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All content in this area was uploaded by Jan H Lindeman on Feb 20, 2019
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An aneurysm is a localized dilatation of larger blood ves-
sels that is related to regional weakening of the wall
structure.1 Although the large majority of aneurysms presents
within arterial tree, venous aneurysms do occur. Aneurysms
are generally associated with rupture and a life-threatening
hemorrhage, yet some aneurysms (in particular, popliteal2 and
venous aneurysms)3 typically manifest through symptoms of
acute thrombosis and embolism.
There are several classification systems for aneurysms.
From the perspective of medical therapy, the most help-
ful attribution is that of primary and secondary aneurysms.
Primary aneurysms relate to a matrix defect in vessel wall
(ie, fibrillin deficiency in Marfan syndrome, collagen III de-
ficiency in the vascular type Ehlers Danlos syndrome,4 and
unknown defect[s] in aneurysms associated with bicuspid a-
ortic valves).5,6 Secondary aneurysms relate to extensive ma-
trix turnover and pathological vessel wall remodeling5,7 in
response to a primary inflammatory insult (ie, infection, im-
mune diseases [Kawasaki syndrome, giant cell arthritis, and
Behçet syndrome],8 and the degenerative abdominal aortic an-
eurysm [AAA]).1
Although aneurysms occur throughout the vascular tree,
there is a remarkable topographical distribution for most an-
eurysms (ie, descending thoracic aorta for giant cell arteritis,
infrarenal aorta in AAA disease, etc).9 Although this may be
caused by local hemodynamic patterns and associated wall
stresses, it likely could reflect the different embryological ori-
gins of the vascular tree,9 which result in a persistent regional
diversity in microvascular endothelium,10 mesenchymal cell
characteristics,11–13 and immunologic makeup.14,15 The remark-
able regional diversity in susceptibility is clearly illustrated by
the iliac trajectory: unlike the adjacent common iliac, internal
iliac, and common femoral arteries, the external iliac artery is
remarkably resistant to degenerative aneurysms.
The focus of this compendium will be on the perspectives
for medical therapy in the context of AAA and aneurysms as-
sociated with Marfan syndrome as clinical intervention data
are available for these aneurysms. Systemic immune suppres-
sion in the context of autoimmune diseases, such as Kawasaki
syndrome and giant cell arteritis, and antibiotic strategies for
infection-related aneurysms (Q fever, bacterial) are beyond
the scope of this article.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
An AAA is a localized dilatation caused by segmental weak-
ening of the terminal aorta segment. The prevalence of the
disease depends on the population studied, with reported prev-
alences varying between 1.4% and 12.4%.16 The disease car-
ries a complex genetic predisposition17,18 and predominantly
affects elderly men with a history of smoking.19
AAAs are generally asymptomatic and are usually diag-
nosed by screening or as an incidental finding. The natural
From the Department of Vascular Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands (J.H.L.); and Division of Vascular Surgery, School of
Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin, Madison (J.S.M.).
Correspondence to Jan H. Lindeman, MD, PhD, Department of Vascular Surgery, Leiden University Medical Center, K6-r, PO Box 9600, 2300 RC,
Leiden, the Netherlands. Email
Aortic Aneurysms Compendium
© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.
Abstract: Current management of aortic aneurysms relies exclusively on prophylactic operative repair of larger
aneurysms. Great potential exists for successful medical therapy that halts or reduces aneurysm progression and
hence alleviates or postpones the need for surgical repair. Preclinical studies in the context of abdominal aortic
aneurysm identified hundreds of candidate strategies for stabilization, and data from preoperative clinical
intervention studies show that interventions in the pathways of the activated inflammatory and proteolytic cascades
in enlarging abdominal aortic aneurysm are feasible. Similarly, the concept of pharmaceutical aorta stabilization in
Marfan syndrome is supported by a wealth of promising studies in the murine models of Marfan syndrome–related
aortapathy. Although some clinical studies report successful medical stabilization of growing aortic aneurysms and
aortic root stabilization in Marfan syndrome, these claims are not consistently confirmed in larger and controlled
studies. Consequently, no medical therapy can be recommended for the stabilization of aortic aneurysms. The
discrepancy between preclinical successes and clinical trial failures implies shortcomings in the available models
of aneurysm disease and perhaps incomplete understanding of the pathological processes involved in later stages
of aortic aneurysm progression. Preclinical models more reflective of human pathophysiology, identification of
biomarkers to predict severity of disease progression, and improved design of clinical trials may more rapidly advance
the opportunities in this important field. (Circ Res. 2019;124:631-646. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312439.)
Key Words: aneurysm ◼ aortic aneurysm, abdominal ◼ Marfan syndrome ◼ mice ◼ models, animal ◼
review literature as topic ◼ therapy, drug
Pharmacologic Management of Aneurysms
Jan H. Lindeman, Jon S. Matsumura
Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.312439
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632 Circulation Research February 15, 2019
history of the disease is that of slow progression and ultimate
rupture.20 Ruptured AAA is a dramatic catastrophe, and aor-
tic emergencies constitute one of the leading causes of acute
death in elderly men.1,16 Risk of rupture is minimal in small
aneurysms (ie, <50 mm) but progressively increases with en-
larging AAA size; estimated annual rupture risks are <1% for
AAA with a diameter of 50 mm to >30% for an AAA exceed-
ing 80 mm diameter.21
AAA management has been centered for decades on sur-
gical repair of larger aneurysms to mitigate the risks of rup-
ture. Multiple trials have shown no benefit of repair of AAA at
sizes <55 mm diameter, and consequently, current guidelines
advise watchful waiting for aneurysms <55 mm and preven-
tive repair once the AAA grows >55 mm,1,19,21 possibly with
a slightly lower intervention threshold for repair in women.22
The 2 surgical options for repair are open repair (through
a transperitoneal or retroperitoneal approach) or endovas-
cular aneurysm repair (EVAR; through a transarterial ap-
proach).19,21 Decisions for the type of repair are dictated
by AAA-specific features, such as neck characteristics and
proximity to major important branches, as well as by pa-
tients’ preferences and characteristics, such as frailty and o-
besity.19,21 The majority of patients is currently managed by
EVAR. Open repair comes with significant higher periopera-
tive mortality and morbidity; registry-based studies report
30-day mortality rates of ≈4% to 5% for men and 6% to 8%
for women,22,23 and perioperative morbidity of open repair
is considerable.19 However, open repair has an established
long-term durability, although incisional hernia remains a
common cause of late reintervention.19 EVAR has superior
short-term outcomes but comes with higher rates of aortic
reintervention and possibly higher costs.24 Moreover, there is
emerging concern in the published literature about the mid-
and long-term durability of EVAR with possibly excess late
mortality in patients who received EVAR.25,26
Considering the fact that the sole indication for elective
AAA repair is rupture prevention,19 it has been pointed out
that medical stabilization of small diameter aneurysms, keeps
small aneurysms small and thereby prevents or reduces the
need for surgical repair, could be advantageous. This has nat-
ural appeal to patients and from an economic point of view.27
Moreover, medical aneurysm stabilization could be benefi-
cial as add-on strategy in patients considered at high risk for
endoleak.28 It is conceivable that in patients who have aneu-
rysm neck prone to dilation, stabilization of the neck could
reduce the incidence of late type Ia endoleak. All in all, med-
ical AAA stabilization has been brought forward as an unmet
medical need.29
Targets for Medical AAA Therapy
Candidate targets for therapy are dictated by the prevailing
concepts of the processes driving AAA disease progression.
It is generally assumed that AAA progression is driven by a
localized inflammatory response and an accompanying pro-
teolytic imbalance.20,30 Consequently, proposed interventions
directly or indirectly aim at targeting aspects of the inflamma-
tory response or at rectifying the proteolytic imbalance. The
pertinence of these strategies is supported by a wealth of pre-
clinical studies. The vast majority of these are performed in the
standard rodent models of AAA disease: the elastase model,
the CaCl2 model, or the angiotensin/LDLR−/− (low-density li-
poprotein receptor) model.31,32
The elastase model is based on a transient exposure (gen-
erally brief intraaortic exposure) of an isolated infrarenal aorta
segment with porcine pancreatic elastase.33 The rationale be-
hind the model is the notion that loss of elastin is one of the
most notable features of AAA disease. Yet, although the di-
sease is undoubtedly characterized by extensive loss of elas-
tin, it is important to point out that loss of elastin per se is not
responsible for the critical wall failure in AAA. First of all,
loss of elastin is an early phenomenon in clinical AAA devel-
opment, and the elastolysis is virtually complete before the di-
sease reaches the critical 55-mm diameter threshold.34 Second,
clinical experience shows that chemical or surgical removal of
elastin (endarteriectomy) does not result in aneurysm forma-
tion.35,36 The validity of this clinical observation is supported
by experimental data that show that although elastin critically
contributes to the elastic recoil of the aortic wall, it does not
contribute to the resilience of the wall. In fact, studies by
Dobrin et al37 show that the resilience of the wall essentially re-
lies on vascular collagen. This phenomenon is also reflected in
the dynamics of the elastase model in which exposure to pure
elastin does not immediately induce AAA formation38 and in
which the initial response following porcine pancreatic elastin
preparations is a small increase in aortic diameter, presumably
reflecting loss of elastic recoil.39 The actual aneurysm forma-
tion is secondary and reflects a delayed, secondary response,
elicited by the elastase-induced inflammatory response.37
Although the model is referred as the elastase model, ex-
posure to pure pancreatic elastase does not elicit aneurysm
formation.38 As such, contaminants of the porcine pancre-
atic elastase preparation appear crucial for AAA induction.
Further, the model is dependent on the genetic background
of the mouse with a strict requirement for strains with Th1-
dominated inflammatory responses,39 underscoring the rele-
vance of the inflammatory response in model.
Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme
ADAM Aneurysm Detection and Management
ATR1 angiotensin II receptor type 1
EVAR endovascular aneurysm repair
FBN1 fibrillin-1
IL interleukin
LDLR low-density lipoprotein receptor
LDL low-density lipoprotein
LOX lysyl oxidase
MMP matrix metalloproteinase
N-TA^3CT Noninvasive Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Clinical
NFAT2 nuclear factor of activated T cells-2
PPAR peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor
TGF-β transforming growth factor-β
TNF-α tumor necrosis factor-α
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Lindeman and Matsumura Pharmacologic Management of Aneurysms 633
AAA formation in the elastase models follows a typical
pattern with the initial moderate dilatation resulting from loss
of elastic recoil, followed by a secondary dilatation, the ac-
tual aneurysm formation ≈1 week after the elastase induction
presumably as result of a secondary inflammatory response.
The ultimate dilatation reached varies between 150% and
200%.39 A major criticism of the model is the fact that the
model regresses (heals) and is not associated with rupture,31
although early ruptures were observed after preventive IL
(interleukin)-6 neutralization.40 Other reports show that inter-
ference with the healing response either by TGFβ (transform-
ing growth factor-β) neutralization41 or 3-aminopropionitrile
feeding–induced LOX (lysyl oxidase) inhibition42 elicit rup-
ture in the model.
The second most commonly used model of AAA disease
is generally referred to as the CaCl2 model. In this model,
AAA formation is induced by local calcium salt exposure of
an isolated infrarenal aorta segment.31 Although the model
is scrutinized by some as a minimal model,31 there is a wide
variety in Ca++ concentrations used, and there are indications
that CaPO4 rather than the traditional CaCl2 results in supe-
rior AAA formation.43 Like the traditional elastase model, the
model does not proceed to rupture.
Ruptures form an integral aspect of the third most
commonly used model, the angiotensin II/apolipoprotein
E–deficient mouse.31,32 This model is based on the observa-
tion that chronic angiotensin infusion in apolipoprotein E–
deficient mice results in aneurysms in the aortic tree. Although
the model is commonly referred to as an aneurysm model, it
is now clear that the model should be referred to as a model
of aortic dissection.44,45 Hence, conclusions based on the an-
giotensin model may not or only partially translate to human
AAA disease.
Based on experiments in these 3 models, several hun-
dred targets31 have been proposed to limit aneurysm growth.
Although a detailed review of the interventions is beyond the
scope of this article, successfully targeted main clusters for in-
tervention include vascular inflammation, tissue remodeling,
blood pressure regulation, and lipid metabolism. An overview
of the reported main clusters and illustrative exemplary stud-
ies are provided in Table 1.
The available literature is dominated by positive stud-
ies; few studies report disease aggravation97,98 or failure of
the studied intervention.99–102 With respect to the latter, most
failing interventions are included as a secondary finding pre-
sented along with a successful primary finding, raising the
possibility that the available literature is biased by selective
reporting of positive findings103 and type I errors (false-posi-
tive conclusions). Strong support for the latter stems from an
elegant evaluation by Trachet et al.104 The authors performed
a meta-analysis of the incidence of dissecting aneurysms and
the mortality rates in the control arm of 194 articles report-
ing on the angiotensin model. The analysis revealed strong
inverse relationships between both the aneurysm incidence
and mortality rate of the control group, and the final conclu-
sions of the study (median dissecting AAA incidence: 73%
in studies reporting interventions claimed to reduce AAA
formation, 56% in descriptive studies versus 35% for inter-
ventions claimed to enhance AAA formation).104 Reported
median mortality rates followed the similar inverse trend
(25%, 19%, and 13%, respectively).104
Medical Therapy for Patients With AAA
There are 2 indications for medical therapy in AAA: cardiovas-
cular risk management and pharmaceutical AAA stabilization.
Epidemiological105,106 and cohort studies107–109 character-
ize an AAA as a strong cardiovascular risk factor. In fact,
in patients deemed unfit for repair, the risk of dying from
nonaneurysm-related (in particular, cardiovascular) causes
by far exceeds the risk of dying from AAA.110 The profound
impact of an AAA on overall survival is further illustrated by
the relative survival analysis included in a meta-analysis of
patient survival following open or endovascular repair.111 The
observed 0.76 10-year relative survival ratio for patients who
had their AAA repaired clearly illustrates the profound indi-
rect risk of AAA disease.111
Level IIb evidences suggests that cardiovascular risk man-
agement is effective in patients with AAA112,113; hence there
is a case for cardiovascular risk management for all patients
with AAA, irrespective of a possible impact of the risk man-
agement on aneurysm progression. Logically, improvement
in survival because of reduced cardiovascular risk not only
improves the cost-effectiveness of AAA repair but longer sur-
vival will maximize the benefits of an effective pharmaceuti-
cal stabilization program.
Preclinical models show the potential of lipid lower-
ing,78–82 antihypertensive therapy,72–76 and platelet aggregation
inhibitors59 in quenching experimental AAA development.
Yet, there is little evidence for a beneficial effect of these
strategies on clinical AAA progression and stability. The first
studies exploring the potential of pharmaceutical therapy for
AAA progression were based on observed beneficial associa-
tions between β-blocker use and aneurysm progression in 2
small (n of 12 and 38) case-control studies.114,115 These stud-
ies were then followed by a further case-control116 and cohort
study117 and later by 2 randomized trials.118,119 All these later
studies were not confirmative, although the interpretation of
the randomized controlled trials is compromised by the poor
tolerability of the β-blocker used (propanol), which resulted in
a 42% dropout rate in the treatment arm.119
The ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors are
the second class of antihypertensive drugs that received signif-
icant attention in the context of AAA stabilization. Enthusiasm
was spurred by supportive evidence from experimental stud-
ies,74,75 and a population-based case-control study that reported
a beneficial association between ACE inhibitor use and risk of
rupture.120 This study was followed by a series of nonconfirma-
tive studies,121–123 one of them suggesting an adverse associa-
tion between ACE inhibitor use and AAA progression.123 These
controversies were ultimately addressed in the AARDVARK
study (Aortic Aneurysmal Regression of Dilation: Value of
Ace-Inhibition on Risk).124 This study concluded that, despite
more effective blood pressure lowering, the ACE inhibitor per-
indopril did not show significant impact on aneurysm growth
(compared with both placebo alone and to combined placebo
and amlodipine [a Ca++ antagonist]). A shortcoming of the
AARDVARK study is the lower-than-anticipated aneurysm
growth. As such, the trial may lack the sensitivity to detect
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634 Circulation Research February 15, 2019
minor effect sizes. Although the authors attribute this short-
coming to the high-level medical cardiac risk management in
the population studied,124 it is likely that the lower-than-antic-
ipated growth reflects inclusion of a disproportionate group of
patients with relatively small AAAs (≈35 mm).
At this point, the potential of the type 1 angiotensin receptor
antagonist telmisartan is under investigation in the TEDY study
(Effectiveness of Telmisartan in Slowing the Progression of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms).125 The rationale for this study is
the fact that AT1 receptor antagonists interfere with the negative
aspects of angiotensin signaling but preserve signaling through
the ATR1 (angiotensin II receptor type 1) receptor, which is
associated with vascular protective activity.126,127 Along these
lines, beneficial associations have been reported between type 1
AT receptor antagonist use and AAA progression.128
The overall conclusion for antihypertensive therapies is
that the available clinical studies refute β-blockers or ACE
inhibitors as pharmaceutical strategies for AAA stabilization.
This indirectly confirms absence of a direct association be-
tween blood pressure and AAA progression.
The potential of statins has been evaluated in 12 studies.
Results of these studies are mixed with 6 studies hinting at a
beneficial association between statin use and AAA progres-
sion129–134 and another 6 studies failing to show an association
between statin use and aneurysm progression.117,122,123,135–137
Conclusions from the studies segregate, with the older and
smaller studies being confirmative and the later and larger
studies being nonconfirmative. On this basis, although the car-
diovascular risk benefits of statins are impressive, there is no
role for statins as a pharmaceutical strategy stabilizing AAA.
An effect of antiplatelet therapy on aneurysm progression
has been explored in 6 studies. Beneficial effects have been ob-
served in medium sized cohort study (n=148) of patients under
surveillance of a 40- to 49-mm AAA.138 Unfortunately, the va-
lidity of the study is challenged by the unrealistic high growth
rate in the control group (5.2 mm/y; anticipated growth rate, 2–
3 mm/y139). A potential effect for combined aspirin-statin treat-
ment has been observed in a subanalysis of a study evaluating
the effect of azithromycin on AAA progression.140 A benefit for
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been re-
ported on the basis of a small (n=19) study; reportedly patients
using NSAID showed reduced AAA progression.141
In contrast, 3 larger studies (the UK small aneurysm trial,123
the ADAM study [Aneurysm Detection and Management],117
and an Australian cohort study136) all fail to confirm a benefi-
cial effect of antiplatelet therapy on AAA progression.
Well-established negative (beneficial) associations exist be-
tween diabetic disease and AAA growth rate.142 Although this
has been attributed to diabetes mellitus–related factors, such as
matrix stabilization by enhanced glycation and modulation of in-
flammation,143 there are indications that this negative (protective)
association relates to off-target effects of metformin—a bigu-
anide antidiabetic that is first-line medication for type II diabetes
mellitus. Indeed, metformin use but other classes of antidiabetic
drugs associated with reduced AAA growth rate.144,145 At this
point, 2 trials are planned to test an effect of metformin on AAA
growth (Prof Ron L. Dalman, personal communication).
Above clinical studies, all evaluated potential off-target
(so-called pleiotropic) effects on AAA progression of drugs
that are part of regular cardiovascular risk management. A fur-
ther series of trials evaluate disease-specific targets that were
defined on basis of the current understanding of AAA disease.
A presumed role for persistent chlamydia infection in the per-
petuation of vascular disease, including AAA, at the millennium
Table 1. Summary of Successful Experimental Targets for Pharmaceutical
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Stabilization
Targeted Cluster Strategy
Anti-inflammatory NFκB,46 AP-1,47 Rho kinase48 inhibition
IL1,49 TNFα,50 CCL-151
B cell,52 γδT-cell53 depletion
Neutrophil inhibition54
Mast cell inhibition55
Complement inhibition56,57
Oxilipin inhibition58,59
Immune suppression60,61
Protease inhibition MMP inhibition62,63
Cysteine protease inhibition64,65
Serine protease inhibition66,67
Oxidative stress Antioxidant enzymes68,69
Secondary antioxidants70,71
Blood pressure lowering β-Blockers72
Ca antagonists73
ACE inhibitors74,75
ATR1 antagonists76
iNOS inhibition77
Lipid metabolism Statins78,79
RXR and PPARα/γ activation81,82
Cell therapy Mesenchymal stem cells83,84
Matrix/morphogens Interference with TGFβ signaling86
Interference with NOTCH87/Wnt88 signaling
Thrombospontin inhibition89
EGFR inhibition90
Metabolism Inhibition of HIF1α91
Activation of AMPK92
Nutriceuticals Polyphenols93
Sex hormones Castration95
ACE indicates angiotensin-converting enzyme; AMPK, 5' AMP-activated protein
kinase; AP-1, activator protein-1; ATR1, angiotensin II receptor type 1; CCL-1,
chemokine (C-C motif) ligand; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; HDL, high-
density lipoprotein; HIF1α, hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha; IL-1, interleukin-1;
iNOS, inducible NO synthase; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; NFκB, nuclear
factor-κB; NOTCH, notch homolog, translocation-associated; PPARα/γ,
peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor α/γ; RXR, retinoid X receptor; TGF-β,
transforming growth factor-β; and TNF-α, tumor necrosis factor-α.
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Lindeman and Matsumura Pharmacologic Management of Aneurysms 635
époque resulted in 3 studies, which aimed at anti-chlamydia e-
radication. Two small trials with, respectively, a single 4-week
course of the antibiotic roxithromycin146 or repeated (annual)
4-week courses of roxithromycin147 reported borderline benefits
on aneurysm progression. However, this was not confirmed in a
larger study with azithromycin that did not identify an effect of
16 weeks of macrolide treatment on AAA progression.140
A further series of clinical studies aimed at targeting spe-
cific aspects of the vascular inflammation and proteolytic im-
balance in AAA. In this respect, there is a longstanding interest
in the tetracycline antibiotic doxycycline. Independent of its an-
tibiotic properties, doxycycline has been shown to reduce the
expression of matrix metalloproteinases148 and to quench their
activity.149 Doxycycline effectively interferes with aneurysm
formation in some150,151 but not all99 models of aneurysm for-
mation, and clinical studies showed that doxycycline treatment
reduces aortic wall MMP (matrix metalloproteinase) content
and improves the proteolytic imbalance through its effect on
aneurysm wall protease inhibitor levels.152,153 Three studies154–156
evaluated the effect of doxycycline treatment on aneurysm pro-
gression, and a fourth multicenter randomized trial N-TA^3CT
(Noninvasive Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Clinical Trial) is ongoing.157 A first small study (n=32) evalu-
ated patients after 3 months of doxycycline eradication therapy
with the intent of testing the persistent chlamydia infection hy-
pothesis.154 The report claims an effect of doxycycline therapy
on aneurysm progression in the 6- to 12- and 12- to 18-month
follow-up intervals, but no effect was seen for the initial 0- to
6-month interval and for the overall study period. The second
open phase II study tested the safety and feasibility of 6 months
of doxycycline therapy in patients with AAA.155 The study
showed that chronic doxycycline treatment is feasible and well
tolerated, and it was concluded that aortic wall MMP-9 levels
and AAA progression compared favorably with those of his-
toric controls not receiving treatment. In contrast, data from the
PHAST trial (Pharmaceutical Aneurysm Stabilization Trial)156
testing the effect of 18 months of doxycycline (100 mg/day)
failed to show a benefit of doxycycline therapy on AAA pro-
gression; on the contrary, doxycycline treatment resulted in a
statistically significant but clinically insignificant acceleration
of AAA growth. Although earlier dose-finding study found dose
equivalence for low-, regular-, and high-dose (50, 100, or 300
mg/day, respectively) doxycycline on all parameters tested,158,159
it has been argued that the dose used in the PHAST study is too
low to elicit an effect. As such, the results of the N-TA^3CT
study that tests the benefit of 200 mg/day157 are eagerly awaited.
A potential benefit of mast cell inhibition through the potent
mast cell stabilizer pemirolast160 was tested in the AORTA trial
(CRD007 for the Treatment of Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm).161
Study results show that 12 months of mast cell inhibition is safe,
but the mast cell inhibition did not influence AAA progression.161
The ACZ885 (canakinumab) for the Treatment of
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm study162 tested the effect of IL-
1β neutralization through subcutaneous canakinumab (150
mg) once per month for 12 months. The study enrolled 65 pa-
tients, and 1 year growth data was obtained for 20 participants
in the placebo group and 23 in the canakinumab group. AAA
progression (2.5 mm/y) was similar for both groups, and the
trial was terminated for reasons of futility.162
Apart from these studies on diameter changes, there are
data available for surrogate end points (aneurysm wall inflam-
mation). In a small study (6 cases, 10 controls), Motoki et
al163 evaluated the effect of PPAR (peroxisome proliferator–
activated receptor)-γ agonist pioglitzone and observed a re-
duction in aortic wall TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α) and
MMP-9 expression. The effects of the PPARα agonist fe-
nofibrate on circulating inflammatory markers of inflamma-
tion have been studied in the FAME trial (Fenofibrate in the
Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm). A randomized
study of 24 weeks of fenofibrate treatment in AAA patients.164
No effect was observed on the circulating markers osteopontin
or kallistatin. Although the authors report an absent effect on
AAA growth,164 it is important to point out that the trial was
not adequately powered to detect such an effect.
A highly specific suppression of aneurysm wall inflam-
mation was observed for the selective vitamin D receptor ago-
nist paricalcitol. It was shown that a 2- to 4-week preoperative
paricalcitol treatment selectively interfered with aspects of
NFAT2 (nuclear factor of activated T cells-2) mediated inflam-
mation,165 suggesting that the effects of vitamin D are mainly
mediated by an effect on calcineurin-mediated inflammation.
This notion was confirmed in in vitro studies.165 Although
plasma lipids do not associate with incident AAA disease,
there are weak associations between plasma LDL (low-den-
sity lipoprotein) levels and AAA progression.166 In this light,
the observed superior effects of ezetimide/simvastatin over
simvastatin alone on vascular inflammation merit attention,167
yet it is unclear how these observations relate to the apparent
absence of statins on AAA progression.117,122,123,135–137
The above overview of preclinical successes and clinical
failures points to a major paradox of numerous preclinical
successes and clinical challenges. Preclinical studies identi-
fied hundreds of successful candidate interventions, yet this
enormous investment has not produced any clinical applica-
tion, and no medical therapy is currently available for the sta-
bilization of growing AAA, although further clinical studies
are underway or planned (Table 2).
More important, the apparent translational gap between
preclinical and clinical studies challenges our concepts of the
processes underlying late-stage AAA disease pathophysiol-
ogy. Undoubtedly, AAA is associated with a sustained and
comprehensive inflammatory response, uncontrolled protease
activity, and excess matrix turnover.5,20,153 Short-term preopera-
tive intervention studies in patients undergoing open repair all
proved the potential of indomethacin,168 statins,137,169–176 ACE
inhibitors,121 and doxycycline153,158,159 to effectively quench
vascular inflammation and protease activity. Yet, these effects
are not followed by reduction of AAA progression. Along
similar lines, bona fide anti-inflammatory strategies, such as
anti–IL-1β therapy162 and mast cell161 stabilization failed to
influence AAA progression. Interestingly, profound immune
suppression in the context of solid organ transplantation even
results in accelerated AAA progression.177,178 Although these
aforementioned observations do not exclude a role for inflam-
mation or protease activity in AAA initiation and progression,
they imply involvement of additional, to date unidentified crit-
ical factors that are unresponsive to the anti-inflammatory/an-
tiproteolytic therapies.
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636 Circulation Research February 15, 2019
One of the possible key factors is failing or defective
compensatory repair. In fact, interference with compensatory
repair mechanisms (stem cell function) may explain the ap-
parent disastrous effects of intense immune suppression,179
chemotherapy,180 and the unexpected negative effect of dox-
ycycline therapy156,181 on aneurysm growth. Moreover, there
are clear indications for defective matrix repair in AAA. The
disease is associated with complete loss of the normal aortic
wall architecture, and the normal aortic matrix is replaced by
a collagenous, fibrotic matrix.153 Although a higher collagen
cross-link content in AAA wall samples may imply more sta-
ble collagen,182 this is actually not the case because of defects
at the level of collagen fibril organization. In the healthy aortic
matrix, the collagen fibrils are laid down in supramolecular, in-
tertwined network structures. As a result, forces are distributed
over the wall. Loss of this network behavior in AAA disease
fundamentally impacts the mechanical stability of the wall182
and may contribute to the aortic wall weakening in the disease.
Fatty degeneration was recently identified as another poten-
tial contributor to the weakening of the aneurysm wall.183,184 Fatty
degeneration is a known phenomenon in aging and chronically
injured muscle185 and is thought to be a consequence of impaired
repair mechanism in the context of chronic injury.186 Gene-
expression studies on AAA wall specimens suggest that progres-
sive adipocyte accumulation associated with rupture.183,187
Unfortunately, the perpetual inflammatory cycle and the im-
paired compensatory repair that hallmark human AAA are not
captured in the rodent models of AAA disease. This shortcoming
may largely reflect the spontaneous resolution of inflammation
in these models and the superior endogenous healing responses
of small animal models,188,189 as well as their inherent resistance
to develop chronic fibrosis. In an attempt to create more relevant
(viz rupture prone) AAA models, modified models have been
introduced in which interference with the primary healing re-
sponses resulted in AAA ruptures.41,42 Yet, these models do not
recapitulate the chronically impaired and dysregulated healing
responses that characterize AAA disease. Absence of fibrotic re-
pair in murine models of AAA disease also explains the apparent
benefit of inducing fibrotic repair in stabilizing growing AAA
in murine models.190 Because extensive fibrosis is a hallmark of
human AAA disease, and that process of fibrosis results in dep-
osition of a brittle, poor-quality matrix,153,182 it is questionable
whether a profibrotic strategy will stabilize human AAA.
Considering the wealth of preclinical success and failing clini-
cal attempts to identify molecular strategies for stabilizing AAA
disease, we must acknowledge that our understanding of AAA
disease is far from complete and that the available small animal
models of the disease only partially mimic aspects of the human
disease. There appears a recent trend to include (or demand)
confirmative studies in a second animal model in preclinical
studies. Considering the parallels between the different models,
it is dubious whether this increases the likelihood of the find-
ings being more translationally relevant. Future advancement
of the field critically relies on an improved mechanistic insight
in the processes that sustain the impaired and ultimately failing
repair mechanisms in advanced clinical AAA disease.
Table 2. Ongoing and Planned Medical Intervention Studies for AAA Stabilization
Study Acronym Intervention Readout
N-TA^3CT,157 NCT01756833 Doxycycline 100 mg BID or placebo 2-y AAA progression (CT scan), repair,
or rupture
TEDY,125 NCT01683084 Telmisartan (AT1 receptor antagonist) 40 mg or placebo 1-y AAA progression (ultrasound and CT
scan), repair, or rupture
VIVAAA, NCT02846883 Mesenchymal stem cells AAA inflammation (PET-CT)
Eplerenone in the Management of Abdominal Aortic
Aneurysms, NCT02345590
Eplerenone (selective aldosterone receptor antagonist) or
Not specified
TicAAA, NCT02070653 Placebo or none specified dose ticagrelor (P2Y12 receptor
1-y AAA progression, surgery, or repair.
Fenofibrate (PPARα agonist) 145 mg or placebo 2–4 wk
before elective open repair
Aortic wall macrophage and osteopontin
The Effect of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonists
on the Size and Expansion Rate of Abdominal Aortas in
Hypertensive Patients, NCT01670903
Comparison of patients treated with different classes of
antihypertensives (AT1 receptor antagonists, (ARB) ACE
inhibitors, or non-ARB/ACE)
Not specified
Metformin Therapy in Nondiabetic AAA Patients, NCT03507413 Metformin (1000 mg BID) or placebo 1-y AAA progression (CT)
LIMIT trial, not yet registered Metformin or placebo 2-y AAA progression (CTA)
IMAGEN192 Inositol or placebo 1-y AAA progression (sack volume [CT])
ARREST trial193 1 or 3 106 cells/kg allogenic mesenchymal
cells or placebo
Phase I safety trial. Circulating cytokine
levels and 18-FDG/PET
AAA indicates abdominal aortic aneurysm; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARREST, Aortic Aneurysm Repression With Mesenchymal Stem Cells; CT, computed
tomography; CTA, computed tomography angiography; FAME, Fenofibrate in the Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm; FDG, fludeoxyglucose; IMAGEN, Inositol in
the Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm; LIMIT, Limiting AAA With Metformin; N-TA^3CT, Noninvasive Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Clinical Trial;
PET, positron emission tomography; PPARα, peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor-α; TEDY, Study of the Effectiveness of Telmisartan in Slowing the Progression
of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms; TicAAA, The Efficacy of Ticagrelor on Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Expansion; and VIVAAA, Safety and Efficacy of Allogeneic MSCs in
Promoting T-Regulatory Cells in Patients With Small Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.
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Lindeman and Matsumura Pharmacologic Management of Aneurysms 637
Marfan Syndrome
Marfan syndrome is an autosomal-dominant, multisystem con-
nective tissue disorder. The syndrome is caused by mutations
in the Fbn-1 (fibrillin-1) gene region located on chromosome
15 and is estimated to affect ≈2 to 3 of 10 000 individuals.
Over 1000 different Fbn1 mutations have been associated
with the syndrome,194 and the syndrome has extreme heter-
ogeneous genotype-phenotype variability195 (see Table 3 for
the diagnostic criteria196). Ascending, and to a slighter lesser
extent descending, thoracic aortic aneurysms are among the
primary disquieting features of the syndrome.197,198
The Fbn-1 gene codes for fibrillin—a structural connective
tissue macromolecule that has been traditionally been consid-
ered a key chaperone in elastic fiber formation. However, in-
volvement of tissues not containing elastin indicates roles far
beyond that as a scaffold of elastin formation. Indeed, defects
in the Fbn-1 gene associate with impaired collagen network
formation,181 and fibrillin is a complex modulator of growth
factor signaling and cell function.199
The aortapathy (thoracic aneurysms, dissections) is among
the leading causes of premature death in patients with Marfan.
Although increased awareness, improved surgical techniques,
and medical therapy have significantly improved prospects,
Marfan syndrome still comes with significant aorta-related
mortality.200,201 In this respect, strong associations have been
described between the gross genotype (dominant-negative
[abnormal FBN1 protein] or haploinsufficient [reduced FBN1
protein]) and survival, with significant better outcomes in pa-
tients with dominant-negative mutations.202,203
Aneurysms in Marfan syndrome are currently managed
by medical therapy (β-blockers and possibly ATR1 antago-
nists [AT2 inhibitors]) and preventive surgical repair once the
aneurysm size exceeds 50 mm.204 Although medical therapy
preventing aortic dilatation has a prominent role in the current
guidelines, it is important to note that the level of evidence is
Recommendations for β-blocker therapy are actually
based on a single, small open study that included 70 patients.205
Conclusions from this study have recently been scrutinized
on basis of its small size and considerable losses during fol-
low-up, and the fact that significance was only reached on
creating a composite end point.206 In addition to this single
intervention study, there is supportive data from a series of
observational reports.
The largest observational study is by Silverman et al.207
The authors reported outcomes for 417 patients with definite
Marfan syndrome who were under surveillance in 4 referral
centers. Groups were created on basis of β-blocker prescrip-
tion. β-blocker usage was unknown for 84 patients, as a re-
sult, 191 patients taking β-blockers and 142 patients who had
never taken β-blockers were evaluated. Despite the impressive
study size, this study comes with significant points of concern.
According to the authors, “Median cumulative probability of
survival for patients who had taken β-blockers was 72 years
compared with 70 years for patients who had never taken β-
blockers (P=0.01).” Yet, the reported estimated life expectan-
cies contrast with actual data in the article and with the data
for other populations for the same time interval.200 Moreover,
it is important to point out that the number of patients with
an age >50 years in the study was limited,207 and as a conse-
quence that the study is underpowered to allow detection of a
2-year difference in life expectancy. A further issue with the
study is the fact that authors did not address putative time ef-
fects in their analysis. Although not fully clear from the text,
it appears that the study covers the period between ≈1970
and 1993. It is conceivable that improvements in surgical
techniques coincided with the clinical implementation of β-
blocker usage; making time is a major potential confounder in
this study. As actually pointed out by the authors in the discus-
sion, “it is very likely that increased awareness and improved
diagnostic tools resulted in progressively more mild cases of
the Marfan syndrome being identified towards the end of the
observation period.”207
A further observational study208 on an effect of β-blockers
on aortapathy reports growth data for 113 juvenile patients
with Marfan from 2 centers. Different dosing schedules were
used by the 2 centers: an intermediate dose in the first cen-
ter (1.3 mg/kg; n=80 patients) and a high dose in the second
center (1.9 mg/kg; n=20 patients). Thirteen individuals who
could not or would not take β-adrenergic blockade therapy
constituted the control group.208 On the basis of the slower
rate of aortic root growth in individuals taking β-blockers, the
authors recommended that “β-adrenergic blockade therapy in
patients with Marfan syndrome should begin at the earliest
age possible, and that the dose be adjusted to the largest dose
β-adrenergic blockade therapy that is clinically tolerated.”208
Some concerns of this study include the authors report benefi-
cial effects on the aorta growth rate; yet, this is actually not the
case for the indexed growth rate (mm/m2), for which favorable
effects were only observed for the intermediate-dose group
and not for high-dose group. Reviewing the article208 for a
Table 3. Revised Ghent Criteria for Diagnosing Marfan Syndrome*
In the absence of a family history
1. Z score for the aortic diameter at the sinuses of valva ≥2 or aortic root
dissection and ectopia lentis
2. Z score for the aortic diameter at the sinuses of valva ≥2 or aortic root
dissection and FBN1 mutation
3. Z score for the aortic diameter at the sinuses of valva ≥2 or aortic root
dissection and systemic score ≥7*
4. Ectopia lentis and FBN1 mutation and aortic aneurysm
In the presence of a family history
5. Ectopia lentis and family history of Marfan syndrome (see 1–4)
6. Systemic score ≥7 and family history of Marfan syndrome (see 1–4)*
7. Z score for the aortic diameter at the sinuses of valva ≥2 (>20 y old)
or ≥3 in those <20 y old) and family history of Marfan syndrome*
Systemic score—Wrist and thumb sign: +3 (wrist or thumb sign: +1); pectus
carinatum deformity: +2 (pectus excavatum or chest asymmetry: +1); hindfoot
deformity: +2 (plain pes planus: +1); pneumothorax: +2; dural ectasia: +2;
protrusio acetabuli: +2; reduced upper/lower segment and increased arm/height
and no severe scoliosis: +1; scoliosis or thoracolumbar kyphosis: +1; reduced
elbow extension: +1; facial features (3/5): +1 (dolichocephaly, enophtalmos,
downslanting palpebral fissures, malar hyoplasia, and retrognathia); skin striae:
+1; myopia >3 diopters: +1; mitral valve prolapse (all types): +1. Maximum total:
20 points; score ≥7 indicates systemic involvement. FBN1 indicates fibrillin-1.
*In the absence of discriminating features other genetic syndromes.
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638 Circulation Research February 15, 2019
potential explanation(s) reveals that with similar mean end-of-
follow-up ages in the intermediate-dose and control groups,
mean end-of-follow-up length in the intermediate-dose group
was 174 cm but only 149 cm in the control group.208 An ex-
treme SD in the control group (69 cm [versus 22 cm in the
intermediate-dose group])208 implies severe skewing of the
size distribution to the right in the control group and conse-
quently that the reported mean height overestimates the actual
median height. This implies profound heterogeneity between
control group and the treated groups and consequently that the
conclusions of the study may be prone to bias.
Beneficial effects are further reported by Ladouceur et
al,209 who retrospectively evaluated the effect of β-blockers
in 155 young patients with Marfan in whom the therapy was
initiated before the age of 12 years. The authors concluded
that “β-blockade significantly decreased the rate of aortic
dilatation at the level of the sinuses of Valsalva by a mean
of 0.16 mm/y (P<0.05), an effect that increased with treat-
ment duration.”209 Although the authors rightly point out that
the increase in aortic dilatation was less in the treatment arm,
this difference actually reflects the larger baseline diameter
in group receiving β-blockers because the actual aortic di-
ameters at the age of 18 years were actually similar in the 2
groups. The claim made by the authors that “a trend toward
lower cardiac mortality, decreased need for preventive aortic
surgery, and less dissection was observed”209 is not justified by
the data in the article.
Conclusions from Ladouceur et al209 are not confirmed in
a second smaller observational study in young patients with
Marfan.210 This study included 63 children who were moni-
tored for >6 years. Thirty-four patients received β-adrenergic
blockade therapy (atenolol, 0.92 mg/kg), 29 patients not re-
ceiving β-blockers served as control. The authors concluded
that “This study found no difference in the rate of aortic root
dilation in children with Marfan syndrome treated with β-
blockers and those not treated.”210 Like the other reports, this
retrospective analysis is prone to bias. In particular, a higher
percentage of patients with a family history of Marfan syn-
drome in the untreated group (35% versus 69% in the treated
group) may indicate that groups were not balanced with re-
spect to the severity or phenotype.
A further small, open-label study211 nonrandomly assigned
58 adolescent patients with Marfan to β-blocker therapy
(maximum dose, 2 mg/kg) or the ACE inhibitor enalapril. It
was concluded that ACE inhibition resulted in favorable he-
modynamic changes and a smaller increase in aortic root di-
ameter (0.1 [1.0] versus 5.8 [5.2] mm [mean (SD)]).211 Given
the study design, the small sample size, and absence of a con-
trol group, it is difficult to draw conclusions from this study.
A report from Rossi-Foulkes et al212 compares outcomes for
preadolescent patients on different antihypertensive therapy
(β-blockers or Ca antagonists). The authors reported that med-
ication favorably influenced aortic growth,212 but that it did not
prevent complications. In the absence of a control group, and
profound baseline differences in the medicated and nonmedi-
cated group, this report should be considered inconclusive.
Taken together, this overview of reports on β-adrenergic
blockade in Marfan syndrome shows a paucity of stud-
ies with adequate study designs and appropriate statistical
approaches.213 As a consequence, the currently available ev-
idence does not provide a strong rationale for β-adrenergic
blockade to prevent aortapathy in patients with Marfan syn-
drome.214–216 An adequate evaluation taking into account the
possibility that patient responses to β-adrenergic blockade are
heterogeneous and relate to the underlying genotype217,218 is
Observed excessive TGFβ signaling in the aortas of murine
models of Marfan syndrome and a preventive effect of inter-
ference with TGFβ signaling through neutralizing antibodies
or the angiotensin II receptor antagonists in the model219 fu-
eled optimism for angiotensin II receptor antagonists (sartans)
as a preventive treatment for aortapathy in Marfan syndrome.
Supportive observations from small (28, 20, and 18 pa-
tients, respectively) open studies in young patients with
Marfan220–222 and a small open-label study on surrogate end
points223 were followed by 1 smaller and 4 larger randomized
trials. A small Belgium trial enrolling 22 patients with Marfan
syndrome failed to observe an add-on effect of losartan when
added to blocker therapy.224
Forteza et al225 performed a larger randomized trial and
randomized 5- to 60-year-old Marfan patients to losartan
(n=70) or atenolol (n=70; both dosed at 100 mg/day in indi-
viduals >50 kg). The trial results show similar aortic root and
ascending aortic diameter progression in the 2 arms for the
3-year follow-up.225 In a French study, incorporating 303 pa-
tients with Marfan aged ≥10 years, Millerton et al226 assigned
patients to losartan or placebo next to their regular treatment
(86% of the participants also used β-blockers). It was con-
cluded that 3-year losartan therapy did not influence the aorta
parameters tested or the need for surgery.226 Unfortunately, in-
clusion of both young and adult patients creates considerable
heterogeneity both with regard to the geno/phenotype as to
aortic dilation rates potentially interfering with the ability to
detect suppression of growth.
Young patients with Marfan were studied in a semi-blinded
study by the US Marfan network. Six hundred and eight par-
ticipants between 6 months to 25 years of age were allocated
to atenolol (mean dose [SD] achieved, 2.7 [1.1] mg) or losartan
(mean dose [SD], 1.3 [0.2] mg).227 Again, the 3-year follow-up
showed equivalence for β-adrenergic blockade or angiotensin
receptor blockade. The fourth larger randomized trial is a mul-
ticentre, open-label, randomized controlled trial with blinded
assessments performed in the Netherlands.228 The COMPARE
trial (Cozzar in Marfan Patients Reduces Aortic Enlargement)
incorporates 233 adult participants (47% women) who were
randomized to either losartan (n=116) or no additional treat-
ment (n=117). The study showed mixed effects with an effect
of losartan on root dilatation rate but no effect on the more dis-
tal aspects of the aorta. Remarkably, a planned subanalysis per-
formed on the available data of the COMPARE trial228 suggests
that an effect of angiotensin II receptor blockade may depend
on the type of FBN1 mutation because it was concluded that
losartan reduced only aortic root dilatation rate in haploinsuf-
ficient patients and not in dominant-negative patients.229
According to the trial registries, there is currently 1 small
(n=56) ongoing 4-arm trial, The Oxford Marfan Trial version,
which evaluates the effect of irbesartan (150–300 mg), doxy-
cycline (100–200 mg), and a combination of both on markers
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Lindeman and Matsumura Pharmacologic Management of Aneurysms 639
of vascular dysfunction in the Marfan syndrome in patients
>13 years of age.230
With the exception of the potential beneficial effect in
adult haploinsufficient Marfan patients, the clinical trials
uniformly fail to show a benefit of type I angiotensin II re-
ceptor inhibition on the aortapathy in patients with Marfan.
Remarkably, opposite conclusions were drawn in a meta-
analysis of the published prospective trials.231 Evaluation of
the meta-analysis appears to have weaknesses that resulted in
an overestimation of the effect size. Specifically, the planned
subanalyses performed within the COMPARE trial228 were
included as separate studies, resulting in duplication of the
positive data. Further, the weight distribution attributed to the
studies included in the meta-analysis231 may be incorrect.
These contrasting findings between promising preclinical
data and the clinical data with respect to the angiotensin II
receptor antagonism may reflect profound interspecies differ-
ences, not only with respect to aspects of the immune and in-
flammatory responses but also with respect to healing, as well
as the significant heterogeneous character of aorta disease in
Marfan disease.232 Most of the preclinical work is based on
mice with hypomorphic FBN1 mutations (the Fbn1C1039G/+
strain, with 50% of normal and Fbn1mgR/mgR strain with
20% of normal FBN1),233 but alternative models are currently
being developed.234
Given the extreme genotypic and phenotypic varia-
tion in Marfan syndrome, observations from a specific mu-
rine model may only be relevant to a subset of patients with
Marfan. Translatability of experimental findings can be fur-
ther interfered by phenotypic aspects such age (disease stage).
Heterogeneity is indicated by the dimorphic effects of TGFβ
neutralization in an experimental model of Marfan syn-
drome.235 Clinical relevance of the genotypic heterogeneity is
as implicated in the subanalysis of the COMPARE trial that
showed an exclusive benefit of losartan in haploinsufficient
patients.229 As such, a reevaluation of the negative trials tak-
ing along the lines of dominant-negative and haploinsufficient
genotypes merits consideration.
Unfortunately, such a meta-analysis may be challenging
because phenotyping was only available for one-third of the
patients in the large Atenolol Versus Losartan Trial performed
by the Pediatric Heart Network.227 Genotype information is
available for 84% of the participants in the Sartan trial (78%
established FBN1 mutation)226 and the trial by Forteza et al225
(82% FBN1 mutation), but information on type FBN1 is miss-
ing in the publications.
Interpretation of currently available randomized trials is
further challenged by the substantial phenotypic heterogene-
ity in the patients studied (young versus adult patients) and by
loss of sensitivity by use of Z scores rather than root size as
clinical end points.236 A meta-analysis based on all individual
patient data has been announced, but conclusions are awaited
at the time of writing this overview.237
A further point of debate is the suggested pivotal role of
TGF-β signaling in Marfan disease.219 The rationale for ATR1
blocker in Marfan syndrome was based on a presumed ex-
cess TGF-β signaling as the underlying cause of aortapathy in
Marfan syndrome. A critical question is whether this assump-
tion is correct as excess TGF-β activation appears a common
phenomenon in aortic aneurysm disease238,239 and may actu-
ally be part of the compensatory healing or anti-inflammatory
responses. Such a mechanism is supported by the observation
that TGF-β upregulation in murine models of Marfan syn-
drome is secondary,238,240–242 by the fatal consequences of TGF-
β neutralizing in murine models of aneurysm41,243 and opposite
contextual (disease state) effects of TGFβ on the aorta pathol-
ogy in the Marfan mouse model.235
Taking into account the currently available data, there is in-
sufficient evidence in support for either β-adrenergic blockade
or ATR1 blocker for aortapathy in Marfan syndrome. The field
would benefit from the announced meta-analysis (and subanaly-
sis) of the available data from the losartan trials.237 If this is not
definitive, there is need for an adequately powered, placebo-con-
trolled global trial that would stratify or control multiple known
confounders, including age, genetic heterogeneity of Marfan
syndrome, and diverging effects on blood pressure and pulse.
Currently available data indicate equivalence of β-
adrenergic and ATR1 blockade. In light of the milder side ef-
fects and superior persistence,244 ATR1 antagonists might be
The inconsistent correlations of preclinical successes and
clinical trial results provide impetus for major advances in re-
search innovation of aortic aneurysm. There are several expla-
nations for this translational gap, including inadequate animal
models, incomplete understanding of the processes involved
in the progression of late stage human disease, poorly de-
signed, underpowered clinical trials, and selective reporting.
Development of humanized models, advancing beyond early
chemically provoked models to those consistently demonstrat-
ing sequential dilation and rupture, addressing dysfunctional
repair mechanisms, clinical studies utilizing digitized phar-
maceutical histories and extensive prior radiographic records
of aneurysm size to explore relationships without the heavy
expense of prospective trials, imaging and genetic biomarkers
predicting stability or rapid progression of aneurysm enlarge-
ment, run-in periods ensuring populations with active aortic
enlargement before randomization of subjects, greater atten-
tion to concomitant medical therapy of cardiovascular risk
factors, and longer follow-up with clinical end points in clin-
ical trials are all areas of opportunity in this important field.
Sources of Funding
This study was supported by research grant funding to Leiden
University Medical Center (J.H. Lindeman): Abvie, Cardoz, Eli Lilly,
The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development,
the Dutch Heart Foundation, and the NutsOhra Fund and research
grant funding to the University of Wisconsin (J.S. Matsumura):
Abbott, Gore, Endologix, Cook, Medtronic, and National Institutes
of Health.
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