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Abstract and Figures

As natural marshes are lost to erosion, sea level rise, and human activity, small created marshes, (sometimes with ancillary stabilization structures, and frequently called living shorelines) have gained interest as a replacement habitat; providing both shoreline stabilization and restoration of important ecological functions. These living shorelines enhance ecological function while reducing erosion through the use of marsh plants (Table 1). In all but the lowest energy settings, oyster reefs, low rock structures, or other stabilizing material are frequently used to enhance marsh establishment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Access at:
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J Appl Ecol. 2019;56:1099–1105. 
As natural marshes are lost to erosion, sea level rise, and human
activity, small created marshes, (sometimes with ancillary stabiliza-
tion structures, and frequently called living shorelines) have gained
interest as a replacement habitat; providing both shoreline stabili-
zation and restoration of important ecological functions. These liv-
ing shorelines enhance ecological function while reducing erosion
through the use of marsh plants (Table 1). In all but the lowest en-
ergy settings, oyster reefs, low rock structures, or other stabiliz-
ing material are frequently used to enhance marsh establishment.
Due to their ability to stabilize the shoreline with minimal impact to
the ecology, living shorelines are considered a method to increase
coastal community resilience to sea level rise (e.g., Sutton- Grier,
Wowk, & Bamford, 2015; Van Slobbe et al., 2013) but little consid-
eration is being given to living shoreline resilience under changing
climate. Although it has been stated that living shorelines have the
capacity to adapt to rising sea levels (e.g., Moosavi, 2017; Sutton-
Grier et al., 2015; Toft, Bilkovic, Mitchell, & La Peyre, 2017), their
ability to fulfill this potential relies on being designed to incorporate
all the processes occurring in natural systems. The extent to which
living shorelines c an mimic the resiliency of natural marshes and oys-
ter reefs will depend on their setting, design and the type of human
maintenance provided. Truly resilient projects will require engineers
and ecologists to work together to describe the dynamics of shore-
line processes under sea level rise and translate this understanding
into living shoreline design.
The potential for living shorelines to self- adapt to rising sea
levels comes from their biotic components. When properly con-
structed, living shorelines provide a plethora of ecological services
through their biotic components, including: nursery, nesting
and feeding habitat (Bilkovic & Mitchell, 2017; Davis, Takacs, &
Schnabel, 2006; Gittman et al., 2015); filtering of sediments and
nutrients from waterways (Beck, Chambers, Mitchell, & Bilkovic,
2017); reduction of wave energy (Gedan, Kirwan, Wolanski,
Barbier, & Silliman, 2011; Gittman, Popowich, Bruno, & Peterson,
2014); and carbon storage (Davis, Currin, O'Brien, Raffenburg, &
Davis, 2015). In this respect, they have the potential to provide
ecological functions that are similar to natural marshes and it is
tempting to assume that living shorelines incorporate all the same
dynamic processes. However, living shorelines are engineered
systems which frequently differ from natural coastal marshes in a
few key elements: (a) Plantings are done on a grid, so initial plant
density is controlled by design, not inundation; (b) living shore-
lines typically have a gradual, constant slope while natural shore-
lines (particularly in erosional areas) often have a scarped edge
and complex microtopography; (c) living shorelines frequently
have associated engineered structures designed to mitigate wave
energy, which can affect sedimentation and faunal settlement
patterns. These differences can translate into a system which is
stable in the short term, but may have difficulty adapting to a
changing environment.
Much of the monitoring or assessment of living shorelines is
related to ensuring ecological functions (habitat, nutrient transfor-
mations) are equivalent to those of natural marshes; however, as-
sessments of living shoreline sustainability are equally important.
Natural coastal marshes are dynamic systems, with some natural
adaptation to sea level rise realized through feedback loops (Morris,
2007) involving plant production and sediment capture that result in
marsh vertical growth (accretion) and migration into adjacent lands
DOI: 10.1111/1365 -266 4.13371
Embracing dynamic design for climate- resilient living shorelines
Molly Mitchell | Donna Marie Bilkovic
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia
Molly Mitchell
Handling Editor: Rute Pinto
climate change, coastal resilience, defenses, erosion, green infrastructure, marsh, nature-based, sea level rise
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2019 The Authors. Journal of Applied Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of British Ecological Society
Journal of Applied Ecology
TABLE1 Comparison of different shoreline stabilization methods
Potential functions
Dissapates wave
native habitat
habitats, may
faunal access
to shoreline
subjec t to
sel f-
under SLR
Living shorelines
Yes, amount
depends on
marsh width
No Depends on
setting (Yes in
low energy)
Yes Yes No (typically) No Yes Yes, with
Marsh with rock sill
+0.3m MHW
Yes No Ye s Depends on
setting (Yes
on rocky
Yes, although
Depends on
Partially Marsh only,
with retreat
Marsh with oyster sill
Yes, amount
depends on
marsh width
No Yes Yes Yes No (typically) No Yes Both, but
Traditional hardening
Rock Revetment
Yes No Ye s Depends on
setting (Yes
on rocky
Possible Depends on
No No, and may
retreat of
Timber/concrete Bulkhead
Reflects energy Depends
Yes No Possible Yes Replaces
No No, and may
retreat of
Journal of Applied Ecology
wherepossible(Figure1).In contrast,living shorelinesaret ypically
engineered as static systems that reduce erosion and mimic the flora
(primarily) and the fauna (secondarily) of natural marshes, but with
little e mphasis on creating t he characteris tics of natural marshes that
allow for self- evolution under changing water levels. Appropriate
design of living shorelines should enhance longevity by embracing
the dynamic characteristics of natural marshes and leveraging nat-
ural feedback loops to maximize sediment accretion and stabiliza-
tion (Bilkovic & Mitchell, 2017). In this article, we draw on scientific
literature and practical experience with living shoreline design and
application to make recommendations for how living shorelines can
be sited, built and maintained to be resilient to sea level rise.
Longevity of living shorelines under sea level rise is largely depend-
ent on their location in the coastal system. There are three siting
factors that affect persistence: (a) wave energy at the site, (b) the po-
tential for upland marsh retreat, and (c) the sediment supply (which
is critical for marsh accretion). Ideally, living shorelines should be
placed to minimize wave energy and maximize the other two factors
high wave energy and maximize sediment capture, but cannot com-
pletely compensate for poor siting.
Living shorelines are most appropriate in low to moderate en-
ergy settings since plants have difficulty establishing and thriving
in high energy areas (Currin, Davis, & Malhotra, 2017). This means
that most estuarine, riverine or creek settings should be appro-
priate, assuming that the shorelines are not subject to high wave
energy. The exception is the outer bends of river meanders, where
water flow can be swift and natural processes lead to erosion and
migration of the bend. With appropriately- sized structures, living
shorelines have been built in open coastal areas. However, their
long- term prognosis under sea level rise may be difficult to pre-
dict. These areas are subject to high wave energy and although
structures placed channelward of the marsh can reduce wave en-
ergy somewhat, coastal sediment dynamics can also be very dif-
ferent from the more sheltered coastlines where natural marshes
are typically found. Alongshore sand movement and barrier island
migration are both important processes on open coasts that are
critical components of coastal resilience but are not compatible
with stabilized living shoreline design. The development of dy-
namic living shoreline designs specifically for high- energy coastal
areas, such as barrier islands, would have enormous resilience
Marsh retreat potential is linked to local land use and sur-
rounding elevations (Mitchell, Herman, Bilkovic, & Hershner,
2017). Living shorelines built in low elevation areas will naturally
be able to migrate landward, as long as the surrounding land
use is compatible. The adjacent upland/riparian area should be
preserved as natural lands, ideally populated with native grass
or shrubs. Marshes can migrate into forested riparian areas, but
shade from the trees can slow migration and competition from
invasive species (e.g. Smith, 2013) can alter the floral commu-
nity. There may be plants that enhance the migration of marsh
flora that could be planted in riparian zones and research on
this topic would be timely. Steeper elevations or impervious
surfaces (roads, driveways, buildings, etc.) interrupt the marsh
retreat corridor and should be avoided where possible. In areas
where there are sharp inclines, elevation breaks, or retaining
walls in the riparian zone, grading of the land may be possible to
create a gentle slope and ensure that the marsh isn't compressed
during migration. Where living shorelines are backed by bluffs,
migration won't be a viable process and significant accretion
(equivalent to sea level rise rates) will be crucial to maintain the
Another important siting factor for living shoreline persistence
is local sediment supply. This is particularly critical where marsh
retreat is limited. Sediment from both the waterway and the sur-
rounding upland can be captured, contributing to marsh accretion.
Accretion slowly raises the surface of the marsh over time, and
can keep it in the proper position in the tidal frame. Accretion in-
creases with time of submergence (Temmerman, Govers, Wartel,
& Meire, 2004) and with increased plant productivity (Kirwan &
Murray, 2007; Morris, Sundareshwar, Nietch, Kjerfve, & Cahoon,
2002), both processes increase with sea level rise. Together
these processes can contribute significantly to marsh persistence
under moderate sea level rise (Gedan et al., 2011). However, in
areas where sea level rise is accelerating (Boon & Mitchell, 2015),
high sediment supply will be an important consideration when
FIGURE1 Dynamic processes help
natural marshes adapt to rising sea level.
Tall, dense marsh plants dissipate wave
energy and collect sediment, allowing
the marsh surface elevation to increase.
Their roots also contribute to accretion.
Natural, low elevation lands allow marshes
to retreat into upland areas as sea level
rises. This maintains marsh extent under
changing conditions
Journal of Applied Ecology
migration potential is limited, so consideration should be given to
the surrounding shorelines. Local sediment supply can be greatly
reduced by shoreline and bank stabilization, such as retaining
walls or bulkheads; therefore, living shorelines in front of or ad-
jacent to unstablilized banks should be more resilient than those
where bulkheads and revetments are pervasive. It is also import-
ant to consider local conditions that might lead to high subsidence
at the marsh location. Marshes persist in areas where the surface
accretion is higher than the subsidence rate plus the local sea
level rise rate. Some subsidence rates, such as subsidence due to
glacial isostatic rebound, are widespread with reliable estimates
of magnitude (Piecuch et al., 2018). However, subsidence rates
can vary greatly on small scales (20–30 m, Bekaert, Hamlington,
Buzzanga, & Jones, 2017) due to local processes such as ground-
water withdrawals. In marsh sediments, some subsidence is due
to the breakdown of organic material (Morris, 2007); this should
be a minor issue for living shorelines since most of them are
built on inorganic sediment surfaces and take years (>8 year) to
develop typical marsh sediments (Beck et al., 2017). Locally high
subsidence rates result in an increased rate of relative sea level
rise in the affected area. Living shorelines in these areas will re-
quire higher accretion rates to compensate for the sea level rise
and this should be taken into account during project design.
Living shorelines can be designed to take advantage of natural pro-
cesses that enhance sediment accretion, marsh surface elevation,
marsh stability and adaptability. Plant growth is an important mod-
erator of all of these characteristics; therefore marsh plantings are
integral to living shoreline sustainability. Plant height and density
are positively related to the marshes ability to dissipate wave en-
ergy (Gedan et al., 2011), which can increase sediment capture (as
long as there is sufficient sediment supply) and stimulate accretion.
Plants also contribute organic matter to the sediment through root
FIGURE2 Comparison of retreat potential for living shorelines. (a) This living shoreline was constructed adjacent to natural marshes
and on a low elevation shoreline with ample opportunity for retreat. However, the somewhat sparse grass may limit its ability to accrete
sediment. (b) This marsh is in front of a bluff, which cuts off the retreat pathway but provides sediment for accretion. (c) This living shoreline
is built in front of a block retaining wall that cuts off the retreat pathway. Survival under sea level rise will require sufficient sediment
accretion to maintain its elevation within the tidal frame
(a) (b)
Journal of Applied Ecology
production, taking up space in the sediment and raising the sur-
face elevation (Baustian, Mendessohn, & Hester, 2012). Maximizing
plant height and root growth requires appropriate nutrient availabil-
ity. Adding fertilizer to the initial plantings may help maximize plant
productivity (Priest, 2017), at least in the early years (2–3 year) after
creation. Living shorelines that are partially groundwater- fed may
benefit from natural fertilization since they have been shown to re-
move nitrogen from the groundwater (Beck et al., 2017). Maximizing
plant density could be achieved through denser initial planting or
encouraging plant spread. Adjusting planting configurations, such as
planting marsh vegetation in clumps rather than evenly dispersed,
may promote high density plant growth and rapid expansion (Silliman
et al., 2015).
Sediment stability is important to prevent marsh erosion and
create a stable base for accretion. Edge stabilization is frequently
achieved through the use of a rock or oyster sill structures. Sill in-
clusion in living shorelines can enhance sediment deposition and
accretion, given sufficient sediment supply and wave reduction ca-
pacity (Currin, Delano, & Valdes- Weaver, 2008), and therefore may
help increase their resilience. Marsh- wide, sediment stability can be
enhanced by root production which helps to bind the sediment to-
gether. In some living shorelines, there may also be fauna that can
help bind sediments, such as ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa),
which are considered important components of natural marsh sta-
bility (Bertness, 1984). Encouraging the settlement of these species
may increase marsh stability; however, the construction of ancillary
stabilization structures (e.g., rock sills) in living shorelines is likely
one contributing factor to observed low recruitment of mussels
in living shoreline by reducing larval access to the marsh surface
(Bilkovic & Mitchell, 2017). This suggests that using sills to increase
edge stability has the potential to affect marsh- wide stability.
However, with careful design, impacts from sills can be minimized;
enhancing overall marsh resilience. When sills are necessary or de-
sirable to promote sediment accretion and reduce erosion, the use
of low elevation sills or low elevation “windows” in the sills should
be considered to maximize faunal access to the marsh. Although sills
can enhance living shoreline resilience, their effectiveness may de-
cline over time. Rock sills are static structures; as sea level rises,
their elevation in the tidal frame and their effectiveness in reducing
wave energy will be reduced. Adding biotic components (e.g. oys-
ters) can create a dynamic reef sill (Hall, Beine, & Ortego, 2017) that
maintains its elevations under rising sea levels. The oysters also add
roughness and complexity to sills, creating natural habitat and dissi-
pating wave energy (Whitman & Reidenbach, 2012).
The slope of the living shoreline marsh and the way in which
water enters and leaves the marsh may also affect its resilience.
Living shorelines typically have more “perfect” slopes than natu-
ral marshes and the high and low marsh widths are controlled by
design, not natural feedback loops. Water access may be through
more constricted channels than in natural marshes, leading to
changes in inundation periods, sedimentation patterns and plant
species distributions. All of these factors can affect the living
shoreline's response to sea level rise. At this time, there is little
research addressing this issue. One model, which looked at the
persistence of a created marsh under sea level rise, suggested that
a consistent slope and controlled inundation can lead to a prob-
lematic response to sedimentation under accelerated sea level
(Vandenbruwaene et al., 2011). As mentioned above, accretion is
expected to increase with increasing inundation (under sea level
rise); if this is not happening, the living shoreline will eventually
drown. More studies of this issue should be done, both models
and field tests of different grading plans (e.g. flatter gradients or
more microtography) and water access designs should be studied.
Ultimately, achieving the dynamic design necessary for sea level
rise resilience requires a change in attitude by engineers and property
owners . Since shoreline s tabilization is t ypically mea nt to “hold the line”
against changing coastal boundaries, there is an expectation that the
initial design is also the final design of the project. To truly incorporate
sea level rise into a living shoreline requires acceptance and tolerance
by the prop erty owners fo r a dynamic stabilization technique—i.e. their
sand and plants may move around over time by design. These shifts
are necessary for the living shorelines to be resilient to storms and
long- term changes in sea level. Natural succession of plant and animal
species and landward retreat of marsh plants should be expected and
part of the initial design (Bilkovic, Mitchell, Mason, & Duhring, 2016).
Although the goal is to design living shorelines that naturally accrete
and retreat with rising sea levels, it is unrealistic to think this can be
achieved in all places and human maintenance of living shorelines
may be necessary. Studies of natural marshes show that sea level
rise is accelerating at stressful rates in some areas, leading to marsh
loss (Mitchell et al., 2017); this is likely also going to be a problem
for the living shorelines in the absence of intervention. Long- term
augmentation of living shoreline accretion rates may be possible
through thin- layer dredge disposal. This is one method that has
been used to raise natural marsh elevations (Croft, Leonard, Alphin,
Cahoon,&Posey,2006;Ford, Cahoon,&Lynch,1999),andmaybe
applicable to living shoreline resilience. In this process, a thin deposit
of sediment is sprayed over the marsh surface, with the idea that it
will be captured by the vegetation, enhancing marsh accretion. The
transferability of this technique to living shorelines needs more re-
search. Even if technically feasible, thin layer dredge disposal may
be too expensive and labor intensive for smaller projects. In addi-
tion, the depth of the sediment deposit and frequency of application
would need to be assessed for each project since local rates of sea
level rise and subsidence can vary on small spatial scales.
Tidal marshes are naturally adaptive systems that alter their loca-
tion and elevation to fit changing sea levels. Embracing the dynamic
characteristics of these systems when designing living shorelines
Journal of Applied Ecology
will result in more resilient shoreline designs. Considering longevity
in both project siting and project design is critical to ensuring shore-
line protection and the continuation of ecological services from liv-
ing shorelines. Key considerations include:
Siting that allows for landward marsh retreat with rising sea levels,
wherever possible
Healthy and appropriate plant communities that can stabilize and
accrete sediments with consideration of species diversity and den-
sity of plantings to maximize productivity and sediment accretion
Sill structures designed to enhance sedimentation while not limit-
ing faunal use of the marsh, including the use of “windows” in the
sill to promote faunal movement; and which include biotic compo-
nents, such as oysters, allowing adaptation to rising sea levels
An improved societal understanding of the benefits of dynamic
shoreline protection designs
Living shorelines are rapidly populating our coasts, and are in-
creasingly being considered critical components of flood wave reduc-
tion and erosion protection for coastal communities (Sutton- Grier
et al., 2015). The resilience of these coastal communities is reliant on
the resilience of their living shorelines. A key element mentioned in
this paper is the need for the integration of ecologist and engineers
in the design of living shorelines. This need has been recognized (e.g.
Airoldi et al., 2005; Bilkovic & Mitchell, 2017; Moosavi, 2017) and
there are a few examples of it being put into practice (Chapman &
Blockl ey,20 09; Firt h etal., 2014). However, there is ro om for im-
provement. We recommend three steps towards achieving this goal.
First,as mentioned inToftetal.(2017) the creationof“virtual”fo-
rums can help facilitate discussion across disciplines. Second, fund-
ing agencies can promote transdisciplinary research through their
funding programs. Third, universities can break down barriers be-
tween their educational tracks and make cross- disciplinary learning
more accessible. These actions could help change the landscape of
living shoreline design, resulting in more sustainable coastlines.
The comments of the editor and two anonymous reviewers helped im-
prove the manuscript. Conclusions in this article were drawn partially
fromresearchsupportedbyNSFgrant160 0131.ThisisContribution
No. 3810 of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.
M.M. and D.M.B. conceived the ideas for this manuscript. M.M. led
the writing of the manuscript. All authors contributed critically to
the drafts and gave final approval for publication.
Data have not been archived because this article does not contain
M. Mitchell is an ecologist who researches wetlands, how they
change and adapt under sea level rise, and how we can create sys-
tems that mimic the important processes of the natural wetland
systems, with a particular emphasis on the plant communities.
D.M. Bilkovic is an ecologist and associate professor at Virginia
Institute of Marine Science. She has worked on multiple aspects
of the ecology of coastal habitats and assemblages. She does re-
search on improving the understanding of social- ecological feed-
backs that erode or strengthen coastal resilience, and the role of
living shorelines as habitat conservation strategies.
Together they have co- edited a book on living shorelines, authored
papers on living shoreline management and both have been lectur-
ers on living shoreline at numerous educational and outreach ven-
ues. They also provide advice to state, loc al and public entities about
the impacts of different shoreline solutions on the natural system.
Molly Mitchell
Donna Marie Bilkovic
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How to cite this article: Mitchell M, Bilkovic DM. Embracing
dynamic design for climate- resilient living shorelines. J Appl
Ecol. 2019;56:1099–1105.
... More research is needed to understand the engineering, economic, and ecological tradeoffs associated with moving between tall, narrow wave-attenuating structures and shorter, broader structures (see Morris et al. 2021). Regardless, a more comprehensive baseline energetics study would have informed a more effective design (Miller et al. 2015;Mitchell & Bilkovic 2019). ...
... While observation may be adequate for repair (structural) in many cases, true adaptive management practitioners likely need more rigorous monitoring data to track small-scale changes in less observable metrics (e.g., elevation) over time. Living shoreline projects need maintenance and adaptive management like other infrastructure projects (Kerr et al. 2020) to ensure proper development of structures and to quickly repair any damage before it becomes problematic to the overall stability and performance of the project (Mitchell & Bilkovic 2019). Furthermore, we argue that NbS tactics such as CORs must be adaptively managed through time with support from implementers, funders, and resource agencies because they are living structures deployed in dynamic environments. ...
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The implementation of nature-based solutions (NbS), including living shorelines, to mitigate estuarine habitat loss is increasing at a pace exceeding the evaluation of their long-term success. Constructed oyster reefs (CORs) made of shell, concrete, stone, and other materials are one living shoreline tactic that is widely utilized, yet few studies have been conducted to understand the development of CORs within the context of both physical and ecological parameters over longer time scales (4 + years). A COR-based living shoreline project at the Gandy’s Beach Preserve (GBP) in Delaware Bay, NJ, USA, had dual goals of coastal protection and habitat provisioning, which prompted the development of a goal-driven monitoring framework to track project objectives. Methods were developed to quantify the following multi-disciplinary metrics over 7 years: elevations of CORs, waves (height, period, and direction), shoreline elevations, change in extent of vegetation patches, oyster density and size, nekton richness and community composition, and horseshoe crab impingement. The CORs met most of their habitat provisioning objectives as they were colonized by a multi-generational population of shellfish and created habitat for nekton, while posing negligible hazards to horseshoe crabs. However, none of the coastal protection objectives was fully achieved including material stability, wave attenuation, and sediment elevation increase. Results highlight the value of longer-term monitoring to understand performance and the need to match the scale and type of NbS tactic(s) with both the scale of the landscape and the site-specific hydrodynamic conditions to meet project goals.
... Belowground plant biomass may also decline in response to eutrophication, a common issue in coastal ecosystems worldwide (Deegan et al. 2012). These losses in above and belowground biomass could have biophysical ramifications, by amplifying erosional losses and reducing the potential for sediment accretion, thus limiting the ability of these habitats to resist erosion and self-adjust to rising sea levels, which are estimated to regionally increase by 1 m by the year 2100 (Coops et al. 1996;Morris et al. 2002;Bornhold et al. 2008;Gedan et al. 2011;Mitchell and Bilkovic 2019). ...
... This approach has been largely effective at meeting regulatory criteria (i.e., target vegetative cover after a 5-year period), but our findings suggest these conventional designs may be limited in their ability to support self-adapting, resilient marshes that can persist in a changing environment . Novel approaches that shift away from static, hard-engineered designs and instead utilize natural processes, such as sediment accretion, accretion/vegetation feedback loops, and facilitation should be explored further (Silliman et al. 2015;Mitchell and Bilkovic 2019). ...
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More than 100 tidal marsh creation projects were constructed throughout the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Canada from the 1980s to present. Past studies described and evaluated many of these projects and found varied success, but the underlying factors that determine project outcomes remain uncertain. Combining field sampling, spatial analysis, and statistical modeling of plant communities, we aim to address this knowledge gap by asking what factors influence the resilience of created marshes, as measured by (1) persistence of marsh vegetation, (2) native species dominance, and (3) species richness. We observed marsh recession in 40 of the 78 projects visited, representing 23,666 m2 (9.3%) of the 254,357 m2 of created marsh surveyed. Increases in mean site elevation had a negative effect on percent recessed area, while sites in the north branch of the river and sites further upriver were more prone to recession. From field observations and data interpretation we suggest that wake erosion and Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) herbivory may be drivers behind these losses and warrant further investigation. Dominance of native species declined with distance upriver, though invasive cattail (Typha angustifolia, T. × glauca) defied this trend, dominating outer estuary sites, particularly closed embayments, when present. Native and non-native richness shared similar patterns and were comparable between reference and created marshes, increasing on average with elevation and distance upriver. These findings offer insight into how site design and location influence the outcome of marsh creation projects, and the challenges presented by stressors and environmental change in estuaries.
... In this perspective, we offer some insights into the current living shoreline (LS) funding landscape, and how it is limiting our ability to adaptively manage these critical projects and large-scale investments. A significant and growing body of research has provided many insights and guided improvements in LS design and implementation; however, it is largely funded independently of the restoration projects themselves (e.g., Scyphers et al. 2011, Davis et al. 2015, Gittman et al. 2016, Mitchell and Bilkovic 2019, Polk et al. 2022). This means most evaluation is conducted after construction (but see Gittman et al. 2016), with no or very limited pre-construction baseline data against which to rigorously compare findings. ...
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Huge sums of money (billions) are being spent to combat the loss of valuable coastal ecosystems and human infrastructure through the stabilization of shorelines. The last several decades have seen a large push towards the implementation of nature-based approaches, or living shorelines (LS), that seek to both stabilize shorelines and promote or enhance ecosystem functions and services. A growing body of research has demonstrated ecological benefits of LS restorations. However, our ability to identify specific LS designs or features that most enhance particular ecosystem functions or services remains limited. As a result, we can provide limited guidance on the best designs for future LS projects that will maximize their ecological benefits, and therefore return on investment. Every restoration project is essentially an experiment that can provide rich knowledge of the ecological outcomes, but only if the relevant research and monitoring is properly funded and that information is made widely available to practitioners. Despite the investment of billions of dollars into LS projects, considerably fewer funds are being directed towards research, monitoring, and assessment of these projects. In many cases, funding for monitoring only becomes available after the projects are installed, meaning we are frequently forced to use space-for-time substitution rather than more rigorous and robust designs that include sampling before construction. We call for funding agencies to embed funding for robust monitoring and assessment of these projects, to allow for a greater understanding of the successes and failures, and to more wisely guide future projects.
... A lack of understanding about the long-term performance of nature-based coastal protection was identified in the initial design stages and was specifically related to the climate sensitivity of the ecological component in terms of the ability for adaptation and options for retreat under future conditions. Nature-based coastal protection is often cited as having the ability to adapt to climate change, however, this will depend on their design and environmental conditions (Mitchell and Bilkovic, 2019). ...
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The global loss of coastal habitats is putting communities at risk of erosion and flooding, as well as impacting ecosystem function, cultural values, biodiversity, and other services. Coastal habitat restoration can provide a nature-based solution to the increasing need for climate adaptation on the coast while recovering lost ecosystems. Despite the benefits of using nature-based coastal protection to manage coastal hazards, there are scientific, socio-political and economic barriers to the broad use of this approach. Understanding the details of these barriers from the perspective of multiple stakeholders is essential to identifying solutions to overcome them. Using a workshop with participants that are key partners and stakeholders (from government, engineering consulting firms, and non-governmental organisations) in the management, design, and delivery of a coastal protection solution we aimed to: (1) gain a better understanding of the barriers faced by multiple stakeholders involved in the implementation of nature-based coastal protection; and (2) identify tangible solutions to these barriers to increase or support implementation, help focus attention on areas for future research, and inform pathways forward for the governance of nature-based coastal protection. We defined 19 barriers to nature-based coastal protection, but the primary ones that are experienced during the delivery of a project are a lack of: education and awareness; community support; necessary expertise and technical guidance; and uncertainty around: the risk reduction that can be achieved; planning and regulatory processes; and ownership of the structure. Two barriers that do not persist during the design stages of a project but are overarching as to whether nature-based coastal protection is considered in the first place, are government support and the availability of funding. The importance of these primary barriers changes depending on the method of nature-based coastal protection. We conclude by identifying both immediate actions and long-term solutions for enabling nature-based coastal protection in response to each of the primary barriers.
... Living shorelines incorporate coastal habitats such as wetlands or biogenic reefs either without ('soft approach) or with ('hybrid approach') an engineered structure, such as a low crested breakwater, rocks or oyster shell bags designed to support habitat establishment, and in some cases provide immediate coastal protection (Bilkovic et al. 2017). Living shorelines have the potential to be adaptive to future climate changes, as coastal habitats can self-repair after damage in storm events and grow or accrete at a rate that matches sea level rise (Gittman et al. 2014;Mitchell and Bilkovic 2019). Hybrid shorelines with planted saltmarsh behind rock sills or oyster shell bags have been widely adopted in the United States (Bilkovic et al. 2016). ...
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Erosion poses a significant threat to coastal and estuarine environments worldwide and is further exacerbated by anthropogenic activities and increasing coastal hazards. While conventional engineered structures, such as seawalls and revetments, are commonly employed to protect shorelines from wave impact and erosion, they can also cause detrimental environmental effects. By creating/restoring coastal habitats with engineered structures, hybrid living shorelines offer coastal protection and other co-benefits. Using aerial imagery, we studied the rates of shoreline change before and after living shoreline installation, and between living shorelines and adjacent bare shorelines in three estuaries in New South Wales, Australia. Mangroves had established behind most rock fillets and displayed a trend of increasing canopy cover with fillet age. In the first 3 years since installation, the rates of lateral shoreline change reduced from − 0.20, − 0.16, and − 0.10 m/year to − 0.03, − 0.01, and 0.06 m/year in living shorelines in Hunter, Manning, and Richmond Rivers, respectively. However, when compared to control shorelines, the effectiveness in reducing erosion varied among living shorelines with mean effect sizes of 0.04, − 0.28, and 1.74 across the three estuaries. A more positive rate of shoreline change was associated with an increasing percentage of mangrove canopy area and an increasing length of protected shoreline at wide channels. While hybrid mangrove living shorelines are a promising solution for mitigating erosion and creating habitats at an estuary-wide scale, they may also contribute to downdrift erosion, emphasising the importance of considering site-specific hydrogeomorphology and sediment movement when installing living shorelines.
... Gray infrastructure, also called shoreline armor-There are numerous benefits to using NI instead of gray infrastructure. For example, NI can be cheaper and easier to maintain, adaptive to climate change, and less harmful to the environment (Gittman et al., 2014;Mitchell & Bilkovic, 2019;Narayan et al., 2016;Sicangco et al., 2021;Sutton-Grier et al., 2015). Additionally, NI often offers more cobenefits or services in addition to the primary purpose of hazard protection than gray infrastructure. ...
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People often modify the shoreline to mitigate erosion and protect property from storm impacts. The 2 main approaches to modification are gray infrastructure (e.g., bulkheads and seawalls) and natural or green infrastructure (NI) (e.g., living shorelines). Gray infrastructure is still more often used for coastal protection than NI, despite having more detrimental effects on ecosystem parameters, such as biodiversity. We assessed the impact of gray infrastructure on biodiversity and whether the adoption of NI can mitigate its loss. We examined the literature to quantify the relationship of gray infrastructure and NI to biodiversity and developed a model with temporal geospatial data on ecosystem distribution and shoreline modification to project future shoreline modification for our study location, coastal Georgia (United States). We applied the literature‐derived empirical relationships of infrastructure effects on biodiversity to the shoreline modification projections to predict change in biodiversity under different NI versus gray infrastructure scenarios. For our study area, which is dominated by marshes and use of gray infrastructure, when just under half of all new coastal infrastructure was to be NI, previous losses of biodiversity from gray infrastructure could be mitigated by 2100 (net change of biodiversity of +0.14%, 95% confidence interval −0.10% to +0.39%). As biodiversity continues to decline from human impacts, it is increasingly imperative to minimize negative impacts when possible. We therefore suggest policy and the permitting process be changed to promote the adoption of NI.
... California has the second longest shoreline in the United States after Alaska, is the most populous state and also contains many miles of developed coast, which makes it an appropriate place to evaluate the challenge of how to respond or adapt to both long-term sea-level rise and short-term extreme events along the shoreline and take a realistic look at the available options. In recent years, the concept of living shorelines has been advanced in many areas as a response to coastal flooding and shoreline recession [8][9][10]. Are living shorelines a realistic solution for the coast of California? ...
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California and most other coastlines around the world are being impacted by both long-term sea-level rise and short-term extreme events. Due to California’s long and intensively developed coastline, it is an important area for evaluating responses to these challenges. The predominant historic approach to coastal erosion in California and globally has been the construction of hard coastal armoring such as seawalls and rock revetments. The concept of living shorelines—defined as using natural elements like plants, sand, or rocks to stabilize the coastline—has been widely proposed as a soft or green response to coastal erosion and flooding. However, these approaches have very limited application in high-energy environments such as California’s 1100-mile-long outer coast and are not realistic solutions for protection from wave attack at high tides or long-term sea-level rise. Each of the state’s coastal communities need to identify their most vulnerable areas, develop adaptation plans, and plan eventual relocation strategies in response to an accelerating sea-level rise.
Technical Report
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This report provides an evidence base on how Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Empowerment Tools (ET) can support resilience in coastal communities. Using a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA), this report synthesises the current state of the evidence concerning the role of NbS and community ET in addressing coastal challenges such as climate change across Europe. The outcomes and impacts of such approaches, and catalysts in fostering empowerment and resilience within these communities are presented, including methods and indicators to report and measure empowerment. This report is targeted for policy- and decision-makers, researchers and practitioners, exploring the nexus between coastal resilience, NbS and empowerment. Concrete examples and a classification of Empowerment Tools are proposed to foster engagement and ownership among coastal communities - a relevant source for planning future NbS projects and coastal Living Labs in Europe and across the world.
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California and most other coastlines around the world are being impacted by both long-term sea-level rise and short-term extreme events. Because of California’s long and intensively developed coastline, it is an important area for evaluating responses to these challenges. The predominant historic approach to coastal erosion in California and globally has been the construction of hard coastal armoring such as seawalls and rock revetments. The concept of living shorelines – defined as using natural elements like plants, sand or rocks to stabilize the coastline – has been widely proposed as a soft or green response to coastal erosion and flooding. These approaches have very limited application in high-energy environments, however, such as California’s 1,100-mile-long outer coast and are not realistic solutions for protection from wave attack at high tides or long-term sea-level rise. Each of the state’s coastal communities need to identify their most vulnerable areas, develop adaptation plans, and plan eventual relocation strategies in response to an accelerating sea-level rise.
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Identifying the causes of historical trends in relative sea level—the height of the sea surface relative to Earth’s crust—is a prerequisite for predicting future changes. Rates of change along the eastern coast of the USA (the US East Coast) during the past century were spatially variable, and relative sea level rose faster along the Mid-Atlantic Bight than along the South Atlantic Bight and the Gulf of Maine. Past studies suggest that Earth’s ongoing response to the last deglaciation1–5, surface redistribution of ice and water5–9 and changes in ocean circulation9–13 contributed considerably to this large-scale spatial pattern. Here we analyse instrumental data14,15 and proxy reconstructions4,12 using probabilistic methods16–18 to show that vertical motions of Earth’s crust exerted the dominant control on regional spatial differences in relative sea-level trends along the US East Coast during 1900–2017, explaining most of the large-scale spatial variance. Rates of coastal subsidence caused by ongoing relaxation of the peripheral forebulge associated with the last deglaciation are strongest near North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia. Such structure indicates that Earth’s elastic lithosphere is thicker than has been assumed in other models19–22. We also find a substantial coastal gradient in relative sea-level trends over this period that is unrelated to deglaciation and suggests contributions from twentieth-century redistribution of ice and water. Our results indicate that the majority of large-scale spatial variation in long-term rates of relative sea-level rise on the US East Coast is due to geological processes that will persist at similar rates for centuries.
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Introduction: Marshes contribute to habitat and water quality in estuaries and coastal bays. Their importance to continued ecosystem functioning has led to concerns about their persistence. Outcomes: Concurrent with sea-level rise, marshes are eroding and appear to be disappearing through ponding in their interior; in addition, in many places, they are being replaced with shoreline stabilization structures. We examined the changes in marsh extent over the past 40 years within a subestuary of Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, to better understand the effects of sea-level rise and human pressure on marsh coverage. Discussion: Approximately 30 years ago, an inventory of York River estuary marshes documented the historic extent of marshes. Marshes were resurveyed in 2010 to examine shifts in tidal marsh extent and distribution. Marsh change varied spatially along the estuary, with watershed changes between a 32% loss and an 11% gain in marsh area. Loss of marsh was apparent in high energy sections of the estuary while there was marsh gain in the upper/riverine section of the estuary and where forested hummocks on marsh islands have become inundated. Marshes showed little change in the small tributary creeks, except in the creeks dominated by fringing marshes and high shoreline development. Conclusions: Differential resilience to sea-level rise and spatial variations in erosion, sediment supply, and human development have resulted in spatially variable changes in specific marsh extents and are predicted to lead to a redistribution of marshes along the estuarine gradient, with consequences for their unique communities.
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Over the past century, the Hampton Roads area of the Chesapeake Bay region has experienced one of the highest rates of relative sea level rise on the Atlantic coast of the United States. This rate of relative sea level rise results from a combination of land subsidence, which has long been known to be present in the region, and rising seas associated with global warming on long timescales and exacerbated by shifts in ocean dynamics on shorter timescales. An understanding of the current-day magnitude of each component is needed to create accurate projections of future relative sea level rise upon which to base planning efforts. The objective of this study is to estimate the land component of relative sea level rise using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) analysis applied to ALOS-1 synthetic aperture radar data acquired during 2007–2011 to generate high-spatial resolution (20–30 m) estimates of vertical land motion. Although these results are limited by the uncertainty associated with the small set of available historical SAR data, they highlight both localized rates of high subsidence and a significant spatial variability in subsidence, emphasizing the need for further measurement, which could be done with Sentinel-1 and NASA’s upcoming NISAR mission.
Conference Paper
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Sea-level rise poses major challenges to coastal landscapes and communities. Sustainable adaptation to sea-level rise has been a growing concern for coastal management authorities, engineers, ecologists, urban planners and designers. A shift from ‘coastal armoring’ and hard engineered ‘defense systems’, to ecologically informed infrastructures has created opportunities and challenges in designing structures that can perform beyond engineering goals and provide ecological and social benefits. Emerging studies determine the importance of ecological knowledge and landscape-based solutions in informing the design of coastal infrastructures; however, there are limited number of projects that demonstrate the most effective design approaches. This paper reviews existing and emerging projects that propose modified coastal structures including bioengineered breakwaters and living shorelines with natural and nature-based features that have multiple benefits such as reducing flood risks and mitigating the loss of intertidal and shallow water biodiversity. Two case studies of coastal management projects in the U.S. and Singapore are investigated, which take a ‘design by research’ approach through testing innovative approaches to achieve multiple benefits. Opportunities and challenges associated with the design and construction of coastal structures with different levels of integrating landscape-based solutions are identified across projects, and guidelines for the design and construction industry are provided.