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Abstract and Figures

Predation is an important selective pressure, and some prey have evolved conspicuous warning signals that advertise unpalatability (i.e., aposematism) as an antipredator defence. Conspicuous colour patterns have been shown effective as warning signals, by promoting predator learning and memory. Unexpectedly, some butterfly species from the unpalatable tribe Ithomiini possess transparent wings, a feature rare on land but common in water, known to reduce predator detection. We tested whether transparency of butterfly wings was associated with decreased detectability by predators, by comparing four butterfly species exhibiting different degrees of transparency, ranging from fully opaque to largely transparent. We tested our prediction using both wild birds and humans in behavioural experiments. Vision modelling predicted butterfly detectability to be similar for these two predator types. In concordance with predictions, the most transparent species were almost never found first and were detected less often than the opaque species by both birds and humans, suggesting that transparency enhances crypsis. However, humans were able to learn to better detect the more transparent species over time. Our study demonstrates for the first time that transparency on land likely decreases detectability by visual predators. A plain language summary is available for this article.
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| Functional Ecology. 2019;33:1110–1119.
© 2019 The Authors. Functional Ecology
© 2019 British Ecological Society
Predation is an important selective pressure and a strong evolution
ary force shaping prey coloration. Some prey have evolved colours
and textures that mimic those of the background, hence rendering
them cryptic (Endler, 1988) and reducing predator detection. In mid‐
water environments, where there is nowhere to hide, crypsis can
be achieved by different means, including transparency (Johnsen,
2014). Transparency is common in aquatic organisms where it has
been shown to decrease detect ability by visual predators, enabling
prey to blend in with their environment (Kerfoot, 1982; Langsdale,
1993; Tsuda, Hiroaki, & Hirose, 1998; Zaret, 1972). By contrast,
transparency is generally rare in terrestrial organisms, except for
insect wings, which are made of chitin, a transparent material.
However, Lepidoptera (named after ancient Greek words for scale‐
lepis and wing‐pteron) are an exception as their wings are gener‐
ally covered with colourful scales that are involved in intraspecific
communication (Jiggins, Estrada, & Rodrigues, 2004), thermoreg‐
ulation (Miaoulis & Heilman, 1998), water repellence (Wanasekara
& Chalivendra, 2011), flight enhancement (Davis, Chi, Bradley, &
Received: 5 September 2018 
Accepted: 14 January 2019
DOI : 10.1111 /1365 ‐2435 .13315
Transparency reduces predator detection in mimetic clearwing
Mónica Arias1| Johanna Mappes2| Charlotte Desbois3| Swanne Gordon2|
Melanie McClure3| Marianne Elias3*| Ossi Nokelainen2* | Doris Gomez1,4*
*Co‐las t authors.
1Univ Montpellier, Univ Paul Valéry
Montpe llier 3, EPHE, IRD, CEFE, Montp ellier,
2Department of Biological and
Environmental Science, Centre of Excellence
in Biolog ical Interact ions, Universit y of
Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
3Institut de Systématique, Evolution,
Biodive rsité (IS YEB), CNRS, MNHN,
Sorbonne Université, EPH E, Université des
Antilles, Paris, France
4INSP, Sorbonne Univer sité, CNR S, Pari s,
Mónica Arias
Funding information
Suomen Akatemia, Grant/Award Number:
2100000256 and 21000038821; Agence
Nationale de la Recherche, Grant/Award
Number: ANR-16-CE02-0012; Human
Frontier Science Program, Grant/Award
Number : RGP 0014/2016
Handling Editor: Caroline Isaksson
1. Predation is an important selective pressure, and some prey have evolved con
spicuous warning signals that advertise unpalatability (i.e., aposematism) as an an
tipredator defence. Conspicuous colour patterns have been shown effective as
warning signals, by promoting predator learning and memory. Unexpectedly, some
butterfly species from the unpalatable tribe Ithomiini possess transparent wings, a
feature rare on land but common in water, known to reduce predator detection.
2. We tested whether transparency of butterfly wings was associated with de‐
creased detectability by predators, by comparing four butterfly species exhibiting
different degrees of transparency, ranging from fully opaque to largely transpar‐
ent. We tested our prediction using both wild birds and humans in behavioural
experiments. Vision modelling predicted butterfly detectability to be similar for
these two predator types.
3. In concordance with predictions, the most transparent species were almost never
found first and were detected less often than the opaque species by both birds
and humans, suggesting that transparency enhances crypsis. However, humans
were able to learn to better detect the more transparent species over time.
4. Our study demonstrates for the first time that transparency on land likely de‐
creases detectability by visual predators.
aposematic, bird, citizen science, crypsis, detectability, experiment, Ithomiini, vision modelling
Functional Ecology
ARIAS e t Al.
Altizer, 2012), and antipredator adaptations such as crypsis (Stevens
& Cuthill, 2006), masquerade (Suzuki, Tomita, & Sezutsu, 2014) and
aposematism (i.e., advertisement of unpalatability by the means of
conspicuous coloration, Mallet & Singer, 1987).
Ithomiini (Nymphalidae: Danainae), also known as clearwing but
terflies, are some of the most abundant butter flies in Neotropic al for
ests (Willmott, Willmott, Elias, & Jiggins, 2017). Ithomiini species are
considered to be unpalatable to some extent due to the accumulation
of pyrrolizidine alkaloids collected from Asteraceae, Boraginaceae
and Apocynaceae plants (Brown, 1985). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids, nat
urally present in Ithomiini butterflies, Oreina beetles, or artificially
added to mealworms, have been reported to effectively deter preda
tion by birds (Brown & Neto, 1976). Many Ithomiini represent classic
examples of aposematic prey, whereby bright wing colour patterns
including orange, yellow and black—advertise their unprofitability
to predators (Mappes, Marples, & Endler, 2005; Nokelainen, Hegna,
Reudler, Lindstedt, & Mappes, 2012; Poulton, 1890). Ithomiini butter
flies are also involved in mimicry with other aposematic species such
as several Heliconius butterflies (Beccaloni, 1997). Bright contrasting
and aposematic coloration is likely to be the ancestral state in the
group, since most species in sister lineages (Tellerveni and Danaini)
are opaque and aposematic (Freitas & Brown, 2004). However, trans
parency has evolved to some degree in approximately 80% of clear
wing butterfly species, even though many retain minor opaque and
colourful wing elements (Beccaloni, 1997; Elias, Gompert, Jiggins, &
Willmott, 2008; Jiggins, Mallarino, Willmott, & Bermingham, 2006).
Similarly to cicadas and damselflies, transparency in these butter
fly wings is sometimes enhanced by anti‐reflective nanostructures
(Siddique, Gomard, & Hölscher, 2015; Watson, Myhra, Cribb, &
Watson, 20 08; Yoshida, Motoyama, Kosaku, & Miyamoto, 1997).
Since transparency is often associated with crypsis, for example in
aquatic organisms (Johnsen, 2014), transparency in these butterflies
may decrease detectability by predators.
To determine whether transparency in clearwing butterflies
decreases detectabilit y by visual predators, we compared preda
tor detection of four Ithomiini species that differ in the amount of
transparency of their wings (Figure 1): Hypothyris ninonia (lar gely
opaque and brightly coloured), Ceratinia tutia (brightly coloured
and translucent), Ithomia salapia (transparent with a pale yellow
tint and an opaque contour) and Brevioleria seba (transparent with
out coloration other than a white band in the forewing and an
opaque contour). Given the proportion of light that is transmitted
through the butterfly wing of the different species (Supporting
Information Figure S1), we predicted that the opaque species
H. ninonia should be the easiest to detect, followed by the trans
lucent species C. tutia. Finally, the more transparent butterfly spe
cies I. salapia and B. seba should be the least detectable. However,
it is also possible that the coloured opaque elements of the trans
parent species, such as the white band in B. seba and the opaque
contour found in most of these species, enhance detection. We
tested our predictions using two complementary behavioural ex
periments involving birds and humans and further suppor ted by a
vision modelling approach.
Detect ability of butterflies was first tested using wild great tits
(Parus major) as model bird predators. Great tits are sensitive to UV
wavelengths (UVS vision in Ödeen, Håstad, & Alström, 2011). Their
vision is similar to that of naturally occurring Ithomiini predators such
as the houtouc motmot (Momotus momota, Pinheiro, Medri, & Salcedo,
2008), the fawn‐breasted tanager (Pipraeidea melanonota, Brown &
Neto, 1976), or the rufous‐tailed tanager (Ramphocelus carbo, Browe r,
Brower, & Collins, 1963). However, unlike Neotropical insectivorous
birds, great tits are naïve to ithomiine but terflies and have not learned
to associate their colour patterns to toxicity. As a bird’s propensity to
attac k prey is the result of bot h prey detection an d motivation to att ack
the prey, we also performed behavioural experiments using human
participants, which can be useful in disentangling these two factors.
FIGURE 1 Dorsal (top row) and ventral (bottom row) view of butterfly species used in the study (photographed against a black and
a white back ground to show the location and degree of transparency in the wings). Wing transparency (transmission and area occupied
by transparent patches) increases from lef t (most opaque) to right (most transparent): Hypothyris ninonia (largely opaque), Ceratinia tutia
(translucent but brightly coloured), Ithomia salapia (transparent with a pale yellow tint and black wing contour), Brevioleria seba (transparent
without coloration other than a white band in the forewing and a black wing contour). © Céline Houssin
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Differences in colour perception between great tits and humans in
clude the presence of a fourth single cone t ype receptor (instead of
three cones in humans) that extend the great tits’ sensitivity into the
UV light spectrum (Hart, 2001) and oil droplets that refine colour dis
crimination in birds (Vorobyev, 2003). However, neither humans nor
birds are able to detect linear polarization, which excludes the use
of polarization cues to detect and discriminate between butterfly
species (Foster et al., 2018; Greenwood, Smith, Church, & Partridge,
2003; Melgar, Lind, & Muheim, 2015; Montgomer y & Heinemann,
1952). Moreover, humans have been found to be good predic tors of
insect prey survival in the wild (Penney, Hassall, Skevington, Abbott, &
Sherratt, 2012). Finally, models of predator vision (both for birds and
humans) were used to complement behavioural experiments and infer
the relative detectabilit y of each butterfly species based on their con
trast against the background.
2.1 | Butterflies used for the behavioural
Specimens of the four Ithomiini species used in both experiments—
which, in order of increasing transparency, are H. ninonia, C. tutia,
I. salapia aquina, B. seba (see Figure 1 and Supporting Information
Figur e S1)were collected in Peru in 2016 and 2017, along the
Yurimaguas–Moyobamba road (−6.45°, −76.30°). Butterflies were
kept dry in glassine envelopes until use. In behavioural experiments,
a single real hindwing and a single real forewing were assembled
into artificial butterflies using glue and a thin copper wire to attach
the artificial butterfly to a substrate (see Supporting Information
Figure S2 for an example). These artificial butter flies mimicked real
Ithomiini butter flies at rest, with wings closed and sitting on plant
leaves (a typical posture for resting butterflies).
2.2 | Behavioural experiments using wild birds
Behavioural experiments took place in August and September 2017 at
the Konnevesi Research Station (Finland). Thirty wild‐caught great tits
(P. major) were used. Birds were caught using spring‐up‐traps and mist‐
nets, individually marked with a leg band and used only once. Each bird
was housed individually in an indoor cage (65 × 65 × 80 cm) and was
fed with seeds and water ad libitum, except during training and ex
periments. During training, birds were given mealworms attached to
butter fly wings (see Training section). Birds were deprived of food for
up to 2 hrs before the experiment to increase their motivation to hunt.
2.2.1| Training
In indoor cages, birds were taught that all four species of butterflies
were similarly palatable by offering them laminated wings of four
butter flies (one of each species) with a mealworm attached to the
copper wire. Wings were laminated during training only, using trans
parent thin plastic so as to minimize damage and enabling us to reuse
the wings between trials. Butterflies were presented to the birds in
the absence of vegetation during training so as to enhance the as‐
sociation between butter fly colour patterns and fully edible prey.
When birds had eaten all four prey items (one of each species), a new
set was presented. Training ended when birds had eaten three sets
of butter flies. No time constraint was imposed for training, and most
birds completed it in < 4 hrs.
In order to familiarize birds with the experimental set‐up, which
was novel to them, they were released in the experimental cage by
groups of two to four birds for approximately 1 hr the day before the
experiment. Oat flakes, seeds and mealworms were dispersed over
leaves and vegetation so as to encourage searching for edible items
in locations similar to where but terflies would be placed during the
2.2.2 | Experiments
The experimental set‐up consisted of a 10 m × 10 m cage that had
tarpaulin walls and a ceiling of whitish dense net that let in natu
ral sunlight. Butterflies were disposed in a 5 × 5 grid, delimited by
poles all around the borders and a rope defining rows and columns
(see Supporting Information Figure S3). Five specimens of each
species (20 specimens in total) were placed in the grid, one per
cell. Before each trial, butterflies were photographed over graph
paper, used as a scale to measure butterfly size on ImageJ (Rueden
et al., 2017). Butterflies were pinned on top of meadowsweet
leaves (Filipendula ulmaria) that had naturally grown in the outdoor
cages. Butterflies were always put in similar places within the cell
and could be easily seen from a nearby pole. Butterfly position
was randomized, but c are was taken in (a) leaving the five cells
closest to the obser ver empty as birds tended to avoid this area,
(b) avoiding having more than two specimens of the same species
in the same row or column and (c) having two specimens of the
same species in neighbouring cells. This ensured that all species
were evenly represented along the grid. This random configura
tion was reshuffled between trials.
For each trial, an observer, hidden to the birds, watched from
outside the cage through a small window and took notes of which
butterfly species were attacked and in which order. A GoPro camera
also recorded the experiments. A butterfly was considered detected
only if a bird directly approached to attack it, including when the
attack failed. No bird was seen hesitating during an attack once it
had initiated it. Experiments took place between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Before each trial, the radiance of ambient light (coming from the sun
and sky) was taken by spectrophotometry in the same location. We
computed the total radiance (TR) over the bird’s spectral sensitivity,
which ranges from 300 to 700 nm, to account for the intensity of
ambient light associated with each experimental trial in the statis‐
tical analyses. Further information on weather conditions (cloudy,
sunny, etc) was also recorded. E xperiments ended when a bird had
eaten half of the available butterflies (i.e., 10 butterflies) or after
2 hrs, whichever happened first. Wings were occasionally reused if
they had not been damaged.
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To control for any positional effect on overall species detec tion,
we computed the probability of a bird being present in a given grid
area. To do so, a 10‐min interval of each recorded trial was selected
and revised to calculate the proportion of time birds spent on the
different poles. The time intervals were possible for all trials as they
all lasted at least 10 min and were selected either as a result of the
birds actively attacking prey or actively exploring the cage during
that time, based on notes taken by the observer. These probabili‐
ties were later used to divide the grid into four main areas according
to bird occupancy: furthest and closest corner to the observer, grid
border and grid centre (Suppor ting Information Figure S4a). Most
birds fed willingly on all butterflies located on the borders of the
grid. Given that butterfly species distribution was random and re‐
shuffled between trials, the four species were similarly represented
throughout the grid (Suppor ting Information Figure S4b), so no bias
was expected. For more details about permits, husbandry condi‐
tions, training and experiments, see Supporting Information.
2.3 | Behavioural experiments using human
Between mid‐November and early December 2017, visitors of the
Montpellier Botanical Garden (France) were invited to take part in an
experiment where they searched for artificial butterflies. Before each
trial, participants were shown pictures of various ithomiine butterfly
species, both transparent and opaque, different from those used in
the experiments to familiarize them with what they would be search
ing for. Anonymous personal data were collected from each partici
pant, including gender, age group (A1: <10 years, A2: 11–20 years, A3:
21–30 years, A4: 31–40 years, A5: 41–50 years and A6: >51 years) and
vision problems. Each participant attempted the experiment only once.
2.3.1 | Experimental set‐up
As with the behavioural bird experiments, artificial butterflies
(N = 10 of each of the four species, for a total of 40 butterflies) con‐
sisted of one real forewing and one real hindwing assembled with
copper wire and placed on leaves, but without the mealworm used
in the bird experiments. These butterflies were set up along two
corridors in a forest‐like understorey habitat of similar vegetation
and light conditions. Butterfly order followed a block randomization,
with five blocks each consisting of eight butterflies (i.e., two of each
species; see Supporting Information Figure S5). This ensured that
observers were similarly exposed to the four species all throughout
the experimental transect. Whether a butterfly was placed on the
left or right side of the corridor was also randomized and both order
and corridor side were changed daily. Participants could star t the
path from either end of the set‐up and were given unlimited time to
complete the trial. However, they could only move forward on the
path. Only one participant was allowed in the path at any given time,
and they were accompanied by an observer who recorded which
butter flies were found. Trials ended when the participant had com‐
pleted both corridors.
2.4 | Statistical analyses
Experiments using birds and humans were analysed independently.
Differences in the total number of butterflie s of each species that were
attacked by predators (for the sake of simplicity, we use “attacked”
hereafter for both birds and humans) were compared by fitting gener
alized linear mixed‐ef fect models (GLMM), with bird/human identity as
a ran dom factor. A binomial distribution was used for the respo nse var
iable (att acked or not). For the experiment s using birds, butterfly spe
cies, but terfly size, trial duration, age and sex of the bird, time to first
attack, first butterfly species attacked, butterfly position on the grid
(corner—furthest or closest to the observer—, grid border, grid centre),
weather (as a qualitative variable), and TR, as well as their interactions,
were all included as explanator y variables. For human trials, butterfly
species, first species at tacked, butterfly position, corridor, left or right
side of the path, time of day, gender and age of the participant, dura
tion of the experiment and their interactions were all used as explana
tory variables. In each case, the best fitting model was selected based
on minimization of Akaike’s information criteria (AIC), assuming that
models di ffering by two uni ts or less were statistic ally indistinguishable
(Anderson, Burnham, & White, 1998). Coefficients and st anda rd errors
were computed using a restricted maximum‐likelihood approach and a
Wald z test was used to test for factor significance.
In addition to the total number of butterflies attacked per spe
cies, an “inconspicuousness” rank was calculated for each butterfly
species, as done in a previous study (Ihalainen, Rowland, Speed,
Ruxton, & Mappes, 2012). This ranking takes into consideration
both the specimens that were attacked and those that were not for
each species. Lower values are assigned to those specimens that
were attacked (from 1 to 10, according to the sequence of overall
prey discover y), and higher values are given to those specimens that
were not attacked (all unnoticed specimens are given a value of 11:
the maximum number of butter flies that could be attacked before
the experiment ended + 1). For example, if a bird captures two H. ni-
nonia second and fifth in the sequence of captured prey, leaving
three specimens unnoticed (out of a total of five placed in the cage),
this species gets a rank value of 2 + 5 + (3 × 11) = 40 for that trial.
This inconspicuousness rank distinguishes species attacked first and
in higher numbers (lower values of inconspicuousness) from those
attacked last and in lower numbers (higher values of inconspicuous
ness). We fitted a linear mixed‐effect model to test for differences
in rank for each species, assuming a normal distribution, with rank
as the response variable. We fitted independent models for birds
and human experiments. For bird experiments, bird individual was
considered a random factor, and butterfly species, age and sex of
the bird, date, time until first attack, first butter fly species attacked,
weather as a qualitative variable and TR were explanatory variables.
For humans, participant identity was a random factor, and but terfly
species, first species at tacked, time of day, gender and age of the
participant, duration of the experiment and their interactions were
all explanator y variables. Again, the best fitting model was selected
using AIC minimization. GLMMs were fitted using nlme (Pinheiro,
Bates, DebRoy, Sarkar, & R Core team, 2009) and lme4 (Bates,
Functional Ecolog
ARIAS e t Al.
Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2014, p. 4) packages for R. Moreover,
whether specific species were more frequently detected first by ei
ther birds or humans was tested using a chi‐square test.
Additionally for birds, we tested whether butterfly location in the
grid could explain differences in the overall species’ detection, that is
whether species more likely to be attacked were more of ten placed
on areas more likely to be visited. To do so, the frequency per species
on the four different grid zones was compared using a chi‐square test .
Finally, we tested whether birds and humans created a “search
image” (i.e., improved ability in finding butterflies of a given species
after encountering a similar one) by counting the number of but‐
terflies of each species attacked consecutively. Results were com‐
pared among butterfly species using a chi-square test. Additionally,
whether finding some species improved a bird’s or a human’s ability
to find others was also tested. For each combination of two species,
we calculated how many times a butterfly of species 1 was found
after a butterfly of species 2. Differences between combinations of
butter fly species found by birds were tested using a chi‐square test.
For humans, observed result s and the frequency at which each pos‐
sible pair of species was placed consecutively in the original exper‐
imental set-up were compared using a chi-square test. All analyses
were performed in R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2014).
2.5 | Colour measures and vision modelling
Finally, models of predator vision (both for birds and humans) were
used to complement behavioural experiments and infer the rela
tive detec tability of each butter fly species based on their contrast
against the background. First, we measured colour (i.e., reflectance)
and transmission properties (i.e., transmittance of transparent wing
areas) using spectrophotometry. Vorobyev and Osorio’s discrimi
nability model (1998) was then used to calculate the contrast be‐
tween butterfly and background for birds and humans. Detailed
methods for measurements and vision modelling can be found in the
Supporting Information (additional materials and methods).
3.1 | Behavioural experiments using wild birds
The model that best explained whether butterflies were attacked or
not included only the time required before the first attack and the
cage area in which the butterfly was located (Supporting Information
Table S1). Butterflies were most likely to be attacked when located in
the furthest corners and in the borders than in the rest of the cage
(z = 9.13 , p < 0.001). By contrast, the inconspicuousness rank of a
butter fly species was best explained by a model including butterfly
species as an explanatory variable (Supporting Information Table S2).
Which species was attacked first closely matched wing transmis
sion properties: H. ninonia, the fully opaque species, followed by the
translucent C. tutia, the transparent and yellow‐tinted I. salapia and
the most transparent species in our study, B. seba (Χ2 = 11.07, df = 3,
p = 0.011; Supporting Information Table S3). Hypothyris ninonia, which
was the most colourful species, was usually the first species attacked
(t = −3.15, p = 0.002, Figure 2a; Supporting Information Tables S2 and
S3). Species distribution along the four different grid zones was similar
(Χ2 = 6.19, df = 9, p = 0.72; Supporting Information Figure S4b).
Generally, birds did not at tack several but terflies of the same
species consecutively (Supporting Information Figure S6a). In the
rare instances when they did, no differences between species were
found (Χ2 = 0.6, df = 3, p = 0.90), suggesting that birds did not form
a “search image” for any of the butterfly species. No combination
of species attacked consecutively at high frequencies were found
either (Χ2 = 10.88, df = 11, p = 0.45).
3.2 | Behavioural experiments using human
Younger part icipants found m ore butterf lies than older on es (number
of butter flies: z = −2.34, p = 0.019; Supporting Information Figure
S7a). Additionally, participants found more butterflies earlier than
FIGURE 2 Sum of the inconspicuousness rank for each butterfly species calculated from the behavioural experiment s using (a)
great tits and (b) humans. Species for which butter flies were detected first and most of ten by birds or humans have lower values of
“inconspicuousness rank.” But terfly transparency increases from left to right: Hypothyris ninonia (H), Ceratinia tutia (C), Ithomia salapia (I) and
Brevioleria seba (B). Letters above the bars mean significant differences below 0.05
Functional Ecology
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later in the af ternoon (number of butter flies: z = −2 . 80, p = 0.005;
Suppor ting Information Figure S7a). Generally, the more time par‐
ticipant s spent on the experiment, the more but terflies they found
(number of butterflies: z = 5. 21, p < 0.001), although this was most
significant for women (number of butterflies: z = −2.96, p = 0.003,
Supporting Information Figure S7b). Participants found more butter
flies on the corridor that had slightly larger vegetation cover (number
of butterflies: z = 3.14, p = 0.002). Participants also found more but
terflies at the end rather than at the start of the experiment (number
of butterflies: z = 3.70, p < 0.001, Supporting Information Tables S4),
most likely because they became accustomed to the set‐up and what
they were searching for.
Participants were more likely to find opaque butterflies than
transparent ones, following the order H. ninonia (H), C. tutia ©,
B. seba (B) and I . salapia (I) (H > C, I, B: number of butterflies:
z = 5.73, p < 0.001; inconspicuousness rank: t = −3.96, p < 0.001;
C > B: inconspicuousness rank: t = −4.81, p < 0.001; B > I: incon
spicuousness rank: t = −1.325, p < 0.001; Supporting Information
Tables S4 and S5; Figure 2b). However, the gain in detection with
increasing time spent searching was highest for the most transpar
ent species (z = −2.75, p = 0.006, Supporting Information Figure
S7c). Hypothyris ninonia was also the species most frequently
found first, followed by C. tutia, B. seba and I. salapia (Χ2 = 19. 5,
df = 3, p < 0.001, Supporting Information Table S3). More but
terflies of each species were found when C . tutia was found first
(t = −3.96, p < 0.001).
There were also differences in the consecutive order in which
butter flies were found. Participants were more likely to find two
consecutive butterflies of the same species when they were co
lourful (H. ninonia—50 times‐ and C. tutia—58 times) than when
they were transparent (B. seba—32 times‐ or I. salapia—18 t i m e s ;
Χ2 = 29.14, df = 3, p < 0.001). Brevioleria seba and H. ninonia were
found consecutively up to four times in a single trial. Some species
were also more likely to be found consecutively after another spe
cies. The two most opaque but terflies H. ninonia and C . tutia (found
278 times consecutively), and the two transparent species B. seba
and I. salapia (found 186 times consecutively) were found consecu
tively more frequently than any of the other possible combinations
after correcting for the number of butterflies found for each spe
cies (Χ2 = 170.95, df = 5, p < 0.001). These observed frequencies
differed significantly from expected as a result of their physical
position along the path (Χ2 = 79.12, df = 11, p < 0.001, Supporting
Information Figure S6b).
3.3 | Models of bird and human vision
The achromatic‐weighted contrast between butter fly colour
patches and green‐leaf background was similar for both birds and
humans (mean achromatic contrast for birds: H = 3.81, C = 3.15,
I = 2.31, B = 2.11; for humans: H = 5.25, C = 4.35, I = 3.58, B = 3.86;
Suppor ting Information Figure S8). For both obser vers, H. ninonia
(the most colourful species) followed by C. tutia (colourful but trans
lucent species) contrasted the most against the leaves, while the
transparent butterflies (I. salapia for humans and B. seba for birds)
were the least contrasting. Butter flies seem to be more chromati‐
cally detectable by birds than for humans (mean chromatic contrast
for humans: H = 0.44, C = 0.37, I = 0.25, B = 0.22). For the chromatic
contrast seen by birds, C. tutia, followed by H. ninonia were the most
contrasting, whereas B. seba and I. salapia were the least contrast‐
ing (mean chromatic contrast for birds: H = 2.02, C = 2.05, I = 1.30,
B = 1.38). For further details of the experiment results, see the
Supporting Information.
4.1 | Transparency reduces detectability
As initially predicted based on wing transmittance, and as dem
onstrated by our behavioural experiments and visual model
ling results, transparency decreases butterfly detectability.
Interestingly, detection by human participants was similar to that
of naïve birds, as shown in other studies (Beatty, Bain, & Sherratt,
2005; Sherratt, Whissell, Webster, & Kikuchi, 2015), providing
further support for using human par ticipants to measure predator
detection. Surprisingly, experimental results from the bird experi
ments differed slightly from predictions based on the measures of
transmittance of transparent patches and results obtained from
the vision models. For instance, according to the transmittance
and the chromatic contrast measured bet ween butterflies and
their background, birds should have detected C. tutia more easily
than the two more transparent species. Indeed, semi‐transpar
ent objects should be more easily detec ted than fully transpar
ent objects at short distances and when more light is available
(Johnsen & Widder, 1998), such as conditions present during our
experiments. Yet this transparent but brightly coloured species
was detected at rates similar to those of the most transparent
species, perhaps because transparent butterflies were more eas
ily detected and attacked by birds than we predicted (e.g., if an
opaque contour enhances detectability of otherwise transparent
prey). Alternatively, the semi-transparent C. tutia could have been
less detectable by birds, because it shows less strongly delim
ited contours than those of the most opaque species H. ninonia.
Perhaps this hampered its detection as occurs in disruptively
coloured prey (Honma, Mappes, & Valkonen, 2015; Stevens &
Cuthill, 2006). These contradicting results highlight the impor
tance of combining both modelling and behavioural experiments
to better understand the evolution of transparency and other
prey defences.
4.2 | Transparency in potentially unpalatable
Our results demonstrate that transparency can effectively re
duce prey detectability in ithomiine butterflies, where several
species have been experimentally demonstrated to be chemically
protected (Brown, 1985; Trigo et al., 1996). This is surprising as
Functional Ecolog
ARIAS e t Al.
aposematic colour patterns, rather than inconspicuousness, are
more common in toxic and unpalatable prey (Mappes et al., 2005;
Poulton, 1890; Ruxton, Sherratt, & Speed, 20 04). In fact, conspic
uousness is positively correlated with toxicity or unpalatability
in some species and can thus be an honest indicator of prey de
fences (Arenas, Walter, & Stevens, 2015; Blount, Speed, Ruxton,
& Stephens, 2009; Maan & Cummings, 2012; Prudic, Skemp, &
Papaj, 20 07; Sherrat t & Beatty, 2003). Moreover, predators learn
more quickly to avoid unpalatable prey when colours are more
conspicuous (Gittleman & Harvey, 1980; Lindstrom, Alatalo,
Mappes, Riipi, & Vertainen, 1999). This might suggest that the
evolution of transparency in these butterflies is the result of a
loss or a reduction in unpalatability. If this is the case, the exist
ence of mimicry rings of transparent clearwing butterflies remains
unexplained, as this is usually the result of convergence of warn
ing signals promoted by the positive frequency‐dependent selec
tion exerted by predators (Willmott et al., 2017). Alternatively,
if defences are costly, prey may invest in either visual or chemi
cal defences (Darst, Cummings, & Cannatella, 2006; Speed &
Ruxton, 2007; Wang, 2011), as such options have been shown to
afford equivalent avoidance by predators (Darst et al., 2006). In
which case, transparency should instead be associated with an
increase in unpalatability. This relationship between transpar
ency and chemical defences in clearwing butterflies remains to
be explored.
Alternatively, transparency may lower detection and function
as a primar y defence, with aposematism taking over as a second
ary defence if the prey is detected. Indeed, transparent butterflies
were not completely cr yptic for either birds or humans. In fact,
although birds detected the most colourful species first, in total
they found a similar number of both colourful and transparent
butter flies. Moreover, humans appear to learn to detect and per
haps remember common elements between the more transpar
ent species, which might be the result of a search image. As such,
Ithomiini butter flies may be cryptic from afar, but perceived as
conspicuous from up close. The combination of crypsis and con
spicuousness has also been shown for other defended prey (Järvi,
Sillén‐Tullberg, & Wiklund, 1981; Sillén‐Tullberg, 1985). For exam
ple, toxic salamanders of the genus Tar icha are generally cryptic,
only revealing their warning coloured underbelly when threatened
(Johnson & Brodie, 1975). In Ithomiini, conspicuous elements such
as opaque areas that delineate the edges and contrast with the
background likely increase detection, as has been shown for ar
tificial moths (Stevens & Cuthill, 2006). Furthermore, pigment ary
or structurally produced opaque colours, such as the white band
in B. seba, may also enhance but terfly detection. This suggest s,
as do our results and the occurrence of co‐mimics in natural hab
itats, that these butterflies may reduce the cost of conspicuous
ness using transparency in addition to maintaining the benefits
of detectable warning signals. Further behavioural experiments
testing the distance at which Ithomiini butterflies are detected
are needed to shed further light on the function of aposematism
in less conspicuous prey.
Finally, transparency may have evolved as an additional protec
tion against birds such as adult kingbirds (Tyrannus melancholicus,
Pinheiro, 1996), which are able to tolerate their chemical defences.
Indeed, both theoretical (Endler & Mappes, 20 04) and experimental
(Mappes, Kokko, Ojala, & Lindström, 2014; Valkonen et al., 2012)
studies have shown that weak warning signals (not overtly conspic
uous) can evolve and be maintained in communities where preda
tors var y in their probability of attacking defended prey. Larvae of
Dryas iulia butter flies, pine sawfly larvae (e.g., Neodiprion sertifer),
and shield bugs (Acanthosomatidae, Heteroptera) are only a few
of the examples that exist of unpalatable species that display weak
visual warning signals (Endler & Mappes, 2004). As in the polymor
phic poison frog Oophaga granulifera, clearwing species may reflect
a continuum between aposematism and cr ypsis, possibly shaped by
differences in the strength of predator selection as a result of the
frequency of naïve predators and/or the variation in predator sen
sitivities to chemical compounds (Willink, Brenes‐Mora, Bolaños, &
Pröhl, 2013). A thorough characterization of unpalatability, micro
habitat and predator communities would be useful in better under
standing conditions that promote the evolution of transparency.
Our study, which combines behavioural experiments with different
predators and vision modelling, provides important insights into the
complex role transparency may play in predator defences of terres‐
trial aposematic organisms. We show for the first time that transpar‐
ency results in the reduction of detec tability of terrestrial prey. We
also demonstrate that Ithomiini butterflies may in fact be decreasing
the costs of conspicuousness, while still retaining visual elements
that are recognized as warning signals. Future studies exploring the
efficiency of combining transparency and warning signals in de
creasing predation risk will further contribute to our understanding
of the evolution of cryptic elements in aposematic prey.
We thank Tuuli Salmi and Tiffanie Kortenhoff for their invaluable
help with behavioural experiments, Helinä Nisu for her advice on bird
care, SERFOR, Proyecto Huallaga and Gerardo Lamas for providing
research permit s in Peru (collecting and expor tation permit 0 02‐2015‐
SERFOR‐DGGSPFFS), as well as Corentin Clerc, Monica Monllor,
Alexandre Toporov and Marc Toporov-Elias for help with collecting
butterflies used in this study, Céline Houssin for calculations of wing
surfaces for each butter fly colour pattern patch and for Ithomiini pic
tures, Konnevesi Research Station, which provided the facilities used
for bird experiment s, and visitors to Montpellier Botanical Garden for
their enthusiastic contribution. We thank Marcio Cardoso and another
anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments and suggestions. The
study was funded by the Academy of Finland (Grants 2100000256 and
21000038821), the Clearwing ANR programme (ANR-16-CE02-0012)
and the Human Frontier Science Program grant (RGP 0014/2016).
Functional Ecology
ARIAS e t Al.
D.G., M.E., J.M. and M.A. designed the study; M.E., M.M. and D.G.
collected the butterfly samples; M.A., S.G., O.N., M.E. and J.M.
performed the experiments; D.G. and C.D. did the optical measure‐
ments; M.A., D.G. and M.E. analysed the data; M.A., D.G., M.M.,
M.E., O.N., S.G. and J.M. wrote the manuscript. Authors have none
conflict of interest to declare.
Data available from the Dryad Digital Repositor y https://doi.
org/10.5061/dryad.17pk7v8 (Arias et al., 2019).
Mónica Arias‐0003‐13312604
Johanna Mappes‐000211175629
Swanne Gordon‐0002‐9840‐725X
Melanie McClure‐0003‐3590‐4002
Ossi Nokelainen‐0002‐0278‐6698
Doris Gomez‐0002‐9144‐3426
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Additional supporting information may be found online in the
Suppor ting Information section at the end of the article.
How to cite this article: Arias M, Mappes J, Desbois C, et al.
Transparency reduces predator detection in mimetic clearwing
butterflies. Funct Ecol. 2019;33:1110–1119. h t t ps : //d o i .
org /10.1111/1365‐24 35.13315
... However, transparency is often imperfect, either being better defined as translucency (Arias et al., 2019), or with patterns that combine both transparent and opaque components (Michalis, 2017). For example, in many Ithomiini (Nymphalidae) species (e.g., Greta oto & G. andromica, Ithomia salapia & Brevioleria seba) the transparent wings are outlined by black markings and accompanied by a bright white forewing stripe (Arias et al., 2019;Corral-Lopez et al., 2021;Michalis, 2017). ...
... However, transparency is often imperfect, either being better defined as translucency (Arias et al., 2019), or with patterns that combine both transparent and opaque components (Michalis, 2017). For example, in many Ithomiini (Nymphalidae) species (e.g., Greta oto & G. andromica, Ithomia salapia & Brevioleria seba) the transparent wings are outlined by black markings and accompanied by a bright white forewing stripe (Arias et al., 2019;Corral-Lopez et al., 2021;Michalis, 2017). Imperfect transparency can still be an effective means of achieving camouflage Barnett et al., 2020;Costello et al., 2020;Webster et al., 2015), and the black outline of Ithomiini clearwings appears to have minimal impact on detectability (Michalis, 2017). ...
... Consequently, aposematism may also play an additionally important role in clearwing butterfly coloration. Accordingly, the presence of white stripes reduces the number of attacks from experienced predators (M) but increases predation rates from naïve predators (Michalis, 2017), yet clearwings are still less detectable than closely related opaque and conspicuously colored species (Arias et al., 2019) suggesting that they may gain an advantage from the combination of camouflage and an aposematic signal . Taken together these studies, therefore, suggest either a balance or a trade-off, between camouflage and aposematism (Arias et al., 2019;McClure et al., 2019;Michalis, 2017;Willmott et al., 2017), which is yet to be studied in this system or with the butterflies' natural predators. ...
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Transparency is an intuitive form of concealment and, in certain butterflies, transparent patches on the wings can contribute to several distinct forms of camouflage. However, perhaps paradoxically, the largely transparent wings of many clearwing butterflies (Ithomiini, Nymphalidae) also feature opaque, and often colorful, elements which may reduce crypsis. In many instances, these elements may facilitate aposematic signaling, but little is known of how transparency and aposematism may interact. Here, we used field predation trials to ask two main questions regarding camouflage and signaling in Ithomiini clearwings. In Experiment 1, we focused on camouflage to ask where being transparent may have an advantage over being opaque. We predicted that, as a single opaque pattern can only match a limited range of backgrounds, transparent wings would offer more effective concealment, and experience lower predation risk, over a wider range of backgrounds colors (i.e., green vs. brown substrates) and behaviors (i.e., perched vs. flying) than opaque wings. In Experiment 2, we focused on the effect conspicuous opaque colors may have on clearwing survival. We predicted that although salient signals may increase detectability, those commonly associated with toxic Ithomiini clearwings would not increase predation risk. Both experiments were conducted among educated predators within the natural range of Ithomiini clearwings and we found predation rates to be very low. In Experiment 1, we found some marginal evidence to suggest that opaque, but not transparent, butterflies may suffer increased predation during flight, whereas in Experiment 2, we found equal survival across all model prey types regardless of coloration. Taken together we suggest that any loss of camouflage due to conspicuous coloration may be compensated by aversive signaling, and that educated predators may broadly generalize across a wide range of known and novel clearwing phenotypes.
... Notably, prey individuals may suffer from increased attack risk by predators stemming from higher detectability of their more conspicuous colour patterns (i.e. reduced cryptism, Mappes et al. 2014, Arias et al. 2019, even if those prey are defended (Srygley and Kingsolver 1998). However, selection against conspicuous colourations can be counter-balanced by the increased resemblance of aposematic patterns to the local communities of alternative defended prey. ...
... The majority of these butterflies exhibit mildly-conspicuous aposematic signals, where wings are composed of cryptic transparent parts, combined with a few coloured elements (Corral-Lopez et al. 2021). Transparency decreases detectability of Ithomiini butterflies by avian predators (Arias et al. 2019, McClure et al. 2019). Yet, mimicry among Ithomiini species and with other Lepidoptera suggests that those mildly conspicuous colour patterns are still under selection by predation promoting their convergence, and therefore truly act as aposematic signals (Beccaloni 1997, Pinna et al. 2021. ...
... Such colour pattern discrimination could explain the persistence of key memorable conspicuous elements associated with transparent cryptic wings observed in Ithomiini clearwing species and their co-mimics (Beccaloni 1997). Overall, selection pressure within mimicry rings may ultimately influence Müllerian mimetic interactions by favouring reduced detectability in some mimetic species, thereby diminishing predation risk on less noticeable mimetic prey (Arias et al. 2019). Table 1. ...
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Variation in the conspicuousness of colour patterns is observed within and among defended prey species. The evolution of conspicuous colour pattern in defended species can be strongly impaired because of increased detectability by predators. Nevertheless, such evolution of the colour pattern can be favoured if changes in conspicuousness result in Müllerian mimicry with other defended prey. Here, we develop a model describing the population dynamics of a conspicuous defended prey species, and we assess the invasion conditions of derived phenotypes that differ from the ancestral phenotype by their conspicuousness. Such change in conspicuousness may then modify their level of mimicry with the local community of defended species. Derived colour pattern displayed in this focal population can therefore be either exactly similar, partially resembling or completely dissimilar to the local mimicry ring displaying the ancestral colour pattern. We assume that predation risk depends 1) on the number of individuals sharing a given colour pattern within the population, 2) on the occurrence of co‐mimetic defended species and 3) on the availability of alternative edible prey. Using a combination of analytical derivations and numerical simulations, we show that colour patterns that are less conspicuous than the ancestral one are generally favoured within mimicry rings, unless reduced conspicuousness impairs mimicry. By contrast, when a mutation affecting the colour pattern leads to a shift toward a better protected mimicry ring, a more conspicuous colour pattern can be favoured. The selected aposematic pattern then depends on the local communities of defended and edible prey, as well as on the detectability, memorability and level of mimicry of the colour patterns.
... These traits correspond to detectability reducers that have already been documented elsewhere. Previous experiments with humans and birds have shown that transparent elements reduce prey detectability, probably because they enhance background matching (Arias et al., 2019(Arias et al., , 2020 and/or resemble holes caused by decay or insect damage (Costello et al., 2020). Broken borders have also reduced detectability of prey by birds in other studies (Fig. S1, Arias et al., 2021;Cuthill et al., 2005), enhanced by inner background-matching elements (Fraser et al., 2007). ...
Researchers have shown growing interest in using deep neural networks (DNNs) to efficiently test the effects of perceptual processes on the evolution of color patterns and morphologies. Whether this is a valid approach remains unclear, as it is unknown whether the relative detectability of ecologically relevant stimuli to DNNs actually matches that of biological neural networks. To test this, we compare image classification performance by humans and six DNNs (AlexNet, VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-18, SqueezeNet, and GoogLeNet) trained to detect artificial moths on tree trunks. Moths varied in their degree of crypsis, conferred by different sizes and spatial configurations of transparent wing elements. Like humans, four of six DNN architectures found moths with larger transparent elements harder to detect. However, humans and only one DNN architecture (GoogLeNet) found moths with transparent elements touching one side of the moth’s outline harder to detect than moths with untouched outlines. When moths were small, the camouflaging effect of transparent elements touching the moth’s outline was reduced for DNNs but enhanced for humans. Prey size can thus interact with camouflage type in opposing directions in humans and DNNs, which warrants a deeper investigation of size interactions with a broader range of stimuli. Overall, our results suggest that humans and DNNs responses had some similarities, but not enough to justify the widespread use of DNNs for studies of camouflage.
... Some of the best-studied functions of animal colouration against predator attack include the various camouflage strategies, where prey prevent detection or recognition by predators (5). Animals such as clearwing butterflies (6) and glass frogs (7) rely on the lack of body colours to achieve transparency to conceal themselves from predators (8), while background matching, where animals benefit by matching their body colours with that of their backgrounds, is widespread across taxa, from vertebrates (9) to small invertebrates (10). Many animals also use bright colouration to advertise their unprofitability, noxiousness, or both (11). ...
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Many butterflies possess a complex set of characters at the posterior hindwing end, superficially resembling their head. This 'false head' (FH) has been hypothesised to deflect predator attacks towards the FH area. The presence of the traits constituting a false head varies across butterflies, and a clear understanding of the diversity and evolution of FH traits across butterflies is lacking. Here, we tested whether FH traits evolved from simple to complex, more elaborate traits to achieve more head-like characteristics. We also tested if FH traits formed an adaptive constellation and, thus, evolved correlatedly. Using a phylogenetic framework with >900 lycaenid species, our results illustrate evolutionary patterns of five FH traits - (i) false antennae, (ii) spot, (iii) conspicuous colouration in the FH area, (iv) false head contour in the FH area, and (v) convergent lines. We found that FH traits (i)–(iv) evolved in correlated patterns across the phylogeny, likely driven by a common selective pressure. Our findings support the idea that FH functions as an adaptive constellation for predator attack deflection.
... For example, visual and behavioural defences are often co-exhibited, such as the cryptic ventral side of the Peacock butterfly (Nymphalidae: Aglais io) resembling dead leaf matter, along with their large eyespots on the dorsal side that are briskly displayed and accompanied with a hissing sound, thereby scaring predators off and facilitating escaping (Vallin et al., 2006, Olofsson et al., 2012. Likewise, Ithomiini butterflies have evolved partly transparent wings, which makes them concealed from predators (Arias et al., 2019), while being at the same time unpalatable and aposematic once approached Pinna et al., 2021). While all these defences increase the fitness of their bearer, our understanding is limited on whether different types of defences are associated with different habitats, or whether they have evolved due to different selective pressures along the predation sequence . ...
Prey often rely on multiple defences against predators, such as flight speed, attack deflection from vital body parts, or unpleasant taste, but our understanding on how often and why they are co-exhibited remains limited. Eudaminae skipper butterflies use fast flight and mechanical defences (hindwing tails), but whether they use other defences like unpalatability (consumption deterrence) and how these defences interact have not been assessed. We tested the palatability of 12 abundant Eudaminae species in Peru, using training and feeding experiments with domestic chicks. Further, we approximated the difficulty of capture based on flight speed and quantified it by wing loading. We performed phylogenetic regressions to find any association between multiple defences, body size, and habitat preference. We found a broad range of palatability in Eudaminae, within and among species. Contrary to current understanding, palatability was negatively correlated with wing loading, suggesting that faster butterflies tend to have lower palatability. The relative length of hindwing tails did not explain the level of butterfly palatability, showing that attack deflection and consumption deterrence are not mutually exclusive. Habitat preference (open or forested environments) did not explain the level of palatability either, although butterflies with high wing loading tended to occupy semi-closed or closed habitats. Finally, the level of unpalatability in Eudaminae is size dependent. Larger butterflies are less palatable, perhaps because of higher detectability/preference by predators. Altogether, our findings shed light on the contexts favouring the prevalence of single versus multiple defensive strategies in prey.
... Prey use a remarkable diversity of defences to protect themselves from predation (Caro, 2005;Cott, 1940;Poulton, 1890;Ruxton et al., 2018). Often, they rely on more than one antipredator defence (Caro et al., 2016;Caro & Ruxton, 2019;Stevens, 2007), for example, a combination of concealment, motion dazzle and warning signals (e.g., Arias et al., 2019;Barnett & Cuthill, 2014;Umeton et al., 2019;Valkonen et al., 2011Valkonen et al., , 2020, or signals, toxins, spines, or other weapons (Marples et al., 2018). To glimpse the complexity of prey defences, consider the insect orders Hemiptera ( Figure 1a) and Lepidoptera ( Figure 1b). ...
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Prey seldom rely on a single type of antipredator defence, often using multiple defences to avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of multiple defences in a prey. However, a prey may use multiple defences to protect itself during a single predator encounter. Such “defence portfolios” that defend prey against a single instance of predation are distributed across and within successive stages of the predation sequence (encounter, detection, identification, approach (attack), subjugation and consumption). We contend that at present, our understanding of defence portfolio evolution is incomplete, and seen from the fragmentary perspective of specific sensory systems (e.g., visual) or specific types of defences (especially aposematism). In this review, we aim to build a comprehensive framework for conceptualizing the evolution of multiple prey defences, beginning with hypotheses for the evolution of multiple defences in general, and defence portfolios in particular. We then examine idealized models of resource trade-offs and functional interactions between traits, along with evidence supporting them. We find that defence portfolios are constrained by resource allocation to other aspects of life history, as well as functional incompatibilities between different defences. We also find that selection is likely to favour combinations of defences that have synergistic effects on predator behaviour and prey survival. Next, we examine specific aspects of prey ecology, genetics and development, and predator cognition that modify the predictions of current hypotheses or introduce competing hypotheses. We outline schema for gathering data on the distribution of prey defences across species and geography, determining how multiple defences are produced, and testing the proximate mechanisms by which multiple prey defences impact predator behaviour. Adopting these approaches will strengthen our understanding of multiple defensive strategies. Abstract Evolution of multiple defences as a function of trade-offs & synergies among traits, ecology & evolutionary history, genetics & development, predator cognition.
... In Lepidoptera, transparency might play a role in thermoregulation as evidenced by the decreasing transmittance of the transparent wing area as latitude increases in a large sample of species [4]. Transparency also serves as camouflage by allowing the resting background colours to emerge through the wings of diurnal butterflies [4,38,39] and nocturnal resting moths [40]. Furthermore, transparency has been shown to act as an aposematic signal among co-mimetic species [41]. ...
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Optical transparency is rare in terrestrial organisms, and often originates through loss of pigmentation and reduction in scattering. The coloured wings of some butterflies and moths have repeatedly evolved transparency, offering examples of how they function optically and biologically. Because pigments are primarily localized in the scales that cover a colourless wing membrane, transparency has often evolved through the complete loss of scales or radical modification of their shape. Whereas bristle-like scales have been well documented in glasswing butterflies, other scale modifications resulting in transparency remain understudied. The butterfly Phanus vitreus achieves transparency while retaining its scales and exhibiting blue/cyan transparent zones. Here, we investigate the mechanism of wing transparency in P. vitreus by light microscopy, focused ion beam milling, microspectrophotometry and optical modelling. We show that transparency is achieved via loss of pigments and vertical orientation in normal paddle-like scales. These alterations are combined with an anti-reflective nipple array on portions of the wing membrane being more exposed to light. The blueish coloration of the P. vitreus transparent regions is due to the properties of the wing membrane, and local scale nanostructures. We show that scale retention in the transparent patches might be explained by these perpendicular scales having hydrophobic properties.
... The eyes of some moth species present structures of about 100 nm which minimise the reflexion of their eyes while they are inactive the day, protecting them against predators [13,14]. The wings of some butterfly species also exhibit submicrometric texture conferring high transparency and protection by mimicry [15][16][17][18]. Cicada wings with similar rugosity are also known to show antifogging and selfcleaning capabilities [8,9,19,20]. ...
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Nanostructuration can bring unique functional properties to optical window surfaces, such as superhydrophobic and antireflective capacities. However, their sustainability is conditioned by the mechanical resistance of the nanostructures, which can exhibit high aspect ratios to meet the military industry requirements in terms of optical transmission. Thus, improving the mechanical strength of such surfaces without affecting their functional properties is a key challenge. In that respect, this work investigates the protective impact of an annealed alumina thin film on a nanostructured silicon surface with conical shape. First, the elasto-plastic properties (Young's modulus, yield stress and hardening modulus) of the untreated and heat-treated coating are extracted from nanoindentation experiments on a plane sample using a numerical approach. The latter relies on the finite element model updating method from a 2D axisymmetric finite element model of a dual nanoindentation test, combing Berkovich and cube corner geometries, designed by a methodology based on an a priori identifiability analysis using an indicator (I-index) to ensure a good conditioning of the inverse problem. Identification results reveal that the heat-treated coating is stiffer and harder, which is in accordance with the crystallisation phenomena highlighted by X-ray diffraction measurements. Thereafter, single nanostructure microcompression tests are implemented, and the obtained mechanical responses clearly illustrate the protective effect of the coating and emphasise different solicitation regimes. Simulations of microcompression tests using 2D axisymmetric and 3D finite element models which integrate the previously identified parameters on plane sample allow to corroborate some of the experimental observations. Lastly, two uncertain and yet essential nanostructure geometric parameters for accurate simulations are retrieved using the numerical methodology applied on plane sample and validated by comparing identified values with post-mortem microscopic observation of a tested nanocone. It is thus shown that well-designed nanoindentation experiments, using a priori identifiability analysis, allow to identify with confidence reliable constitutive material parameters which can be used to describe the mechanical behaviour of a coated nanostructure. This methodology undeniably simplifies the design and optimization of coated nanostructures by avoiding too many unnecessary cleanroom manufacturing steps.
... On peut citer notamment la surface des ailes de nombreuses espèces de papillons, comme l'espèce Cephonodes hylas en Figure 1.1. La surface des ailes possède des structures de l'ordre de la centaine de nanomètres qui minimisent la réflexion de la lumière et confèrent aux papillons une grande transparence, leur permettant de se protéger d'éventuels prédateurs par mimétisme (Arias et al., 2019;Henderson, 2002;Siddique et al., 2015;Yoshida et al., 1997). Un autre exemple est celui des yeux des papillons de nuit, Figure 1.2, couverts de petits dômes qui permettent de réduire le reflet de leurs yeux notamment lorsqu'ils sont inactifs, i.e. le jour, et de les protéger d'éventuels prédateurs (Stavenga et al., 2006;Wilson & Hutley, 1982). ...
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La nanostructuration apporte à la surface des fenêtres optiques des propriétés d’antireflets et de superhydrophobie. Néanmoins, leur utilisation sur des systèmes optiques militaires est limitée en conditions opérationnelles par l’environnement extérieur qui endommage leur surface. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier la résistance mécanique d’une fenêtre optique de silicium nanostructurée revêtue de 100 nm d’alumine par nanoindentation. Les propriétés élasto-plastiques intrinsèques de l’alumine (module d’Young, limite élastique et module d’écrouissage) et du silicium (limite élastique) sont identifiées sur substrat plan par la méthode de recalage d’un modèle numérique éléments finis d’un essai de nanoindentation. Cette identification se base sur une conception numérique a priori d’expériences guidée par un indice d’identifiabilité qui quantifie la richesse de l’information contenue dans les courbes d’indentation. Une double nanoindentation, qui met en jeu deux géométries de pointes (Berkovich et coin cube) et deux profondeurs d’indentation, satisfait une valeur d’indice qui rend compte du bon conditionnement du problème inverse. Son évolution lors du double essai traduit un gain d’information conjugué à l’activation de l’effet du substrat lors de l’essai cube corner. La solution identifiée a été ensuite validée en confrontant courbes d’indentation et topographies d’empreintes numériques et expérimentales. Cette méthode est ensuite appliquée à une couche recuite à haute température, et le résultat de l’identification atteste d’un durcissement de la couche. Enfin, ces propriétés sont intégrées à des modèles de simulation éléments finis de nanostructures revêtues sous diverses sollicitations en nanoindentation. La confrontation des résultats numériques et expérimentaux atteste de la fiabilité de la méthode et des paramètres identifiés, et de l’effet protecteur du revêtement.
In contrast to most butterflies harboring opaque wing colorations, some species display large transparent patches on their wings. Wing transparency, which entails a dramatic reduction of pigmentation, raises the question of potential costs for vital functions, such as thermoregulation, especially along climatic gradients. The thermal melanism hypothesis posits that darker colorations should be favored in colder environments, which enables them to absorb more radiation and maintain a body temperature compatible with activity. This prediction extends to the near infrared (NIR) range, which represents a large proportion of solar radiation. Here we assess the implications of wing transparency for light absorption and thermal properties in 42 butterfly species from the neotropical tribe Ithomiini that range the extent of transparency, from fully opaque to highly transparent, and we test whether those species conform to the prediction of the thermal melanism hypothesis. We find that transparent wings are less efficient than opaque wings to absorb light across UV, Visible and NIR wavelength ranges, and are also less efficient to collect heat. Moreover, dark coloration occupies a lower proportion of wing area as altitude increases, and ithomiine species harbor more transparency at higher altitudes, where climatic conditions are colder, going strongly against the prediction of the thermal melanism hypothesis. We discuss these surprising results in light of recent studies suggesting that factors other than adaptation to cold, such as predation pressure, physiology or behavior, may have driven the evolution of wing patterns in Ithomiini. Significance Statement The thermal melanism hypothesis predicts that organisms should be darker and absorb solar radiation more efficiently in colder environments. The Neotropical butterflies Ithomiini are unusual in that many species harbor large transparent patches on their wings, raising questions related to their efficacy of solar radiation absorption and heating capacities. We investigate optical and thermal properties of several ithomiine species along a climatic gradient. We find that transparent wings are less efficient at absorbing radiation and collecting heat. Unexpectedly, the proportion of transparent species increases with altitude, challenging the thermal melanism hypothesis and suggesting that factors other than adaptation to cold, such as predation pressure, may have driven the evolution of wing patterns in Ithomiini.
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In recent years, the study of polarisation vision in animals has seen numerous breakthroughs, not just in terms of what is known about the function of this sensory ability, but also in the experimental methods by which polarisation can be controlled, presented and measured. Once thought to be limited to only a few animal species, polarisation sensitivity is now known to be widespread across many taxonomic groups, and advances in experimental techniques are, in part, responsible for these discoveries. Nevertheless, its study remains challenging, perhaps because of our own poor sensitivity to the polarisation of light, but equally as a result of the slow spread of new practices and methodological innovations within the field. In this review, we introduce the most important steps in designing and calibrating polarised stimuli, within the broader context of areas of current research and the applications of new techniques to key questions. Our aim is to provide a constructive guide to help researchers, particularly those with no background in the physics of polarisation, to design robust experiments that are free from confounding factors. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s00114-018-1551-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Mimicry is one of the best-studied examples of adaptation, and recent studies have provided new insights into the role of mimicry in speciation and diversification. Classical Müllerian mimicry theory predicts convergence in warning signal among protected species, yet tropical butterflies are exuberantly diverse in warning colour patterns, even within communities.We tested the hypothesis that microhabitat partitioning in aposematic butterflies and insectivorous birds can lead to selection for different colour patterns in different microhabitats and thus help maintain mimicry diversity. We measured distribution across flight height and topography for 64 species of clearwing butterflies (Ithomiini) and their co-mimics, and 127 species of insectivorous birds, in an Amazon rainforest community. For the majority of bird species, estimated encounter rates were non-random for the two most abundant mimicry rings. Furthermore, most butterfly species in these two mimicry rings displayed the warning colour pattern predicted to be optimal for antipredator defence in their preferred microhabitats. These conclusions were supported by a field trial using butterfly specimens, which showed significantly different predation rates on colour patterns in two microhabitats. We therefore provide the first direct evidence to support the hypothesis that different mimicry patterns can represent stable, community-level adaptations to differing biotic environments. © 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
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Background ImageJ is an image analysis program extensively used in the biological sciences and beyond. Due to its ease of use, recordable macro language, and extensible plug-in architecture, ImageJ enjoys contributions from non-programmers, amateur programmers, and professional developers alike. Enabling such a diversity of contributors has resulted in a large community that spans the biological and physical sciences. However, a rapidly growing user base, diverging plugin suites, and technical limitations have revealed a clear need for a concerted software engineering effort to support emerging imaging paradigms, to ensure the software’s ability to handle the requirements of modern science. Results We rewrote the entire ImageJ codebase, engineering a redesigned plugin mechanism intended to facilitate extensibility at every level, with the goal of creating a more powerful tool that continues to serve the existing community while addressing a wider range of scientific requirements. This next-generation ImageJ, called “ImageJ2” in places where the distinction matters, provides a host of new functionality. It separates concerns, fully decoupling the data model from the user interface. It emphasizes integration with external applications to maximize interoperability. Its robust new plugin framework allows everything from image formats, to scripting languages, to visualization to be extended by the community. The redesigned data model supports arbitrarily large, N-dimensional datasets, which are increasingly common in modern image acquisition. Despite the scope of these changes, backwards compatibility is maintained such that this new functionality can be seamlessly integrated with the classic ImageJ interface, allowing users and developers to migrate to these new methods at their own pace. Conclusions Scientific imaging benefits from open-source programs that advance new method development and deployment to a diverse audience. ImageJ has continuously evolved with this idea in mind; however, new and emerging scientific requirements have posed corresponding challenges for ImageJ’s development. The described improvements provide a framework engineered for flexibility, intended to support these requirements as well as accommodate future needs. Future efforts will focus on implementing new algorithms in this framework and expanding collaborations with other popular scientific software suites. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-017-1934-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
The book discusses the diversity of mechanisms by which prey can avoid or survive attacks by predators, both from ecological and evolutionary perspectives. There is a particular focus on sensory mechanisms by which prey can avoid being detected, avoid being identified, signal (perhaps sometimes dishonestly) to predators that they are defended or unpalatable. The book is divided into three sections. The first considers detection avoidance through, for example, background matching, disruptive patterning, countershading and counterillumination, or transparency and reflective silvering. The second section considers avoiding or surviving an attack if detection and identification by the predator has already taken place (i.e., secondary defences). The key mechanism of this section is aposematism: signals that warn the predator that a particular prey type is defended. One particularly interesting aspect of this is the sharing of the same signal by more than one defended species (the phenomenon of Mullerian mimicry). The final section considers deception of predators. This may involve an undefended prey mimicking a defended species (Batesian mimicry), or signals that deflect predator’s attention or signals that startle predators. The book provides the first comprehensive survey of adaptive coloration in a predator-prey context in thirty years.
Avoiding Attack discusses the diversity of mechanisms by which prey avoid predator attacks and explores how such defensive mechanisms have evolved through natural selection. It considers how potential prey avoid detection, how they make themselves unprofitable to attack, how they communicate this status, and how other species have exploited these signals. Using carefully selected examples of camouflage, mimicry, and warning signals drawn from a wide range of species and ecosystems, the authors summarise the latest research into these fascinating adaptations, developing mathematical models where appropriate and making recommendations for future study. This second edition has been extensively rewritten, particularly in the application of modern genetic research techniques which have transformed our recent understanding of adaptations in evolutionary genomics and phylogenetics. The book also employs a more integrated and systematic approach, ensuring that each chapter has a broader focus on the evolutionary and ecological consequences of anti-predator adaptation. The field has grown and developed considerably over the last decade with an explosion of new research literature, making this new edition timely.
Mimicry is one of the best-studied examples of adaptation, and recent studies have provided new insights into the role of mimicry in speciation and diversification. Classical Müllerian mimicry theory predicts convergence in warning signal among protected species, yet tropical butterflies are exuberantly diverse in warning colour patterns, even within communities. We tested the hypothesis that microhabitat partitioning in aposematic butterflies and insectivorous birds can lead to selection for different colour patterns in different microhabitats and thus help maintain mimicry diversity. We measured distribution across flight height and topography for 64 species of clearwing butterflies (Ithomiini) and their co-mimics, and 127 species of insectivorous birds, in an Amazon rainforest community. For the majority of bird species, estimated encounter rates were non-random for the two most abundant mimicry rings. Furthermore, most butterfly species in these two mimicry rings displayed the warning colour pattern predicted to be optimal for anti-predator defence in their preferred microhabitats. These conclusions were supported by a field trial using butterfly specimens, which showed significantly different predation rates on colour patterns in two microhabitats. We therefore provide the first direct evidence to support the hypothesis that different mimicry patterns can represent stable, community-level adaptations to differing biotic environments.
Inferences about mechanisms at one particular stage of a visual pathway may be made from psychophysical thresholds only if the noise at the stage in question dominates that in the others. Spectral sensitivities, measured under bright conditions, for di-, tri-, and tetrachromatic eyes from a range of animals can be modelled by assuming that thresholds are set by colour opponency mechanisms whose performance is limited by photoreceptor noise, the achromatic signal being disregarded, Noise in the opponency channels themselves is therefore not statistically independent, and it is not possible to infer anything more about the channels from psychophysical thresholds. As well as giving insight into mechanisms of vision, the model predicts the performance of colour vision in animals where physiological and anatomical data on the eye are available, but there are no direct measurements of perceptual thresholds. The model, therefore, is widely applicable to comparative studies of eye design and visual ecology.