"63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society BPS'2019" (Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 2-6, 2019)
For the first time we have revealed at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ//B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory the novel routes for the conformationally-tautomeric transitions for the four biologically important А∙Т DNA base pairs – Watson-Crick А∙Т(WC), reverse Watson-Crick А∙Т(rWC), Hoogsteen А∙Т(Н) and reverse Hoogsteen А∙Т(rН), in particular:
- Unconventional conformational states – А·Т(wWC), А·Т(wrWC), А·Т(wН) and А·Т(wrН), in which the amino group of the A DNA base acts simultaneously as a donor and an acceptor of the H-bonding [1];
- Non-dissociative conformational transitions – А∙Т(WC) / А∙Т(rWC)↔А∙Т(H) / А∙Т(rH), A∙T(WC)↔A∙T(rWC) / A∙T(rH) and A∙T(H)↔A∙T(rH) / A∙T(rWC), which link А∙Т DNA base pairs and their novel conformers in different combinations [2, 3];
- Novel pathways of the intrapair tautomerisation in the А∙Т DNA base pairs through the quasi-orthogonal transition state – А∙Т(WC) / А∙Т(rWC)↔А*∙Т(rwWC) / А*∙Т(wWC) and А∙Т(H) / А∙Т(rH)↔А*N7∙Т(rwH) / А*N7∙Т(wH) [4] – or through the protonated amino group of the A DNA base – A∙T(wWC)↔A∙T*(w⊥WC), A∙T(wrWC)↔A∙T*O2(w⊥rWC), A∙T(wH)↔A∙T*(w⊥H) and A∙T(wrH)↔A∙T*O2(w⊥rH) [5].
We have also established scientifically-based explanation, why Nature exploits exactly А∙Т(WC) DNA base pair for the construction of the genetic material [6].
The biophysical significance and experimental confirmation of the results are thoroughly discussed.
Acknowledgements. DrSci Ol’ha Brovarets’ expresses sincere gratitude to Biotech Initiative U.S.-Ukraine Foudation (USUF) for the travel grant (“2018 Emerging Biotech Leader of Ukraine”; for the participation in the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society BPS2019 (Baltimore, Maryland, March 2-6, 2019;
Session: Posters: DNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair
Location: Exhibit Hall C
Date: Sunday, Mar 3 1:45 PM
Duration: 2 hours
Board Number: B152
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