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ISSN: 2249- 5746
International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 8:5 (2018) 3048-3056
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Impact Factor: 4.415
Page 3048
Importance of Samsarjana Krama after Samshodhana Karma: A
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, 2Dr. Gopesh Mangal, 3Dr. Gunjan Garg, 4Dr. Surya Prakash
1PG Scholar, Department of Panchkarma, National Institute Of Ayurveda Jaipur, India
2Assistant Professor and Head (I/C), Department of Panchkarma, National Institute Of Ayurveda
Jaipur, India.
3Associate Professor, Department of Swasthavritta, MJF Ayurveda College, Jaipur
4Assistant Professor, Department of Panchkarma, SBMN Ayurved College, Asthal Bohar, Rohtak
Corresponding Author: Dr Jatinder Verma
PG Scholar, Department of Panchkarma, National Institute Of Ayurveda Jaipur, India.
Samshodhana and Samshamana are the two types of treatment advised for the patient with vitiated Dosha,
Dhatu, Agni or Mala, out of which Samshodhana is advisable to treat a patient for permanent cure. But after
the Samshodhana Karma, Agni get disturbed and patient is likely to be weakened; therefore regular normal
diet is not advisable. After the administration of Vamana Karma or Virechana Karma, a special diet regimen
is to be followed called as Samsarjana Krama which means a proper sequence of Peya- Vilepi- Kritakrita
Yusha- Kritakrita Mansarasa. It is used to increase the Agni and to provide sequential nourishment to the
patient i.e. from light diet to normal diet. The importance of Samsarjana Krama is to increase the strength of
weakened Agni and body after Samshodhana Karma.
Key words: Samsarjana Krama, Agni, Vamana, Virechana, Kritakrita, Yusha, Peya, Vilepi, Mamsarasa.
The term Panchkarma representsfive therapeutic procedures of Samshodhana (Internal purification of the
body) through the nearest possible route. The evacuation of accumulated morbid Dosha from the body by
Panchkarma allows the biological system to return to homeostasis and to rejuvenate and also facilitates the
desired pharmaco-therapeutic effects of medicines administered thereafter.SamshodhanaKarma can be
categorized as PurvaKarma, PradhanaKarma, PaschataKarma. Purvakarma includesDeepana,Pachana,
Snehana, Svedana, Pradhana Karma includes Vamana, Virechana, Niruha Basti,Anuvasana Basti, Nasyaand
Raktamokshna, Paschat Karma includes Samsarjana karma, Rasayanadi Karma and ShamanaPrayoga.
As per Ayurveda, health is defined as equilibriumof Dosha, Dhatu, Agni and proper defecation of
Mala1. Agni plays an important role in the case of Samshodhana Karma and in a state of being healthy. The
Agni is the reason for Oja and life and if vitiated leads to occurrence of diseases. Consideration of Agni while
treating a disease is an important factor.
In Samsarjana Krama, food is introduced gradually as per the strength of Agni. If the patient doesn’t
take proper precautions and controlled diet, then it will lead to various complications. To avoid these
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
complications after the Samshodana Karma, Samsarjana Krama is very necessary and beneficial. In
Samsarjana Krama, diet is introduced step by step from Laghu-Aahara to Guru-Aahara in order to increase
the digestive power. A beautiful comparison between external fire and internal fire, so called Agni is explained
by Acharaya Charaka; as little (external) fire kindled gradually with grass, cow dung etc becomes great and
stable so as in case of Agni after Vamana Karma and Virechana Karma, Peyadi Krama makes the Agni to
digest all types of food2.
1. Conceptual study of Samsarjana Krama.
2. Importance of Samsarjana Krama.
1. Classical texts and various commentaries of Ayurveda.
2. Study material available on internet.
Conceptual Study
The concept of Samsarjana Krama can easily be understood as follows:
1. Purpose of Samsarjana Krama
2. Commencement of Samsarjana Krama
3. Course of Samsarjana Krama
4. Samsarjana Krama according to Bala
5. Types of Samsarjana Krama
6. Benefits of Samsarjana Krama
1. Purpose of Samsarjana Krama:
Due to the elimination of Doshafrom the body after Samshodhana karma, Agni becomes weak. So as to restore
the strength of Agni and Prana, PeyadiSamsarjana Krama should be followed3.Samana Vayu and Kledaka
Kapha are disturbed in strenuous process of Vamana Karma and in Virechana Karma, Samana Vayu, Pachaka
Pitta and Apana Vayu are disturbed. Vamanaand VirechanaKarmacauses weakness, loss of weight, freeness
of Sandhibandhana, decrease in the Agni and emptiness in the respective organs due to the expulsion of
Kapha, Pitta and Mala. Due to this reason patient can’t tolerate any treatment or diet regimen4.So in order to
normalize the Jathragni,Samsarjana Krama is essential by following the sequence of Peyadi Kramaafter
Vamana Karmaand Virechana Karma5.
2. Commencement of Samsarjana Krama:
When Samyaka Shudhi occurs, Samsarjana Krama may be started on the same day. If a little vitiation i.e.
Aushadhi is remained inside, Samsarjana Krama should be initiated from the next day6.
3. Course of Samsarjana Krama:
The planning of Samsarjana Krama should be based on the type of Shudhi i.e. for Hina Shudhi, Madhyama
Shudhi and Pravara Shudhi, it is of three days, five days and seven days respectively7.
Table No.1: Showing relation between types of Shudhi and Samsarjana Krama days
Type of Shudhi
Samsarjana Krama (in days)
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
4. Samsarjana Krama according to Bala:Sushurata mentioned the Samsarjana Krama can be followed
by considering the strength of the patient. SamsarjanaKrama should be planned as per the Bala. The
individuals having good strength 3 Annakala are advocated, 2 Annakala for medium strength and 1
Annakala for the individuals with lesser strength8. Dalhana mentioned that, Bala can be judged by
Table No. 2: Showing relation of Bala with No. of Annakala to be adopted
No. of Annakala
Types of Samsarjana Krama:
Samsarjana Krama can be classified into:
Peyadi Samsarjana Krama
Tarpanadi Samsarjana Krama
Rasa Samsarjana Krama
Mamsa Rasadi Krama
Generally after Samshodhana Krama, the Peyadi SamsarjanaKrama is advised as shown in the table no.3. In
classics 2 meals life style is indicated and advised. For 2 meals life style 3Peya, 3Vilepi, 1Akrita Yusha, 2
Krita Yusha, 1Akrita Mamsarasa and 2 Krita Mamsarasa should be given so that the total 12 Annakala is
completed in 7 days for Pravara Shudhi. In the same way 2 meals life style for Madhyanma Shudhi and Hina
Shudhi should be planned with 8 and 4 Annakala10.
Table No.3: Showing Plan of Peyadi Samsarjana Krama (M=morning, E=evening)
Pravara Shudhi
Madhyama Shudhi
Avara or Hina Shudhi
1st M
- Shali Peya
- Shali Peya
- Shali Peya
2nd M
3rd E
Shali Peya
Shali Peya
Shali Peya
Shali Vilepi
Shali Vilepi
+Krita/akrita Yusha
4th M
5th E
Shali Vilepi
Shali Vilepi
Shali Vilepi
Normal diet
6th M
7th E
Shali Vilepi
8th M
9th E
Normal diet
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
10th M
11th E
12th M
Normal diet
Role of Maniki Shudhi in the planning of Samsarjana Krama:
Sushruta also suggested adopting the Samsarjana Karma after considering quantity of Dosha expelled by
Samshodhana. Expelled Dosha are in three Pramanai.e. 1 Prastha, ½ Adhaka and 1 Adhaka. Among them 1
Prastha is Avara, ½ Adhaka is Madhyama and 1 Adhaka is Pravara or Uttam. In 1 Prastha Pramana of
Dosha,Yavagu made by adding little amount of rice is given to the patient. In ½ Adhaka Pramana of Dosha,
Peya should be given to the patient twice. In 1 Adhaka Pramana of Dosha, Peya should be given for three
times11. He further told the recipe to make the Yavagu, Vilepi, Yusha (Akrita and Krita) and Audana12.
Table No. 4: Showing level of Shudhi in realtion with quantity of Dosha eliminated
Dosha Pramana
Level of shudhi
1 Adhaka
½ Adhaka
1 Prastha
Table No.5: ShowingVarious Kalpana Preparations
Kalpana mixed with controlled diet
Rice less quantity with more water
Laghu Aahara
Used¼th Audana+Vilepi
Apicchala Aahara
Asiddha Yusha
Mugda Yusha +1/2 Audana
Sneha- Lavana rahita
Siddha Yusha
Siddha Yusha+3/4 Audana (Krita Yusha)
Mamsarasa of Lava, Ena, Harina etcanimals+Audana
Indications of Tarpanadi Krama13
1. The patients with increased Kapha and Pitta Dosha.
2. When Kapha and Pitta are eliminated in a smaller quantity during Samshodhana.
3. In the alcoholic patients.
4. The patients having Vata and Pitta Prakriti.
Tarpanadi Krama is preferred as an alternative to Peyadi Samsarjana Krama, as it may produce
Abhishyanda(increased secretions) in well purified Patient. According to Chakrapani, Svaccha Tarpana can
be given instead of Peya and Ghan Tarpan instead of Vilepi14. It contains Laja, Saktu and Mamsarasa with
Audana (Cooked Rice).Jejjata says due to similarities, MugdaYusha and Mamsarasa can be given as Tarpana.
But commemtators of Astanga Hridaya mentioned the diet regime clearly pertaining to Annakala.
Table No. 6: Showing Tarpanadi Samsarjana Krama
Food item
Mamsarasa with Audana
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
Table No.7: Tarpanadi Krama according to Astanga Hridaya commentators
I Annakala
II Annakala
III Annakala
(on A.H.Su.18/40)
Jirna, Shali Audana
(on A.H.Su.18/40)
Yusha+Anna Bhojana
During Samsarjana Krama, there are chances of provocation of Dosha due to augmented Agni. By arranging
taste of the recipe in such a proper sequence the chances of increase of Dosha will be lessened. Dalhana15
andChakrapani16elaborated this as follows
Table No. 8: Showing different opinion regarding Rasa Samsarjana Krama
Sequence of
Snigdha,Amla,Swadu and Hridya
Swadu and Tikta
Amla and Lavana
Sniddha, Amla, Lavana and Katu
Swadu and Tikta
Swadu, Amla and Lavana
Kashaya and Katu
Swadu and Tikta
Table No 9: Showing probable effect of Dosha in RasaSamsarjana Krama
Probale effect of Dosha
Augmented Agni
To pacify Vata and Pitta
To balance Agni
To pacify Vata situated in Pakvashaya
Taste opposite to previous
To pacify Vata and Kapha
To increase Agni Bala
To augment Agni in the upper site
Increased Pitta due to
previous Taste
To pacify Pitta and Vata
To pacify Kapha and Pitta situated in the upper region
This is indicated in case of strong Agni, there is no need to followPeyadi Krama and Yusha and Mamsarasa
should be advised.
Atyanta Kshina Kapha= Peyadi Krama
Vata Bhuyishtha and Diptagni, Mamsa Satmya= Mamsarasa
Kapha Yukta= Yusha 18
5. Benefits of Samsarjana Krama:
Normalizes the Agni and Vayu.
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
Provides nutrition and helps to normalize the body tissues, which are weakened due to Samshodhana
By arranging such plans, the diet comprised of all the tastes can be served through 12 meals (Annakala)
and Dosha becomes normal.
Table No.10: Difference between Peyadi and Tarpanadi Krama
Peyadi Krama
Tarpanadi Krama
Most commonly used
Less common
Pravara and madhyama Shodhana
Avara Shodhana
Kshina Kapha
Vata-Pitta Pradhanyata Kapha-
Pitta Alpa Shodhana
Pravara Shudhi-12 Annakala
Madhyama Shudhi=8 Annakala
Avara Shudhi-4 Annakala
Pathya Kalpana
Peya-Vilepa, Yusha-Mamsarasa
Lajja Svaccha tarpana- Lajja
Ghana Tarpana- Yusha
Special indication
Samsarjana Krama is an important sequence to enhance the Agni in a systematized manner after Samshodhana
Karma. It should never be correlated with Karma. Krama is a sequence to be followed. Various food items
used in Samsarjana Krama are:
1. Peya19(rice Water): Peya is the only liquid easily digested. It is prepared by adding rice with 14 times
of water and made thin in consistency (Simple Glucose).
2. Vilepi20(Liquid Rice): Vilepi is semi-solid. Vilepi is prepared by adding rice with 4 times of water and
thicker in consistency and should contain rice particles (Carbohydrates).
3. Yusha21 (Green Gram Soup): In the Akrita, salt and Ghrita is not added, whereas in Krita Yusha both
of them is added (Simple Proteins-Plant proteins).
4. Mamsarasa (Mutton Soup): In the Akrita,salt and Ghrita is not added, whereas in Krita Mamsarsa
both of them is added (Complex proteins-Animal Proteins and fats).
Table 11: Showing Samsarjana Krama Dravya
More liquid+ rice (in small unit)
Carbohydrates in less quantity
More rice (solid)+ less liquid
Carbohydrates increased
Akrita Yusha
Pulse without salt and fat
Protein content
Krita Yusha
Pulse with salt and fat
Protein along with fat
Akrita Mamsarasa
Fat present in Mamsa+ protein
Protein more+ fat
Krita Mamsarasa
Fat+ protein (Mamsa)+ supplement fat
and salt
Protein+ fat increased in more
Scientific View:
The Samsarjana Krama is given with two aims; to give time to stomach/intestine to replenish Agni during the
Samshodhana procedures and to slowly increase the acidic and alkaline secretions in the stomach and intestine.
Sudden increase in acidic/ alkaline will damage the mucosa and digest the organ muscles leading to gastritis
and ulcers. The sequence followed is Peya- Vilepi- Akrita Yusha- Krita Yusha- Akrita Mamsarasa- Krita
Mamsarasa.The first Annakala starts from evening of drug administration. At this stage Agni is the weakest,
which means it is not capable of digesting normal food. At the same time strength of the body is also less. So
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
the focus is to give such thing that can be easily digested and is an instant energy provider. So the first thing
to be given is Peya22, which isLaghu,Grahi, Dhatuposhaka at the same time Dipana and Vatanulomana23.
This is administered for 3Annakala in Pravara Shudhi.
After administration of Peya, Agni is in better condition as well as body strength is also retained. So,
more solid food can be given. For this, Vilepi24 is used which is also light to digest, Dhatuvardhak,
Tarpak,Kaphanashak, Hridhya, Madhur,Pitta Shamak and Balakarak. This is administered for 3Annakala in
Pravara Shudhi. As per ingredients of Peya and Vilepi is concerned it can be inferred that they are the source
of carbohydrates in the body.
The next food item is Yusha25which is Laghu, Balakarak, Ruchikar and Kaphanashak. Akrita and Krita Yusha
increases palatability, Dipana and are capable of alleviating Tridosha.
First protein content is introduced is in the form of Akrita Yusha, then a little fat is added in the form of Krita
Yusha. Now the Agni is ignited which can digest protein as well as fat in more quantity.
The next food item to be given is Akrita Mamsarasa which is rich in protein as well as fat. Whereas when salt
and Ghrita are added it becomes rich in protein as well as fat. Charaka clearly stated that Akrita Yusha is
easily digestible than Krita Yusha and so is applicable for Akrita and Krita Mamsarasa26.
It becomes clear that first easily digestible Laghu Aahara is given which is later on followed by Guru Aahara.
Same fundamental is applicable for Samasarjana Krama in Madhyama Shudhi with 2 Annakalaand Avara
Shudhiwith 1 Annakala.
Mechanism of Samsarjana Krama27:
Activity enhances calorie requirement. Hence after the Samshodhana procedure the patients are advised to do
rest and to minimize activity.
Carbohydrates and fats are energy giving, so are required first (as patient is tired) but in lesser amount during
Samsarjana Krama as reduced activities are performed by the patient.
Milk, egg and flesh proteins are rich is essential Amino acids. But they cannot be given soon after procedures
because they also require huge amount of enzymes which can again damage the GIT.
Hence to start with, the Shuka Dhanya are given and that too in the form of Peya (liquid), since liquid requires
less HCl compared to solid food.Peya is only liquid easily digested with less HCl secretion, the Vilepi is
semisolid requires more digestive enzymes, but both are Shuka Dhanya (cereals), the Yusha is advised which
is gram (Shimbi Dhanya), first in the form of simple without spices, and the fats is added to stimulate bile
secretions. Since now both the enzymes for digesting carbohydrates and fats is secreted and also the mucous
is somewhat repaired. After Shuka Dhanya, Shimbi Dhanya is given. This is because there is deficiency of
lysine (essential AA) in cereal protein (Shuka Dhanya) and thus is compensated by the rich amount of lysine
from pulse proteins (Shimbi Dhanya). While the rich amount of methionine (essential AA) in cereals
compensates for the lack of methionine in pulses.
Lastly Mamsarasa is given (protein rich) which is heavy to digest i.e. needs more enzymes and HCl to
denature and also protein enzymes are secreted.
Again the sequence for Samsarjana Krama is first Akrita and thenKrita. Krita means with Saindhava, Katu
Dravya and Sneha. Here Sneha is used to increase the bile secretion inorder to digest the fats or triglycerides.
So all the 3 components of food are supplied and all the digestive enzymes to digest the 3 constituents are
herein gradually increased in the body.
Samsarjana Krama enhances Agni as well as provide strength to the body after Vamana and Virechana Karma.
It is done only in these two casesin the sequence ofLaghu Aahara to Guru Aaharaas Carbohydrates, Proteins
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
and Fat. These pattern should follow after Vamana and Virechana Karma to enhance the digestive fire or
capacity of the body which was get decreased during the Pradhan Karma.
1. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, Sushrata Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, 2016,
2. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia,
3. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia,
4. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba
5. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia,
6. Chakrapani on Ca.Su.15/16, Vaidya Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Reprint editin 2016,
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi.
7. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia
8. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, SushrataSamhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Su.Ci.39/6.
9. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, SushrataSamhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Dalhana on
10. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba
11. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, Sushrata Samhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Su.Ci.39/6.
12. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, Sushrata Samhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Su.Ci.39/7-
13. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba
14. Chakrapani on Ca.Si.6/25, Vaidya Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Reprint edition 2016,
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi.
15. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, SushrataSamhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Dalhana on
16. Chakrapani on Ca.Si.12/6-8, Vaidya Harish Chandra Singh Kushwaha, Reprint edition 2016,
Chaukhamba Orientalia, Varanasi.
17. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, Sushrata Samhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Su.Ci.33/11.
18. Dr. Kewal Krishan Thakral, SushrataSamhita , Chaukhamba Orientalia, Revised Edition, Dalhana on
19. Dr. Shrimati Shailja Shrivastva, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khandha, Kwatha Kalpana, Chapter
20. Dr. Shrimati Shailja Shrivastva, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khandha, Kwatha Kalpana, Chapter
21. Dr. Shrimati Shailja Shrivastva, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khandha, Kwatha Kalpana, Chapter
1Dr. Jatinder Verma, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(5) Sept.-Oct. 2018 (3048-3056)
22. Dr. Shrimati Shailja Shrivastva, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khandha, Kwatha Kalpana, Chapter
23. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia,
24. Dr. Shrimati Shailja Shrivastva, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khandha, Kwatha Kalpana, Chapter
25. Dr. Shrimati Shailja Shrivastva, Sharangdhar Samhita, Madhyam Khandha, Kwatha Kalpana, Chapter
26. Pt. Kashinath Shashtri and Dr. Gorakhnatha Chaturvedi, Charaka Samhita, Chaukhamba Orientalia,