
Cloud Security Using 2-Factor Image Authentication Technique

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Cloud computing is being anticipated as the infrastructural basis of tomorrow's IT industry and continues to be a topic of interest of many new emerging IT firms. Cloud can deliver resources and services to computers and devices through internet. Since Cloud Computing involves outsourcing of sensitive data and critical information the security aspects of cloud need to be dealt carefully. Strong authentication, focusing mainly on user-authentication, acts as a pre-requisite for access control in the cloud environment. In this paper we discuss an efficient authentication mechanism to deal with the security threats that are faced by cloud. The method proposed in this paper prevents the confidential data and information of end users stored in a private cloud from unauthorized access by using a two-factor authentication involving shared image concept in addition with encrypted key authentication.MD5 hashing technique is used which takes binary pixel value of image as input and convert it into a 128-bit hash value. The overall process of authentication has been shown through experimental result and implementation which shows a series of snapshots taken from the chapter.

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Conference Paper
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