, detect environmental pollution, maintain healthy ecosystems, and aid future research.
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Climate change is one of the greatest challenges faced by the current world. With the current rate of green house gas emission the global temperature is likely to increase by 1.5 to 4.5°C by 2100. Such increase in temperature has affected climate pattern causing cascading effect on biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem. Warming rate, and also the consequences, is higher in the Himalayas than the rest of the world. Sikkim occupies an important biogeographic location in the entire Himalayan chain and represents high diversity of life forms. Over the years various climate induced effects have been felt in the Sikkim Himalayas. In this chapter, we provide some evidences of climate change effect on four important faunal groups namely, birds, reptiles, amphibians and butterflies. In response to climate change, many species of birds, reptiles, amphibians and butterflies have extended or shifted their ranges upwards along the elevation gradient in Sikkim. Late breeding or breeding failure among birds and early breeding of amphibians have been observed in recent years. Biased sex ratio towards females (higher temperature favors females) has been observed in snakes. Drying springs and erratic rainfall pattern has severely affected breeding of amphibians causing decline in amphibian population. Long dry spells have caused the disappearance of turtles from Sikkim. Based on our observations in Sikkim, and many other studies elsewhere, we opined that there is severe effect of climate change on Sikkim fauna which might lead to serious consequences resulting in extinction of species. We recommend long term monitoring and detailed studies to understand such effects and consequences so that mitigation measures could be undertaken.
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We present an annotated list of amphibians for the state of Sikkim, India. Data were obtained through literature reviews, fieldwork and review of museum collections. Forty-four species of amphibians belonging to 20 genera in eight families and three orders have been reported in Sikkim from 1864 to 2015. During our fieldwork, we recorded 23 species, of which two are new records for the state.
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The present paper deals with amphibian diversity at two districts of Telangana state during the period 2010 to 2014. A rapid survey method was involved in careful visual estimation and amphibians were recorded in all possible habitats of the study area. A total of 14 species of amphibians belonging to 4 families 9 genera were recorded. This study reveals that the Northern and Central Telangana area is rich in amphibian diversity and support many more species. Further studies are needed on population structure, habitat use by amphibians for better understanding and also impose of several conservation strategies in Telangana state.
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A comprehensive, but simple-to-use software package for executing a range of standard numerical analysis and operations used in quantitative paleontology has been developed. The program, called PAST (PAleontological STatistics), runs on standard Windows computers and is available free of charge. PAST integrates spreadsheettype data entry with univariate and multivariate statistics, curve fitting, time-series analysis, data plotting, and simple phylogenetic analysis. Many of the functions are specific to paleontology and ecology, and these functions are not found in standard, more extensive, statistical packages. PAST also includes fourteen case studies (data files and exercises) illustrating use of the program for paleontological problems, making it a complete educational package for courses in quantitative methods.
Biological Diversity provides an up-to-date, authoritative review of the methods of measuring and assessing biological diversity, together with their application. The book's emphasis is on quantifying the variety, abundance, and occurrence of taxa, and on providing objective and clear guidance for both scientists and managers. This is a fast-moving field and one that is the focus of intense research interest. However the rapid development of new methods, the inconsistent and sometimes confusing application of old ones, and the lack of consensus in the literature about the best approach, means that there is a real need for a current synthesis. Biological Diversity covers fundamental measurement issues such as sampling, re-examines familiar diversity metrics (including species richness, diversity statistics, and estimates of spatial and temporal turnover), discusses species abundance distributions and how best to fit them, explores species occurrence and the spatial structure of biodiversity, and investigates alternative approaches used to assess trait, phylogenetic, and genetic diversity. The final section of the book turns to a selection of contemporary challenges such as measuring microbial diversity, evaluating the impact of disturbance, assessing biodiversity in managed landscapes, measuring diversity in the imperfect fossil record, and using species density estimates in management and conservation.
The Western Ghats of India are very rich in amphibian species with 117 species of frogs, toads and caecilians. Eighty-nine species are endemic to this biogeographical region. Analysis of ranges and patterns of geographical distribution of amphibians on the Western Ghats suggest that the southern half of the Western Ghats and the low-medium elevation hills are more diverse in species than the northern half and higher hills. This is attributed to the more widespread rainfall and the less variable climatic conditions in the south. About half the species are apparently localized. Of those species with wider ranges, a majority show patchy distribution. Species preferring the moist evergreen forests as habitats tend to have patchy distributions. This appears to be a result of habitat destruction and fragmentation. The overall patterns of species richness and local endemism are rather different from those of the angiosperms and birds. In birds and angiosperms, a significant proportion of endemics are found on the higher hills. On the contrary, endemic amphibian species are found in the lower altitudinal range of 0-1000 m, with a majority between 800 and 1000 m.