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Residential green space in childhood is associated with lower risk of psychiatric disorders from adolescence into adulthood


Abstract and Figures

Urban residence is associated with a higher risk of some psychiatric disorders, but the underlying drivers remain unknown. There is increasing evidence that the level of exposure to natural environments impacts mental health, but few large-scale epidemiological studies have assessed the general existence and importance of such associations. Here, we investigate the prospective association between green space and mental health in the Danish population. Green space presence was assessed at the individual level using high-resolution satellite data to calculate the normalized difference vegetation index within a 210 × 210 m square around each person’s place of residence (∼1 million people) from birth to the age of 10. We show that high levels of green space presence during childhood are associated with lower risk of a wide spectrum of psychiatric disorders later in life. Risk for subsequent mental illness for those who lived with the lowest level of green space during childhood was up to 55% higher across various disorders compared with those who lived with the highest level of green space. The association remained even after adjusting for urbanization, socioeconomic factors, parental history of mental illness, and parental age. Stronger association of cumulative green space presence during childhood compared with single-year green space presence suggests that presence throughout childhood is important. Our results show that green space during childhood is associated with better mental health, supporting efforts to better integrate natural environments into urban planning and childhood life.
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Residential green space in childhood is associated with
lower risk of psychiatric disorders from adolescence
into adulthood
Kristine Engemann
, Carsten Bøcker Pedersen
, Lars Arge
, Constantinos Tsirogiannis
, Preben Bo Mortensen
and Jens-Christian Svenning
Section for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark;
Center for Biodiversity Dynamics in a
Changing World, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark;
Centre for Integrated Register-based Research, Aarhus University,
8210 Aarhus V, Denmark;
National Centre for Register-based Research, School of Business and Social Sciences, Department of Economics and Business
Economics, Aarhus University, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark;
The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus University, 8210
Aarhus V, Denmark; and
Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Edited by Terry Hartig, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, and accepted by Editorial Board Member Susan T. Fiske January 14, 2019 (received for review
May 2, 2018)
Urban residence is associated with a higher risk of some psychi-
atric disorders, but the underlying drivers remain unknown. There
is increasing evidence that the level of exposure to natural
environments impacts mental health, but few large-scale epide-
miological studies have assessed the general existence and
importance of such associations. Here, we investigate the pro-
spective association between green space and mental health in the
Danish population. Green space presence was assessed at the
individual level using high-resolution satellite data to calculate the
normalized difference vegetation index within a 210 ×210 m
square around each persons place of residence (1 million people)
from birth to the age of 10. We show that high levels of green
space presence during childhood are associated with lower risk of
a wide spectrum of psychiatric disorders later in life. Risk for sub-
sequent mental illness for those who lived with the lowest level of
green space during childhood was up to 55% higher across various
disorders compared with those who lived with the highest level of
green space. The association remained even after adjusting for
urbanization, socioeconomic factors, parental history of mental illness,
and parental age. Stronger association of cumulative green space
presence during childhood compared with single-year green space
presence suggests that presence throughout childhood is important.
Our results show that green space during childhood is associated with
better mental health, supporting efforts to better integrate natural
environments into urban planning and childhood life.
geographic information systems
mental health
psychological ecosystem
remote sensing
urban planning
The number of people living in cities is increasing, and, glob-
ally, more than 50% of the human population is now city
dwellers, with no sign of this trend slowing down (1). Urban
living often offers good sanitation, access to health care, nutri-
tion, and education (2), but has also been associated with adverse
health effects (3, 4). In some societies, urban residents have al-
most 50% higher risk of developing psychiatric disorders such as
anxiety and mood disorders compared with their rural counter-
parts (57), and schizophrenia risk is 200% higher for children
growing up in the most urban environments (8, 9). Different
hypotheses have been proposed to explain these urbanrural
gradients in mental health, including selective migration (10),
social stress processing (4), higher exposure to infections (8), and
reduced exposure to nature (11). However, the mechanistic links
are not well understood (5, 12).
Low exposure to nature, or green space, has been proposed in
recent years as a potential environmental risk factor for various
mental health outcomes. Exposure to green space has been
suggested to lower depression (13, 14) and schizophrenia risk
(15), improve childrens cognitive development (16), and reduce
neural activity linked to psychiatric disorders (11, 17). Dose
response relationships from other studies show that higher doses
of green space are associated with better mental health (13), and
long-lasting positive effects of moving to greener areas (18)
suggest causation, albeit most of these studies are small and
cross-sectional. Whether the association with green space is
specific or applies to a broader spectrum of psychiatric disorders
and to what degree the association is independent from urban-
ization in general or just mirrors the urbanrural gradient are
unknown. Access to green space partially depends on socioeco-
nomic factors, such as housing prices, and the extent to which
this explains associations between green space and mental ill-
nesses is another unknown aspect.
Exposure to green space may influence mental health through
both psychological and physiological pathways, as green spaces
serve as settings for individual and social behavior and can
mitigate negative influences of other aspects of the physical en-
vironment (19). These mechanistic pathways could vary for different
psychiatric disorders, with green space as a shared risk-decreasing
Growing up in urban environments is associated with risk of
developing psychiatric disorders, but the underlying mecha-
nisms are unknown. Green space can provide mental health
benefits and possibly lower risk of psychiatric disorders. This
nation-wide study covering >900,000 people shows that chil-
dren who grew up with the lowest levels of green space had
up to 55% higher risk of developing a psychiatric disorder in-
dependent from effects of other known risk factors. Stronger
association between cumulated green space and risk during
childhood constitutes evidence that prolonged presence of
green space is important. Our findings affirm that integrating
natural environments into urban planning is a promising ap-
proach to improve mental health and reduce the rising global
burden of psychiatric disorders.
Author contributions: K.E., C.B.P., P.B.M., and J.-C.S. designed research; K.E. performed
research; L.A. and C.T. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; K.E. analyzed data; and
K.E., C.B.P., P.B.M., and J.-C.S. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. T.H. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board.
Published under the PNAS license.
Data deposition: The NDVI maps used to estimate green space presence are available for
download at
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
This article contains supporting information online at
1073/pnas.1807504116/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS Latest Articles
factor. Green space can promote mental health by supporting
psychological restoration, encouraging exercise, improving social
coherence, decreasing noise and air pollution affecting cognition
and brain development, and improving immune functioning (19
22). Given that green space can promote mental health and
quality of life in urban populations, urban planning and policy
will benefit from more information on the likely generality of
effects on psychiatric disorders and how those effects are re-
alized over the life course. Here, we investigate whether green
space presence during childhood is associated with the risk of
developing any of a broad range of psychiatric disorders later in
life, by combining nationwide population data with individual-
level green space presence data. We determine the strength and
shape of the association between green space and a spectrum of
mental health outcomes to clarify whether doseresponse rela-
tionships exist and, if this is the case, whether the associations
are linear or asymptotic. We also examine whether risk of psy-
chiatric disorders is more strongly associated with green space
presence at a specific age during childhood.
We use data extracted from multiple Danish population-based
registers together with high-resolution satellite images. Unlike most
previous studies on green space, the current study includes all
members of the national population who met our criteria for in-
clusion. Our study population thus includes all persons born in
Denmark from 1985 to 2003 and living in Denmark on their 10th
birthdayforwhomwehavelongitudinal data on mental health
outcomes, socioeconomic status, and place of residence (n=
943,027). We constructed a dataset of yearly individual-level green
space presence within 210 ×210 m, 330 ×330 m, 570 ×570 m, and
930 ×930 m squares around each personsresidencebasedonthe
normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). NDVI was cal-
culated from remotely sensed 30-m-resolution Landsat satellite
images covering the entire country for the years 19852013. We
combined these two datasets for two purposes: (i)toexaminethe
specific contribution of green space presence during childhood to
the risk of diverse, adolescent into adult psychiatric disorders, over
and above the contributions of correlated risk factors including
urbanization, socioeconomic factors, parental history of mental
illness, and parental age; and (ii) to explore how green space is
affecting mental health by estimating these associations at different
ages and by determining the shape of the relationship green space
has with each of the psychiatric disorders.
Relative risk, estimated as incidence rate ratios (IRR), was
higher for persons living at the lowest NDVI compared with
those living at the highest levels of NDVI for all psychiatric
disorders, except intellectual disability (IRR: 1.04; 95% CI: 0.95
to 1.14) and schizoaffective disorder (IRR: 1.33; 95% CI: 0.98 to
1.82) (Fig. 1). Adjusting for urbanization, parentssocioeco-
nomic status, family history, parental age, municipal socio-
economic factors, and a combination of all five potential
confounding factors only changed the risk estimates slightly, with
no change to the overall association with NDVI, except for
borderline type, anorexia, and bipolar disorder for which
adjusting for all five factors made green space presence in-
significant (Fig. 1 and SI Appendix, Fig. S1). Population attrib-
utable risk estimates showed that the association between NDVI
and psychiatric disorder risk was, in general, comparable in
magnitude to that of family history and parental age, higher than
urbanization, and slightly lower than parentssocioeconomic
status (SI Appendix, Table S1). Substance abuse disorders, spe-
cific personality disorder, borderline type, and intellectual dis-
ability risk were mostly associated with parentssocioeconomic
status, while mood disorder, single and recurrent depressive
disorder, and neurotic, stress-related, and somatic disorder risk
were mostly associated with NDVI, although the last has an as-
sociation of similar strength as parentssocioeconomic status.
The relative risk of developing any psychiatric disorder was re-
latedtoNDVIinadoseresponse relationship across urbanization
levels, with risk declining incrementally with higher doses of green
space, although nonmonotonically for the capital center region
(Fig. 2). Mean NDVI was lowest for the capital center area, but the
range of NDVI values was represented across each urbanization
category (SI Appendix,TableS2). The strongest association be-
tween relative risk and the lowest decile of green space presence
was for the capital center region (NDVI decile 1; IRR
: 1.60; 95%
: 1.42 to 1.80) and the weakest association was for rural areas
: 1.27; 95% CI
: 1.22 to 1.33). Although a Cox regression
modelwithaninteractiontermshowed that the association with
NDVI varied significantly across the different degrees of urbani-
zation (P=0.001, chisq =97.8, df =36), the general pattern of
lower NDVI being associated with higher risk was similar within
each degree of urbanization. Adjusting for urbanization and par-
entssocioeconomic status only slightly lowered estimates.
We found no consistent sign of green space presence being
associated with any particularly sensitive age across all disorders
(SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Alcohol abuse, specific personality dis-
orders, and borderline type diverged from the general pattern,
with a tendency toward stronger protective associations
Relative risk
Any psychiatric disorder
Substance abuse
Schizophrenia and related disorders
Schizoaffective disorder
Mood disorders
Bipolar disorder
Recurrent depressive disorder
Single and recurrent depressive disorder
Neurotic, stress−related, and somatic disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Eating disorders
Anorexia nervosa
Specific personality disorders
Borderline type
Intellectual disability
Adjusted urbanization
Adjusted SES
Adjusted ALL
Fig. 1. The association between childhood green space presence and the
relative risk of developing a psychiatric disorder later in life. Green space
presence was measured as the mean NDVI within a 210 ×210 m square
around place of residence (n=943,027). Low values of NDVI indicate sparse
vegetation, and high values indicate dense vegetation. Relative risk esti-
mates are relative to the reference level (set to the highest decile) for NDVI
fitted as numeric deciles in classes of 10. Estimates above the dashed line
indicate higher risk of developing a given psychiatric disorder for children
living at the lowest compared with the highest values of NDVI. Three ad-
ditional models were fitted to adjust for the effect of urbanization, parental
socioeconomic status (SES), and the combined effect of urbanization, pa-
rental and municipal socioeconomic factors, parental history of mental ill-
ness, and parental age at birth on risk estimates. All estimates were adjusted
for age, year of birth, and gender and plotted with 95% CIs.
| Engemann et al.
occurring at age 3 y to 4 y based on the nonoverlapping confi-
dence intervals between individual estimates. We compared the
association with cumulated green space presence by fitting
models with deciles of mean NDVI at the 10th birthday and as
cumulated NDVI from birth to the 10th birthday. Mean and
cumulated NDVI were both associated with risk in a dose
response relationship, with children living at the lowest green
space presence having the highest risk of developing a psychiatric
disorder (SI Appendix, Fig. S3). Risk estimates were generally
higher for cumulated green space presence than presence mea-
sured at age 10 y, again suggesting an accumulating doseresponse
relationship. About half of all cases across all disorders were di-
agnosed in adulthood (age >19 y) (SI Appendix,TableS3). Splitting
data between persons diagnosed in adolescence (age 13 y to 19 y)
and adulthood showed a stronger association between risk of any
psychiatric disorder and green space for the former (IRR
: 1.64;
95% CI
: 1.58 to 1.70) than the latter age category (IRR
: 1.43;
95% CI
sociation (SI Appendix,Fig.S4). Associations mostly did not differ
between the two age groups for individual disorders, with the ex-
ception of substance and cannabis abuse. Both substance and
cannabis abuse showed stronger associations between risk and
green space for persons diagnosed in adolescence; however, can-
nabis abuse diagnosed in adulthood was statistically insignificant
due to low sample size in the first half of the sampling period. We
found no strong difference in the association between risk and
green space measured at 210 ×210 m, 330 ×330 m, 570 ×570 m,
or 930 ×930 m presence zones (SI Appendix,TableS4). For both
the age sensitivity and cumulated green space analysis, adjusting
for urbanization and parentssocioeconomic status only slightly
lowered risk estimates.
Our results show that high levels of childhood green space are as-
sociated with lower risk of developing any of a spectrum of ado-
lescent into adult psychiatric disorders. Living at the lowest levels of
green space compared with living at the highest levels of green space
was associated with 15 to 55% higher risk, except for intellectual
disability and schizoaffective disorder. The protective association
remained after adjusting for other known risk factors including ur-
banization, socioeconomic factors, family history of mental illness,
and parental age, indicating an independent association with green
space. Our results are in line with previous reports of positive im-
pacts on mental health from green space (19, 20, 23, 24). Further-
more, the association with NDVI was comparable in magnitude to
or even higher than those of other known risk factors, including
parentssocioeconomic status, history of mental illness, and age.
A number of psychological and physiological mechanisms might
link elements of green space to decreased risk of psychiatric dis-
orders. Each of the hypothetical mechanisms considered below may
be of greater importance for some disorders than for others. Indi-
viduals with urban upbringing have high neural activity linked to
stress processing, which could lead to higher risk of psychiatric
disorders in adults (4). Green space can enhance psychological
restoration, can affect brain structure through positive associations
with amygdala integrity, and could mitigate negative effects from
the socially dense and noisy city environment that heighten stress
(17, 19, 23, 24). The present study offers some evidence bearing
specifically on green space as a support for psychological restora-
tion. Previous studies have shown mental health benefits for
children with better access to green space (25), with, for example,
nearby nature buffering the negative impact of life stress for rural
children (26). Neurotic, stress-related, and somatic disorders, as
Capital center
Capital suburb
Provincial city
Provincial town
Rural area
Green space age 10
1.0 1.2 1.4 1. 6 1.8
NDVI deciles
Relative risk
Capital center
1.0 1.2 1.4 1. 6
NDVI deciles
Relative risk
Capital Suburb
2 4 6 810
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
NDVI deciles
Relative risk
Provincial city
2 4 6 810
1.00 1.10 1.20 1. 30
NDVI deciles
Relative risk
Provincial town
NDVI deciles
Relative risk
2 4 6 810 2 4 6 810
2 4 6 810
Green space age 10 adjusted
Fig. 2. The association between relative risk of developing any psychiatric disorder and childhood green space presence across urbanization levels. Data were
split between each of the five urbanization classes (Capital center n=56 650, Capital suburb n=124,193, Provincial city n=90,648, Provincial town n=
265,570, and Rural n=376,525). NDVI was recalculated as deciles, and separate models, shown in black, were fitted within each urbanization class to de-
termine the shape of the association between green space and mental health. Integer values on the xaxis refer to decile ranges, i.e., 1 corresponds to decile
0 to 10%. An additional model, shown in grey, was fitted for each urbanization class to adjust for urbanization and parentssocioeconomic status. Estimates
of relative risk from all five models were adjusted for year of birth and gender and plotted with 95% CIs within each degree of urbanization.
Engemann et al. PNAS Latest Articles
well as single and recurrent depressive disorder, had some of the
highest relative risk and population attributable risk estimates
associated with NDVI, which could reflect the role of green spaces
as restorative environments. Strong associations for substance
abuse disorders could indicate the development of better stress-
processing ability with more green space, resulting in less need for
self-medication later in life. Genetically vulnerable individuals
could be particularly at risk from stress-triggered expression of
psychiatric disorders, and geneenvironment interactions should be
investigated next, e.g., using polygenic risk scores or genome-wide
association studies.
In our study, the relative risk of developing any psychiatric
disorder was associated with green space in a doseresponse
relationship within all urbanization levels, showing that the associ-
ation with green space presence is present after adjusting for
urbanization. We found the highest relative risk for the capital
center region and the lowest for rural areas, consistent with
previous findings (27, 28). Higher pace of life and social stress in
the most urbanized areas could create a stronger need for re-
storative environments such as urban green space. This finding
also suggests that the highly urbanized capital center area could
benefit most from additional green space as an early intervention
tool in healthy city planning and development. In contrast, the
nonmonotonic decrease of risk in the capital center area could
indicate that capital residents residing in high-income neighbor-
hoods receive risk-decreasing benefits from the urban environment,
e.g., better schools or lower crime rates, not captured by our mu-
nicipal socioeconomic adjustment and that these benefits, at some
level, become more important than green space.
We found no consistent sign across all psychiatric disorders of
green space presence being associated with any particularly
sensitive age during childhood. NDVI at age 10 y and cumulated
NDVI were both associated with risk across all psychiatric dis-
orders in a doseresponse relationship that could reflect causa-
tion. We might expect neurodevelopmental disorders such as
schizophrenia to be more strongly associated with green space
during the earliest years of life when brain development is most
vulnerable compared with, e.g., substance abuse disorders.
Schizophrenia risk peaked slightly at age 3 y, but the pattern was
not stronger than for other disorders. Interestingly, substance
and alcohol abuse showed slight increases in the protective as-
sociation during both the earliest and latest years, suggesting that
multiple pathways may influence these particular associations.
Comparing associations for persons diagnosed in adolescence
versus in adulthood may indicate that childhood green space is
somewhat more strongly associated with developing a psychiatric
disorder in adolescence. We hypothesize that, during the earliest
years of childhood, pathways related to passive exposure, such as
noise reduction or air pollution removal, may be important,
whereas pathways related to use, such as exercise and social
interactions, may become increasingly important as a child
becomes more independent. Green space around childrens
schools likely becomes increasingly important with age. Further-
more, parentsactions will influence childrens visits to parks and
other green spaces. The use of different high-resolution measures
of green space such as vegetation height and structure should be
investigated further to understand which aspects of g ree n sp ace
affect mental health and through which mechanisms.
Risk estimates were generally higher for a measure of cumu-
lated green space presence, compared with presence measured
at age 10 y, supporting a doseresponse relationship over time.
Furthermore, this suggests that the protective association with
green space builds up over time and that green space presence is
important all through childhood. Our results are consistent with
previous work showing improved mental well-being and cogni-
tive development among children exposed to more green space
(16, 25). The relation to cognitive development found by Dad-
vand et al. (16) was partly mediated by air pollution, and this
result is supported by other studies on air pollution and psychi-
atric disorders (29, 30). The role of green spaces as natural filters
of environmental pollution should be investigated further in re-
lation to psychiatric disorders. Another promising hypothesis is
that exposure to green space, especially biodiverse green space,
and animal contact lead to better immune functioning, which has
been linked to mental health (22, 31). Training the human immune
systems seemingly requires prolonged exposure to microbiota dur-
ing childhood (22), consistent with our finding of accumulative
associations with green space presence. For neurodevelopmental
disorders, such as intellectual disability and schizophrenia, poor
immune functioning and consequently greater risk of infections
could explain some of the association with green space.
Although we found a strong association between green space
and psychiatric disorder risk, our study also has some limitations.
At this point, we cannot completely dismiss that choice of resi-
dential location is somewhat affected by genetic confounding. A
recent study using polygenic risk scores showed that people with
higher genetic loading for schizophrenia lived in denser urban
areas (32). However, another study for Denmark showed that the
association between urbanicity and the risk of schizophrenia was
not explained by genetic liability (33). Hence, the association
between green space and mental health is unlikely to be entirely
driven by genetically determined choice of residential location,
but geneenvironment interactions could still play a role. Se-
lection bias from parents of higher socioeconomic status choosing
to move to greener areas could also influence the results, al-
though, for schizophrenia, selective migration has been shown to
only partly explain the association in Denmark (34). Although we
adjusted for municipal and parentssocioeconomic status, our
results may be influenced by unmeasured socioeconomic factors
such as lower-quality green space, higher crime rates, and fewer
social advantages in deprived neighborhoods.
These limitations point to several follow-up questions. First, the
deviations from the general doseresponse relationship warrant
further studies into the epidemiology of certain psychiatric disorders
such as alcohol abuse, anorexia, and intellectual disability. Second,
despite the strong longitudinal design of our study, our risk estimates
fundamentally only show correlations. Causation is generally hard to
infer from observational studies and is difficult to prove when the
etiology of psychiatric disorders is unknown (35). New knowledge
from genetic and neurobiological research (e.g., refs. 17 and 36)
could guide future combinations of longitudinal and experimental
studies. Third, the mechanistic links between green space and psy-
chiatric disorders remain to be identified. Using NDVI from satellite
images allowed us to estimate individual-level green space presence
at a fine resolution but captured no information about other aspects
of natural environments such as blue space, biodiversity, the pres-
ence of animals, or quality of vegetation. Also, NDVI provides no
information about the use of green space. Effects of different
qualitative aspects and use of green space is important to identify
a possible mechanistic link (37). Restorative environment studies
assessing the positive, restoration-promoting (i.e., salutogenic) char-
acteristics of green space in combination with the absence of risk
factors such as noise and pollution are promising ways to determine
whether and how natural environments provide benefits that pro-
mote mental health (38). Tracking peoples use of green space
through GPS (39) or possibly through social media could provide
more information about pathways related to use of green space.
Our results complement other studies showing positive asso-
ciations between nature and mental health (1921, 23, 24), while
showing a consistent, protective association with individual-level
childhood green space presence for many of a spectrum of psy-
chiatric disorders after adjusting for urbanization and covering a
large proportion of the population. As shown by the doseresponse
relationship between green space presence and psychiatric disorder
risk, we found no sign of the positive association with green space
reaching an upper limit. Hence, finding ways to provide high green
| Engemann et al.
space exposure during childhood should be encouraged in sus-
tainable urban planning. Population attributable risk estimates
suggest that green space might contribute large health benefits
across the population. Future studies should address the extent to
which benefits arise from passive exposure versus active use, and
whether the source of benefits differs for different psychiatric dis-
orders. Cumulated green space presence was more strongly asso-
ciated with risk, and this should be considered in future studies of
green space effects on mental health.
In conclusion, our data show a consistent association between
higher levels of green space during childhood and a lower risk of
developing any of a multitude of psychiatric disorders later in
life. These findings contribute to our understanding of the urban
environment as an important environmental risk factor for
mental health and can guide the design of healthy city environ-
ments, as well as institutions and programs affecting childhood
life, for example, school systems. Ensuring access to green space
and enhancing opportunities for a diverse range of uses, espe-
cially in densifying urban environments, could be an important
tool for managing and minimizing the global burden of disease
increasingly dominated by psychiatric disorders. Lower access to
green space could be an added risk factor for mental health
among vulnerable groups of society (40, 41). Loss of human
nature interactions presents a health risk, and it can also reduce
peoplesappreciation of natural environments, creating negative
feedback loops (42). In contrast, positive experiences, such as psy-
chological restoration or social cohesion, can motivate positive
ecological behaviors (43). Increasing urban nature could potentially
provide mental health benefits while simultaneously protecting
biodiversity and ecosystem services of natural environments.
Study Population and Assessment of Psychiatric Disorders. Denmark is a small,
relatively homogeneous country with a population of 5.8 million people and
a total area of about 43,000 km
. Distances within the country are small, with
most people living within 25 km of a city with >30,000 inhabitants and a
psychiatric hospital or department. The Danish Civil Registration System was
established in 1968 and contains a personal identification number (PIN) and
information on gender, place of birth, vital status, parentsPINs, and con-
tinuously updated information on vital status and place of residence for all
Danish citizens. All national registers use the PIN, linking each individual to
all other national registers, e.g., containing information on health, contex-
tual, and socioeconomic information. The study population included all
persons born in Denmark from 1985 to 2003 and who were alive and re-
siding in Denmark at their 10th birthday (943,027 persons).
We linked all individuals from the study population and their parents and
siblings with the Danish Psychiatric Central Research Register (44) to obtain
information about psychiatric disorders. The Register contains information on
all admissions to Danish psychiatric in-patient facilities since April 1, 1969, and,
since 1995, all out-patient visits to psychiatric departments or emergency care.
There are no private psychiatric in-patient facilities in Denmark, and treatment
is free. From 1969 to 1993, the diagnostics system used was the Danish modi-
fication of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-8) (45) and, from
1994 and on, the ICD-10 (46). Individuals were classified with a psychiatric dis-
order if they had been admitted to a psychiatric facility, received outpatient
care, or visited a psychiatric emergency care unit with a diagnosis of one of 18
psychiatric disorders (SI Appendix,TableS5). The date of onset was defined as
the first contact at which any of the above-defined diagnoses were applied.
Quantification of Green Space. We calculated mean green space covering the
period of 1985 to 2013 from the NDVI, obtained from 30-m-resolution remote
sensing images from the Landsat archive (, accessed
February 2, 2016). NDVI is the difference between absorbed (red) and
reflected (near-infrared) light by vegetation following
where NIR is the near-infrared and RED is the red band. NDVI is a commonly
used and effective measure of green space (47, 48). Low values indicate
sparse vegetation, and high values indicate dense vegetation.
The Landsat archive contains satellite data of Earth acquired by six satellites
over more than 40 y. Over the years, the purpose and spatial focus of the Landsat
program has changed, and, as a result, the availability of the data varies. The
Landsat satellites provide images of 4 to 11 bands a t 30- to 120-m resolution on a
16- to 18-d revisit cycle. We aimed to obtain images from the growing season in
June, July, or August with none to low cloud cover for the entire country each
year. The best data coverage comes from the later years, whereas data avail-
ability of the earliest years fluctuates. For example, the satellite images from
1978 to 1983 only cover parts of Zealand and the island of Bornholm. Also, due
to technical difficulties, some years in the time period are only partly covered or
not covered at all (see SI Appendix,TableS6for details of each year).
All Landsat images were atmospherically corrected and converted to Top
of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance using ENVI version 5.1 to remove atmo-
spheric effects from water vapor and the position of the Sun. Despite our best
efforts to find cloud-free images, some images were partly covered by clouds.
For images with severe cloud cover (5 to 30%), we downloaded several
images covering the same area at different dates and merged them to ob-
tain a single complete image. Clouds were identified and masked loosely
following a previously published approach (49). Clouds on images from
Landsat 8 (only for year 2013) were identified and masked using the Quality
Assessment band. Manual assessment revealed an acceptable match be-
tween the cloud masks and clouds on the images, although with slight im-
precisions with unidentified thin clouds (hazes) and small patches of bare soil
wrongly identified as clouds. Lastly, all images were processed with histogram
matching using the best (low cloud cover and large land area) image for each
year, and large water bodies were masked out before calculating NDVI. The
NDVI maps for Denmark can be downloaded from
NDVI images were mosaicked into a single image for each year with bilinear
interpolation. Missing values were interpolated using simple linear interpolation
for cells with a minimum of three measurements across all years. The mean of the
NDVI values was then calculated for quadratic areas (presence zones) of 210 ×
210 m, 330 ×330 m, 570 ×570 m, and 930 ×930 m (7, 11, 19, and 31 cells, re-
spectively) around each address for the years 19852013. Cumulated NDVI is the
mean of mean NDVI from birth to the 10th birthday for each cohort member
with at least 10 y of observations. As the Danish residence database is continu-
ously updated, NDVI values for each residence were used for children that moved
within the 10-y timespan. Unless stated otherwise, we refer to estimates from
green space presence measured on the year of the 10th birthday, when children
are relatively independent and likely to be exposed to surrounding green space
through outdoor activities. For each presence zone, place of residence was
located in the center of the quadrat. Calculating the mean of the NDVI for this
large number of addresses was a challenging computational task. Therefore,
we performed these computations using efficient algorithms to process large
amounts of geographic data within a reasonable amount of time (50).
Statistical Analyses. Cohort members were followed for the development of
psychiatric disorders from their 10th birthday until first treatment contact for
any of the psychiatric disorders, death, emigration from Denmark, or De-
cember 31, 2013, whichever came first. IRR of psychiatric disorders were
estimated in time-to-event analyses using Cox regressions, using age as the
underlying timescale with separate baselines for each gender (51). NDVI
values were linked to each cohort member with the addresses. Mean NDVI
at age 10 y was fitted as deciles for all four presence zone sizes, and cu-
mulated NDVI was likewise fitted as deciles (cutoff values are presented in SI
Appendix, Table S7). We adjusted models for potential confounding by
other known risk factors identified by previous studies. Urbanization was
fitted as a categorical variable with five levels: capital center, capital suburb,
provincial city, provincial town, or rural area, as previously described (34).
We controlled for a range of individual and socioeconomic confounding
factors, including year of birth, gender, parentseducation (three levels:
primary school, high school\vocational training, or higher education), parents
income (gross income divided in quintiles and adjusted for inflation and gender
differences), parentsemployment status (three levels: employed, unemployed,
or outside workforce), parentsage (seven levels: 12 y to 19 y, 20 y to 24 y, 25 y
to 29 y, 30 y to 34 y, 35 y to 39 y, 40 y to 44 y, and 45 y or older), and parents
previous diagnosis with any psychiatric disorder up to and including the childs
10th birthday (two levels: yes or no) (52). We also controlled for differences in
residential areassocioeconomic status at the smallest available administrative
unit using the Danish municipalities. Many important political decisions are
made at the municipal level, e.g., budgets for schools, parks, and early pre-
vention action programs. Danish municipalities are also responsible for imple-
mentation of action programs and the practical management of schools and
parks. We calculated a measure of socioeconomic deprivation for each mu-
nicipality as the average income as defined above, the proportion of individuals
Engemann et al. PNAS Latest Articles
with a low education level (primary school compared with high school or
higher education), and the proportion of individuals outside the workforce
(unemployed or outside workforce compared with employed). Estimates ad-
justed for each possible confounding factor separately are presented for easy
comparison of each factors association and to avoid potential bias from
overadjustment (SI Appendix,Fig.S1). The calendar year of the end of study for
each cohort member was treated as a time-dependent variable to account for
different hazard rates over time and categorized as 19952000, 20012005,
20062010, and 20112013. All other variables were treated as independent
of time.
We performed the following sensitivity analyses to determine the best
models for evaluating the association with NDVI by fitting additional Cox
regressions: assessing (i) the association with different green space presence
zone sizes (SI Appendix, Table S4), (ii) the potential modifying association of
gender (SI Appendix, Table S8), (iii) the association with NDVI measured at
different ages from birth to the 10th birthday (SI Appendix,Fig.S2), (iv)the
potential modifying effect of urbanization (Figs. 1 and 2), and (v) the associa-
tion with green space measured as mean cumulated NDVI from birth to the
10th birthday for each cohort member with observations for least 10 y out of
11 y (SI Appendix,Fig.S3). We calculated the population attributable risk from
IRR to compare the magnitude of the associations with NDVI to other known
risk factors. In the main text, unless stated otherwise, NDVI was measured
within quadratic presence zones of 210 ×210 m at place of residence at the
10th birthday, as we found no strong difference in measuring green space of
different presence zone sizes or when measured at other specific ages.
All data processing and statistics were performed in R (53) using packages
data.table, Hmisc, landsat, lubridate, plyr, raster, rgdal, RStoolbox, sp, and
survival. The only exception was the TOA conversion, performed using the
ENVI software, version 5.1 (Exelis Visual Information Solutions). Data on the
study population are not publicly available due to privacy protection. To
request access to the data, contact P.B.M. at
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank S. Nielsen and A. Pearcy for proofreading
and comments on a previous draft of the manuscript. We thank M. Thygesen
and A. Timmermann for data administrative help. This study was funded by the
Stanley Medical Research Institute and the Centre for Integrated Register-based
Research at Aarhus University. J.-C.S. considers this work a contribution to his
VILLUM Investigator project (VILLUM FONDEN Grant 16549).
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| Engemann et al.
... Whilst the aetiology of mental health conditions is complex, individuals' mental health is shaped by different social, economic, and physical environments operating at different stages of life (Allen et al., 2014). Greenspace, as an important component of the physical environments, has been found to have beneficial impact on mental health in numerous studies of experimental (Watkins-Martin et al., 2022;Xie et al., 2022), cross-observational (Jiang et al., 2021;Osa et al., 2024;Wang et al., 2020), and short-to medium-term follow-up longitudinal design (Astell-Burt & Feng, 2019;Bao et al., 2024;Engemann et al., 2019;Mouly et al., 2023). While numerous studies have explored the associations between greenspace and mental health at various stages of life separately (Abraham Cottagiri et al., 2022;Engemann et al., 2019;Mouly et al., 2023;Osa et al., 2024), the dynamics of how greenspace influences mental health across the lifecourse remain inadequately explored. ...
... Greenspace, as an important component of the physical environments, has been found to have beneficial impact on mental health in numerous studies of experimental (Watkins-Martin et al., 2022;Xie et al., 2022), cross-observational (Jiang et al., 2021;Osa et al., 2024;Wang et al., 2020), and short-to medium-term follow-up longitudinal design (Astell-Burt & Feng, 2019;Bao et al., 2024;Engemann et al., 2019;Mouly et al., 2023). While numerous studies have explored the associations between greenspace and mental health at various stages of life separately (Abraham Cottagiri et al., 2022;Engemann et al., 2019;Mouly et al., 2023;Osa et al., 2024), the dynamics of how greenspace influences mental health across the lifecourse remain inadequately explored. This requires a long-term longitudinal study design or if possible the adoption of a lifecourse perspective with appropriate adjustment for confounders (Li et al., 2021). ...
... NZ is a country with a high amount of greenspace, as we found in descriptive analysis that cohort members had over 40 % of areas within 1000m to 3000m buffers covered by greenspace over the lifecourse, thus may lack variation in exposure relative to other countries internationally (Richardson et al., 2010). In contrast, a large-scale national study in Denmark, comprising more than 900,000 people, found that childhood residential greenspace measured by NDVI from birth to age 10 was protective against a range of psychiatric disorders in adolescence (age 13-19) (Engemann et al., 2019). Additionally, a prospective study found associations between cumulative greenspace availability, measured by average NDVI up to age 17, and depressive symptoms in adolescence and early adulthood (Bezold et al., 2018). ...
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Background: The beneficial impacts of greenspace availability on mental health are well-documented. However, longitudinal evidence using a spatial lifecourse perspective is rare, leaving the dynamics of how greenspace influences mental health across the lifecourse unclear. This study first uses prospective birth cohort data to examine the associations between greenspace availability in childhood (0–16 years) and mental health in adolescence (16 years) and between greenspace availability and mental health across adulthood (18–40 years). Method: Data were obtained from the Christchurch Health and Development Study, comprised 1,265 cohort members born in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1977. Mental health outcomes including depressive symptoms, anxiety disorders and suicidal ideation were assessed in adolescence (16 years), and in adulthood (18–40 years). Greenspace availability from birth to age 40 years was measured as the proportion of vegetated areas within circular buffers (radius from 100m to 3000m) around members’ geocoded residential addresses using a time-series impervious surfaces data from 1985 to 2015. Bayesian Relevant Lifecourse exposure models examined the associations between childhood greenspace availability and adolescent mental health and tested for critical/sensitive age periods. Generalised Estimating Equation logistic regression models assessed the associations between greenspace availability and mental health across adulthood. These analyses were adjusted for various important individual, family, and area-level covariates. Results: No associations were found between childhood greenspace availability and any adolescent mental health conditions. However, in adulthood, a one standard deviation increase in greenspace availability within 1500m and 2000m buffers was associated with a 12% and 13% reduced risk of depressive symptoms, respectively, after adjusting for various covariates. Discussion: This study supports the protective effects of greenspace on adult depressive symptoms, highlighting the significance of employing a spatial lifecourse epidemiology framework to examine the long-term effects of environmental factors on health over the lifecourse.
... In contrast, the unique findings of this study are about integrating human mobility behaviours in space with the perception of the natural environment, which reduces individual stress levels through a close connection with nature [36]. Moreover, more biophilic architectural research in the past has been a discussion about the integration of plants into manmade buildings, which benefits to promote human mental health and reduce the burden of mental illness [37]. In this study, the element of 'water' was chosen as the main focus of the discussion, based on the realities of the target site. ...
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While many studies have examined the experience of natural spaces in depth, and have found that biophilic design benefits a high level of human mental health. They understand how the natural element can help human beings and the provision of well-being. However, research on the beneficial effects of integrating ‘water’ in architectural spaces on psychological health is limited. The main aim of this study was to explore ways of designing hydrophilic spaces through parametric design and associating human behaviour with psychological perception. The data was generated from a specific case study and analysed through Grasshopper simulations. The results of the analyses show that hydrophilic spaces have a significant psychological impact. Firstly, parametric analyses can effectively be used to help construct nature-friendly spaces. Secondly, the correlation between human behaviour and the efficiency of perceiving the environment can be quantified. Thirdly, the perception of natural elements can be influenced by spatial design. The findings suggest that biophilic architectural design should broaden the physical and sensory typologies in architectural research to inspire reflection and deepening of design research. Furthermore, future architectural design should take more consideration of integrating natural elements to enhance human comfort and well-being.
... In that regard, temporary restoration of habitat during the critical phase of a target taxon's life cycle can result in important positive outcomes for biodiversity. The results are also relevant from a social perspective as such targeted, patchy restorations have the potential to indirectly contribute to psychological restoration of humans and enhance experiences with nature (Engemann et al., 2019). ...
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Cities can work towards addressing biodiversity conservation, climate adaptation, and social equity goals. Evi-dence indicates that cities can foster species conservation and human-nature interactions. Yet achieving multi-functional and equitable urban ecosystems requires addressing ecological gaps, enhancing monitoring methods,and engaging communities in sustainable urban planning. The Special Issue “Ecology for future cities” presented inthis editorial, aims to contribute to solving existing gaps by investigating key themes shaping the field of urbanecology and emphasizing advancements to understand the social-ecological dynamics in cities. In this editorialpaper, we present the seven papers of the special issue, and how they fall within six topics: (1) mapping urbanecosystems; (2) drivers and implications of human-nature interactions; (3) taxonomic coverage and biodiversitystructure; (4) ecological transformations; (5) improving the temporal coverage; and (6) how ecology informsurban planning. We also provide future research directions based on these topics. We conclude the editorial withsome personal thoughts regarding the two cities where we grew up, which have shaped our relationships to andunderstanding of urban ecosystems and contribute to motivating our research interests
... For example, living near a park can increase physical activity (see, for example, Slater et al. [72]). Interestingly, Engemann et al. [73] found in their study that green spaces can promote mental health and possibly reduce the risk of psychiatric disorders: children who grew up with the least amount of green space had up to 55% higher risk of developing a psychiatric disorder, independent of the effects of other known risk factors. In addition, Wicks et al. [74] have shown that negative emotions such as anger, mental exhaustion, or sadness decrease when spending time in nature. ...
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Introduction: This scoping review aimed to analyze the literature on the relationship between heatwaves or above-average temperature and interpersonal violence. Because of the nature of third-party violent behavior and our focus on the most direct effects of abnormal temperature on it, we excluded self-directed and collective violence, such as social conflicts. Methods: This review was conducted in accordance with the JBI methods outlined for scoping reviews and in line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). The publication period under consideration was 2012-2024 and was conducted on Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, and PsycINFO databases. Results: Of the original number of 5,146 studies, 15 were included in the scoping review. Works including historical and longitudinal data were considered. Overall, the results of the studies included in the review highlighted a relationship between heatwaves and above-average temperature and interpersonal violence, and highest temperatures are presented as a predictor of interpersonal violence. Discussion: The literature analysis underlines how climate change may affect people's well-being, mental health, and behavior. However, it is essential to point out that most authors acknowledge their study's limitations and that the results should be cautiously viewed. Future research is needed to better understand the relationship between heatwaves or above-average temperature and human health. Policymakers should implement programs to prevent violent behavior in terms of increased temperature adaptation and mitigation (e.g., promoting green spaces and reducing pollution) and at the level of individual city institutions, which can monitor the phenomenon and take action, such as increasing the presence of security personnel in anticipation of periods of highest temperatures.
... For instance, urban forests offer critical habitat for various species (Drago et al., 2017;Sasaki et al., 2016). Cultural services from urban forests encompass non-material benefits, including aesthetic appeal (Hu et al., 2022), cultural and recreational opportunities (Baumeister et al., 2020;Elze and Banzhaf, 2022), and enhanced physical and mental health for city dwellers (Engemann et al., 2019;Sinha et al., 2021). ...
This study aims to describe staff experiences of nature as a tool for working with people with mental illnesses. A qualitative study consisting of nine interviews with staff working with nature as a tool was conducted. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Two themes with six subthemes emerged. The first theme, making the invisible visible with subthemes, getting in touch with nature, getting in touch with feelings and acceptance of time and lack of demands, and the second theme, working with what we have with subthemes, nature becomes a tool for resiliency, the surrounding environment becomes a safe setting and important relationships for good treatment. The healthcare staffs' experiences of incorporating nature as a caring tool for patients with mental illness showed that nature could contribute to a patient's recovery. For psychiatric nursing, this study observed that having the knowledge and awareness of nature's effect on patients, and using it as complementary care and treatment-tool may inspire both staff, and their patients to further include nature-assisted care and therapy in their treatment of mental illnesses on the road to improved mental health.
Background The first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK entailed widespread social restrictions, including instructions to stay at home at all times. This created a natural quasi-experiment, during which time home and neighbourhood conditions may have been especially important to mental health. However, evidence on this topic is scarce. Methods Using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a UK population-based cohort, we examined associations of home and neighbourhood conditions with anxiety and depression symptoms during the first UK lockdown in 2020, when participants were approximately 28 years of age. Questionnaires were completed at two timepoints (T1: April; T2: May/June) and included validated measures of anxiety (GAD-7) and depression (SMFQ); as well as questions about current home conditions and behaviours. Neighbourhood conditions were obtained via linkage, and included population density, neighbourhood deprivation, social fragmentation, and greenspace. Main associations were examined using linear regression. Potential confounders were identified using a directed acyclic graph and included ethnicity, family psychiatric history, maternal social class, financial difficulties and unemployment before lockdown, and anxiety and depression at ages 18 and 24. Results At T1 after considering confounders, reduced access to nature (B=0.48, 95% CI=0.26-0.70, p<0.001) and neighbourhood deprivation (B=0.25, 95% CI=0.04-0.47, p=0.024) were associated with anxiety. Furthermore, reduced access to nature (B=0.43, 95% CI=0.20-0.66, p=0.001), no garden access (B=0.22, 95% CI=0.01-0.43, p=0.043), living alone (B=0.33, 95% CI=0.13-0.53, p=0.002), and neighbourhood deprivation (B=0.22, 95% CI=0.00-0.44, p=0.048) were associated with depression. There were fewer associations at T2. Conclusion Disadvantaged home and neighbourhood conditions were associated with more anxiety and depression symptoms during the first UK lockdown. The findings underscore the importance of home and neighbourhood conditions for mental health and highlight potential interventions such as improved urban design to increase access to nature and reduce isolation. However, the causality of the findings is uncertain.
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As urbanization accelerates, the demand for sustainable and health-conscious design in the built environment has led to the prominence of biophilic design-a methodology rooted in the deep connection between humans and nature. This paper delves into the complex integration of biophilic design principles in the realm of landscape architecture and interior architecture, in order to elucidate their collective impact on individual well-being, productivity and overall quality of life. Also to elaborate the concepts, principles and practical aspects of biophilic design as an innovative and responsible approach in the field of both landscape and interior architecture. With a focus on understanding the biophilic relationship between humans and nature, this paper examines the theoretical and practical dimensions of biophilic design, as well as its impact on the environment and humans themselves. This paper will synthesize key findings, highlighting the imperative for architects and designers to prioritize biophilic des
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Background: The health benefits of greenspaces have demanded the attention of policymakers since the 1800s. Although much evidence suggests greenspace exposure is beneficial for health, there exists no systematic review and meta-analysis to synthesise and quantify the impact of greenspace on a wide range of health outcomes. Objective: To quantify evidence of the impact of greenspace on a wide range of health outcomes. Methods: We searched five online databases and reference lists up to January 2017. Studies satisfying a priori eligibility criteria were evaluated independently by two authors. Results: We included 103 observational and 40 interventional studies investigating ~100 health outcomes. Meta-analysis results showed increased greenspace exposure was associated with decreased salivary cortisol -0.05 (95% CI -0.07, -0.04), heart rate -2.57 (95% CI -4.30, -0.83), diastolic blood pressure -1.97 (95% CI -3.45, -0.19), HDL cholesterol -0.03 (95% CI -0.05, <-0.01), low frequency heart rate variability (HRV) -0.06 (95% CI -0.08, -0.03) and increased high frequency HRV 91.87 (95% CI 50.92, 132.82), as well as decreased risk of preterm birth 0.87 (95% CI 0.80, 0.94), type II diabetes 0.72 (95% CI 0.61, 0.85), all-cause mortality 0.69 (95% CI 0.55, 0.87), small size for gestational age 0.81 (95% CI 0.76, 0.86), cardiovascular mortality 0.84 (95% CI 0.76, 0.93), and an increased incidence of good self-reported health 1.12 (95% CI 1.05, 1.19). Incidence of stroke, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, asthma, and coronary heart disease were reduced. For several non-pooled health outcomes, between 66.7% and 100% of studies showed health-denoting associations with increased greenspace exposure including neurological and cancer-related outcomes, and respiratory mortality. Conclusions: Greenspace exposure is associated with numerous health benefits in intervention and observational studies. These results are indicative of a beneficial influence of greenspace on a wide range of health outcomes. However several meta-analyses results are limited by poor study quality and high levels of heterogeneity. Green prescriptions involving greenspace use may have substantial benefits. Our findings should encourage practitioners and policymakers to give due regard to how they can create, maintain, and improve existing accessible greenspaces in deprived areas. Furthermore the development of strategies and interventions for the utilisation of such greenspaces by those who stand to benefit the most.
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Significance Our results show that a standardized laboratory psychosocial stressor causes a greater inflammatory response in young healthy participants with an urban upbringing in the absence of pets, relative to young healthy participants with a rural upbringing in the presence of farm animals. In view of the known links between persistent inflammatory states and psychiatric disturbances, and considering that many stress-associated physical and mental disorders are more prevalent in environments offering a narrow range of microbial exposures, we feel that our findings are of general interest and significance. Moreover, we feel our study is timely, as urbanization and the associated socioeconomic consequences are increasing.
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Background: Increased urbanisation and the associated reduced contact of individuals with natural environments have led to a rise in mental disorders, including depression. Residential greenness, a fundamental component of urban design, has been shown to reduce the public health burden of mental disorders. The present study investigates the association between residential green exposure and prevalence of major depressive disorders using a large and diverse cross-sectional dataset from the UK Biobank. Methods: In this cross-sectional, observational, associational study, we used baseline data from the UK Biobank cohort of participants aged 37-73 years from across the UK. Environmental exposure data were derived from a modelled and linked built environment database. Residential greenness was assessed with a 0·5 m resolution Normalised Difference Vegetation Index, which is derived from spectral reflectance measurements in remotely sensed colour infrared data and measured within geocoded dwelling catchments. Other environment metrics included street-level movement density, terrain, and fine particulate exposures. A series of logistic models examined associations between residential greenness and odds of major depressive disorder after adjusting for activity-influencing environments and individual covariates. Findings: Of 122 993 participants with data on major depressive disorder, the study analytical sample comprised 94 879 (77·1%) participants recruited across ten UK Biobank assessment centres between April 29, 2009, and Oct 1, 2010. A protective effect of greenness on depression was consistently observed, with 4·0% lower odds of major depressive disorder per interquartile increment in Normalised Difference Vegetation Index greenness (odds ratio 0·960, 95% CI 0·93-0·99; p=0·0044). Interaction analyses indicated that the beneficial effects of greenness were more pronounced among women, participants younger than 60 years, and participants residing in areas with low neighbourhood socioeconomic status or high urbanicity. Interpretation: The results point to the benefits of well designed green environments on mental health. Further longitudinal studies are needed to decipher causal pathways. In the UK, policies aimed at optimising allocation and design of green spaces might help preserve psychological ecosystem services, thereby, improving the mental wellbeing of populations and enhancing the mental capital of cities. Funding: University of Hong Kong, UK Biobank, and the UK Economic & Social Research Council.
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Purpose of review: Many studies suggest that exposure to natural vegetation, or greenness, may be beneficial for a variety of health outcomes. We summarize the recent research in this area. Recent findings: We observed consistent and strong evidence of associations for higher greenness with improvements in birth weights and physical activity, as well as lower mortality rates. Recent studies also suggested that exposure to greenness may lower levels of depression and depressive symptoms. The evidence on greenness and cardiovascular health remains mixed. Findings are also inconsistent for greenness measures and asthma and allergies. Our knowledge of the impacts of greenness on a wide variety of health outcomes continues to evolve. Future research should incorporate information on specific species and some qualities of natural greenness that might drive health outcomes, integrate exposure assessments that incorporate personal mobility into analyses, and include prospective designs to add to the growing evidence that nature exposure positively affects health.
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Enriched environments elicit brain plasticity in animals. In humans it is unclear which environment is enriching. Living in a city has been associated with increased amygdala activity in a stress paradigm, and being brought up in a city with increased pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pACC) activity. We set out to identify geographical characteristics that constitute an enriched environment affecting the human brain. We used structural equation modelling on 341 older adults to establish three latent brain factors (amygdala, pACC and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)) to test the effects of forest, urban green, water and wasteland around the home address. Our results reveal a significant positive association between the coverage of forest and amygdala integrity. We conclude that forests may have salutogenic effects on the integrity of the amygdala. Since cross-sectional data does not allow causal inference it could also be that individuals with high structural integrity choose to live closer to forest.
Importance Urban life has been proposed as an environmental risk factor accounting for the increased prevalence of schizophrenia in urban areas. An alternative hypothesis is that individuals with increased genetic risk tend to live in urban/dense areas. Objective To assess whether adults with higher genetic risk for schizophrenia have an increased probability to live in more populated areas than those with lower risk. Design, Setting, and Participants Four large, cross-sectional samples of genotyped individuals of European ancestry older than 18 years with known addresses in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands were included in the analysis. Data were based on the postcode of residence at the time of last contact with the participants. Community-based samples who took part in studies conducted by the Queensland Institute for Medical Research Berghofer Medical Research Institute (QIMR), UK Biobank (UKB), Netherlands Twin Register (NTR), or QSkin Sun and Health Study (QSKIN) were included. Genome-wide association analysis and mendelian randomization (MR) were included. The study was conducted between 2016 and 2018. Exposures Polygenic risk scores for schizophrenia derived from genetic data (genetic risk is independently measured from the occurrence of the disease). Socioeconomic status of the area was included as a moderator in some of the models. Main Outcomes and Measures Population density of the place of residence of the participants determined from census data. Remoteness and socioeconomic status of the area were also tested. Results The QIMR participants (15 544; 10 197 [65.6%] women; mean [SD] age, 54.4 [13.2] years) living in more densely populated areas (people per square kilometer) had a higher genetic loading for schizophrenia (r² = 0.12%; P = 5.69 × 10⁻⁵), a result that was replicated across all 3 other cohorts (UKB: 345 246; 187 469 [54.3%] women; age, 65.7 [8.0] years; NTR: 11 212; 6727 [60.0%] women; age, 48.6 [17.5] years; and QSKIN: 15 726; 8602 [54.7%] women; age, 57.0 [7.9] years). This genetic association could account for 1.7% (95% CI, 0.8%-3.2%) of the schizophrenia risk. Estimates from MR analyses performed in the UKB sample were significant (b = 0.049; P = 3.7 × 10⁻⁷ using GSMR), suggesting that the genetic liability to schizophrenia may have a causal association with the tendency to live in urbanized locations. Conclusions and Relevance The results of this study appear to support the hypothesis that individuals with increased genetic risk tend to live in urban/dense areas and suggest the need to refine the social stress model for schizophrenia by including genetics as well as possible gene-environment interactions.
Schizophrenia risk has been linked to urbanization, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Green space is hypothesized to positively influence mental health and might mediate risk of schizophrenia by mitigating noise and particle pollution exposure, stress relief, or other unknown mechanisms. The objectives for this study were to determine if green space are associated with schizophrenia risk, and if different measures of green space associate differently with risk. We used satellite data from the Landsat program to quantify green space in a new data set for Denmark at 30 × 30 m resolution for the years 1985–2013. The effect of green space at different ages and within different distances from each person's place of residence on schizophrenia risk was estimated using Cox regression on a very large longitudinal population-based sample of the Danish population (943,027 persons). Living at the lowest amount of green space was associated with a 1.52-fold increased risk of developing schizophrenia compared to persons living at the highest level of green space. This association remained after adjusting for known risk factors for schizophrenia: urbanization, age, sex, and socioeconomic status. The strongest protective association was observed during the earliest childhood years and closest to place of residence. This is the first nationwide population-based study to demonstrate a protective association between green space during childhood and schizophrenia risk; suggesting limited green space as a novel environmental risk factor for schizophrenia. This study supports findings from other studies highlighting positive effects of exposure to natural environments for human health.
Problem: An increasing body of research is showing associations between green space and overall health. Children are spending more time indoors while pediatric mental and behavioral health problems are increasing. A systematic review of the literature was done to examine the association between access to green space and the mental well-being of children. Eligibility criteria: Articles were limited to English language, ages 0-18years, and publish date 2012-2017. Results: Twelve articles relating to green space and the mental well-being of children were reviewed. Three articles outside the date criteria were included as they are cited often in the literature as important early research on this topic. Conclusions: Access to green space was associated with improved mental well-being, overall health and cognitive development of children. It promotes attention restoration, memory, competence, supportive social groups, self-discipline, moderates stress, improves behaviors and symptoms of ADHD and was even associated with higher standardized test scores. Implications: Scientific evidence demonstrating the mental health benefits of access to nature for children can guide policy and urban planning, while nursing interventions and initiatives can enhance health by promoting outdoor play, educating patients and families, advocating for recess times and green environments at school as well as healing gardens in hospital settings.
Background: In a rapidly urbanizing world, many people have little contact with natural environments, which may affect health and well-being. Existing reviews generally conclude that residential greenspace is beneficial to health. However, the processes generating these benefits and how they can be best promoted remain unclear. Objectives: During an Expert Workshop held in September 2016, the evidence linking greenspace and health was reviewed from a transdisciplinary standpoint, with a particular focus on potential underlying biopsychosocial pathways and how these can be explored and organized to support policy-relevant population health research. Discussions: Potential pathways linking greenspace to health are here presented in three domains, which emphasize three general functions of greenspace: reducing harm (e.g. reducing exposure to air pollution, noise and heat), restoring capacities (e.g. attention restoration and physiological stress recovery) and building capacities (e.g. encouraging physical activity and facilitating social cohesion). Interrelations between among the three domains are also noted. Among several recommendations, future studies should: use greenspace and behavioural measures that are relevant to hypothesized pathways; include assessment of presence, access and use of greenspace; use longitudinal, interventional and (quasi)experimental study designs to assess causation; and include low and middle income countries given their absence in the existing literature. Cultural, climatic, geographic and other contextual factors also need further consideration. Conclusions: While the existing evidence affirms beneficial impacts of greenspace on health, much remains to be learned about the specific pathways and functional form of such relationships, and how these may vary by context, population groups and health outcomes. This Report provides guidance for further epidemiological research with the goal of creating new evidence upon which to develop policy recommendations.
Background Studies have indicated that the association of urbanicity at birth and during upbringing with schizophrenia may be driven by familial factors such as genetic liability. We used a population-based nested case–control study to assess whether polygenic risk score (PRS) for schizophrenia was associated with urbanicity at birth and at age 15, and to assess whether PRS and parental history of mental disorder together explained the association between urbanicity and schizophrenia. Methods Data were drawn from Danish population registries. Cases born since 1981 and diagnosed with schizophrenia between 1994 and 2009 were matched to controls with the same sex and birthdate (1549 pairs). Genome-wide data were obtained from the Danish Neonatal Screening Biobank and PRSs were calculated based on results of a separate, large meta-analysis. Results Those with higher PRS were more likely reside in the capital compared with rural areas at age 15 [odds ratio (OR) 1.19, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01–1.40], but not at birth (OR 1.09, 95% CI 0.95–1.26). Adjustment for PRS produced almost no change in relative risks of schizophrenia associated with urbanicity at birth, but slightly attenuated those for urban residence at age 15. Additional adjustment for parental history led to slight attenuation of relative risks for urbanicity at birth [incidence rate ratio (IRR) for birth in capital = 1.54, 95% CI 1.18–2.02; overall p = 0.016] and further attenuation of relative risks for urbanicity at age 15 (IRR for residence in capital = 1.32, 95% CI 0.97–1.78; overall p = 0.148). Conclusions While results regarding urbanicity during upbringing were somewhat equivocal, genetic liability as measured here does not appear to explain the association between urbanicity at birth and schizophrenia.