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Myristica swamps are unique freshwater swamp forests characterised by predominance of tree species of the Myristicaceae family. There have been few published works on the flora and fauna of myristica swamps but studies on butterflies have been scanty. This work was done in the myristica swamps of Kattilapara in Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary, Kollam district, Kerala, located in the northern aspect of the Agasthyamalai Hills of the southern Western Ghats. Data on the butterflies were collected over a period of two years supplemented with data from previous visits using Transect method. Butterflies were identified based on field photographs and relevant literature. We recorded 206 species of butterflies belonging to 6 families from the myristica swamps. This included 17 species of Papilionidae, 20 species of Pieridae, 65 species of Nymphalidae, 56 species of Lycaenidae, two species of Riodinidae and 46 species of Hesperiidae.Of the total, 19 species of butterflies were Western Ghat endemics. A checklist of butterflies of the myristica swamp, larval hostplants, status with respect to IUCN criteria, endemicity, and classification as per Indian Wildlife Protection Act (WPA) of 1972 are also provided. Eighty-two species of plants were listed as butterfly larval hosts in the myristica swamp ecosystem, with 27 species being new host records for Western Ghats. None of the butterflies recorded were using plants of Myristicaceae family as larval hosts. A simple index—the percentage occurrence—is proposed to delineate the habitat affinity of species.
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Prabhakaran Chandrika Sujitha, Gopal Prasad & Kalesh Sadasivan
26 February 2019 | Vol. 11 | No. 3 | Pages: 13320–13333
DOI: 10.11609/jo.4399.11.3.13320-13333
Threatened Taxa
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DOI: s4399.11.3.13320-13333 | ZooBank:
Editor: George Mathew, Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University, Ziro, India. 
Manuscript details: 
 
. Journal of Threatened Taxa13320–13333; s4399.11.3.13320-13333
Copyright: © Sujitha et al. 2019
Funding: 
 The authors
Author Details:  
              
     
Acknowledgements: 
Prabhakaran Chandrika Sujitha 1  2 & 3
1,2 
3 
1 , 2 3 
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Abstract       
         
                 
       
       
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Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333 13321
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seen in 
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0  0      
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Study Area
       
        
        
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Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
         
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n    
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       
     
       
    
         
     
        
     .
       
Gymnacranthera farquhariana    
Myrisca fatua va r. magnica   
      
Syzygium travancoricum  Vateria indica 
Hopea parviora  Lophopetalum wighanum
© S. Ajithkumar
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333 13323
Holigarna arnoana 
  Pandanus thwaitesii Martelli, Phrynium
pubinerve  Indianthus virgatus 
 Carex    
Lagenandra ovata
  
Parsonisia spiralis      
Kunstleria keralensis    Chilocarpus
denudatus  Gnetum edule   
Venlago bombaiensis     
  Calamus   Calamus thwaitesii
 Calamus hookerianus  and C. travancorius
  
     
       
        
  
       
Idea malabarica      
    Parsonisia spiralis  
       
   Papilio dravidarum 
Clausena heptaphylla 
and Glycosmis pentaphylla . 
zalmora dharma Glycosmis mauriana
   Glycosmis pentaphylla  .
        
   
      Arhopala alea  
     Terminalia paniculata
Roth, Hopea .   Syzygium
salicifolium       
         .
        
   Pachliopta pandiyana
       
     Thoea siliquosa 
        
Family Tribe  Species Subspecies POc
1  Idea malabarica - 
2  Papilio dravidarum - 
3  Neopithecops zalmora dharma 
4  Arhopala alea - 
  Troidini Pachliopta pandiyana - 
6  Arhopala bazaloides bazaloides 
   Arhopala abseus indicus 
Species Endemic range
1Troides minos Southern India
2Graphium teredon  Southern India
3Mycalesis junonia  Southern India
4Discophora lepida lepida  Southern India,
Elymnias caudata  Southern India,
6Cirrochroa thais thais Southern India,
Papilio liomedon  
Papilio buddha  
9Appias wardii  
10 Paranrrhoea marshalli  
11 Zipaes sais 
12 Cethosia mahraa 
13 Kallima horseldii  
14 Cures siva  
 Sovia hyrtacus  
16 Thoressa asgmata 
 Thoressa honorei 
 Pareronia ceylanica ceylanica
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
     Arhopala bazaloides bazaloides
   Hopea ponga  
 
Arhopala abseus
indicus         
      Shorea robusta  
  
Hopea as its new
    Hopea      
    Idea malabarica 
 Papilio dravidarum  ,
Pachliopta pandiyana Arhopala alea
       
          
Arhopala bazaloides bazaloides
malabarica      
Arhopala bazaloides
bazaloides 
        
  
         
        
Pierids and two      
        
   
        
      
   Prioneris sita
 Eurema nilgiriensis 
 Rapala lankana
Image 2. Paranrrhoea marshalli
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
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Image 3. Eurema nilgiriensis 
        
Hypolimnas misippus
        Catapaecilma
major callone   Dophla evelina
laudabilis  and Halpe hindu
under Schedule II; Appias libythea
and Prioneris sita were Schedule
. 
Junonia almana
almana   J. hierta hierta 
Eurema brigia rubella
        
       et al. 
      
   
         
        
    
     
    
        
  
  
the rare Eurema nilgiriensis    
      
     Venlago
bombaiensis      
 
      
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
             
        
Sahyadri e-news 2–13.
Anonymous (2012).      
Management plan for Shendurney Wildlife
         
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 
 Some Beauful Indian Trees
    A Revised Survey of the Forest
Types of India
   Idencaons of Indian Bueries  
 The Flora of The Presidency Of Madras. 
         
        
      Bullen of the Brish
Arachnological Society 109: 12–14.
        
         
       th 
           
known lizard, Otocryps beddomi     
The Herpetological Bullen
         
       
Current Science
Indian Forester
   Journal of the Bombay Natural History
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society
112: 111–114.
Indian Forester
   Bueres of Peninsular India  
          
 Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 
          
       
   Journal of the Bombay Natural
History Society.
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Print Journal  
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Mapping biodiversity of the myrisca swamps in southern
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Flowering Plants Of Kerala – A Handbook.
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India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 
Tropical Ecology
   Flowering Plants of Travancore 
 Common Tropical & Subtropical Sedges
and Grasses – An Illustrated Account.
 Field Idencaon Key for Raans Of Kerala
         
  Hostplants Of The Moth and Buery
Caterpillars of The Oriental Region   
         
    Syzygium travancoricum. In: The
       
        
Indian Forester
        
        
 
  
      Bamboos of India: a
Compendium.    
       
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
          
        
 Tropical Conservaon Science - Special Issue
Flora of Nilambur (Western Ghats,
  
(2016).       
        
           
  
Open Conservaon Biology Journal
   Flora of Thenmala (and its environs.).
       
        
Indian Forester 
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333 
Species 
1Abrus precatorius 
Cures thes 
Jamides celeno celeno 
Lampides boecus 
Leptotes plinius plinius 
2Acacia torta 
Prosotas dubiosa indica 
Prosotas nora ardates, 
Rapala manea schistacea 
Surendra quercetorum biplagiata 
Charaxes bharata 
3Areca catechu  Elymnias caudata 
4Aristolochia tagala
Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae 
Troides minos 
Atalana racemosa
Chilades lajus lajus 
Papilio polymnestor polymnestor
Papilio polytes romulus 
6Axonopus compressus
Borbo cinnara 
Iambrix salsala luteipalpis 
Oriens goloides 
Pelopidas agna agna 
Pelopidas mathias mathias 
Pelopidas subochracea subochracea 
Potanthus pseudomaesa pseudomaesa 
Taractrocera ceramas 
Ypthima ceylonica 
Ypthima huebneri 
Bauhinia phoenicea
Charaxes schreiber wardii 
Coladenia indrani indra 
Bombax ceiba  Neps hylas varmona 
Neps jumbah nalanda 
9Calamus hookerianus
Hyaros adrastus praba 
Quedara basiava 
Salanoemia sala 
10 Calamus thwaitesii
Salanoemia sala, 
Gangara thyrsis thyrsis 
Amathusia phidippus friderici 
Elymnias caudata 
11 Calamus travancoricus
 Suastus minuta bipunctus 
malabatrum 
J. Presl.
Graphium doson eleius 
Graphium teredon 
Papilio clya clya 
13 Combretum lafolium
Badamia exclamaonis 
Bibasis sena sena 
Burara jaina fergusonii 
Anthene emolus emolus 
14 Connarus  Deudorix epijarbas epijarbas 
Nacaduba beroe gythion 
 Cheilocostus speciosus
Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia 
16 Dalbergia horrida
 Pantoporia sandaka davidsoni 
 Elaeocarpus  Neps jumbah nalanda 
 Entada rheedii  Nacaduba hermus sidoma 
Nacaduba pactolus connentalis 
19 Ficus hispida   Euploea klugii kollari 
20 Flacoura montana J.
Cupha erymanthis maja 
Phalanta phalantha phalantha 
21 Glochidion ellipcum
Athyma inara inara 
Athyma perius perius 
22 Glycosmis pentaphylla
Chilades lajus lajus 
Neopithecops zalmora dharma 
Papilio demoleus demoleus 
Papilio dravidarum 
Papilio helenus daksha 
Papilio polymnestor polymnestor 
Papilio polytes romulus 
Species 
Grewia nervosa 
Neps hylas varmona 
Neps jumbah nalanda 
Coladenia indrani indra 
Odontoplum angulata angulata 
24 Helicteres isora Caprona ransonne pophera 
Neps hylas varmona 
 Ixora 
Cheritra freja butleri 
Rathinda amor 
Zeltus amasa amasa 
26 Lagerstroemia speciosa
Arhopala amantes amantes 
Arhopala centaurus pirama 
Lepisanthes tetraphylla
Acytolepis puspa felderi
Cheritra freja butleri 
Megisba malaya 
Rapala manea schistacea 
 Mallotus philippensis
Coladenia indrani indra 
Megisba malaya thwaitesi 
Prosotas dubiosa indica 
Prosotas nora ardates 
Neps jumbah nalanda 
29 Mangifera indica 
Anthene emolus emolus 
Chilades lajus lajus 
Horaga onyx cingalensis 
Rathinda amor 
Spalgis epius epius 
Euthalia aconthea meridionalis
30 Melastoma
malabathricum 
Rapala iarbus sorya 
Tanaecia lepidea miyana 
31 Mimosa pudica 
Prosotas dubiosa indica 
Junonia hierta hierta 
Junonia orithya orithya 
Eurema hecabe hecabe 
32 Mitragyna parvifolia
 Moduza procris procris 
33 Mussaenda frondosa  Athyma inara inara 
Moduza procris procris 
cadamba 
Moduza procris procris 
 Ochlandra travancorica
Baoris farri 
Caltoris kumara kumara 
Caltoris philippina philippina 
Matapa aria 
Sovia hyrtacus 
Telicota bambusae bambusae 
Telicota colon colon 
Thoressa asgmata 
Thoressa honorei 
Potanthus pava pava 
Discophora lepida lepida 
Paranrrhoea marshalli 
Zipaes sais 
36 Olea dioica .Athyma ranga karwara 
 Oplismenus compositus
Oriens goloides 
Melanis leda leda 
Melanits phedima varaha 
Mycalesis perseus tabitha 
Idea malabarica 
39 Persea macrantha
 Graphium teredon 
40 Schleichera oleosa
Acytolepis puspa felderi
Arhopala centaurus pirama 
Catochrysops strabo strabo 
Chilades pandava pandava 
Megisba malaya 
Rapala iarbus sorya 
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Species 
1Alpinia malaccensis
Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia 
Notocrypta paralysos mangla 
Udaspes folus 
2Areca catechu 
Suastus gremius gremius 
Gangara thyrsis thyrsis 
Elymnias caudata
3Artabotrys zeylanicus
 Graphium agamemnon menides 
4Barleria courtallica 
Junonia atlites atlites 
Junonia hierta hierta
Junonia lemonias lemonias
Bauhinia phoenicea 
Acytolepis puspa felderi
Cheritra freja butleri 
6Butea parviora
Chilades pandava pandava 
Cures thes 
Euchrysops cnejus cnejus 
Jamides bochus bochus 
Jamides celeno celeno 
Coladenia indrani indra 
Calophyllum polyanthum
 Rathinda amor 
Curcuma ecalcarata
Sivar. & 
Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia 
Notocrypta paralysos mangla 
Udaspes folus 
9Derris canarensis)
Hasora badra badra 
Cures thes 
10 Desmodium heterocarpon
Chilades pandava pandava
Cures siva
Euchrysops cnejus cnejus 
11 Dimocarpus longan  Nacaduba beroe gythion
12 Dioscorea bulbifera  Tagiades gana silvia
Tagiades ligiosa ligiosa 
13 Diospyros species Dophla evelina laudabilis 
Species 
14 Hopea parviora
Arhopala bazaloides bazaloides 
Arhopala centaurus pirama 
Arhopala amantes amantes 
Arhopala abseus indicus Riley, 1923
Rathinda amor 
 Hoya pauciora  Euploea sylvester coreta 
Tirumala limniace exocus 
16 Humbolda decurrens
 Jamides celeno celeno 
 Hibiscus furcatus  Neps hylas varmona 
 Hydnocarpus pentandra
 Cirrochroa thais thais
19 Lagerstroemia speciosa
 Catapaecilma major callone 
20 Litsea travancorica
Graphium teredon 
Papilio clya clya 
21 Pinanga dicksonii 
Gangara thyrsis thyrsis )
Elymnias caudata 
Suastus gremius gremius
22 Polyalthia fragrans
Graphium agamemnon menides )
Graphium doson eleius 
Graphium nomius nomius 
23 Sterculia guata  Rapala maneaschistacea 
24 Syzygium species
Arhopala amantes amantes 
Arhopala centaurus pirama
Arhopala alea
 Tylophora mollissima
Euploea core core 
Paranca aglea aglea,
Tirumala limniace exocus 
26 Vateria indica
Arhopala centaurus pirama 
Arhopala amantes amantes 
Rathinda amor 
 Venlago bombaiensis
 Eurema nilgiriensis 
Species 
Indianthus virgatus
Psolos fuligo subfasciatus 
42 Sida rhombifolia
Spialia galba 
Hypolimnas bolina jacintha 
Junonia lemonias lemonias 
43 Smilax zeylanica 
Spindasis lohita lazularia 
Zesius chrysomallus 
Kaniska canace viridis 
Loxura atymnus atymnus 
44 Strobilanthes ciliata
Celaenorrhinus leucocera 
Celaenorrhinus putra putra 
Junonia iphita iphita 
Kallima horseldii 
 Terminalia ellipca
Coladenia indrani indra 
Arhopala amantes amantes 
46 Terminalia paniculata
Cupitha purreea 
Anthene emolus emolus
Arhopala alea 
Arhopala amantes amantes 
Arhopala centaurus pirama 
Catapaecilma major callone 
Spindasis lohita lazularia 
Zesius chrysomallus 
 Mallotus nudi orus 
Catapaecilma major callone 
Thaduka multcaudata kanara
Species 
 Thoea siliquosa
Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae 
Pachliopta pandiyana 
Troides minos 
49 Urena lobata 
Caprona ransonne pophera 
Odontoplum angulata angulata 
Spialia galba 
Rapala manea schistacea 
Neps hylas varmona 
 Uvaria narum  Graphium agamemnon menides 
 Vateria indica  Nacaduba kurava canaraica
 Zingiber zerumbet 
Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia 
Udaspes folus 
Jamides alecto alocina 
 Zizyphus oenoplia
Caleta decidia
Castalius rosimon rosimon 
Discolampa ethion ethion 
Tarucus ananda 
 Zizyphus rugosa
Caleta decidia decidia 
Castalius rosimon rosimon 
Catapaecilma major callone 
Rapala iarbus sorya 
Rapala lankana 
Rapala varuna lazulina 
Spindasis vulcanus 
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333 13329
 Species Subspecies Status Endemic status IUCN
Redlist Status 
1Troides minos -  Southern India
2Pachliopta aristolochiae aristolochiae 
3Pachliopta hector -   Sh I
4Pachliopta pandiyana -  
Graphium agamemnon menides 
6Graphium doson eleius 
Graphium teredon -  Southern India
Graphium anphates naira STR
9Papilio buddha -   Sh II
10 Papilio clya clya  Sh I
11 Papilio helenus daksha 
12 Papilio liomedon -   Sh I
13 Papilio paris tamilana 
14 Papilio polymnestor polymnestor 
 Papilio polytes romulus 
16 Papilio dravidarum -  
 Papilio demoleus demoleus STR
 Catopsilia pomona pomona 
19 Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe 
20 Eurema blanda silhetana 
21 Eurema hecabe hecabe 
22 Eurema brigia rubella STR 
23 Eurema nilgiriensis - STR 
24 Appias albina swinhoei 
 Appias indra shiva  Sh II
26 Appias lyncida lafasciata  Sh II
 Appias wardii -   Sh II
 Cepora nadina remba  Sh II
29 Delias eucharis - 
30 Hebomoia glaucippe australis 
31 Leptosia nina nina 
32 Pareronia ceylanica ceylanica  
33 Pareronia hippia - 
34 Appias libythea - STR 
 Belenois aurota aurota STR
36 Cepora nerissa phryne STR
 Prioneris sita - STR  
 Cethosia mahraa - 
39 Acraea violae - STR
40 Euthalia aconthea meridionalis 
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
 Species Subspecies Status Endemic status IUCN
Redlist Status 
41 Euthalia lubenna arasada  
42 Tanaecia lepidea miyana  Sh II
43 Dophla evelina laudabilis STR Sh II
44 Amathusia phidippus friderici 
 Discophora lepida lepida   Sh II
46 Ariadne ariadne indica 
 Ariadne merione merione 
 Charaxes bharata - 
49 Charaxes psaphon imna 
 Charaxes schreiber wardii  Sh I
 Charaxes solon solon 
 Cyress thyodamas indica STR
 Euploea core core  
 Paranca aglea aglea 
 Idea malabarica -   
 Danaus chrysippus chrysippus STR
 Danaus genua genua STR
 Euploea klugii kollari STR
 Euploea sylvester coreta STR
60 Tirumala limniace exocus STR
61 Tirumala septentrionis dravidarum STR
62 Elymnias caudata -  
63 Hypolimnas bolina jacintha 
64 Junonia iphita iphita 
 Junonia lemonias lemonias 
66 Hypolimnas misippus - STR 
 Junonia almana almana STR 
 Junonia atlites atlites STR
69 Junonia hierta hierta STR 
 Junonia orithya swinhoei STR
 Doleschallia bisalde malabarica  Sh II
 Kallima horseldii   Sh II
 Kallima horseldii -STR  Sh II
 Athyma inara inara 
 Athyma ranga karwara  Sh II
 Moduza procris procris 
 Melanis leda leda 
 Melanis phedima varaha 
 Melanis zitenius gokala  Sh II
 Paranrrhoea marshalli -   Sh II
 Lasippa viraja kanara 
 Neps hylas varmona 
 Neps jumbah nalanda 
 Pantoporia hordonia hordonia 
 Pantoporia sandaka davidsoni 
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333 13331
 Species Subspecies Status Endemic status IUCN
Redlist Status 
 Kaniska canace viridis 
 Parthenos sylvia virens  Sh II
 Lethe drypes todara  
 Lethe europa europa 
90 Orsotriaena medus mandata 
91 Mycalesis junonia -  Southern India
92 Mycalesis mineus polydecta 
93 Mycalesis visala visala STR
94 Ypthima ceylonica - STR 
 Ypthima baldus - 
96 Ypthima huebneri - 
 Zipaes sais -  Sh II
 Cirrochroa thais thais  
99 Cupha erymanthis maja 
100 Vindula erota saloma 
101 Phalanta alcippe mercea STR Sh II
102 Phalanta phalantha phalantha STR
103 Abisara bifasciata suusa 
104 Abisara echerius prunosa 
 Cures siva  
106 Cures thes -
 Amblypodia anita dina 
 Thaduka mulcaudata kanara  Sh II
109 Iraota moleon arsaces STR
110 Arhopala abseus indicus 
111 Arhopala alea -  
112 Arhopala bazaloides bazaloides   Sh II
113 Arhopala amantes amantes STR
114 Arhopala centaurus pirama STR
 Surendra quercetorum biplagiata STR
116 Catapaecilma major callone STR Sh II
 Cheritra freja butleri  
 Bindahara moorei -  Sh II
119 Deudorix epijarbas epijarbas STR
120 Rapala lankana - STR
121 Rapala manea schistacea STR
122 Rathinda amor - 
123 Hypolycaena othona othona  Sh I
124 Zeltus amasa amasa 
 Tajuria cippus cippus 
126 Loxura atymnus atymnus 
 Anthene lycaenina lycaenina 
 Acytolepis lilacea lilacea 
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
 Species Subspecies Status Endemic status IUCN
Redlist Status 
129 Acytolepis puspa felderi 
130 Caleta decidia decidia 
131 Castalius rosimon rosimon 
132 Celastrina lavendularis lavendularis 
133 Chilades lajus lajus 
134 Chilades pandava pandava 
 Discolampa ethion ethion 
136 Ionolyce helicon viola 
 Jamides alecto eurysaces 
 Jamides bochus bochus 
139 Jamides celeno celeno 
140 Megisba malaya - 
141 Nacaduba berenice ormistoni 
142 Nacaduba beroe gythion 
143 Nacaduba calauria - 
144 Nacaduba hermus sidoma 
 Nacaduba kurava canaraica 
146 Nacaduba pactolus connentalis  Sh II
 Petrelaea dana - 
 Prosotas dubiosa indica 
149 Prosotas nora ardates 
 Prosotas noreia hampsonii  Sh I
 Pseudozizeeria maha ossa 
 Zizeeria karsandra - 
 Zizina os indica 
 Zizula hylax hylax 
 Neopithecops zalmora dharma 
 Freyeria putli - STR
 Leptotes plinius plinius STR
 Talicada nyseus nyseus STR
 Spalgis epeus epeus STR
160 Zesius chrysomallus - 
161 Badamia exclamaonis -
162 Bibasis sena sena  Sh II
163 Burara jaina fergusonii 
164 Hasora chromus chromus 
 Celaenorrhinus leucocera - 
166 Celaenorrhinus putra - 
 Pseudocoladenia dan dan 
 Sarangesa dasahara dasahara 
169 Tagiades gana silvia 
 Tagiades ligiosa ligiosa 
 Caprona ransonnei pophera STR
 Coladenia indrani indra STR Sh II
Bueries of myrisca swamp forests of Shendurney WS Sujitha et al.
Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 February 2019 | 11(3): 13320–13333 13333
 Species Subspecies Status Endemic status IUCN
Redlist Status 
 Gerosis bhagava bhagava STR
 Odontoplum angulata angulata STR
 Tapena thwaitesi - STR
 Aeromachus pygmaeus - 
 Ampia dioscorides dioscorides 
 Cupitha purreea - 
 Erionota torus - 
 Hyaros adrastus praba  
 Iambrix salsala luteipalpis 
 Matapa aria - 
 Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia 
 Notocrypta paralysos mangla 
 Psolos fuligo subfasciatus 
 Quedara basiava - 
 Salanoemia sala - 
 Sovia hyrtacus -  
 Suastus minuta bipunctus 
190 Thoressa asgmata - 
191 Thoressa honorei -   
192 Udaspes folus - 
193 Gangara thyrsis thyrsis STR 
194 Halpe hindu - STR 
 Halpe porus - STR
196 Zographetus ogygia ogygia STR 
 Oriens goloides - 
 Potanthus pseudomaesa pseudomaesa 
199 Telicota bambusae bambusae 
200 Telicota colon colon 
201 Baoris farri - 
202 Borbo cinnara -  
203 Caltoris kumara kumara 
204 Caltoris philippina philippina 
 Pelopidas mathias mathias 
206 Polytremis lubricans lubricans 
Threatened Taxa
The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaon globally by
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– Paul Kaseya Kazaba, Pp. 13251–13260
– Julián Andrés Rojas-Morales & Mateo Marín-Marnez, Pp. 13261–
– Vinícius Nunes Alves, Caroline Marques Maia, Telma Regina Alves &
Renata Crisna Basta Fonseca, Pp. 13278–13286
-- Lief Erikson Gamalo, Joselito Baril, Judeline Dimalibot, Augusto Asis,
Brian Anas, Nevong Puna & Vachel Gay Paller, Pp. 13287–13294
Tetracerus quadricornis
– Gérard Dubost, Stéphane Labes & Armelle Lutz, Pp. 13295–13303
– Manokaran Kamalakannan, Pp. 13304–13309
Hesperocolletes douglasi
– Juliana Pille Arnold, Mark V. Murphy, Raphael K. Didham &
Terry F. Houston, Pp. 13310–13319
– Prabhakaran Chandrika Sujitha, Gopal Prasad & Kalesh Sadasivan,
Pp. 13320–13333
Mollugo cerviana, M. nudicaulis and M. pentaphylla
– Maddala Sulakshana & Aluri Jacob Solomon Raju, Pp. 13334–13349
– Uday Kumar Sen, Pp. 13350–13359
-- Trupthi Narayan & Pankaj Sekhsaria, Pp. 13360–13376
Avian survey in tourist sites near Putao in northern Myanmar
– Alexey E. Scopin, Vladimir N. Sotnikov, Dmitry V. Skumatov &
Alexey A. Sergeyev, Pp. 13377–13384
– Jigme Tenzin & Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal, Pp. 13385–13389
Sarothrocera lowii
– Kolla Sreedevi, Manisha Sharma & Hemant Vasant Ghate,
Pp. 13390–13394
On the rediscovery of Onychomesa susainathani
-- Hemant Vasant Ghate & Balasaheb Sarode, Pp. 13395–13401
– Imyaz Beleem, Paresh Poriya & Bharatsinh Gohil, Pp. 13402–13405
– K. Pradheep, K. Joseph John, G.D. Harish, S.M. Sultan, I. Jaisankar,
K. Naveen, S.P. Ahlawat & Manish Kanwat, Pp. 13406–13414
 
Atherurus africanus
– Todd F. Ellio, Camille Truong, Olivier Séné & Terry W. Henkel,
Pp. 13415–13418
Threatened Taxa
Publisher & Host
... The present investigation describes the floristics of the northern-most patch of Myristica swamps in the Western Ghats, located at Hewale, Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra. Southern swamps are said to show more species diversity than northern swamps (Moorthy, 1960;Sujitha et al., 2019). In the present case, this swamp shows lower species diversity, with uniform and dense patches of Myristica magnifica, than in central and southern Myristica swamps. ...
... These Myristica swamps are referred as evolutionary relics and are treasure houses of biological carbon and minerals, they play important role in regulation of water flow of perennial streams and rivers (Jain, 2019). ) & Sujitha (2019 concluded that Myristica swamps are dwelling houses of 600 animals and more than 206 species of butterflies of which more than 60 % species are endemic. Myristica swamps are the breeding places of many aquatic animals and amphibians. ...
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Myristica swamps are unique ecosystems where trees of early divergent angiosperms belonging to family Myristicaceae are the dominant elements. These primeval forest types have been reported only from the Western Ghats of India. Most of the swamps are restricted to the southern parts, in states Karnataka and Kerala, but swamps have been reported in the northern states of Goa and Maharashtra. The present communication is focused on the recently discovered Myristica swamp in Maharashtra state. Being a floristic assessment with respect to vegetation, a checklist of angiosperms growing in the swamp is presented and the possible role of Myristica swamps, anthropogenic threats and conservation measures are discussed. The present study will provide baseline data for further studies.
... Y. horsfieldii or the Malaysian Five Ring is a common butterfly species found in vegetated areas. Their hostplants include Axonopus compressus [12] and Ottochloa nodosa (Kwatrina 2018) which are common in oil palm plantations and human dwellings [13]. This makes sense since part of Gunung Pulai Forest Reserve is an amenity forest which is open to public while being surrounded by oil palm plantations. ...
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This survey was done to provide a checklist of butterflies in Gunung Pulai Forest Reserve, Johor Darul Takzim. Sampling were done between October 2017 to March 2018 for nine sampling days. Butterflies were caught using aerial net and baited traps. The traps were baited with a mixture of rotten bananas and pineapples. A total of 101 individuals comprising 61 species were obtained from this survey. Family Nymphalidae recorded the highest number of species with 30 species, followed by Lycaenidae with 16 species. The most dominant species was Ypthima horsfieldii humei (Nymphalidae) with eight individuals followed by Lexias pardalis dirteana (Nymphalidae) with six individuals. Out of the 61 species, 45 were singletons which accounts for 73.8% of the sample. The Shannon Diversity Index for the butterflies in this area is 3.884 with an Evenness value of 0.941. Three species are considered as new records for the state of Johor. Based on the high value of Shannon Diversity Index and the abundance of singletons, it can be concluded that Gunung Pulai Forest Reserve holds a high diversity of butterflies in the region.
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We present a new distributional report of myristica swamp ecosystems in the Western Ghats at Pathanapuram, Kerala, India based on several distinct field surveys from April 2022 to June 2022. From Kerala, myristica swamp has previously been reported mainly from Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary, Kulathupuzha Reserve Forests, and adjoining regions of the Anchal forest ranges in southern Western Ghats. The present study described and illustrated the occurrence of myristica swamp from the Pathanapuram forest range in Kerala for the first time. The observed myristica swamps from the Pathanapuram forest range are seen inside the Ambanar model forest station and Punnala forest station limits. A total of 18 myristica swamp patches from Ambanar and seven myristica swamps from Punnala were reported and captured. A pilot survey from these sites suggests they are abundant with various faunal and floral wealth. Therefore, recognition and conservation of these ecosystems are essential and vital and suggest further surveys and conservation efforts.
The butterfly subtribe Coenonymphina (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) comprises four main clades found, respectively, in (1) the Solomon Islands, (2) Australasia, (3) NW South America and (4) Laurasia, with a phylogeny: 1 (2 (3 + 4)). In assessing biogeographic evolution in the group we rejected the conversion of fossil-calibrated clade ages to likely maximum clade ages by the imposition of arbitrary priors. Instead, we used biogeographic-tectonic calibration, with fossil-calibrated ages accepted as minima. Previous studies have used this approach to date single nodes (phylogenetic-biogeographic breaks) in a group, but we extended the methodology to date multiple nodes. Within the Coenonymphina as a whole, 14 nodes coincide spatially with ten major tectonic events. In addition, the phylogenetic sequence of these nodes conforms to the chronological sequence of the tectonic events, consistent with a vicariance origin of the clades. Dating of the spatially coincident tectonic features provides a timescale for the vicariance events. The tectonic events are: pre-drift intracontinental rifting between India and Australia (150 Ma); seafloor spreading at the margins of the growing Pacific plate, and between North and South America (140 Ma); magmatism flare-up along the SW Pacific Whitsunday Volcanic Province-Median Batholith (130 Ma); a change from extension in the Clarence basin, eastern Australia, to uplift of the Great Dividing Range (114 Ma); Pamir Mountains uplift, foreland basin dynamics and high eustatic sea-levels leading to marine transgression of the proto-Paratethys Ocean eastward to Central Asia and Xinjiang (100 Ma); predrift rifting and seafloor spreading west of New Caledonia (100-50 Ma); sinistral strike-slip displacement along the proto-Alpine fault, New Zealand (100-80 Ma); thrust faulting in the Longmen Shan and foreland basin dynamics around the Sichuan Basin (85 Ma); pre-drift rifting in the Coral Sea basin (85 Ma); and dextral displacement on the Alpine fault (20 Ma).
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Myristica swamps are one of the rarest wetland ecosystems within the sub-tropical evergreen forests of the Western Ghats, India. As their name indicates, they harbor trees belonging to the ancient family Myristicaceae. Due to the waterlogged conditions and high humic decomposition, these swamps are acidic, harbor rare and endemic biotas, and provide ecosystem services to humans. Monitoring this rare ecosystem is crucial because the swamps that once formed a large hydrological network across the Western Ghats are now confined to isolated patches due to human disturbance such as agricultural interventions, roads, and dam construction. Due to the change in land use, there is also a drastic change in water chemistry and associated biodiversity. Biomonitoring is more precise than physical and chemical monitoring. So, the current study aimed to undertake a comprehensive analysis of the physical, chemical, and biological assessment of these swamps. The diatom assemblages are strongly affected by water chemistry and serve as a powerful indicator of environmental changes in the freshwater aquatic systems. However, there is no information on diatom assemblages in these swamps, and the present study aimed to determine the diatom assemblage structure in the Myristica swamps and their response to changing water quality. Diatom samples were taken at 17 different swamps across the central Western Ghats, and a set of environmental parameters was evaluated. Analysis revealed a total of 91 species of diatoms belonging to 27 genera across the 17 sites, from which 44 diatom species showed restricted distribution to this unique environment. Overall, the dominant diatom genera inside the swamps included, Navicula (19.8%), Gomphonema (16%), Eunotia (13.3%), Ulnaria (9.4%), Achnanthidium (8%), Frustulia (6.2%), Planothidium (5.2%), and Brachysira (2.8%). High diatom species richness was observed in the swamps having less anthropogenic disturbance, and diatom assemblage composition was primarily determined by dissolved oxygen, pH, and conductivity. The significant number of geographically restricted taxa in this study points towards our limited understanding of this tropical biome and calls for a dire need for more studies from here, not only to improve our knowledge concerning the diversity, ecology, and biogeography of these diatoms but to further encourage their use in applied (paleo) environmental sciences. Our results indicate that diatoms can prove useful environmental indicators even in harsh environments like swamps and can be a potential tool for assessing ecological and climatic change.
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Myristica swamps are tree-covered wetlands within the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats, India. Even with their little-known biota, the swamps are virtually a live museum that is of great interest to biologists. The swamps harbour several rare-relic floristic and faunal taxa, comprising many endemic and threatened species. Most of the plant species in the swamp are highly restricted in their distribution and have several structural and physiological modifications. These swamps are one of the most unique and primeval ecosystems of the Western Ghats. They once formed a large hydrological network all along the Western Ghats, but due to increased human pressure, these now exist as small, isolated pockets and are one of the most threatened ecosystems in India. The presumed widespread loss of Myristica swamps and other perennial freshwater swamps calls for intensive research on the ecosystem services provided by these swamps, their landscape value and the function they play in watershed dynamics. Swamps are primarily drained for areca gardens and paddy fields. The swamps of the Western Ghats are threatened with extinction, yet scientists know little about them. Studies on flora and faunal diversity of these swamps exist, but the research gaps are notable when it comes to the hydrology, soil studies, and ecosystem services provided by these swamps. Further research is needed on these three topics in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of the abiotic factors governing swamps and to formulate a rationale for their preservation. There is also a lack of research on the potential impacts of climate change and population growth on these swamps. This review highlights the importance of these freshwater swamps, their ecology and prior research on them, and focuses on the need for conservation initiatives to save the last few swamps.
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