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An early review of stroboscopic visual training: insights, challenges and accomplishments to guide future studies


Abstract and Figures

Stroboscopic visual training (SVT) is a form of training in which an individual practices a task under intermittent visual conditions with the intention of enhancing subsequent performance under normal visual conditions. Training with stroboscopic devices is theorized to improve important visual, perceptual, and cognitive skills, which in turn transfers to enhanced sporting performance. Indeed, while there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence suggesting benefits of strobe training, empirical evidence is rarer and less conclusive. This lack of clarity is due, in part, to the challenging methodological issues faced when conducting experimental vision training studies in applied contexts. The present paper is an early review of the research to date with a focus on the key methodological decisions, such as the training and testing protocols employed, participant samples and control groups used, and practical considerations that enable such training in applied settings. Whilst still at an early stage, the existing studies point to SVT enhancing some aspects of foveal visual sensitivity and visual motor control, with notable benefits for some athletic tasks. Such improvements could have implications not just in sport, but in domains such as rehabilitation, education, and motor vehicle safety.
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International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
ISSN: 1750-984X (Print) 1750-9858 (Online) Journal homepage:
An early review of stroboscopic visual training:
insights, challenges and accomplishments to guide
future studies
Luke Wilkins & Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum
To cite this article: Luke Wilkins & Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum (2019): An early review of
stroboscopic visual training: insights, challenges and accomplishments to guide future studies,
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/1750984X.2019.1582081
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Published online: 01 Mar 2019.
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An early review of stroboscopic visual training: insights,
challenges and accomplishments to guide future studies
Luke Wilkins
and Lawrence Gregory Appelbaum
Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK;
Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA;
Duke Sports Vision Center, Duke University, Durham,
Stroboscopic visual training (SVT) is a form of training in which an
individual practices a task under intermittent visual conditions
with the intention of enhancing subsequent performance under
normal visual conditions. Training with stroboscopic devices is
theorized to improve important visual, perceptual, and cognitive
skills, which in turn transfers to enhanced sporting performance.
Indeed, while there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence
suggesting benets of strobe training, empirical evidence is rarer
and less conclusive. This lack of clarity is due, in part, to the
challenging methodological issues faced when conducting
experimental vision training studies in applied contexts. The
present paper is an early review of the research to date with a
focus on the key methodological decisions, such as the training
and testing protocols employed, participant samples and control
groups used, and practical considerations that enable such
training in applied settings. Whilst still at an early stage, the
existing studies point to SVT enhancing some aspects of foveal
visual sensitivity and visual motor control, with notable benets
for some athletic tasks. Such improvements could have
implications not just in sport, but in domains such as
rehabilitation, education, and motor vehicle safety.
Received 30 March 2018
Accepted 4 February 2019
Stroboscopic visual training;
sport; athletes; vision;
In 2011, Nike released the SPARQ Vapor Strobes: eyewear with liquid-crystal technology in
the lenses to produce a stroboscopic eect. The aim was to provide a sports training tool
which could enhance an athletes visual, perceptual, and cognitive skills, and therefore
improve their athletic performance. This type of training has been around for over 20
years albeit not in the public eye and was inspired by the experiences of Michael
Jordan, who would often have to cope with performing whilst numerous cameras
ashed from the crowd all around him (Haberstroh, 2016). Though there had been strobo-
scopic research prior to this, it used tethered devices, attached to computers, and tended
to focus on understanding the mechanism of visual integration (see Elliott, 1990,fora
review), with less emphasis on the applied use for activities such as sports. With the
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
CONTACT Luke Wilkins New York Yankees, Player Development Complex, 3102
North Himes Avenue, Tampa 33607, FL, USA
advent of light, portable eyewear that could create a stroboscopic vision, new avenues
became available for applied use in sports, creating a new opportunity for academic
research. In this qualitative review, we will introduce studies that have attempted to
test the ecacy of stroboscopic visual training (SVT) in athletic contexts, by addressing
the theoretical mechanisms, training and testing protocols, and ndings that have been
made in this relatively new eld.
It is important to note that this review will predominantly focus on studies and papers
that explore the training eects of stroboscopic vision, rather than the acute inuence that
stroboscopic vision has on performance. That is, the focus will be on research that exam-
ines the extent to which training under strobe conditions aects performance under
normal visual conditions. Whilst research has been conducted investigating the direct
impact of stroboscopic vision, it lacks the practical application that is important in the
sporting domain; athletes rarely compete with the intermittent vision of the scale experi-
enced during SVT. As a consequence of this, notable stroboscopic research such as that by
Bennett, Ashford, Rioja, and Elliott (2004), Ballester, Huertas, Uji, and Bennett (2017),
Fransen et al. (2017), Lyons, Fontaine, and Elliott (1997), and Rhodes, Mihalik, Franz, and
Wikstrom (2017) will not be discussed in detail. In addition, this review will focus on
studies in which SVT is the sole intervention method, as opposed to work in which SVT
forms part of a larger vision training protocol (such as in the studies by Appelbaum, Lu,
Khanna, & Detwiler, 2016; Clarke, Ellis, Bench, Khoury, & Graman, 2012). Finally, whilst
this paper will predominantly focus on SVT from a sporting perspective, it should be
stated that SVT has the potential to be applied in a wide range of domains, such as in
health care as a rehabilitation tool or in education for children with attention decits.
To date, there are seven sports-specic peer-reviewed articles addressing SVT, though
there also exists some work that has been presented at conferences (Jones, Carnegie, &
Ellison, 2016) or produced as graduate projects (Holliday, 2013; Janssen, Burger, &
Mann, 2016). This review will explore this early stage of SVT work by rst briey introdu-
cing the theoretical premise underpinning its use and the devices that are available to
create this experience. Next, each of the seven studies will be briey reviewed. Following
this, we will highlight the training protocols, testing protocols, and experimental design
considerations that shape this literature. Finally, we will consider the future directions of
SVT research and provide some concluding remarks. It is our intention that this early
review will help guide practitioners in their use of SVT, whilst aiding researchers in addres-
sing areas of need in this potentially fruitful area of sports science.
Theoretical mechanisms
Though research on this nascent approach has yet to arrive at strong conclusions regard-
ing the mechanisms of action driving SVT, the underlying premise is twofold. Namely, that
when experiencing a rapid and repeated interruption of visual input, an individual is
forced to (1) utilise the limited visual samples they receive more eciently, and/or (2)
utilise other facilities, such as kinaesthetic awareness and auditory cues, more eectively.
In both instances, the individual is engaging in potentially advantageous strategies that
they otherwise wouldnt were they to experience full vision.
These two theoretical mechanisms underpin other potential benets of SVT, such as the
forced practice of extrapolating speeds and trajectories when aiming to intercept a
moving object. Other positive outcomes of SVT may relate to the need to maintain higher
attentional vigilance or to change the focus of attention in a manner that promotes the
visual-motor engagement being practiced. With regards to the latter point, it is logical
that interrupting the visual scene of an individual would result in an increase in attention
to external aspects of the primary task at hand, due reductions in the sensory input avail-
able and increased diculty. For instance, a baseball hitter may increase their attentional
resources to the ball (an external object), and reduce their attentional resources to their
swing mechanics or body position (internal foci). Considerable research has found external
attention to be superior to internal attention in skilled performance and learning, particu-
larly for intermediate and elite athletes (Wulf, 2013). Finally, it is possible that SVT may
create conditions where temporal integration of information is more ecient, leading
to a perceptual advantage once normal vision is restored. Considerable past research
has addressed the temporal dependencies of visual integration including during optic
ow (Burr & Santoro, 2001), the detection and tracking of moving objects (Irani, Rousso,
& Peleg, 1992), and across saccadic eye movements (Melcher & Morrone, 2003), each of
which are utilized in sporting contexts and may be aected by the intermittent conditions
induced during SVT. It has been suggested that the imposed overload of eort on the
visual system caused by SVT is such that tasks feel easier (or moving objects feel
bigger/slower) once the glasses are removed (Smith & Mitro,2012), akin to jogging
with ankle weights or swimming in a drag suit. This increased eort may also serve to func-
tion as a pseudo-psychological warm-up, with the glasses ensuring that typically basic
skills are honed with focus and without complacency.
Stroboscopic eyewear
Whilst the premise underpinning stroboscopic eects is similar across dierent eyewear
products, the specic details of each piece of eyewear do vary from company to
company. The now discontinued Nike SPARQ Vapor Strobe glasses consist of liquid
crystal lenses that alternate between transparent and semi-transparent states when an
electrical current is either passed through the lens or withheld, respectively. This
eyewear has a duty cycle consisting of a xed 100 ms openstate, in which the lenses
are fully transparent, and a closedstate that ranges from 67 to 900 ms, at eight set incre-
ments. In the closed state, the Nike glasses are semi-transparent and have been shown to
allow for luminance of 128 lux under ambient room lighting (Ballester et al., 2017), con-
ditions almost equivalent to that of a very dark overcast day(Schlyter, 2015). Furthermore,
through a button on the temple of the eyewear, it is possible to alternate between binocu-
lar viewing with strobing in both lenses, and monocular viewing with one or the other lens
held in the opaque state.
Following the discontinuation of the Nike eyewear, Senaptec LLC began manufactur-
ing eyewear that utilized the same basic form factor, but improved upon the design of
the lenses to create a semi-transparent state that blocked nearly all light. In addition,
Senaptec introduced a digital application that allowed for remote control of their
eyewear through Bluetooth connectivity. More recently, the company has introduced
the Senpatec Quad Strobeeyewear with segmented lenses, allowing each quadrant
to be controlled separately so that specic parts of the visual eld could be manipulated
In addition to the Senaptec eyewear, three additional companies produce commercial
products intended for applied activities such as sports. Vima produces both the Rev Sport
and the Rev Tactical, each of which comes with 11 levels and digital control through a
Bluetooth connected application. MJ Impulse and Vision up Store have also produced
lightweight battery powered strobe eyewear that has gained use in both sports and
research (e.g. Hülsdünker et al., 2018). Whilst the closedstate in all of these products con-
sists of semi-transparent lenses, the degree of opacity diers to some extent within each
set of glasses.
Finally, while not typically used in sporting settings, the PLATO Visual Occlusion Spec-
tacles (Milgram, 1987) were employed in much of the early work testing intermittent vision
by Digby Elliott and colleagues. The closedstate of the lenses in these spectacles are
translucent such that light is permissible, but due to the scattering of light all local con-
trasts are destroyed and no vision of objects or movement is perceptible. The duty
cycle is customisable and limited only by the transition time between open and closed
states (approximately 7 ms), whilst users can also implement non-periodic series of
cycles; thus, the spectacles allow for the greatest amount of variation in the stroboscopic
conditions induced. As these spectacles are large, fragile and require the individual to wear
either a wallet-sized battery pack or remain tethered to an external power supply their use
in sporting contexts (particularly excessively active or contact sports) has been limited.
Primary research literature
As noted, there are currently seven published peer-reviewed articles testing the ecacy of
SVT. In the following section, we briey describe the primary application and ndings from
these studies in order to provide an overview of the nascent literature. This is not intended
to be an exhaustive account of all the studies, but rather background information for sub-
sequent sections that detail the methodological considerations used in each study.
The rst published SVT study using the Nike glasses was carried out by Appelbaum,
Schroeder, Cain, and Mitro(2011). University students and athletes were assigned to
either an SVT group or a control group that wore altered versions of the eyewear that
remained transparent, with measures of motion coherence (experiment 1), divided atten-
tion (experiment 2), and multiple-object tracking (experiment 3) compared before and
after the intervention period. The authors found that, compared to the control group,
SVT led to (1) signicantly improved detection of centrally presented, but not peripherally
presented, motion coherence, and (2) signicantly improved divided attention in terms of
central eld processing, but not peripheral eld processing. SVT did not, however, lead to
improvements in multiple-object tracking.
Using a similar design and population, Appelbaum, Cain, Schroeder, Darling, and Mitro
(2012) carried out two experiments to examine the eect of SVT on short-term visual
memory. In the rst, they found that SVT led to signicantly greater improvement in
memory compared to a control group. In the second, with a new group of individuals,
the study found that these improvements in memory were retained 24 h following
The eect of SVT on anticipation (as assessed by a Bassin Anticipation Timer a 4-m
long track of light-emitting diodes and response button used to test coincidence antici-
pation) was examined by Smith and Mitro(2012). Here, participants completed 57
min of training which consisted of practice with the anticipation timer, either whilst
wearing the Nike Strobe eyewear (experimental group) or whilst not wearing any
eyewear (control). The study included an immediate post-test, 10-min retention test,
and 10-day retention test. It was found that the experimental group had (1) signicantly
better anticipation in the post-test, but not in either retention condition, (2) signicantly
greater bias towards reporting early responses in the post-test and the 10-min retention,
but not in the 10-day retention (though signicant pre-training dierences make infer-
ences about any real changes dicult), and (3) signicantly more consistent anticipation
errors in the post-test and the 10-min retention, but not the 10-day retention.
Mitro, Friesen, Bennett, Yoo, and Reichow (2013) conducted a pilot study with elite ice-
hockey players. Despite a small sample size (six participants in the experimental group and
ve in the control group), and the lack of intervention blinding, it was found that the
players who undertook SVT signicantly improved their precision in either an on-ice shoot-
ing task (forwards) or an on-ice passing task (defensemen), whilst the control group of
players showed no such improvement.
The fth solely-SVT study published was by Wilkins and Gray (2015). Here, university
students were assigned to either an experimental group undertaking variable SVT (i.e.
the frequency of the strobe varied during training) or a pseudo-control group undertaking
constant SVT (i.e. the frequency of the strobe remained at the lowest/easiest setting during
training). No signicant group dierences emerged following the 5-week training inter-
vention in either motion sensitivity, processing speed, divided attention, or tennis ball-
catching performance. However, for both groups, it was found that motion sensitivity
did improve in the post-test, whilst there were signicant correlations between changes
in catching performance and both changes in motion sensitivity and changes in proces-
sing speed.
A case-study approach was taken by Wilkins, Nelson, and Tweddle (2017) to explore
the outcomes of SVT with three elite youth soccer goalkeepers. In this study, the
players underwent seven weeks of SVT and conducted a number of visual-perceptual
tests pre- and post-training, as well as engaging in semi-structured interviews post-
training. This study highlighted three themes with regards to SVT: (1) the belief that
it improved their visual and perceptual skills, (2) the belief that it improved their
on-eld goalkeeping performance, and (3) the opinion that SVT was both eortful
and enjoyable.
Finally, Hülsdünker et al. (2018) recently conducted the rst SVT study utilising neuro-
physiological measures (electroencephalography indicative of cortical visual processing)
alongside a sport-specic performance task. Here, ve elite badminton players who under-
went a four-week SVT intervention were compared against a control group of ve, age and
ability matched, players completing the same training intervention, but without the strob-
ing eyewear. Post-test performance in the badminton task (when controlled for pre-test
scores) were signicantly higher for the SVT group compared to the control group,
though there were no group dierences for the neurophysiological measure (N2
latency). A signicant negative relationship between change in N2 latency and change
in badminton performance was reported, however, this was based on all 10 participants
(both SVT and controls) and any interpretation of the mechanisms-of-action are not
specic to the strobe training. Nevertheless, the research provides promising evidence
for the benets of SVT in applied contexts.
Training protocols
A major strength of SVT compared to many visual, perceptual, and cognitive training tools
used by athletes is that it allows for training to take place in natural contexts. Athletes can
practice their regular sports-specic drills within their sports-specic domain whilst
wearing the stroboscopic eyewear, rather than performing tasks outside of the sports
eld/court/pitch. It is widely acknowledged that the benets of practice are dependent
upon the similarity between the practiced-context and the later performed-context
(Henry, 1968), with a strong push in recent years to adopt high levels of task representa-
tiveness (Krause, Farrow, Reid, Buszard, & Pinder, 2018). Because SVT can be adapted to the
natural contexts of a training regime, it oers the opportunity to maximize near-transfer
learning. At the same time, this variability means that training protocols do not follow a
regulated format, which leads to variability between and within interventions. Specically,
this variability manifests itself in three forms: (1) the length of the training (both per
session and across the whole intervention), (2) the exact activities performed by the indi-
viduals, and (3) the frequency of the strobe rate experienced by the individuals.
In terms of training length, SVT not only varies between studies, but within-studies as
well. For instance, in Appelbaum et al. (2011) participants completed between 2 and 10
SVT sessions of between 15 and 30 min, with the resultant total training between 54
and 300 total minutes. Table 1 highlights the between-study variance, with interventions
lasting as little as 57 min (Smith & Mitro,2012), or as long as 635 min (Wilkins et al.,
With the release of the SPARQ Vapor Strobes, Nike produced a series of videos which
recommended an assortment of training drills with which to use the eyewear. These
videos mostly comprised variations on simple ball catching tasks, such as a wall catch,
power ball drop, and turn and catch, but also included some agility and strength
based drills (Athletic Republic, 2011a). These are practiced on the easiest (fastest) strobe
frequency rate, before being made progressively harder (strobe frequency rate slows) at
a certain time- or performance-based intervals (i.e. every 5 min or every 5 successful
catches). Much of the existing literature adopts this levelling upapproach while utilizing
adaptations of these drills within sport-specic activities. While training protocols gener-
ally start on the fastest/easiest level and get progressively harder, the reporting of the
precise details are understandably vague within current literature. Specically, none of
the studies listed in Table 1 specify the exact duration with which participants trained
on each strobe level, making inference on this dimension challenging at this point.
More generally, while levelling up is understandable and appealing due to its simplicity,
it may not prove best practice for SVT. It is certainly possible that the eects of SVT
may be greater (or indeed reduced) if participants remain on just one strobe frequency.
Wilkins and Gray (2015) discuss this possibility and suggest that it may be that the
mere interruption of visual input, regardless of whether it is constant or variable is
sucient to produce advantageous training eects(p. 75).
Much of the variance seen in SVT protocols is due to the logistical constraints imposed
by using athlete populations (e.g. limited time, impracticable matching control partici-
pants, and changeable training schedules). Yet these issues do not take away from the
fact that the lack of clearly identied structure makes understanding of optimal interven-
tions challenging. The work by Appelbaum et al. (2011,2012) usefully included cohort’–
the athletic sample by which the training protocol typically varied as a factor in their ana-
lyses and found no signicant dierences in the eect of SVT. Whilst this may indicate that
the diering protocols all had the same eect, it remains possible that length of training,
activities performed, frequency of strobe rate, or something else entirely may all contrib-
ute to an as-yet undetermined optimal SVT intervention.
Testing protocols timing
Testing protocols entails both assessments that are designed to measure constructs that
might change due to SVT, as well as temporal structure that dictates the timing of pre- and
post-tests relative to training activities. Across the seven studies reviewed here, ve post-
tests occurred immediately after the nal training session, ensuring minimal interference
of learning that may lessen any potential eects. Indeed, in both studies by Wilkins and
Gray (2015), Wilkins et al. (2017), the experimental procedure was specically designed
such that a shortened training session could be undertaken prior to the post-tests.
While immediate post-tests provide the best opportunity to observe SVT eects, it is
also of fundamental interest to assess whether training eects persist for any period of
Table 1. Synopsis of training protocols used in the seven solely-stroboscopic training studies published
in the literature.
Length of training Activities performed Frequency of strobe rate
et al. (2011)
54300 min (210 ×
2030 min
Dependent upon cohort. Recommended
training drills from Nike. Specically, the
forward-facing and turn-and-catch drills.
Typical soccer activities, such as passing
and dribbling drills.Warm-up and agility
Ranged from 1 to 6 Hz, though
participants primarily
experienced levels 24
(53 Hz)
et al. (2012)
54315 min (2
1545 min
Dependent upon cohort. Recommended
training drills from Nike. Specically, the
forward-facing and turn-and-catch drills.
Typical Ultimate Frisbee activities
involving passing and throwing drills in
both stationary and running situations.
Warm-up and agility drills.
Ranged from 1 to 6 Hz, though
participants primarily
experienced levels 24
(53 Hz)
Smith and
57 min (1 × 57
min session)
5 blocks of 10 trials, whereby a trial
consisted of participants practicing their
anticipation using a 200-light Bassin
Anticipation Timer. Note: this was the
same as the pre- and post-test task.
Mitroet al.
160+ minutes (16 ×
minimum 10 min
a range of natural activities in which the
professional hockey players engage, such
as on-ice skills (eg, skating, passing) and
o-ice skills (eg, balance and
conditioning drills).
Ranged from 1 to 6 Hz
Wilkins and
Gray (2015)
165 min (8 × 20 min
sessions, 1 × 5 min
Recommended training drills from Nike.
Specically, the wall catch, the front
catch, the turn and catch, and the
power ball drop(all using a tennis ball).
Ranged from 1 to 6 Hz
Wilkins et al.
635 min (14 × 45
min sessions, 1 ×
5 min session)
simple catching-based drills using a tennis
ball and goalkeeper-specic drills
using a football.
Ranged from 1 to 6 Hz
et al. (2018)
108300 min (12
20 × 1215 min
badminton-specic training protocols
integrated into regular training
midcourt longline drives, two forms of
midcourt cross drives as well as net
drives defend long drives as well as
dierent forms of cross drive.
Ranged from 5 to 6 hz and
5070% duty cycle
time following training. As such, retention-test data has been collected in a number of
studies. These included delays of 10 min (Jones et al., 2016; Smith & Mitro,2012), 24 h
(Appelbaum et al., 2012), 10 days (Smith & Mitro,2012), two weeks (Holliday, 2013),
and four weeks (Wilkins et al., 2017). Complicating matters slightly is that, in some
instances, what was termed by the researchers as a post-testsession did not occur
immediately after training, and therefore may be better classied as retention tests. For
example, Mitroet al. (2013) conducted post-tests 24 h after their last training session.
Interestingly, in the only qualitative data to date regarding athlete perceptions of SVT, a
key theme identied by researchers was that participants found the training intervention
eortful(Wilkins et al., 2017). This opens questions about the interpretation of post-tests
which occur immediately after an SVT session and might be underweighting potential
eects of athlete fatigue. Further research should investigate this point.
Testing protocols assessed measures
Gray (2017) highlights the need for research designs in sports training to include both
an assessment of far transfer (i.e. performance in the sport) and an assessment of the
mechanisms which are intended to positively impact this transfer. For SVT research, it
would be benecial for studies to include measures of visual/perceptual/cognitive
skills and measures of the sporting performance captured by specic motor skills.
Within the seven published studies considered here, four report only visual/perceptual
assessments, one reports only sporting performance, and just two report assessments
for both markers of visual/perceptual skill and motor performance (see Table 2). It
should be noted that assessment of motor skills in the form of ball-catching (Appelbaum
et al., 2011) and free-throw shooting (Appelbaum et al., 2012) were obtained in the
Table 2. List of dependent variables measures in the seven solely stroboscopic training studies
published in the literature.
Visual/perceptual/cognitive measures Motor/other performance measures
Appelbaum et al.
Motion coherence (central eld, peripheral eld)
Divided attention
Multiple object tracking
Appelbaum et al.
Short-term visual memory
Smith and Mitro
Mitroet al.
Ice hockey shooting
Ice hockey passing
Wilkins and Gray
Motion-in-depth sensitivity
Processing speed
Divided attention
Tennis ball catching (% success, % positional
errors, % timing errors)
Wilkins et al.
Processing speed
Divided attention
Selective attention
Sustained attention
Visual response speed
Hand-eye coordination
Response inhibition (accuracy, speed)
Visual-spatial working memory
Hülsdünker et al.
N2 visual evoked potential to motion stimuli
(used as an indicator of visual processing)
Badminton-specic smash-defence task (%
successful hits, % frame hits, % missed balls)
studies by Appelbaum and colleagues, though they were not reported due to ceiling
eects within the data.
Across the extant literature, studies have generally found good evidence supporting
a positive eect of SVT on a variety of visual, perceptual, and cognitive skills. In par-
ticular, ndings point towards a benecial eect of SVT on fast, foveal vision. That
is, visual and perceptual skills which are reliant on interpreting visual information in
the central eld and/or with transient stimuli can be improved by undergoing a
period of SVT. By contrast, SVT does not appear to enhance skills that are based on
more sustained visual stimuli or stimuli appearing in the peripheral eld. For instance,
SVT has been shown to improve centrally presented motion coherence and central
eld processing (Appelbaum et al., 2011), visual memory of rapidly presented stimuli
(Appelbaum et al., 2012), anticipation of the sequence of rapidly illuminated lights
(Smith & Mitro,2012), and motion sensitivity of fast-owing 3-D stimuli (Wilkins &
Gray, 2015). Conversely, SVT has been found to have no eect on peripherally pre-
sented motion coherence, peripheral eld processing, multiple object tracking (Appel-
baum et al., 2011), or divided attention (Wilkins & Gray, 2015). It should be noted,
however, that processing speed (a fast, foveal skill) was not improved in Wilkins and
Grays(2015) work, whilst the anticipation task in Smith and Mitros(2012) study
may have involved peripheral eld detection depending upon the strategy employed
by participants.
As noted above, since SVT has the overall goal of enhancing sporting performance, it is
benecial for studies to include measures of physical skill that are inherent to sporting per-
formance. Of the seven studies discussed, three include such measures.
Wilkins and Gray had participants complete a tennis ball catching task under normal
visual conditions, before and after ve weeks of SVT. Importantly, in the study, two SVT
groups were compared: a variable strobe rate group (akin to traditional levelling up)
and a constant strobe rate group (easiest level; proposed to act as a pseudo-control).
Various visual measures were also recorded. With regards to the eects of SVT, no
group dierences were elicited though motion-in-depth sensitivity increased post-training
for both groups. The authors suggest that the stroboscopic eyewear used in the study
(PLATO occlusion spectacles as opposed to the Nike or Senaptec glasses used in much
of the other SVT work) could explain the lack of ndings. It should also be noted that
unlike in the work of Mitroet al. (2013) and Hülsdünker et al. (2018)where positive
eects of SVT on motor performance were found the participants here were not of an
elite sporting level.
The pilot work by Mitroet al. (2013)had NHL ice-hockey players perform pre- and
post-tests of passing (for defensemen) and shooting (for forwards) in between which an
experimental group underwent 16 days of SVT. Despite the small sample size (six in the
SVT group and ve in the control group), a signicant and substantial positive eect of
SVT on performance was found. When comparing pre-to-post measures of hockey puck
placement, it was observed that the SVT group signicantly improved precision by 18%
whilst the control group did not change. Although the performance measures nicely
reected the contextual demands of the athletes (i.e. has good far transfer), this study is
limited due to the relatively small sample size and the possibility that placebo, or
Hawthorne, eects may have contributed to some extent. These results should rightly
be considered a pilot study warranting follow up research.
The badminton task devised by Hülsdünker et al. (2018) required players to defend a
ball played by the coach to the opposite side of the back of the court, with the player
beginning 2 m from the net. Like the work by Mitroet al. (2013), the test accurately rep-
resented the true sporting demands of these athletes, but the small sample size and poss-
ible placebo eect are justiable caveats. The scoring system devised could also have
allowed for greater sensitivity, with trial performance rated purely on whether the ball
was successfully hit, hit with the frame of the racket, or missed.
Finally, as mentioned previously, there has been one paper which collected qualitative
data regarding SVT. Thematic analysis of the semi-structured interviews from Wilkins et al.
(2017) revealed three consistent themes; (1) players believed that their visual and percep-
tual skills (particularly focus,reactions, and judgement) improved due to SVT, (2) players
believed that their on-eld goalkeeping performance improved due to SVT, and (3) players
found the SVT both eortful and enjoyable. This last theme is an interesting one, and sup-
ports data collected in the study by Wilkins and Gray (2015) indicating participantsbeliefs
regarding their perceived improvement in focus, reactions, and judgement. Of course, it
should be noted that it is possible, or perhaps even likely, that the subjective data col-
lected in these studies is prone to biases such as the placebo eect and experimenter
Collectively, it can be inferred from the testing protocols and assessed measures
described above that SVT is broadly thought to inuence specic aspects of the spatio-
temporal dynamics of vision. While the preliminary conclusion of this review is that the
main eect of SVT is to improve fast foveal vision, more research, utilizing pre-registered
and suciently powered samples will be needed to draw stronger conclusions.
Control groups and participant samples
Perhaps the greatest challenge in SVT research relates to the identication of appropriate
control groups. In traditional controlled designs (e.g. drug trials), it is possible to create a
placebo intervention to balance the experience, and importantly motivation, of the partici-
pants. In the case of stroboscopic vision, it is not possible to introduce a placebo, nor is it
possible to blind one to the experience of the intervention, so motivational eects may
exist. The most common solutions among stroboscopic research studies have been to
either (1) have control group participants wear the eyewear, but have the lenses remain
transparent throughout, or (2) have the control group participants not wear the
eyewear at all (Table 1, right). In the rst case, participants are typically instructed to
press the buttons on the side of the glasses in the same manner as the experimental
groups, in an attempt to balance the procedure. While it is not possible to validate the
ecacy of this approach, consistent patterns of task-level eects provide anecdotal evi-
dence that training eects were not due to motivation, which would have been equivalent
across tasks for individuals in either group. Another approach taken by Wilkins and Gray
(2015), involved the use of contrasts across dierent stroboscopic conditions. This was
done to combat the potential for diering motivation, enjoyment, and eort levels
between SVT and control group participants (subjective data collected post-training indi-
cated no group dierences in these metrics). In their study, the fastest strobe setting acted
as a pseudo-control, based on previous research showing that catching performance
under such conditions did not signicantly dier from normal visual conditions (Bennett
et al., 2004). Thus, rather than compare an intermittent vision SVT group with a continuous
vision control group, they compared a variable strobe rate group and a constant strobe
rate group.
The participant sample tested in a given study is another important area to consider
within SVT research. It has been suggested that SVT may have greater ecacy for elite
athletes compared to intermediate or novice athletes, given that the visual abilities of
the latter are less likely to be limiting factors to their performance (Wilkins et al.,
2017). Conversely, it could also be argued that the benets may be larger for novice ath-
letes given that they have more room for improvement. Of the seven solely-SVT studies
published to date, four contained data from participants classied as university students,
three contained data from participants classied as university athletes, and three con-
tained data from elite-level athletes; thus, the early literature has managed to explore
a range of sporting abilities. Despite this, no studies have yet to empirically test for
dierences in strobe eects as a function of athlete experience. Furthermore, all the
studies referred to in the previous paragraph demonstrate signicant ndings (to
varying extents), so identifying whether SVT is more or less eective for particular indi-
viduals is challenging.
Within the athlete populations studied, the sports played have also varied considerably.
Soccer, given its popularity, has been studied on a number of occasions, whilst predomi-
nantly-American sports have received the majority of interest. One of the diculties in
conducting research with athletes, as opposed to the general public, is in the recruitment
of large enough samples. The three published papers using only elite-level sportsmen con-
sisted of a total of 11 (Mitroet al., 2013), six (Wilkins et al., 2017) and 10 (Hülsdünker, et al
2018) participants. Such small sample sizes make reliable statistical analyses dicult, yet
are often an inescapable fact in elite sport settings. It should be noted that the participant
sample used in the work by Appelbaum and colleagues (2011,2012) did contain a reason-
ably large number of Division 1 varsity athletes (67 total), though the data was eventually
collapsed across all cohorts, including non-athlete students, as no cohort dierence was
observed for any of the statistical tests. Sucient recruitment of student populations,
such as those in Appelbaum et al. (2011), Appelbaum et al. (2012) and Smith and
Mitro(2012) may be easier, but they bring with them issues of generalizability if the
intention of a strobe intervention is to improve elite athletes.
Applications of SVT
Visual training has become a popular tool in the arsenal of sports teams and coaches in
recent years. The fact that SVT allows athletes to train in-situ is a signicant advantage
over many traditional programmes, and is in line with optimal approaches according to
representative learning designs and the recently devised Modied Perceptual Training Fra-
mework (Hadlow, Panchuk, Mann, Portus, & Abernethy, 2018). It also makes SVT a more
appealing prospect from the logistical perspective of coaches and athletes. Anecdotal
reports indicate that SVT has been used by elite athletes in a wide range of sports, includ-
ing American football (Athletic Republic, 2011b), baseball (Berardino, 2016), basketball
(Haberstroh, 2016), ice hockey (Jackson, 2013), rugby (Carayannis, 2016), and soccer
(Kent, 2014). Given the positive reception towards the training, it is likely that such prac-
tices will continue and increase in use.
From a coaching perspective, SVT has the logistical benet of being easy to admin-
ister, and can allow athletes a degree of autonomy over their training. Studies such as
the one by Mitroet al. (2013) have demonstrated that signicant improvements can be
found even when the SVT is not regulated or recorded. Alongside the data showing that
SVT is both highly enjoyable and highly motivating (Wilkins & Gray, 2015), it is reason-
able to suggest that coaches could implement the practice with minimal guidance or
Coaches do, however, need to be aware of the safety limitations with SVT. First of all,
athletes with epilepsy or a history of seizures should not use the eyewear. Though the
strobe eyewear operates at a frequency below the photo-epileptic seizure sensitivity
threshold, and the prevalence of this disorder is less than 1% (World Health Organisation,
2017), it is recommended that athletes are carefully monitored to mitigate possible risks.
Secondly, disrupting an athletes vision whilst they are undertaking physical activity par-
ticularly if that involves intercepting moving objects brings with it potential physical
hazards. Having athletes perform tasks slightly below full speed, or with softer equipment
(e.g. tennis balls instead of cricket balls, or slightly deated footballs), may reduce contex-
tual matching, but would provide less risk of injury.
Another potential application of stroboscopic training is that of rehabilitation and
health care. In a recent review, Grooms, Appelbaum, and Onate (2015) discuss the possi-
bility of incorporating SVT into the athletic rehabilitation process for neuromuscular inju-
ries, in particular, ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament. They argue that such injuries
cause athletes to experience a reduction in somatosensory input that is compensated for
by an over-reliance on visual feedback. This adaptation may become detrimental when
returning to the sport as the complex and challenging athletic environment has the poten-
tial to overload the now more-utilised visual system. Consequently, resources for neuro-
muscular control are reduced and the risk of re-injury (or new injury) increases. Training
with stroboscopic glasses during the rehabilitation process reduces the visual input an
individual receives and therefore, in theory, reduces over-reliance from occurring.
Instead, the central nervous system is forced to use more proprioceptive inputs, which
should lead to a smoother and safer transition when returning to the challenging athletic
environment. Such a theory has begun to receive empirical support from recent clinical
studies testing this approach during lower-extremity injury rehabilitation (Kim, Kim, &
Grooms, 2017; Rhodes et al., 2017).
Finally, it should be noted that SVT has the potential to be a useful tool in any domain
which benets from improved visual and perceptual skills. Notably, recent research by
Zavlin and colleagues (2019) has demonstrated improvements in surgical training task
performance of medical students following SVT, demonstrating ecacy in domains
outside of sports. Though there is not currently empirical evidence to support their
claims, it is worth noting that manufacturers, such as Vima, advertise their Rev Tactical
strobe glasses as being built for athletes, professional shooters, military, law enforcement,
and rst responders( Driving safety may be a particularly fruitful avenue
given that the visual skills shown to be enhanced by SVT, such as motion-in-depth-sensi-
tivity, have also been associated with improved driving performance (Wilkins, Gray, Gaska,
& Winterbottom, 2013). Indeed, early work has already investigated whether SVT can
improve time-to-collision judgements (Braly & DeLucia, 2017). Thus, research exploring
the eects of SVT on performance in these various areas may be is desirable.
Future of SVT
SVT has rapidly emerged as a viable visual training approach that is easy to use and has
gained traction in sport and other domains. Based on this growth and the larger
growth of digital sports vision training tools (reviewed in Appelbaum & Erickson, 2016)
it is important to consider how future use, and future research, with this tool can be opti-
mized. As the growth of SVT continues, it is essential that research guides the parameters
and protocols employed. As identied previously, the current literature varies in a multi-
tude of factors including intervention duration, training drills performed, and strobe fre-
quency used. Future research can build on the currently reviewed studies to provide a
more systematic exploration of the optimal SVT strategy. Moreover, as this eld continues
to grow, and more empirical studies emerge, it will be possible to conduct meta-analyses
that aggregate empirical ndings that speak to the magnitude of eect sizes, moderators
that inuence eects and publication biases that may present or absent within the litera-
ture at-large.
A number of open questions remain. For example, while numerous studies have found
immediate improvements following SVT, it is unclear how long these eects last. Systema-
tic studies of retention may inform this gap. As noted earlier, SVT presents a unique chal-
lenge for blinding and for creating placebo-controlled reference groups. Future studies
may wish to explore doseresponse relationships (both over time and over level) as a
way to infer more information, given these challenges. Comparisons of SVT with other
digital visual and perceptual training programmes like Dynavision, Neurotracker, Neuro-
Trainer, or EyeGym would be particularly useful from an applied perspective, as they
would provide coaches with direct evidence for the most eective types of visual/percep-
tual training for their athletes. In addition, future studies may wish to explicitly test how
skill level (e.g. expert versus novice) interacts with strobe training eects.
In light of the challenges highlighted in this review, it is important that future SVT
studies make eorts to ensure the following:
1. Inclusion of assessments that measure of both visual/perceptual performance and
sport-specic motor performance.
2. Training and testing protocols that are (1) systematic, repeatable, and based on best
evidence, and (2) specic to the nature of the sport in question.
3. Inclusion of appropriate reference conditions such as adequate control group with
equal motivation, or doseresponse designs.
4. Blinding of investigators during the statistical analysis of data.
5. Hypotheses are pre-registered prior to data collection (e.g. Appelbaum et al 2018).
The purpose of this paper has been to review the emerging scientic literature that has
tested stroboscopic visual training in athletic contexts. The goals of this review have
been to frame out the methodological considerations that have been used, their pros
and cons, and to make recommendations where the nascent eld can be strengthened.
The goal of SVT as an athletic training tool is to transfer to performance under normal
visual conditions. This is an important point to consider given ndings demonstrating
that fundamental visual abilities correlate with on-eld performance in domains such as
baseball (Burris et al., 2018; Klemish et al 2018). Moreover, the growth of studies which
explore the direct eect of stroboscopic vision on performance present a plausible
approach to enhance these fundamental abilities and improve sporting outcomes. In
light of this, the promising ndings of early SVT research, and the abundance of positive
anecdotal reports, it would appear that SVT will remain a training tool for athletes and
sports teams for the foreseeable future.
Despite the limited amount of studies, there are a number of key themes which have
emerged. First, it does appear that SVT can enhance visual and perceptual skills. Speci-
cally, skills relating to fast, foveal vision as opposed to more sustained and peripheral
vision have been shown to improve following SVT. Impressively, two studies have
demonstrated that training eects translate to sporting performance in both professional
hockey (Mitroet al., 2013) and elite handball (Hülsdünker et al., 2018).
Secondly, there is considerable variation in how SVT research is carried out, and this
limits our ability to draw rm conclusions on the topic. There is as yet no consensus as
to the optimal training protocol, which will determine the eectiveness of SVT interven-
tions. With additional research that is more systematic in its design, evidence for SVT
may be able to back up the theoretically-driven approach and the considerable anecdotal
support that exists. The implications of this could extend far beyond sport and into impor-
tant areas such as motor vehicle safety, rehabilitation, military combat, and many more.
The authors would like to thank Susan Hilbig and Sicong Liu for their helpful comments on this
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
Neither of the authors declares any nancial interests or benets that have arisen from the direct
applications of this research. Funding was provided for author L.G.A by Army Research Oce
grant award number W911NF-15-1-0390.
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... One of the emerging trends in perceptual-cognitive training within sports scenarios involves integrating stroboscopic stimulation into on-field tasks. Stroboscopic training is a technique that intensifies the requirements on the visuomotor system by providing intermittent visual input during motor activities, leading to improved _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3 performance in standard visual situations [14]. Our recent study [15] demonstrated the positive impact of stroboscopic training, especially in terms of improvements in laboratory tasks measuring simple motor reaction time, complex reaction speed, and saccade velocity. ...
... Our findings lend additional support to the notion that stroboscopic training can effectively enhance visuomotor abilities in sports training [14,32]. Specifically, the study results corroborated our earlier observations [15] where stroboscopic intervention improved reactive agility, with more pronounced performance gains observed in the short-term as opposed to long-term changes. ...
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Background: Although stroboscopic effects are recognized as an effective tool for enhancing information processing in general perceptual-cognitive tasks, research on their transfer to sport-specific skills is limited. This study aims to evaluate the impact of a 6-week stroboscopic intervention on volleyball-specific blocking reaction speed. Additionally, it analyzes the variation in explosive leg strength as a potential factor influencing the effectiveness of volleyball blocking. Material and Methods: This study included 50 young volleyball players (26 males, 24 females), divided into an experimental and a control group. Both groups performed the same volleyball-specific tasks, but the experimental group did so under stroboscopic conditions. Participants were evaluated three times using a volleyball-specific blocking reaction task: pre-training, post-6-week training, and four weeks later. Additionally, a countermovement jump with arm swing (CMJA) test assessed its impact on blocking reaction speed. Results: The ANOVA conducted on the blocking reaction speed test revealed a significant effect of time (p<0.001, ηp2 = 0.17). In the stroboscopic group, significant differences were found between pre-test and post-test (p=0.031, d=0.54) and between post-test and retention test (p=0.017, d=0.58). The ANCOVA analysis revealed that variations in CMJA did not significantly affect the improvements in blocking reaction speed (p=0.426, ηp2 =0.01). Conclusion: Over six weeks, stroboscopic training was more effective than regular training in improving volleyball-specific blocking reaction speed, though these effects were short-term and ultimately showed no lasting differences between the groups. Furthermore, the enhancements in reaction speed were more likely due to adaptations in perceptual-cognitive performance rather than motor factors.
... Volleyball is characterized by its fast pace and diverse range of skills [4], which requires that all players perform, Basic skills are demonstrated at a high level throughout the match, which requires coaches to pay great attention to training programs. Coaches and sports scientists are constantly searching for the most effective modern training methods to improve sports performance and gain a competitive advantage [5], visual training is considered one of the most important techniques in the sports field at present [6], It must be studied and incorporated into training units, as visual training involves a series of repeated eye exercises to improve basic visual functions [7], that is important for athletes in all competitive sports. Numerous scientific sources have highlighted the benefits of foreign training cadres in enhancing accurate observation of game details and increasing chances of winning. ...
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Aims. The purpose of my study is to obtain accurate information on the subject of visual abilities that can help the training staff of the University of Mosul teams develop training curricula for female players, which are reflected in their level of motor performance on sports fields. Material and Methods. The research community and its sample consist of female players from the University of Mosul volleyball team. The researchers used various methods to collect data, including questionnaires, personal interviews with coaches, and expert opinions. The Vienna Testing System (VTS) was used by the researchers. Results. There is a significant difference in visual field and focus between the normal condition and the physical effort test. This indicates that the normal condition performs better than the physical effort test. There is a significant difference in visual field and focus between normal conditions and psychological pressure. Conclusions. We found that the training staff did not give enough attention to visual abilities during training units compared to the focus on physical and motor abilities.
... 11 Appelbaum followed with a similar article detailing sports vision testing with the Nike Sensory Station, and training improvement with an organized sports vision training treatment program including stroboscopic training, again showing statistically significant improvement. 12 In Appelbaum's 2020 article, 13 An Early Review of stroboscopic visual training: insights, challenges, and accomplishments to guide future studies, he notes that foveation (central visual processing) has improved with SVT. ...
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The use of liquid crystal stroboscopic sports vision training dates back to our introduction in 1995. With vision being the predominant sensory modality driving a motor response—whether hitting a baseball, shooting a basketball, a goalie stopping an incoming puck hurtling towards him—coaches, sports psychologists, researchers, and sports vision doctors have worked to develop strategies to improve performance. What can be measured for the entire neuro-visual processing? Can you improve this processing? If so, what are the most effective regimens? How long does it last? What is it that the athlete visually discriminates on for meaning and expertise? Saccadic eye movements are the most common visual skill for acquiring a target. When making these eye movements, the brain ‘masks’ the visual world for a few milliseconds until the eye come to a stop. This is known as saccadic omission and suppression. Are there effective strategies to minimize the effect and speed up the saccadic eye movements? Can we improve fixation accuracy? Decrease latencies? Improve target acquisition, sometimes referred to as dynamic visual acuity? A body of research quickly uncovers what stroboscopic vision training (SVT) can and cannot impact. Both anecdotal and statistically significant research studies shed light on SVT enhancing central visual processing, visual concentration, and athletic performance tied to the subskills impacted by SVT.
... It has been shown that performing under sub-optimal visual conditions can encourage individuals to use their limited viewing time more efficiently or to effectively utilize additional sensory information, such as auditory and/or proprioceptive cues (McGuckian et al., 2019). The reduction of visual information can potentially lead to a greater sense of attention, which in turn can focus attention externally to the task, rather than internally (Raiola, 2014;Wilkins & Appelbaum, 2019). ...
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This study aimed to investigate the effects of playing with visual occlusion (OCC) during small-sided games (SSG) performed under different pitch sizes on youth players' physical and technical performance. The purpose was to understand how visual occlusion may influence players' behaviour and performance in game-based scenarios. Thirty youth football players from a U14 football academy participated in the study. The design involved a repeated-measures approach, with players exposed to different experimental conditions: normal situation (NOR) without OCC; OCC with an eye patch on the dominant foot's corresponding eye. The SSGs were performed on both small and large pitch sizes. Time-motion variables were computed using positional data, and technical analysis was based on video footage. A repeated measures analysis of variance was conducted to identify differences in the considered variables between the conditions. Although no significant effects were found in technical performance between NOR and OCC conditions, suggesting adaptability to OCC constraints, some trends were observed. Increasing pitch size in the NOR scenario led to higher physical demands and more touches with the dominant foot, while smaller pitches led to an increase in the number of passes. Larger pitches with OCC increased physical demands. Players tended to use their non-dominant foot more in smaller pitches with OCC. Furthermore, OCC in larger pitches significantly reduced the game pace, movements, and dribbling frequency, allowing more time for decision-making based on environmental information. Playing with visual occlusion may impact players' behaviour and performance, leading to adjustments in the use of dominant and non-dominant feet.
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Background Athletes at risk for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury have concurrent deficits in visuocognitive function and sensorimotor brain functional connectivity. Purpose This study aimed to determine whether visual perturbation neuromuscular training (VPNT, using stroboscopic glasses and external visual focus feedback) increases physical and cognitive training demand, improves landing mechanics, and reduces neural activity for knee motor control. Design Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Eight right leg dominant healthy female athletes (20.4±1.1yrs; 1.6±0.1m; 64.4±7.0kg) participated in four VPNT sessions. Before and after VPNT, real-time landing mechanics were assessed with the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) and neural activity was assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging during a unilateral right knee flexion/extension task. Physical and cognitive demand after each VPNT session was assessed with Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) for both physical and cognitive perceived exertion and the NASA Task Load Index. Descriptives and effect sizes were calculated. Results Following VPNT, LESS scores decreased by 1.5 ± 1.69 errors with a large effect size (0.78), indicating improved mechanics, and reductions in BOLD signal were observed in two clusters: 1) left supramarginal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, secondary somatosensory cortex (p=.012, z=4.5); 2) right superior frontal gyrus, supplementary motor cortex (p<.01, z=5.3). There was a moderate magnitude increase of cognitive RPE between the first and last VPNT sessions. Conclusion VPNT provides a clinically feasible means to perturbate visual processing during training that improves athletes’ real-time landing mechanics and promotes neural efficiency for lower extremity movement, providing the exploratory groundwork for future randomized controlled trials. Level of evidence Level 3
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Objectives. The objective of the study was to develop a training program and improve physical performance through a review of the literature in order to enhance the field tennis drive stroke. Materials and methods. A comprehensive analysis of earlier research was carried out, comprising a review of articles published between 2019 and 2024 that discuss ways to improve the physical condition of volleyball players. Electronic searches were conducted using SPORTDiscus, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Scopus. The articles addressing the most effective methods for enhancing court tennis drive stroke abilities through physical performance and practice techniques were then compiled. Results. The findings of this study indicate that forty articles used physical performance techniques and practice to enhance the court tennis drive stroke. Based on the physical state assessments and its subsequent improvements, items were categorised.Anaerobic speed endurance has been defined as a training method that may be used by an athlete. Conclusions. The following conclusions were reached after a thorough analysis: while physical performance includes muscle strength, aerobic and anaerobic endurance, speed and acceleration, explosiveness, flexibility, agility, and balance, a number of training regimens were found to be effective in improving the skills of the court tennis drive stroke. These training methods include circuit training, strength training, endurance training, kinesthetics’ perception training, shadow sports training, rope ball training, interval training, and training frequency.
Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) significantly affects athletic performance and increases the risk of recurrent ankle sprains. Stroboscopic Glasses (SG) may enhance proprioceptive feedback and postural control. We aimed to evaluate the augmented effects of Proprioceptive Feedback Training (PFT) combined with SG in athletes with CAI. We conducted a single-blinded randomized controlled trial with participants assigned to the PFT+SG or PFT alone groups. The interventions were administered over an eight-week period. Improvements in the Foot and Ankle Ability Measure Sport subscale (FAAM-S), Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI) Questionnaire, Joint Position Sense (JPS) error value, postural stability via the Balance Velocity Test (BVT), Functional Performance Tests (FPTs), and giving-way episodes were assessed pre- and post-intervention. Substantial improvements in FAAM-S and IdFAI scores were observed in the PFT+SG group compared to those in the PFT group. JPS and BVT were significantly higher in the PFT+SG group than in the PFT group. FPTs and giving-way episodes were significantly higher in the PFT+SG group than in the PFT group. The inclusion of SG in PFT significantly enhanced rehabilitation outcomes in athletes with CAI. SG combined with PFT may address proprioceptive deficits and improve functional performance in patients with CAI.
Suturing is widely regarded to be a core competency of veterinary education. With curricular requirements expanding, training interventions that improve students’ suturing skills without added time would be valuable. This study evaluated the effects of stroboscopic visual resistance training, a technique using intermittent occlusion of vision, and guided visualization on suturing technique and speed. Students’ anxiety levels were also assessed. Twenty-nine veterinary students with no prior surgical experience were divided into stroboscopic, visualization and control groups. Simple interrupted, simple continuous, and cruciate patterns were taught by an American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS) boarded veterinarian in week 1, and students also took an anxiety test at this time. One-hour-long tutored practice sessions were held for each group in weeks 2, 3, 4 and 6, and assessments were conducted in weeks 5 and 7. Assessments were conducted by a second ACVS boarded veterinarian blinded to group assignments. Students in the stroboscopic training group had faster suturing times compared to students in the control group for the cruciate pattern at week 5 ( p = 0.001) and week 7 ( p = 0.006), and faster times compared to students in the visualization group at week 5 ( p = 0.002). Students in the stroboscopic training group had faster suturing times than the control group ( p = 0.005) for the simple continuous pattern at week 7. No significant differences were observed in anxiety. There was no significant difference in technique scores for any group with any pattern at any time point. Stroboscopic training may result in faster suturing times without deterioration of suturing technique.
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Background Stroboscopic visual training (SVT) has been shown to improve cognitive skills and perceptual performance by carrying out events under situations of intermittent vision. Aims The aim of this study was to investigate whether an SVT training period could improve the eye–hand coordination (EHC) performance on a practiced task for a group of sports participants. Methods Sixty-two male participants were randomly assigned to either a strobe group (SG n = 31), or control group (CG n = 31). The method employed a Sport Vision Trainer™ 80 sensor pad to measure the mean speed of reaction time of participants extinguishing randomly illuminated lights on an electronic board. One trial consists of 20 lights. One week following pre-testing on the Sport Vision Trainer™ (4 × 6 trials), a pre-training baseline assessment of 1 × 6 trials was conducted to measure their abilities to complete the EHC task. Four × six trials (480 lights) were then completed in the training phase with the CG continuing to train with unimpaired vision, whilst the SG wore Nike Vapor Strobe® (controlled rate of 100 ms visible to 150 ms opaque). Post-training assessments were administered immediately, 10 min and 10 days after SVT each consisting of six trials (120 lights). A visual search (VS) non-trained transfer test was also administered pre-SVT and after 10 days. This involved an e-prime programme using a laptop where participants had to identify a target stimulus located amongst distractor stimuli. Results Treatment effects were observed at each time point. Baseline performance was significantly related to retention performance immediately (p = .003), 10-min post (p = .001) and 10 days post-training (p = .002). No significant differences were found for the VS test. Conclusion An acute SVT exposure using stroboscopic goggles significantly improved EHC performance. Future research should explore these mechanisms further using different exposure, frequencies, and focused identification of training drills as a complementary intervention for individual or team sports.
Research Proposal
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This is a trial pre-registration for a multi-site athletic training study. For the final publication of this project. Please check out the following article: Liu, S., Ferris, L. M., Hilbig, S., Asamoa, E., LaRue, J. L., Lyon, D., ... & Appelbaum, L. G. (2020). Dynamic vision training transfers positively to batting practice performance among collegiate baseball batters. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 51, 101759.
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Objectives: To overview a framework that provides a theoretically-grounded approach to predicting the types of modified perceptual training tasks that will stimulate transfer of improved perceptual skills to sport performance environments. Modified perceptual training (MPT) collectively describes on- or off-field sports training tasks that are specifically designed to develop visual and perceptual-cognitive skill. Traditional training approaches in sport include sports vision training and perceptual-cognitive training, while recently, new technologies have enabled a broad range of additional MPT tools to become available to coaches and athletes. Design: Short literature review and opinion article. Methods: Literature in the fields of sports vision training and perceptual-cognitive training are summarised and contrasted. A selection of emerging MPT technologies are then overviewed. This leads to the identification of three interacting factors of MPT task design that may influence the task's capacity to transfer improved training performance to actual competition: (i) the targeted perceptual function, (ii) stimulus correspondence, and (iii) response correspondence, which are assimilated with key tenets of representative learning design. Results: These three theoretically-grounded differences are adopted to support and justify the structure of the Modified Perceptual Training Framework which sets out predictions for future research to test in order to clarify the transfer effect of MPT tools. Conclusions: The application of the Modified Perceptual Training Framework may assist in future testing, design and selection of beneficial training tools in sport and as such, is predicted to have significant impact in empirical and practical settings.
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Baseball players must be able to see and react in an instant, yet it is hotly debated whether superior performance is associated with superior sensorimotor abilities. In this study, we compare sensorimotor abilities, measured through 8 psychomotor tasks comprising the Nike Sensory Station assessment battery, and game statistics in a sample of 252 professional baseball players to evaluate the links between sensorimotor skills and on-field performance. For this purpose, we develop a series of Bayesian hierarchical latent variable models enabling us to compare statistics across professional baseball leagues. Within this framework, we find that sensorimotor abilities are significant predictors of on-base percentage, walk rate and strikeout rate, accounting for age, position, and league. We find no such relationship for either slugging percentage or fielder-independent pitching. The pattern of results suggests performance contributions from both visual-sensory and visual-motor abilities and indicates that sensorimotor screenings may be useful for player scouting.
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We compared coincidence-anticipation performance in normal vision and stroboscopic vision as a function of time-on-task. Participants estimated the arrival time of a real object that moved with constant acceleration (-0.7, 0, +0.7 m/s2) in a pseudo-randomised order across 4 blocks of 30 trials in both vision conditions, received in a counter-balanced order. Participants (n = 20) became more errorful (accuracy and variability) in the normal vision condition as a function of time-on-task, whereas performance was maintained in the stroboscopic vision condition. We interpret these data as showing that participants failed to maintain coincidence-anticipation performance in the normal vision condition due to monotony and attentional underload. In contrast, the stroboscopic vision condition placed a greater demand on visual-spatial memory for motion extrapolation, and thus participants did not experience the typical vigilance decrement in performance. While short-term adaptation effects from practicing in stroboscopic vision are promising, future work needs to consider for how long participants can maintain effortful processing, and whether there are negative carry-over effects from cognitive fatigue when transferring to normal vision.
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The use of virtual environments (VE) for training perceptual-motors skills in sports continues to be a rapidly growing area. However, there is a dearth of research that has examined whether training in sports simulation transfers to the real task. In this study, the transfer of perceptual-motor skills trained in an adaptive baseball batting VE to real baseball performance was investigated. Eighty participants were assigned equally to groups undertaking adaptive hitting training in the VE, extra sessions of batting practice in the VE, extra sessions of real batting practice, and a control condition involving no additional training to the players’ regular practice. Training involved two 45 min sessions per week for 6 weeks. Performance on a batting test in the VE, in an on-field test of batting, and on a pitch recognition test was measured pre- and post-training. League batting statistics in the season following training and the highest level of competition reached in the following 5 years were also analyzed. For the majority of performance measures, the adaptive VE training group showed a significantly greater improvement from pre-post training as compared to the other groups. In addition, players in this group had superior batting statistics in league play and reached higher levels of competition. Training in a VE can be used to improve real, on-field performance especially when designers take advantage of simulation to provide training methods (e.g., adaptive training) that do not simply recreate the real training situation.
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Prior studies have shown that training with stroboscopic viewing improved performance on visual tasks, such as motion coherence thresholds, and performance on coincident anticipation tasks (Appelbaum, Schroeder, Cain, & Mitroff, 2011; Smith & Mitroff, 2012). In stroboscopic viewing, individuals wear occlusion goggles which present an intermittent view of the environment. It is assumed that training during “degraded” viewing will enhance subsequent performance during unimpaired viewing. We examined whether training with stroboscopic viewing can improve time-to-collision (TTC) judgments, which have importance in real-world tasks such as driving, using a prediction motion (PM) task (Schiff & Detwiler, 1979). The PM task is particularly well- suited for stroboscopic training because the task involves extrapolation of the object’s motion after it disappears (DeLucia & Liddell, 1998; Schiff & Oldak, 1990). In stroboscopic viewing, the object appears and then disappears, but does so repeatedly throughout the object’s approach. During periods of occlusion, observers putatively extrapolate the object’s motion. When the object reappears, observers get feedback on their extrapolation. Thus, they get feedback on their extrapolation throughout the object’s entire approach.
Purpose: Stroboscopic training is suggested to improve visuomotor abilities in sports. However, previous research has primarily been focused on untrained participants and only considered behavioral data. Since visuomotor performance is substantially determined by neural visual processes, this study aimed to examine the effects of stroboscopic training on visuomotor performance and neural visual function of athletes. Methods: Ten German top level badminton players (intervention: n=5, control: n=5) participated in this study. Over a 4-week training period, athletes performed badminton-specific visuomotor tasks either wearing shutter glasses (intervention) or under normal visual conditions (control). Prior to and after the training period, behavioral smash defense tests as well as neurophysiological investigations of the N2 motion onset visual evoked potential (VEP) were used to identify modulations in the athletes' visuomotor performance and visual perception speed, respectively. Results: Badminton training improved visuomotor performance in both groups; however, stroboscopic training resulted in superior post-training performance when compared to normal visual conditions (p=0.007). Training-induced modulations in N2 latency did not reach significance, although a strong relationship was observed between changes in N2 latency and changes in visuomotor performance (r=-0.55) indicating higher performance gains following training were associated with a stronger reduction of the N2 latency. Conclusions: The results indicate stroboscopic training may be more effective than conventional visuomotor training for improving visuomotor abilities even in athletes performing at high skill levels. Furthermore, visuomotor performance gains could potentially be mediated by neural adaptations in the visual motion system. These findings should be confirmed for athletes from different disciplines.
Objective: There have been numerous advances to accelerate and improve quality and dexterous proficiency of surgical training to meet the growing US demand of graduating surgeons. The authors aimed to investigate the learning effects of such limited visual input on the surgical proficiency in untrained novice surgeons. Design: A prospective randomized-controlled study was created with 11 participants in the study and 11 in the control group. Setting: An inanimate surgical simulation lab of a tertiary academic institution (Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas). Participants: Adult medical students in the experimental group were wearing stroboscopic eyewear while performing the same tasks as students in the control group with normal vision. For 5 weeks, the subjects were scored during 3 standardized surgical tasks from the American College of Surgeons and the Association of Program Directors in Surgery Resident Skills Curriculum: knot tying, simple interrupted sutures, and a running stitch. Pretrial, we employed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and post-trial, the NASA Task Load Index. Results: The demographic characteristics of our study participants were uniformly distributed between the 2 cohorts: each group had 7 males and 4 females. Average ages were 23.6 and 24.2 years (p = 0.471). The anxiety was low during all 5 sessions and indifferent between both groups. At the end of the study, no changes were observed in the stroboscopic group for the knot-tying task (p = 0.619). However, for the simple interrupted and the running stitch, the students with stroboscopic glasses performed significantly better (p = 0.001 and p = 0.024, respectively). The stroboscopic students also had significantly lower NASA workload scores (p = 0.001). Conclusions: Regular training with stroboscopic glasses that limit visual input has a significant positive effect on the technical skills of novice surgical trainees with regards to more complex tasks such as multiple simple interrupted suturing or running suture. Intermittently impaired vision is beneficial in the early education of students and surgical residents.
Representative Learning Design (RLD) is a framework for assessing the degree to which experimental or practice tasks simulate key aspects of specific performance environments (i.e. competition). The key premise being that when practice replicates the performance environment, skills are more likely to transfer. In applied situations, however, there is currently no simple or quick method for coaches to assess the key concepts of RLD (e.g. during on-court tasks). The aim of this study was to develop a tool for coaches to efficiently assess practice task design in tennis. A consensus-based tool was developed using a 4-round Delphi process with 10 academic and 13 tennis-coaching experts. Expert consensus was reached for the inclusion of seven items, each consisting of two sub-questions related to (i) the task goal and (ii) the relevance of the task to competition performance. The Representative Practice Assessment Tool (RPAT) is proposed for use in assessing and enhancing practice task designs in tennis to increase the functional coupling between information and movement, and to maximise the potential for skill transfer to competition contexts.