Conference PaperPDF Available

Business Intelligence for Construction Company Acknowledgement Reporting System



978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Business Intelligence for Construction Company
Acknowledgement Reporting System
Abba Suganda Girsang
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program-Master of Computer
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
M. Apriadin Nuriawan
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program-Master of Computer
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Sani Muhamad Isa
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program-Master of Computer
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Reginald Putra Ghozali
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program-Master of Computer
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Herry Saputra
Computer Science Department, BINUS
Graduate Program-Master of Computer
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Emil Robert Kaburuan
Information Systems Management
Department, BINUS Graduate
Program-Master of Information
Systems Management
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
AbstractAs the one of Indonesian association of
construction service companies, the association ensure to
recommend and record every construction service company
(their members) to works according to valid Indonesian law
and constitution. The problem in this association, as the job is
to give detailed reports to government, investor either domestic
or international, and every institutions that need information
such as market needs, resource developments, and
improvement of construction technologies, is to create queries
for every data from tables in MySQL to create reports quickly,
efficiently, and automatic. Example of reporting needs are: In
what month construction project done at the most within 1
year; Project duration, project cost, and experience at the most
for each construction company; or amount of projects based on
source of funds (APBN, APBD, LOAN PEMERINTAH,
BUMN, or SWASTA) for each construction companies.
Recommended solution is using Data Warehouse where it has
structured storage and can analyze data with OLAP that has
capability to process and visualize data at high speed. To
construct the Data Warehouse, the design used Kimball
Method so this association company will have capability to
generate report according to every instances’ needs.
KeywordsData Warehouse, kimball, pentaho, report, Qlik
Construction service companies in Indonesia have lots of
potentials, where the investments, either governmental or
private (service clients) increases every years. This also
connected to growth rate of construction service companies
in Indonesia from small, medium, and big scale companies.
By observe market needs, resource developments, and
improvement of construction technologies, they are expected
to expand the company’s capability building. by expanding
the company, it will open chance of employments,
improvement of public infrastructure, and chance for local
constructions to compete with domestic and international
markets. Therefore, construction service companies are part
of factors that affect Indonesia’s development that equally
important with education, economy, and culture
These information are valuable assets to every
companies, because knowledge has important role in guiding
business analysts to take decisions[1]. And that is why, these
assets needs to be secured and easy to be access in times they
needed even in case of security breach[2]. But data available
are so many that affect extraction of information to be
difficult. Data Warehouse is a phenomenon of large
collections of data processed into information from certain
period of years and from that, to use data for reporting needs.
In this study case of association for construction service
companies, the association work to recommend and register
construction company in Indonesia, where this association
already legitimated by government’s ministry of public
works and public housing since 2002, this association
currently did not have reporting system that capable of quick,
efficient, and automatic way to generate reports from
database. Because of that limit, time needed for generate
report is relatively too long. Currently, every reports have
been done by export database from MySQL manually to
Microsoft Excel file, then analyze the Excel file directly.
Which is why Data Warehouse is needed to accommodate
appropriate, quick, and easy to understand reporting.
By implement Data Warehouse and OLAP Analysis
based on association needs, it is to be expected that analysis
result capable to represent data from different reports where
association might be need to take decision based from the
data. The decision making need few historical data to be
analyzed to support or object hypothesis and to take decision
from the analysis [3].
Methodology used in this solution is using Kimball
Method. Kimball Method is a system where transactional
data collected from every sources using queries to analyze
data. Few terms used for technologies for data transaction
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
and analysis are OLTP (Online Transactional Processing)
and OLAP ( Online Analytical Processing). OLTP and
OLAP have important role in data transaction and analysis.
This ideas from Ralph Kimball still used in current
implementation of Data Warehouse [4].
Business Intelligence (BI) is a capability or knowledge to
process data gathered and stored in order to provide business
with information that gives advantages in making decisions.
BI requires data and tools to store historical data and process
them for decision making. This will help business to expand
itself by following decisions based from business company's
Data Warehouse is relation between databases
constructed for query processes that aim for ease data
reporting and analysis. Data Warehouse capable to help
organization to analyze trend based on repository of
organization’s data in a period of time. Main functions of
Data Warehouse are to facilitate organization in strategic
planning for long term from data saved and to make quick
decision that appropriate to the problem. Modeling
dimension is used to implement Data Warehouse [6].
Modeling dimension is a data structure technique optimized
and created to read, summary, and analyze numeric
information such as value, sum, weight, etc. Few limitations
to do Data Warehouse is required storage space and memory
capacity to process these data into simplified views [7].
Star Schema is a model that still in use until now to
represent multidimensional data that include 2 kinds of table,
such as Fact table and Multidimensional table. these tables
will undergo denormalization, to form a diagram of Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD) shaped like a star. this schema
is drawn in relationship where fact table is placed in the
middle of several Dimension tables [8]. Fact table is the table
that store the facts, in this case, all historical data that will be
used in analysis process. Then the dimension table is the
table contains attributes that supports the facts[9].
Data Warehouse or usually called Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) is oriented to market compared to
conventional OLTP. OLAP is a basic to create a Decision
Support System (DSS) where this tool is used for create
complex decision. OLAP can be integrated from many
sources of data and capable to generate multidimensional
reports that used for data analysis and decision making [10].
There are 3 variances from extension of OLAP, they are:
Relational OLAP (ROLAP), Multidimensional OLAP
(MOLAP), and Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP). ROLAP act as
interface between Relational Database Management System
with OLAP users. MOLAP store data from OLTP database
in the cube. HOLAP combines both of them [11].
OLAP Cube is a feature from OLAP that connect every
dimensions into fact table. This will help decision making
and extraction of data in multidimensional way based on
hierarchy of each dimensions for gaining information
relevant based on selected level of details. Data Cube stored
in cell with structure resemble a 3D spreadsheet [12].
Operations used in this method is Aggregation operations
used to aggregate cell within the cube. Aggregate operations
used are SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, and MAX. Example of
syntax used for aggregate operation is : AggFunction
(CubeName, Measure) [By Dimension*].
ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) is an
order of steps in data processing from database that involve
process of extraction data. by maintain data quality, preserve
data standards, and reform data in certain shape
(Transformation) later to be presented (Loading) to Data
Warehouse [13].
Pentaho is open source application to execute business
analysis tasks, ETL, dashboard, and reporting. Pentaho ease
these tasks of business analysis with solutions in application
to create and develop business analysis project [14]. ETL
process in Pentaho is using application called Pentaho Data
Integration to make data extraction and transformation
process easy. For design of OLAP Cube is using Mondrian
with Pentaho Workbench Schema. Then to design report
from ETL process is using Pentaho Report Designer.
Qlik Sense is an interactive application for analyze and
visualize large amount of data to create presentation,
dashboard, and reporting. This application is easy to use
because of drag and drop components feature. Qlik Sense is
available in shape of desktop application (Qlik Sense
Desktop) and cloud hosting (Qlik Sense Cloud) that free to
use. For company usage, they provide Qlik Sense Enterprise
that removes limitations in free version [15].
In this part, there are steps that explained later in this
paper to solve problems in association company. Starting
from data collection and analysis, designing star schema,
ETL process, create a OLAP cube, then finally, design
reports and dashboards.
Start with data collection, every data that support in the
case study is analyzed to produce information about
calculations and measurements that will be shown in OLAP
analysis, report design, and indicators to be shown inside
dashboard. These data will become reference to develop the
Data Warehouse. Data sources that used to develop Data
Warehouse are from operational database taken from
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
MySQL and tables shown in ERD of Figure 1.
With these data sources, a step of extraction data will be
done to extract data from OLTP database into OLAP
database. these data will be reform into filtered data that used
for analysis. Data will be divided into fact and dimensions.
Dimensions are used for making categories that group the
data from fact. The fact in other side will have role as main
source of information to be analyzed. The design of data is
represented by star schema in Figure 2. the star schema is
composed with 1 fact table and 5 dimension tables.
Based on fact and dimensions in star schema data design,
a step of ETL will be done using Pentaho Data Integration
application. The ETL Process start from extracting data from
OLTP database by selecting tables that possess required data.
Then, select columns of data that needed for OLAP analysis.
Data will be given with surrogate key that represent the
identity for each data. Last, these data will be stored in table
inside OLAP database. Figure 3,4,5,6,7 in order are ETL
steps to create dimension tables. Start from construction
company, category, source of funds, place, and time.
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 1. ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)
Fig. 2. Star Schema
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 3. Load Company Dimension
Fig. 4. Load Category Dimension
Fig. 5. Load Source of Funds Dimension
Fig. 6. Load Place Dimension
Fig. 7. Load Time Dimension
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 8. Load Experience Fact Table
For fact table, each surrogate key from dimension tables
will be taken for connecting the relevant data. These data
relevant to surrogate key will be selected to become sample
of fact table’s data. Similar with dimension table, columns
need to be chosen for taking core values needed in analysis.
In this step, OLAP database is ready to use for dashboard
and reporting. Figure 8 is an example of extraction process of
experience table for construction companies’ project (records
of project done by each of company).
Next step is to form an OLAP Cube. the design for this
case study is shown in Figure 9 that used Pentaho
Workbench Schema application. Result from this OLAP
Cube design is stored in form of xml file that also called as
Mondrian file.
We present an application of Data Warehouse to generate
reports and dashboards to support decision making for
construction company association management. The
application intended to change manual and difficult way to
generate report into more orderly way. This method used
ETL process to manipulate data from operational database
into star schema that easier to analyzed. The data will be
represented with reports and dashboards to help management
to review and take decision.
Fig. 9. OLAP Cube
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
By using reporting and dashboard application, data from
OLAP database can be processed into diagram or table that
easy to understand. Reports are easy to understand by using
diagrams that represent summary of data based on conditions
given. If details of data are needed to be analyzed, dashboard
will give more complete visualization.
In this case study, analysis will be done to find out
summary of data with conditions:
In what month construction projects have been
done in a year.
Accumulation of project execution duration for
each construction companies.
Accumulation of contract’s value from contracts
done by a construction company.
Sum of projects based on source of funds for each
construction companies.
Each of these conditions are represented by reports and
dashboards. Figure 10 and 11 represent in what month
construction projects have been done in a year. Figure 12 and
13 represent accumulation of project execution duration for
each construction companies. Figure 14 and 15 represent
accumulation of contract’s value from contracts done by a
construction company. Figure 16 and 17 represent sum of
projects based on source of funds for each construction
Fig. 10. Report of In What Month Construction Projects Have Been Done In a Year
Fig. 11. Dashboard of In What Month Construction Projects Have Been Done In a Year
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 12. Report of Accumulation of Project Execution Duration For Each Construction Companies
Fig. 13. Dashboard of Accumulation of Project Execution Duration For Each Construction Companies
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 14. Report of Accumulation of Contract’s Value From Contracts Done By a Construction Company
Fig. 15. Dashboard of Accumulation of Contract’s Value From Contracts Done By a Construction Company
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fig. 16. Report of Sum of Projects Based On Source of Funds For Each Construction Companies
Fig. 17. Dashboard of Sum of Projects Based On Source of Funds For Each Construction Companies
978-1-5386-9422-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
The 1st 2018 INAPR International Conference, 7 Sept 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
By using dashboard and report, data analysis process
become much easier to done. Data Warehouse is able to
give capability to process fact data with multiple
dimensions in OLAP database. Result from data
processing can be presented with many kinds of diagrams,
tables, and dashboards. Combination of reports and
dashboards made a easy way for business analysts to take
appropriate and quick decision to solve the problems.
We noted some limitations while doing the study case.
Dashboard used in this case is not comply with real-time
operational data. Qlik Sense Desktop needs to receive data
from operational database source then create a data schema
based on data at the time it received. This means every
new data added in operational database needs to be loaded
periodically in Qlik Sense Desktop, adding time costs and
efforts for creating real-time reports and analysis.
Report designer used in this case can only use single
query to generate a report. Query used in the report that
contains join function will takes more time to process the
query for generate report. There also a moment that extra
queries are needed in order to create different diagrams or
tables that relevant with the case in a single report.
For future works, we plan to create decision support
system that helps the managers and high-level
managements to take decisions from these reports and
dashboards. Also, we plan to investigate different
application that supports real-time operational data to
create real-time business intelligence.
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... BI systems can be used to improve the project implementation process and automatise project processes, predict various occurrences, reduce financial challenges and risks of the project; and finally, correctly analyse the relevant project data to gain more reliable information and finally improve project performance. Girsang et al. (2018) investigated the use of BI as a tool to validate construction company reports and concluded that construction compa-nies in Indonesia have to develop and improve resources and construction technologies to provide accurate reports to governments and investors, identify market needs, project schedule, project costs, and the required level of experience in the company. It can be concluded that BI can facilitate rapid data storage, analysis, processing, and visualisation. ...
... The results of the current study were similar to the results reported by Hosseinzadeh et al. (2022), Paradza and Daramola (2021), Lopes and Boscarioli (2020), Girsang et al. (2018), Xie et al. (2022), J. Pondel and M. Pondel (2016). According to the results of the current study, the performance management had the first importance ranking in the t-test and Friedman test. ...
Full-text available
In construction projects, managers make multiple decisions every day. Most of these decisions are relatively unimportant; some of them are critical and could lead to the success or failure of a construction project. To ensure construction companies make effective managerial decisions, decision making requires performing an initial technical and economic analysis, comparing different decision-making solutions, using a planning system, and ensuring project implementation based on the provided plans. Therefore, the use of powerful systems such as business intelligence (BI), which play a central role in management and decision-making, is essential in project-based companies. The current study aims to determine and evaluate the main managerial opportunities in the application of BI in project-based construction companies using a descriptive survey approach. An empirical research questionnaire consisting of 60 factors and 7 categories was adopted. The questionnaire, after confirming its validity and reliability, was distributed to 100 experts engaged in 5 active project-based construction companies who were familiar with BI topics. To analyse the data, a one-sample t-test and the Friedman test were performed using the SPSS software. The findings indicated that the importance of the identified opportunities for the use of BI in project-based construction companies is above average and that, in the case of using BI in such companies, these opportunities can be used to improve project performance. The results of the current study can help managers and other stakeholders as an effective decision-making tool to better implement BI in project-based companies.
... BI systems can be used to improve the project implementation process and automatise project processes, predict various occurrences, reduce financial challenges and risks of the project; and finally, correctly analyse the relevant project data to gain more reliable information and finally improve project performance. Girsang et al. (2018) investigated the use of BI as a tool to validate construction company reports and concluded that construction compa-nies in Indonesia have to develop and improve resources and construction technologies to provide accurate reports to governments and investors, identify market needs, project schedule, project costs, and the required level of experience in the company. It can be concluded that BI can facilitate rapid data storage, analysis, processing, and visualisation. ...
... The results of the current study were similar to the results reported by Hosseinzadeh et al. (2022), Paradza and Daramola (2021), Lopes and Boscarioli (2020), Girsang et al. (2018), Xie et al. (2022), J. Pondel and M. Pondel (2016). According to the results of the current study, the performance management had the first importance ranking in the t-test and Friedman test. ...
Full-text available
In construction projects, managers make multiple decisions every day. Most of these decisions are relatively unimportant; some of them are critical and could lead to the success or failure of a construction project. To ensure construction companies make effective managerial decisions, decision making requires performing an initial technical and economic analysis, comparing different decision-making solutions, using a planning system, and ensuring project implementation based on the provided plans. Therefore, the use of powerful systems such as business intelligence (BI), which play a central role in management and decision-making, is essential in project-based companies. The current study aims to determine and evaluate the main managerial opportunities in the application of BI in project-based construction companies using a descriptive survey approach. An empirical research questionnaire consisting of 60 factors and 7 categories was adopted. The questionnaire, after confirming its validity and reliability, was distributed to 100 experts engaged in 5 active project-based construction companies who were familiar with BI topics. To analyse the data, a one-sample t-test and the Friedman test were performed using the SPSS software. The findings indicated that the importance of the identified opportunities for the use of BI in project-based construction companies is above average and that, in the case of using BI in such companies, these opportunities can be used to improve project performance. The results of the current study can help managers and other stakeholders as an effective decision-making tool to better implement BI in project-based companies.
... However, many companies, not having this technology, obtain inefficient processes and lack of reliability and integrity of the information to make decisions [5]; it should be noted that incident management is considered a key quality factor, in the social, scientific-technological, political, environmental and economic perspective in an organization, since it allows solving the incidents derived from the control and prevention of the various risks, thus reducing the negative impact on organizations [6]. In this sense, it is important to keep in mind that information is a valuable asset for all companies, because it is the knowledge of the organization and has an important role in guiding business analysts to make decisions [7]. It also provides relevant knowledge, within the framework of decisions effectively, and that, in general, requires some computer support to be analyzed in detail based on the situations that may arise based on your transactional history and that helps to choose the most effective strategy to solve risks [8]. ...
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The main objective of this article is to implement business intelligence (BI) technology to improve incident management in the control center of a security company; making use of the Ralph Kimball method for the development of the data mart, contemplating the phases: planning of projects, definition of requirements, design of technological architecture, performing a dimensional modeling a star with 9 dimensions and 1 table made, also used the structured query language (MySQL) database, extract, transform, and load (ETL). Development the pentaho data integration, which allowed the migration, transformation and cleaning of the data from the online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP) database, obtaining as a result that the BI managed to increase the level of the service by 28.42% and reducing the frequency index by 25%.
... Girsang et al. [43] created a business intelligence system that automatically generates reports that are fast, effective, and informative (e.g., project duration, project cost, experience). Governments, domestic and foreign investors that require information on consumer demands, resource trends, or construction technology advancements can use the framework. ...
Designing Services Systems is becoming more complex with the raise of the importance of maintainable designs in order to improve the building performance. This research aims at enhancing the maintainability of the systems’ components in healthcare facility at early design stages to ensure better maintenance planning. The research proposes a framework that gathers the inputs from all business parties to assist in building a Maintainability Information Database (MID) that stores the maintenance information of systems components (e.g., costs, maintenance frequency, and code regulations) as well as the data responsibilities matrix. along with the maintainability goals which are used as a baseline in the design stage to evaluate the design options. Eight indicators are introduced to evaluate systems design in healthcare facility buildings with respect to the maintainability aspects. The framework integrates Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Business Intelligence (BI) system to assist in assessing maintainability by developing an add-in tool using C# programming language. The tool extracts all data required for maintainability assessment from the BIM models, runs the computation model for the assessment, and exports all and maintainability information and the assessment results to an interactive Business intelligence Dashboard in a web-based interface. The Business intelligence Dashboard is designated to track maintainability plans for all systems components of the healthcare facility building. The system functionalities are tested on an actual healthcare facility design project to evaluate two different design options and illustrate its capabilities.
... There are also several types of businesses in the construction industry, including EPC, infrastructure (bridges, roads, public facilities), and buildings. In addition, construction work can be divided into two types, namely made to stock and made to order [2]. Made to order means that a company will do a job when it receives a contract offer, for example, a bridge infrastructure development project. ...
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Prospectively, the existence of the construction service industry, both small and large scale, has strategic value for Indonesia, considering that the proportion of its role is quite large and involves the large number of workers involved in the implementation of a construction project. From the above statement, it can be concluded that construction service companies have a positive impact on economic development. But in reality, the implementation of a construction service business has several obstacles and problems. According to the Report on Construction Development "BAPEKIN" in the socialization of Law no. 18/1999 and the Implementation Regulations for construction services, there are several problems that occur in the Business Potential or Conditions of Construction Services in Indonesia. Generally, these problems are the unrealized quality of construction, timeliness of implementation, and efficiency of resource utilization as planned. The unequal position between Service Users and Service Providers in rights and obligations is fair and harmonious. To overcome the above problems, one solution is to develop a technology that can integrate the needs of various construction companies, facilitate the company's business processes so that the company's goals can be maximally achieved. ERP is an enterprise information system designed to coordinate all resources, information, and activities required for a complete business process. ERP systems are based on databases and modular software designs.
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To achieve meaningful results, data-driven decision-support systems in construction require integration of fragmented data from multiple standalone databases. In practice, a manual brute-force approach is often the only available means of integrating structured, yet semantically-ambiguous, construction data. Two common data integration challenges include the identification of (1) key strings (i.e., product identification) partially shared between two data sources and (2) relationships (overlap, included, or outside) between two 3D object lists based on coordinates. This research has developed a framework that includes two generic solutions to the above-identified semantic mapping challenges. The proposed framework automatically integrates fragmented and incompatible data (exhibiting similar semantic mapping challenges) from various sources into a tidy format for input into a diverse range of industrial construction applications. Verification and functionality of the framework was confirmed using both artificial data and a real case study of a large oil-and-gas project. The ability of the proposed data integration functions and framework to automate otherwise manual data integration processes was demonstrated. Results of this study are expected to enhance real-time information flow, improve data quality, and promote the use of fragmented data for critical decision-support in practice.
Conference Paper
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La inteligencia de negocios (BI) está siendo muy utilizada para lograr competitividad empresarial, por lo cual se busca en este artículo conocer las metodologías más usadas para su implementación. Para llevar a cabo esta investigación se recurrió al mapeo sistemático de literatura, las bases de datos consultadas para la extracción de la información fueron: EBSCOHOST, IEEE, ERIC y ACM. Se trabajó con trece artículos que cumplían con todos los criterios definidos previamente. Las preguntas planteadas han sido contestadas, por lo cual se llegó a establecer las metodologías más usadas para la implementación de proyectos BI, siendo la de Kimball la principal. Se identificaron también las herramientas tecnológicas que han servido para apoyar la implementación de BI; y adicionalmente se determinaron las áreas a las se dirigieron los trabajos en inteligencia de negocios.
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Regardless of the recent growth in the use of “Big Data” and “Business Intelligence” (BI) tools, little research has been undertaken about the implications involved. Analytical tools affect the development and sustainability of a company, as evaluating clientele needs to advance in the competitive market is critical. With the advancement of the population, processing large amounts of data has become too cumbersome for companies. At some stage in a company’s lifecycle, all companies need to create new and better data processing systems that improve their decision-making processes. Companies use BI Results to collect data that is drawn from interpretations grouped from cues in the data set BI information system that helps organisations with activities that give them the advantage in a competitive market. However, many organizations establish such systems, without conducting a preliminary analysis of the needs and wants of a company, or without determining the benefits and targets that they aim to achieve with the implementation. They rarely measure the large costs associated with the implementation blowout of such applications, which results in these impulsive solutions that are unfinished or too complex and unfeasible, in other words unsustainable even if implemented. BI open source tools are specific tools that solve this issue for organizations in need, with data storage and management. This paper compares two of the best positioned BI open source tools in the market: Pentaho and Jaspersoft, processing big data through six different sized databases, especially focussing on their Extract Transform and Load (ETL) and Reporting processes by measuring their performances using Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). The ETL experimental analysis results clearly show that Jaspersoft BI has an increment of CPU time in the process of data over Pentaho BI, which is represented by an average of 42.28% in performance metrics over the six databases. Meanwhile, Pentaho BI had a marked increment of the CPU time in the process of data over Jaspersoft evidenced by the reporting analysis outcomes with an average of 43.12% over six databases that prove the point of this study. This study is a guiding reference for many researchers and those IT professionals who support the conveniences of Big Data processing, and the implementation of BI open source tool based on their needs.
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Agile methodologies were introduced in 2001. Since this time, practitioners have applied Agile methodologies to many delivery disciplines. This article explores the application of Agile methodologies and principles to business intelligence delivery and how Agile has changed with the evolution of business intelligence. Business intelligence has evolved because the amount of data generated through the internet and smart devices has grown exponentially altering how organizations and individuals use information. The practice of business intelligence delivery with an Agile methodology has matured; however, business intelligence has evolved altering the use of Agile principles and practices. The Big Data phenomenon, the volume, variety, and velocity of data, has impacted business intelligence and the use of information. New trends such as fast analytics and data science have emerged as part of business intelligence. This paper addresses how Agile principles and practices have evolved with business intelligence, as well as its challenges and future directions.
Despite the recent increase in the utilisation of the tools of ”Big Data” and ”Business Intelligence” (BI), the investigation that has been carried out regarding the inferences related to its implementation and performance is relatively scarce. Analytical tools have a significant impact on the development and sustainability of a company since the evaluation of the clients information are critical aspects and crucial in the progress towards a competitive market. All corporations at certain phase in their life cycle, require to implement different and improved data processing systems in order to optimize the decision making procedures. Enterprises utilise Business Intelligence outcomes to pull together records that has been extracted from consolidated analyses from signals in the data grouping of Business Intelligence information scheme. This, in turn, gives a marked advantage to companies in the development of activities based on predictions, and also to compete with competitors in the market. Business Intelligence applications are precise implements that resolve this matter for companies that require, data storing and administration. The chapter examines the most recommended Business Intelligence open source applications currently available: Pentaho and Jaspersoft, processing big data over and done with six databases of diverse sizes, with a special focus on their Extract Transform and Load (ETL) and Reporting procedures by calculating their routines through Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). Moreover, the chapter correspondingly makes available a complete explanation of the structures, features, and comprehensive implementation scenario.
Purpose This viewpoint article makes the case that the field of Knowledge Management (KM) must respond to the significant changes that big data/analytics is bringing to operationalizing the production of organizational data and information. Design/methodology/approach This article expresses the opinions of the co-editors of the special Journal of Knowledge Management issue, Does Big Data mean Big Knowledge?: KM Perspectives on Big Data and Analytics. Findings A Big Data/Analytics-Knowledge Management (BDA-KM) model is proposed that illustrates the centrality of knowledge as the guiding principle in the use of big data/analytics in organizations. Research limitations/implications This is an opinion piece and the proposed model still needs to be empirically verified. Practical implications It is suggested that academic and practitioners in KM must be capable of controlling the application of big data/analytics and calls for further research investigating how KM can conceptually and operationally use and integrate big data/analytics to foster organizational knowledge for better decision-making and organizational value creation. Originality/value The Big Data/Analytics-Knowledge Management (BDA-KM) model is one of the early models placing knowledge as the primary consideration in the successful organizational use of Big Data/analytics.
Conference Paper
Data cubes are widely used as a powerful tool to provide multi-dimensional views in data warehousing and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP). However, with increasing data sizes, it is becoming computationally expensive to perform data cube analysis. In this paper, we introduce HaCube, an extension of MapReduce, designed for efficient parallel data cube computation on large-scale data. We also provide a general data cube materialization solution which is able to facilitate the features in MapReduce-like systems towards an efficient data cube computation. Furthermore, we demonstrate how HaCube supports view maintenance through either incremental computation (e.g. used for SUM or COUNT) or recomputation (e.g. used for MEDIAN or CORRELATION). We implement HaCube by extending Hadoop and evaluate it based on the TPC-D benchmark over billions of tuples on a cluster with over 320 cores. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency, scalability and practicality of HaCube for cube computation over a large amount of data in a distributed environment.
This chapter defines analytics and traces its evolution from its origin in 1988 to its current stage -- cognitive analytics. We discuss types of learning and describe classes of machine learning algorithms. Given this backdrop, we propose a reference architecture for cognitive analytics and indicate ways to implement the architecture. A few cognitive analytics applications are briefly described. The chapter concludes by indicating current trends and future research direction.