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Reply-Aided Detection of Misinformation
via Bayesian Deep Learning
Qiang Zhang
University College London
London, United Kingdom
Aldo Lipani
University College London
London, United Kingdom
Shangsong Liang
Sun Yat-sen University
Guangzhou, China
Emine Yilmaz
University College London
London, United Kingdom
Social media platforms are a plethora of misinformation and its
potential negative inuence on the public is a growing concern.
This concern has drawn the attention of the research community
on developing mechanisms to detect misinformation. The task of
misinformation detection consists of classifying whether a claim is
True or False. Most research concentrates on developing machine
learning models, such as neural networks, that outputs a single
value in order to predict the veracity of a claim. One of the major
problem faced by these models is the inability of representing the
uncertainty of the prediction, which is due incomplete or nite
available information about the claim being examined. We address
this problem by proposing a Bayesian deep learning model. The
Bayesian model outputs a distribution used to represent both the
prediction and its uncertainty. In addition to the claim content,
we also encode auxiliary information given by people’s replies
to the claim. First, the model encodes a claim to be veried, and
generate a prior belief distribution from which we sample a latent
variable. Second, the model encodes all the people’s replies to the
claim in a temporal order through a Long Short Term Memory
network in order to summarize their content. This summary is
then used to update the prior belief generating the posterior belief.
Moreover, in order to train this model, we develop a Stochastic
Gradient Variational Bayes algorithm to approximate the analyti-
cally intractable posterior distribution. Experiments conducted on
two public datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the
state-of-the-art detection models.
•Information systems →Web mining
•Computing method-
ologies →Information extraction.
misinformation detection, bayesian analysis, deep learning
This paper is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
(CC-BY 4.0) license. Authors reserve their rights to disseminate the work on their
personal and corporate Web sites with the appropriate attribution.
WWW ’19, May 13–17, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA
2019 IW3C2 (International World Wide Web Conference Committee), published
under Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6674-8/19/05.
ACM Reference Format:
Qiang Zhang, Aldo Lipani, Shangsong Liang, and Emine Yilmaz. 2019.
Reply-Aided Detection of Misinformation via Bayesian Deep Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW ’19), May
13–17, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.
Although the digital news consumption has increased in the last
decade, the increasing amount of misinformation and fake news has
not certainly proven its quality. Dierent from traditional media
where news are published by reputable organizations, online news
on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are shared
by individuals and/or organizations without a careful checking or
with malicious intents. In Figure 1 we show a false claim posted
on Twitter about an alleged shooting in Ottawa. While some users
showed surprise and asked for further clarications in their replies,
other users believed the claim and re-tweeted it as if it was true.
This misinformation, when done on a large scale can inuence
the public by depicting a false picture of reality. Hence, detecting
misinformation eectively has become one of the biggest challenges
faced by social media platforms [17, 27].
A valuable attempt at rectifying this epidemic of false claims has
been tackled by some news websites, such as: Snopes
, Polifact
and Emergent
, which have employed professional journalists to
manually check and verify every potential false news. However,
such manual approach is very expensive and way too slow to be
able to check all the daily generated claims appearing on the web.
Thus, making automatic tools is in great need to speed up this
verication process.
In this paper, we tackle the automatic misinformation detection
task, which consists in classifying whether a claim is True or False.
Most existing models employ feature engineering or deep learning
to extract features from claims’ content and auxiliary information
such as people’s replies. However, these models generate determin-
istic mappings to capture the dierence between true or false claims.
A major limitation of these models is their inability to represent
uncertainty caused by incomplete or nite available data about the
claim being examined.
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CTV News
· 22 Oct 2014
Police have clarified that there were two shootings in Ottawa today, not
three: at the War Memorial and Parliament Hill.
6 231 72
Police have clarified that there were two shootings in Ottawa today, not three: at the …
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Police have clarified that there we
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231 Retweets 72 Likes
CTV News
Police have clarified that there were two
shootings in Ottawa today, not three: at the
War Memorial and Parliament Hill.
11:26 AM - 22 Oct 2014
6 231 72
· 22 Oct 2014
Replying to @CTVNews
@CTVNews surprising to learn not all security is armed at the Hill..Y Not ??
Jen Gehl de Laforest
· 22 Oct 2014
Replying to @CTVNews
@CTVNews @ctvsaskatoon so what happened at Rideau? Nothing?
Global Awareness 101
· 22 Oct 2014
Replying to @CTVNews
RT @CTVNews Police have clarified that there were two shootings in Ottawa
today, not three: at the War Memorial and Parliament Hill. #Canada
· 22 Oct 2014
Replying to @CTVNews
“@CTVNews: Police have clarified that there were two shootings in Ottawa today,
not three: at the War Memorial and Parliament Hill.” wow
Figure 1: An example of a false claim and people’s replies to
it. From the replies, 231 users chose to trust the claim and
re-tweeted it as if it was true, while only 4 users asked for
further clarications.
We address this problem by proposing a Bayesian deep learning
model, which incorporates stochastic factors to capture complex
relationships between the latent distribution and the observed vari-
ables. The proposed model makes use of the claim content and
replies content. First, to represent the claim content we employ a
neural model to extract textual features from claims. To deal with
the ambiguity of the language used in claims and obtain salient
credibility information, the model generates a latent distribution
based on the extracted linguistic features. Since no auxiliary infor-
mation has been used so far, we interpret this latent distribution as
aprior belief of the claim being true. Second, to extract auxiliary
information from people’s replies content, we rank all the replies
of the claim in temporal order, and summarize them using a Long
Short Term Memory neural network (LSTM). Finally, after updat-
ing the prior belief with the aid of the LSTM output, the model
computes the veracity prediction and its uncertainty. This updated
prior belief distribution is interpreted as the posterior belief.
In order to train the proposed Bayesian deep learning model,
due to the analytical intractability of the posterior distribution, we
develop a Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes (SGVB) algorithm.
A tractable Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO) objective function of
our model is derived to approximate the intractable distribution.
The model is optimized along the direction of maximizing the ELBO
objective function.
Our model inherit two advantages: rst of all, the model incorpo-
rates a latent distribution, which enables to represent uncertainty
and promote robustness; second, the Bayesian model formulates all
of its prior knowledge about a claim being examined in the form
of a prior, which can be updated by more added auxiliary infor-
mation generating more accurate detection results. To sum up, the
proposed model advances state-of-the-art methods in four aspects:
An eective representation of uncertainty due to incom-
plete/nite available data;
A temporal order-based approach to extract auxiliary infor-
mation from people’s replies;
(3) A SGVB algorithm to infer latent distributions;
A systematic experimentation of our model on two real-
world datasets.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: § 2 summarizes
the related work; § 3 denes the misinformation detection task; § 4
details the proposed Bayesian deep learning model; § 5 derives the
Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes optimization algorithm; § 6
describes the used datasets and experimental setup; § 7 is devoted
to experimental results, and; § 8 concludes the paper.
Misinformation has been existing for centuries in dierent forms of
media, such as printed newspaper and television. Recently, online
social media platforms are also suering from the same issues.
Recent work on misinformation detection have tried to understand
the dierences between true and false claims in various aspects:
claim content, information source, multimedia such as aliated
images and videos, and other users’ engagement.
2.1 Textual Content
The text of a claim can provide linguistic features to help predict its
veracity. Since misinformation and false claims are created for nan-
cial or political purposes rather than to report an objective event,
they often contain opinionated or inammatory language [
]. In
order to reveal linguistic dierences between true and false claims,
lexical and syntactic features at character, word, sentence and doc-
ument level have been exploited [
]. Wawer et al
. [43]
compute psycholinguistic features using a bag-of-words paradigm.
Rashkin et al
. [34]
compare the language of true claims with that of
satire, hoaxes, and propaganda to nd linguistic characteristics of
untrustworthy text. Kakol et al
. [21]
construct a content credibility
corpus and examine a list of language factors that might aect web
content credibility based on which a predictive model is developed.
Bountouridis et al
. [3]
compare heterogeneous articles of the same
story and reveal that pieces of information cross-referenced are
more likely to be credible. Derczynski et al
. [9]
extract features
from claim tweets including bag-of-words, presence of URLs, and
presence of hashtags. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) is then
used to distinguish between true and false claims. Guacho et al
leverages a tensor decomposition to derive concise claim em-
beddings that capture contextual information from each claim; and
uses these embeddings to create a claim-by-claim graph on which
the labels propagate. Textual content has been empirically proven
to be a strong indicator of claim veracity, and thus can be used as a
prior probability.
2.2 Source Credibility Analysis
The credibility analysis of the sources of a claim is an important
auxiliary information. As misinformation is usually published by
unbelievable individuals or automatic bots, credibility plays a cru-
cial role in message communication [
]. Accurate and timely
discrimination of such accounts inhibits the proliferation of mis-
information at an early stage. Tseng and Fogg
identify two
components of source credibility, namely trustworthiness and ex-
pertise. Trustworthiness is generally taken to mean truthful, un-
biased and well intentioned. Expertise instead is understood as
knowledgeable, experienced and competent. Thus, features that
can reveal the trustworthiness and expertise of information sources
are strong indicators of source credibility. With the aid of informa-
tion source Thomson et al
. [39]
examine the credibility of tweets
related to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan. They
found that tweets from highly credible institutions and individuals
are mostly correct. Useful account features can be derived from the
account demographics, such as integrity of personal information,
the number of followers and followees [
]. Besides, aggregating a
group of account features are indicative, since spreaders of true and
false claims might come from dierent communities [
], such as
the percentage of veried user accounts [
] and the average num-
ber of followers [
]. However, account demographics can easily be
altered to decrease the similarity between credible and incredible
2.3 Multimedia Features
Multimedia features have been shown to be an important manip-
ulator for propaganda based on misinformation [
]. As we have
characterized, online misinformation exploits the individual vul-
nerabilities of people and thus often relies on sensational or even
fake images to provoke anger or other emotional response of con-
sumers. Visual-based features are extracted from images and videos
to capture the dierent characteristics of misinformation. Faking
images are identied based on various user-level and tweet-level
hand-crafted features [
]. Recently, various visual and statistical
features have been extracted for news verication [
]. Yang et al
develop a convolutional neural network to extract text and
visual features simultaneously. Visual features include clarity score,
coherence score, diversity score, and clustering score. Statistical
features include count, image ratio, multi-image ratio, hot image
ratio, long image ratio, etc. This approach suers from the prob-
lem that some misinformation on social media does not contain
multimedia content.
2.4 Social Engagement
The news spreading process over time on social media involves
user-driven engagement. Auxiliary information can also be derived
from such engagement to improve the claim veracity detection. Ma
et al
. [29]
propose to learn discriminative features by following
non-sequential propagation structure of tweets. A top-down and a
bottom-up recursive neural networks are proposed to predict claim
veracity. Glenski et al
. [12]
seek to better understand how users
react to trusted and deceptive news sources across two popular,
and very dierent, social media platforms. Signicant dierences
have been observed in the speed and the type of reactions between
trusted and deceptive news sources on Twitter, but far smaller dif-
ferences on Reddit. People react to a piece of claim by expressing
their stances or emotions in social media posts. Stances can be cat-
egorized as supportive, opposing, and neutral, which can be used
to infer claim veracity [
]. Kochkina et al
. [25]
propose a
neural multi-task model that leverages the relationship between
veracity detection and stance detection in a joint learning setup.
Another common post feature is the topic distribution that indi-
cates the central point of relevant aairs, which is derived by topic
models [
]. Post features are expanded in two ways: via aggregation
with relevant posts for a specic aair, and via temporal evolution
of post features. The rst way relies on the “wisdom of crowds” to
locate potential misinformation [
], while the second way captures
the periodic uctuations of shock cycles [
] or temporal pattern
of user activities, such as the number of engaged users and time
intervals between engagements [37]. Yet, semantic coherence and
temporal changes between users’ replies are not fully explored by
existing methods.
The task of misinformation detection is to predict the news’ veracity
of claims, given their content and their people’s replies.
C={c1,c2, . . . , cN}
be a set of
claims. The claim
commented by a set of
user replies
Di={di,1,di,2, . . . , di,M}
We use
to denote the binary veracity label of the claim
, which
could be either
1for true or
0for false. The tuple of a claim
and people’s replies, i.e.,
, forms a data instance to predict
the claim veracity
. For the sake of clarity, in the following, we will
omit the subscripts iwhen describing a single instance: {c,D,y}.
In this section, we present our proposed Bayesian deep learning
model that eectively integrates claim and people’s replies. We will
rst introduce how to encode claim content with deep learning and
generate a latent distribution that is interpreted as a prior belief of
claim veracity. We then describe the temporal-ordered approach to
encode people’s replies, which captures semantic variation along
the time line. Finally, we correct the prior belief with the aid of
people’s replies, the result of which process is interpreted as the
posterior belief of claim veracity. Figure 2 describes the proposed
4.1 Encoding a Claim
As content are strong indicators of claim veracity [
], we apply
deep learning to extract linguistic features from the claim
. To avoid
the ambiguity of claims and obtain salient credibility information,
we generate a latent distribution based on the extracted linguistic
features. The output of this claim encoder is the prior belief of the
veracity of the claim.
Let each claim
be a sequence of discrete words or tokens, i.e.,
c=[w1,w2, . . . , wl]
, where
is a
-dimensional word
embedding vector. Based on the sequence of word embeddings,
textual features are extracted via a Bidirectional Long Short Term
Memory (BiLSTM) neural network [
]. The BiLSTM captures long
and short semantic dependencies both from previous time steps
and future time steps via forward and backward states.The BiLSTM
𝒩(𝝁,diag 𝝈2)
Figure 2: Framework of the Bayesian deep learning model. The framework consists of two parts, the claim encoder (§ 4.1) and
the replies encoder (§ 4.2), the concatenation of which determines the posterior belief of claim veracity. Blocks and nodes rep-
resent computation modules and variables. Grey nodes are observed variables while blank nodes are latent variables (similarly
with Figure 3). Note that blocks of the same color denote the same module.
takes as input
, converts the sequence of word embeddings into a
dense representation, and outputs the concatenation of two hidden
states capturing past and future information:
where hcdenote the concatenated hidden states.
To avoid the ambiguity of claims, instead of a deterministic
non-linear transformation, we generate a latent distribution, from
which we sample a latent stochastic variable
. To embed linguistic
information into the latent variable, we set the latent variable to be
conditional on hc:
is a latent distribution and
denotes the non-linear trans-
formation of
to generate the parameters of
. This non-linear
transformation is essential to capture higher level representations of
; we implement this non-linear transformation via a Multi-Layer
Perceptron (MLP).
We assume that the latent variable
is continuous and follows a
multivariate Gaussian distribution. The variable
is parameterized
as follows:
are the mean and the covariance matrix
of the multivariate Gaussian distribution. Since the variable
conditional on the the claim hidden states
, we derive these two
parameters of the Gaussian distribution from
through a deep
neural network:
denotes a MLP,
denote two Linear Transforma-
tions (LT). Since LT can generate negative values, to produce
we exponentiate the result of l2.
In order to make
dierentiable and backpropagate the
loss through the latent distribution (
), the following reparameteri-
zation trick is used:
z=ϵ·σθ+µθwhere ϵ∼N(0,I),(6)
is a vector of zeros and
is the identity matrix. By making
use of the latent variable (
), our model is able to capture complex
noisy patterns in the data.
4.2 Encoding People’s Replies
We now present the people’s replies encoder to obtain auxiliary
information. This auxiliary information is claim-specic and is used
to generate the posterior belief by correcting the prior belief of the
claim veracity.
Replies on social media platforms are listed along the time line
as shown in Figure 1, where the earliest reply appears at the top of
the list. Truth about an event can be gradually manifest as more
evidence emerges, thus we assume that the latest replies tend to be
more reliable and more important than the earlier replies. Based on
this assumption, we design a two-layer recurrent neural network to
encode replies: the rst-layer applies a BiLSTM to summarize the
semantic information of each reply and the second-layer applies a
LSTM to capture the temporal semantic variation of the replies.
Given a claim
commented by a list of replies
D={d1, . . .
. . . , dm, . . . , dM}
, these replies are ranked based on their tempo-
ral order. The content of a
consists of a sequence of words
d=[w1, . . . , wk]
. To project the claim and replies into the same
semantic space, we use the same pre-trained word embeddings for
both claims and replies. Hence,
is a
-dimensional vector
such as the word embedding vector used to encoding the claim. For
the sake of semantic coherence, we also employ the same BiLSTM
to encode both the claim and its replies. Take the reply
for example, the concatenation of hidden states from forward and
backward directions is denoted as:
where hdmis the summary of the reply dm.
In order to capture the semantic information of all replies, we
sequentially input the concatenated hidden states of each reply into
a LSTM. We use the LSTM rather than a BiLSTMbecause the former
gives high weights to recent input, which matches our assumption
on the relative importance of the latest reply. Specically, the LSTM
takes the hidden states of each reply as input in a sequential way:
where hM
d={hd1, . . . , hdm, . . . , hdM}.
The last hidden state
contains both the linguistic information
of each reply and the semantic changes between replies along the
time line. This
is then used to generate the posterior belief by
correcting the prior belief of the claim veracity.
4.3 Veracity Modeling
In § 4.1, we developed a prior belief of the claim veracity. In this
section we show how to correct this prior belief by including its
The posterior belief is generated by combining the claim and
reply information via a MLP. The strong non-linearity of MLPs
make them suitable to nd complex relationships between the
claim and its replies. Specically, the MLP input is the latent claim
variable zconcatenated to the hidden state of replies hD:
This is the nal prediction of our Bayesian deep learning model for
misinformation detection.
The stochastic variables of our model are non-linear and non-
conjugate [
]. Hence, the posterior distribution cannot be de-
rived analytically. To approximate the posterior distribution, we
construct an inference model parameterized by
to approximate
the intractable true posterior
; then we derive an objec-
tive function to measure how well
is approximated; -
nally we exploit the Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes (SGVB)
method [
] to learn the inference model parameters
Figure 3: The directed graphical model. Grey nodes rep-
resent observed variables while blank nodes represent la-
tent variables. Solid lines denote the generative model
pθ(z|hc)p(y|z,hD), dashed lines denote the variational ap-
proximation qϕ(z|y,hc,hD)to the intractable posterior
pθ(z|hc). The variational parameters are learned together
with the generative model parameters.
with the generative model parameters
. Figure 3 shows the graphi-
cal representation of the generative model and the inference model.
5.1 Inference Model
Following the neural variational inference approach [
], we con-
struct an inference model (as in Fig. 3) parameterized by
to com-
pute an approximated posterior distribution, called variational dis-
tribution. Given the observed variables, we dene a variational
to approximate the true posterior distri-
. Like for the Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) [
similarly to Eq. 3 for
, the variational distribution is chosen
to be a multivariate Gaussian distribution:
are the mean and the covariance matrix of
the multivariate Gaussian distribution. We use a deep neural net-
work to derive these two parameters from the observed variables:
denotes a MLP, and
denote two LTs. Note that in
the inference model to compute
log σ
we use
not only hcas in the generative model.
5.2 Objective Function
In the following we derive the objective function of our Bayesian
deep learning model following the variational principle. To max-
imize the log-likelihood
ln (p(y|hc,hD))
, we derive an Evidence
Lower Bound (ELBO) objective function, which ensures a correct
approximation of the true posterior. To simplify the notation of
the derivation of the objective function we make the following
Algorithm 1: Optimization of the proposed model.
input : Claim hidden state hc, replies hidden state hD,
veracity label y, the number claims Nand the
learning rate η.
2θ,ϕ←Initialize parameters;
4Randomly draw a minibatch of Bclaims;
5for i=1,...,B do
z←randomly draw Ssamples from
7L(θ,ϕ|yi,hci,hDi) ← compute the loss for one
claim according to Eq. 14;
8L(θ,ϕ|y,hc,hD) ← compute the loss for the full
dataset according to Eq. 15;
9θ←θ−η· ∇θL(θ,ϕ|y,hc,hD);
10 ϕ←ϕ−η· ∇ϕL(θ,ϕ|y,hc,hD);
11 until θ,ϕconverge;
12 return θ,ϕ;
qϕ(z|y,hc,hD). The objective function is derived as follows:
ln (p(y|hc,hD))=ln ∫pθ(y)pθ(z)dz
≥∫qϕ(z)ln pθ(z)
=Eqϕ(z)[ln (pθ(y))] − DKL [qϕ(z))∥pθ(z)]
is the ELBO objective function. The second
line of the derivation is possible by using the Jensen’s inequal-
ity [
]. Since the ELBO objective function is a lower bound of
the log-likelihood
, its maximization maximizes the
5.3 Gradient Estimation
Large-scale inference needs minibatch optimization. Thus, we de-
rive a minibatch-based SGVB estimator to dierentiate and optimize
the ELBO objective function (
) with respect to both
the inference parameters (ϕ) and the generative parameters (θ).
Through Monte Carlo estimation we compute the expectation
part of the ELBO objective function. Let the minibatch size to be
and, for each claim
i∈ [
a sample drawn from the
variational posterior distribution
. Given a subset of claims,
we can construct an estimator of ELBO objective function for the
full dataset based on mini-batches as follows:
−DK L [qϕ(z))∥pθ(z)],(14)
==L(θ,ϕ|y,hc,hD) ≈ N
denote the estimates based on the
is the total number of claims. Algorithm 1 shows the mini-
batch gradient descent optimization process for both the generative
) and inference (
) parameters. Note that the gradient steps in
Algorithm 1 can easily be alternated with a more powerful optimizer
such as the Adam algorithm [23].
Although both
are modeled as pa-
rameterized Gaussian distributions. The former is an approximation
of the latter that only functions during learning. The latter, instead,
is the learned distribution from which samples are generated in
order to classify claim veracity.
5.4 Prediction
After training, we compute the posterior distribution
through the generative network. The actual prediction of a claim
veracity is given by taking the expectation of Ssamples:
where zsdenote the samples drawn from the true posterior distri-
bution pθ(z|hc).
In this section we start by introducing 4 research questions. We
then present the methodology used to answer them. The software
used to run the experiments in this paper is available on the website
of the rst author.
6.1 Research Questions
We seek to answer the following four research questions, which
will be guide the remainder of the paper:
Does our model outperform the state-of-the-art misinforma-
tion detection baselines?
Does the incorporation of the latent distribution outperforms
a deterministic counterpart?
Does the auxiliary information from people’s replies produce
a more accurate posterior belief of claim veracity?
Is the temporal order better than random when encoding
Is it benecial to incorporate a latent variable to encode
How does the dimension of the latent variable
aect the
model’s performance?
6.2 Datasets
In order to compare the performance of our proposed model against
the baselines, we experimented with two real-world benchmark
datasets, the RumourEval [
] and the Pheme [
] datasets. Both
datasets contain Twitter conversation threads about news (like
the example shown in Figure 1). A conversation thread consists
of a tweet making a true or false claim, and branches of people’s
replies expressing their opinion about it. A summary of the datasets
statistics is available in Table 1.
The RumourEval dataset has been developed for the SemEval-
2017 Task 8 competition. This dataset consists of 325 source tweets
Table 1: Statistics of the datasets.
Subset Veracity RumourEval Pheme
#Claims #Replies #Claims #Replies
Training True 83 1,949 861 24,438
False 70 1,504 625 17,676
Total 153 3,453 1,468 42,114
Validation True 10 101 95 1,154
False 12 141 115 1,611
Total 22 242 210 2,765
Testing True 9 412 198 3077
False 12 437 219 3,265
Total 21 849 417 6,342
and 5,568 user reply tweets. The veracity of each tweet can be
true (45%), false (23%) or unveried (32%). Since we aim to only
distinguish true and false claims, we lter out the unveried tweets.
We divide the ltered dataset into a training subset, a validation
subset and a testing subset. The training subset contains 153 claims
with 3,453 replies, the validation subset contains 22 claims with to
242 replies, and the test subset contains 21 claims with 849 replies.
The Pheme dataset is constructed to help understand how users
treat online rumour before and after the news is detected to be
true or false. Like the RumourEval dataset, we divide the Pheme
dataset into a training subset, a validation subset and a testing
subset. Specically, 70% of the claims are randomly selected as
training instances, 10% as validation instances and the rest as testing
instances. Users’ replies are divided according to the claims.
6.3 Evaluation Measures
The misinformation detection task is a binary classication task.
Such tasks are commonly evaluated by the following evaluation
measures: Accuracy, F1, Precision, and Recall.
Accuracy is a common evaluation measure for classication tasks.
However, it is less reliable when datasets suer from class imbal-
ance. The evaluation measures Precision, Recall and F
Accuracy because not suering from this problem.
6.4 Hyperparameters Setting
The activation function of the three LSTMs is
. The activation
function of the MLPs is ReLu.
The hyperparameters tuned on the validation subset are:
•the dimension of the hidden layer of all three LSTMs is 30;
•the dimension of the latent variables is 10;
•the minibatch size is 32;
the number of samples used in Monte Carlo estimates is 20.
State-of-the-art techniques have been employed to optimize the
objective function: Dropout [
] is applied to improve neural net-
works training, L2-norm regularization is imposed on the weights of
the neural networks, Adam optimizer [
] is exploited for fast con-
vergence, and stepwise exponential learning rate decay is adopted
to anneal the variations of convergence.
6.5 Baselines
We test our Bayesian deep learning model against six state-of-the-
art models. In order to have a fair comparison, only those models
using the claim content and users’ replies have been selected.
Support Vector Machine (SVM).
This model evaluates the per-
formance of manually extracted features. The extracted fea-
tures from claim content include: bag-of-words represen-
tation, presence of URLs, presence of hashtags, proportion
of supporting and denying response [9]. These features are
then input to a linear Support Vector Machine classier. This
classier achieves the highest misinformation detection per-
formance in the SemEval-2017 Task 84;
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN).
This model evaluates
the performance of CNNs on the veracity detection task.
Apart from the sequential approach such as BiLSTM, the
convolutional model is another powerful neural architec-
ture for natural language understanding [
CNN takes as input pre-trained word embeddings generated
with Word2Vec [
] trained on the Google News dataset.
To capture features similar to
-grams, we apply dierent
convolutional window sizes. A max poling layer is applied
to compress the output information of the convolutional
layers [7];
Tensor Embeddings (TE).
This model leverages tensor decom-
position to derive concise claim embeddings, which are used
to create a claim-by-claim graph on which labels propa-
gate [14];
Evidence-Aware Deep Learning (DeClarE).
This model retriev-
es evidences from replies using claims as a queries [
]. Then
both claims and retrieved replies are input into a deep neural
network with attention mechanism. Claim veracity is then
computed by aggregating over the prediction generated by
every claim-retrieved reply pair;
Multitask Learning (Multitask).
This model leverages the rela-
tionship between two tasks of the veracity detection pipe-
line [
], stance detection and veracity prediction tasks. The
model is trained on both jointly. We apply the hard parame-
ter sharing mechanism, where dierent tasks share the same
hidden LSTM layers. Task-specic layers takes the shared
hidden information and generate per-task predictions;
Tree-structured RNN (TRNN).
This model learns discriminative
features from replies content by following their non-sequen-
tial propagation structure. Among the proposed two struc-
tures, we select the top-down structure for tweet representa-
tion learning because marginally better than the bottom-up
structure [29].
This section answers the research questions proposed in § 6.
7.1 Performance Comparison (RQ1)
Table 2 summarizes the classication performance of the baselines
and our Bayesian deep learning framework on the RumourEval
and Pheme datasets. We can observe that: (1) In terms of
Table 2: Performance comparison of the proposed Bayesian deep learning framework against the baselines.
Dataset Measure SVM CNN TE DeClarE Multitask TRNN Ours
RumourEval Accuracy (%) 71.42 61.90 66.67 66.67 66.67 76.19 80.95
Precision (%) 66.67 54.54 60.00 58.33 57.14 70.00 77.78
Recall (%) 66.67 66.67 66.67 77.78 88.89 77.78 77.78
F1(%) 66.67 59.88 63.15 66.67 69.57 73.68 77.78
Pheme Accuracy (%) 72.18 59.23 65.22 67.87 74.94 78.65 80.33
Precision (%) 78.80 56.14 63.05 64.68 68.77 77.11 78.29
Recall (%) 75.75 64.64 64.64 71.21 87.87 78.28 79.29
F1(%) 72.10 60.09 63.83 67.89 77.15 77.69 78.78
, most deep learning-based models, such as ours, TRNN
and Multitask, outperform the feature engineering-based models,
i.e., SVM. This demonstrates that deep neural networks indeed
help to learn better hidden representation of claims and replies. (2)
Methods exploring relationships between a claim and its replies,
such as ours, TRNN and Multitask, achieve better performance than
claim content-based methods like TE and CNN. This demonstrates
the signicance of utilizing people’s replies in the misinformation
detection task. (3) Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance
on both measures and both datasets demonstrating the eectiveness
of our model in the misinformation detection task. This is true
despite, our system is not the best for precision and recall alone. This
because precision and recall alone do not oer a clear picture about
the performance of a model since one measure can be increased at
the expense of the other and vice versa.
Specically, our model achieves the highest accuracy (80.95%),
precision (77.78%) and F
(77.78%) on the RumourEval test subset,
and the highest Accuracy (80.33%) and F
(78.78%) on the Pheme test
subset. The TRNN is the strongest baseline achieving the second
highest accuracy and F
on both RumourEval (76.19% and 73.68%)
and Pheme (78.65% and 77.69%) test subsets.
7.2 Ablation of the Latent Distribution (RQ2)
In this subsection, we evaluate the impact of using a latent distribu-
tion into the claim encoder on the misinformation detection task.
To evaluate the impact of the latent distribution
, we ablate
our model and compare its classication performance against the
full model. Specically, the ablation is done by taking the output
of the BiLSTM hidden states, i.e.,
and give this as input to the
output MLP. The rest of the model remains unchanged. Since no
latent distribution is involved, the ablated model is optimized in
accordance with the conventional Softmax loss minimization.
In Figure 4(a) and 4(b) we show the classication performance
of the ablated model against the full model on the RumourEval and
Pheme test subsets. We observe that the full model outperforms the
ablated one by at least 7.77% on every evaluation measure. This
demonstrates the better representation quality achieved by the use
of the latent distribution.
7.3 Ablation of People’s Replies (RQ3)
We now evaluate the contribution people’s replies in the misin-
formation detection task. In order to examine its contribution we
compare our full model with and without replies. Specically, we
ablate the input coming from the replies to the nal MLP, which
now is used only to perform a non-linear transformation of the
latent variable z.
In Figure 5(a) and 5(b) we show the classication performance
of the ablated model against the full model on the RumourEval
and the Pheme test subsets. Here, we observe that the auxiliary
information extracted from people’s replies has a large impact to
the nal performance our model. In fact, every evaluation measure
is increased by at least 10.11%.
7.4 Random vs. Temporal Ordered Replies
The proposed model rank people’s replies based on the temporal
order. In this subsection, we analyze the contribution of ranking the
replies according to their temporal order. We compare this against
a random order.Specically, we randomize the
before it is input
to the LSTM.
In Figure 6(a) and 6(b) we show the performance comparison
of these two orders. We observe that the temporal ordered replies
achieve better performance than the random ordered. Besides, the
random ordered model is still worse TRNN yet better than Multitask.
This is probably because TRNN takes the temporal structure of
replies into the model while Multitask fail to involve temporal
7.5 A Latent Distribution for Replies (RQ5)
Considering the improved performance brought by the latent dis-
tribution for claims, in this subsection we answer whether it would
be benecial to incorporate a latent distribution also for replies.
In order to answer this research question, we expand our model
by adding a new latent distribution in the reply encoder. Similarly
to what done for the claim encoder, the new latent distribution is
designed as a multidimensional Gaussian distribution with mean
and covariance matrix derived from the LSTM output
(as in
Eq. 3, 4 and 5). A new latent variable is sampled similarly as in
Eq 6 and input to the MLP to predicting veracity of the claim being
In Figure 8(a) and 8(b) we show the model performance com-
parison. We observe that the new latent distribution does not have
an eect on the performance on the model for all the evaluation
measures and dataset test subsets. Based on this analysis, we con-
clude that the incorporation of the additional latent distribution
for replies does not provide any additional improvement in perfor-
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
77.78 70.01
(a) RumourEval
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
78.29 69.69
(b) Pheme
Figure 4: The impact of the latent distribution pon the model performance. In both gures we show the performance change
on all the evaluation measures of the model with (Full) or without (Ablated) p. Figure (a) shows it for the RumourEval test
subset and Figure (b) shows it for the Pheme test subset.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
77.78 67.67
(a) RumourEval
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
(b) Pheme
Figure 5: The impact of people’s replies on the model performance. In both gures we show the performance change on all the
evaluation measures of the model with (Full) or without (Ablated) replies information. Figure (a) shows it for the RumourEval
test subset Figure (b) shows it for the Pheme test subset.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
76.1980.95 75.0177.78
77.78 70.5977.78
(a) RumourEval
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
78.4180.33 76.7378.29 78.2879.29 77.4978.78
(b) Pheme
Figure 6: The eect of the temporal order of the reply encoder on model performance. In both gures we show the performance
change on all the evaluation measures of the model with random and temporal ordered people’s replies. Figure (a) shows it
for the RumourEval test subset and Figure (b) shows it for the Pheme test subset.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
76.1980.95 70.0177.78 77.7877.78 73.6977.78
(a) RumourEval
Accuracy Precision Recall F1
0 20 40 60 80 100
77.9380.33 79.4978.29 75.4879.29 77.3478.78
(b) Pheme
Figure 7: The eect of an additional latent distribution for people’s replies on the model performance. In both gures we show
the performance change on all the evaluation measures of the model with (Expanded) and without (Full) an additional latent
variable for the people’s replies. Figure (a) shows it for the RumourEval test subset and Figure (b) shows it for the Pheme test
0 5 10 15 20 25
60 65 70 75 80 85
(a) RumourEval
0 5 10 15 20 25
60 65 70 75 80 85
(b) Pheme
Figure 8: The eect of the latent variable dimension on model performance. In both gures we show how the accuracy and F1
scores change when varying the dimension of z. Figure (a) shows it for the RumourEval test subset and Figure (b) shows it for
the Pheme test subset.
7.6 Sensitivity Analysis (RQ6)
In this subsection we evaluate the eect of the dimension of the
latent variable
. To do this after setting a dimension for
optimize the rest of the hyperparameters on the validation subset.
In Figure 8(a) and 8(b) we show the eect on performance of
the dimension of
on both datasets. We observe that the results
are similar for both evaluation measures, accuracy and F
. Varying
the dimension from 1 to 5 the model brings a larger performance
improvement than when varying it from 5 to 25. When the dimen-
sion is 15 the model obtains the highest accuracy, 81.22%, on the
RumourEval test subset while when the dimension is 10 the model
obtains the highest F
, 78.78%, on the RumourEval test subset and
highest accuracy, 80.33% and F1, 78.78%, on the Pheme test subset.
These results also show that the increase in model capacity may
not necessarily lead to an improvement in performance. The reason
could be found on the limited size of the datasets, which might
cause overtting when the model is too complex.
In this paper, we study the problem of misinformation detection on
social media platforms. One major problem faced by existing ma-
chine learning methods is the inability to represent uncertainty due
to incomplete or nite available information. We address the prob-
lem by proposing a Bayesian deep learning model. When encoding
claim content, we incorporate a latent distribution accounting for
uncertainty and randomness caused by noisy patterns in the nite
dataset. This latent distribution provides a prior belief of claim ve-
racity. We also encode auxiliary information from people’s replies
in a temporal order through an LSTM. Such auxiliary information
is then used to update the prior belief generating a posterior belief.
In order to optimize the Bayes model, we derive a minibatch-based
gradient estimation algorithm. Systematic experimentation has
demonstrated the superiority of our approach against the state-of-
the-art approaches in the misinformation detection task.
Despite encouraging experimental results, online misinforma-
tion detection is still a challenging problem with many open ques-
tions. In this paper, auxiliary information comes from people’s
replies alone, we argue that the proposed model can be enriched
by utilizing other auxiliary information, such as source credibility.
Also, the reply stances are a strong veracity indicator for a claim,
since false claims are usually controversial and accompanied by op-
posite stances. We let for future work, the combination of features
extract from credibility analysis and reply stances.
This project was funded by the EPSRC Fellowship titled "Task Based
Information Retrieval", grant reference number EP/P024289/1. We
acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation
of the Titan Xp GPU used for this research.
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