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Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study

  • Bengal School of Technology and Management

Abstract and Figures

In a rapidly changing era, entrepreneurs, as well as marketers, need to be up to date with the change in the business environment or they may have to face the risk of being obsolete. Days are long past when a conventional business model used to grow fast and get success. In the era of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram, social marketing has evolved as an integral part of marketing strategy. It is all most impossible to think of a marketing strategy without taking into account the importance of social media. Adopting some form of online promotion through social media has become essential for all business houses. In an industry where trends are changing in faster than light, adoption of social network marketing is very vital for companies to survive in that race. In this paper, the researcher has tried to find out the importance and effectiveness of social media as a marketing and promotional tool. An attempt has been made to analyze the extent of influence of social media as a buying decision maker. The paper also tries to find out the role of gender biases. The gap between the customer's expectation and social media performance is also attempted to find out. Abstract-In a rapidly changing era, entrepreneurs, as well as marketers, need to be up to date with the change in the business environment or they may have to face the risk of being obsolete. Days are long past when a conventional business model used to grow fast and get success. In the era of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram, social marketing has evolved as an integral part of marketing strategy. It is all most impossible to think of a marketing strategy without taking into account the importance of social media. Adopting some form of online promotion through social media has become essential for all business houses. In an industry where trends are changing in faster than light, adoption of social network marketing is very vital for companies to survive in that race. In this paper, the researcher has tried to find out the importance and effectiveness of social media as a marketing and promotional tool. An attempt has been made to analyze the extent of influence of social media as a buying decision maker. The paper also tries to find out the role of gender biases. The gap between the customer's expectation and social media performance is also attempted to find out. At the end, strategies have been recommended by the researcher for maximizing the effectiveness of social media as a promotional tool.
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© 2019. Dr. Moloy Ghoshal. This is a research/review paper, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
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Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business- An
Empirical Study
By Dr. Moloy Ghoshal
In a rapidly changing era, entrepreneurs, as well as marketers, need to be up to date with the
change in the business environment or they may have to face the risk of being obsolete. Days are long
past when a conventional business model used to grow fast and get success. In the era of Facebook,
WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram, social marketing has evolved as an integral part of marketing strategy.
It is all most impossible to think of a marketing strategy without taking into account the importance of
social media. Adopting some form of online promotion through social media has become essential for all
business houses. In an industry where trends are changing in faster than light, adoption of social network
marketing is very vital for companies to survive in that race.
In this paper, the researcher has tried to find out the importance and effectiveness of social media
as a marketing and promotional tool. An attempt has been made to analyze the extent of influence of
social media as a buying decision maker. The paper also tries to find out the role of gender biases. The
gap between the customer’s expectation and social media performance is also attempted to find out.
brand loyalty; promotional tool; marketing strategy; social media marketing (SMM); social
site; social media; online branding.
GJMBR-E Classification:
Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of:
Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E
Volume 19 Issue 1 Version 1.0 Year 2019
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal
Publisher: Global Journals
Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853
JEL Code: M37
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote
Business- An Empirical Study
Dr. Moloy Ghoshal
In a rapidly changing era, entrepreneurs, as well as
marketers, need to be up to date with the change in the
business environment or they may have to face the risk of
being obsolete. Days are long past when a conventional
business model used to grow fast and get success. In the era
of Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram, social
marketing has evolved as an integral part of marketing
strategy. It is all most impossible to think of a marketing
strategy without taking into account the importance of social
media. Adopting some form
of online promotion through
social media has become essential for all business houses. In
an industry where trends are changing in faster than light,
adoption of social network marketing is very vital for
companies to survive in that race.
In this paper, the researcher has tried to find out the
importance and effectiveness of social media as a marketing
and promotional tool. An attempt has been made to analyze
the extent of influence of social media as a buying decision
maker. The paper also tries to find
out the role of gender
biases. The gap between the customer’s expectation and
social media performance is also attempted to find out. At the
end, strategies have been recommended by the researcher for
maximizing the effectiveness of social media as a promotional
brand loyalty; promotional tool; marketing
strategy; social media marketing (SMM); social
networking site; social media; online branding.
fter the liberalization in Indian Economy Policy, in
1991, we, as customers experienced a radical
change in our daily life, as well as in market place.
The introduction of MNCs, along with their world-class
products, with a very competitive price; the living
standard of common Indian has raised a lot. The
introduction of modern computers, laptop, tablet,
internet, e-commerce, and m-commerce has had a
tremendous impact on how business operates and
As more and more new technologies are
available, businesses houses willing to adopt them will
gain big leverage over its competitor. Companies like,
Microsoft, eBay, Amazon, Facebook, Google are ruling
the world because they have adopted the changes in
technology keeping in view of customer’s expectations
and conveniences.
Along with the evolution of IT-based companies,
social media has become one of the most booming
sectors where youth are the major users and followers of
such media. Social Media Marketing (SMM) has
become the hottest medium of promotion for most of
the companies irrespective of the private sector or
public sector. Most of the entrepreneurs micro or small,
medium or big, are using social media for promotion as
well as for lead generation. Entrepreneurs have realized
the power of social media and its role in building brand
image and customer relationship.
Human, by birth, is social in nature and
collection & sharing of information is a part of his life
style. Technology has removed the physical distance
barrier and made it very quick and easy to connect with
people living different part of the nation or even in the
world. With the help of social network sites, it is easy to
stay in touch with old friends and relatives, living in a
distanced place. Social media marketers have
understood this fact and are focusing on this business
strategy to reap profit by exploiting this new platform.
With time, the lives of people are becoming
more and more dependent on technologies even for
their basic communication. Now a day social networking
sites are affecting our daily life considerably, and are
commanding major portion of time in our daily life.
Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, are influencing
our thinking process, socialization, and leisure time.
What is more shocking and astonishing is that the youth
of today are spending even more than ten hours on
social networking sites. They prefer to watch advertising
and product promotion on different social network sites
on their Smartphone rather than on conventional
Customers, these days are more information-
savvy about a product or service, before they make a
purchase decision. Features like users review, expert
opinion, peer review, critic’s opinion in network sites are
becoming more influencing factors in decision making
rather than conventional advertising and sales
promotion. Now a day, the customer has the power to
talk about a brand and post his opinion about the
product and service on the company’s web page and
social media also. Therefore companies have no choice
but to accept the influence of social marketing and
handle them with special care and respect.
19 Global Journals
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Author: Associate Professor, Delhi School of Professional Studies and
Research (DSPSR), New Delhi, India.
e-mails:, Due to such a tremendous influence on
customers’ purchase decision making, every business
now days needs to leverage proper social media
channel in the best possible ways. By giving your
business brand a social media touch, you not only
generate more profit but also connect with new
customers better and serve them on a higher level. It
makes digital marketing easier.
The tremendous growth rate of social media
and galloping increase in users on social media on a
mobile device is encouraging companies to use
Facebook, twitter, instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and
Google+ for advertising and promoting their products
and services.
Kalpana and Haenlein, (2010), defined social
media, as a group of internet based applications that
build on ideological and technological foundation of
web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user
generation content.
O. Reilly, (2005) defined social media as;
“social media is a broad term which describes software
tools to create user-generated content that can be
How well consumers perceived the
effectiveness of social media can be measured by a
feature known as Customers’ Sentiment towards
Marketing (CSM). CMS is a concept that
refers to the
general feeling of customers towards marketing and
market place (Lawson et al. 2001 as cited by
Mady, 2011).
Basher et al. (2012) in their empirical research,
based on Delhi and NCR, concluded that social
marketing as a promotional tool, will be effective only if it
will provide concrete and timely information wanted by
the customers with an aim to bridge the gap between
expectation and reality.
Mady (2011) discussed the importance of
customer’s perception on overall marketing activities
regardless of their active participation in consumption.
He also explained the process of adoption towards
innovation; according to him; it is a tool that provides
information about customer’s readiness towards
acceptance of new technology.
Perceive fit is another factor that marketers can
consider for social media shopping. It is the degree of
similarity between an existing product with it’s extended
new version, affiliated to a recognized brand, (Del
Vecchio & Smith as cited by Cha, 2009).
Now a day’s social media is not a mere platform
to stay connected with friends, peers, and family but it
has become a strong medium of promotion for
companies. In this platform consumers learn more
about their preferred companies; their products and
Marketers and retailers should utilize these sites
more effectively, and professionally as a media to reach
their customers and provide a new experience of
The technology related development like the
introduction of powerful search engine, Smartphone,
different user-friendly apps, availability of high-speed
internet with reasonable or very low price, social network
medium has extended marketers ability to reach
shoppers through new touch points, (Shankar et
al. 2011).
Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing is another
term used by the marketer to promote a product. It is an
un-paid form of publicity where users of the product are
the campaigner of the company. Castronovo and Huang
(2012) in their study on alternative marketing
communication discussed the importance of social
media and word of mouth communication as an integral
part of integrated marketing communication.
Perceive fit is another factor that marketers can
consider for social media shopping. It is the amount of
similarity between an existing product and an extended
product category affiliated with a brand (Del Vecchio
&Smith as cited by Cha, 2009).
Aaker & Keller (1990), stated that perceived fit
is, the extend of consumers perception towards a new
version of an existing product and its consistency with
the old one.
a) Virtual Brand Community (VBC)
A brand community is a specialized non-
geographical community based on a structured set of
social relationships among admirers of a brand, (Royo-
Vella, Casamassima, 2011).
Muniz and O, Guinn, cited by Georgi and Mink,
2012, described VBC as an aggregation of consumers
that occurs on the internet as because of their interest in
some brand or product.
According to Gasol, Favian, and Guinaliu, 2008;
a brand community is a group of people who share the
same interest in a particular brand or product.
Muniz & Jensen, (2007) described VBC as a
site of complex brand meaning, creation and
consumption efforts.
Gasol, Favian, and Guinaliu (2008) founded that
members of VBC who are very active in this group and
have a positive experience are more loyal toward a
brand as compared to others.
Cha, (2009), concluded that security is a major
reasons concerned by customers to express their
opinion towards social network sites, therefore,
impacting trust in such media.
b) Consumers Attitude/ Motives
These days, it is most vital for entrepreneurs
and distributors to focus on the factors that build
customers attitude; as on social media, customers are
19 Global Journals1
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
actively creating contents about a brand, something
previously controlled solely by the company, (Heinonen,
Chu, (2011), examined the link between
Facebook brand related group participation, responses
towards advertising, psychological factors of self-
disclosure and attitude amongst members and
nonmembers of different social media groups. He
concluded that those who are active members to a
particulars group have a more favorable attitude
towards social media and advertisements on this media.
Cox, (2010) has found the correlation between
attitude and age. Based on his finding he concluded
that people fall in the age bracket of 18-24, are more
attracted and active in blogs, videos on social media like
YouTube, Facebook, Snap deal, Instagram; as they find
it most eye- catching.
With ever increasing development of social
media and the subsequent advantages that come with it
such as vast reach, low cost, and high communication
efficiency, companies of all size have been hiring
marketers who are very eager to learn about, create,
and facilitate virtual brand communities. LaRoche,
Habibi, Richard, and Sankarnarayanan, (2012) listed
several other reasons behind such interest in virtual
brand communities: the rapid dissemination of
information, influencing customers evaluation, learning
customers perception of new products and most
importantly gaining a holy grail of loyal customer.
c) User-generated Content
Consumers now a day play an increasingly
active and important role in the marketing cycle. Photo
editing apps such as camera +, and VSCO, enable
everyday people to produce and post high-quality
images to the internet. User-generated content, also
known as UGC, is a rich resource waiting to be tapped
into by the business.
According to Gonzalez, (2010) social media
provides never- ending avenue for communication; it is
the individual who serves as the influencer, not the
technology. According to Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010,
UGC describes the sum of all ways in which people
make use of social media, and usually applied to
describe the various forms of media content that are
publically available and created by end users.
Viral Advertising
Viral advertising or viral marketing is a more
popular business strategy that uses the social network
to promote their products. According to Poter and Allen,
cited by Chu, 2011, viral advertising is an unpaid peer to
peer communication about a product using the internet
to influence the targeted customers.
Just like a virus spreads from one person to
another, viral marketing is circulated by companies
through social networking sites as a medium, and in
most of the cases, sponsored by the companies.
Bampo et al, (2008), in their finding confirmed
that social network marketing plays a critical role in
spreading a viral message.
Bajpai and Pandey (2012) examined how viral
marketing put its mark as a new concept of product
promotion and concluded that it is in the stage of
infancy and marketers still have to learn a lot to make it
more effective.
e) Objectives of the Study
1. To examine whether there exists any role of gender
in attitude building, perception creation, and
purchase decision making based on social media
2. To study the gap between consumer’s perception
about social media and its performance to meet the
3. To suggest strategies to fill the gap between
customers expectation, and the performance of
social media.
Formulation of Hypothesis
Keeping in view the objectives of the study, the
following hypotheses were formulated:
There is a significant difference in attitude between
male and female towards social media advertisement.
There is no significant difference in attitude
between male and female towards social media
There is a significant difference in perception of
advertisement utility in social media between male and
is no significant difference in perception of
advertisement utility in social media between male and
There is a significant difference between social
media performance and the expectation of consumers,
in promotion of brand of consumer’s durable and luxury
There is no significant difference between social
media performance and the expectation of consumers
in promotion of brand of consumer’s durable and luxury
There is a significant difference between male and
female in decision making related to their purchase
either FMCG, Consumers’ durable, apparel, and luxury
products through social media.
There is no significant difference between male and
female in decision making related to their purchase
either FMCG, Consumers’ durable, apparel, and luxury
products through social media.
19 Global Journals
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
III. Research Methodology
A descriptive research methodology technique
was applied to collect the data. A questionnaire was
designed to collect the view of the respondents about
the influence of social media in consumer’s buying
decision. The questionnaire was divided into two parts,
Part-I, and Part-II. Part-I contains questions related to
respondents demographic information and its usages
pattern, whereas Part-II have a series of close-ended
questions based on the impact of social media in the
purchase decision and their expectation from
such media.
A pilot survey was conducted taking five
respondents from each age group, and the shortfalls of
the questionnaire were met. Then the questionnaire was
put over Google docs and a link was shared with the
users of social media through mail for the purpose of
data collection. The link was also posted on various
social network sites like Facebook, WhatsApp, and
LinkedIn etc. The respondents and the users of social
network sites were also requested to share the link from
their own profile. The researcher has used a non-
probability convenience sampling. For visual
representation of findings and results; bar charts, pie
chart, and table has been used as a descriptive analysis
tool. To prove the hypothesis, SPSS 20 software was
used and the independent T-test has been performed.
a) Descriptive Statistics
Table 1.1: Profile of respondents
Variable Classification Total number Percentage
Gender Male 85 56.7
Female 65 43.3
18-30 70 46.7
31-50 50 33.3
51-70 30 20
From table-1.1, we can observe that out of 150
respondents, 85 respondents are male, and 65
respondents are female.
As per Govt. of India age categorization, the
researcher has considered the respondents having age
in between 18-30 years will be in the youth category.
Seventy respondents out of one hundred and fifty, i.e.,
46.7 percent respondents as per the tabular data, fall in
this category of youth. Fifty respondents are in between
the age of 31-50 years and are of the middle age group
peopled. Rest thirty respondents are within the age
bracket of old peopled.
Table 1.2: Preference of social media
Frequency Percent Valid percent Cumulative percent
Facebook 63 41.7 42.0 42.0
linkedin 26 17.2 17.3 59.3
instagram 20 13.2 13.3 72.7
snapchat 34 22.5 22.7 95.3
twitter 7 4.6 4.7 100.0
Total 150 99.3 100.0
Missing System 1 .7
Total 151 100.0
From the above table-1.2, we can interpret that
Facebook is the leading social media network site, as
supported by the finding of Jati and Mohanty (2012) and
Bhagwant and Goutam, (2013). Snapchat and LinkedIn
are also at the top of the list with 22.5 percent and 17.2
percent preference share.
19 Global Journals1
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
Table 1.3: Motivational factors behind following a brand or joining a brand page
Variable Total N
Motivation to follow a brand or
join a brand page
Brand name invitation/ advertising
Friends invitation
Personal research
Loyalty towards the brand
Motivational factor for social media users joining
or following a brand in social network platforms varies
from user to user. From table-1.3, we can see that the
main reason for fans to join a brand page or brand is
based on the brand name of the product. Advertising
and friends invitation do also play an important role in
selection of a brand or a product. Personal search is
another important factor of public preference towards a
brand page.
Thus we can interpret that easy availability of
the brand name in a search engine is crucial
consideration for companies to be kept in mind. Brand
loyal consumers purchase a product again and again;
market the brand directly or indirectly by talking positive
words amongst their friends and peers. It is known as
Word of Mouth (WoM) communication about a brand or
a product, and is considered to be the most effective
tool for a purchase decision making, especially for a
technical and costly product.
Social networking sites are the new customer
relationship management (CRM) medium where
consumers have a feeling of exclusiveness. The
attachment towards a particular company or brand is
the key motivators to advocate about it.
Time Dedicated for Socializations
Table 1.4:
Time spend in social media.
Valid percent
Cumulative percent
less than 1 hr
1-2 hrs
2-3 hrs
3 hrs and above
In these days, social networking has become an
important aspect of lifestyle. People are spending more
than five to six hours browsing on the net or social
networks. From table-1.4, we can see the importance of
social network marketing as an effective tool for
promotional strategy, as more than 2/3 of the
respondents are spending more and more hours in a
day on different social network sites.
19 Global Journals
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
c) The Purpose of Use of a Social Media Platform
Fig. 1.1: Purpose of use
Social media has become the most effective
communication tool through which people can connect
with their long lost friends of childhood or college life.
This is evident, as most of the respondents, near about
100 out of 150, are using such platform to connect with
their friends through network building and chatting.
While ‘professional use’ has rated second as a purpose
of using the social network, and others apart from just
playing games, watching videos, listening to music, are
the next important purposes of using this medium.
Marketers have plenty of opportunities to
communicate with their target customers and offer them
the products and services, and persuade them to
transact and become a loyal customer for the company.
Undoubtedly the social media is a rapidly growing
platform for a brand building and is used by almost all
the sectors. It is not only an effective tool for product
promotion and brand building but very cost effective
compare to any other form of promotion.
Considering Social Media in Buying Decision
Fig. 1.
2: Social media as a buying decision factor
It is clear from the above fig.1.2, that majority of
the respondents, 112 (55+32 +25) out of 150, consider
social media networks in their buying decision- making
process either most of the time or some times.
Most of the users consider social media
networks as a decision-making tool during their process
of purchasing. Especially in electronics and fashion
related products, travel destinations, and hotels booking
etc., review and suggestions of social network friends
play the decisive role.
Thus it is an immense importance for marketers
to put more and more information on social media so as
to become visible with target customers and if
succeeded to pursue them, positive word of mouth
communication will automatically get started and
eventually gives rise to multiple impacts.
020 40 60 80
010 20 30 40 50 60
Some Time
19 Global Journals1
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
Fig.1. 3: Grievance redressal effectiveness
From fig.1.3, it is pretty evident that the social
media is not an effective grievance handling platform. It
seems that consumers are not getting the proper
services, especially the after sales services as perceived
by them. During the survey, it has been pointed out by
the respondents that they are not getting any response
of their queries and questions they used to post on the
companies social media pages. To make SNM more
effective, it is expected from the marketers that they will
put more importance on this aspect of customer’s
satisfaction. Providing effective after sales service and
redressal of grievances through customer’s complaint
page, social marketing will be more effective in years to
come, as it is well said by a Chinese proverb, a stitch in
time, save nine.
e) Hypotheses Testing
H01: There is a significant difference in attitude between male and female towards social media advertising.
Group statistics
Sex N Mean Std. deviation Std. error
Attitude Male
85 1.2941 .45835 .04971
Female 65 1.4769 .50335 .06243
Independence sample test
From the above test table, we can see that the
significant value, i.e., p- value for T-test is .022, less than
our chosen significant value i.e., p˂ α = 0.05. Therefore
we reject the null hypothesis and interpret that there is
no significant difference in attitude between male and
female towards social media advertisement. The finding
indicates that gender difference is not a considerable
factor for social media advertising, contrary to the
findings of Vollman, Abraham & Morn, 2010 and Junco,
Merson, Salter, 2010; where women found more active
in social media.
Not even
19 Global Journals
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
Levene’s test for
Equality of
t-test for equality of mean
FSig. TDf
95% confidence
interval of the
Lower Upper
assumed 12.621 .001 -2.319 148 .022 -.18281 .07881 -.33855 -.02706
variances not
assumed -2.291 130.8
20 .024 -.18281 .07981 -.34069 -.02492
tailed) Mean
difference Std. error
H02: There is a significance difference in perception towards advertisement utility in social media between male and
female respondents.
From the above table we can see that the
significant value i.e., p- value for T-test is .000, which is
less than our chosen significant value, i.e. p˂ α = 0.05.
Therefore we reject the null hypothesis and conclude
that there is no significant difference in perception
towards advertisement utility in social media between
male and female.
H03: There is a significant difference between social media performance and expectation of consumers in promotion
of brand of consumer’s durable and luxury products.
One sample statistics
N Mean Std. difference Std. error mean
Performance of social media
ad. 150 1.5333 .50056 .04087
One sample test
Test value = 1.5
T Df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean
difference 95% confidence interval of the difference
Lower Upper
Performance of social media ad. .816 149 .416 .03333 -.0474 .1141
From the above table we can see that the
significant value i.e., p-value for one sample t-test is
0.416, which is much higher than our chosen significant
value i.e., p ˃ α = 0.05. Therefore we accept the null
hypothesis and interpret that there is a significant
difference between social media performance and
expectation of consumers in promotion of brand of
consumer’s durable and luxury products.
19 Global Journals1
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
Group statistics
Sex NMeanStd. deviation Std. error mean
Perception on ad. utility in social
male 85 1.3294 .47279 .05128
female 65 1.6462 .48188 .05977
Independence samples test
95% confidence
Interval of the
Lower Upper
Perception on ad
utility in social
Equal variances
Equal variances
not assumed
.378 .540 -4.032 148 .000 -.31674 .07855 -.47197 -.16151
-4.022 136.534 .000 -.31674 .07875 -.47248 -.16101
Levene's Test
for Equality of
t-test for
Equality of Means
FSig. TDf Sig. (2-
tailed) Mean
difference Std. error
Ho4: There is a significant difference between male and female in decision making related to their purchase either
FMCG, Consumers’ durable, apparel, and luxury products through social media.
Group statistics
Sex N Mean Std. Deviation Std. error. mean
Role in purchase decision making male 85 1.3176 .46832 .05080
female 65 1.3692 .48635 .06032
From the above table we can see that the
significant value i.e., p- value for T-test is .512, which is
much higher than our chosen significant value, p ˃ α
=0.05. Therefore we accept the null hypothesis and can
interpret that there is a significant difference between
male and female in decision making related to their
purchase either in FMCG or consumers’ durable;
apparel, and luxury products through social media.
IV. Findings
There is no variability in attitude towards social
media usage between male and female i.e. gender
biases has no impact on the usage pattern of social
media. It is young people who have been adopting
social media as a platform of up gradation about what is
happening in the world of marketing and to enrich their
knowledge domain in other areas.
Both male and female have the same outlook
related to the effectiveness of social media for market
promotion. The effectiveness of social media as a
marketing tool is only possible when organizations will
provide effective and timely information about their
products and services in social media and also on their
media pages, which is supported by the finding of
Bashar et al. 2012. Daily updating of company’s social
media page is a must to create a positive impression on
consumers mind.
During the course of data analysis it has been
realized by the researcher that somehow a gap exists
between customer’s expectation and company’s
promises over social media advertising. Customers
also, do not agree with the fact that social media in
general, and companies’ page in particular, is a good
platform for their grievances to be solved. At the same
time, they feel lack of personal touch that is a major
shortcoming of social media and is not as effective as
single stand retail store. One of the interesting findings
of this research is, that women usually prefer to
purchase product that they can touch, feel, and bargain
V. Discussion
There is a paradigm shift of business from
transactional to long-lasting relationship marketing. A
new area of relationship building and management i.e.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has evolved
as a marketing strategic tool. It is now more critical than
ever that successful companies are using engagement
marketing principle to engage their prospects and
consumers before, during and after their purchase
cycle. Information which is demanded by target market
should be provided in such a manner that you are
viewed in a positive light, create a positive brand and
product reputation, and are selected with a priority as
their brand of choice. With the growth of social media, a
new term of marketing i.e. permission marketing has
been coined in 1999 and the features like - friend
request, page like, page follow, page share etc. are
helping companies to reach their customer with more
confident. Though the concept of SNM is growing at a
very fast rate, still it is in a nascent stage in India.
Therefore the companies have to think seriously about
the use of this recent development in the field
communication, make effective strategies, and execute
them in a professional manner so as to win a large
share of market and evolve as an innovative firm in years
to come.
Levene’s test for
equality of
variances t- test for equality of means
95% confidence
interval of the
Lower Upper
Role in
Equal variances
Equal variances
not assumed
1.632 .203 -.657 148 .512 -.05158 .07846 -.20664 .10347
-.654 135.162 .514 -.05158 .07886 -.20755 .10438
19 Global Journals
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
F Sig. t df Sig.(2-
tailed) Mean
difference Std. Error
For a business to get success in a world of
reached social media influence; companies now have to
transform their business strategies from product-
oriented to customer-oriented where the customer will
play a decisive role. According to Nielson & Roper
reports, more than 90 percent of consumers take their
purchase decision especially in consumer’s durable
products, based on word of mouth recommendations.
In the era of Mark Zuckerberg generation, it is
not difficult to understand why people, especially the
youth generation, are so obsessed about social media.
Not only the common people but big political parties of
different countries are highly depending on social media
Every company, big or small, young or
established, need to have an active presence on such
social media. It is now inexcusable for any business that
wants to thrive too, not be tweeting!
Here some suggestions for companies to
improve their promotional activities and brand visibility in
social network sites:
Develop a proper content of your message.
Create an attractive presentation of it.
Make your target consumers engage with your
Add audio; sometime people prefer listening rather
than reading.
Encourage consumer feedback. More and more
feedback you received, more will be the chance to
improve your product/service.
Feel the customer’s experience. There is a very nice
saying, “you can’t really understand another
person’s experience, until you have walked a mile in
his shoes.
Deal with customer service. If they are satisfied,
they will pull business for you.
Improve word of mouth communication.
Keep learning always.
Now a day, social media is one of the most
powerful, profitable, and effective platforms for
companies to increase its visibility amongst its target
customers. By spending few hours on social media and
on companies’ page, firms are reported a huge increase
in queries and business turnover as well. At the same
time companies should keep in mind that social media
is a double- edged sword, if not used with care it may
have the power to create havoc of market reputation
within no time.
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19 Global Journals
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIX Issue I Version I Year
Social Media as an Effective Tool to Promote Business-An Empirical Study
... The electronic media most used are in forms of social media accounts. Kalpana and Haenlein (2010), in Ghoshal (2019), define social media as "a group of internet-based applications that build on ideological and technological foundation of web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user generation content" (Ghoshal, 2019). While, O. Reilly (2005), in Ghoshal (2019), defines social media as "is a broad term which describes software tools to create user-generated content that can be shared" (Ghoshal, 2019). ...
... The electronic media most used are in forms of social media accounts. Kalpana and Haenlein (2010), in Ghoshal (2019), define social media as "a group of internet-based applications that build on ideological and technological foundation of web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user generation content" (Ghoshal, 2019). While, O. Reilly (2005), in Ghoshal (2019), defines social media as "is a broad term which describes software tools to create user-generated content that can be shared" (Ghoshal, 2019). ...
... Kalpana and Haenlein (2010), in Ghoshal (2019), define social media as "a group of internet-based applications that build on ideological and technological foundation of web 2.0 and allow the creation and exchange of user generation content" (Ghoshal, 2019). While, O. Reilly (2005), in Ghoshal (2019), defines social media as "is a broad term which describes software tools to create user-generated content that can be shared" (Ghoshal, 2019). It can be concluded that social media is an internet platform to create and exchange content of users. ...
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High occupancy in Banyumas tourism sector is fruitful for society. To gain it, support from various parties is needed. One of the ways is by promoting tourism spots. This study aims to analyze the grammatical pattern, the relationship pattern, and the social phenomena in promotion media. It applied literature review and field study by implementing descriptive qualitative method to get the data. They were taken from four tourism spots. They were analyzed and divided into three structures of critical discourse analysis. The analysis showed some results. The first result showed that the diction and the sentence structure of printed and online media were different. The second analysis showed that production, consumption, and distribution of printed and online media were quite different. It could be clearly seen in the absence of various different elements on both of them. The last result showed that both printed and online media held the main function as information media, but the situational, institutional, and social aspects were different. It can be concluded that conducting critical discourse analysis is beneficial when it comes to promote tourism because it can give clear views for the tourism providers to make their promotion better.
... Beberapa studi pernah menyatakan bahwa media sosial sangat strategis menjadi media promosi berbagai aktivitas terutama dalam konteks bisnis (Purbohastuti, 2017;Augustinah, 2019;Ghoshal 2019). Sementara itu jenis platform yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Instagram dan Whatsapp sebagai media promosi (Amalia et al., 2019). ...
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This research aims to elaborate on the usefulness of social media as a media for citizenship promotion. Dependence on digitalization makes social media increasingly used and influences various civic activities. In the era of the digital economy, the role of social media has become the most important promotional tool for every activity of citizens, business entities and the public. Social media has been used to disseminate various civic activities so that they can then become known to the public. The impact of social media-based civic activities has created dynamic and participatory interaction patterns in promoting activities. This research uses a digital ethnographic approach with in-depth interview techniques and digital participant observation with the millennial generation in Pandeglang Regency, Banten. The research results found that social media has become a media for promoting citizenship, starting from personal activities, business entities and public organizations. Various schemes for strengthening digital civic literacy are needed, so that social media can be well positioned as a media for civic promotion in the era of digitalization. PENDAHULUAN Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan populasi pengguna internet terbesar di dunia. Data Hootsuite (We Are Social) menjelaskan bahwa terdapat 204,7 juta pengguna internet di Indonesia terhitung Januari tahun 2022. Jumlah tersebut naik 1,03 persen dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Tercatat sejak Januari 2021 jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia sebanyak 202,6 juta. Dengan demikian tren jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan dalam lima tahun terakhir. Menurut data yang dikeluarkan oleh tahun 2022 bahwa bila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2018, saat ini jumlah pengguna internet nasional sudah melonjak sebesar 54,25 persen. Dengan tingkat penetrasi internet di Indonesia mencapai 73,7 persen dari total penduduk pada awal 2022. Sementara total penduduk Indonesia berjumlah 277,7 juta orang pada Januari 2022. Data tersebut menjelaskan bahwa peningkatan pengguna internet di Indonesia telah berdampak pada percepatan proses transformasi digital di Indonesia. Terlebih terjadinya pandemi COVID-19 juga ikut mempercepat terjadinya perubahan ekosistem konvensional menuju ekosistem berbasis digital. Pada masa pandemi COVID-19 banyak negara di dunia yang memanfaatkan media sosial untuk menginformasikan berbagai informasi terkini kepada publik (Chen et al., 2020). Mayoritas aktivitas kewargaan telah dipengaruhi oleh unsur digitalisasi termasuk mempergunakan saluran media sosial. Hal itu yang
... Entrepreneurs can discover opportunities and changes in the business creation process by interacting and communicating with peers on social media platforms (Park, Sung & Im, 2017). Social media has been recognized as a powerful tool for building customer relationships by entrepreneurs, and a majority of entrepreneurs utilize social media platforms for lead generation and promotion (Ghoshal, 2019). ...
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The focus of this study was to examine how Instagram can affect the empowerment of Iranian women by providing a platform for them to run their home-based businesses (HBBs). The data were collected through sixteen semi-structured interviews with Iranian women who ran their HBBs on Instagram, and Kabeer's empowerment framework was applied to the analysis. The results show that women's empowerment can be improved by running an HBB on Instagram. Participants in this study could achieve greater agency, facilitate access to resources, and improve their achievements by running their HBBs on Instagram. However, all the barriers to women's empowerment could not be overcome by using Instagram.
... For businesses, social media is no more only a way to remain in touch with friends, colleagues or loved ones for a few hours a day. In addition, consumers also might discover more about their favourite companies and products (Ghoshal, 2019). ...
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Pengiklanan dalam talian telah menjadi salah satu alat yang menggunakan internet sebagai medium pemasaran di seluruh dunia untuk menghantar mesej promosi kepada individu di seluruh dunia di dunia hari ini. Pengiklanan dalam talian digunakan oleh perniagaan dan organisasi untuk mempromosikan produk dan perkhidmatan mereka. Terdapat lebih empat bilion pengguna Internet di planet ini. Ini menyediakan iklan dalam talian dengan rangsangan yang besar. Idea bahawa peningkatan pesat dalam hasil pengiklanan dalam talian menunjukkan kebolehlaksanaan pengiklanan web global sebagai alternatif kepada media tradisional semakin berkembang disebabkan oleh peningkatan dalam pengiklanan Internet. Pengiklanan dalam talian boleh disesuaikan, menjadikannya lebih mudah untuk perniagaan mengubah produk dan perkhidmatan mereka. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara kaedah pengiklanan dalam talian dan keberkesanannya. Tinjauan itu mengumpul maklum balas daripada 300 responden. Soal selidik dalam talian disebarkan dalam kumpulan Facebook usahawan kerana peserta kebanyakannya adalah usahawan. Data ini dianalisis secara deskriptif dan melalui analisis inferensi. Kajian mendapati bahawa semua strategi pengiklanan dalam talian, seperti SEO, PPC, dan media sosial, adalah alat pengiklanan yang berkesan. Hasil kajian adalah penting dalam mengembangkan metodologi kajian literatur untuk pengiklanan internet dan menjadikannya relevan kepada semua pemilik perniagaan. Online advertising has become one of the tools that use the internet as a worldwide marketing medium to send promotional messages to individuals all over the world in today's world. Online advertising is used by businesses and organisations to promote their products and services. There are over four billion Internet users on the planet. This provides online advertisements with a considerable boost. The idea that a rapid increase in online advertising revenues demonstrates the feasibility of global web advertising as an alternative to traditional media is growing due to the rise in Internet advertising. Online advertising is adaptable, making it easier for businesses to alter their products and services. This study's primary purpose is to identify the relationship between online advertisements method and their effectiveness. The survey collected responses from 300 respondents. The online questionnaires are disseminated in an entrepreneur Facebook group because the participants were primarily entrepreneurs. This data was analysed descriptively and through inferential analysis. The study found that all online advertising strategies, such as SEO, PPC, and social media, are effective advertising tools. The study outcomes are critical in expanding the literature review methodologies for internet advertising and making them relevant to all business owners.
... Beberapa studi terdahulu menyatakan bahwa media sosial sangat strategis menjadi media promosi berbagai aktivitas terutama bisnis (Purbohastuti, 2017;Augustinah, 2019;Ghoshal 2019). Sementara jenis platform yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Instagram dan Whatsapp sebagai media promosi (Amalia et al., 2019). ...
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This article aims to elaborate on the role of social media as a media for promoting citizenship in Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. The expansion of the role of social media ultimately affects various civic activities up to the public sector. In the era of the digital economy, the role of social media can be the most important media promotion for the activities of citizens, business entities and the public. Various activities and activities in the realm of business, private and public can be disseminated through social media. This study uses an explanatory qualitative approach with in-depth interview techniques with millennials in Pandeglang Regency and is supported by field observations according to the research topic. The results of the study found that social media can be a promotional medium for citizenship both for individuals, business entities and public organizations. However, various patterns of strengthening digital citizenship literacy are needed so that social media can be maximized as a promotional medium in the digital economy era.
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استهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على مدى توافر أبعاد الإتجاهات نحو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي من وجهة نظر عملاء المنظمات الغذائية المصرية محل الدراسة، والكشف عن مدى الإختلاف بين العملاء وفقاً لإختلاف خصائصهم الديموجرافية، وتحديد مستوي توافر الميل للشراء لديهم رغم اختلاف خصائصهم الديموجرافية، وتحديد وتوصيف نوع وقوه العلاقة بين الإتجاهات نحو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والميل للشراء من وجهة نظر عملاء المنظمات الغذائية المصرية محل الدراسة، وتحديد الأهمية النسبية لمتغيرات الإتجاهات نحو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي من حيث قدرتها علي التنبؤ بالميل للشراء، وتم الاعتماد على أسلوب عينة كرة الثلج عبر الإنترنت لجمع البيانات اللازمة للبحث، من خلال إعداد قائمة استقصاء وتوزيعها على عينة قوامها 384 مفردة من مستهلكي المنتجات الغذائية المصرية، وتم التحليل الإحصائي باستخدام برنامج SPSS Ver. 22. وتوصل البحث إلى عدة نتائج من أهمها عدم وجود إختلافات ذات دلالة إحصائية في إدراكات عملاء شركات المنتجات الغذائية محل الدراسة وفقاً لإختلاف خصائصهم الديموجرافية من حيث مدي توافر أبعاد الإتجاهات نحو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والتي تمثلت في (البعد العاطفي، البعد المعرفي، البعد السلوكي)، ووجود إختلافات ذات دلالة إحصائية في إدراكات عملاء شركات المنتجات الغذائية محل الدراسة وفقاً لإختلاف خصائصهم الديموجرافية من حيث مدي توافر أبعاد الميل للشراء والتي تمثلت في ( تقييم البدائل المتاحة، القرار الشرائي)، ووجود علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مستوي توافر أبعاد الإتجاهات نحو وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي (البعد العاطفي، البعد المعرفي، البعد السلوكي) والميل للشراء وذلك بصورة إجمالية للنموذج وعند مستوى معنوية (1%) وفقاً لاختبار (ف)، وبالنسبة لكل متغير على حده أظهر نموذج تحليل الانحدار المتعدد أن هناك علاقة معنوية عند مستوى دلالة إحصائية (1%) وذلك بالنسبة للمتغيرات الثلاثة السابقة. وفي ضوء ذلك قدم البحث مجموعة من التوصيات منها ضرورة تفهم المسوقين ومصممي المواقع الإلكترونية للميزات التي تقدمها وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي التسويقية واستخدام أداة التواصل المناسبة وذات الفاعلية للتواصل مع المستخدمين لدعم قراراتهم الشرائية، وقيام مصممي المواقع الالكترونية ببذل المزيد من الاهتمام لصفحات التواصل الاجتماعي التسويقية، وذلك بتوفير المزيد من الترفيه والمعلومات المتكاملة لتحقيق المزيد من مشاركة المستخدمين.
Social media platforms are growing more popular in modern society, increasing digital interaction and influencing consumer decisions. The majority of Fortune 500 businesses and corporations are taking advantage of social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) in attempt to increase brand awareness, customer relationship development, sale opportunities, and ultimately to improve business performance. Studies have established a positive correlation between consumer sales and consumer traffic on social media, along with a positive relationship with perceived business value. However, little research has investigated the relationship between social media presence, followers, and posts in correspondence with Fortune 500 rank, return on assets, revenue, and stock price. In this exploratory study, regression analysis finds significant relationships between social media followers and rankings in the Fortune 500. The total number of posts had a small, slightly negative relationship with average annual revenue growth and average annual stock price growth. None of the social media metrics showed a significant relationship to average annual return on assets.
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Latar Belakang: Semenjak kehadiran Covid-19, pola hidup masyarakat telah berubah menjadi lebih sehat sehingga hal ini membuat perkembangan bisnis di bidang makanan sehat kian meningkat. Dengan adanya perkembangan bisnis yang kian meningkat., agar dapat bersaing dengan kompetitor yang sejenis, Yellow Fit Kitchen sebagai salah satu catering makanan sehat di Indonesia merumuskan sebuah strategi pemasaran. Strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Yellow Fit Kitchen dengan beberapa aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di media sosial salah satunya adalah penggunaan duta merek. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan duta merek sebagai strategi pemasaran dalam usaha katering makanan sehat Yellow Fit Kitchen. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif melalui studi literatur. Data-data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang berasal dari buku, website, jurnal nasional serta internasional. Hasil: Dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan catering makanan sehat di Indonesia yaitu Yellow Fit Kitchen menggunakan menggunakan strategi pemasaran melalui media sosial seperti ads melakukan kerjasama dengan para influencer yang sudah dikenal, serta menggunakan seorang duta merek. Yellow Fit Kitchen menetapkan Clarissa Putri sebagai duta merek. Sebagai seorang duta merek harus memiliki tiga indikator yang dimiliki yaitu keterpercayaan, keahlian serta daya tarik. Dengan penggunaan duta merek dapat menumbuhkan rasa minat beli konsumen terhadap suatu produk.Kata-kata Kunci: Strategi Pemasaran; Duta merek; Kredibilitas ; Pola Hidup Sehat ; Minat beli
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While current literature has sufficiently profiled word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing, customer relationship management, brand communities, search engine optimization, viral marketing, guerilla marketing, events-based marketing, and social media each on an isolated, individual basis, there is no comprehensive model that effectively incorporates all of these elements. The first purpose of this paper is to therefore profile the current literature landscape surrounding WOM marketing, alternative marketing communications, and social media as viable components of integrated marketing communications. Additionally, this paper aims to develop an integrated alternative marketing communication conceptual model that can be applied by industrial practitioners to help them achieve their marketing objectives.
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In an era where technology prevails, entrepreneurs as well as marketers see the need to keep up with the fast pace of change or risk being outdated. Gone are the days when a pure-bricks business model will thrive well in current market scenario. It is practically impossible to design a marketing strategy without considering social networks. Social media had become really important gradient in today's marketing mix in general and in promotion mix in particular. Adapting some form of marketing online through social media is a key node for all businesses, especially in an industry where trends constantly change such as fashion and handicrafts. The paper carries out empirical research to understand the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool and an effort has been made to analyze the extent social media helps consumers in buying decision making. In addition strategies have been suggested for maximizing the effectiveness. Various statistical tests have been applied to support the research hypothesis.
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Today, consumers are involved in a variety of activities, ranging from consuming content to participating in discussions, sharing knowledge with other consumers, and contributing to other consumers' activities. With the enormous interest in social media sites, such as YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and Wikipedia, consumers are assumed to be actively contributing to marketing content. However, despite the rich opportunities for contributing, recent academic research indicates that consumers are not necessarily as active online as has been believed. The aim of this paper is to conceptualize consumers' activities in social media by examining the motivations behind the activities. By offering a more detailed description of the differences in consumer use of social media, the study extends existing research on consumer activities related to user‐created content. Based on consumer narratives of their social media activity, we identified 15 activities grouped under three themes. The conceptual framework is used to suggest managerial strategies related to different levels of consumer activity. Thus, it provides a tool for uncovering managerial challenges and for planning responses to consumer activities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Two studies were conducted to obtain insights on how consumers form attitudes toward brand extensions, (i.e., use of an established brand name to enter a new product category). In one study, reactions to 20 brand extension concepts involving six well-known brand names were examined. Attitude toward the extension was higher when (1) there was both a perception of “fit” between the two product classes along one of three dimensions and a perception of high quality for the original brand or (2) the extension was not regarded as too easy to make. A second study examined the effectiveness of different positioning strategies for extensions. The experimental findings show that potentially negative associations can be neutralized more effectively by elaborating on the attributes of the brand extension than by reminding consumers of the positive associations with the original brand.
The earth is huge in size whose area is 510100000 km2 which is divided into 243 countries worldwide and those countries have about 3200 religion and 6912 languages which are spoken by 7 billion people in world. These 7 billion people are using millions websites out of which some sites are social networking sites , as per records of these sites about 5 billion people are using social networking sites to share and transfer information and views etc. to each other also for business purposes. If we think according to the above data. So communication is not possible physically in this huge world. Here only social networking sites are making this possible. The facebook is a leading social networking site whose user are 1 billion. Facebook has won this position of population inn very short time. These social networking sites have their historical record of development and now they are facilitating various services to people and business worldwide. This paper is trying to explain the concept of social networking sites and their role in business.
Consumer sentiment toward marketing has been extensively addressed in the marketing literature. However, while most existing studies provide contributions regarding the levels of consumer perceptions of the marketing function, most fall short of providing significant insights into the antecedents of these sentiment levels. That is to say, little is offered to help marketers understand why consumers perceive the marketing function the way they do. In this study, a conceptual framework is developed in an attempt to explore consumer sentiment toward marketing in light of the increasing technological tendencies of today's marketplace. Alienation from the marketplace is assumed to be an exogenous variable that affects the degree to which individuals are ready to embrace new technologies in everyday life. The model is empirically tested using structural equation modeling. Alienation from the marketplace is found to be negatively associated with sentiment toward marketing and the drivers of technology readiness, but positively associated with the inhibitors of technology readiness. More significantly, readiness to embrace technology is found to exhibit a strong and consistent relationship with sentiment toward marketing. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This study examines the potential link of Facebook group participation with viral advertising responses. The results suggest that college-aged Facebook group members engage in higher levels of self-disclosure and maintain more favorable attitudes toward social media and advertising in general than do nongroup members. However, Facebook group participation does not exert an influence on users' viral advertising pass-on behaviors. The results also identify variations in predictors of pass-on behaviors between group members and nonmembers. These findings have theoretical and managerial implications for viral advertising on Facebook. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Journal of Interactive Advertising is the property of Journal of Interactive Advertising and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
Social media based brand communities are communities initiated on the platform of social media. In this article, we explore whether brand communities based on social media (a special type of online brand communities) have positive effects on the main community elements and value creation practices in the communities as well as on brand trust and brand loyalty. A survey based empirical study with 441 respondents was conducted. The results of structural equation modeling show that brand communities established on social media have positive effects on community markers (i.e., shared consciousness, shared rituals and traditions, and obligations to society), which have positive effects on value creation practices (i.e., social networking, community engagement, impressions management, and brand use). Such communities could enhance brand loyalty through brand use and impression management practices. We show that brand trust has a full mediating role in converting value creation practices into brand loyalty. Implications for practice and future research opportunities are discussed.