
An Environmental Perspective on Urbanization: Research Needs for Strengthening Environmental Aspects in Urban Development

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‘Urban environmental protection’ is an important cross-sectional task of the German Environment Agency (UBA). Through an extensive participation and coordination process, UBA has developed a strategic research agenda on this issue within the last 2 years. The research agenda defines most important research topics for better integrating urban development and environmental protection in future. Existing research gaps were identified, and important research needs to fill these gaps were derived. The research agenda is primarily focussed on topics that have high relevance to urban development from an environmental point of view, taking into consideration the current framework conditions, challenges and trends. All identified research topics need an interdisciplinary work, which is why cooperation with several stakeholders in urban development and environmental protection research, policy and practice is essential to develop suitable results. The UBA research agenda defines three thematic clusters and three cross-sectional topics that are underpinned with numerous specific research questions. The thematic clusters focus on issues connected to environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and healthy urban development; environmentally friendly natural resource use; regional circular economy development; and environmental protection through coordinated urban and infrastructural development. Complementarily, the cross-sectional topics highlight research questions on digitalization in urban areas, governance, financing and participation issues, as well as urban–rural connections. The agenda will be updated regularly, considering new developments and needs. The results will particularly be used for relevant federal programmes, strategies, regulations and information tools.

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In der Wissenschaft seit Jahren bekannt, hat sich das Urban Mining-Konzept zu einem Modewort entwickelt. Es beschreibt die quasi bergmännische Rohstoffgewinnung im urbanen Raum – in der Stadt wie auch in der Kommune. Genauer betrachtet verbergen sich dahinter bislang jedoch häufig nur Konzepte einer erweiterten Siedlungsabfallwirtschaft. Aber im Gegensatz zu dieser mit ihren recht kurzen und damit leicht erfass- und prognostizierbaren Materialumlaufzeiten erfordert eine generationenübergreifende Aufgabe wie Urban Mining weit umfangreichere Instrumente und eine weit vorausschauende Strategie zum Stoffstrommanagement. Das Umweltbundesamt will ein gemeinsames Verständnis zum Urban Mining vermitteln und dazu ermutigen, mit diesem Strategieansatz konsequent voranzuschreiten.
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