
Diversité de l’entomofaune du niébé (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers) au Nord-Ouest du Bénin

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... approach proposed by PRONAF (2000) which consists in extracting and applying the solution of neem seeds at the frequency of four treatments at the rate of one treatment per week during the flowering-fruiting of cowpea, tomato, pepper and spinach against insects must be promot as far as for cowpea. As cowpea agroecosystems are full of numerous parasitoids and predators (Bello et al., 2018), the use of botanical pesticides ensures the conservation of natural enemies through the management of crop habitats as sp by PRONAF (2000). These results of this study relating to methods of cowpea protection based on the least harmful pesticides possible for human health and the environment, are within the reach of small producers. ...
... The PRONAF (2000) which consists in extracting and applying the solution of neem seeds at the frequency of four treatments at the rate of one treatment per fruiting of cowpea, tomato, pepper and spinach against insects must be promoted for these crops as far as for cowpea. As cowpea agroecosystems are full of numerous parasitoids and predators (Bello et al., 2018), the use of botanical pesticides ensures the conservation of natural enemies through the management of crop habitats as specified by PRONAF (2000). These results of this study relating to methods of cowpea protection based on the least harmful pesticides possible for human health and the environment, are within the reach of small producers. ...
The present study allowed evaluating the efficacy of five plant water extracts on aphids and the yield of six cowpea's cultivars in three villages of the northwest region of Benin. The five aqueous extracts made with Hyptis suaveolens, Azadirachta indica, Manihot esculenta, Thevetia neriifolia and Cymbopogon nardus have been compared to the control treatment without product with six producers in a scattered experimental randomized blocks. The number of aphids present on the cowpea plants at 27, 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 days after sowing, and the cowpea seeds yield was estimated. Results indicated that aqueous extracts of Thevetia neriifolia, Azadirachta indica, Hyptis suaveolens and of cassava have very significantly (p < 0.001) reduced the populations of aphids. Katché péha, Kpodjiguèguè, Katché sôwôho and Toura pera are been the least attacked by pests. Aqueous extracts of Thevetia neriifolia, Hyptis suaveolens, Azadirachta indica, cassava, Cymbopogon nardus and the control led in this order, decreasing seeds yields from 886 kg/ha to 387 kg/ha. Seeds yields of cultivars Katché péha, Kpodjiguèguè, Katché sôwôho, Toura pera, Katché péha nan soorii and Katché Sénégal were very significantly (p < 0,001) variable in this order, from 747.50 kg/ha to 519 kg/ha. These aqueous extracts should be tested on thrips and on the bugs as well as for the future of the seeds in stock for a good protection of cowpea.
... The results of the on-station experiment showed that the Vigna unguiculata and the Ocimum gratissimum attract predators more even if the effect is not significant. Vigna's fields include a strong community of arthropods and are susceptible to many pests that are associated with generalist predators (Bello et al. 2018). For this, in our study, Vigna unguiculata is a leguminous plant and attracted many generalist predators who also participate in the control of banana pests. ...
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In Africa, mixed cropping and intercropping are widely practiced, boosting the provision of ecosystem services such as improved pest control, nutrient cycling, and systems profitability. This study aimed at characterizing the role of associated crops in organic banana and plantain cropping systems and investigating their contribution to pest control and improved productivity of the system. The type of associated crops, crop productivity/profitability, and arthropod communities were assessed in 12 organic banana farmer’s fields randomly selected. The attractiveness potential of predator arthropods in the plots of three vegetable species and cowpea associated with organic plantains was evaluated using an experimental site. In total, 2112 arthropod specimens were collected in organic banana farms including 975 individuals of predatory arthropods. The abundance of several predators including seven-spot ladybird Coccinella septempunctata, staphylinids Staphylinus sp., ants Camponotus sp., spiders Araneus sp. and some herbivore species variegated locust Zonocerus variegatus and vegetable leafminer Liriomyza sativae was manly observed in the gardens. The abundance of the three pest herbivores Chaetanaphothrips, Southern Green Stink Bug Nezara viridula, and Diabrotica virgifera were lower in the presence of associated plant species. Mixed gardens (or intercrops) had a significant effect on the overall productivity and financial profitability of the banana and plantain cropping systems. Groundnut and banana and plantain associations had the highest average gross margin per hectare followed by association with maize. In the experimental site, the predator abundance was highest on Vernonia amygdalina followed by Vigna unguiculata and Ocimum gratissimum. These Findings show out interesting banana and crop association which could help to implement strategies for sustainable ecological pest management.
... Au Bénin, (Chilcutt & Tabashnik, 1997) ont montré que sur 11 cultures maraîchères principalement cultivées au Sud du pays, le chou, Brassica oleracea L. (Capparales : Brassicaceae), est l'une des cultures les plus attaquées par un complexe de ravageurs composé de Plutella xylostella, de Hellula undalis et de Lipaphis erysimi. A l'instar du cotonnier (Djihinto et al., 2017), et du niébé (Bello et al., 2018;Bello et al., 2019a;Bello et al., 2019b;Bello et al., 2020a;Bello et al., 2020b), la pression exercée par les bioagresseurs constitue un frein majeur à l'augmentation de la productivité et à l'amélioration de la qualité de la production de chou (Idrissou-Touré et al., 2017). ...
... Il contribu e ainsi à la réduction de la pauvret é et l' amélioration de la sécurit é ali ment aire (SINGH et al., 1990 ). P ar aill eurs , le niéb é est gén éralement préféré par les agricult eurs en raison de son rôl e dans l'augment ation de la ferti lit é du sol par la fixati on de l' azot e (ASIWE , 20 06). Tou tefois, la culture du niéb é est sujette à des contraint es biotiques telles qu e les malad ies bactérienn es, fon giques , v irales , l es ins ectes ravageurs et les pl ant es parasites (SINGH et ALLEN, 1979;OYEWALE et BAMA IYI, 2013;TRAO RE et al., 2013;ISSOU FOU et al ., 2 017;BELLO et al ., 2018). P armi ces insect es ravageu rs, les pu cerons, les lépidoptères et les pun ais es peuvent caus er jusqu' à 90% de perte, ce qui expl iqu erait souvent le faib le rendement de cett e cultu re (ABDOU RAHAMANE et al., 2019 ). ...
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Le niébé, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., est une légumineuse d’importance alimentaire et économique en Afrique. Cependant, le rendement de cette culture est faible en raison d’attaques des insectes ravageurs au champ et en stockage. Cette étude a été conduite pour tester l’efficacité biologique de trois biopesticides à base d’extraits de neem (Zadirachta indica (A.) Juss.) contre les insectes ravageurs du niébé au champ. Pour ce faire, un dispositif en carré latin d’une superficie de 400 m2 constitué de 4 blocs contenant chacun 4 unités expérimentales, a été mis en place. Quatre traitements ont été appliqués : le T0 (témoin, sans traitement), le T1 (solution aqueuse à base d’huile de neem), le T2 (solution aqueuse de feuilles de neem) et le T3 (solution aqueuse de graines de neem). Les résultats ont montré trois ordres d’insectes capturés dans les parcelles d’étude : les Hemiptera (punaises et pucerons), les Lepidoptera (Maruca vitrata) et les Thysanoptera (thrips). Ces insectes étaient plus abondants dans les parcelles témoins non traitées (T0) par rapport aux parcelles traitées aux extraits de neem (T1, T2 et T3). En outre, les résultats obtenus avec les extraits de neem, ont montré des taux d’infestations différents au niveau des feuilles (5,75% à 10,33%) et des fleurs (8-10,25%) (p<0,01) de niébé. Les comparaisons multiples des taux d’infestation, ont révélé que les unités expérimentales ayant été traitées avec le T2 ont enregistré moins d’attaques sur les feuilles et fleurs de niébé par rapport aux autres traitements (p<0,05). De plus, le rendement en grains de niébé était également amélioré avec le traitement T2 (p<0,001). En somme, l’ensemble des résultats semblent confirmer que le traitement à base de la solution aqueuse de feuilles de neem ou traitement T2 est plus efficace. A l’issue de cette étude, l’utilisation de la solution aqueuse de feuille de neem comme stratégie de lutte alternative aux pesticides de synthèse contre les insectes ravageurs du niébé, est à encourager en milieu paysan.
... In North-west of Benin, Bello et al. (2018) studied the diversity of the (Vigna unguiculata) entomofona and identified 39 genes and 39 species divided in to 8 orders and 27 insects families in this crop, specifying that the most abundant order is Coleoptera which has a frequency of 33%, followed by order of Lepidoptera with 18%. Bouabida et al. (2019) note that Pieris brassicae is captured by the sweep net with a frequency of 6.55%. ...
... Elsewhere, Bello et al. (2018), have harvested 39 gender and 39 species on the different plots of cowpeas, the beetles of 13 species are the most dominant with a frequency of 33%. , harvested using yellow traps 34,073 insects distributed in 10 order and 65 families in the zucchini culture and 32,790 insects distributed in 10 order and 68 families. ...
The present study allowed evaluating efficacy of five plants' water extracts with insecticidal and or repellent effects, applied in vegetation against pea beetles, on damages of six cowpea cultivars seeds stocked in gourd and canary with ash. It involved six producers of three villages of the commune of Djougou located in the northwest of Benin. Water extracts were made with Hyptis suaveolens, Azadirachta indica, Manihot esculenta, Thevetia neriifolia and Cymbopogon nardus. The experimental design is the model of Fisher with five repetitions. Collected data are the weight and the number of damaged seeds of cowpea which were observed at 30 days after storage, expressed as the percentage of initial values putted into storage. They were submitted to the two ways, namely cultivar with six levels and water extract with six levels, analysis of variance. Results indicated that the use of water extracts allowed reducing very very significantly (p < 0.0001) pea beetles damages on cowpea seeds. Water extracts of Thevetia neriifolia is the most effective. Cultivar Katché peha was the less attacked, followed by Katché sôwôho and Katché Sénégal. Cultivars Kpodjiguèguè and Katché peha nan soôrii are moderately attacked while Toura pera has been the most attacked. A pest management against cowpea pea beetles based on the using of botanical water extracts and the varietal resistance may be considered.
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La Commune de Djakotomey, longtemps consideree comme une zone cotonniere du Sud-Benin constitue de nos jours une region de production de tomate par excellence. Dans le but de contribuer a l’amelioration de la production de cette culture dans la Commune, la presente etude a permis d’etablir une liste des insectes ravageurs et utiles pullulant dans les champs de tomate. Les insectes, collectes a l’aide de 3 methodes actives de piegeage, ont ete identifies avec l’aide des specialistes du museum entomologique de l’Institut International d’Agriculture Tropicale (IITA) Benin. L’inventaire a montre que les insectes infeodes a la culture de la tomate dans la Commune varient en abondance et en diversite. Au total, 37 genres et especes d’insectes ont ete identifies. Ces insectes appartiennent a neuf ordres et 26 familles. Bien que la majorite de ces insectes soit des ravageurs de la culture de tomate, on note la presence de quelques predateurs et pollinisateurs. Les donnees ainsi collectees constituent une base dans la connaissance preliminaire de l’entomofaune de la culture de tomate dans la commune et peuvent ainsi servir a la conception de strategies de lutte contre les ravageurs.
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Le niébé (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) est une légumineuse très cultivée et consommée au Bénin. Sa diversité reste encore peu connue et l’utilisation des variétés traditionnelles disponibles à des fins de sélection exige une bonne connaissance de leurs caractéristiques agronomiques, technologiques et culinaires. Pour cette raison, 124 variétés traditionnelles collectées dans différentes localités ont été évaluées sur la base de 11 variables quantitatives et 12 variables qualitatives dans un dispositif de blocs complètement aléatoire (BCA) à trois répétitions. Parmi les caractères qualitatifs, la collection analysée fait montre d’une importante variabilité (42 morphotypes) pour le port de la tige, la pigmentation de la plante, la couleur des fleurs, la forme des folioles, la couleur des gousses, la taille, la couleur et la formes des graines. L’analyse en composante principale (ACP) des variables quantitatives a révélé 4 groupes au sein de la collection dont le groupe (G1) rassemble la plupart des variétés très performantes (cycle court, nombre de gousses élevé par plante, grains gros et lourds, rendements supérieurs à 2 tonnes à l’hectare) comme Catché godonou, Ewaoloy, Gbolékpomin, Kaki et Yanbodo qu’on peut utiliser dans les programmes de sélection. Une corrélation positive significative est observée entre le rendement par plante de niébé et le nombre de gousses par plant (Ngs), la longueur des gousses (LGs) et le poids de 100 graines (P100G). Ces données exploitables pour la sélection de variétés améliorées et la gestion des ressources génétiques du niébé doivent être encore complétées par lacaractérisation moléculaire.Mots clés : Bénin, diversité, niébé, rendement, variabilité morphologique.
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Arthropod assemblages were monitored on cowpea during the 2008/2009 cropping season in the Transkei area of South Africa. A total of 5953 insects belonging to 21 species, in 12 families and 5 orders (Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera) were counted from 18 observations on cowpea from seedling to maturity. Aphids, Lepidoptera larvae, blister beetles and pod-sucking bugs accounted for high levels of population infestations, persistence and overall damage inflicted on the crop. Natural enemies recorded during the study were ladybird beetles, wasps, assassin bugs and spiders. Insect pest activity was much concentrated between eight and thirteen weeks after sowing (WAS) corresponding to flower budding and pod formation stages of cowpea respectively. Results from this study have significant implications for the integrated control of the insect pest complex of cowpea in sub-tropical agro ecosystems.
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Cowpea is one of the major food crops contributing to food security and poverty alleviation in Benin. In order to identify performing varieties that could meet producers' and consumers' needs, and to collect ethnobotanical data that will help preserving varietal diversity, twenty eight (28) villages randomly selected in southern Benin were surveyed using participatory research appraisal. The survey revealed the existence of a non-negligible diversity of cowpea varieties in the study zone. Subject to synonymy, 92 farmer-named varieties were identified and the Shannon–Weaver diversity index (H) was estimated at 3.31. The number of varieties recorded varied from 7 to 16 per village (9 on average) and from 1 to 6 per household (3 on average). The distribution and extent analysis revealed that many varieties were being disappeared leading to a production mainly concentrated on a small number (4 on average per village) of varieties cultivated by many households and on large areas. The average rate of diversity loss was 28%. A participatory agronomic and culinary evaluation of the varieties carried out with 12 parameters yielded 3 to 76 varieties per evaluation traits. The less provided evaluation traits were tolerance to field insects, diseases, weeds and storage insects with only 3, 5, 6 and 10 varieties respectively. Based on the agronomic and culinary variables used, the 92 varieties recorded were grouped into 54 different units consisted of 1 to 11 varieties. Farmers' preference criteria were identified and prioritized for use by eventual breeding and variety exchange programmes. Identified varieties were collected and their characterization was recommended.
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Field experiments were conducted during 2010/2011 to determine the interrelationship and path coefficient analysis of growth characters to seed yield. The experiment was laid out in 7 x 7 triple lattice designs at Haramaya University research farm, Dire Dawa. Seed yield exhibited positive and significant environmental correlation with number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, days to 50% flowering, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod and plant height. Path analysis revealed that, yield per plant exerted the maximum positive direct effect on seed yield followed by number of pods per plant, while number of secondary branches per plant, days to flowering, days to maturity and number of seed per pod exhibited negative direct effect phenotypically. In addition, genotypic path analysis revealed that, maximum direct effect on seed yield was exerted by number of pods per plant and yield per plant. However, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of secondary branches per plant and number of seed per pod exerted negative direct effect on seed yield. Thus, yield per plant and number of pods per plant could be used as a selection index for cowpea improvement.
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Jatropha curcas is a pantro pical shrub. It is mono- ecious and protandrous. The ratio of male to female flowers is 29 : 1. Both flower sexes open synchro- nously. The sexual system facilitates geitono gamy and xenogamy. The flower visitors include bees, ants, thrips and flies; bees and flies effect geitonogamy and xeno- gamy, while ants and thrips effect only geitonogamy. The fruiting behaviour indicates that the plant might selectively eliminate the growing offspring, e specially geitonogamous fruit to allocate the resources available to the plant, mostly for xenogamous fruit. The ability to self -pollinate through geitonogamy is considered to be adaptive for J. curcas for colonization. MONOECISM, the production of separate male and female flowers on the same plant, is relatively a common s exual system among flowering plants. It is widely prevalent in the members of Euphorbiaceae. Bullock 1 reported monoecy in the members of Euphorbia, Phyllanthus, Argythamnia, Chamaesyce, Cnidoscolus and Croton, and dioecy in Jat- ropha species. Studies made on the pollination ecology of some Euphorbiaceae species in Visakh apatnam region show that Cicca acida, Emblica officinalis 2
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Possible mechanisms of resistance to the bean flower thrips (BFT) M. sjostedti (Trybom) in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. genotype TVx 3236 were studied in field and screenhouse experiments. Nonpreference was evaluated through measuring differences in populations and damage of BFT on TVx 3236 compared with susceptible genotypes. TVx 3236 consistently had lower thrips populations in field experiments, and was observed to sustain less damage in screenhouse choicefeeding. Antibiosis was evaluated through rearing thrips on flower buds of TVx 3236 and a susceptible standard (VITA7), and antibiosis was manifested by extended immature developmental period and decreased survival of adults. Nonpreference and antibiosis are discussed as modalities underlying the resistance of TVx 3236.
A method for assessing the damage by insect pests to cowpeas is presented. A crop life table for cowpeas grown in northern Nigeria shows the estimated losses due to insect attack at various stages of growth of the plants. The potential loss in yield due to insects is over 90%, with 70% of this loss occuring during the flowering and pod formation stages.
Crops of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ) in Northern Nigeria are normally subject to such heavy attack by insects that the potential yields are seldom realised. The most important pests are Maruca testulalis (Geyer), which damages flowers and pods, Piezotrachelus varium (Wagn.), which attacks seeds, and the Coreids Acanthomia brevirostris Stål, A. horrida (Germ.), Anoplocnemis curvipes (F.) and Mirperus jaculus (Thnb.), all of which destroy pods. Pests that attack the pre-flowering stages of the cowpea are economically less important. Field surveys showed that, in 1961, Maruca testulalis, P. varium and Coreids together destroyed 62, 92 and 19 per cent, of the potential crop of seed from sowings in June, July and August, respectively. The corresponding percentages for 1962 were 55, 75 and 29, respectively. The effectiveness of insecticides in the control of the pests that attack after flowering has commenced was investigated in field trials at Samaru, Northern Nigeria, in 1961–63. The results showed that large increases in yield could be obtained by spray treatments starting at the first appearance of the flowers. The best of these, consisting of 1 lb. DDT with 0·1 lb. BHC per acre applied six times at weekly intervals, gave an average yield over the five trials of 1,623 lb. dry seed per acre, which is a substantial increase over the estimated national average of 158 lb. per acre. Three applications of DDT/BHC, and six or three applications of Sevin at 1 lb. per acre, gave poorer results on the whole. Insecticidal treatment reduced the incidence of all pests and led to a corresponding reduction in flower losses. It also compressed the flowering period, induced earlier flowering and pod production, and caused the bulk of the crop to mature at one time. Haulm production was also reduced, and crops grown for haulms rather than for seed should therefore not be treated with insecticides.
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Agronomic traits of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) populations cultivated in Benin
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Comportement agronomique de quelques variétés de niébé à cycle précoce dans les basfonds rizicoles au Centre-Bénin
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