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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
The Association between Cannabis
Product Characteristics and
Symptom Relief
Sarah S. Stith, Jacob M. Vigil, Franco Brockelman, Keenan Keeling & Branden Hall
Federal barriers and logistical challenges have hindered measurement of the real time eects from
the types of cannabis products used medically by millions of patients in vivo. Between 06/06/2016 and
03/05/2018, 3,341 people completed 19,910 self- administrated cannabis sessions using the mobile
device software, ReleafApp to record: type of cannabis product (dried whole natural Cannabis ower,
concentrate, edible, tincture, topical), combustion method (joint, pipe, vaporization), Cannabis
subspecies (C. indica and C. sativa), and major cannabinoid contents (tetrahydrocannabinol, THC;
and cannabidiol, CBD), along with real-time ratings of health symptom severity levels, prior-to and
immediately following administration, and reported side eects. A xed eects panel regression
approach was used to model the within-user eects of dierent product characteristics. Patients
showed an average symptom improvement of 3.5 (SD = 2.6) on an 11-point scale across the 27
measured symptom categories. Dried ower was the most commonly used product and generally
associated with greater symptom relief than other types of products. Across product characteristics,
only higher THC levels were independently associated with greater symptom relief and prevalence of
positive and negative side eects. In contrast, CBD potency levels were generally not associated with
signicant symptom changes or experienced side eects.
Medical cannabis markets are currently being ooded with thousands of cannabis strains with unique cannabi-
noid proles1, novel, uninvestigated cannabis-derived formulates and products with little to no clinical references
or formal guidance on how fundamental characteristics of the products themselves may aect pharmacodynam-
ics2,3. Federal laws have all but prohibited the use of prospective, pragmatic, naturalistic studies with random
treatment assignment for measuring the eects of cannabis consumed in vivo. What little clinical research does
exist is mostly limited to randomized controlled trials (RCTs) using synthetic cannabinoids or low quality and
potency cannabis obtained from the federal government that is unrepresentative of the cannabis products used by
millions of people every day4,5. Contributing to further confusion are historically contradictory messages coming
from the scientic community on the true risks and benets of cannabis consumption. For example, whereas
cannabis was once oen and sometimes still is described as component cause of schizophrenia6,7, several studies
now suggest the use of medical cannabis as an eective alternative therapy to antipsychotics and for treating
schizophrenia more generally8–11. Contradictory eects are oen attributed to the distinction between what has
been historically interpreted as cannabis’ harmful, psychoactive cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), oen
described as providing the ‘high’ eects versus the therapeutic, non-psychoactive potential (sometimes described
as a ‘miracle cure’ in the popular media) of cannabidiol (CBD)12. In actuality, few large-scale investigations to
date have measured the relative eects of THC and CBD consumption in real-time under naturalistic conditions
among people diagnosed with schizophrenia or any other user group.
is is the rst study to measure how fundamental characteristics of cannabis products consumed in vivo aect
immediate symptom relief and experienced side eects. We operationalize our research question using a mobile
device soware application (app). Although hundreds of cannabis-themed soware apps are available for public
use13, the ReleafApp educational soware14 is the rst app designed specically to record how the route of admin-
istration, combustion method, cannabis subspecies, and major cannabinoid contents are associated with real-time
measurements of symptom severity levels, prior to and immediately following administration of cannabis, and the
manifestation of myriad possible side eects. Despite recent advocacy for the benets of CBD over THC, the vast
majority of observational studies showing an association between patient-managed cannabis use and improvements
University of New Mexico, The Department of Psychology, Albuquerque, USA. Correspondence and requests for
materials should be addressed to J.M.V. (email:
Received: 4 May 2018
Accepted: 22 January 2019
Published: xx xx xxxx
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
in symptoms related to, for example, chronic pain15, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease16, post-traumatic
stress disorder17, and schizophrenia18 relied on public or commercially available cannabis that has been hybridized
for high THC and low CBD contents, thus suggesting that THC may be an important determinant of user outcomes.
Findings from this study are expected to contribute to guidelines for safe and eective cannabis consumption19,20,
which until now have been limited to anecdotal or retrospective reporting and ungeneralizable experiments.
Study Design. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained from the University of New Mexico for this
study and methods were performed in accordance with the approved guidelines. e preexisting anonymized data
were obtained with user informed consent through the owner of the ReleafApp, MoreBetter, Ltd., and subject to an
investigator condentiality agreement. e ReleafApp patient education and cannabis treatment management tool was
designed to track patient sessions and real-time cannabis use experiences in order to optimize the therapeutic eects
of consuming cannabis, while minimizing negative side eects. ReleafApp users voluntarily download the application
and enter information on the product they intend to consume, including type of product (whole natural dried ower,
concentrate, edible, tincture, and topical); when applicable, combustion method (joint, dry or water pipe, and vape);
plant subspecies (C. indica, C. sativa, or hybrid); and THC and CBD potency levels (percentage of total weight)21,22.
Testing of the potencies of both cannabinoids is almost universally required under U.S. medical marijuana laws and
generally reported on product labels. THC and CBD levels were capped at 35% for ower due to biological limitations
on how much THC and CBD a plant can contain. Prior to beginning a session, the patient is required to enter a neg-
ative health symptom, selected from 27 possible symptom categories, for which they are attempting to use cannabis
therapeutically. (A list of symptom categories and frequencies is available in Supplementary TableS1.)
Aer entering a symptom, patients are prompted to record a starting symptom level on a visual analogue scale
from 0 (no detectable symptom level) to10 (severe). e patient then taps the prompt on the screen to begin the
session. From that time until the patient closes the session, they can enter multiple symptom severity levels as
frequently as desired. For the current analyses, we include in our sample only patients entering starting symptoms
greater than 0 and recording at least one symptom level within 90 minutes of starting the session; we use the last
symptom level recorded within that timeframe as the ending symptom level. Our nal sample includes 19,910
sessions and 3,341 patients who recorded at least one product characteristic in the ReleafApp between 06/06/2016
and 03/05/2018. Because the entry of product characteristics is voluntary, the sample sizes used in our analyses
vary depending on which product characteristics are included. Whole natural dried Cannabis ower and con-
centrates made from the ower are the most common types of products and most likely to contain information
on the full spectrum of product characteristics. Panels A through E of Table1 show descriptive statistics for the
product characteristics recorded by the ReleafApp; specically, product type (Panel A), ower and concentrate
combustion method (Panel B), subspecies (Panel C), THC potency (Panel D), and CBD potency (Panel E).
Study Outcomes. Our main outcome is changes in symptom severity following cannabis consumption (ending
symptom level minus starting symptom level) as shown in Table1, Panel F. During a session, the patient also can report
side eects, including 12 negative side eects, 19 positive side eects, and 11 context-specic side eects, crowd-sourced
from users, dispensaries, beta testers, and app developers (Supplementary TableS2). Patients can select as many side
eects as they like, and at least one side eect was reported in 78% of sessions in our sample. We use as outcome varia-
bles whether a patient reported any side eect by category and the percent of the number of side eects available in each
of our three respective categories that a patient selected (Table1, Panel G). e most commonly reported negative side
eects are Dry Mouth (26%) and feeling Foggy (23%), the most frequent positive side eects are Relaxed (63%) and
Peaceful (54%), and the most common context-specic side eects are feeling High (37%) and irsty (27%).
Statistical Analysis. Our basic statistical model uses a least squares panel regression approach with repeated
observations (sessions) at the patient level to analyze how product characteristics aect symptom relief and side
eects. We include patient-specic xed eects to control for time-invariant user characteristics, in order to
compare how changing a product characteristic aects symptom relief and side eects for a given user rather than
comparing outcomes across users who may dier in many ways, including which products they choose to con-
sume. Because higher starting symptom levels are associated with greater symptom relief (r = 0.60), we control
for the starting symptom level in all of our regressions. Standard errors are clustered at the user level to control
for heteroskedasticity and arbitrary correlation. Because the number of observations varies substantially by prod-
uct category, we run regressions separately for each product characteristic category (product type, combustion
method, subspecies, and THC and CBD levels) as well as regressions with all product characteristics included.
In order to explore whether cannabis product characteristics dier across symptom categories in their associa-
tion with momentary symptom relief and side eect proles, we conduct sub-analyses with samples dened by the
three most frequently reported symptom categories: anxiety (16% of the sample), back pain (8%), and depression
(10%). Lastly, we explore whether side eect proles vary with product characteristics. We regress reports of any,
and the proportion of side eects selected from each side eect category (negative, positive, context-specic) on
our product characteristics using ordinary least squares for consistency across models, although our side eect
outcomes are constrained to {0,1} and [0,1]. All predicted outcomes from our regressions fall between zero and one.
Table2 shows our results for the eects of product characteristics on patient symptom relief. All regressions
control for the starting symptom level, which renders the constant positive. e similar size of the coecients for
the starting symptom level and the constant mean that patients reporting symptom levels of 1 may experience
little symptom relief. However, even with a starting symptom level of just 2, users are predicted to experience
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
statistically signicant symptom relief. (e average user reports a starting symptom level of 6, SD = 2.2.) e
number of sessions, R-squared and number of users are also reported and vary across regressions, with each
regression designated by a column.
e rst column showing the eects of consuming the dierent product types on symptom relief relative to
the eects from ower suggests that ower provides more symptom relief than any other type of product. e
second column comparing C. indica and C. sativa plant sub-species to hybrid plants suggests that products from
pure indicas may increase symptom relief while sativa strains may decrease it. Combustion method does not
explain any dierence in symptom relief across products within users, as shown in Column [3]. Column [4] of
Table2 shows that whereas higher THC oers greater symptom relief, higher CBD oers no statistically signi-
cant benet. e last column of Table2 includes all product characteristics. Due to the inclusion of combustion
method, only ower and concentrate product types are included. e eect of THC becomes stronger and is the
only statistically signicant determinant of symptom relief among the product characteristics.
Figure1 shows changes in symptom severity by THC and CBD percentage category for dried natural ower,
the most popular and homogenous type of cannabis product in the sample, aer adjusting for the remainder
of the product characteristics. Regression coecients (controlling for the remaining product characteristics;
see Supplementary TableS3) showed that ower containing the middle (10–19%) and highest (20–35%) THC
potency levels was associated with greater symptom improvement than ower in the lowest THC potency cate-
gory (0–9%). As with the omnibus tests in Table2, variability in CBD levels in ower was not associated with dif-
ferences in symptom improvement. Figure2 shows adjusted changes in symptom severity by the THC percentage
Mean Std.
Dev. Minimum Maximum
Panel A: Product Type (19,910 sessions, 3,341 users)
Concentrate 0.17 0.38 0 1
Edible 0.05 0.21 0 1
Flower 0.74 0.44 0 1
Tincture 0.04 0.20 0 1
Top ica l 0.00 0.06 0 1
Panel B: Subspecies (17,197 sessions, 2,996 users)
Hybrid 0.48 0.50 0 1
C. indica 0.30 0.46 0 1
C. sativa 0.22 0.41 0 1
Panel C: Combustion Method (16,902 sessions, 2,936)
Joint 0.13 0.33 0 1
Pipe 0.43 0.49 0 1
Vap e 0.45 0.50 0 1
Panel D: THC (6,958 sessions, 1,260 users)
% THC 28.3 22.8 0 100
THC < 10% 0.16 0.36 0 1
THC 10–19% 0.29 0.45 0 1
THC 20–34% 0.36 0.48 0 1
THC 35%+0.20 0.40 0 1
Panel E: CBD (5,400 sessions, 1,123 users)
% CBD 11.6 16.0 0 100
CBD < 1% 0.25 0.43 0 1
CBD 1–9% 0.33 0.47 0 1
CBD 10–34% 0.34 0.47 0 1
CBD 35%+0.08 0.28 0 1
Panel F: Outcome and Control Variables (19,910 sessions, 3,341 users)
Symptom Change −3.5 2.6 −10 9
Starting Symptom Level 6.0 2.2 1 10
Ending Symptom Level 2.4 2.2 0 10
Panel G: Side Eects (15,617 sessions, 2,757 users)
Any Negative Side Eect 0.62 0.48 0.00 1.00
% of Negative Side Eects 0.12 0.14 0.00 0.92
Any Positive Side Eect 0.95 0.23 0.00 1.00
% of Positive Side Eects 0.25 0.18 0.00 1.00
Any Context-Specic Side Eect 0.78 0.41 0.00 1.00
% of Context-Specic Side Eects 0.22 0.20 0.00 1.00
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics. Notes: Nineteen positive, twelve negative, and eleven context-specic side eects
were available for selection.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
category of ower run separately for the three most common medical cannabis patient conditions, anxiety, back
pain, and depression. Regression coecients controlling for the remaining product characteristics showed that
only users treating depression showed greater symptom improvement from using ower in the middle and high-
est THC potency categories relative to the least potent ower. In contrast, variability in THC was not associated
with statistically signicant dierences in symptom relief for back pain or anxiety beyond its overall eect on
mean symptom improvement levels (see Supplemental TableS3).
In Table3, we present the relationship between product characteristics and side eect proles. We restrict
our analysis to only concentrates and ower to capture the relationship between dierent combustion methods
and side eects. While these methods do not explain any statistically signicant variation in symptom relief, they
may be associated with dierent side eect proles. We run our full model using any and the percent of each
category of side eects selected by the user. Concentrates showed a weaker association with positive side eects,
but do not appear to dier from ower in their association with negative or context-specic side eect report-
ing. Indica-based products are associated with a greater likelihood of reporting negative side eects and some
evidence of fewer positive and more context-specic side eects, relative to hybrid- and sativa-based products.
Outcome = Symptom Change (Ending - Starting Symptom)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Panel A: Product Type, omitted category = ower
Concentrate 0.194** 0.080
(0.076) (0.212)
Edible 0.340***
Tincture 0.498***
Top ica l −0.216
Panel B: Subspecies, omitted category = hybrid
C. indica −0.103** −0.057
(0.041) (0.083)
C. sativa 0.096*0.195
(0.055) (0.121)
Panel C: Combustion Method, omitted category = joint
Pipe −0.061 −0.004
(0.084) (0.194)
Vap e 0.051 0.051
(0.092) (0.210)
Panel D: THC and CBD, omitted categories = THC < 10% and CBD < 1%
THC 10–19% −0.215*−0.220*
(0.117) (0.134)
THC 20–34% −0.235** −0.315***
(0.112) (0.121)
THC 35%+−0.252** −0.342**
(0.126) (0.166)
CBD 1–9% −0.089 −0.026
(0.121) (0.126)
CBD 10–34% 0.038 0.079
(0.105) (0.092)
CBD 35%+−0.222 −0.241
(0.209) (0.227)
Starting Symptom Level −0.704*** −0.721*** −0.726*** −0.709*** −0.717***
(0.028) (0.031) (0.032) (0.056) (0.063)
Constant 0.588*** 0.691*** 0.719*** 0.909*** 0.850**
(0.165) (0.184) (0.212) (0.340) (0.403)
Number of sessions 19,910 17,197 16,898 4,439 3,869
R-squared 0.330 0.340 0.338 0.337 0.346
Number of users 3,341 2,996 2,936 900 787
Table 2. Eects of Product Characteristics on Symptom Relief. Notes: Regressions control for individual user
xed eects. Concentrate is relative to Flower, C. indica and C. sativa are relative to Hybrid, THC categories are
relative to THC 0–9%, CBD categories are relative to CBD 0%, and Pipe and Vape are relative to Joint. Standard
errors are clustered at the user level (shown in parentheses). ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
Higher THC generally is associated with increased reporting of all three types of side eects. Just as with symp-
tom relief, CBD appears to have little eect on side eect reporting of any kind. ere is some evidence that
vaping is associated with decreased reporting of negative side eects relative to smoking joints. Lastly, in order to
show that a handful of very frequent ReleafApp users are not driving the results, we replicated our main results
from Table2 including only individuals who completed ten sessions or fewer, and separately, including only the
rst ve sessions for all users. THC again is the greatest predictor of symptom relief among the product charac-
teristics. (See Supplemental TableS4 for detailed results).
Given just how common it is for cannabis patients to try dierent types of products and methods of administra-
tion23,24, it is surprising how few previous investigations have examined which fundamental characteristics of the
products consumed in vivo by millions of people daily are associated with real-time patient outcomes and expe-
rienced side eects. While RCTs may be the ‘gold standard’ for measuring the pharmacodynamics of synthetic,
standardized (usually particular symptom focused) medications, they are poorly suited for understanding the
eects of a medication with substantial heterogeneity in product characteristics and consumption methods across
the estimated 2.2 million state-legal medical cannabis patients in the United States25. Our observational study
using mobile app technology was designed to measure these eects in real-time among a large sample of patients
using cannabis for treating their medical symptoms under naturalistic conditions. On average, responders expe-
rienced signicant improvements across the 27 health symptom categories measured. Dried, whole natural ower
was associated with greater symptom relief than the use of other types of products (i.e., concentrates, edibles, tinc-
tures, and topicals). However, and despite the fact that dierent routes of administration deliver variable amounts
of cannabinoid contents and have dierent metabolomics26–31, we did not nd variation in symptom relief with
use of pipes, joints, or vaporization combustion devices. Products made from pure C. indica strains were more
eective than products made from C. sativa, matching patient-reported preferences for the former for treating
conditions such as pain and insomnia32,33. However, once we controlled for cannabinoid contents, none of the
other product characteristics predicted variability in symptom levels. Only THC potency levels showed inde-
pendent associations with symptom relief and experiences of both positive and negative side eects, with higher
Figure 1. Adjusted Change in Symptom Severity by THC and CBD Percentage Category in Flower.
Figure 2. Adjusted Change in Symptom Severity by THC Percentage Category in Flower & Symptom Type.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
levels resulting in larger eects. In contrast, we did not observe an independent link between CBD levels and any
of the omnibus symptom eects measured in the current study across nearly 20,000 user sessions.
Variability in cannabinoid proles may partially explain inconsistent ndings in the literature on, for exam-
ple, the benets of using cannabis for treating chronic neuropathic pain, with eectiveness observed in some
studies4,34, but not others35. Similarly, while many patient groups (e.g., sleep–disturbed medical cannabis users)
have reported a preference for high CBD concentrates36, we did not observe any patient outcomes varying by
CBD potency levels alone. One possibility is that many of the CBD potency levels displayed on labels of the
products consumed in the study were inaccurate (e.g., inated), as is currently common in the medical cannabis
industry37. Alternatively, it is possible that CBD has more latent eects than THC (e.g., expanding beyond the
90 minute observation window), has an impact on symptoms infrequently reported in our data, or that CBD’s
eects may not lend themselves to perceptual detection and subjective reporting. e phytocannabinoid family
of CBDs are known to dier from other cannabinoids such as THC in several ways, including having no anity
to CB1 receptors, serving as an antagonist to GPR55 receptors and as an inverse modulator of the eects of THC
and perhaps the endocannabinoid system more generally, as well as functioning as an immuno-suppressant and
anti-inammatory agent38,39. us, it is possible that while CBD may operate inconspicuously to improve certain
health outcomes, the adjunctive consumption of THC is needed to consciously experience or be aware of such
Notwithstanding the innovative nature and potential implications of the study’s ndings, our observational,
quasi-eld experiment had unavoidable limitations, including the lack of a control group, e.g., non-cannabis
users with similar symptoms, salient characteristics, past experiences, and voluntary reporting, which could lead
to either: a) overestimation of the eectiveness of product characteristics if users who have negative experiences
with cannabis are more likely to drop out of the sample by choosing not to use the ReleafApp; or b) underestima-
tion of cannabis’ eectiveness if users fail to use the ReleafApp due to already being satised with their product
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Negative % of
Negative Positive % of Positive Context-
Specic % of Context-
Concentrate −0.024 0.008 −0.097** −0.090** −0.052 −0.001
(0.080) (0.028) (0.044) (0.037) (0.101) (0.062)
C. indica 0.079** 0.015*0.011 −0.033** 0.030 0.045***
(0.035) (0.009) (0.017) (0.016) (0.026) (0.010)
C. sativa 0.003 −0.002 −0.000 −0.022 −0.041 −0.043**
(0.045) (0.008) (0.012) (0.016) (0.033) (0.019)
Pipe −0.109 −0.022 −0.046 0.002 −0.041 −0.020
(0.077) (0.024) (0.060) (0.021) (0.045) (0.035)
Vap e −0.168** −0.037 −0.044 −0.004 −0.050 −0.047
(0.076) (0.024) (0.049) (0.024) (0.059) (0.031)
THC 10–14% 0.113*** 0.013 0.017 0.055*** 0.178*** 0.066***
(0.043) (0.010) (0.018) (0.015) (0.050) (0.020)
THC 15–34% 0.090*0.016 0.013 0.069*** 0.203*** 0.085***
(0.053) (0.013) (0.019) (0.018) (0.051) (0.021)
THC 35%+0.198** 0.050** 0.065*0.118*** 0.182** 0.095*
(0.091) (0.025) (0.036) (0.033) (0.072) (0.052)
CBD 1–9% 0.030 −0.007 0.000 −0.051*** −0.007 −0.009
(0.042) (0.014) (0.015) (0.018) (0.038) (0.024)
CBD 10–34% 0.027 −0.012 0.011 −0.032*−0.013 0.005
(0.029) (0.008) (0.013) (0.018) (0.047) (0.028)
CBD 35%+0.042 −0.017 0.016 −0.033 0.093 −0.027
(0.062) (0.022) (0.024) (0.022) (0.070) (0.053)
Starting Symptom Level 0.005 0.003** 0.001 −0.003 0.007 0.003
(0.007) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.005) (0.002)
Constant 0.566*** 0.108*** 0.988*** 0.288*** 0.629*** 0.160***
(0.081) (0.023) (0.048) (0.029) (0.077) (0.039)
Observations 3,220 3,220 3,220 3,220 3,220 3,220
R-squared 0.016 0.015 0.009 0.047 0.025 0.052
N Users 665 665 665 665 665 665
Table 3. Relative Associations of Product Characteristics with Side Eects. Notes: Regressions control for
individual user xed eects. e Concentrate is relative to Flower, C. indica and C. sativa are relative to Hybrid,
THC categories are relative to THC between 0 and 10%, and CBD categories are relative to 0% CBD, and Pipe
and Vape are relative to Joint. Standard errors are clustered at the user level (shown in parentheses). ***p < 0.01,
**p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2019) 9:2712 |
choices and their eects. It is also important to note that the patient-reported outcomes were not cross-referenced
with clinical assessments. As with any observational study there is the potential confound of a placebo eect,
and given that cannabis products advertised as containing higher THC contents are generally more expensive
to consumers, they may be subject to a buyer’s justication eect (magnied appreciation to justify an added
expense of purchase). Another limitation is that the ReleafApp may be better suited to tracking the more imme-
diate responses of users of concentrates, ower, and to some extent, tinctures versus the longer to peak eects of
edibles and topicals. It is also possible that people who choose not to use the ReleafApp have dierent experiences
with product characteristics than those who do use the app. Another limitation was the inability to distinguish
subtleties across product types, such as pipes, which can vary in material construction and potential chemical
reactions (e.g., hydrolysis via water pipes). Finally, we anticipate that greater nuances exist in the eects of product
characteristics, and particularly, cannabinoid contents across symptom categories, but the current study is lim-
ited by our sample size within each respondent subgroup. Future research will capitalize on our ever increasing
sample size to analyze the pharmacodynamic interactions of major cannabinoids and other organic compounds
including terpenoids, as well as the harm of cannabis production practices. For example, the use of solvents to
extract cannabinoids for making concentrates used in making non-ower products (e.g., edibles, tinctures) may
place patients at risk for respiratory and cardiovascular problems40 and be a cause of increased emergency cases
of Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome41.
In conclusion, rapid increases in the popularity of medical cannabis and the associated increase in the number
of patients highlight the urgency of investigating and directing eective usage. Cannabis use carries the risk of
addiction and short-term impairments in cognitive and behavioral functioning, including the potential for safety
issues in the workplace or while driving. However, with preliminary evidence that cannabis may treat an even
wider range of conditions than those tracked in this study, including cancer42,43, it is imperative that the scientic
community develop innovative strategies such as the use of mobile technology for measuring the multidimen-
sional relationships among cannabis product characteristics, patient health conditions, perceived symptom relief,
and side eect manifestation.
Data Availability
e data that support the ndings of this study are available from MoreBetter Ltd. but restrictions apply to the
availability of these data, which were used under license for the current study, and so are not publicly available.
Data are however available from the authors upon reasonable request and with permission of MoreBetter Ltd.
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is research was funded in part by donations to the University of New Mexico Medical Cannabis Research Fund
( All authors had access to the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data
and the accuracy of the data analyses.
Author Contributions
J.M.V. and S.S.S. conceived the study. F.B., K.K., B.H. independently designed and developed the ReleafApp and
server infrastructure as part of their eort to help create an education tool for medical cannabis patients. S.S.S.
conducted the analyses. J.M.V. and S.S.S. draed the manuscript. All authors contributed substantially to its
intellectual content and revision.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing Interests: e authors are associated with the University of New Mexico Medical Cannabis
Research Fund, which was designed to support the costs of research investigating the safety and eectiveness of
medical cannabis. F.B., K.K. and B.H. are employed by MoreBetter Ltd. e authors have no other conicts of
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