Conference PaperPDF Available

Challenges of Designing and Developing Tangible Interfaces for Mental Well-Being



Mental well-being technologies possess many qualities that give them the potential to help people receive assessment and treatment who may otherwise not receive help due to fear of stigma or lack of resources. The combination of advances in sensors, microcontrollers and machine learning is leading to the emergence of dedicated tangible interfaces to monitor and promote positive mental well-being. However, there are key technical, ergonomic and aesthetic challenges to be overcome in order to make these interfaces effective and respond to users' needs. In this paper, the barriers to develop mental well-being tangible interfaces are discussed by identifying and examining the recent technological challenges machine learning, sensors, microcontrollers and batteries create. User-oriented challenges connected with the development of mental well-being technologies are then considered ranging from user engagement during co-design and trials to ethical and privacy concerns.
Challenges of Designing and Developing Tangible Interfaces for
Mental Well-Being
Kieran Woodward
School of Science and Technology
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham, UK
Eiman Kanjo
School of Science and Technology
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham, UK
David Brown
School of Science and Technology
Nottingham Trent University
Nottingham, UK
Mental well-being technologies possess many qualities that
give them the potential to help people receive assessment
and treatment who may otherwise not receive help due to
fear of stigma or lack of resources. The combination of
advances in sensors, microcontrollers and machine learning
is leading to the emergence of dedicated tangible interfaces
to monitor and promote positive mental well-being.
However, there are key technical, ergonomic and aesthetic
challenges to be overcome in order to make these interfaces
effective and respond to users’ needs. In this paper, the
barriers to develop mental well-being tangible interfaces are
discussed by identifying and examining the recent
technological challenges machine learning, sensors,
microcontrollers and batteries create. User-oriented
challenges that face the development of mental well-being
technologies are then considered ranging from user
engagement during co-design and trials to ethical and
privacy concerns.
Computer systems organization → Embedded systems;
Affective computing; Machine learning; Artificial intelligence;
Pervasive computing
The capabilities and possibilities for tangible interfaces to
have a positive impact on mental well-being are expanding
rapidly. The increasing emergence of IoT and
computationally-powerful devices is opening up new
opportunities for delivering mental well-being monitoring in
a more automated and accessible manner.
The World Health Organisation defines mobile health
(mHealth) as “the use of mobile and wireless technologies to
support the achievement of health objectives” [23]. Tangible
interfaces go beyond mobile apps as they enable a person to
interact with digital information through the physical
environment. Mental well-being tangible interfaces possess
many qualities including the ability to diagnose, promote
positive mental well-being, collect and monitor well-being
data remotely and transform well-being.
Tangible and embodied interaction improves accessibility,
reduces stigma and reduces costs due to reduced needs for
medical assistance; although there are many obstacles to
overcome that need to address the usability and
computational requirements of these systems. Addressing
these challenges requires a combination of new design
methodologies to cater to user needs and novel techniques to
improve the functionality of these systems.
Technological solutions to aid mental well-being are rapidly
increasing in popularity [12][13][2][1][11]. Numerous
mental health apps have exceeded 10 million downloads
including Calm harm and Headspace demonstrating the
popularity of these technological solutions. More recently
advancements in the IoT have led to the development of
tangible interfaces for mental well-being [21][22]. Tangible
interfaces have the potential to have a more significant
impact than mobile apps as people are more likely to create
stronger emotional attachments with physical devices rather
than digital interfaces [15][17].
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Previous mental well-being tangible interfaces have focused
on promoting the communication and recording of mental
well-being. EmoEcho [22] allowed two trusted partners to
transmit their emotional well-being through haptic feedback
in real-time and subtle stone [4] enabled students to privately
transmit their emotions to a teacher through colours. Other
tangible interfaces such as Emoball [6] and mood TUI [20]
aimed to simplify the process of self-reporting emotions.
A range of tangible interfaces has previously been developed
to sense mental well-being including wearables measuring
heart rate variability (HRV) and skin conductance [9]. When
the physiological sensors were paired with machine learning
they could successfully classify stress with an accuracy of
97.4% after 5 minutes demonstrating the capabilities that
could be incorporated into mental well-being tangible
It is not only physiological sensors that can be used to sense
and promote positive mental well-being. Force sensors have
been used within a tangible ball that allows for the
manipulation of music by sensing varying touch and motion
patterns [5]. The research concluded that squeeze music
could successfully be used for music therapy with children
as it promoted positive emotions through tactile input and
Further devices have been devised to provide interventions;
these devices use a variety of feedback mechanisms with the
aim of improving mental well-being. Research such as
Doppel [3] and good vibes [14] show tangible interfaces
containing real-time interventional feedback can have
positive impacts on mental well-being in stressful situations.
Tangible interfaces for mental well-being have not yet
utilised the full potential of recent advancements in IoT,
sensors and artificial intelligence. This research aims to
explore the common technological and user-oriented
challenges faced when developing modern tangible and
embodied interfaces for mental well-being. Figure 1 shows
the different types of challenges associated with the design
and development of tangible Interfaces for mental wellbeing.
Figure1. Challenges associated with developing tangible
Interfaces for mental wellbeing.
Though we cannot formulate a definite answer for each of
these challenges straightaway, we can shed the light on how
to move forward towards optimised, practical and well-
designed solutions.
While advancements in CPUs, microcontrollers and sensors
have resulted in smaller, more computationally powerful and
accurate devices there are still many challenges to overcome
when developing mental well-being tangible interfaces. One
of the most significant issues currently faced is the physical
size of the devices as users prioritise the look and feel of
tangible interfaces [18] [20]. Mental well-being tangible
interfaces must remain small and at the same time embed all
of the required sensors, microcontroller and battery and
while small powerful processors are available they increase
the cost of such devices considerably.
Sensor accuracy remains a challenge as to infer mental
well-being highly accurate sensors are vital. Recent
advancements have resulted in off the shelf physiological
sensors such as those measuring heart rate variability (HRV)
and Electrodermal activity (EDA) to detect stress with
similar accuracy as clinical grade sensors when they are
paired with machine learning classifiers [16]. However, the
machine learning classifiers must be first be trained with vast
amounts of accurate real-world labelled data which can be
difficult to obtain.
Machine learning provides clear benefits but requires
computationally powerful devices to run. Ideally, the
classification models would be run on-device as this would
reduce latency and increase privacy as user data would never
be transmitted off the device. New devices such as the
Raspberry Pi zero are capable of running simple
classification models on-device however their limited ram
and larger size still create challenges. Alternatively, small
microcontrollers such as the Arduino Nano could be utilised
but they only allow for the collection of data. One option to
maintain the small footprint of the Arduino Nano but still
utilise machine learning is to combine it with Bluetooth Low
Energy to transmit the data to a mobile application which
can run the classification model.
Machine learning could also allow for the provision of
personalised mental well-being inference. This provides a
solution to one of the most challenging aspects when
developing a one-size-fits-all tangible interface. Each device
could be trained on the individual’s sensory data resulting in
the more accurate inference of mental well-being state.
However, to achieve personalised inference a large amount
of data is required from each individual when experiencing
different states of well-being. A novel solution to this is the
development of tangible interfaces containing the necessary
sensors in addition to embedded techniques to self-label
allowing for the collection of large amounts of real-world
labelled data that can then be used to accurately train
machine learning models.
Battery life is an increasing challenge as advancements in
the development of more computationally powerful
processors and additional sensors have outpaced
advancements of batteries resulting in shortened battery life.
Li-Po batteries are most suitable for mental well-being
tangible interfaces as they are physically small and
rechargeable, unlike 9v alkaline batteries which are
commonly used with within the IoT. When developing
tangible interfaces using Arduino Nanos and numerous
physiological and environmental sensors Li-Po batteries
between 500mAh and 1200mAh provided an average battery
life of between 5 and 10 hours. While this is sufficient for
the tangible interfaces if the machine learning classifiers
were to run on-device this would reduce battery life
Many of the above challenges concern the detection of
mental well-being but if tangible interfaces are to also
improve well-being there are additional challenges to be
overcome. The primary challenge is the use of different
feedback mechanisms including auditory, visual and haptic
feedback which will need to be examined to confirm their
capability to reliably improve mental well-being for the
general population.
In addition to the technical challenges that exist there are
also many new user-oriented challenges that need to be
addressed, many of which are unique to tangible interfaces
for wellbeing.
Machine learning has been shown to provide many
advantages when used to infer mental well-being but for it
to be accurately trained a large amount of user data is first
required making user engagement one of the largest
challenges facing the accuracy of tangible interfaces. There
are numerous reasons as to why user engagement is often
low including digital competence as many users who
experience mental health challenges may not possess high
digital competence. However, research shows that tangible
interfaces do not require high digital competence to be
engaging which should result in any individual being able to
use such devices [6][19].
Stigma is another issue which could reduce user engagement
as traditionally there is much stigma around mental health
and the diagnostic tools used. To combat this stigma the
tangible interfaces should be designed to appear
inconspicuous, one method to accomplish this is by
embedding the sensors into pre-existing, familiar devices
such as toys for children. By making the devices
inconspicuous they are immediately more familiar and
approachable for people to use and less stigmatised.
Given the stigma associated with mental health, security has
to be a top concern for anyone developing or using tangible
interfaces for mental well-being. Many users consider their
mental health data to be highly personal and would not want
it shared with any third parties. Because of the sensitive
nature of the data on-device processing would be ideal as the
data remains local and secure although this may not always
be possible as additional computational power may be
required. Legislation could help alleviate concerns as the
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [7] in the EU
and EEA have attempted to give control to citizens over their
personal data by ensuring they can access their data and
understand how it is being processed. GDPR may help gain
people’s trust in mental well-being tangible interfaces as it
allows people to assess how their personal data is stored and
When developing devices to be used by people with mental
well-being challenges it is essential to involve end users in
the development process. Tangible interfaces for mental
well-being were explored at focus groups at a school for
students with severe, profound and complex learning and
physical disabilities in Nottingham, UK, these focus groups
highlighted additional challenges that must be addressed
before mainstream adoption. The cost of the devices was a
key concern as they must be affordable for the school or
individuals to consider purchasing which can be addressed
by using cheap off the shelf sensors and microcontrollers.
Durability was another concern raised as children often
drop and break technological devices. To address this
concern tangible interfaces specifically designed for
children such toys have been developed, these provide
additional protection for the electronic components but their
durability remains a challenge. Students within the school
also face fine and gross motor control issues making many
technological solutions such as mobile apps challenging to
use but by designing tangible interfaces to be easy to grip
and durable it should improve the accessibility of such
Co-designing the tangible interfaces is also vital to ensure
acceptance and high usability. Designing with people with
cognitive impairments is vital because they are often
overlooked as “if a mental health problem presents … it is
more likely to be attributed to their learning disability
(diagnostic overshadowing) or classed as challenging
behaviour” [8]. Co-designing with people with cognitive
impairments does present additional challenges such as
legality issues regarding informed consent and the impact of
participation as some participants may find it challenging
when confronted by their own limitations. However, many
of these challenges can be overcome using method stories
[10] which describe how methods work in reality instead of
how they ought to work in theory.
Many of the user-oriented challenges are more difficult to
overcome than the technological challenges but user
adoption and engagement should be prioritised through co-
design workshops to ensure the feasibility and acceptance of
mental well-being tangible interfaces.
The emergence of mental well-being tangible interfaces and
advancements in sensors, machine learning and
microcontrollers suggest a new era of technological mental
well-being tools, yet many challenges remain. This paper has
pointed to a number of research challenges that warrant
further investigation.
Many of these challenges are technological including the
physical size of many off-the-shelf sensors and
microcontrollers, the battery life of devices and the
processing power required for on-device machine learning
but with current advancements these challenges should
become less problematic.
There are also many user-orientated challenges ranging from
difficulties engaging users, co-design challenges and
ensuring data privacy. While these challenges remain, it is
imperative to involve end users at all stages of the design and
development of mental well-being tangible interfaces to
ensure effective interfaces are developed.
Overall mental well-being tangible interfaces presents a
great opportunity for individuals to automatically monitor
and improve their well-being but many challenges have to
be overcome by researchers to make this a reality.
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... Processing (NLP). In the paper proposed by Woodward, Kanjo, and Brown [96], the limitations of developing mental wellbeing tangible interfaces are discussed through identifying the new technological challenges in the field of machine learning, sensors, microcontrollers, and batteries. ...
Research Proposal
Modern healthcare is facing several challenges. Among others, costs are increasingly growing while resources are shrinking- ing, which demands our attention and should lead to innovative solutions in this area. One of the possible approaches is an effort to prevent severe cases by precautionary methods, such as considering human well-being as an integral element of human health. Implementing artificial intelligence in this area could benefit people’s health in unexpected ways. This thesis explores a synergy between machine learning techniques and wellbeing based on the paradigms of wellbeing computing. Three main areas are being considered – quantifying humans and human well-being, analyzing big well-being data, and designing better health & well-being spaces. In the end, two issues concerning AI are discussed – interpretability and ethics in wellbeing computing. Two of the fundamental questions are, "Are we able to define human wellbeing in a way that is understandable for machines participating in intelligent environments? What does it mean to be a human in an intelligent environment in general?"
... Labelling such data is not a trivial task, especially as the promise of such devices is to enable real-time machine learning such as recognising emotions or security threats. So far, most of the attention has been focused on the processing power of these devices and little attention has been paid on how to obtain clean and efficient labelled data to train models [3] [4]. ...
n recent years, machine learning has made leaps and bounds enabling applications with high recognitionaccuracy for speech and images. However, other types of data to which these models can be applied have not yetbeen explored as thoroughly. Labelling is an indispensable stage of data pre-processing that can be even morechallenging in single or multi-model real-time sensor data collection. Currently, real-time sensor data labellingis an unwieldy process with limited tools available and poor performance characteristics that can lead to theperformance of the machine learning models being compromised. In this paper, we introduce new techniquesfor labelling at the point of collection coupled with a pilot study and a systematic performance comparison oftwo popular types of deep neural networks running on five custom built devices and a comparative mobile app(68.5-89% accuracy within-device GRU model, 92.8% highest LSTM model accuracy). These devices are designedto enable real-time labelling with various buttons, slide potentiometer and force sensors. This exploratorywork illustrates several key features that inform the design of data collection tools that can help researchersselect appropriate labelling techniques. We also identify common bottlenecks in each architecture and providefield tested guidelines to assist in building adaptive, high performance edge solutions.
... Labelling such data is not a trivial task, especially as the promise of such devices is to enable real-time machine learning such as recognising emotions or security threats. So far, most of the attention has been focused on the processing power of these devices and little attention has been paid on how to obtain clean and efficient labelled data to train models [3] [4]. ...
Full-text available
In recent years, machine learning has made leaps and bounds enabling applications with high recognition accuracy for speech and images. However, other types of data to which these models can be applied have not yet been explored as thoroughly. In particular, it can be relatively challenging to accurately classify single or multi-model, real-time sensor data. Labelling is an indispensable stage of data pre-processing that can be even more challenging in real-time sensor data collection. Currently, real-time sensor data labelling is an unwieldly process with limited tools available and poor performance characteristics that can lead to the performance of the machine learning models being compromised. In this paper, we introduce new techniques for labelling at the point of collection coupled with a systematic performance comparison of two popular types of Deep Neural Networks running on five custom built edge devices. These state-of-the-art edge devices are designed to enable real-time labelling with various buttons, slide potentiometer and force sensors. This research provides results and insights that can help researchers utilising edge devices for real-time data collection select appropriate labelling techniques. We also identify common bottlenecks in each architecture and provide field tested guidelines to assist developers building adaptive, high performance edge solutions.
... Limited attention has been given to the design of technological management and interventions for individuals who might benefit from self-support tools [15] [27] [28]. Existing technologies commonly range from online therapy programs (e.g., Computerized Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for depression [10]) and self-help systems, to designs that supplement psychotherapy by providing additional content to support mindfulness [9] and remote monitoring [21]. ...
Conference Paper
With the decreasing cost and increasing capability of sensor and mobile technology along with the proliferation of data from social media, ambient environment and other sources, new concepts for digital prognostic and technological quantification of wellbeing are emerging. These concepts are referred to as Digital Phenotyping. One of the main challenges facing these technologies development is connecting how to design an easy to use and personalized devices which benefits from interventional feedback by leveraging on-device processing in real-time. Tangible interfaces designed for wellbeing possess the capabilities to reduce anxiety or manage panic attacks, thus improving the quality of life of the general population and vulnerable members of society. Real-time Bio-feedback presents new opportunities in Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the possibility for mental wellbeing to be inferred automatically allowing interventional feedback to be automatically applied and for the feedback to be individually personalised. This research explores future directions for Bio-feedback including the opportunity to fuse multiple AI enabled feedback mechanisms that can then be utilised collectively or individually.
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The detection and monitoring of emotions are important in various applications, e.g. to enable naturalistic and personalised human-robot interaction. Emotion detection often require modelling of various data inputs from multiple modalities, including physiological signals (e.g.EEG and GSR), environmental data (e.g. audio and weather), videos (e.g. for capturing facial expressions and gestures) and more recently motion and location data. Many traditional machine learning algorithms have been utilised to capture the diversity of multimodal data at the sensors and features levels for human emotion classification. While the feature engineering processes often embedded in these algorithms are beneficial for emotion modelling, they inherit some critical limitations which may hinder the development of reliable and accurate models. In this work, we adopt a deep learning approach for emotion classification through an iterative process by adding and removing large number of sensor signals from different modalities. Our dataset was collected in a real-world study from smart-phones and wearable devices. It merges local interaction of three sensor modalities: on-body, environmental and location into global model that represents signal dynamics along with the temporal relationships of each modality. Our ap proach employs a series of learning algorithms including a hybrid approach using Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-term Memory Recurrent Neural Network (CNN-LSTM) on the raw sensor data, eliminating the needs for manual feature extraction and engineering. The results show that the adoption of deep-learning approaches is effective in human emotion classification when large number of sensors input is utilised (average accuracy 95% and F Measure=%95) and the hybrid models outperform traditional fully connected deep neural network (average accuracy 73% and F-Measure=73%). Further more, the hybrid models outperform previously developed Ensemble algorithms that utilise feature engineering to train the model average accuracy 83% and F-Measure=82%)
Conference Paper
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An interactive tangible interface has been developed to capture and communicate emotions between people who are missing and longing for loved ones. EmoEcho measures the wearer’s pulse, touch and movement to provide varying vibration patterns on the partner device. During an informal evaluation of two prototype devices users acknowledged how EmoEcho could help counter the negative feeling of missing someone and liked the range of feedback offered. In general, we believe, tangible interfaces appear to offer a non-obtrusive means towards interpreting and communicating emotions to others.
Conference Paper
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When it comes to attention and notification management, most of the previous attempts to visualise notifications and smart phone usage have focused on digital representation on a screen that is not fully embedded in users’ environment. Today, the constant development in hardware and embedded systems including mini displays, LEDs, actuation as well as digital fabrication, have begun to provide new opportunities for representing data physically in the surrounding environments In this paper, we introduce a new way of visualising notification data using physical representations that are deeply integrated with the physical space and everyday objects. Based on our preliminary design and prototype, we identify a variety of design challenges for embedded data representation, and suggest opportunities for future research.
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Nowadays Personal Informatics (PI) devices are used for sensing and saving personal data, everywhere and at any time, helping people improve their lives by highlighting areas of good and bad performances and providing a general awareness of different levels of conduct. However, not all these data are suitable to be automatically collected. This is especially true for emotions and mood. Moreover, users without experience in self-tracking may have a misperception of PI applications’ limits and potentialities. We believe that current PI tools are not designed with enough understanding of such users’ needs, desires, and problems they may encounter in their everyday lives. We designed and prototype the Mood TUI (Tangible User Interface), a PI tool that supports the self-reporting of mood data using a tangible interface. The platform is able to gather six different mood states and it was tested through several participatory design sessions in a secondary/high school. The solution proposed allows gathering mood values in an amusing, simple, and appealing way. Users appreciated the prototypes, suggesting several possible improvements as well as ideas on how to use the prototype in similar or totally different contexts, and giving us hints for future research.
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Pain is usually measured through patient reports during doctor visits, but it requires regular evaluation under real-life conditions to be resolved effectively. Over half of older adults suffer from pain. Chronic conditions such as this one may be monitored through technology; however, elderly users require technology to be specifically designed for them, because many have cognitive and physical limitations and lack digital skills. The purpose of this article is to study whether mobile or wearable devices are appropriate to self-report pain levels and to find which body position is more appropriate for elderly people to wear a device to self-report pain. We implemented three prototypes and conducted two phases of evaluation. We found that users preferred the wearable device over the mobile application and that a wearable to self-report pain should be designed specifically for this purpose. Regarding the placement of the wearable, we found that there was no preferred position overall, although the neck position received the most positive feedback. We believe that the possibility of creating a wearable device that may be placed in different positions may be the best solution to satisfy users’ individual preferences.
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Urban spaces have a great impact on how people’s emotion and behaviour. There are number of factors that impact our brain responses to a space. This paper presents a novel urban place recommendation approach, that is based on modelling in-situ EEG data. The research investigations leverages on newly affordable Electroencephalogram (EEG) headsets, which has the capability to sense mental states such as meditation and attention levels. These emerging devices have been utilized in understanding how human brains are affected by the surrounding built environments and natural spaces. In this paper, mobile EEG headsets have been used to detect mental states at different types of urban places. By analysing and modelling brain activity data, we were able to classify three different places according to the mental state signature of the users, and create an association map to guide and recommend people to therapeutic places that lessen brain fatigue and increase mental rejuvenation. Our mental states classifier has achieved accuracy of (%90.8). NeuroPlace breaks new ground not only as a mobile ubiquitous brain monitoring system for urban computing, but also as a system that can advise urban planners on the impact of specific urban planning policies and structures. We present and discuss the challenges in making our initial prototype more practical, robust, and reliable as part of our on-going research. In addition, we present some enabling applications using the proposed architecture.
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Today's mobile phone users are faced with large numbers of notifications on social media, ranging from new followers on Twitter and emails to messages received from WhatsApp and Facebook. These digital alerts continuously disrupt activities through instant calls for attention. This paper examines closely the way everyday users interact with notifications and their impact on users' emotion. Fifty users were recruited to download our application NotiMind and use it over a five-week period. Users' phones collected thousands of social and system notifications along with affect data collected via self-reported PANAS tests three times a day. Results showed a noticeable correlation between positive affective measures and keyboard activities. When large numbers of Post and Remove notifications occur, a corresponding increase in negative affective measures is detected. Our predictive model has achieved a good accuracy level using three different classifiers "in the wild" (F-measure 74-78% within-subject model, 72-76% global model). Our findings show that it is possible to automatically predict when people are experiencing positive, neutral or negative affective states based on interactions with notifications. We also show how our findings open the door to a wide range of applications in relation to emotion awareness on social and mobile communication.
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Abstract Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable advancement in environmental models and information fusion systems taking advantage of the recent developments in sensor and mobile technologies. However, little attention has been paid so far to quantifying the relationship between environment changes and their impact on our bodies in real-life settings. In this paper, we identify a data driven approach based on direct and continuous sensor data to assess the impact of the surrounding environment and physiological changes and emotion. We aim at investigating the potential of fusing on-body physiological signals, environmental sensory data and on-line self-report emotion measures in order to achieve the following objectives: 1) model the short term impact of the ambient environment on human body, 2) predict emotions based on-body sensors and environmental data. To achieve this, we have conducted a real-world study ‘in the wild’ with on-body and mobile sensors. Data was collected from participants walking around Nottingham city centre, in order to develop analytical and predictive models. Multiple regression, after allowing for possible confounders, showed a noticeable correlation between noise exposure and heart rate. Similarly, UV and environmental noise have been shown to have a noticeable effect on changes in ElectroDermal Activity (EDA). Air pressure demonstrated the greatest contribution towards the detected changes in body temperature and motion. Also, significant correlation was found between air pressure and heart rate. Finally, decision fusion of the classification results from different modalities is performed. To the best of our knowledge this work presents the first attempt at fusing and modelling data from environmental and physiological sources collected from sensors in a real-world setting.
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We assessed the calming effect of doppel, a wearable device that delivers heartbeat-like tactile stimulation on the wrist. We tested whether the use of doppel would have a calming effect on physiological arousal and subjective reports of state anxiety during the anticipation of public speech, a validated experimental task that is known to induce anxiety. Two groups of participants were tested in a single-blind design. Both groups wore the device on their wrist during the anticipation of public speech, and were given the cover story that the device was measuring blood pressure. For only one group, the device was turned on and delivered a slow heartbeat-like vibration. Participants in the doppel active condition displayed lower increases in skin conductance responses relative to baseline and reported lower anxiety levels compared to the control group. Therefore, the presence, as opposed to its absence, of a slow rhythm, which in the present study was instantiated as an auxiliary slow heartbeat delivered through doppel, had a significant calming effect on physiological arousal and subjective experience during a socially stressful situation. This finding is discussed in relation to past research on responses and entrainment to rhythms, and their effects on arousal and mood.
Conference Paper
Timely detection of an individual's stress level has the potential to expedite and improve stress management, thereby reducing the risk of adverse health consequences that may arise due to unawareness or mismanagement of stress. Recent advances in wearable sensing have resulted in multiple approaches to detect and monitor stress with varying levels of accuracy. The most accurate methods, however, rely on clinical grade sensors strapped to the user. These sensors measure physiological signals of a person and are often bulky, custom-made, expensive, and/or in limited supply, hence limiting their large-scale adoption by researchers and the general public. In this paper, we explore the viability of commercially available off-the-shelf sensors for stress monitoring. The idea is to be able to use cheap, non-clinical sensors to capture physiological signals, and make inferences about the wearer's stress level based on that data. In this paper, we describe a system involving a popular off-the-shelf heart-rate monitor, the Polar H7; we evaluated our system in a lab setting with three well-validated stress-inducing stimuli with 26 participants. Our analysis shows that using the off-the-shelf sensor alone, we were able to detect stressful events with an F1 score of 0.81, on par with clinical-grade sensors.