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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Pierre Dognin∗, Igor Melnyk∗,Youssef Mroueh∗, Jerret Ross∗, Cicero Dos Santos∗& Tom Sercu∗
IBM Research & MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
∗Alphabetical order; Equal contribution
In this paper we propose to perform model ensembling in a multiclass or a mul-
tilabel learning setting using Wasserstein (W.) barycenters. Optimal transport
metrics, such as the Wasserstein distance, allow incorporating semantic side in-
formation such as word embeddings. Using W. barycenters to find the consen-
sus between models allows us to balance confidence and semantics in finding the
agreement between the models. We show applications of Wasserstein ensembling
in attribute-based classification, multilabel learning and image captioning genera-
tion. These results show that the W. ensembling is a viable alternative to the basic
geometric or arithmetic mean ensembling.
Model ensembling consists in combining many models into a stronger, more robust and more ac-
curate model. Ensembling is ubiquitous in machine learning and yields improved accuracies across
multiple prediction tasks such as multi-class or multi-label classification. For instance in deep learn-
ing, output layers of Deep Neural Networks(DNNs), such as softmaxes or sigmoids, are usually
combined using a simple arithmetic or geometric mean. The arithmetic mean rewards confidence of
the models while the geometric means seeks the consensus across models.
What is missing in the current approaches to models ensembling, is the ability to incorporate side in-
formation such as class relationships represented by a graph or via an embedding space. For example
a semantic class can be represented with a finite dimensional vector in a pretrained word embedding
space such as GloVe (Pennington et al.,2014). The models’ predictions can be seen as defining a
distribution in this label space defined by word embeddings: if we denote pito be the confidence of a
model on a bin corresponding to a word having an embedding xi, the distribution on the label space
is therefore p=Pipiδxi. In order to find the consensus between many models predictions, we
propose to achieve this consensus within this representation in the label space. In contrast to arith-
metic and geometric averaging, which are limited to the independent bins’ confidence, this has the
advantage of carrying the semantics to model averaging via the word embeddings. More generally
this semantic information can be encoded via cost a matrix C, where Cij encodes the dissimilarity
between semantic classes iand j, and Cdefines a ground metric on the label space.
To achieve this goal, we propose to combine model predictions via Wasserstein (W.) barycenters
(Agueh & Carlier,2011), which enables us to balance the confidence of the models and the se-
mantic side information in finding a consensus between the models. Wasserstein distances are a
naturally good fit for such a task, since they are defined with respect to a ground metric in the label
space of the models, which carry such semantic information. Moreover they enable the possiblity
of ensembling predictions defined on different label sets, since the Wasserstein distance allows to
align and compare those different predictions. Since their introduction in (Agueh & Carlier,2011)
W. barycenter computations were facilitated by entropic regularization (Cuturi,2013) and iterative
algorithms that rely on iterative Bregman projections (Benamou et al.,2015). Many applications
have used W. barycenters in Natural Language Processing (NLP), clustering and graphics. We show
in this paper that W. barycenters are effective in model ensembling and in finding a semantic con-
sensus, and can be applied to a wide range of problems in machine learning (Table 1).
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2we revisit geometric and arithmetic means from
a geometric viewpoint, showing that they are `2and Kullback Leibler divergence KL (extended
arXiv:1902.04999v1 [cs.LG] 13 Feb 2019
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
KL divergence) barycenters respectively. We give a brief overview of optimal transport metric and
W. barycenters in Section 3. We highlight the advantages of W. barycenter ensembling in terms
of semantic smoothness and diversity in Section 4. Related work on W. barycenters in Machine
learning are presented in Section 5. Finally we show applications of Wasserstein ensembling on
attribute based classification, multi-label learning and image captioning in Section 6.
Normalized and Unnormalized predictions Ensembling. In deep learning, predictions on a la-
bel space of fixed size Mare usually in one of two forms: a) normalized probabilities: in a multi-
class setting, the neural network outputs a probability vector (normalized through softmax), where
each bin corresponds to a semantic class; b) unnormalized positive scores: in a multi-label set-
ting, the outputs of Mindependent logistic units are unnormalized positive scores, where each unit
corresponds to the presence or the absence of a semantic class.
Model ensembling in those two scenarios has long history in deep learning and more generally in
machine learning (Breiman,1996;Freund & Schapire,1999;Wolpert,1992) as they lead to more
robust and accurate models. As discussed in the introduction, two methods have been prominent in
model ensembling due to their simplicity: majority vote using the arithmetic mean of predictions,
or consensus based using the geometric mean.
Revisiting Arithmetic and Geometric Means from a geometric viewpoint. Given mpredictions
µ`, and weights λ`≥0such that Pm
`=1 λ`= 1, the weighted arithmetic mean is given by ¯µa=
`=1 λ`µ`, and the weighted geometric mean by ¯µg= Πm
It is instructive to reinterpret the arithmetic and geometric mean as weighted Frechet means (Defi-
nition 1) (Zemel & Panaretos,2017).
Definition 1. [Weighted Frechet Mean] Given a distance dand {(λ`, µ`), λ`>0, µ`∈
+}`=1...m, the Frechet mean is defined as follows: ¯µ= arg minρPm
`=1 λ`d(ρ, µ`).
It is easy to prove (Appendix F) that the arithmetic mean corresponds to a Frechet mean for d=
2(the `2Euclidean distance). A less known fact is that the geometric mean corresponds to a
Frechet Mean for d=f
KL, where f
KL is the extended KL divergence to unnormalized measures:
KL(p, q) = Pipilog pi
qi−pi+qi.We give proofs and properties of arithmetic and geometric
mean in Appendix F.
Following this geometric viewpoint, in order to incorporate the semantics of the target space in
model ensembling, we need to use a distance dthat takes advantage of the underlying geometry
of the label space via a cost matrix Cwhen comparing positive measures. Optimal transport (OT)
metrics such as Wasserstein-2have this property since they are built on an explicit cost matrix
defining pairwise distance between the semantic classes. In this paper we propose to use the Frechet
means with Wasserstein distance (d=W2
2) for model ensembling, i.e. use Wasserstein barycenters
(Agueh & Carlier,2011) for model ensembling:
¯µw= arg min
2(ρ, µ`).
Intuitively, the barycenter looks for a distribution ρ(a histogram ) that is close to all the base distri-
butions µ`in the Wasserstein sense. In our context transporting the consensus ρto each individual
model µ`should have a minimal cost, where the cost is defined by the distance in the word embed-
ding space.
Wasserstein distances were originally defined between normalized probability vectors (Balanced
OT) (Villani,2008;Peyr´
e & Cuturi,2017), but they have been extended to deal with unnormalized
measures and this problem is referred to as unbalanced OT (Chizat et al.,2018;Frogner et al.,
2015). Motivated by the multi-class and the multi-label ensembling applications, in the following
we present a brief overview of W. barycenters in the balanced and unbalanced cases.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Balanced OT. Given p∈∆N, where ∆N={p∈RN, pk≥0,PN
k=1 pk= 1}, p repre-
sents histograms on source label space ΩS={xi∈Rd, i = 1 . . . N }, for e.g words embed-
dings. Consider similarly q∈∆Mrepresenting histograms whose bins are defined on a target
label space ΩT={yj∈Rd, j = 1 . . . M }. Consider a cost function c(x, y), (for example
c(x, y) = kx−yk2). Let Cbe the matrix in ∈RN×Msuch that Cij =c(xi, yj).1Ndenotes
a vector with all ones. Let γ∈RN×Mbe a coupling matrix whose marginals are pand qsuch that:
γ∈Π(p, q) = {γ∈RN×M, γ1M=p, γ>1N=q}. The optimal transport metric is defined as
W(p, q) = min
γ∈Π(p,q){hC, γ i=X
Cij γij .}(1)
When c(x, y) = kx−yk2
2, this distance corresponds to the so called Wasserstein−2distance W2
Unbalanced OT. When pand qare unnormalized and have different total masses, optimal trans-
port metrics have been extended to deal with this unbalanced case. The main idea is in relaxing the
set Π(p, q)using a divergence such as the extended KL divergence: f
KL. (Chizat et al.,2018) define
for λ > 0the following generalized Wasserstein distance between unnormalized measures:
Wunb(p, q) = min
γhC, γi+λf
KL(γ1M, p) + λf
KL(γ>1N, q).(2)
Throughout the paper we consider mdiscrete prediction vectors µ`∈RN`
+, ` = 1 . . . m defined on
a discrete space (word embeddings for instance) ΩS
i∈Rd, i = 1 . . . N`}. We refer to ΩS
as source spaces. Our goal is to find a consensus prediction ¯µw∈RM
+defined on a discrete target
space ΩT={yj∈Rd, j = 1 . . . M }. Let C`∈RN`×Mbe the cost matrices, C`,i,j =c(x`
i, yj).
Balanced W. Barycenters: Normalized predictions. The W. barycenter (Agueh & Carlier,2011)
of normalized predictions is defined as follows: ¯µw= arg minρPm
`=1 λ`W(ρ, µ`),for the Wasser-
stein distance Wdefined in equation (1). Hence one needs to solve the following problem, for m
coupling matrices γ`, ` = 1 . . . m:
λ`hC`, γ`i.(3)
Unbalanced W. Barycenters: Unnormalized predictions. Similarly the W. barycenter of unnor-
malized predictions is defined as follows: ¯µw= arg minρPm
`=1 λ`Wunb(ρ, µ`),for the Generalized
Wasserstein distance Wunb defined in equation (2). Hence the unbalanced W. barycenter problem
(Chizat et al.,2018) amounts to solving , for mcoupling matrices γ`, ` = 1 . . . m:
λ`hC`, γ`i+λf
KL(γ`1M, µ`) + λf
`1N`, ρ).(4)
Entropic Regularized Wasserstein Barycenters Algorithms. The computation of the Wasser-
stein distance grows super-cubicly in the number of points. This issue was alleviated by the intro-
duction of the entropic regularization (Cuturi,2013) to the optimization problem making it strongly
convex. Its solution can be found using scaling algorithms such as the so called Sinkhorn algorithm.
For any positive matrix γ, the entropy is defined as follows: H(γ) = −Pij γij(log(γij )−1).
The entropic regularized OT distances in the balanced and unbalanced case become, for a hyper-
parameter ε > 0:
Wε(p, q) = min
γ∈Π(p,q)hC, γ i − εH(γ),
Wunb,ε(p, q) = min
γhC, γi+λf
KL(γ1M, p) + λf
KL(γ>1N, q)−εH(γ)
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
for ε→0,Wεand Wunb,ε converge to the original OT distance, and for higher value of εwe obtain
the so called Sinkhorn divergence that allows for more diffuse transport between pand q. Balanced
and unbalanced W. barycenters can be naturally defined with the entropic regularized OT distance as
follows: minρPm
`=1 λ`Wε(ρ, µ`)and minρPm
`=1 λ`Wunb,ε(ρ, µ`)respectively. This regularization
leads to simple iterative algorithms (Benamou et al.,2015;Chizat et al.,2018) (for more details
we refer the interested reader to (Chizat et al.,2018) and references therein) for computing W.
barycenters that are given in Algorithms 1and 2.
Algorithm 1: Balanced Barycenter for Multi-
class Ensembling (Benamou et al.,2015)
Inputs: ε,C`(|source|×|target|), λ`,µ`
K`= exp(−C`/ε), v`←1M,∀`= 1 . . . m
for i= 1 . . . Maxiter do
,∀`= 1 . . . m
p←exp Pm
`=1 λ`log K>
`= 1 . . . m
end for
Output: p
Algorithm 2: Unbalanced Barycenter for Multi-
label Ensembling (Chizat et al.,2018)
Inputs: ε,C`(|source|×|target|), λ`,λ,µ`
K`= exp(−C`/ε), v`←1,∀`= 1 . . . m
for i= 1 . . . Maxiter do
λ+ε,∀`= 1 . . . m
`=1 λ`K>
λ+ε`= 1 . . . m
end for
Output: p
We see that the output of Algorithm 1is the geometric mean of K>
`u`, ` = 1 . . . m, where K`is a
Gaussian kernel with bandwidth εthe entropic regularization parameter. Note v∗
`, ` = 1 . . . m the
values of v`at convergence of Algorithm 1. The entropic regularized W. barycenter can be written
as follows: exp PM
`=1 λ`log(K>
`.We see from this that K`appears as matrix product
multiplying individual models probability µ`and the quantities v∗
`related to Lagrange multipliers.
This matrix vector product with K`ensures probability mass transfer between semantically related
classes i.e between items that has entries K`,ij with high values.
Remark 1 (The case K`=K=I).As the kernel Kin Algorithm 1approaches I(identity) (this
happens when ε→0), the alternating Bregman projection of (Benamou et al.,2015) for balanced
W. barycenter converges to the geometric mean ¯µg= Πm
`=1(µ`)λ`.We prove this in Appendix D.
When K=Ithe fixed point of Algorithm 1reduces to geometric mean, and hence diverges from
the W. barycenter. Note that Kapproaches identity as ε→0, and in this case we don’t exploit any
Wasserstein Ensembling in Practice. Table 1gives a summary of machine learning tasks that
can benefit from Wasserstein Ensembling, and highlights the source and target domains as well
as the corresponding kernel matrix K. In the simplest case ΩS
`= ΩTand N`=Mfor all `,
this corresponds to the case we discussed in multi-class and multi-labels ensemble learning, W.
barycenters allows to balance semantics and confidence in finding the consensus. The case where
source and target spaces are different is also of interest, we give here an application example in
attribute based classification : µ`corresponds to prediction on a set of attributes and we wish to
make predictions through the W. barycenter on a set of labels defined with those attributes. See
Section 6.1. Table 12 in Appendix Cgives other possible machine learning applications beyond the
one explored in this paper. Appendix Ediscusses the computational complexity of Alg. 1and 2.
Smoothness of the Wasserstein Barycenter within Semantically Coherent Clusters. In this
section we consider Ω`
S= ΩT= Ω, i.e the W. barycenters and all individual models are defined
on the same label space. When we are ensembling models, one desiderata is to have an accurate
aggregate model. Smoothness and Diversity of the predictions of the ensemble is another desiderata
as we often want to supply many diverse hypotheses. In the context of sequence generation in
language modeling such as image captioning, machine translation or dialog, this is very important
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Source Domains Target Domain Kernel KArithmetic
(models) (Barycenter) (OT cost matrix) Geometric apply
Multi-class Learning µ`∈∆N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆NKij =e−kxi−xjk2
(Balanced OT) Histograms of size NHistogram of size N xiword embedding of category i
(See Section 6.3 for e.g GloVe or Visual w2v)
Multi-label Learning µ`∈[0,1]N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈[0,1]NKij adjacency weight in a knowledge graph 3
(Unbalanced OT) Soft multi-labels Soft multi-label Kij= co-occurrence of item iand j
(See Section 6.2 for other choices)
Cost-sensitive Classification µ`∈∆N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆NKij User ratings of similarities 3
(Balanced OT) Histograms of size NHistogram of size Nuser-defined costs for confusion of iand j
e.g: binary matrix for synonyms (Section 6.3)
Attribute to Categories µ`∈[0,1]N,` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆MKij presence or absence of attribute iin class j7
Soft multi-labels: Nattributes Histogram of size M(See Section 6.1)
(Unbalanced OT) Mcategories
Table 1: Machine learning tasks where W. Ensembling can be applied. Note that W. barycenter
allows ensembling different source domains to another target domain as in attributes to category.
as we use beam search on the predictions, diversity and smoothness of the predictions become key
to the creativity and the composition of the sequence generator in order to go beyond “baby talk”
and vanilla language based on high count words in the training set. Hence we need to increase the
entropy of the prediction by finding a semantic consensus whose predictions are diverse and smooth
on semantically coherent concepts without compromising accuracy. We will show in the following
proposition that the W. barycenter allows such aggregation:
Proposition 1 (Properties of Wasserstein Barycenters).Let νbe the target distribution (an oracle)
defined on a discrete space Ω = {x1,...xK, xj∈Rd}(word embedding space) and µ`, ` = 1 . . . m
be mestimates of ν. Assume W2
2(µ`, ν)≤ε`. The W. barycenter ¯µwof {µ`}satisfies the following:
1) Semantic Accuracy (Distance to an oracle). We have: W2
2(¯µw, ν)≤4Pm
`=1 λ`W2
2(µ`, ν).As-
sume that W2
2(µ`, ν)≤ε`, then we have: W2
2(¯µw, ν)≤4Pm
`=1 λ`ε`.
2) Diversity. The diversity of the W. barycenter depends on the diversity of the models with re-
spect to the Wasserstein distance (pairwise Wasserstein distance between models): W2
2(¯µw, µk)≤
2(µ`, µk),∀k= 1, . . . m.
3) Smoothness in the embedding space. Define the smoothness energy E(ρ) =
Pij kxi−xjk2ρiρj. We have: E( ¯µw)≤Pm
`=1 λ`E(µ`).The W. barycenter is smoother in the
embedding space than the individual models.
4) Entropy . Let H(ρ) = −PK
i=1 ρilog(ρi),we have: H( ¯µw)≥Pm
`=1 λ`H(µ`).
Proof. The proof is given in Appendix F.
We see from Proposition 1that the W. barycenter preserves accuracy, but has a higher entropy than
the individual models. This entropy increase is due to an improved smoothness on the embed-
ding space: words that have similar semantics will have similar probability mass assigned in the
barycenter. The diversity of the barycenter depends on the Wasserstein pairwise distance between
the models: the W. barycenter output will be less diverse if the models have similar semantics as
measured by the Wasserstein distance. The proof of proposition 1relies on the notion of convexity
along generalized geodesics of the Wasserstein 2distance (Agueh & Carlier,2011). Propositions
2and 3in Appendix Fgive similar results for geometric and arithmetic mean, note that the main
difference is that the guarantees are given in terms of g
KL and `2respectively, instead of W2.
In order to illustrate the diversity and smoothness of the W. barycenter, we give here a few examples
of the W. barycenter on a vocabulary of size 10000 words, where the cost matrix is constructed
from word synonyms ratings, defined using Power Thesaurus or using GloVe word embeddings
(Pennington et al.,2014). We compute the W. barycenter (using Algorithm 1) between softmax
outputs of 4image captioners trained with different random seeds and objective functions. Figure 4
shows the W. barycenter as well as the arithmetic and geometric mean. It can be seen that the W.
barycenter has higher entropy and is smooth along semantics (synonyms or semantics in the GloVe
space) and hence more diverse than individual models. Table 2shows top 15 words of barycenter,
arithmetic and geometric means, from which we see that indeed the W. barycenter outputs clusters
according to semantics. In order to map back the words xjthat have high probability in the W.
barycenter to an individual model `, we can use the couplings γ`as follows: γ`
ij is the coupling
between word jin the barycenter and word iin model `. Examples are given in supplement in
Table 9.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Rank W. Barycenter Arithmetic Geometric Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
0 car 03.73 car 45.11 car 41.94 car 61.37 car 62.25 car 33.25 car 46.88
1 van 03.50 fashion 04.37 truck 02.23 cars 02.79 cars 03.16 fashion 18.15 truck 07.74
2 truck 03.49 truck 02.92 black 01.67 parking 02.62 white 02.22 black 03.08 bus 04.78
3 vehicle 03.46 buildin 02.10 train 01.51 vehicle 01.93 black 01.95 truck 02.29 vehicle 03.46
4 wagon 03.32 bus 02.00 fashion 01.49 model 01.75 train 01.68 red 01.88 red 02.20
5 automob 03.32 black 01.79 bus 01.30 train 01.26 passeng 01.33 photo 01.57 van 01.93
6 coach 02.99 train 01.73 vehicle 01.14 truck 01.22 model 01.24 parking 01.52 fashion 01.74
7 auto 02.98 parking 01.55 photo 01.01 buildin 01.17 photo 01.21 city 01.41 passeng 01.56
8 bus 02.85 vehicle 01.49 van 01.01 black 01.04 truck 01.15 train 01.30 pickup 01.37
9 sedan 02.71 cars 01.41 red 01.01 van 01.04 red 01.15 buildin 00.74 black 01.29
10 cab 02.70 photo 01.29 parking 00.94 fashion 00.82 silver 01.03 fashion 00.72 train 00.79
11 wheels 02.70 red 01.26 buildin 00.88 suv 00.69 vehicle 00.78 bus 00.71 style 00.68
12 buggy 02.70 van 01.18 cars 00.81 automob 00.67 van 00.75 style 00.69 model 00.59
13 motor 02.39 white 01.04 passeng 00.71 parked 00.57 buildin 00.71 time 00.67 fire 00.57
14 jeep 02.31 passeng 00.92 white 00.67 picture 00.55 bus 00.70 old 00.58 white 00.52
Table 2: Sample output (top 15 words) of W. barycenter (Algorithm 1), arithmetic and geometric
means based on four captioner models. Each row shows a word and a corresponding probability over
the vocabulary (as a percentage). W. Barycenter has higher entropy, spreading the probability mass
over the synonyms and words related to the top word “car” and downweights the irrelevant objects
(exploiting the side information K). Simple averaging techniques, which use only the confidence
information, mimick the original model outputs. Figure 4in Appendix gives a histogram view.
Controllable Entropy via Regularization. As the entropic regularization parameter εincreases
the distance of the kernel Kfrom identity Iincreases and the entropy of the optimal couplings γ`,
(H(γ`)) increases as well. Hence the entropy of entropic regularized W. Barycenter is controllable
via the entropic regularization parameter ε. In fact since the barycenter can be written as ¯µw=
`1N`, one can show that (Lemma 2in Appendix):
H(¯µw) + H(µ`)≥ −X
i,j log(γ`
ij ),∀`= 1 . . . m,
As epsilon increases the right-hand side of the inequality increases and so does H(¯µw). This is
illustrated in Tables 3and 8, we see that the entropy of the (entropic regularized) W. barycenter
increases as the distance of the kernel Kto identity increases (kK−IkFincreases as εincreases )
and the output of the W. barycenter remains smooth within semantically coherent clusters.
Rank 109.7 79.8 59.4 43.3 15.8 0.25
0 car 10.51 car 12.79 car 15.52 car 19.22 car 33.60 car 41.94
1 truck 10.30 vehicle 10.24 vehicle 10.48 vehicle 10.26 vehicle 05.64 truck 02.23
2 vehicle 09.73 truck 09.16 auto 08.87 auto 08.42 auto 03.45 black 01.67
3 auto 08.46 auto 08.82 truck 07.96 truck 06.59 truck 03.31 train 01.51
4 machine 08.17 machine 06.17 machine 04.33 machine 02.55 black 01.67 fashion 01.49
5 black 01.67 black 01.67 black 01.67 black 01.67 bus 01.54 bus 01.30
6 fashion 01.49 fashion 01.49 fashion 01.49 fashion 01.49 fashion 01.49 vehicle 01.14
7 red 01.06 red 01.05 van 01.06 van 01.12 van 01.08 photo 01.01
8 white 00.98 van 00.99 red 01.04 bus 01.11 red 01.01 van 01.01
9 parking 00.94 parking 00.94 parking 00.94 red 01.03 photo 00.96 red 01.01
10 van 00.91 white 00.91 bus 00.88 parking 00.94 parking 00.94 parking 00.94
11 cars 00.81 cars 00.81 white 00.85 cars 00.81 cars 00.81 buildin 00.88
12 coach 00.73 bus 00.69 cars 00.81 white 00.79 train 00.81 cars 00.81
13 photogr 00.64 coach 00.67 photo 00.69 photo 00.77 buildin 00.72 passeng 00.71
14 photo 00.57 photo 00.63 coach 00.61 coach 00.55 white 00.68 white 00.67
Table 3: Controllable Entropy of regularized Wasserstein Barycenter (Algorithm 1). Output (top 15
words) for a synonyms-based similarity matrix Kunder different regularization ε(which controls
the distance of Kto identity I,kK−IkF). As εdecreases, kK−IkFalso decreases, i.e., K
approaches identity matrix, and the entropy of the output of Algorithm 1decreases. Note that the
last column, corresponding to very small entropic regularization, coincides with the output from
geometric mean in Figure 2(for K=I, the Algorithm 1outputs geometric mean as a barycenter).
Wasserstein Barycenters in Machine Learning. Optimal transport is a relatively new comer to
the machine learning community. The entropic regularization introduced in (Cuturi,2013) fostered
many applications and computational developments. Learning with a Wasserstein loss in a multi-
label setting was introduced in (Frogner et al.,2015), representation learning via the Wasserstein
discriminant analysis followed in (Flamary et al.,2016). More recently a new angle on generative
adversarial networks learning with the Wasserstein distance was introduced in (Arjovsky et al.,2017;
Genevay et al.,2017;Salimans et al.,2018). Applications in NLP were pioneered by the work
on Word Mover Distance (WMD) on word embeddings of (Kusner et al.,2015). Thanks to new
algorithmic developments (Cuturi & Doucet,2014;Benamou et al.,2015) W. barycenters have been
applied to various problems : in graphics (Solomon et al.,2015), in clustering (Ye et al.,2017), in
dictionary learning (Schmitz et al.,2018), in topic modeling (Xu et al.,2018), in bayesian averaging
(Rios et al.,2018), and in learning word and sentences embeddings (Muzellec & Cuturi,2018;Pal
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Singh et al.,2018) etc. Most of these applications of W. barycenter focus on learning balanced
barycenters in the embedding space (like learning the means of the clusters in clustering), in our
ensembling application we assume the embeddings given to us (such as GloVe word embedding )
and compute the barycenter at the predictions level. Finally incorporating side information such as
knowledge graphs or word embeddings in classification is not new and has been exploited in diverse
ways at the level of individual model training via graph neural networks (Marino et al.,2017;Deng
et al.,2014), in the framework of W. barycenter we use this side information at the ensemble level.
In this Section we evaluate W. barycenter ensembling in the problems of attribute-based classifica-
tion, multi-label prediction and in natural language generation in image captioning.
As a first simple problem we study object classification based on attribute predictions. We use
Animals with Attributes (Xian et al.,2017) which has 85 attributes and 50 classes. We have in
our experiments 2attributes classifiers to predict the absence/presence of each of the 85 attributes
independently, based on (1) resnet18 and (2) resnet34 (He et al.,2016) input features while training
only the linear output layer (following the details in Section 6.2). We split the data randomly in
30322 / 3500 / 3500 images for train / validation / test respectively. We train the attribute classifiers
on the train split.
Based on those two attributes detectors we would like to predict the 50 categories using unbalanced
W. barycenters using Algorithm 2. Note that in this case the source domain is the set of the 85
attributes and the target domain is the set of 50 animal categories. For Algorithm 2we use a column-
normalized version of the binary animal/attribute matrix as Kmatrix (85×50), such that per animal
the attribute indicators sum to 1. We selected the hyperparameters ε= 0.3and λ= 2 on the
validation split and report here the accuracies on the test split.
Accuracy resnet18 alone resnet34 alone Arithmetic Geometric W. Barycenter
Validation 0.7771 0.8280 0.8129 0.8123 0.8803
Test 0.7714 0.8171 0.8071 0.8060 0.8680
Table 4: Attribute-based classification. The W. barycenter ensembling achieves better accuracy by
exploiting the cross-domain similarity matrix K, compared to a simple linear-transform of proba-
bility mass from one domain to another as for the original models or their simple averages.
As a baseline for comparison, we use arithmetic mean (¯µa) and geometric mean (¯µg) ensembling
of the two attribute classifiers resnet18 and resnet34. Then, using the same matrix Kas above, we
define the probability of category c (animal) as p(c|µ) = K>¯µ(for ¯µ= ¯µaand ¯µgresp.). We see
from Table 4that W. barycenter outperforms arithmetic and geometric mean on this task and shows
its potential in attribute based classification.
For investigating W. barycenters on a multi-label prediction task, we use MS-COCO (Lin et al.,
2014) with 80 objects categories. MS-COCO is split into training (≈82K images), test (≈35K), and
validation (5K) sets, following the Karpathy splits used in the community (Karpathy & Li,2015b).
From the training data, we build a set of 8 models using ‘resnet18’ and ‘resnet50’ architectures
(He et al.,2016). To ensure some diversity, we start from pretrained models from either ImageNet
(Deng et al.,2009) or Places365 (Zhou et al.,2017). Each model has its last fully-connected (‘fc’)
linear layer replaced by a linear layer allowing for 80 output categories. All these pretrained models
are fine-tuned with some variations: The ‘fc’ layer is trained for all models, some also fine-tune
the rest of the model, while some fine-tune only the ‘layer4’ of the ResNet architecture. These
variations are summarized in Table 5. Training of the ‘fc’ layer uses a 10−3learning rate, while all
fine-tunings use 10−6learning rate. All multi-label trainings use ADAM (Kingma & Ba,2015) with
(β1= 0.9, β2= 0.999) for learning rate management and are stopped at 40 epochs. Only the center
crop of 224∗224 of an input image is used once its largest dimension is resized to 256.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Architecture Pretraining Training
fc only fc + fine-tuning fc + layer4 fine-tuning
resnet18 ImageNet r18.img.fc r18.img.fc+ft -
Places365 r18.plc.fc r18.plc.fc+ft -
resnet50 ImageNet r50.img.fc - -
Places365 r50.plc.fc r50.plc.fc+ft r50.plc.fc+ft4
Table 5: Description of our 8 models built on MS-COCO
Evaluation Metric. We use the mean Average Precision (mAP) which gives the area under the curve
of P=f(R)for precision Pand recall R, averaged over each class. mAP performs a sweep of the
threshold used for detecting a positive class and captures a broad view of a multi-label predictor
performance. Performances for our 8 models are reported in Table 6. Precision, Recall and F1 for
micro/macro are given in Table 10. Our individual models have reasonable performances overall.
ResNet-101 [1]
ResNet-107 [1]
ResNet-101-sem [2]
ResNet-SRN-att [2]
ResNet-SRN [2]
Arithmetic mean
Geometric mean
W. barycenter
mAP 59.8 59.5 60.1 61.8 62.0 61.4 61.6 58.3 52.3 49.6 64.1 63.3 58.1 64.5 63.9 65.1
Table 6: Multi-label models performances compared to published results on MS-COCO test set.
W. barycenter outperforms arithmetic & geometric means. [1] He et al. (2015) [2] Zhu et al. (2017)
Arithmetic and geometric means offer direct mAP improvements over our 8 individual models. For
unbalanced W. barycenter, the transport of probability mass is completely defined by its matrix
K=K`in Algorithm 2. We investigated multiple Kmatrix candidates by defining K(i, j)as (i)
the pairwise GloVe distance between categories, (ii) pairwise visual word2vec embeddings distance,
(iii) pairwise co-occurence counts from training data. In our experience, it is challenging to find a
generic Kthat works well overall. Indeed, W. barycenter will move mass exactly as directed by K.
A generic Kfrom prior knowledge may assign mass to a category that may not be present in some
images at test time, and get harshly penalized by our metrics. A successful approach is to build a
diagonal Kfor each test sample based on the top-N scoring categories from each model and assign
the average of model posteriors scores K(i, i) = 1
MPmpm(i|x)for image xand category i. If a
category is not top scoring, a low K(i, i) = ζvalue is assigned to it, diminishing its contribution. It
gives W. barycenter the ability to suppress categories not deemed likely to be present, and reinforce
the contributions of categories likely to be. This simple diagonal Kgives our best results when
using the top-2 scoring categories per model (the median number of active class in our training
data is about 2) and outperforms arithmetic and geometric means as seen in Table 6. In all our
experiments, W. barycenters parameters {ε, λ}in Algorithm 2and ζdefined above were tuned on
validation set (5K). We report results on MS-COCO test set (≈35K). In this task of improving our 8
models, W. barycenter offers a solid alternative to commonly used arithmetic and geometric means.
Appendix B.2 shows that non-uniform weighting further improves W. ensembling performance.
In this task the objective is to find a semantic consensus by ensembling 5image captioner models.
The base model is an LSTM-based architecture augmented with the attention mechanism over the
image. In this evaluation we selected captioners trained with cross entropy objective as well as
GAN-trained models (Dognin et al.,2018). The training was done on COCO dataset (Lin et al.,
2014) using data splits from (Karpathy & Li,2015a): training set of 113k images with 5 captions
each, 5k validation set, and 5k test set. The size of the vocabulary size is 10096 after pruning
words with counts less than 5. The matrix K`=Kin Algorithm 1was constructed using word
similarities, defined based on (i) GloVe word embeddings, so that K= exp(−C/ε), where cost
matrix Cis constructed based on euclidean distance between normalized embedding vectors; and
(ii) synonym relationships, where we created Kbased on the word synonyms graph and user votes
from Power Thesaurus. The model prediction µ`, for `= 1,...,5was selected as the softmax
output of the captioner’s LSTM at the current time step, and each model’s input was weighted
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
equally: λ`= 1/m. Once the barycenter pwas computed, the result was fed into a beam search
(beam size B= 5), whose output, in turn, was then given to the captioner’s LSTM and the process
continued until a stop symbol (EOS) was generated. In order to exploit the controllable entropy
of W. barycenter via the entropic regualrization parameter ε, we also decode using randomized
Beam search of (Shao et al.,2017), where instead of maintaining the top k values, we sample D
candidates in each beam. The smoothness of the barycenter in semantic clusters and its controllable
entropy promotes diversity in the resulting captions. We baseline the W. barycenter ensembling with
arithmetic and geometric means.
Figure 1: Comparison of the ensembling methods on COCO validation set using GloVe-based sim-
ilarity matrix Kfor 2 versions of beam search: topK (left panel) and randomized (right panel). The
x-axis shows kK−IkF, which corresponds to a different regularization parameter ε(varied form 1
to 50). We can see that for topK beam search (left panel) the further Kis from the identity matrix,
the larger the similarity neighborhood of each word, the more diverse are the generated captions (the
barycenter has higher entropy), while still remaining semantically close to the ground truth. On the
other hand, for randomized beam search (right panel), it is important to maintain a smaller similarity
neighborhood, so that the generated sentences are not too different from the referenced ground truth.
Controllable entropy and diversity. Figures 1and 2show the comparison of the ensembling
methods on the validation set using topK and randomized beam search. The x-axis shows kK−IkF,
which corresponds to a different regularization ε(varied form 1to 50). We report two n-gram
based metrics: CIDEr and SPICE scores, as well as the WMD (Word Mover Distance) similarity
(Kusner et al.,2015), which computes the earth mover distance (the Wasserstein distance) between
the generated and the ground truth captions using the GloVe word embedding vectors.
In topK beam search, as εincreases, causing the entropy to go up, the exact n-grams matching met-
rics, i.e., CIDEr and SPICE, deteriorate while WMD remains stable. This indicates that while the
barycenter-based generated sentences do not match exactly the ground truth, they still remain se-
mantically close to it (by paraphrasing), as indicated by the stability of WMD similarity. The results
of the GloVe-based barycenter on the test split of COCO dataset are shown in Table 7. In random-
ized beam search, the increase in entropy of the barycenter leads to a similar effect of paraphrasing
but this works only up to a smaller value of ε, beyond which we observe a significant deterioration
of the results. At that point all the words become neighbors and result in a very diffused barycenter,
close to a uniform distribution. This diffusion effect is smaller for the synonyms-based Ksince there
are only a certain number of synonyms for each word, thus the maximum neighborhood is limited.
Barycenter kK−IkF= 48.51.091 0.209 6.94 0.198
Geometric 1.119 0.203 1.33 0.200
Arithmetic 1.117 0.205 1.87 0.200
Table 7: Performance of GloVe-based W. barycenter on COCO test split using topK beam search
versus Geometric and Arithmetic ensembling. While the generated sentences based on W. barycen-
ter do not match exactly the ground truth (lower CIDEr), they remain semantically close to it, while
being more diverse (e.g., paraphrased) as indicated by the higher entropy and stable WMD.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Robustness of W. Barycenter to Semantic Perturbations. Finally, the right panel of Figure 2,
shows the robustness of the W. barycenter to random shuffling of the µ`values, within semantically
coherent clusters. Note that the size of those clusters increases as Kmoves away from identity.
The results show that barycenter is able to recover from those perturbations, employing the side
information from K, while both the arithmetic and geometric means (devoid of such information)
are confused by this shuffling, displaying a significant drop in the evaluation metrics.
Figure 2: Left and Center Panels: Comparison of the ensembling methods on COCO validation
set using synonyms-based similarity matrix with topK and randomized beam search. Right Panel:
Comparison of ensembling methods when the predictions of the input models are shuffled according
to the neighborhood structure defined by K. It can be seen that the W. Barycenter ensembling is able
to recover from the word shuffling and produce better captions then the simple averaging methods,
which are not able to exploit the provided side information.
Human Evaluation. We performed human evaluation on Amazon MTurk on a challenging set
of images out of context of MS-COCO (Dognin et al.,2018). We compared three ensembling
techniques: arithmetic, geometric and W. barycenter. For W. barycenter we used the similarity
matrix Kdefined by visual word2vec (Kottur et al.,2016). For the three models we use randomized
beam search. We asked MTurkers to give a score for each caption on a scale 1-5 and choose the best
captions based on correctness and detailedness. Captions examples are given in Fig. 6(Appendix).
Fig. 3shows that W. barycenter has an advantage over the basic competing ensembling techniques.
correctness detailedness
29 33
34 32
37 35
Best Caption Choice
Barycenter Geometric Arithmetic
Barycenter Geometric Arithmetic
32.95 2.92.8
3.29 3.24 3.29
Mean Opinion Scores
correctness detailedness
Figure 3: Human evaluation results. Left: Percentage of human picking best captions in terms of
correctness and detail. Right: Mean Opinion Score on a scale 1 to 5.
We showed in this paper that W. barycenters are effective in model ensembling in machine learn-
ing. In the unbalanced case we showed their effectiveness in attribute based classification, as well
as in improving the accuracy of multi-label classification. In the balanced case, we showed that
they promote diversity and improve natural language generation by incorporating the knowledge of
synonyms or word embeddings.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Authors would like to thank Tommi Jaakkola, David Alvarez-Melis and Rogerio Feris for fruitful
discussions. Authors thank also Satwik Kottur for sharing his visual word embeddings.
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
In this Section we provide additional results for evaluating the W. barycenter on image captioning
task. Figure 4(which corresponds to Table 2of the main paper), visualizes the word distribution of
the considered ensembling methods for the input of 4 models. It is clear that with a proper choice of
similarity matrix K, W. barycenter can create diverse, high entropy outputs.
Rank 48.5 (ε= 10) 39.2 (ε= 9) 27.8 (ε= 7) 21.7 (ε= 5) 15.9 (ε= 3) 4.2 (ε= 1)
0 car 08.09 car 13.63 car 30.39 car 40.43 car 41.87 car 41.94
1 cars 00.99 cars 01.36 cars 01.85 truck 02.30 truck 02.22 truck 02.23
2 vehicle 00.63 truck 00.88 truck 01.81 black 01.60 black 01.67 black 01.67
3 truck 00.60 vehicle 00.86 vehicle 01.30 cars 01.52 train 01.51 train 01.51
4 van 00.40 van 00.59 black 01.12 train 01.46 fashion 01.44 fashion 01.49
5 automob 00.38 automob 00.45 van 00.94 vehicle 01.31 bus 01.30 bus 01.30
6 black 00.26 black 00.44 train 00.88 bus 01.20 vehicle 01.14 vehicle 01.14
7 bus 00.26 bus 00.39 bus 00.83 van 01.01 photo 01.01 photo 01.01
8 parking 00.24 parking 00.37 parking 00.79 parking 00.98 van 01.01 van 01.01
9 vehicle 00.23 train 00.32 photo 00.65 photo 00.96 red 01.00 red 01.01
10 passeng 00.21 passeng 00.32 passeng 00.59 red 00.90 cars 00.95 parking 00.94
11 train 00.20 vehicle 00.27 red 00.53 fashion 00.85 parking 00.94 buildin 00.88
12 auto 00.19 photo 00.27 white 00.49 white 00.75 buildin 00.88 cars 00.81
13 driving 00.19 red 00.21 automob 00.44 buildin 00.72 passeng 00.71 passeng 00.71
14 photo 00.17 white 00.21 model 00.35 passeng 00.70 white 00.70 white 00.67
15 suv 00.16 auto 00.21 buildin 00.35 model 00.54 model 00.59 model 00.60
16 red 00.14 suv 00.21 silver 00.32 silver 00.45 picture 00.48 picture 00.49
17 white 00.14 driving 00.21 pickup 00.30 city 00.44 silver 00.47 silver 00.47
18 taxi 00.13 model 00.17 vehicle 00.29 picture 00.38 style 00.43 style 00.43
19 pickup 00.11 pickup 00.17 suv 00.29 style 00.37 city 00.38 city 00.38
Table 8: Sample output (top 20 words) of barycenter for different similarity matrices Kbased on
GloVe (columns titles denote the distance of Kfrom identity kK−IkFand corresponding .).
Each column shows a word and its corresponding probability over the vocabulary. Note that the last
column coincides with the output from geometric mean.
Table 8shows the effect of entropic regularization εon the resulting distribution of the words of W.
barycenter using GloVe embedding matrix. As Kmoves closer to the identity matrix, the entropy
of barycenter decreases, leading to outputs that are close/identical to the geometric mean. On the
other hand, with a large entropic regularization, matrix Kmoves away from identity, becoming an
uninformative matrix of all 1’s. This eventually leads to a uniform distribution which spreads the
probability mass equally across all the words. This can be also visualized with a histogram in Figure
5, where the histograms on the bottom represent distributions that are close to uniform, which can be
considered as failure cases of W. barycenter, since the image captioner in this case can only generate
meaningless, gibberish captions.
In Table 9we show a mapping from a few top words in the barycenter output (for similarity matrix
Kbased on synonyms) to the input models. In other words, each column defines the words in the
input models which have the greatest influence on each of top 3 words in the barycenter output.
In Figure 6we present a few captioning examples showing qualitative difference between the con-
sidered ensembling techniques.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Model 1
car 0
cars 1
parking 2
vehicle 3
model 4
train 5
truck 6
building 7
black 8
van 9
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Model 2
car 0
cars 1
white 2
black 3
train 4
passenger 5
model 6
photo 7
truck 8
red 9
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Model 3
car 0
fashioned 1
black 2
truck 3
red 4
photo 5
parking 6
city 7
train 8
building 9
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Model 4
car 0
truck 1
bus 2
vehicle 3
red 4
van 5
fashioned 6
passenger 7
pickup 8
black 9
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
car 0
van 1
truck 2
vehicle 3
wagon 4
automobile 5
coach 6
bus 8
cab 10
wheels 11
buggy 12
motor 13
jeep 14
machine 15
black 17
white 18
red 19
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
car 0
truck 1
black 2
train 3
fashioned 4
bus 5
vehicle 6
photo 7
van 8
red 9
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Word ID
car 0
fashioned 1
truck 2
building 3
bus 4
black 5
train 6
parking 7
vehicle 8
cars 9
Figure 4: Visualization of the word distributions of W. barycenter, arithmetic and geometric means
based on four captioning models, whose input image is shown on top (one of the ground-truth
human-annotated captions for this image reads: A police car next to a pickup truck at an intersec-
tion). The captioner generates a sentence as a sequence of words, where at each step the output is
a distribution over the whole vocabulary. The top four histograms show a distribution over the vo-
cabulary from each of the model at time t= 3 during the sentence generation process. The bottom
three histograms show the resulting distribution over the vocabulary for the ensembles based on W.
Barycenter, arithmetic and geometric means. It can be seen that the W. Barycenter produces high
entropy distribution, spreading the probability mass over the synonyms of the word ”car” (which is
the top word in all the four models), based on the synonyms similarity matrix K.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Figure 5: Visualization of the word distributions of W. barycenter for different similarity matrices
Kbased on GloVe (rows denote the distance of Kfrom identity kK−IkFand corresponding ).
Large entropic regularization generates Kclose to uninformative matrices of all 1’s. This eventually
leads to a barycenter which is close to a uniform distribution spreading the probability mass almost
equally across all the words.
Word Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
car 90.00 car 95.28 car 84.96 car 53.93
vehicle 5.16 vehicle 1.33 truck 9.08 truck 20.67
van 1.62 bus 1.26 bus 2.74 vehicle 10.75
automobile 0.92 van 0.93 vehicle 1.41 bus 10.01
bus 0.85 truck 0.75 van 0.88 van 3.86
car 97.89 car 99.46 car 97.60 car 97.46
automobile 1.30 automobile 0.38 motorcycle 1.72 motorcycle 1.28
jeep 0.51 jeep 0.08 jeep 0.28 jeep 0.64
motorcycle 0.27 motorcycle 0.07 cab 0.23 cab 0.46
limousine 0.02 cab 0 automobile 0.16 automobile 0.16
silver 53.11 white 95.61 white 88.27 white 82.68
white 46.49 silver 4.37 snow 6.63 silver 17.18
snowy 0.30 snowy 0.02 silver 4.66 snowy 0.12
pale 0.06 pale 0 pale 0.24 pale 0.01
blank 0.04 blank 0 blank 0.2 ivory 0.01
Table 9: Mapping from a few top words in the barycenter output (for similarity matrix Kbased on
synonyms) to the input models. For each word in the left columns, the remaining columns show the
contributing words and the percent of contribution.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
BA: a television is placed on the curb of the road
AM: a TV sits on the side of a street
GM: a television sitting on the side of a street
GT: an empty sidewalk with an abandoned television sitting alone
BA: a car that is parked at the station
AM: a car that has been shown in a subway
GM: a car that is sitting on the side of a road
GT: a car at the bottom of the stair well
BA: a person is sitting on the sidewalk with a tent
AM: a couple of people sitting on benches next to a building
GM: a couple of people sitting on the side of a street
GT: a woman is sitting with a guitar near a man that is sitting on the
ground in front of a tent
BA: a sheep sitting in a car looking out the window
AM: a white sheep is sitting in a vehicle
GM: a close up of a sheep in a car
GT: a sheep sitting at the steering wheel of a car with its hooves on the
Figure 6: Examples of captions for several images. BA: Wasserstein Barycenter, AM: Arithmetic
mean, GM: Geometric mean, GT: Ground truth.
We evaluate our models using micro and macro versions of precision, recall, and F1-measure as
covered in multi-label prediction metrics study from (Wu & Zhou,2016). For these measures,
a threshold of 0.5 is commonly used to predict a label as positive in the community’s published
results. Macro precision is an average of per-class precisions while micro precision is computed by
computing the ratio of all true positives across all image samples over the number of all positive
classes in a dataset. Therefore a macro (or per-class) precision ‘P-C’ is defined as 1
CPiPiwhile a
micro (or overall precision) ‘P-O’ is defined as PiT Pi
PiT Pi+F Piwhere T Piand F Piare true and false
positives respectively. Per-class and overall versions for R and F1 are defined similarly. We also
employ mean Average Precision (mAP) which gives the area under the curve of P=f(R)averaged
over each class. Unlike P,R and F1, mAP inherently performs a sweep of the threshold used for
detecting a positive class and captures a broader view of a multi-label predictor’s performance.
Performances for our 8 models and previously published results are reported in Table 10 and in
Table 6in the paper. Our models have reasonable performances overall.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Model mAP F1-C P-C R-C F1-O P-O R-O
ResNet-101 [1] 59.8 55.7 65.8 51.9 72.5 75.9 69.5
ResNet-107 [2] 59.5 55.6 65.4 52.2 72.6 75.5 70.0
ResNet-101-sem [2] 60.1 54.9 69.3 48.6 72.6 76.9 68.8
ResNet-SRN-att [2] 61.8 56.9 67.5 52.5 73.2 76.5 70.1
ResNet-SRN [2] 62.0 58.5 65.2 55.8 73.4 75.5 71.5
r50.plc.fc+ft4 61.4 54.6 74.9 43.0 63.4 81.3 51.9
r50.plc.fc+ft 61.6 55.5 74.2 44.4 64.1 80.7 53.2
r18.plc.fc+ft 58.3 51.0 71.9 39.5 61.2 80.0 49.6
r50.plc.fc 52.3 43.8 71.3 31.6 55.6 79.8 42.7
r18.plc.fc 49.6 40.7 68.9 28.9 54.1 78.8 41.2
r18.img.fc+ft 64.1 57.9 76.7 46.4 64.3 80.9 53.4
r50.img.fc 63.3 55.9 78.7 43.4 62.2 83.1 49.7
r18.img.fc 58.1 50.7 75.7 38.1 58.4 80.5 45.8
Table 10: Our multi-label models performances compared to published results on MS-COCO test
set. Arithmetic, geometric means and W. barycenter performances are reported as well. [1] (He
et al.,2015) [2] (Zhu et al.,2017)
Ensembling results given in Tab. 6are using uniformly weighted models, i.e. λ`=1
mwhere mis
the number of models. However, in practice, arithmetic and geometric mean ensembling usually use
weighted ensembles of models The weights are then optimized and established on a small validation
set before being used for ensembling on a test set. A well-known embodiment of this type of
approach is Adaboost (Freund & Schapire,1999) where weights are dynamically defined at each
pass of training wrt to the accuracy of base models.
Here, we follow a much simpler but similar approach by defining the performance of each model
`as the mean average precision (mAP`) on the validation set. mAP`is used to define λ`such
that λ`=mAP`
P`mAP`.λ`are then applied to the models’ scores for arithmetic, geometric mean and
W.Barycenter ensemblings. Tab. 11 reports mAP for each ensembling technique over the MS-COCO
test set (35150 images). Note that the λ`weights definition is based on the final metric evaluation,
mAP in this case. For other tasks such as classification, accuracy or any other valid metric can
be employed to compute the λ`weights. It must be noted that the weights are computed with
respect to the ultimate performance metric at hand. Tab. 11 reveals clearly that such approach of
weighting models by their performance benefits arithmetic and W.Barycenter ensembling for this
task. Both methods leverage the confidence of the underlying models and the mAP weighting of
models will reinforce the contributions of better performing models. Geometric means ensembling
is not significantly impacted by non-uniform λ`since it is mostly relying on consensus of the models,
not their confidence. We conclude that weighting indeed helps performance and keeps a performance
advantage for W. Barycenter over the alternatives arithmetic and geometric means.
Ensembling λ`=1
Arithmetic mean 64.5 64.8
Geometric mean 63.9 63.9
W.Barycenter 65.1 65.2
Table 11: multi-label models ensembling mAP on MS-COCO test set (35150 images). Performance-
based weighting helps both arithmetic and W.Barycenter ensembling, the latter retaining its perfor-
mance vantage.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Table 12 summarizes Machine learning tasks that could benefit from W. Ensembling, especially in
the case when source and target domains are distinct.
Source Domains Target Domain Kernel KArithmetic
(models) (Barycenter) (OT cost matrix) Geometric apply
Multi-class Learning µ`∈∆N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆NKij =e−kxi−xjk2
(Balanced OT) Histograms of size NHistogram of size N xiword embedding of categoryi
(See Section 6.3 for e.g GloVeor Visual w2v)
Multi-label Learning µ`∈[0,1]N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈[0,1]NKij adjacency weight in a knowledge graph 3
(Unbalanced OT) Soft multi-labels Soft multi-label Kij= co-occurrence of item iand j
(See Section 6.2 for other choices)
Cost-sensitive Classification µ`∈∆N,` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆NKij User ratings of similarities 3
(Balanced OT) Histograms of size NHistogram of size Nuser-defined costs for confusion of iand j
e.g: binary matrix for synonyms (Section 6.3)
Attribute to Categories µ`∈[0,1]N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆MKij presence or absence of attribute iin class j7
Zero (Few) shot Learning Soft multi-labels: Nattributes Histogram of size M(See Section 6.1)
(Unbalanced OT) Mcategories
VocabularyExpansion µ`∈∆N, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆M, M > N Kij =e−kxi−xjk2
ε,xiword embeddings 7
(Balanced OT) Histograms on a vocabulary of size NHistogram on a larger vocabulary
Multi-lingual fusion and Translation µ`∈∆N`, ` = 1 . . . m p ∈∆MK`,ij =e−kx`
(Balanced OT) Histograms on msource languages Histogram on a target language x`
i, yjmulti-lingual word embeddings:
of vocabulary size N`each with vocabulary size M x`
iword embeddings of source language `
yjword embeddings of target language
Table 12: Machine learning tasks where W. Barycenter ensembling can be applied: We emphasize
that W. Barycenter has the advantage over alternatives such as arithmetic or geometric means in that
it is able to ensemble models whose histograms are defined on different domains. Moreover, the
target domain, where the barycenter is defined, can be different from the source domains. This is
encountered, for instance, in the attribute-based classification, where models are defined on attributes
(multi-labels) and the ensemble is defined on the set of categories. We give here additional tasks
that can benefit from this flexibility of W. Barycenters.
For W. Barycenters (Chizat et al.,2018) proves (in Theorem 4.1 of this paper ) that the fixed point
algorithm Given in Algorithms 1and 2converges under mild conditions on the matrix K: (Ktakes
positive values), nevertheless this does not characterize the convergence as εgoes to zero.
Γconvergence of the regularized OT problem to the original OT problem when the regularization
parameter vanishes was studied in (Carlier et al.,2017), but this work does provide an algorithm that
guarantees such a convergence.
For balanced W. barycenters we show in the following Lemma that the fixed point of algorithm 1
converges to the geometric mean when K`=Ifor all `= 1 . . . m. Assuming Cij is bounded, it
is easy to see that Kconverges to identity as εapproaches 0. Hence the fixed point of Algorithm 1
does not recover the original unregularized W. Barycenter as ε→0.
Lemma 1. For K`=I, ` = 1 . . . m, the fixed point of Algorithm 1is the geometric mean ¯µg=
Proof. Let us show that at any iteration we have the following recurrence:
(¯µg)t, pt= ¯µg, vt
all operations are element-wise.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
At iteration 0, the result holds since we have :
`=µ`, p0= Πm
`=1(µ`)λ`, v0
Assume the result holds at time t. Let us prove it for t+ 1, following the updates of Algorithm 1:
µ`t+1 =(µ`)t+2
pt+1 = Πm
`=1 ut+1
= Πm
(¯µg)(t+1) Pm
`=1 λ`
λ`= 1
= ¯µg.
For ε > 0, Feydy et al (Feydy et al.,2018) showed recently that the Sinkhorn divergence defines an
interpolation between the MMD distance (Maximum mean discrepancy (Gretton et al.,2012)) and
the Wasserstein Distance.
Hence for ε > 0Algorithm 1provides still an interesting solution that can be seen as an interpolation
between the original (unregularized) Wasserstein Barycenter and the MMD Barycenter (Frechet
barycenter for d=MMD).
Note that
λhC, γi+f
KL(γ1M, p) + f
KL(γ>1N, q)−ε
= min
KL(γ1M, p) + f
KL(γ>1N, q) + 1
KL(γ, e−C/ε)−εX
Kij )
As λgoes to infinity this unbalanced cost converges to the Hellinger distance:
KL(γ1M, p) + f
KL(γ>1N, q) = k√p−√qk2,
Hence using d=1
λWunb,ε in Unbalanced Barycenters, we approach the Hellinger Frechet mean, as
λ→ ∞.
The total time complexity of a straight-forward implementation of Algorithms 1and 2is
O(mN2Maxiter)where Maxiter is the number of iterations, mthe number of models and Nthe
number of bins.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
We make the following theoretical and practical remarks on how to improve this computational
complexity to reach an almost linear dependency on Nusing low rank approximation of the kernel
matrix K, and parallelization on mmachines:
1. Dependency on Maxiter:For the number of iterations we found that Maxiter=5 is enough
for convergence, which makes most of the computational complexity dependent on mand
2. Dependency on Nand low rank approximation : The main computational complexity
comes from the matrix vector multiply K`u`that is of O(N2). Note that this complexity
can be further reduced since the kernel matrix Kis often low rank. Therefore we can be
written K= ΦΦ>where Φ∈RN×k, where kN, which allows to compute this product
as follows ΦΦ>u`that has a lower complexity O(Nk).Φcan be computed using Nystrom
approximation or random Fourier features. Hence potentially on can get an algorithm with
complexity O(mNk), where khas a logarithmic dependency on N. This was studied
recently in (Altschuler et al.,2018).
3. Dependency on mand parallelization: Regarding the dependency on m, as noted in
(Chizat et al.,2018;Benamou et al.,2015) the algorithm is fully parallelizable which would
lead to a computational complexity of O(Nk)by using simply mmachines .
4. GPU and Batch version: Practically, the algorithm implemented takes advantage of matrix
vector products’ speed on GPU. The algorithm can be further accelerated by computing
Sinkhorn divergences in batches as pointed in (Feydy et al.,2018).
We evaluated the time complexity of the GPU implementation of Wasserstein Barycenters in pytorch
on our multi-label prediction experiments using MS-COCO test set (35150 samples). Note that we
used a vanilla implementation of Algorithm 2, i.e without parallelization, batching, or low rank
approximation. Results and comments for these wall clock timings can be found in Tab. 13. As
it can be observed, we need to use Maxiter = 5 on a GPU-V100 to reach below 4ms/image for
Wasserstein ensembling. This is not a major overhead and can be further improved as discussed
previously by using parallelization, batching and low rank approximation. In Table 13, each timing
was done over the whole test set; each timing repeated 5 times. We report means and standard
deviations of total wall clock times for ensembling 8 models. Last column on the right is the average
timing per image (in ms) for W.Barycenter. The number of W.Barycenter iterations (Maxiter) was
varied from 1, 5 and 10 to show its impact. We report timing numbers over two GPU architectures,
NVIDIA Tesla K80 and V100. W.Barycenters leverage the GPU while Arithmetic and Geometric
means do not. Timings are of the computations of the means themselves, no data fetching or data
preparation is included in these timings. As expected, the wall clock time cost for W.Barycenters is
several order of magnitude higher than for Arithmetic and Geometric means. The difference of GPU
does not impact the Arithmetic and Geometric means as they do not use it in our implementation.
The Barycenter computation see a speed up from K80 to V100 as V100 is much better at reducing
wall time for longer number of iterations.
GPU Model Maxiter Arithmetic Mean Geometric Mean W.Barycenter W.Barycenter
Iterations test set (s) test set (s) test set (s) per image (ms)
Tesla-K80 1 0.015 ±.001 0.298 ±.002 38.954 ±0.487 1.108
5 0.015 ±.000 0.297 ±.001 152.987 ±1.725 4.352
10 0.015 ±.000 0.296 ±.002 302.254 ±2.470 8.599
Tesla-V100 1 0.018 ±.002 0.297 ±.003 36.742 ±0.843 1.045
5 0.016 ±.002 0.289 ±.009 135.950 ±5.897 3.868
10 0.014 ±.000 0.278 ±.001 249.775 ±3.119 7.106
Table 13: Timings (in s) of Wasserstein Barycenter computation compared to Arithmetic and Geo-
metric mean computations for the MS-COCO test set (35150 samples).
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
Proposition 2 (propreties of Geometric Mean).The following properties hold for geometric mean:
1. Geometric mean is the Frechet mean of f
KL. The geometric mean is the Frechet mean with
respect to the extended f
KL divergence:
¯µg= Πm
`=1(µ`)λ`= arg min
L(ρ) :=
KL(ρ, µ`)
2. Correctness guarantee of Geometric mean in f
KL. Let νbe an oracle the geometric mean
KL(ν, ¯µg)≤
KL(ν, µ`),
Proposition 3 (properties of Arithmetic Mean).The following properties hold for geometric mean:
1. Arithmetic mean is the Frechet mean of `2.
λ`µ`= arg min
L(ρ) :=
2. Correctness guarantee of Arithmetic mean in `2.Let νbe an oracle the arithmetic mean
3. Entropy : Strong convexity of negative entropy with respect to `1of arithmetic mean:
λ`H(µ`) + 1
Proof of Proposition 2.1)
ρL(ρ) :=
KL(ρ, µ`) =
λ`ρilog ρi
µ`,i −ρi+µ`,i
First order optimality condition:
λ`log ρi
µ`,i = 0,
This gives us the result:
ρi= Πm
`=1(µ`,i )λ`.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2019
KL(ν, ¯µg) = X
(νilog νi
`=1(µ`,i )λ`−νi+ Πm
`=1(µ`,i )λ`)
(νilog Πm
)λ`−νi+ Πm
`=1(µ`,i )λ`)using
λ`= 1
λ` X
νilog( νi
)−νi!+ Πm
`=1(µ`,i )λ`)
λ` X
νilog( νi
i Πm
`=1(µ`,i )λ`−
KL(ν, µ`) + X
i Πm
`=1(µ`,i )λ`−
KL(ν, µ`),
The last inequality follows from the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality (Jensen inequality):
`=1(µ`,i )λ`−
λ`µ`,i ≤0.
3) f
KL(ν, ¯µg)−
KL(ν, µ`)≤ k¯µg−¯µak1
ε`− k¯µg−¯µak1≤f
KL(ν, ¯µg)≤εu+k¯µg−¯µak1
Proof of Proposition 1.1) By the triangle inequality we have for all `:
W2(¯µw, ν )≤W2(¯µw, µ`) + W2(µ`, ν)
Raising to the power 2 we have:
2(¯µw, ν )≤(W2(¯µw, µ`) + W2(µ`, ν))2≤2(W2
2(¯µw, µ`) + W2
2(µ`, ν)),
where we used (a+b)2≤2(a2+b2).Summing over all `, and using Pm
`=1 λ`= 1 we have:
2(¯µw, ν )≤2 m
2(¯µw, µ`) +
2(µ`, ν)!
≤2 m
2(ν, µ`) +
2(µ`, ν)!
( By Barycenter definition
2(¯µw, µ`)≤
2(ν, µ`).)
= 4
2(ν, µ`)(Using the symmetry of W2).
2) For a fixed base distribution µthe functional W2
2(., µ)is convex along generalized geodesics
(Santambrogio,May 2015). Given two distributions ν1, ν2, and T1and T2, such that T1,#µ=ν1
and T2,#µ=ν2, we have:
2((tT1+ (1 −t)T2)µ, µ)≤tW 2
2(ν1, µ) + (1 −t)W2
2(ν2, µ).