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From the Efficiency of Nature to Parametric Design. A Holistic Approach for Sustainable Building Renovation in Seismic Regions


Abstract and Figures

Cities are growing dramatically. At the same time, we are witnessing the obsolescence of the existing building stock due to its low performance in terms of structural stability, energy efficiency and, last but not least, beauty. Especially in Italy, a highly seismic country, most of the buildings erected between the 1950s and the 1980s are not only earthquake-prone but also aesthetically unpleasant. In this perspective, the urgency of improving the existing building stock in terms of seismic vulnerability opens up the opportunity to also work on its architectural image. This article draws from the assumption that the search for beauty represents an important and often neglected dimension of the search for sustainability. In particular, the presented study suggests and combines the use of parametric design and the structural shape of steel exoskeletons to renovate a typical earthquake-prone apartment block from the 1960s in Italy. The results show that the proposed parametric approach can provide and select different effective renovation solutions.
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From the Efficiency of Nature to Parametric Design.
A Holistic Approach for Sustainable Building
Renovation in Seismic Regions
Sebastiano D’Urso 1, * and Bruno Cicero 2
1Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania, Via Santa Sofia 64,
95123 Catania, Italy
2Architect-engineer, Via Mariannina Schininà177b, 97100 Ragusa, Italy;
*Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-349-4787490
Received: 7 December 2018; Accepted: 22 February 2019; Published: 26 February 2019
Cities are growing dramatically. At the same time, we are witnessing the obsolescence
of the existing building stock due to its low performance in terms of structural stability, energy
efficiency and, last but not least, beauty. Especially in Italy, a highly seismic country, most of the
buildings erected between the 1950s and the 1980s are not only earthquake-prone but also aesthetically
unpleasant. In this perspective, the urgency of improving the existing building stock in terms of
seismic vulnerability opens up the opportunity to also work on its architectural image. This article
draws from the assumption that the search for beauty represents an important and often neglected
dimension of the search for sustainability. In particular, the presented study suggests and combines
the use of parametric design and the structural shape of steel exoskeletons to renovate a typical
earthquake-prone apartment block from the 1960s in Italy. The results show that the proposed
parametric approach can provide and select different effective renovation solutions.
sustainability and aesthetics; architectural image; parametric design; exoskeleton; seismic
renovation; apartment blocks
1. Introduction
Despite the unprecedented post-second world war growth of cities [
], little attention has been
paid to the issue of sustainability. In Italy, in particular, real-estate developments between the 1950s
and the 1980s [
] were characterized by some local conditions that favored the spread of buildings that
are far from being earthquake-resistant, as they usually failed to take into account the geographical,
geological and topological features of the territory. Italy is a highly seismic territory. Politicians
however, have, for many years, ignored this hazard. The first map that classifies, using a scientific
approach, the Italian territory into seismic areas was in fact only produced between 1981 and 1984
(Ministerial Decree March 7, 1981), after the 1976 earthquake in the region of Friuli. Until then, most
buildings located in highly seismic areas had been built without taking into account horizontal seismic
actions [
]. Moreover, according to the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) 2011 census [
more than 60% of the existing buildings predate 1974, which is the year the first specific and extensive
Italian code for earthquake-resistant buildings was issued (law 64/1974) [
]. This means that a large
part of the current building stock was realized without anti-seismic restrictions and norms: about
10 million homes are located in the areas most at risk of which 1.4 million homes are located in zone 1
(high seismicity: Peak Ground Acceleration PGA > 0.25) and about 9 million homes in zone 2 (middle
seismicity: 0.15 < PGA
0.25); while 8.5 million homes are in zone 3 (low seismicity: 0.05 < PGA
and 9.4 million ones in zone 4 (very low seismicity: ag PGA) [5].
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227; doi:10.3390/su11051227
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Lack of careful planning and the urban speculation allowed Italian real estate developers after
the second world war to build poor quality structures in terms of materials, construction details
and in terms of architectural image as well [
]. It is also worth noting that most Italian buildings
erected in compliance with the seismic regulations implemented between the 1950s and the 1990s are
incompatible with current regulations, which feature much higher standards of anti-seismic efficiency.
Hence, as stated by La Greca and Margani, over 50% of the Italian residential constructions are
earthquake-prone but we have to highlight that they are also undeniably inadequate in terms of
architectural aesthetics and design if compared to the beautiful Italian historic districts (Figure 1).
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 20
in zone 3 (low seismicity: 0.05 < PGA 0.15) and 9.4 million ones in zone 4 (very low seismicity: ag
PGA) [5].
Lack of careful planning and the urban speculation allowed Italian real estate developers after
the second world war to build poor quality structures in terms of materials, construction details and
in terms of architectural image as well [68]. It is also worth noting that most Italian buildings
erected in compliance with the seismic regulations implemented between the 1950s and the 1990s
are incompatible with current regulations, which feature much higher standards of anti-seismic
efficiency. Hence, as stated by La Greca and Margani, over 50% of the Italian residential
constructions are earthquake-prone but we have to highlight that they are also undeniably
inadequate in terms of architectural aesthetics and design if compared to the beautiful Italian
historic districts (Figure 1).
Figure 1. An example of a reinforced concrete building that does not take into account the aesthetic
value of its urban landscape nor the seismic risk of the area in the Baroque city of Noto, Italy.
Therefore, a policy of renovation is urgent not only to meet the demands for higher standards of
anti-seismic and energy efficiency, but globally. Nevertheless, there are a number of limits to a
global renovation of the existing building stock: i) technical limits due to the difficulties and often
ineffectiveness of conventional solutions when it comes to renovating existing buildings; ii)
organizational limits related to providing accommodation to the building’s residents during
renovation: in fact, the current seismic and energy interventions generally mean relocating people
and furniture to temporary accommodation throughout the duration of the work, which may last up
to a year or more; iii) economic limits due to the high costs of renovation. In addition to these limits,
one must also take into account the current economic crisis [2].
Research should, therefore, explore both different solutions to the problems described above
and the tools to be used to overcome such limits. Parametric design, the tool proposed and used for
this work, makes it possible to overcome various building renovation limits. Indeed, this type of
design tool can control many variables at once to obtain a set of solutions among which it is possible
to choose the most effective and appropriate ones. This paper also aims to underline that the
buildings’ aesthetics and design are critical elements that should be linked to the concept of
sustainability, as they affect all aspects of human life and experience. Nature has thus become our
criterion in this study because it works taking into consideration all variables at play in the realm of
sustainability, and parametric design is a tool that works in ways comparable to natural processes. It
is the first time that parametric design has been used to retrofit buildings to better withstand seismic
events while to date, literature shows only cases in which parametric design has been adopted for
energy efficiency or architectural solutions. However, the main purpose of this paper is to show how
this method works considering different variables, such as geometry, weight, materials, energy
efficiency and structures. The relationship between sustainability, nature and the pursuit of beauty
will be discussed in section 2.
Figure 1.
An example of a reinforced concrete building that does not take into account the aesthetic
value of its urban landscape nor the seismic risk of the area in the Baroque city of Noto, Italy.
Therefore, a policy of renovation is urgent not only to meet the demands for higher standards
of anti-seismic and energy efficiency, but globally. Nevertheless, there are a number of limits to
a global renovation of the existing building stock: (i) technical limits due to the difficulties and
often ineffectiveness of conventional solutions when it comes to renovating existing buildings;
(ii) organizational limits related to providing accommodation to the building’s residents during
renovation: in fact, the current seismic and energy interventions generally mean relocating people and
furniture to temporary accommodation throughout the duration of the work, which may last up to a
year or more; (iii) economic limits due to the high costs of renovation. In addition to these limits, one
must also take into account the current economic crisis [2].
Research should, therefore, explore both different solutions to the problems described above
and the tools to be used to overcome such limits. Parametric design, the tool proposed and used for
this work, makes it possible to overcome various building renovation limits. Indeed, this type of
design tool can control many variables at once to obtain a set of solutions among which it is possible to
choose the most effective and appropriate ones. This paper also aims to underline that the buildings’
aesthetics and design are critical elements that should be linked to the concept of sustainability, as
they affect all aspects of human life and experience. Nature has thus become our criterion in this
study because it works taking into consideration all variables at play in the realm of sustainability,
and parametric design is a tool that works in ways comparable to natural processes. It is the first time
that parametric design has been used to retrofit buildings to better withstand seismic events while to
date, literature shows only cases in which parametric design has been adopted for energy efficiency or
architectural solutions. However, the main purpose of this paper is to show how this method works
considering different variables, such as geometry, weight, materials, energy efficiency and structures.
The relationship between sustainability, nature and the pursuit of beauty will be discussed in Section 2.
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Section 3introduces steel exoskeletons as an optimal combination of shape and structure in nature
as well as in architecture.
Section 4presents our approach to the use of exoskeletons, and, in particular, introduces our
prototyping algorithm.
Section 5shows the creation of exoskeletons.
Section 6illustrates the application of our methodology, tools and software (Figure 2) to a case
study. We chose a typical case study representative of the Italian residential stock. The same case
study was analyzed in a previous research project and this work is a development of that research.
Unlike the latter, here we focused on architectural shape, both in terms of seismic performance and the
relationship with the urban context. Finally, Section 7presents our analysis and results.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 20
Section 3 introduces steel exoskeletons as an optimal combination of shape and structure in
nature as well as in architecture.
Section 4 presents our approach to the use of exoskeletons, and, in particular, introduces our
prototyping algorithm.
Section 5 shows the creation of exoskeletons.
Section 6 illustrates the application of our methodology, tools and software (Figure 2) to a case
study. We chose a typical case study representative of the Italian residential stock. The same case
study was analyzed in a previous research project and this work is a development of that research.
Unlike the latter, here we focused on architectural shape, both in terms of seismic performance and
the relationship with the urban context. Finally, section 7 presents our analysis and results.
Figure 2. Scheme of the proposed methodology, tools and software.
2. Aesthetics and Nature as a Reference for Parametric Design
To highlight the unsustainability of unaesthetic architecture and its consequences on society,
we should be aware of the beneficial effects that beauty can have on human beings, as proposed by
Wohlwill [9]. To do so we draw on the theories of James Hillman, who believes that the quest for
beauty and aesthetics may give an answer to many of the problems of contemporary civilization
[10]. The search for sustainability should also be the pursuit of beauty. Sustainability, when working
in a holistic way with a building, aims at recreating as much of a harmonious relationship as possible
with the environment. Good architecture is always a complex activity that establishes a relationship
with the environment. In fact, the more relationships with the environment architecture is capable of
establishing, the more sustainable it is. Lack of aesthetics and unsustainability, on the other hand,
derive from overlooking the critical relationship with the environment. Moreover, not considering
environmental issues means neglecting the local seismicity and climate, ignoring the integration of
cultural traditions, overlooking the local economy and its anthropological specifications as well as
the sense of the living experience in one’s own context. Sustainability, like beauty [11–13], depends
on the level of complexity that can be achieved through design and it can be seen as the result of a
truly holistic approach. Using the concept of sustainability as a measure of beauty does not
presuppose a change of paradigm of aesthetics [14,15] but it is an important element of good design.
Since design is an intrinsically complex and multidimensional activity, the designer normally tends
to reduce complexity in smaller chunks that can be more easily managed. Through parametric
design, that tends to imitate the generative algorithms of nature, it is possible to consider the
multiple dimensions of design. The goal is to enhance the designing process and optimize results,
aware that variables such as aesthetic value, given their intrinsic nature, lend themselves to
subjective interpretations. However, through the concept of aesthetics as a value of sustainability,
even when the results are not optimal because there is no formula that guarantees optimization, we
can address the dilemma between performance and shape and between genotype and phenotype in
architecture. The parametric architecture thus conceived is of great help in terms of optimization in
relation to the technical parameters pertaining to the sustainability of structural stability [16], energy
efficiency, thermal and visual comfort, cost-effectiveness and architectural image.
Figure 2. Scheme of the proposed methodology, tools and software.
2. Aesthetics and Nature as a Reference for Parametric Design
To highlight the unsustainability of unaesthetic architecture and its consequences on society,
we should be aware of the beneficial effects that beauty can have on human beings, as proposed by
Wohlwill [
]. To do so we draw on the theories of James Hillman, who believes that the quest for
beauty and aesthetics may give an answer to many of the problems of contemporary civilization [
The search for sustainability should also be the pursuit of beauty. Sustainability, when working in
a holistic way with a building, aims at recreating as much of a harmonious relationship as possible
with the environment. Good architecture is always a complex activity that establishes a relationship
with the environment. In fact, the more relationships with the environment architecture is capable
of establishing, the more sustainable it is. Lack of aesthetics and unsustainability, on the other hand,
derive from overlooking the critical relationship with the environment. Moreover, not considering
environmental issues means neglecting the local seismicity and climate, ignoring the integration of
cultural traditions, overlooking the local economy and its anthropological specifications as well as the
sense of the living experience in one’s own context. Sustainability, like beauty [
], depends on
the level of complexity that can be achieved through design and it can be seen as the result of a truly
holistic approach. Using the concept of sustainability as a measure of beauty does not presuppose a
change of paradigm of aesthetics [
] but it is an important element of good design. Since design
is an intrinsically complex and multidimensional activity, the designer normally tends to reduce
complexity in smaller chunks that can be more easily managed. Through parametric design, that
tends to imitate the generative algorithms of nature, it is possible to consider the multiple dimensions
of design. The goal is to enhance the designing process and optimize results, aware that variables
such as aesthetic value, given their intrinsic nature, lend themselves to subjective interpretations.
However, through the concept of aesthetics as a value of sustainability, even when the results are
not optimal because there is no formula that guarantees optimization, we can address the dilemma
between performance and shape and between genotype and phenotype in architecture. The parametric
architecture thus conceived is of great help in terms of optimization in relation to the technical
parameters pertaining to the sustainability of structural stability [
], energy efficiency, thermal and
visual comfort, cost-effectiveness and architectural image.
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 4 of 20
In our case study and more generally in the context of structural optimization of buildings, we can
proceed with three basic types of parametric designs that mimic the modus operandi of nature: the first
intervenes on the dimensions of the structural elements, having fixed the shape of the building a priori;
the second researches the formal configuration that best resists according to their relative shape; the
third intervenes on the arrangement of the structural elements and on the connections between them.
The procedures nature implements, depending on each and every particular situation, develop
one or more optimization solutions starting from their genotype. The genotypes nature offers as
a reference are manifold. In our case study, exoskeletons seem to be the ones that promise more
possibilities for effective solutions.
3. The Exoskeleton: Shape and Structure
The steel exoskeleton, when the characteristics of the building make it possible, is installed outside
the building. This is the ideal choice in term of mechanical strength and quantity of materials, which
are key features for the construction of new buildings and to retrofit existing ones to improve their
anti-seismic performance.
As already stated, among the many limitations highlighted by conventional systems of
anti-seismic solutions, emerges the difficulty of enhancing buildings also from an architectural point of
view, reducing at the same time the inconveniences residents experience during renovation. For these
reasons, the model of the exoskeleton, besides offering a more effective anti-seismic solution is also
a support for energy-efficient devices and, we would emphasize, a way redesign the architectural
image of the building [
]. Furthermore, the external installation of an exoskeleton does not imply
an interruption of the building’s operation during the construction works, avoiding temporary
relocating costs [
] and other inconveniences caused by large demolition activities, thus contributing
to stimulating building owners to retrofit their buildings. As exoskeletons require less major structural
intervention and reconstruction activities this is also in accordance with the principles of environmental
sustainability and eco-efficiency. In fact, the use of new construction materials and the production of
waste are minimized. However, some preliminary requirements are necessary to apply an exoskeleton
to an existing building: the presence of free external spaces in front of the buildings’ façades is a
mandatory requirement for the installation of exoskeletons and their foundations; moreover, the
installation of the exoskeleton must be often preceded by local interventions to reinforce the existing
beam-column joints, to which the new steel structure will be connected.
Nevertheless, even by using exoskeletons, if we do not proceed by considering the problem
of renovation in a global way and we consider only one aspect, we could only produce structural
prostheses that do not regard aesthetics in terms of sustainability (Figure 3).
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 20
In our case study and more generally in the context of structural optimization of buildings, we
can proceed with three basic types of parametric designs that mimic the modus operandi of nature:
the first intervenes on the dimensions of the structural elements, having fixed the shape of the
building a priori; the second researches the formal configuration that best resists according to their
relative shape; the third intervenes on the arrangement of the structural elements and on the
connections between them.
The procedures nature implements, depending on each and every particular situation, develop
one or more optimization solutions starting from their genotype. The genotypes nature offers as a
reference are manifold. In our case study, exoskeletons seem to be the ones that promise more
possibilities for effective solutions.
3. The Exoskeleton: Shape and Structure
The steel exoskeleton, when the characteristics of the building make it possible, is installed
outside the building. This is the ideal choice in term of mechanical strength and quantity of
materials, which are key features for the construction of new buildings and to retrofit existing ones
to improve their anti-seismic performance.
As already stated, among the many limitations highlighted by conventional systems of
anti-seismic solutions, emerges the difficulty of enhancing buildings also from an architectural point
of view, reducing at the same time the inconveniences residents experience during renovation. For
these reasons, the model of the exoskeleton, besides offering a more effective anti-seismic solution is
also a support for energy-efficient devices and, we would emphasize, a way redesign the
architectural image of the building [17]. Furthermore, the external installation of an exoskeleton does
not imply an interruption of the building’s operation during the construction works, avoiding
temporary relocating costs [18] and other inconveniences caused by large demolition activities, thus
contributing to stimulating building owners to retrofit their buildings. As exoskeletons require less
major structural intervention and reconstruction activities this is also in accordance with the
principles of environmental sustainability and eco-efficiency. In fact, the use of new construction
materials and the production of waste are minimized. However, some preliminary requirements are
necessary to apply an exoskeleton to an existing building: the presence of free external spaces in
front of the buildings’ façades is a mandatory requirement for the installation of exoskeletons and
their foundations; moreover, the installation of the exoskeleton must be often preceded by local
interventions to reinforce the existing beam-column joints, to which the new steel structure will be
Nevertheless, even by using exoskeletons, if we do not proceed by considering the problem of
renovation in a global way and we consider only one aspect, we could only produce structural
prostheses that do not regard aesthetics in terms of sustainability (Figures 3).
Figure 3. Examples of seismic retrofitting with steel exoskeletons.
Even the example of the exoskeleton used for the seismic retrofit of the Magneti Marelli
headquarters in Crevalcore is typical of a non-holistic approach [19] (Figures 4).
Figure 3. Examples of seismic retrofitting with steel exoskeletons.
Even the example of the exoskeleton used for the seismic retrofit of the Magneti Marelli
headquarters in Crevalcore is typical of a non-holistic approach [19] (Figure 4).
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Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 20
Figure 4. Steps of the seismic retrofit of the Magneti Marelli headquarters in Crevalcore, Italy.
Here the adopted exoskeleton converts an office construction built in the 1970s into an
earthquake-proof edifice, but this new structure does not integrate with the architecture it intends to
strengthen and presents itself as a prosthesis that meets only its structural needs [8]. Moreover,
much of the building was demolished and then rebuilt. In fact, engineers spared only the existing
reinforced concrete structure and repaired and adapted it to accommodate an external
dissipative-type steel frame.
An interesting example in holistic terms is the one by European research project Pro-GET-onE
(acronym of Proactive Sinergy of integrate Efficient Technologies on Buildings’ Envelopes) [8] (Figure 5).
The set of solutions tested in this case is part of a holistic view of the problem. The holistic vision
promoted by Pro-GET-onE is based on the integration of different technologies with the aim of
increasing building performance in terms of energy efficiency, seismic safety and social and
economic sustainability. In this case too, the objective is to rely on such external envelopes, which
not only make the building earthquake-proof, but also support technologies for renewable energy
supplies, especially solar and wind energy. As a result, the architectural transformation, delivers,
among the others, a renewed and harmonious image of the case study selected for the verification of
the theoretical approach discussed here. In this case, the original reinforced concrete structure was
not affected by repairs and betterments.
Figure 5. Case study of the Pro-GET-onE research project.
Among the most used exoskeletons, the diagrid system stands out: a two-dimensional
structural system, made up of triangular modules capable of resisting both horizontal and vertical
loads without the need for additional elements [20].
From an architectural point of view, the ability of this system to adapt to any three-dimensional
shape, even if not straight, offers the possibility to try an infinite number of configurations. On the
external structure it is possible to obtain multiple solutions for the façade, from the simplest to the
complex technological options available. Moreover, the geometry of the exoskeleton allows for a
better management of the relationship between the full and empty spaces of the façade. The choice
of materials plays a critical role in the diagrid solution. This choice often falls on steel because of the
advantages it offers, but reinforced concrete diagrids are available too. In fact, steel exoskeletons
Figure 4. Steps of the seismic retrofit of the Magneti Marelli headquarters in Crevalcore, Italy.
Here the adopted exoskeleton converts an office construction built in the 1970s into an
earthquake-proof edifice, but this new structure does not integrate with the architecture it intends
to strengthen and presents itself as a prosthesis that meets only its structural needs [
]. Moreover,
much of the building was demolished and then rebuilt. In fact, engineers spared only the existing
reinforced concrete structure and repaired and adapted it to accommodate an external dissipative-type
steel frame.
An interesting example in holistic terms is the one by European research project Pro-GET-onE
(acronym of Proactive Sinergy of integrate Efficient Technologies on Buildings’ Envelopes) [
] (Figure 5).
The set of solutions tested in this case is part of a holistic view of the problem. The holistic vision
promoted by Pro-GET-onE is based on the integration of different technologies with the aim of
increasing building performance in terms of energy efficiency, seismic safety and social and economic
sustainability. In this case too, the objective is to rely on such external envelopes, which not only
make the building earthquake-proof, but also support technologies for renewable energy supplies,
especially solar and wind energy. As a result, the architectural transformation, delivers, among the
others, a renewed and harmonious image of the case study selected for the verification of the theoretical
approach discussed here. In this case, the original reinforced concrete structure was not affected by
repairs and betterments.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 20
Figure 4. Steps of the seismic retrofit of the Magneti Marelli headquarters in Crevalcore, Italy.
Here the adopted exoskeleton converts an office construction built in the 1970s into an
earthquake-proof edifice, but this new structure does not integrate with the architecture it intends to
strengthen and presents itself as a prosthesis that meets only its structural needs [8]. Moreover,
much of the building was demolished and then rebuilt. In fact, engineers spared only the existing
reinforced concrete structure and repaired and adapted it to accommodate an external
dissipative-type steel frame.
An interesting example in holistic terms is the one by European research project Pro-GET-onE
(acronym of Proactive Sinergy of integrate Efficient Technologies on Buildings’ Envelopes) [8] (Figure 5).
The set of solutions tested in this case is part of a holistic view of the problem. The holistic vision
promoted by Pro-GET-onE is based on the integration of different technologies with the aim of
increasing building performance in terms of energy efficiency, seismic safety and social and
economic sustainability. In this case too, the objective is to rely on such external envelopes, which
not only make the building earthquake-proof, but also support technologies for renewable energy
supplies, especially solar and wind energy. As a result, the architectural transformation, delivers,
among the others, a renewed and harmonious image of the case study selected for the verification of
the theoretical approach discussed here. In this case, the original reinforced concrete structure was
not affected by repairs and betterments.
Figure 5. Case study of the Pro-GET-onE research project.
Among the most used exoskeletons, the diagrid system stands out: a two-dimensional
structural system, made up of triangular modules capable of resisting both horizontal and vertical
loads without the need for additional elements [20].
From an architectural point of view, the ability of this system to adapt to any three-dimensional
shape, even if not straight, offers the possibility to try an infinite number of configurations. On the
external structure it is possible to obtain multiple solutions for the façade, from the simplest to the
complex technological options available. Moreover, the geometry of the exoskeleton allows for a
better management of the relationship between the full and empty spaces of the façade. The choice
of materials plays a critical role in the diagrid solution. This choice often falls on steel because of the
advantages it offers, but reinforced concrete diagrids are available too. In fact, steel exoskeletons
Figure 5. Case study of the Pro-GET-onE research project.
Among the most used exoskeletons, the diagrid system stands out: a two-dimensional structural
system, made up of triangular modules capable of resisting both horizontal and vertical loads without
the need for additional elements [20].
From an architectural point of view, the ability of this system to adapt to any three-dimensional
shape, even if not straight, offers the possibility to try an infinite number of configurations. On the
external structure it is possible to obtain multiple solutions for the façade, from the simplest to
the complex technological options available. Moreover, the geometry of the exoskeleton allows
for a better management of the relationship between the full and empty spaces of the façade.
The choice of materials plays a critical role in the diagrid solution. This choice often falls on steel
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 6 of 20
because of the advantages it offers, but reinforced concrete diagrids are available too. In fact, steel
exoskeletons provide the following advantages: high levels of prefabrication and dry assembly
standards, which involve shorter construction times and, therefore, less disruption in urban areas;
use of recyclable materials; and easy maintenance and replacement in case of seismic damage or
breakage. Finally, a diagrid-type structure requires the use of a smaller amount of material, with
significant economic advantages despite the initial higher financial costs. The advantages of using an
exoskeleton system are relevant in the case of reinforced concrete constructions built after World War II,
which have no historical and artistic constraints thus representing a viable solution, as it allows them to
operate, as much as possible from the outside, through the application of a three-dimensional external
structure that envelops the existing building, structurally linking itself to it as an exoskeleton. On the
other hand, the application of exoskeletons on existing structures may have other disadvantages,
for example the exoskeleton rods, if not properly designed, could become an obstacle to natural
lighting and ventilation.
Among the advantages, using a diagrid system, or an exoskeleton in general, the only elements
subject to demolition and reconstruction are the balconies. This could be, however, the input for
the implementation of energy retrofit interventions [
] with the consequent reduction of the thermal
bridges, which would be limited only to the structural connections between the building and the
exoskeleton. The exoskeleton could be the support for a second envelope which, if properly distanced
from the façades of the existing building, can work as ventilated shading walls. The exoskeleton could
also provide support for renewable energy production devices, increasingly used as elements for
façade composition, as well as vertical gardens that contribute to passive cooling, and solar shadings
of any kind for direct radiation control and natural lighting.
Finally, structural advantages are primarily linked to the ability to adapt to the shape of existing
structures. The exoskeletons could also be combined with other structural seismic retrofit solutions,
but even on their own they can solve the renovation issue. Furthermore, this type of structure ensures
a better distribution of loads, thanks to the redundant character provided by the mesh, whose basic
modules’ geometry is of fundamental importance.
The size of the modules making up the diagrid is usually calculated by dividing in equal parts the
height of the building on which it is applied. The number of modules, and consequently the angle in
relation to the horizontal plane of the diagonal elements, has a great influence on the general response
of the system, and often represents one of the parameters of structural optimization. The basic form of
a diagrid usually has a rhomboidal shape. However, in the composition of exoskeletons with diagrid
geometry, triangular meshes are preferred for the various advantages they offer both in terms of design
and construction phases. The triangle is in fact a non-deformable figure and this gives the structure an
intrinsic stability. The designer can also think of the nodes as hinges, which result in less stress on the
rods due to the absence of bending moments. A division into triangles, moreover, returns only flat
faces, which are more compatible with a possible coating of the structure.
The theme of the renovation of apartment blocks has been addressed taking into account all of the
above with an integrated parametric design approach, which is illustrated below. While some studies
on parametric design aimed at energy rehabilitation are present in the scientific literature [
], the use
of this discipline in the field of seismic retrofit has remained unexplored until now.
4. The Prototyping Algorithm
The increasing diffusion of algorithms in design practice has led to the creation of user-friendly
tools that can be exploited by all the professional figures involved in this field, regardless of the
knowledge of complex programming languages. These tools are, in practice, software designed as
graphic editors of algorithms.
The most widespread among the professionals in the field of architecture is Grasshopper [
capable of interfacing with the three-dimensional modeling software Rhinoceros, and equipped with a
vast community that has led to the development of countless faces to increase power and versatility.
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 7 of 20
Within this software it is possible to build your own script simply by connecting graphic elements
(components), which represent the nodes of the parametric diagram and which are characterized by
certain inputs and outputs, depending on the function that they perform [
]. The connections are
made through wires, graphically characterized according to the structure of the data transported.
In the present work, the Grasshopper software was used to create a procedural algorithm aimed at
computation generation and optimization through genetic algorithms of structural steel exoskeletons.
Applied externally to reinforced concrete buildings designed to withstand vertical actions alone, they
aim to improve the seismic response of the latter, while at the same time characterizing them from an
architectural point of view.
The structural treatment within Grasshopper was carried out thanks to the Karamba3d
plug-in [
], which uses finite element modeling to perform interactive static analyses on
two-dimensional or three-dimensional systems, composed of both rods and shells. This plug-in
does not present itself as a “full optional” structural calculation program for carrying out detailed
engineering analyses but aims to be a support tool for architects and engineers, guiding the design
choices from the initial stages of the process.
The procedural algorithm developed is presented as in Figure 6. This was divided into modules,
marked with different colors, each containing the components that perform a specific function.
These modules are related to: the geometry of the existing structures (1), the geometry of the
exoskeleton (2), the variables of the optimization, i.e., the variations of the exoskeleton geometry,
obtained through the optimization process (3), the creation of the finite element model (FEM) (4),
structural analysis (5), study of the results and definition of the fitness function for optimization (6),
export to SAP2000 (7). The modules concerning the geometry of the exoskeleton and the variables
of the optimization represent the “variable” part of the script and therefore are closely linked to the
project idea. Their treatment is then referred to in paragraph 6. The remaining modules remain
constant and compose the algorithm to develop the shapes of the exoskeleton that have not yet been
optimized. Most relevant modules (4, 5, 6) are described in detail in Figure 7.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 20
characterized by certain inputs and outputs, depending on the function that they perform [23]. The
connections are made through wires, graphically characterized according to the structure of the data
In the present work, the Grasshopper software was used to create a procedural algorithm aimed
at computation generation and optimization through genetic algorithms of structural steel
exoskeletons. Applied externally to reinforced concrete buildings designed to withstand vertical
actions alone, they aim to improve the seismic response of the latter, while at the same time
characterizing them from an architectural point of view.
The structural treatment within Grasshopper was carried out thanks to the Karamba3d plug-in
[24], which uses finite element modeling to perform interactive static analyses on two-dimensional
or three-dimensional systems, composed of both rods and shells. This plug-in does not present itself
as a "full optional" structural calculation program for carrying out detailed engineering analyses but
aims to be a support tool for architects and engineers, guiding the design choices from the initial
stages of the process.
The procedural algorithm developed is presented as in Figure 6. This was divided into
modules, marked with different colors, each containing the components that perform a specific
function. These modules are related to: the geometry of the existing structures (1), the geometry of
the exoskeleton (2), the variables of the optimization, i.e. the variations of the exoskeleton geometry,
obtained through the optimization process (3), the creation of the finite element model (FEM) (4),
structural analysis (5), study of the results and definition of the fitness function for optimization (6),
export to SAP2000 (7). The modules concerning the geometry of the exoskeleton and the variables of
Figure 6. The prototyping algorithm within Grasshopper.
Figure 6. The prototyping algorithm within Grasshopper.
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Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20
Figure 7. Description of the main modules of the algorithm: finite element model assembly, linear
structural analysis and optimization.
First of all, the geometries of the structure are modeled. The inputs to be specified at this stage
are the planimetric dimensions, the number of floors, the floor height and the span between columns
in both directions. The definition of these parameters allows extending the use of the proposed
algorithm to most buildings with reinforced concrete structure. The structure of the existing
building (Figure 8a) is not entirely modeled, but is approximated to a series of vertical lines, placed
one on top of the other, in a number equal to that of the levels. Each of these lines represents the axis
of a column with equivalent stiffness to that calculated on each storey. At the top of each of these
lines lies a surface that represents the floor slab, surrounded by a system of linear elements, later
made non-deformable, useful to avoid inconvenient deformation and torsional phenomena. Within
this module it is also necessary to obtain the geometries related to the beam-pillar nodes of the
existing structure, which represent the points of connection with the new steel exoskeleton.
The outputs of the geometric modeling flow into the module for the creation of the finite
element model, visible in relation to the existing structure in Figure 8b. This section is divided into
three groups. The first has the task of converting the geometries into structural elements. In
Figure 7.
Description of the main modules of the algorithm: finite element model assembly, linear
structural analysis and optimization.
First of all, the geometries of the structure are modeled. The inputs to be specified at this stage are
the planimetric dimensions, the number of floors, the floor height and the span between columns in
both directions. The definition of these parameters allows extending the use of the proposed algorithm
to most buildings with reinforced concrete structure. The structure of the existing building (Figure 8a)
is not entirely modeled, but is approximated to a series of vertical lines, placed one on top of the
other, in a number equal to that of the levels. Each of these lines represents the axis of a column with
equivalent stiffness to that calculated on each storey. At the top of each of these lines lies a surface
that represents the floor slab, surrounded by a system of linear elements, later made non-deformable,
useful to avoid inconvenient deformation and torsional phenomena. Within this module it is also
necessary to obtain the geometries related to the beam-pillar nodes of the existing structure, which
represent the points of connection with the new steel exoskeleton.
The outputs of the geometric modeling flow into the module for the creation of the finite element
model, visible in relation to the existing structure in Figure 8b. This section is divided into three groups.
The first has the task of converting the geometries into structural elements. In particular, we need
linear elements as starting geometries for the creation of beams, of two-dimensional mesh elements
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 9 of 20
for the creation of shells. In this phase, information relating to the materials is included: concrete
is assigned to the existing structure, while steel is assigned to the exoskeleton. Here, also the cross
sections assigned to the pillars of the existing structure are defined, which are useful to simulate the
equivalent stiffness rate provided by the reinforced concrete building and drawn backwards from an
FEM built in the SAP2000 environment.
The other two groups of the module in question are aimed at defining the supports, for creating the
joints at the base and the carriages (useful to simulate a deformed beam attributable to a “shear-type”
frame (Figure 8c) placed at the top of the pillars with equivalent stiffness, and loads.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20
particular, we need linear elements as starting geometries for the creation of beams, of
two-dimensional mesh elements for the creation of shells. In this phase, information relating to the
materials is included: concrete is assigned to the existing structure, while steel is assigned to the
exoskeleton. Here, also the cross sections assigned to the pillars of the existing structure are defined,
which are useful to simulate the equivalent stiffness rate provided by the reinforced concrete
building and drawn backwards from an FEM built in the SAP2000 environment.
The other two groups of the module in question are aimed at defining the supports, for creating
the joints at the base and the carriages (useful to simulate a deformed beam attributable to a
“shear-type” frame (Figures 8c) placed at the top of the pillars with equivalent stiffness, and loads.
Figure 8. Simplified modeling of the existing reinforced concrete structure. a) geometries, b) finite
element model, c) deformed beam attributable to a “shear type” frame.
Although related to a seismic problem, the evaluations related to the stresses, in this phase,
have been dealt with by adopting static simplifications. Despite this, the algorithm was not created
to optimize an eternally static condition: the results of this process, in fact, will then be used in a
dynamic treatment. The loads involved are, therefore, represented by equivalent seismic actions
acting on each individual floor of the structure, obtained through a script created ad hoc, according
to the project spectrum and to the fundamental period of the structure. These last two parameters
must be inserted as inputs and vary according to the geographical location of the existing building
and its structural characteristics.
Once the finite element model is assembled, it is subject to a linear static structural analysis,
carried out within Grasshopper thanks to the Karamba3d plug-in. In this step, simultaneously with
the structural analysis, a first process of optimization of the cross sections of the structural elements
is carried out: on each beam of the exoskeleton, to which the minimum section, chosen in a range of
user-defined profiles, is assigned according to a verification of resistance in the elastic field,
combined, in the case of elements subjected to compression, on an instability test. Here, the solver is
required to draw from a range of commercial tubular profiles with a diameter of approximately 30
cm. If none of the profiles contained in the chosen range are verified, the algorithm returns an error
The results of the linear static structural analysis, expressed in terms of nodal displacements
and stresses on the rods, flow into the optimization module. The optimization process is carried out
using genetic algorithms, that represent a tool that use Darwinian theories of evolution to solve
problems related to parametric design [25]. The optimization is based on a fitness function, built by
the user, which returns a numerical value that defines the objectives of the process. In this case, the
solver, the Octopus plug-in, starts a solution generation routine obtained by varying the intrinsic
parameters of the model, located in the module related to variables definition. Among these
solutions, only those that return a better fitness value than the previous ones survive.
The considered algorithm is aimed at minimizing the weight of steel used, keeping the totality
of the structural elements of the exoskeleton under verification conditions and maintaining the
relative drifts between the levels of the existing reinforced concrete building, below the limits,
reduced to take into account the life safeguard limit [26]. In order to pursue these objectives, the
fitness function is obtained by increasing to the actual weight of the exoskeleton steel, of suitably
calibrated coefficients, which are different from zero only in cases where there are drift values
Figure 8.
Simplified modeling of the existing reinforced concrete structure. (
) geometries, (
) finite
element model, (c) deformed beam attributable to a “shear type” frame.
Although related to a seismic problem, the evaluations related to the stresses, in this phase,
have been dealt with by adopting static simplifications. Despite this, the algorithm was not created
to optimize an eternally static condition: the results of this process, in fact, will then be used in a
dynamic treatment. The loads involved are, therefore, represented by equivalent seismic actions acting
on each individual floor of the structure, obtained through a script created ad hoc, according to the
project spectrum and to the fundamental period of the structure. These last two parameters must be
inserted as inputs and vary according to the geographical location of the existing building and its
structural characteristics.
Once the finite element model is assembled, it is subject to a linear static structural analysis,
carried out within Grasshopper thanks to the Karamba3d plug-in. In this step, simultaneously with
the structural analysis, a first process of optimization of the cross sections of the structural elements
is carried out: on each beam of the exoskeleton, to which the minimum section, chosen in a range of
user-defined profiles, is assigned according to a verification of resistance in the elastic field, combined,
in the case of elements subjected to compression, on an instability test. Here, the solver is required to
draw from a range of commercial tubular profiles with a diameter of approximately 30 cm. If none of
the profiles contained in the chosen range are verified, the algorithm returns an error message.
The results of the linear static structural analysis, expressed in terms of nodal displacements and
stresses on the rods, flow into the optimization module. The optimization process is carried out using
genetic algorithms, that represent a tool that use Darwinian theories of evolution to solve problems
related to parametric design [
]. The optimization is based on a fitness function, built by the user,
which returns a numerical value that defines the objectives of the process. In this case, the solver, the
Octopus plug-in, starts a solution generation routine obtained by varying the intrinsic parameters of
the model, located in the module related to variables definition. Among these solutions, only those
that return a better fitness value than the previous ones survive.
The considered algorithm is aimed at minimizing the weight of steel used, keeping the totality of
the structural elements of the exoskeleton under verification conditions and maintaining the relative
drifts between the levels of the existing reinforced concrete building, below the limits, reduced to take
into account the life safeguard limit [
]. In order to pursue these objectives, the fitness function is
obtained by increasing to the actual weight of the exoskeleton steel, of suitably calibrated coefficients,
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 10 of 20
which are different from zero only in cases where there are drift values beyond the limits, or unverified
beams. In this way, the configurations in which these conditions occur, tend to be discarded by the
solver (the Octopus plug-in in this case), due to the higher fitness value that characterizes them.
The last of the modules that make up the algorithm is related to the export of the FEM model
from Grasshopper to SAP2000, for the development of detailed dynamic analyses. For this operation
to be possible, the GeometryGym plug-in [
] is used. The dialogue between the software handled in
this work, exploits the API interface integrated in SAP2000 [
], able to provide complete and efficient
access to all the tools of the structural software, allowing a bidirectional transfer of the models and
control on the execution of the analysis and on the management of the data. A dialogue of this type
between the software allows one to bypass the conventional user interface once again, and to speed up
the export and import phases, especially in case of repeated modifications to the model.
5. The Creation of Structural Exoskeletons
Summing up, once you have modeled the geometry related to the structure equivalent to the
existing building, you can move on to create the elements related to the exoskeleton and to the definition
of the optimization variables. These are nothing but the possible morphological transformations that
the model can undergo during the search for the solution capable of using the lowest amount of
steel. It should, therefore, be noted that the geometry of the exoskeleton modeled in this phase does
not yet represent the final shape of the latter, but a starting configuration that will be manipulated
automatically during the optimization phase.
Together with the vectors inherent to the equivalent seismic actions, the totality of the geometries
represents one of the inputs for the assembly of the finite element model, on which a linear static
analysis is then carried out. The results of this become the parameters that make up the fitness function,
built by the user to define the objectives of the process. In order to achieve a fitness value congruent
with the objective, the solver will make changes to the geometry of the exoskeleton (allowed by the
user via the upstream imposition of the variables), and then re-analyze the variant created. In this way
a routine is generated will end only when the numerical value of the fitness function is suitable to the
objectives of the optimization. The process of generating structural exoskeletons is summarized in
Figure 9.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20
beyond the limits, or unverified beams. In this way, the configurations in which these conditions
occur, tend to be discarded by the solver (the Octopus plug-in in this case), due to the higher fitness
value that characterizes them.
The last of the modules that make up the algorithm is related to the export of the FEM model
from Grasshopper to SAP2000, for the development of detailed dynamic analyses. For this operation
to be possible, the GeometryGym plug-in [27] is used. The dialogue between the software handled in
this work, exploits the API interface integrated in SAP2000 [28], able to provide complete and
efficient access to all the tools of the structural software, allowing a bidirectional transfer of the
models and control on the execution of the analysis and on the management of the data. A dialogue
of this type between the software allows one to bypass the conventional user interface once again,
and to speed up the export and import phases, especially in case of repeated modifications to the
5. The Creation of Structural Exoskeletons
Summing up, once you have modeled the geometry related to the structure equivalent to the
existing building, you can move on to create the elements related to the exoskeleton and to the
definition of the optimization variables. These are nothing but the possible morphological
transformations that the model can undergo during the search for the solution capable of using the
lowest amount of steel. It should, therefore, be noted that the geometry of the exoskeleton modeled
in this phase does not yet represent the final shape of the latter, but a starting configuration that will
be manipulated automatically during the optimization phase.
Together with the vectors inherent to the equivalent seismic actions, the totality of the
geometries represents one of the inputs for the assembly of the finite element model, on which a
linear static analysis is then carried out. The results of this become the parameters that make up the
fitness function, built by the user to define the objectives of the process. In order to achieve a fitness
value congruent with the objective, the solver will make changes to the geometry of the exoskeleton
(allowed by the user via the upstream imposition of the variables), and then re-analyze the variant
created. In this way a routine is generated will end only when the numerical value of the fitness
function is suitable to the objectives of the optimization. The process of generating structural
exoskeletons is summarized in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Flowchart that summarizes the process of generating structural exoskeletons.
It should be noted that the algorithm developed during the present work is not aimed at the
seismic improvement of a specific building but, due to the parametric character that distinguishes it,
its use can be extended to any existing multi-storey building with a framed structure in reinforced
concrete. By varying the size of the sections assigned to the pillars that simulate the existing
structure, it is possible to manage the stiffness equivalent to the real one, while the number and
shape of the slabs, and the positioning of the beam-pillar nodes, can be adapted to the building by
modifying the geometric values that represent the input for their creation. Likewise, the forces
applied in assembling the FEM vary depending on the geographic location of the building and its
natural oscillation period.
6. Application to a Case Study
Figure 9. Flowchart that summarizes the process of generating structural exoskeletons.
It should be noted that the algorithm developed during the present work is not aimed at the
seismic improvement of a specific building but, due to the parametric character that distinguishes it,
its use can be extended to any existing multi-storey building with a framed structure in reinforced
concrete. By varying the size of the sections assigned to the pillars that simulate the existing structure,
it is possible to manage the stiffness equivalent to the real one, while the number and shape of the
slabs, and the positioning of the beam-pillar nodes, can be adapted to the building by modifying the
geometric values that represent the input for their creation. Likewise, the forces applied in assembling
the FEM vary depending on the geographic location of the building and its natural oscillation period.
6. Application to a Case Study
As a case study, we adopted a prototype building consisting in an apartment block, already
analyzed in a previous research project (Figure 10) [26,29].
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Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 20
As a case study, we adopted a prototype building consisting in an apartment block, already
analyzed in a previous research project (Figure 10) [26,29].
Figure 10. Three-dimensional model of the simulated building.
The structure of this prototype building has no real evidence but is obtained from a process
called “simulated design”, based on the regulations in force before the introduction of the seismic
and energy-efficiency legislation, on the construction uses of the time, and on the architectural
peculiarities that distinguished the building boom between 1950 and 1980. This prototype is
representative of a large share (almost 20%) [6] of the existing residential stock in the city of Catania,
located in the eastern coast of Sicily and classified as seismic-prone in 1981. From a morphological
point of view this building type is characterized by medium height, between 5 and 12 floors,
elongated rectangular plant, central stairs and strong regularity both in plan and in elevation. The
structure, characterized by resistant elements placed in only one direction and frames symmetrically
arranged, is able to withstand only vertical loads. To aggravate its behavior under horizontal loads
there is the lack of masonry infill on the ground floor, which may cause a soft story collapse [26,29].
More in detail the considered case study is characterized by a reinforced concrete frame. It has
10 residential floors, and a commercial ground floor. The building is 35 m high and has a rectangular
plan (31.80 × 13.80 meters), symmetrical along the transversal axis. On each floor there are three
apartments, each of which has an area of approximately 140 m2. The two external apartments are
perfectly mirrored, with the central one interposed between them. Most windows are on the long
sides and only two small windows per floor are on the short fronts.
The elevations reflect the symmetry of the plan, and are characterized by a strong repetitiveness
in height, due to the identical configuration of the spaces between the various levels.
On each floor there are balconies, placed symmetrically along the two axes. Each apartment
therefore has a portion of its balcony and can enjoy an outdoor space.
Using a prototype building as case study is beneficial to perform structural analysis. Results,
considerations and possible retrofit solutions may be replicated, in fact, on most apartment blocks
having the same structural and constructive characteristics. However, to set up relations with the
specific urban landscape and seismic area, it was decided to place the case study inside the so-called
“sea zone” of Catania, a prestigious neighborhood built between the 1960s and the 1970s, during the
economic and construction boom. The building stock of this area was largely realized before the
enforcement of regulations for energy-efficient and seismic-resistant buildings, and the construction
practice strongly clashes with the “rules of art”, which up to some decades before, even in the
absence of a theoretical awareness, allowed buildings to be respectful of the environment and often
resistant to the earthquakes [30].
Figure 10. Three-dimensional model of the simulated building.
The structure of this prototype building has no real evidence but is obtained from a process
called “simulated design”, based on the regulations in force before the introduction of the seismic and
energy-efficiency legislation, on the construction uses of the time, and on the architectural peculiarities
that distinguished the building boom between 1950 and 1980. This prototype is representative of a
large share (almost 20%) [
] of the existing residential stock in the city of Catania, located in the eastern
coast of Sicily and classified as seismic-prone in 1981. From a morphological point of view this building
type is characterized by medium height, between 5 and 12 floors, elongated rectangular plant, central
stairs and strong regularity both in plan and in elevation. The structure, characterized by resistant
elements placed in only one direction and frames symmetrically arranged, is able to withstand only
vertical loads. To aggravate its behavior under horizontal loads there is the lack of masonry infill on
the ground floor, which may cause a soft story collapse [26,29].
More in detail the considered case study is characterized by a reinforced concrete frame. It has
10 residential floors, and a commercial ground floor. The building is 35 m high and has a rectangular
plan (31.80
13.80 m), symmetrical along the transversal axis. On each floor there are three apartments,
each of which has an area of approximately 140 m
. The two external apartments are perfectly mirrored,
with the central one interposed between them. Most windows are on the long sides and only two
small windows per floor are on the short fronts.
The elevations reflect the symmetry of the plan, and are characterized by a strong repetitiveness
in height, due to the identical configuration of the spaces between the various levels.
On each floor there are balconies, placed symmetrically along the two axes. Each apartment
therefore has a portion of its balcony and can enjoy an outdoor space.
Using a prototype building as case study is beneficial to perform structural analysis. Results,
considerations and possible retrofit solutions may be replicated, in fact, on most apartment blocks
having the same structural and constructive characteristics. However, to set up relations with the
specific urban landscape and seismic area, it was decided to place the case study inside the so-called
“sea zone” of Catania, a prestigious neighborhood built between the 1960s and the 1970s, during
the economic and construction boom. The building stock of this area was largely realized before the
enforcement of regulations for energy-efficient and seismic-resistant buildings, and the construction
practice strongly clashes with the “rules of art”, which up to some decades before, even in the absence
of a theoretical awareness, allowed buildings to be respectful of the environment and often resistant to
the earthquakes [30].
The selection of the site took place considering the characteristics of the lot in which it is placed as
the primary criterion. In particular, in view of the construction of an external structure, we need a free
space, on all fronts, to be used for laying foundation works. The choice fell on a large green area near
the urban waterfront (Figure 11).
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The selection of the site took place considering the characteristics of the lot in which it is placed
as the primary criterion. In particular, in view of the construction of an external structure, we need
a free spac
Figure 11. Rendering of the simulated building located in the selected site.
The advantages of the parametric approach to design include the possibility of easily creating
multiple versions of the same project. Borrowing the term versioning from the jargon of software
development, this indicates the opportunity offered by the management of files that are no longer
static, but capable of evolving and generating variations when new forces and conditions come into
Two project ideas are proposed, each of which, due to the intrinsic nature of the parametric
approach of generating multiple versions of the same concept, will return more than one final form
in varying the parameters within the model and the definition of structural optimization. In a design
of this type the design idea does not translate directly into the final shape of the exoskeleton, but in a
starting geometric shape and in a series of variables that represent “what will happen to the model”
during the optimization process.
The first project idea stems from the desire to clash, in order to cancel them, with the symmetry
and regularity that characterize the considered building. Therefore, this leads to the creation of a
strongly irregular structure-envelope, which, like a beneficial parasite, enters into symbiosis with the
original structure, attacking it only where necessary and allowing the emergence of glimpses,
through which to continue observing the existing building.
The first step is the one related to the creation of the starting form of the exoskeleton, which,
once subjected to an optimization process according to rules imposed upstream, will return the final
geometry of the structure. The starting structure is represented by a diagrid, of regular shape, that
wraps the building parallel to its façades. The basic module of this structure, quadrangular with
height equal to the floor (3.3m), is divided into four triangles deriving from the connection of the
opposite nodes. The division into triangular modules enables the creation of a structure whose
nodes are of the hinge type. Although more difficult to achieve in practice, these allow us to reduce
the stresses on the rods to only axial stress, eliminating the bending momentum rates. In order to
obtain a perfect closure of the mesh, at the corners of the building, the reticular system has been
moved away from the façades of a distance equal to half the light of the span (2.25m). This is also
convenient to avoid a “cage” effect, which risks generating feelings of oppression in the inhabitants
of the building itself.
The starting diagrid system is modeled from four surfaces, each of which is parallel to a façade
and divided into rectangular sub-areas measuring 3.3 × 2.25 meters. Each of these has been divided
into the four triangular surfaces whose sides represent the linear elements to be converted into rods
(Figure 12).
Figure 11. Rendering of the simulated building located in the selected site.
The advantages of the parametric approach to design include the possibility of easily creating
multiple versions of the same project. Borrowing the term versioning from the jargon of software
development, this indicates the opportunity offered by the management of files that are no longer
static, but capable of evolving and generating variations when new forces and conditions come
into play.
Two project ideas are proposed, each of which, due to the intrinsic nature of the parametric
approach of generating multiple versions of the same concept, will return more than one final form in
varying the parameters within the model and the definition of structural optimization. In a design of
this type the design idea does not translate directly into the final shape of the exoskeleton, but in a
starting geometric shape and in a series of variables that represent “what will happen to the model”
during the optimization process.
The first project idea stems from the desire to clash, in order to cancel them, with the symmetry
and regularity that characterize the considered building. Therefore, this leads to the creation of a
strongly irregular structure-envelope, which, like a beneficial parasite, enters into symbiosis with the
original structure, attacking it only where necessary and allowing the emergence of glimpses, through
which to continue observing the existing building.
The first step is the one related to the creation of the starting form of the exoskeleton, which,
once subjected to an optimization process according to rules imposed upstream, will return the final
geometry of the structure. The starting structure is represented by a diagrid, of regular shape, that
wraps the building parallel to its façades. The basic module of this structure, quadrangular with height
equal to the floor (3.3m), is divided into four triangles deriving from the connection of the opposite
nodes. The division into triangular modules enables the creation of a structure whose nodes are of the
hinge type. Although more difficult to achieve in practice, these allow us to reduce the stresses on the
rods to only axial stress, eliminating the bending momentum rates. In order to obtain a perfect closure
of the mesh, at the corners of the building, the reticular system has been moved away from the façades
of a distance equal to half the light of the span (2.25m). This is also convenient to avoid a “cage” effect,
which risks generating feelings of oppression in the inhabitants of the building itself.
The starting diagrid system is modeled from four surfaces, each of which is parallel to a façade
and divided into rectangular sub-areas measuring 3.3
2.25 m. Each of these has been divided into the
four triangular surfaces whose sides represent the linear elements to be converted into rods (Figure 12).
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Figure 12. Geometries of the starting diagrid related to the first design idea.
As for the optimization variables, the model just described is allowed to “curl up” thanks to the
movement, with respect to the initial position, in the range from one meter to the outside, one meter
inwards, orthogonally at the respective façade, of the diagrid nodes. This transformation granted to
the model is aimed at finding a configuration that returns the best resistance, exploiting the shape, to
seismic actions. The movement of the nodes is accompanied by a process of removing the rods that
do not contribute to the response to horizontal loads, in order to pursue the objective of minimizing
the steel used. The strategy adopted for the removal of the rods is as follows: thinking of the building
as a box inside which they have freedom to move points, in a number chosen by the user. Each of
these represents the center of a sphere (Figure 13) capable of removing the triangular modules of
which it incorporates the barycenters. The position of the spheres and their radius, as well as the
value relative to the displacement of the nodes, fall within the optimization variables, and are
therefore parameters that are automatically controlled by the solver of genetic algorithms, and in
any case set manually by the 'user. The module for the geometric modeling of the exoskeleton also
generates, automatically, and depending on the portions of the exoskeleton that are not removed,
the connecting elements between the nodes of the new structure and those of the existing one. It was
decided to operate with 20 spheres, each with a variable radius of 1 to 5 meters.
Figure 13. Spheres, controlled by the solver of genetic algorithms, responsible for removing the
modules during the optimization process.
The second project idea involves the creation of an exoskeleton which, while remaining regular
in shape, aims at eliminating the symmetry that characterizes the existing building. While in the
previously described solution, the solver of genetic algorithms is called to carry out a rod removal
Figure 12. Geometries of the starting diagrid related to the first design idea.
As for the optimization variables, the model just described is allowed to “curl up” thanks to the
movement, with respect to the initial position, in the range from one meter to the outside, one meter
inwards, orthogonally at the respective façade, of the diagrid nodes. This transformation granted to
the model is aimed at finding a configuration that returns the best resistance, exploiting the shape, to
seismic actions. The movement of the nodes is accompanied by a process of removing the rods that do
not contribute to the response to horizontal loads, in order to pursue the objective of minimizing the
steel used. The strategy adopted for the removal of the rods is as follows: thinking of the building as a
box inside which they have freedom to move points, in a number chosen by the user. Each of these
represents the center of a sphere (Figure 13) capable of removing the triangular modules of which it
incorporates the barycenters. The position of the spheres and their radius, as well as the value relative
to the displacement of the nodes, fall within the optimization variables, and are therefore parameters
that are automatically controlled by the solver of genetic algorithms, and in any case set manually by
the ’user. The module for the geometric modeling of the exoskeleton also generates, automatically, and
depending on the portions of the exoskeleton that are not removed, the connecting elements between
the nodes of the new structure and those of the existing one. It was decided to operate with 20 spheres,
each with a variable radius of 1 to 5 m.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
Figure 12. Geometries of the starting diagrid related to the first design idea.
As for the optimization variables, the model just described is allowed to “curl up” thanks to the
movement, with respect to the initial position, in the range from one meter to the outside, one meter
inwards, orthogonally at the respective façade, of the diagrid nodes. This transformation granted to
the model is aimed at finding a configuration that returns the best resistance, exploiting the shape, to
seismic actions. The movement of the nodes is accompanied by a process of removing the rods that
do not contribute to the response to horizontal loads, in order to pursue the objective of minimizing
the steel used. The strategy adopted for the removal of the rods is as follows: thinking of the building
as a box inside which they have freedom to move points, in a number chosen by the user. Each of
these represents the center of a sphere (Figure 13) capable of removing the triangular modules of
which it incorporates the barycenters. The position of the spheres and their radius, as well as the
value relative to the displacement of the nodes, fall within the optimization variables, and are
therefore parameters that are automatically controlled by the solver of genetic algorithms, and in
any case set manually by the 'user. The module for the geometric modeling of the exoskeleton also
generates, automatically, and depending on the portions of the exoskeleton that are not removed,
the connecting elements between the nodes of the new structure and those of the existing one. It was
decided to operate with 20 spheres, each with a variable radius of 1 to 5 meters.
Figure 13. Spheres, controlled by the solver of genetic algorithms, responsible for removing the
modules during the optimization process.
The second project idea involves the creation of an exoskeleton which, while remaining regular
in shape, aims at eliminating the symmetry that characterizes the existing building. While in the
previously described solution, the solver of genetic algorithms is called to carry out a rod removal
Figure 13.
Spheres, controlled by the solver of genetic algorithms, responsible for removing the
modules during the optimization process.
The second project idea involves the creation of an exoskeleton which, while remaining regular
in shape, aims at eliminating the symmetry that characterizes the existing building. While in the
previously described solution, the solver of genetic algorithms is called to carry out a rod removal
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 14 of 20
process, this time it aims to implement an additive strategy. The optimization, in fact, involves the
insertion of structural elements in the areas of the exoskeleton that require greater rigidity.
Even in the case of the second design idea, the starting structure is a diagrid system, this time with
quadrangular base module (Figure 14) and therefore formed by rods stuck to the ends. Also in this
case, the structure is moved, on each front, at a distance equal to half of the light of the span (2.25 m) to
allow for an optimal closure of the angular modules. Similarly to the first design idea, the geometric
modeling involves the creation of four surfaces parallel to the façades, each of which is divided into
rhomboid portions of height equal to the storey height (3.3 m) and width equal to the light of the span
(4.5 m). The sides of these diamonds represent the linear elements to be converted into rods in the
phase of creating the finite element model.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 20
process, this time it aims to implement an additive strategy. The optimization, in fact, involves the
insertion of structural elements in the areas of the exoskeleton that require greater rigidity.
Figure 14. Geometries of the starting diagrid related to the first design idea.
Even in the case of the second design idea, the starting structure is a diagrid system, this time
with quadrangular base module (Figure 14) and therefore formed by rods stuck to the ends. Also in
this case, the structure is moved, on each front, at a distance equal to half of the light of the span (2.25
m) to allow for an optimal closure of the angular modules. Similarly to the first design idea, the
geometric modeling involves the creation of four surfaces parallel to the façades, each of which is
divided into rhomboid portions of height equal to the storey height (3.3 m) and width equal to the
light of the span (4.5 m). The sides of these diamonds represent the linear elements to be converted
into rods in the phase of creating the finite element model.
The only transformation granted to the shape of this model consists in the possibility of each
single rhomboidal module, to subdivide, in the optimization phase, into an additional four or 16
sub-modules, in order to obtain an increase in stiffness in the exoskeleton areas, under more stress
caused by horizontal actions. Also in this case, the number of subdivisions represents one of the
parameters of the optimization, and is automatically modified by the solver of genetic algorithms.
As in the development of the first design idea, the portion of the algorithm relating to the modeling
allows for the automatic generation of the connecting elements between the exoskeleton and the
existing structure in reinforced concrete.
7. . Analysis and Results
The results are now illustrated and compared, in numerical and geometrical terms, returned by
the optimization processes carried out. As already mentioned above, the configuration of the
exoskeleton obtained is not unique. The approach used, in fact, provides the possibility to choose
among several variants, deriving from the modification of the model parameters and the objectives
defined in the fitness function.
In the present work, the first distinction is feasible since two different design ideas are taken
into consideration. For both, an optimization process was carried out aimed at minimizing the
weight of steel used and maintaining relative drift below the limits reported in Table 1. These are
calculated by considering two thirds of the last minimum rotation of each storey of the concrete
structure to obtain the value at the life-saving limit state.
Table 1. Displacement limits.
Storey h Dlim Dmax 2/3 Dmax
[m] – [m] [m]
1 4.3 0.003 0.0129 0.0086
2 3.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
Figure 14. Geometries of the starting diagrid related to the first design idea.
The only transformation granted to the shape of this model consists in the possibility of each single
rhomboidal module, to subdivide, in the optimization phase, into an additional four or 16 sub-modules,
in order to obtain an increase in stiffness in the exoskeleton areas, under more stress caused by
horizontal actions. Also in this case, the number of subdivisions represents one of the parameters
of the optimization, and is automatically modified by the solver of genetic algorithms. As in the
development of the first design idea, the portion of the algorithm relating to the modeling allows
for the automatic generation of the connecting elements between the exoskeleton and the existing
structure in reinforced concrete.
7. Analysis and Results
The results are now illustrated and compared, in numerical and geometrical terms, returned
by the optimization processes carried out. As already mentioned above, the configuration of the
exoskeleton obtained is not unique. The approach used, in fact, provides the possibility to choose
among several variants, deriving from the modification of the model parameters and the objectives
defined in the fitness function.
In the present work, the first distinction is feasible since two different design ideas are taken into
consideration. For both, an optimization process was carried out aimed at minimizing the weight of
steel used and maintaining relative drift below the limits reported in Table 1. These are calculated by
considering two thirds of the last minimum rotation of each storey of the concrete structure to obtain
the value at the life-saving limit state.
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 15 of 20
Table 1. Displacement limits.
Storey h Dlim Dmax 2/3 Dmax
[m] – [m] [m]
14.3 0.003 0.0129 0.0086
23.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
33.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
43.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
53.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
63.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
73.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
83.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
93.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
10 3.3 0.003 0.0099 0.0066
It was also required to verify all the rods by following the assignment of a cross-section included
in a pre-established range. The solution obtained by imposing these conditions on the first design
idea (variant 1), shown in Figure 15a, is not satisfactory since the removal of the rods is minimal.
This is maybe caused by an incorrect interpretation of the problem by the genetic algorithm solver,
and returns a design variant that is capable of maintaining the relative displacements below the limits.
The result is a naked structural cage without any relationship with the context. In fact, the cage is
neutral with respect to the surrounding environment: an indifferent isotropic metal structure that
does not favor any relation. The minimization of steel weight resulting from this optimization process
is also minimal, and for this reason this solution cannot be considered optimal. For this reason, this
solution was compared with an equivalent that provided for a modification of the fitness function.
Therefore, it is necessary for the optimization to point to the minimization, not more than the weight,
but of the number of rods used. The exoskeleton obtained (variant 2), visible in Figure 15b, despite
keeping the displacements below the imposed limits, most likely presents problems related to the
earthquake response and it is therefore not adequate from a structural point of view. The elimination
of rods in the angular zones of the building induces, in fact, an accentuation of the torsional response
of the building-exoskeleton complex subjected to the earthquake. In order to avoid excessive irregular
configurations, the movement of the 20 spheres capable of removing the diagrid modules has been
limited. First extended to the whole building, it now takes place exclusively in the central area,
ensuring the integrity of the angular zones of the exoskeleton. This solution (variant 3) is illustrated in
Figure 15c. This optimization process led, in this case, to a considerable reduction of the weight of
steel compared to the initial configuration, while maintaining relative displacements below the limits
and a regular configuration in the corner areas of the building. Variant 3 is therefore characterized
by a good balance between structural behavior and use of materials. It is interesting to analyze the
solution (variant 4) obtained without imposing symmetry (Figure 15d), considering limit displacement
values, greater than previous solutions. Given the fewer restrictions, the solver is given more freedom
in removing the rods. This variant is purely aimed at experimentation and, given the exceeding of the
values allowed in terms of displacements, certainly does not return an adequate structural behavior.
Numerical data about each variant, in terms of steel weight, rods number and relative
displacements, are compared in Table 2.
Two distinct optimizations were carried out also for the option with embedded quadrangular
modules, with the objective of minimizing the weight (variant 5) and the number of rods (variant 6).
Because of the initial configuration, the resulting geometries, shown in Figure 15e,f, do not present
substantial differences in terms of the overall image of the system, and they both harmoniously relate
to the existing building. In contrast to the previous design idea, in this case the definition of the fitness
function that aims at minimizing the weight, shows better results.
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 16 of 20
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 20
Figure 15. Variants obtained by modifying the parameters of the geometric models and the definition
of the fitness function.
Table 2. Comparison between the versions in terms of steel weight, rods number and floors
Pre-Optimisation Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Pre-Optimisation Version 5 Version 6
kg 336
134 319
900 284
133 269
704 206
155 103
512 225
200 229
Rods Number - 3376 3201 2818 2673 2005 616 4456 4536
u1 m 0.0076 0.0074 0.0071 0.0076 0.0060 0.0100 0.0082 0.0083
u2 m 0.0048 0.0050 0.0058 0.0060 0.0086 0.0185 0.0066 0.0066
u3 m 0.0042 0.0047 0.0061 0.0054 0.0068 0.0266 0.0059 0.0060
u4 m 0.0044 0.0049 0.0063 0.0059 0.0071 0.0355 0.0063 0.0064
u5 m 0.0044 0.0053 0.0064 0.0053 0.0075 0.0457 0.0065 0.0066
u6 m 0.0042 0.0049 0.0065 0.0060 0.0078 0.0541 0.0065 0.0066
u7 m 0.0040 0.0045 0.0064 0.0056 0.0096 0.0661 0.0064 0.0064
u8 m 0.0037 0.0043 0.0058 0.0058 0.0099 0.0701 0.0054 0.0053
u9 m 0.0032 0.0037 0.0051 0.0052 0.0096 0.0848 0.0048 0.0048
u10 m 0.0026 0.0030 0.0048 0.0062 0.0070 0.0797 0.0040 0.0040
Among all the obtained variants, numbers 3 and 5 are considered the best because of their
structural responses in terms of displacements, obtained using a limited number of structural
elements and a lower weight of steel compared to the other solutions.
The models of these variants were then exported within the SAP2000 finite element software to
perform dynamic structural analyses of the existing building-exoskeleton assembly, confronting
them with the bare building model. It should be noted that all data relating to materials,
cross-sections of structural elements, nodal constraints and degrees of freedom of the rods are
transferred automatically using the GeometryGym plug-in. In the SAP2000 environment we proceed
exclusively to the introduction of the inputs for modal analysis and linear dynamic analysis.
The two variants, topologically different, but deriving from the same optimization process,
respond in a similar way to the dynamic loads. From the modal analysis, a substantial increase in
Figure 15.
Variants obtained by modifying the parameters of the geometric models and the definition
of the fitness function.
Table 2.
Comparison between the versions in terms of steel weight, rods number and floors displacements.
Weight kg 336,134 319,900 284,133 269,704 206,155 103,512 225,200 229,124
Rods Number - 3376 3201 2818 2673 2005 616 4456 4536
u1 m 0.0076 0.0074 0.0071 0.0076 0.0060 0.0100 0.0082 0.0083
u2 m 0.0048 0.0050 0.0058 0.0060 0.0086 0.0185 0.0066 0.0066
u3 m 0.0042 0.0047 0.0061 0.0054 0.0068 0.0266 0.0059 0.0060
u4 m 0.0044 0.0049 0.0063 0.0059 0.0071 0.0355 0.0063 0.0064
u5 m 0.0044 0.0053 0.0064 0.0053 0.0075 0.0457 0.0065 0.0066
u6 m 0.0042 0.0049 0.0065 0.0060 0.0078 0.0541 0.0065 0.0066
u7 m 0.0040 0.0045 0.0064 0.0056 0.0096 0.0661 0.0064 0.0064
u8 m 0.0037 0.0043 0.0058 0.0058 0.0099 0.0701 0.0054 0.0053
u9 m 0.0032 0.0037 0.0051 0.0052 0.0096 0.0848 0.0048 0.0048
u10 m 0.0026 0.0030 0.0048 0.0062 0.0070 0.0797 0.0040 0.0040
Among all the obtained variants, numbers 3 and 5 are considered the best because of their
structural responses in terms of displacements, obtained using a limited number of structural elements
and a lower weight of steel compared to the other solutions.
The models of these variants were then exported within the SAP2000 finite element software to
perform dynamic structural analyses of the existing building-exoskeleton assembly, confronting them
with the bare building model. It should be noted that all data relating to materials, cross-sections of
structural elements, nodal constraints and degrees of freedom of the rods are transferred automatically
using the GeometryGym plug-in. In the SAP2000 environment we proceed exclusively to the
introduction of the inputs for modal analysis and linear dynamic analysis.
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 17 of 20
The two variants, topologically different, but deriving from the same optimization process,
respond in a similar way to the dynamic loads. From the modal analysis, a substantial increase in
stiffness is denoted, as expected, which causes a reduction of the fundamental periods of oscillation
(Figure 16). At the same time, from the examination of the results of the linear dynamic analyses,
what emerged was that neither of the two geometric solutions obtained from the exoskeleton is able
to maintain the displacements of the existing building within the fixed limits, even if, analyzing the
overlap of the displacements over time, of the same point, for all the seven accelerograms chosen [
a notable reduction of the maximum mean value can be seen. From the 400mm of the actual state, it goes
to about 160mm in the project states (Figure 17). Although these are to be considered rough results,
as deduced from a linear analysis applied to a problem that, with reference to the existing structure,
is markedly non-linear, the results obtained glimpses of a positive response of the generated system.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 20
stiffness is denoted, as expected, which causes a reduction of the fundamental periods of oscillation
(Figure 16). At the same time, from the examination of the results of the linear dynamic analyses,
what emerged was that neither of the two geometric solutions obtained from the exoskeleton is able
to maintain the displacements of the existing building within the fixed limits, even if, analyzing the
overlap of the displacements over time, of the same point, for all the seven accelerograms chosen
[26], a notable reduction of the maximum mean value can be seen. From the 400mm of the actual
state, it goes to about 160mm in the project states (Figure 17). Although these are to be considered
rough results, as deduced from a linear analysis applied to a problem that, with reference to the
existing structure, is markedly non-linear, the results obtained glimpses of a positive response of the
generated system.
Figure 16. Comparison, using design spectrum, between fundamental periods of the bare building
and proposed solutions.
Figure 17. Comparison between the bare building and the two proposed solutions. Displacement
diagrams in the most stressed direction. According to NTC18, the response in average terms is
considered. .
Among these are renderings (Figures 18) that show how further variations can be obtained by
completing the exoskeleton with non-structural elements, such as shielding and panels of all kinds,
vegetation and solar modules.
Figure 16.
Comparison, using design spectrum, between fundamental periods of the bare building and
proposed solutions.
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 20
stiffness is denoted, as expected, which causes a reduction of the fundamental periods of oscillation
(Figure 16). At the same time, from the examination of the results of the linear dynamic analyses,
what emerged was that neither of the two geometric solutions obtained from the exoskeleton is able
to maintain the displacements of the existing building within the fixed limits, even if, analyzing the
overlap of the displacements over time, of the same point, for all the seven accelerograms chosen
[26], a notable reduction of the maximum mean value can be seen. From the 400mm of the actual
state, it goes to about 160mm in the project states (Figure 17). Although these are to be considered
rough results, as deduced from a linear analysis applied to a problem that, with reference to the
existing structure, is markedly non-linear, the results obtained glimpses of a positive response of the
generated system.
Figure 16. Comparison, using design spectrum, between fundamental periods of the bare building
and proposed solutions.
Figure 17. Comparison between the bare building and the two proposed solutions. Displacement
diagrams in the most stressed direction. According to NTC18, the response in average terms is
considered. .
Among these are renderings (Figures 18) that show how further variations can be obtained by
completing the exoskeleton with non-structural elements, such as shielding and panels of all kinds,
vegetation and solar modules.
Figure 17.
Comparison between the bare building and the two proposed solutions. Displacement
diagrams in the most stressed direction. According to NTC18, the response in average terms
is considered.
Among these are renderings (Figure 18) that show how further variations can be obtained by
completing the exoskeleton with non-structural elements, such as shielding and panels of all kinds,
vegetation and solar modules.
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 18 of 20
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 20
Figure 18. Renderings of the selected variants completed with non-structural elements.
8. Conclusions
The urgency of improving the existing building stock in terms of seismic vulnerability offered
us the opportunity to reflect both on the structural aspects and on the architectural image. Thus, the
present work has tried to highlight the need to consider aesthetic issue as an important—albeit often
neglected—dimension of the search for sustainability. Even if the concept of beauty is hard to tackle,
almost impossible to objectify and impossible to be fully reached, it can be considered as a research
horizon. And the issue of sustainability offers the opportunity to approach aesthetic research: an
opportunity that should be seized since beauty affects all aspects of human life and experience.
The proposed solutions are just proof of the concept of a holistic renovation strategy. In fact,
these do not represent the best solutions from an aesthetic point of view. They just demonstrate how,
with parametric design, it is possible to produce many complex solutions easily and to choose that
which better interprets the aesthetic canons selected by the designer.
In more detail, we have proposed the use of exoskeletons for the seismic retrofit of apartment
blocks with reinforced concrete frames. Since the exoskeleton is applied from the outside, it has the
advantage of not interfering with the regular operation of the building during the renovation works.
The adopted parametric approach allowed us to consider many variables (geometry and shape,
weight, materials, structural elements, forces), leading to a set of solutions that contemplate a
multiplicity of aspects of sustainable renovation. In fact, since the early architectural design stages,
the creative process has integrated both form and structural functions, as well as information
relating on materials and stress response.
This approach is a single tool that offers the possibility to generate multiple retrofitting
alternatives based on variables drawn from multiple disciplines, opening the door to a great variety
of integrated solutions. In the case presented, we verified the adaptability potential of different types
of exoskeleton, which change their shape according to the variability of the external conditions: as
occurs in the evolutionary process, reproduction and mutation operate on the genotype, while
competition and selection occur at the level of the phenotype. In fact, the use of exoskeleton
genotype in this work starts from the simple structural cage to achieve an elaborate structural
texture on the façade: an exoskeleton with asymmetrical balance between empty and full spaces.
Furthermore, the structure opens (with empty spaces) towards the most interesting landscape points
of view and closes (with full ones) to protect itself from unfavorable climatic conditions. In this way
we try to establish further relations with the environment.
Such a tool has taken the form of a genetic algorithm, within the Grasshopper graphic editor,
aimed at generating and optimizing the form of the steel frames, based on their structural response
to equivalent static seismic stresses. The generated geometries are optimized to keep the relative
drifts below the limits, to verify all rods, and to minimize the steel weight and the number of rods.
Both these parameters were decisive for choosing the best options among the multiple solutions
obtained according to different design concepts, geometric inputs and variables of the objective
function. These variables have been subjected to linear dynamic analysis that has shown a
Figure 18. Renderings of the selected variants completed with non-structural elements.
8. Conclusions
The urgency of improving the existing building stock in terms of seismic vulnerability offered
us the opportunity to reflect both on the structural aspects and on the architectural image. Thus, the
present work has tried to highlight the need to consider aesthetic issue as an important—albeit often
neglected—dimension of the search for sustainability. Even if the concept of beauty is hard to tackle,
almost impossible to objectify and impossible to be fully reached, it can be considered as a research
horizon. And the issue of sustainability offers the opportunity to approach aesthetic research: an
opportunity that should be seized since beauty affects all aspects of human life and experience.
The proposed solutions are just proof of the concept of a holistic renovation strategy. In fact,
these do not represent the best solutions from an aesthetic point of view. They just demonstrate how,
with parametric design, it is possible to produce many complex solutions easily and to choose that
which better interprets the aesthetic canons selected by the designer.
In more detail, we have proposed the use of exoskeletons for the seismic retrofit of apartment
blocks with reinforced concrete frames. Since the exoskeleton is applied from the outside, it has the
advantage of not interfering with the regular operation of the building during the renovation works.
The adopted parametric approach allowed us to consider many variables (geometry and shape,
weight, materials, structural elements, forces), leading to a set of solutions that contemplate a
multiplicity of aspects of sustainable renovation. In fact, since the early architectural design stages, the
creative process has integrated both form and structural functions, as well as information relating on
materials and stress response.
This approach is a single tool that offers the possibility to generate multiple retrofitting alternatives
based on variables drawn from multiple disciplines, opening the door to a great variety of integrated
solutions. In the case presented, we verified the adaptability potential of different types of exoskeleton,
which change their shape according to the variability of the external conditions: as occurs in the
evolutionary process, reproduction and mutation operate on the genotype, while competition and
selection occur at the level of the phenotype. In fact, the use of exoskeleton genotype in this work starts
from the simple structural cage to achieve an elaborate structural texture on the façade: an exoskeleton
with asymmetrical balance between empty and full spaces. Furthermore, the structure opens (with
empty spaces) towards the most interesting landscape points of view and closes (with full ones) to
protect itself from unfavorable climatic conditions. In this way we try to establish further relations
with the environment.
Such a tool has taken the form of a genetic algorithm, within the Grasshopper graphic editor,
aimed at generating and optimizing the form of the steel frames, based on their structural response
to equivalent static seismic stresses. The generated geometries are optimized to keep the relative
drifts below the limits, to verify all rods, and to minimize the steel weight and the number of rods.
Both these parameters were decisive for choosing the best options among the multiple solutions
obtained according to different design concepts, geometric inputs and variables of the objective
function. These variables have been subjected to linear dynamic analysis that has shown a considerable
Sustainability 2019,11, 1227 19 of 20
reduction of the structure displacements in comparison to the actual state. Due to the non-linear nature
of the problem, the presented linear, static and dynamic analyses are to be considered preliminary.
More detailed results could be expected from a non-linear analysis, thanks to the resistance contribution
of steel in the plastic field.
Finally, the proposed solution, although limited to buildings whose footprint can be slightly
enlarged, overcomes many of the limitations usually associated with seismic renovation actions
including: (i) technical limits, because exoskeletons effectively minimize the renovation activities
on the existing building and allow combining multiple interventions in a single stage (structural,
energy efficiency, and architectural retrofitting); (ii) organizational limits, since occupants do not
need to leave their apartments during renovation works, avoiding transfer disruption and costs, and
facilitating condominium consensus; (iii) economic limits, since exoskeletons may reduce time and
cost for renovation in comparison with other combined interventions.
The next development of this study will pursue the extension of the algorithm functionalities,
introducing parameters related to thermal comfort and energy efficiency among the factors that
influence the selection of the optimal exoskeleton shape. The introduction of new variables may
further improve the holistic dimension of the proposed methodology, as well as its complexity
and completeness.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, aestethic issue and supervision, S.D.; introduction and state-of-the-art,
S.D.; aesthetics and nature as a reference for parametric design, S.D.; the exoskeleton: shape and structure, S.D.;
the prototyping algorithm, B.C.; the creation of structural exoskeletons, B.C.; case study, S.D. and B.C.; application
to a case study, B.C.; analysis and results, S.D. and B.C.; conclusions, S.D.
This work has been funded by the University of Catania within the project “Piano della Ricerca
Dipartimentale 2016-2018” of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture.
The authors would like to thank Ivo Caliòand Giuseppe Occhipinti, who supervised the
structural aspects, offering a precious and relevant contribution. The authors would also like to thank Nikkei
Architecture for the permission to use the last image of Figure 3.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... Simultaneously, the same buildings may also exhibit poor energy performance, as constructions contribute to more than one-third of greenhouse gas emissions [5]. Moreover, as remarked in [6], the lack of aesthetic and functional consideration of the post-war buildings represents another crucial aspect that should be addressed. Thus, a structural, energetic, and architectural renovation of a substantial portion of the building stock requires urgent attention [7]. ...
... The second constraint is defined in Eqs. (5) and (6). It is related to the structural verifications of steel elements defined in the European standard regulation (EC3) [59], concerning the bearing capacity of the exoskeletons' elements. ...
... Individuals are categorized as feasible or infeasible according to the boundary constraints introduced by Eqs. (4)- (6) and the corresponding penalties are computed following Eqs. (7)- (9). ...
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In recent decades, steel exoskeletons have gathered significant attention as a seismic retrofitting technique for existing structures. The design methods proposed so far are focused on the identification of the system's overall parameters through simplified models. Although these methodologies provide helpful guidance at the preliminary design stage, they do not consider aspects such as the distribution of the exoskeletons and sizing of their components. To overcome these limitations, an optimization process based on the Genetic Algorithm is proposed in this paper to identify the optimal exoskeleton number and spatial arrangement, and to determine the optimal size of their constituent elements. The algorithm aims to minimize the weight of the retrofit solution while keeping the whole existing structure in the elastic field and ensuring the structural verification of the exoskeleton's elements. The analyses have been conducted using a finite-element code with an Open Application Programming Interface, which allows the models to be handled through automatic routines. The proposed optimization tool has been applied to several case studies, considering two different layouts for the exoskeletons. Finally, the effectiveness of the retrofit method has been demonstrated, and the proposed optimization tool has been able to significantly reduce the weight and cost of the intervention.
... This trend underlines the need for comprehensive regeneration strategies that encompass energy efficiency-related and technological interventions, as well as broader architectural and typological interventions, to address the overall inadequacy of existing built environments [4]. ...
... It is crucial to emphasize that sustainable public social housing regeneration processes must address three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental aspects [24]. To achieve this, a comprehensive and holistic approach is needed, which not only involves technological and energy-related interventions but also encompasses the implementation of sustainable environmental strategies, the creation of new living spaces, and the reconfiguration of apartment layouts to better cater to the needs of residents [4,25]. This integration merges retrofitting practices with the demands of contemporary suburban modification projects [26]. ...
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In the frame of developing sustainable, reliable, and regenerative interventions on existing buildings, namely on large-scale public housing, the implementation of functional, technological, and effective strategies is devoted to thoroughly assessing the transformability of buildings using trustworthy performance indicators. With this aim, in the present paper, an assessment framework tool is presented and tested to evaluate the potential of buildings for transformation through the detection of regeneration strategies for the reduction of energy consumption, a definition of the new apartments’ internal layout, and the implementation of sustainable systems to foster rainwater harvesting. The procedure is tested on a case study in Latina (Italy), showing its suitability to quantitatively assess the regenerative potentiality of public housing, thus resulting in an effective supporting tool for designers and policy makers.
... The construction of school buildings, especially in earthquake-prone areas such as Cirebon Regency, has its own challenges, including ensuring structural safety and comfort for students. The current building standards must not only fulfill aesthetic and functional aspects, but must also meet earthquake resistance requirements (D'Urso & Cicero, 2019;Marini & Sarwindah, 2017;Papadopoulos, 2016). The specific issue addressed in this research is the need for a reliable design that can withstand various loads, including dynamic forces from earthquakes, while providing a comfortable learning environment (Bedon et al., 2018;Filiatrault & Sullivan, 2014;Shahjalal et al., 2024;Takewaki & Akehashi, 2021) . ...
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Ibnu Abbas Foundation intends to build a four-story school building for junior high school in Talun District, Cirebon Regency. This study aims to design a school building structure that is comfortable, safe, and meets earthquake-resistant standards using ETABS software. The design process includes structural planning, analysis of building response to static and dynamic loads such as dead load, live load, wind load, and earthquake load, as well as detailed design of structural elements such as floors, columns, beams, and foundations. This research method uses a calculation approach that refers to the applicable Indonesian National Standards (SNI), namely SNI 2847: 2019 for structural planning, SNI 1727: 2020 for load planning, and SNI 1726: 2019 for earthquake resistant planning. The planning process uses the Response Spectrum SRPMK method and is assisted by ETABS software for structural analysis and design. The planning results show that the four-story school building structure can be built safely using a pile foundation with a depth of 4.4 meters and diameters of 50 and 60 cm. The foundation is able to withstand the load of the planned structure. The structural elements of the school building are planned using reinforced concrete with a material quality of K-300 for the frame and K-350 for the columns. The main reinforcement used is BJTS 420A, and the transverse reinforcement is BJTP 280.
... In this framework, a recent research topic concerns the potential use of external steel braced structures, commonly named exoskeletons, as holistic renovation strategy for the concurrent energy and architectural renovation of the buildings (Takeuchi et al., 2006), (Labò et al., 2016), (Ferrante et al., 2016), (Marini et al., 2017), (D'Urso et al., 2019). Indeed, the addition of steel exoskeleton is an effective technique for the seismic upgrading of RC framed buildings (Rahimi et al., 2020), which has the advantages of reducing cost and time for implementation as well as occupants' disturbance thanks to the application from the outside of the building and the high level of prefabrication. ...
... On this path, several studies have shown that the exoskeleton intervention could be designed providing an enhancement in thermal insulation, through a 'double-skin' solution [10,11]. ...
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The catastrophic effects of recent earthquakes around the world have highlighted the vulnerability of civil buildings; in Europe, most of the existing buildings were built after World War II and since they have largely exceeded their useful life, are characterized by a high vulnerability linked both to the durability of the materials and to the lack of seismic provisions in design. The current trend in constructional field is to design interventions aimed at the seismic and energy improvement of these structures jointly, in order to achieve a sustainable and integrated retrofit intervention. To this aim, the use of 2D orthogonal steel exoskeletons for the seismic strengthening represents a suitable solution, providing at the same time an enhancement in thermal insulation, through a 'double-skin' solution. Due to the growing interest in the design of steel exoskeleton interventions, a detailed dynamic characterization of this external strengthening solution is needed. In this framework, the present work, aims to investigate the effectiveness of the investigated strengthening solution by means of bi-directional non-linear dynamic analyses. Extensive numerical analysis was carried out. The selected case-study is an Italian existing pre-1980 s RC frame building located in Mugnano di Napoli (NA, Italy), which is a medium-high seismic hazard site in Italy (peak ground acceleration equal to 0.156 g). Two alternative strengthening solutions were numerically investigated by means of non-linear time-history and incremental dynamic analyses performed applying fifteen bidirectional ground motions on three-dimensional numerical models. The results of the dynamic non-linear analyses allow to quantify more appropriate performance indicators , both in terms of expected demand and overall collapse capacity, useful for the development of optimization strategy and design of exoskeleton system. The results highlighted that both the investigated strengthening scenarios allow to increase the stiffness of the existing building and allow it to meet the current code safety requirements reducing also the residual inter-storey drift. The obtained results are not strictly related to the investigated case study, but can be extended to all the structures retrofitted that follows the presented design procedure.
... The use of environmentally friendly materials in innovative ways [63] to ensure sustainability while at the same time increasing the level of seismic resistance is of great importance in the long run. Integration and optimization of simultaneous procedures to improve the energy and seismic behavior of the buildings through the utilization of exoskeletons [64] and green spaces [65] can also significantly contribute to the added architectural value of urban city centers and greener infrastructure. ...
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The vast majority of existing structures in Croatia, as well as in other European countries, are made of unreinforced masonry. The seemingly ideal building material presents a great challenge for engineers in earthquake-prone zones. Given that structural failure can have significant consequences in terms of loss of human lives as well as financial losses, a comprehensive structural reliability assessment is needed. Old existing masonry structures often do not have design documentation, and even when they do, the initial mechanical properties have almost certainly degraded over time. That is why in situ testing is of great importance, but masonry is also characterized by a large scattering of results. After recent severe earthquakes in Croatia, more than ever, there is a need for a more reliable assessment of existing masonry structures. This paper presents reliability approaches for resistance evaluation of existing masonry in a real case study where basic failure modes of the masonry were observed. First, the data recommended in standards were used, followed by the updated data obtained from the flat-jack test. Finally, the design value method (DVM) and the adjusted partial factor method (APFM) were used. These methods align with Eurocode standards for new structures but are also adaptable for the assessment of existing structures. Differences in the results between the existing and the new version of the standard were observed, as well as an increase in the obtained resistances with an increase in the complexity of the methods used. Also, the influence of in situ testing proved to be an important factor in the analysis.
... Postponing the analysis of high-rise structural displacement until the final stages of the design can be considered an imprudent strategy [12], even though most structural assessments traditionally occur during the construction phase as part of quality control [84,85]. In our efforts to address early design challenges, we employed Karamba3D, a Grasshopper plugin, for structural analysis [86,87]. Karamba3D enables optimisation directly within the Grasshopper environment. ...
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As cities worldwide grapple with the challenges of urbanization and environmental sustainability, the need to work with the transformation of building stock seems fundamental, as it promises a profound impact on the well-being and daily experiences of residents [1]. This sector has emerged in the last few years and methodologically, it is being approached through experiments mainly concerned with energy performance. However, the various examples do not yet provide a strong input to the field of architecture and urban planning [2]. As such, innovation in this area remains scarce for holistic upgrades to enhance sustainability. In this framework, the specific research aims to affront this gap and elucidate the specific domains within which we propose enhancements, by drawing information and knowledge from three different fields: urban policy frameworks, digital technologies for the built environment and architecture. Specifically, it aims at highlighting the transformative potential of digital tools in upgrading the architectural landscape of existing buildings as a unit and as part of a neighbourhood cluster. It is expected that analysing the synergies between these areas can be a valuable resource for policy makers, urban planners, and researchers. For this paper, the methodology chosen is dual: on the one hand, it is offered a review of contemporary technologies such as for example Building Information Modelling (BIM), Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) among others, that have the potential to support architects and urban planners in their goal of improving the building stock. Through the use of a matrix, all benefits and goals of these technologies are being illustrated and further discussed. On the other hand, case studies of initiatives that demonstrate how existing and innovative tools can be used in a variety of contexts to improve building stock at both the individual and neighbourhood scales. The selected case studies cover a range of topics, such as occupant engagement, adaptive reuse, improving green spaces, and reconfiguring city blocks. etc. and will be analysed to identify best practices and present innovative design and planning solutions across a spectrum of parameters, offering valuable insights for practitioners and decision makers alike. As a conclusion of the two methodological directions, the authors summarise the key findings and emerging trends, and provide an initial assessment of how this process enables change and allows the transition of any traditional neighbourhood into a smart neighbourhood. Keywords: holistic building upgrade, old building stock, digital technologies, smart neighbourhood
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The sustainable renovation of existing buildings is currently at the top of the agenda of the European Union. Sustainability is typically defined as the result of the interaction of environmental, economic, and social aspects, and it is now considered a major target objective in all sectors of our economy, including the construction one. The concept of sustainable renovation has changed significantly over time, leading to the current interpretation that considers the need to simultaneously improve safety and resilience against natural hazards and minimise energy and resource consumption, as well as to reduce impacts along the life cycle of the building. This manuscript presents insights into combined/integrated environmental and seismic retrofitting techniques and assessment methods for the sustainable renovation of the existing building stock, specifically focussing on those conceived according to a Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) approach. This manuscript goes beyond the current available state of the art by highlighting the evolution of the concept of building sustainability throughout time, as well as defining a comprehensive taxonomy of available retrofitting strategies, while also identifying common clusters among available research papers. This research effort is part of the mission of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) Working Group 15 (WG15), which focusses on ‘combined seismic and environmental upgrading of existing buildings”.
Since 2017, the “Clean Heating Plan” policy has effectively improved the environmental quality in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei (BTH) region, Northern China. However, the heating system retrofitted rural residences are facing new issues, such as indoor thermal discomfort and a significant increase in heating costs, due to the poor insulation performance of the building envelope. On the premise of reducing environmental impact, the lifecycle cost-effectiveness of retrofit solutions for improving indoor thermal comfort has become a critical issue. This study establishes a trade-off framework for carbon emissions, indoor thermal comfort, and global cost under different scenarios (e.g., low-carbon and zero-carbon) using the SPEA2 algorithm. This framework consists of four sections: the establishment of a prototypical model based on field investigation data, the variable filtering based on global sensitivity analysis, the multi-objective optimisation of retrofitting measures, and the final decision-making based on the Utopian point method. The final optimal solutions indicated that: under a low-carbon scenario, the carbon emission of Type I (air-source heat pump) and II (natural gas heater) models are decreased by 61.10% and 56.81%, the indoor thermal discomfort time rates are decreased by 13.55% and 19.83%, and the global cost increment is decreased by 1.94% and 20.30%, respectively. Under a zero-carbon scenario, the carbon emission of Type I and II models are decreased by 90.89% and 79.54%, the indoor thermal discomfort time rate is decreased by 24.66% and 23.15%, whereas the global cost increment is increased by 158.57% and 45.82%, respectively. The proposed framework could be widely used as an accurate and feasible tool in the improvement of the environment and human habitat in rural areas in northern China.
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This thesis is focused on the seismic vulnerability assessment of existing multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings that were not designed to withstand earthquakes and on the identification of possible retrofitting strategies adoptable for their structural rehabilitation. A typical ten-storey building has been identified as representative cases study of many similar buildings built in Catania (Sicily, south of ITALY) between the 60’s and 80’s before the introduction of a national seismic code in 1981. Since the building has been designed with reference to vertical loadings only it allowed the simple identification of further eight buildings characterised by different number of storeys, from nine to two, but maintaining the same plan layout. Aiming at obtaining rigorous results and to validate the standard adopted procedures with those obtained by rigorous detailed simulations, the seismic assessment of the investigated buildings, before and after the proposed retrofitting measures, have been performed. For this purpose, advanced numerical models characterised by different modelling capabilities and computational demands have been implemented. The seismic vulnerability assessments, consistent to the current European Code prescriptions, have been performed by using the research version of the computer code 3DMacro that allows performing nonlinear pushover analyses by considering the important contribution of the non-structural infill panels. The detailed nonlinear analyses have been performed by means of high fidelity realistic models implemented in the advanced nonlinear FEM software ADAPTIC that allows performing full nonlinear static and dynamic analyses accounting explicitly for material and geometric nonlinearity. Moreover, according to a powerful partition modelling strategy and the capabilities of the parallel calculus, ADAPTIC makes possible the implementation of mathematical model of structures with a huge amount of details. The interaction between concrete frames and non-structural unreinforced hollow brick masonry infills has been evaluated by means of a FEM ad hoc implementation of the planar discrete macro-element, already implemented in 3DMacro within a discrete element framework. The original non-trivial implementation of the discrete macro-element in the FEM code ADAPTIC represents a significant original contribution of the present thesis. The large displacements capabilities of the software ADAPTIC has also empowered a new original research investigation that relates the investigation of progressive collapse scenarios due to local failures trigged by low, or moderate, earthquake actions on mid-rise weak reinforced concrete existing structures. The thesis is divided into seven main chapters. The first Chapter focuses the seismicity of the east coast of Sicily with major attention at the city of Catania. The second Chapter introduce the progressive collapse phenomena and it is preparatory to the investigation of the robustness of existing buildings designed for vertical loads only as possible consequence of moderate earthquake actions. The third Chapter investigates and discusses numerical simulations of an experimental test on progressive collapse of concrete frame structures already reported in literature. Several parametric analyses based on different nonlinear models have been performed with the aim of evaluating the influence of material parameters on the collapse response of typical reinforced concrete frames not designed to withstand earthquakes. In the fourth Chapter, an original FEM implementation of a plane-discrete-macro-element is proposed aiming at modelling the non-structural infills in the nonlinear ADAPTIC models. The fifth Chapter describes the chosen case study and reports code-consistent parametric evaluations of seismic vulnerability of low- and mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings. The case study has been defined according to a simulated design that was based on the survey of existing residential buildings designed and built in Catania between the 60’s and 80’s and on the design code that the engineers adopted in those decades. In this preliminary evaluation, only push-over analyses have been performed with the computer code 3DMacro that empowers a reliable model of non-structural masonry panels. Starting from the definition and design of the case study ten-storey building, other eight structures have been obtained. Moreover, the results are expressed for different soil conditions according to the Italian 2008 technical code. Chapter sixth considers the seismic vulnerability evaluation of the ten storeys case study by means of a realistic model implemented in ADAPTIC considering the ribbed slabs and the infilled masonry panels contributions. The detailed FEM implementation of the plane macro-element is adopted to model the non-structural walls. The non-linear dynamic response of the two models are compared and discussed underling the unreinforced clay walls contribution. The thorough vulnerability assessments have been performed according to nonlinear dynamic analyses considering both material and geometrical nonlinearities. The possible retrofitting strategies of the ten-storey building are discussed in Chapter 7. The proposal is the results of the research project that has been financed by ANCE|Catania and developed by a research team coordinated by Prof. I.Caliò and Prof. B.Izzuddin. The retrofitting strategy consists in an innovative structural perimetral steel skeleton made by a synergetic combination of centred braced frames and eccentric bracing system endowed with dissipative shear links. The proposed solution has been investigated by means of a high fidelity model implemented in the software ADAPTIC The numerical results obtained from the high fidelity 3D nonlinear dynamic simulations showed a very poor seismic performance of the existing structure. The results of numerical simulations for the retrofitted structure confirm that the proposed solution significantly enhances the response under earthquake loading, allowing the structure to resist the design earthquake with only limited damage in the original RC beams and columns, highlighting the feasibility of retrofitting for this typical multi-storey RC building structure.
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The paper describes the progress of the four-year European project Pro-GET-onE currently under implementation. This research and innovation project is based on the assumption that greater efficiency, attractiveness, and marketable renovation can only be achieved through an integrated set of technologies where all the different requirements (energy, structural, functional) are optimally managed. Thus, the project focuses on the unprecedented integration of different technologies to achieve a multi-benefit approach that is provided by a closer integration between energy and non-energy related benefits. The project aims to combine different pre-fabricated elements in a unified and integrated system resulting in a higher performance in terms of energy requirements, structural safety, and social sustainability. The project attempts to achieve this goal through the introduction of innovative solutions for building envelopes to optimally combine the climatic, structural, and functional aspects through a significant architectural transformation and a substantial increase of the real estate value of the buildings. This augmented value obtained through the application of the inteGrated Efficient Technologies (GETs) is extremely important when considering the necessity of creating an innovative and attractive market in the energy renovation of existing buildings towards the target of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEBs).
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One of the main challenges of the twenty-first century is to increase the sustainability level of our cities. However, a town, to be considered sustainable, must, above all, be safe, particularly against natural hazards, which in Europe are mostly related to climate changes (e.g., hurricanes, floods, storms, and landslides) and seismic events (earthquakes). Unfortunately, sustainability is still not a prerogative of most European cities, especially those placed in seismic countries such as Italy, where at least 50% of the residential stock is earthquake-prone, while over 80% of the same stock is highly energy-consuming and carbon dioxide-emitting, thus contributing to trigger hazards related to climate changes. In this context, renovation actions, which combine both energy and seismic issues are strongly needed. Nevertheless, several technical, organizational and financial barriers considerably limit the real possibility to extensively undertake this kind of renovation. This study analyzes such barriers, with particular reference to the Italian scenario, suggesting and discussing possible solutions and underlining the advantages of increasing energy and seismic performances at the same time. The proposed solutions may be effectively extended to many other countries with similar socioeconomic scenarios.
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In this paper, an integrated approach targeting sustainability, safety and resilience is envisioned for the renovation of the post-Second World War RC buildings clustered in urban outskirts. The solution stems as an enhancement of the widespread camou age practice, which targets energy e ciency and architectural restyling by complementing the building with a technological double skin, self-supported on an independent exoskeleton. Based on this integrated approach, the exoskeleton can be further engineered to also enable structural safety and resilience. Life cycle thinking is addressed to re- conceive traditional structural design approaches, guaranteeing safety, while minimising costs and environmental impacts over the building life cycle. Accurate selection of materials and dry technologies enables adaptability, reparability and maintenance, and total recyclability/reuse at end-of-life. The intervention is carried out from outside, avoiding relocation of the inhabitants and possible building downtime. The paper introduces a possible framework for engineers, technologists and architects to design new holistic renovation interventions, for which innovative solution sets are required. Possible structural techniques to be coupled with energy refurbishment are proposed. As a proof of concept, the envisaged holistic renovation strategy is applied to a reference building, and bene ts entailed in combining structural safety measures within an integrated intervention are commented.
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The undertaking of building energy retrofits is essential for the reduction of energy use and carbon emissions at a national level. Nowadays, a number of construction methods and energy technologies that are available to practitioners require that the appropriate retrofit solution is identified to ensure long-term project success. A significant limitation of conventional methods that may be used to examine this (e.g. scenario by scenario) is that only a limited number of design scenarios can be evaluated which limits the potential for identifying the “best” designs. Furthermore, while the building sector has a large thermodynamic potential where most of the buildings' energy demands (especially space conditioning) can be met by low-grade sources, the associated exergy analysis method is rarely used in architectural practice. The following paper presents a simulation-based exergy optimization model, which aims to assess the impact of a diverse range of retrofit measures. Two non-domestic UK archetype case studies (a typical office and a primary school) are used to test the feasibility of the proposed framework. The objective optimization functions in this study are building energy use, exergy destructions throughout the building energy supply chain, and improvement of occupants’ thermal comfort levels. Different measures combinations based on retrofitting the insulation levels of the envelope and the application of different HVAC systems configurations (VAV, VRF, ground-source heat pump, air-source heat pump, district heating/cooling systems) are assessed. A large range of optimal solutions were achieved highlighting the framework capabilities. This approach can be extended by using the outputs in cost-benefit analysis and in thermoeconomic optimization. Keywords: Exergy optimization; genetic algorithm; simulation; building retrofit; UK non-domestic buildings.
This is the first in a series of volumes concerned with research encompassed by the rather broad term "environment and behavior. " The goal of the series is to begin the process of integration of knowledge on environmental and behavioral topics so that researchers and professionals can have material from diverse sources accessible in a single publication. The field of environment and behavior is broad and interdiscipli­ nary, with researchers drawn from a variety of traditional disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and other social and behavioral sciences, and from the biological and life sciences of medicine, psychiatry, biology, and ethology. The interdis­ ciplinary quality of the field is also reflected in the extensive involve­ ment of environmental professionals from architecture, urban plan­ ning, landscape architecture, interior design, and other fields such as recreation and natural resources, to name just a few. At present, the field has a somewhat chaotic flavor, with research being carried out by a variety of scholars who publish in a multitude of outlets. Many researchers and practitioners are unaware of the state of knowledge regarding a specific topic because of the unavailability of integrated reference materials. There are only a handful of books dealing with environment and behavior, most of them unintegrated collections of readings, with only an occasional systematic analysis of some facet of the field.
This study returns to the topic of unauthorised development in the south of Italy. It starts by assessing the main positions that have informed the debate since the 1960s and evaluates the consequences of the condono edilizio (building amnesty) policy, in the light of the impact that illegal construction has had on the landscape, both urban, rural and coastal. A close observation of three case studies, unplanned settlements in Lazio, Campania and Sicily, suggests that the original energies and expectations behind their development have long since lost their momentum. Rather, the emergence of new evolutionary trends—hitherto underrepresented within the political debate—demand a different interpretative framework. Three design scenarios are outlined, based on recycling existing social and physical material: they translate into a future-oriented discourse those symptoms of change that are already appearing in an embryonic form throughout Italy’s Mezzogiorno.