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978-1-5386-6712-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
Artificial Swarm Intelligence vs
Vegas Betting Markets
Louis Rosenberg
Unanimous AI
San Francisco, CA, USA
Gregg Willcox
Unanimous AI
San Francisco, CA, USA
Abstract— In the natural world, Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a
commonly occurring process in which biological groups amplify
their collective intelligence by forming closed-loop systems. It is
well known in schools of fish, flocks of bird, and swarms of bees.
In recent years, new AI technologies have enabled networked
human groups to form systems modeled after natural swarms.
Known as Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI), the technique has
been shown to amplify the effective intelligence of human groups.
This study compares the predictive ability of ASI systems against
large betting markets when forecasting sporting events. Groups
of average sports fans were tasked with predicting the outcome of
200 hockey games (10 games per week for 20 weeks) in the NHL.
The expected win rate for Vegas favorites was 62% across the 200
games based on the published odds. The ASI system achieved a
win rate of 85%. The probability that the system outperformed
Vegas by chance was extremely low (p = 0.0057), indicating a
significant result. In addition, researchers compared the winnings
from two betting models – one that wagered weekly on the Vegas
favorite, and one that wagered weekly on the ASI favorite. At the
end of 20 weeks, the Vegas model generated a 41% financial loss,
while the ASI model generated a 170% financial gain.
Keywords— Swarm Intelligence, Artificial Swarm Intelligence,
Collective Intelligence, Human Swarming, Artificial Intelligence.
Prior studies on Artificial Swarm Intelligence (ASI) have
shown that by forming real-time “human swarms,” networked
human groups can significantly amplify their accuracy in a wide
variety of forecasting tasks [1- 6] and produce more results than
traditional “Wisdom of Crowd” methods [3]. For example, a
2015 study assessed the ability of human swarms to forecast the
outcome of college football games. A swarm comprised of 75
amateur sports fans, connected by AI algorithms, was tasked
with predicting 10 bowl games at the end of the season. As
individuals, the participants averaged 50% accuracy when
predicting outcomes against the Vegas spread. When forecasting
as a real-time ASI system, those same participants achieved 70%
accuracy against the Vegas spread [2]. Similar increases have
been demonstrated in other studies, including a 5-week study
that tasked human participants, connected as an ASI system,
with predicting 50 consecutive soccer matches in the English
Premier League. Results showed a 31% increase in accuracy
when participants were connected in ASI swarms [4]. The ASI
system also outperformed the BBC’s machine-model known as
“SAM” over the same 50 games. [13].
While prior studies have documented the ability of artificial
swarms to outperform individuals and outperform traditional
Wisdom of Crowd methods across a range of forecasting tasks,
no formal study has compared the predictive ability of artificial
swarms against largescale markets. To address this need, a study
was run to compare human swarms to Vegas betting markets,
assessing the accuracy rates and the financial returns across a
large set of predictions. Specifically, this study required human
participants to forecast the outcome of 200 games in the
National Hockey League (NHL), structured as 10 games per
week for 20 consecutive weeks.
When comparing the accuracy of real-time swarms against
traditional crowd-based methods, it’s worth reviewing the
structural differences between them. The prime differentiator
between “crowds” and “swarms” is that in crowd-based
methods, human participants provide input in isolation for
aggregation in external statistical models, while in swarm-based
methods, human participants “think together” in real-time, their
interactions governed by intelligence algorithms. This means
that swarms are closed-loop systems in which participants act,
react, and interact with each other, converging on optimized
solutions in synchrony. The swarming process is generally
modeled after biological systems such as schools of fish, flocks
of birds, and swarms of bees. The present study uses Swarm AI
technology from Unanimous AI Inc, which is modeled largely
on the decision-making processes of honeybee swarms [4].
As background, the decision-making processes that govern
the behavior of honeybee swarms have been studied since the
1950s and have revealed themselves to be very similar to the
decision-making processes in neurological brains [7-9]. Both
brains and swarms employ large populations of simple excitable
units (i.e., bees and neurons) that operate in parallel to integrate
noisy evidence, weigh competing alternatives, and converge on
decisions in synchrony. In both, outcomes are reached through
real-time competition among sub-populations of excitable units.
When the support generated by one sub-population exceeds a
threshold level, that alternative is chosen. In honeybees, this
enables the group to converge on optimal decisions, picking the
best solution to complex problems 80% of the time [11,12].
Unlike birds and bees and fish, humans have not evolved the
natural ability to form closed-loop systems that enables real-
time swarming. We lack the subtle connections that other
organisms use to establish high speed feedback-loops among
members. Schooling fish detect vibrations in the water around
them. Flocking birds detect subtle motions propagating through
the population. Swarming bees use complex body vibrations
called a “waggle dance.” To enable real-time swarming among
groups of networked humans, specialized software is required to
close the loop among all members.
To address this need, a software platform ( was
developed to enable networked human populations to form real-
time swarms by connecting from anywhere in the world [1].
Modeled on the decision-making process of honeybee swarms,
the cloud-based system enables groups of users to
work in parallel to (a) integrate noisy evidence, (b) weigh
competing alternatives, and (c) converge on decisions in
synchrony, while also allowing all participants to perceive and
react to the changing system in real-time, thereby closing a
feedback loop around the full population of participants.
As shown in Figure 3 below, the human participants of ASI
systems answer questions by moving a graphical puck to select
among a set of alternatives. Each participant provides input by
manipulating a graphical magnet with a mouse, touchscreen, or
other input device. By positioning their magnet with respect to
the moving puck, real-time participants express their personal
intent, impacting the system as a whole. The input from each
user is not a discrete vote, but a continuous stream of vectors
that varies freely over time. Because all members of the
swarming population can adjust their intent fluidly in real-time,
the ASI swarm explores the decision-space, not based on the
input of any individual, but based on the emergent dynamics of
the full system. This enables complex deliberations across all
members at once, empowering the group to collectively explore
all the options and converge upon the one solution that best
represents their combined insights.
Fig. 3. A human swarm choosing between options
It is important to note that participants do not only vary the
direction of their intent, but also modulate the magnitude of their
intent by adjusting the distance between their magnet and the
puck. Because the puck is in continuous motion across the
decision-space, users need to continually move their magnet so
that it stays close to the puck’s outer rim. This is significant, for
it requires participants to be engaged continuously throughout
the decision process, evaluating and re-evaluating their intent. If
they stop adjusting their magnet with respect to the changing
position of the puck, the distance grows and their applied
sentiment wanes.
Thus, like bees vibrating their bodies to express sentiment in
a biological swarm, or neurons firing activation signals to
express conviction levels within a biological neural-network, the
participants in an artificial swarm must continuously update and
express their changing preferences during the decision process,
or lose their influence over the collective outcome. In addition,
intelligence algorithms monitor the behaviors of all swarm
members in real-time, inferring their implied conviction based
upon their relative motions over time. This reveals a range of
behavioral characteristics within the swarm population and
weights their contributions accordingly, from entrenched
participants to flexible participants to fickle participants.
To assess the ability of human swarms to outperform Vegas
betting markets, a formal study was conducted over a 20-week
period using groups of randomly selected human subjects from
a pool of self-reported sports enthusiasts. Each weekly group
consisted of 25 to 36 participants, all of whom logged in
remotely to the cloud-based system. Human subjects
were paid $3.00 for their participation in each weekly session,
which required them to make predictions of the outcome of all
ten hockey games being played that night, participating both as
(a) individuals reporting on a standard online survey, and (b) as
part of a real-time ASI system.
For each hockey game, participants were tasked with
forecasting the winner and the margin of victory, expressed as
either (a) the team win by 1 goal, or (b) the team win by 2 or
more goals. The margins were chosen to match common Vegas
gambling spreads. Figure 4 below shows a snapshot of a human
swarm comprised of 31 participants in the process of predicting
a match between Toronto and Calgary.
Fig. 4. Human Swarm in the process of forecasting an NHL game
As shown in Figure 4, each real-time swarm is tasked with
selecting from among four outcome options, indicating which
team will win and which margin is most likely. Again, the
pparticipants do not cast discrete votes but express their intent
continuously over time, converging together as a system. The
image shown in Figure 4 is a snapshot of the system as it moves
across the decision-space and converges upon an answer, a
process that generally takes between 10 and 60 seconds.
In addition to forecasting each individual game, participants
were asked to identify which of the weekly predictions is the
most likely to be a correct assessment. In other words, which of
the teams forecast to win their games should be deemed the
“pick of the week” by virtue of being the most likely to win their
game. Figure 5 below shown an example ASI system in the
process of identifying the pick of the week.
Fig. 5. Human Swarm in process of identifying “Pick of the Week”
By collecting predictions for each of the 10 weekly games as
well as a top “pick of the week”, forecasting data was collected
across all 20 weeks for accuracy comparison against Vegas
betting markets. To enable ROI comparisons against betting
markets, two standardized betting models were tracked across
the 20-week period. In both models, an initial simulated betting
pool of $100 was created as the starting point for ROI
computations, the pools tracked over the 20-week period.
In “Wagering Model A,” a simple heuristic was defined
which allocated weekly bets equal to 15% of the current betting
pool, dividing it equally across all ten weekly forecasts made by
the ASI system. In “Wagering Model B,” a similar heuristic was
defined which also allocated 15% of the current betting pool for
use in weekly bets, but placed the entire 15% upon the one game
identified as “pick of the week”. Both pots were tracked over
the 20-week period, using actual Vegas payouts to compute
returns. Vegas odds used in this study were captured from, a popular online betting market.
Across the set of 200 games forecast by the ASI system, an
accuracy rate of 61% was achieved. This compares favorably to
the expected accuracy of 55% based on Vegas odds (p=0.0665).
Of course, the more important skill in forecasting sporting
events is identifying which games can be predicted with high
confidence as compared to those games which are too close to
call. This skill is reflected in the “pick of the week” generated
by the ASI system. Across the 20 weeks, the system achieved
85% accuracy in correctly predicting the winner of the “pick of
the week” game. This compares very favorably to the expected
accuracy of 62% based on Vegas odds.
Figure 6 below shows the distribution of Vegas Odds for the
twenty selected “pick of the week” games. As described above,
the swarm-based system had a win rate of 85% across these
same games. This is a significant improvement, equivalent to
reducing the error in Vegas Odds by 61%. The probability that
the swarm outperformed Vegas Odds by chance was extremely
low (p = 0.0057), indicating a highly significant result.
Fig 6. Summary of results across 20 weeks of NHL predictions
In addition, a betting simulation was run for each prediction
set in which 15% of the current bankroll was bet on each
prediction in each week. The performance of this model when
betting against Vegas (and including the Bookie’s cut) is seen
below in Figure 7. Starting with $100 and investing each week
according to this strategy, the Pick of the Week strategy results
in a gain of $270.20, equivalent to a 20-week ROI of 170%, and
a week-over-week average ROI of 5.09%. For comparison,
betting on all of the swarm’s picks evenly (for a total of 15% of
the bankroll) results in $121.82, or a 20-week ROI of 21.8%,
indicating that the swarm is selecting better than randomly
among its picks.
Fig 7. Cumulative Betting Performance across 20 weeks
While the above results are impressive, especially the 170%
ROI over 20 weeks, we can gain additional insight into the
significance of this outcome by comparing against additional
baselines. For example, we can (a) compare these results to
randomly placed bets across all games played as a means of
assessing if the swarm bets across all games are as significant as
they appear, and (b) compare these results to bets placed on the
Vegas favorite each week as a means of assessing if betting on
the swarm’s top picks each week is as impressive as it seems.
These baselines are shown in Figure 8 as the green line and
red line respectively. Looking first at random betting across all
games, the net outcome across 20 weeks was $72.39, which
equates to 28% loss over the test period. This is significantly
worse than the $122 (22% gain) achieved by betting on all
swarm-based forecasts. Even more surprising, betting on the
Vegas favorites each week resulted in a net outcome of $59,
which equates to a 41% loss over the 20-week test period. This
is significantly worse than the $270 (170% gain) achieved by
betting on the swarm’s top picks.
Fig 8. Swarm Performance vs Baseline Performance across 20 weeks
Can real-time “human swarms” outperform the predictive
abilities of largescale betting markets? The results of this study
suggest this may be the case. As shown across a set of 200 NHL
games during the 2017-2018 hockey season, an ASI system
comprised of 25 to 36 average sports fans, connected by
intelligence algorithms, significantly out-performed Vegas in
predictive accuracy. The results were strongest when the ASI
system was tasked with identifying a “pick of the week” as the
most likely game to achieve the predicted outcome. Across the
20 weeks, the system achieved 85% accuracy when predicting
the “pick of the week”, which compares very favorably to the
expected accuracy of 62% based on Vegas odds. The probability
that the system outperformed Vegas by chance was extremely
low (p = 0.0057), indicating a highly significant result.
In addition, when using the “pick of the week” as part of an
automated wagering heuristic, a simulated betting pool that
began at $100 at the start of the experiment, increased to $270
over the 20-week period based on the swarm-based predictions.
This corresponds to an impressive return on investment (ROI)
of 170% across the testing period. Additional work is being
conducted to optimize this heuristic, as there appears to be room
for improvement when generating Vegas wagers based on a
swarm-based predictive intelligence.
We greatly appreciate the efforts of Chris Hornbostel and
David Baltaxe for coordinating human participants in weekly
sessions. We also acknowledge Unanimous AI for providing
access to the platform.
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