Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace
There is a need for a standard reference for instructional design professionals. Sponsored by ISPI, Volume One of the Handbook of Training and Improving Performance presents multi-disciplinary knowledge, standard principles, and evidence-based best practices for designing instruction delivering training. It offers a comprehensive review of topics such as: Interventions at the Worker Level; Interventions at the Work Team Level; Interventions at the Workplace and Organizational Level; Implementation Interventions; Project Management; Measuring the Success of Implementation; Managing Implementation. The book features international cases. © 2010 by International Society for Performance Improvement. All rights reserved.
... A common part of quality control and investigation of strategic planning in an enterprise system is to carry out an analysis of the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) [51]. A SWOT analysis can be a powerful tool for identifying potential influences of a system on an organisation, and to identify skills, support, attitudes, knowledge, and abilities that are needed in an organisation [39]. However, there are also critique of how SWOT analysis are interpreted. ...
... However, there are also critique of how SWOT analysis are interpreted. SWOT analyses are typically used for identifying and naming strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and does not include the impact of individual factors, or the potential impact, on desired outcomes [39]. Furthermore, traditional SWOT analyses are mainly concerned with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific technology or implementation and therefore provide little guidance for alternative decisions [39]. ...
... SWOT analyses are typically used for identifying and naming strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and does not include the impact of individual factors, or the potential impact, on desired outcomes [39]. Furthermore, traditional SWOT analyses are mainly concerned with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a specific technology or implementation and therefore provide little guidance for alternative decisions [39]. To enhance the SWOT analysis conducted in this study, the identified factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are discussion in "Results and discussion" section to address these limitations of the SWOT analysis. ...
The idea of building intelligent machines has been around for centuries, with a new wave of promising artificial intelligence (AI) in the twenty-first century. Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) is a younger phenomenon that has created hype and promises, but also been seen as a threat by critical voices. There have been rich discussions on over-optimism and hype in contemporary AI research. Less has been written about the hyped expectations on AIED and its potential to transform current education. There is huge potential for efficiency and cost reduction, but there is also aspects of quality education and the teacher role. The aim of the study is to identify potential aspects of threat, hype and promise in artificial intelligence for education. A scoping literature review was conducted to gather relevant state-of-the art research in the field of AIED. Main keywords used in the literature search were: artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence in education, AI, AIED, teacher perspective, education, and teacher. Data were analysed with the SWOT-framework as theoretical lens for a thematic analysis. The study identifies a wide variety of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for artificial intelligence in education. Findings suggest that there are several important questions to discuss and address in future research, such as: What should the role of the teacher be in education with AI? How does AI align with pedagogical goals and beliefs? And how to handle the potential leak and misuse of user data when AIED systems are developed by for-profit organisations?
... By evaluating the interplay of these four factors, organizations can develop strategies to leverage their strengths, address their weaknesses, seize their opportunities, and mitigate their threats. This evaluation serves as a foundation for informed decision-making and strategic planning across various aspects of the organization [12]. ...
... The third question examines the aspects from the context outside the current MSW system that can be used for improving the system. The Rates of factors In SWOT analysis, a useful addition is to rate the factors according to two main aspects: the degree in which they are under/outside the control of the system and their impact in the efficiency of the system [12]. Regarding the control that the MSW system has over the factor, the factors were ranked in a scale from -5 to 5, in which -5 represents that the factor is completely outside the control of the MSW system while 5 represents the opposite, i.e., the factor is completely under the control of the system. ...
Historically, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) systems emerged in response to society's needs for managing manufacturing and consumption waste. However, the waste generation in modern cities present several new features that affect the MSW system. These new features include both positive aspects, such as innovative recycling techniques and increased public environmental awareness, as well as challenging aspects, including a rise in the amount of waste generated and in the complexity of waste composition. As a result, MSW systems have to adapt to new opportunities and threats offer by the context by exploiting their strong and weak points. In this line, this article conducts a comprehensive review of contemporary material and waste flows, followed by a revision of the current state of the MSW systems in Argentina and a particular analysis of an Argentinean case study using SWOT (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) methodology. The findings of this analysis highlighted the competitiveness of SWOT methodology to formulate strategies to develop more efficient MSW systems.
... Firstly, most GNN models require the entire adjacency matrix and node features; Secondly, training GNNs requires recursively updating each node [3]. Current works primarily make efforts from two fronts [4,5] Geometric can support graph operation primitives in terms of compute and memory efficiency. ...
... In Table 3 4. Conduct SWOT analysis on CAT. In order to comprehensive assess the value of CAT, we have adopted a classic and strategic analyzing tool in business filed, SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportinuties, Threats) analysis [4]. We investigated our proposed CAT accoding to the instruction of SWOT analysis and the detailed results are shown in the following table: ...
... The SWOT method is proposed by Albert Humphrey, who led a research project at Stanford University in the 1960s. As Leigh, D defined, -SWOT analysis is an approach to considering the inhibitors and enhancers to a performance that an organization encounters in both its internal and external environments‖ [12]. Leigh, D also pointed out that -The intention of SWOT is to identify those internal strengths and external opportunities that an organization can leverage to accomplish its objectives, while also seeking to mitigate internal weaknesses and external threats. ...
... Leigh, D also pointed out that -The intention of SWOT is to identify those internal strengths and external opportunities that an organization can leverage to accomplish its objectives, while also seeking to mitigate internal weaknesses and external threats. SWOT Analysis is a straightforward model that assesses what an organization can and cannot do as well as its potential opportunities and threats‖ [12]. The SWOT method always separates company-related information into internal and external issues. ...
The emerge of new technology and media platforms has deeply changed the landscape of strategic business management and the global media industry. The company business strategy optimization is becoming increasingly significant in the era of the digital economy, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. This article will utilize SWOT analysis and financial models to develop data-driven insights and in-depth recommendations on enterprise strategy transformation based on the case study of Walt Disney. The research results show that Disney should shift from offline business lines such as parks and stores to online streaming and interactive media, which will help Disney fully take advantage of their competitive strengths of the intellectual property portfolio and distribution channels to further develop the streaming media business segment aligned with the studio department. By transforming weaknesses and threats into new growth opportunities, Walt Disney will be able to achieve further global market outreach and maximize the profitability of innovation on creative content.
... Bu analiz, organizasyonların ve projelerin rekabet avantajlarını artırmalarına ve stratejik kararlar almalarına yardımcı olabilir. (Leigh, 2009;Puyt, 2020). ...
Eski sanayi bölgeleri, genellikle kent merkezlerinde yer alan ve zamanla işlevini yitirmiş endüstriyel alanlardır. Bu bölgelerdeki sanayi tesislerinin kapanması veya taşınmasıyla birlikte, boş kalan alanlar kentsel dönüşüm projeleri için potansiyel birer aday haline gelir. Kentsel dönüşüm, bu tür eski ve terk edilmiş sanayi bölgelerinin sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik ve fiziksel açıdan yeniden değerlendirilerek, yeni fonksiyonlar kazandırılmasını ve kentin yaşam kalitesini artırıcı bir rol üstlenmesini amaçlayan bir süreçtir. Bu projeler genellikle, yerel toplulukların katılımını, çevresel sürdürülebilirliği ve ekonomik kalkınmayı göz önünde bulundurarak tasarlanır ve uygulanır. Günümüzde, eski endüstriyel alanların şehir merkezlerindeki yerlerinin, yeni kentsel ihtiyaçlara uygun olarak sürdürülebilir planlarla yeniden değerlendirilmesi büyük bir öneme sahiptir. Kentsel dönüşüm, terkedilmiş ve eskimiş şehir alanlarına sosyal ve kültürel, fiziksel ve ekonomik açılardan yeni bir karakter ve kimlik kazandırmayı hedefleyen strateji içerir. Uşak Eski Tabakhane alanı, zengin bir tarihi geçmişe sahip bir şehir alanıdır ve aynı zamanda kentin ekolojisine büyük etkisi olan Dokuzsele Deresi'nin kıyısında bulunmaktadır. Uşak Eski Tabakhane Bölgesi'nin çeşitli fonksiyonlarla dönüştürülmesi senaryolarının değerlendirilmesi, bu alanı şehrin önemli bir merkezi olacaktır. Bu araştırmada, işlevini yitirmiş bulunan Uşak Eski Tabakhane Sanayi alanı ve bu alanda gerçekleştirilen kentsel dönüşümün yapısal değişimi, SWOT analizi ve SWOT matrisi yöntemleri kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır.
... Specifically, identifying issues and social problems, exploring alternatives, recognising the most suitable alternative, proposing change, and establishing change. Further, policy analysis is a process that demands risk assessments -most popularly those such as a SWOT analysis (Leigh, 2009). Such are processes that social workers are well equipped to comprehend, and post-disaster circumstances ask that we become more prepared to apply those skills in practice. ...
Social workers have largely contributed to policy analysis and planning since the rise of the discipline’s professional identity. It is through lobbying, policy advocacy and macro-practice that responses about human rights and social justice are crafted and integrated in international and transnational social work practice. Yet, these roles have for a while been suppressed in an attempt to standardise and confine the profession in the limits of a given nation’s legal and social status. Public crises like the recent novel virus SARS-CoV-2, come to force us to rethink what has been the role of social workers before such crises. Are we well prepared to take on these roles again, when for a long while education and practice has shied away from them, leaving contemporary practitioners in a predicament situation? This paper will explore both challenges and opportunities in social policy, arising from COVID-19, and will argue the need for re-emphasising on the social workers’ role in social policy, with the intention to make recommendations for education and practice.
... SWOT analysis has long served as a cornerstone in strategic planning and decision-making processes (Leigh, 2009). In the context of solar energy development in northern Nigeria, this framework assesses the interplay of internal strengths and weaknesses alongside external opportunities and threats (see Fig. 2). ...
This research employs a comprehensive Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis to investigate the advancement of photovoltaic (PV) energy in Northern Nigeria. The study delves into the intricacies of introducing PV systems within the context of economic challenges, including issues such as currency volatility and inflation, which amplify costs and impede capital investments. Environmental factors, such as dust and sandstorms, are identified as obstacles diminishing the efficiency of solar panels. Additionally, security concerns in remote areas elevate operational costs and influence investment decisions. This paper proposes effective mitigation strategies, encompassing widespread public awareness campaigns to augment market
engagement, the establishment of mini-grid systems for enhanced energy distribution, customized on-the-job training programs to foster local expertise in PV technology, and the utilization of micro-grid systems as experimental grounds for regulatory and policy testing. By synthesizing these components, the study offers a comprehensive overview of the prerequisites essential for the successful proliferation of PV energy in Northern Nigeria. Emphasis is placed on the potential for solar energy to significantly contribute to the region’s sustainable development and achieve energy independence when the identified strength, and opportunities are exploited. The key strength identified are the average Global horizontal irradiance (GHI) of 5.436 kWh/m2, Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) of 1534–1680 kWh/m2, Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCoE) of 7.88 million grant authorized by the African Development Bank (AfDB) from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa.
... İç destekçiler güçlü yönler olarak sınıflandırılır ve iç engelleyiciler zayıf yönler olarak tanımlanır. Dışsal güçlendiriciler fırsat olarak etiketlenirken, dışsal engelleyiciler tehdit olarak sınıflandırılır (Leigh, 2009). Bu araştırmada Çapakçur Vadisi Eski Saray Caddesi'ndeki mevcut tesislerin yaya kullanımı açısından değerlendirilmesine ve yönetim modelinin hazırlanması sırasında göz ardı edilen hataların görülüp düzeltilmesine olanak sağlayan bir araç olarak SWOT analizi kullanılmıştır. ...
z: Yayalık en temel ve en sürdürülebilir ulaşım şekillerinden biridir. Yaya öncelikli ulaşım planlaması, özellikle motorlu taşıtlardan kaynaklanan kirlilik türlerinin, trafik yoğunluğunun ve maliyetlerin azaltılmasına önemli katkı sağlayarak yaşanabilir bir çevrenin arka planını hazırlamaktadır. Bingöl kent merkezini ikiye ayıran Çapakçur Vadisi, kentin en önemli doğal koridorudur. Günümüzde kırsal yaşamın kısmen kentsel alan içerisinde devam ettiği vadi, aynı zamanda kent merkezindeki en eski yerleşim alanlarından biridir. Bu nedenle vadide yer alan Eski Saray Caddesi Bingöl'ün en eski caddelerinden biridir. Sokak kenarlarında kırsal yaşamın bir nebze de olsa devam ettiği konutların yanı sıra düğün salonları, eğlence parkları ve Bingöl Üniversitesi Tarımsal Üretim Merkezi gibi çeşitli tesisler bulunmaktadır. Doğal, kültürel ve konumsal özellikleri nedeniyle yaya öncelikli kullanım açısından önemli bir potansiyele sahiptir. Bu potansiyelin artırılması amacıyla 8 uzman katılımcı ile mevcut durumun belirlenmesi amacıyla SWOT analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda alanın doğal, kültürel ve konumsal özelliklerinin güçlü ve zayıf yönleri; mevcut yapılaşma, sosyo-demografik yapı ve yapımına başlanan Millet Bahçesi'nin sunduğu fırsatlar ve tehditler ortaya konmuştur. Bu çalışmada, bir kentsel alanın ortasında kırsal yaşamın korunması ve geliştirilmesi, motorlu taşıt baskısının neden olduğu olumsuzlukların önlenmesi ve ortadan kaldırılmasına yönelik ortaya konulacak stratejilerin belirlenmesi amacıyla mevcut durumun uzmanlar tarafından değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
... This study was a retrospective review of current (as per versions available until December 2023) HBDF associated with eight South African tertiary education institutions. This document analysis aligned with studies performed by Zealley et al. (2022) and Johnson et al. (2023) wherein HBDF were considered for their strengths, weaknesses, discrepancies, and areas for improvement (Leigh, 2009). The collected qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis as described by Braun and Clarke (2006) to assess the standard of informed consent provided by SA HBDP. ...
... SWOT analizi, organizasyonun veya projenin stratejik pozisyonunu anlamak, mevcut durumunu değerlendirmek ve gelecekteki hedeflerini belirlemek için önemli bir araçtır. Bu analiz, organizasyonların ve projelerin rekabet avantajlarını maksimize etmelerine ve stratejik kararlar almalarına yardımcı olabilir (Leigh 2009, Puyt 2020. ...
... The SWOT analysis, renowned for its systematic examination of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, will facilitate a comprehensive assessment of the implications of AI-powered Agile (Leigh, 2009), and will allow for the identification of internal and external factors that shape the interplay between AI and Agile practices, offering a holistic perspective on potential impacts (Gurl, 2017). ...
The purpose of conducting this research is to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI) might augment the profession of project management, especially in the context of Agile project management.
This study is motivated by the burgeoning presence of AI as a game-changer technology that warrants a compelling investigation into its implications on the future of Agile methodologies.
During this research, a total of 5 project management experts with extensive backgrounds in Agile project management and IT/software development were asked to share their vision for the future of Agile project management in an era where AI has been taking organizations and industries by the storm.
The results obtained from the interviews conducted would seem to suggest that the advent of AI could lead to certain modifications and ramifications in Agile practices and dynamics within scrum teams. While certain roles might be subject to automation in the next decade, the extent of these changes varies considerably.
What is certain is that a lot of Agile tools could benefit from the incorporation of AI integration, as it has been proven to significantly minimize the occurrence of human errors and maximize efficiency. This optimization enables scrum teams to divert their efforts from mundane tasks to areas where the human touch adds substantial value to projects.
However, with great efficiency comes great responsibility, and careful ethical considerations must be taken to prevent the overreliance on Artificial Intelligence. The efficiency of automation, while promising, carries inherent disruptive potential, particularly with its implications for society, the environment, and job markets.
Nevertheless, the future of AI integration within project management holds promise, envisioning a landscape where certain roles transform while novel opportunities emerge.
In the face of these multidisciplinary challenges, project managers, product owners, scrum masters, designers, developers, and QAspecialists must adapt to the evolving landscape. Through a sustainable project management paradigm, these professionals can navigate the complexities of AI integration while harnessing its transformative potential.
Collaboration with AI-powered tools liberates crucial time, enabling teams to focus on intricate problem-solving, strategic decision-making, and higher-order creative thinking.
This dissertation provides an exhaustive exploration of sustainable project management within the AI era, investigating its potential impacts on Agile team dynamics, job roles, and project practices. Employing meticulous analysis, real-world cases, and empirical research, this study aspires to offer actionable insights and strategies to Agile practitioners, enabling them to embrace the possibilities of AI while safeguarding their crucial roles in shaping the trajectory of project management's future.
Furthermore, considering the ongoing evolution of Agile and its potential for breakthroughs, the exploration also contemplates the possibility of an “Agile renaissance”, suggesting that the full extent of AI's transformative power on Agile methodologies might still be on the horizon.
... In the following section, SWOT analysis [5] will be applied to analyze the impact of the ABACUS deal on Goldman Sachs from different aspects. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, representing four main aspects when observing and analyzing a subject. ...
The ABACUS deal involving Goldman Sachs was a significant event with profound consequences for Goldman Sachs and far-reaching implications for the financial industry. This paper will primarily analyze the impact of the ABACUS deal on Goldman Sachs and demonstrate the application of SWOT analysis in case studies. The entire paper will be divided into three sections according to the subheadings, with each section progressively building upon the previous to substantiate the viewpoints mentioned in the following paper. In the introduction section, the paper provides readers with a transaction overview, including the background, key players, and regulatory responses of the ABACUS Scandal, giving them a preliminary understanding of the research subject. Following that, the paper presents the process of demonstrating the internal and external impacts of the ABACUS Scandal on Goldman Sachs using the SWOT analysis, including considering the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the event. Lastly, the paper will summarize the findings regarding the aforementioned issues in the conclusion section, along with reviewing some shortcomings and limitations concerning research approaches, logical coherence, and other aspects. At the end of the paper, you will see both positive and negative effects on Goldman Sachs throughout the ABACUS deal from four aspects: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
... Armstrong (2009) that individual performance refers to the results of work that have a close relationship with the achievement of the strategic goals of the enterprise. According to Watkins and Leigh (2010) Prioritizing actions that can increase performance, such as quality improvement, knowledge management, the use of information technology, staff recruiting, training, and establishing a balanced scorecard, is motivated by the outcomes of work.. Sonnentag and Frese (2002) also explains the importance of individual performance, where the organization requires the existence of individuals who have high performance to realize their goals, provide products and services that are their specialty, and ultimately be able to realize competitive advantage for an organization. It is necessary to realize that in realizing optimal employee performance, many factors must be considered, because performance does not stand alone but is influenced by other factors, such as leader integrity and task commitment. ...
This study aims to analyze the contribution of leader integrity and task commitment in influencing employee performance. The study used a quantitative approach involving 93 employees of the tax office in South Tangerang City. Collecting data using a Likert scale questionnaire and analyzed using path analysis. The research findings indicate that the leader integrity and task commitment factors have a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Leader integrity is also known to have a significant influence on task commitment. Another finding shows that task commitment plays a role in mediating the influence of leader integrity on job performance. Based on these results, it is necessary to improve the integrity of the leadership and strengthen the task commitment to optimize job performance.
... Java-Bali. The input data will be processed comprehensively and analysed as many possible factors as possible based on these 4 aspects [8][9]. The dominant aspect is selected based on the results of the SWOT weighting which is divided into 4 quadrants. ...
Indonesia is committed to achieving Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060. As a form of support for this commitment, the State Electricity Company (STATE POWER GENERATION COMPANY) has taken several important steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, one of which is through the new renewable energy mix (Renewable Energy). As a subsidiary of STATE POWER GENERATION COMPANY, PT. Generation Java Bali (PJB) is a pioneer who continues to play an active role in the development of co-firing technology in Indonesia and even in Asia. This study aims to analyze the development of biomass co-firing technology by PT. PJB in order to support the energy transition to NZE before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative analysis method based on thinking systems. Where the data used in this study were obtained from the results of a literature study and based on information obtained from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data obtained were then analyzed using the SWOT method to analyze the performance of PT. The Java-Bali generation in supporting Indonesia's energy transition along with the characteristics of each of these SWOT factors. The results of this study are known that the government has ratified Law No. 16 of 2016 concerning NDC, the step was then welcomed by PT. STATE POWER GENERATION COMPANY with the issuance of RUPTL in its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so that in the future Indonesia will be able to switch from fossil energy sources to new and renewable energy. The acceleration of the energy transition is carried out by PT. PJB through a co-firing program in several coal-fired power plants by mixing biomass in the boiler. In addition, the application of co-firing has a positive impact on the company's investment costs, increases the sense of belonging to the community around the power plant and is relatively environmentally friendly so that it has the potential to reach NZE in 2060.
... The SWOT analysis is a method for investigating the internal and external environmental influencing factors in a project. The steps used in the SWOT analysis include the advantageous and disadvantageous aspects, characterization of the internal aspects and classifying them into strengths and weaknesses, identification of the external aspects, and sorting out of opportunities and threats (Leigh, 2009). ...
Fresh vegetables can play an important role in health and food security. This study aimed to assess the safety of the vegetable supply chain in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Methods: A mixed-methods study was conducted in two phases in 2021. First, in the cross-sectional study, 192 staff were randomly selected from five major centers of vegetable retail centers. Then, semi-structured interviews were done with ten stakeholders, and a SWOT analysis was completed.
Results: Half of the participants had desirable hygienic practices, 39.6% had acceptable, and 8.9% had weak practice scores. The practice of participants whose educational level was BSc and above was better than that of illiterates
(OR =15.38, 95% CI =1.61-14.57, P=0.01). SWOT analysis results identified a poor shelf-life of vegetables, weak technology in planting, harvesting, and distributing vegetables. Conclusion: Policymakers can utilize the practical solutions for taking action in the potential strengthening of vegetable safety in the supply chain to improve public health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
... SWOT (Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis reveals an organization or company's advantages of achievable goals and challenges to be faced by identifying the external opportunities and internal strengths as a matrix (Leigh 2009, Blery andKakokefalos 2014). It is such an important tool that helps to monitor business strengths, weaknesses and analyze the overall situation of any organization (Leigh 2009). This analysis is used in different sectors to identify valuable indicators of an organization's effectiveness. ...
After a certain period or end-of-life (EoL), all the valuable products become waste if they are not properly managed. This study reveals the appropriate and sustainable pathway to manage the various solid wastes coming from used footwear (boots) of the Bangladesh Armed Forces and other Forces. The major parts separated from the collected four pair of used boots include leather, thermoplastic rubber (TPR) materials (e.g., sole, toe puff, stiffener, etc.), laces, metal shank, metal eyelet, etc. Careful observation of the used boots and its separated parts indicated 92-96% damage of the boots after the use of the boots for six months. Based on the properties of different parts of used boots, an integrated 4R’s waste management (reuse, recycle, recovery, and reduce) concept was introduced. It helps to minimize greenhouse gas, smog, heavy metals, dyes, pigments, and other pollutants emission to the atmosphere, thereby reducing the severe health consequences, environmental pollution, and climate change. This paper also discusses the critical aspects of various materials obtained from the post-consumer used boot through different mechanical, thermochemical, and chemical treatment processes.
... It is a data-driven and fact-based evaluation of an organization that covers many aspects. Plus, it can estimate a competitive position and create strategic plans [11]. ...
Safety and security are the most significant factors in human life. Accordingly, achieving the required level of safety and security needs steps to keep an acceptable level and fully manage and support it with appropriate activities. Securing both domains requires implementing a risk management process that will be effective and have the desired results. The whole issue is closely related to the critical context, which is the source of essential information regarding the risk management process, and which is related to the environment, processes, and stakeholders. This paper deals with determining the first part of the context analysis – environmental analysis. Techniques (PESTLE and SWOT analysis) are proposed for optimal analysis in the paper, and the analysis is subsequently carried out on the example of air transport in Slovakia. The article provides a fundamental overview of environmental analysis and is suitable for further research.
... SWOT analysis aims to maximize the strengths and opportunities but to minimize the weaknesses and the threats. SWOT analysis is an identification of strategic factors systematically to formulate a strategy [6]. Strategy is a very important tool to achieve the goal (Porter: 1985). ...
Since the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia imposed changes in the educational system in the society, the government did an adjustment on learning policy based on to the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 719/P/2020 on Guidelines for Curriculum Implementation in Educational Unit during Special Conditions, and Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran (PIP) Makassar as a higher education institution in the field of merchant marine through the Regulation of the Head of BPSDM of Transportation Department Number: PK.01/BPSDMP-2021 on February 17, 2021 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Distance Learning in the field of Merchant Marine at Higher Institution, School, Training Centre, Institute of Education and Training, is required to adhere it in conducting the changes in the education system Even though the learning process experienced a variety of limitations in terms of capabilities, facilities, and infrastructures such as mobile phones, laptops, and internet networks both for lecturers and students (cadets) as well as the low skill of technology application, the learning process still needs to be carried out to ensure the process of science transformation of the learners is not disturbed. The data analysis technique employed was the SWOT analysis under a qualitative approach, consisting of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis aims to maximize the strengths and opportunities and minimize the weaknesses and the threat threats. There were 400 respondents from lecturers and cadets whose responses were tested in terms of validity and reliability, which was specified in the Gutman Scale (SPSS 26) which then obtained the results as follows: Strengths, the DL provides ease in learning; Weakness, the application of DL imposes the use of some learning apps; Opportunities, lecturers and cadets have more flexible and a maximum of learning time; and Threat, The lecturers and cadets have limited internet package and network in the specific region/area. Regarding the Strategy of PIP Makassar lecturers in increasing motivation of the cadets in distance learning, it is required for a lecturer to improve the knowledge, innovate with evolving technology, provide learning media that is easy to understand, and to be communicative in learning.
... Analisis SWOT atau metode Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats menurut Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010), analisis SWOT adalah metode yang banyak digunakan dalam Analisis bisnis dan merupakan metode untuk melihat kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dari sebuah bisnis (Leigh, 2009). Adapun subyek pada penelitian ini adalah pabrik kelapa sawit dan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Sintang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. ...
Indonesia is one of the largest CPO (Crude Palm Oil) producing countries in the world. In addition to producing CPO, oil palm fruit is also used as raw material for food and non-food production, alternative fuels, biodiesel development, and many others. SG's oil palm plantation, which is located in West Kalimantan, Sintang Regency, Kelam Permai District, is a company engaged in palm oil processing that was founded in 2008. In order to improve the quality of production, it is necessary to evaluate and analyze its business. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze the business model canvas using the SWOT method on the SG oil palm plantation company. The research method uses descriptive quantitative methods. The results showed that with a SWOT analysis approach, the SG oil palm company took advantage of the existing opportunities, namely the demand for fresh fruit bunches continued to increase in the market and government policies that supported the oil palm plantation business. SG's oil palm plantations must maintain the quality of fresh fruit bunches that will be sold to palm oil mills and increase the number of fresh fruit bunches harvested in order to remain competitive in the market. While the strategy for minimizing weaknesses is to improve good plantation maintenance techniques. As for the strategy, while maintaining good relations with partners, namely SG's oil palm plantations, the strategy for minimizing weaknesses and avoiding threats is to always cooperate with the Sintang Regency Government, West Kalimantan Province.
... SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in any venture [37]. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning and strategic management technique for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in corporate competitiveness or project planning or a situation [38] [39]. It's also known as scenario analysis or situational evaluation. ...
Purpose: The study made an effort to look into Kerala's agricultural development patterns, growth performance, and structural changes. In Kerala, commercial cash crops like rubber and coconut replaced food crops including lentils, rice, tapioca, cashew nuts, and ginger, causing a shift in the cropping pattern in favour of non-food crops at the expense of food crops. Agriculture has become more vulnerable as a result of the shrinking cultivable area, the predominance of small and dispersed holdings, the fall in agricultural labour, and cultivator use. Methodology: The methodology used in this study is Descriptive Research, which is mainly concerned with secondary data sources. Books, newspapers, journals, articles, and government websites are used to gather secondary data. The information has been collected by using the keywords - sectoral wise changes, structural transformation, agricultural development, commercial agriculture, and agribusinesses. The required articles were obtained by electronic search and manually screened. Originality: The significance of the current study rests in the fact that the preceding studies have not yet addressed the entire structural transformation of Kerala's agrarian sector in a thorough and comprehensive manner, making it necessary. Value: By examining the productivity of the sector, the study will aid in determining the change in trends of agriculture scenario in Kerala and the problems of agriculture sector in Kerala. Findings: The study discovered that while the employment share of the primary sector has not decreased in pace with the substantial reduction in its part of the GSDP. Furthermore, there has been only a little increase in the percentage of income from the secondary sector in the GSDP due to the excess labour force moving from the primary to the secondary sectors, which has led to abundance in the latter. In Kerala, the changes in land use patterns over the past few decades were unparalleled in terms of deforestation, growth in current fallow land, expansion of non-agricultural land, and decreases in net sowing and gross crop area, which led to a drop in cropping intensity. Paper Type: Descriptive study
... SWOT analysis is one of the basic tools of strategic analysis. In the form of a matrix, it presents the strengths (s) and weaknesses of the organization (w) as well as the factors that constitute an opportunity (o) and a threat (t) for the organization [21]. ...
... Even worse, a poorly implemented EPA system can do more harm than good (Leigh & Watkins, 2010). The literature explains that this may happen when the implementation of EPA is not based on the understanding of the social context within which it operates (Levy & Williams, 2004) and destroys the relationships between people. ...
... Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, or SWOT for short, is a structured planning process that assesses the four aspects of a company, project, or commercial endeavor. A SWOT analysis is a straightforward but effective framework for maximizing an organization's strengths, addressing weaknesses, reducing threats, and seizing opportunities [4]. The following will use SWOT analysis to comprehend Spotify's firm competitiveness. ...
With the change in people's music consumption patterns, music streaming media enterprises have attracted more and more attention. Spotify is one of the largest music streaming media enterprises at present, and its rapid development has been attracting attention. As the market becomes increasingly competitive, Spotify's single business model is increasingly limited. Through the combination of qualitative and quantitative research, this paper concludes that the main problems of Spotify's current business model are as follows: firstly, it cannot produce content, and acquiring music playing rights only by buying the copyright of record companies not only consumes a lot of money but also has uncertainties. Second, only relying on a single advertising and subscription fees revenue model has been unable to meet the needs of enterprise management costs. Third, as the competition among music-streaming services intensifies, Spotify must be able to provide users with music that is more satisfying to their tastes. Therefore, to solve these problems in the future, Spotify can focus on creating its own record company, upgrading its algorithm, and developing its own hardware products to enrich its business model.
... Even worse, a poorly implemented EPA system can do more harm than good (Leigh & Watkins, 2010). The literature explains that this may happen when the implementation of EPA is not based on the understanding of the social context within which it operates (Levy & Williams, 2004) and destroys the relationships between people. ...
... The analysis technique used is the calculation of the number of lecturer in terms of quality and quantity needed based on the comparison between conditions in the field and the needs of lecturer according to the Annex to the Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 3 of 2019 concerning the Matrix of Assessment of Self-Evaluation Reports and Vocational Higher Education Performance Reports (LKPT), State Universities (PTN), Public Service Agency (BLU) in Chapter/performance/element C.4 Human Resources and Regulations Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards for Higher Education Chapter II National Standards for Education Part Six concerning Standards for Lecturer and Education Personnel Article 31 and Analysis of strategies for developing professional competencies of lecturer by using a SWOT analysis by looking at several strengths able to take advantage of opportunities and threats (Leigh, 2009;Benzaghta et al, 2021). ...
This paper is to calculate the needs of lecturer in terms of quality and quantity as well as strategy for lecturer development. Our study used quantitative descriptive analysis as well as qualitative approach. The research took place at Politeknik Transportasi Sungai, Danau Dan Penyeberangan (Polytechnic Inland Water And Ferries Transport) Palembang. Data collected by sample. We used questionnaire to collect data and tested its validity and reliability. We conducted data analysis by comparing its current result with the Annex to the Regulation of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education number 3 of 2019-point C4, Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020. We also conducted SWOT analysis to result the strategies should be implemented by the Polytechnic Inland Water and Ferries Transport. From our analysis, we found that they should increase the number of their lecturer with another new 18 lecturer, which comprising various 12 competency courses and 6 general courses. From SWOT matrix scoring analysis we found that the lecturer development in Polytechnic currently is in Growth or status of development, which is very strategic in developing their lecturers’ competencies further. Polytechnic should implement various programs that could improve the lecturer professional competencies as well pedagogical.
... SWOT matrix has been applicable in several areas, mainly to determine a prudent analysis of a scenario [114]. The strength, one of the critical categories of the analysis, highlights the positive impact of the scenario compared to others, while the weakness is negative factors that lead to unfavourable scenarios. ...
Internal combustion engines is gradually decreased with the recent evolution of electric vehicles (EVs) in the automotive industry. Electric motors are replacing the energy systems mainly to improve the powertrain's efficiency and ensure they are environmentally friendly. These novel powertrains are designed to operate solely on batteries or supercapacitors. For these types of EVs, the battery is charged using an alternating current supply in connection to the grid in the case of plug-in electric vehicles. Internal combustion engines are equally used for some hybrid vehicles. Charging of the battery can also be carried out via regenerative braking from the traction motor. This study presents a brief background about the different available EVs, detailed information on various power converter electronics used in battery electric vehicles, and a summary of the strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) of the EV is presented. Moreover, SWOT analysis of the battery electric vehicles (BEV) and their prospects in the automotive industry are introduced.
... SWOT Analysis is a method used to evaluate the 'strengths', 'weaknesses', 'opportunities', and 'threats' involved in an organization, a plan, a project, a person, or a business activity (Teoli et al. 2019;GURL 2017;Leigh 2009). SWOT Analysis was conducted to determine the suitable locations of the urban green belt and the green wedges in Chittagong city for a sustainable urban environment. ...
Green belts and green wedges promote ecological balancing and hazard reduction in urban areas. The study attempted to identify suitable locations for urban green belts and green wedges in Chittagong city (CC). The mechanisms of the study were reviewing CC Master Plan, Detailed Area Plan (DAP), field observation, key informant interviews, and small groups discussions. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index was used for the vegetation classification from 1990 to 2021 at a 10-year interval. The urban built-up area of the Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) was 18.64 sq. km in 1990 while it became 139.74 in 2021. In 1990, dense vegetation was 153.21 Sq.km but it decreased to 19.39 Sq.km in 2021, because of rapid population growth and unplanned urbanization. A highly suitable site for the green belt was found in CDA coastal area. Besides, Kalurghat industrial zone, Chittagong Export Processing Zone, Nasirabad, and Baijid area were found appropriate for urban green wedges. Most suitable (83.60 sq. km) and moderately suitable (232.6032 sq. km) areas for the urban green belt were identified and in the coastal zone maximum suitable areas’ length was 57.61 km. The study concluded by urging for land-use zoning and the implementation of the urban green belt and green wedges, and raising voices against hill cutting by urban neighbourhood communities in CC.
... SWOT Analysis is a method used to evaluate the ‗strengths', ‗weaknesses', ‗opportunities' and ‗threats' involved in an organization, a plan, a project, a person, or a business activity. SWOT Analysis conducted historical origins of SWOT, advantages-disadvantages and the limitations of the study (Teoli et al. 2019;GURL 2017;Leigh 2009). For the suitability analysis of the urban green belt and wedges for the sustainable urban environment, the SWOT analysis have also significant role in Chittagong city. ...
Rapid urbanization and industrialization for the expansion of Chittagong city by the cause of converting vegetation and bare land into a built-up area that remarkably boosts up environmental degradation. The research attempted the suitability of urban green belt and green wedges in the sustainable urban development issues in Chittagong city, Bangladesh. The mechanism was in reviewing the Master Plan and the Detailed Area Plan of Chittagong city. Key informant interviews and small group discussions were executed in order to know the perception on the suitability and improve biodiversity by reducing environmental degradation in Chittagong city. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index used for the vegetation classification of the study area with Satellite images analysis from 1990 to 2021 with 10-year interval. The urban built-up area of the CDA boundary was 18.64 sq. km in 1990 while it is 139.74 in 2021. In the year 1990 dense vegetation was 153.21 Sq.km but it is 19.39 Sq.km in 2021. The causes of gradually decreasing urban green spaces in the CDA area are population increase, unplanned urbanization, especially for building settlements. By the suitability analysis, the very highly suitable site for the green belt is CDA coastal area besides, Kalurghat industrial area, EPZ area, Nasirabad and Baijid area for urban green wedges because of specific industrial pollution retention in the specific site. The total area of the proposed green belt is 14.63 Sq.km and the total length is 57.61 km. Green belt and green wedges promote ecological balancing and hazard reduction for improving biodiversity focused on the flora, fauna and landscape features in the CDA boundary area. In addition, the study focused on proper land-use zoning and the implementation of the urban green belt and green wedges which should be taken by CDA, raising voices for stop hill cutting and afforestation by urban neighborhood and the individual level by proper management community which promote the implementation of green belt and green wedges for the sustainable urban environment in Chittagong city.
... SWOT Analysis is a method used to evaluate the 'strengths', 'weaknesses', 'opportunities', and 'threats' involved in an organization, a plan, a project, a person, or a business activity (Teoli et al. 2019;GURL 2017;Leigh 2009). SWOT Analysis was conducted to determine the suitable locations of the urban green belt and the green wedges in Chittagong city for a sustainable urban environment. ...
Green belts and green wedges promote ecological balancing and hazard reduction in urban areas. The study attempted to identify suitable locations for urban green belts and green wedges in Chittagong city (CC). The mechanisms of the study were reviewing CC Master Plan, Detailed Area Plan (DAP), field observation, key informant interviews, small group discussions, and SWOT analysis. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index was used for the vegetation classification from 1990 to 2021 at a 10-year interval and perception-based data were analyzed through the IDW technique. The urban built-up area of the Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) was 18.64 sq. km in 1990 while it became 139.74 sq. km. in 2021. In 1990, dense vegetation was 153.21 sq. km but it decreased to 19.39 sq. km in 2021, because of rapid population growth and unplanned urbanization. A highly suitable site for the green belt was found in CDA coastal area. Besides, Kalurghat industrial zone, Chittagong Export Processing Zone, Nasirabad, and Baijid area were found appropriate for urban green wedges. Most suitable (83.60 sq. km) and moderately suitable (232.60 sq. km) areas for the urban green belt were identified and in the coastal zone maximum suitable areas' length was 57.61 km. The study concluded by urging for land-use zoning and the implementation of the urban green belt and green wedges, and raising voices against hill cutting by urban neighborhood communities in CC.
... Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) is an analysis technique that compares external opportunities and threats with internal strengths and weaknesses [5]. This analysis is divided into four essential components, namely: strengths are organizational strengths, weaknesses are organizational weaknesses, opportunities are opportunities from outside the organization, and provide opportunities for the organization to develop. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has changed work patterns from those previously based on conventional to digitalization. One of the changes in the work pattern of digitalization is the shift in the behavior of using wet signatures on paper to digital signatures on electronic documents. The use of digital signatures cannot be separated from the strategic planning of information system (IS) and information technology (IT) strategy that refers to business strategies so that companies or agencies can compete. The need for planning in determining business strategy, IS/IT management strategy, and IT strategy before finding future application portfolios. Ward and Peppard were selected and used as a strategic planning method for information systems and information technology in this study. Business strategy can be found using internal and external analysis with strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) with EFAS and IFAS matrix evaluation. The results were achieved in the strategic planning of the appropriate information system and information technology for agencies in achieving their business goals.
... As forças e fraquezas consideram-se enquanto fatores internos, enquanto as oportunidades e ameaças são vistas como fatores externos (Abdel-Basset et.al,2018). Desta forma será possível identificar inibidores e potenciadores do desempenho da organização, tanto estejamos a falar do seu ambiente interno como externo (Leigh, 2009). O reconhecimento destas vertentes permite à organização o reconhecer do seu núcleo de competências principais para a tomada de decisões e planeamento de estratégias de atuação (Phadermrod ,2019). ...
Resumo: O desporto é um dos temas mais relevantes na nossa sociedade, e cada vez mais se fala da importância de ter um plano a curto, médio e longo prazo, de modo a alcançar a sustentabilidade do clube. Este tema surge em muito associada a esta nova corrente de importância que é dada à estratégia. Assim, o principal objetivo será o de promover uma análise SWOT ao Sporting CP, analisando o mesmo nos seus diversos níveis e comparando os resultados obtidos com a opinião pública, por via de um inquérito. Desta forma, o artigo poderá servir de base para entender se promover estratégias será tendencialmente viável na área do desporto. Foi possível retirar conclusões práticas sobre os principais pontos fortes e fracos da entidade, sendo o este artigo uma ferramenta útil ao próprio clube, de modo que o mesmo possa avaliar a sua prestação recente, bem como a opinião que os adeptos têm sobre o mesmo, e corrigi-la.
Abstract: Sport is one of the most relevant subjects in our society, and more and more people talk about the importance of having a short, medium and long term plan, in order to achieve the club's sustainability. This theme is very much associated to this new current of importance given to strategy. Thus, the main objective will be to promote a SWOT analysis of Sporting CP, analysing it at its various levels and comparing the results obtained with public opinion, through a survey. In this way, the article may serve as a basis to understand if promoting strategies will tend to be viable in the area of sport. It was possible to draw practical conclusions about the main strengths and weaknesses of the entity, and this article is a useful tool for the club itself, so that it can evaluate its recent performance, as well as the opinion that the fans have about it, and correct it.
As many environmental issues are rising their heads in modern times like Global warming, Pollution and degradation of natural resources etc. With the effect of all these environmental issues government and many organizations are concerned about the green marketing activities to cope up the same in favor of environmental protection. Green Marketing is basically as a remedy completely in favor of adoption of green products and services approach. Even nowadays the importance and opportunities of green marketing increasing and lots of consumers start demanding for the green products. With the influence of globalization and concern for environmental safety, the scope of eco-friendly products or green products also getting significance in India, but it is also found that the implementation of green marketing is not so easy it has many challenges as psychological, social, economic, political and cultural. Between these hassles, this paper will be discussed the opportunities and challenges before green marketing in India and this will also be discussed the problems faced by the marketers and government in the implementation of green marketing. This paper investigates the green durable products, as it is also emerging field of research. To prove the objectives of the study various statistical tools will be applied with the help of the questionnaire. SPSS Software Version 26 will be used for the descriptive statistics to find out the results
This paper explores the strategy and success factors in the merger and acquisition between two companies in the medical technology industry. The research provides an overview of the medical technology cluster in general and more specifically in Germany to gain a better understanding of the environment the two companies are operating in. By examining the backgrounds and using the Business Canvas Model, the initial strategies and gains contributing to the deal are presented. Afterward, the merger and acquisition deal details are discussed, focusing on the acquisition details and the main strategic objectives for both sides. Finally, the future innovations estimations of the joined company are discussed, as well as their combined long-term vision.
In the modern digital era, technology and social media are crucial in supporting businesses, including the laundry business. This business falls under the category of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) that operate in the service sector. Xilaundry, located in Serang Regency, Banten Province, exemplifies how MSMEs utilize technology in their operations. Xilaundry uses social media platforms such as Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook for marketing and promotional strategies. Two payment methods are available for customers: conventional (pay on the spot) and digital (ATM, Mobile Banking, OVO, and Gopay). Xilaundry implements a SWOT analysis for its business strategy development. The results show that Xilaundry's business is feasible to run. Xilaundry's finances record a monthly turnover of IDR 6,570,800 and a cash expenditure of IDR 2,890,000. This generates a net profit of around IDR 2,743,800 per month. Thus, Xilaundry can generate a net income of approximately IDR 34,680,000 in a year. In the SWOT and social media context, Xilaundry can leverage its strength in using social media for marketing and promotion (Strength). However, they must maintain service quality to avoid weaknesses in service (Weakness). The opportunity that Xilaundry can take is the increase in social media and digital payment users (Opportunity). At the same time, threats can come from competitors who use social media in their marketing strategies (Threat).
In a rigid competition marketplace particularly during the pandemic time, greater emphasis is being placed on marketing strategy to boost the sales and business growth. Marketing strategy has a central role in the development of brand image, be it at the corporate, retail or product level. Fast food industry is one of the major sectors that continuously adapt their marketing strategy to the highly competitive market. With the spike popularity of technology and pop culture, many fast-food companies contest not only to stay on the business but also to gain competitive advantage with their innovative branding strategy. Certainly, there are many challenges that fast-food Company needs to deal with given the current pandemic situation where most are struggling to stay relevant and increase the sale amid difficult times. For this purpose, the focus of this study is the McDonald’s franchise in Jakarta, Indonesia in which considered as one of the few which recently gain reputation due to collaborative brand marketing, they currently undergo with one of the biggest pop group. This article is devoted to explain what makes McDonald’s collaboration’s marketing strategy works and analysis of PESTEL on their marketing strategy. This study shows that popularity of BTS-McDonald’s collaboration strategy related strongly to demography, social-culture, and technology aspects.
The aim of this research is to analyze the educational needs of school administrators based on professional competencies and to propose a model that corresponds to the demands of the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) literature according to the results of this application. This research was designed with the help of multi-disciplinary strategies, and applied concurrent embedded design from multi-mixed methods research approaches (MMMR). Accordingly, “SACIK (School Administrators Competence Inventory according to Katz theory)” and “SACQK Questionnaire (School Administrators Competence Questionnaire according to Katz theory)” were developed and applied, adapting for teachers, parents, and school administrators and were used at the macro level for quantitative research techniques; as qualitative research techniques, CIT (Critical Incident Technique) and phenomenology were used at the micro-level. As a quantitative sample, all primary, secondary, and Anatolian high schools in the Yenimahalle district of Ankara city center were included in the sample and qualitative application. The sample came from a disadvantaged school in which the sample group is determined by the critical sampling method. As a TNA model, The Training Needs Analysis Model according to Professional Competencies (TNAMPC) developed within this research is approved according to the TNA literature demands, and commits to reliable learning goals by determining the training needs of school administrators. According to the results, “Developing cooperation and partnerships with other institutions,” which belongs to the conceptual main competence area, is seen as the top priority training need of school
administrators. In addition, in this field, “Managing change and adaptation” is a priority training need according to the common data results. In the technical/managerial main competence area, “Organizing the institution” and “Planning” are the primary training needs. In the field of human main competence, “Performing emotion control” has been identified as a priority training need. Although the number of technical/managerial main competencies
areas is predominant, it is seen that the priority training need is the conceptual competence
This paper explores the strategy and success factors in the merger and acquisition between two companies in the medical technology industry. The research provides an overview of the medical technology cluster in general and more specifically in Germany to gain a better understanding of the environment the two companies are operating in. By examining the backgrounds and using the Business Canvas Model, the initial strategies and gains contributing to the deal are presented. Afterward, the merger and acquisition deal details are discussed, focusing on the acquisition details and the main strategic objectives for both sides. Finally, the future innovations estimations of the joined company are discussed, as well as their combined long-term vision.
Small municipalities often face challenges related to their water supply systems, such as limited financial resources, low population densities and limited organizational capacity. In this context, this study aimed to diagnose the water supply system in the city of Quatro Pontes - PR, which serves 2,628 economies, through SWOT analysis. This analysis consisted of determining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the system, listed based on reports from employees and visual inspections. It was found that the system presents factors already documented for small municipalities with autonomous services, such as the strengths “good water quality” and “easy maintenance”, as well as the weaknesses “few financial resources applied” and “outdated pricing policy”. In addition, opportunities were mentioned, such as technological innovations in the sector, and threats related to water waste and contamination by pesticides. The results presented depict the water supply system of the municipality and can direct managers to take advantage of opportunities and mitigate system threats.
This research paper presents a comprehensive SWOT analysis of ChatGPT in healthcare, examining its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The paper highlights the potential benefits of ChatGPT, such as improved patient engagement and support for medical education, as well as its limitations, including the risk of inaccurate data and the inability to summarize non-text reports. The paper also identifies opportunities for ChatGPT, such as enabling personalized healthcare delivery and supporting remote patient monitoring. However, the paper also highlights potential threats, such as self-treatment among patients and the risk of an AI-driven infodemic. The significance of this research paper lies in its valuable insights into the ethical and safe use of ChatGPT in healthcare, providing healthcare professionals and policymakers with important considerations for its use. The SWOT analysis also serves as a framework for future research and development of ChatGPT and other large language models in healthcare. This research paper is a significant contribution to the ongoing discussion on the use of ChatGPT in healthcare and its potential impact on patient care and public health.
Italian rural territories are often fragile socio-economic contexts characterized by limited local essential services (local public transport, education, social and health services), high depopulation and few young inhabitants. The present research moves in the framework of the National Strategy for Inner Areas (SNAI), an innovative Italian policy that counteract marginalization and demographic decline, by funding projects to create new chances for local development and territorial cohesion. By assuming the SAVV method to explore fragile territories and identify the most vulnerable and vibrant areas within the considered territory, the new evaluation method SAVV+P is proposed to classify the territorial potential in 3 different categories (Moving/Evolving/Starting). Both methods (SAVV and SAVV+P) were tested in the Alta Valsesia area, located in northern Piedmont (Italy), which is one of the inner areas studied within the “B4R Branding4Resilience” research project. The aim of this study is to analyse the developing potential for new cultural-tourist infrastructures for the enhancement of the Alta Valsesia municipalities. Results demonstrated how the integration between quantitative and qualitative analyses could effectively support the identification and development of new opportunities and enhancement strategies to find unexpressed potential for these fragile territories. Results showed also how the considered municipalities could change their condition by considering their potential assets and triggers.KeywordsInner AreasIndex-based evaluation methodTerritorial potential
Stability problems in rock masses are one of the main causes of subsidence events in underground mining areas. Zaruma, in the South of Ecuador, is characterised by mineral wealth, in which 65% of the population depends directly on artisanal mining activity. However, mineral extraction, without technical considerations and in many cases illegal, has negatively impacted the stability of tunnels generated under the city’s urban area, reporting subsidence events in recent years. The aim of this study is to geomechanically characterise the main gallery of the tourist mine “El Sexmo” using two classic methods of geomechanical classification for the configuration of a model that complies with the 3G’s (geotourism, geoconservation, and geoeducation) and supports the culture of sustainability in all areas of the sector. The methodology consists of (i) a field study design, (ii) a geological–geomechanical survey of the rock mass of a tourist mine using rock mass rating (RMR) and the Q-Barton index, and (iii) establishing a 3G’s model for sustainable development. The results reveal that 100% of the rock mass of the tourist mine presents a rock quality classified as “Fair” (class III) by the RMR method, while, via the Q-Barton method, 92.9% of the rock mass obtains a “Poor” rating, except for station S05, rated “Very Poor”. Furthermore, the study proposes additional support measures for three specific stations based on Q-Barton assessments, including fibre-reinforced sprayed concrete and bolting and reinforced ribs of sprayed concrete, considering that the mine is more than 500 years old and maintains geological features for geoeducation in geotechnical mining. Technical and social problems demand an innovative strategy, which, in this work, focuses on the 3G’s model based on the quintuple innovation helix to develop sustainable underground geotourism.
With the recent advances in science and technology, more processing capability and data have become available, allowing a more straightforward implementation of data analysis techniques. Fortunately, the available online data storage capacity follows this trend, and vast amounts of data can be stored online freely or at accessible costs. As happens with every evolution (or revolution) in any science field, organizing and sharing this data is essential to contribute to new studies or validate the obtained results quickly. To facilitate this, we must guarantee interoperability between the existing datasets and the developed software, whether commercial or open source. This article explores this issue, analyzing the current initiatives to establish data standards and comparing some of the existing dataset online storage platforms. Through a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis, it is possible to understand better the strategy that should be taken to improve the efficiency in this field, which directly depends on the data characteristics.
This paper analyzes strategic policies for preventing child marriage in Rembang Regency. This evaluative research uses interviews, questionnaires and literature studies for data collection. The study results show that the gender-integrated policy of child marriage prevention in the Rembang district can be seen in regulations, budgets, strengthening of child groups, institutions and cooperation. Sufficient budget and human resources, including the openness of information systems, are the strengths of the policy on child marriage prevention in this area. Programs are still partial; weakness in monitoring- evaluation; weakness in gender mainstreaming commitment; gender biased organizational culture; budget politics that often change; and the fewer activity children's forum are weaknesses in this policy. There are national and international policies; orderly population administration; gender and child disaggregated data; Information Technology; collaboration with NGOs and the private sector an opportunity that must be considered for the success of this policy. Another hand, attention must be on policy threats, namely: low education; high poverty; patriarchy; child marriage traditions; ngemblok tradition; information technology; changes in the age limit for marriage; minimal community involvement; gender insight uneven and; understanding of child rights is low. Child marriage prevention policies have an impact on target groups, non-target groups, and direct and indirect costs. Optimization of child marriage prevention policies should be carried out using scheme 1, maximizing strengths to minimize threats; scheme 2, optimizing gender equality in regional apparatus organizations and; scheme 3, monitoring-evaluation is carried out periodically and structured. These schemes must pay attention to the five "appropriate" namely the appropriate choice of policies and programs, implementation, targets, environment and process appropriate.
Bu çalışmada, TRC2 (Şanlıurfa-Diyarbakır) bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren, Karacadağ Kalkınma Ajansı’nın bölgesel kalkınma farklılıklarını gidermedeki rolü incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, Karacadağ Kalkınma Ajansının bölgenin ekonomik ve sosyal kalkınmasındaki rolünün belirlenmesidir. Bu çalışma ile, Karacadağ Kalkınma Ajansının 2010-2019 yılları arasında TRC2 bölgesinde toplam 993 projeye 415 milyon TL hibe desteği verdiği, bu desteklerin kısa dönemde bölgenin kalkınmasında önemli başarılar sağlanamasa da uzun dönemde ekonomi üzerinde beklenen etkisinin görüleceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ayrıca Karacadağ Kalkınma Ajansı sadece hibe dağıtan bir kuruluş olarak görmek pek doğru değildir. Çünkü ajans, bölgesel kalkınma amacına yönelik vereceği hibe ve kredi desteklerden ziyade, bölgesel kalkınma ve gelişmenin yönetiminde ve yönlendirilmesinde kamu ve özel sektör ile STK’ların iş birliği ve güç birliğini sağlayacak yerelde yeni bir “yönetişim” mekanizması ortaya koymaktadır.
The main goal of this chapter is to present the Decision Support System (DSS) adopted in the context of Mogadishu to explain the different choices to put in place about three main issues: (i) the structure and input data, (ii) the setting of alternative scenarios, and (iii) the broadening of the perspective to include a strategic view for the decision maker. The developed DSS aims to support decision-making processes towards the affordable settlements in Mogadishu and the achievement of their long-term sustainability.KeywordsDecision support systemDSSInput dataContextual dataCostsRevenuesSWOT analysis
Whether for human consumption, agricultural production, or industrial processes, groundwater, and rivers, in particular, are crucial. The river is a major water source; therefore, we must do all we can to keep it clean. Inconsistencies in data, algorithms and expert judgments have contributed to the growing recognition of ambiguity analysis' significance. However, it is not common practice to include vulnerability assessment in MCA based Interval-Valued Neutrosophic Sets (IVNSs). To better understand what causes MCA uncertainty, this research examines the factors that contribute to it. Probabilistic techniques, indicator-based methods, and neutrosophic logic are examined as examples of broad approaches to analysis methods in MCA. The practicality, financial and ecological consequences, unexpected social and environmental implications, possible scale of change, and confirmation of the impact of plastic reduction strategies were investigated using an MCA technique.
Whether for human consumption, agricultural production, or industrial processes, groundwater, and rivers, in particular, are crucial. The river is a major water source; therefore, we must do all we can to keep it clean. Inconsistencies in data, algorithms, and expert judgments have contributed to the growing recognition of ambiguity analysis' significance. However, it is not common practice to include vulnerability assessment in MCA. To better understand what causes MCA uncertainty, this research examines the factors that contribute to it. Probabilistic techniques, indicator-based methods, and neutrosophic logic are examined as examples of broad approaches to analysis methods in MCA. The practicality, financial and ecological consequences, unexpected social and environmental implications, possible scale of change, and confirmation of the impact of plastic reduction strategies were investigated using an MCA technique.
Despite its promising, innovative and fast growth in the last several years, startup business is a high risk enterprise with potential high return on investment. Funding investment plays critical role in this issue in terms of supporting the development of startup business. A startup's ability to acquire financing at the right time is critical to its long-term success. Therefore, business valuation is become critical and essential for startup business as the fundamental step of funding process. Based on this notion, PT. AXY is willing to determine their value in order to manage investment opportunity ahead. Estimating value of PT. AXY's business is referring to its strategic plan since investment will be support to expand team and realizing projects. The strategic plan is divided into three scenario which are optimist, base, and pessimist. By using First Chicago Method (FCM) and Venture Capital Method (VCM) as two among several methods which considered suitable with PT.AXY's current condition. After compiling those three scenario using weighted sum, the results of valuation using FCM is IDR 556,550,469,235 and using VCM is IDR 506,381,073,478. Finally by using pareto optimality, we determine that overall valuation of PT.AXY is IDR 546,516,590,084. Sensitivity Analysis also used to determine which factors that directly impact to the valuation. By assessing several parameters that change for each variable to be swinged +/-20%, as result revenue growth, discount rate and salary expense are parameters that considered as sensitive that management could pay attention to since it will be directly affect to the company's valuation.
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