
New additions to Turkish macrofungi from Tokat and Yozgat Provinces

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Macrofungal samples collected from Tokat and Yozgat provinces during 2014–2017 were identified as new records for the Turkish mycota: Ciboria viridifusca, Clitocybe amarescens, Mycena polyadelpha, Rutstroemia conformata, and Symphyosirinia galii. Short descriptions, illustrations, and discussions are provided.

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... were the first two Octospora species reported in Turkey (Çolak and Kaygusuz, 2017;Uzun et al., 2017) Uzun et al. (2018) and Uzun and Kaya (2019). But the current checklists (Sesli and Denchev, 2014;Solak et al., 2015) on Turkish macromycota and the later contributions (Alkan et al., 2018;Doğan et al., 2018;Işık and Türkekul, 2018;Acar et al., 2019;Allı et al., 2019;Berber et al., 2019;Keleş, 2019;Şelem et al., 2019;Türkekul and Işık, 2019;Akçay, 2020;Çağli and Öztürk, 2020;Çelik et al., 2020;İleri et al., 2020;Sadullahoğlu and Uzun, 2020;Sesli, 2020;Uzun et al., 2020), indicate that, O. neerlandica hasn't been reported from Turkey before. ...
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The bryophillic ascomycete species, Octospora neerlandica Benkert & Brouwer, is reported as a new record from Turkey, based on the identification of the samples collected from Niğde province. A brief description and photographs, related to the macroscopy and microscopy of the species, are provided.
... The number of such research studies has greatly increased over the last twenty years and the literature was reviewed and published as checklists at different times (Solak et al., 2015;Sesli and Denchev, 2014). Although approximately 2500 species of macrofungi have been recorded from Turkey (Sesli et al., 2016;Akata, 2017;Altuntaş et al., 2017;Işık and Türkekul, 2018;Akata et al., 2019;Acar et al., 2020) up until now, there is not any report about Conocybe dentatomarginata Watling, Entoloma lampropus (Fr.) Hesler, Lactarius lilacinus Fr., Otidea nannfeldtii Harmaja and Sarcopeziza sicula (Inzenga) Agnello, Loizides & P. Alvarado in Turkey. ...
... Though Kirk et al. (2008) give the species number of Thecotheus as 17, Index Fungorum (accessed on 15 April 2020) lists 26 conformed Thecotheus species. But the current checklists (Sesli and Denchev, 2014;Solak et al., 2015) on Turkish macromycota and the later contributions (Kaşık et al., 2017;Akçay et al., 2018;Işık and Türkekul, 2018;Sadullahoğlu and Demirel, 2018 and Thecotheus holmskioldii (E.C.Hansen) Eckblad, of the genus have so far been recorded from Turkey (Kaya and Uzun, 2015;Uzun et al., 2018). ...
... But three papers (Acar et al., 2015;Türkekul and Işık, 2016;Sadullahoğlu and Uzun, 2020) reported the existance of P. phyllogena in Turkey. According to the current checklists (Sesli and Denchev, 2014;Solak et al., 2015) on Turkish macromycota and the later contributions (Kaşık et al., 2017;Akçay et al., 2018;Işık and Türkekul, 2018;Uzun et al., 2018Uzun et al., , 2020Acar et al., 2019;Çağli et al., 2019;Keleş, 2019;Sesli, 2019;Yakar et al., 2019;Yıldız et al., 2019), P. boltonii hasn't been reported from Turkey before. ...
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Phylloscypha boltonii is reported for the first time for the mycobiota of Turkey. This species is the second member of the genus Phylloscypha Van Vooren in Turkey. A brief description of the taxon is given together with the photographs related to its macro and micromorphologies.
... Although it is considered to be specific to silver fir, it has also been reported on Picea abies (Palmer et al., 1994). According to the literature (Işık and Türkekul, 2018;Sesli and Denchev, 2008;Öztürk et al., 2010), R. conformata (P. Karst.) ...
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The purpose of this research was to identify Rustroemia samples from Bolu province (Turkey) on June 22, 2019. The samples were identified based on both conventional and molecular methods (ITS region of the rDNA). By considering the high sequence similarity of the collected samples (Akata 7020) with Rutstroemia elatina (Alb. & Schwein.) Rehm, the relevant specimen was considered to be R. elatina and the morphological data supported this finding. This species was firstly reported from Turkey. The results of the molecular analysis and a short description of the newly reported species along with its colored images associated with macroscopic and microscopic structures were conferred
Rutstroemia coracina (Durieu & Lév.) Dennis (Rutstroemiaceae – Helotiales) was reported for the first time from Türkiye, based on the identification of the samples collected from Islahiye and Nurdağı districts of Gaziantep province. This species is the fourth member of the genus Rutstroemia P. Karst. in Türkiye. A brief description of the specimen is provided together with the photographs, related to its macro and micromorphologies.
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The present study reports macrofungi specimens collected from Şemdinli and Yüksekova districts (Hakkari) between 2014 and 2016. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 197 species were identified. Together with the previously reported six species, 203 species belonging to two division, 48 families and 97 genera were listed from the study area. Among them, 36 species belong to Ascomycota, and 167 to Basidiomycota.
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The keratinophilic ascomycete genus, Onygena was reported for the first time from Turkey based on the collection and identification of Onygena equina (Willd.) Pers. species. The descriptive characters of the identified species are summarized and the collection localities were provided together with the photographs related to its macro and micro morphologies.
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