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Importance of publishing research



IJ-AJIMS Vol.1, No.1, May 2012
International Journal of A J Institute of Medical Sciences 1 (2012) 1-2
Importance of publishing research
Francis N.P. Monteiro,1 P.P. Devan,2 Santhosh T. Soans,3 Ashok Kumar Jeppu4
1Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, India
2Department of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, A.J.Institute of Medical Sciences,
Mangalore, India
3Department of Paediatrics, A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, India
4Department of Biochemistry, A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore, India
Sir William Osler once quipped, “Medicine is a
science of uncertainty and an art of probability”.
No wonder then, that knowing what is probable,
what is unlikely and what is truly ridiculous
makes one a better diagnostician.1 It is here that
medical journals are a guiding light. Medical
journals are a convergence of medicine, research
and journalism and are expected to blend the
values of all three. The mission of a medical
journal is not only to serve as a portal for the
dissemination of research knowledge in the field
of health science, but also to ensure that vital
information reaches as many students, teachers,
and researchers as possible.
The English novelist Somerset Maugham once
said “We don‟t write because we want to; we
write because we have to”.2 Among the many
duties of medical professionals, the duty to write
is a binding one and importantly, includes the
duty to publish what has been written. Research
on healthcare improvement is incomplete until it
has been published. In fact, we may even go so
far as to say that research completed and not
published is the same as research not done at
all.3 It is not only essential to pursue a research
question with enthusiasm and dedication, but it
is equally important to have the perseverance to
publish those research findings. Publishing
allows authors to share with the world medical
community their original findings, reasoning,
medical breakthroughs, and proposed changes to
standards of practice. The desire to publish also
ensures that the authors keep themselves updated
with the latest research and clinical practices.
This not just helps expand science and improve
patient care, but is also today inextricably linked
with peer recognition, institutional recognition,
career innovation and advancement including
promotions. It also ensures that we leave behind
a documented heritage of our findings and
accomplishments for generations to come.4
While the most important requirement for a
medical college teacher even today remains
aptitude to teach students, he should also be a
skilful practitioner and a fine researcher.5 In the
recent past, duration of service was the only
criterion for academic promotion as per the
Medical Council of India (MCI), the statutory
body with the responsibility of establishing and
maintaining high standards of medical education
in India. Then in July 2009, the gazette
notification by the MCI changed the landscape
for the medical community. Not only was there a
relaxation of the number of years of experience
for academic promotion; but there was a
stipulated number of research publications that
was made mandatory by the MCI, and that too as
the first author in an indexed/national journal.6
This caused significant displeasure among the
teaching faculty, as unfortunately in India, the
number of PubMed indexed journals is very few.
However, luckily, while reading between the
lines, the MCI has not specified the indexing
agencies/databases in the minimum requirement
for academic promotion of teachers in medical
When we assume that the entire pool of teaching
faculty start doing original research, the
publication of the same may take a very long
duration. Reading into the new directives, we
find that a research paper is actually a
publication of original work, wherein a problem
or hypothesis is analyzed and the materials,
methods and results published after adhering to
all the guidelines of research methodology.7
Naturally, conducting research in this manner
becomes a time consuming process. Another
factor that adds to the time required for eventual
publication is that a standard peer reviewed
indexed journal may have a waiting period of at
least one year for accepted publication. In fact
the peer review process may take more time than
the duration of the research itself. Taking note
of these practical difficulties, the MCI has now
modified these regulations through its
amendments in the years 2009 and 2010 as
follows - for a „Professor‟ post - The
requirement is Four research papers
accepted/published in index/national journal of
the respective specialties as the first/second
author on cumulative basis. Out of these four
research publications minimum two research
publications must be published during the tenure
of the Associate Professor and for the
„Associate Professor‟ post - The requirement is
Two research papers accepted/published in
index/national journal of the respective
specialties as the first/second author during the
tenure of the Assistant Professor.6
As the regulatory authority of medical education
in India, the MCI is right in enforcing these
modified regulations amongst the teaching
fraternity thus ensuring that the fraternity will
continue to be a premier one. As a consequence
of the MCI‟s „Publish or Perish‟ agenda,
publishing research will not only allow one to
build credibility amongst his fellow colleagues
but it will also ensure that the authors keep
themselves updated with the latest research and
clinical practices as mentioned above. By rising
to the occasion, they will also act as good role
models to their students, thereby inculcating in
them the desire to get involved in quality
research which ultimately helps the society at
1. Taylor RB. Essential Medical Facts Every
Clinician Should Know: To Prevent Medical
Errors, Pass Board Examinations, and Provide
Informed Patient Care. New York: Springer,
2. Gogtay NJ, Sarkar MS. The art and craft of
medical writing: Report on JPGM writecon
2009. J Postgrad Med 2009;55:237-8.
3. Gopikrishna V, Datta K, Nandin S. Journal of
conservative dentistry is now PUBMED indexed.
J Conserv Dent 2010;13:1.
4. Peh WC, Ng KH. Why write? Singapore Med J
2008; 49:433-434.
5. Menezes RG, Kanchan T, Bodhe AV, Rao PPJ,
Lobo SW, Shetty M, et al. Academic
promotions: the dust has not yet settled. Curr Sci
6. Teachers eligibility qualifications.
(Accessed on 1 May, 2012)
7. Jagadeesh N, Nagesh KR, Menezes RG, Nithin
MD. Medical college teacher vis-a-vis need for
publications. J South India Medicolegal Assoc
Corresponding author
Dr. Francis N. P. Monteiro
Associate Professor
Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences
Mangalore, INDIA
Mobile: +919448327389
... A vital aspect of publishing a research article is selecting a journal with an appropriate topic and scope, respected among other researchers in the discipline, widely indexed, and feasible to readers (Christopher & Young, 2015). This allows authors to share their original findings, reasoning, and proposed changes to practice standards for effective dissemination of the work (Monteiro et al., 2012). A researcher's performance and productivity are mainly judged on the number of publications and where they appear. ...
The predatory journal has emerged as a threat to credible scientific researches and publication practices because of its ill-money-draining mentality by attracting the authors for publication without providing mandatory peer-review, low publication standard, editorial, and publishing services. This study’s main objective is to assess the level of awareness about predatory journals among students of the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) as a hope to support scholarly communication in battling unprofessional conduct. We conducted an online crosssectional survey from 26th June to 6th July 2020 at IAAS. A structured questionnaire loaded in Google form was circulated online via E-mails, social media messages, and posted on various IAAS pages. With a total of 110 respondents from the veterinary and agriculture science students, the data concluded that among all respondents only 66.4% were familiar with the idea of predatory journals whereas only 38.2% of respondents were aware of Beall’s list and its concept. This fails in a published article to meet the criteria in the scientific community. Hence, proper knowledge regarding the nature of the journal is necessary for publishing the paper so that the scholarly work could reach its milestone.
... A patented idea should be published in a globally recognized and reputable journal to bring other the global community to the awareness of such inventions [42]. Other reasons include assurance that we leave a documented legacy of our discoveries and accomplishments for future generations [43], gain a reputation among our colleagues, and stay updated on the latest research [44]. ...
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The petroleum industry in Nigeria contributes a huge percentage to the national revenue of the country, to the extent that budgets are being passed based on the oil price dynamics. With the importance the petroleum sector has attained in Nigeria, it is expected that the country's pedagogy will reflect the value it contributes to the national table. However, reviews, surveys, and works of literature have shown otherwise. As a result, this study emphasizes the importance of petroleum engineering pedagogy in-country as an oil-producing country, the university curriculum of petroleum engineering in Nigeria was also examined (with a particular focus on the impact of poor curriculum on national development), and the dynamics between the university, industry and government were critically discussed and recommended practices for improving petroleum engineering pedagogy were made. This study targets national development and control over its own resources through a knowledge economy and seamless dynamics of information within the oil and gas industry. The Nigerian government, through the Federal Ministry of Education, is further expected to capitalize on the outcomes of this research for curriculum review of petroleum engineering and related courses offered in-country to foster sustainability in a competing global society.
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This work was born out of a research project embarked upon by the Zambia Textbook, Academic and Non-fiction Authors Association (ZATANFAA). The objective was to examine the writing space in the country. For example, we tried to assess if there was writing activity going on and how that was being responded to by Zambian readers. The study also attempted to examine the relations between writers and publishers and how this could help grow the literary scene even further in the country. The research interacted with about five readers, five writers, five publishers, and five booksellers in each of the provinces of the country.
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The South African Journal of Agricultural Extension (SAJAE) is a scientific journal that acts as the mouthpiece for the South African Society of Agricultural Extension (SASAE), which was established in 1966, and through which it publishes articles and disseminates research information. This study examined the primary and secondary research themes and ascertained the prolific authors and the research methods and designs that were prevalent in the SAJAE issues published from 1999 to 2014. A total of 177 articles were reviewed and a total of 33 primary research themes (PRTs) and 36 secondary research themes (SRTs) were identified. The most emerging themes are "diffusion, and adoption of innovation". Two hundred and fifty-six SAJAE authors were identified, with G. H. Düvel being identified as the most prolific author. Moreover, quantitative research methods were the most common, with survey design being most prevalent. It is subsequently recommended that periodic reviews of SAJAE be conducted, as well as comparative reviews with similar journals. A collaborative approach was suggested.
The four authors cited above, writing about society’s favorite substances, have some interesting back stories. Pasteur, of course, was not a physician and instead was an industrial chemist involved in France’s alcohol industry of his time, and the partial heat sterilization technique we call pasteurization and use to make milk safe to drink was originally used to prevent spoilage of beer and wine [4]. Freneau was an American polemicist, nationalist and editor of a newspaper The National Gazette, which published the works of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; the story of his antipathy to smoking, a socially accepted habit at the time, is unknown, at least by me. After all, it would be a century and a half before we would connect smoking and lung cancer. Bennett A. Weinberg, Ph.D., lead author of the book on caffeine, is a consultant in pharmaceutical communications serving leading industrial companies; he and co-author Bonnie Bealer quickly followed their successful 2001 book with another in 2002 titled The Caffeine Advantage: How to Sharpen Your Mind, Improve Your Physical Performance, and Achieve Your Goals – The Healthy Way [5].
Research, writing and publication complement teaching/ training and patient care. One of the most important reasons for medical writing stems from the inherent training that enables doctors to better appreciate and evaluate the published work of peers. Doctors-in-training should be encouraged to start research and writing early, with the senior members of the profession acting as role models and providing sufficient support.