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The study aims to examine the effects of viral marketing on consumers purchasing decision among the students of administrative science college at Najran University. The population of this study is consisted of all the students of administrative science college at Najran University, which is according to the latest data, a number of 710 individuals. In order to measure the variables used in this research, a questionnaire was used. Validity of the above-mentioned questionnaire was confirmed by experts and their reliability were measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient that was respectively 0.697. Also, Statistical methods were used for the analysis of final descriptive and inferential statistics (methods like one-way sample test). The findings showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between the viral marketing and the purchase decision; In other words, viral marketing leads costumers to improve their purchase decisions.
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
Dr. Eltaj Mohammed Mohammed Ali Hamed
Assistant professor in Business Administration, Business Administrations Department,
Administrations Science College, Najran University
ABSTRACT: The study aims to examine the effects of viral marketing on consumers
purchasing decision among the students of administrative science college at Najran
University. The population of this study is consisted of all the students of administrative
science college at Najran University, which is according to the latest data, a number of 710
individuals. In order to measure the variables used in this research, a questionnaire was used.
Validity of the above-mentioned questionnaire was confirmed by experts and their reliability
were measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient that was respectively 0.697. Also,
Statistical methods were used for the analysis of final descriptive and inferential statistics
(methods like one-way sample test). The findings showed that there is a significant and positive
relationship between the viral marketing and the purchase decision; In other words, viral
marketing leads costumers to improve their purchase decisions.
KEYWORDS: Viral Marketing, Purchase decision
Integrating marketing principles with IT suggests new developed models for the marketing
world such as viral marketing(Aghdaie, et al, 20012).The viral marketing is specifically related
to its use of existing digital networks, which are relatively inexpensive, fast, and easy to use,
and often include a global consumers. It is easy to target a viral message because they naturally
circulate among persons with common behaviors or interests where viral marketing exploits
existing social networks byencouraging customers to share product information with their
friends. The technique is valuable for both consumers and companies. Consumers get things
they want, such asdiscounts, free products, or valuable information and the companies getting
Therefore, viral marketing (VM) assumes that as each new user starts using the service or
product, the advertising will go to everyone with whom that user interacts.Using the internet is
an ideal carrier for viral marketing (VM), the hosts (or personal computer users) are the ones
that actually do the hard work for the virus creators, spreading a virus via email and other social
media at the click of a button. A recipient (new host) may effectively spread a virus if that virus
is deemed worthy in their eyes, exponentially increasing the distribution and overall
effectiveness of the campaign.
The widespread use of the Internet by consumers to exchange information and pass it between
them and used it in online purchases is easy way through social media (intentionally or
unintentionally), makes them an effective tool to pass the advertising message between
them.According to the "small world" concept, "any pair of entities in a seemingly vast, random
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
network can actuallyconnect in a predictable way through relatively short paths of mutual
acquaintance. (Aghdaie, et al, 2012)
Generally, viral marketing involves the spreading of amarketing message viaword of mouse,
ensuring that the receivershave the interest to pass along the message to their acquaintances. In
addition, (VM) demonstrates the features of current marketing trends includes customization
marketing, interaction marketing, relationship marketing and influencer marketing (Yang,
2012).Thus, viral marketing can be thought of as a diffusion of information about the product
and its adoption over the network. (Leskovec, et al, 2007)
Research problem
Viral marketing(VM) is a very current marketing that has grown tremendously in the last
decade.The internet has made a revolution in today’s advertising and now it is possible for
organizations and consumers to communicate online through social medias such as
communities and blogs for much less costs than the traditional old way with TV, radio and
commercial newspapers. Viral marketing takes the traditional roots of word of mouth
marketing and exponentially expanded the reach through social networks, blogs, and other
technological mediums.
Becauseofnewtechnology and telecommunicationrevolution the consumer’s role and purchase
power has increased as a result. Therefore, with certainty that social media is something that
business can no longer ignore, this study aims to answer this question:
How the consumers purchasing act are being affected when being exposed to this new type
of marketing, will it lead to a purchase act or will it lead to push the consumer further away
from a purchase act or no effects at all?
Research importance
The research importance illustrates through the importance of the subject itself, as the viral
marketing subject boom in the world of marketing compared to traditional marketing, it has an
economic and social importance to business organizations.
Research objects
The main aim of this study is to specify the consumer trends towards viral marketing and its
role in affecting in online purchasing. As well, it tries to presentwhich factors are effective and
which ones are not regarding the trendsof consumers toward viral marketing.
The main hypothesis: There are no statistically significant relationship between viral
marketing and purchasing decision of consumers of various goods and services.
Sub hypotheses
H01: There areno statistically significant relationship between using of internet websites and
purchasing decision.
H02: There areno statistically significant relationship between the online purchase obstacles
and making a purchasing decision.
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
H03: There are no statistically significant relationship between not having a credit cardand
purchasing decision.
The data was collected using a structuredquestionnaire. The questionnaire was designed
following a wide reviewof the literature on viral marketing. It was divided into four parts.
Thefirst part was based on personal profile of the students. The secondconsisted of 29 close
ended items based onfive point Likert scale (Strongly Agree 5 to Strongly Disagree 1).
Initially a pilot test was conducted on 30 respondentsto check the reliability of the questionnaire
using the Cronbach’s α test. As a general rule a coefficient greater than or equal to 0.6 is
considered acceptable and is a good indicator of reliability. The Cronbach’s Alpha for the
questionnairedimension was found (0.893). This proves that it is reliable and can beused for
further analysis. A total of 110 respondents were administered this questionnaire and responses
were generated.
Viral marketing definition
Viral marketing is the term used to describe the method of online marketing that encourages
individuals to pass on a marketing message to others (Devi, 2015). According to (Lekhanya,
2014) the term ‘Viral Marketing’ describes the phenomenon by which consumers mutually
share and spread marketing relevant information initially sent out deliberately by markets to
stimulate and capitalize on word-of-mouth behaviour." In other words, viral marketing is a
marketing strategy that focuses on spreading information and opinions about a product or
service from person to person, especially by using unconventional means such as the Internet
or email: Which online social networks can help with viral marketing?
Basic Principles of Viral Marketing
Experts say that there are six basic principles of any viral marketing strategy (Devi, 2015):
a. Gives away products or services
b. Provides effortless and easy transfer to others
c. Scales up easily
d. Exploits general behavior and common motivations
e. Works using existing networks of communication
f. Takes full advantage of resources that are others’
Viral marketing strategy
You need to market your online business on a regular basis if you want to get tangible results
from marketing your business online. Web site traffic started increasing steadily and getting
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
more and more sales on a regular basis once stopped random marketing campaign and created
an online marketing plan. ( Here is
how you can create an online marketing strategy to bring in steady Web site traffic and sales:
1. Take stock of marketing that you have already done. Spend some time reviewing
marketing you have done to date so that you will not have to do the same work twice.
2. Create an online marketing strategy for your business.Your strategy should consist of
a process that will reliably bring your potential customers to your Web site every single
day, and should outline different online marketing techniques, such as business
blogging, article marketing, search engine optimization, and others, and how you are
going to use them to bring your potential customers to your Web site.
3. Start implementing your online marketing strategy.You can't implement your strategy
in just one day. Instead, break your strategy into many manageable tasks that are easy
to complete and that you can add to your schedule.
The Viral marketing mix
For a viral marketing, DuFour,(2011) highlights the following important points the
companies have to focus on:
1. To propose valuable product or service: the attention has to be attracted by the “free”
element. It generates a wave of interest and generates it faster in order to sell
2. The product or service has to be provided for an effortless transfer to others: it’s
easier when it’s easy to transmit. You have to work instantly because digital format is
easy to copy. So the message has to be simplified.
3. Use different types of scales: the transmission method has to be scalable from small to
very large. Mail servers must be added very quickly in a viral model.
4. Meet common motivations and behaviors: a viral campaign must be love and
understand by people. The marketing strategy has to be designed and built on
common motivations and behaviors for its transmission.
5. Use existing communication networks: It’s not a secret anymore more people are
social. The human network is powerful and thanks to that, the message will be
multiply for its dispersion.
6. Take advantage through other resource: By using links on website, give away free
article on others web’s page etc. You can also multiply the view of the offer
Power of Viral Marketing
The viral marketing concept is to get customers to pass along messages to other people.The
company influences the message just in the beginning of the campaign, then whenthe virus is
taking over the companies holds little control over to who the message isbeing spread to.
Consumers will share their opinions towards brands with or without this being knownfrom the
companies. The power of a negative or a positive opinion towards a brand is ofhighly
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
importance. Companies are therefore very interested in positively influencing the message
being advertised through integrated viral marketing strategies.
It is important that marketers and companies understand how the word of mouth isaffecting
their information about products, brands and firms (Brown et al, 2007). If a message gets a
positive effect through a viral marketing campaign this can be spread veryfast and maybe lead
to a purchase in the consumers buying act. On the other hand anegative word of mouth can be
spread just as fast but instead maybe push the consumerfurther away from a purchase in the
consumers buying act.
Effective Viral Messages
Messages in viral marketing could be a words, sounds, videos or images that compel the
audience to pass them along. If a company want people to consider and act on a communication
massage, first it have to gain the audience’s attention. Attention statements require sparks and
triggers. To design a message to go viral, consider these three factors (Noveck, J. 2009, June):
1. Does it have an emotional appeal that people will feel compelled to share?
2. Does it have a trigger (does it challenge, provide novelty, or incorporate humor to
motivate interest)?
3. Is it relevant to the audience?
The Consumer’s purchase decision-making Process (FEMA, 2005):
Keep in mind, however, that different people, no matter how similar they are, make different
purchasing decisions.Stages in the Consumer’s Purchasing Process outlines the buying stages
consumers go through, mentioned as follows:
Stage 1. Need Recognition: Marketers often try to stimulate consumers into realizing they have
a need for a product.
Stage 2. Search for Information: Maybe you have owned several backpacks and know what
you like and don’t like about them. Or, there might be a particular brand that you’ve purchased
in the past that you liked and want to purchase in the future. This is a great position for the
company that owns the brand to be insomething firms strive for. Why? Because it often
means you will limit your search and simply buy their brand again.
Step 3. Select an Alternative: The third step in the problem-solving model is to select one of
the alternativesexplored in Step 2 for implementation. After you have evaluated
eachalternative, one should stand out as coming closest to solving the problem withthe most
advantages and fewest disadvantages.
Step 4. Implementation: Implementing the solution may not be easy, however. There may
berepercussions, and you should complete a “reality check” to identify andevaluate the possible
consequences of implementing the solution. Carefullyconsider how the solution will be
implemented before selecting an alternative.
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
Step 5. Evaluate the Situation:
Evaluation involves two parts; first monitoring progress, which leads to understand whether
the situation has changed, if there are more (or fewer) resources required, and if the different
alternative solution required are made. Monitoring the success and results of a decision is an
ongoing process that is critical to fine tuning a course of action. Secondly, evaluating the results
to know whether the purchase decisions are achieved its goals or not.
Previous studies
Chu (2011): This study examines the potential link of Facebook group participation with viral
advertising responses. The results suggest that college-aged Facebook group members engage
in higher levels of self-disclosure and maintain more favorable attitudes toward social media
and advertising in general than do nongroup members. However, Facebook group participation
does not exert an influence on users' viral advertising pass-on behaviors. The results also
identify variations in predictors of pass on behaviors between group members and
nonmembers. These findings have theoretical and managerial implications for viral advertising
on Facebook.
Zernigah & Sohail (2012): The research was conducted to investigate consumers’ attitude
towards viral marketing in Pakistan. The study findings indicate a positive relationship between
the independent variables of informativeness, entertainment and source credibility with the
dependent variable of attitude towards viral marketing, informativeness and source credibility
being the most important attributes affecting attitude towards viral marketing, whereas,
irritation has no significant effect on consumers’ attitude towards viral marketing.
Aghdaie et al, 2012: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the consumers’ trust effect on
viral marketing acceptance, and verified the technology acceptance model too. It was followed
by some managerial implications for the companies in order to design their viral marketing
campaigns to be more successful. The study findings indicate that consumer's trust not
necessarily affects the consumer's perceived usefulness in engaging in viral marketing (VM),
but the trust affects the consumer's attitude and the consumer's intention to engaging in viral
marketing (VM).
Pescher, 2014: The study aims to identify and understand the factors that influence consumer
referral behavior via mobile devices. The authors analyze a three-stage model of consumer
referral behavior via mobile devices in a field study of a firm-created mobile viral marketing
campaign. The findings suggest that consumers who place high importance on the purposive
value and entertainment value of a message are likely to enter the interest and referral stages.
Koch & Benlian, (2015): The goal and main contribution of this paper are to shed light on the
potential of scarcity and personalization, and established promotional tactics from the offline
world in influencing consumer referral decisions and therefore to expand our understanding of
the antecedents of consumer referral behavior. The finding of the study support the premise
that scarcity due to social demand has a positive causal effect on consumers' propensity to
engage in referrals. Furthermore, they could specifically confirm that offer value acts as partial
mediator for the effect of scarcity on consumer referral likelihood.
Data Analysis:
For analyzing research data, several statistical tools are used include the followings:
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
1. Cronbach’s Alpha to identify the reliability
2. Statistical descriptive analysis for percentage, means and standard deviations.
3. One way Anova to examine the study hypothesis.
The reliability
Reliabilitycoefficient extracted according to Cronbach’s Alphafor consistency as total for all
study variables where reliability coefficient values reaching (69.7%) higher than the acceptance
ratio (60%), this result reveals thatthe questionnairephrasesbecome a valid and appropriate for
the statistical analysis purposes as shown in the table (1).
Table (1) Cronbach’s Alpha results
The Variables
Phrases No
Cronbach's Alpha
Purchase Decision
All variables
Descriptive Analysis:
Percentage and Frequencies of personal data:
Table (2) analysis results of personal data
Valid Percent
Public management
18 - 25 year
25 - 31 year
Table (2) illustrate thatthe Specialty profile depicts that (41.9%) of respondents were Public
Management while Business specialty represents the lowest percentage among the respondents
with (6.8%). The Age Profile reveals that the majority of respondents were of age 18 - 25 years
(98.3%), followed by 25 - 31years (1.7%).
Means and Standard deviation:
To reach the study results, the means and standard deviations calculated for each variable. The
categories are as follows: 1 and less than 1.8 Strongly Agree, 1.8 Less than 2.6 agree, 2.6 Less
than 3.4 to some extent, 3.4 Less than 4.2 do not agree, 4.2 Less than 5 Strongly Disagree.
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
Table (3) Mean & Std. Deviation Analytical Results
The dimensions
Std. Deviation
online purchase
online purchase obstructions
telling others specific informations to a brand
online purchasing decision
Total Average
Table (3) shows the mean values for the variables. The total average respondentscore on overall
viral marketing reached (2.6347) on a five point Likert scale, which means that the respondents
agree to some extent for all questionnaire phrases. This is above the neutral score, which
implies that respondents’ overall attitude towards viral marketing and purchase decision is
Hypotheses Analysis and Test
The main hypothesis: There are no statistically significant relationship between viral marketing
and purchasing decision of consumers of various goods and services.
Table (4) F. test analyses results
Sum of
Table (4) illustrates that the value of (F) calculated (3.811) is more than (F) Tabulated (1.57)
at a significance level (p<0.05), therefore, this demonstrates that the independent variable
(viral marketing) have a significance relationship with the dependent variable of purchasing
decision, where sig value approve that (0.000). This means that the main hypothesis is rejected,
where the substituted hypothesis (H1: There are statistically significant relationship between
viral marketing and purchasing decision of consumers of various goods and services) is
H01: There are no statistically significant relationship between using of internet websites and
purchasing decision
Table (5) F. test analyses results
Sum of
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
From the table (5) we can see that the value of (F) calculated (0.709) is less than (F) Tabulated
(1.77) at a significance level (p<0.05), therefore, this demonstrates that the independent
variable(internet) have no significant relationship with the dependent variable of purchasing
decision variables, where the significance value approve that (0.770) .This means that the H01
is accepted.
H02: There are no statistically significant relationship between the online purchase obstacles
and making a purchasing decision.
Table (6) F. test analyses results
Sum of
From the table (6) we can see that the value of (F) calculated (3.337) is greater than (F)
Tabulated (1.65) at a significance level (p<0.05), therefore, this demonstrates that the
independent variable (online purchase obstructions) have significant relationship with the
dependent variable of purchasing decision variables. This means that the H02 is rejected,
where the substituted hypothesis (H2: There are statistically significant relationship between
the online purchase obstacles and making a purchasing decision).
H03: There are no statistically significant relationship telling others specific informations to a
brand and purchasing decision.
Table (7) F. test analyses results
nt variable
Sum of
Between Groups
Within Groups
From the table (7) we can see that the value of (F) calculated (1.046) is less than (F) Tabulated
(1.73) at a significance level (p<0.05), therefore, this demonstrates that the independent
British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
variable (telling others specific informations) have a significant relationship with the
dependent variable of purchasing decision variables.This means that the H03 is accepted.
Research findings showed that there is a significant and positive relationship between the viral
marketing and the purchase decision; In other words, viral marketing leads costumers to
improve their purchase decisions.
The findings also showed that the use of internet have no significant relationship with the
dependent variable of purchasing decision. This demonstrates that the independent variable
(using internet in online purchase) have no significant relationship with the dependent variable
of purchasing decision.
The findings showed that the variable (online purchase obstructions) have significant
relationship with the dependent variable of purchasing decision.
The findings also revealed that the independent variable (telling others specific informations)
have a significant relationship with the dependent variable of purchasing decision variables.
The research recommended that for the companies to attain the benefits of viral marketing
should encourage their customers to fully utilize viral marketing with the aid of social
networking websites and other social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and
individual blogs. The companies should also aware about obstacles that face the customers
when they were dealing online either with their products or to minimize negative comments.
Aghdaie, Seyed Fathollah Amiri, Ali Sanayei & Mehdi Etebari, Evaluation of the Consumers’
Trust Effect on Viral Marketing Acceptance Based on the Technology Acceptance Model,
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Interactive Marketing 32 (2015) 3752.
Lekhanya, Lawrence Mpele, The Impact Of Viral Marketing On Corporate Brand Reputation,
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British Journal of Marketing Studies
Vol.5, No.4, pp. 61-71, May 2017
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
ISSN 2053-4043(Print), ISSN 2053-4051(Online)
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... The significance figure for the influence of viral marketing on purchasing decisions was obtained, p-value 0.000 > 0.05, so it was concluded that H1 was accepted, which means that viral marketing had a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. The results of this research are in line with previous research conducted by Hamed (2017) which provides evidence that viral marketing influences purchasing decisions. This result could be because Scarlett products are not currently viral, so the viral marketing variable does not have a significant influence on users' purchasing decisions. ...
... In previous research, the use of viral marketing using social media with cultural products, namely batik, had a significant effect on purchase intentions. Viral marketing carried out by retail stores using social media also gave positive results on purchase intentions (Hamed, 2017). The use of Instagram has now become A social media platform that has various features that can facilitate personal, business, and corporate use. ...
Previous research states that viral marketing has an important role in increasing consumer purchasing intentions, viral marketing can also encourage increased brand awareness. This research aims to analyze the relationship between Viral marketing and purchasing decisions, Brand awareness and purchasing decisions, and Viral marketing and purchasing decisions. This research method is quantitative through surveys, research data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires to 720 selected online shop customers in Indonesia using a simple random sampling method, and the online questionnaire was designed using statement items with a Likert scale of 1 to 7. Data analysis used a structural equation model based on covariance (CB-SEM) with SmartPLS 4.0 software to analyze research data. The independent variables are viral marketing and brand awareness, and the dependent variable is purchasing decisions. The stages of data analysis are validity testing, reliability testing, model fit testing, and significance testing of hypothesis testing. The results of this research are that Viral marketing has a positive and significant relationship with purchasing decisions, Brand awareness has a positive and significant relationship with purchasing decisions, and Viral marketing has a positive and significant relationship with purchasing decisions. Viral marketing is one of the factors that can influence purchase intentions. Viral marketing is expected to have multiple effects because many people who receive the message can convey it to tens or even hundreds of other internet users. Brand awareness can influence consumers toward purchasing decisions, which states that brand awareness has a significant influence on purchasing decisions.
... Katerina et al. indicated that when consumers are satisfied with the purchased products or the services received, they will share the information and products with their families via email, social media, etc., making the products a trending topic on social media and thus enhancing consumers' purchase intention [2]. Hamed's research confirmed that viral marketing can influence consumers' purchase decisions [3]. The research of Aminudin Azis also confirms that viral marketing has a significant positive impact on purchase intention and purchasing decision [4]. ...
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In the context of the digital era, the popularity of the Internet and social media provides an opportunity for the development of viral marketing. Through a comprehensive review and analysis of related studies, the article delves into the impact of viral marketing on consumer behavior from three aspects: word-of-mouth marketing, brand awareness and social platforms. In word-of-mouth marketing, consumer satisfaction prompts them to share product information, and the multidimensional value of brand marketing campaigns stimulates consumers to actively participate, thus influencing purchase decisions, which is a key element of viral marketing. Brand awareness has a significant impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. Viral marketing can increase brand awareness, enhance consumers' trust and favor towards products, and at the same time, the improvement of brand awareness also contributes to information dissemination, and the two promote each other. The interactivity, browsing duration, and perceived ease of use of social platforms all have an impact on consumer behavior. Interactivity promotes information exchange, an increase in browsing duration affects purchase intention, and perceived ease of use improves the user experience and trust.
... Sementara itu, perkembangan UMKM dari tahun ke tahun dipengaruhi oleh pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan sistem informasi. E-commerce adalah salah satu teknologi yang menopang perkembangan usaha kecil dan perdagangan dewasa ini (Mumtahana et al., 2017;Hamed, 2017). Bersumber pada survei yang dilakukan oleh LIPI menampilkan sepanjang pandemi, 94,69% usaha hadapi penyusutan penjualan. ...
Small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are a significant part of the economy of a country or region (including Indonesia). The development of the MSME sector has an important meaning in encouraging economic growth and reducing the poverty rate of a country. This study aims to determine the effect of online promotion and brand image on purchasing decisions on UMKM Whynostalgia products in Bogor. The data collection method used was the distribution of written questionnaires and the distribution of online questionnaires using Google Forms and path analysis is the data analysis technique used. The results of the analysis show that online promotion and brand image have a partially and simultaneously significant positive effect on purchasing decisions for UMKM Whynostalgia products in Bogor.
... Viral marketingmerupakan teknikpemasaran menggunakan media elektronik untuk mencapai tujuan pemasaran, hal ini menjadi fenomena yang dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian konsumen (Hamed, 2018). Menurut Tjiptono (2008), inti dari viral marketing yaitu strategi pemasaran yang dapat membuat orang-orang terutama pengguna media sosial untuk membicarakan terkait perusahaan tersebut baik secara langsung ataupun melalui media sosial mereka. ...
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Viral marketing is currently a phenomenon that is used to spur buying interest to increase purchases,based on this phenomenon, this study aims to analyze the contribution of viral marketing to the purchase of McDonald's products. The respondents in this study were 205 young McDonald's customers who actively use social media, while the data in this study were collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale (scale 1-5) where the variables used consisted of buying interest, viral marketing, and purchasing decisions. The data obtained were analyzed using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) and using WarpPLS Version 8.0. The results of the study indicate that buying interest has a significant positive influence on purchasing decisions and viral marketing has a significant positive contribution to the influence of buying interest on McDonald's product purchasing decisions.
... Maka dari itu semakin luasnya pesan yang disebarkan oleh konsumen lain dapat meningkatkan keputusan pembelian konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian produk Mixue Ice Cream & Tea. Hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh Ali Hamed (2017) bahwa viral marketing mengarahkan konsumen untuk meningkatkan keputusan pembelian, dari anggapan pesan yang telah disebarluaskan tersebut membuat para konsumen lebih memercayai untuk melakukan pembelian. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa viral marketing bekerja dengan baik dalam meningkatkan penjualan. ...
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This study aims to determine the effect of electronic word of mouth, viral marketing, halal certification, and brand image on purchasing decisions of Mixue Ice Cream & Tea. The independent variables in this study consisted of electronic word of mouth, viral marketing, halal certification, and brand image as well as the decision to purchase Mixue Ice Cream & Tea as the dependent variable. This study used 365 respondents. Data collection was carried out in this study using a questionnaire distribution technique containing several statements and questions which were arranged systematically. With the data collection model, spread online questionnaires using the Google Form. The data sources used are primary and secondary data sources and use SmartPLS version 4 for data analysis. The results of this study indicate that electronic word of mouth, viral marketing, and halal certification have an influence on the decision to purchase Mixue Ice Cream & Tea. Meanwhile, brand image has no effect on purchasing decisions of Mixue Ice Cream & Tea.
... Viral marketing is defined as electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM ) for consumers that is transformed into an exponential growth through social media applications (Jin & Ryu, 2018;Kaplan & Haenlein, 2011). The main objective of viral marketing is to expand marketing campaigns using social networks, blogs, and other technologies (Hamed, 2017) to a particular target market, to promote a product (Richardson & Domingos, 2012). It means that a communication process is essential for viral marketing and acts as a tool for companies to inform, persuade, remind, and create consumer awareness directly or indirectly about a product or service they offer. ...
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A trailer is a brief description of a film and provides a 1 to 3 minute cinematic experience that displays images from the film to influence consumer behavior. This research was conducted to propose a conceptual model regarding affective, cognitive, and environmental responses to viral marketing, which are moderated by audience behavior, for the movie trailer of “Spiderman: Far from Home.” The film was released in July 2019 by Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This study adopted the wheel of consumer analysis to bridge the research gap. An online survey was forwarded to 200 respondents using structured questionnaires through social media sites, such as Line, WhatsApp, Facebook, and e-mail. The data were then analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that the audience’s affective, cognitive, and environmental responses significantly influenced viral marketing. The results further indicated that the audience’s behavior was not a moderating variable, as the significance level was less than 0.05. The results can contribute to determining social media marketing strategies for promoting film trailers that are beneficial for companies, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, the companies can grow and become more competitive in the film industry. Although this study discusses viral marketing in the film industry, the results can also contribute to other industries, in order to increase the popularity of their products.
Tokopedia is the most visited e-commerce platform in Indonesia. But now there is a problem because Tokopedia is still below its competitors in purchasing decisions for generation Z. So the problem formulation in this study is whether customer reviews, customer ratings, and viral marketing influence purchasing decisions. This study has the objective of knowing, proving, and analyzing the influence of customer reviews, customer ratings, and viral marketing on purchasing decisions. The population in this study is generation Z consumers who have made purchases at Tokopedia in Jakarta. The sample used was 100 respondents, with quantitative data types and non-probability sampling methods (purposive sampling). The analysis technique uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that the variables customer review, customer rating, and viral marketing have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions. This study obtained the result that the customer review variable had the highest influence on the t-statistic test, which was 49.2%. Keywords:customer reviews, customer ratings, viral marketing,purchase decision, e-commerce
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İnternetin tüm insanlar arasında yaygın kullanımı, işletmelerin müşterilere ulaşmak için yeni yollar keşfetmesini teşvik etmiştir. Web 2.0 ve sosyal medyanın ortaya çıkışı, ağızdan ağıza iletişimi, elektronik ağızdan ağıza pazarmaya dönüştürmüş ve viral pazarlamanın yayılımını kolaylaştırmıştır. Ağızdan ağıza pazarlamanın elektronik bir uzantısı olarak ortaya çıkan viral pazarlama, işletmelerin tüketicileri diğer tüketicilere ticari mesajları iletmesini sağlamak için kullandığı çevrimiçi pazarlama yöntemleridir. Viral pazarlamada amaç, en kısa sürede ve en düşük maliyetle çok sayıda potansiyel müşteriye ulaşmaktır. Viral pazarlama işletmelere marka bilinirliğini, satışları ve web sitesi trafiğini arttırma gibi birçok avantaj sunmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bir içeriği viral hale getirmek ve viral pazarlamayı uygulamak kolay değildir; çeşitli zorluklar içermektedir. Bu çalışma viral pazarlama ile ilgili geniş bir kavramsal çerçeve oluşturmaya odaklanmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma viral pazarlamanın avantajları, zorlukları ve stratejilerini de inceleyerek işletme yöneticilerine ilgili pazarlama kararlarında yardımcı olmayı amaçlamaktadır. The widespread use of the internet among all people has encouraged businesses to discover new ways to reach customers. The advent of social media and Web 2.0 has transformed word-of-mouth into electronic word-of-mouth marketing and facilitated the spread of viral marketing. Emerging as an electronic extension of word-of-mouth marketing, viral marketing is the online marketing method businesses use to get consumers to deliver commercial messages to other consumers. In viral marketing, the aim is to reach many potential customers in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. Viral marketing offers businesses many advantages, such as increasing brand awareness, sales, and website traffic. However, it is not easy to go viral and implement viral marketing as; it contains various difficulties. This study focuses on creating a broad conceptual framework for viral marketing. In addition, the study aims to help business managers make relevant marketing decisions by examining the advantages, challenges, and strategies of viral marketing.
Consumer behavior is an important thing that is considered by marketers. With changes in consumer behavior, this study aims to analyze the effect of Instagram advertising and viral marketing on purchasing decisions with brand awareness as a mediating variable. The re-search is focused on culinary business in Denpasar City. The research population is the peo-ple in Denpasar City. The sample used was 140 respondents aged 25-34 years who are ac-tive Instagram users. The data collection method is through a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert measurement scale. Data analysis used to answer the research hypothesis is inferen-tial analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that Instagram advertising did not have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions but had a significant ef-fect through mediation of brand awareness. Meanwhile, viral marketing directly or indirect-ly has a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
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Pemilik bisnis semakin banyak memakai aplikasi Tik Tok yang populer untuk memasarkan barang mereka ke banyak orang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat 1) pengaruh viral marketing terhadap minat beli konsumen. 2) Pengaruh Kepercayaan Pelanggan terhadap Niat Beli 3) Pengaruh Viral Marketing dan Kepercayaan Konsumen terhadap Niat Beli Konsumen Untuk menyelidiki apakah ada hubungan antara karakteristik tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kuantitatif dalam hubungannya dengan penelitian asosiatif, sejenis penelitian formulasi masalah. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengiriman survei melalui situs online. Besar sampel penelitian ini adalah 140 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling, serta analisis regresi linier berganda. Temuan pengelolaan data menunjukkan bahwa variabel viral marketing berpengaruh cukup besar terhadap minat beli pelanggan pada akun tiktok @infoasikdimas. Akun Tik Tok @infoasikdimas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel Kepercayaan Konsumen yang berpengaruh terhadap Niat Beli Konsumen. Minat Beli Konsumen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap unsur Viral Marketing akun Tik Tok @infoasikdimas dan Kepercayaan Pelanggan.
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This paper reports on the impact of viral marketing on corporate brand reputation. The study aimed to analyse and evaluate the use of viral marketing and the impact it has on the reputation of corporate branding of South African companies. The study was conducted in four South African provinces. The sample consisted of 75 companies, selected using a stratified sampling method, with respondents completing a five-point Likert scale questionnaire with the assistance of an interviewer. The results revealed that the majority of respondents were either neutral or disagreed that people make positive comments about their companies via viral marketing. The paper will benefit company managers, marketing managers, company owners, and all affiliated stakeholders in emphasizing a new way to consider future viral marketing strategies, understanding its impact on corporate brand reputation, and how to manage negative comments pertaining to corporate brand reputation. Most work on viral marketing has concentrated on viral marketing campaigns, with little emphasis on the impact of viral marketing on corporate brand reputation. The findings are limited by the studys exploratory, quantitative nature and small sample. Generalizing should be done with care and further research with larger samples and consideration of other provinces is therefore recommended.
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Integrating marketing principles with IT suggests new developed models for the marketing world such as viral marketing (VM). On the other hand, lots of prior studies have theoretically articulated and empirically examined the fact that trust is the essence of any human interaction especially for the online activities. Grounded on the viral marketing and trust literature, this descriptive and applied study, was targeted to integrate trust and viral marketing through the technology acceptance model (TAM). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the consumers’ trust effect on viral marketing acceptance. Respondents to the questionnaire are 69 experts responsible for the selection and purchase of the medical equipment in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. This study is originated from the perspective of the graduated consumers whose behaviors look different from the average. Applying a census-based methodology and statistical analysis, especially path analysis, the study showed that trust plays an important role in the attitude toward engaging in VM and in the intention of the consumers to engage and finally to actual use of VM by the experts. This study verified TAM too. It was followed by some managerial implications for the companies in order to design their viral marketing campaigns to be more successful. Finally, considering the findings and the limitations of this study, some academic suggestions for further researches have been made.
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We present an analysis of a person-to-person recommendation network, consisting of 4 million people who made 16 million recommendations on half a million products. We observe the propagation of recommendations and the cascade sizes, which we explain by a simple stochastic model. We analyze how user behavior varies within user communities defined by a recommendation network. Product purchases follow a 'long tail' where a significant share of purchases belongs to rarely sold items. We establish how the recommendation network grows over time and how effective it is from the viewpoint of the sender and receiver of the recommendations. While on average recommendations are not very effective at inducing purchases and do not spread very far, we present a model that successfully identifies communities, product and pricing categories for which viral marketing seems to be very effective.
A number of marketing phenomena are too complex for conventional analytical or empirical approaches. This makes marketing a costly process of trial and error: proposing, imagining, trying in the real world, and seeing results. Alternatively, Agent-based Social Simulation (ABSS) is becoming the most popular approach to model and study these phenomena. This research paradigm allows modeling a virtual market to: design, understand, and evaluate marketing hypotheses before taking them to the real world. However, there are shortcomings in the specialized literature such as the lack of methods, data, and implemented tools to deploy a realistic virtual market with ABSS. To advance the state of the art in this complex and interesting problem, this paper is a seven-fold contribution based on a (1) method to design and validate viral marketing strategies in Twitter by ABSS. The method is illustrated with the widely studied problem of rumor diffusion in social networks. After (2) an extensive review of the related works for this problem, (3) an innovative spread model is proposed which rests on the exploratory data analysis of two different rumor datasets in Twitter. Besides, (4) new strategies are proposed to control malicious gossips. (5) The experimental results validate the realism of this new propagation model with the datasets and (6) the strategies performance is evaluated over this model. (7) Finally, the article is complemented by a free and open-source simulator.
Against the backdrop of consumers being deluged with traditional online advertising, which is increasingly manifesting in inefficient conversion outcomes, viral marketing has become a pivotal component of marketing strategy. However, despite a robust understanding about the impact of viral marketing as well as of factors that drive consumer referral engagement, we know very little about the effect of traditional promotional tactics on consumer referral decisions. Drawing on a randomized field experiment in the context of an online fashion service named StyleCrowd, we investigate the effects of scarcity and personalization, two classical promotional cues that have become ubiquitous on the web and have received only minimal attention hitherto, on actual referral behavior. Our analysis reveals that using these cues in promotional campaigns is a balancing act: While scarcity cues affect referral propensity regardless of whether a campaign is personalized or not, personalization cues are particularly effective when scarcity is absent, yet are cancelled out when scarcity is prevalent. We demonstrate that consumers' perceptions of offer value drive the impact of scarcity on referral likelihood, while consumer gratitude vis-à-vis the marketer is the underlying mechanism for personalization's influence on referral decisions.
Online viral campaigns require a seeding strategy that involves choosing the first-generation consumers to spread a viral message to. Building on social-capital theory and social-network analysis, this research examines key aspects of the seeding strategy by tracking the diffusion of 101 new videos published on You Tube. The results show that the need for a "big-seed" strategy (i.e., using many seed consumers) depends on message quality. Furthermore, one should choose consumers who have strong ties with the advertiser and who also have strong influence on others, rather than simply wider reach. Among seed consumers, they should share a moderate amount of interest overlap instead of being too homogeneous or heterogeneous as a group.
The high penetration of cell phones in today's global environment offers a wide range of promising mobile marketing activities, including mobile viral marketing campaigns. However, the success of these campaigns, which remains unexplored, depends on the consumers' willingness to actively forward the advertisements that they receive to acquaintances, e.g., to make mobile referrals. Therefore, it is important to identify and understand the factors that influence consumer referral behavior via mobile devices. The authors analyze a three-stage model of consumer referral behavior via mobile devices in a field study of a firm-created mobile viral marketing campaign. The findings suggest that consumers who place high importance on the purposive value and entertainment value of a message are likely to enter the interest and referral stages. Accounting for consumers' egocentric social networks, we find that tie strength has a negative influence on the reading and decision to refer stages and that degree centrality has no influence on the decision-making process.
Empirical studies investigating the antecedents of positive word of mouth (WOM) typically focus on the direct effects of consumers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with previous purchasing experiences. The authors develop and test a more comprehensive model of the antecedents of positive. WOM (both intentions and behaviors), including consumer identification and commitment. Specifically, they hypothesize and test commitment as a mediator and moderator of satisfaction on positive WOM and commitment as a mediator of identification on WOM. Using data obtained from customers of a retailer offering both products and services, they find support for all hypothesized relationships with WOM intentions and/or WOM behaviors as the dependent variable. The authors conclude with a discussion of their findings and implications for both marketing theory and practice.
Recent Trends in Viral Marketing and its Transmission
  • M Devi
  • Renuka
Devi, M. Renuka, Recent Trends in Viral Marketing and its Transmission, Indian Journal of Research ISSN -2250-1991, Volume: 4 | Issue: 7 | July2015.
An Investigation Into The Use Of Viral Marketing For The Companies And The Key Success Factors Of A good Viral Campaign
  • Carole Dufour
DuFour, Carole, An Investigation Into The Use Of Viral Marketing For The Companies And The Key Success Factors Of A good Viral Campaign, Dublin Business School, June 2011.