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Analysis of termal properties, water vapor resistance and radiant heat transmission through different combinations of firefighter protective clothing



This experimental work is an effort to seek the possibility of improvement in thermal protective performance of firefighter protective clothing at different levels of heat flux density. Improvement in thermal protective performance means enhancement in the time of exposure against the heat flux, which will provide extra time to firefighters to perform their duties without suffering from severe injuries. Four different multilayer combinations of firefighter protective clothing were investigated. Each combination consists of outer shell, moisture barrier and thermal liner. Aerogel sheet was also employed as a substitute to thermal barrier. Initially, properties like thermal resistance, thermal conductivity and water vapour resistance of multilayer fabric assemblies were investigated. Later on these combinations were exposed to different levels of radiant heat flux density i.e. at 10, 20 and 30 kW/m2 as per ISO 6042 standard. It was noted that those combinations in which aerogel blanket was used as thermal barrier acquire greater thermal resistance, water vapour resistance and have less transmitted heat flux density values. Keywords: aerogel, firefighter protective clothing, thermal resistance, thermal protective performance, heat flux density.
[tndtpr nş fni h tyş hsi rtapş toş cms t0se,nş penca
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sihe lş g baş T ntinşse,nş ealş rncesşgenntnu
2rtoşse,nştoştcfncegsş işbe nşgm şfncegsş i
be nş yefinouş 3 oş fntcen,ş igh tyş toş iş ortslş r
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fni h oşrmceaşgil,şg,şgsih5tapş rşaytniaca es
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gsalouş3 şheaşgşaiabiya.şUmts lşge tap.şsectae 0
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dtndtpr no.ş tcştoş rşcetaşdeh inuş:areahca şta
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dtpr nş iş henn,ş im ş rtnş eh tyt toş bt rim ş ea,ş otp0
atdthea ş tamntouş4oş noms .ş dtndtpr noş heaş ofal
cinş tcştaşreNenlimoşaytniaca şoeytapşfnhtimo
styoş ealş lecepoş hemolş g,ş dtnş bt rim ş tamntap
rcosyoş7PE69uş2rncesşfni h tyşfndinceahşto
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
W4L4–ş/4::S :/q3/ş4V(4qO/
4–/4/şS4;4F3 4/2H/3/ş%4 :BV4
Rnıtr TYsdnataıYıvuıaefıo tsTYır ıYdoYılia YcıYtYecıo elentYuiregese t ıtYGfgdoT TPeaeeYuıaliaftoPıeYcıYuai ınPeıY ıafenT
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tadsmahlşg,şoynesşdeh inoşst5ş rncesşhialmh tyt0
,.şbe nşyefinşnoto eahşealştcfeh şidşetnşpefoş7P9u
2rncesşfni h tyşfndinceahştoşyesme lşg,şoy0
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2MMş o nAş7wvEwx9şinşdmssşohesş o şc rilisip,şst5
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toş cfsi,ş o ş c rilisiptoş dnicş gahrş ohes
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fni h tyşgreytinşidşhsi rtapşmalnşyentimoşsysoşid
neltea şre şTfiomnş7wP9u
[inşareahtapş rş rncesş fni h tiaş idş dtndtpr no.
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omgo ne şo,a rotNlşdnicşpsşg,şomgo t m tapşstUmtl
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esşltddna ş ,foşidşenipsouş4ciapşessşidş rc.şotst0
heş geolş enipsoş reyşyn,şta no tapşfnifn to
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otstheş geolş enipsş toş effniTtce s,ş vuvwIş LRcV
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enipsoşeşdeyinegsşhealtle şdinşm tst ,ştaşdtndtpr n
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2rşcetaşetcşidş rtoşnoenhrştoş işareahş rnces
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tapuş[inş rtoş fmnfioşdimnşhicgtae tiaoş idşrtprşfn0
dinceahş degnthoş bnş celuş :ehrş hinnofialtap
hicgtae tiaoş bnş hreneh ntNlş g,ş4secg eş eal
Mnc o uş 4d nbenlo.ş roş hicgtae tiaoş bn
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dinş l nctatapş neaoctootiaşidş re ş rnimprşcms t0
se,nş fni h tyş hsi rtapş eoocgstoş e ş wvş 5LRc1.
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4,yeNş±est tcş(icfea,şdnicş2mn5,uş2rtoşse,nşbeo
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dna şim nşorsso.şiaşcito mnşgenntnşealşiaş rn0
cesşstanşbnşcfsi,luş[imnşltddna şhicgtae tiao
idş hsi rtapş eoocgstoşbnş fnfenlş k egsş wşeal
:yesme tiaşidş rncesşnoto eah.ş rncesşhialmh tyt0
,şealş rth5aooşidşciaise,nşealşcms tse,nşfni h0
tyşhsi rtapş enneapca şbeoşliaşbt rş rşrsfşid
4secg eşkaia0lo nmh tyşc rilA.şeşfe a şidşMnidu
Bmgioş%oş71P9ş ceamdeh mnlşg,ş)aoineşhicfea,
toş eş hicfm nşhia nisslşlythş ceomntapş rnces
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
Noț4 RiSoesțiooitu.l.tațetțlpcaeciD.o
w Hm nşorssşkwAş×şSito mnşgenntnş×ş2rncesşstan 4 Iu1v1 P-v
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x Hm nşorssşk1Aş×şSito mnşzenntnş×ş4nipsşor xuPPC ]1]
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snm. Inlfnt.ta +.iU.țaDf. RiSoesțM.euda
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Sito mnşgenntn S MOşccgneaşsectae l
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fis,cno /iabiya xvv 1uP]
hreneh nto thoşidşciaise,nşealşcms tse,nşfni h ty
se,noşeoşfnş:/ş-wv61şo ealenlş71CE1P9uş[tyşce0
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itmțMia.oțUifnoțo.reraits.ț y.aZ
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nş rşyesmşidşnse tyşbe nşyefinşfncegtst ,.ş r
soonş btssş gş rş be nş yefinş noto eahş ealş rn
btssş gş g nş rncesş hicdin ş 7169uş [tyş ceomn0
ca oşbnş e5aşdinşehrşofhtcau
2rş neltea ş re ş o tapş Umtfca ş ZC-Pş z
Mni h tyşhsi rtapşbeoşmolş işceomnşneltea şre
neaoctootiaş rnimprş ce ntesş inş ce ntesş eoocgs,
ehhinltapş iş 3)Hş C6x1ş o ealenluş 2rtoş Umtfca
hiaoto oşidşocessşhmnylşhiffnşfse şhesintc nşbt r
eneş idş kIvş ccş *ş Ivu-ş ccAş bt rş ceooş idş -Iu6ş i
-C pnecouş4ş nelte tiaş re ş oimnhş hiaoto tapşidşotT
hengtlşre tapşniloşesiapşbt rşciyegsş o şdnec
reytapş hiistapş lythş ealş ofhtcaş rislnoş to
oribaştaşdtpmnşwuş2rş otNş idş rşoecfsşbeoş1-v
ccş *ş ]vşccş brthrş toşfsehlş iaş rş dehş otlş id
hesintc nşealşomgh lş işeşofhtdthşsysş idşnelt0
ea şre şealş tcşdinş cfne mnşohese tiaşidşw1j(
ealş 1xj(ş kF%23w1ş ealşF%231xAş taş rş hesintc n
beoş ai lşealşim hicoşenşen thmse lşeoşneltea
re ş neaoctootiaştalTşealş rşepşre ş neao0
ctootiaşdeh inş7-v9uş[tyşofhtcaoşenşnUmtnlşdin
o tapşe şehrşsysşidşre şdsmTşlaot ,u
2rncesş hialmh tyt ,.ş rncesş noto eahşealş rth50
aooşbnşyesme lşg,ş4secg eşdinşciaise,nşeal
cms tse,nşfni h tyşdegnthşeoocgstoşealş rtnşhin0
nofialtapşyesmoşbnşca tialştaşdtpmnş1şnofh0
tys,uş2rncesşnoto eah.ş - midş T tsşomgo ne şto
eşdmah tiaşidş rşeh mesş rth5aooşidş rş T tsşdegnth
ealşt oş rncesşhialmh tyt ,uş2rtoşnse tiaortfştoşptya
g,şdissibtapşUme tia8ş
- m °şşşşJ kwA
- m toş rncesş noto eahşkc1VRLA.şm rth5aooşid
T tsşomgo ne uş2rtoş rncesşnoto eahştoştaynos,
fnifin tiaesş iş rncesşhialmh tyt ,2rncesşhialmh0
tyt ,şealş rncesşnoto eahşenşai şias,şhia tapa
iaş rth5aooşidş rşdegnthşeoocgstoşealşgm şesoişia
fr,othesşealşhrcthesşfnifn toşidş T tsşomgo ne u
qne nş rş rth5aoo.ş pne nş btssş gş rş rnces
noto eahşidş rş ce ntesuş %ibyn.ş rtoş toş ai şias,
rş brisş ohaenti.ş rş finiot ,ş ealş laot ,ş idş r
T tsş omgo ne ş esoiş fse,oş eş yt esş nisş taş rnces
greytinşidş rşcltmcuş2T tsşomgo ne şbt rşhsiol
ealş ocessş finoş toş egsş iş nefş etnş taotlş rş omg0
o ne uş2rştssmo ne tiaşidş rtoşfraicaiaştoş rşlm
işdeh ş re şetnşreoşeşsibnş rncesşhialmh tyt ,ş rea
ce ntesoşhiao t m tapş rşoecfsş 7-w9uşHaş rşi rn
real.ş rncesşhialmh tyt ,şareahoşbt rş rşnse ty
rmctlt ,şegoinglşg,ş rşce ntesş7-19uş(iaoUma s,.
rş rncesş hialmh tyt ,şidş rtprs,şr,pniohifthşce 0
ntesş toş cinşeoş hicfenlş iş sooşr,pniohifthş omg0
o ne uş[nicşdtpmnş1.şt şheaşgşai lş re şeşrtprşyesm
idş rncesşnoto eahşbeoşbt aoolştaşenneapca
idşcms tse,nşfni h tyşhsi rtapşreytapşenipsşse,n
eoş eaş es nae ş iş rncesşstanş koecfsş ealş –Au
2rnşctpr şgşoynesş neoiaouş Haşneoiaşctpr
gş re ş rtoş omgo t m ş se,nş ahsiooş otstheş geol
enipsşbrthrşreoşyn,şsooş rncesşhialmh tyt ,şya
sibnş reaşo tssşetnuşzhemoşidşfiniot ,şealşaeaic0
nşfinşotN.şotstheş geolş enipsoşenşrtprs,ştaom0
se tapşce ntesoş7-v9u
z,şceaoşidş ceoo.ş4nipsştoş 6CDşidşetnşce5tapş t
seo ş laoşcea0celş omgo ne ş 7-v9uş zhemoş id
peoimoş o nmh mnş idş enipsş ealş sibş rncesş hia0
lmh tyt ,şidş peo.ş rnşctpr şgşgsih5epşidşhialmh0
tyş re ş neaodnş 7-x9uş 2rş finimoş enhrt h mnş id
enipsştoşnofiaotgsşdinşpeoimoşo nmh mnşidşeni0
psş7-IE-C9uş3aşellt tiaş iş re .şhiayh tyşre ş neao0
dnştoşl nnlşghemoşhiao nmh tiaşidşenipsşlio
ai şessibşhtnhmse tiaşidş etnş 7-x9uş2rşi rnşneoiaş to
re ş rtoşenipsşgsea5 şesoişhia etaoşiTtltNlşfis,0
ehn,siat ntsşkHM4/Aşdtgnşbrthrşreoşyn,şsibş rnces
hialmh tyt ,ş kvuv-vş LRcVAş ealş yn,ş rtprş stct tap
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
[tpuş1u 2rncesşhialmh tyt ,şealş rncesşnoto eahşyes0
mo idşcms tse,nşfni h tyşhsi rtap
[tpuşwuşFelte tiaşre ş o tapşUmtfca
iT,paş3alTşkBH3Aştuuşescio şxIDşbrthrştoşpne n
reaş BH3ş idş c eş enectl.ş feneş enectloş ealş Mz3u
Siniynşt şreoşim o ealtapşdsecşnoto ea ş fnifn0
toşeoşhicfenlş iş rşrtprşfndinceahşdtgnoş71x9
brthrşms tce s,şnoms oştaşrtprş rncesşnoto eahşta
ciaise,nş ealş cms tse,nş degnthş eoocgstou
(iaoUma s,.ş ofhtcaş ealş –ş brthrş cfsi,
enipsşse,nşeoşeaşes nae ş iş rncesşgenntnşiddno
cinş rncesşnoto eahşeoşhicfenlş işofhtcaş4
ealş zuş Haş rş i rnş real.ş rncesş noto eahş id
ofhtcaş beoş ostpr s,ş pne nş reaşofhtcaş zu
2rtoş ctpr ş gş lmş rş deh ş re şofhtcaş4ş reo
im nşorssşHkwAş hia etatapşPIşDş ealş1-şDşidş c e
enectlş ealş feneş enectlş dtgnoş nofh tys,ş brthr
reyş tarna ş dsecşn enlea şealş g nş taomse tia
hreneh nto thoşeoşhicfenlş işofhtcaşzştaşbrthr
rşcetaştapnlta şidşim nşse,nştoşhssmsiothşce nt0
esşkhi iaAşbrthrşiddnoşcinş rncesşhialmh tyt ,şeal
sooş rncesşnoto eahşeoşhicfenlş işim nşse,nşid
Le nşyefinşnoto eahşbeoşl nctalşg,şM:FS:0
2:)2şeffene moşbrthrşptyoş bişyesmoştuuşnse ty
be nşyefinşfncegtst ,şkFL MDAşealşbe nşyefin
noto eahşk-ı Auşzen5nş şesşca tialş re ş rştadsm0
ahşidşcito mnşiaş rncesşfni h tyşfndinceah
toşeşdmah tiaşidşTfiomnşhialt tiao.şecima şidşcito0
mnş taş rş mnaim ş o,o cşealşt oşfncegtst ,şeal
taomse tiaşfnifn toş7-P9uş4şhendmsşeaes,otoşidşdtpmn
-şnyeslş re şcinşbe nşyefinşnoto eahşbeoşbt 0
aoolştaşofhtcaş(ş ealş–şm tstNtapşenipsş gsea0
5 uş2rtoşctpr şgşlmş işr,lnifrigthşae mnşidşeni0
psşealşfnoahşidşhsiolşfinoştaotlş rşo nmh mn
idş enipsş gsea5 uş %ibyn.ş o tssş rnş beoş oic
be nşyefinşfncegtst ,ştaşofhtcaş(şealş–şbrthr
ctpr ş gşlmş iş rş rtprş egoingtapş hefegtst toş id
enips.şaegstapş rşenipsşgsea5 ş kf,nipsş11Iv
or Aş işegoingş cito mnşlmş iş b tapşealş neao0
fin şt ş işaytniaca .şofhtess,şbraşt şbeoşfsehl
aT ş işo5taşloft şidş rşdeh ş re şenipsşreoşyn,
sibşetnşfncegtst ,ş7-]Ex-9uş3 şbeoşesoişbt aoolşg,
Zteciapş şesuş re ş rnşbeoşaişotpatdthea şnse tia0
ortfşg başetnşfncegtst ,şealşbe nşyefinşfn0
cegtst ,ş taş heoş idş cms tse,nş eoocgstoş reytap
enipsşfen thsoşofne,lşg baş rşse,noş7x-9uş4o
rşfnha epşidşenipsştahneooşcinşecima şid
be nş yefinş fncegtst ,ş beoş bt aoolş ealş soo
fncegtst ,şidşetnşbeoşigonyluş
3 ş ctpr ş gş ai thlş re ş sibş be nş yefinş noto eah
heaşoic tcoşhne şfnigscştdşT ntinşfnoomnşto
rtprşeoşhicfenlş işta ntinşfnoomnştaotlşhsi rtap
essibtapş rşcito mnş işgnehrştaotlş rşpenca o
tao elşidşyehme tapşt şim şidş rşpenca u
2rş ,fşidşdtgnoşfse,oşeş5,şnisştaşcito mnşyefin
fncegtst ,uş4aşTectae tiaşidşdtpmnş-şnyesoş re
ofhtcaş reytapş c e0enectlş eoş im nş orssş iddn
ostpr s,şcinşbe nşyefinşnoto eahş-ı eoşhicfenl
hicgtae tiaoş reytapş fnigeaeoş im nş orssouş 2rto
ctpr şgşlmş işdeh ş re şS eşenectlşreoşsooşcito0
mnşnpetaşgm şpne nşbth5tapşegtst ,şeoşhicfenlş i
fnigeaşbrthrşreyşhssmsiothşhia a uş(iaoUma s,.
ofhtcaş reytapş c e0enectlş eoş im nş orssş reo
rtprnş-ı yesmoş7-]9u
2rtoşeffene moşhicfntooşidşeşnelte tiaşre şoimnh
brthrşheaşpane şre şdsmTşlaot ,şmfş iş]vş5LRc1
esiapşbt rşhesintc nşbrthrşyesme oşre şdsmTuş2r
im hicoşidş rtoş o şenş rş biş rnorislş tcoştuu
Feltea şre ş neaodnş talTşk-ț,z 1xşealş -ț,z w1A
nofh tys,.ştahtla şre şdsmTşlaot ,şkqiAşealş neao0
ct lş re ş dsmTş laot ,ş kqn ealş fnha epş re
neaoctootiaşdeh inşkDepş,CAşk egsş-Au
-ț,z w1 ° 2rnorislş tcştaşkohAşbraş cfne mn
idşhesintc nştahneoştaşw1j(u
-ț,z 1xş°ş2rnorislş tcştaşkohAşbraş cfne mn
idşhesintc nştahneoştaş1xj(
qi°şşşşJşşşşş k1A
-toşne şidşntoşidş rşhesintc nş cfne mnştaş r
staenşnptiaştaşj(RoYşEceooşidşhiffnşfse ştaş5pY
ăuEşofhtdthşre şidşhiffnşvu-]Işk5WRVpj(AYştEş r
egoinf tiaş hiddthta ş idş rş feta lş omndehş id
hesintcş nYşREşeneşidş rşhiffnşfse ştaşc1u
2rş neaoct lşdsmTşlaot ,.şqntaş5LRc1.ştoşyesme 0
lşg,ş rşdissibtapşUme tia8
qn°şşşşşşşşşş k-A
Ruk-ț,z 1xşEş-ț,z w1A
şşşşşşş toşceaşne şidşntoşidş rşhesintc0
nş cfne mnştaşj(Roştaş rşnptiaşg başeşw1j(
ealş 1xj(ş ntoş brnş -ț,zY w1ş talthe oş tcş i
ehUmtnştahneoşidş kw1JGJvuwAj(şntoştaş cfne mnu
-ț,z 1xş ceaoş tcş iş e etaş tahnca ş idş k1xJG
:Ume tiaşxşlstynoş rşfnha epşre ş neaoctootia
deh in.şepş,C kqiAş dinştahtla ş re şdsmTş laot ,
sysu qn
Dşepş,C °şwvvJAşşJşş kxA
4şfnmoesşidş egsş-şnyesoş re şyesmoşidş neaoct l
re ş dsmTş laot ,ş qnealş fnha epş 2neaoctootia
deh inşkDepş,CAştahneooşoUma tess,şbt rştahneo
taşsysşidştahtla şre şdsmTşlaot ,uş3 şbeoşesoişai l
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
[tpuş-u Le nşyefinşnoto eahşealşnse tyşbe nşyefin
fncegtst ,şDepşidşcms tse,nşfni h tyşhsi rtap
re ş ctatcmcş yesmoş idş neaoct lşdsmTş laot ,ş qn
k5LRc1Aşbnşigonylşdinş rşoecfsoşreytapşeni0
psşgsea5 şeoş rncesşstanuş4şotctsenşfe naşbeoşesoi
ai lş taş Depş2[ş yesmoş dinş rşofhtcaş reytap
enipsşor ş7xw9uş2rtoşctpr şgşlmş işdeh ş re şotst0
heşgeolşenipsşgsea5 şhia etaoşescio ş6CDşidşetn
ealş etnş toş piilş taomse inş gsih5tapş rş ecima ş id
re şfeoolş rnimprş rşofhtcauşSiniyn.ş ro
enipsşoecfsoşhiaoto şidşiTtltNlş fis,ehn,siat nts
fis,cnşbrthrşreyş yn,şpiilş rncesşo egtst ,ş eal
heaş bt ro ealş rtprnş ecima ş idş re ş dsmTşealş reo
yn,şrtprşstct tapşiT,paştalTşkBH3Aşidşescio şxIşD
7xv9uş2rşsibnş rşyesmşidş neaoct lşre şdsmTşla0
ot ,.ş rşsoonşbtssşgşecima şidşre şfeoolş rnimpr
degnthşeoocgstoş ibenloşhesintc nşessibtapşcin
tcş işdtndtpr nş işfndincş rtnşlm toşgdinşehUmtn0
tapşgmnaştamntouş2egsş-şesoişlfth oş re şpne nşltd0
dnahşg baş-ț,z 1xşealş-ț,z w1.şsoonşbtssşg
rşyesmşidş neaoct lşdsmTşlaot ,şqnk5LRc1eal
Depş,C nofh tys,.şbrthrştalthe oş re şofhtca
heaş bt ro ealş nofh lş re ş dsmTş dinş siapnş tc
fntilşessibtapşdtndtpr noş işfndincş rtnşlm toşdin
siapnş lmne tiaş gdinş p tapş gmnaş tamntouş 4
wv 5LRc1.ş rşsibo şyesmoşidşqnealşDepş,C bn
bt aoolşdinşofhtcaş(.ş–uş2roşyesmoşbnşrtpr0
n dinşofhtcaş4şealşzşreytapşaişenipsşgsea5 uş3
beoşesoişai lş re ş rnşbeoşctainşltddnahştaş r
yesmoşidşqnealşDep ,C yesmoşdinşenipsşor .
oecfsş4şealşofhtcaşzşnofh tys,uş4 ş1v 5LRc1.
rş ot me tiaş beoş ostpr s,ş ltddna ş tuuş rş qneal
Depş,C yesmoşidşofhtcaşzştoşotpatdthea s,şrtprn
reaşno şidş rşoecfsoşealşapstptgsşltddnahşdin
rş yesmoş idş qnealş Dep ,C beoş bt aoolş din
enipsş or .ş ofhtcaş 4ş ealş ofhtcaş –uş 2r
sibo şyesmşidş Dep ,C ealşqndinş1vş5LRc1beo
igonylşdinşofhtcaş(uş4 ş-vş5LRc1eş nalşotc0
tsenş iş re şidş1vş5LRc1beoşai lştuuş rşseo şyesm
idşqnealşDepş,C beoşigonylşdinşoecfsş(şeal
rtpro şyesmşbeoşigonylşoecfsşzuş%ibyn.ş rto
tcş rnşbeoşotpatdthea şltddnahştaşyesmoşqneal
Dşepş,C dinşofhtcaş4şealşenipsşor u
pseahş e ş dtpmnş xş nyesoş re ş e ş wvş5LRc r
hmnyşidşofhtcaş–şealşofhtcaş(şenşcmhrşdse 0
nşeoşhicfenlş iş rşhmnyoşidşofhtcaşz.şofht0
caş4şealşenipsşse,nşkMAşnofh tys,2rşdse n
rşhmny.ş rşosibnşbtssşgşne şidştahneoştaş c0
fne mn.ş brthrş btssşptyş cinş tcş idşTfiomnş i
ofhtcaş braş omgh lş iş neltea şre şdsmTuş2r
dse nşhmnyşesoiştalthe oşsooşlecepş iş rşhinn0
ofialtapş degnthş se,noş idş rş ofhtcauş %ibyn.
rnşbnş aişpeftaş rşhmnyoşidşenipsşgsea5
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
Noț4 gil.țnh
 K+HlWZykbO5W ykbOWXț ykbOWXjEJykbO5W qs K+HlWZiu.țbR
wM wv IxuIIşGş1u]1] wv1uCşGş1u6C6 x]uvI wu-CşGşvuvvC vuw-C
14 wv I]u1şGşvux1x wvwuvşG.şvuvwI x1u] wuIIşGşvuvwx vuwII
-z wv PxuwşGuPvP w1]uCIşGş1uPIP IxuII wu1w1şGşvuvxI vuw1w
x( wv ]xuIIşGşvuPPP wC-u-IşGş-uw]w P]u] vu]-6şGşvuv1C vuv]-
I– wv 6PuxşGşCu616 w6IşGş1uIP-] 6PuC vuCPPşGşvuw-1 vuvCP
wM 1v --u1IşGşIuP1P IxuwIşGş]u1P- 1vu6 -uwCxşGşvu-6v vuwI]
14 1v -CuPşGşvu6]6 IPuvIşGşwu-x- 1vu-I -u1x6şGşvuvIC vuwC1
-z 1v xCuPşGşCuv]w I]uIIşGşCu16- wwu]I IuI]vşGşvuwvv vu1P6
x( 1v xxuCşGşvuxIP Pvu]şGş1uI6C 1Cu1 1uI1xşGşvuvIv vuw1C
I– 1v I]uwIşGşvu6w6 P6u6ICşGşwux]x 1wu]vC -uv--şGşvuvP6 vuwIw
wM -v --u-şGşvuwxw x]uPIşGşvu-I- wIuxI xu1]vşGşvuvI] vuwx1
14 -v 1Pu]IşGşvuvPv xvu-IşGşvux6x w1uI Iu16vşGşvuw]w vuwPC
-z -v -wuxşGş1uw1w -]uwIşGş1uxPx CuPI 6uP6şGşvuIwC vu-1C
x( -v xwuIşGşwu1P1 CwşGş1u6C6 w6uI -u-6wşGşvu16P vuww-
I– -v xxuwIşGşwuC1C I6u]şGşwu1P1 wIuCI xu11IşGşvuv6C vuwxv
’şF%23ş°şFeltea şre ş neaodnştalTu
[tpuşxu %e ş neaoctootiaşe şwvş5LRc1
ealş ,Cuş [tpmnş xş esoiş lfth oş hsenş pefş g ba
enipsş gsea5 ş kMA.ş brthrş toş esoiş rtprstpr lş dnic
rşyesmoşidşqnealşDşepş,C dnicş egsş-u
[nicşdtpmnşI.şt şheaşgşoaş re şe ş1vş5LRc1.ş rn
beoşUmt şotctsent ,şg baş rşhmnyoşidşofhtca
4şealşenipsşor şkMAuş2rşfe naşidş rşhmnyşz
e ş1vş5LRc1beoşltddna ş reaş re şidş rş hmnyş id
ofhtcaşzşe şwvş5LRc1uş2rşne şidştahneoşidş c0
fne mnşbeoşocii rş tssş Ivşohşdinşofhtcaş gm
ed nşbenloş rnşbeoşorenfştahnca ştaş rşne şid
tahneoş idş cfne mnş brthrş talthe oş omlla
lecepş rşhinnofialtapş se,noş idşofhtcaşz
eoş rş tcş idş Tfiomnş tahneoouş 2rş hmnyş id
ofhtcaş(şbeoşcmhrşdse şealş rnşbeoşaişmamom0
esşyente tiauş%ibyn.ştaşheoşidşofhtcaş–.ş rşfe 0
naş idş rş hmnyşbeoşdse ş tssş Pvş ohş gm şse nşiaş t
ghicoşyn,şo fştalthe tapşhn etaşlecepş işse,0
noş idş ofhtcaş ofhtess,ş rş im nş se,nuş 2rtoş to
esoişytla şdnicş yesmoşidşqnealşDepş ,C brthr
enşcinş reaş re şidşofhtcaş(u
3aşheoşidş-vş5LRcdnicşdtpmnşC.ş rnşbeoşltootc0
tsent ,ştaş rşfe naşidş rşhmnyoşdinşenipsşgsea5
ealşofhtcaş4şoribtapş re ş rnşbeoş cinşlec0
epş idş dtgnoş e ş rtprnş dsmTş laot ,ş eoş hicfenlş i
enipsşgsea5 uşzm ş rşhmnyşidşofhtcaşzşoribo
tnnpmsent ,şed nş-vşohşoribtapşomllaşorenfştahn0
ca ştaş rş cfne mn.şbrthrştoşhsenştalthe tiaşid
lhneoştaş rncesşfni h tyşgreytinşidşofhtca
lmş işlecepşidşdtgnşbrthrşessiboşobtd şfeooepşid
re ş ed nş -vş ohş hemotapş tahneoş taşyesmoşidşqn
ealşDepş,Cuş2rşhmnyşidşofhtcaş–şbeoşorin şeo
hicfenlş iş hmnyş idş ofhtcaş (uş %ibyn.ş ed n
Pv oh.ş rnşbeoştnnpmsenştahneoştaş cfne mn
dinşofhtcaş–şlmş işbrthrşpne nşyesmoşidşqneal
Depş,C enşbt aoolştaş egsş-şdinşofhtcaş–u
2rşhmnyşidş ofhtcaş(şbeoş npmsen.şdse ş ealşsiap
oribtapşg nş rncesşfni h tyşgreytinşidşofht0
caş(şe ş-vş5LRc1uş2rmoş rşdegnthşeoocgs,şreytap
enipsş reoş g nş rncesş fni h tyş greytinş eo
hicfenlş işi rnşoecfsouş2rtoşctpr şgşlmş işdeh
re ş3adnenlşnelte tiaş re şfse,oşeş otpatdthea şnisşta
neaodnahşidşre şheaşesoiş gşegoinglşg,şeni0
psş7xvEx19şlmş işbrthrşenipsşgsea5 şiddnoşg n
rncesşo egtst ,şealştaomse tiaşeoşhicfenlş işi rn
3 şheaşgştadnnlş re şoed ,şidşdtndtpr noştoşlfa0
la şiaş rşfni h tyşfndinceahşidşdtndtpr nşfni0
h tyş hsi rtapuş 3dş rtoş fni h tyş fndinceahş hea
tahneoş tcşidşTfiomnşidşdtndtpr noşepetao şre
dsmT.şt şce,şnoms ştaşoeytapşfnhtimoşstyoşealşmodms
o mdduş3 şbeoşesoişbt aoolş re ş rnşbeoşotpatdthea
tahneoştaş rncesşnoto eahşealşbe nşyefinşnoto0
eahşbraşenipsş gsea5 şbeoşm tstNlş eoş es nae0
tyş se,nş rncesş genntnş ealş braş c e0enectl
se,nşbeoşm tstNlşeoşim nş orssuşLraş rşoecfso
bnşTfiolş işyentimoşsysoşidşre şdsmTşlaot ,.şt
beoşai thlş re ş rioşhicgtae tiaoştaşbrthrşc e0
enectlş ealş enipsş omgo ne ş beoş m tstNlş lstyn
g nş rncesşo egtst ,ş ofhtess,şbraşomgh lş i
rtprş re ş dsmTş laot touş 2rtoş ctpr ş gş lmş iş r
ae mnş idş dtgnoştayisylş taş roş omgo ne oşbrthr
iddnoşg nş rncesşo egtst ,ş epetao ş rtprnşsysşid
re şdsmTuş%ibyn.şt ş beoşesoişbt aoolş re ş rn
beoşiynessş nalşidştahneoştaş neaoct lşre şdsmT
laot ,ş bt rş tahneoş idş tahtla ş re ş dsmTş laot ,u
2rtoşctpr şgşlmş işlecepştahmnş işdtgnoştaşltddn0
a ş se,noş eoş eş noms ş idş brthrş rncesş o egtst ,ş to
lhneolşe şrtprnşre şdsmTş laot touş 2rş moşid
enipsş oriboş otpatdthea ş tcfniyca ş dinş rnces
fni h tiaş idş dtndtpr nş hsi rtapş ealş heaş gş mol
braşrtprşneapşfni h tiaştoşnUmtnlşdnicşre u
2rtoş o ml,ş toş omffin lş malnş o mla ş pnea ş ohrcş id
)q)01w1xCş dnicş 2hrathesş Oatynot ,ş idş Btgnhş (Nhr
Ffmgsthuş Lş bimslş esoiş ofhtess,ş st5ş iş rea5ş 4,yeN
±est tcş(icfea,şdnicş2mn5,şdinş fniytltapşmoşoecfsoşid
enipsşor u
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
[tpuşIu %e ş neaoctootiaşe ş1vş5LRc1
[tpuşCu %e ş neaoctootiaşe ş-vş5LRc1
industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
7w9 Beboia.şWuFuşCeaıYlepm ıarYuai ın eyıYnsi meopYtocY mıaftsYıoyeaiofıo rY ilYr adn datsYleaı.lepm eop3a8ş4)2Sş)fh
719 Fe5torin.ş /u.ş )relt.ş %u.ş Melr,.ş M-ınıo Y aıocrYtocYld daıYrniuıYeoY uai ın eioYtocY niflia YilY leaı.lepm ıaBr
uıariotsYuai ın eyıYnsi meop3a8ş[tnş)htahşFytbo.ş1vwx.şyisuş-.şfuşxu
7-9 Bm.ş Wu.ş V,imape.ş %u.ş Viap.ş ±u.ş  llın Y ilYtıaipısY ioY mıaftsYuai ın eyıY uıaliaftonıYilY leaılepm ıaYnsi meopuş 3a8
Wimnaesşidş[tgnşztiaptantapşealş3adince thowY1vw-.şyisuşC.şffuş-wIE-1xu
7x9 )iap.ş qu.şMeo5esm5.ş)u.ş)e t.ş Fuş,mıaftsY uai ın eyıYuıaliaftonıY ilYuai ın eyıY nsi meopdrıcY liaYsibYatceto Ymıt
uai ın eioxY3a8ş2T şFoşW.ş1vww.şyisuş]w.şffuş-wwE-1-u
7I9 Vtaa.ş%uSuşCeaılepm ıaBrYuai ın eyıYnsi meopuş3a8ş)hi şFu4uşkluAş2T tsoşdinşfni h tia.ş1vvI.şLiilrelş(ecgntlp.
7C9 2isne.ş4u/u.şSeo nş roto.ş–fen ca şidş2T tsş:aptantap.ş3o eagmsş2hrathesşOatynot ,.ş1vwIu
7P9 %ishicgşzu uş,mıYmıt Yaıst ıcYuaiuıa eırYilYleaıYlepm ıarYuai ın eyıYnsi meopYltgaenruş3a8ş[tnş)ed ,şWimnaes.şw6]-.
7]9 /[M4.ş Fai ın eyıY nsi meopY ıorıfgsıY liaY r adn datsY leaıY lepm eop.ş 3a8ş /e tiaesş [tnş Mni h tiaş4ooihte tia.ş w66P.
769 )hrehrn.ş –u4u.ş –nea.ş (u±ăifutaerioY gı bııoY mıaftsY eordst eioY tocY mıaftsY uaiuıa eırY ilY nstrrentsY toc
fenailegaırYuishır ıaYltgaenruş 3a8ş3a nae tiaesş Wimnaesşidş(si rtapş)htahş ealş2hraisip,.ş1vvv.ş yisuş w1k1A.şffu
7wv9 )escia.ş –uş ,mıaftsY niocdn eye hY ilY eordst eiorY dreopY pdtacıcY mi Y ust ırwY eonsdceopY aınıo Y cıyısiufıo rY toc
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industria textila
2018, vol. 69, nr. 6
7-v9 zipmo≈ebo5e0gğhN5.şSu.ş%o.şBuş llın eyıYbt ıaYytuidaY uıafıtgese hYilYbı YbiisYltgaenYtocYgsıocıcY ltgaenr3a8
[tgnoşXş2T tsoştaş:eo naş:mnif.ş1vw-.şyisuşw.şffuşCPEPwu
7-w9 H…se5hti…sm.ş/u.şSencenest.ş4uş,mıaftsYniflia Yuaiuıa eırYilYrifıYQoe ıcYr adn daıruş3a8ş[tgnoşXş2T tsoştaş:eo na
7-19 %o.şBu.şBiprta.ş(uşțıt wYfier daıYtocYteaY atorlıaYuaiuıa eırYilYrısın ıcYbiyıoYltgaenrYeoYbı Yr t ıuş3a8şWimnaesşid
[tgnşztiaptantapşealş3adince tho.ş1vv6.şyisuş1k-A.şffuşwxwEwx6u
7--9  a5e enecea.ş Su.ş Storne.ş Fu.ş Vi nor.ş 2uSu.ş )e5it.ş 2u.ş Stst 5,.ş Wuş  llın Y ilY nifuaırregese hY ioY mıt Y atoruia
umıoifıotYeoYtıaipıs. aıt ıcYoiobiyıoYltgaenruş3a8ş2rşWimnaesşidş2T tsş3ao t m .ş1vwI.şyisuşwvP.şffuşwwIvEwwI]u
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7-I9 ZO.şzuşRoYefuaiyıcYfı micYliaYuaıutaeopYfioise menYtıaipısrYgtrıcYioYfı mhs aefı mivhrestoıYt Ytfgeıo Yuaırrdaı
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sh nthes0taomse tiaRen thsoRaicT0xwvur cs.ş4oooolşia8ş-v0vP01vwP
7-P9 zen5n.şFuBu.ş%atdinl.şFu(uşCtn iarYtllın eopY mıY mıaftsYeordst eioYtocYtgatreioYaırer tonıYilYmıt Yaırer to Ymhcai.
ıo topsıcYoiobiyıoYgt eopYft ıaetsrYliaYdrıYeoYleaılepm ıaY daoid Yrde Y mıaftsYseoıaYrhr ıfruş3a8şWş:apş[tgnoş[egn.
7-]9 ze ao.ş Fu.ş Wss.ş zuMu.ş qmo eyoa.ş4uşRıaipısY eordst eioYliaYgdesceopYtuusent eiorMY tYr t ı.il. mı.ta YaıyeıbwY 3a8
7-69 )rertl.ş 4u.ş [mnpmooia.ş Su.ş Leap.ş Buş ,mıafiumhreisipentsYniflia YtotshrerYiltıaipısYotoiuta ensıY eoniauiat ıc
ltgaenYliaYleaıYlepm ıaBrYuai ın eyıYnsi meopuş3a8ş(rcthesoşealşSe ntesoş:aptantapwY1vwx.şyisuş1.şfuşxu
7xv9 [nth5.şWuş,mıYuiaıYr adn daıYcı ıafeot eioYilYRıaipısrxY3a8ş)fntapn0 nsepşw66].şyisuşx.şffuşw]PEw6Iu
7xw9 B.ş–uş,mıaftsYnmtatn ıaet eioYilYntagio.iutneleıcYresentYtıaipısruş3a8şWimnaesşidş/ia0(n,o esstaş)istlo.şw66I.şyisu
7x19 [nth5.şWuş,mıaftsYuaiuıa eırYilYresentYtıaipısruş3a8ş:ıYjidaotsYcıYFmhreSdıYăissiSdır.şw6]6.şyisuşIv.şfuşxu
7x-9 Ztiap.şZu.ş±eap.ş2u.şStorne.şFu.şStst 5,.şWuş,atoruia Yuaiuıa eırYilYtıaipıs.gtrıcYotoilegaidrYoiobiyıoYltgaenrx 3a8
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w2hrathesşOatynot ,şidşBtgnh.ş[ehms ,şidş2T tsş:aptantap.ş–fen ca şidş(si rtap.
) mla o5eş1.ş%moiye.şwxv1R1.şBtgnh.ş(NhrşFfmgsth
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... application in many fields of science and industry. They are used for self-cleaning coatings [15] for high-durable superhydrophobicity and antibacterial activity [16], for improvement in thermal performance of firefighter protective clothing [17,18], and improved durability and mechanical properties of concrete [19]. For this reason, research on novel methods of nanosilica production has been undertaken, which would allow for a significant improvement in the physicochemical properties of particles, as well as better control over their size, shape, and porosity. ...
... The investigations demonstrated excellent antibacterial activity and superhydrophobicity, along with high comfort properties and maximum durability for laundering. Naeem et al. used silicabased aerogels as insulation materials in protective clothing, especially for firefighters at higher temperatures [17,18]. Four combinations of high-performance fabrics (multilayer) were prepared, and transmission of heat through them was determined to evaluate the thermal protective performance in terms of transmitted flux density and percentage transmission factor. ...
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The main aim of the presented research was to obtain antibacterial fibers containing nanosilica with immobilized silver nanoparticles. The nanomodifier in an amount of 250 ppm, 500 ppm, 1,000 ppm, and 2,000 ppm were introduced into the cellulose fiber matrix during the cellulose dissolution process. In order to assess the influence of the nanomodifier's amount in the fiber on the antibacterial activity of modified fiber, a quantitative test of the antibacterial activity of the fibers was performed. The basic parameters of modified fibers, such as the mechanical and hygroscopic, were estimated. The size and shape of the nanomodifier in the selected fibers, as well as microanalysis of the polymer matrix, were examined. The investigations were conducted by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS). The obtained results allowed the selection of optimal fibers with strong antibacterial properties that can be potentially used for personal protection or medical purposes.
... The thermal barrier supports the body of a firefighter by blocking the amount of heat from reaching the firefighter's body [1]. The primary purpose of this firefighter protective Impact of ultraviolet radiation on thermal protective performance and comfort properties of firefighter protective clothing DOI garment is to protect the body of firefighter clothing from hazardous working atmospheres like flash fire, chemical spillage and radiant heat flux density [2][3][4][5]. ...
In this study, the impact of ultraviolet radiation is studied on thermal protective performance and clothing comfort properties of firefighter protective clothing. Firefighter clothing assembly consists of the outer shell, moisture barrier and thermal barrier. In this research, two different outer shells were utilized. Outer shell O1 consists of inherently fire- retardant fibres mainly consisting of Conex (Nomex) and firefighter assembly having Conex as the outer shell was called specimen A. On the other hand, clothing arrangement which employed Proban coated outer layer (O2) was termed as specimen B. Both specimens were evaluated for tensile testing, air permeability, radiant heat transmission machine, bending moment and water vapour resistance before and after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The tensile strength value of outer shell O2 was higher than that of O1 before and after exposure to UV radiation. Tensile strength values of both outer shells O1 and O2 decline after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Air permeability values of both outer shell O1 and O2 increase after being exposed to ultraviolet radiation. It was noted that specimen A has better thermal protective performance as compared to specimen B, before and after exposure to UV radiation. Also, radiant heat transmission index RHTI 24 values were greater for specimen A as compared to specimen B, before and after exposure to UV radiation. Moreover, bending moment values for both outer shell O1 and O2 decline after being subjected to UV radiation. Furthermore, Water vapour resistance values of outer shell O1 and outer shell O2 enhance after exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
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In order to improve the thermal stability and flexibility, cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) was modified with toluene diisocyanate–hydroxyethyl methacrylate (TDI–HEMA) adduct in various molar ratios. The obtained oligomer was characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies. Gloss, cross-hatch, contact angle, and Taber abrasion tests were all used to investigate the film forming performance of the modified CAB oligomers on glass plates. The UV-cured free films of the synthesized oligomers were examined in terms of the mechanical tests. By using the synthesized CAB oligomers, coating formulations were prepared and applied onto cotton fabrics in order to make the cotton fabrics more durable in outdoor environments. The existence of the coating layer on the fabric surfaces was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The coated UV-cured fabrics were evaluated separately in terms of abrasion, thermal conductivity, and air and water vapor permeability properties. Results proved that the oligomer (50%-CAB) in which 50% of the hydroxyl groups of CAB were reacted with TDI–HEMA adduct showed the best mechanical properties with the highest tensile strength and modulus values. Considering the coated fabrics, the least deformation against abrasion, the highest air/water vapor permeability, and the best thermal conductivity were all recorded in 50%-CAB coated sample.
In this research, toluene diisocyanate-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (TDI-HEMA) adduct was used to modify the hydroxyl groups on cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) structure. The obtained oligomer was characterized by Fourier transform infrared and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopies, and gel permeation chromatography, respectively. Then, the UV-cured free films of the modified CAB oligomers were investigated in terms of thermal degradation, physicochemical, wettability, and mechanical properties. The chemical modification process was performed in various percentages; then, the contribution of the unreacted hydroxyl groups of CAB on the wettability, thermal degradation, and air/water vapor permeability properties were all investigated. The mechanical properties, thermal stability, and surface wettability character of pure CAB were improved with TDI-HEMA adduct modification. Electrospinning was used to obtain a fibrous layer in order to search the air/water vapor permeability properties. Modification of CAB caused decline in air/water vapor barrier character and thus enhanced the permeability properties.
şWuFuşCeaıYlepm ıarYuai ın eyıYnsi meopYtocY mıaftsYıoyeaiofıo rYilYr adn datsYleaı.lepm eopuş3a8ş4)2Sş)ffh 2hrşMmgsw w66P
  • Beboia
7w9 Beboia.şWuFuşCeaıYlepm ıarYuai ın eyıYnsi meopYtocY mıaftsYıoyeaiofıo rYilYr adn datsYleaı.lepm eopuş3a8ş4)2Sş)ffh 2hrşMmgsw w66P.şyisuşw1P-.şffuş-xE-Iu
ş W ss .ş zuMu.ş qmo eyo a.ş4uş RıaipısY eordst eioY liaY gdesceopY tuusent eiorMY tY r t ı.il. mı.ta Y aıyeıbwY 3a8 :a np
  • Fu
ze ao.ş Fu.ş W ss.ş zuMu.ş qmo eyo a.ş4uş RıaipısY eordst eioY liaY gdesceopY tuusent eiorMY tY r t ı.il. mı.ta Y aıyeıbwY 3a8 :a np,şealşzmtsltapowY1vww.şx-kxA.şffuşPCwEPC6u
ş:u.şB .ş%u.şVtc.şWu.ş(rit.şWuş)tsect eioYilYnsi meopYeordst eioYır eft ıcYghYpsigtsYtocYrıaetsYfı micru 3a8ş3a nae tiaesşWimnaesşidş(si rtapş)ht ah şealş2 hraisip
  • B Şwu Şvi
B.şWu.şVi.ş:u.şB.ş%u.şVtc.şWu.ş(rit.şWuş)tsect eioYilYnsi meopYeordst eioYır eft ıcYghYpsigtsYtocYrıaetsYfı micru 3a8ş3a nae tiaesşWimnaesşidş(si rtapş)ht ah şealş2 hraisip,.ş1vww.şyisuş1-.şffuşw]xEw6]u