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Leg-drive Does Not Affect Upper Extremity Muscle Activation during a Bench Press Exercise

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 7(1): 12-17, 2019
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2019.070103
Leg-drive Does Not Affect Upper Extremity Muscle
Activation during a Bench Press Exercise
Jacob K. Gardner1,*, Justin T. Chia2, Kelsey L. Miller1
1Department of Kinesiology and Health Science, Biola University, USA
2Department of Health and Human Development, Western Washington University, USA
Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine if
muscle activity of upper extremity muscles differed
depending on the involvement of the legs during a bench
press. The study included 15 male and 12 female
recreationally trained, college age participants. There were
2 testing sessions. Session 1: Participants performed a
1-repetition maximum in a standard bench press followed
by a leg-drive familiarization. For the familiarization,
participants were instructed in the leg-drive technique
(buttocks remained on the bench) and given ample time to
practice until comfortable and which satisfied the
researchers. Leg-drive pressing force was verified by
measuring anterior-posterior and vertical ground reaction
forces measured by a force plate. Session 2: Outfitted with
surface electromyography (EMG), participants performed
3 repetitions in the bench press with 75% of the standard
bench press 1-repetition maximum (1RM) under three
conditions: 1) standard 2) leg-drive, 3) legs-in-the-air. The
normalized average of the peaks of the three reps for each
muscle were analyzed using a 2 x 3 (gender x condition)
ANOVA. The ANOVA revealed no significant differences
across groups or conditions (pectoralis major p = 0.405,
anterior deltoid p = 0.297, triceps brachii p = 0.092). When
comparing a standard bench press to leg-drive, our results
indicate that similar amounts of muscle activation are
required for the task regardless of the leg involvement. This
work indicates that using a leg-drive technique that does
not allow the buttocks to rise from the bench, does not
result in a change in upper extremity muscle activity
compared to a standard bench press. Due to lack of
differences across conditions, athletes and strength coaches
should base their decision on the use of leg-drive on their
personal preference.
Keywords Lower-extremity, Electromyography,
Resistance Training, Muscle Contraction
1. Introduction
Resistance exercise is an essential component to the
training regime of athletes and the general public alike. The
bench press is commonly used as a measure of upper-body
strength with the prime movers being the pectoralis major,
the triceps brachii, and the anterior deltoids (1). While it is
clear that the bench press is an upper-body exercise, it is
less clear to what extent the lower extremities are, or
should be, involved in the exercise. Professional
organizations such as the National Strength and
Conditioning Association instruct that the left and right feet
of the lifter are to remain on the floor during the lift for
stability as 2 (out of 5) points of contact (13). Anecdotal
evidence in weight rooms suggest that it may be beneficial
to use the lower extremities as a performance enhancing
driving mechanism in addition to stability. To accomplish
such a task, lifters flex at the knee to move the foot behind a
vertical plane at the knee joint in order to press with their
legs (leg-drive) while performing the lift.
Observationally, many weight-training participants
indicate that leg-drive while performing the bench press
gives them a sense of improved performance. In an article
about inter-subject variability of muscle synergies during a
bench press, authors Kristiansen et al. discovered that
experienced power lifters utilized the vastus lateralis
muscle while lifting 75% of a 3 repetition maximum (RM)
load (8). Interestingly, untrained individuals in the same
study did not exhibit this same muscle activation pattern in
the lower extremities. The authors suggested that the use of
the vastus lateralis in experienced lifters acts to
isometrically extend the knee, resulting in increased
stability and stiffness of the torso, allowing greater strength
expression (8). However, these authors did not control for
participant posture and it was noted that the experienced
lifters tended to arch their backs during the lift. Thus, the
increased vastus lateralis activation could partly be due to
driving the legs but also could be due to the effort required
to maintain an arched position.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 7(1): 12-17, 2019 13
Little other scientific evidence exists on the effects of
leg-drive on bench press performance. Therefore, the
purpose of this study was to compare muscle activation of
the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps brachii
muscles during three bench press conditions. The three
conditions included: 1. Feet on ground but not driving
(standard (13), figure 1a), 2. Feet on ground and driving
(leg-drive, figure 1b), and 3. Feet off the ground with hips
and knees flexed to 90 degrees (feet-in-the-air, figure 1c).
Due to limited literature on leg-involvement during a bench
press, it was hypothesized that no differences in muscle
activation of the three upper extremity muscles would exist
regardless of lower extremity involvement.
Figure 1. (A) Standard bench press condition. (B) Leg-drive condition.
Note that during the leg-drive, participants aligned their feet behind the
vertical line of the knees while still maintaining a flat foot on the floor. (C)
Feet-in-the-air condition. Note that the hips and knees are flexed to
approximately 90 degrees.
2. Methods
2.1. Approach to the Problem
The protocol was conducted on two separate days, 1
week apart. Participants were asked to refrain from
physical activity 2 days prior to and during the experiment
to avoid cumulative fatigue. On the first day, a bench press
1RM protocol (4) was conducted to determine the
maximum weight the participant could lift in the bench
press exercise. The 1RM was only performed in the
standard bench press condition. A standardized five-point
body contact position was utilized for the 1RM protocol
(13). On day 1, participants were familiarized with the
leg-drive technique and metronome pacing.
On day two, participants performed a maximal voluntary
isometric contraction (MVIC) for the purpose of EMG
normalization followed by 3 bench press reps in the 3
testing conditions. It should be noted that all three lifting
styles are common and are safe for the lifter to perform.
Before MVIC testing, surface EMG electrodes (Noraxon
Dual Ag/AgCl electrodes with inter-electrode distance of
1.75 cm, Noraxon USA Inc., Scottsdale, AZ) were placed
over the muscle bellies of the pectoralis major (sternal
fibers), anterior deltoid, and lateral head of the triceps
brachii on the right side of the body according to the
SENIAM project guidelines (5).
2.2. Subjects
Fifteen males (age 22.1 ± 2.1 yrs, height 1.71 ± 0.04 m,
mass 74.7 ± 6.4 kg, 1RM 103.56 ± 24.11 kg) and twelve
females (age 20.5 ± 1.3 yrs, height 1.63 ± 0.07 m, mass
60.1 ± 11.3 kg, 1RM 48.10 ± 5.65 kg) over the age of 18
participated in this study. Individuals were considered for
inclusion had they been regularly resistance training with
the bench press exercise for at least 6 months prior to the
start of the study while also sustaining no serious lower or
upper body injuries during this time. Participants were
informed of the benefits and risks of the investigation prior
to signing an informed consent approved by the
University’s Protection of Human Rights in Research
Committee (approval number F16-021_SE). This research
was conducted in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of
2.3. Procedures
In the setup for the leg-drive, participants maintained
five points of contact during the press but flexed their
knees, causing the feet to align behind the knees while
remaining flat on the floor (Figure 1a). The participants
were instructed to drive their feet down and forward as if
performing an isometric knee extension into the floor. It
was emphasized not to allow the buttocks to rise off the
bench during the leg-drive. Participants practiced until
14 Leg-drive Does Not Affect Upper Extremity Muscle Activation during a Bench Press Exercise
comfortable and the investigators were satisfied.
To verify that the participants were driving the legs as
desired, the right foot was placed on a force platform (1200
Hz, Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc. (AMTI),
Watertown, MA) and the vertical and anterior-posterior
ground reaction forces (GRF) were recorded (AMTI
Netforce, Watertown, MA). During the zeroing process,
the participant maintained contact with the force plate
without pressing. The force plate was zeroed with the foot
in place to remove the weight of the leg from the GRF data.
A positive vertical and positive antero-posterior GRF
indicated a successful leg-drive.
To minimize compounding effects of delayed onset
muscle soreness (DOMS), testing days were separated by 1
week. Each EMG site was shaved (if applicable), abraded
with sandpaper, cleansed with alcohol, and treated with an
electrode skin prep gel (Nuprep, Weaver and Company,
Aurora, CO) (6). Electrode impedances were maintained
below 10 kOhms as verified by the EL-Check electrode
checker (Biopac Systems Inc., Goleta, CA).
For the MVIC procedure, positioning was identical to
the standard bench press but with the pressing apparatus
configured to restrict the participant to a 90-degree elbow
angle. Participants performed 3 sustained pulses of
maximal isometric contractions for approximately 3
seconds separated by another 3-second pause. The highest
recorded value in each muscle for any of the three
contractions was used as the normalization value for
subsequent EMG data (6).
Following the MVIC test, participants performed 3
bench press repetitions at 75% of their 1RM in each of the
three aforementioned testing conditions: standard (figure
1a), leg-drive (figure 1b), and feet-in-the-air (figure 1c).
The 3 repetitions for each randomly ordered condition were
performed to a metronome set at 60 beats per minute to
standardize lifting velocity across participants. Starting
with the barbell in the upward position the participant
began the eccentric phase of the lift on a metronome beep,
reached the bottom of the lift at the next beep, started the
concentric movement on the third beep, and finished the
rep on the fourth beep. This procedure was repeated for the
following 2 reps. Participants had 4 minutes of rest
between conditions. If any of the trials failed to meet the
metronome timing, participants were given 4 minutes of
rest and the trial was repeated. During the standard and
leg-drive conditions, the right leg of the participant was
positioned on a force plate to record vertical and
antero-posterior GRF data.
The raw EMG data were collected and processed
through Biopac’s Acknowledge 4.4 software (Biopac
Systems Inc., Goleta, CA). Data were band pass filtered at
10-500 Hz, full wave rectified, and smoothed using a root
mean square (RMS) moving window of 100 ms (6). The
processed EMG data were then exported to Microsoft
Excel for calculation and extraction of the variables of
interest. The average of the peak EMG muscle activations,
across the 3 reps for each condition, was calculated and
then normalized to the peak muscle activation value from
the MVIC. Thus, normalized muscle activation values are
presented as a percentage of MVIC.
The GRF data were collected in AMTI’s NetForce
software (AMTI Inc., Watertown, MA) and exported to be
used in Matlab (v. R2017b, Mathworks, Natick, MA) for
processing. Ground reaction force data were smoothed
using a 4th order Butterworth filter with a cutoff frequency
set at 20 Hz (16). Peak vertical and antero-posterior GRF
were determined for each rep and then averaged across reps
for the leg-drive condition. The standard bench press
condition did not result in 3 distinct peaks like in the
leg-drive condition, thus, for the standard condition, the
maximum GRF values were used for analysis. The GRF
values were then normalized to body weight to determine
the percentage of body weight at which the participant was
2.4. Statistical Analyses
For the EMG data, between group and within group
differences for peak muscle activations were analyzed
using a 2 x 3 (gender x condition) analysis of variance
(ANOVA). In the presence of a significant F-value, a
Bonferroni post-hoc analysis was conducted to determine
where, if any, differences occurred. The criterion level for
significance was set at p ≤ 0.05.
In addition, averaged peak vertical and antero-posterior
GRF variables were analyzed using a 2 x 2 (gender x
condition) ANOVA. This only included 2 conditions
because force plate data was not collected for the
feet-in-the-air condition. The criterion level for
significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. In the presence of a
significant finding, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) and
Cohen’s D effect sizes (ES) were reported. Cohen’s D
effect sizes were interpreted as 0.20 = small, 0.50 =
moderate, and 0.80 = large (2).
3. Results
Figure 2 shows mean muscle activation values, in %
MVIC, for each of the three muscles, across gender and
condition. The results of the ANOVA revealed no
statistically significant differences across gender or
condition for any of the three muscles analyzed (pectoralis
major gender p = 0.939, condition p = 0.405; anterior
deltoid gender p = 0.734, condition p = 0.297; triceps
brachii gender p = 0.456, condition p = 0.092). Graphically,
there is a trend with the feet-in-the-air condition resulting
in higher muscle activations than the other two conditions.
This is only a noted trend and not substantiated statistically
by the ANOVA.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 7(1): 12-17, 2019 15
Figure 2. Mean muscle activation values normalized to MVIC across gender and condition. There were no statistically significant differences found
across any of the conditions.
Figure 3. Peak (for standard condition) and mean peak (for the leg-drive condition across the three reps) antero-posterior and vertical ground reaction
forces normalized to body weight. Note, no data are presented for the feet-in-the-air condition because the feet were not in contact with the ground. All
condition comparisons were found to be statistically significant at the α = 0.05 level.
Figure 3 shows the mean GRF data across gender and
conditions. The results of the ANOVA for the GRF data
revealed a significant increase in both vertical (mean
difference = 19.03 %BW, 95% CI = 16.46 21.30 %BW, p
< 0.001, ES = 4.81) and antero-posterior (mean difference
= 8.85 %BW, 95% CI = 7.11 10.60 %BW, p < 0.001, ES
= 6.99) GRF in the leg-drive compared to the standard
bench press condition. Additionally, there were no
statistically significant differences between genders for the
vertical (p = 0.095) or antero-posterior (p = 0.528) GRF.
4. Discussion
The intent of this study was to examine the effects of
leg-drive on upper extremity muscle activation during the
bench press exercise. It was hypothesized that no
differences in muscle activation of the three upper
extremity muscles would exist regardless of lower
extremity involvement and leg position. The hypothesis
was supported in that there were no statistically significant
findings in any of the muscle activations of the pectoralis
major, anterior deltoid, or triceps brachii during the three
conditions of the bench press.
From an observational standpoint, lifters who utilize
leg-drive feel as if they are capable of lifting more weight,
or, performing a better lift when compared to a standard
technique. This is further evidenced by Kristiansen et al.
who demonstrated that experienced lifters utilized the
vastus lateralis muscle more during a bench press at 75% of
a 3-RM while inexperienced lifters did not (8). The authors
suggest that this posture led to a greater strength expression
in the experienced lifters. While this current work did not
result in a greater strength expression, it is worth noting
that Kristiansen et al. did not control the participants’
posture on the bench. In their observations, they reported
that experienced lifters tended to arch their backs during
the lift, while the inexperienced lifters did not. It is
probable that the “greater strength expression” they are
describing was a result of an increase in the torso angle to
16 Leg-drive Does Not Affect Upper Extremity Muscle Activation during a Bench Press Exercise
mimic a decline bench press. For example, Lauver et al.
showed that compared to a flat bench press, a decline
position results in more utilization of the lower fibers of the
pectoralis major and simultaneously places less emphasis
on the anterior deltoids (10). A decline position places
more demand on the larger musculature of the pectoralis
major, which better handles that demand and removes
some demand from the smaller musculature of the anterior
Within this study, the participants were required to
maintain 5 points of body contact (in the leg-drive and
standard conditions), one of which was the buttocks on the
bench. This variable was controlled in order to minimize
the effects of spinal posture in the lift. It is clear from the
GRF data that the participants pressed harder into the
ground during the leg-drive (anteroposterior = 11.00 %
BW, vertical = 22.85 % BW) compared to the standard
bench press condition (anteroposterior = 2.16 % BW,
vertical = 3.82 % BW). Thus, any expected changes in
muscle activity would be attributed to the leg-drive
technique. If leg-drive was easier from a muscle activation
perspective, one of two different scenarios may be
expected: 1. there might be increased muscle activations
with the leg-drive technique, indicating that the positioning
would cause the central nervous system (CNS) to recruit
more motor units to perform the lift. 2. with leg-drive, the
body is placed into a mechanical advantage thereby
reducing demand placed on the central nervous system.
This would result in less motor unit recruitment necessary
for the lift. If the lift were “easier,” then this scenario would
make more sense, as it would take less muscular effort to
lift the given weight. The latter theory is more consistent
with Ploutz et al. who showed that after 9 weeks of
resistance training, the quadriceps utilized less muscle for a
given lift when compared to pre-training (15). Thus, the
more a muscle is prepared for, or capable of performing a
demanding task, the less effort is required of that muscle to
complete that task.
Due to the lack of muscle activation variation, it is
plausible that the demand of the task (75% of 1RM) was
too light. Since the weight remained at 75% of 1RM
throughout all conditions, the muscle activation may not
have changed because the demands of the weight remained
the same. It is possible that increasing the number of reps
or the load would tease out muscle activation differences
between lifting techniques since the requirement for the
CNS would be more demanding. As such, perhaps
leg-drive is only beneficial in very heavy, or increasingly
demanding loads. Alternatively, it is possible the leg-drive
technique yielded no muscle activation difference because
the effort to control lifting velocity via metronome
hindered the participant’s power output.
During the feet-in-the-air condition there was a small
trend of higher muscle activation values compared to the
other two conditions. While this trend is not statistically
significant, it is worthy of mention in light of some studies
that show alterations in muscle activity with instability (3,
9, 11, 12, 14, 17). Current literature on the effects of
instability in the bench press is ambiguous. In a study by
Nairn et al., participants performed a bench press on a
stability ball resulting in increased shoulder muscle
activation compared to a standard bench press (12).
However, in a study by Saeterbakken, the standard bench
press condition resulted in greater EMG activity in the
pectoralis major and triceps compared to the unstable
conditions (17). The instabilities created in previous
studies were either at the level of the bench (e.g. using a
stability ball) or at the implement being lifted (e.g. using an
earthquake bar). It appears that a majority of the studies
resulted in more recruitment of stabilizing muscles rather
than the primary movers. Interestingly, in the current study,
instability was not purposely created in the bar or the bench
in the feet-in-the-air condition, but it appeared that there
was some instability in the participants because of not
having their feet on the floor to help maintain balance. This
small finding may be worth exploring more in future bench
press studies.
Since there was not a statistically significant change in
EMG activity levels across the conditions, it begs the
question, why do lifters feel that performing the leg-drive
while lifting is “easier” compared to a standard bench press?
In this study, the EMG activity remained at similar levels
between all three conditions, but it is important to note that
the resistance also remained constant at 75% of the
participant’s 1RM. It is possible that since the weight being
lifted is the same amount across all conditions, the CNS
only recruited the motor units necessary to perform that
task; no more, no less. A study by Korak et al. corroborates
this idea, noting that the strength and neural activations
between two groups performing bench press using the
same load (one utilizing rest-pause method and one
performing a traditional bench press) were not significantly
different (7). Interestingly, they did find that over a 4-week
training period, even though EMG activities were not
different between groups, the group that was trained in the
rest-pause method did increase their lifting volume
compared to the traditionally trained group. Since there
was not a difference in muscle activity across conditions, it
is clear, at least from a muscle activation standpoint that the
use of leg-drive while keeping the buttocks on the bench,
does not lead to a reduction in motor unit recruitment.
However, it is still unknown if leg-drive could feasibly
contribute to an increased maximum load lifted or training
volume. More research is necessary to determine the
effectiveness of this technique.
Future research should examine the effects of leg-drive
utilizing a higher or lower percentage of the participant’s
1RM.Currently, no studies have examined the effects of
leg-drive on any type of performance increases, such as
increasing the load or the number or reps during the bench
press. Examining this in a future study may reveal if a
heavier or lighter weight with leg-drive results in a change
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 7(1): 12-17, 2019 17
in muscle activation compared to a standard bench press.
Future training studies could compare an intervention
group utilizing leg-drive to a control group performing a
standard bench press to determine if the maximum amount
of weight lifted or volume lifted, would be different over
several weeks of training.
5. Practical Applications
Based on the findings of the present study, recreational
athletes or individuals utilizing the bench press in their
training could use the leg-drive technique if they prefer it,
or refrain if they do not. Because there were no significant
differences in upper extremity EMG activations found
between conditions, strength and conditioning coaches or
practitioners should base the decision to utilize the
leg-drive on the athlete’s personal preference.
No external financial support was received for this
research. The authors would like to thank all of the
volunteers who participated in the study.
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... Not everyone agreed that leg-drive had an important influence on the load lifted. A study by Gardner et al. [8] showed that the use of the leg-drive had little influence on the activation of the muscles responsible for the technical gesture of the bench press distension. The study analyzed the electromyographic activity of the muscles in three different bench press positions (standard bench press condition, with feet and legs not in thrust, leg-drive condition and feet in the air), the results of which showed no statistically significant differences between genders or conditions for any of the three muscles analyzed. ...
Full-text available
Background and Study Aim. Among the weightlifting disciplines we find the bench press in Powerlifting and Para Powerlifting, which are very similar. They have never been combined for several reasons, the most important of which is the use of two different barbell lifting techniques. Unlike Para Powerlifting, Powerlifting in the bench press involves the use of leg-drive, i.e. leg thrust, which is considered one of the possible determining factors for the success of this exercise. The aim of the study was to test whether the elimination of the leg-drive technique in Powerlifting, followed by a protocol of adapting to the Para Powerlifting technique, without leg-drive, made a difference in terms of lifting the maximum load (1RM). Material and Methods. The subjects were 10 male amateur athletes (22,3 ± 2,4 years old). The training protocol, administered for 2 weeks, consisted of finding the best possible position on the bench in the absence of leg-drive. The 1RM test with leg-drive and 1RM without leg-drive were administered. A dependent-samples t-test was used to compare the differences in 1RM test using the two techniques. Results. The result was not statistically significant (p >.05), as the maxima with the two techniques remained unchanged. Discussions. Para Powerlifting technique, without leg-drive, in bench press, allows athletes without disabilities to lift the same weights as the leg-drive technique, or slightly less. Conclusions. The results obtained are promising and the study, if extended and focused on high-level athletes with positive results, could open a new page in sport, representing a new step in sport towards inclusion.
... As a result, it was found that providing pressure biofeedback unit during the PNF lower extremity pattern in all of the internal oblique abdominal, external oblique abdominal, and rectus abdominal muscles showed higher muscle activity compared to the state not provided. The trunk plays a central role in the functional activity chain and is very important as it is the basis for limb movement [17]. In particular, the stabilization of the trunk shows an increase in the stability of the lower extremity joint and an improvement in muscle strength due to increased muscle fiber mobilization [18]. ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide clinical information by comparing abdominal muscle activity and lumbopelvic rotation angle according to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) lower pattern with pressure biofeedback unit or PNF lower pattern without pressure biofeedback unit in patients with chronic back pain. Methods: In this study, 20 patients with low back pain were instructed to perform PNF lower pattern with biofeedback unit and PNF lower pattern without biofeedback unit. Surface electromyography data were collected from the ipsilateral internal oblique (IIO), contralateral external oblique (CEO), ipsilateral rectus abdominal (IRA) muscles, and lumbopelvic rotation angle were measured using the motion analysis device. Results: The activation of all abdominal muscles was found greater in PNF lower pattern with biofeedback unit than that PNF lower pattern without biofeedback unit. The degree of lumbopelvic rotation angle in PNF lower pattern with biofeedback unit was found lower than that PNF lower pattern without biofeedback unit(p<0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that PNF lower pattern with biofeedback unit is effective in increasing abdominal muscle activity and decreasing unwanted lumbopelvic rotation in patients with chronic low back pain. Therefore, if you want to apply the PNF lower pattern to patients with chronic low back pain, it is considered effective to control the pelvis using the biofeedback unit.
... Due to the fact that the sport of archery muscles of the upper extremity is involved in execution of the sport exercise, reliability of testing of these muscles should be studied. Future research on this theme would be important, taking into account the absence of correlation between electrical activity of muscles in upper and lower extremities [31]. The research was based on the results of testing the male archers. ...
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Purpose: Rest-pause (4-s unloaded rest between repetitions) training effects on one repetition maximum (1 RM), lifting volume, and neural activation via electromyography (EMG) are currently vague in the literature and can benefit strength and conditioning professionals for resistance training programme design. Therefore, this study compared 1 RM, neural activation via (EMG), and volume differences between rest-pause vs. traditional resistance training. Methods: Trained males (N = 20) were randomly assigned to either a rest-pause or a traditional training group. Pre- and post-1 RM testing was recorded. Training sessions were completed twice a week for 4 weeks and consisted of four sets of bench press to volitional fatigue at 80% of pre-test 1 RM with a 2-min rest between sets. Total volume completed was recorded on each training day. Neural activation of the pectoralis major was measured on the first and last training days. Results: A two-way repeated-measures ANOVA indicated both groups significantly increased their 1 RMs following the 4-week training protocol (p < .05). However, no significant differences were found in 1 RM and neural activation between the two groups (p > .05). An independent samples t test indicated that total volume lifted was significantly higher for the rest-pause group (56,778 vs. 38,315 lbs; p < .05) throughout the protocol and independently during weeks 2, 3, and 4. Conclusions: While strength and neural activation changes did not differ between groups, both increased 1 RMs and the rest-pause group achieved greater increases in volume than the traditional group. If volume is the focus of training, the rest-pause method should be utilized.
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Unstable resistance exercises are performed to increase activity of stabilizing muscles. The premise is that this increase in activity will yield greater strength gains than traditional resistance exercises. The purpose of this study was to determine if an unstable load increases muscle activity of stabilizing muscles during a bench press as compared with a standard bench press with a typical load. Fifteen resistance-trained males (age 24.2 ± 2.7 years, mass 84.8 ± 12.0 kg, height 1.77 ± 0.05 m, weight lifting experience 9.9 ± 3.4 years, and bench press 1 repetition maximum [1RM] 107.5 ± 25.9 kg) volunteered for this study. Subjects pressed 2 sets of 5 repetitions in both stable (75% 1RM) and unstable (60% 1RM) conditions using a standard barbell and a flexible Earthquake bar, respectively. Surface electromyography was used to detect muscle activity of primary movers (pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, and triceps) and stabilizing musculature (latissimus dorsi, middle and posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, and upper trapezius). Muscle activity was compared using a multivariate analysis of variance to determine significant (p ≤ 0.05) phase and condition differences. The right and left biceps and the left middle deltoid were significantly more active in the unstable condition. Some of the stabilizing muscles were found to be significantly more active in the unstable condition with 15% less weight. Therefore, bench pressing with an unstable load appears promising in activating stabilizing musculature compared with pressing a typical barbell.
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The bench press is one of the most commonly used upper body exercises in training and is performed with many different variations, including unstable loads. While there is much research on use of an unstable surface, there is little to none on the use of an unstable load (UL). The purpose of this study was to investigate muscle activation during the bench press while using a stable load (SL) vs. UL. Twenty resistance trained men (age = 24.1 +/- 2 yrs.; ht = 177.5 +/- 5.8 cm; mass = 88.7 +/- 13.7 kg) completed 2 experimental conditions (SL and UL) at two different intensities (60% and 80% 1RM). UL was achieved by hanging 16kg kettlebells by elastic bands from the end of the bar. All trial lifts were set to a two second cadence with a slight pause at the bottom. Subjects had electrodes attached to 5 muscles (pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, medial deltoid, triceps brachii and latissimus dorsi) and performed three isometric bench press trials to normalize electromyographic data. All five muscles demonstrated significantly greater activation at 80% compared to 60% load and during concentric compared to eccentric actions. These results suggest that upper body muscle activation is not different in the bench press between UL and SL. Therefore, coaches should use their preference when designing training programs.
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This study compared the muscular activation of the pectoralis major, anterior deltoid and triceps brachii during a free-weight barbell bench press performed at 0°, 30°, 45° and -15° bench angles. Fourteen healthy resistance trained males (age 21.4 ± 0.4 years) participated in this study. One set of six repetitions for each bench press conditions at 65% one repetition maximum were performed. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was utilised to examine the muscular activation of the selected muscles during the eccentric and concentric phases. In addition, each phase was subdivided into 25% contraction durations, resulting in four separate time points for comparison between bench conditions. The sEMG of upper pectoralis displayed no difference during any of the bench conditions when examining the complete concentric contraction, however differences during 26-50% contraction duration were found for both the 30° [122.5 ± 10.1% maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC)] and 45° (124 ± 9.1% MVIC) bench condition, resulting in greater sEMG compared to horizontal (98.2 ± 5.4% MVIC) and -15 (96.1 ± 5.5% MVIC). The sEMG of lower pectoralis was greater during -15° (100.4 ± 5.7% MVIC), 30° (86.6 ± 4.8% MVIC) and horizontal (100.1 ± 5.2% MVIC) bench conditions compared to the 45° (71.9 ± 4.5% MVIC) for the whole concentric contraction. The results of this study support the use of a horizontal bench to achieve muscular activation of both the upper and lower heads of the pectoralis. However, a bench incline angle of 30° or 45° resulted in greater muscular activation during certain time points, suggesting that it is important to consider how muscular activation is affected at various time points when selecting bench press exercises.
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Research Methods in Biomechanics, Second Edition, demonstrates the range of available research techniques and how to best apply this knowledge to ensure valid data collection. In the highly technical field of biomechanics, research methods are frequently upgraded as the speed and sophistication of software and hardware technologies increase. With this in mind, the second edition includes up-to-date research methods and presents new information detailing advanced analytical tools for investigating human movement. Expanded into 14 chapters and reorganized into four parts, the improved second edition features more than 100 new pieces of art and illustrations and new chapters introducing the latest techniques and up-and-coming areas of research. Research Methods in Biomechanics, Second Edition, assists readers in developing a comprehensive understanding of methods for quantifying human movement. Parts I and II of the text examine planar and three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics in research, issues of body segment parameters and forces, and energy, work, and power as they relate to analysis of two- and three-dimensional inverse dynamics. Two of the chapters have been extensively revised to reflect current research practices in biomechanics, in particular the widespread use of Visual3D software. Calculations from these two chapters are now located online with the supplemental software resource, making it easier for readers to grasp the progression of steps in the analysis. In part III, readers can explore the use of musculoskeletal models in analyzing human movement. This part also discusses electromyography, computer simulation, muscle modeling, and musculoskeletal modeling; it presents new information on MRI and ultrasound use in calculating muscle parameters. Part IV offers a revised chapter on additional analytical procedures, including signal processing techniques. Also included is a new chapter on movement analysis and dynamical systems, which focuses on how to assess and measure coordination and stability in changing movement patterns and the role of movement variability in health and disease. In addition, readers will find discussion of statistical tools useful for identifying the essential characteristics of any human movement.
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This experiment investigated the effects of varying bench inclination and hand spacing on the EMG activity of five muscles acting at the shoulder joint. Six male weight trainers performed presses under four conditions of trunk inclination and two of hand spacing at 80% of their predetermined max. Preamplified surface EMG electrodes were placed over the five muscles in question. The EMG signals during the 2-sec lift indicated some significant effects of trunk inclination and hand spacing. The sternocostal head of the pectoralis major was more active during the press from a horizontal bench than from a decline bench. Also, the clavicular head of the pectoralis major was no more active during the incline bench press than during the horizontal one, but it was less active during the decline bench press. The clavicular head of the pectoralis major was more active with a narrow hand spacing. Anterior deltoid activity tended to increase as trunk inclination increased. The long head of the triceps brachii was more active during the decline and flat bench presses than the other two conditions, and was also more active with a narrow hand spacing. Latissimus dorsi exhibited low activity in all conditions. (C) 1995 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Unstable resistance exercises are typically performed to improve the ability of stabilizing muscles to maintain joint integrity under a load. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an unstable load (as provided by a flexible barbell and a load suspended by elastic bands) on the bar path, the primary musculature, and stabilizing musculature while bench pressing using nonlinear analyses. Fifteen resistance-trained males (age 24.2 ± 2.7 years, mass 84.1 ± 12.0 kg, height 1.77 ± 0.05 m, 9.9 ± 3.4 years lifting experience, and bench press 1-RM was 107.5 ± 25.9 kg) volunteered for this study. Subjects pressed two sets of 5 repetitions in both stable (total load 75% 1-RM) and unstable (total load 60% 1-RM) conditions using a standard barbell and a flexible Earthquake bar™, respectively. Surface electromyography was used to detect muscle activity of primary movers (pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, triceps) and bar stabilizing musculature (latissimus dorsi, middle and posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, and upper trapezius).During the unstable condition the bar moved in more ways and was less predictable in the mediolateral and anteroposterior directions. However, the muscle activation patterns of all muscles were more constrained with the unstable barbell. These findings suggest that the unstable condition was more challenging to control, but subjects controlled the instability by contracting their muscles in a more stable pattern or 'staying tight' throughout the exercise.
Instability training devices with the bench press exercise are becoming increasingly popular. Typically the instability device is placed at the trunk/upper body (e.g. lying on a Swiss ball); however, a recent product called the Attitube® has been developed which places the location of instability at the hands by users lifting a water-filled tube. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of different instability devices (location of instability) on kinematic and electromyographical patterns during the bench press exercise. Ten healthy males were recruited and performed one set of three repetitions for three different bench press conditions: Olympic bar on a stable bench (BENCH), Olympic bar on a stability ball (BALL), and Attitube® on a stable bench (TUBE). The eccentric and concentric phases were analyzed in 10% intervals while electromyography was recorded from 24 electrode sites and motion capture was used to track elbow flexion angle, and three-dimensional movement trajectories and vertical velocity of the Bar/Attitube® The prime movers tended to show a reduction in muscle activity during the TUBE trials; however, pectoralis major initially showed increased activation during the eccentric phase of the TUBE condition. The trunk muscle activations were greatest during the TUBE and smallest during the BAR. Additionally, the TUBE showed decreased range of elbow flexion and increased medial-lateral movement of the Attitube® itself. The results further support the notion that instability devices may be more beneficial for trunk muscles rather than prime movers.
The purpose of the study was to elucidate the role of expertise on muscle synergies involved in bench press. Ten expert power lifters (EXP) and nine untrained participants (UNT) completed three sets of eight repetitions at 60% of three repetition maximum in bench press. Muscle synergies were extracted from surface electromyography data of 21 bench press cycles using non-negative matrix factorization algorithm. The synergy activation coefficient represents the relative contribution of the muscle synergy to the overall muscle activity pattern, while the muscle synergy vector represents the relative weighting of each muscle within each synergy. Describing more than 90% of the variability, two muscle synergies reflected the eccentric and concentric phase. The cross-correlations (ρmax ) for synergy activation coefficient 2 (concentric phase) were 0.83 [0.71;0.88] and 0.59 [0.49;0.77] [Median ρmax (25th;75th percentile)] (P = 0.001) in UNT and EXP, respectively. Median correlation coefficient (ρ) for muscle synergy vector 2 was 0.15 [-0.08;0.46] and 0.48 [0.02;0.70] (P = 0.03) in UNT and EXP, respectively. Thus, EXP showed larger inter-subject variability than UNT in the synergy activation coefficient during the concentric phase, while the muscle synergy vectors were less variable in EXP. This points at the importance of a specialized neural strategy in elite bench press performance.